« The Ben Shapiro Show

Ep. 1020 - Not Every Terrible Thing Is A Racist Thing


Twitter mobs search for new targets in its quest to stamp out racism; Minnesota explodes after an incident of police brutality ending in death; and President Trump vows to curb Twitter.

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Minnesota explodes after an incident of police brutality, ends in death, twitter, mob search for new targets in their quest to stamp out racism and president from thousand executive order to curb twitter adventure. Since the bench of Euro show
he's been Shapiro Show is sponsored by Express VP, and your online activity should not be public, protect yourself at express Vps, dot com, slash bent or get to all of the latest breaking news in just a moment, including the burning of many apples. Minneapolis, is on fire last night and this morning we'll talk about that momentarily. First, let's talk about the fact that forty million Americans have now lost their jobs from the economic followed of crony virus. Any government induced lockdown, which it seems like were over the top. We just don't know, what's happening next and you don't know one thing you do know: the government is gonna, spend too much money and then gonna have to repay them money either through taxation or inflation. It might be the Thames diverse, find precious metals. In fact, if you done that a few months ago, you'd be sitting pretty right now. This is why you should have talked to birch gold. When I told you two months ago, go talk to Birch called right now, one of the things that they can do for you. If you're interested convert your traditional IRA or for one k into a precious metals, I arrive where they decide. Do that or not. It is worthwhile to at least have part of your portfolio in precious metals. It hedges against inflation, against uncertainty against the vicissitudes of a government that is willing to spend money that has not yet been created.
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police officer kneeling on the neck of a black man for four straight minutes, while he's being told by people, including the guy who's underneath his knee, and it cannot breathe. Ok, it's really really ugly and it's really really bad. What is not clear is whether it is really really racial. Now, the implication by media is always that it is re striven, because whenever there is a white also doing something we have lacked aspect. The implication is that it is raised for them, but here's the reality. Police officers generally do a very good job. There are some police officers or terrible at their jobs and jackasses entreat everybody horribly. We have not yet seen evidence that this police officer is a racist. As we'll see, people are trying to manufacture evidence of that yesterday, but this thing has been handled the weight supposed to be handled these officers We will end up standing trial. We don't you have a medical examiners report, so this apart the problem when you're going put somebody on trial for say, negligent, homicide for manslaughter or for murder or for some like that, you actually have to determine causing death. So in the air
our case in New York, to which this is being compared. In that particular case, our gonna didn't actually die of the cortical chokehold that he was put in. He died because you know he had an underlying heart condition it out of a heart attack that was sort of attendant on the the incident itself, and so that legislative complications in a lot of the investigation. It is not clear at this point that this person died because yet it neither back was neck. The very least the officer should go to jail for assault, you'd assume, because this is not within the purview of employment. You don't get justice to this police brutality. Obviously they. So here is a little bit of the video married, the video for people who can actually work
showed the original story from the officers that this man, whose name is George Floyd, they were called on the they were called because he was engaging in some sort of forgery in forging checks or something this car and they showed up and the original narratives that he'd resisted arrest. The tape doesn't appear to show him resisting arrest in any real way in here. Here is a little bit of the tape, so you can see that that he is he's taken out of the car is very large dignan the car by this white officer. He doesn't appear to be resisting arrest anywhere here and at a certain point, the officer eaten. He can. It falls to the ground, and I guess this is where you could say that resisting, but here the officer is kneeling on his neck and putting his foot putting his knee on his neck. Anything I can't breathe. Guys any Cambria than people around the offshore saving you need to get up off. The guy camper ministers degree just its egregious egregious bridges and he should be prosecuted disaster to the fullest extent of law into which the evidence shows and by the way everyone agrees. With this
agrees with that's right: there is. There is no descend on this particular point from the many. The mayor to civil rights leaders to present in Trump to the militant Minneapolis Police Department. Ever look at these off offer. Officers were present here in the officer who did the kneeling and the officers who are standing around him. All of them have been fired like immediately, not put on suspension not put on leave fired outright, which means by way of prosecution, is coming down. The pipe and other law enforcement officials are point other. This is insane. According to the Wall Street Journal, Floyd's deaf in custody draws condemnation from law enforcement officials, so, according to law enforcement shows the FBI, the Minnesota Bureau of Criminal apprehension. They said they are investigating the incident president from tweeted late on one stayed that he had asked the FBI and the Justice Department to expedite the investigation into floods death. He said my heart goes out to Georgia's family and friends. Justice will be served president from himself came out. He said we're gonna, get a full report and enjoy full investigation. The ears president, from yesterday talking about this
get a reward tomorrow. They obviously the president's you look like he is celebrating racism in this particular got many apple S mayor Jacob Bright, originally called for charges to be bought, brought against the resting officer. He said that we should see some sort of of prosecution in short order. You'd, like see a prosecution in short order. The head of the Minneapolis policing and Bob Crawl Start controversy when you're a cop for twenty should to a Trump rally in the city and sold them as a fundraiser after FRY said that the president wasn't welcome, but that has really nothing to do with anything that has happened here here. Please give art ass of atoms. President of an organisation that represents police troops from America's large cities, settles unfathomable for laughs or to put it needs
handcuffs suspects neck. Is the video showed about us- and I haven't heard anybody justify this- major city cheated sensations. Had he couldn't recalls that uniform condemnation of an by other police ever occurring in the past, the arresting officer has been identified as one direction by his lawyer. Tom Kelly would decline further comment. Police are trained to. Dense aspects by putting their me on the shoulder blade, not the neck and was deadly forces justified accruing to Miami Data Police Chief one, whereas the FBI has declined to comment so far to bring the federal some rights case. The justice Department has to reach eighty. Got scared of proof. They have to show that the Austrian I only acted with excessive force, but also wilfully violated, someone's constitutional right. That's it! That's a big lift, but local law enforcement local. What does not necessarily have that left is. The bottom line is that there is unanimity on this right unit. Many. The mayor of Minneapolis senior officer should be charged. The authors have been laid off,
the days in one basket? Yep Jaska, investigate the Algiers gonna investigate police she's all round the country are condemning this and the only sort of outstanding question right now is why exactly? Why died because the the medical report is inconclusive at this point, the medical report says that the clause and manner of deficit- we pending further testing an investigation by the head of the county medical examiner offers in that will clear up what exactly the charges should be. Yours up. This should be a situation where there is not actually a lot of controversy, and yet controversy has arisen. The resolution we controversies, cause Raul, reacting the same way except when it comes to the question raised in the question of race has become. Obviously the focal point here. With people immediately jumping to not only was the incident raises, not only is there a Calvin racist, but also of America is racist needs. A lot of swedes like this yesterday of Amerika, is doing this to black people. This is where the conversation starts to break down pretty quickly, because your leaping, beyond the evidence of the incident, to make
conclusions one at the incident was ruined primarily by racism or even second early by racism, and to that America is responsible is indeed even if this officer was a vicious racist, who decided to kill a black man that day by putting his knee on the guys, know how that index all the Americas beyond me aid. May I just I don't see it we're all condemning it like it's hard to pin evil act on everyone in America, Latin America, more broadly, when One is condemning the action I have yet to see a person defending the action of the officer we'll get to that in just one second, how this becomes politicized. We'll get to that momentarily? First, let's talk about the fact that you can get a great gift for your dad. This fathers day great. If your parents have been able to see your parents in a while if they are in their sixties or above thanks to all of lockdown, if you wanna get somebody a truly meaningful gives me like the most. Meaningful getting get them. What you need to do is make sure that their memories are preserves is a super important thing. This is, why should check out Legacy box legacy Box is a super simple mail in service
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not under threat. There is this narrative. The Joe Biden has been attempting to dry pointed this out last week, when Joe Biden was saying that you can't be legitimately black. If you vote for a Republican, the implication that he was drawing, which they nasty and horrible and ugly implication, is that republicans are seeking to exterminate black people, which has just disgusting and horrifying in every possible way. It is ray of evidence. It is gross anybody. It ties into a broader narrative that America is just as racist as it has always been America's linen slavery in Jim Crow. Nothing has changed black people in America under existential threat here is Joe Biden, suggests the black Americans are under existential threat, each and every day. It's not true by statistics. It is not true. I can't breathe The tragic reminder that this was not an isolated case. Parliament ingrained systemic cycle of injustices, coexistence countries catch at the very heart Why should we believe that all Americans are you going rights and
very clear message to the black community black lives under threat. Every single day get black lives are not under threat, reasonable day from America Writ broad or police rip broadly by the way, statistical such studies continue to show over and over and over, like repeatedly that there is no disproportionate shooting of black men by white officers in America. This is not a statistical reality that that does not mean that black people aren't mistreated by police. That doesn't mean that there are racist police officers, do bad things. Of course, all of that is true, but if we are going to act, we're going to actively accuse the entire United States of victimizing black people to the extent of black lives are always endanger wherever you go in travel around America, and you will see that this is not actually the case. A huge percentage Americans are black and the boy Such vessels assets has majority. Nearly all of them are not under threat of killing every single day. That's it it's such a wild overstatement and it's a wild overstatement and has a political power,
the purpose is to suggest that only Joe Biden Democrats can protect you, but the reality is that your your fellow Americans, if your black are not seeking to kill you, this is not a. This is not a reality there's a study that was published in August of two thousand nineteen in the preceding the National Academy of Sciences, and it showed that the new police are not disproportionately shooting black man. What dictates who get shot by the police is the rate of violent crime in a community The more frequently officers encounter violent suspect from any given racial group, the greater the chance of the members of that group We shall, by police officers of Europe police officer, Erin a high prices. Neighbourhood, it is more likely you're going to shoot a hispanic mail. If you are in a high crime white neighbourhood, it is more likely you're going to shoot a white male, black civilians are actually shot less compared to white than their rates of violent crime would protect its. According to one study, then there's a study by Roland Friar, whose a black socio Socio, just who studies crime over at Harvard University he found
that conditional on police interaction, there are no racial differences in officer instigated shootings on either. The extensive or intensive margins after controlling for suspect, demographics officer, demographics, encounter characteristics, suspect weapon in year, fixed effects blast our twenty seven point, four percent less likely to shot by police, then relative. Do not black and non Hispanics investigate the intensive margin who shoot first encounter with me for how many bullets were discharged from the? U. Never. There are no detectable racial differences according to rule in firing in a black professor from Harvard University. So the narrative, the black Americans, are under threat from police. Broadly speaking, across Amerika is just not true, it's not a reality. That does not mean that there are more confrontations between black Americans and police, because police are usually in high crime neighbourhoods and unfortunately, there are a lot of high crime neighborhoods that happened black. That is that's it that's a tragedy, and it's the only way. That's when we solved with more police, not fewer police is of crime rates, going down that crime rates going up, but the General
lies narrative that America is broadly guilty for the actions of Derek Chauvelin or even by the way, Derek. Children is an unrepentant racist and that's why this happen is it's a bizarre. Take and people are stretching the truth to get there to take. For example, ice cube, tat, ice, cube, tweeted out the wrapper ice, Cube the actor eyes he treated out yesterday, a picture. Derek Chauvelin, with his knee on this guy's now and then picture of another guy wearing a make whites great again. Look. It looks like a mega rabbits red with the white taxes make widespread again. They wrote reds a wolf in wolves clothing. The demons are among us, hashtag fight, the cowards. And there's only one problem with this, and they one problem with this is that the person in the right hand, side of the photo is not the person in the left hand, side of the photo. It's just not true, according smokestack com. This is this is not
A person read that the person who is actually wearing that happens. This witness made that round yesterday was trending on Twitter, because the idea as this was an unrepentant. Racist would kill the black man because he was a racist and also from supporter, presumably because of a hat. It turns out Photo actually shows gonna Jonathan Riches, a supporter of president from was also a federal inmate and an online full who's gonna reputation for filing lawsuits here, so that so they just that this was taken and it was- and it was placed next to the photo to demonstrate this. Obviously an instance of racism. Again, maybe it isn't, maybe it isn't. We're gonna have to find out the evidence on this, but even if it is that does not indicate broad based american racism, men ICE Cube Treaty back to read it out. How long will we go for blue and black crime before we strike backtracked backing and still against the police officers We can do this eminency calling for violence against police officers. How is any of this useful how's? Any of this good gale king on CBS morning it she said, the same thing
said well, it seems like open season on black man again, where is the evidence that it is open season and lackman, whereas the evidence? I understand why you would look at a video and think that's really ugly incident in a white guy into black eye, and obviously that is an instance of racism. I understand why My jumped to that conclusion, but let me just say you still have to follow the evidence Mikhail king as Rapporteur, and not only should deal, can not be saying this. The suggestion that blackened everywhere black in everywhere are in danger from the police is just like at some point you're going to have to present prevent present the evidence for this very tired of the lodge. Jump between police will racist in nineteen sixty and police are racist in twenty twenty two, the extended every black man in America is in danger like that. It's it's! It's divisive, it's ugly, anytime! again you're all unified. Everyone agrees that, despite their children to go to jail I am waiting to hear the person whose, like Ghana, towns, like what he did seems like good to me. I got no one is in TAT year is Gale King again drawing a conclusion that is not supported
the evidence we go from that story now to this story wishing falsely accused as a black man on television I mean I don't even know what to do or how to handle this at this particular time. I know the visits. I am speechless. I really really speeches about what we're seeing on television this morning. It feels to me like open season, and that is a not sometimes a safe place to be in this country, for black men and today is too much for me. Ok, it is eight. Yes, America is a safe country for black it is a very, very safe country for black man. It's a safe country for nearly One crime rates in America have gone down so dramatically since the nineteen sixty two makes her head head, bungle, meaning since thanks. Only for the crimes in America have just dropped into the basement, and then the Maniac may I did the same thing. He's as being black should be adjustments being like is not a death sentence is not about sense,
over thirty million black Americans living in the United States. It is not a death sentence to be black in America. Can we please stop with the sort of rhetoric? There is a point on which it was, in fact a sentence to living death to be black in America. When slavery was a thing, there is a point when it was, it was to be sentenced to second class citizenship. To be black in America. Between Jim Crow is a thing. It is not a death sentence to be black in America today and if you think that it is your delusional you're delusional, either that or your beer allowing your passion, overcoming reason. Here's them apples mayor making to claim that is a completely unsupportable by evidence being black, America should not be a death sentence for five minutes. We watched as a white officer Pressed his knee into the neck of a black man for five minutes,
When you hear someone calling for help, you are supposed to help. This office has failed in the most basic human sense agree with the passion agreement. Conviction wildly disagree. The idea that, if you're a black man in America, that is a death sentence, I mean that's it. That's it! That's a wild statement. It's a wild statement that being blackened America's debt. Since coming black people live in Minneapolis. A lot of black people live in Minneapolis It is not a death sentence for all black people living in Minneapolis he's the mayor, maybe shooting, something about them. The temporary terrible. This is this sort of rhetoric. Is deeply polarizing for no reason, because again we all agree. This officer should go to jail based on the available evidence. We all, You that he did something that is discussing an egregious no one's defending it, but he jumped from that to the already set sixteen nineteen project nerd
That America is racist in every way and everything in America. That's good is due to the poisonous tree, and then America continues to be. Racist it ever was it's really it's bad stuff. It's best of a bad for the country will get more of this in. One second, because it actually now being used. The sword mentality is being used to justify rioting, by including by some people, are least overlooking riding, including what we're supposed to justify the anger of people who do to target, as though ongoing George floods memory by stealing a tv or some such nonsense, because that in just one second, first, let's talk about the fact that life is unpredictable the world unpredictable, and that means these should ensure against that unpredictability. She had always had some interesting disability insurance Otto Entrance and life insurance, and the best way to do all of this is to go check out policy genius, because policy genius is the insurance market place online is big man for life into it. Right now, if you're looking to get life insurance, here's how policy genius can help policy genius will compare quotes from the top life insurance companies in one place. It takes just a few minutes to compare quotes from the top insurers. Fine, you best price. This doesn't just save a lot of legwork. You could say fifteen hunter,
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of America's broadbased racism unify America rejects the action itself, so Lebron James did this again. Lebron James has an unfortunate habit of injecting himself into controversies. In ways that are not well informed, now, listen. I appreciate that again. Lebron James, I think, tries to be politically active. That's fine he's entitled whose opinion and mean that he is entitled to be this deeply wrong. Braun James, you not entitled whose onset of facts, in other words Lebron James, This thing on his instagram, in which he in which he compared the the officer Derek shovel kneeling on the neck of this George Floyd, unfortunate human being and and colleague happening kneeling had this is Why is this? Do you understand now or still blurred? You hashtag stay woke? Well, no, it still to me because common cabinet was not kneeling to protest police. Quality alone. He was kneeling because his suggestion is that America tolerates police brutality that America's probe police brutality, that America is racist, anti american flag represents racism and then is nasty and it is gone.
Then it is not true, and you know what that's not true Lebron James, who has done extremely well in America, and he should because he's an incredibly talents. Human being. And his color has not been an obstacle to him being incredibly successful in the United States as a very good thing. Culling Capron Ex color was not an obstacle to become being a success in the United States. Know that that the point was that that was not. Why calling competent was kneeling. Column cabinet was weren't such of pigs on them, dressed up as cops as, though all cops were pigs. The conflation of a bad cop with racist cop and the net conflation of racist cop with all of Amerika is really quite despicable and again unsupportable by evidence. It divides us in ways that are just unthinkingly bad unthinkable wrong, because the fact is that there. So many black Americans were fought for their flag there. So many blackmail, and who serve in police forces there. So many black Americans who are law, abiding citizens and so many black Americans who rightly fight this kind of stuff in the proper ways. The conflated
people who are doing stupid and divisive and nasty ways with that is just it's completely ridiculous and silly and you're, seeing the sort of thing arise in Minnesota, Minnesota overnight there. A bunch of protests and protests are fine right at First Mehmet right. What does not a first memories bringing into the target putting it remember where the Ella Riots in in my home city with those nineteen eighty four, the delay riots, I believe us Ten at the time- and I remember our burning series nation- eighty two says eight- and it was- and it was the n n Maxim waters called the uprising, burning down stores and stealing tvs. None uprising, it's you being a piece of crap kid. That's not in any way in any way excusing police brutality, I just I'm wondering how smashing the cash register that target is solving police brutality exactly how exactly as you breaking into a tart and then ran sacking the shelves solving police route your burning down an auto zone, which is another thing that happened in Minneapolis last night,
disgusting, I'm sorry looting is disgusting. Writing is discussing and no it is not justified by the sort of stuff. Is not justified by the Euro shouting case protein, outside the police station are justified by all the sort of stuff tell you things that are not justified by the sort of stuff breaking into the target, which is completely unrelated, smashing store windows there there is a tape of two guys had gone to there. Store in Minneapolis, and there are sending us had their stores gun, saying the cops had been basically told to stand down. We're not going to stand down. We're gonna protect our property by the way they should be protesting. The police Two things are not mutually exclusive. You can. We must understand the protests of the police, even though the police, by the way, did the right thing and fired guys and there will be prosecution's, I'm sure, but the attempt to excuse rioting, is utterly asinine, and using a lot of that online right now well, you know, the anger is justified. The anger is just units unity because you're angry, you shooting a tv because you wanna TV, You burn down not his is not you being angry. You see
burn down, not as one is because your criminal, and if you like, burning down not ozone trade is not the way. This works that there are lots of three people in american politics does any of that mean that you get to go and loot the local grocery obviously not its absurdity piled on absurdity, and then you had the riots, though, that it was that there is. There is I'll call arena words, as I suppose, in LOS Angeles people attacking cop cars like full on attacking cop cars. There's footage of people smashing cop windows gathering round cop cars in attacking police officers, who had nothing to do with this in a completely different city, how time. You say things like well, you know the anger is justified. The anger is justified. I don't care about whether your feelings are just I can mostly about whether your actions are justified. Your first of all your feelings against aid and unrelated police officer are probably not justified: what you put it that way and your feelings against hardener certainly not justify, but the attempt to its two to sort of
away from exposing bad behaviour and to pretend the bad behaviour is not happening. Here is insipid and ridiculous on every level and again, very bad for the country, because and answer the protesters by the way. If you want sympathy for your protest, Then you should not unify with the with the looters and with the writers, and I haven't seen the protesters doing that by the way, by and large, I've seen a lot of people on Twitter trying to pretend that if you, attentions of losing your bad person? If you pay attention to the fact that many was was inflames last night, so much so that satellites we're picking up the smoke that that, if you Pay attention to that that somehow, your ignoring the underlying crime that happen. But as always many things can be true at once. You burning, in autos I'll make you a piece of crap. You know what else makes you a piece of crap, even more piece of crap kneeling on the neck of a person until they die. That makes you like the worst piece of crap, but among other pieces of crap, where less bad, but also piece of crap are people who loot targets because they feel like stealing.
Bleep and people who put up signs on the sides of buildings while the burning down an unrelated building sing F the police. None of this is justified, its not came to pretend it is and to go soft on it or to suggest that All of this is deeply indicative of underlying american racism and therefore you can burn down the target, because the target is just part of the giant superstructure of America and supported by capitalism and ensured anyway seriously disgusting, truly disgusting and here's the thing again. It doesn't to be this way it don't. None of this has to be this way. We can all agree on this stuff, but we have really decided that we're not going to agree on this stuff. Instead, we are going to read into evidence things which have not yet been evidenced and ass? We ll see we're going to carry this over to even the most minute and stupid of conflict. They case of direction? You can you can see the jump and many other cases that are popping up on twitter like every two days now there is an attempt to a tribute
America, more broadly in american history into the deep superstructure american ray some instances in which there is no actual evidence of racism. We're just going to we're just going to destroy on Twitter now for no apparent reason when they get to that in just one. Second. First, let's talk about the fact that you need a Vps right now here at home. You don't have your IP department able to protect you. You need to make sure that you are protected. How can you do this? You need express Vps, so expressly pain is better than other regions to download a free bbn from not the I s beacon she gravel your data. Demonetized it by selling into advertisers also did the alarm.
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The thing on Twitter, a bunch of other sort of minor confrontations, elevated into major confrontations without evidence. So here's an example. There is an unfortunate person whose name is Tom. Austin Tom Austin is apparently some sort of executive and how often lives in a private building. It has a private there. There is some sort of of private private Jim it's private building In order for you to access the private Jim you are supposed to be. You know a member. The building. This exists in many many many buildings itself. This fellow time, Austin gets taped by a group of self described young black entrepreneurs. Ok, he gets taped why? Because he asked them to see their key cards and they say no. They say that we are. We are from the building. We're not gonna. Do this injuriously profiling, us in out there now evidence that he's racially profiling them as a nun right.
But he routinely ass people on the gym, whether or not they are supposed to be there or not. Also, as it turns out some of these guys, I shouldn't have key guards. Apparently, so this tape is put on twitter here is chairs the tape it has millions of use. Literally millions who is almost six million views on twitter here is the type of Tom Austin. Being a vicious racist. At no point does you mention their race and no point as you Anything racist, we know, he's a racist because he asked people into private Jim whether they ought to be in the private jet Harris time. Often he he personally trend in on twitter last night Kenneth into building. Are you worried what we have to assume this guy came? Accusing us we can't be here? Are you went dead, as you guys could see we're doing? We re Samir
I don't know what to do here, but there's a whole bunch of people who don't appear to be part of the application racism this guy is forced to go online and an issue. A mayor, copper saying that he's a part of the white supremacist infrastructures is how stupor world is now. What do you actually say that? Yes, I EFTA should have handled the differently not my job to done anything so now saying that he is not allowed to anybody, if they're in the private, Jim improperly, or to call anybody. If somebody isn't the provision and properly because God forbid, they should be of a different raise. That means that he's a racist, just building man and had been complaining that tens or allowing their friends to trespass and use of private Jim, is authorized only for building tenants. When I arrived to the gym, I say hello to everyone But after working for ten minutes, I notice that one of the tenants seem to abroad for friends- and I complains than this isn't right- one guy was letting him. If our friends in and out of the building with its own past card for guys, did not have a postcard. When I said something gotta my face, accusing me of racial profiling. I said it wasn't Rachel profiling. It was all about suspicious activity behaviour because they were in b, because there
in my face and did not pass cars. I took photos and called the property manager. I only called the building properly managed. I didn't call nine one one I told might have done the same thing if their white or even if a bunch of girls were trespassing, but the videos didn't shows. I spent fifteen minutes listening to their grievances. I empathize with them that because they faced. What surprises me is that this videos posted, even though we worked out in the gym together for another forty five minutes, while having friendly banter, everyone was fine. I've already apologized them for making them feel was ratio race issue. When I listen to their grievances, when I left the gym at the end of the night, I said a great night hope or good did a fist bump with each of them. There's way more of the story for to reach out to deal with the guys. Nobody has responded, seems more about hyping up the community rather than trying to come to truth and having honest conversation these undisguised vicious racist and which then his career. Clearly you did something deeply deeply wrong. Have we seen so many of these. In the past, we gonna have like an incredible number of these, where we had that click between the facts, employees and the homeowner, where the facts employee suggested the homeowner did something truly,
terrible and races. There was no evidence that any of this happened to the stories have disappeared from the news that there is no follow up, because it turns out that no investigation could show apparently that some deeply horrible had happened racist fashion here, these guys got fired from Fedex after posting the tape we had a full week of controversy after Few people basically yelled at each other in central park. After one man, a black man saw a white woman who was walking her dog off leash in the bird watching part of the park and asked but the dog on the lesion, she refused- and he said well If you won't do what I want, and I really do something that you don't like it, then he summoned her all over with Don t. You know you never dog and she felt threatened, and she said that I want to call the cops on you, and this became a major racial blow up in our. How is any of this like solving racism, a question how's any of this helping to solve racism is any of this forwarding the forwarding the cause, also it seems like. There's relative unanimity on what good behaviour constituting what Bab aid reconstitute, except in the media, there's an entire
Michael by bombing, Ruby Human called, a white damsel leverage ratio, power and failed to mention, have regional powers that ever heard anybody if you leverage when you fail. Maybe you are overestimating your motivational power, the viral video, this tense interaction between a whitewash. Walking her dog in a black man. Birdwatching in central park has become the latest flashpoint, not only of discussions of racism in police brutality against black men, but also of the pivotal role played by weight. In the damsel and distress archetype, probably conjures up images of delicate maidens and chivalrous. Gentlemen, that's precisely, but it's designed to do for white people to people of color, and especially african Americans have borne the brunt of power in the United States. The image is very different. So now we are going to compare this woman, who called the cops after a guy. Try to dry drop, draw her dog over with treats from his pocket, and Add a quasi racist thing that she's gonna call the cops insane african american men is threatening her and there's no reason applicant raise their that when she, when she does that this is the same as well as
the evil history in America of white women, claiming the black men had average them and unjustified net can be the complex land. That is the way that we are going to work here that this is such a tat. Every New York Times column is here's the thing. Habit and twenty twenty. It's exactly the same thing that happened in eighteen. Fifty do exactly what I can explain why it's exactly the same. It's every time you see codes, column, every single one is or every Jim elbows here's a bad thing happening in twenty twenty remember what a bad thing happened in like nineteen twenty and it wasn't the same when as AIDS exactly the same, because history in history has fruit. This column, Ngos to the debt, the memoir of a woman whose Harriet Jacobs published in eighteen sixty one to connect to this this tapestry of testimonials reveals a social fabric held together not only by the sexual abuse of black women, but also by the collective projection of blame back onto the victims. Wherever you're amen, colonized the damsel followed, Miss Cooper has been fired from a job. Falling outcry, wish Yanks or thrashing in your
Copper spaniel by the collar has rendered her dog by the way. I just I don't know damn well enough. It seems to me that if we should dog, upon the dog around by the leash, it's pretty much. The same thing is holding the dog by the collar, but maybe I'm completely wrong on all of this, but again that the aid Here- is that she is a symbol of long lasting white supremacy except she's gonna got fired. Did anything happened, Christian Cooper? Somebody got a bunch of wonderful coverage and media by the way He said, I'm not excusing the racism, I don't know their life needed to be torn apart, but then he said he said. If we're going to make progress, we've got to address these things. If it's painful progress is going to help us address, but there's a yellow warbler. It's a pain ass, his hopes, the correct, or takes us a step further for addressing the underlying racial horrible assumptions that we African Americans have to deal with and have dealt with for centuries at this woman tapped into then it's worth it SAM
it has to come in her expense, so in other words, I am sorry she lost her job and not so sorry, she lost her job, because racial progress depends on people blowing up racial incidents or even on racial incidents, as it turns out in some of these cases into massive indicators of broad based american racism, maybe in and by the way one outstanding. This conversation into the world of covert, which is, is purely insane because competency, disease people coming to disease, you're gonna get more of this in just one. Second, then we'll get to present from going your twitter first. Let's talk about the fact that everybody needs a pair of great Wireless Airbus, but before you go dropping hundred bucks on up here, why don't you spend less and get the same quality or buds you're better I'm talking about re cons. As you already know, rake on urban started about half the price any other premium wireless here but on the market, they sound, It's amazing is the other top audio brands, but you know their newest model, the everyday you twenty five year, but are the best ones yet six hours, a playtime, seamless, Bluetooth, hearing more based on more compact design. It gives you that nice noise isolating fit reckons. Wireless euros are incredibly comfortable. There
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It is only available for most exclusive membership to your all access geologist membership. Here it's our premier level of membership, eyelashes members get to participate in all access live. That is our brand new interactive programming featuring one of the daily warehouses. We hang out with you each and every night. Oh access members also get to join us for real time. Terminated available on both the website and the daily, where APP Alex's membership now includes two of the irreplaceable leftist years, tumblr to count to the tellers are literally overflowing with tears, but figuratively at the thought of this particular offer. By the way you should check out our all access, as they are there are very fond. The area where T shirts and I sing songs and eighty stupid voices, and I answer all the questions you could possibly imagine. Finally, Alex's members get all of the benefits of our other membership. Tears get the every website experienced access for, live broadcasting, Show library, access to the shows mailbags the full three hours of the bench, a parachute along with the dedicated editorials from laws hadn't over daily where'd outcome. Slash subscribe, joint I'll access, get fifteen percent off of coupon code Shapiro right now, that is daily wire dot com,
Flash subscribe. We will see you there. You are listening to the largest fastest growth into repercussions, radio show in the nation There is a time when, in the aftermath of pandemic, everybody thought that intersection reality was can go the way, the Dodo bird, that the entire attempts to divide Americans by race sex class and to try to suggest in America is just hierarchies power. Now you can go by the wayside as well face down extraordinarily dangerous disease and we all locked down and we became american scarce outlasted passionately. Twenty seven point two seconds: I was really exciting. Now, there's an attempt by the media, you take the racial eyes narrative and draw into covert I've been talking about this for a while. This attempt to suggest in America is deeply an interminable racist.
Because black people are dying at a higher rate than white people from covered nineteen, neglecting to mention the confounding factors like obesity, diabetes rates, neglecting to mention the possibility, the vitamin d consumption might have something to do with this. That's, according to a study from the lancet, neglecting dimension that there is a vast disparity between black and white Deaf in Britain like forty one, so that an american brand racism that's causing that's a spirit exerts over in the UK we ve seen some more stuff with regards maternal mortality rates. The sixteen nineteen project suggested a black woman dying childbirth lot more than white women's in childbirth, because racism there is virtually no evidence to support the idea that the racism is the is the deciding factor. The doctors are being like all look: a black waiting in a letter by parliament or or low birth weight for children. It has anything to do with racism. Steady basically have to say history was full of racism. We are part of history, therefore, this is because of racism. So now we are trying to do that with cuban nineteen as an article
in the New York Times today. It's a study of Wheezy Anna hospitals highlights the pandemics disproportionate burden on communities of color. The hospital system, Oxnard Health, serves a predominantly why population, but most patients hospitalized, would cover nineteen over recent six week period were black to research published on Wednesday in the New England Journal of Medicine, Oxnard Health operates. Hospitals in our patient facilities throughout Louisiana about thirty percent of the patient population is black among Thirteen hundred eighty two patients have cover nineteen hospitalized from March first April, eleventh, seventy seven percent were black black patients made up. Eighty percent of patients transferred to the icy you, and nearly two percent of those put on preventive measures to help a breathing savage question are the only being put on later in the icy you because their black or is it possible that maybe people are coming and because their unhealthy and also happen to be black, and also, if you're gonna talk about racism. The medical system wouldn't need better indicator, be that allow black
and I thought of the hospital in not being given care right now would be an indicator of racism. Not the people are getting the care that they are supposed to need. The authors of the new study reported that compared with white patients were hospitalized, black patients had higher rates will Jimmy Diabetes, high blood pressure and chronic any disease. Well, maybe that would be the factor here? Would it not? Maybe that would be a factor. But the attempt to rationalize everything we decide the covert nineteen is also racist or that it just merely expense
the underlying american racism again. All of this is terrible for the country when, because we create racism is bad. Military police brutality is bad. We all agree that racism should be fought at every turn. Any attempt to suggest the black Americans under threat by America broadly Writ is just a lie, and it's a nasty disgusting lie at that attempting to impute guilt to people or not guilty of things. Attempting to impute to America a gilt that America has spent generations attempting to alleviate just really really bad stuff. Ok, meanwhile, the President of the United States is talking about an executive order. The crackdown on Twitter. Today, this this has been driven by the fact that Twitter has put fact checks on some of his.
It's no should twitter. Do that knows incredibly stupid. The reason is incredibly stupid, because twitter is not good at backtracking. In fact, tourist first african president troubles are correct. They suggested that there is no fraud and mail in voting. Not true, in fact, is the twitter should not consider itself to be the arbiter of truth. Mark Zuckerberg has been rigged over the calls by people right, left and centre. Mark Zuckerberg perspective on free speech and the role of these websites is far far far better and far more intellectually coherent than anything Jack Dorsey that dumb ass over a twitter is doing mark up, grows up about treating all big tech like their exactly the same is not accurate. Here's upper burgundy and bring those show yesterday saying: listen, we're not the arbiters of truth. People have the ability to actually factual things themselves, policy, may I think than twitter on this I believe strongly that that Facebook shouldn't be the orbit truth of everything that people say on line that I can in general, private companies probably should be restructured
platform company should be in the position of of doing that, and he, of course, exactly right he's right over the call by the left wingers. How dare he, how dared you suggest that it's not facebooks job to determine absolute truth when you jack, we're, see doing it according to live, or is this revenue reaction from president trumpeters? Ok well managed new crackdown on social media. Now this is based on a misinterpretation of the communications decency act section to thirty since you thirty, basically shields companies from liability if they have common sections. That's all this is so daily. Where is responsible for the people that we pay and the people
are we at it. We are not responsible for the common sections. That does not mean we can cure in our common sections. In fact, we hankering our common sections section. Two. Thirty of the communications Decency ACT was specifically created in order to protect companies who are attempting to shield people from viewing pornography and the comments she'll people from viewing obscenity. In the comments he basic idea was. Why should it be that if you police your comments for the F word that you will be held liable if there's a bad comment? But if you dont police, your comments, then you won't be how Bible, so the communications decency accession to dirty, which shields companies like Facebook and Twitter, one could open platforms than are still there are still curated in terms of a commentary are ended. It she'll those from from liability original idea, was that the to alter It should not be either your fully liable for hydrocarbons or you have to have a completely unregulated common section right. That's why the the provision was created in the first place. People of Miss read that to believe that Twitter has violated section two thirty by not being unbiased or something that's not true, for it doesn't have to be on board
it is clear from the language does not mean the twitter is smart. No twitter is incredibly stupid, but I would just recommend that people recognise that you know was in favour of rewriting second dirty, where the president from his talking about job Joe Biden literally, came out couple months ago and said that he would like to rewrite section two thirty. He said it should be revoked immediately. Why? Because it's in them, because Facebook isn't merely an internet company, he just wants control, Facebook, but is it that is not a that, but that is not a good thing for conservatives. The notion that if you are going to regulate Youtube or Google or face or twitter, it is somehow going down to conservative benefit. I have some questions on how exactly you believe that's going to go when Elizabeth worn is in charge of regulating Facebook or Twitter like listen, I think twitter is a garbage you'd. Do it's a flaming, dumpster fire I've thought about it extensively overlap several weeks, but the the idea that you are somehow going to be able to regulate
from the top of government with some sort of executive order. That is that that is a bizarre. Take a very, very bizarre take now. Some conservatives have been suggesting that we need to rewrite the communications decency act, because the because effectively when you edit these comments enough you're acting as a publisher, your basically distinguishing between things that you think are ok to be up and things that you think are not ok to be up, but the Cd Aids, Everly provide, provides for that sort of thing, and people should recognise that the actual result of this is going to be not that twitter becomes a fully open platform in which everybody gets to publish whatever they want, but the shutdown of twitter, Ryan and people should recognise that will show that our common Sections- Delaware, we're not time to create all your comments. So will you shut down our common sense and every common section across the country will die if you get rid of section? Two thirty so recognise that not every problem has a great government solution, and this would be one of those
I think twitter is handled horribly to. I think that an executive order against social media companies on the basis that Trump doesn't like Twitter is a is a very large scale mistake. The expansion of size and scope of government is not. When is the last time. This is founded the benefit of Americans seriously it just it just doesn't, or conservatives more broadly already time for a bunch of things that I had already you're watching actual worlds. Historical events happening in real time. Hong Kong has now lost complete autonomy according the Secretary of state. My compare is no longer an autonomous government. Then your times reports, the Secretary of State, pale announced on Wednesday. The state department no longer considered Hong Kong TAT, significant autonomy under chinese rule, a move that indicated the trunk administration was
we too, and some or all of your government's special trade and economic relations with the territory in southern China is a major story. There. Many many american companies that have bases in Hong Kong that have branches in Hong Kong. His Hong Kong still had some level of independence from the chinese government. The chinese government has been using the pandemic, firstly unleash the pandemic on the world. Then they decide. You know what it's a great time to crack down on all descent inside Hong Kong is precisely what they have been doing. They have now push legislation that make a treason to criticise the chinese government. That is the that is the next move that the chinese government has been pursuing. This is really horrifying. Summit demonstrate full scale that when you, when you run away from dictatorships, dictatorships, don't treat you nicely when the British decided to see control of Hong Kong to the chinese government in the name of local control back and ninety. Ninety, seven thirty bunch of provisions them.
Suppose- you protect the autonomy of Hong Kong. All of them have been ignored by the chinese government and nobody was able to do anything because once you we'd, you can't go back inside the british working to reinvent Hong Kong. None of that was going to happen for China, the possibility of controlling Hong Kong and in waiting for a friendly administration in the EU waiting for from the minutes nation in the United States, it's a pretty rich, its print rich thing, ramming. Ok, we'll take a hit for a couple years: Russia the country we have a billion citizens who we can simply exploit so are able to short term hit, nor did take control of the lives of millions of people in Hong Kong. China's legislature now approved a proposal accordingly, CNN compose a highly contentious. Security law in Hong Kong and unprecedented move critic say threatens fundamental political freedoms and civil liberties in Hong Kong by the way If people can get out a Hong Kong they're leaving on mass right now, watch for the wave, it's gonna be incredible: the country's rubber stamp Parliament, the National People's Congress, nearly united,
we approved the resolution on Thursday to introduce the sweeping security legislation. It bans secession, subversion of state power, terrorism. Worn intervention and allows mainland China State Security agencies to operate in a city set as full on Communist Party control of Hong Kong. But why drastically Bronze Beijing's power over Hong Kong? last year was royal by antigovernment protests, calling for greater democracy and more autonomy from mainland China protesters took to the streets and clashed with police the approval of the was expected to result in more demonstration, but nobody is actually expecting that the the blow back from the world is gonna. Stop the chinese government My compounds announced was disastrous decision. The latest in a series of actions that fundamentally undermine Hong Kong's autonomy and freedoms, says no reasonable person can start today. At Hong Kong maintains a high degree of autonomy from China, given facts on the ground.
Under the Hong Kong, human rights and democracy? At the? U S, government has the annually verified a congress? The city remains autonomous from China or risks losing its special status with the United States is about to lose all that status from the United States there. There may visa sanctions, economic sanctions against the Chinese. There could be an end to the extradition treaty that exist between the- U S and Hong Kong. The chinese government has yet responds the United States, but they say this is China's internal affair, because it turns out that when China says you know too two countries, one China when they say about how what they say about Hong Kong, what they actually mean as we are going to control this thing in top down fashion and kill all of our opponents, because communism is evil and remains evil. Has it informs foreign policy aid are discussing actions according to the New York Times. That would be among harsher punishments taken against China over the past three years is could have far reaching consequences. Forty seven point: five million Hong Kong residents how how has been a financial and commercial hub since late last century many Chinese and
one from use, Hong Kong as an international or regional base, and a lot of really communist party members do business known property. Their composts. As the security was the death knell for Hong Kong's freedom. The United Nations is, is going to do nothing because, of course, China sits on the Un Security Council demonstrating full scale that the union is a wretched hive of scum and villainy. It is a garbage institution run by some of the worst countries on earth. Need. The president is is looking not to get into a serious conflict with China, but from said that, we are going to give a very powerful response, presumably going to break off cooperation with trade and law enforcement, so your prices at the market are going to go out, but honestly we never should have open trying on the first place in case we made that we should have simply let them collapse of the Soviet Union collapsed, and we just put it off for forty years,
but even a long time coming in the west. Look the other way when you slept with North Korea, the West look the other way look the other way look the other way until Hong Kong became a slave state to the chinese government. Once again, this has been going on for years in the initiative, thousand into the Hong Kong government introduced its first proposal under article twenty three of the basic law that authorized local administration to pass laws covering treason and sedition gatherings. The EP was then security secretary she's, a proponent of the bill. She she pledges, seventeen to enact article twenty three in suitable measures. So, five years, literally five years removed from the home country, China was already trying to institute full security control over Hong Kong, so it's just it took a while, but Hong Kong has now become again
a its tragic amendment, were watching right. Now is absolute tragedy and again demonstrative of the idea that, when the United States, when the EU, when liberal powers leave those spaces, are filled by other people, power politics abhors a vacuum in China was was always going to be checked. By the willingness to to utilise american parents on military parents, honey, economic power and all other elements to protect people, but apparently there they are not going to. I had serious doubts that that any action can be taken by the EU and coordination, United states you're, ok time for some other things that I hate so Andrew Cuomo. I is a flaming dumpster fire without sin. Awful awful governor, so Andrew Cuomo continues to preside over state that had the worst outcomes from cover. Ninety He continues to clash with mayor, build the plaza. They still can't decide on a unified policy. He continues to sort of such as well through this thing, but because you Don T Vila, then he has very high popularity ratings. He's gonna blame everybody else for his own stupid leadership. So yesterday,
Everyone was asked about the fact that a huge percentage of new Yorkers have died. Nursing homes now in New York is lying. That's because when New York dies we interpret under accounting when New York does is, if you are from a nursing home and get cover nineteen, then they actually. Just that you're not from a nursing home. If you dined hospitals yet cover nineteen rather nursing home your ship to a hospital you die in the hospital. Europe does not count that is emerging on death by you obtained at the nursing home. So it's a nursing home that the New York doesn't say So I ve been dramatically and recounting nursing home that, as we all know, for months, only leave didn't like the last couple of weeks. Your current policy in the policy was that nursing homes were forced by law to re, accept people with cover nineteen Horizontal Como yesterday blaming the nursing homes themselves for a law that he himself promulgated the issues on the nursing home to stay. I can't take a covert positive person. I'm too I'm too busy. I don't have enough p p, whatever the answer,
Doesn't matter is if they say I can't take the person they can't take the person. I'm sorry, you are. You are the world wars, governor and blaming everybody else, for the fact that you are are awful. Is pretty amazing. Meanwhile, that that's our Como stops Como is now looking. He basically he's the hand our governor right, that's what he has. He any ventilators president from make it happen. I need PPP president from make it happen now. It's I need money. Federal government make it happen. Maybe it's because you guys are running like hundreds of billions of dollars in that, because you ve been passing crappy fiscal policy for aids on in. Maybe that would be a big problem so homo yesterday's that there's no national recovery without a federal government bail out or, alternatively, you could take us Geraghty measures, the always, have taken is that of signing garbage contracts with your local unions. Here, Here- is Andrew Cuomo blaming me government again, it's very he's got it's gotta, be easy to be a Democrat I gotta do is blame the republican president for everything on earth
media just goes right along with a dispute, has an eighty percent approval rating, and is he has presided over what one quarter of all deaths in America from covered nineteen here and talk about tramping a crappy president, because a hundred thousand people died. How the fact that this dumb ass was shipping old people back to nursing homes with covert ninety not disinfecting subways, not shutting down the subways and then whining about the fact that he wasn't doing his I've been getting resources for its own state. Somehow governor gave a Newsome hearing California, resources for the state Heroes, Andrew Cuomo, blaming the federal government again. They too do we re at reopening states are responsible for testing states are responsible for tracing states are responsible for the health care system. States are responsible for the enforcement. All the procedures around reopening but same time, the federal government has a role to play in the federal government has to do its part as we, work, our way through this crisis and they cannot be
national recovery, if the state Local governments are not funded, is a fact: no, actually can be a national recovery. If these state and local governments acted responsibly in the first place, you blew up the credit card, then you had an unforeseen expands and now your blaming people for not filling in that part of the part of the building you incurred in the first place. Cuomo, wouldn't let this one go ready said it's an American not to bail out the states on American, your bad American. If you don't feel like, we should pay and if we should fill in all of the pen gaps and Andrew almost crappy budget. You have people say well, we don't want to pay the bill that helps democratic states, it would be a blue, stayed bear loud What some have said: Mcdonald Stapi Blues stay bailouts, This is really an ugly ugly sentiment
and on american response we're still the United States of America. Those words meant something yet I didn't mean that the federal government was supposed to fill in your crappy governance. By the way, it's hilarious meets its ugly unamerican responses to Blue stay Bela, we're because five seconds go you're, implying that the net recipients of tax benefits for people in red states literally. He said that like four weeks ago, but in this case is the worst Governor is a terrible governor. I M enjoying de I am enjoying states right, Andrew Guano, hostage for general, was at war with. I want the federal government to do everything with me it for me and requirements so at the same time that he sang, I have authority to run my build a blog, doesn't have authority. Donald Trump doesn't have authority, hissing Danny Trump, please filling Please give me my allowance. I want my allowance right now at the same time, using there's no nation without the state you suggesting that is the job of the nation. Fill in the states. You can't have it both ways don't be treated. Not economies being or would you prefer to?
be treated as independent pick, because you don't have that yet you don't get it both ways: eurocentric Roma, trying to have above ways state governments state economies, local economies, that's what the national economy is made of is the national economy for a function of the states. Is no nation. Without this states, they tend to forget, that in this town, but it's obvious fact. There is no nation without the states. Okay, so you're gonna have to explain to me how the nation is simple, if there's no nation without the states and the nation is refusing to recognise your state. Then why does the nation have money like really that that that's a question then the money's in funneled through the states? The money is
indirectly from citizens the nation does exist in the absence of the states at this point, thanks to a federal bureaucracy built up over the course of last hundred twenty years. But with that said, it also happens to be the case that the job of the federal government was not created to bail out the state from their bad financial decision, making how this guy isn't like what would happen to me. Hello, Mcfly, hello. How are you guys? How do you guys know these guys we're governor how and very very confused just as last names quarrel? I am so sick of political families in the United States and its very, very tiresome our rights of New York? Well done you selected the world's greatest Gunnar? Ok! Well, I think we have run out of time for things that I like tomorrow is a a jewish holiday, so I will be back here on Monday Please try not to wreck America further people if we could just like cut it out that be amazing also have two additional hours of contact coming up later. Today, you can subscribing get all of that, although the later today over daily wire dot com We'll see you then, or we'll see here next week on bench grow. This venture bureau
If you and joined this episode, don't forget to subscribe, and if you want to help spread. The word. Please give us a five star review and tell your friends to subscribe, to reveal a born apple pod cast Spotify and wherever you listen upon gas also be sure to check out the other dearly, whereupon pass, including the end reclaiming show them all show and that, while show thanks, the listening Dementia Piero Show is produced by coltan, has directed by Make Joiner executive producer. Jeremy boring supervising producer math is clever and Robert Sterling assistance. Rector Pavel light, asking technical producer, Austin Stevens, play back and media operated by Nick. She had associate producer Katie's Winterton edited by Adam Sigh of its audio is mixed by Michael Romena here and make up is by Nikko Geneva. The bench bureau show is a daily where production, copyright daily wire, twenty twenty everyone's Andrew Clavering hosted. The Andrew Clavering show the Chinese
flew, walked down, is coming to an end and all across Amerika people are saying hooray. Now we can go outside and hate each other and destroy things, not a good. But we'll talk about it on the end replacement.
Transcript generated on 2020-05-31.