« The Ben Shapiro Show

Ep. 1011 - Our Dying Institutions


As states debate lockdown policies, new information emerges about officials across the aisle engaging in corruption surrounding coronavirus; Democrats freak out over new Michael Flynn investigation revelations; and the Biden campaign staggers forward.

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
As states debate, lockdown policies, new information emerges officials across the island gauging in corruption surrounding Kova nineteen Democrats freak out over New Michael Flynn, investigation, revelations and Biden campaign staggers forward on benchmarks, is the entropy rojo Shapiro. Show is sponsored by expressing deep in your data. Is your business protected at expressive, gps, dot, com, Slash Ben well, If it is beginning to dawn on people that this thing might not go away. All that best, it's been amazing to watch as be calculations have shifted fairly dramatically about the hopes for what What happened happen next, with this virus had started off with ok, if we just slow the spread for fifteen days will have this thing under control, and hopefully, at that point we can see wasn't things up and the media started to shift the strategy to ok, we gotta lockdown until there's a vaccine, and then it became clear that
action is really not in the offing anytime. Soon and now you have the W h up, which we have been assured by the way by Youtube that if you contradict the internet, the information coming for from W H other remove your videos doesn't merit w h, o got this thing completely wrong said there is no human to human transmission in the middle of January, never mind the W h up recommending against mass at the beginning of March well, W Joe is now reporting that this go away. They cover. Nineteen may just become a permanent feature of life, just like the seasonal flu, which is honestly, what was always sort of the worst case scenario suggestion here: and it also most likely scenario because the fact is very difficult to develop completely effective vaccines. Even back scenes that are somewhat effective, are not completely effective, and the fact is that we don't have a great that repeated for for this. At this point there may be some therapeutics that come along that change. The cases at the margin is very difficult to target a disease that specifically targets most vulnerable in the population in some.
It is easier to target a disease that targets the least vulnerable in the past. Nation, because then you can bring all of the immune system at your disposal you're eighty warning of weak immune system, and then this is killing you off. It is very difficult to figure out how to stop a disease. That is going up people, mostly in old age homes, where they mostly in old age homes. I'm saying that advisedly, forty to sixty percent of all deaths across Europe have been happening in old age homes in the United States. Something like forty sixty per cent in all states outside of New York. It is not clear in New York how many people have died in old age homes, I've been happening in old age homes. The reasons not clear in New York is because of your elderly. And you were in an old age on, and then you go to a hospital any die in the hospital is not clear whether the new whether New York is classifying or as a nursing home death or whether they are classifying it as a hospital based death the debate show, is saying this thing may never be wiped out entirely according to Michael right the debate shows emergencies at Director have a new virus entering the human population for the first time, it's very hard to predict when we will prevail over it. The virus made become another endemic virus in our communities. This virus may never go away. Hiv
goin away. We have come to terms with the virus. It worth noting interposed thirty years, come up with excellent treatments for HIV. But really took several decades for us to come up with treatments for HIV, though, that significantly lengthened human life well, don't you at your word. There is no guarantee that eating restrictions will not trigger a second wave of infection. So now they have given us two pieces of information one is it may never go away, HU as soon as what I've lockdown people gonna, get it it well sorry, but those to those two factors mean that we had best just adjust to the new reality, and that is that we are all going to be involved in some form of Miss risk mitigation depending on level of vulnerability in society, and meanwhile, we still have open debates over what exactly the death counties from covered. Nineteen, according to the daily beast present trumpet members of the corona virus taskforce are pushing officials at the CDC to change how the agency worse with states to calculate virus related deaths, is not unimportant factor because the real he is the one we are assessing risk we do have to determine
We will are actually dying from groaned virus and how many people are dying for gold with grown a virus, meaning that you have no money, you get Calonna virus many die than ammonia mayo, your eighty five and you have several pre existing conditions. And then Grover's hits you and then you die of one of the biggest in conditions that are called me nineteen death, or is that not a cupboard nineteen death of their pushing for a vision that could lead to far fewer deaths being than originally reported. According to five administration officials working on the government's response to the pandemic, though, he has previously publicly attested to the accuracy of the cover nineteen death count. The president, two weeks has privately re suspicion about the number of fatalities in the United States, which recently eclipsed eighty thousand recorded death now get. This is not mere semantics that these relations matter there. The matter also in other areas of health, for example, so in the United States. There's always this talking point that the United States is very high infant mortality rate, while that is because we count as infant mortal
in the infant mortality rate, babies there are born prematurely. There are a lot of other countries. The tones of the babies born in six months. Man dies. We count that as a as an infant death that may not be counted in parts of Europe, way and then actually skews. The statistics have to compare apples to apples, especially when you're what which countries are handling this better than other countries. The White House, as the CDC to work with states to change how to count grown virus. That's Deborah works. The coordinator, administrations. One of our task force has urged seat the officials to exclude from grown of areas that can reporting some of the individuals who either do not have confirmed lab results and are presumed or who have the virus. It may not have died as a direct result that, according to three senior administration, officials, have actually seen this play out in New York, city or bunch before dying inside their homes, and so basically, New York said what are excess. That's over last year, this time and then based on that, we'll just assume that everybody who died died from covered nineteen- those inside the CDC are pushing back against. The request are claiming could falsely skewed mortality rate when state and local payments are already struggling to ensure that every day who died as a result of port viruses
I did so. On the one hand, you have people suggesting that there is reporting. On the other hand, you have people suggesting that there is underreporting, but in the end, in the end that really only matters, because this thing has become political, in others. We know what we know and we also know what we don't know, meaning we know now that this thing is highly deadly to the elderly and people with with preexisting condition. We know that is significantly more loudly to those people than it is to be more young unhealthy. We also know that the focus on testing is somewhat overstated and, when I say someone over semi, rather massively overstated by the media, because the reality is, the United States has radically wrapped up task. As we have ramparts has. The number of positive has actually gone down there, not only that the media have basically lied to the american people about what testing and tracing are designed to do. They are not, in fact, designed to quash the virus itself there simply designed to prevent spikes epidemic, spikes that over one the healthcare system, because that's all we can do at this point, we can't actually stop people from getting this overtime and we cannot stop people.
Attaining this virus over time and then some people dying of that virus over time, we can do to protect the most vulnerable in our society and we can ensure that there are massive spikes that we sort of flattened out such that of one, the healthcare system, but we have been told by media, the testing is sort of solution, which is why it comes as disturbing news that these rapid Whitehouse tests could actually miss half of positive cover nineteen cases according to an end. What you study the abbot test, which is a company used by the White House to track over nineteen? miss positive growth virus cases according to a study done by and why you said he found the abbots idee now test missed at least one third of positive tests when compared to rival tests and up to forty eight percent in dry, nasal swabs. This has clearly recommended by the White House. So people talk about the level of testing and testing is going to save us all their missing. The fact that there is an awful lot of uncertainty about the testing There are no easy solutions here There are no easy solutions and I'll tell you what is not a political solution is the walk down until forever, so
and none the less. That seems to be the solution that the media are pushing. The media would like to see lockdown until forever, we'll get to that in just one moment. First, let's talk about the fact that right now to ensure that you are protected on the HR fronts, Verona, business any need to save money. If you run a business now is not the time to be uncertain about how you run your business, and this is why you need to make sure that you are covered when it comes to hr issues. Actually, with all the brand new regulations that have come out about how you are going to run your business when you reopen or if you are already open wrongful nations its minimum wage requirements, labour regulations, HIV for salaries not cheap, they can average seventy thousand dollars a year. The M be Bambi was created specifically for small business, yet a dedicated hr manager, you craft age, our policy
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that more people will die, and so we have to remain closed forever. And thus the headlines they are seeing from media are all based on the presumption that America is in a full state of disaster, but The answer is in America not actually in a full state of disaster. In fact, a lot of the states that are opening up our not seeing this massive spike in cases, people are generally being responsible me, while the media are warning people who are speaking out as though designed, Where is coming, and this when I talked about yesterday little but on the show there is a thing that happens in media and intervene, human psychology. We could call the nose for Damas effect. So no Sir Thomas is very famous. Nobody knows his name, because every so often You can pick and choose a few sentences from those for Thomas and say what was that amazing thousands of years ago, Nostradamus predicting that x would happen. We see the same thing when people talk about the Bible codes where they say: ok. Well, if you look at the Bible and lined up in a particular way, look at the hebrew letters vertically, then you could them diagonally. Then you look at the horizontally owed. That says there's a volcano. That's going to erupt any day and then erupted
well look that that's amazing. In other words, when you predict disaster and your right then you are rewarded by being given the title of profit. If you predict disaster and then disastrous arrives? Nobody ever since you all yours, dooms air, nobody ever Oh, I guess you got that wrong, so I guess we're not going to pay so much attention to you next time. In other words, if you are in the production business, you should always protect his ass. You should always predict the unexpected. You should always protect the black swan, because all you have to do about the black swan. If you write once if you're the person predict, MAX one event. Then everybody rewards you for having predicted blacks one but never mind that the rest of the time. You are completely completely wrong at one time. You're exactly right, and so the media are doing right now is they're bringing a fourth everyone whose predicting doom and gloom now will they go back three weeks from now and when people were wrong, so they're, a bunch of people who, three weeks ago, when Brian Kemp in Georgia was talking about opening up, they said, give me a massive spike in case of the hospitals are going to be having Tina and Georgia. Any apologies for anybody. Of course not
But if there is somebody back in January and said, there's gonna be a global pandemic. We're gonna have to shut down all the businesses. That person, of course, is going to be rewarded. Now, maybe that person, was living in the woods and was predicting the sort of stuff for forty years right it. It's amazing how fast we shift from look at those dumb proper is building their basements and stocking up on canned goods to man, those people sure hats, foresight, building their basement starting up and again that in the prediction business nobody ever remembers, they made a black salon prediction that didn't come true. This is why it is of high irritation to me when the blacks, one predictions about what's going to happen next are are real wrapped up by media, so today the big stories that there's guy named Doktor, Rick Bright, so rip right, we should remember- was pushed out. He was fired from his position over at the at border, which is one of the chief agencies that was supposed to investigate strategies on pandemic. He found, the whistle blower camp complaint after being pushed out suggesting the reason and whose pushed out is because he wasn't you hired hydroxide workmen.
Administration was pushing hydroxide clerk when as a possible solution, and he was in their warning and therefore they did. They got rid of them. It well enough. Bear testimony attained by ASEAN, and you weren't, a window of opportunity is closing. If we fail to develop a national, coordinated response based on science, I fear the pandemic will get far worse and be prolonged, causing unprecedented illness and fatalities. Ok, thank you for the vague prediction of doom that is totally helpful Also, thank you for me not presenting any actual strategy for fixing this thing. I know nothing like better than public health official saying, and if we don't, if we're not smart here, bad things will happen. That thanks here is accurate right, you specifying today this getting all sorts of media attention now again this predicated on the notion that Cyprus is a victim of the Anti Science Trump Administration which has been taken. The advice of doctors, Burke's and value
as well as many other doctors into consideration. Right of course, again claims that he was ousted because the head Roxy clerk when issue, but the truth is that, according to the H adjust this guy was in conflict with his hire ups for literally years factor bright and Robert Catholic, an assistant health separated from preparedness and response question heatedly. According to officials, when Doktor Bright, carefully followed procedures, they said he was a polarizing figure within the Department of Health in human services or concerns and circulated about a management staff. It was described as confrontational those officials, there have been discussions about removing bright for many months they came to a head. Every Mills were linked to writers. Last week, detailing internal discussions about work wins a senior illustration of National, said Alice, Aser told the corona virus taskforce members in their meeting on Wednesday of outbreaks departure from Barbara, describing it as a promotions, and vice president officials left the meeting and learn of rights, public statement, also by the way, according to Kalen Oakley, spokesperson for the permanent health, inhuman service
It was doktor bright, who requested an emergency use authorization from the FDA Fda for donations of cork, when the Baron Sanders recently made to the strategic national stockpile. So today they distort the medium wanna. Tell is this whistle blower pushed out because he's he secretly telling you the truth, which is everybody's going to die wherever and their pushing it out, because they don't want the bad news. Alternatively, this is a career help official who clashed with people inside one department and was demoted for it, or was the least well off one job eve. You retains its job at the government by the way things to work inside the eighty, the cdc and now He is getting all sorts of publicity, and so why not predict vaguely the Duma come upon us unless big unspecified action. There is no political risk to doing so here. This is why, honestly, when it comes to expert analyses of the situation, experts should Schubert should provide you information, not predictions information information about risks, and then it is your job as an individual human beings calculate those risks and irresponsible
passes risks onto others about the idea that people up high and government are gonna make rules for you. There are political actors, just like you and I are they are calculating their own self interest? The way you and I are their doing so in many cases and unknowingly because they are human beings- is notion that godlike experts set up on high and then create and then craft. The best rule for the people is not true when it comes to how you twilight. Flush has an April when it comes to condemn acts we'll get to rip rights, s money in just one. Second. First, let's talk about the fact that the future is unpredictable. We predicted back in February when Bernie Generous, was likely democratic nominee and the stock market at thirty thousand in the unemployed, to three point five percent that we would all be stuck in our homes right now. Who could predict that such a thing? The answer is nobody, but it's because you can predict the future that should ensure against it. This is why everybody who is responsible should have life insurance policy. Genius compares quotes from the top life insurance companies all in one place, just for you
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You can be rapid. Now that you said it, I guess I guess we can take it seriously. This can be rough. In other words, we know now. What should we do and why should we take? Your advice superciliously, as opposed to the advice of Vow Chee Burke's Doktor Martineau, carry, who have had on the programme from Johns Hopkins, was good piece in the maritime sector. Here is rip right again being given the heroes. Welcome, because really, the reason is being given the heroes. Welcome, he doesn't have anything super. And say he's being given the heroes? Welcome because he doesn't like Trump, the media, don't like Trump interests line, window of opportunity is closing. If we fail to improve our response now Tom Science. I fear the pandemic. Will worse and be prolonged they'll be! likely a resurgence of covert nineteen. This fall me greatly compounded by the challenges of seasonal influenza without better planning, twenty twenty hood the darkest winter in modern history? What that, thanks for that winter, is coming up
That's that's very, very exciting news and what what are his suggested steps? national testing strategy. Oh you mean like how there is one and how they're trying to roll it out and also how states are generally responsible for deciding how much fascination need in their state the national government, isn't good things and also, as we need a plan for equitable distribution of essential equipment and supplies. Oh you mean the federal government They got like a hundred thousand ventilators. We now have wage many ventilators. It turns out the bends. Letters are actually not only ineffective, but in some cases counterproductive for treatment, your bride, of course, is really getting all this attention, not because he has great advice to offer, but simply because, claiming that he was silent for unwillingness to go along with the sanguine views of the administration, which again the evidence for that scanty at best inane inane. Another not shock bright is gonna air. His coming, about the Trump Administration pandemic in response to a House oversight committee. Overseen by represented an issue, a democratic represents a northern California just returned to accompany them
we need more than a hundred and ten million dollars in awards from Bartha well bright, led the office in other words she is allied with bright. Other companies of offices in issues districts better if more than a hundred million dollars in a word from border in a decade prior to rights, leadership according to political issue, who helped craftily two thousand six legislation to create. Medical advanced research developments authority as a body is and has since we're bolstered authorities, also it's been a long time, booster, a bright, so basically he's testifying in front of his allies, who also not, coincidentally, are going to boost his opinions of president Trump. So, yes, this thing has become incredibly political, and none of that is a giant surprised, it doesn't have to be political. So we ve had on our programme before Doktor Martineau, carry veterans, action, Harry repeatedly on the radio show and economic area is professor of health policy, Johns Hopkins He served in both the Obama administration swells, an adviser to the front administration, has peace at the New York Times in which explains what he things should be done and guess what it turns exactly like what people may have been saying,
He'd be done when he says that what we need as much masking possible when you are in a place where you can, in fact somebody else. This does not mean, like LOS Angeles, by the way it. Oh, I Eric our city, the guys just in he's he's a string thought he sends out a mass task text to everyone in LOS Angeles last night, telling everyone that is now mandatory, that you were a mask when you go outside now, when you go, restore. Now I'm going to a crowded area. No one can socially distance. Now, when there is a possibility of not socially distancing when you go outside of your inner car buyers, presumably have to mask if I'm in my front yard play with my kids supposedly I'm supposed to ask if I'm out at the beach and I'm four hundred feet away, member everybody I'm supposed to mask of which matches Eric our cities, idiotic policies with regard to the beaches out here, he says you're allowed to swim here. Let's walk you're allowed to run on the Beach you're not actually lead to sit on the beach and picnic. Does it matter for three hundred feet away from everybody, and you have me wearing a mask the whole time anyway. So my plan needs this week element and I condemn the beach I'm going to put a mask on them,
and I'm going to whether in the car, because we have to make sure that in the car they affect people in other cars, then I'm going to bring a cannon you're my children out of a cannon into the ocean and along the way like red, where they get into the water I'm going to win. That they strip off the mask. Then dive into the water after them put them ass back on them. Take it take a trampoline, Belgium off the trembling back into the car. We can go home like none of what the hell are we talking about here. This is all idiocy. I'll. Let you know, Marty Mackereel, just this doctrine macsharry from Johns Hopkins. He suggests We spend more time outside. We are told them. Didn't spend more time outside by the authorities who know also most prioritize safeguarding nursing homes. Why? Who has been saying this for weeks on end? He says three April real studies. Using antibody testing found that asymptomatic actions are ten to twenty times more common than previously observed. Lowering the true case, vitality rate. The data taught us that young, healthy Americans heavy fatalities similar to that of seasonal flu. That's among young and healthy are rare. In fact, community immunity-
from seasonal viruses, often achieved through younger people developing antibodies. Why? It sounds almost like what I have been talk, about for a very long time, which is make sure the most vulnerable are protected and then let other people go out and interact with one another with enough protection. So we don't spike over the healthcare system, he's as protect those at high risk. The data show that those preexisting medical conditions like that it is lung, disease or weakened immune system are among the most vulnerable, based on the degree of risk and prevalence of the virus in the region. We should advise these high risk individuals, particularly the elderly, to avoid interactions with others until the risk of contagion is extremely well, so, basically Mackereel, It is exactly this hymns minded by the way, pretty much the same as the Trump administrations, but Trump is very bad very, very bad in people. We need to listen to our people who are spouting doom gloom without any specific proposals for how to move past the doom and gloom name, just a second we're going to get you controversies over what we should do with policy and then we'll get to the fact that the experts, the we're supposed to be listening to very often they are self interested, because people
people ended. There's visions, weird idea than the pandemic founding ideology goes out window because an emergency, dammit and human nature has changed the founders. Human beings are not angels, they're, not devils. There are human beings, which means that we are stupid and we are corrupt and we are venal and we are self interested, and it also means that if you're stupid, corrupt venal and self interested probably should be making policy for the higher country it may be. I know my kids names better than the policymakers worth saying. They're gonna protect my kids get to that in just one second. First, let's talk about the fact that you're spending an enormous amount of time in front of screens right now it could be affecting your sleep. Blue light really affects your sleep. Also beginning a headaches. You spinning has tons of time on your computer or watching movies. All that stuff can really impact your eyes, get all sorts of blurring us in dizziness. It's really that this is why people for a long time have been saying they need blue light glasses, but you need the best kind of the kind
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Josie, you really don't have any any freedom to leave your home have freedom of contract you dont have most of the basic. Freedoms that you guaranteed is meant as Americans you're. Not able to affect your weight in this current environment and under public health systems. That is not what is not wrong, but when you meet me beyond the data, were the data no longer support to stay at home orders when it did, no longer support the idea that you have any strategy and we're just telling people that you can abridge their constitutional right so that you don't get the political blow back, I'm not a bridging their constitutional rights. This is one quarter You start stepping in governor Tony either as a Democrat had extended the prohibition on most Travelin operations of court of non essential businesses until may twenty six in a former three ruling, the court said that was Constance. Top health official had not followed the proper process and setting the strict limits. Residents. Although the opinion centred on the technical method by which the limits have been set. Several conservative justice conveyed their dismay at the restrictions themselves. Justice, the annual Kelly, wrote this comprehensive plain to control virtually Every aspect of a person's life is something we normally associate with a prison, not a free society governed by the rule of law.
Within hours of the ruling. Some taverns for making plans for reopening ever said this turns the state to cast. People will get sick Republicans chaos or, alternatively, you know you could have done, you could guns, legislature, returns, aid can guns and legislature, but governors have, taking the sort of heavy handed action mayors and take this heavy handed action without actual reference to policy, and this is the reality at a certain point. The robbers gonna hit the road when people decide that the orders that are being promulgated no longer serve the public interest. That only a few reasons. Why you pay attention to allow you me everybody the reasons you pay attention, although one, if you don't go to jail too, because the war is well founded or three because they pay you to do so, there is some sort of benefit in doing so so Democrats, basically in any sort of heavy handed orison ones. There not well calibrated some establishing in Michigan, for example, some this have you seen in California Sum this up using an upstate New York, those orders that are not calibrated to public health they're, not calibrated, actually slipped slowing, spread that are over broad and that.
Make the sting distinction between Quantico, non essential businesses and essential businesses is, though, governors no difference or as though there is a clear cut difference and that those those orders as I say, if there are three reasons to obey, a law in one of those reasons is because the law is smart and good and wise, and that reason is not being fulfilled. That means they are basically left with with two available options. One is you: can you threaten people and others job people to democratic, trying, both their threatening people and their control? people, so their threatening people by basically suggesting that they're gonna use law enforcement to go after folks. Here, I'm going to say this good luck with that seriously. Good luck with that, things are gonna get really ugly when it turns can somebody socially distancing on a beach, and then the police show up and try to arrest that person I'm not doing anything wrong then, please take the Ghana gets caught on tape. Things are going, get quite ugly. In fact, this sort of happened in New York, there is a black person in in. I believe it was the Brooklyn area who was basically taken down by police forces for not socially.
Sensing and this led mayor build the plaza too then say Well, you know it seems like we're disproportionately resting black people were not socially distancing. This means we need to go to prosper parking. We need all the white people that they're gonna be arrested. Ok at a certain point, people you can do. I know you know what I'm not I'm not up for this, the heavier the hand of government. The more people actually feel the effect of the wall, which is why, as a general rule, the founders suggested, which is that do not pass a law or regulation, must you're willing to enforce it with a gun. That is good. Advice is very, you can make the suggestion, and then you have to allow people to risk, assess you can see that this is gonna get ugly governor, Gretchen Whittemore in Michigan yesterday said my orders are not suggestions, in other words, only use law enforcement to enforce this sort of stuff. Well, that's all fun and games until things get ugly again, and that does not suggest that people should not obey the orders that they should break the law in ways that that affect other people. But if somebody says to Governor Whittemore, listen, I'm opening my store and we're doing fifty
percent of our normal business and we're socially distancing and people are wearing, asked and then Whittemore says I'm coming in their guns, duns blazing then Whipper is wrong and people have the right to disobey that order. That is an unconstitutional order. Here's governor women. What we need to do is continue what we have done its working and for people about, want to voice their Prostration, that's fine, but I expect people to follow the law These executive orders are not a suggestion. They're not optional or not helpful, hints. Ok, gee they again. This is this: when things are going ugly, son on one hand, you have the the threat and, on the other hand, have the bribe and the bribe, as we are going to pass a three trillion dollar recovery package that is going to offer you universal basic income, a bail out all the we're gonna pay you to stay at home, and that sounds really nice and good until you realise that the economy cannot be sustained this. Why? So, right now, the United States can take an enormous amount of tat. We can
continue to take an enormous amount of that, because we are the world's best bet in terms of an economy. But, only last as long as you have not changed the underlined fundamentals of the economy? The reason that the world can bet that America will pay off her bonds is because the world believes that when all the snaps back snap back to being a very strong economy that is not heavily regulated and run from the top down. If the world started to believe that the american economy had shifted so dramatically that American Business was gonna, be run top down by the government and, if there is, can be heavy incentive for people never to work again, then guess what would be very difficult to sell our debt, in other words its easy to float debt when people think that when your credit is good, people are willing to float. You dad the minute that it becomes clear that you're using that credit card to buy Lambert Guineas instead of investing your business people are less willing to float you that, and this is what Democrats are proposing, this three Jill trillion dollar package, that their pushing right now is chock full of garbage and now there are pushing this idea that they want to fill in every salary in America under ninety thousand dollars until January. So they can see
alternatively, ban people from going to work so you're and send devising states to continue to lockdown. At that point, your incentivize in people not to go to work at that point, that's it that's being pushed by representative Gyre, Paul and several other Democrats in the House of Representatives. Meanwhile, Democrats across the country are looking for the federal government to bail out their bad pensions, yells Rick Scott. From a governor of Lord in a senator from Florida, you said yesterday we can't bail out these states. What were basically doing right now is very using the pandemic, as it is an excuse to pass bad policy that undermines the the future stability and growth potential of the United States I don't want to bail out the Gulf States, don't watch her budgets felt incidents, Israel, simple them. It's not fair software to my taxpayers, people moved to my state to get away from high taxes in New York in California. Now they want us to it's actually citizens. They want us to tax total taxpayers as our right gibberish of course, exactly correct about this. As governor of Lord up, she ran a popular,
the size of the population of the state of New York, and he actually basically balance the budget, but get me Andrew Cuomo continue to blow out that now he's turning to the federal government and begging. It's amazing how begging the federal government for help, if you're a Democrat, who makes you popular with the press, it's pretty incredible, ok. So I say there are three possibilities the Democrats can use and at anybody could use really push bad policy. One is the threat. The Whittemore the women tragic to is the bribe, Nancy Blowsy strategy, and then three as you scare, the crap out of people, and you tell them going to die if they walk outside, and this is why you have seen so many people in the in the press or bucking up against Trump went from set. So yesterday, there's big conference because Anthony found she testified before the Senate and before the Senate, Anthony Factory suggested that these schools might have remained closed in the fault present from responded by saying I don't know, evidence is based not on. We should probably reopened schools who is present in Trump yesterday. For me, it's not an acceptable answer special when it comes to schools. That would be acceptable, as I said, is professors, teachers, etc.
Over a certain age. I think I'm gonna take it easy for a few weeks time weeks for weeks who knows whatever, maybe, but I think they have to be careful because this is a disease that attacks age. In tax health. We have a heart broad overview of diabetes, of your certain age it certainly much more dangerous. Maybe he's he's corrected at all. This led to massive Lubeck he's not paying attention to the science president from he's not paying attention to Scotland Who knows more than you think you gotta more than you in the media, and we ve had skies outlive on this programme. Amazing, soon and will have a panel of experts on grown a virus that one could afford HIV Secretary, Kathleen Sabellius, who her great public health experience before that was. She was governor, and in their having on the former CDC director under Brok Obama's a couple, Barack Obama officials and known corona virus export gratifying.
It's gonna, be on CNN tonight to add value to advise us up. Other people the media have had on Doktor Burke's have had on Martinek carry have had on doktor godly. Yet out all the on my show or as a doctor godly suggested that we might be contending with colored going into the problem. I know. In September might occur later in the fall. We should at least make an attempt to open the schools. If this is not spreading widely, he says, I think, is a local vision. It's not a national level decision. At this point. There is also an article in wired talking about the fact that all over the world people are reopening their schools, because kids are not particularly vulnerable. To this thing, according to an article published in the Journal of American Medical Association JAMA, which is sort of industry standard, just one percent of patients, under ten years old and other one percent raged tend to nineteen and the residual deaths in the youngest cohort indices, dissolve in China in and united Eight. We have seen in the United States, like maybe double digit, that's for people under the age of twenty, so be the ideal. Supposed to retain school closures in this environment,
from says no this because from his very bad, it's idiotic, so all three of these strategies are bound to fail. Ok, bribery is not going to work because it is just not sustainable. Threats are not going to work because, eventually, when you use a gun again, somebody who's actually doing something reasonable people vulnerable and third, your scarce raw these are not going to work unless you can continue to put out misinformation. You know it scares me more honestly, then, the than current of irish people, my age, you know it scares me more. The powers that be part of the probability that complete or more on are going to actually be controlling our policy top down in stupid fashion, while being corrupt will get to the corruption of our public officials in just one. Second. First, let's talk about the fact. Everybody needs a great pair of wireless here, but these days, but before you go dropping hundreds of Botswana Pair need to check out the whales hereabouts brake on the already no ray come here, but started about half the price of any other premium wireless here, but on the market and that they sound just great as other top audio brands. You know their newest model, the everyday e twenty five year budget are the best ones yet six hours of playtime, seamless, Bluetooth bearing more base a more
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here is our premium level of membership. Alex's members gets participate, in all access live at is our brand new interactive programming feature featuring one of US daily wire houses. We hang out with you each night, eight p, DOT M Eastern five, p, DOT, M Pacific Michael Mosley good night, so get excited all access members also get to join us for live, exclude in our mind, United Daily where's new discussion, feature available on both website end the Delaware up. They also get the benefits of other membership two years, including an ad free website, experience access to overly broadcasts and shall library access, they'll banks in the full three hours of the bench Bureau shall long but dedicated editorials from La Alexis. Member, It also includes the singular, irreplaceable leftist years tumble by the way I dont signals hosting tonight. I think I'm hosting tonight so so so don't be dont be scared. You know, it'll be ok, I'll, be with you tonight. You won't have to the old nor
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killing you when he thinks he is putting you and it is a problem. Ok in and the giant lumber. Let let us never forget that the public officials run this country are just as venal and corrupt and self interested anybody else and very often they're making just as many mistakes as anybody else so called experts that their expert on very often they are expert on the question of statistical analysis and they are very inexpert on the question of what policy ought to be adopted. Is so here's the question? Who do you trust? You trust you to make decisions about your own welfare. In your own, well being you trust your neighbors I think one of the problems here, as well as we lost a sense of community that we feel like we can make in many areas, can be irresponsible and is gonna sneeze all over me. So I need to governments, tell my neighbour to stay away from me or you look here. Community figure, like everybody, is basically responsible around here when a socially distance there in a socially distance. I know my neighbour, my neighbour, doesn't want needed. I want my neighbour to die. The loss of community has been
serious problem, because it turns out that the attempt to use government in order to create community is a failure, because government is not capable making a sort of pinpoint decisions that are necessary to balance competing interests. The government can just come in and smash. That's it ok we'll run. The government are no better than you there, no worse than you, and that means that you're gonna get your fair share of stupidity and corruption. The story, that's being wildly to play by the media in this truly is an amazing story. There's a health official for overseeing nursing homes in Pennsylvania. Seventy percent of all stakeholders, related deaths in Pennsylvania have occurred in nursing homes. They help secretaries, imprisoning doktor, Rachel, Levine, ok, Doktor, Rachel Levine is we had a policy. The policy was that during the covert nineteen outbreak, that facilities in the state continue to accept a convict patients who had been discharged from hospitals but were unable to return to their homes. So if your eighty, in your diagnosis, covered one
back into the nursing home where promptly infected everyone and everybody died. This is Rachel Levine's, stated policy in a doctor, refolding elsewhere? Mother is most ninety five years old, his mother was in personal care home and Man said you know what I'm kind of feeling on safer doctrine ritual having problems. I'm out of the old age on and on and took her home. So since the official who saying don't worry Keeping the nursing home state is safe by forcing Calvin impatience back. It was also said, oh yeah, by the way taking them out of the nursing on how that has received much less attention, then, for example, Kelly Lawford, the sender from Georgia, who has been accused, sort of trading on insider information about wrote a virus is beyond me like Really one of those decisions lead to the direct deaths of nearly three thousand people. And one of those decisions lead to the personal enrichment of a centre. It seems to me one more serious than the other in both these areas. But one thing is much more serious by the way, there's still questions as to what Kelly, lawful or new and what,
She was in fact trading on the insider information also by but there's undermine the general point, which is that everybody is self interested. Today at the agents seized the cell phone data, assented intelligence committee, chairman, richer borough, ranking Republican from North Carolina as part of an investigation into a stock sales burnt, his wife, so between six hundred thousand one point: seven million dollars in stocks over thirty transactions between late January and through MID February before the stock market plunge and his warnings of the corona virus pandemic became more severe. The bulk of stocks sales from her too, on February thirteenth. Just before he made a speech predicting extreme measures would have to be taken to check the spread of the virus. So, honestly, if he was, if he was saying that way, you know that like in the coming days the is going a rodent selling his thoughts. At the same time, there really is no scandal or, if your conveying the public the thing getting really bad and also on selling my socks. That's not a scandal is only scanned you're telling the public everything is fine, well you're, selling or stocks right that that would be a real problem.
Voters untold CBS News in March Profile, the financial disclosure form for personal transactions made several weeks before you ass an annual markets, showed signs of volatility due to the growing corona virus outbreak. It is illegal for members to trade stock based on information? The public doesn't have Bertelsmann. Three centres voted against the legislation banning such trading in two thousand and twelve, and he said that he relied solely on public news reports to guide his decision regarding the stem cell research now he's under FBI investigation joint those people making rules for you, but how about like the New York City Health? Had you think, though, that we should making Oak Cyrus BAR You think that we should have her. Making the public health rules in early March is telling everybody. Everything was fine in your city, not only that, according to the proposed New York cities, health, commissioner, Lou, often urgent, Nypd request for four million surgical masks. As the court of irish crisis Mountain telling a high ranking police official quote, I dont give to rat asses about your cops. That was the end Y see health. Commissioner. I dont give too.
That's asses about your cops and then, of course, you can rely on the cops to enforce social distancing measures by tackling people. Cyrus Barber made the heartless remarked during a brief phone conversation in late March, late March, nineteen February late March, when Europe was shut down with Nypd Chief departed Harris Monaghan, Montana, ass, marble, four five hundred thousand mast. She said she could only provide fifty thousand aren't you rat asked about your cops. I need them for others, the conversations places increasing numbers of cars from calling out sick with symptoms recover nineteen, but before that apartment suffered its first casualties, Nypd has required.
Five thousand for her ninety cases of growth of ours among fifty five thousand cops and civilian workers, Patrick Lynch President or the police benevolence association- call for both to be fired on her despicable and unforgivable comments that apartment appealed to City Hall. They arranged for the Nypd to get two hundred. Fifty thousand surgical mass- these are the people who run your policy. You trust those people. Really I mean it are these people, you trust, and in this does cross streams. This does cross streams in a pretty significant way with the Michael Flint story, because the Mechlin story also shows the people who are in charge of your policy are no better than you. This is why you have checks and balances in american government. It is why we do not want an economy run top down. It is why we don't actually want policy run top down. What see as localised as humanly possible, then the constant calls, the media we must have. A national strategy must have a coordinating figure at the top of american government in every way. No, that's actually the opposite of what you mean. What you need is as decentralized a process as possible for determining risk and reward calculations
What you need, what you need is resources are made available immediately, centralized clearing house those resources made available like liked ventilators situation. They need the resources made available. But let us also be clear about this. If the states competed to buy ventilators, you think that companies are not going to shift into ventilator production, but the fact is that the defence production ACT was basically invoke for public policy purposes is basically in both not for public house even for public representation per It is for PR is basically that the federal government could tell the media we're doing everything that we can do their defence production act doesn't actually mean more ventilators are made. It just means that the first ventilators that are made good, the federal government states competing to hey ventilators means that companies shift into ventilator production. Asia, like everybody, understood this, so that in the notion that the federal government is the first stop here or the federal
I was: U makers are capable of doing this stuff. It's amazing. There are so many people these days. We are saying that this demonstrates the need for expertise. Experts provide you information. What this demonstrates is that experts are not capable of making good broad based decisions for hundreds of millions of human beings than what you actually need in the end is what the founders always talked about, which is Localism, first and foremost that what you actually need our checks and balances on american government. Imagine if their bills check and balance on the seat. See when it came to an end, information, free flowing and checks in bed, he's on the CDC at in your letters, the pandemic. Imagine the infirm, You ve been flowing through much more freely from the CDC in the FDA to state. Localities localities, for example, and we knew what going- I was gonna virus much earlier and that information was really coming out much earlier and the CDC had not been banning people from doing preliminary best in Washington,
the cities, you literally told people labs there were capable of doing early corn of our assessing not to do it because it violated CDC protocols. Experts are there to provide information. They are not there to provide the quota decisions that rule your life. You are supposed to make those decisions in coordination with your immediate neighbours, because guess who's most situated know about what you and your neighbours need. You and your neighbors time for a thing that I hate: Aristo speaking of corruption, Mark Kelly I is doing really well in this. You are Senate race, in Arizona running against mark against Martha excelling, Martha Mcnally, of course, loss centre, race to Christian Cinema, and then she was appointed to fill the open Senate seed. That was provided when, when John Mccain passed away, Omar Kelly's is running against Turkey's raised oodles of money, and now he is caught up in a corruption scanned of his own, according to real capacity, and this thing is not receiving anything like the sort of attention it should be, because Morocco is a Democrat
the former NASA astronaut, who commanded the seconds last based shovel mission and spent twenty five years in the Navy, ready acknowledges. The myriad threats China poses to the United States, but the reality, is that he has some fairly corrupt ties with China. Kelly has been farmer reticence about investment by chinese company and a commercial space exploration. Ventricle founded the company tat giant. Ten cent is one of the world's largest internet. Enter rises and owns the chinese social media live from week at the text platforms. More than a billion users and is suspected of monitoring the activity of many of them inside nuts. I China involves twenty four the ceo of worldview enterprises, which is the company Kaliko, founded, announced during Is it of aging the tens? and had invested in undisclosed sum of money in the tube. They space travel venture in April two thousand. Sixteen, as the fifteen million our investment round worldview announced that he received more funds from ten cents, along with three other venture capital firms, Ten cent was already under intense your skin before the covered at nineteen world crisis, in addition to surveillance suspicions, ten cents vacuous backlash,
suspending streaming of NBA Games after Houston? his general manager praised Hong Kong democracy, protests last fall, which has been censoring keywords related to cover nineteen, since at least January first there's by partisan approval the idea that ten cent is danger. And as an arm of the Chinese Communist Party. Kelly served as strategic advisers, the until my should send a campaign. Last year he maintains, no financial stake in the company between a hundred thousand into under fifty thousand dollars worth of non public stock and between fifteen grand and fifty thousand grand worth of stock options. His eldest daughter works. There is the company's business opportunity manager, also Kelly's camping, except a vibrant from the wall. Augustine service, ten cents, chief exploration officer, so he's been funded in large part, or at least in insignificant part by ten percent. An increasing dependence and government contracts doesn't seem to have given Kelly pause about ten cents investment. If we, if he had, if it has not been up about it, they Kaliko
his sidestepped questions from roquelaire politics and whether he believes the chinese companies investment is appropriate and whether the money should be returned. A campaign spokesperson told our cp marked experiences. A pilot NASH rot in aid. Him to help bound worldview and Tucson, which has worked with the Department of Defense and NASA while creating jobs and generate millions in economic impact and your fertile questions about hence and investment to worldview itself. So that seems like that is worth. Some investigation does not the fact that a Senate candidate has a large stake in a company that is being funded by ten percent, which is basically a chinese front group Pretty incredible stuff, but apparently that does not rise to the level of requiring massive media attention, but what we do actually focus. Our attention on is only richer, but we should. We should focus our attention on issues like this one, which, obviously is, is a disturbing one, so they that that is there.
Do not answer some questions Michaelis Gonna have to answer some questions: motorway so's so's, Joe Biden, who'd, said for months and months. That rising. China was actually good for the world a job, but Joe Biden has been pretty during his tenure. He was pretty soft on China and softness on China is going to blow back against him at some point: the Trump administration, has been much harsher on China than the Obama nutrition ever was as we move forward towards the election there. A lot of Americans me among them very, very angry at the chinese government and from ought to campaign on that, and if Democrats decides to take the the bizarre case that China is not right before this or the trumpets being too mean to China. Good luck with that political, take, ok and other things that I hate let's talk about new regulations in the Michael Flynn case So there's no revelation in the microphone case. Apparently there was a There is a report that is out about who tried to unmask
of one's identity during the Russia problem. So here's the way this works. If there is a wiretap that happens of a foreign national, an American is caught up in that wiretap. Persons name is hidden because you are not allowed Savell american citizens without National Pfizer warrant Oh I'd Savell american citizens without some sort of go go ahead, that person's name is kept confidential and it's got private unless an actual request for on masking from inside the executive branch in these are supposed to be rare, they're not supposed to be done unless you actually have a true suspicion of analogy, whereas it turns out Susan Rice, who is the national security adviser to President Obama, asked for Michael Flynn to be unmasked, so she could see his name and then I was we weaken circulating within the Obama administration to everybody, knew the Michael Flynn headed on the phone with sorry, because lack now again, there's nothing illegal about Michael Flynn being on the former Yugoslavia. Nothing there's nothing illegal about that. The incoming national security adviser on the phone with the russian ambassador is not illegal. In any way shape or form the abandonment
fresh and decided to circulate one's name specifically to generate all sorts of concern. That Flynn was in Thrall to the Russians. Will now it turns out and a bunch of people in the Obama administration were very very concerned with Michael Flynn according to the new post from of ice residential by an informer ip address origin call me we're among the top officials who tried to unmask microphones identity during the Russia Prob. According to a report by the actions, Rector of National Intelligence, Richard Grenelle, the bombshell letter for bordered by Fox NEWS on Wednesday afternoon was censorable in centres by Grenelle, as they seek to investigate the origins of the FBI's malign probe into russian interference in the two thousand. Sixteen election tell shoes John Brennan and James Clapper were also included on the list of twenty three Obama era. Officials, who allegedly try to reveal identity of Flynn. During the present a transition period so as Obama human staff than has been done- in former years ambassador to the: U N Samantha power nine names rejected for parent national security purposes
maiden name emerged and connections. The flint I'm asking a day after he denied any knowledge of the Flint Robe George stuff Monopolise had asked him. Why did you not These moves to investigate flag. Was there anything improper done? He said. I know nothing about these moves to investigate Michael Flynn. Well, weird, because Not only were you in a meeting with Barack Obama and member the GEO Jane FBI were members of the deal we were shocked to learn their album actually knew about the phone call and there they were shocked at that Obama himself was in will bind was at their meeting. Now, it turns out. Abide was unwise to people asking for the unmasked fled and again here we're supposed to amass people when there is an actual suspicion of criminal activity and when you are trying to information from their person because you might suspect that person is going to be a criminal ran pulse from Kentucky you went off on his did listen. This is this is use of power, and it is abusive, our vice, Biden and more than a dozen Obama administration officials request did and received the power to unmask General Flynn.
During his phone call with the russian ambassador James Clapper, James Combing, John Brandon Samantha powers and the president's chief of staff. All in visually ask to unmask General Flynn and to listen his phone conversation. Intriguingly dozens, more administration, officials all chose to unmask general Flynn. Now again, it's ok, two unmasked, somebody for purposes of internal discussion. You can do that. What is not? Ok, that within a day, If this had been led to the Washington Post, that's illegal working, american citizens name after a masking, that's illegal, and when it turns out that every, but you have to know that the natural consequence, Every single person in the Obama administration for five mile radius unmask. It is very likely that can end up with a media. Everybody sort of gets this winter. Or has a peace over the Washington examiner, pointing this out and say that he says
we are making too much of the UN masking itself, which could have been entirely justified. But what was almost certainly illegal was leaked to the Washington Post of the information about those unmasked calls and again Should there be a presumption and somebody's going to be late if it turns out that that everybody inside the the Obama administration was requesting. Your masking at a certain point, has become a little bit predictable at this thing. That leads to the media. So president from one often by nations, how does Biden know nothing about the amassing? If he's one of the massacres Many literally said he knew nothing about. The investigation is one of the people requesting me. I'm asking I watched buying yesterday good morning, America being interviewed by one of your colleagues joy, step, Annapolis, and he said you know nothing about anything, he has no idea. He knows nothing about any that nothing at all. And it s release today that he was a big masker. Sorry, you know nothing of you wanna they unmask yours. One of the very big stars and special have
If it's possible, even bigger stories coming out back shack, a true fact check for a bad way. I think of the finest moment here came from a Biden. Persons abiding spokesperson, Slam, CBS Catherine Heritage is a reporter on this beat and she reported about me, I'm asking Joe Biden spoke for promptly? Tweeted outcomes and rebate? Catherine heritage is a partisan rightwing hack, whose regular kind, but for conservative media manipulation. Ploys because she agrees to publicize things before contacting the target to ask for comments made nothing richer than Biden person attacking members. The media is it: is it into an assault on our free press and our free press institutions? It just an assault. By the way, I will note that it is pretty astonishing that members of the Obama tribe in the Biden tried the political tribe here that those people are very upset with the media if so the media guys Youtube you were you leave this information to the media in the first place, Susan by the way was asked for comment on all of the masking stories and though she declined should be. We ran away from the rapporteur,
how do you respond to those who say you use your power with unmask employ sixty? I wanted it just asking about the OJ investigating the origins of the Russia probe. Do you think they'll find anything any wrongdoing and partly alone ministration. Now I did with deejay steering thanks to you, common on them exploring the origins of the Russia probe investigating the investigators. Do you think it's a worthy causative that company? Thank you? Ok, so net That is the way that the Obama administration, Yellows professionals, who definitely did not politicize intelligence, but we're leaking everything that they could find about. The Trump administration out to the public that the brilliant really handling the wall. Street journal has got its world today about Is this it? When news stories appeared in early twenty, seventeen about microphones conversation with russian ambassador to the Eu S? These comes wondered: how friends call which are widely known: the names of private citizens caught on tape by yours. Intelligence are post me mask so the privacy is protected. Well now, you know jalopy centre
Chuck Grassland RON Johnson on Wednesday released a declassified list of Obama, administration officials when they're waiting days in power unmasked. The conversations of Mr Flynn, who is set to become a trumpet national security advisor it seems everybody, but then I gender wanted to know who Flynn was talking to a stunning. Thirty nine Artificial snoop, dumplings conversations with foreign actors lodging nearly fifty unmasked demands between November thirtieth twenty sixteen in January, twelve, twenty seventeen sources. Southern ITALY doesn't reject names unless I likely intelligence types might have a legit interest. Most of the rest, our partners and officials. Slim was announced by these three was ambassador. Six treasury officials. People can The energy and Justice Department and NATO, then FBI director James, call me ventilated record John Brennan and then director of DNA Director of National Intelligence, Jim Scrapper, also made the list before mass muse important. They say because it occurred amid a media frenzy over suppose it from campaign collusion with Russia there. Other doubts to connect documents released late last week show that former deputy attorney general
tell you first learned about the Flint wiretapping from Barack Obama. Personally, in January, fifty two thousand seventeen oval office meeting I was one of the unmasked masters must have told Obama and the questioner and is not the and asking the question is: why was always Bingley doubt and the answer? Is it our institutions, the same institutions that are now tasked with making decisions about you and your and your level of freedom, those institutions, but this one beyond the pot beyond Bawtree beyond battery the goodness that so long as they are targeting from they always have love the media. Adam chef, you spent three years, lie the trunk Russia collusion, was going to reveal the sea. Festering wound in the body of America's politics. Yesterday he said It was, it was bill. Bar was politicizing Addio J Bilbil It's all bull bars, while for dropping occasions when the problem is that Bill bar has so politicized the Justice Department, justice system that people can have confidence.
A decision like this to release all metaphor to do our homework imprisonment is based on the merits of this system, stinks and ass, the rest out of a billboard over the size and the Justice Department. People have lost confidence in it, tragedy. That justice is blind; instead, they think they're justice. Then the door I'm from swell and that's just a tremendous their services and restore the rule of law. I dont think about risks to the rule of law from Adam the leadership our risks to rule of law, and this from this bad tools already time for a quick thing that I like so things that I like today, you're lookin for a classic, maybe I'll, give you the classic movie that class movies at the godfather every line is a classic all. The performances are just spectacularly opportunity before he went full Albert Gina, and actually had some somebody to him. He's phenomenal mile in Brando is not you forget how good the movies, and so you re watching it's one of those movies that is so well white
forget that is actually an amazing piece of lawmaking that it is. It is entertaining from begin to end the dialogue is fantastic. Over performances are just great starting on Godfather, to which it may be even better, it is possible. The godfather trilogy is the best relieve all time. You know the third one stinks, and it did that just because the first two are maybe two of the five best movies ever made. So if you're looking for something to watch tonight and make sure you go check out the godfather, if you haven't seen it for a while you're honestly, you probably forgotten how good it is. I did and I used to watch it like incessantly so go check out. The godfather watching like Capone, whichever is just trash so check that are already we back later today, with two additional hours of content so we have no access live tonight. So subscribe becoming Alexis member hang out with you in our tonight. I will wear a t shirt that is always the case. Are, there probably will be singing and bizarre bizarre musical sort of interruptions. It it gets weird
gets weird, but you can be part of all the weirdness over a daily wire dotcom. Slash, subscribe, we'll see you, then I'm bench appearances, garage up. If you enjoyed this episode, don't forget to subscribe and if you want to help spread. The word. Please give us a five star review and tell your friends to subscribe to were available and Apple podcast Spotify and wherever you listen apart. Gas also be sure to check out the other dearly where podcast, including reclaiming, show A Michael Knowles Show and the Matt Walsh show thanks for listening, the Ben Shapiro Show is produced by Colton Haas directed by MIKE Joyner executive producer, Jeremy, Boreing Superba. Producer Math is clever and Robert Sterling assistance erect. Have a wide housekeeper technical producer. Austin Stevens play back and media operated by next. She had associate producer Katie's Winterton edited by Adam silence. Audio is mixed by MIKE core amino here and make up is by negligence. The men Shapiro Show is a daily where production happy daily wire, twenty twenty, the other
asking of MIKE Flynn in the last days of the Obama administration is the most egregious political scandal of our lifetimes, and we just learning. All the way up to Joe Biden, maybe even higher. While the new masking border in allay caps off the most arbitrary political power grab of our lifetimes. Luckily, president rumpus, starting to break with his expert doktor dictator Then another rough interview for Joe Biden, a big republican California and finally, the mail bag, all that more check it out and Michael knowledge
Transcript generated on 2020-05-15.