« The Ben Shapiro Show

Ep. 1006 - The Quiet Rebellion


More and more Americans consider venturing outside despite heavy government pressure; the media continue to push non-answers to reopening; and a Dallas shop owner becomes a national flash point.

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
More and more Americans consider venturing outside despite heavy government pressure. The media content push non answer is to reopening and Adela shop when it becomes a national flashpoint. I'm of, as is the venture Barroso, show yeah he's been Shapiro Show is sponsored by expressing deep in your online activity, should not be public protectors, often expressive gps, dot, com, Slash Ben, we'll get to all the in just a moment, everything to run a virus related plus the shooting of a black man in for that is generating a national headlines as well. It should we'll get to all of that momentarily. First, these days, we're looking for ways to stay fit at home, but here's the thing exercise equipment can be very bulky, can take up a lot of room anything they have to buy all sorts of giant exercise equipment in order for you to stay in shape. This is just not true one of the easiest ways to stay in shape. You don't really think about it, but you see your boxers doing in people who train doing it is jumping
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our bury apologize them announcing his name on twenty five zero black men who was killed in February after being chased by two armed men who told police you look like a burglary suspect, according to the Washington Post here it with the video, is actually available of the shooting. It appears that the video was taken by a member of the basically the passing of these, of these two guys were one of whom was in a retired cop and his son, so in the video, what what you're out to sea and very graphics, if you dont want to watch this, then by all means turn away from listening to it all out. Scrap it for you. But basically what you're about to see is this twenty five zero black men who appears to be
logging and he has drawn down the road and then right in front of him. There is a white pickup truck in the back of the white pickup truck is in older gentlemen. An older man who is who is carrying a gun and outside of the truck is his son, was in authorities and is carrying a shotgun in this whole thing is being film from behind, presumably by one of their friends, because whilst we just be filming random black eye running down the road, so here's what the video shows me play video known there. It is you can see that what's happening right here is our bury jogging, Raymie doesn't appear, be sprinting away or sprinting sideways. You sort of moves toward the left side of the truck. Then he proceeds to run around the right side of the truck when he sees you came fronted and there's a man they're carrying a shotgun and and carrying the shop and he confronts the mouth shut and grabs the shot on, and then you can see the big they get into a fight, and at that point the man with the shot on appears to be their pull the trigger or or the pagodas pulled and his fingers.
The trigger it in our berries that in our various killed in the video, it also appears- and it's hard to tell the man on the back of the shot on the back of the pickup truck. It looks like he takes a pot shot before any shot is fired from the shock, and although it's difficult to tell from the video, because the video is kind of Grannie, so here is the backstory on this and that these these the white guys who shot the black eye, they were not prosecuted for two months. Your left to go free for two months and that's why but he is starting to go crazy because they think it why? For two months, was nobody arrested for all this? So here is the backstory and then we'll go through the various legal arguments on behalf of first murderer verses, second, remoter, slash manslaughter in this particular case. Whatever you say, the legal case here to put these guys and in jail is, is pretty strong and there are several pieces to go through to talk about that today. Again, it's on tape. The tape is is at least somewhat
positive as to what happened here. If you were a mantra running down the road and you were confronted by people with Guns- and there are blocking your way in an attempt to stop you, it would not be out of you're out of your purview to run and try to fight the guy with the guns get away right out of the way they were literally attempting to obstruct him. It was not as though they pulled him, so their regional narratives will see that they pulled this pulled off to the side of him and asked him to stop if they thought that he had burglarize something. There is not a lot of evidence, apparently that they actually seen the burglary and process which would change the stand. You're under law, because you are only allowed to pursue somebody and try to arrest them. If you actually see a crime in progress of Europe can make a citizen's arrest there's an actual citizens. Rest law instead of Georgia. That does not appear to have been fulfilled here, so they charge around the. So they stopped. Him looks like mill the rotten called a friend and friends This whole thing, and if you're, that guy in years running down the road- and you see somebody forget not race for a second view- see somebody with a shot on the guy in the back of the pickup truck with a handgun and their attempting to stop you and you ve committed no crime, and you can't get around them.
What the hell are you supposed to do. Rebecca actually has in extraordinarily strong self defense last stand around claim they jogged or nuts are buried. Does ok, so here is the lead up to do. All of this is according to the New York Times. I've put our very love to run. It does have a twenty five year old former haste Stu football standards did fit his friends out. It is not unusual to see him running around the outskirts of the small Coastal Georgia City near where we live. On a Sunday afternoon in February, as MR our very ran through a suburban neighbourhood of ranch houses in Maastricht Oaks, he passed a man standing
front yard later told the police that are very look like a suspect in a string of break ins. According to a police report, the man Gregory MC, Michael, whose sixty four called out to his son Travis, make Michael thirty four. They grab their weapons at three fifty seven Magnum revolver and shot on jumped into a truck and began following MR our bury ok. So as we will see the question as to whether they actually witnessed a crime in progress and then got active, is one of the operative questions. Here. You don't have the right to let's say that three weeks ago you saw grainy videotaping, so I looked. I saw that watch on the shrimps. Just like that's aspect in Georgia, you don't have the right to go. Grab you're, gonna. Try to rest. I thought you can't effectually a citizen's restless wash the crime in progress, and you are attempting to stop the crime. This will become an issue. Stop stop. They shouted at mister. Our very want to talk to you moments later after struggle over the shotgun
berry was killed, shot at least twice no one has been charged were arrested in connection with February twenty third killing. The cases received little attention beyond Brunswick, but a raised questions in the community about Rachel profiling is our very was black and the father and son are white and about the interpretation of the states. Self defense was now again. The the level of the of the charge is going to be at issue when this thing does go to work as it will go to court number one because how'd, you interpret the first grammar statute. They stopped dead in the middle of the road if this was a false imprisonment connected with a kiss thence. First remark, meaning that if this is the equivalent of a kidnapping because they had no evidence at the guy, actually committed a crime and then they shot him, then its felony murder. If there is evidence that the guy had committed a crime or if they thought he had committed a crime reasonably rather with the jury is going to determine, then then the attempts to arrest him could end up
something more can do manslaughter, because its fairly obvious, when you have somebody video in a situation like this from behind that you don't actually expected it's going to end in somebody getting shot, re makes no sense for People's allies you'd be tracking this guy down the street because they want to watch him get shot on tape. Just these guys can get into painted red tape. Is the most damning thing about this. If there had been, no tape would be very difficult to indict, because all you would have as the accounts of the people involved, and that would be again very difficult on the basis of evidence on evidence alone. The tape is the most damning thing about anything in this. In this entire compendium of that are very was killed three days before the anniversary of the two thousand and killing of Craven Martin, the unarmed african american teenagers confrontation with Florida, neighbourhood watch. Captain George Zimmermann helps ignite the black lives matter movement, and it is. Born to distinguish the fact patterns of these particular cases. In particular case, there is controversy because Zimmermann again followed travel Martin by sermons. Testimony which, again there is no tape tabled, have been very helpful in the georgian link. Has there's no tape in that case, Zimmermann testified that he follow.
Martin. Then he turned around and then Martin confronted him, and then Martin was on top of him by witnessed testimony beating his head into the pavement, there's a struggle over the gun and he shot Martin. That is a different fact pattern than this one, where you have to people lying in wait for the guy coming down the road and then the guy on basic self defense grounds attempts to defend himself also, as we'll see, there's all sorts of racial stuff. They came up in the german case where the media basically lied about Zimmermann. They suggested that he was clearly doing this because he was racist. They suggested that she was a a white person, even though he was actually hispanic, and then they term him a white hispanic. They suggested that there is no evidence that it actually been hit by Martin One intact. Get a broken knows that there are all sorts of complicating factors in the George Zimmermann case in that case was overcharged by the prosecution of they charge of manslaughter fairly decent shot. They would have connected them, but when it comes to this particular case, to get back to the fact that here, according to documents obtained by the Euro
a prosecutor who had the case for a few weeks, told the police, the pursuers had acted within the scope of georgian citizens arrest statute and the Travis Mc Michael, who held the shotgun, had acted out of self defence. The police report doesn't mention whether our very was in possession of weapon. Apparently he was not the prosecutor who wrote the letter was again in George Barnhill who's. The district attorney for Georgia's way cross judicial circuit and had refused himself from the case this month after a berries family complained. Yet a conflict of interest, a prosecutor from another county was then put in charge, and then he decided that the same will go to a grand jury yesterday. So the the fact pattern is obviously in dispute here, but, as we'll see, will go through the before now. The fact that our momentarily the pattern cuts in favour of a of an indictment at the very least friends and family say that our bury was exercising. One of his friends said everybody in the community knows he runs others can our very was up to no good on the day of the shooting apparently moments before the chase. A neighbour, a neighbour and scintilla shores called Mandela. Nine, when one telling the despair
a black men and won T shirt was inside a house, those under construction and only partially closed in And he's running right now the man told the dispatcher there. He goes right now again. That is not a burglary of cadence it like being on a construction site where there is nothing worth stealing is not a burglary and you ever walked in and open his truck, since I have Virgil ever know, has a walking around a neighborhood. You wanna see had our constructing a house and you walk into the construction site. That is not a crime, but get it certainly not a primary. The tree, someone down and then hold them Ebay because year, you because you're waiting for the cops two gun in his letter to the police, Barnhill noted that our bury had a criminal past corpse Ruckert Court records show that our very was convicted shoplifting and violating probation into that
eighteen five years earlier, according to the Brunswick NEWS, whose indicted on charges you took a hand onto a high school basketball game, none of which is supremely relevant to what happened in this particular case, you bring a gun to a high school basketball game five years beforehand. That has no relevance as to why these particular people are trying to block your particular way on this particular highway, just going through the fact that her, even if our very committed a property crime on the effort, he was killed. Activists in family members who said it would not have warranted a chased by
neighbours and then we get into the racial wish right, our various mother sent you believe the men had judged her somebody, my skin color she's, not believe he committed any crimes that eighty had she said he should have been handled by the police. Now I didn't agreed should be handled by the police when we get into the racial angle. Here, that's where things start to start. You go sideways. The reason I say that is because certainly you can interpret this as a racial shooting. It's too it it's! It's three white wet men, apparently confronting a young black men in disputed circumstances and then killing it remained than he shot the question, as always, when it comes to overwhelm us people getting involved in cases,
this, which is what it appears to be again, they had this on tape. What it appears is it about race. Is it about racism against a black man running into largely wide area, or if they were hispanic and we're running through the neighbourhood? Would they have made the call if it had been a guy who looked like he was a white guy who who they were suspicious of wood? They made the same call. In other words, is it possible that these are overzealous cops or overzealous Constance at the thousand ex cop rights than the, and very often you juicy this? I mean that this is that the pointed out of guerrilla has made before that, if your black person, America, with the terrible history of law enforcement with lack Americans, if a if your pulled over for speeding as a black man and you you didn't really think they were speeding and the white Officer Came- was rude to you, you might assume that it was because the officers racist because Adam Corollas White Guy, he says I'm just assume that the officers in April
right is its unclear in this particular case, whether its racial, the same thing by the way was true. With regard to the George Zimmermann case and the George Zoom in case, there are several investigations, including a federal investigation by the Erika, the Justice Department that found no evidence of racial, and hence, in that particular case. We dont actually know whether there is racial, intense here. The attempt to blow this up into a racial narrative- maybe right maybe, but we don't have the evidence of that now- that does not change whether these guys should be indicted. So that brings us to the state of the law. Ok, so there are a couple of different pieces on this that are worth going through. One is for my friends, even french, who is a very very good boy or over at the dispatch. He says that the the killers should be arrested and tried for murder. He says: let's, let's walk through the events, then he goes through. All of the evidence will go through all the evidence in just one. Second, it will go through for the legal case then we'll get to the,
broader political ramifications, because one thing is obviously true. If the if the media can treat a terrible incident like this as an incident that indicted America more broadly along lines, racism, it becomes a national story, doesn't stopping a national story and the media encourages that if it turns out in everybody's like ok. This is a bad shooting and maybe it was racist and maybe it wasn't, but these guys should be at least tried then the controversy goes away. How do I know this because that's exactly what happened in the case of Walter Scott who's, the black man in South Carolina whose gun down by a police officer, please also lied about it. It was on tat. The police officer ended up in his name's Michael's legal. He ended up in jail for twenty years, no controversy whatsoever because everybody here We agree to a bad thing. You should go to jail is only when the media can turn it into a broader incitement of american racism that the media are injured
in the story. So the fact that there are seems to be pretty broad and wide agreement that these guys, the very late we should go to a grand jury and be indicted and then get their day in court. It kind of cuts against the idea that Americans are deeply desirous of protecting people on the basis of a possible racial going we'll get to that in just one second. First, let's talk about the reality, which is that it is very difficult to see a doctor these days on average people have to around twenty nine days to see a doctor in major your city cells before covered nineteen. Well, if you're dealing with the condition like erect out this function or hairless recalled source, you want treatment, a sap, that's why our friends at Roman I've spent years building a digital platform that can connect you with the doktor licensed interstate off from the comfort of home, just grab your phone or computer, completely free online visit. You will hear back from a: U S license physician within twenty four hours. If the doktor decides, the treatment is right for you, Romans farm
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and then calls me and I have not witness the crime and then it is back as running down your street. You should go, do something about it. No citizens arrest for me right. This is something that I get to do so in the call. The guy makes it There is no media break any said. There's a guy in the house right now. It's under construction, the man gave her dress the dispatcher and the dispatcher says you said someone's breaking into it right now. A man. No, it's all open its under construction. Ok, so right now is very obvious that the person is not witnessing a crime and progress which is very different from the original story. We were told by the prosecutor, who recommended not charging is at all. We witnessed a crime and process. That's what was happening so George. As citizens arrest statue kicks in net? Not not by this nine? When one call it doesn't, the dispatcher says: that's final, get the police out. Just need to know what he was doing wrong when you just on the premises and not supposed to be the next sentence. The guy says: he's been caught on camera bunch at night. It's kind of an ongoing thing. Man building the house about hard issues, I think he's not gonna finish it and the dispatches. Ok, that's fine! You said it was a male in a black t, shirt and the guy says: White T shirt black eye white,
sure he's done run into the neighbourhood again. So now the guy is trying to link. This are very fellow with rainy, video footage from prior crimes against none of this is immediate, as will see that makes a difference. The Georgia law is, you have to immediately witness a crime. It is not. I saw take three weeks ago, summary shoplifting now that guy appears My neighbour honeys walking round open construction site now. This does not count it minutes later. Another person calls made one one. The guy says I measured scintilla shores as blackmail running down the street. Ok. Well, last I checked the blackmail running down. The street is not actually a crime interested description of a human being running down the swift, so how that qualifies as it is worthy of you need to stop him and threatened him with a gun. I have no idea and the discussions where its Attila Shores demands is. I don't know what street were on and then he says: stop. He can be heard. Shouting. Watch that stop dammit stop the call goes blank for several minutes. Dispatcher try
to reach the collar and call a venture. We hang up at some point. In the sequence says: David French, a man in Gregory met Michael sought, are very allegedly hauling asked down the street, not clear. If Mc Michael is one of the nine, when one collars made Michael told these there have been several brigands in the neighbourhood and the suspect was caught on surveillance video. He grabbed his three fifty seven, his son grabbed a shot on the agenda Our burying their vehicles are a few things that are important here. No one, there were not a least report has made a break ins and scintilla shores from general for September. Twenty third by local newspaper coverage. There was a grand total of one one. Can some one police report on breaking in the area. Again, this is rather distinguishing from the case in in Georgia means neighborhood in Florida, where there had been a huge spate of break ins that everybody acknowledge the corn police reports from the police report. It appears there were two vehicles in three individuals involved in the chase. Michael said, he tried to cut off our very on the road sudden and individual named Roddy made Michael's. That says he then got into the bed of the pickup truck and continued the
here is how the police report describes the fatal encounter. Michael stated they saw the unidentified male shouted. Stop stop. I want to talk to you make Michael stated: they pulled up beside the mail and shouted stop again at which time Travis exited the truck with a shotgun Michael stated, the unidentified male begins violently attacked Travis, and the two men then started fighting over the shot gun, at which point Travis fired a shot and a second later there is a second shot make Michael stated the male fellow face down on even with his hand under his body, they Michael steady, he rolled them over to see if the meal had a weapon okay. So there are a few things about this particular police report that do not job with the facts, one it appears there. Just if you play the tape, you can hear three shots not to second, the notion that he pulled up next to him is not true that the vehicles waiting directly in the center of the road right, so that those that part is not true. So as different points out, the video doesn't depict Mc Michael pulling up beside our very, but instead chosen waiting blocking the robot struck our very changes direction to avoid the truck Travis Michael moves, intercept our very while holding a shot in the two scuffled and then Travis fires. Three
although it is not clear again whether Travis fires through shots or whether somebody in the back of the truck fires a shot first and then there are two shots fired from the shop and not not totally clear. But you can your three shots not too. So as as David French points out, the Brunswick NEWS noted only one burglary had been reported to local police between January first and the day of the shooting, also Mc Michael's for police, detective and investigator for the Brunswick District Attorney's office. According to the New York Times, the first district attorney Jackie Johnson refused herself because Michael had worked with a second district attorney slipped away from the case, also because he knew me Michael so his argument was the three men were in hot pursuit of a burglary, aspect with solid, first improbable cause in the effort to execute a citizen's arrest, and he says this was just open. Carrying weapons is lawful in Georgia. The shooting occurred only after our very attack me Michael and try to grab he shot on, which again goes to. The question is whether this was a premeditated
moreover, in the sense that they were waiting to ambush in which it does not appear to be or whether they were waiting to arrest him, and they had no right to arrest him and sows imposes a shooting that was combined with false imprisonment, which would amounts felony, murder. That's the case French is going to make Georgia. Why does indeed permit a person's executed citizens arrest, but in very narrow circumstances? The relevant false arrest statute holds that quota. Private person may arresting offender if the offences committed in his presence or within his immediate knowledge. If the offence is a felony and the offenders escaping or attempting to escape a private person, they arrest him upon reasonable and probable causes sufficient. Once the citizens arrest is properly made. Georgia requires this and to take the suspect before judicial officer or apiece officer, without any any unnecessary delay. Its also true that no more awful attempt to taken hold a person is itself a crime, false imprisonment. Moreover, according to George CASE Law, you can't use a citizen's restitutions question, a suspect in fact stating an intention to question a suspect can be evidence that the individual claiming a right to make us it
The rest is uncertain and did not have immediate knowledge if it had been a perpetrator of the alleged crime. So if you actually apply the lot of the facts as David Front and they are very died- and I want one course at a man matching, our berries description was walking inside of bacon construction site. Another collar said: there's a male run down the street recruitment. Michael claims, you recognised our very from surveillance that, after several break ins in the neighborhood. The only offence made in anyone's presence is the report of a person walking into construction site. If that merits mounting up an arm three person to vehicle, possibly chase men in broad daylight medicine with weapons, many of us are lucky to be alive and free. The other possible argument is that, in the unspecified video footage, the break ins constituted immediate knowledge that a crime has been committed days or weeks ago, and then the alleged older crime provided them with reasonable, improbable grounds of suspicion, but that would be a pretty large scale. Extension of the law, Georgia case law as passenger.
This may not justify present citizen citizen pursuit of two thousand Georgia Court of appeals. Opinions as the term within his immediate knowledge enables a private citizens use any of his senses to obtain knowledge. That defence is being committed also again their problems with the police report. Now. Does this mean that these guys get convicted without a shroud was not, of course, not amuse, they get a trial. It means that this will go to a grand jury and then you'll have a defence, and then all of the facts will come out We all know exactly what their motivation was, and we all know exactly. What went down and what was the crime there attempting to report and how all of this went down and to say in dispositive fashion. These guys deserve to go to jail again, based on the evidence, We have seen the answer seems like yes, but we're gonna have a trial right and that's what trouser? For that's? Why they're going to indict with grand jury that the broader question is why there was no rest in the first place? Why was it that there is no rest on the original grounds? I that's a serious question. Why, for two months
sit on this thing, and that appears at the question there is- was that based on racism, or was that, based on the fact that every prosecutor in town knew this myth Michael die, and there are like ok? Well, you know he works of us over the cops office and we're going to let it go rose is just an insider question that gains additional relevance when you get to the racial aspect of the case, which of course is what the media are jumping on and maybe the racial aspect to the cases, the key aspect to the case, but there's the solid case that the racial aspect of the case is secondary, generalised law enforcement, overzealous or ex law enforcement. Overzealous selflessness combined with an inside our nature for people who worked with law enforcement in the first place. So we get to that in just one second. First, let us talk about the fact that now is not a great time to go to the auto part. Story want to stay home, but your car is you need to fix it number one. Why would you ever go to the auto parts store where I can get the part you need at the best available price of rockauto dot com? They have a huge selection in the best available prices. They're not going to give you a separate price if your professional versus to do it your
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that those people are not to be behind a prosecuting the case. Whether that is a good thing. We want to make sure that law enforcement actually does its job, but it is also true that the media, in cases like this immediately tend to jump to this is a a racial case. First and foremost, it is a case of race. This is under guarded by tweets from people like Lebron James Lebron, James tweeted out. We're literally hunted every day every time we step outside step, foot outside the comfort of our homes can't even go for a year. Dog man like what the F man are. You kidding me. No man for you Are you kidding me? I'm sorry, I've Mount rest in Paradise and my prayers and blessings sent to the necessity of cases has three hundred two thousand likes now, statistically speaking, it is not true black people are hunted every time they step outside the comfort of their homes. There's a reason. We know the names of people to whom this has happened, but it is just not statistically through the black people are hunted by white people all across the country. That was true for a long time in american history. That was,
true during large swathes of Jim Crow, when they take a k, was basically a legal terror organisation that is not true today. It is just not true that why people are running around the country, Willy nilly hunted, no black people is not statistically true. At the same time, it is very important that won't enforcement do its job specifically in order to fight perceptions. Like this not doesn't mean they should make up cases against people, God forbid. We have due process of law in this country, but it looks bad when you have local law enforcement, not taken seriously enough allegations that have taped to back them like this. Now. The legal issue in this case really is gonna, come down to did they witnessed this guy commit a crime if they witnessed this guy commit a crime, and then they tried to stop him. He then, then it can very easy we argued that this is a terrible case in which our bury our very was acting in his own self defence and once he grabs the gun than the guy who shot him was also acting in mutual self defence. For that that really depends on whether the citizens arrest was justified in the first place if the citizens are wrestling.
We're suspicious of this guy running down the road, because we think he looked like the guy from two days ago and we're vigilantes and we're going to call the cops and if we do call the cops are gonna wait on them. We need to go stop this right now, then, you end up in the case of felony imprisonment, slash family, more right, which is, which is the case that the French is making in the statute again and in Georgia, is fairly clear. The statute is fairly straightforward, that you have to witness the immediate crime. But when the media immediately jump to, we know for a fact that this was white. Guys tracing and a black eye causes black eyed await neighborhood. They decided to go and shoot him that act again. The Evans doesn't support the idea that these guys we're like outdone down a black eye that day it does support the idea. I think much more, obviously, that these were overzealous wanna be cops and ex cops. Who decided they were going to be vigilantes that day and then this thing, what wrong you are guilty for that right. You're guilty for that. That is a thing that your guilty for under the criminal law of the state of George
which is why this going to grand jury and all the facts are going to come out. But you suggest, on the basis of of the case itself, that why people are gone down every day in the United States that black people are at tremendous data. They risk from normal white people walking down the road. That's just it's not true, which is why, again, this is getting all sorts of national attention. If this were true that this we're happening every single day, you know the news doesn't report on stuff that happens every single day the reason that this is an ally or case and is getting all sorts of, attention is number one. Could we have deep and number two, because it is a really bad fact? Parents are really bad situation, so I would urge everybody to wait for all the facts to come in. I am glad that the video is out there and that we can look at it. I think I've been a fan of dash, comes on police officers for a long time and
Amazon police officers for a very long time, it seems to me, based on this fact, pattern that it is completely corrected the prosecutor's office to put in a grand jury indictment. I do not know prig out. He said the same thing on Fox NEWS yesterday. I do not understand why, for two months there was no incitement put forward, no grand jury case. They will get a defence, they will have a chance to defend themselves in court. That's the way this is supposed to work. The real issue to me beyond the actual fact pattern of the case is why depressed you didn't go forward and the implication is gonna be fitting go forward because it was like I shouldn't a black man. They don't care. It seems to me that the much more likely scenario is this didn't go with an entirely in the first place, because everybody was friends with a guy who did the shooting prejudice? Was it that basically, it was an insider problem in which you had a former member of law enforcement who knew all the dossiers and there like what Billy,
over here would, with Jill, have have really gonna just randomly shots on. We probably who probably he was lying, probably was not big deal, which again is not the way to pursue law enforcement and it does undermine. It does not undermine the credibility of law enforcement because baseless or not the widespread perception that black people are in widespread fashioned targeted by white law enforcement in this country. That is undermined that that that perception is underscored every time the the law enforcement apparatus does not actually go for within it.
I meant in cases where it appears an indictment seems to be warranted, so that that's that's where we stand on this, and I am glad that a grand jury case will before at Amazon, and these people should have a chance to defend themselves, because everybody should have a chance to defend themselves. It appears to me that David French cases pretty strong that this looks like a felony murder based on people being vigilantes and in violation of the walk. Ok, now we're gonna get to everything, corona virus related, because again nobody has a plan. It's the Kobe Ocean, Merou problem from STAR Trek. Nobody has a plan and the idea that if you look at various plans, the oars, how very bad and very evil. This continues to be the pervading attitude of many in the media and that's just not appropriate, we'll get to that in just a minute. First, let's talk for a second no what's going on in your neighborhood, where her more than usual these days, but it still hard to keep a close eye on things. I've got my kids running all over my property, their people dropping of packages all the time because we have to buy all of our growth
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it should be all that is daily. Where I come slash subscribe, we will see you there. This is the largest fastest growing concern. Repugnant radio of a nation. Says is an immediate end to traffic and outrage on all stories. When it comes to the story in Georgia, the outrageous part is presently that it wasn't put in front of a grand jury. The media are attempting to turn this into a broader racial narrative about the United States. This is why, if the american people basically reacts this by saying, ok what the wash and take its course here. Then the media simply Galway, because then they can't make. The argument is about broader american tolerance, for racism or for budgets, rather that that would like, while the media are trafficking in all sorts of outrage. When it comes to covet ninety,
as well. They continue to claim that recognising the reality, which is that nothing major may change with regard to cover nineteen, this, just maybe the new reality, meaning that the risk levels in society exist. No, no, no new, therapeutics, no vaccine, it maybe by Belgrade, maybe years before we develop a vaccine, unlike the fastest people, have ever developed at one of our respect seen in the past four years, so they are due to remind you that in six months and that it's going to be extraordinarily effective, the flu vaccine, which is a pretty effective action, is only forty five percent effective to recharge immunity. You really do need this thing to be about. Seventy percent effective so need to be super effective and is to be applied, widespread fashion. So may just be that this is the new risk level in life, and if this is the new risk level enlivened, the question becomes. Ok, why are we not? Protecting people are the most vulnerable and then moving towards opening up. Very, very quickly, but the media seem to have an interest in claiming that lockdown are the best available policy and that if you post lockdown, if you say, dies, there's some actual cost. What's going on. Here, then, are very, very that's! Here's an example truck Todd yesterday,
An MSNBC says is the federal government concerning surrendering to this virus. I have a question: what would fighting the virus? Look like really, I mean we're voting extraordinary resources to private research and development? We are funding a huge testing regiment across the country. States are doing this. What? What? What do you mean surrender? Is it a surrender when you just say? Listen, we don't know what's going to happen from here on in, but we are going to have to plan for the reality, which is that maybe nothing changes here. I understand that you want a yell at the government over changes. That may never happen, but I have yet to hear an actual policy put forward by anybody whose advocating for lockdown that looks like anything. Realistic, cares, truck Todd, again, sort of just outrage. Ginning. Federal government led by President Trump, considering for lack of a better word surrendering to this virus with more than seventy thousand Americans dead. The president is telling the public that the country must we open, even if it means more death, but he doesn't have a plan for doing The uncertainty surrounding the White House, the strategy we seem to utter about in a daily
This comes at the numerous warning signs that one anywhere near ready to safely reopen the country from a public health standpoint or a consumer confidence. Standpoint, there is no. There is no standard that has been put forward by anybody that says what safely reopening the country looks like what does safely reopening the country. Look like now, according to media. Fifty million today and that ain't gonna happen is just not going to happen. It is more tests are carried out on any day in America's entire medical system for all diseases combined. So you, where you type measures, nonsense and when you say America is not ready to safely reopen. You have not set the standard for what safely reopening looks like, so how the hell do you know when America's ready to safely reopen the secular but the stupidity of Joe Biden tweet
at last night and Joe Biden did we lessons we have Joe Biden sweeter, he treated. I've said it before, and I say it again: no one is expendable. No life is worth losing to add one more point to the DOW, so this is just such a false binary. The idea here is that somehow, if you want to reopen all you care about, is your DOW Jones Industrial average stock market such absolute utter crap? First of all, I have a question for Joe Biden. Discipline and ending death is that his plan that debt heat he's going to ban death because when he says no life is worth losing to add one more point of Adele So, presumably he's just going to ban death because it turns out your risk of dying GL increases everytime, you go out the door with or without cover, nineteen. So, presumably sure I'll, just be locked out of their homes for ever and the government can, you know, just make money appear out of thin air. What the hell are you talking about? That's not setting up a standard did the deliberate attempts to Lloyd setting up any standards for reopening at all is the mark of of political
of political dishonesty. It's true political desires. It's the same thing is Andrew Cuomo. Doing me I'll give you my answer as to whether we think that this thing is going to wear what we have to answer seriously. The calculation between cost and benefit and I'll give you my answer. Every life is priceless. Isn't that yes, I can. The answer, your lighting, the question dude you're, avoiding having the actual discussion that needs to be had because guess what the costs here are pretty damned extraordinary, pretty damned extraordinary kid. The fact is that you states must another three point: two million jobs we're not to thirty. Three million jobs lost and this is disproportionately hitting minority Americans problem people seeing other people, on reopen are rich in white. Where seems to me like other, can why people in the media dont want to reopen Elsie largest private, Finally written light, it seems that all the liberals in California who are disproportionately rich and white in the in the Malibu enclaves, they're fine, with its dang shot. It's the people,
actually needlework we're getting Jack and those people are disproportionately porn minority. According to the Associated Press, people of color have not only hit hard by the deadly Calonna virus. Then have Americans overall there also bearing the brunt of the pandemic financial impact. According to a recent survey, the pull them sixty one percent them hispanic. Americans say the experience I'm kind of household income loss as a result of the outbreak, quitting job losses, unpaid leave, pay cuts. If you were scheduled hours that is compared with forty six percent of Americans. Overall, thirty seven percent of Latinos twenty seven percent of black Americans say they have been unable to pay at least one type of bill as a result of the This outbreak means are extraordinary. Extraordinary numbers The survey which was conduct in MID April found a twenty one. Percent of Hispanics have been unable to make a rent or mortgage payment as a result of the outbreak. Twenty three percent have been unable to pay a credit card bill. Fifteen percent of black Americans
been unable to pay a credit card bill so that in the notion that, if you want to reopen it's because you dislike minorities, can have to explain that one to me, you're also going to have to explain to me how you solve all the problems, Joe Biden, by simply declaring that that you're going to end death, because guess what nearly a fifth of young children are going to Brookings Institute a fifth of young children are not getting enough to eat the rate is three times higher than in two thousand eight at the worst of the great recession when food ones, your parents often skip meal schoolchildren fed a survey of households with children woven under and seventeen point four that report. The children themselves were not eating enough compared with five point: seven percent during the great recession, so you're telling me that its bad too open and then you won't have any standard for reopening deeply irresponsible nonsense. Deeply deeply irresponsible nonsense,
This does not mean, and on the other side, it is worthwhile to question the death toll of the virus of theirs report that President Trump is complaining to advisers about where the corona virus doubts are being calculated. Here's the reality. This thing is deadly. It's killing a lot of people. You don't have to downplay the number of people being killed in order to point out that we simply cannot continue this way and that the people who are being disproportionately harmed by this are people who are impoverished people who are already living on the brink. It is also important to recognise here that, if we started by protect just the nursing homes we would have lowered the deadline. Is this thing dramatically according to a report and a hard for grant nearly ninety percent of all corona virus? That's in Connecticut last week when nursing home patients, ninety percent, so Andrew, one company can sing every life is precious but didn't defend the nursing homes, in fact forced by war nursing homes to take back people who had covered nineteen well done. Everybody says, wrong as he bad when he says we can keep the country close down four years of war.
He's not one. Of course he's not bad is exactly right and everybody knows it. Every single person knows it in Amerika there, just the people who refuse to recognize it, because it's a lot easier to play, righteous indignation about reopening when you dont, whenever The standard that can ever be met for reopening yours from saying we can keep the country close down four years, which of course, is true. We can't keep our country close down the years and we have to do something and Hopefully that will be the case, but it could very well be the case locked in a house, and some people Grinch Day, if you're over a certain age, but we have to get our country open again and you see it look you covered. People want to go back, you can have a problem. If you don't do it grant, but this means you very bad and the federal government is abandoning abandoning their efforts to fight covered nineteen. Ok, again, let's get to a reality. Do you think that something magical is going to happen? A really that's the question: do you think there's a therapeutic becomes in and reduces the death rate of this thing by fifty percent. Six.
Present, do you think that hurt immunity is going to be achieved by vaccination and, if so, when, and for how long do you expect the people are be able to continue to exist this way? In fact, it turns out that the people who are being died new cases in New York are not being diagnosed by going on public. Andrew Coma pointed this out yesterday, which is an incredible at incredible admission. Here's Andrew Cornel, basically acknowledging that the lockdown may have low spread of the virus, but right now the spread of the virus is entirely happening inside the lock down. Here is eight years Cuomo. There are those new cases still coming from, because we ve done everything we can to close down how we still generating six hundred new cases every day where They coming from these people were literally at home two percent car services. Nine percent were driving their own vehicle, only four percent making public transportation. Two percent were walking
Eighty four percent were at home literally, where they working now, you have two categories confirmed, deaths and then probable or presumed deaths and a list. Numbers in both categories. Some people combined to confirm deaths and presume deaths and have one number some people keep them separate. And then there are often reported separately or the report together. So does this really speaks? The efficacy of the of the lock women spread of still happening this happening inside houses. What does the efficacy of that? Meanwhile? in Sweden, which again the left his loving to hate on these days over in Sweden, important to know that their actually bending the perfect out so the daily death toll has been dropping again
Sweden, which means that, as they approach her immunity, presumably that the daily death toll is going to drop- and here is the question- I just don't know what Turning to tsar, I sure, as they don't know like we can debate on the level of reopening whether it should be fifty percent full or whether it should be doing control the avalanche in which we actually just basically encourage people to to pursue her immunity. Read it there's all sorts of discussions we can have on that. One absolutely true! These lockdown cannot continue this when the american people know it, and this is why it becomes to flashpoint this case of the Dallas along owner. So we talk, this yesterday, there's Dallas lawn open owner who defined a quarter and opened up and she was. Failed for numerous Shelly Luther, and the judge asked her to apologise if she would apply try sensation would never go out without the chaise permission again, then he would basically waivers ends and I know I'm not doing that. I have to be my kids what, as it becomes obvious that kids are going to have to be fed, nobody is going to go along with the governments or here because basically the logic on something like this governments, as you need a locked down for thirty days errors. Ok, I guess we'll do that and then it became,
I came for sixty days and we say what going into feed my kids in the gun, those like! Ok, where we will pale your bills and then all these people couldn't be their kids. Recalling that the government, the line was busy and they said: ok, I guess we're gonna have to go back to work because lecture Finally, I need to feed my kids and the Romans again. If you go back to work room, we're gonna put you in jail its homework that sustainable in any way shape or form here was the attorney for. Shall we Luther talking yesterday about the fact she's gonna end up in jail, while criminals are being released onto the streets she committed there, sure crime of heresy against the city of Dallas in its oligarchy that decided that real criminals could go to jail, but people who were heretics. People who are real criminals we let out, but the heretics could go to jail. And he demanded that she had met. She is being selfish and being offensive in Nepal guys everybody actually said. I want you to apologise for being selfish and so the core issue being selfish, he's just trying to earn a dollar gazelle. In
using news, I'm innocent how Americans operate in this way? You can see where the passion is right. Now she has raised her legal defence funds raised half a million dollars not only that the Texas lieutenant Governor Dm Patrick, he offered to pay these seven thousand dollar fine and drew her jail time for her, yesterday, the attorney general, the state of Texas, said this is ridiculous, said that we cannot. We cannot jail people for this. He said I find it outrageous and out of touch the during his national pen make a judge and accounting that actually released hardened criminals for fear of contracting over nineteen would jail a mother for up in her hair salon. In an attempt to put food on her family's table, the trial judge did not need to lock up Shelly Luther is. Where is a shameful abuse of judicial discretion? You should release Miss Luther immediately. Even the governor of Texas right now,
came out me said. Probably his lady should be in jail. That's like the last available that that's the last available. Think now things are gonna get really rough here. They are because the fact is, human beings were not built for this. They are not built for this. Human beings were not built for interminable locked him, though not built for social, distancing and ass. It becomes clear that there is no relief insight that there is no therapeutic, that there is no actual but there is no actual vaccine on the way any time in the near future that all the talk about yellow. Not all these actions can be the Huron all this. That is speculative a best really at best, people are going to be gins angle. Can I am young and I'm helping and forty and forty years old and I have no pre existing conditions by chance of death are seven and ten thousand. You know what I'm going to work. You know what I'm gonna ballgame. You know what I'm getting back to daily life, because people have a unique capacity to absorb terrible things happening to them. Their lives then move on like nothing is happening. This is a grand shock,
There is some good news. The good news is, we do know how to protect the nursing homes. We do know how to protect the most vulnerable in our society, and we have. The capacity is independent. Individuals to protect ourselves one lockdown, you can continue to lockdown, but as we move forward, the question is going to be why people who are young and healthy should be walking down and weather. One has the things that devil's better strategy in the long run- and I talked about this yesterday- the big question here is: to be, and this is the question no one has yet answer to my satisfaction. If the area under neath the curve is the same, no matter what you do, but the curve is sharper at the beginning, which means that less economic damage is done. In the long run. You want the pay now or you want to spread out over the course of a couple years. If nothing changes, no one has been able to answer this question for me, no one. I am fully on board with. We can't let it spike so much that drove ones now their system, I'm there I got it. We all get it. But again,
if the curves have the same area underneath them, if both of them are not spiking over the line in the health care system. If you have one curve, it looks like this and you have one curve. It looks like this. And the line is the healthcare system in neither of these curves is going over the health care system. The question becomes, which curve do you want because curve number one right, which is this really heavy bump right here, has the same area underneath it as curve number two and her number two means that we shut down the economy basically forever and criminal. One means that we take the pay now and then we get back into business original, flattening the curve situation. The keys of fighting the current situation was that in this particular
graphic the dark rage at the kind of maroon shaded area right. That's the people who die needlessly because we don't have the ability to care for them, as it turns out, even with the ability to care for people. Ventilators didn't help right, we're afraid, events, waiters being in short supply. It turns out the ninety percent of people invents, there's your dying anyway, but you don't want the healthcare system being overwhelmed, obviously, but take that line out of the graph, because we have not overwhelm the healthcare system. If you have the choice between two curves one at a sharper at the beginning, but recedes faster and then let us go I'll, go back to work and act, ball games back to movie, theatres or one that was a really long time and has the exact same number of people who are dead. Why would you take the what the shower curve? That's the question. No one has been able to answer to my satisfaction or even presented in answer to I don't wanna, see models honestly, I don't know anymore models by how many people going to imagine how does he more models as to how many people are gonna die by a year from June are the ones that I care about. Why? Because, when we are talking about the damage to be done, the american economy, we
have to tell how many lives you are actually saving and how many people are just having their debts delay by a month or two, because we are flattening the curve just a little bit, to destroy the economy, but not enough to actually save people's lives over the course of a year. I want to see models that go out a year from now. That's what I want to see, even with uncertainty effects. I wanna see what those models and I want you those miles look like in the case of controlled avalanche, and I wonder what those miles look like when it's no controlled avalanches, just social, distancing, unwilling asked how those models. Why does every model go a month out? We all know if we really fast more people will die in the short run, but that's not the question if you cut off the model ready to go back to my little chart right here. If you cut off the model here- and you say that this model is June, twenty twenty- and if you go here- and this is june- twenty twenty one- the charts- look very different. Ok, the charts are very varied.
If you look like this in the mud, the kind of fundamentals June, twenty twenty obviously want the lower Kerr read because if you cut off the model right here, what does it look like that higher curve? Is a lot of people here, dad and here is not, as many people are dead now you move it out to June twenty twenty one. He same number of people are dead. The same number. The timeline is what matters and no one is no one- is honestly discussing the timeline, and that is why, if we are going to join us Gus policy. We don't need models that go out a month. We need models. Legal out a year is what I've been seeing. That's why whole timetable ripping on Sweden's Sweden's really bad, because their taken the hit any immediate her yes in immediate they are taking to correct their tails the new media term, which means there not ignorant and long term. Ok for some things. I like em and some things that I hate, so I will acknowledge that there is a part that I really really enjoy listening to. It is life and is called the reward troubles Podcast Bill Simmons. Does it over at the ringer ended his kick? Basically, it's him in a few of his friends, just recapitulating movies that you love to what he calls watch and re
and I in accessing juniper so the other night about gladiator agenda. This prompted me to actually go back and watch part of wider and it's pretty fantastic gladiator it so really. Scott has made like three really great movies remade aliens in blade runner made that are not even a blade. Runner fan aliens very good movie, so this is so gladiator is its become sort of underrated. Because for while I was a little bit, overrated The movie is really entertaining. It is like popcorn entertainment at its finest here's limited the trailer for gladiator. If never seen it. Ok signals frailer with no actual voice over my move, your helmet and tell me your name
half rave card, half sordid sandals- that begins its pretty fantastic. So over the top, and so great an out of a renewed, really choose the scenery. Apparently Oliver Reed and End Russell Crow, actually nearly came into office by because that's, while other regions like Oliver, he was sort of the rustle grove his day he's just. This is a great accurate. We really choose the scenery apparently Oliver, Reed and and Russell Crow actually nearly came into effect by because that's what very wisely allegory Lasorda Russell Grove his day he's just this is a great actor with total mania, basically and indeed he died in making this built. In fact, Joe plot of the film was supposed to have Oliver Red fighting Russell Grafter, betraying him in the in the glad it oral Rina. Anyway, the movie is the movies funds. If you're looking for a popular inflict tonight go check out, gladiator, ok,
for some things that I hate. The lack of responsibility of of people in your city. Governance is truly astonishing. I mean really really crazy, so build the plaza has. It is not taken on any sort of honest for the fact that he completely box listening instead he's blaming them Holmes themselves in the state of New York, not the seed of York law? It said that, if a person, nursing home gets cold nineteen that they have to be let back in your nursing home number those be easy, blaming the law, no he's letting them Holmes themselves, because everyone is to blame except build applause. Yo Harriet was yesterday There's going to be times where the nurse home is the place, they can better care if it set up that way, but remember allow these are for profit organisations. I think this would be a lot of questions about whether they put their residents first or whether they put profit first, but
I'm, I dont like what's happening in the nursing homes. I want to see change, but I think in terms of each individual, it's a case by case you gotta figure out what's right for each senior allows to turn the nursing homes, except that we forced the law to two. We forced by war them to take back all these people and to endorse in homes have become hotspots for this sort of thing again: protect the nursing homes protect the nursing homes. Those are the places where people are dying on mass. In huge, huge numbers. Meanwhile, Andrew Cuomo, America's governor, is really demonstrating. His bona fide is speed, on Tuesday in York Governor and require, more importantly, said, healthcare workers who travelled to New York to help the states reeling to help the state reeling from grown. A virus will have to pay state taxes according to hang, bearing a daily wire Como stated we're not in a position to provide any subsidies right now, because we have a thirteen billion dollar deficit jump. There's about the things I'd like to do. If we get federal funding, we can do That would be irresponsible for me to sit here. Looking at a thirteen billion dollar destined salmon spend more money when I can't even pay the essential services you're not,
spending money, that's not your money, but people came in because you ask them to beg them to come in and help they came in and helped, and I just went to grab their wallet like this is good governance, what the actual hell! How is that good governance? I'm just wondering makes this guy so popular its astonishing. It really is how's. He able to get away with being strict garbage, governor and everybody's, it always great because he isn't from because he because he'll tell us the hard roots, here's the reality, Andrew Como, when people say well, you know he he's honesty, tells us the hard truths. The reason the people on the left are ok, but that is because all those hard truth then women tromp. If a democrat president, when loving requirement anymore, they became my how he was terrible, but because Donald Trump as president, then everything that Who says that the state of New York is doing right can be attributed to quarrel and everything that is bad can be attributed to trump in the deadlock is person in America. The Donald Trump is president is Andrew. Come on the second luckiest build a blog because it allows to shift responsibility from themselves to the federal government is truly amazing. Thing in that they bought
missing so poorly in every way. You study the videos over the last couple of days them finally cleaning the subways guys like me telling my kids clean. A room they clean, the subways nearly is often is make it cleans, is room, which is to say never in history, it's been like a decades they clean the subway Senegal you're, the one that we should clean the subways yet in May in may Saddam's indian margin, with this always running twenty four hours a day and even bother to disinfectant like once a day. Well done. Everyone well done, meanwhile cracks in the federal government also doing humans work. On behalf of garbage policy, the wiser has a good editorial. Today. Talking about many of the risks of reopening I see the plaintiff bar is trying to caution as really quickly as the core of our society, railways are filing suits against emergency supply manufacturers for false advertising colleges for refusal to refund student fees. Whose lines promotional distress, retailers, wrongful death, nursing homes for negligee,
in government for denial of hazard pay. There is little point: lifting lockdown of employers, don't open for fear of lawsuits. A number of governors used emergency power to grant liability protections to healthcare workers, but trailers will attempt to get friendly state courts to invalidate them most. It has also failed to address the wider economy or novel pandemic related legal claims legislation is needed, some state legislatures are moving, but better answers. Congress to pass legal protections related specifically to the pandemic and economic recovery. Its international standard and limit the travelers ability to form sharper class actions in friendly state courts, so you should probably eliminate from this, was the dont claims, your asymmetry law firms already filing lawsuits against crews lines, arguing that even passengers that did not contract a virus or something two emotional Harmon entitled to punitive damages. Businesses are being subjected to the threat of lawsuit for the great sin of telling people that they can come back to work under circumstances. They try to protect the employee
also, we need protection for health providers, including those who are using new treatments, because everything has to be thrown into all. At this point, Why the white hasn't centre Republicans want liability protection to be part of any new virus relief. Democrats are Using this all the way send a Democrat. They do as the Wall Street Journal work for the warriors and law firms have contribute more than eight million dollars to chuck shimmers campaigns. Some one point six million dollars, Nancy blows. He's campaign have even more than four million dollars to the Ds Cc democratic Senatorial Campaign committee and three million bucks to the House Democratic Committee in this election cycle, so that the additional liability on top of all this going to prevent business from opening, which is really quite terrible. Meanwhile, the Democrats, of course, rather sanguine with the whole lockdown strategy. It seems like they ve, come up with a political strategy and that, as we are going to now, suggest that lockdown is the status quo and should be the de facto status quo and any attempt to remove lockdown, you can be blamed for each individual death. Meanwhile, will just keep money which we wanted to do anyway. Trucks humor the Senate minority leader. He said that yesterday's at you know what TAT miserable Carnal is blocking it more staff
We need to keep spending malicious, keep spending forever. Let's just keep doing it. We need big action and we need it soon. We need action to help those who are unemployed deal with their lives and not lose everything their homes, anybody to feed their kids the ability to get healthcare. We need to make sure that business you get the small businesses get the help that they need. We need our stake in law, we'll governments which are our fire fighters in our police officers in our bus drivers. We need them. To be laid on and are Republicans friends seem to be twiddling their thumbs. Ok, that you knows willingness people. Like you, who are not providing any sort of actual standard for reopening, instead, he set these bars that can never be surpassed, and then you will have you just have to working towards never surpassing bars.
If we give up, we can re open wounds. Everybody in America is given the unicorn. Once everybody gets a unicorn, we can reopen, are wise and the federal government working hard to ensure that everybody gets a unicorn. What, let's be real about this? Nothing is fundamentally changing here. The testing and tracing suffer restocking that is designed to tempt the hot spots. The first placing to know the hot spots are emerging, is not actually from the testing in the contact racing, not when the baseline level of cases. This I hear the first was going to know is what Mozart feeling it is this. This is it's bad. The lady policy. There are no good answers. The Democrats have their easy political answer in that it shut everything down and then pretend that anybody who dies the fault of our political opponents already we'll be back though the later today, with traditional hours of content in listening to the bench bureau,
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happy right, daily wire, twenty twenty everyone, its Andrew Craven, hosted the Andrew claim and show the strange and terrible collusion between the press and the corrupt Democrats has left us with a media stuck in a whirlpool of hypocrisy and wise talk about whether they can get out of it will talk to Dave Reuben about his new best selling book dont Burma's, but on the end, reclaiming.
Transcript generated on 2020-05-07.