« The Ben Shapiro Show

Ep. 1005 - The Experts Don’t Have The Answers


As models predict higher levels of death, there are still no answers on reopening strategy; the costs of shutting down continue to mount; and Ruth Bader Ginsburg is hospitalized.

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
As models predict higher levels of debt. There are still no answers on reopening strategy. It causes down continued amount and Ruth Bitter Ginsburg is hospitalized adventure here this is the benchmark. Show me the bench Paris show is bound by expressive. Vps surf the web with peace of mind, signed up right now at expressive: GPS, dot, com, slash man before begin Wanna take a moment of shouting or advertising partners who helped make this show positive. Obviously, during down economic times, it is very difficult for everybody partake people, people who are in the viewing audience in listening audience to patronize are advertisers. They really appreciated. We really appreciate it. We gotta keep business going in this country in our advertisers, make it possible for us to continue to bring you the news in commentary. You want each and every day, speaking of which, right now it is fairly obvious that the markets are volatile. We don't know what the future is going to hold. One thing that we can fairly back is that at some point the government is going to have to tax or inflate its way out of the deaths. It is
only sustaining. This is. Why should be diversified at least a little bit into precious metals over twenty? Six million people have lost their jobs upward at thirty actually from the economic follow up of corona virus, even with the stock market having a slight recovery, we don't have long term impact of this many workers being placed all at once. That's only can be felt over time. We have no idea what's going to happen next. So what exactly would be the prudent dignity? Well, diversify things, the position you would be a now if you diverse I'd into gold or silver a little bit earlier. Well, instilled you right now and it's a smart idea to at least be diversified. Some before made thirty first or the qualifying purchase. Birch gold will help you do this and give you a free emergency kit as well. This backpack is absolutely loaded with everything you can't buy right now, so safeguard your sentence of Brcko. They will help safeguard your family, like they did. Mine no obligation got nothing to lose sick. That first step. I trust the folks ever brcko them known them for quite a while Brcko group has thousands of satisfied customers, countless five star of use and eight plus rating with a better business bureau. Don't wait until the market drops again to protect our harder in savings and get that free emergence
it again check them out over at Birch gold group. All you have to do is text Ben two hundred and forty seven, four thousand seven hundred and forty seven diversify today again text. My name been forty, seven at forty seven at forty seven, that's my name been two hundred and forty seven, four thousand seven hundred and forty seven ask all of your questions to my friends over upper school group and then get started at diversifying your asset base already. So the big question, obviously in all of this cover nineteen situation, is where we go from here, and nobody seems to have a good answer to this and the easy answers we just do with the science has but, as I said, the science doesn't answer these questions. The science is merely an input they put into what, the formula you're using to determine the output. Science can just give you how many deaths they expect to happen if given particular factors, but they dont tell you how you're supposed to weigh the value of the doubts against the value of the entire global shutdown of the economy, or they can't really tell you how many people
commit suicide Hemi lies will be ruined. How many women will be the victims of domestic abuse because followed this? How many kids will have exacerbated mental conditions because of all this, there is no way for the scientist is highly this and I understand in difficult situations when we're looking for some level of peace of mind. We want to think that there are these experts out there. This group of unnamed experts organism of all of our problems. For us, the fact is there not. The named experts are not going to solve all our problems are healthy, can't even solve their own problems. Example. Member Neil Ferguson to kneel Ferguson is the guy behind That famous study from Britain. That suggested to point to me in that in the United States from carbon. Nineteen now turns out that those numbers are probably can be off by at least one scale of magnitude, even if the United States were to see extraordinarily heavy levels of death in the United States.
The coming year. These numbers are never going to reach two point: two million there are just not going to two point: two million. We have seen seventy thousand deaths to date, even if we open up everything which nobody is advocating. Even if we open up everything Willy nilly, let all the old age homes just be invaded by covered nineteen. The number of dead in the United States is not going to be two point: two million there's no other stuff, It supported that you point two million number will NEO Ferguson was the one put out that study overt imperial college. It was widely derided by people from Oxford University to even University of Washington. As do I will now. Neil Ferguson has been fired, get asylum, but not because I was wrong not because who studies run by the way. He had also been the author of a study about HIV Aids that suggested a death two way above what did eventually ended up being hit suggested. The bird flu is gonna, be significantly more deadly than it ended up the nice thing about being a model or is that you never get penalized for having a model that is too dire. You only get penalized.
Having a model that is too sanguine about situation. If you're Paul AIR, like a universal berkeley- and you suggest in the nineteen sixty two billion will dial die of global starvation and then none of them a terrier lies is in fact the opposite happens. You still have a job. Where to get Berkeley. If you suggest that everything is going to be fine and then a billion people die of starvation, then you lose your job so anyway, this guy didn't lose his job for the bad modeling. At Imperial College, instead, he lost his job because he broke social distancing rules to meet his married lover, which is just as a delicious little side treat in all of this, so new Ferguson had had stumped for vast lockdown across the UK, Settled and applied to his married lover, who is the mother of two who had stopped by his apartment They do not engage in a social distancing. According to the Uk Telegraph, Neil Ferguson allowed, the to visit him at home during the lockdown, while lecturing the public on the need for strict social distancing in order to reduce the spread of growth of Iris, the woman lived with her husband and their children in another house so good times over in grey
Britain and then again that doesn't mean that his mouth and we're not early wrong? What made Donald wrongs the models wrong, not diminish, stepping a married woman during his during his off hours, but it does speak to the idea that there are a lot of experts out there who are telling you to social distance were telling you that it's imperative that you locked down, who are not, in fact a bang. These rules themselves the name Chris, almost brains, method, lecturing everybody about not leaving home while biking around and in an presumably infecting everybody within a six four radius. In any case, There are many miles out. A new miles are suggesting elevated levels of debt. That, of course, is not a surprise in anybody whose telling you that it's it's a surprise, is being full. Of course, there are going to be elevated risks of death when you start to reopen the economy. Everyone recognizes this. Every single human recognizes this, but if you recognize this, then people yellow you because we're supposed to believe that there is a policy out there, a unicorn policy that allows us to not completely tank the entire world economy until the end of time.
Also sage, every single life, that's not a possibility, and if you mentioned that there are trained to policies, I've been seeing for well- and this is my bubble right now. Is there we will honestly discuss the trade off the policy to instead you're stupid conversation about, if you don't like my politics, because you want people to die like that. I'm sorry that is complete idiocy and nobody actually believes that nobody actually believes that they give you an example of this kind of logic that has been is being used right now and then we'll get to the sum of the new studies so Andrew Como. Yesterday he was talking about how you make a calculation in New York to reopen and he said that a human life is priceless, while on a moral level, of course, a human life is priceless. Of course, human life is priceless, but on a political policy making love we make risk calculations about the risk we are willing to undertake in public life literally, all the time, all that I'm every elements policies like this is Andrew Como, really believed in public policy terms, not in moral terms in public policy terms that you have to mitigate the risk to every human life.
Whose euro he could never discuss reopening because there is no bar, there would be no below enough to clear for that matter. Here is Andrew Cuomo. Yesterday suggesting a human life is priceless. But if that were the case, you could never reopened, including in upstate, in your concluding in rural areas, because any time you tell people they can leave their homes, youve increase their risk takers homo yesterday, this is again the if it just saves one life logic is not political logic. It is simply posturing and demagoguery. Here is Andrew Homo yesterday, there's a cost of staying closed, there's also a cost of reopening quickly. That is the hard truths that we are dealing with an let's be honest about it and let's be open about and let's not camouflage, the actual Terms of the discussion that we are having an equation comes back to how much
Is a human life? Worse to me, I say cost of human life are. Human life is priceless, Thurii, ok, but he has naturally that right, not. Nobody believes in public policy terms that human life is priceless truly now a human life is priceless in moral terms in meaning that we have to prohibit murder right. We have to prevent people have said when it. When I point this out in public policy, we actually calculate the value of human rights, an actuarial tables where we actually do this cause quality adjusted life years. It is this, is it achieve? It is a key factor in every calculation we ever do about public policy, because if we actually believed every human life was courting court priceless in public policy terms. We would put you in a plastic bubble and leave you there and feed you through through a feeding to presumably, but when we could, but when it comes to protecting human life from others. Probations right now would be like abortion for exam, Then, of course, there is no countervailing cost in terms of stopping people from killing other people, where you may think that there's a pair
is a woman being able to kill an unborn child. I do not think that that is a priority. I think the priority is saving the person's life. That's it there's a trade off, but the trade off their does not look. The trade off with regard to destroying entire american economy, for example, which would which would involve the debts of presumable. Hundreds of thousands or millions of people and class to hundreds of millions of people as well, but when murder their president is a counter railing close out will emerge, namely the murderers go to jail right, but that is not a cost that stacks up against the loss of human life when we, when it comes to public policy, making every human life is priceless in the sense that you cannot deliberately take the life another human being, but firms of what loves risk. Are we willing to tolerate as society in order to live free there? The answer is quite priceless, because you are then asked to vote your own life and we as a society, are asked to make the decision as to what levels of risk where willing to tolerate for everybody in the public sphere. This is the question of public policy, and so
he's a cop out for Andrew Como to say every lights is priceless when it comes to policy making, again he doesn't even believe that if you believe that- and you wouldn't be opening up at all- there be no situation under which you could open up, and so this has become the goat. You argument of people who don't even want to have a discussion about reopening or how to reopen a responsible fashion. This, how you end up with is idiotic tweet with thirty thousand thirty. Four thousand retreats what a commercial non giant and Non Johnny Guy from Silicon Valley- I am one of the new Marvel movies is eventually we go back to the movies he treated up after weeks of careful preparation, planning and strategizing if the country is landed on the following approach: let's just open at all and see what happens not single governor, has settled on that approach, not one not, one. There are zero people were settled on that approach. I mean this is like come on, come on. Nobody is talking about this, but the way the people talk about this. In order to avoid the discussion is by suggesting that the alternative to lock towns are completely opening it up without thinking about how to protect the elderly with
think about how to protect nursing homes doubting bad, protect the vulnerable literally. No one is discussing that no one it, but it's point. One of the conversations that we are going to have to get what level of risk are we willing tolerate an impasse episodes. I've talked about the need to make those risk calculations with regard to everything from the the number of kids in public schools to the speed limit right. If you wanted to prevent that, and in every life and credible priceless in public policy terms. You'd lower the speed limit ensure miles an hour because elderly on sixteen and seventeen roles are disproportionately killed in car accidents. We don't do that. We tolerate it level of risk in life, toleration of risk in public policy does assume that we can value certain economic class against against the additional risk. The people are won't hurt themselves. This is why you buy insurance insurance companies. Do this for a living every single day. This is what they do. Ok, so this raises. Question about the new model, so this is really interesting stuff
there is a new model that is out from the Wharton School at the University of Pennsylvania. Is it being report by CBS Local? I say. Governors in Pennsylvania, New Jersey in Delaware, have a lot to consider before fully reopening if they opened quickly. This that could risk Two more doubts. According to a new model from the war in school reopening states, economies certainly comes the cost and that could result in more deaths But some economists argue: not only can you put a value in human life, but they urge elected officials to do just that when making policy decisions right, because literally policy decision does calculate out how much it is going to cost you x, ray and net costs can be calculated. Did the integrity of human life cannot be reduced to a doll? number, obviously, but when you are talking about reducing economic activity, dollar numbers or quality of life to dollar numbers, you are now taking a bunch of things that are larger than dollar numbers in your reducing its dollar numbers, so they can actually make a calculation, because otherwise you simply cannot do public policy, so Algernon a senior analysing the pen weren't budget model. He says the economic Has it been enormous? We are
FR in really significant unprecedented costs as a result of these policies, so they put together this model. Here's what their model says scenario, one impotent graph, it back up as its actually useful graphic scenario. One states continue their stay at home orders, but he says home. So what they had forecast is a hundred. Seventeen thousand deaths by the end of June is if everybody stay home right. No social distancing is not a thing. Everybody stay home where we don't have to worry about people getting back out he's, so this would be eighteen point: six million jobs lost and by the way the jobs lost, plus whatever cost We then take on the federal government level. We already spent seven trillion dollars, seven trillion dollars. In reality, you have to figure But if everybody stay home and we lose eighteen point, six million jobs on a permanent basis is that can be seven trillion dollars. It'll be fifteen trillion dollars. I would double our class, but what does your that, though seven trillion dollars are enough to tide us over. For all of the job lost twenty millions job lost if these state promoters continue until the end of June. So hundred seventeen thousand deaths,
scenario. One scenario: to is the partial reopening my daddy's social distancing, twenty five percent reopening restaurants and keep the theatres clothes. We keep all the public events closed They say that by the end of June, we'd have a hundred and sixty two thousand additional debts with fourteen million job losses. Rachel there'll be a hundred sixty two thousand deaths if we, if we partially open and then they say scenario. Three is all the states fully real read this? The Willy nilly commercial, Non Johnny suggestion that people are going for every three hundred, fifty thousand deaths and five hundred thousand jobs lost, so we're Only when we say that eighteen point, one million jobs where we would lose an additional two hundred thirty two million three hundred and thirty two million lives, and we did that in point. One million jobs over every life lost for every day. So two hundred so you get about eighteen point, one million divided by two hundred and thirty, two thousand basically for every life lost, you would save seventy eight jobs under that calculation addressed the calculation. So this is
Wharton School calculation. Now the more interesting calculation comes about when you look at what they value human life. Ok, so pre cover nineteen, the centre for disease. Can in this way the centre for Disease Control actually had calculations where they determined the value of human life in economic terms, a how much atrocity if somebody dies when they are young, for example, and other federal agencies there baseline was roughly on average ten million dollars a person. But a human lives were that ten million dollars by that is that as the calculation, not for me, This is from the CDC and other federal agencies issue if you, if you actually use that calculation for a second, what that would suggest that, even if we, spent seven trillion dollars and you're not going to under scenario number one and we saved approximately two? thirty two thousand lives from scenario three, where everybody just goes Willy nilly back out war. That would mean that yours about sixty million dollars per life in order to save each one of those lives based on the economic costs, which is six times what the calculation is for,
pvc in terms of value of human life. Now again, maybe that evaluation is, but we should at least acknowledge that evaluation that we are using unspoken. An unspoken fashion is way, than any other valuation ever used in human history when it comes to policy making along these lines of your do, a partial reopening and you are to lose an additional forty. Five thousand lives would still be spending that forty two institutions, because five trillion dollars, which of course is not true but little at zero point five trillion dollars. You're still spending forty two million dollars per life saved then area. Three spend zero dollars right, because presumably most people keep their jobs. And so you are coming and underneath that ten million dollars. So the answer, if you are looking to spend about ten million dollars to save each life, would be so It is also necessary to look at how much money would have to spend perch necessary to look at how much money you would have to spend per job saved so in terms of numbers, money that you be spending per job saved. If, if you are looking at the evening,
of money, it seven trillion dollars right over the two hundred and three two thousand additional lives, then what you would be looking at, presumably is per per job saved. You be spending not all that much money right, you'd be spending all a huge spending. A lot less money per job save. In terms of the worst case here, as is the case for the worst case scenario homo this isn't a case for reopened it all up, because again, there are certain basic things that we obviously should be doing. It is also necessary to mention these models that these bottles only go through June's numbers could balloon way further than this right is only Do it is also necessary to mention that there no guarantee that the walk down three June with a lower total number of that. Remember, everybody keeps talking, but their flattening of the curve stuff right. The flattening of the curve was designed again to prevent the overwhelm of the healthcare system, so Madrid
car for you one more time, because people seem really not to understand this and media we're gonna, flattening of the curve was supposed to prevent, deter from being overwhelmed. It was not supposed to change the area underneath the curve hay- and this is
everybody is being claimed of dumb about all of this, so this is what the curve was originally must. Look like rap here was the big curve visited her right here on the if you watch listings, yet on the left side of the ban. On the left hand, Lizzie, maybe your left hand side of the hedge. On your left hand, side of the page. You can see the big spike. The line is the medical capacity, and then here is the lower curve. The lower curve is supposed to stay below that line great the actual area. You shaded area that about shade and right here. Ok, that is the number of deaths total. Ok, that is the number of deaths total or the number of infections total, rather ok. So this is not the number of infections total is going to be the same overtime. Ok recognise that. So if this thing is as deadly it's gonna be it. We don't have one. The healthcare system of people worry about was specifically this
above the line. This'll be excess tat, but in terms of total number of infections, that total number infections in exactly the same so may look at those models that look through June. That is not enough. You actually have to look at the model through the extent of the year and then decide on economic costs here. These are all the calculations that actually go into the calculations, but it's weren't. You know them, because no one is willing to discuss this stuff out loud. It is politically unpalatable to discuss the stuff out loud, which means that the policy is gonna end up being really stupid. That's what events have been, meaning that the policy is gonna, be superdome cause. If you can't Gus out loud. The actual considerations that are going and what you end up with is, on the one hand, the fostering of people who suggest. They're going to save every like an animal is not going to save every life. The dummy just started clean subways five seconds ago. It's may guys. Its may, they shut down everything in March, except the subway is the chief incubator. For this thing they only start cleaning the subway systems at night now, like yesterday, but he's saying he's out there: saving every life. Of course. That is not true, of course, that is not true, but we
just our conversation to the dumbest possible point? The start. Having to have these conversations about wonder, reopen what the actual costs are, what are the monetary class, whether we are using anything besides God it's over people say data in science and an trump. Is you he's got about reopening I'll, tell you who is using their got about reopening people who refuse to even have the conversation about mathematics. How is that are used in every other actuarial investigation of every other policy? In human history, its frankly like it's ridiculous is ridiculous. You have to make these calculations there is no other way to make the calculations. Otherwise, you are just produce to my God is that we should just stay until one until what happens
What are the cost doesn't matter? Every human life is priceless. That is not policy making. That is posturing. Political posturing go get some more of this in just one second. First, let's talk about the reality, which is that the future is really really unpredictable in. This is why you need life. Insurance is very important for you to insure against the possibility of bad things happening in the future. You know we can do that life insurance for you life insurance company to do actuarial calculation about how much to pay you in case God forbid. You should block you can take advantage of their acumen. I go into politics dot, com policy, genius, dot com is an insurance marketplace. There's a big man for life insurance right now. So if you're looking to get life insurance years, how they can help policy genius compares quotes from the top life insurance companies in one place, it takes just a few minutes to compare quotes from the top insurers. Fine you best price. This doesn't just save a lot of network, you could say fifteen hundred bucks or more year by using policy genius to compare life insurance policies. Once you apply the palace Genius team will handle all the paper again: the red tape for free there, uncontacted life insurance companies, everyday monitoring, developments in helping customers Navid
Every single step. There is no reason to wait on something as important as life insurance hadn't over to policy genius right now. They will find you the best rape and handle the process completely. You can stop worrying about life insurance get by, to making your soured o bread or adopting a pet or something, but you get rid of the insurance thing on your insurance checklist right now, we're going to policy genius type Tom had on over to policy genius. Dad come a so president Trump is getting all sorts of flat for mentioning. The fact It is indeed time to open in that we are going to have to figure out how to reopen in decent fashion the Texas Gonna break out. It is taking a hit, so here's Trump yesterday mentioning yeah. We can keep this course rubber, it's kind of time to open I'm feeling are great of this country to a certainty. To a large extent as warriors the warriors. We can, Keep our country because we have to open country one day. They said we have to close our country now, time to open it up, and you know what the people of Europe
during our warriors and I'm looking at it. I'm not saying everything is perfect and while some people be affecting yes, will some people be effected badly? Yes, but we have to in our country open, and we have to get an open book it from correct about this says the shutdown is gonna, kill people too. Yes, this is also true. This is obviously true, apparently the Collins to suicide. How one thousand percent, apparently people are not going in for chemo treatments. That's gonna put elective surgeries that actually help people's quality of life, including the elderly. Not being performed. Medical personnel are being laid off across the country when these hospitals even near a capacity, because people are not performing lack of surgeries hears Trump, mentioning all this, but apparently very bad dimension. This dimension is your bad bad man present from Tibet like this is the dumbest form of our political conversation is so stupid, because no alternative has actually been provided. None, I'm sorry. Lockdown is not an alternative full time, lockdown forever. Until the end of time,
no schooling with no summer camps with no work. None of this is a reality, but it's very easy to you're corner injure? Shout you don't care about human life? care about human life, as will sooner? International, New York Times columnists you suggesting the problem here is american freedom of feelings percent, a problem american freedom, long before the pandemic. Here's president Trump talking the how to shut down will kill people to the fact that we are letting people go and go to their jobs. They have to do it. You know They help people a day longer with the shutdown you're gonna lose people that wages and you already have obscure but between drug abuse? And I've been they say, suicide. A lot of different there's, no win you know, there's no great with one way or the other ok So, president from his right out this also the Texas GonNa Gregg avenues ripped up and down because he was out of call apparently in his private Funchal, Gregg Abbot, suggested that you know what, if we reopen that's going to add risk yeah
bleep sherlock. But this is the basic premise of a locked in the whole problem. What if there is no going back to work, does not risk. Why did we lockdown seriously like that? That would be the question. The counter question is: what will we not just supposed to expect additional risk when we go out of we're supposed to expect additional risk. The question is which populations are least likely to suffer from the additional risk. I will give the answer: young people healthy people, children, that's your answer. Those people are not very like when I say not very likely mean exorbitant lay unlikely to die of covert nineteen and and that everybody is equally susceptible or that you cannot open and responsible fashion, namely by starting by protecting nursing homes which have been responsible for forty to fifty percent of that's in EU and in California, in New York Lothar. We have been dying in their apartments because nurse homes in York. City are not like a huge thing that the bigger across the state, because the heavy population, but the fact is that if a protected the nursing homes you would you would you would lower the number of deaths across
knighted states overall, and certainly in Europe, by anywhere from twenty to fifty percent, which would be near miraculous it but Greg. Was being ripped up and down for recognising that there are additional risks when you open things up yet, no again, why is any of the shock and when people are really an avid provisional ripping on from four. This is because they do not wish to come to grips with the with the reality of public policy making. Instead, they are involved in this idiotic political calculation. That suggest that we're all supposed to pretend the public policy has no trade off. This is my bugaboo. You drive me up a wall, it's what makes nonpartisan issues like risk calculation into partisan issues when you suggest the people actually want people to die in order reopen the economy absolute idiocy. Here is Gregg out at yesterday. We always out a more cases of cover thy name listening. But the fact of the matter is promoting a green, scientific and medical report shows
whenever you say we are wondering why oranges unwieldy, Sadie Will they too, that's true yet up and down for even acknowledging this we're supposed to pretend that is not going to lead to an increase in spread. Yes, we get it. So, what's the alternative, I gotta keep asking these two people. I've provided several different possible it- is here- none of them involve lockdown forever. Those possibilities range from the controlled abolition, avalanche strategy proposed by israeli scientists in which we protect the elderly will protect the votes, and everybody else is encouraged to actually go into the population and interact and to obtain you ready to it, because if you are young and healthy again, it is very unlikely. This dose of your damage to you and you move toward herd immunity, that's basically Sweden, strategy and controlled fashion, meaning that you still some social distancing, but the reality is that over time you actually want people to get this moves through. Population get hurt, immunity, that's possible.
Number one possibility number two you go out and continue to socially distance. You, where am ask you, do protect the nursing homes. The economy really takes a head, a more severe hit than it would otherwise and it takes loan. Richard immunity, but at least you having killed that many people in terms of the increased risk in the amount of times it takes to develop a therapeutic or vaccine, whereas they are hoping for a real choice. Underground those you're a couple possibilities? Ok, let's not a possibility. Keeping it going like this and you know he's not evil. I'm sick of me, preferring people is evil, is what you're, not evil. The person wants to go back to work. This is such crap, its utter absolute, nonsensical, crap. It's not only quantum rich and white people who will do well reopen because the former Obama CDC director said that reason: people on reopened, because the rich and white, what absolute A lot of these central workers, you know what's happening, getting this right now. What right now one of the essential workers, you know what's happening with essential workers. Many of them are disproportionate with the essential work, particularly in the health care industry. Like nurses,
every people disproportionately minority in poor those people are out interacting this. You will already getting cold it. The people were taught, about going back to what are largely not blue collar workers and the people who are funny. Very easy to say, shutdown forever. Our people can sit in their basement with a with Stepan, repeat behind them on CNN and get paid. I have an easy. I can walk and basically forever again. I mean the reality is that my job does not require me to leave my house, but let me tell you let me tell you a story that isn't true for percent of the population. It is not rich white people who benefit from the If the lock down the rich, why people are rich their lives, they have money. The people, benefits from the end of last year. Are all the people who are losing their jobs of people who can keep their small business afloat? This the most demagogic, nonsense, Doktor, Richard Besser, former acting directive, the CDC! What's not being done, we have the testing capacity now to know where this disease is. We haven't,
scaled up. The thousands and thousands of contact creations that we need. We don't provide. I saved places for people to isolate or quarantine if their identify is either having an infection or we're being content. We are saying if you have money in your way, you can do well here. If you, if you're, not good, luck to you as such nonsense, it such absolute nonsense. We should be protecting people if they get sick, they should build go home. They should paid leave from the government, unemployment insurance or whatever it is no one wants people to die. We have to acknowledge that there are afraid Austria, public policy, but apparently were never going to acknowledge this, and they say you end up with. Pity of a dollar salon owner getting seven days in jail for reopening? Ok in Texas, we're Gregg Habit is but we really willing Willy nilly reopening everything. That's not what's happening, as that what's happening is willingly Shelly Luther she'd by local and state orders and judges restraining order shopper into her business during the pandemic. What exactly
did you do she went into her Sir Launcelot Alamode and she opened it and she was taken into custody, Her business was deemed non essential, which of course, is nonsense. The dimension not be able to deem your business non essential is forced to close March twenty seconds after the country after the county inaccurate statehood, or she reopened the salon April. Twenty fourth torp a season this letter from the county, judge, Clay, Jenkins attempt restraining order was signed April, twenty Eightth, she said did not on any incomes in the county stayed home order was set in March. She said that she applied. One of the federal loan, but it didn't receive it didn't receive it for week. She said I couldn't see my family. My style is going to feed their families so before Luther sentence to weaken jail. The judge gave her an opportunity to apologise and promise not to reopen hersel on until she was allowed to do so. And here
her answer in court. I've never been in a position before and it's not someplace that I want to be, but I have to disagree with you, Sir, when I, when you say that unselfish because feeding my kids is not selfish. I have here stylus that are going hungry because they rather feed their kids. So, sir, if you think the laws more important than kids getting fed then, please go ahead with your decision, but I am not going to shut the salon, ok and cheap she, by the way she was willing to socially distance inside this one she's willing to you mask wearing inside the salon. The only difference between what she was jailed for and not being in jail was one week because by the end of the week guess what Texas is doing. The opening up of the slums in social distancing and with mass wearing. This is just this is nonsense
It is absolute nonsense and it does betray for aid for a certain group of people in the United States, a real feeling, Antithetical too, to freedom itself will give an example of this from a columnists at the New York Times momentarily. First, let us talk about the simple fact that the job market right now is a bit of a mess. If you need a job, the best place you can go is emperor, and if you are looking to hire, zip workers can be the best way for you to find the best qualified employees. The Procureur is doing deeply important work right now. The time of the job market is incomplete flux as we move back into normalization superpowers and become more and more important goal register over there right now. A zipper jacket, slash work together is typical:
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Ample theirs in just a moment. First, I want to take a moment to tell you about the delawares newest, most exclusive membership, cheer, the all access insider, the, alas, insider membership. Here is our premium. Is our approach the level of membership. All access members get the better of our other membership dears, including in every website, experience access to all of our live broadcasting, Show library, access that shows, mailbags the full three hours of the bench, a bureau shall, along with dedicated editorials from LA I'll act as members, so get other amazing benefits, including, of course, the singular, irreplaceable leftist years tumblr they also get to join living Lucy Online colonies are daily wire discussion feature available on both the web. And the daily whereat he also gets participate in all access live. There are brand new interactive programming, during one of the daily warehouse, as we hang out with you each night and we're just goofy at eight p m Eastern five Pm Pacific earlier this week, it was me wearing Darth Vader masking singing shoguns. I know I know things are getting weird out there. I will be again this Friday afternoon, so ahead on over to daily wired icon slashed subscribe to and the daily, whereas all access club with a new membership or an upgrade get ten percent off with coupon code. Shapiro is daily whereat com, slash, subscribe, see
Are you listening to the largest fastest growing conservative Pakistan radio show in the nation I already so well. I said there people out there who seem to be rooting for locked out because they don't actually like freedom very much Charlie WAR zones and opinion right or a large for the New York Times. He has a peace today, titled open states, lots of guns. America is paying a heavy price for freedom any use the same logic that regards grown a virus that he uses with regard to guns. You shouldn't be able to own again as a normal, law abiding citizen, because apparently this raises the risk of gun violence in your state. He he mentions a tool, from a friend of mine action, my editor over a broadside books, Eric Nelson. It is my editor he treated when poles. In this scenario, we keep losing a thousand to two thousand and eight a groan of irish people get used to it. We get less vigilant, as it slows very spent, as it very slowly spread
by December were close to normal, but still losing fifteen zero people a day as we take past three hundred thousand that most people are concerned. War is also this hit me like a ton of bricks because just implausible it seemed the day I read now sweet. Seventeen hundred twenty three Americans were reported to have died from the virus and yet their collective passing was hardly morn after all how to distinguish the Calls from the two thousand. Ninety seven perish the day before, or the fifteen hundred fifty eight who died the day after and then he says there is no no precedent for Nelson's Hypothetical America's response. You gun violence and school shootings as a country, we seem resigned to preventable firearm deaths, so just like the reality is that the that freedom of guns means that some people get bad guns, but also that you can protect against bad people. He thinks that that is bad right, the american Freedom to keeping their arms bad because, accordingly, means more debt. Americans. Now you can make the counter argument, which is that the people who have guns are getting them in Mexico and in using them for crime are not people who tend to abide by the law in the
place. I d banning assault. Weapons, isn't going to be effective, but even taking his logic taking his baseline logic, which is that additional risks in american life come with additional american freedoms? The end point of his logic that if you want no risk there can be no freedom and he's ok, right, that's actually what he's. Ok with he says, left their own devices states are opening up many anxiously and with little idea as to how it will play out the way good lean on governors to slow the reopening process or urge caution until we can fully established in tray strategies that have worked and counts countries like South Korea. Instead frustration, seems to be cheering on the reopening, while internally preparing for substantial increase of loss of lives and internal we base our modeling by FEMA projects the daily. That's all about three thousand on June. First, a seventy percent increase from the May first number about seventeen hundred fifty
along the same lines? On April thirty, at the day after from told Americans the virus is going to go, it's going to leave it'll be gone and be seen is reported. The federal government had ordered more than a hundred thousand body bags and then he again lichens this to two gun control policy suggesting well, you, spend the freedom to keeping their arms or be less gone. Just seem we ve just been freedom totally, then presume there would be less grown a virus, that's all right home and take up the other half. That argument, which is freedom, does come with additional freedom comes with additional risk and that's what freedom is called That is a reality, and that doesn't mean that we should not mitigate that risk. Right. I've been in or of bans on the even using his logic. I am in favour of bans on machine guns, for example, and I've been in favour of federal criminal background checks when you purchased and through federally licence firearms dealer, even the areas for that, but what he is doing about, basically, as you know, degrades we banned organs, presumably by the same logically band of freedom. There'll be no corona virus debts.
Just in terms of numbers. How do I think that is important dimension, rigour that if we lose two thousand people different grown a virus for the next several months, which again there very few projections that expect this. But let's say that that happen. This will be a horrible. Terrible thing, then also does not answer the question as to whether we who's that many people in total over the course of the next twelve months from corona virus. But there is no alternative being provided minute, The fact also remains that in the United States we lose approximately two thousand people every single day, from both heart disease and from cancer, that six hundred and people die every year from heart disease and another section, thousand people die every year from cancer, but he says the idea of freedom and in this this is really the root of the debate Charlie Wurzel rights. The idea of freedom is an excuse. Serve oneself before others and a shield to hide from responsibility.
So you think of freedom. We shouldn't freedom. I shouldn't really now. I think that people can be both free and virtuous. People can be free and they can attempt to mitigate risk for others. This is why I think that we should tranche populations, and people who are healthier should go back to work. And if we think that there's a therapeutic or vaccine on the way and fairly sure or we should socially distance in order to restart the economy, but also ensure that we don't have a vast spread before vaccine can be developed em all four of these things, but according to Charlie Wars or the american people, cannot be trusted and thus freedom, it must be ended, but you can't be trusted with the gun. Is law abiding citizen because the presence of a gun means the presence of freedom and the presence of freedom means more people dying from gun, violence and the same thing is to have grown a virus. The presence of freedom means more people going out and acting stupidly, and that means we cannot have freedom at all. What that is an argument that, as we used to say, Moscow proves too Much it proves too much. It is a isn't, is an insane argument that essentially argues for the ending of all American Freedom
were beginning to see this in some petty authoritarianism that that just cannot. Last yesterday, there is tape coming out of a Texas Swat team rating restaurant. That was open again, I don't. Any evidence in this protest. The people are violating social distancing protocols that the ACT or county sheriff arriving Freaking tank with a gun turret on top Just solid salaries to wear them I mean you're goin with actual guns placed to people who have an open business business when sorry didn't to those people who like there's, because together do or they would wonder and human rights
Our enemy of this is what is that, if this is what corona virus lockdown look like in the end there, there is no policy it has been proposed. That makes us look. Ok, none, none and there's no timeline end point and there's no actual discussion of the data and there's no discussion of any of this, because everybody wants the lock down in his comfortable with curbs on american freedom is just shouting at the moon that every life is priceless without recognising that every single element of public policy is based on the premise that risks to life our calculable when it comes to freedoms and prosperity and all the thing that actually make a miracle worth living in it. Meanwhile got Democrats who are taking advantage of the situation to sit at the federal government, rebelled amounts of California as they call for a full water. She doesn't. One of the issues here is that states are now looking to the federal government to bail them out so as lockdown continuing state, New York and in California there looking increasingly to the federal government to bail them out. California has now borrowed from the federal government to make their unemployment payments. Well. Why should the federal government
in California holes when it comes to their own unemployment system. Truly, it's me. California is incredibly irresponsible since it with John spending in a high, can tell this shares with the Wall Street Journal reports. Three point: seven million people have filed unemployment claims in California since MID March. California, about what point nine billion dollars in its unemployment trust fund MID April down from point, one billion dollars at the end of February the month before the corona virus up ended, U S, economy, the states, labour and did not immediately responds to a request for comment. California, as an early sign of the potential magnitude of federal assistance that could be required of states are to continue paying out jobless, benefits, more than it is one of more than twenty stating jurisdictions that entered the current economic crisis without enough money in their unemployment trust funds to pay benefits through one recession, according to the Labour Department data by that measure, California was prepared to make unemployment payments for just over two
months in the event of recession. Two months to California was deeply irresponsible side to blow all of its money on Crap union contracts. At various points sector unions and then no money to pay unemployment insurance, and now it's up to people in other states to pay. For all of that new, did the same thing. They blew out their budget and others have enough money to pay for this stuff. They should have had the money to pay for an end. Now, then, turning to the federal government for the bail out If they get those bail out, you know that incentivize it in incentivize is governors to spend of money they never have, because they know that at the end of its too big to fail, California is too big to fail. New York is too big to fail. Now this has led them I can recall to suggest that the federal government needs to step in and fund the states say. There's Cuomo yesterday suggesting the New York needs to be funded now. Last I tracked New York has the is the second richest citizen body in the United States, Africa Fournier.
Any taxes at exorbitant rates, and yet they ve run out of money incredibly quickly. Could that have to do with their crap spending habits and the bad union contracts they sign? Maybe it hasn't you adapted accordingly almost up to the federal government you to bail out, of course, because you can always cast all responsibility at the feet of the federal government. States need trunks, states need funding, a for testing tracing, be states need because we have a deficit act of the corona virus and you have not given up every so. You don't have enough Bric, a Brac media, though it passed a piece of legislation Chris hold on a second. They are now they were supposed to do with this week, they're going to come back next week if they don't pass a piece of legislation game over game over and then he says you know what should happen. You're republican states are the ones taking up more money in the republican states are the ones who are taken out more money from the kitty, and yet this is set what he is saying here is so economically illiterate. It is almost beyond comprehension and you look the Republicans
who now say what we want to help the democratic states, they are should the states that have been taking more every year. Virginia merrily Kentucky Senator Mitchell economies. Kentucky thirty seven billion dollars more every year, Alabama Florida. Everything Florida. Why? Because it's a swing state! and were in an election year. I get it Ok! This is not true. Ok, the way that you can't you this is he is taking the tax dollars paid by Europe's citizens, to the federal government and then the tax. Received by new citizens from the federal government New York is disproportionately wealthy state California is disproportionately wealthy state, it is not, federal government takes money from these states of California and then only gives money back to the state of California. What he is talking about is the fact that Kentucky, for example, is a disproportionately poor state, so there are fewer people who are paying in federal income tax.
To the federal government and there are more people were receiving directly, but at no point does the state government actually acted intermediaries, their basically you're saying that poor people, are receiving more money from the federal government and rich people, that is, one hundred percent, drew and everything, our pay more money into the federal government and they are receiving from the federal government. That is also true. Another thing that happens to be true that people were, proportionately receiving money from the federal government tend to vote. Democrat studies show. This is what the hell are you talking, melodies attempting to avoid is the reality of the situation, which is the reason New York is in trouble, despite the richest population in America outside a California. Despite that New York in trouble, because in I couldn't get his spending haven't under control, and neither can anybody else in New York and the same thing in California. No New York is not the is not the victim of a benefits- payment scam. Here, too ridiculous gibbeted, this is just demagoguery to avoid responsibility, which is what foremost, apparently really good at. It is unbelievable to me the man remains popular governor, despite the fact that only in May is starting to
in the damn subways that his original move within us. Homes was looking old person where carbon arguments and abandon the nursing home genius move Andrew Cuomo genius? That guy's is great, he's he's graded his job around a sense imploring Gregg, carbon taxes, very, very bad at their jobs and Brian Cabal, just off what his job incredible incredible I'll time for some things I like and then some things that I hate. So there is a a new movie netflix, that is, that is a fun wash. It is. I will not say it is one of the world's most fun watch. It hasn't great actions. Sequences is really what this comes down to its Chris homes, worth running around Dhaka, Indonesia and basically just destroying everything. There is one about twenty minute action. Sequence Getting a lot of attention in this movie extraction because it is supposed to be done in one shouted, is not done in one shot. Obviously, the game, the system, the moving through windshields and and there's some subtle cuts. Obviously, but it's really well, choreographed
the basic premise is basically hymns men on fire guy who is is hired to extract a kid has been kidnapped and things go wrong and now he starts to extract the kid has been kidnapped. Here's a little butter, the brave you think you could do would be completely because in a proper and get your, but you gotta leave the combined. Are you gonna leave me this great size of himself, the island where the Seen in this movie,
is actually a scene where Chris HOMES worth is forced to one to face down a herd of child soldiers, because it is, is just polarities watching a six foot for Nordic God, basically throw around of ocean thirteen spoke for peace. It's kind of absurd that the home of these kind of absurd. I mean it's one of those. Somehow he is bulletproof like he gets shot and by a car in one sequence and the next day basically, fine he's up moving around totally cool things about nine shots digging up anyway, movie is in the movies- is worth the watch. If you're into action, flex single check out extraction time for some quick thing. That I hate already. So first of all, there is the story that roof Bitter Ginsburg has been treated for a minor shed minor searching for gallbladder infection. We wish the best to anybody who is in a position of public policy. Obviously we wish for her long from health. I also hope that she retires, but you're not going to retire
but here we wish for her help. So that is that some bad news, but in terms of real things that I hate, so people are going nuts today there going nuts today over Betsy Divorce, Betsy Devices very evil. You know, that's he'd have asked the Secretary of Education, the reason Betsy Devices super. Evil is because, according to the Washington Post, she placed release as early as ones. They are much anticipated final rules governing how schools must investigate sexual assault allegations bolstering the rights of the accused according to people familiar with the matter in Ispra. Airlines sweeping regulation is unchanged from the proposed version released in two thousand. I e that the Roma were minor judgments made throughout. According to one person familiar with the matter who was unauthorized to come and publicly and spoke on condition of anonymity, the rules will Universities and colleges are clear, but controversial roadmap for handling emotionally charged conflict that often pit one student against another, their plus less replace less formal guidance issued by the Obama administration. That was friendlier to those making the allegations that is
wild understatement original Obama Issues Europe allegations did not give students the ability to confront their accuser or even to rebut the obligations they basically asset that Libya we made it that an allegation was tantamount to gild under the new college students accused of sexual assault and harassment must be given the right to a life hearing and the ready to cross, examine their accusers. Much of the proposed rule directed before you didn't even have the right to confront Syracuse and you weren't, given the right to live hearing, your literally given the right to live in some accuse you of rape, and you say no that wasn't right, those consensual sexual congress and the and the The old rules basically said you have no ability to defend yourself, also the rules. So to find sexual harassment narrowly limiting its conduct. That is both severe and pervasive, not just one or the other. Well again that make sense, because if the pervasiveness is you look nice today, that's not sexual harassment. Ok, if the pervasiveness his you keep grabbing people's asses repeatedly, then it's gotta be severe. I'm infernal that sexual assault
virtually physically grab. Someone that's an assault, that's not just wrath meant, but if you say something deeply sexual and you do it and it's it's a beer and it is pervasive Benny be disciplined in one change: the regulation explicitly dating violence and stockings allegations that must be investigated. So it's actually made this thing stronger in some ways. Device at the new rules would restore balance in a system that had been skewed in favour of the accusers. Now this prompted people on the left to become very, very angry, very angry, because their suggestion is the title. Nine regulations should base. We allow people with e allegation alone. You go ahead and condemn folks to the purgatory of guilt forever, but that was the basic allegation, and people are tweeting about that today so that their actual tweeds that people were issuing by how terrible it was to allow due process in cases like this, which of course, is completely crazy right. Catherine Lamone, who a civil rights advocate and chair of the? U S, C c users you see are in the legal affairs secretary,
forgiveness of new governor of California. She said, Bathsheba boss presides over taking us back to the battle days, the pretty my birth when we permissible to rape and sexual harassment with impunity. Eggs. Excuse me, excuse me this, just as you have a right to defend yourself, it doesn't say that you are not a day you're, not punish from sexual assault or sexual harassment by Catherine. The moans has today. Students deserve better, including fair protections consistent with law Edit, this is just I'm sorry. This is insanity this insanity, but its particular generally, given the fact that the Democrats continue to defend Joe Biden because by job I, standards by his own title. My standards Edwards guilty of sin. Here's Nancy plus yesterday's thing. You know what I'm going to answer any more questions on job. I can answer any more questions on these by nowadays, because we're done here. I mean what what is the more to say weird, because under online regulations. Joe Biden is guilty of sending you be fell from for this, if not for plagiarism.
I have said I am proud to support Joe Biden for President and when he says it didn't happen, but somebody once said: let them in into the record and that's what they should do, but I'm not To answer this question again, we'll just say, I have every confidence That Joe Biden will be a great president of the United States, which has great confidence, is a nineteen year old, forgetting accused of sexual assault allegations better the right to defend themselves according to Joe Biden, Nancy, closing the entire democratic infrastructure, but eighty year olds or running for president those people we just What after her great mean there they they can just say I didn't happen. It didn't happen anymore. Basically, dont mean that that is. That is an incredible thing. It's an incredible thing, and it demonstrates that when it comes to due process, the democratic, don't believe in what Democrats actually believe him is. The due process should only exists for people that they like and people that they like include generally people who are not part of the political powers
restructure rights of your rich white male Back Cavanaugh, then you deserve no due process. This was an actual case made about bread, Cavanaugh people say LISA, rich white male here to get an entailing complex and that's why he doesn't deserve b on the Supreme Court. They say the same thing by nineteen year old College, students rate rich white males in college, the most privileged among us we need, but if you are rich white privilege may like Binding and you're running for president, then we sort of let you off the hook due process, specifically due process, because it equally applies to everyone. Equal protection of the law is equal protection of the law because it is supposed to apply to everyone. The fact there so many people on the left who want to turn these standards on their head, because they believe that equal protection of law is inherently unequal, because some people are less well situate. Than others. Some people are richer than others. Therefore, those rich people don't deserve equal protection under the law. That's french revolution off at their head kind of stuff, and that is exactly what democratic proposed. With regard to title night, there defending Joe Biden at the same time that their ripping on
with the same kind of protections, Joe Biden will have to rely on in order to survive the sexual assault allegations. That's pretty incredible! I'll get one more thing that I hate. So the Lincoln Project is a is a group of people led by George Conway. I end George Conway's puts Collins. Husband is a group of people who were antitrust, Republicans in two thousand sixteen and never got over it, and have this it better to support the many of the members and Lincoln Project literally suggested. I would vote for Bernie Sanders before Donald Trump, which doesn't seem super conservatives. Meals out there. I don't think that's a super republican view that your vote for the unit be communist before you voted for Donald Trump and actually advocated for the communist win these people are doing this, so they put out an ad within the last couple of days. This is the most depressing anti American. Add I have seen in quite a while, but when they call themselves Lincoln Project Barely Abraham Lincoln would have approved the ads that basically suggest that America is an absolute utter, a complete hellhole where
death is vast and everyone is impoverished because of Donald Trump here, There's the item- and I have yet to see a more depressing out than this one. With the economy in shambles? More than twenty six million Americans are out of work. The work the economy in decades. Build a Wall Street. But not main street, afternoon. Millions of Americans will apply for unemployment. With their savings run out. Many are giving up hope Millions worry that love one won't survive covered. Nineteen there's more meaning in America and under the leadership of Donald Trump, our countries weaker and sicker and poor I'll get. Why. Ok we're we're all little stress right now. Is this super helpful? Is this super approval by the way visited tones by Ngos for you get scammed because
he's late. Americans are not going to a by being told that we are richer and poorer and that we are sicker and poorer and worse off and everything is terrible. Admiral dying of covert nineteen, what a misfire, what a dramatic misfire, that's going to add that you make seriously when you don't care who gets hurt in order for Donald from thrown out of office, because the reality is that we're all little word right now. You know be good. Some hope some hope would be good and you don't have to credit from in creating that help. Georgia washed, and when you put out a little video about it, even Joe Biden has been doing this. The fact that these folks are so vindictive about from their one to blame, covert nineteen on Trump they're, going to show pictures of body bags rolling out of morgues and blame that on Trump, its perverse, its absolute perverse again and recalls the governing organs governess. The camera, California. The death centres of this of his country are all happening in blue areas, not just because of bad governance, but also because those are We populated areas visit this is such a bad strata.
But there are a lot of people who are embracing it, because you are to blame for everything, speaking of which lead people blaming Trump today, because President Trump is supposedly thinking about closing down the corona virus taskforce, and this is a very bad thing. Now, let's but point something out when it comes to the federal government, you dont actually need task forces, ok, task forces, our way to posture to the rest of the rest of the World taskforce our way to SAM, taking seriously it's like Wendell Bomb would set up. Green jobs Tsar right, who'd set up his and there are always think seriously theirs, as our now as I was pretty serious, last summer on so desirable supercilious what sort of a new department deployment of Homeland Security now we're serious. The same staffers were already in the government. There are just in different departments. Is it good pr for trumped disband the corona virus task force in middle of cronies?
No, it's not that it's dumpy are it is it's done, there's no rationale for it, but on a practical level, is the federal government to stop caring about covert nineteen because the court, a virus task force, has been quite uncle disbanded? No doctor factual, solely meaning, tromp Doktor Bruce, will still be meaningful trump. All these people still remaining trump. There will still be done press conferences, but this this prompted all sorts of amongst yesterday, all sorts of it. The pr of Cuban nineteen for media is far more important than the actual policy when it comes to the actual policy that I want to talk about it, because the actual policy would force them to acknowledge Tradeoffs Impolicy data like that. Instead they go to the pr because the piano black and white in the hour is always trump his awful enable everything it does this terrible. So that means it's supposed to be a super big deal that he's cortical, dissolving the taskforce The meetings of the situation of the White House been shorter. The taskforce no longer meets every day according to NBC News. Doctors, Deborah Burton Anthony Fouch, are still expected to be at the White House daily, but other members of the task force may be present less frequently
other sources familiar the matter. Noted taskforce did meet on Tuesday and present trends where we are now looking at a little bit of a different format for is safety in opening will probably have different group set up for that. He said the mission accomplished is for one and over which there was no mission accomplished, but apparently, if you call it, for example, the reopening taskforce. It's exactly the same people in your evil and bans here is Jim accosted, Jim accosting, all over Donald Trump yesterday about the taskforce Continue to meet with the task force to get this site, If we go about it, we will have certain people. I think that, as far as the task force might venture, the task force have done a great job, but we now looking at a little a different form that former safety and opening and will have a different group- probably Furthermore, you saying mission accomplished
no, no, not at all dimension accomplishes when it's over it's it again. The packet Acosta is trying to pick on him. The mission accomplished war in Iraq banner that was flying after United States invade Iraq spread the iraqi Army that he's trying to say he's trying to get him to gaff right. Does all the media are intent on doing right now that the honestly do not care at this point about which policy is pursued so long as the policy pursued is antitrust. That's all if prompt actually want to open up the country tomorrow. He call for national lockdown ad infinitum seriously. The media would slip on a dime if, from just said, you know what we are lacking down forever until there's vaccine immediately the media would start reporting on the economic dispossession happening across the country, and it would start taking seriously the fact that people are losing their livelihoods, because for me, it's all about Trump and all about the media, and it is not at all about irresponsible discussion of public policy, at least for those in the political meaning Or outside the sort of health industry already we'll be back later today to additional hours of content, otherwise, will see here tomorrow
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Transcript generated on 2020-05-06.