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Debunked: Pro-Abortion Propaganda


Ben dissects the moral and scientific questions around abortion.

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Ben Shapiro here and you're about to listen to the audio the version of debunked. My new series, where I dismantled bugger common leftist myth each episode in fifteen minutes or was, if you like what you hear had on over to daily wired Dotcom, Slash, subscribe, use, promo code debunked for twenty percent off and become a member. today? This is the only way to get the full experience. The show has documentary, The main thing visuals help guide you through a plethora of staff, in fact convince the entire For a season right now on the daily wire gotTa Daily wired up I'm a slash, subscribe, use. Promo code debunked for twenty percent off want a new path. asked look forward to every week the average podcast listener has it shows in rotation. So your most likely, not listening to my show and that's totally ok in fact, I'd love to share a park has to add your list. The Jordan, Harbinger show a top shelf podcast named best of apple in twenty eighteen Norton dives into the minds of fascinating people from athletes, authors and scientists to mobsters spies and hostage negotiators. Harbinger attack,
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new and something better is to recognise what it is that you ve lost that we can all grieve with you. How long I mean you don't have to like abortion, you could be dead, set against a recommend. We're all come from the same set of catechism on this particular panel tonight. The process of human life begins conception at conception. That, as you lie, only every eye, that's it. You might really mean inside that woman. Now some genius, a new creature, is created with its own genetics.
What type of its own body when a woman gets pregnant. That is not a human being inside of her. It's part of her body- and this is about Professor Jaime Gordon of the male clinic, followed by all the criteria of moderate molecular biology. Life is present from the moment of conception. Professor Michelin, Matthews, Roth of Harvard Medical School agreed. Sport is scientifically correct to say that an individual life begins at conception. Unborn human beings have their own forming nervous systems by we three before most women even realise that pregnant their own developing eyes legs enhanced by weak five, their own fingerprints by we gate human life changes over time. Brain development changed over time, but that does not mean a child is less human than in adult or personal down's syndrome is less human than a person without their condition. To pretend to these human lives are somehow simple clusters of cells were balls of meat is to deny scientific reality respected. This issue, which you just say this is all about choice, all about a woman's right. Now, it's all about the life of a little baby, and you can invalidate then say that bad does it matter, but to millions of Americans it does matter, since the Supreme Court ruled the nineteen seventy three, that the constitution of the United States invalidated, virtually all serious state restrictions on abortion. Nearly sixteen million children have been awarded in the United States. America easily averages over one million abortions per year, a far cry from the less than two hundred thousand per year reported priors Rovers way, while the oft cited figure that one in three american women will have an abortion is certainly an exaggeration, a significant portion of american women will indeed procure abortions. These women will be disproportionately minority accords. The CDC black women are five times more likely than white women to have abortions. Immature women are twice ass, likely in York City. A trial conceived by black mother is a better chance of being aborted than being born. Now to developing as out of all than about reproductive rights. Here in the empire state, the state legislature has passed the reproductive health or moving quickly to sign the since a lot and night. This is part of his administration. Push to make sure women here in New York keep their right to control their own bodies. Opponents predict the new law will lead to more late term procedures. Lawmakers in New York cheered with delight upon the passage of legislation that would allow a baby to be ripped from the mother's womb moments from birth, Governor Andrew Cuomo celebrated the event by having the World trade center lit up pink in honour of women's rights. How could we brag about that? You pop champagne corks for then and drink and drink Chablis and any Bree, while looking light up the empire state building. The most honest abortion advocates will simply say that an unborn child is in fact, in a war and trials and at the unborn child. Interesting life doesn't outweigh the mothers preference, but most abortion advocates so honest. Instead, they participate in the blatant Lee Anti scientific lie that a foetus is not a common life harry.
The law recognises a person with rights at a certain stand. How about feeling pain? There are fully grown human beings, genetic conditions, preventing them from feeling. Are they not human about my ability to disagree that at the moment of conception at trout, its human and alive it out, since when I ability is, is it don't lie about? You? Have many people live thanks to dependence on machines? Are they know recommend about like beginning at implantation get fertilize, but not all you need you have to attach to the uterine warm, although I would suggest that babies fertilized outside the womb are not life. And if we developed artificial ones, they would not be lines about brain activity and sentience. We each go to sleep. Every night would be acceptable to murder us in our sleep. Would we be no longer human
There's only one logical lines drawn when it comes to human life conception, even Peter singer. The moral Relativism philosophy professor at Princeton University acknowledges that of preservation of human life. Is your standard yachts want life protected from conception? Synergy says that his standard for human life worth preserving, isn't met by unborn human beings or by new born these, which is why he's not opposed morally to infanticide point for consistent ok, comes to the necessity for abortion, but usually attempted to shift the discussion from elective abortion to cases of medical necessity or to cases of rape and incest as early nineteen eighty seven, the Alan Guttmacher Institute asked women about their reasons for abortion, and only one percent of the nineteen hundred women surveyed suggested rape or incest. An eighty five percent of those who mentioned reference has named other reasons as well. For deciding to abort
as to my Lord reported at the time for a separate nineteen. Seventy nine analysis when federally financed abortions were available in cases of rape or incest, or whether pregnancy threatened woman's life or physical health. A total of three thousand six hundred seventy five women had abortions paid for by federal money, but the institute said it knew, which category qualified only two thousand four hundred and forty four of women and of these seventy two were eligible because raper incest,
Mother institute statistic is still used as the baseline for future estimates of the numbers are likely much lower now than one percent political act. For instance, says there may have been just seven thousand one hundred sixty five pregnancies from rape in two thousand ten in the United States, and that doesn't say how many of those pregnancies actually resulted in abortion. Each year there, one million abortions in the United States have an abortion dude medical necessity that is extraordinarily Rev, even in case of pre clamps yeah we're Taksim. Yet in late stage, pregnancy see sections are often the best medical solution. There's a difference to between taking action, to save the life of the mother, the result in the death of the unborn child and avoiding a child for medical necessity. The controversial movement that's quickly gaining ground on social media, giving a new as to the abortion debate. I remember this trending online. I remember the debate that this started shout your abortion. Now you can,
will argue honestly. The veto life should now way maternal life, but you can't argue that a baby in the womb is not a baby in the womb. No life is not life and terminating life isn't killing were all that's with his corner. To talk about abortion as like we're young, and I guess it is kind of murder- does a biological mother, oh any duty, to the life growing inside her I mean I don't know where I'll be in my life right now for the abortions than I had multiple abortions to not break. This is a philosophical question, very different from the one posed by approach, which advocate who simply claim that unborn life should be treated as an invader. It's nothing short of attack on women's basic human rights. Women's rights are under attack, we're in the middle of a concerted, persistent assault on women's health, determination of human life in the one that's what abortion is. Abortion is a medical procedure. It is not a crime. Abortion is tragedy, tragedy from others tragedy for fathers. Most of all is a tragedy for the unborn. Hearts stilled a tragedy for world that will never see the light of wives snuffed out in the womb and tragic.
for a society that cheers abortion is somehow making it morally advanced. If you enjoyed that audio only version of debunked, you will love the video version, and this episode is just the tip of the iceberg. Get the entire First season available right now exclusively at the daily wire show, looks fantastic. Has a documentary feel there are some great visuals plus get my show notes with links and resources for all of the data used. All in one place, when you remember become, Birthday but a daily wired outcome slashed subscribe and use promo code debunked for twenty percent off.
Transcript generated on 2021-07-19.