« The Ben Shapiro Show

Daily Wire's coverage of the 2018 State of the Union

2018-01-31 | 🔗
It’s the State Of The Union like you’ve never heard it before. Ben Shapiro, Andrew Klavan, Michael Knowles, and god-king of the Daily Wire himself Jeremy Boreing unite to bring you minute-by-minute commentary and mockery of our political elite. Date: 01-30-2018
This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
We're alive three two one. Thanks ever had ever joining us, I'm Jeremy, boring God, king of the Daily Wireless Lowercase, Chee lower case, hey if pocket, and I'm here with my pals Michael Knolls, Andrew Clavering and the one and only been Shapiro and tonight is that were hanging out we're watching the state of the union. We wanted invite you guys back to our lives a little bit. The point of tonight will really be talking about politics, although, whenever we're together, we talk a lot about politics and we're gonna watch the speech, so probably a political thing or two will come up, but really is just a chance for us to engage with you guys and say: hey coming Our office and enjoy- and I cigar enjoy a little bit of a whiskey all things in moderation, my friends, and learning including work, so why are we here
this terrible. If you're working on Facebook or airlines, Facebook or use tube live stream, when she did go up here. Follow hid subscribe if you're on Youtube go hidden, ring the bell. With your on Facebook turn on your notifications. You know social media and a hard on us conservatives out there and we could use. Although helping getting our message to you. We also have the lovely the talented ilusha crowds she's, whether she's gonna be taken questions from you all night in the comments whatever I you're watching you. We shall be curative those and will kick it too. Every now and then so that she can bring us your questions and we can bring. You answer is actually seems, in over reached its ways. We will respond to MR blankly into the camera,
come of a daily wire state of the union coverage, the greatest president that God ever created. So first of all, is anyone here again to see black out there, because I have heard that it is actually against the law to criticise us. I haven't seen it, but it's wonderful really really like ours was it's just like wonder, woman right, which is the greatest moving things when I, when I watch and then it was pretty good, I sort of still felt bad. I felt like I was still incomplete, had reckoned up between gone with the wind and Citizen Kane. I liked, unlike the women who cried when they saw because finally, woman had one world were one yeah
excited about black out their says that that's ranking high on my list of priorities, if I may say so, in glass mislead the trail of her aunt man is better than trailer for black save as much more of a man who runs the letters there and there are those who would say the thing about it there is. They will find something to complain about like one didn't when the right award for black Panther. So I hold wonder not only who will get in trouble for saying something less than perfect about like manner, but then how they will complain about blogging about when any awards raise her wonder. Woman didn't want any more than I was debating, didn't get magical statuesque. There are very wealthy internal, very famous befitting a little girl statuette, so I might have been handicapping the oscars- you guys handicapping listening it now it's as I'm trying to get Drouet alone me his screens, the only honest man and how we were we at so drew belongs to the writer skilled, having accomplished books with words, and they pay
with ringers for all the nominated films to give its opinion on them and when you live in Hollywood, you pretty much live, especially when you're, young and poor on a steady stream of borrowed screener longer pals, like I probably have a stack at various times in my life, Hundreds of these for an unmanned really watched him? I can't confessed. It happened. I have them drew the white man. How do we have that when asked about it this week that they find people hundreds of thousands of dollars? You have you have to understand each one of these store for the notice from the F b I may go on as they are you deaf when money son was little, he asked if he could. Sport without asking he board one of my screen and took it to his friends house, and left there and I was like with the boys echoes in Europe so that they do they do say they find you and they watermark them. Not even have an insurance policy
Really, I saw how do I would have you ran to rid the bad it was on the door at the writing on land avenging the pc handicapping, because that is how it works. Regiments, Alastor Moonlight, one because, obviously gay black Reverend allege into sexual movie that my God, if somehow they could have been transgender they just then they would have actually forced you with your eyes open, like a clockwork or but it by this year. It looks like to me get out and dying and shape of water are committed to front runners. Just from that so you'd I haven't significant disagree that get out. I said on the shouted adding to racist felt. You think that I think that it is not so I don't care the disgraceful to horror movie. It's I don't see why a black. I can't uses racist paranoia to make a horror movies given the ability, the old man, but the Shepherd wives like really Anti Man film right, but a good right. Ok, that's that's fine, because we don't actually disagreements. There was a moment in the book of the Shepherd wise when my favorite is actually where my favorite moments in thrillers, where they come up in one sentence where he tells you that their children are happier
after they becomes better that lies just let me think. Well maybe it's worth it. Then you say that like, madam the investments in the conversation but now I do want to turn to this. Guy speak for this reason, president, is Andrew new order if they did a sight of him when they announced the presence of United States in all the Democrats sitting, and then him for himself to say those left behind in this respect- and I am looking forward to it, but I think we have to do a couple of things one. We have to do, can a grades per year, one and then I think that we should also probably talk a little about all of the FBI scandal stuff the memo gate now of the rest of us, because they would One of these is not whether you aren't you the greens for your one year. I think I don't have any good grades four year. One just that we can at least a week we ve shared some lapse. We prove
we're friends and now well, very great great ward, heelers nauseatingly first now he says along by the way that I, like the Bruce Wayne, get up, but this sort of thing. Well, I figured world forever building. Well, I don't know, there's not a great their great above the egg, is there a great above it is there some letter that I didn't know about some actual aromatic or something that I am really pleased with it Islam. Fan my convert you know to were to the trunk train The new health zeal in the newly convey I do I do like you know, like Bernhard, tax. There always are that it will be the one. The one mistake was the sessions refusal, so that is why he doesn't get the oh. That was the one message I want to know and it we found the lasting and all the other stuff. Like the Stormy Daniels. Whenever nonsense, they dredging, I don't care about any of the sessions,
he also was really is round her coming I highly smashing we're on a smart fire. Nine yes and have a trial is now here they pulled out any. Are you all right sure? Let's will was inarticulate, he could have quit while he was away a period points that I think I think it it was a little bit bungled. It's not given all the good stuff we got and his end his performance after the Charlottesville response or not ding amounted to a degree that I would ding sessions refusal, but that was a flood he could have. You could have done better. Unwilling, IPCC is away from you. How about you they minds argument. Hey man, I definitely given in a on the overall from here. I think it was amazing year for conservatives. I think you know you, you always can't judge a prisoner. What doesn't do we have to judge them on what he accomplished and the judge
Jews and deregulation, which I'm a big fan of regulation, obviously, and detect tax reform, the tax cuts, the economy, the dinging, constant dinging of the press, which I will talk. I could talk but for an hour which I think has been great. I think he is but the press on the defensive. They now that the media now actually Republicans act around the media, Republicans actor on the media, like abuse, child abuse, children always afraid to see. The next thing is you never know when dad he's gonna wearing away at you and that's the way, Republicans of behaviour on the media for the last thirty years now the media acts that way do not worry about the state of the union before easy besetting. I don't care. If he's presidential he's like don't say, he's presently really worry about what happens when Trump meets the public directly the trumpet at all, is weird problem for me believe that the trompe
like rudeness of bullying, floods and things that he says you're Charlottesville. I was not as upset as you workers. I've got exactly saints trying to six different. Then he said it was tone. Deaf separate the things that he does, I find appalling. You know with the accomplishment six had because I actually leave. The left has succeeded in wrapping our conversation in this straitjacket of of fear. That millennials won't say what I'll say, because I grew up in a different type of nine traveller. This point from another here. You know I will say anything and millennials won't Satan, because they already know that that's as much as their reputations as much as their careers are worth and he's broken through them. Do I wish you'd broken through race, weird and style? You bet I do as it has done it now, but
sure in this day and age, that anything but the sledge Hammer of Donald Trump, which really does still upon me and goes up. My gentlemanly spine, much of anything else, You mean with Georgia, and there was a loud Overton with nice about this right of any in terms of conservative. So it s about these rumours that is divided right along now to my slaves of them. There's we're not really in the same room in fact see glass right area from this side of the Mason Dixon mine, I would say yeah. I mean to the extent that you're you're describing as the two trumps on on policy. I think Trump has given us a terrific here. I think that we sometimes and conservative media have a tendency to overstate how good a year it's been and I, Think that we right now in the conservative media have a tendency to understate any past republican accomplishments of the last fifty years
and that bothers me, but even without being said, it's stupid. Terrific here without some great judges, Grady Rigging deregulation, some great policies, we got tax warm to whatever degree we got it meeting. I dont think that tax reform that we got is as great as the tax reform that we say that we got, and I think we ve gotten tax cuts in the past and we pretending. We haven't gotten them now, because I would. I would like to warn like this. We ve gotten tax cuts in the past in this reform. Other than the corporate tax rate is basically a terrible. That's the whole thing in, but I wasn't pitch that way so that, as I agree that listen I've ever like the tax Bilbil, what happened you then? What is delivered? Refugee everything so and delivered was corporate tax cuts is pictures and individual TAT Scott, it's not contract. I don't talk in terms of individual tax cuts. You have to talk about Reagan, lowering the tax bracket from seventy percent to twenty eight, but is it, yeah I mean I obviously that budgets are via our finnish migrating here
my problem, where I really that I have two issues that divide me from the in front of New York and the gentleman from falling island, and that is that I dont think that you can talk about what the president does and what the President says, because I think The number one thing that the president does it say things. The June movement has won. The job of the president is as much the bully pulpit as it any individual policy, many of them. Is that we dislike about Barack Obama were rhetorical. They were the way that he never even pretended to be the president of the people in this room. You never pretended to be too as an inner publicans referred Republicans as his enemies, the enemy of his constituents, offer his ten. I dont like that Donald Trump. Does that same thing, where the left concerned. I dont like the continuing pullers. Mission of America, not just the one- medical wine, but alone,
partisan lines, I think we can win political arguments. I don't know that we will win in the long run, partisan arguments. I especially thank that because of the age barrier that you're, referring to the fact that people under forty reject the President em in ways that pay over. Forty do not. I think that that does not bode well for us and in terms of our partisan success overtime under the president, so Well, that's it it's hard for me to give him in a even though on policy. Certainly I would give the president in aid, but I think that that the things that he says matter in the moment, bacon it fun to celebrate them. There he's he's funny he punches all the right people most of the time. I think sometimes we ignore that he put me there are people takes friendly fire washroom look I have, but on the on the whole its thunder watch him be Trump has put the bullying illegal, but but I worry that there,
it was not only to find a distasteful, but I worry that there's consequences and, and That brings me to the thing that I'm have the most concern about in the era of Trump, and that is not what Trump says or does, but what Republicans and conservative say and do in defensive trump, which is what I think that we have the most lie billowy right now it it by. Others may that we can't say what he does his good when it's good, but also say that what it does is bad when it's bad. I think that, because we have become so reactionary and partisan. In my opinion, There were losing credibility with anyone who doesn't already agree with us about the guy. We no longer see MIKE Honest, the purveyors of ideological, which we can discuss the nature of ideology? There were no longer prevailing an idea, I work
that were only supporting a man, and I think that that doesnt work well for conservatism over time, because it is not its traditional conservatism. I do think there is a segment of his base that is so rock solid that its its impressive, but it that worries me to that the fact that he has such a big person- I already explained when we talk about the character of the presidency and does it matter that the president is has lack of, I mean there's no other way to put it. He is not somebody he'd want babysitting. Your children he's not from an agreed, probably can settle a personal friend he's not he's not that guy and you know not to go ancient philosophy but even aerosol recognise that it didn't. You left me a good person me good citizen, but what about it? also true that there are consequences too, the nation, for having a bad man, even if he is doing good things for you. I agree with everybody in everything has been said about policy obviously have said I set it to have set it directly to tat members of the administration that on policy critical executive policy, I'd give me a minus you under the head after corset
that's my point when he does good things. I cheer him as loudly or more loudly than than anybody else, but when he does bad things, I think it is incumbent on us to speak up and we don't. There there is theirs, Are you and that's why? When which recalls has dress year for conservatism in a long time? thirty years, I will say in terms of conservative policy. I probably agree with that. In turn, of four conservatism. There's two wasted to judge the year- and one has not come in yet radio waves is we can judge on the policy and way too is what is the effect of that year? Right How are we actually gonna? How? How does this play out overtime soap now, let's say that he is made all the key that I love and that you like, and all the policies that we love, what, if he's made those toxic right? What if what? If like to take an example that is close to my heart. Obviously I actually I think the most republican presidents would have done the stuff that he did, except for one thing where I give him one hundred percent credit, which is the moving of the embassy to Jerusalem having it takes a manual, does not care about any of the normal to do something like that and he's totally right and good for him and full marks now what
toxicity actually makes that an unpopular position of much more unpopular position that it was for a new scene. This, in the areas where he's injected himself into culture, So, for example, the NFL fight, which I'm sure you guys celebrated in thought, others is greatly, is running into the result. I will show you what I will tell you why dont think its great. The reason that I don't think it's great is not accepting is wrong. I think, is a hundred percent right. Obviously, the reason that I think that its that is bad is that if you look at the opinion polls- and I know we're not pay attention oppose any more, but I think they are reflected with something if you look at it. Many poles on how many have alike are fake news been re there. Some time is another is a garland of your wise in all. Your look much wiser now tell me what you're welcome exactly so that now that we ve got now, but I think they are only. The problem is that you will get a deal with the poles on the on the page, It is a question, I'm on whether you should actually stands,
Furthermore, what you see is that, before from intervene, seventy five percent american public thought you're an idiot if you needed for the anthem after Trump Intervene, fifty five. Percent of the american public thinks you're an idiot if you know for the anthem, so he can win a prize. Victory because that's a popular issue. Obviously, but if Hillary Clinton, its head said anything letting I've been here, president and Hitler it said, anything that lowered by twenty percent. Number of Americans who thought it was bad news for the anthem. We would say: that's a terrible effect, look what she's done: and this is this- is the problem with him being personally toxic. He can say things I like and now actually have a stake in him. Nothing personally, toxin legacy work represent policies. I don't care about. I wouldn't have a stake in his character than it should be. Like ok, bad character is going crap. I don't care about who care, but if he Stuff that I really like, and I want to see victorious and I speak to young people all the time and I want to see young people fallen, lie behind a lot of the ideas that he's actually winning for then he needs to be would it promulgating those ideas, not just getting them implemented. The president has power, because the president's the president but
what happens in twenty twenty? What happens in twenty twenty four, what happens when there's a pull the trigger publicans under the age of thirty. Seventy five percent of them tromp primary and twenty twenty it s, not good. Various conservatism Butler it, but you ve made a good point, which is that you now have stake in his personal success is personally be likeable there are, there are issues where half that we're so partisan were so divided that, if Mitt Raw, the most likeable Republican. There is, if he intervened, half the country would oppose, even if that warrant necessarily the cakes. Now this is that looks delicious and you know the the question of conservatism. I think is one that we should talk As I do, I do disagree a little bit. Then, let's talk about it. Ok, but let's talk about it after We allow indicates to catch some air and we go to Ilusha, whose ready, with a few the first set of questions later we are you,
you guys are you: are you hey everyone, I really sure crowds and to have your question herds? As Germany said earlier, you can just ask away in the common thread? Honour, live stream on Facebook, Youtube or daily wire dot com will pull your quest and, in the guys will answer them live on the air, so be sure. Direct, your question towards either Michael Andrew or Jeremy, and if you really have to therefore, it will be lots of fun and don't forget anyone. This isn't like the conversation we're only subscribers canal, but we do love it if you all subscribe anyway, can, as on Facebook into were daily. Word are come right in and if you're watching on Facebook to begin we're gonna hit this, so times over the night, because you probably read the news about algorithm changes about, add blocks about shadow bands about blacklist. We struggle to get our message do we want to be able to do that. You can help us here on Youtube. Hit subscribe for us and, while you're there go and ring that bell that insurers will get notifications from us if you're on Facebook be shorter
follow us either on bends personal facebook, page daily, wires, Facebook page. Why are there for going to your settings in turn, notifications on that keep. The algorithm, from being able to block our stuff from getting it from getting to you and ensures that you'll be able to see whatever it is that we do however long they did not double now, I'm gonna get you guys opinion on that non memo. Gate is now we're gonna get that the battle of the memos and how this is all worked out. So I'm gonna give me very brief, take care, because I think everybody is prejudging the evidence before did and me absolutely inside the number one. I think that it is pretty obvious that the FBI had been corrupted by Obama and by Hilary with regard to the Hilary investigation before. I think that is pretty obvious, that the James call me and members of the FBI we're going to find her there one to exonerate her, but we knew that literally the day. The James call me announce that he was not going to recommend any sort of prosecution of her because he, actually
in the verb age of the law. In order to let her off, I mean I pointed this out the day that had happened because a lawyer and looking at the statute and going there's nothing in here that says you have to have intent when he was actually adding element to the law to get her off so pretty obvious something was going on there, but the leap from there too from Russia Collusion Investigation is itself fatally flawed by the way, I don't think from colluded with Russia, but the leap to The commission itself is fatally flawed and corrupt. I think a pretty major leap, even if you think that five of war. It was based for four Carter page the Trump Foreign policy adviser was based on the russian dossier. Carter page horrifies war, the gas and electricity fourteen the guides dirty and he's been thirty for a long time, and so the you hear that we're going to jump from memo gate. They were getting drunk from from Devon Newness memo about intelligent community bias too shut down. The mother investigation, that's a leap that I dont actually see and until we actually see the memo, we're not gonna know. On the other hand, the Democrat saying that it's worse than ever,
like a memo, we're all gonna die traders and yet no one can question the FBI knows. That seems overtopped me as well, but the pit and tenor of guns so high. All before Bernie Sanders is in the chamber Madam president, the man who could be there is still one we're pudding. Rehnhjelm pudding away we have. We have democrats entering the chain right now, getting ready for the president's speech, what other pro tomatoes trump any watching. It would be the greatest television us, our election night coverage would feature. In my opinion. It is entirely tell reality tv. So can we actually you like the japanese sagacious slippery stairs and he can actually come down the slippery stairs. Auditors hoping the Democrats in the end, the republic is bringing ice. Yet I wonder you know if the because they were saying they were gonna bring in these illegal aliens. If that is the case must,
We arresting deport them, isn't anything less a mockery after not immigration regime, as from I just get a bunch of people to put walls around them around. I would answer your yea hooks forcible. I absolutely agree that there are two issues here. One is that so the summit is the Hilary investigation, but the depth of it is the degree to which Morocco with Sir I pressed term federal government and Chicago style, democrat Machine and its thing about it. The crap machine is, it doesn't always break. The law is not against the law, to give jobs to friends and to sort of you know the opposition a little bit, but it is. Dishonourable and it's not really the way the federal government has run in the past and Barack Obama definitely turned federal government into a democrat style. The machine. While the press shot by and asked him what enchanted
about the president. I agree with you that there is a problem I mean. I do think it is probably the Republicans take those problems and then blow them up to encompass the modern instigation itself, because if they do that, I think that they are there actually moving into democratic territory by taking the entire institution of the FBI once again that is so great that we can trust them out any three gouty to his credit, who is brought back Bob Mahler all along said the Republicans or expert at taking good facts and using so much hyper, is no there's. I personally the way that the russian investigation has been the rushes. The Russians had no effect on the election a great day they have been bothering us on our elections for at least twenty years that this this investigation and the mistake of appointing a special council to investigate. Finally, let me say here that Williams trumps mishandling yet, but it is
Indeed, the working out of what Hillary Clinton herself said would be horrendous if they did not accept the results of an elite, and that is what it is- and I think that that's appalling, doesn't mean that model is not on our sky, it doesn't mean that he's not gonna find your come out with an honest. You couldn't write a ham sandwich, you don't get ahead. Of course, I actually think that are being examined coming down to adding another similar will actually operate can eradicate. Mahler is not going to indict, I think the mother. Well ass, they he's gonna. Do is talk about how, from his a pattern of obstruction by having looked at the wheel- the chance it actually being able to indict trumpet networking that most available scenario, which can be Democrats use whatever mullah comes up with as grounds for each man and Republicans defend whatever trumped did in order to fund against. The only reason was cheerful personnel, because I think that that that's where this is going right, we ve got to the point where we will defend everything that Trump dies, and this is because I mean you can do both you can say from their budgets
but things you shouldn't dawn and also does not impede trouble. You don't you one of my favorites out of every one of my favorite websites is the Babylon Bs Satire, say horrors, serbian angelic walls and it's so they had a. They had a story about major, and local leaders talking about how Trump only dating porn stars as a way of fort of converting the missionary dating suffering man. That's the problem for me with the with the moment the worry history, as I wasn't sure at first, if it was set up, I have we don't even know it's just like you, just like we ve been ourselves into such contortions to try to make what's wrong right in. The shame of areas were also getting about two things that are good, but when you like, I do think that Trump Trump, like all of us exists,
Time and one of the things that I notice that narrow sure just be the turtle present anything you do nothing but hamburgers, but he's the healthiest person with us because he's never wasted as life worth on exercise. That's it that's what you re seeing here is, as would have Paltrow Pew pity, and somehow this is hardly necessary. Only exercise regard was carrying the coffins with people who exercise or maybe Harry guiding their answer. Now strengthen chambers and get ready for Democrats. You set a notch here think they will not as applaud no way they can only live, no, enabling nobody if your good look for them in the long run, for their base. They think it from some thirty or forty percent approval rating. They ve made from coming up the chance the direction. I noticed these forty percent, no matter what they do is what impression actual I guess they that range is reading south, so I get it from that were sent from exiting the White House there still driving him over her. I know at the White House X, it looks like these I'm too
into politics in important areas. You met microbes, which my question of my favorite people and movements like Michael on a short, Mr President, because I just think you emphasise what is this. The thing that so astonishing to me is that in the policy. That's good, that's been coming out. I give triumphal because he's at the top of the of the trade, but the people who are actually making the policy on read him are the people who are actually making a policy underneath and monitoring will withdraw it not always mean. The fact is that I think George W Bush is a little more involved in policy than than trumpeting. Even Reagan was more involved in policy than Trump is every so often he tramped speak about policy in an open setting and cover Mccarthy has direct, have no trouble you're, not angry, always by no question a beggar woman. What will when you download anything when you delegates the winning delegates, have great and gets? He gets full credit for that, but I think it's important for people who are his critics to recognise that a lot of hard working people who are around him. So even if you don't like Trump
people around him are trying to do the right thing. For the contrary, actually trying to do the right thing for the compile air bunch of those people in its import for people on our side to realise that the same thing, which is a lot of the great things that are getting out of tromp are the result of even critics of Trump. The yes a lot of our pals, who were very Vocal in there in their opposition. Never trump, which at this point, I think we should use all admit that never Trump isn't a thing Well, I haven't been. We address a major stream on the right hates the sky. In spite of all of the excellent room I live, there remains a great may, try it on. I only that's correct and maybe get a letter is that nobody can say he don't look a little bit less. They look at the list of people who are quantum, whoever would involve, reside in both from a general election returnable, her dinner, but from an engine Damon criminal by it. But the vast majority of those people have been good, real credit where credit is due and defending him from from stuff when he doesn't deserve it right. The hit him
it's about there. There is a group- and I think it's relatively small right and you can name them actually writings, Brett Stephen Stephenville, Crystal decent from that the praise of people there, quite prominent people who were or former leaders of the glacier removed, but it but the right to suggest that there is this broad, never try movement that has continued past. The election is not true. It's not literally like three goblets, but can never try existed in time read. It has never try for me for most people here and our trump. Never tromp was I'm not voting for him. Once president then no longer applies, and we have a vote for him anymore. It's over. Can I finish this bottle, but about justice thing, but, like all of us here moves in time. He was of a political neophyte. He doesn't learn stuff, you can watch and figures. He's, not the man he was when he took and are not just opposite much, smarter much better politician than he was here and it's a lot of them is a lot of the mistakes made of staffing, the guys who fired that was all beginning and he started to figure stuff out,
bullshit you're, giving credit rating and unaccountable he I did, I'm not going to you. My coffee is new. Fighting is, unlike other, raising the one thing that I will give him credit for a guy who stepped in out of a different business, and he has learned Is this what you said? Okay, so so so I agree that he has learned which levers to pull. Ok, then that, but that is not the same thing as saying that he learns on the job as far as what the job come here. Thank you keep going back. And his two different visions of the presidency, and this is where environmental, disconnected, you can going back he's learning on the job. If you think that the job is purely you sign your name on this piece of paper and Ex happens fire this guy who's this guy- and why happens then? I agree with you If you think that learning on the job actually involves growing into the so you're. A lot of us thought maybe there's a report the night, the election in Owen. I was laughing hysterically, because this whole thing is credibly of certain and self on it, but it's. But there is a report that that Trump got an easy one. And for a second, there is like a sobering moment where he realized, whose president growing
the job. When we first talk about it was not just he's gonna learn which piece of paper assign or he's gonna learn which guy to staff at state, or to listen to my pencil to whom the staff at state right growing is the I was going to mean that he recognized I'm not sitting in the office. There. Replied by Abraham Lincoln Round now sitting in the office that was occupied by Ronald, In a grand Callin college and great men, whose in this office and helped bring country together, He isn't worth a damn thing. I mean look at us. Twitter feed the idea that the idea that he is bringing country. Together again, I like his policies, and I can't like his policy bullets. These reality here the country is divided or more divided. It was the night of the electorate. What you're saying is that his character hasn't changed. Yet you know somebody somebody at during my which is an area in which the pact, it always bothered me, which is right, and we know it, wasn't- really live in his palace. In my version of the conversation, somebody asked me why you and I saw this differently, and I gave As far as we do on the fly, but I'm out of here hands after I went home and thought about it. I realized that I'm a novel my job is to observe stuff and look it's not. I've. Always in weeks we ve taught you, and I have talked about a lot- is that
I've always had a very tragic view of the world, and I've always thought like nations combinations go. There's no question is no question that culture is it low our colleague has really gone, downhill and Trump is not. Trump is not only create, helped create. As a product, but he is a product of that nature. I wish you were Lincoln too. You know sad that our culture sailing under the owl, the arch, like I said, I'm said that our culture has become a fight between Gm Donald, that that makes me sick. But it is where we are and in some ways some ways like it is. It is positive given that even that fact it is a positive occurrence that Conservative voice has come out and fought the culture out. It is a cultural figure who is a helpful Yossi Beilin. You fight the fight in the wrong way you and of alienating alot of people to be a perspective. Allies like this is what it is rather than talking about your your grating him against you're getting him against, turnover of Hilary being President?
grating him against the alternative of job Bush being president and I'm grading him against. The alternative of this is the greatest opportunity. Unexpected opportunity didn't know unexpected right, I mean no one. There expertly got that. I know people in the trunk administration, no thought he was going to win. Ok. All of this revision is history. Where there were sitting around, they had all the maps in front of them and their playing the forty chestnut. Believe you did you just not true, but I really have any. I think that are the human and when are you didn't want to when I think that the whole thing was started off as a lark and suddenly he finds himself in the oval office. You want in any less link as you like, swimming I'm not sure they wonder. When do you want the president, but I think that, but that being the case, what gave you let's get this right- he could put the win on his on his box and then go golfing for four years. And what are you going to do it? Then? What are we doing? That's why I'm so long as always, policies get up, but I think that we have to made him against. Maybe it's early it's early, maybe right, maybe too early for us to great him against the opportunity lost until we know what opportunities been lost, but I fear that number, really is being lost in real time,
every time we have one of these moments right in the state of union tonight or he's to Congo. He says you can try and unify the country, so he's gonna come together. Easiness able to step up the teleprompter, I hate this whole thing. This monarchist crap that's really wanted as via the union's terabytes. Such garbage was idea. We ought. What are we talking about? My mother was standing on the state of the union. The union itself is monarchist garbage. This idea of the great the great king, walking in the legislative branch applauds go back to sending a letter to Congress led the George Washington did I'd much tweet out this. Didn't I tell you and by when they buy caravan. Disagree with you about this, but but then started Finnish, not learnt lessons I so what so, when I'm not. There are set up when is the next raising. This is the day the Donald Trump became present. We ve had at least five rather than a threat. We have this after he had been speaking from Congress last year, which is a very good speech right, we had it after his inauguration. We have This was the moment that Donald Trump became president and then within twenty four hours he's back to and if the Imagine if that moment actually happen.
Imagine if he gave the speech tonight and then he didn't go on twitter and start a bunch of fights of Jason. In writing. We envisage any man- and I know, but I think that you're joking, but I dont think much, I'm not your grand. I think that yourself I think that, and I think that one You are saying is the problem is, I think, so long to base continues to cheer him when he does stupid, crap he's gonna continue. Stupid, crap and working to cheer him because we're the base, but there a whole world of people outside of us. We dont sure this stuff and think that this did We think that this disgrace, the often the presidency- and I am willing to. Good along with the bad so long as there is good, but there could come appoint pretty quickly here again, not so calls, but right now he's losing imposed Bernie Sanders in twenty twenty. Fifty seven to forty. Ok, that's that does not going sceptical of the environment. I am sceptical of some of these positive because national election cycle he lost the popular will by three He's gonna need when ten million additional vote from from two thousand sixteen two thousand twenty. He was when reelection Bush had a wish list.
A thousand votes headwind. Twelve million additional vote just be John. Carried by low, but rather means that did it trumpets gonna have to do better, there's just no washing he's. Gonna have to do better unless the Democrats make state of nominating again. They some. I find that the second worst candidate in history, our will and our obsession with pillars in Grammy's, are they out of them. They must be crazy, bear most of your nicely she's out of her mind and she is hit my source. There's just took sagging exactly so. You remember after Al Gore lost the presidency, everyone the presidency, every loss of revenue. For the moment I remember the beard like beer maddening remain or even an affinity, twenty pounds. If Hilary could girl appeared, I see the hidden assassin say and if we sit in the south like having a pity for Hilary, but are you know my fourth decibels.
So I feel familial bond to her about a brazen really goes breaking news. The White House is announcing that they are going to have trump. They, like he's gonna reverse Obama's executive order closed the detention centre in the state of the union. He's a guy's gonna reopen get, but you never closed, but you never can weaken our cigars through get MO or do we have to go to abandon our listen before the act and starts. I'm sure people want to know about the cigars bananas Actually wearing a smoking jack in the box and the three zero noses wedding night outlet? Sounder plants grew release. We are in fact also smokers at the daily wire except for young Mister Spirit. Who has no vices at all really is inseparable Michael and I made a trip down the slave island last year in search of fine a cigar- I don't we-
down there by cuban cigars, you'll, hear people who say all we love cuban cigars. None we're looking for like these cigar were years a weekend just to buy cigars. We flew down on a Friday Flew back on a Sunday, we all we did virtually all we did on this whole island was go, she to shop. To find, the rarer cigars you can track and me Michael knows, I'm smoking my favorite cigar, Monte Cristo on though this is an aged with a cigar. I think we had also Churchill's everything. Drawers smoking, the Romeo Wide Churchill which is a wonderful cigar, but the cigar of the night, belongs Michael knows, and I M, because it is they Donald Trump, a cigar. This is the Donald Trump of cigarettes is very pleased that we got this. This is the way he gave a fifty six. This is the
the top of the line of the top of the line of Cohiba, which is the premier brand Christianity, twenty bucks bits alone. Fifty this there's something about the cigar. It is oversized likes Our president is all you do is known for its a yellow and shiny top, and possibly it's a KFC billions of years and it looks like somebody. I think it is one which is very good for our country and the cigar think about listening to knows not what's adores meekly still some really interesting element to donate organs a year with their humidor is almost exclusively stacked with with our Cuban, basically yet ass, the bounty from Cuba, where it This is the executive offices here at the daily wire headquarters, so we keep off
our cigars, I'm proud displayed by we I mean this is Germany's pursuit of its public, as I shoot my show from the clauses of the bench appear like changing every so often burning as a man who lives in LOS Angeles. I just wanna see you got two questions, one. Is it true that they rule? This goes on the fire of virgins and too was a word, so we're just waiting at this point for for the president entered the speeches supposed to begin in about five minutes now means that he's gonna come in and then it'll be Am I really am fascinated to see who charges they offer the photo with a light People in battleground districts you sure this is the way the worst they said, everybody in a battleground district. Next to the aisles thing, get pictures with the president as he walks in than they can send that's all their constituents, the chances
any Democrat does that are below zero right right. Framing much better chance at one of them has a like a coconut cream pilot marked ass. They were there, so we should do some projects. Here I mean legged. What are they? and so many shouts you wire or just trouser middle speech. I guess it's just. I was an entire people that they brought in. First, some of the congressional black caucus or boycotting the speed I think they're spending the meal was in your place. I dont want to be with a bigger. But yes, I am in the question is how far after the speeches Bernie Sanders getting his does take them at least a year and total out of this, do you think there's a question we trump arrived and devils I am not usually surprised by anything, but I was surprised startled by the absolute all with which he was greeted
by these people who are supposed to have lost all respect for America? Everybody stopped cold. You have to wonder if there's something a backdrop star quality backdrop that overrides a lot of the strength of their all network, because all these Ricky Riches, the tablets are now thinking, maybe I could be present. She thinks that is entreated out. I mean they treat him more. Like a reality, tv started, knitted like the present like if you like, the nor with Bush, had come there. Feeling all that's the present was, I will have to negotiate. The trunk is such ass. He No one in the history of mankind:
Has this has been the centre of attention like down from used? No less than eating is larger than life in the cameras have made him even larger than that, and so all these guys were, as I said in the latest case against from Russia Collusion- is the only thing trumpet possibly collude with his management by sitting there and actively figuring out a campaign to funnel information from the gradual I'd like to exert a separate clause headquarters and he's talking, because it's the most absurd the array a lot. I would echo what it's about. Ok, now we're getting married: here's Laudonniere, monsieur Le Pen, the White Patsy engineers, where relations in the other room gushing over here. Excellent. I really wish that nobody, maybe stormy Daniels Reference guys. Don't I'm glad you know, I don't know, I'm glad they showed you're trying to make a big deal out of this morning. I didn't have me worried that she was gonna run.
You're, something if we lose Maloney a willing. I know you re a chance if we're running away from this marriage. Are you kidding me? dementia points. You know they always being likely to forget about the job. That first, ladies, do, which is to literally stand there and not a terrible someone. I lay their eggs in here, I'm going to run for president by day yet it may make everything that millennia is that interview where they asked her. If, if Trump would be with her shore beautiful, there will be with him. If you are rich, it just means. We don't know that actual shippers- and here we go again evolution to bring out his wife, not beholding the dollars as they want. It says, spectacular, rats, sellers and who doesn't know areas.
An emanation. There is general matter contain a break from eating from closing his teeth with Barbara was actions you shouldn't cynicism. In this area there is attorney general just sessions he's been led out of his cage for the evening by the president, see venetian fresh from producing the latest smash it Justice Lake like like then so. What are we actually doing there is? I do want to take this moment to say if you are not a subscriber to the daily, why aren't you want this kind of rousing intellectual, daily basis over data wire dot com for only nine dollars and ninety nine cents? you're very on leftist tears, hot or cold tumblr you get the daily show from Michael Mouth Daily, shove, mandrake slave and the daily show from Shapiro is by contrast,
you're, simply looking for a great place to Asher, Delicious Monte, Cristo had over two louder with crowded, remember, mug club, the best one I've ever you, it is a terrific might hold my ashes. Very well- and I think there s a little agreement- you automatically wait, wait a crowded, mug noses ashes and maybe the pinnacle is in front of Stephen Crowd or he would
hold the seventy two. Our guest five hundred percent will personally cremate my body and mandate of priority exact match. Ok, so yet we gather Ecevit now herald a cabinet officers. You have now do they are now there's Betsy divorce. There's we therefore, where Eric there was a man of me. I'd rains actually would be President Vladimir apparently Lattimer Perry, who was president of the Republic of Turkey, is already here there is in. There is my Spirit: animal Mickey hailing Agnes, I love Rick Parry. The fairies, pretty great is too repetitive us has taken on. A change has been terrific as well. Yesterday and education have begun to feel at making jokes, but making yearly review would be like s important my nose, beautiful woman slap around them. I know sweet little leases watch. I can't make any comments on the other. We see me she made most interesting if you could be the fifteen she's refugees rigging in actually taken this of why this mere from the wolf there looking eyes just great over that's trash, she's gonna, let ungrateful them! That's that's! It shows how garbage this whole this whole leftwing push on me too, has been its out a letter signed. If they really cared about this stuff, they wouldn't be smearing. Nicky Ellie really really grows
so we're just waiting, obviously for the arrival of the President of the United States and will see if I weren't Jetson chart owing Poland danced by animals like canings in the centre and the pre civil war mouse, Mohammed? We killed every item that I said, and I wonder what it has the greatest lines in american judge. Does he not write them orange today, just signed on visas? Mediterranean said that there are few of them where they the car spontaneously, but there I would. I he's got right them right. I mean there's no guy who read like seven thousand book evangelize. One of those great soldiers tried ruining the average number of books they can travel, read together. Three. This is a true story. I I had the privilege of hosting our president, not long after the president, things from any came out tell I spoke. Very gracious spoke to a group that I that I ran at that I'm an he asked. We said during his speech
and the only guy in America whose written more books than I've read one didn't write. You know this at least that's what is it? What is your areas as there is a key areas? I remember my lesson when deciding on aid and yet why didn't write You sound with these children, learn English, Gaza and now all Ryan. Looking upward as he has. No, it is not always does
the last person working looks polling, everybody likes no right. Only like really making is like this every like Paul right in this and would like our fell for lower ass. I, like Paul Ryan, I think he's in the wrong job and I feel sorry for him. He was in his dream job and he was in the job that I dream of them have, and our party won in the rail sector he's been Carson, a man who the president once suggested was insane person whose task manager and even suggested as a child, a cab abuser terminal. We were, we want the money you have to go as when we need to look at what the hell's going on. I mean what's real about this here and it's twenty eighteen and the second Donald Trump he's gonna walk out the guy from the apprentice address us, The presidency's motto: Camacho walking out there with two machine guns in either hand it's gonna be spectacular. Love american politics in the sense that in Kosovo reactionary go there. Did you hear that
can we get. And ass. My skeletal- Her. Ok, we need a wide shot guys like is not useful. This close up there really, I don't know the Democrats are doing. Ok, like I dont trembling, like muted was from you to ensure that each person. Nothing. Why am I think they'll all clamp were walking in he's the president This is, I don't know. Maybe we can look into battle now. I think I think there are some for, like James Kleiber in some people whom some are actually from CBC will not stand up for him, but they should give us a larger. This is this is bad camera work right here, pullback eyes, pullback. I can only say that I was either by the Christian Democrats over there sit down
or standing awkwardly been clapping yeah, but you know that's. They end between Israelis and beheld Glassdale Road for my liking, peering from the people who need trumpet he's very likeable in person. You know so that maybe some of these people may actually like amendment no four from the ones who have not been reduced to this marking. Accosted did not give me that day I haven't seen are contrary to get angry. Their designs matter, Americans, love more than a school resident. That's right, granted the right honourable Louis living very low, theirs
Dorothy, just trying to guard from from being whispered to match our children. He allowed a Democrat sitting down. Not only the turbid grew. There really is low, not to stand for the prisoners. Iron recently sent home. It's a bad luck. You notice! I honestly, I hate the state of the union address so much that any drama the dad. I'm in favour, I think so much I shall I don't fool people for staying home. I love that Scalia never used to go to guess. Radiometer reserve charade region, like the state of the union. There was some people watch it and it is the one tat we do forget we Forget it created a lot of people. Don't know. What's going on. I have was Donald Trump Of course, I will be using No you just what is it. What if he actually does just read the memo
Let me just waiting to see what you're gonna do. These claims from thousands of gives himself the clap, I didn't mean it the way him out. That would be an interesting, their biological we're going to sound a little less than let everyone actually hear some of the president's address. I can't promise, now. This is what we did. You can't you really Nancy labelling alleys Democrats. Listening when there oh yeah. You stand for the President right that you look at it, and I love this, although that is a lot more and clapping from something to campaign rallies, fantastic, this weight of his wig, our bedroom. The guy has no sense of place or time, as you say in its
There's something charming about it there, like a guy unless there is just a means of Israeli, like your innocence, of opposing, not clapping, that standing. What are we actually just ripping anatomy caves, wife in the middle of the night. Our point and president for life, if he brings out, see battling against mass illusion. That's all I ask we'll say that on the day that Now he was and is now so? What are you smiling? Get that we're going to have a staff pop up nor popcorn for little in here concluded here will watch the speech and I hope you enjoy the speech to be sure and I hit subscribe if you're right, I'm new to follow If you're watching on Facebook, send us a comment or question the glad answer. Here's the president.
Well, that was president of the United States, Donald Trump and the first state of the union address We are the daily wire, I'm Jeremy boring here. Michael knows, Andrew Clavering Bench, a pair of your watching us on Facebook. We thank you if you're watching us Youtube liar no one's watching us on you too, because they actually thus, in the middle of the broadcast, for using the same dream that the young Turks are also using on Youtube without being block. What do you do about that? our server at Facebook, or The daily wire dot com become a subscriber. Not only do you get the delightful leftist steers, hot or cold tumblr for nine ninety nine, but you can actually what we are saying I think about it, makes no sense, and I'm pitching this into that you're not already on one of those platforms you aren't listening.
This is why you guys are actually the broadcasters and I'm the guy king, if not all, knowing predict, for instance, that you too would take us down for using a publicly on stream the young. Turks is also using without any consequences. I really really there's. No. My isn't right people on Facebook to go over to Youtube and hit the Belarus people agenda to then you tube and the bell, so they can be notified when we don't have a feed. Its we're gonna take a few questions from the audience, because we we got a good hour of talking entered into president got one hour plus. A half hours that we want to hear from you had gone over to Facebook? Ask your question: will kick overdue Ilusha Kraus in five minutes and see? If we ve got to manage but first I might go quickly around the room. What do we think of a speech gave us a quick grey? one or two lines of commentary would think. Then I mean plus the only reason Sundays, because just along otherwise I thought that it was quite good. I thought that whoever road is be
did a really good job. I thought that he delivered it. Well, we looked into this. He did this last year. I thought even very good speech. Here neither are, they did the big story of the night. Of course, is the Democrats make pence secretly down. Some of them are cracked seat, but super glue on the actual needs, because they would not get it for anything. The national anthem for war here for four war stories, for relief for anything for chance of you, I say they would not get up because determined that they are the antitrust party, they have no actual principles rating, they stand for they just don't like trumps even from his making over calls for infrastructure plans. Republicans generally hate Democrat still get up and you're for that, because, like Hillary Clinton, I think they're going to one hundred percent antitrust obviously did the big moment of the night comes here. And was illegal actually sought with the north korean refugees, who holds up his crutches near the attention which is a dramatic flourish. Foreshortened ends the in again. I think that he did a very good job of of using of doing. I stick them.
I think that a bomb did early on well and later lost, which was use unit, a unity lines and force the other side to take the non unity sides say things like protects Americans from crime from ITALY, global level has would do him, say: let's all stand for the ability of terminal patients get drugs, they want to get in their lives, We're all death and Democrats had set right when you say unifying things and Democrats still won't do anything. That's the archipelago, that is really well done tonight and this this round of guidelines. I expect a last: what's he had seven thirty, five, that around thirty five zero time tomorrow morning, at which point present problems. Something in boy back garden recycled, and I really think you're. I basically agree with that. I would give me a plus for the first thirty minutes after that, I don't think anybody was listening. You know about it, but why I thought you have to give him credit for the strategy of the speech. The speech was put together. Stephen Miller, whoever ruthlessly speech was designed to call out the Democrats on on
Major things, not just what Ben said, but also their unwillingness to compromise on the immigration policy, cause he was offering them stuff that his base Haiti offering them basically citizenship for millions of illegal immigrants in in return for security at the border, and they are clearly we're not going to go for it. I also thought final moments of the speech was sincere. With anybody was still around when you think back to Obama, The notion that the people of this country are the source of its not just a strange, but also of its legitimacy that that that had been lost for. Years with Obama he really always looked down upon the people of this country. He said himself like. I would like to just get the expert. In a room and solve all your problems. Trump looks too asked a sob problems. That is the american way. I don't if anybody was listen to that preparation at the end, but it was. It was absolutely that was excellent and I just thought the strategy of the speech was great. It did go,
our twenty minutes, long speech and less on trifling people is it you got. You can't do that you get you that people have been trumps. You know that better than anybody considering he's alone, forty character guy if you'd come out a way to evade area. That's true to eighty! Now, if you, if you'd, come at giving a twenty minute speech. He'd every unit. He would never stopping elected might already think I am pleased with trumps performance of it, I'm having no. You know, I will say I'm very pleased with this performance very pleased with the writing on much more pleased with the Democrats before they sat down for jobs, they said, don't not only for low unemployment. They sat down for blood. Black unemployment, they sat down for welders, I may have assumed for their national anthem they set out for the now Molly latter unemployment looked like an input for the flag. They sat down because they had to What I would I really think we all should give Trump or whoever road speech or whatever credit, because he left them no choice yet to sit for every one of those
is. It was beautiful, I agree, and he did such a spectacular job in and they did such a what a throne, deaf performance some people are usually pretty good. Show bans ride. The Democrats have us beat their until we elected Donald Trump that they think that they can sit for, think they ve sat for things that are typically their issues. They are that for infrastructure, they sat for paid maternity leave. They in may As you said, they sat for basically amnesty those who dimensional destroy. You first makes meant that we want to hear what you have to say about the future. Gonna kick it over to our very own designated survivor as the state of the union. The president picks one member of his cabinet to sit outside of the laugh radio of your average nuclear warhead. We do the same later. Kraus envy daily wire bunker, how's it going over there s a pretty good, all safe, overhear, Jerry Meyer, fine, we're taking questions from the audience on Facebook is, as you said, were shut down on Youtube, but Morgan.
That later and wisdom lots of fun responses in question from people. People really don't want, agree that talk said the union. They to know if Michael North is wearing a clip on tie up, I'm not gonna one. Do this time because its, I will say they like novelty ties in like pure silk. So it's it's pretty starchy, but this was done. By my own on one everytime. I have never known Michael knows where I will without rules, that has a say a little more serious question for ban. He wants to know what kind of scotch are you drinking? Actually, the multi question question: what kind of. Are you drinking? Do you enjoy it meter on the rocks and is it kosher. You told us looking ass, I said before the broadcasts. I said we have the kosher whisky, because otherwise we will ask because he s, discussion was here with their beforehand. It is Jamieson, and I had Jeremy tell me how to drink it. I'm not mad Jeremy Poverty, nice, given here Eighteen year old, sherry cask finished James. How much do I look
Well, let's just say that it was this not about high. Now that I wanted to understand ass our aid, ex question is for Andrew Andrew Sarah wants to know. If you were present and claimants of this, have been your save the union tonight and the three men in that room plus more in the bunker, were in your cabinet. Who would be in which position with the here I will just be asking them questions I'll. Just tell me what to do. I have no idea what I'm doing me. That's it. Let's see how I would put been in any position where he could kill. People didn't relentlessly already emotion, language, history and that and of course I would put noise in the press he would be. The prosecutor is that there are concerned. I think that originated in Germany would be the God, because God kind of the daily work. They did. They did include me. I'm gonna do ok,
yes, I would definitely puss every tariff commerce sector to say education, but I think this ok, it's because I was home. School right emerges from home school. The secretary of the dutch and irish earth thing would be to close it just like we're very what kind of clothes all of the ones they break. Perry wanted to closure. Half the ones that he didn't. Camilla has a question for our God, king, of course, both of those are with lower case because we're not blasphemous around me, our dear God, king, are you concerned about the negative health effects from all that second hand, smoke on this I've gotta go that big. I fear secondhand cigarette smoke, which is now killed officially more people than heterosexual aid. As I said at the beginning of the broadcast, all things in moderation, one nice thing about delicious cuban cigars that that you don't Hilda smoked. One
thing about smoking in my office. Is you do in detail all the second an hour the second hand, again, all of the cost of the benefit I worry most for banned. The rest of us probably deserve. What would you like most of the harm goes to the wallet rather than to the right Embargo has a question for everybody and she wants to know. Do Ben Andrew and Michael Leg to everybody watch each other shows us government absolute
We will obviously not we're line. I thought we were lying absorb watches every second of my show to find the moment to fire me attics Gloria. How about every thought is based upon a Ray of Germany is the guardian of the daily wired. Each morning I bring in offering to his office actually how it has thus far and success. Ok, so speaking hymnals who we all want fired sure to now. Is it true that if he stands in front of the mirror and repeats reasons to vote for Democrats five times that Michael Knolls will appear, it is too you know, Tourette's tweeted at us. Actually, I don't know if you saw this on Twitter and he said what is up with the Davenport that has fake books in it I guess there I didn't look at the books over there, but I will say this fake books have been very I put a lot of my Betty and our final
question for now, because will be doing then. The round of these later Emmanuel wants to know guys. What's up with the vessel both platter. It looks totally and tat. You know we're men were to me. I love anything with. I will let you can change your revenged about basic skills. Are due comes of us prevent illegal. Thank you know, theater back so. Were standing by four one of seventeen and a half democrat rebuttals to the speech, and I think that is do. We do not really have a preventive strategy of Joe Kennedys. We may have a preview Joe Kennedys did we did we pull the preview fur Virgil Kennedy speech, ok. What we do and will bring that up shortly, because only a city that very life locally that is able to accept joke energy. The third Yet here we have a preview of that actual rebuttals. Oh here it is.
For the greater part of his love We would urge you to give the news about their creative energy, the learned in the family rebuttals region, one things, I love about America, that anyone can be pressing If your last name is Kennedy Clinton Obama, last name is one of those things then you're a great grow. When I love stayed the democratic, we need a fresh face, Edward Afresh you know something. We know joking, the third benders there's a curse for the state of the union, responds no one's ever given a good one, neither party and who better to break. Now there is getting up, we know is good about it's because last names Kennedy here, boy, look, looks awful.
I remember that we remember the Kennedy mixing debate. He learned all the wrong. Let me tell you: we Movement was Nixon guerrillas in Amerika, the era. Speaking in a warehouse in front of a car stages, these thing falling over messages and there were losing Gordon killed a busybody. Ok, he's thanks, so we can we earning as well. We can. Why that is actually Garda, she's really bad at this. I really thought the vast majority of people are turning into hear us not talk about the state of the union. We are already Peggy S. Telling
Might I saw something core casting talk Arafat? May I do I love the Democrats, intersection evaluating you know the year of the way it's the of black, you're, his bad jokes wait right away in ever lived and what is with the drew on the side of his mouth and I know not arouse any Rubio Godlike killed. Four drinking water, this guy drew in fair, and I mean to have guessed pretty like we were also, I mean Macrobian got killed for drinking water. If Kennedy Drink water would be the first time the water of life in this mood is water, he's just getting keep on going here and will just make one vote in the dark, but what I think with job
the state of the union for horrible job did a rebuttal. I feel like the Republican should never do a rebuttal. Just you the time by the gentleman from wherever wherever but especially tonight, the democratic. Basically abstained from the speech they couldn't. Support their own ideas when uttered by the President, once a guy, like you know that the problem with the Democrats now, is it the way these shut down for jobs in America for the flag that actually represent. A large swathes of the Democratic Party. It's not It is not an action, they don't stand for the flag, they don't stand. You know people have been tweeting blacks, you'll, have jobs. So what Donald Trump said something about Charlottesville, you know the actually don't stand for the rich, things that make people's lively stand for the state of the government state of a kind of show business version of of govern. Wasn't they have hinted themselves in a corner with all the intersection reality, just so by having all of these folks, my colleague Macneil and then saying where we stand,
people who need, because this country is garbage or has been garbage. Historically, it puts them in a position where, next time somebody says we stand for the flag, they now have to not stand for the flags of aid. They had it Trump forced them. Those markets he forced them to pick sides with cabinet as postponing the middle position which his cabinet has rights duties doing, but I disagree with that rightly says: we stand with flat. What they really are done is stood up and then later they should have said was in. We all stand for the flag, but if somebody was not stand for the flagrant, but they couldn't do that. Having already alienating their obey, these were saying about. I think that the Democratic Party is fallen into that now of just being antitrust. Now that could work in elections ready work for Republicans in two thousand ten Republicans, basically Rennie Anti Obama, and they swept so it's quite possible. Twenty thousand and democratic run antitrust, because the truth is as much as we talk about state of the union. Ok, what's where this way the black hole? comments, controversy happening, in total of seventeen days ago or get up Ask the new cycle is right. Now the government shutdown ended a week ago,
ok, we all remember any advance in the state of the EU. The idea this needed line you're not gonna, carrying our four nine islands. I worry about this. I worry about because I'm watching in britain- I wasn't. I happened to be in Britain when germ carbon was elected, the head of the Labour Party in the sky is left. Jus hating piece of garbage he's a terrible, terrible person and they basically the headlines were. The Labour party has destroyed itself and isolate the time. No, they haven't, because every election is a binary choice and eventually the skies Come up against an unpopular conservative government were an Jeremy. Carbon could be Prime Minister, that is now with their facing and some guy. Like Bernie Sanders who basically promote the Soviet. Yes, point of English. They could actually, they could actually when election. This what's here this is this white from popularity rating actually does matter. It does matter Europe, no you're right, and I think the only thing would say about tromp is that he is laid a bet. It You haven't quite seen on changing the game, he's
trying to change the whole tenor on which we discuss these topics and I'm not sure that the poor reflect whether or not he swung muttering he's one, but I'm not sure they reflect whether I think that its reflected dead I mention these one, the bad but again you're right into binary raised so he's. I think his bed is, the Democrats are gonna, be so dumb did they somebody terrible in twenty twenty, which is a significant possibility bamiyan. It is very possible if they nominate somebody like Joe Biden, though it can be rough if they emanate even summary light burning, set burn he's been through the ring already remember. You can hit burning with a lot of stuff. The burning was hit with stop by Hillary Clinton with the democratic base. So I think that Trump would go right at Bernie, but I'm not your money, doesn't go right, a trump, so it's! I just think it we, I remember after two thousand for after Bush, when re election, I wrote a column or I thought right, the commissioner knows again: I mean that we want the recent elections. One two thousand one thousand to human rights. Two thousand for the lost the popular vote in two thousand I figured weren't around
This is it. This could be a new era of dominance. Republicans and I get the same feeling among a lotta Republicans now who just they they want to go through its like we're. Never gonna lose again. What Democrats, for five minutes ago thought the same thing. They were never gonna lose again, and it's just not the way that that's acknowledging. That was absolutely right. It does get to mice central theory of the left, which is that they they want the the appearance of the thing, but not the essence of thing, so they want to look. They want a president who looks like a president, a Brok Obama. He talked like a good precedent. The Kennedys. They look like good, but they aren't the husk of the thing and am what's on fourchan Little bit right, sometimes is Donald Trump doesn't look like the present me. Doesn't like the president. He hasn't behave like the present, but he's governing like the present, and that that's a real dichotomy. I've never seen it so clearly in american politics, and I dont we're gonna, go it's a superficial cultures and in fact it will. I think that the women who goes where we don't want to go because we're getting precisely the reverse of what you would think, meaning that from is a visual president where he was
the guy was a reality. Tv star had no experience in politics. He wasn't the guy, he wasn't Paul Ryan. He wasn't a substance. Guy from is proof positive that Americans want the image of some Well, that's the image of the president or whether the image of just imagery, they want the image, and so the question is less image over substance, then, which image the Americans want, and in that moment, in two thousand and sixteen what they really. I still believe that in sixteen election, we give Trump all sorts of prompt and he deserves proper visiting states that people like got like me, but he was fool in time in Wisconsin gone in Michigan repentance. Went by cancelling but work, but that election? to me was still about the awfulness of Hillary Clinton much more than it was about the quality of Donald Trump as a candidate, because Hillary Clinton did not pull in fly. She could not get flies and it was and is it there's a reason? Did you see the during state of the union to release a huge facebook statement, literally during the state of the union, to release a huge facebook statesman about help? It was wrong of her to have not fired that four sexually harassing the help
The actual is any ultimate dialogue. Have you know you can t you can't? I agree with you that image means so much in this Media as it has since Nixon Kennedy, but you re but he does get a book. You can't like exclude the fact that the economy is better the people have jobs and people know when they have charge. You know it's not like you can you can have the EU can do you telling you that all the Obama economy was great, but people knew it wasn't, and wages are going up and bonus going up and jobs are going up. My think that's gonna wages are important. I don't know, I don't wanna, be the pessimists and remember that is my debts and what I want to do. As I was saying I don't I don't wanna be bent tribute. I was born this way in the words of a famous here's, the thing that the way the account facts elections and I have been a bad economy-
The president, a good economy, doesn't assemblies Edwin Righto in ninety. Ninety two, the economies are recovering by the time each w ran for election and he lost into that well, the economy was recovering, but one that great and about one in nineteen, eighty, Jaime Soft, so car lost, but a good economy is not a guarantee to when reelections love doesn't help yes, but the economies also precarious thing, and I can't shake the feeling, maybe just a feelings, I'm not looking at the underlying fundamentals when I say that every eight to ten years the country. There's some some recession right, you haven't really does, and it happened in two thousand eight, which means for more kind overdue right, which means two thousand eighteen. So maybe last another four years or maybe we'd go another two years and an echo the crisis in Russia. We know we're budding unjust that then I didn't mean to limit its legitimate, can be a reality in general and in one of the things the trump does. That, for me, is an incredible relief after eight years of Obama, lecturing us and telling us that's
we are as if we are somehow better than other people. We're not our ideas are better than other people, but we are just people to have Trump basically law, this country law. The people of Amerika Laud, our history lot tradition agri. I think that this is an important thing, and I did this experience when I was in New York over Christmas of people. Looking in the eye and aggressively in New York wishing me merry Christmas Mary Chris It has been looking writhing in ruling circles. The stuff has become serbian, invoking a password, but I think that what you right about more than their Christmas stuff is the idea that from said, and he is right that the president is given all sorts of credit when Commies Gooding, given all sorts of the of the blame the economies that it's really nonsense. The truth is that the president usually has very little to do with the economic status of the country is usually are delayed effect for three or four.
There's a mean: the idea that organise a tribute like Clinton's growth to not Reagan and Bush, not just quit. Now I just said the other, but that's not a reply from what it is saying is, went from said that American into cheerleader one of the things that the present can't do that effective is you can make business people feel comfortable, This is one thing: Trump has done really well. What did what the business community wants even more than the tax cuts, because the Hermes going before the tax cuts, things the business community feels like it. At least we know he's not her clock is across the face like some direction. We don't know, but it with Obama any minute you fail You take. The regulatory committee with the british people feel this to the people are tired of having this apologized for is after all, the engine of the crazy. What is still this country is still the only reason any human being who is present an overreaction worked so well, then. I ask me out: I want to challenge, I typically agree with been on these questions, but While I agree that historically economic trends take a long time, we have seen something in this precedent
which is an immediate response immediately upon his election to stock market, began to search, emit, Lay upon the passage consumer confidence of the consumer confidence mediately upon passage of the tax cuts company started announcing it. Repatriate funds into the country the eye, and then he started giving bonuses to their employees. This is, There is a difference in time, you're suggesting what I'm suggesting is that the economy is playing Paul. Ex right now, in a way that we have not historic with. I agree that in part, ending that'd be a mistake to attribute the entire stock market search to Trump, because I was there will have almost president will not long ago, and we were saying yes, the economy that look that when this would Obama took over Sattler was nine thousand union. This document was seventeen one. So there is for us to sit around and all of the stock market only go under crop is obviously not for another euros by some of the sweet things the I'm upset tax reform built. We know someone is coming backers threatens, you can sell it
I think, the biggest thing that you can never be sure Trump has not even the tax cuts war will see the effects over the coming years. I think that what is happening now is it but these are getting smart when they're doing. Is there saying their employees look economic policies matter, and so it's not that also a giant infusion of cash immediately enter their their coffers. That's residences, Ascot went through it was them saying to their workers. Listen tax cuts are good for US the next couple years we can feel it. So here's a thousand dollar check now. So you link the two things right: we're not gonna wait for the company to grow over the next few years and then you'll have to sort of into it and payment, something nice right, Obama. They kept them, and this is the big thing right and is a huge angering that all this money is going to come back trumpet right about this. He is basically said, were open for business, and businessmen like that they, like us, being open mindedness and they don't want to be good enough for even high taxes are survivable if there's tax stability. And the problem during the Obama and we're going regulations, especially with regulations. People had no idea what can happen. This is why I think that you know the economy
barring some sort of oxygen circumstance. It should remain decent, so long as trunk doesn't hatred themselves with. This is what this, what interesting, while we sought is actually the best indicator. The trunk is going to have to remain in the conservative circle. Regional water things that I think I've heard Jeremy feared using european rail. You have trumpets president and the Democrats take over Congress. He tax to the centre exerts a triangulate research to try cut deals with Democrats, it happening the Democrats will now that is not a member on growth, so that tonight you offered a couple of things. The Democrats have been hungry for right, one point: five billion dollars in infrastructure spending and the devil, after sitting on their hands like restocking about legalizing two million illegal immigrants and bring in four million additional right, though elite who talk about the legal immigrants that are coming in, is anything to ensure migration mark recovery and spitting mad because mark recording of a centre for immigration study. She says problem is when he says, he's gonna entry, migration, everybody who is currently on the train. Migration waiting list gets in rotation. I'm contemplate originally cut off the chain migration waiting list of people who are on the list for the next year, but
Everybody else has to pull their fund aid. They get their money back in there and their applications go away from here. And done that in his proposals aiming for seventeen more years, people who are on that train migration waiting. Let's get it. It's four million additional legal immigrants coming into the country to three point: six million dreamers, innovation. In addition, one twenty million dreamers which are bigger than dagger rags jacket was only like what he did Jack. I only apply to the people who have actually registered with the federal government. He says was all the dreamers which these people, having registered with the government yet so he's offering all of these figures all of these these these what you call a leaf, legally. The disease offering an olive branch in Ireland when for thank it is it is offering all these olive branch, the Democrats and their spitting his face, which means that if they take over and twenty eighteen, it's gonna be interminable investigations. We're gonna get demo it's going after months. Sexual harassment and sexual abuse to investigate its finances in the other can afford to vodka journey to come and testify in front of Congress. They're gonna do
they're gonna subpoena everyone in everything that word here, and that was not a good look for the Republicans. Dunder Clinton yet will didn't. Have me underside either I mean it it'll be interesting to see how you know when, when the media are hammering away and when for anyone Pro doesn't run. Right, in fact, is that the rasper, oh, really shift What gives a couple of times in ninety duenna these extra? If there's no third party candidate, ninety two or ninety six than docklands, never, president, so we'll have to see happens younger, I'm, I'm I'm, but the good it is for the economy. Trouble sign anything they send his way. Why? Because you knock how to deal with them. Where he's not lie in their legitimate anything entire offer, it seems to me, is a trap, Making this offer- because he knows I already humor- has telegraph that he will not accept it. So now he can go and twitter which women, Turning to Twitter is like a million times with the New York Times. Regulation is trumps. Twitter feed the New York Times into circulation. Point five percent of what trumps Twitter feed is he now goes on twitter to offer them every
and they will not take, and I totally this is why I was I was kind of shock. They did. And culture. I understand that we are at an inn Krikorian, they have to say what they say about writing, but the reality is that what from did was not an actual offered, a Democrat whose him saying I will give away the store- and you can still make a deal with me because you hate me- some sees the order of the deal I mean really. Is coming when it's over some ever saw him do so thing. In negotiation. I thought make sense there was a time negotiation is now proposing. Action regional eyes like ok guy got away at it. You think, maybe that Donald Trump since becoming President read the art of the day. I think you better coordination and we would you have to say about it if your wife is on Facebook to go up and get follows that you help us get are met, can t you and even beyond, hitting follow. If you already do followers, I go into your settings and they should receive notifications from us so that we can actually reach. You in this age of conservative censor and our relations with me, I'm here which we got tons of question
but, most importantly, Edward has a question for Ben that I don't think any of us have the answer to Ben
Edward once now. What did your wife do for a living? Yes, indeed, have been examined in river item there. There ve been rumours a long time she she's a doctor Y, know you'd, my wife is it after rigour that John K, six mail and fear the most amazing you. We should note by the way she had every kid was taken at the weekend and Geoffrey texted my way for battle advice, and it was after send out on Saturday, because some people tweeted that to me- and I was like- don't worry There- good Jews, they didn't break. If there's a life threatening situation should answer even on its actual now it was fine and she's very good doctor. I will definitely go to her. He no one's my covered California kicks and made at the Michael I'm going into political science. Is the college major? What tips do have for me as I go into the leftist world of academia? My first one is: do not major and political, so limited that does not take a knock it certainly economic, sometimes political science majors do Well Rocco Bomber venture Piero people have risen to great. I it's doing political science. I
for history. I think political science used to be a good field. I think now they ve mostly weeded out the full political philosophy aspect of it, which is the really substantive aspect of it. So My advice to you is to study the ancients. I think we would all agree with that. Just study. Modern political scientists, like the beetle, like there, is almost angel, Lithograph, Andrea and studying what would have been the classical aspects of liberal education to and then in problem, Keep your head down your mouth shut because you might, you might have a little bit of trouble in college these days if your voice, your opinions, our aim Eric has a question for our God: King Germany, boring God, king
You seem a disciple and water line. Omniscient think that that will cost you haven't got a few months ago. Do they that Democrats actually believe that sitting for both the aunt em, an God, is a winning political strategy. I think that Donald Trump should have actually broken into the national anthem, forced them all to me the and what have you actually play? The end of the is moving. Where are we going over two hours? One round they do like an aid, be stated that the great scrutinising having fun agreed like fire people on nationals, even by the way I do like this common from Twitter. Bravo to the democratic, advanced Afro decided, put Kennedy Infirm broken car on national. I do think that baby. I think that they are so in their bubble of partisanship.
What is it then? I think we have to be careful about as well as, above all now they're so deeply in an everyday. I think they honestly believe that people are sitting at home flow, clapping them for keeping their seats and what they, what their forgetting as the lessons, as I said before there typically so much better media than we are so much better showmanship than we are but trumps. You know trumps a carnival barker from way back he's just got their number. I saw their forgetting the things that they know and what Those is that the momentum of you can't compete with the momentum of the speech sitting the way they did is sort of giving the rebuttal to the state of the union. You lose automatically to the region Ben, I think all of agree that might not not drop that doesn't sort of that episode of the state of the union, the President Standing like a monarch in front of the chamber car assembled Congress in and of the applause and everything is sought.
Anti American, I mean there's a reason. None of the founders didn't do this Jefferson did away with it. It was just a speech until Woodrow will wash Ing ton wrote a letter. Russian rattler, Woodrow send decided that he would give. This is a speech and it really became the sort of progressive iconography kind of we ve tried to embrace it, but the the power of that is that makes the executive powerful that's what the progressive president's wanted was to show the power Executive and sitting there, makes you seem inept. You're already in a situation where the president is more, where his powers on full display, and I think they were basically showing the guy their necks, and I think it was a horrible miscalculation. What is it reminds me, a lot of members during the Gore Bush debate when Bush would say something and Gore would sigh and him around and look really bad done like it. It felt examples, Patrick Isaac,
four ban. He says: why do you hate knolls, with the burning heat of the sun? At the song I mean, have you seen him sit on your any smoking jacket, American flag bow tie? What am I supposed to work? He sold more copies of his books than all my books combined and there are zero words in them, but there in other words for years six less apparent lacking. I hate you ve asked Miss Randolph requested for Andrew. He said they Andrew I'm curious because your clearly a very productive person. What does your daily routine look like when you enlighten us as to your discipline ways, personal was no sleepy. Muggers sleeping just does not exist occasion, those off like during this conversation is mainly a slip, but normally unjust, awake for twenty four hours. A day I come in, I do my show. I do a lot of show prep and then I go home and I write for
there hours on end and then better, read constantly, and occasionally I must sleep some time. Otherwise, I'm not human, but I dont know when I do so. I just don't sleep, that's the as an I want to say something about that, because, one of the things that I love about coming to work with these three guys. Much like that was what I wanted to know. One thing that is impressive about all three of you is your discipline. Europe so well. Read your reading at the office constantly having discussions about books that are the pictures and on the fact that the really important a lowly God king, such as myself, but even among even in this company Andrew Cravens work, ethic and discipline towers. Above I mean when I first met. You said that you were basically structure for our ships and that's how you're able to move from project project the way that you do not have the kind of productivity that you haven't pretty
I would just like to say relations is the only nice thing. Germany is ever camera arriving at the idea which I sat down again and we will make sure that incineration put it behind Douglas as a question for ban, he wants no ban. What are your thoughts on video games and do you play any? I know I do not play video games. I did for a very short period when I was a kid, but I just honest: sitting in front of a screen for hours at a time? Why would anyone do that? They have only better? We now know that, and now that I am, I am older than the truth- is that nobody a couple of kids. There, my video game, I have, I have a wife and I spend time with her in the evening. They don't have. I don't have time for me to do for a living new tweet, infringing the curious family. Physician thousand people ask her. What is specialities gambling should be that that's why
texts of her on Saturday night I mean some fundamental political, but also a doctor of law, but my question for this segment guys been wants to know that, as a question prevent he want to know why you consider yourself a conservative and not a libertarian, ok. The reason I consider myself a conservative now libertarian is because on social issues, I really believe that there is a social fabric that is necessary and there and that we have to spend an awful lot of time preserving. I think that the only time I haven't libertarianism is less governmental ideology, then it is about social. Ideology that there are a lot of libertarians. You tend to feel that, for example religious institutions, community organisations, these things are oppressive, rather than rather than building of the of the capacity for free and freely government So when it comes to governmental policy, I call myself a libertarian, essentially when it comes to overall world view. I call myself a conservative because but a lot of focus on the preservation of trust that we
having one another on a day to day level, that requires social institutions that are informal and not creed. By government in order in order to fulfil our, not gonna, kick up in there too, because its tempting for in this room to think of ourselves. Ass libertarians. Part of that is a branding issue, because the word conservative has some brand problem. Especially with because my final area, especially in a way we meant, we all have very some work in the entertainment industry and Can you get a little grace for the word libertarian and I think It is fundamental that ecological level on policy I tend to agree with libertarianism. I agree the general notion that basically the government's job is to is only to protect your nose from my first try that that unless the government is keeping me from infringing upon your rights, everything should be within my rights. What were word libertarianism begun to lose me as I explored routes to go back to Hell. And are Bergmann to some of the early communist they saw
materialism as a part of their ideological movement. They saw libertarianism its fundamentally a left wing anyhow. In its it seems shocking that's because we think very rigid american political terms between big guns, small government, by what libertarian Some is is a utopian. This philosophy Equally, I kinda communism, whereas the communists below if that the original sin is class, the original sin is, is wealth device. And if we can do away with that, we could sort of have an idiotic Paradise that we all live in the libertarian, I believe that coercion, its original sin- and I think that what makes us conservatives the foreman in this room is that
We believe that original sin is that thing that happened in the garden using your you're gonna want you libertarians in the end, so we don't have a utopian its view. None of us believe that if the government at smaller the world would be perfect, that none of us believe that if we out while abortion will live in a land of of happiness and apples, We believe that if we just defeat North Korea the way the bar enemies will have been bank, which would not believe it can secure the border that country was it. We don't believe that We believe that the world can get better and the world can get worse, but only God and redeem and profound did the about fundamentally makes us now that has actually tried. I really wonder what it actually run there. There is also an aspect of of some branches libertarianism that actually is is quite another. Soundings. Have you read Albert knock right have you ever read if you have written in one of the early libertarians, a guy who's sort of an influence for what ugly, not specifically talks about how the founding fathers were busy, he buys the Charles billion philosophy of how the country's down too much property owners.
To enshrine their own interests in that way to counter the country where they did not talk any element of state as being as being terrible. Now, I'm very anti state one state is doing the wrong things, but there is a purview within which the state is supposed to work, and I think that they there's the are sort of anarchy, capitalist wing of libertarian movement desperate. I have several of them: are they a conservative libertarian merger is, is correct if we, if we understand that libertarians are basically right, that the government problem and libertarians basically understand the conservatives are right that that virtue. Behavior is necessary. Fervently five little buckler logistical reasons I needed here drew thoughts on this. Well, I mean, I think that the question is what is the government's war and what is the people's rights, and I think that that's that's what it comes down to it. We all believe in the family. We all believe in the structure of of sexual restraint.
We all believe in basic conservative. Never well, I'm just trying to get away area does not necessarily mean that the government has the right to enforce those things were as the right to restrict the way, individuals behave friend, that's that's a different thing and saying you know it always bothered me when the when calling caper Nick was kneeling, the flag, everybody odious, be or has the right to do that, and I think he, but nobody addressing the question of whether it's right yeah do that, which is a different question, the question of virtues is a really big one. This is where I think the latter libertarians amazing about there's an application that that virtue actually antithetical two small government- that is a virtue, exist, and they make me a working, Philip pillar. Motor right when I bet. I think that this is something is missing. You missed among some Strauss's philosophers who attempt to suggest that we need Platos Republican Plato is talking about his kind of utopian vision that the many you talk about, whether human virtuous possum
does the government have to coerce you. Individual, that's right brand in the answer is no damn it doesn't have to correspond to virtue, but in order for you make an argument, you actually have to be virtuous on IRAN, who else unemployed or did write the laws afterward. He wrote the republic of saying you know like ok, we're not gonna was joking, whereas one wonders whether that these are literally was lit. This is really is rouses radon player that radiation his region. Plato, is that is that Plato's republic is basically a parody of utopian philosophy. With regard to build its about, it's a utopia so very happy to announce that we have one gift we now he saw the best in the brightest and the conservative movement. They we Craig we promised emergency, which has as it was this going there is in fact, what does it? Actually, that is a bowl of our labelling, both in Vienna, your grocer drawn by our very own hands. If that is not a cuban cigars fan
I have wager that the only when cigar you would actually enjoy? As this one is the most robust cuban cigars bellicose so far, so good why just Ngos we do have a per just in case you want to read it for I wanted you to try to Hawaii nobody exhibited to see that this could be here? These are all that I I welled up in tears a few times the renewed our own at age, Much is an interesting question is so that is an interesting question. Is at my age. Or is it that it was particularly heart, rending stuff when the korean young man than ways crutches items he was Koreans. Unlike most stations are very control. A easily. He was
Looking back tears that the american people were cheering him that he to freedom- I don't know how you dont well up, I mean if this there are very few times the left and right can agree, Think they're unbridgable divide between them, but if that, didn't move you there, something wrong with you emotionally and morally. The one beers, what what their son suffer. Her figure the couples who lost their kids too, to the the gangs, These were these were powerful moments and you know they're off their all. Fighting back two years may be it happens all the time I usually tend to read so two's and the state of the union addresses, and- and so maybe that's why you know- I'm- I think this particularly moving, but that's all I'm asking you was it I think it was, and I also think it important to Trump understands the power of that when you listen to the Democrats, talk about immigration, specifically, they never too
about the rule of law. They never talk about the theory of what what what makes a nation the nation. They only talk about the emotion of individuals and Trump place in place their game right back at the very same. Yes, there is a sad I'd immigrant, but here is also a sad I'd person who lost due to an illegal immigrant. How about- and this may reactions are dreamers too- that was a great, was the reds blossom line, although it didn't match Germany's line, when the guy held up his crutches Jeremy, said
God bless us. Everyone was like five most critical moment that no one will follow them anywhere. She remained come up on the screen, MRS God. I have to understand that originally you Pharaoh I'll be in the lead car accident. It is probably of these, the careful what you wish for a sort of all say that I did not annoyed myself. God, King Andrew Clay, visibility and Anne did mean it. You know it like, like an ancient ruler, Egypt, not like an actual god, you Pharaoh you have. You are here to free or people we ve been trying to do as well. It did you hear the Kennedy response, the first
thirty seconds utility and went off the bridge forming normal up. Its actual way, I have nothing further to say about that speech. It was disgusting demagogic in the extreme, when what we ve, ok, ok, I'll, give you my the worst of his or all demagoguery speech. You build a wall. Our generation will tear it down. Well, I wanted my syndicated column today why the left is. For ever more immigrants. The don't believe the nation state That is what this guy doesn't believe in the nation state. The land has never done it. Proletariat of the world unite. Germans unite, not rush, and you might work of the world unite as the end of a communist manifesto ISM, never believed in the nation state. I'm sure you all know remain gave up his american citizenship in the comic Strip, A few years ago is now a citizen of the world. That's right,
This is what they are leaving, but Don't our team doesnt campaign on this. We don't educate America please understand this. Guy Kennedy represents the Democratic party which doesn't believe in borders. Do you understand that? Americans? That's issue. This comes on the hills of a speech in which the democratic HU, as we ve been discussing, sat for the national anthem. Sat for that. Why? Who share toward the end? We were watching the state of the union. The idea of you go on. There is applause line for the flag. Oh that's right! Ass and applause line for the anthem they sat and applause lie. For american prosperity. They said that they do longer unemployment line that we just think they're sending an opposition to trumpet there actually revealing what your thing, that's exact, don't believe in America and believe in patriotism
I believe- and I hope the people see that, because anyway, we always room agree that on that, but I think that they don't have you made it because you need to educate and all of us to love her pressure pressure. But I think that this is the job of the media is done so well, as we all revolve around the pole of Trump aiming for is the centre of Gravity- now means that means that everything on the right and the left is reflected through the prism of how does this effect president trumpet his administration as opposed to what you democratic, We think and is this review of their thinking, or is it more that they're, just opposing trump personally because they're trying to use from personal unpopularity as as a club to beat ideas. Actually good eye and- and this is for example, by two. I think the reason is that your emotional about this is not because Obama hell stories? He did that the stories that we're told tonight we're stories that we feel have been ignored literally more at least a decade, and probably some of the Bush administration to in it
maybe longer net in a whisper specifically when the victims of illegal immigration or our sitting there and crime that the story that was told about the family that adopted the cat. Megawatt literally this week, the demo. It voted down a law that would have prevented abortion passed twenty week and pay there. I mean we did it out, but it's true, Cecile Richards would have said that heroin launch the board. Can then you're not the problem? You have been talking about saving the cat in adapting the cap when we hear these stores that it feels like what, when trumpets I've got the profound men of this stuff. We are the forgotten people write. These are the stories that haven't been told for most of my life, and so even I, who have not been a friend of the president for of his rhetoric. That rhetoric as is really effective and really meaningful, and especially when the Democrats are so out of care, they're, they're, so out of the box
say things now like America is, is no better than north, greatly literally say in, and then we shall die from North Korea holding up his crutches saying I got out of there and say well, if you can't see this dichotomy, you don't know what you're, what you look, who's been describing America as a whole for the last one. I've missed you, mother did not only right there. The other days, even call their didn't openly on a show is that I won't be home. It has suffered from maybe asshole comment about other countries and which, by the way is it. It is arguably true that there are other countries that are, as you wrote, that peace I painted a middle imitators, there's just no question about it, but still well they're gonna happen said America's they real asshole, because we elected Trump and then
romano at the Grammy's got up and said. Thank God for peaceful countries is the word for us. Will countries we wouldn't have all these people here and similar scenario that will come from that, while the Iraqi actually said that during rallies and that no other way to forgive me- I don't understand this point. He said if it weren't for actual countries, we wouldn't have all these people here. We wouldn't have great people come to America, but at their salaries and bless us all countries. The reason to bless the people came show he's wish, but at least it was my turn them. To agreeing with the president. I don't pointing out, as I raised my head to take more cynical view about all of this, but according to Pew Research, the people that the Grants would give amnesty to today vote Democrat over Republican identified Democrat over Republican between three times at the low eighteen, twenty eight, eighty twenty. It is up to eight points, five times more, like that's right, high end here that it taught that is the height of demagogy totally, but those with something you said about about the idea of borders and the idea of countries specifically in others, there's no
Often none of us would disagree with this is becoming a global world. I mean there's there's no way to stop it becoming a global world. I can. I can go on the computer and talk to somebody across the world in a minute. The question is: what does that look like? Does that look like one bland complete one people with one idea when no competition which basically saying is yeah we're in the business of America. Ok, it's a global market. Our market is, our business in America, and that is a very powerful idea and that's an idea. This is one I feel comfortable, quoting the bible I have to say also go overtaken. Blesses Abraham and says you through you- and this is Ass will be blessed all the families of the earth and all the nations of the earth gods. For those of us who believe that this stuff is in a fairytale gods.
Deal is indeed that the world has families and by that meant the nuclear family and publicly speaking and nations the abolition of nations is a catastrophe is the tower of Babel right, and that is what they want to do. Abolish the nation state of Since a global world, you know it's, I just got an invitation and it's really hard because of Prager per University with word of them after your brother is very worried. Rigour, I will not mention them and I got an invitation just in the last the last couple of months young people in the country of Georgia and Romania to speak to them. They don't hear these
I'm not, this is not an advertisement for Pre University of advertisements for you for us, for our values. I, when I go to Romania and I took the speech and when I no. I want Romania to stay. Romania is a healthy thing, to feel abandoned, that a specific to me a romanian that, but to the left. What I just said is Quasar Fascists, and, if so in, in the new testament Paul says, Christ? There is neither male nor female junior greek slave nor free and one of my thoughts about the left is, if it's a christian virtue to think that, as God that God will one day redeem the world in such a way that those boundaries one exists between us any more. What the left wants to do is put together things. They got a separate without God or will when you ve got out of the equation there no redemption and putting those things back together.
The removal of the nation, as a secular of the nation state as a secular exercise, isn't wholly it's not it's not part of what I would say is the design the earth is designed with separated. By God only he had the right to separate it only here, the right in his own time, to put it back together, that's but but the left, and we We were talking before. He walked about the utopian ism of Libertarian. I've heard not the left wants to and left, is still busy doing what they were doing, and it is this. What is the right time to make its weight? We are really only use this one from the Guggenheim Times a day. We have noted this little because Guggenheim as they offer the all. What's a terrible forget out three finish: your store, their weekly. We,
Lots of wait now and the latter, with crowd out mug, be yours for nine. Ninety nine one of the finest ashtrays realise that what I have to delete this shit, you guys do not have a proper, is surely do you care about second head civil justice, and I have only got smoke inside I'll pay, a price for it. Later I ask is that you will be great healthier tonight and listen to this. The Guggenheim it about a year ago. The they their newest exhibit is in all gold shot. Gold toilet such very expensive made by italian court and corn artist and operate it actually flushes you pay a fee,
at the Guggenheim? And you can euro NATO definitional into the toil affluent. Just here's one way that vat in and of itself is important because the again the godless world of the of the love left arts is filled with Scottish the scandal they love fecal matter, urine minster blood mucus there they love it. I can't seem quite out of contacts there, but here's the punch line. You know what the name of the toilet, the the exhibits name is America, on literally differ eight, and you remain on America at the Guggenheim. While I can become endemic, what they did, the virgin Mary look at what they did in his Christ there obsessed with and all of these, the women's marginal Democrat Marges. It's just profanity. It's just absurdities and vulgar resumed. So they may Yellow Donald Trump for using naughty language every once in a while, their entire
activism is that it makes perfect, it makes perfect sense, you remove the Spirit, your move, God. What are you left with the one? That is what you're left with right leg moments where nothing about us who, of course, where animals and in it- and it does- you know I always do feel people attack them. As being somehow evil, but they are. They are following the logic of the spiritual, That's right world and it makes perfect sense money you're going to have to blame the problems. The man seize on something. Then in furs for us we'd be blamed on human nature. We say that human beings are inherently flawed, missed that it is as if we send all these checks and balances, and we incorporate virtue in our children is why you need religion is why need God and they can't They are because that automatically leads to God. The many say. Human nature is flawed. The only way that you can cure that is there
Jeanne beyond ourselves to our creator alive, hands, yellow that, so, instead, what they say is no, what's really made human beings, flawed is the rules. So if we just violate every taboo, then suddenly human beings will be will be cured and elevated, and so they they think there actually doing service by freeing man of our of our weird. Ups about our fetishism about not glorifying. In Peru, and also our going to worsen, make man greater, and the corollary of that is that your dignity and your self respect come from me that another I have to approve a view in order, for you have to have self respect. So, if your gave her transfer, all of you, whatever it may be? That brought the problem you have is not that you're at odds with some kind of archetypal yourself for some kind of God given Arctic. The problem you have is that I dont, except you as you already less exacting, and indeed this is it. This is something that I was putting out method Grammy's on my show, and that was the
Unbelievable focus of me, too, was supposedly about more than just don't molested. Harassment is supposed to be our female dignity by its own ashore that promoting female dignity. They ve got women dancing on strange likes, rippers economy, that an interval of these two things do not coincide. Now, it's free country can do what you want, but the idea that this is somehow elevating the dignity of women and that If I dont grant you dignity it when you are doing something that is inherently undignified, but somehow I am assaulting your sense of dignity. That is your problem raids in minor problem for not changing what the word dignity means. If that's, what you're doing right now is that they, the lapse into complete subjective ism is, is France, Why, in the nineteen fifties, Dwight Eisenhower put in the galleries, addressed that we're one nation under God that was located. Suddenly actually share and take a few more questions. One last time questions
being submitted on Facebook illusory with I'm. So here I am sown the bunker and thank the vegetable trade didn't make it to me thirty miles away so brilliant, even though I didn't notice was missing, Johnny case as gentlemen, I believe your blocked and deleted you tube, live stream still has more viewers, then did Joe Kennedys responses, and then, if you want more this year to blur our live stream for playing, state of the union. We are using the c span. What is owned by the government using the c span, feed, which is public domain you to sort of affiliate the young Turks was using the same stream and they were not block but there's no bias, and I want you to get the wrong idea. So there's no prego university is currently suing Youtube for discrimination by the owner restore him a muddle leaching. Forgive me more. I have a powerful please check, learn, ok via so they blow.
They were not block, but they have put on the restricted list. Forty of the Pre University, Video must have been with very, very radical landing, Rafik Self, like the history of the korean WAR, but we all know Victor Davis, handsome guideline rise, ass, thou canst not show this. This is a proof of proofs debated I debated a left wing jus, I'm conservative July, debating the left wing jus at the biggest temple in San Francisco last month of a guy from Jake Street? Ok,. That debate is now on the restricted, so half of it is left to speaking, but I feel that I prevailed in that debate is now not bragging sets that's the only possible reason they would right right in court, a conservative may have looked good with leftist. That cannot be seen
Fifty per cent conservative is too much concern deletion says the question for everyone there, including Dennis that he wants to know who is your favorite all time, historical military figure? gas guys. I'm inclined snow Cohen. I am not. Well, though I was actually a barber, the troops embassies, I forgive me Ilusha closure, for there were so many great there's. No, but I don't have a higher they were to anyone who you're. My favorite is George Washington. George? We figured out tat, you could look forever in still win the war. If you knew how to it- and that is one of the great she was there is also the great see it's all great impairs great empires. Lose wars lose battles continually, but when the war that was George Washington
so for me. I would have to I'd, have to go with either Sherman. Or with or with Macarthur who was correctly green. More I know people though in origin, I ran morphia. What the reason that the reason that try to still exists as a communist slave state is because we did not listen dogs, Roy Douglas Macarthur about the necessity for taking a China right or just just I agree with you. I just want to say, on behalf of Truman HEAT, that the few of a war with China was real alien. I must say there are some. There are some good Pope's handler Ponto the benefit wars there there were the first received, but I will I I've actually like to give it to Winston Churchill is very popular. Now went well because Winston Churchill's William, sees as a military leader, yes and middle military when he was in such a way that it is a wonderful standing from nineteen nineteen that depicts The leaders of World WAR, one there talking but a happy, they are about the peace and there's only a light shining and Churchill is looking out with his head in his
and you upset- and Winston Mitchell had exactly the right had again. Ninety nine demented. You have begun to ninety ninety around forever. The guide died before was finished, but the Winston Churchill Attic flew airplanes. Even though, is a terrible pilot and crash the multiple times a third time. Winston Churchill crashed an airplane. It was nearly four It was a really terrible crash and he was we're here of bar worn and a little. So for one as all the admiralty, but he came out. They said. Aren't you afraid of dying? Why do you keep lying? Is planes you're, obviously terrible pilot and he's I love life, but I do not fear. Death and that is exactly the right attitude of those words- will have no just say. Well, I'm not afraid of death. I love life, but I do not fear death by the way was largely my love of the absurd that I said filled with, but there was an element of of truth to that. Its they're, not leaders, but the the average soldier going
to the Normandy Beach. Here is the person I first think of when I think of heroes, that's right and in the military, rural good point. All right, Charles, has a question for Dennis Mr Prager, which room in your estimation is nicer. The God can Jeremy Boring headquarters or you. Home Library, where you film, your Prager New Fireside, chats wow great words shooting can smoke a cigar in both. I have no, anything really. Middlemen and ass could be in prison, and so long as you smoke must really wonderful urged that reveal this request. It is from coal, be in for everyone in the room. What books would you put on a mandatory reading list for college student,
I have a list by the way that the Dennis Prager Dotcom leash. I have. I have a list and judges couple of cake us. So the fact that I'm hesitating is the best. Bad sign, the Bible is so magnificent, but at me to be understood. It's like you can't read Shakespeare today without a commentary. We make a plug. I've never point the book in my life. This is a core is not a book, nobody rights, carry on the Bible to make a lot of money. So, whilst the sar with that, per second, my common, a hundred thirty thousand, commentary on the book of exodus is coming and to explain its greatness Beyond that man search for minute, meaning by Viktor Frankl, changed my life in HU. I realized we only have one ultimate freedom when everything else, taken away. There is still one that cannot be taken away.
How we react to what happens to us, UK choose cancer. You can choose to be hit by a drunk driver. You can choose to have trouble pair your trouble, children or whatever, but you can't choose how you react so I'll put those it, then- and I were having this conversation recently- because of a little secret project for working on here and we had a similar. Can turn about the Bible Miss. Certainly, the book of Genesis in the book of John are two seminal works to understand western civilization understand, Genesis and John and I'll say that long before we knew one another. I listened to your teaching. On genesis that you did it at university, Judy University of Buddhism, and it was really help shape My thinking about our relationship with the EU, but it is difficult to two point, people to the Bible
without any kind of anchoring. That's why I entered this, will inaugurate the when the verified, books and exodus I slaughter within neither of you copying and I can give its means those already out, and we will give it the second. I have one. Ok, you always get what you want, one in word for our aid and in our public, and I would be my honour I'd. I love that's not so yet I know you do. I know we both do because we come from a similar world where you totally relate, and you will find this interesting. I don't read for I'll bet you do rather, the conveyance and but I know one of the reasons I don't we both went to you that is half day jewish studies in Hebrew half day in secular studies in English, it's very intense and we both went through high school ones, obviously, and even at different times, if you can tell what the but there a brilliant way of learning. Why does it say this? And not this right right
I read newspaper articles like that: why did the New York Times use this word, but not this word and an it it slows me down, but I really understand what's going on by doing that, I give you one example this resurgence and gave us example Fidel straw was always the cuban leader, but a right wing. Dictator in Nicaragua or or the Dominican Republic was a dictator rank. There were no communists. Dictators in the New York Times there were only right wing dictators. I don't think we should about an hour. I would definitely put the Bible and Shakespeare and I I would trust people to find their way back, to the commentaries. And I mean having that if you read the Bible with an open mind and you don't go in with the perverse-
the anti biblical mentality of the new absorb just going into just be put in a way? I think that you just said something important, as I was going to suggest that You got a lot of nonfiction, I read fiction, and I find forth and fiction, will amatory target Hollywood got when used. The Bible in Shakespeare. I think you are providing a commentary on the Bible That's right. You know there is a hallmark, of course nothing like it. I also have a fictional leads you to the true that I also think. I also think we could not leave out some Plato and Aristotle eyes. Reciprocally. Port Plato, symposium doesn't aerosols lyrical. Might european ethics? Are these between I thank you, they do have to be a true. What am I guess, what I'm picturing, when when we were asked this question, I can't remember what is it I once would have where we we have nothing else, but this. What would I start with It would be the regulated because when it comes to books that I would just start with the don't require commentary, sorrowfully economics and one lesson by Henry Hazlitt, maybe it has
the american people by Paul jobs has regrettably been but see, there's because it because this is how you can read about this is tat. You can read on your own and understand, but in terms of the foundations, western civilization, of course, going to start with the basics. But you require teacher, I mean all this requires arrive, meaning the ambiguity in the inside of the jewish parlance waited too long Plato, Aristotle? It's very difficult tomorrow, your I know, because I'm doing some remedial reading of it now and in it really is something that has to be common. Upon and taught, and even if you re natural, written history by strategies, commentary and associated commentary on Strasbourg understands relating to rouse, we are we leaving out the obvious reasons to vote for democratic really needs a teacher. I also raised them really does have the going on. I am here for you, and I would also I would I want a bookstore and taught me more. They used to be you, they would be taught, dante, I think, is not taught as much. I think
comedy offers as much as they were all white mountaineers. Tonight, that's why they are not as little swarthy how many philosophers it is worthwhile. These last words are tough. I mean reading reading, can't is almost impossible for an hour. So what so? It is sometimes a luxury late as a better job. I'm not your intention struggles and another thing I think you're almost better off reading will do Rance summary of various sectors in the main points that actually. He wrangling over the word by word. Scientist argue I would address thoroughfares how about life is actually pretty terse. Symposium in the ethics are very basic. Very a dramatic and quite clear, and that you can those are the foundations. You can't
I've got, you can have the Jingo Tower, starting at the top any I totally verandah by not only to aggravate this. I'm writing a book. I know right from the start of the book at the book is about the the why it is that we have fallen into political tribal, isn't so strongly, and it seems to me that its because we have a God shaped and reason she told our hearts Being filled with passion and tribal isn't Bertram over then. So what at the first thirty the book is just tracing the foundations, western civilization, that nobody words there's a whole chapter on the Hebrew, I and then there is a full chapter on Plato, Aristotle and then there's after the new testament and literally moves forward in history like TAT for Aquinas. Am I right now, I'm up to em up to acquaint, as in the end- and I actually get to The valet. The moderates abided by its this stuff is
not taught us in trying to I'm trying to simplify it enough. The people can actually understand only issued the jewish virtual more than I should have not for me, that's for the audience the audience like way. What was the question rural just wanted to know emigrant illustrated weapons not until the middle of next year, agenda of sensitive titles, the destruction of the Americans or Britain large as any list without fifty shades of great trilogy on it, absolutely only got about let slip my mom I'll get. A final question is from the withan. She has a question for you
and Andrew the most wise gentlemen than the room? She says she told you, she calls you wise elders. I mean hey, that's in the Bible, worse Ursa US respect, you re needed to show more frightened. I let us as while. Why have you lived in California for so long winded that become too wacky estate to live in a great while those excellent? I think, but it was one of you. I think me the pool, maybe what I know it wasn't me I can say I never want to take credit for an idea that has in mind weekly. That's another thing. We learn your sheep, but but he pointed out that Southern California is right. Leave a hotbed of young an resurgence, conservatism. All of our groups in our own selves or are just examples of it. So
It's an interesting phenomenon ike I dont again fully explained, of course, but can I actually I'm sorry fire refines, we're all larder my Argus firing the Nut Well University journal layers of good stuff, but, but I will but San Francisco doesn't have any of that, so its southern California, but I will say this: the truth. Is I love it here. I I I hate to it. What I do and am I bet you do too to a more just, and yet you know what there were a lot of wonderful people here. That's that there were really are a lot of wonderful people and also I I'm a big believer that without friends, it's very hard to navigate lie
That's swell and my friends or here here we did so. Why would I found so here are not really worries, where's friends, but he doesn't need knowledge, have slightly different answer. I am a person loves the countryside. I love. By myself and I've been out in the wilderness and yet used to win Jerry New Hampshire, and yet I have spent I've spent most of us most of my life in coastal cities and the real for that is. I am a culture and I am a culture creator and I'm someone who believes in fighting for the culture and one of the things you drive me crazy. Conservatives is, they want to effect the culture, but they don't want to get the money of the culture on their hands and I believe in being part of this of this enterprise,
the centre for some part of their culture is created, and that are what anybody thinks is created in L, a inscription in New York and even though I am not always comfortable in these cities, I'm really comfortable in these businesses. They thrive here, doing what you do even if it means fighting MIKE one, which I dont want. One of the I gave a little speech. Sometimes too young turn it to move into politics or or entertainment. And they're, usually in the group that I can speak to young christian, idealistic, often home school and often tell them that the three most corrupting influences ever devised by man or wealth power and fame, but we all know two wheeled those very powers in some way and serve of our values and one or two things, caution them about. As you will be scarred Moses and get into the land of promise a week. I think we have all earned our fingers a little bit with our pursuits and, at the same time, gods put us in position where we ve been able to build them on behalf of, what's good to you,
point, though you said so eloquently about friendship, and I agree with that will it says you have to live with your friends are but dont hilly at this way about alike. Let's go down The sunset grill watch, working girls, go by watch the basket, p, walk around and mumbles gazing, The Auburn sky, maybe we'll leave, come springtime. Meanwhile, we'll have another beer. What would we do without these jerks anyway? And besides that, friends Felicia. Thank you! So much and everyone marching on Facebook and previously on you two were grateful. Your time deny grateful that you hung out for a little bit in our thankful for your questions, we're gonna let sure go home and have a wife and we're going to wrap up with ten more minutes of visiting together and hope to see you all back tomorrow morning, for the guys and other and other content by ice
you tell me we have to do- is show tomorrow right over the rate, fame story show. It doesnt groupies, now You want my only live, vicarious was either it was. This was a truly great humbling moment for me, so I feel funny say, but it's too stupid nuts I am or always, but every day somebody recognised. Ok, it's enough but I have been in progress. The lightest you on planet earth. That's right! That's life! To pick me up about a year and a half ago. The youngest panic. Woman keeps looking at me, which is already flattering and that's great and so on, and that happens a lot people or are debating whether they should come over. Ok. Finally, she gathers the courage walk over and she goes are you and whenever We'll go: are you
as a sort of a joke. I go yes pleasure to meet you at an so She goes, are you and I go yes, Phil Jack, We spend five explaining I dont look around see nationally re, probably more. I thought it was built producers, it isn't I mean during the hours they know is ever going to think I working about. One of the great comments on Facebook that I saw a second ago was Prager appear in the same room is like having the white and Green Power Ranger on the sailor, It is true the who and the who now- and I want to ask just randomly Dennis you that you don't reflection, much corrupt games. I did, but you have read somewhere. We have an affection but
of course we have United can't graduate tie school without having Orton College and by the way I love great fiction. I just had to make a decision that ran point. We're gonna spend That's right. Yes, there was given Alaska because it off the beaten track. Questions are what let's go. When do I like to favorite fiction, books because I know that kind of money. Do you know, oddly enough, this really stayed with me. A book by your Ola. Nah somewhere, which is that the butchery I lived it. I lived in France and was of the nineteenth century, and I I I it may be deep impact and here's another one that people probably never heard of its probably precise, I specialize in communist affairs. I was at the Russians to Colombia and sunny Russian. I've been to almost all the communist countries and here's a novel which-
Absolutely competes with nineteen eighty four to explain what life and is animal farm. What life under communism is like it. The least well known books of Ayn Rand? We, the living, When do we really gives you an idea of what life under communism is like? Jason's here knows well read personal observation. I think by a long shot, yeah. Well I mean I always say that the novel that affected me most be up by a long shot. Is crime and punish? My nineteen, the first time I was nineteen First, I read it on a surrounded by the new relativism, just rising up the new multiculturalism and and Dust AFP basically makes the case through an incredible great mystery, suspense novel? He makes the case there is a moral fabric of the world? A cot was right. There was a moral law within the starry sky above and those are the two realities, and I read that book and I remember putting it down and literally putting my face in my hands and thinking. That's right
that's undeniable. You cannot deny that any change the course of my life had turned the ship. My life toward now, I'm gonna give you a gift bull over any ready. This is crime and punishment in russian Crystal Clear enough Khazar, as I always begins. His Dennis prettier collude with the Russians and says we're doing two books only recently over this like two years ago, the most entertain novel. I ever. It's fine, I'm on a slow reader. I am, I think I may be a little dyslexic got so slow. This book is fourteen hundred pages long. I read the last hundred pages in a single day, and that is the count among
because I think it is a great pot demise- gets do my spent together. Don't ask me that you have to do with this book is so entertaining because it starts out as a typical. You know what cause swashbucklers terrain, swashbuckling adventure, and then it becomes this deep meditation on the romance of revenge, and it's really a book about how revenge belongs to God, and yet Helen version with Gm County. I regret I hear it's pretty good is pretty good likeable Yolanda, but I Skype maniac. Was this book just blew my mother? I love his stuff. He's really really is what is really needed like I did you know that you know it s a story about I entered my. He was not paid by the working paper, the wine, so the actual, is it really so always refuse pay by dickens was supposedly paid by the word but whose escapade many instalment I think by today,
about the this story about demise, that you'd right characters who had only seen is their short lines. Dialogue with one word, dialogue specifically ask out to win. The newspaper came back things. All these things were Sierra last newspaper can back them and said, were no longer pay. By line he killed off one of his character. To ask our anymore it s, got rid of the borders lie, land grabbing punishment thing. I got off one of the best. What are the best way never gotten, nothin, no one got, of course was. There is a story about in Russia, a dog it's owner. I got a hold of that. I got ahold of gun and shot a donor inside tweeted out. Something like I wanna get the wording correct. It was something like why. Good dog, let bad things happen and all the wonderful thing about crime and punishment is an answer to nature but nature hidden published any yet, and he just dust if we do this continually, he saw communism coming, he was asleep.
He would. He was a genuine sphere and he saw this argument coming down the pike and he answered it before anybody. Maybe you know, have a face. Trans later, by the way, it was you pay a legacy, one outcome in coordinating it: milk he's gonna arrest is really dated, and she also cut anything dirt. You look like a nice victorian anything sexual out, the newest one, by its by married couple, whose name I don't remember, but by to a man and a woman, is excellent. I don't want you just translated warrant he's also I think that greater regulation is really really good s and there and their climate punishment, which I read only couple.
Greater nosey. You actually read books, you don't it's not ran. Occasionally they raise more than I write as Erika I well I hate to be the poor means and replace them with my favorite novel is crime punishments for I thought I was a poor man. That's what I would recommend that isn't read a lot, but I think it's really good is a promising suppose. He by months only it's annoying ass harry and serve its apparent that it will never be taught because of that, it's it's the betrothed. It's about the betrothed. It's wonderful! You know there s a famous it's it's a wonderful novel and not a soul. Reads that other than people who read it. I am an, but it's really you should definitely read out it's much, but I have only read about five or six novels in my life and then that's has- my favorite novels, is also one of your favorite novels. Iowa steal it because it's it's a better our favorite novel than mine, I'm gonna go with. Popular piece of perfection, modern fiction because in effect,
me at a young age in the same way that crime of punishment affected you and in that it helps shape my view of the world where I was when I was in a biologically and politically formative I'm in its by a living author and Stephen warhead and its call. It's just Another is that you get to claim is when you recommended it to me. So I days it is actually a trilogy of books about our three in written galloping dragon sign up, and I read when I was eighteen years old, I hadn't overnight radio station on today's hit country, Kate for below the effect as I was playing. Where was in love in Texas metropolis. Where you from love I read these books, which were really about the collapse of Roman ISM in Britain, the beginning of Christianity. I recommend that you read my very good they. They really help teach me
What motivates people- and I think that's a great fiction- can do we take that's. What great store great film helps us understand what common view, our motivations, our brain, on Craven for a moment to say that I think Andrey where you fiction is at its best is. When you write the internal matter log of a man what he actually is I wonder if we should actually give up the thriller writing in just ready, but that is an internal on amendment, no one at all so inside my about the great good thing is so they because it basically is that its little monologues I mean, if you did that, a different record. I want my least favoured book and it's it's a book of just the last couple of years and its called based on a true story by nor MAC, and the whole, but in which the four of us really pissed me off. It's it's supposed to be a celebrity tell I am one of those salacious details here and
only actual telling that he does is story about him going to prison, which I don't even think. It's true event and the big reveal that runny Dangerfield got no respect that I feel like this is. The worst yes, there is more clarity in another wuerzburgers reasons of a democratic and make sure it's a quick, green and white Basel, a terrible memoir as novels monetary authorities. The funniest thing formulae anything other than those operator hugging variety in terms of funny things in the red that our efficient Adam guerrillas First book fifty years will be checked. Ask hysterically funny button as far as favorite novels for me. So, like my answer, Obviously I was, as we often obligatory. One is darkness at noon: Biafra, Kessler, Awkward, which MRS read now. It's amazing really wishes more quick rate, and it's just can't aspect Moby Dick was it was.
If every book for many many years, because- and I think that everyone is Europe the person who having gone through the struggle of providers, do what he does, which of course, at the same time as criminal punishment, a really more of a rose armada. Then you have college, personally, the great myths about religious people. So we don't think about these things all the time, the whole day when, when you talk to people when it when I went all debate when beta SAM senators, and when we talk about eighty isn't in hell I'll act like that. The problem of the odyssey has never occurred to religious. It's just give me. I have to tell you that this quick anecdote, I was invited to their credit by the American atheists, the biggest atheists organization the debate there, their head in Minneapolis a number of years ago after birth, or during the debate. I looked at the audience, all of whom were atheists, and I said
would you raise your hand. If anything ever happens like the birth of your own child, that ever ever even prompt you to question racism, not one hand. While yet that's a great, then I said you know I don't I've never been with the religious person who didn't quest There are great nobody we, whilst the rest you. This is right. If you don't eat, this are significantly more religious than religious people. Live is actually had this same heresy. Sediment actually said to him: you re more religious person than I am not the one stage where he advocates night. Yes, we took his up there. The the pasteboard mask speech, if you haven't, read the book, the speech where, where I am talk specifically about how he sees Moby Dick as as a pasteboard mask and if you can pierce through the pasteboard masking get a God in the home is really that trying to take revenge on God for having This whale to crippling and its it's just fantastic, I love that bug. There's a there's a book that
My meritorious book is actually teach white ones in future. Came the second half of that book has been tacit versus the wall. That second half is really great, but but nobody knows, but I recommended to draw and you liked it was ever Miranda was due to every man dies alone by HANS Falada, which is little known german author, who, lived under, the Nazis was imprisoned under the Nazis and the entire book is about this couple. It's just fantastic! Is it about this couple, these older couple, the sun was in the german army and has died in the german army and now that the end now that I was trying to figure out a way to kind of live with each other and there so angry that their son has been killed in Hitler's warn that they decide that the only way they can stand up against this is to put these pamphlet. These propaganda pamphlets anonymously, just in the middle of the public thoroughfare and its the whole thing is about how they are drawing closer together, is as human beings by fighting for this cause, even though they know the causing Gonna do any good and they know that this is in essence feudal, but they found love with the romanticism of of the cause, and it's just It really is it
writing actual issues, it's weird book because such a bleak story, but it's really uplifted, emulate, wound diagnostics. I know levying immunity is rare that it it's like shakespearian tragedy, illegal, finishing shakespearian tragedy, there's something about it. Where were you don't feel like? This is prey member, the name of the water, the former for the Europeans say he rapporteur, Buckle comedy and tragedy in what he said is the comedy in the end is slightly depressing and tragedy: the only slightly uplifting because Braun Shoeblack, ninety nine, when we know tat we may be, we ve meant we enlivening here for four hours now and there are still two thousand people braving it with us and I feel, like you'd, be a disservice to keep them up too much and let me just say this has been exactly what I had hoped for, which is not just us talk about politics all night, but us actually does enjoy each other's company in having the kind of conversations that we get have with one another on a regular basis, but that other people don't really get ever here. Having, because they usually just get the product rather
the result of these conversations is what makes the dentist Prager shows. What makes the bench a parachute makes the Andrew claiming Knows just make stuff out of us babble completely different, but this is this: is the beauty of the beautiful part of our life and the beautiful part I think, of our working relationships? I want to thank all of you for being a part of it tonight, though, I do think that we, said in with a political observation, since that is our ammo ammo, and so If we just go around and am very briefly the speech tonight, I think we're have similar feelings about state of the union generally but what do we think is coming? You told us that the number one thing that people want to know when they ask us questions in the in the thread and and elsewhere. They want to know what we think is coming. You know people firstly and this media environment don't feel like they're getting they don't go either getting a straight answer they fill unsettled. They dont know. What's coming, we don't know what
either that's not our purview, but what is the political season what's in front of us? Where do you think that trunks next move is going to be, and is it something to people on our neo conservative and look forward to her be concerned about illegal. You make I'm looking at you all. I know what's coming, I never predict the future more hate, the the left Yells at us for Hake was there a word of hate sets at I've, been here or heard you guys before. The evidence for hate, but I never hear the hate that they're talking about. I don't know where we're we're. Is it it's? I guess I'm oblivious to it, but I I I I don't see it. I dont ear it they hate, they hate us all of us. It's not just. They wouldn't hate pence, they wouldn't hate the crews. I mean please. They hated George W Bush that MR compare
should a nice guy by Non believers person ever yet frighteningly so making it will be a sailor. That's where you put it, but that's what's coming. And we never try to set them up. No, we don't look out just end with this, whenever taught privately with republican congressmen or senators have the same exact message. You are not when you run for office. You are not only running you ma not only run against your opponent, you must explain to the voters. The left is destroying western civilization generally and America specifically, that's why you have vote for me. Even if you don't like me, because we this party Republican with all its three. Flaws and everything is- is, is the boy finger in his dyke, the left, those
give a damn about retaining America as America and you if you say that that's power did, did you stay. Do you agree with ask? Every Republican should ask the person their running against. Do you? agree with congressmen. Kennedy that this If we build a wall, you'll tear down, they will that do that is, I want to know your answer, my worthy Poland here in Missouri? That's that's what needs to be done! The big issues you! Get onto the big issues and and that the only way that we have where'd you, Kate, Americans, about the threat that they pose. So the admin. I obviously agree that thirty thousand foot analysis what's gonna happen next morning from plenty to eat, something that other states of the union I mean think that the next thing it happens this week, because I'm I have a better track record predicting what happens this week runs out
Hamas has attacked, approve it among others. Many other ivy bite the route the memo the release of this house intelligence member, which is gonna happen later this week, is gonna blow all of the coverage of the state of the union off the map. Everybody's can be time of state of the union for the next thirty seconds. As soon as we sign off it's pretty much it, and then the memo coming from a parent releases metal until we can get a giant fight over a memo whose underlying intelligence, no one in the public, has read, and this I think deeply troubling? I I think that people want. The fight more than they want to know what the fight is about anymore, and we have this is, why grew Dennis that we have to get back to fundamental principles, but that also requires a certain level of intellectual honesty so before I condemn the entire African signed, consign the entire FBI to the flames of partition and say that everything the FBI, doing on anything or special council Mueller, that's as nonsense. I want to see all the information come out, so I think do we,
Not only is consumers, but just as decent human beings, we should say what's see all the information which call. Let's call why but they are in the idea that trunk Russia collusion have been no evidence to prove that whatsoever, but It's also wait for all the information to come out because we don't we're going angel, really nasty, Parson five critical of the next couple weeks, but the devil we're losing their Mama and Nunez releasing his memo and none of the underlying material being released into the public we're. Gonna hear Republicans claiming that the FBI needs to be shut down and via the granting them to be classed by the violent the presidency classifies. Much of this is humanly possible. We can get to the bottom of this and then we can actually determined what's real and what's false and by the way, it's quite possible that the did nothing wrong in launching the investigation, but still came up with nothing right. It is. Possible that all that that the EP I was compromise on Hilary, but not compromised. Entrepreneur is possible there compromised on everything, but what I'd like and I think what where where consumers can be safe. I is not by making bets on site. That we don't know, but simply by saying things that we do and right now we just don't have enough information to say. What's going on, you think.
Just as my role in all of our group, I have to take us a somewhat broader cultural view. I think we are in a strange me beautiful moment. I think that for the last maybe fifty years, a fog smothering fog of political, correct silence has been wrapping itself around. Silence what not only what we say, but sometimes even what we are allowed to think, and I think that fog has been blown away It has not just been borne away by tromp he's a representative of the fact that the people Erika or not like the people in Europe. They will not should modern into their beer. They will ultimately up, and you know what you're why, what why we're not going to tell lies, and suddenly it has become all right to speak the fact again, know, as you say that it's not hateful facts is hateful to say that too. Result is inspired by. Islam is not helpful to say this crime and black neighborhoods ISAF hateful to say that men and women are different. It simply the true the table. Not this is hateful not to say because keeping the truth from people
he make some enraged over time. I think, what's what sir? Ancient wisely, this is a strangely beautiful moment, is because it's like land Boil there's a lot of pain involved in this truth that has been hidden suddenly coming out. You notice it in this vote in this very moment, with his F b, I think its painful for me for you to see and an organization. I've worked with FBI, people's reporter, they usually incredibly competent incredibly townspeople. I feel deeply for the little at land, the Atlanta bureaus busting, some criminal, whose now stand by happened in your Bahman Ministration Despoil has to be lance, and I think that a of the pain that were feeling the lot of the division were feeling is, is a good thing. Its letting this poison out this point of silence this poison of lies that we have been surrounded by and people like us. We only have our little corner to fight, but we are saying what we mean: we're saying what we think and That was not happening ten years ago, and that's it
that's an amazing thing. It's a beautiful thing and I try to keep that in mind because I understand the divisions are painful and the exposure of the truth is Paypal, but what we're going toward, I think, is actually. A good thing were honestly, more truth and more but reality. I All of that. I think it's a quite important to be especially going off. Will you ve said Dennis it's important be wise is a serpent and innocent as it does. The Democrats are innocent is serpents and wise, and many times Republicans made may have been wise doves they're. All their innocent is doves. They they haven't captured reality is throwing at them and what we see tonight in this speech, what we saw in Howard, Donald Trump played the Democrats. And forced them into a corner is that I think this guy's wise as a serpent and I think he's innocent is a dove from this, last year that we have seen from him in of in a very
medical sense and I think, that's very encouraging, and I leave this never hopeful. Yet you using word innocent with regard to lend oils ass on using the Wolf stormy, those thank everyone. I agree, largely wherever everyone said. I I would add to your concern about lancing the boil, though, through that it's not only the truth. Being revealed its painful, but the process by which truth is currently being revealed, is also painful. I think, for people I've been, and I in particular in this company- that's been one of the biggest challenges over the last years. That Trump as a blunt instrument and he's. I dont think that he is necessarily motivated by the things that motivate the five of us, the philosophical things that motivate the five of us. The values that motivate the five of us by this weird moment of Providence, he he is
largely being used to advance the things that motivates us and. I dont say being used as over the puppet. That's not what I mean to imply thing, it's far more complicated than that. I think, for example, that Donald Trump history has been far more or less than his presidency has been. That, if trimmer Nancy Pelosi hadn't been reactionary, partisans they probably could have made deals with him early this presidency and he would have been happy. Assign deals that would have made many of the people we supported him on this couch very upset, but Strangely, he is the man of this moment where there there inability to grab an advantage for partisan reasons created a framework in which Trump has operated as a great advocate of of our policy preferences. What what concerns me from the speech? Obviously the same things that concern everyone here: the talk about paid maternity leave,
talk about trillion dollar infrastructure spending. I'm worried about his tendencies towards less policy. What gives me hope is the fact that the Democrats couldn't even good after run? I think that if you'll excuse the term constitutionally incapable aware of of making deals with him, and that leaves us in a great position where we could. We could see as you know, most conservative, your governance, that when our lifetime, we have an end to the original question of isn't it is never trumpet continuing phenomenon and analytical, if it is, is it a major continuing phenomenon in a will we'll know the answer to that in three years, because never tromp was fundamentally in an electoral consideration. I think fair to say that even many of us who dislike the president on a character level organ, I'm a very hard time making some of the arguments, We are making in the last election
when he was an unknown. I I see any reason to be confident that he would advance our policy agenda. The proof is in the pudding so far. He really has it been our policies in and that definitely have to change the calculator The other thing, the changes, the calculation even on the character side, is that Europe has been the President so, if your fear now that he doesn't have the if he, if you say, don't, have the character to be president, that's no longer I know I have a euro speculate about. The damage to the benefit of benefit will be there and then you'd make it all. That's exact I think a lot of the things that have divided says republicans over the last eighteen to twenty four months they will see the party consolidating more and more back to its old sort of framework, not necessarily changing all of our opinions. About from that changing our view of what Trump means in the moment in which we live in a moment whatsoever in thanking everybody who who turned and for the last four hours when I think the guys we're gonna catch,
you can come over to the daily wire dot com would love it. A few visitors love it even more if you would subscribe, and especially Dennis Prager for joint, that in its Prager shown sending a light and programmes, Murphy named up his uncle Murray S very much with the american dream is Donald Trump.
Transcript generated on 2020-03-27.