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Daily Wire Backstage: Russian Coups, Hunter Pleas … Ben and Nicki Minaj Tweet.


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Hunter Biden made a plea deal faster than Russia’s Wagner group could start and end a coup. A transgender state rep was arrested for child pornography. And Ben got into a Twitter feud with Nikki Minaj. How’s your week going?

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Hey folks, Ben shapiro here, don't miss our latest episode of daily wire backstage join me michael malls and walsh has recovered the top stories in politics and pop culture with enough last and incisive. you through these insane new cycles. Take a lesson: the? welcome to daily wire backstage brought you bikes, bp- and I am not jeremy boring- I am michael knolls jeremy- was otherwise occupied this evening in all the amazing and multiplied checks that we're doing right now I am join tonight. I joined by nobody, nobody else has made it to the set. So it's me,
and we, oh hey all right, ario joined by Ben shapiro grazer. How are you is a no good good to see you and yes, I I asked someone else to be heard night. Actually, this conversation I've been waiting for a long time to have with you, but with you everytime, I was like twenty twenty four or you know on am waiting for almost ten years, oh delivering we're dead, This conversation with every time I start have this conversation. Jeremy walked in and just kills it dead. Missy common is no no he's not actually? I was going to have Chris from hr step in I don't think I don't know. If I know Chris for attacking lot. Does he it's on out by its thoughts on like russia, Rhonda yeah. I appreciate it Michael greets you are you doing hey so yeah, it's mostly to prevent me from creating liability for the company that asked christie to be here so like I am. There are certain things I'm not allowed to say like that. You should die in a car fire apparently like I was told by hr that I'm not allowed to say that yeah, but anyway,
I felt now is like a great opportunity for a job performance review. Well good. We should have been having this annually yeah. I agree totally again Jeremy, I'm stepping in and not allowing that to happen. So now we're going now we're going to do that. Actually, because he's not here so what's up I want to talk about like so We back like twenty twenty fifteen twenty six jane rightly when my download bestselling blank work we'll get to that. So when you started the company, you originally hired with job descriptions and duties, including, for example, being in I, social media and dumb. You proceeded to never post anything on social media, but you did take a lot of audition calls in the office building and sometimes out of the off. That's right, you think any movies out of them here by the way, but you were an unemployed person. So we we we just got paying you yeah, but they dont forget there was there was over. There was a span of like three or four weeks. When I didn't happen, offers you'd because I was shooting? I was forming a project right before them
Like an underwear, I never out, never really sunlight data. What did you didn't even see them much more debt did it. What was their movies it enough for daily? Why do not have any money for anywhere? But here are ever and in any case, so you know at that point we probably should have called h r m, but again, Jeremy had stepping in you know and telling me I couldn't have conversation, but not here tonight. So then you Then we decided for by women. I decide to give you a podcast. I guess, because I actually was looking up credentials for the show in your new anti ale land that those were your credentials there is nothing else. I find any any other productive thing that you have done. Your entire life would not, but it has a much older one national, bustling, older yeah. Then then you then, as I recall you somehow scare me into giving a blog to a blank book and I did that and then you proceeded to not only makes several hundred thousand dollars offer that black book. I then proceeded to get you a book contract were that same
jack white book that it already sold several hundred thousand copies again because my board was on it and at that point I wanted to have this conversation, as I say, talking to task while and I and still jeremy stepped in and stopped it. So over the course of the last now eight to ten years, I would say that you've probably cost the company a couple million dollars, maybe three and the returns that does all the return on investment has been. Shall we say disappointing and between that and the fact that you we've had complaints. Many blades. Almost too many to count the file cabinet is, is breaking about you walking around. Surely in the office they welcomed by the way we have like actual dressing rooms, where you know where you could put a short on windows. So tonight is the night. I have been waiting for nearly all of my professional life and so crazy. You have the paperwork with you. I believe I do it's. It's really less of a performance review and more of an accident review.
What was it like working her Michael and what what? What do you see is the biggest problems with the company, so I guess what I guess. The only problem- but I would see right now, is if I leave the show yet and then you're, the only guy doing the shell right How long dies? How long is show to any advertisers. You they're paying money This has those monies I lose money if, Michael for the first time ever Michael being fired with lose me money is what you're saying right now: what can we do this little come back in two hours. I appreciate work thanks man I'll take what I can get you know in the long run, we're all dead that thanks thanks for stopping by guys. I appreciate it. I've seen, albeit well so so, how are you
I'm good I am raising talk about. a well, and I actually I did. I did it sorry. My mind kind of guy had a few different thoughts. There Wagner group. You know those guys. I know I was thinking of who the coup data. Actually I do want to enter the wagon group, but, but I legitimately so we should act. say for some people to reason, jerry wasn't here to protect my employment is because he's working on a hundred different projects right now we ve got MR washes out here. I'll be on his way you minorities it alive drew is alive. I have learned that I'm glad to know that yeah now- hold that? I just told the drew is actually at some sort of event. Starring and my initial response was: there was a funeral the starring role. I read, I figured who's in the coffin, but apparently that's not the book, but everyone seriously. Everyone is doing all these different things right now, and so we can't all meet up to talk about the most important story, which is:
something about hunter Biden with drugs and like a pay off. Unlike what hazara that loves, hookers an coke and permission, she's not paying, is taxes and paying off his father. Apparently with the do things so they went after him right they go after hunter. They say: okay, we ve got all information we have video with hundreds of hours of videos of you committing all sorts all over the world and so the result of that we're going to hit you with two misdemeanor tax crimes and it's sort of a gun charge and a diversion and diversion nevers unsure. I like that it's called the diversion, but the of all the it's called the diversion which stands delightful them and I would like to send my main normal life to have a diversion. So, yes hundred Biden was he we have monti like cavorting with prostitutes, so he sir, and paying them to cross the lines to engaging in said prostitution. Apparently he was paying a secretary on the west coast and, as we all know, secretary on the west coast means a whore his bang, is a prostitute. If they're going to go after me for my shirtless changing room, we go we're going to get hit Michael at any point where your secretary on the west coast and
is, yeah the zone. so apparently, the whistle blower has basically the whistleblowers, have a couple of things to say. The thing number one is that they are they're, saying that the attorney general basically stepped in and stopped the the prosecutor, in this case from charging in a couple of different jurisdictions and there's printed support for that apparently in october? Seventh, seventy thousand twenty two in which this particular prosecutor was told by told by marriage garland that he was not allowed to prosecute whatever he wanted, and he then told all of his lower downs and more those lower down again play. Who works for the ira's that that done? He was not it. Prosecute whatever he wanted. So it looks like a cover up by the by India J, which would not be surprising in any way. Of course, that was prime number one, and then there is that text message, which is insane the right this is for have not been watching, there's a text message is a watch ass. It says I'm sitting next to my father is right: it is called I'm doing the cry doing the quiet. Member of the chinese communist party send me the money. I am sir.
In case you missed it, I'm sitting next to me. So I have a question: why is everyone in politics absolutely stupid? Were they all dropped on their heads? Babies like their accuse him? and then their actual tapes and tax of them doing the crime, like that, their violating the first rule of doing crime, which is don't get doing cry, but he's gonna get away with it, because the only look at the hookers and eggs and the one on its own internal, settling and amazing salary is on our agenda. The guy knows how to have a party, but the only crime. I like her at the only crime that really matters to the public interest. As a matter of national corruption is the shake down. Selling american influence to the highest. It or all around the world. It looks like you got the binds dead to rights. It looks like an implicates joe and nothing nothing now. No one will even ask the questions in the media. They they started to ask questions of the white house press secretary, the world's most talented white house press corps. an historic white house, pressing ordinary who is the historic because she's a blacklist, and and she is- and she said that she's historic by the way and that they asked her multiple times about this. She, like I'm, not going to comment on the
I see oh, come on and literally everything else, but this is the one thing where he won't comment on it I mean Joe is lying right at first. I I liked the lawyer le sort of massage of the response I went from the original The original statement by by hunter Biden, steam and Joe Biden steam was Joe does not anything about hundreds businesses, which was always implausible. He's writing on air force you to china to pick up business and also joan inter were in regular contact. It's not like they're estranged, I mean they were talking the whole time and, and then it shifted to the present was not in business hundred then is very wearily language I mean, The great I'm not sure that you and I are personally and business right like I have I own a part of the company that employees you, but I'm not sure that you and I are technically business- have not signed a contract with you and then going I gave you a cut of the chicken money that I've been getting from receipt yet as you are not last, was to say that on camera can get Chris back in her case You can find out of court ITALY. They use a very, very specific language here, and you know I don't know,
If I were to commit a heinous crime like a financial crime with the chinese communists or something like that, I would want to make sure that my digital track is covered up, which is why I would want to turn to express maybe I am using the internet without express pierre, is like taking a call on a train or a bus on maker phone for everyone to here. Do you really want all train to know what you're doing right now with the tri, comes to keep your conversations. Private use express people, and I love it is the only one that I trust to keep my data secure. I s peace. No, every single website you visit. They can sell this information to add companies and tech giants. Who then use your data to target you express bbn, rewrites your network data for a secure encrypted tunnel, so your internet provider can't see or sell your online activity spread.
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here was being used. I don't know what was her. What was both Ruby S? Nigger Rubio said I've heard from senior people in the government who I respect your admirable would say that they can't really explain this and it's technology, that's beyond our cape haha, I mean, but between that and him, like kind of crap, capitalist still happen, I'm having them some. I like, an awesome reason is, it is very nice man and I and he's a good center, and he needs to stop at the top of those guys find better to just totally fake. I deem it by the way you do this damage It's stumble, their deep banality gets demons and believing demons really do juice, not believing deemed eyes at the conference. Proposition and hands on your definition of demon, like it, It depends on your definition of. Do we do now. Is it like if you're talking and sort of the like technical, there are spirits that wandered the earth doing evil to people demon way? I know now, but light.
it's not a, but but anyway we're talking about. We were just talking about hundred guys. Let's go right now now we're just going to walk in. I got no context to go. That's fine that we were just talking about hunter Biden. Yeah we weren't going to talk about aliens or yeah foes or anything Well, I'm not haven't been following the news. That's the only thing I can talk about rubios, like half on your side. I hate it sen, rubio on any of us on the author yeah. Apparently he likes you have also alter or we can talk about them. Anyway, so back a hundred by a gun, okay, but bottom line is that hundred Biden is Joe is pretty obviously corrupt knows you know a single question about it. It'll all go away, tomorrow in Jos, so plaza about this. That is openly joking about it. There is video of him today being like, nor is isolated, always rights, in other words, these ain't literally joked openly about selling state secrets and every it's going to move along with us. It'd be great. If we had a presidential candidate who could meticulously target the problems that Joe Biden presents, that would be that'd. Be awesome, hey, so you know, I know,
We can't do horse raised this early, but should be. Is europe is your favorite? candidate gonna, be the nominee Donald John trump is he going to be the norm and even if I had to give odds, the answer is: yes, nay, nay, I didn't like sixty five thirty five hours, rhino trump kennedy, twenty four sweet. Why you're not baby gang like that? you into our are used to Bobby junior into him yeah, as if I had to choose a delis or really ripped hot guy. You know like er yeah. I don't really get if I had to choose. If I had a gun to my head and had to choose a Democrat, I would choose him, but that's not saying much so but could eat so. Here's my Effort for trump hearing a good idea for four testosterone play: there may be honest online, reportedly allegedly do there. He did like eight pushups and then picked up and then did like an incline bench press with forty five pounds on it. You don't get to look like dat near a wet, naturally doing forty five pound, benjamin as in doing a push ups, I work out an hour to an hour and a half a day, and I don't look anything like that. There is some unknown.
Throw things happening jet. So you know why the trump Kennedy they now look, I'm not saying I am advocating for it, but trumps biggest weakness is on the covert backs and the way he handled is that his biggest we I think so all the way this is really is at the core of it. I think I think, certainly with the republican party or is it they possible imprisonment. Noah s ark is you have to be elected from prison. He can be elected and pardon himself and then he's good. First of all, I'm rooting for drama I like that, would be amazing winter for season seven and from to end odin, whereas it is actually being sworn in in in federal prison and then he's pardons himself yo. You like put your hand, the bible. He pardons himself and like bring me the pardon document as a brit, bring them to me and and as friend, Ellen s reduced pointed out, as germany has pointed out, the narrative demands the most wild cry Is he exciting conclusion and that that would be that much your your more proud santas, yeah yeah. I mean sir certainly when it comes to the primary. I think
a lot of reasons why preferred santos over tromp, but when it comes to the prime, I'm kind of a single issue voter which is? Can you win? Yes in a general action, because nothing else matters. So, even if I agreed that true would be a better executive than to santa's, which I don't the bigger issues I don't see, I don't see his strategy for winning, and I've asked trump supporters this for months now it's not accusatory, I'm I'm saying how does he win? What's the plan? How does he actually win the white house or using and years when the white house it does nothing else, matters everyone's look, I'm I'm early pessimistic on the whole him winning an actual shots from republicans period and end and for trump to, but Biden's negatives. Are are way higher than they were in in two thousand and twenty countries in a different place at the base, I think, is more fired up for trump. You look at some of those again. I think the national polls, this early, are pretty silly, but some of them have trumped up over Biden. A lot of them have trumped up over the santa snake.
I'd, say well. Ok, the poles are bogus or doesn't matter cause you're. Only talking about is a poll that has tromp beating a generic doing better than a generic. public, and over but yeah generic republican or dissenters. It was the number two guy generic Republican first of now I haven't seen up yeah, I mean versus just answers. One of the things you have take into account is his lack of public knowledge for the santas, as opposed to universal knowledge of trumpet. The bigger issue, as you mentioned, is that basically the selection comes down to like five states. I mean it comes down, wisconsin, michigan, pennsylvania, maybe arizona and georgia, but if you lose either arizona in georgia, you lost the elections are over. So if it really comes down to three right was gone. Michigan pennsylvania trump is in all three of those states by every pull that I've seen in winning any of those. So what is this? How does he went well, his his his parents, jackson yachting look. I think it's very hard. I mean I think the Democrats rigged the system in twenty twenty,
it's saying that Hugo Chavez, you know when in a poke numbers or anything would just say they shouldn't, because that would create legal liability. For us yes, turns out, it's not true, it'll be tucker and michael on twitter, but I'm not I'm not saying it has to be that, but they changed all the rules and they changed the rules in a way that benefited democrats in the case of pennsylvania, in a way that violated the state constitution, and it's easy enough to say, while republicans just need to ballot harvest, but it's very hard for republicans to ballot harvest when our voters are all over the country and their voters are in these machines cities where you can drive around for two, hours and get all your bout that hard Rhonda santa's did in florida, Hee hee ballot. Our welfare Bela harbours the living. Does that elections I go said is also benefited, though, from a million new conservatives moving into the statute than the one. That is all I know. Governors ancestrally walter, points is the governor of the state and he is meticulous in the sort of stuff
like he's, the he's he's. Actually hint trump are almost polar opposites in terms of personality they trim does trump does not care about policy. Differences cares deeply about yet from does not policy walk, has instincts. Try dissenters is a policy work really did this stuff, and when it comes to being meticulous about how he pursues its political aims. To sense is really We go to that and so, for example, back and twenty eighteen, he writes in his memoirs everybody who was what in that race, like this, a nail biter with gillum. Remember he end up winning by like point four percent and de santis said, and he told me this himself. He said we knew within the first hour of the election that that they'd won because they because they could see the numbers breaking in a new in each individual counted numbers that they had to head and they are hitting those bertha like this elections over, and there is no way that that work? I mean that there is an interview with with from where he was literally things by sub gorka about ballot harvesting and he started using, yeah we'll do the balance that everything and then at the very it's like. We don't even need about one hundred and we're just going to win and- and it's like, that's not a strategy mean so far.
campaign has consisted largely of just shouting things hundred social and, I suppose that's working for him, because we're very, very early on yo but yeah. He he's avoiding debates. He hasn't really taken upon chat, but may I keep improve? How do you make sense of it because he's a centre of the narrative he's the center of the narrative in there and, if the center of the narrative, here's here's the reality. No, must you talk about Biden trump is innately interesting to talk about how we more interesting person and grow by and by we can tell us. For my own data right, like if I put Joe Biden in a thumbnail on youtube. Yes, ratings death ratings no one wants to talk about Joe Biden, these incredibly boring. We we ve actually done him however, by talking about how he is no longer capable of forming human sentences from his face, all that's actually a favor.
And because it makes him even more boring, and so when he does something that is truly terrible. We're like what you mean, the the genial old man who can't speak words from his vessel and so but but trump is magnetic he's really interesting to talk about, because he has no limits. I mean he literally. It will ring fun of hunter for it, for you know saying that he was doing the crimes. Donald from is said that he did cry I mean you shouldn't do I know if I don't have that kind of little by little kay so that two things mutual ones, one you shouldn't be prosecuted, discos, hilary wasn't too, he said he did it. I'm sorry he didn't say so. He they have some audiotape that they're some audio day that somebody had to lug this, this beautiful audiotape in for they they On cnn and it's him saying, look these are classified documents and I could declassified them. When I was president, You know I didn't do it now or something right. Yes, yeah, ok, which is the crime yet but an hour
the crowd, as you are you're kidding, classified documents that you could not classifying it. Do you know that turn those back into the national archival? What what if as des decry, but what? If what? If he turns to the air quality, jordan walker project, very toss, excuse and say ro? I was literally lying. I did declassed by the very fact that the president can declassify unaware without answering to anybody why in the world, would he say that somebody visited that? That's, birth defence in the entire world. Did you know what that's like saying that, like me telling you I mean my wife, you ever my wife is dead letters. I was lying to you when I said edward, my wife actually didn't roma live just a little cool and real dry murdered my ways, and we would like that is to avoid prosecution for this predicament growth, but also using. Why did donald trump say something land I mean we can go back to? That is that? But it's not know, think no, I'm saying that he has no defence, the thing that he said that's at landing in it I'm right, baron whose, like they were newspapers, I think about, and then in the tape he was like. These are not yeah. I know the obvious again. He shouldn't be prosecuted because there's a double standard and Hillary should not should have been prosecuted. Okay, but here's the thing that I really just
about an enormous economic discourse areas and then about bill Clinton when he stole the the tapes and from said, then that is it ok, this actual defence is garbage. Ok, though, I was a garbage, the reason that is garbage is because the presidential represent only applies to presidential records records made by the president of the united states pursuit of his job. It does not apply to to classified documents, hand into the present from a different agency. These are all the agency records are defined in law that the principle if the fence, the Tom Fitton, has tried out in no time it really nice guy yup he's just wrong. It's not true! So, like again I'll go back to my original point, Hillary Clinton should have been prosecuted, if Hillary Clinton had been prosecuted twain. Sixteen by the way, then for america, it's kind of happily ever after ruby, get really because number one. We would have now realized that oh people actually get prosecuted for this particular crime and then presumably trump wouldn't have gone and committed the crime literally in the tape he says these are exactly the type of documents that Hillary and since we have any wiener, he says that in the tape like, what are you
But you will know what would have happened if it here's my question about this written about the prosecution for good. I am going to jail, maybe gets off because in fort pierce for pierce, thank god very conservative area, maybe gets a jury off occasionally did in jersey to Brittany. Data could bring charges in jersey what they having, So you haven't, you had rights or do we re now we're just talk, not forbear so like so, let's say that that happens. Fine. I have a question just for republican voters. He knows he has the world's big. Target on his back, this is the case has been making since twenty fifteen right there out to get me they will. me, they're out to get me yeah. Let's say that you knew that everyone in the world was out to get you. Would you then go commit the worlds to put this crime and then in mid on tape you doing the world's to prescribe. Would you be over careful about not doing now, I suppose, to not take yourself off the border. Come knives had a thousand times. I overpay my taxes when Democrats are an office or ok, because I dont want these people breathing down my neck. I would much rather over edwin, republicans are not still rather overpay. My taxes is never have deal with the ira dismissive italy's immensity. You makes it easy on a white male ambiguities. That's one of the novel mark unstrung. For me, at least when you look at
at what actually happened. He was in office yet and it's not it's not the vax. That's a problem too, but it's there drain the swamp you now you go in promising to drain swamp, and it just didn't happen here It didn't happen, I mean infamously found you not only stayed in its position, both in order to meddle in the way out and part of, is even during the swamp by things. It doesn't really understand this wise it. The thing you have to understand who these people are, that europe against nazi one thing or the other end, where trumps enemies don't really understand him, either you're trying to make about, hitler, some kind of fascist dictators. Are you got two people going out? Each other don't understand each other, but this is trump problems he doesn't. Stand as enemies. I think dissenters does understand his enemies but better than trump, but I would still not too and not to take the conversation backwards, but for from even I prefer to send us if I could be convinced that, because I've got another. Buying presence is a disaster for america. It even bigger disaster than the first presidency was. If I could be convinced that trump
really did have a better chance of getting Biden than dissent is one that I would support. Job I really am. I would because our we just we cannot have an eighty two year old biden taking office and twenty two before I we don't even know what. What does that look like? Do you think, there's a dark horse world we're all talking trump to santa. Do you think there's a dark horse. It could emerge meant, possibly if disasters really started to collapse in the polls rather to be, who would be the Of course, only for Glen young can his name Brian catch me. If you frank, and Chris Christie shut up of Chris Christie and Chris Christ, Chris screwing jersey is. That is that it is that IRAN, on your part, saying I can a bit or am I seriously wonder user? I'm I'm asking myself that ever it started out as the kids, you know, I'm not I'm not! I'm not the round boundary bound. I e the guy and from the guy went from one percent to legacy to heighten it's gotta come events. in the leaning tower of pisa. It's the christmas on since the croissants that were waiting for it, the guy croissants, the guys run. A third in new Hampshire is
He loves your songs, that's true! We're were supposed to be describing trump's path to victory. We haven't done that yet: oh yeah, I'm not generally interested. I'm telling you. I think that probably it's going to be very difficult for any any republican to win. whether its upcoming rail network, integrate them, which is it is easier for translator easier for scientists. When I don't know, I don't get me the ita I want, and I dont know, because neither Y know what was going on here is arms. Our problem. Look, I really like run. The scientist. I think he's a terrific governor and is a very strong canada that the problem for Rhonda santa's is that he's running in the trump lane and his his positions are trump positions, his entire campaign pitches. I meant to do all this stuff. The trumps said he was going to do but was not able to do a very valid point. Let's say that that's true people tend to win in an option between the original and Do you know a new new co original classic and new cope they'll go for the original thou go for the owed.
And he broke the mold in a way on certain policy positions, especially with trade and immigration and foreign wars. He broke the republican mold he's a he's kind of a weirdo candidate. He inspired people to vote who hadn't voted before, even if you might say well, that's not going to take them over the finish line in two thousand. Before. I just think he is. I don't disagree with you. I that the real question about trump as a viable candidate inside the republican party, no matter what I say, people going about hunting about, but the the real question I haven't and the republican party and what dynamic could change would be that trump and it's it's happened. A couple of times in the race so far already, and I think could happen again- is that he It gets boring again when he's exciting and he's at the center of the news. Then people just immediately resonate to him, mainly in opposition to the left because they feel like. If the left is attacking him, then there must be some but there, which is an understandable if reactionary response. If he gets boring again, then things could get bad for him. So why every time you think it's getting boring for him and he starts to drop in the polls. That new exciting thing happens that he gets indicted in florida or something so. The thing is, I think that that's likely to
Did you happening right? I think that the he'll get boring and then we'll get indicted in georgia for election for election interference. Yeah. I like that just you getting these kind of narcotic boosts of cocaine. Heads were oh, my gosh, their attacking from and this is crazy. We need russia's defence now that defense. Now that the thing that could happen, Theoretically is if you get no debate, but he's he's actually being a coward at this point. Why would get into a debate when thirty points up? Because when you are in an open primary where you are not the incumbent president, you debate the people he kind of nodes, a single letter last mortal aims was not of our debate. I do not. I indicated is the incumbent raymond. That's what's weird about this race is he's not income, obviously binds the president, but we haven't been in this situation. We had a one term president, who it was again later and I know a lot of people are looking for a fresh face when you want a fresh face. You're probably gonna want to check out Jeremy's razors with the fourth of july, rapidly approaching. I think it's time that you declare your indifference and from woke razor companies. Now I know what you're thinking inflation is high.
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because you know, are we going to be able to save the republic? Are we going to be able to? Oh that's not as fun as when I talk about on my show. I want to talk, and I actually want your take on this. Yes, did you get into it? with nicky menage that isn't it It happened in my life. I I don't. I know nothing about this I haven't followed. I always try to update Nicky's social media, It's you know, I don't know you big an I'm here, I'm a big menage head, but what happened But what happened now, Michael? It's, not a menage head, you're, a barbed. If you are- and they came expand your barbs. That's why a new barbie movie is that now you're just about, I honestly, don't know reforms from it. I think she she she has a song in the new barbie movie right. I've. Actually, yes, yeah, because a lot of people were commenting under your post saying. How can you promote this? For the barbie movie and people were saying? Ben Shapiro is an undercover boss. This means that your an undercover neglect them, and you know what you know you call a group of three Nicky menage fans, managua twa.
good night, everybody. I hope you enjoy a daily wire best stage, so hold on you're an undercover bb. I I don't even know what to say to that accusation anyway, check that this all came about, because there is a song, a great emblem of western civilization, a piece of art so reminiscent of the great gothic cathedrals of the twelfth and thirteenth centuries. It really just inspires you, like a beetle symphony. It is called pound town, a town in which much pounding goes on and also There is a second version of this song in compound town too. The remainder of it how's it go, has got what first I've introduce you to the artist. Her name is sexy. Ye read, I say it's that because she has to at the end of sexy for no reason other than apparently no one in their happiness, ricans about and also those who I assume as always it this was for, given that you came out of her mother and are most how to behold, I shall call the sexy read. I think we have the music video. Do we really
Well, I'd like to introduce. You are familiar with my money, and this is where the real there's a toilet. In the background I wanted you, boys been one of the first, but it is a public good. Kinda like new play payments, be what about the colors of earth or visas, so I did the the culture segment on this song and, as I say, there's a signal. One is not one that stars: Nicky, menage, there's a pound down to the revenge of hound downtown to more pounding electric move downtown to electric google it was the downtown to two pounds who harder what we just heard the content One know that one has one wonders why so pound town to has nicky menage in it. She was like this is such an inspiring. I must take part in a remix, titled, pound town tube
So I pointed that out, while I was critiquing this masterpiece of western civilization and the effects of of our entire creative output. Since the dawn of time and and making it I've got mad at me, and so she then tweeted and I read to you directly quote roman said: leave his ass out of it, sir. No pun intended, whose roman that this is an excellent question at first I thought. Perhaps she is speaking of the emperor of old. Perhaps is the reference to say Claudius, you nero perhaps augustus those not assumptions, and it was not at all ap and so roman is. Apparently she plays many roles as nicki minaj and one of the in one of the personality she and inhabits is apparently called romany homosexual man that I know I this required me to translate those because I don't speak stupid people such as romans had leave his ass out of it. Sir, no pun intended, I didn't know there was upon It was actually in it and then
I didn't know who roman was I it took me like. As a salary know I can. I can knock out like a salad econ book in like three hours, one took me at least six hours to figure out what this meant and and then I tweeted back at her, because she said the romanian leaves s out of it not possible nick you and I since you apparently have never accorded a song. The left, your ass out of it, which is which is accurate, she literally has not recorded a song ever that left her own ass out of it. So it's not possible for you to leave her ass out of it, because her ass was in it to which she responded in classic bb fashion next time. I'll be sure to add my d, that is that that is a word for the the male appendage you can suck it, but suck is spelled as uk because, as already noted, spelling is not allowed and wrap them, which is directly jason downtown as it turns out. So, if ever you suddenly I'll take a car trip from readville to pound town, It I found other things out about pound as well. In my journey down this down, this particular vista like, for example, sexy red
she says there are rules and pound town, including that thou shalt not get calamity twice, which he has had apparently not just once, but think about twice. So it was just downtown to is limited to anyway. She says next time I'll be sure to have I D, so you can suck it love you and many emerges to which responded. Surprise, west Nicky, menage the one with the anaconda all along. You know more about pop culture than you let on. Then. I had a little attic idea reference anaconda reference was with. I want to know. I like you. I think it impressed her good results that's right. It's a lot classic my anaconda, your oda right. She will use it that that's it makes a lot and new communication, but I came out of the money, they're not going to nineties man. The remix includes nicky menage, yes, said there is the general, which is like and then the regional go on until now to like, for when she was in the song will now she's like eighty now, yes it anyway. How will this she's for we want a lady. Never how do you know you know all of this. I
when I went out and when I got into a topic I dive into that topic. What I want to know, but not we actual, was just not count on itself that has reared orifices, I'm sure any business you two flirting is that with this was because I know you sensibly like in a fight here, but it's kind of like it cheeky little like, like hearts and kiss emojis emerging she's. One doing that. I don't know. I have four children. if and not even married, yet doing it turns out that online. You know I'm not tempted by the by the, I would say the opposite of, I m shatner rights, although the William shatner was going where no man has gone before. This is the opposite of volume, shatner going where every man has gone, but our answer that I don't find that to be attempting proposition and the euro. I would have never been a woman who pitches committee twice joining in song joining enjoy. Will celebrate of software with Nicky manage to talk about their bodily orifice colors
They know that was not of you. I don't know I'm analysis, but how do we know shit committee? It was. She said this interview. I had a full on yeah what brett and take help me out here? Well, she did a podcast and she was talking the roles of pound town. I only know this from the lovely bench parachute right. Now, I'm going to catch up on the drama, but yes that she had familiar twice and apparently that's not in the rules of pound town. She really is a character. She respond. Is it not to fund the police in pound town by the way I'm just pointing that out? But she didn't she respond to you. She commented back and was like some. I love a sarcastic or not, but she responded to, I think, the real on your instagram did you see Rey and issued should respond in something like thanks for promoting my. my song or something that was what I wanted, and I responded to her. I very much look forward to pound town for the quest for peace, This has become a kind of a pattern with you that, because the advice of the rapporteur
Yes, we need because rapidly all suffer from a statue syndrome. In this case, literally sexy red has like based at its base. Tattoos syndrome is I've explained before. Is that we're send its that weird phenomenon, where you walk into a coffee shop in this weird lady, with a face tat to which end and you you're, looking at her face I too and she's like what are you looking at and you're, like your face tattoo that you put on your face, so I would look at it and she's like that's a Why are you looking at this face tattoo? Well, I mean I challenge you not to look at the face tattoo, and then I thought, maybe you just was in issues of another thing that she does. She colors her hair like this Apparently, I don't know why. But apparently she was, she was half a little mermaid pardoned, just failed. It didn't work out well for her in her committee interview, she actually has like her. Hair is orange with with black stripe earlier entire designer was tony the tiger from from the frosted flakes box, and just say, if just to be the grumpy old guy for a second, it really is a problem that kids are
into the southern gas if it's a civilization, all level collapse type problem, because it is not just that it so greatly, firstly, vulgar and discussing, but it's just so stupid. It's so dumb gave me that's the way by the song. There's a part of this all, or she literally opens applications for her child step dad. Sadly, this person has already borne a child and how does in her home- and she actually is like talking about she's, looking for a dad for her kid in light of one of these, of these sought by low that's one way to go, but in any event and on her resume is apparently the color foreboding whole access is which Well now you know things you didn't have enough know a lot of things anyone know about or by because it's funny, because when Tom. You complain about pop culture. You always here So well, you know older generations have been saying that forever ever they ve always they ve always complain about. They were sent back in the seventies, those demonic like yeah. They were always right actually taking people people back in the fifties or complaining about Elvis it. This is what they were, invest,
thing is that it would become this. They were, they were, as always, it not have been more right was totally indicate that nitrate in the only graph of civilization. That matters is the you are here. Graph is laplace. Le ask your here. It's like we're about to failed, noble about men like an arrow to like before you hit didn't you are here, and that is true of all of these things. Basically, everything that you called the funds needed. for four saying in the year two thousand euro. In all of europe, but digikey wrote a book called porn generation in two thousand and four I was twenty one years old and it was about the point of vacation of american society, and I had chapters on rap and a head shop. On the mainstreaming of pornography and television, and I had a chapter on disney stars- were becoming highly centralized and airport now christine aguilera britney spears and the book was marked as funny ladyish- have a look at this young man whose pushing this kind of stuff and help. What does he worried about? Why is he so worried about all the stuff? And, I am sorry to say, bye
I was right and I really entirety, but I wish I were wrong. I wish I were very encouraging statistic and the ute in the room I think, would understand this, which is it came out of Gallup Gallup, values survey that became at and it showed a market shift towards social conservatism, and you see this especially pronounced in the republican party in you see this all the way on issues like approval of say, in sex relations? We're not talking about the issue that everybody's talking about these days, we're not just talking about redefinition of marriage between same sex relations, seven point drop in one year, you're, seeing this across social conservatism and what's most interesting about it, is it's not the old boomer, fuddy duddy who are the putting it. In fact, the only group its becoming more socially liberal or the boomers, it's the younger generations. eighteen up to forty nine, I think it was that is becoming markedly socially conservative. I know it's our job to just complained about the fall of the west every single day, but aren't at cooper's of the world leading the way toward. Perhaps
move away from a sexy e, read and heard virtue town turn. Aren't you convey my virtue on three and four yeah? I mean it. I might be overly hopeful here. Oh no, I do think it's babylonian. Obviously there are some things that are terrible. My generation I mean I do so with all the time about the only fans, girls and all of that stop, and I think that it is dangerous because its being marked online, but I think a lot of you people are pushing away from things that so Haiti is generalizing about Genji, like urgency is now these so poorest generation like mid twenties. What yes was absent, They are the ones that are driving the push back to flip phoned. It's like it's interesting things like that and even though I think Genji can be We misguided with their values and a kind of a very emotional, obviously direct in wrong ways are so very, very passionate and very soon,
fully aware, even if they are kind of mistrust, and I think that that can be pushed back in a different direction. Obviously we're seeing changes. So that's! It is helpful to me and when I look at my comments- and it's so incur- Jane. I got awesome. I think one thing we have gone for citizens, the most encouraging things me with the younger generation. Some these videos you seen recently like high school kids, laughing The majority indoctrination going on in their schools are tearing deprived like one. In particular, why? I don't remember where it was, but I think, as a math teacher tried to put on some sort of lgbt video and the kids were booing and laughing and pretending to vomit, and it was really and because first of all, when I was in high school, is exactly how we have reacted thing but, but also, I think it shows that a few things. It shows a one of them is that this stuff, it's not cool, because that's what you're math teacher pushes. So but it became the culture, is no longer the created as soon as like the forty five year old woman who teaches algebra, that's all eligibility bride. It's like it's, not cool anymore. I mean it
the institutional power, but it can't be cool and a copy rebellious. hunger edgy immediately by sea that article where they said that, like monogamy become the new king because we have gone that is literally it's here in this sort of interest is area because we have gone so far that now something that is virtuous and correct, and it is now the edgy rebellion like the last line, and it is good for them. They finally found the king tat, bring sexual satisfaction happiness under sixty year right they ve made. History are speaking of history. History was june twenty four twenty five twenty two when a fifty year old law, overturn a landmark ruling class. It wasn't really a law. It was just a piece of garbage supreme court decision this month. We celebrate the one you're anniversary of the fall of roh. We recognise that our work is far from
because the sad reality is that, while row is gone, there are still hundreds of thousands of abortions being performed in this country every single year the abortion postal widely available accounts for some fifty percent of all abortions nationwide. Well, you can help stop this through. reborn, the hopes of people are into an amazing amazing work and they're doing it the most meaningful way. They're are literally going mom to mom and convincing moms, not to kill their kids preborn. His network of clinics rescues. Two hundred babies by offering love, compassion and support to expectant there's pretty much every day when a distress mom comes to preborn she's welcomed with open arms, she's offered a free ultrasound to meet the precious life inside her the majority of the time she's going to choose life by the way. The ultrasound quality now is unbelievable. We just had a baby about a month ago and we were seeing ultrasounds from like week seven week, eight, that's the same baby
and these loans are learning because the power that technology you can make a difference by donating your best give to pre born dotcom, slash backstage to honour the precious lies lost over the past fifty years and to secure the lives of those at risk. Today, every single penny is going toward moms and babies to donate thou pound. To fifty and say you were baby or is it free, born dot com? Slash backstage all gives our taxes Well, you're, not gonna, regret saving a child's life, the best mon you're ever going to spend the pound to fifty baby or have is a preborn dot com backstage really really important, stuff preborn dot com, slash backstage so yeah and I'm I'm very hopeful on this. I tell you when I saw one of the reasons I'm so one of the things that's happened. The reason this is happening is because, finally, and the reason I think, a lot of people feel vindicated who are arguing the slippery slope is the argument that is being made in two thousand and ninety ninety five. Ninety nine. He was always a lie, and we kept saying over and over. This is not. The argument is being made. The argument that you're saying you are making is not the argument you are actually making the argument. These say they are making is what I can leave people alone in the privacy of their own bedrooms to do what they want, and
are. We really want is to be involved in just monogamous relations with one another. We can go visit each other and hospitals and it's like an embryo it s all you want. We wanted to overthrow key societal institutions, and then you wanted and those institutions for the morally relativistic view that that prizes individual set who or intention in pleasure than then it's really. You want a bicycle naked down the street and ultimate and ass the manifest nation of it s the final manifestation. What we reached the final manifestation does, after all, Borg fell. I think most americans were like ok, we got we want, so I guess we're done here and then there are. Well. No, that's not what we want at all. What we would like for your church to celebrate it. What we need is to make sure that your kid hears about it. We need to make sure that your kid is naked. Bicyclists ride down the street in seattle, like it's really really important, that your kid be indoctrinated, and all this and people like wait what? Why is it important that indoctrinated knowledge, and the answer is because it was always about an entire value system. It was not. There was a symptom, the value systems I think been, our society misinterpreted the call for things like same sex marriage as what, if we just expanded traditional in
crucial to include further marginalized people, so that this is, why was pitched is basically civil rights movement civil rights movement was voting, has for a long time and is good, and you should make sure the boy people can do it? Also and like that great institutional? should extend to include further people. Then the arrogant same sex marriage was made along the same lines, even though it was fundamentally dishonest because you have to redefine marriage in order to include that particular definition of marriage. But the idea was we're not threatening marriage just doing the same thing, you're doing or just changing the people who are involved in finding a right, but that's not what it was about tire movement was about what, if we destroyed traditional civilizational institutions and then what if we supplant those with another form of values that we must indoctrinate your kids with. We must indoctrinate your kids with these things and I think that's what people are reacting to there the mass come off you're in there and their unlike, oh my god. I can't believe that that we, what that the call came from inside the house in- and this is why, by the way, you can see a seven point drop and approval of like same sex relations in one year, because ideas have consequences. As we all know,
And so we ve had some bad idea, some wrong premises and its lead. All these kind of crazy consequence and a lot of people didn't notice it as it was happening, but when you get to them extreme consequences, then You can go in the other direction. He has a well consequences, come from bad ideas, and so I think specially consumers they start pulling on that thread, and this If this really extreme and stagnation of an idea is bad will where did not come? breaks out right, and so there there hurtling back in the other direction and its also it's also assent is symptomatic of a just a broader doubt in society's new institutions. So we would like to talk about the destruction of institutions and its true read me: we have very low trust for all institutions, but the new institutions are the ones we have the trust it, because those are really there, is that all of our institutions, basically, where Hannibal lecter dominate like data their faces, are are being around by people who are not actually the people that they they took. They took the institution of science got gutted it. Then they wore the face of science around while proclaiming that everybody had to mask up children all of this, but the new
institutions are the things that people doubt more than anything else, because there early and overtly lying and and all the things that they are saying to you, you know are not true, which brings us to leisure so like that ellie. I really think systems can be important thing here is that there is an entire reason. The washington poets today about why video is a heroine and is not actually a fat act of issues It is for all of us, in being being large, is really is really told. We fine and wiser, it's a standard of beauty. That's really the problem and here's the thing everybody knows in their heart that it's not true. Everybody knows that is not true, which is why there's that- Raining that's been going around. Words are having and start with temple. Actually, where temple is like you talk to people, in their like loses beautiful, like you should say you remind me of loser and then said and see how that works out, for you run a lizard as a believer either monsieur she just reactionaries actually wants to quit. Drop out of music because you can deal with. The criticism meanwhile mean like that. That's very telling she's, got the Washington post.
The major media outlets, all every institution fans, everyone, time, she's, beautiful, she's, amazing and then just one. I that her hurl freak out was one comment that one random person left that made all come crumbling down. Can this subject cuba? Firstly, blocked can that's all I've dns was I do not allow that actually was how I think I brought me but Joe identity lines we handle them. That's like lavishly like I did that I did that either it's all this just being showered with love and I'm not one person makes all compromise by the way. This. This, I guess, is why to tie it back in with the twenty twenty four and all the other. The reason I'm a little down on republican prospects is one because I think the system is As you know, the other day we found three hundred ellen ballots in a random locker in michigan, and I'm not saying that swung the election, but a bet there's a lot of lockers and michigan, and so that's a systemic issue that you got to deal with, but bring more broadly just look at what we're. So
and we all know that this stuff is crazy. We're looking we're seeing this reflected in the polls, especially among younger voters. No one really believes that lissa was healthy. No one really believes a lot of the lies that were told, and yet the institutions that the governing powers in the media and tackle the schools and the government there all putting that flag right in front of us. There are putting the bicycle right firms, none of them were letting up. Buddy, it's not letting up targets not none of them are and why. not letting up, because they feel confident enough that the people can be is angry as they want to be. That's not going to make a difference. Even if the many are furious actually alive. I think that this has been one of the best pride months in the history of pride. I mean because it honestly like it, you ve seen what have you been up to now in durban. All sorts of brands have basically been like you know what read the any child said
You don't have to wear the warmup jerseys anymore, we're just not going to do this stuff anymore, and you know what that's great. I mean like dayton, again, that's being driven by the excesses, but this is the part that so funny is that I I will never cease to find it humorous that people suddenly this I discovered that that pride parades exist, but I'm not I'm never gonna stop thinking. This is funny like that people will be like oh, my god, I was at a pride rate and a primary broke out yet correct, because what you think friends of Jimmy were incorrect. The media depiction for forty years of the bribery was always just you know too. It's a bunch of nice. Looking Britain, sexual families were walking down the street wearing like american pastoral. You know pitchforks in suits in there and there by carrying a gay pride flag, just like you would, if you were gay and then and then what these birds have been since literally ever has been men and ass
apps dancing and suddenly there a camera strain on it and people are allowed to notice and I'm not sure what happened when people work, what it is just twitter. Basically I mean it's it's. This is the rise of social media, because before that it was the media that was basically do and clean up If this stuff is like, you, weren't allowed to mention that any of this stuff was happening. It's why people are mad at libs of tiktok for actually putting this stuff on on her account. Now right, there modify it like, oh my god, you're you're, exposing millions children to this sort of stuff, by putting on your tiktok and she's still search banned by the way I dunno. If you saw that so suppressed, I searched for her yesterday. She won't pop up in search many, other people are reporting this from the independent sites or showing and some people the right that you wanta about misbegotten criticism there. People on the right for saying: well, you know you're you're, just adding to the exposure to these people are getting when the being exhibitionist neck by pointing out if they're doing this stuff and then re tweeting, the videos of them doing it, and it's like you're missing the entire point. You're missing the entire point
If the thing is a moral atrocity, if the thing is a problem in more people know about the problem in the moral atrocity, more people are likely to resist the problem. In italy. We have to be better thing on the road of about celebrating victories when they come inside there's a there's. A certain attitudes like nothing is ever victory. It's always terrible. It never gets better and worse. In this too, with with some of the stuff in pride month years, people say well, the institutions are still his companies, they're still doing pretty well, but they are geared those executive bud, light fired the executive executives. A lot of these a lot of these companies are pulling back from the pride stuff. Look I'll, let you I'll let you have you're giving me hope a moment, but before we do that the yeah they they fire, this vp of marketing who took the fall for this thing This decision was made at a much higher level and was made at a higher level because of the asset managers their pushing. Yesterday, there was made at a higher level biggest as trans heizer. Bush is oh gorham right, the global alliance for responsibility in media and because they made a deal with the tec platforms such that they're, not
to permit a Larry think is emitting from blackrock that he's backed off investments because by where no people horde of deep in this particular world- and they would, they have told me specifically that Larry think has really backed off. We doesn't like the bad press, that companies changing. I does I don't it doesn't matter. I don't. I don't care if they ve had a real offered to change deep down their arms and care about that. Are there any change like what? What I want is for them to respond to our pressure, correct if they respond begrudgingly and they don't mean it and they hate us even better I mean on the left. If they get you to do something. and they know you don't mean it the best greatest victory yell far as I'm concerned, if, if bud lightest, pretending fantastic or the different internet, because I forced them to, but are they there still sponsoring these parades like I'm not going to change anything? It's it's not perfect, but even something like took target is still progressive company. They took the pride garbage and they moved into the back. store the allow a lot of conservatives say well, they're still there. I think that's awesome dog right now. It doesn't on the back of the shop at target the fact that they thought they had to do that that they had to
and you know they they had to hide their light under a bushel to tell you why it's important to to declare victory when you actually receive them is because it's almost impossible, especially when you're talking not about specific brands like about light. in time that broad overall brand you gotta pay, so that the right is very that of making targets also because it such aid universalistic tsunami of of this sort of stuff threat will be like what The companies are like this. We weigh colleague everything you can't boycott everything in the rear. Turkey. Is that honestly, like winning anyway from target. You should take the victory and you should promote that victory, because in a lot of towns targets the only place you can actually shop. It's not as though target is. Is you know but light where you just move over one shellfish and now SAM Adams right target be in your area? The only convenience store that actually has all the things that you need and like it several mile radius and so for people to boycott it to the point where they actually work. Get it where they got a concerted action out of that. That's a good thing. You can't ask people to do more than their actually capable such when there are no alternative brainwashing entire breed, wash entire brain
is that are that are supposed to be responses to the story, stuff, Jeremy's, raisers and jeremy's chocolates and all this sort of stuff, but we don't have alternative target, but we don't, and so what does he actually have to pick is that you cannot get when you knock em down. You should celebrate specifically because the whole point of the left makes- and this is what the really about is they pick people and they hurt them and they hurt them as badly as they can. courage, you and you and me, and all of us not to engage in business anymore it's it's it's a shaming and destruction campaign. The point of going after randal lady in new york park is that they care about, awaiting near pointed out there's a little about the willingness for her life. Randal, lady and in your parts that you will shut up, and so the same tactic play the others I mean you like, if we tell if we get bud white, to even provide the concession that their that their symbolic firing people over this thing, how many other companies that were king of doing the thing we are not going to do the thing, because why stepped onto the landmine anymore. That's that's. The whole point is together It's a step on the landmine in the first place, so this is part of the problem of trying to measure the change
yeah you're. Measuring the absence of change. You actually measuring in many cases a company that doesn't do the thing is I'm just getting companies to back off thing which we have seen some of by the way it's getting companies that we're about to do the thing not to know A company such as companies do it's. Also individuals will have to go. You know you can single out it's it's correct. You want to pick out certain institutions, certain companies make examples out of them, but you also do that. Individual people, which is something that we did with Dylan mulvaney. The difference between del mulvaney and ran a person at the park is Mulvaney deserves it. He points out that their right to put himself out there and but the plan by the powers that be was to take the of any came into a mainstream mass got of transgender ism plant, remember with its thirty three sixty five days girlhood. Whatever this plan, this big, a gala, they through to celebrate a europe of girl, even said that with planning that four months at a time so that the right this is this to tax money funding to do this? So they selected him and said you're gonna, be our main stream like cheerleader, for translators,
while some of us on the right said none. So we did. This is a toxic figure pushing something dangerous and toxic on children and I can guarantee that there's gotta, be any other companies like bud light then got invited. The whole thing was misguided anyway in that transformation, because when you want to make yourself look a lot better. You obvious they just need to turn the genius cell dehydrated skin covered in dark spots and puffy under eyes. That's a big problem for everybody, and thankfully genius cell has the answer. Genius. L is extended your chance to get their most popular package featuring, beautifully, curated skin care essentials for life outside in the summer, sun genius cells limited time somewhere. Essentials package includes their one of a kind of ultra retinal super moisturize or with a powerful plant, extract a written alternatives
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that is genius cell backgrounds like backstage Jan yourself, dotcom slash backstage now. All the things we are talking about by the way might be a completely moot point, because within a matter of moments we might be in world war through and interpreting aliens out. He was I thought I might well because well because it can never get hours earlier crossing or even before we get to the aliens we can get to the union's before we go before we get to the aliens yours you're going to be nicer than can be mean there, demons said. Well, we mean because my dream is a yeah. I like they're, not my idea of you yet there are no Ellen energy demons are nonsense. That way, the aliens are nonsense, both both things, your anger and by the way, what can I do? I don't know your drive like that comes from somewhere else. Remember that there is a law that the airlines- it's, I don't even know, breaths of you on aliens. This is what you actually did asked me. One time
on your member block. You asked me this rude. I guess they re. brilliant wars. Like that's that's usually like me, I write interest outweigh in one way or the other lines walked very seriously lacking. I obviously looking for what we're? U way, I am, I think, that its very possible I'm not committed to it It's not my my favorite topic, It's not my the thing that I choose to dive into, but I think that definitely plausible, and I just got a clarification on that. The contention they are making is it that there is life in the universe. or that that life in the universe has found us here both yeah you're, crazy, the first one? Yes, this angle, I wish you d. I do agree with him that the new arrivals are here already we're here already at a low enough, but I guess that they probably exist somewhere. I think that's something else I students are they're definitely been. I said it's the most likely explanation for what we have witnessed is that they've been here. I want you to get the footage
jake Paul that is gonna, be here. Jake pointed out, we would ensure bailey and what other here and there are creating pound down there. Well, then I am, I believe, been. I believe gender incinerate ran because about the effects here at so Jake Paul has footage allegedly has the most convincing footing of like an alien encounter in the. U s and a man has it on this vhs. I think I think it was in nevada. Britisher from the article is sent you nineteen seventy. we a little grainy age as long as there's. I've got a dvd of nature, and this guy has it and he's the only one that has a copy of it and he will not sell it to anybody, but he will show it to you. If you go into Jake Paul went trying to buy it to take polls, your local, I think but he is it logan slogan So when you don't know, my culture is just anyway, whoever it is, I believe him, I I'm sure, but he goes and he wears the little hidden cameras and he films he has the guy show to a multiple times and he gets it,
while angles, but now he won't even show the footage dissolved those are not another thing that has not so I'm not trying to hijack the whole conversation but is delayed and you're, not not fear, not not not try to hear when you ve got. Iraq's colored your hand. This conversation pox cutter hit it. Wouldn't you ve got something really important would have got when you ve got government officials in town its people that work and people. It would never lied to us here. Why would they lie about that see? That's does it make any sense doesn't know executed by that he has seen evidence of the aliens. He said he read a report that their work, that there was evidence there, she is not witnessed any table? The others know when they see pictures the aliens hasn't actually seen the aliens so he's a guy. I enjoyed yakuza that he had, I mean every said, find it slightly more credible, because then we would actually be so
testified tat. He had seen it and then we have to do to kate whether he was competent or not to testify, because it turns out that our guardians elegance agency that dealt with these- or rather we really are about like what exactly he was attesting to the thing is attesting to is not that he let you was attesting to the testimony of other of not just one person, multiple people, hold him about. You was attesting to the testimony that he heard from his cousins neighbour, heard it from a very credible and finally make us always an alien made at you may not have He won t like sincerely blot report and, I believe in the report, but why would the governments who this does the government for decades was you have our siding with swamp gas, it was their whatever was ed wood, whatever it give us, whether balloon and now we're finally starting to here. Well, maybe some that stuff actually was busy don't believe one government they never there saying It would be more likely to believe the. U f o's like fifty years ago, when they were saying it's swamp, gas now, they're saying it. Maybe you have hosted islands bulk of your deny what you actually are believe in the government you're believing the the narrative that they sold us for fifty years about this stuff are more credible. Fifty
As you know, there are now they are, but it also wasn't aliens. Fifty years ago, fifty years ago it was called worse biplanes, and now it's demons outcome on its demons. It is lose it listen. I'm not like fight. Do I'm totally terrorism. It is that we know that spiritual reality exists right. We know that a demon libyans. Why would they be in vehicles like? Why are they flying around in the sky? We all people seeing these weird things. You have a people, see apparitions of all sorts of rye with vehemence, we're doing that. What do they need? costa going to happen. Is that because the country is becoming much more vicious and evil? I agree with that. So. Why know? I laid we rise in the sky, another in the sky there on that, but I would at least come from millions of light years away. Ticket joy ride there verily crash in the desert, but you're not taking joy rights. There are coming here to check out what's going on as it's crazy because its pound and then they like, I read these areas it is they wanted to see pound tat did all tat is ok and conscious. That one is just one thing above all, is the terrible place. The most likely scenario is that there are a million like bill,
and of other civilizations, other ok, given how vast the universe you saying that likely likely yes given up, given the vastness of losing, given the fact that we live in a universe with a hundred billions by Alex it's like it, there's a really big vacuum, so there must be a lot of sanctions and about their vat. It's a vacuum! Tralee zillions of planets in okay, so give that just a numbers game. I think it's very likely that there are countless civil. Asians, and so it's very it's likely that we ve been visited. There is a rise, even if I grant you that this is my problem and great apes. I can't grant you be okay, meaning the I. I would agree with you that the possible the probability is that there are other forms of life on tons of other planets. I grew that the the notion that it took, form of intelligent life, the differ markedly from development human beings. I actually I have questions about the exact I wonder whether there really a lot of other evolutionary pathways to intelligence, given there
like there's only one that we know about it. It looks like us, so I'm wondering like there there's all sorts of speculation about like weird lobster, looking creatures that are super duper smart and fly spaceships like I I'd like to see some evidence like we're, pretty smart, we fly spaceships. Why shouldn't the aliens look like us would be one question, but Even if that were the case, what it was assumed for saying that we're like in the mid level of sophistication we're not even remotely close to being well as you travel to other other systems where we can experience other civilizations, what is the idea that they have somehow conquered space and time? Well, because there are plans that have been around billions of years longer than us onboard much older than presumably other civilisations is all time is relatively short and their proper civilizations that aren't anywhere close to us and advancement, but most likely there are many that are well beyond us, but why do you think it'd be able to? in just a few short billion years cross these expenses, I'm here
it's inconceivable to us, but you also have to keep in mind the twentieth century. I mean going into the twentieth the universe. Only like five and half billion years, but going into the twentieth century, you know you still a horse and buggy so and and then Very shortly after that, we're going to the moon, it is true, I'm, although I'm only half joking, but that has all been a it's all been downhill since then. So I'm only half joking. When I check that the the ai art programs went like like a month ago, they could, do hands like you'd put his hands and it had like seventeen fingers in a hot dog coming out of them, and now they can make you know cartouche, we turn away. I fell fast, whose everyday I, what that guy with what we are not talking about aliens, we should talk about ay, I an escalating. There is one other topic listen. I don't want to interrupt our fanciful musings on the brazilians of aliens out there trying to invade us, but we entered into world where three is there
civil war in that regard? Bognor took over almost took over russia different different bognor different way of different. Not that not the ring cycle that is at the end of I gotta get out. Yes brings echoed the different nazi ask weird guy, They didn't know that this was my favorite part of the whole story, so this guy promotion. With the wagner group, the bognor group, if you're, you know like very sophisticated goes in leads a march up to moscow is really angry, because the russian defence minister show you attacked his pair military, like warlord troop and so he's going. Up there now he's exiled to belarus. I'm sure he'll be totally find the pollutants are really forget. It he's gonna, be found having committed suicide by himself repeatedly in the back and that of the tire tired, I'm dreaming about allies in the reality on it and then, unfortunately, being grown by himself off forthwith window and then run over twice by a car, but my favorite part of the story was free. reef like six or ten hours, you had all these liberals on twitter and on the internet.
And they were leaving hero, routing waiting for rooting for the psycho russian warlord to take over the nuclear find a way here like I have to say everything in russia is so stereotypically russian. It's pretty incredible that this is a dude, ran a hotdog stand and is known as the chef but so amazing you Irena I thought you literally, where the hotdog of, and then he became the shap by being Putin's caterer, because putin made him like one of his oligarchs and then, like an entire paramilitary system, repayment, billions of dollars for his paramilitary and then put was. The week that he had to call the chechnya is right, who's about to call the chechnya ins to defend moscow when it goes, but here's the thing. I have a problem with this. Why didn't you send an email to the really really like a lot to like? If I were just pissed off at secretary advance and then I were not going to complete a coup out we'd be, like you know, he's a bad secretary of defense hit, send and then I'd, probably just go back to ruling syria and almost all of africa. So instead he was like. You know what I'm going to do, I'm going to in ridiculous fashion march five minutes. road toward moscow and then I'm gonna, not an end of it
romantic. Belarus there's an important where highway, radiation, poisoning and infringements of a single reading like don quixote was like this is my moment. This is my time. I'm warning you go on my heroes journey. I just never my advice that came out of the wire, which is, if you come at the king. You best not miss and imagine this turns every well for promotion and the wagner group, but what it doesn't mean that putin is really weakened, doesn't mean he's going to pull out of ukraine. Does it mean that this war is ever going to come to an end? Does it mean that we're going to enter into world war? Three, like that, my favorite part other than the joke of the lives. You know, rooting for this psycho warlord is now but he knows a damn thing about russian politics. Nobody seems to know it kills. Every one who like tries to penetrate the shield of russian politics and literally every one dies. You know their oars been killed over their mean. It's it's insane they mean that currently holding a loss for europe are arriving like this is this is not a place you want to be yet so that the is
we're going to end, probably not because, yes, you keep during people mammy grinder in the hopes that eventually there will be some sort of settlement is it. It is the This case scenario him following quite possibly because one thing Actually exposed here is that if he falls the most organised forces in the country are variously the wagner group, which is like psychotic in the chair chechnya and which is so that sounds great. Having those two groups fight over you know. Twenty five hundred nuclear weapons, sound amaze, balls, that will probably worked out amazing for everyone, so it was Henry kissinger who's been much maligned bed. He his Anne rule is avoid the least avoid the worst outcome, avoiding the worst come is typically a fairly decent way. In foreign policy and the worst outcome would profit be a giant internal bow in russia involving people firing weapons at each other. Well, there two thousand loose nukes. That seems like the worst available. Yup now isn't where you see the absurdity of twitter the most. I think, because I checked twitter when this was all going on saturday morning and what I discovered is
number one. Everyone It was everything about russian politics. I was the only one. I said I dunno who this guy is. Like. I dunno anything about this. I know I'm totally clueless about it. I know nothing Everyone knows everything about it and it's the most One thing never any check back on it, hours later and no one cares anymore erosion, who exactly is not that this is to me this is the one. This is the best argument for tromp actually does. This is the one thing on that that trump supporters in the primary say that that I basically agree with that and I probably trust him the boat to not get us involved in world war. Three year, the most peaceful foreign power save any president, because I think you just doesn't care either. He doesn't care what's going on in the rest of the world. You don't want to get involved, which is basically my position and I The british. I want the president to have to say this. I basically
as well, but we don't know enough about his foreign policy. We just don't. We might talk more about it, but not for all those who employ over there on youtube going to talk about it in the member blocked. The show continues now at daily wire for our members. We really taking your questions live. Where are we talking at the things we're not allowed to talk about on youtube. You know what I'm talking about like there is a guy, don't say it Michael, alright, How can it, but it's like a thing- you know, don't worry it ain't gonna, wait you we don't know what I'm talking about. Ok, we're not talking about that's over here for our members daily wire dot com, really talking about the release of a very exciting project, convicting a murderer join can do so and she discovers the hidden truth than the tories criminal case. Making a murderer depicted stephen avery as a victim of corrupt law enforcement. But there is more to the storing candice reveals the shocking untold aspects omitted by them.
Like series, all of this and more coming soon to daily wire plus had on our daily. Where I come slash subscribe. Where I promise you, we will not speak of aliens, see you there,
Transcript generated on 2023-08-15.