« The Ben Shapiro Show

Daily Wire Backstage: Go Buy Ben's Book Edition


Is America headed for full-on divorce? Can Trump claw his way back in the polls? Was Portlandia a documentary? 

Join this roundtable discussion featuring Ben Shapiro, Andrew Klavan, Michael Knowles, and Daily Wire god-king Jeremy Boreing as they get to the bottom of these questions and more.

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Hey folks, Ben Shapiro. Here, don't miss our latest episode of did wire backstage join me Andrew Clayton, Michael Moles, in Germany, boring as we cover the top stories in politics and pop culture with enough laughs and insights to get you through these insane new cycles. Tiggle, listen politicians pander to protesters I've police persist and preventing perpetual pandemonium in Portland Pandemic, precipitates, preposterous presumptions and bit by bit book.
If a daily wire backstage welcomed, evidently wire backstage, go by bends book addition, I'm Germany boring known around before as your friend whenever a God, King Edward Glad that you have to do. Is America passed the point of make up sex can Donald Trump Clause way back in the polls? Was port Landy are actually a documentary been covers. All of this and more in his book, how did it for America in three easy steps? If you don't have one I've set at twice the violence, but am drawing today, of course, by the man himself, Metropole Sparrow, also by Andrew claiming to Michael NOS one of whom has actually written their books and the other who is outsold, but also by the lovely Ilusha Frowsed, whose, whereas beer satellite shall be taking your questions, hot off the inner webs and giving
You got the chance to dazzle you with our answer to your Josiana about with anybody the promptly I just totally out of that, while the highly hi guys how're you it's good to be back, I and yes, I will be taking those subscriber questions, and how can you ask the questions you wonder? Well, you have to be it be a daily wire member and all access member to be exact, and if you're not now access member than yours lately missing out and if you like me and you like a deal turns out, we have one for you, because all access members get to participate in our all they live, or one of the daily warehouse things out with you ve alive stream, its way better than a corporate zoom. I promise and all access members also join us for real time online Q and a discussions like the one that we're all gonna have together. After that tonight's episode backstage, and it will be available on both the website and the daily, whereas so tune in to get your questions ruddy, that's once again, if you're in all access member and if You'Re-
not then had on our daily where'd. Our com. Slash subscribe to get your two, yes to left his tears, tumblers with that fifteen percent off coupon code backstage right now, that's daily wired outcome, slashed subscribe, use the fifteen percent off coupon code backstage right now and join us for the discussion after the show Southern trying to figure out. I was on this trip down to Texas and someone asked the question you know: are you in internet celebrity as people often ask- and I thought about my my twitter, following which, has grown but has still not got into the goal that I sat in life when I was a small trial. My father said what you want to be when you grow up, and I said I wanna have a hundred thousand twitter followers. He said your life is gonna, be filled with disappointment, kid and he was so far. It turns out that he's an idle. What's too eliza, don't ruin my story been, but I've been looking for an answer to this question: does my life have any meaning? And then I found bends book
story America in three easy steps and I realize nothing has meaning you two could be thought with a kind of optimism that I invite you to read this book been since I wanna had named the whole episode appear, but tell us just a little bit about it. Let me tell you about this book so that there is this. Here's the deal, the basic pieces of the book is that the, in the United States right now is not exactly. Leprous is right, above largely mirrors, that it's between people, if I call Eunice and people going to call disintegration as you need us- are people who believe that the country ought to remain one body and they believe that there are certain ties that bind us together, namely philosophy, culture and history. The philosophy of the american founding that is I stayed in the declaration of independence that all men are created equal endowed by their creator, with inalienable rights protected by a government of limited powers, and that, if that government should choose to exceed its powers than it would lose its reason for being. That was the core philosophy of the United States and then that was preserved by a system of checks and balances and federalism create about a constitution. That is the core philosophy. Then there is the core
culture of the United States, which was a culture that valued social institutions and cocaine virtue like church and family culture of honourable shipping adventure, the culture of the pioneers people were pushing over. In jail in order to open new. This does in the human experience a culture of tolerance for other people. Right, even though you may not agree with how I speak, you acknowledge that I do the right to say what I am saying, but also a culture of of militant defence of those rights, and if the government were to overstep its boundaries, they would get a stern warning and finally, a shared history. The idea that we are all part of the same history, the same historic stream, even though a merry history obviously has victims and villains. Even though american history has horrible periods, even though America history has significant periods in which many people in the United States read some founding principle: the actual story of the United States, not sixteen. Nineteen, the actual story of the United States has seventeen. Seventy six United States was founded. Untrue, eternally good principles and the story of the United States is about how we have attempted to fulfil, those principles increasingly well overtime and extend the promises that were made in the deck.
Nation independence, more more human beings over a period of time, so black and white Americans are part of that story. Lack Americans heroically, overcoming Jim Crow and slavery, white Americans helping them do so and overcoming their own innate sin in all of this and moving towards those founding principle. So that is the unionist philosophy, culture and history, and all of those elements are being disintegrated purposefully by people, like all disintegration is people who wish to see the country fall. Apart of believe that America loss of ie is a lie was alive when it was written to openly stated by the members of the sixteen nineteen project. People who believe that all men are created equal is actually just a cover for power politics, because if we treat everybody equally under law, what about people who are not as well off what about people? are not as well situated. We have to have injustice under the law in order to achieve achieve group or social justice. The culture of the United States currently bad, the culture of adventure and entrepreneurship is actually a culture. Limitation and cruelty to others, the culture that says that we have to you're. Right is really about me. Wanting bad people to win, because if I really
in what those people to when I wouldn't respect their rights, be culture of of valuing social institutions. Churches are bad because they crept down social values upon you. Family is bad because families in exploiting institution? And finally, the history of the United States is not the story of triumph over innate and universal humans in the story of America? Is that amount? was founded in humans and and has merely deepened and broadened that's in overtime. The point where all the institutions of America so thoroughly crop that they must be torn down at the road. That is the battle that is happening. The United States is not quite left right. There are some liberals. We believe in a lot of the things that I said our unionist and there's some conservatives who may not agree with all the things that I said our unionist, but that in large scale, is the battle in Virginia play out in the streets of Portland in the streets of Seattle or sing it play out in the halls of Congress where sing it play out everyday?
mainstream media and in the halls of academia. But could you have written something more topical than I think that's the ones should there was no need to buy the book now you heard the whole thing stream. I didn't helpful kid to talk about what's going on in the country, which is basically just everything been just said in particular, so I haven't been in the news. Much this week have been travelling quite a lot. You know, as God, king I'm, Lord of all, that I survey. So I thought I should go. Look at some stuff turns out a lot of it doesn't belong to me. The really the title was Canada me a false sense of self, but on my travels I wasn't able to be in the news much, but what every time I did log onto the internet, all I could see was the disintegration of one or another american city, What's going on important when the last few days seems to really be the giant story that no one's actually allowed to talk about it, you, if I'm your tv, I don't see anything about Portland among the internet silhouette anything about it. Michael tell us a little bit of it. Catch me up what tat so
everything you think is happening like if you were to have a fevered nightmare. That's what's happening, it's happening in Portland and there was this big debate now, because you had these these insurrectionists in Portland, attacking a federal court house and other places as well. They look like in a truly an armed militia, and so federal troops have come in and in by troops. I should be more specific, I'm talking about the Department of Homeland Security. This is raised. Big big debate. Should these federal agents be able to come in? There is a lot of lies that are going on about this. The left is saying that the federal agents have no right to do this. Of course, they do one of the reasons we have the age s in the first place is to protect federal property, there. They are saying that the federal agents are not allowed to go, for instance, arrest people who are committing crimes and federal property, but then leave that property. That's also not true, it's very clear from U S code that they are absolutely allowed to to pursue those individuals who are saying that the federal agents or are on uniformed they're they're, not saying they are. That is also not rather wearing uniforms, clearly says they're in indigestion, Ashley,
numbers as and even identify the individual agents. So typically, a lot of lies from the left and a lot of insurrection. That's going on but the biggest lie of all, I think, is there this is an American. You know it's. It's Hitler risk to send in federal troops to put down this insurrection that is absurd. That there is an american history of putting down interactions that goes back to one thousand seven hundred and eighty seven goes back all the way to Shays rebellion, and actually one of the reasons we have our constitution is because the articles of confederation were not strong enough to efficiently put down that insurrection. It's one of the reasons we got the constitutional convention right after Shays rebellion was in order to beef,
that power and fortunately finally, people are restoring a little bit of order to the streets, but what about the politics of a door? It seems to me that the President slow to act on some of the things that have taken place in America. Cities during this sort of black lives matter riots that have been taking place now. He is acting he's sitting in federal troop subject: federal property, but there's a risk right. The risk is that are going into the election. One risk is you look like you, ve lost control, the country. The other risk is that you look like you're totalitarian. What sort of place into the narrative that the left is painted of of the president really since before even took office? How do you think the shakes out for the president? I think the bigger risk is doing nothing frankly, even though a lot of people on the right or the same, let these cities burn their democratic cities, the suffering from democratic policies. Let him go, I think that's wrong trump gotta show that he's going to do something that he's gonna take care of the country, what the city's go. I think this has been one of trumps best weeks and accordingly,
usually goes unreported because anything from does that's positive goes unreported, but I think it you can actually. He is very far back in the polls and I think he knows it and I think he acted too higher his campaign manager and right after that he suddenly became of a really different candidates. Now we ve got the question of the sitting four thousand dollar question. Does he have the discipline to maintain doing what he did this week? He suddenly took. New tone on the Chinese flew he suddenly took seriously. He came out. It was very sober. I was very directly so you had facts in front of women to use those facts and he said to move against these cities. You cannot have cities devolving into chaos. If you really want to know whether this is good for tromp or not, all you have to do is look at the fact that the minute trump threatens the mayors and governor suddenly act before he can get there? So you suddenly have port when they declare Wyatt after something like fifty six days, learning and vandalism and violence. Sudden it's a riot when trumps as you gonna send in the troops now the shameful
happened in Seattle with their rights. The same thing happened in New York. They closed the Chaz that's been opened. Front of city hall, all this time, the minute he threatened said. The left knows that this is not a good look for them, but they blame it on tromp until he acts in the minute he acts I've gotta shut it down. So I think this was a great weak for Trump I was always a question with them, whether he's just gonna blow at all. The single tweet, but right this minute he looked very good. So it occurred to me what any events unfold. That you're really only have two options right. You can either allow you can do to defend federal property with federal force or you have to pull all of the federal infrastructure out of these cities, which, in addition to being practically impossible, not no one on the left would stand for a ride like you just basically set fire to shut down the Social Security Administration in Portland. If we can't centre if you're, not gonna, protected
Can I have a be there if you're not gonna, do that been don't you have actually defend this property and defend these employee, of course mean under federal called you do have to defend this property. It is the responsibility of the problem of alleged security. To do so, they have the power to call for other agencies through the General Services administration, other people to serve in this battle against people who are, as far as Michael rightly noted, insurrectionists. The fact that this is controversial, it all is a testament to how much our media are just damned liars and they are just damned wires who Ivan very hesitant to too you know, talk about the media, the enemy, the people. Mainly I just don't like the phrase and, unlike the phrase enemy the peoples, it brings up stalinist sort of associations, but the way that the media have acted How much is just disgustingly them, then? The mask is now completely off if you thought it had slipped on the you know some with Cavanaugh, instead more with their Covington Catholic, it is gone at this point. I cannot trust a single narrative one. It is being fed me by the media. If you listen to me you're right now, Portland is entirely peaceful and the only people,
we are creating. Chaos are the federal agents? actually members of the Gestapo everything Chicago is hunky Dory president from his threatening me, though, in their specifically legal lorry Lightfoot is black and a woman. Everything in New York is absolutely fine. The only real that you're seeing any sort of uptake and violence is just because trumpets President, not because they decided to absolutely castrate that the Nypd. If you are The media uncovered everything. That's bad. That's happening, The fault around us answers, Gregg, Abbot and dug, do see in floor Texas in Arizona, respectively or Trump. More broadly speaking, Californy just ceases to exist. Also, apparently, Trump is at fault for you second wave that we are now seeing in Spain in France in Japan, apparently troubles entire in charge of the entire world. Literally every nerve there's been flouted over the past. Several weeks is not just a little bit wrong just a little work is overtly false. It is overly false. I'm amazed, the media think they can get away with that, and you know so far they have, and that's the sad truth is that when you have this blanket you know me. I think that
felt this way after two thousand sex? I remember effigy, doesn't for there's this feeling with Republicans after Bush, be carry that we're. Never gonna lose again, Finally, the power of the mainstream EU, again rather collapsing and on himself, like a dying, crazy, drunk old start that he was it that he was basically that that was the end mainstream media. Their power had been broken. The back had been broken and then into as an aid. It felt like. Oh no them you're still there than trump winds and then Republicans again or like while it looks like the power of the media, is broken and now it does. You like that at all again, it feels like there is just as vast tsunami like unified way that has been rushing over information. Really. The american population today, in. The best case I can see, is not even about trumpets vote. The approval ratings in Florida, Texas in Arizona, do see This is an avatar all underwater Gavin Newsome is still at fifty eight percent, the state of California, despite experiencing a surge exactly the same size of the other states in not having opened in the first place better, I drew you know most interesting person in the country. To me, right now is Kelly Magnetic I call it.
Species girl, she's, a hot blonde, rich men spines out with his tongue, but I think what makes what makes it so fascinating to me that she is incredibly prepared PETE exactly how to go after that she's kind of like you wish that she would use from a b of intrinsic wished for tromp like trumpet, opened his mouth and single, because exactly exactly she is doing everything that one wishes that George W Bush or a doll tromp we're not exactly articulate you wish that would do and the media is attacking her for telling and being prepared their attacking or for having effective notes, the checking of using tabs on her. No pictures she can find things today The thing was today amazing: yesterday, she, We showed a movie of a video, as that was actually happening, Portland and they cut it off. It's like he's don't interrupt us while we're line, and I think that if she, I do what she got, which he can do if she will actually complex what she wants to accomplish. She could be it
very, very powerful weapon, because then I couldn't within more about this. This is an amazing, amazing, desertion of any journalistic opposed by the by the journalist. I wouldn't talk about that. You know today. The number two podcast in the country is this by cast by the New York Times but hosted by a white woman by the way, suggesting that the problem with american public public education is white parents, but also the fact that the media has gone all in four activism. I think, as is one of the most important store, is happening in the country, but first I want to talk about our friends over at ring. Europe. Now is the time when more, more Americans appealing insecure and there's nothing more important than feeling safe in your own home ring, can help we're on more than usual these days
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This other reminder to join our most exclusive membership here. So you can ask questions guys, and I will give them all the questions and you will get their pithy answers throughout backstage tonight with that all access member here, you can also join us for the live online. You in a discussion. That's right after this episode of backstage that's fifteen percent off for cuban using backstage right now and do our dot com slashed subscribe. The coupon code is backstage task. Questions during backstage ask questions after backstage and get not one but two tumblers, ok, first class. Ben you re wrong for, first of all, it's a little insulting me. I'm just gonna get this off my chest. You all have when you do you're shows you all get to use your own name, who has the promo code us like a promo code, Shapiro, Hale ABA, and there are no ease in clay than ever notice it I've never was. I can only assume he has my backing. Have I'm around its either still Shapiro for some reason
math no credit or it's the generic backstage. What can we have promo code? God came from her Germany's grade or promo code somebody give Jeremy a little more money, both in its hard enough to be a rift her to Don't worry, I see little, they were sitting in ways which was taken. What do you want to take the first question? Jermys, you don't feel like a drifter kind master depend. Who we really knows, though, is the boss wild at heard about you had better go to bed. They look and by that I mean he's dead, he's looking right at me, and he did leave me in unsigned book in the studio and talk about the cell Ben is This position on the? U N Security Council reason enough to stay in the? U N, or should we pull out of the? U n immediately? No, we should. We should pull out of you and immediately. We should neutron bomb. The building insult the earth, Are you and is a horrific organization? Always was a record innovation. If you look at the origins of the? U N, it basically stolen, as insisted
USSR. Have a veto in the Security Council which ended any and all possibility that there will never be anything that ever came out of the EU and the UN is literally done. You can count the number of goods Europe has done probably on one hand, and maybe on like three fingers: it's it's incredible what a useless an awful organization United Nations is. All you have to do obviously is look at what pass in the General Assembly, where every single resolution is about Israel in condemning the United States. Are you have to do, is look at you, and Rights Council which is staffed by great nations like IRAN in Sudan. I have to do is look at the fact that every time they can steal money and use it to enrich our local despot. They absolutely do at the. U N is garbage and have a league of democracies instead or would just have by both bilateral agreements I think the president from approach to alliance is in many ways closer suddenly you're, never gonna, hear me say you re for discuss his view on alliance is actually closer to the Washingtonian Tonia view of lions? Then many of the then many of the people who have been promoting you sort of we're all.
Friends and neighbors routine for a very long time. Right. Transfer of alliance is basically a friends at the people. You're friends within or not friends with people you're, not friends with, and that's exactly fuckin says in his farewell address. It seems to me the withstood Far from that anyone is the formalization string exactly from Washingtonian principle. I've been, I agree I've been waiting for you to say that the Donald Trump reminds us of George Washington cut for too many years now, and I am glad that we are now that's right. He also has false teeth and quantity around Wegg here, regulator awkwardly you're gonna get out of here, doubted just just like all measures, just sort of english society and a whole required. This next question is a four b Michael knolls. You know illustrious author himself will Republicans have to lose in twenty twenty. You think, in order when big and twenty twenty four, I think that's for not just the White House, but the house in the Senate. No, you don't in by losing you don't? You cannot win by lose. Sometimes people we get very clever about this.
They like, okay, well, I'm gonna lose this race, but then I'm gonna win it this way, ten years from now, and it that's just not how it works, you gonna lose. I mean Sometimes it is inevitable that you lose, but you have to try to win. Is politics. Moves on politics is about eternal principles, applied to constantly changing, circumstances, and so in those circumstances you can't predict what it's going to look like forget for eight years from now. You can't predict what it's going to look like in three months. If the election were held today, think a lot of people think President Trump would lose. But who knows who knows what's going to happen over the next one hundred days? So no you got to win. You got to try When and if you lose, which is gonna happen eventually, then you got to regroup and try to win the next time I drew this question is for you it's kind of a two part question part one: it should schools that teach the sixteen nineteen project lose their federal being, and what curriculum can be used to counter the sixteen nineteen project. That's great question: yes, a yes, I think that the EU should not be a public school teaching. Sixteen nineteen, it's not true, I mean that's. The first thing it's not true was
anti american, you can't teach your children to love the country or in what's beautiful about it, was great about it. Instead teaching it that's in inherently evil cannot see how that is in any way education. What we need. What we need is a history of freedom. We need to fight, The train of freedom through western history show that that really takes us from Greece to run to the formation of Europe and to America is an idea. You know it's. The idea that really white shop western history makes it different than everybody else and really is it shows you you can trace than when it falls off why it falls off when it surgeons when it rises. What keeps it alive and I've always thought that the history that hasn't been written and I'm just not equipped to write. It, unfortunately, is a history of freedom, a hit
How this idea has stayed alive? Really all we have our Lord actions, letters which kind of interesting but they're, just not the same thing as having a textbook, the traces. This idea and that's what I think we should be doing on the right and, of course, we never to thing on the right to fix the culture. But that would be one of the things of project, but I think we should be fronting and painful. Jerry the God king, not that many people, I mean you. Actually they following on Twitter, there one two hundred people thousand people who do follow you until they probably know that you're a big baseball fan and that usually take the whole daily wire crew to see a Dodgers came once a year and the inverse three button. With that in mind, what do you think about the guys at the emerald be caving to the Woke mob and promoting these players kneeling? Well, first of all its it's one of the horrible things. That's happened is the loss of sports. The point of sport is that it allows us to work out. Are
baser instincts, you, everybody is a little bit, try ballistic everybody's a little bit jingoistic and what sports allow us to do is route for the home team in an environment where the struggle has no meaning be on a sort of local regional pride. This is why I sometimes argue with been his is obviously big whites Oxfam. Sometimes when we go to doktor stadium, unawares, white socks, cap and I'll say to him. You know it actually is important that we work for the home team. Like it's good, it's fine. When we have a team that we love from afar, then
Reading for essential, as in LOS Angeles, into baggage garbage did they wouldn't they would have taken it all this year if there were actually baseball anymore, they get such a great team, but it's just the case that that's part of what sports are supposed to be. That's my team sports provide something that boxing or like the red Ball kind of individualistic sports, don't actually provide. I like to watch you see her. I like to watch sometimes the extreme stuff from red ball, but you can't route for that. You're. Not a part of that didn't represent your community. They represent your dinner, represent your they're, not your team. You know they're they're, not in any way representative of you, you are supporting them and what they do when we support a baseball
They represent in some way us, and if the dodgers are a terrible bag of garbage, the network has been that I was a city of less aunt has been chosen to be part of it, not bag of garbage community or his parents. Did I don't know all of that to say the loss of sports right now and are in our country is going to have. It can have a real impact. It's one of the few things left in our social fabric that would bring us together in a sort of shared struggle, a shared, a shared celebration. That's what's forces, for we don't have that now. Obviously they ve made them political covered is also part of this. They destroyed sports, apparently the one place where you can be in an outdoor environment. Shouting is Edison sports arena new anywhere. If you're in a town square, you can do a bit of sports arrangements. What you're shouted your them really get the covets. I think it's a huge mistake to insert the kind of politics in it Where did the owners are right now? My hope is that they will.
Lose enormous amounts of cash. As a result, I think that that's what's going to happen, I suspect that people will just turn it off ass. Our people exports, for I may be wrong because the entire country is shut down, and maybe they were so desperate for any kind of distraction. The people will go ahead and watch sports, a sort of in spite of this, that's not what I hope happens out. There was forty percent of their ratings and are forced to correct because we need
then the correct, because we need sports. Listen, I didn't I'm blind and one. I am horribly uncoordinated. I've humiliated myself at almost every sport, that's popular among America's ute. Nevertheless, I think sports are incredibly important and I think that the entire idea of sport, sometimes people will say america- puts too much emphasis on sports and not enough emphasis on reading, writing and arithmetic ripened, but we invent everything we. We have the military that defends democracy and freedom all across the globe and where the greatest economy in the history of the world are love of sport and in fact, the vehicle Kate love of sport into our children is part of the reason for our success, because sports actually too
should the values of capitalism they teach you that hard work, the perseverance that overcoming adversity can lead to success. They teach you that you can rely on rigged rules. You have two at the end of the day, rely on yourself in on your team. That is an important part of what we teach our kid. I think that it is an enormous loss if it continues the path that is going to establish topic for us. I gave us because it because it really is devastating for those of us who are like major major baseball fan, so I am a die hard Chicago. It's like that. I wrote an entire book about the sky voice Ass, two thousand five championship season with my father. Both of us have United Gilbert all european ship season singular. They had one while absolve away back in nineteen eighteen, nineteen seventeen actual, are the but the basic kind of distrust.
Of all common areas of American like right is so horrified when it's happening everywhere. Red eminence, it's not just sports is happening. Entertainment is happening that, basically, it is now dictated to you that when you buy an each fact part, you have to make sure that the ceo of the eighth vat company agrees with your politics. By being, you have to make sure that Boya agrees with you about Donald Trump, even if he's already done at the press conference with Barack Obama. Just a few years before him, everybody has to agree on everything and the corporation I mean, I'm allegories Anderson was with whether or not the corporations are to blame for this. New corporations have not stood up for principle. Corporations have decided. The easiest way out is to caves the Woke mob and they can make a quick buck by keeping to the walk MA, because there are enough conservatives who aren't going to boycott them. That they feel like they can just Greece this week is wheel and get away with it, and it really is short sighted. It's quite disgusting and again when they win, win and they'll be decides
They're gonna put out like this big Morgan, Freeman Social Justice statement, where it talks about TIM Robins, going from five hundred yards of foul smelling stench, like you can't believe and everybody's kneeling, and it's all about empathy and equality, statement by the limit. Nothing, I'm very wasn't what Morgan Freeman said. They made? No sense at all, like you really did, make any sense, but the the basic junior they knelt there they are seeing right now. Is these the nationals and Yankees both kneeling before the national anthem, and this was their compromise right, we're that we're not going you'll during the national anthem that might be perceived disrespectful Romeo before the national anthem to signify that America is systemically racist. I don't feel particularly respected as a member of the systemically racist american public, apparently and systemically a racist american system, I dont feel particularly not insulted by a group of largely diverse milling. There an ten millionaires telling me how this is. The american system is, if we don't buy that, then what we're not patriotic, what we're not we're, we're not allowed watch sport, the corporate
almost for doing this kind of stuff. They dont understand their cutting off their nose to spite our faith in the running the country in the process and its it's going everywhere right, because if you even say this that political- if you say that like politics and sports, now, you're being political and friend on Twitter for saying I, like Mr Wurtz, that politics, even though, as my friend Clay Travis as the root of the word sport, the etymology is disport from the french meaning literally distraction. The whole point of sports is to distract you from real life, there's plenty of happening in real life. When I turn on again, the last thing I want to see is a bunch of vague social justice. Messaging
semantically overloaded and could mean everything from support blacklist matter as an organisation to America systemically racist to the completely in arguable principle that black people matter, which, of course they do. You know this is a very good point. We obviously don't want these kind of partisan distractions, but there there is. I would push back and say a political element to sports going all the way back to ancient Greece and its very basic one and the basic political element is patriotism. Sports have always been patriotic. They ve been about celebrating as Germany as the home team or celebrating your country and one of the virtues that they inculcate among all the others that the German you mentioned is loyalty, loyalty to your teammates. If you're playing the sport loyalty to the home team, if you're going
watching the sport loyalty to your country. When you stand up for the national anthem and Ben, as you say that the common areas of american life have been completely eroded, if we cannot even recognize one another as fellow Americans, if we cannot even agree on the STAR Spangled Banner, there is nothing left that is the most basic level of american unity and solidarity so much for that loyalty by way of any vouch account through all right. I will leave it at that, but I feel that from his eighty but he's gonna try to get out there on the mountain. I get to make fun of you if you throw that out as the first penetrate I'm just going to say that if you're ever invited the throughout the first budget in the baseball game, just say now, just don't do it. If you didn't play college ball, do not give up their tragedy. Doubling its role in our age, W do vs, I owned a baseball team. One assumes he had thrown a baseball a few times in his day. If you get the opportunity been Shapiro or Michael knows, or
in many of our Europe has withdrawn motions internet celebrity going I've ever exercise. I feel good about. If you never know much I'd up is dependent on every side. Ducas throughout a baseball to you, keep picking guys reassure you know you does have all his life for his left eye, stewardess Europe and therefore is able to our side speaking life worth it without a better friends over our policy genius. I've been telling you guys about my journey with policy genius and how I decided it. Maybe now that we have this kid, I should kill a life insurance for MRS Boring and I went to the entire process. A policy genius dot com. It couldn't be more simpler, more simple. They gave me all these opportunities to compare prices and I even ran a little control and my experiment. I looked in another location mine. I price that a policy and sure enough Postumius gave me better opportunities. There is more now that I can reveal a since. We last spoke. My wife got that I wouldn't have got a policy on my. Why? Because I actually thought it's a little bit unfair, that she noticed route for my demise. I should all
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just enraged at every individual lad by exploiting the protection that was afforded them, because they're not activists, because they're supposed to be straight, journalists course than they behave as activist the very fact that their printing curricula now to put in to elementary junior high schools, doesn't this evidence that they aren't in fact journalistic institutions any more at all I mean. Are we really seeing not only sort of the reveal that are we seeing a shift happen where these organizations are now directly engaging in politics in a way that that maybe has not been the case in the post Consensus yeah, it's richly of this, the Trump effect in a lot of ways, because Donald Trump hasn't caused any of this to happen we lance the boil. I mean it really was this bad everybody. Has this myth that suddenly, with Donald Trump
analysed, the community lost it, but that's not true. You go back to George W Bush was Hitler every day. Every word he said was a scandal and the system is as high as I explained. Often, the system is not each individual story. It is to create an added. An atmosphere of chaos when something actually happens like Hurricane Katrina or Chinese flew? Suddenly think, like, oh yeah, really has been chaotic all this time. It's really been a disaster. So all this! happen now is the full reveal and one of that it's not just journalism. It really is a cross, our institutions. We have let our institutions get hollowed out, I mean We have a legislature that doesnt legislate. We have a court system, the does legislate. We have journalist, dont cover anything academies that don't teach, and I think this is a genuinely serious problem and it is one of the reasons you should probably by this book, but I want to say I want to say I saw this title: how to destroy American three easy steps like, but let's go open and say: oh, my god, it's a cookbook,
as it is not a war that nobody anonymously This is, we are actually seeing something quite quite serious, which is that the hollowness our institutions and as long as tromp. Is there everybody can sort of point to him and say: oh this is the problem, but it's just Not so I mean tromp is an effect of this and the press our entertainment system. All of this has been hollowed out for years, I've been talking about for years and suddenly, suddenly my phone starts ringing and people say energy. What work we supposed to do about this, and I say well twenty years ago, you're supposed to building. A news agencies is supposed to start building movie studios uses both to start building academy, teaching institutions and look the writer not on this and the White one of the reasons the right has not done. This is because I think our philosophy has been emptied out by fusion by basically saying we're gonna put together libertarians religious people and capitalism and at all
and it comes it's all sort of about money, and we all never said to people is like the pursuit of happiness and about money capitals is the greatest thing ever and now one of the things that ban was talking about about the fact Corporations are signing onto this racist marxist disgusting likewise matter, philosophy shows Capitalism. Don't shave you gotta start with the values has to start with the values and unless we become a values party revalued movement. We can't stop this. Because we have no message- until we have a message, we can't do the messaging and I think that it really is a problem that is finally just kind of come open. Like I said like a boil being lance. I think that I'm a little bit more pro capitalism,
maybe the lonely broke capitals, but but I should think there's a slightly nuanced distinction that I would make. I think one of the problems that happens with with the right is that we don't profit above the culture at all, and so we abandon the culture entire. If you go to, if you ask why, why do conservative billionaires not fun film or me, Zack or technology. It's another conservatives famously don't get involved in any major way and technology. The answer, I think it's because conservative tend to be fairly conservative in their approach and therefore can rich conservatives tend to be people who got rich through very conservative practices. So, for example, while I was in the Bmw area over the last week, there so much real estate, wealth or so much energy wealth that goes on in those places,
I'm famously if you, if you make your money and in in real estate or in energy or in oil you're in Texas, and think about how those guys make their money, you make your money and real estate. You can put on a spreadsheet the steps to allow you to prosper, overtime. You could start now with very little money in your own bank account and you could build your way to being an extraordinarily wealthy person in a very meeting potatoes, very predictable, one step in front of the other way, and so, if you become a very wealthy conservative, real estate person, you probably have spreadsheets that tell you if I increase The rental rates in my skyscraper by ten percent over the next three years I'll be able to afford to do a re model of the entire structure, which will allow me to increase. My re by twenty four over the three years after that, which will allow me to buy a second skyscraper. If I raised my rent, ten percent over them
three years there I can do a renovation which will allow me to it, and they can vary one step in front of the other cds ways to build wealth that, with the exception of wildcatting, a lot of the energy industry functions the same way. You know if we practice many wells, there's a there's, a ratio to understand you might make two thousand three hundred and forty five twenty billion dollars in those bit says, but you always know what the next thing to do with your money, as if you make a billion dollars and real estate, you put a billion, all the billion dollars back into real estate, so she can make two billion dollars now. Imagine that you're that guy, you know what to do with.
Radar, whether comes your way and how to turn that into another dollar, how to turn that into a better downtown and your community. Both postal pretended just money how to turn that into better jobs, for the people in your community and all the things that come with that kind of growth and now a kid walks into your office with a backpack, and he says they did the mundane. Nobody calls me did it is that you have an listen. I built this at once, an app. Why is this thing on the computer? I built this website and basically I put up a bunch of pictures of hot chicks from my college, and I let people vote with a thumbs up or a thumbs down, and if the ticket the thumbs up, then she moves to the second ranking in more people can vote on her. Please give me ten million dollars. I think I could grow this into something where people can really talk to each other. Man give me like how did you get in here and you would kick that kid out of your office
and you wouldn't even know, fifteen years later, that he's worth seventy five billion dollars and the fat at that he built for voting on how hot chicks are became. The most important communication platform ever devised in the history of man, because you knew meeting potatoes to take your money and put it into the next thing, so we now imagine some beatnik kid walks into your office with a backpack and he's got an idea for how he can tell a story, that's kind of funny, and you think maybe people will laugh until she a couple of jokes that he wrote into seeing three about a bong hit earth, but it turns out that guy goes on to be Adam Sandler or something it he creates by the most profitable, film, franchises or film companies. In in modern Hollywood. He has a deal with Sony for years. Is the most popular film producer on Netflix?
number. In other words, there is nothing in the experience of the kind of people who have access cash on the right to help them understand why they should back these cultural place. Meanwhile, guys who made their money and technology like Silicon Valley, eyes they see many completely differently. They make a billion dollars and there is no next apartment building to buy. There is no community in which they have invested and they didn't pick downtown fort worth to be the place where they in a building grow. They made their money in these very abstract ways, and so they are willing to take bets on other people who think abstractly. I think that there is just a come, a cultural, it's funny, a cultural difference for how the culture is perceived from people who may their money and abstract ways and people who made their money by renovating apartment drew no. I have
I have to tell you why it's not that! I disagree with what you're saying, but I think that your seeing something you're saying that something is built into the system when I think that it is actually a matter of values is one of the reasons you when I always disagree about. I ran why just hate, and I think that if you take the value, if you put values You can have capitalism and it will be the wonderful machine that it is for raising everybody up. If you don't put the values where we only when Jesus Anti cancer of God, man you, it wasn't just whistling Dixie, which would have been racist, he was actually is. Actually, Spain, you have to put some one thing or the other night The thing is when we say when we see Amazon, Sending me on my web page Jane or if you like, the collected, poetry and William Wordsworth, you might like white fragility and you think, like I'm sorry, and what a key he has got to be, making a calculation that somehow that's gonna, help him financially down the road, and you may be right when Oprah takes the sixteen nineteen project,
that's an I'm randy and success, I mean that's everything that I ran: support accepted its destructive of the country. If you don't put the values first, if you don't the values above the money- and we had, we fail to preach wish as conservatives, if you dont with the values above the money, you really hollow would capital is moves, and then you have China, basically where they have free markets and no freedom. Well, I think that there is a problem for diagnosing regretting that and I'm not sure I agree with the exact diagnosis. I totally agree that conservatives have failed to talk about values and markets. They talk about the value of markets, but not values and markets now makes a huge task. The as soon as conservatives made the moves to talk in terms of utility is made. They lost concerns are not utilitarians as soon as conservatives started, say. The reason the markets are good is because they produce prosperity and wealth. It was over because it so easy for somebody else to say right, but prosperity and good for whom right about this group is groups been left behind. Why can't we just?
I'm sure they ve value of the market, and then we can turn it in twist it we can do x, Y or as you with it. But this is the sort of language that both Tucker the news on the right about markets where markets are just a mechanism and we can train them to anything. We want. Why? Don't we train them? Two things that we like and the floor and will say things like the markets are just a mule or that you can hit your wagon and it will take you exactly where you want it up the point of markets, and this is something that I've been send for a very long time. The reason that markets are good His markets are a reflection of a truth about human nature was that human beings are free and deserve to own their own labour, and so people have asked me what is the market was less efficient than a fascist economic system. I would still believe in the market. Still believe in the market, because I think that there is an inherent goods, the belief that human beings their own labour that their individuals created in the image of God and Lock, argued if you're an individual, creating the image of God. You monsieur labour with the earth. You then own that labour that is in, and good, and that is not reliant on the effect of the capitalist
the prize. You just turns out that this also happens great, most wealth in the history of humanity. We have to argue the people actually own their own labour and that they ought to own their own labour as a moral matter not used utilitarian matter. So why? I think, reading values in capitalism and opposition is incorrect, except in that people have started to discuss capitalism. Only in utilitarian terms, and very often when they speak, a couple as many tells her in terms they don't mean long term utilitarian terms that the problem of Thine Randy she assumes that everybody who engage in capitalism is going to think more than five minutes down the road she assumes that people are going to. Or go the immediate profit margin that is to be found in doing the wrong thing in origin. Preserve the system that is going to a rate, I read actually does assume that there is a value that you are assuming in your own life, your ownership really read his wife as much as I disagree with her her sort of values on capital is when applied to your purse,
life and ensuring their treatment family when she talks about selfishness, is a value. What you really means is that you ought to own your own labour. There is evaluing owning your own labour. There is something good in the creative human spirit right, that is of value laden argument and that's been left behind by a lot of the people who tend to speak capitalism purely utilitarian creator of what there is also this issue I mean Ben. I agree with you exactly on the utilitarian point Andrew. I agree with you on this point that you need values. We ve made this mistake, especially Republicans having a republican fund razors for the last thirty forty years, which is that the Republican Party fundraiser speech was always gets a friend it began with. We need to maintain strong communities and family values and concern of all of our wonderful rituals and traditions, and by the way we need, destroy all of that regret of destruction that is constantly ever progressing and, as always, when people move all over the place and not even just all around the country but all around the globe, isn't that great we're gonna make a lot more money and that the latter,
part of that argument undercuts the very values that you're talking about at the beginning. So I agree entirely we ban that you need to make a moral argument for not just markets, but for so many other facets of our economic system, but you also you, you have to begin with the human person what we want and are authentic politic. Which, since ancient Greece means a lot of people coming together in deciding how we want to live, debating ethical questions, ranking our priorities and Only then will you be able to even have an economic system that doesn't completely under cut itself as we're seeing right now with the Woke companies who are shopping off at the knees, the very country that allowed these markets to flourish Yeah, I think, is possible. I mean I always make the moral argument for capitalism. I agree green with your hundred percent on that ban, but you're you're. Looking from one side, which is if fascism worked. Better, was more efficient, then capitalism with fascism be alright, and course the answer is no would have capitalist,
but the cell fascism and make a bundle of that be all right in the answer is also now. I think when, when, when you're using corporations, for instance, when you have corporations that a silencing free speech that are cutting down free speech to me, That is a value that actually supersedes all kinds of capitalist rules. If your company in any way, harming the right of Americans to speak freely in an effective way. You're companies gotta go. Your company should be just shut down. You know your rights. If, if you don't start with the fact that your rights come from God, then there's always gonna be different kinds of power centres that can take away those rights, and I think those rights have be defended because they are wholly because they come from a source outside our but ourselves and capitalism. It was again I'm a total capitals. But capitalism has to rest on a pedestal, can't create that pedestal. So and if you want to,
their pedestal. You need all our friends manufacturing up when the pounders, creative constitutions or beautiful, listen, I'm the truth, apple with you or give a lot of lip service to make sure you get paid when the founders crap that the constitution, the first thing they did was make sacred the rights of the individual to share their ideas without limitation by their government. The second right they enumerated was the right of the population to protect that speech and their own persons with force. You now strongly. Each of us here believes in these principles. Every one of us here, a gun owner and owning a rifle in particular, is an awesome responsibility. Building rifles is no different. Bravo company, manufacturing, b c M built a professional, great product which is built to combat standards, that's because BC and believes that the same level of protection should be provided to every single American. Regardless of whether or not you are a private citizen or a professional people. A b c m assume that when a rifle lives their shop, it will be used in a life or death situation virus
while citizen law enforcement officer or a soldier overseas. Without it might every component of a b c m rifle, is hand assembled and tested by Americans. The people would be CM fillets, their moral responsibility as Americans to provide tools that will not fail the end user when it's not just a paper target, but someone coming to do them. Harm we see. Him also knows that making reliable lifesaving tool is only half the story. The company also worked with leading instructors of marksmanship from top levels of Amerika special operations, forces from Marine Corps force, reconnaissance to U S, Army special operations, forces connecting them with other Americans. These top instructors teach the skills necessary to defend yourself, your family or others. We love the guys over Bravo Company manufacturing, they make a great product and they actually do believe it's based on the values has been as true was saying: they make a great product, they are their great in the marketplace, but they also believe
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Are you like me? You, like exclusive things, well, turns out even the daily, where we were very exclusive membership tier is our all accessed here and you can join us for alive on line q and a discussion right after this episode of backstage using that code that Germany doesn't love because it does have its name in it backstage it's. The name of his show, though, and that code will get you fifteen percent off using the code backstage with two tumblr sedate Luar dot com slashed, subscribe code backstage for fifteen percent off for the very exclusive all access membership go into it now, because we stopped asked the guy's your questions and get answers from them. First, question goes to bench, appear owner Titus. I know it's our show it's just like gas. Also, have you show the problem my show I don't get away there. They're all my show a picture of are involved. The shows I mean your name, pops up on every single one of them,
the man behind the curtain, alright Ben. How would you handle the concentration camps situation in China, and should there be more sanctions from United States and when is the world really morally culpable without taking direct intervention, and why hasn't more action been taken, so they go for part question, but I think it's really good. And I was a lot so that, when it comes to when it is a country responsible for taking a direct humanitarian intervention, my general rule some is if the risk is When the benefit is high, then you should do it the risk. Obviously not now. If you're gonna talk about bombing China over this, then the cost becomes. Are you really willing to basically saw world war three this point in time in the areas where there is no free, everybody involved in trying to is the world's most populous countries, India, as India pass them by a new trend. Be the second most populous country employed, in any case, a billion people over in China, with an incredibly law The army and significant capacity to do Americans harm starting a war with China would be Does that mean that you have to abandon people to their fate? Absolutely not. We should be engaging with the
he's government exactly the way we engage with the USSR would just say we should cut them off at the knees economically. We should recognize them for exactly the threat our globally speaking. They are an evil dictatorship, a full on evil dictatorship, not merely for what they're doing the weaker. Shaving heads and certain people on trains concentration camps where they forced them into sleep labour end or sterilised them, but what they ve done to Hong Kong suggesting a free people to the traditions of so Lou Communist tyranny and the rest of the world shrugging and yawning is an unbelievable chastisement of the idea West was ever willing to stand up for the freedom of anybody in that region when the next people we're gonna, take it directly on those are the folks over in Taiwan. Which is why the United States should immediately recognise Taiwan is an independent country. They couldn't wait more, Moreover, it may get mad at us tough, United safely. He'll included Taiwan, a sovereign country. No more of this to the two systems. One country nonsense that did that China insists upon the United States, should immediately sanction pretty much and any business that is currently run by the Chinese govern
and if the United States wants to take measures to prevent people from doing business with China, I am not against it and then we're right now. The problem is the collective action problem, which is that if this Please don't do business with try to their immediately undercut by other businesses that, due to businesses with China, but that is exactly why governments should get involved in. They should be sanctioning China on a full scale. One of the great mistakes, I think in haste and maybe was excusable at the time, because we're war with Soviet Union, but one of the great mistakes mighty was there in China. The idea that economics was ever going to overcome values has been thoroughly rebuked by the presence of chinese dictatorship, which has strengthened, become more powerful, become more deep, move, more tyrannical, with the advent of more capitalism negative, just taken, all the spoils of of state run. Basically, fascist economy and they ve dumped it into their own dictatorship. The entire western world should be united against China right now, whether they will or not. Is anybody. But as the leaders of the free world seems to me that we should be doing whatever we can to make it known to that in these economically, that we are simply not going to abide by their intellectual property theft there? There are human rights
predictions and their expansionism aren't next question. His fur, Jeremy, this is a pretty interesting take two. It says that we ve seen this week. I know that you have seen that pulled that frank ones and others tweeted out out. That shows that sixty two percent of Americans are afraid to share their political views. But does this mean that the recent poll showing that trumpets down double digit, are then meaningless? So I'm not one who believes that we can just write off polls is meaningless. Very often when conservative stable, the Poles were wrong. The poles actually weren't that wrong
You know we like to say the poll showed that Hillary Clinton well was gonna win in twenty sixteen, but she did when more votes in twenty. Sixteen and basically by the same numbers at the polls, said that she would. The poles were very useful at helping understand human behaviour. They were not very good at specifying what was going to happen in some of the mid western states, which came down to some fairly and not very small and very anomalous things it occurred that allowed trumped when listen, I'm not saying it in when Ferris, where based on the system we have, he did. What I'm saying is that the poles also we're not wildly wrong about what the outcome was going to be in terms of the human voting behaviour at that time. That said, one other thing: there is no silent majority of conservative there's this sort of idea, hearkening back the Nixon that there's this silent majority, that all think. The way that we do is going to rise up very comforting. I think for conservatives to believe that
but it is not true, the left has won their pop. Their opinions are the more popular opinions by and large in the country, in particular among the young. If the elections were held the day and only millennials were able to vote, Donald Trump would probably wind zero states at most. He would win one state unless you roll your eyes and say I'll. Who cares what the millennials think you're wrong about? Who millennials are? Michael Knowles is a millennial the twenty year old, so you just hired work at your factory or the earth a sixteen year old kid who you're still trying to get out the front door. You gotta but more years are raising. They aren't millennials. There are a whole new generation is coming out behind the millennials millennials are closer to forty by and large than they are to twenty, and they are for the first time in our history, the largest voting demographic in the country. So
idea tat, you could have the largest voting demographic in the entire country, utterly despise everything that we believe and yet somehow we're still a silent majority and secretly everybody agrees with us it's absurd and were where it's gotta be cold. Come when to tell ourselves, or will there still asylum majority they just didn't show up to vote when we start getting pummelled in elections instead, we'd better, stop lying our selves and do something about the problems. So, with those two caveats in mind, are there a lot more people who agree with us that are willing to admit it. Of course, you out of your mind, you could lose everything by agreeing with us on even the most, but now
topics, men and women right or not. Women is is banipal boycott about in our society. Today, even more benign things than that saying, I agreed that lack lives matter, but I don't agree with black lives. Matters would cause most people working in most companies in this country today to lose their jobs, so you better rearing, and there are a lot of people afraid they should be afraid to speak their mine. I wanted, though, tell you what I think the answer is and not just leave you with a sort of despair. It has been said that the government needs to get involved in China, because one of the good things that capitalism does is it creates competition and competition creates efficiencies. We produced a wonderful tumblr, the leftist years, hot or cold tumblr, the leftist years hot or cold tumblr is manufactured in China. You might say why don't you manufacturer in America, because there are zero companies in the United States of America and manufacture, still tumblers
it's not that it's more expensive to do it here. It is that it is not possible to do it here. We ve looked into it. Maybe we ve missed one, and somebody will correct me to our ability to search it out. Trade with China has been going on now for over fifty years. There are consequences of that choice and we have moved a lot of our manufacturing overseas and I know some of you- in pissed off at me now and say: you're a hypocrite for buying your tumblers in China, tumblers in China, indicative type to me, of course, on your Iphone, which was also made in China or your android, which was made in China or your laptop, which was made in China, and I'm going to ignore you because you're only actually proving the fact and manufacturing happens in China, you. Don't stop that by daily wire, saying we're going to start a tumbler company. There's no reason! Why would we
you would need to make millions of tumblers. We purchase tens of thousands of tumblers, we can start a tumbler evaporate. Someone should start a tumbler factory and they will do so when there's incentive for them to do when they can do it competitively when they won't lose. By doing it, one thing that I've discovered, as everybody says, that they want to buy American until they see the price tag for buying America and then everybody just by China. You know that or buys India Jeremy. This happened. My wife said at the beginning of all the craziness with China. You know before the pandemic outer cheating on the greatest she said words, by American, I said. Ok, that's fine by dresses by issues by America. There are only, as you say, like three companies that do this even they get a lot of stuff from China right but the price and that you willing to pay it. I am actually like. I am stubbornly american enough to pay for it, but it's not just twenty percent more. It's like three acts like it is so much the hours
If so, we legs a lot it. When we look at what it would take to actually manufacture the tumblr and our cost on manufacturing, the tumblr wouldn't be three x. It would be twenty ex women if we were to manufactured the tumblers we and the machines that we would have to install in order to do it are themselves made in China. So the only way to deal with a problem like this is to take some sort of collective action where the people who do what we don't want are the ones who succeed at the expense of the people who try to do the things that we do. What this is my capitalism actually does. There is a value component to capitalism, which is that could come
petition makes makes it where the people who do the best make the most. When you start interfering with that in a bad way, I think you create some perverse incentives. The same thing holds true, though, on this question of the silent majority, the people who are afraid to speak out. It is a collective action problem if every single person in America today who thinks that it is a great risk that major League baseball is kneeling and condemning our society before the game would just turn off the game. A hundred percent of us, you would see change if every one of us who is pray that we might lose our job for speaking, mainstream traditionally middle of the road american opinions like, for example, segregation is bad. Equal justice under the law is good. Hard work is not only for people which this Miss Honan literally said at last, with a hard work is a white value that is, or the nuclear family is only a white value system if we would all just say, bull, crap manner,
and women or women, everybody can and should work hard. Black people are not inferior or superior to white people there, just people who should be held to the same set of standards. Yes, some people or are born in circumstances that are worse than others. Some of those people are black. Some of those people are why some people are born with circumstances that are better than others, and some of those people are black and some of those people are white and the best we can do is make a fair society and leave each other the hell alone. If we would all say that they couldn't fire all of us at the same time, the problem is we don't and then we let one or two brave suckers, stick their necks and they lose their jobs and we all go. Why were somebody would stand up to the level and we go hide in the corner, its collective action issue They comes that we're all willing to stand up. They will have to stop, even even if we're not the majority. A significant plurality is enough to put a stop to this. And rant next quarter. Andrew hurry drew
come from daily, where all access subscriber by the way, that's why they got to ask you a question and they say that they have been re reading. Nineteen, eighty four and is it not so very concerning how similar the structures that seem to be being built currently are to the structures and the procedures of this fictional book You didn't write nineteen. Eighty four, I know I did actually address. I was, but we use a different name them, but it's no! Listen: nineteen. Eighty four is a perfect description of soviet Russia and, of course the left always works in the same way. It has to work the same way if you dont have a thing about it is. Is there actually is a moral order? There actually is moral truth and spiritual roads, and in order to raise these things, you have to erase every form of logic and information that can be that is available to people is not enough. It's not enough too wide a people. You have to stop people from telling the truth. That's why I've cancel culture, There's no reason to cancel culture if you're right, if you're, actually telling the truth. So everything
in nineteen, eighty, four, the famous scene and nineteen, eighty four, where they torture with Winston Smith, and they say to him: it's not the two into his four: it's not the two into his five. It's the two into is whatever the party says. It is that's system that you have to install in order to overcome reality, and so Ever you have a movement like black lives matter like anti, but like any, thing that comes from the far left. That is actually opposition to reality, those same systems for silencing the truth for silencing peoples, even their own thought processes have to come into play. Nineteen. Eighty four is prophetic you'll. They always used to say that he got it wrong in nineteen. Eighty four and it was brave new world. They got it right, but now I think the two of them hopscotch for each other brave new world as technological tyranny, but nineteen. Eighty four is the face of tyranny in a tech
logical world and it always will be, and it will always remain and when you look at what is happening in our media, when you ve been talks about the media, that's nineteen, eighty, four, that's exactly what we're talking about when you talk about cancel culture that is Do you need me for I wish people would read it because it is an absolute exact and precise case study of this kind of issue. By the way here, I will again some for a movie that everybody should go. Watch right now, we're looking for the peace plan for timid. Go that that really does have excellent valleys and, and has say: go check out the movie Mister Jones on Amazon. I should go rent. It is that it is the story of Gareth Jones, who is the journalist who uncovered the Ukrainian hello, Denmark and the villain of the piece is Walter Durante, whose portrayed you're right as the villain and then the border area, and I'm amazed Louis ever made its it's really clear: eyed, inaccurate and worthwhile,
we are speaking of the New York Times and nineteen. Eighty four, when we are talking about that that Podcast Jeremy earlier that basically said the whole problem in american education is white people. I reacted too that jokingly and I said yeah white people are terrible and every other kind of person is better and their better, particularly because of the color of their skin hashtag anti racism, this is a bit of a joke, except it actually makes sense from within the framework of the New York Times in the left, because what they have defined, system, as is anything white people read they say all white people are racist and system is exclusively white, so you can't be any other. And of color revenue city and and be racist because blah blah blah, don't know because they come up with some definition of that, and so it it actually does make sense that you have to just say the white people are the problem.
Everything if you live in a world where that the definition of words is not what it was today? It's not what it was yesterday. It's not even what it will be to morrow. The definition of words is what the party says it and where can we read that you read that the New York Times and every other cultural institution the left took over Michael this questions for you, if you could constructing arc to preserve man's greatest works of art and literature? Why, would be the first three things that you put in their after the Bible, of course, after the Bible, it would be Dante. It really be inferred open, Tori and Paradise the three parts of Dantes Divine Comedy get rid of that I would do Dante and then I would do Shakespeare and then I would do I don't know, let's throw
like a core of our Joe in there, just cause how to destroy America in three easy. It hang on their obvious likely that we take it up and be like here. Is that not in Dantes Divine Comedy worth a tangible of Dantes? You dont rereading Dante right now it manhood I, I I I urge you haven't really recognize your intuition bag. Italy rate is well known that this done and I'm really sorry, I didn't you know initially was in the Italian of worth, and Milton in the Italian, the second it's it's so great like this is the thing that drives me the craziest about how the left is destroyed. Education is it's not even that they teach us just stupid nonsense like you know,
feminist, dance barrier, all these other kind of crazy things, it it's what they dont teach, because all point of education is you're supposed to get to enjoy. All of these great works of your civilization that you, you are simply not exposed to any more uneven it. Like top colleges, you giving it an english degree, you're no longer required to reach Shakespeare, and so I think, actually, after the educational institutions completely deteriorate, we are going to have to go to that desert Island and I hope we bring good books hate. This question comes from a daily, where subscriber also all access which don't forget to use that code for fifteen percent off backstage and two tumblers that are made China, apparently who know but beckoned. This question is whether it is right. A maiden China, IRAN, hypothetical. Then, where should this daily wire subscriber get all of their covert news? I mean
they lie, or today there are a couple of websites that are there really worth checking others. One called covered in markets from I get him David bonds in who writes for national overview, and every day he puts together come the most relevant charged with regard to cover. It really is objective, as objective can be. He looked at the data with sceptical I he's, not alarmist in any way, but he is realistic about sort of where thing yet who look international as well as domestic waste. That's very good in tourism. Through media. Frankly that there's the Washington Post health tool to blog is actually quite good night, an shockingly nonpartisan in a way that the rest of the newspaper justice, not the political pages, cover covert, which is insane the political pages you knock. I recovered only the help. Pages really should cover does a health issue, and that's why you see kind of idiot reporters. You don't know the first thing about even the coverage of epidemiology, They know what they're talking about, but that those would be a couple of of really good sources there. There couple people, twitter, horse order, sceptics that I sort of battles with people were not a sceptical Alsatian, Lincoln
sure I'll take a look at our experience and I'll. Take a look at air again I'll. Take a look at your own wife, where these are all PETE, three people who are kind of skeptical the mainstream media Nirvana stuff. But then I will also follow people like Scott that leap from the earth yeah I'll try, AIDS. One of the big problems here is that there are no expert on a brand new pan. Some people, say, listen to the experts known as an expert on a thing that has never happened before it is impossible to be an expert on that which means that we base what we ve been left with is a piece of action. He said, is not expertise, it all stay away from other people, don't read on them where a mask, if you're going be in close proximity to them and wash your hands. What ok we're all crap that we knew in writing in right. Literally, nothing has changed except the. We pretend that we know things we actually don't know, and then we blame from for all the things that we don't know omitted. The Trump is the God of the gaps. For so many These reports are really is amazing, where they are constantly timeout religious people. Well, you know you in the areas where science doesn't have an answer, yet you say: there's we're God as well. That's exactly what they do with tromp right ones. The science is made clear that What counts may not have worth dollar great. Was the signs makes clear the Calvin
does one thing in Massachusetts, does another New York does another in Florida in taxes they all do different things, and yet the result seems kind of Denmark. Sweden actually know that time is running out of New York where everybody died. Why it s different? That's because agriculture is a horrible by the by the the go to is a god of the gaff you're going happening from right. It's unbelievable that religious, fervor with which they dedicate their their lives to something out the various doctrinal intricacies of trump mind when, as we all know, that intricate guys so like this really isn't are battling just click note on this. I know it's off topic. Have you been following Andrew Quabo and his fastened his fascist quest to outlaw Buffalo? well invading the restaurant serve sandwiches, everything that they say about Trump and cold, it that he's a fascist that he, these incompetent pennies running everything into the ground that micromanaging unable to control your life every single one, those things is true about Andrew Cuomo. It's a three thousand. Times more, including the number of deaths and Arracuoba is building frickin paper machine.
Mountains of the dead and then standing in front of them like richer Dreyfus, with a fork in front of a dry and sculpture of Devils Tower explaining to people that he is actually save thousands of lives. How that back? I has sixty seven and a priority in New York. I won't hear about reopened anymore. I'd start and I'm not willingly hurt anymore. You ve blown opportunity proved to me how smart your by telling me the aeroplane was good governance and other blogs made. What the hell is wrong on two months ago, we California taken covered more seriously than many places. Two months ago, though, if you walk, my neighborhood, even in our work and our chief executive dog jasper here, you would see that most people had amassed, but they were wearing a man. Why were they not wearing them ass if they were outside and it was ninety degrees and they were walking and they would go out of their way to avoid Jane on everybody, gave each other a wide berth. Today you walk out on the streets, every one is wearing a mask one. What's what's the reason, the reason is the same. The answer is the same as why Cuomo has a sixty five percent approval rating. It's because code,
Has become decidedly political and the mask, it's not a mask against getting covert. It's a mask of being in any way perceived to be rejecting the narrative that you must believe in order in order to be a virtuous birth. And so you will see people jogging in the now ninety degree, Sherman Oaks heat wearing masks, it's not to keep them safe from the virus is to keep them safe from the mob, and that's why this same reason, Cuomo doesn't matter how many people die on quotas. Watch Cuomo has been determined by the party to be the great responder to the pandemic, and therefore he is no data required. Are this question is about health? Harris being of Cobain. Somebody wants to know. Broadly. How can we improve the system? Is it possible to link insurance from work or create privatisation, to encourage better competition like across state lines, etc? This question is forbidden well
ok, so impotent hop over just to secularism. Here here, Isn t it invading like it's gonna be a banquet ram. S run like one second anyway, this round the horn. His has really stopped at. So the fact that the answer is, it is actually quite difficult to dealing employment and insurance at this point, in time somewhat, because so many people are dependent on it. If you, through people back on their own personal insurance, people would freaked out there was their minds, even though that is really the only step that could be taken to really heavily privatized. The insurance industry and link your level of cost. With your love whereas which is what is necessary in order to have a transparent and functional market. So with that said, certain things you can do around the edges to make the market more efficient. We can certainly remove a lot of the regulations that are placed on insurance companies which are, by the way, not earning money hand over fist. This idea that insurance companies are just rigging it. It is not true. Two percent industry at best, that's a good year for the health insurance industry They make a two percent margin: they're, not raising it in the tuna Billy if they are making it in the recent erected in his because the governess subsidizing them, but what
one of the reasons that so many insurance companies actually supported Obamacare, because in the short term it mandated the people buy insurance, which meant that the insurance companies in the short term made a lot of money, even though on them again there is a lot of money. Went Obama, cares, regulation started to kick in and I will send you have to cover all these people with pre existing conditions. You never join before there. There is certain You can do that that average Roy has talked about this over over the apothecary and the Forbes work is written for studies and what can be done to make health markets more efficient. Getting rid regulations and unstable lines would be an easy one, getting rid of love, regulations with regard to how insurances done would be an easy one if you actually want to make health insurance cheaper than what you have to do is get of all the provisions that nobody is willing to do politically, namely preexisting can and health insurance is never going to be cheap, so mongers Salazar insurance at all if I'm ensuring myself. And I already have a disease. That's not insurance! That does mean by the same coverage and a disco, in the same way that if I set my house on fire than by insurance, that's not me buying
against the buyer. That is me attempting to game the system by having insurance company pay for damages that, I have already incurred you're, stealing from all the people who are actually paying the whole time, Britain that central for people with pre existing conditions, we're just desperately I care. Obviously, what we're talking about here is how you lower costs. So the framework I always use in discussing health insurance is very easy. You can have two of the following three. You cannot have all three. You can have a universal system record of a quality system like now. The system? You cannot have all three of those there's, no such thing as a universal quality cheap system. They do not exist. If you wanna universal system, that is quality, it will be expensive if you're on a universal system that is cheap. It's going to lacking quality if you're a cheap system that has good quality, it is probably not going to be universal and through. Is it possible for you to name a member of the media or just in general, that's a liberal that you follow a red that actually have some well thought out. Arguments that make you think about their perspective is open for me. After No, that's that's a really good question. I read the New York Times every single morning and it has become concerned
Finally, it is consistently gone from being a fair. Statement of what the West believed to being crazy. What I mean you re I feel I always there was called the up at page knucklehead row, but it's almost more like an asylum at this point and when I think of Liberals were thoughtful camp when I think of levels were thoughtful, and now thinking of conservatives fiancee conservatives war but more to the censurer centre. I think I was a little bit more in the centre and most things, and I think that almost a long time ago, while trilling, the famous literary critic, said that There is no such thing as an intellectual. A conservative movement conservatism is just a kind of Emotional gesture. I think strewed the left now I dont think that there is an intellectual, but I think that there is only an intellectual right which goes from media middle of the road guys to the far right, and I This is where the debates are happening. It's where the, where nobody,
Fraid to speak? I mean, I always say you know, like I said, the berry waste which your time I said you know you're you're, on the wrong side. You know I keep saying this to all these people You know you're on the wrong side burberry. Why should it be an example of a thoughtful, a thoughtful personal considerations? what liberal that I do reach my sister Caitlin Flanagan is a very fine writer frequently says really interesting things and she's tend to trend towards the left. But there are these people, but they are fighting a system that really wants to shut them up. So if you want to to places where you can argue with things. If you want to live in the sort of Dave Reuben World, where we're all talking to each other, we have to be on the right. This is where the conversation lettering, but let's quick note here, so I wanted to say that that happen, weekly letters, hoppers weekly letter, where a bunch of people who are sort of liberal minded said we're done with council culture and there wasn't a single voter on that list. I am very happy that that letter exists, and until one member of that group is willing to have a conversation publicly with a person who did what
Trumpet means nothing attract end because it right because that entire, let that entire statement was designed to open, overturn window just enough for them. In other words, like when we want to escape the council culture ourselves, but how many of us are willing to actually right now, here's the truth, I know Are people on that list, and I know some of them are willing to have those conversations, but that letter only gonna matter when that letter includes people ranging from Non Chomsky to people like you drew ranging from people like an apple bomb to people like knolls enraging from people item? charge millions to people like Jeremy right. That's the only time this gonna matter, because either there's gonna be a lions built between the old school rules were not Harcourt left us and people on the right who are committed to free speech, or there will be no wind tunnel and let's just gonna, eat this entire. This entire state piece by piece. You know that on this point of the weird look,
apparatus of the mainstream media. I dont think there is any place welcoming you met like I love Caitlin plan again in a couple of people, but I dont think that's really where you look. I think the interesting for left, even stuff and and certainly right wing stuff you see is on twitter It's on these accounts that are named there like puns on old philosophers or their other of kinds of names, and you know you can actually find some accounts there that are anonymous, because if these even the leftists, if they say things that are contrary to the approved use of you know, the liberal establishment they'll get killed. So they you know they they hide their their names. You can find some interesting debates happening there, but you know, as you mentioned, ban these people are so Fraid even come out and speak anyone who may have voted for Trump from so afraid that those those conversations unfortunately right now often have to happen anonymously. I just want to point one thing out about that Harpers letter to which is really interesting, that it
started out with this big kind of liberal throat. Clearing about how the right is somewhat get worse. We're going down the wrong road and there was a line in their say. We know that the rightist is is really the sensor censorious side and every time I see them make that statement. I think name, one time mean one place where right, winger censure people just please where they cancel people where they get people fired. It is really impossible. This, I feel this way about trunk. Do I loved by the way? Then I got it. I love trump of the gaps. I think that that is the only original thing anybody said about the control of the last year, and I think that every time I hear the trump is a unique threat to our way of life. Name, one thing name a thing he's done, and the New York Times Asbury. Why said, when you read their up edge section, is one up after another saying what a terrible threat to our way of life is done with automatic, ok, name, specific
thing, and they never can. It really is amazing and that the reason for that is they don't listen to anybody, but himself. Well and that people like berry and people like we ve got, I will name them. It is unfair. Many of our friends who are part of the either intellectual dark web movement or the sort of online moderate centrist, so self describes interest movement even they there now like people who used to be Republicans but call themselves libertarians, because maybe they wouldn't get made fun of it work. This is a group of people who cannot acknowledge even to themselves that both sides are equally bad, the only way that their able to criticise the left at all if they first denounced the right and I and I dont national levels- I don't they forget that there are various letter. Didn't you that chose to be fair. I got the hot water
there are two hundred gathered late at night and I dont think that they're just posturing in their own minds. They are just posturing, but I am sure that in their minds they ve actually carved out some way in which they believe that that's true, because they're still looking at a right that doesn't exist, and in many of you might wanna actually talk about this before the show about someone with whom we're all friendly who built the right, they denounce is not the right that actually exist. They don't know what people on the right actually believe, and so they went to say things like. We know yes, on. On the extreme end of the left, you ve got people who are tearing down statues in calling for segregation, but you know on the extreme side of the right. You guys have a lot of people who want to tear down statues.
And go back to segregation. Two here, like will know that's not on the extreme side of the left. That's on the very mainstream side of the left, like literally not one person in Congress, will denounce either of those ideas. If there are Democrats and on the right, there is no one in the Republican. Party in Congress who wouldn't denounce anyone who believe that, and they look at you like your crazy equal that, yet be true because in my mind, that's what the right is- that's very comforting to believe that their sort of equal evil on both sides. Are there both the problem, but it just ain't the gay? Sorry, sorry, folks, The funny thing is: when people get red pill they frisk Redcoat, MR to associate with, conservatives, the first thing they say it to. People show night right, you can search of four of us. If they're saying that about us, they people on what must be off era. Never this day, that's exactly right, because every times has on your rug and show that we can very friendly with Georgia in just a great guy. We have a lot of fun together and all the comments like I didn't know that
Euro? Is such a nice guy, such a human? Being, that's like unease acting human being on my show, as I was on Jos Show, is just that nobody on the left really wants to have an open conversation if they do its extra early rare, but they actually want is to browbeat people or not to have them on at all. But that's it. That's really the goal, and it's it's really it's quite disheartening, because I really believe that There is to be a future for the country that lies in right. There is going to happen. Liberal part of the country that stands up on its hind legs and says I would associate with these people. I disagree about nearly everything when it comes to policy, then you people with whom I agree with on policy about a lot of things, but You guys want to tear down the entire system, not going to do that. Not gonna give away my rights just because you and I both agree that America should move towards a more progressive tax system. Does not something I'm willing to do until liberals are willing to actually crossed that I'll and shake a few hands in wrecking more than anything is recognised. It we're human beings to underside remains what I've set a thousand times the happy birthday problem. Every time I have a birthday, I will get to
tax from people were on the left inside mainstream leftist organizations with whom I am friendly. We have offered a public shoulder to when they have been ripped out right, I'm the guy out there, second matter glaziers wife, called the rough wiggle of the internet when your anger assaulted by the by the members of his own publication, I'm out their defending that Iglesias I'll get buncher I'll get letters from inside age organizations on the left, happy birthday and then on Twitter, it nothing because the minute you acknowledged that people on the writer human beings, then you have, you have humanised them, and you must know ever humanize. Anybody on the right is more important to humanize anybody on the right, then, for preserve the rights for everybody, and we though the bent really a robot, and he just planet, Brigham ask when he went on Joe broken. It was a very enjoyable interview where who hey I've finally gets occurs mean we was Joe, it's almost it's in the water while the one amount in early life worth ten minutes, you're like the thing and then you like eventually got there.
Eventually are dragged down insight into Jos world. Instead of being dragged down Michael do things that gives Lane Maxwell will make it to testify. I was under the impression she had already committed suicide in the future. What day is it now. Is that what you're? Right? I'm sorry, the Clinton seven scheduled that until at least next Monday, I actually do things coming all all sort of Clinton. Epstein didn't kill himself! Jokes aside. I do think she probably will make it because he is. This. Woman sends up dead in jail cell, it like the conspiracy theory I will take they will march on Washington. They will take over the country, because, by the way it will be evidence of a conspiracy that you can call it a conspiracy theory anymore it seems as though she's already cooperating with the feds. It seems that she has given up some names, which I'm sure will remain reductive. You know four for the near future because they have you know
ok so many powerful people around the world, but but this this is the like the real problem. I particular care about Elaine Maxwell in particular, but on this issue general, The left is always and some people on there I can play about conspiracy theorists why theirs, and you know that the level even label sort of mainstream ideas, conspiracy theories, but they never ask themselves. Why do conspiracy theories take hold they take hold because we have faith in our institutions in the media, in the administrative government, and we have no faith in them because they have squandered that face. They have squandered that credibility. You can't believe what you read in the papers or see on cable news, and you, you see obvious incidence of incompetence or corruption in the federal government or or very often both. So you know I I I I'm sort of sick of hearing. Left complain about the conspiracy theorists quit quit, creating the breeding ground on which those conspiracies Graciosa Jeffrey
Indeed, in killing off man come on. I've got a lot of warm words about president frumpy. He made into the same sentence. Is Washington in the same sense? Is odd from me on this very biogas, it's real weird that he went into a press conference it and wish to delay square, I let you are the best. I love. I go nowhere more if you lie like what other answer was gonna give with these posts. Now, if you prizes analyses procuring, sat for a man like that, I'm gonna answer review assumption of innocence. What the heck we didn't, we due process even for the matter of the glory in recent months we have seen in the last thirty years. I think that if we can't even agree on whether or not Donald Trump, with right up to approve of mass work. Its probably time to call this show off. Engage in our inner internet NAM No union at tendencies left go by bans, but that was the name of the episode. It is also good note on which to conclude
also become an all access member, if not already one you can keeping it out with us right now over yonder at daily wire dot com or will be taking even more If you haven't been over to one of these because you're, not all access member, you really must now. We answer, I think, it's fair to say a hundred questions. Probably it answered during the course of this all access special that we're gonna go now, indeed to buy Ben Kazi type, so fast over the rest of us get in their day. Go over and see us thanks, rang out with us We will see a over at daily wired, icon, I've been book,
barely wire backstage is produced by Robert Sterling Executive producers. Make Jeremy Board are supervising producer is Mathis Gluck, our assistant. The record is possible without the in our technical producer. Austin Stevens are segment, producer is Katy, one or two editing is by Jim nickel. Audio is mixed by my poor me too, in our audio assistant is Robin Finlayson. Play back, is operated by niches and hair and make up its by Negro Geneva. Bailey wire backstage is a daily wire production. Copyright daily wire, twenty twenty.
Transcript generated on 2020-07-25.