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Daily Wire Backstage: Don’t Call It A Recession


How long can the Biden Administration go before they have to acknowledge we’re in a recession? Will the President ignore the polling of his own Party and run for a second term? If the Dems dump Joe, is Michelle Obama their only hope to retain the White House? Who wins a Trump vs DeSantis primary? 

Join this roundtable discussion featuring Ben Shapiro, Andrew Klavan, Michael Knowles, Matt Walsh, and Daily Wire god-king Jeremy Boreing to find out!

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Hey folks, bench Piero here, don't miss our latest episode of daily wire backstage join me andrew Clayton, Michael Knowles and jeremy boring as we cover the top stories in politics and pop culture with enough laughs and insights to get you through these insane new cycles. Take a listen the you're, not the boss of me, and therefore I shall not do a fake laugh in three hundred and twenty one hello in to daily wire backstage I'm the lower case. God gave germany boring joint as all ways by the andrew reclaiming the mat wash the Michael? No, and Ben Shapiro the beaming into from the holy land of Israel today show is sponsored by express bbn. Do you like your web
three being seen and sold advertisers. I know you don't none of us do get express BP and right now at express bp and dot com, slash backstage guys. The last time we were together there were the wrong adoring fans. They cheered at everything that we said they laughed at all of our jokes. Candice was their dennis. It was the air jordan, peterson was there now we can't even get Ben shapiro yeah. I it's just I'm just saying it's a little the anti. So the big news today, obviously, is that the united, it is absolutely not in no way shape or form entering into a recession. The very people who created the definition of recession have now changed. The definition of and yes, it is actually very modern word in the beginning of the twentieth century, and as recently as the early twentieth century, there was no such concepts as an economic recession,
and if you look at the average age of our political class. Now it's likely that the actual human beings who came up with the term itself, Now saying no absolutely nothing to see here and yet, obviously, if you You aren't living in Iraq and, if you don't make as much money as I do, you're probably experiencing an increase in prices, your milk must be up to like was and a little a little less milk has gone way up. Know oil has more than doubled. You know people are really feeling this and apparently Joe Biden's reelection the Democrats election, session is pay no attention to the absolute orders of your life. Things are going just find the one thing I have to say, as we all know about the great depression, but the word depression was invented to keep from say it's a buster crash, so they do all the time in its history and late, they did say it may actually used. The word, while we're all joking about we're living in
age where we can say what a woman is where we can say what a baby is, where we can see any that they actually said. No, it's not a recession. It's a transition so they're actually think that's going to work. But you know I suggestion walked before the shows where they can make his next film be called what is a recession euros or on talking. Have economists throw you out of rooms if only for to make yeah, we have more dollars than ever and they're worth less now than they were in just such an acceleration loop, though, it's worth pointing out that the director of the national economic council at the white house, Brian D, he was the one who's been all over tv he's been all over at the white house saying this is not the economic technical definition, I it is not two consecutive quarters of negative gdp growth in two thousand and eight indeed, himself said almost verbatim, that the technical definition of economists of a recession is too
second of orders of negative, but this transition things can a scary because what it means is they have this vision that by driving everybody of poverty and the gas prices up, we're going to transition, this clean new energy world right actually doesn't exist. They had no technology to do this, they could be wrong searching that they could be gradient, but instead they're just telling us what's going to happen for sure. One of the great untold stories is just how many people are expected to die this winter from starvation because of the the impact of these policies, the impact of the war that's happening in Europe. You know you hear numbers that range all the way up to almost a billion people, that probably it is not the case that a billion people will die. It's certainly the case that many millions of people are going to die. All in service of virtue that's the thing that's the most interesting to me about our culture today is that the elite are willing to subject almost any level of pain, including death, on
but all in the name of looking good of having the right idea that receives when have eight virtue. Writer of oil, but is eternal, is one of the proofs of regional soon. I think that people, this is, if every slow you of the great drivers sex the greater. for his money. Virtue was the greatest drivers, pretend virtual Well, the greatest drivers of human motivation- and you will be, like god, yeah that's. The great problem is that the people that are in charge of fixing the the don't see them as problems. They are opportunities because, while it as we talk Now this is an opportunity to switch over to green energy, but also they see just humanity existence of humanity as a problem and so mass starvation is not really a bug, it's a feature of of policies. You also see the inherent contradictions in all of their beliefs right because on one hand,
they print money at a rate and never imagined and all of human history. They shut down the world. They do all the things that they did over the the first two years of the worst pandemic in human history. Then their shock that there's inflation, but then they realise that that inflation is actually useful to the government of its essentially it acts on the people. It's good, the more debt you have, the better inflation is for you and no one's got that like united states government, but then there are other instruments of the government who have now gone full bore to stop the inflation so when hand you ve got the federal government, probably benefiting from the information. On the other hand, you ve got the fed rack ratcheting up interest rates at a rate that eta velocity. That would probably never experience. Another point. Seven five points yesterday, which is near the highest: it's basically ever gone up, except that they had just done it the previous time that the fed met, so it wines of creating this almost death spiral on the economy that you that there isn't even a unified theory of what
They should be doing right now. Should the government be in favor of this inflation? Should it be taking radical measures to stop the inflator? Will you stop inflations by causing a recession that mean reagan? Did it? This is the way this is one of the things you have to do. We have the fed is trying to stop the laces of it at the same time we're going into an election? I don't want to spoiler alert they're going start talking more and more about giving us all another bailout between now and the election, because the have nothing else to run I'd. So yes, the way that you start. If your goal is to stop the inflation, but the fact is is accurate. They order what the but what the tempting Britain Biden, are about to do the opposite. If you want to cancel student debt, for example, going to give out trillions of dollars of new money that causes the inflation, don't forget, though they ve already given us an election bail out and its specifically for the election. That was the major release from the strategic petroleum reserve that no one is talking about at the gas prices would be even higher right now, except Joe Biden is releasing a million barrels a day. He announced
back and what was an april or may for months of release, takes you right up to the midterm elections. So, what's going to happen after the midnight if the prices are gonna get even worse? Now that trap what's playing out right now at big tech companies and social media sites sets a dangerous precedent. Everyone should have the right to express themselves freely, but big tech monopolies have instead opted for silencing tactics and censorship to fight back against big tech's control of the internet. I use express vpn ever wondered. Help free to access tech giants, make all their money. Well, they track your searches they track. Your video history,
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million barrels of oil a day that gets them right through the election. The funny thing is they're, so bad at their jobs. Biden is such a bad spokesperson for the government and people don't even realize that this huge give away and is getting no political arguments for, as you can see the thing where you didn't blink for forty seconds? If you like that, but I don't know you said you weren't taken cocaine but other. Let's do this when there's a headache, we have the clear, logan resurrection programme, Problems are action and pro democracy you can be prowess, erection and pro american donald trump lack the courage to act. the brave women and man in blue hulk, never forget DR feelgood gotta, a dial it back and yeah the little we have to the Democrat party tweeted that out there were so proud of it yeah they. They thought that that kind of thing that we need to see Ben Ben. What do you think he's got that
lifeless size the lack of this, but I think we ve got coral wine for president here and there, but on the ice nothin about human rights, and I dont know what we're supposed to believe that this document is in control. I mean he he looks like you put on. doctor doom eyes for framed roger rabbit, just kind of trotted him out there can get smooshed flat by a cartoon, a cartoon roller. It's it's it's, it's so bizarre to watch them, but you know going back to the economic discussion for just one second they're one of the things that is worth noting in astronomy environments run the economy also. Is that when it was to policy here they. Basically, just do what they want to do and then they have to back fell the solution. So their thing. they don't want you to do it, and then there are things that they don't mind you doing, and if there are things they don't mind you doing. I mean there are things they kind of want you to do so during covert. For example, you couldn't take your kids to playgrounds. You couldn't go to your job. You had to shut down your business
they shut down all the schools. These are all things that were verboten, but you're allowed to protest in the streets for George floyd during covered. You you couldn't go out. in public and you couldn't breathe anywhere within remote. Joe Biden is literally today saying that you should still be wearing masks in crowded places. Meanwhile, when it comes to monkey pots, they won't even just a start. The gay orgies rightly do they won't say these things, because there are certain things that you're allowed to do in that are apparently good do, and then there are things like you to take your kid. What playground where, if the health risk is this is big, then you have to make sure that you definitely definitely don't do that in its the same thing with the economy. There telling you don't drive it doesn't matter. You have to get to work. Make sure that you don't drive, make sure that you don't use the the air conditioner during heat waves. Make sure you don't use your heater during when it gets really cold it that they just the list of activities that they don't like you're doing. That's all this really is they're a bunch of activities they don't like you doing then, will use any excuse to make you not do those activities and then there's a list of activities that are the approved activities, and these approve activities all happen to be on like the left wing. Fun list is like
working in the streets at a protest or making sure to go to a bar where no one knows one another and then have as much from his skillset, but don't call it monkey pox guys, but if you call it monkey pox that might be stigmatizing to people it's it's truly amazing, and then, when it comes to the actual policy, they have to backfill policies to fix all of this. So they wreck all the businesses they record the scores and then later they're like man, you know what probably we should think about what we can do to fill in the gaps there. They wrecked the economy with spending where they spending is an approved activity. We must spend lots and lots of dollars, but we make sure that we also shut down your business. In case anybody ever gets coven they have to both back there with the federal reserve. So, instead of seeing it as are part and parcel of a plan, I think that the best way to see a lot of left wing policy is approved. Activities unapproved activities approve activities. Have the consequences. Well, we'll figure out a way to use our bureaucratic power to sort of cram down some sort of solution that is not going to work long term. I have no
we're putting this together, because otherwise it doesn't make any sort of logical argument. I think the one thing go to avoid stigmatization: we should we should call it gay monkey pox so will stigmatize all of them yeah. These are straight, not many that they have sophisticated. They have to shut down our churches because they don't like our church yeah, but they can't shut down the bathhouses, because those are their churches and those are safe. Read to them the other iron as are riots in this, yet a round their liturgy as well. The other irony here is that everyone had covid, I think now, every single person, erica has had covert, at least once maybe multiple times, whether they down whether they were the mask, whether they got ten injections, they everyone gets cove at its very, very transmissible monkey parks is not trained on a single, it's very easy to shut down? You don't need to lock down the entire economy. You don't need to lock down much of anything other than the bat houses in the fetish parties in the end, the orgies, so you you could do that very easily, and yet we're being told that this is now
if you just don't like to have fun or you don't let people know what a blanket michael what's interesting about. This is during the worst of the gay crisis. I think the aids crisis I lived in new york so like you'd, be talking to a guy and he just die like if everybody was gay. The gay crisis was denim on denim yeah good idea, but, as I judge drive safely, but one of the things was, everybody was yelling at reagan was they were screaming at reagan? Close, the bathhouses gave me the we're, saying gay people saying what's wrong with you wanted, and I saying like well. Why? Don't you just not you? Why does wise one of its walls. Wherever we will ever, they were yelling that why was it his fault? The bathroom- and this is an important distinction now their shame- you can't even say close about it- isn't when distinction, because I I know homosexuals who are monogamous with yes, yeah and they're. The ones who are most loudly just like,
We talk about the eighties saying: no, we actually do need to shut down these orgies because it isn't it. It is the case that pretty much only homesick, we'll get monkey box anywhere from ninety five to ninety. Eight percent of the transmission is among homosexuals and secret homosexuals, but it's it's not that all homosexuals are getting monkey box. It is specifically promiscuous homosexuals who were having lots of sex with lots of different, but of also but it's. It's. Basically, only homosexuals are going orgies. That's the other. Things are well organised way with its very disappointed in fair and in the rest of us maggie. what exactly are going go. My dreams, other than the message is well, it's not just about a targeted gay people just engage in orgies origin, that sort of thing, but it is true that predominantly that people are doing in these kinds of active and when the people who are if your hat random sacks with fifteen different people. In the course of a weak, that's that's generally, Straight people who are who are doing that in forever it requires exclusively,
and are beginning to arrive as ads and there's no one to say. No, because women have a shred of sanity. Women are not idiots. I mean, like women are not willing to engage in random sex with enormous numbers of strangers, whereas men are pretty much willing. Screw anything you know. Take women out of the women were always this sort of check on on male insanity. You take the women out of the picture and again that doesn't go straight, gay or anything else, men. You know the way that we tend to be rather aggressive in this area like just as a general rules, but it both also you brought its and one, we're hearing from the left, as they are tying this isn't saying well so make the same stay that we made with aids by stigmatizing gay, but but actually it's the reverse. I etc, that was the mistake made with the messaging about aids is, that is
anyone can get it whatsoever. That's what that's the middle age age actually in the long run, obviously was a horrible. It was a plague, it was. I I remembered it was was traumatizing to everybody. If you were in an area like new york, where there are a lot of gay people. However, after it was over, that was when gay people, play. Some really come out because people you know cousin, was dying, or somebody you didn't know is gay, was dying, restored to say, oh well, there's more of this than we thought there was a people that we, Actually, no and yes, rock hudson, it's actual movie stars that we like it actually got. You know help the gay cause, even though it doesn't help gay people yup. I think to your point, the man I grew up being a century and a half younger than drupe I was in school during the age, ices and they never once used the word homosexuality ever in reference to aids. I thought that aids was the thing that want once bobby kiss
see we're all going to die of aid, and that is how it was presented to me is one of the great while one of the great myths of the second half of the twentieth century is heterosexual aids and they did it in the beginning with Sid think that they can get buying in. They didn't think the american people were capable of sympathizing with or new funding to bear on behalf of gay people, and so instead they had to turn it as they always german. We obviously what we ve seen it at a scale with never seen it before over the last three years they have, to put, they can't say, If you have diabetes, if you're overweight and if you're in your 80s, you probably need to take this covid thing, particularly seriously, never say anything like that: instead, they have to say you're all, going to die use disinfectant on your fruits and vegetables after they're dropped off on your doorstep before you eat them. They have to create this sort of mass panic to advance any there again. It's interesting about a tool. Of course, people working hard heart diseases. What killed
more people than anything else ever and still are putting out magazine covers where they tell you that being fat is healthy, which that will that will- illegally? Obesity will really kill yeah? How dare you they're not going to sinclair and by the way I'm gonna believe you're talking about monkey pox and that and the risk factors of monkey pox. I mean it's worth noting at this point that I believe that in the west than ten people have died of monkey boxes entire time, therefore, that this is a global pandemic and and and it's gonna work, about hundreds of thousands, millions of people, the grand total number of people who have died. Last I checked according the associated press I believe was five. It was like sixteen thousand identified monkey pox infections in west in countries that think, though, the plurality of the united states, five people total have I didn't know that this is. This is a word that everyone is supposed to know so again. The idea here is that the health establishment is going to scare the living hell out of you, but not enough to actually tell you that, probably you shouldn't engage in the one activity that is likely to transmit the disease map, so the nurse will
taken from benders. You could still go to the orders. I guess I did it. I can remember- I repeat in fifth grade and learning about aids and that the message was, anyone can get it and they watch some video or something like that and and just do they. They never said anything about gay people. I can remember going, oh so traumatized by this. I went home and asked my bible, my mom and I said I'm afraid I might as I might get aids- and she told me that well, you're, not you're, not gay you're, not intravenous drug users, so you're not going to get it, but as I think that actually this is a significant moment for a job creation that grew in the nineties. They having this aids panic, Shove down down you're down your throat kind of the ties into why millennials are so susceptible now to panicking over covered. just what we want we were all raised to me it will contract its summer and cigar season. That means it's time to kick back with a great cigar and some good friends too.
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one one, five one one to get your favorite cigars and thousands more texts backstage to five one, one: five one one or go to famous dash smoke dot com today. Have you noticed a phenomenon now on the right to me that all the crunchy granola people who ate all the weird stuff and didn't trust the doctors they were pray all on the left and I've noticed recently, it's at least an equal number, if not mostly, conservatives who were saying no seed oils or I'm not going to trust. This doctor Remind me to go to this kind of I don't know. Do lie instead of a midwife or something instead of a doktor and the reason for this it actually ties back right with our public health issues is who was the face of the public health responds to
it's you know who it was, maybe old me and mr, Mr Foley's, you know he he was there in the eighties. I was his first public health guessing and he blew it and it was just a disaster as we discuss in voucher unmask available on daily, but it was a it was. The messaging was all but he's ridiculous he's the guy who said you could get it from close contact yup. He left out the fact that it has to include sodomy really close to lots of data, but it's also, I mean a huge. It's, not one news story, but a series of news stories just in the last week The number one most influential study on timers and it turns out to be fraudulent Fgm. They entered a protein anti depressants studies that have governed retreat depression since nineteen. Seventy are fraudulent, at the top of my head. This way it seems to happen like every six days. To happen like every six days now it yet. But some major aspect of the public health establishment is, is lake
and so are held to be alive it. Yet in that environment with when someone comes up to me, who I used to write off as a hippie and says, hey, don't don't those seed, oil, man or hey. Don't trust the doktor on this here. Don't take this drug. Twenty years ago I would have said yeah whatever okay now I have frankly more likely to trust an app we can show in which doktor then I am to trust someone in a white lab good. At the end, I urge the internationally. This is a really interesting point, because one of that one of the things that I think happened to western society generally over the course of the twentyth century is this situation in science for religion. The idea was that you really leaders were not trustworthy because they provided you with certain solutions to life and then they they couldn't even uphold their own standards? Does I think, what led to so much rage at the catholic church in the early two, thousands, after all, of the scandals regarding regarding pedophile priests in such a way that the idea was that these with we're supposed to lead us and suddenly they've. Let us down the story scientists for kind of caltech leaders. The idea was these: were the people who are willing to lead us.
India was these were the people who are to lead us to a better tomorrow. They they there was always going to fix all of our problems, and there are some to it, because you know science has advanced enormous lady, the ability of human beings to live longer and and more helpful, but one things that has happened is. Is the scientist forgot about epistemic humility? There there's just no there's, no there's no humility to them at all, and so they may claims that are well beyond what they can actually what they can actually prove, and he in virtually every area there they're just not willing to say the truth about what they known, really what they dont that that is was true in the area of psychiatry were honestly that the understanding of the human brain is extraordinarily rudimentary at this point, and yet told by the experts that they know like every jot and tittle of how neuroscience works. No, they don't, if they really really don't mean so because of that people expect magic from folks, and you can't expect magic, because there is no such thing as magic. when the magic dissipates than your treating them? Exactly like? You would treat religious leader who you're disappear
genetically violated your your sense of faith in them, you should read this book is called desperate remedies. I believe, which is a history of psychiatry with One atrocity after another completely out, I have science, but every single one of them is picked up by the establishment and touted as a great thing, including sticking and all if the people's nose and taking part of their brain out, which was liberated from lobotomies and- and you know it makes freud who he was a brilliant quack. It actually makes him Europe is at least it was only talking to people. He wasn't. Electoral shocking me wasn't drugging than we have been doing all these terrible things, but it is one history of failure after another and yet is, the thing about what we've been saying when you look back at the twentieth century, because most of us live in the second half of the twentieth century. If we get what are obsolete, nightmare. The twentieth century was hit larry and fascism and soviet would both scientific movements in based in non god nonreligious space science. Now to be some kind of clue here that
I am just a wonderful thing, but is not the only to have two thoughts. What one is that it's not, and you ve said it's not just scientists. Experts generally and in the same way that in the middle ages, the catholic priesthood sort of soaked up all the one twenty I queues in europe because there is there is nowhere else to be. So if you, if you had any smart whatsoever, you went into catholic priesthood and that creates all kinds of problems across time that you can see completely centralized all of the people probably capable of having critical knew any essential level of critical thinking into one institution. That has a very rigid set of parameters on what you're allowed to think and so you've you've. most removed, critical thought from from society. We the institution of higher learning and in the name of liberalism. And in the name of liberalism it became the least liberal of all institutions. It is a religious institution that has very strict parameters on what you're alive
to think- and we placed every one with a hundred twenty plus I q in that system and so on, and so now the people who should be having not critical theory but actual criticism, actual actual critical thought about today. Live critical thought about how we live critical thought about the things that we thought historically things now the things that we might think in the future. They ve all they ve all been institutionalized ass. It were into thinking one set of things, and you see this everywhere. So if you had said If you said during covered that you doubted, for example, that hangs over your face was going to make a substantial debt in the spread of this year. Respiratory viral disease is not just that. The veronica jests would come out until you. You were wrong. It's that all experts at all levels would come out and tell you that your wrong with absolute authority and absolute certainty about things that they knew absolutely nothing. You see it. I think about this.
Every level of the expert class right now. If you question, the narrative on anthropogenic global warming and they'll say ninety eight percent of scientists. Agree right? Ninety eight percent of scientists have absolutely no knowledge about climatology. You mean that, like heart surgeons, and they do, and you mean that lawyers mean people and they and you mean people with gender studies degrees a great, and they do the institutionalization requires that, whatever my degree as in for it to have any value, I have to accept that you're as export about your degree. As I am about my degree. In a crisis, an unbelievable echo chamber can get some in the rest of us have just deferred. All of our critical factor is: is a brilliant inside the greatest example of it is naturally the moon shot. They sucked the talent out of the room and end the after the moonshot. Basically the space room, died right, because they were all in the government and that often somewhere
If you don't let this other idea and it took forty years to challenge the other part of the other part of the story that makes this such a problem is that you have the expert, saying leave everything to us and you have the america public many many, many of which have been conditioned to sort of look for these, just answer, and so a lot of people are more than happy to just farm that out today to the so called experts, let them deal with it. That's especially the case with this with psychiatry and this this is antidepressant study which, by the way, what what's so sinister about that. Is it's not like this study just came out revealing that all these antidepressants were prescribed on a faulty basis- and we just found this out this week has been known for decades. I and doctors have known for dec that the chemical imbalance, theory of depression is not true. They they. That was basically a guess that someone came up with that. dave's ago, and it's been
Well, here's what evidence that it's not true is the anti depressants uses skyrocketed, that's right, since they started sent word to the most mentally ill generation in human history and the most managing. When you come up with a cure for things, because they ve done slamming the door, they gave compared anti depressants against again specific, and found that, especially with an active policy. But I gave you some kind of irrelevant side effect there's no distinction between the two, but the problem is after the study came out- and I was talking about- showing what I heard from a lot of people as well. Maybe this is all false, but it makes me feel better to know I know yeah, so that's it. I feel he's take the placebo that I will say. I will say that on the antidepressant issue I mean, I think that there's a slightly more, complexity, tanned hate, the use, then the than what the study actually clips. What the study actually claims correctly, of course, is that there is no relationship between low serotonin and pressure, which was the chemical imbalance. Theory right was the low serotonin was in very we connected with depression,
psychiatry, have known for a while, and this again demonstrates that all they do is the platonic. Why- and this is the biggest problem that disconnect between what they know They tell you is so great that The vast majority of american public believes that the chemical imbalance theory is in theory mean if you poll americans about that. They think that that's what is going on it's about eighty, but don't you think that now? yeah. I mean they watch a bunch of commercials about prozac in nineteen. Ninety seven- and it said this right in the commercials, and so everybody still believes that that's how this works, but psychiatrists will tell you that depression, like cancer, is actually a bundle of things right to pray there. There are a bunch of different types of depression, ranging from mild to severe. There are a bunch of different causes of depression that we don't know the chemical causes of depression. Now, what you'll see from some psychiatrist and from some studies is that some antidepressants, depending on circumstance, may have a better effects than other antidepressants depending on the person and here's the here's, the key though they don't know why, and they can't just say that the truth is that a huge amount of medicine is trial and error right. Depressants actually started off as our eyes started off as tuberculosis drugs in the same way
Agora started off. They a drug for heart arrhythmia for harder arrhythmia, so very off, and in this is true right now for a huge number of of medicines that we use. They were there being used for the not original purpose. the medication. Because again we are not that much farther advanced, except in some of our study techniques. From the days when it was like pick, the red barrier picked the blacker and see who dies in southern look at what you're doing what the end and into what you're doing very often with anti depressants- and this is true- is You'Ll- see a personnel will take three or four different antidepressants in a row until they get to the one that works for them the problem again with studies of depression is that also the effects reported there's no objective. We verifiable metric to determine whether an end if the present is working other than I tell a doctor that I feel better. So all this is really vague and really difficult and it got simplified down into you. Have a chemical imbalance taken us, sri it'll, carry you and that's why the black box warnings by the way in eyes are really really troubling mean you should really. What would I have said on the show? Is this no. Maybe assessor eyes that work for some people, but investing
what possible circumstances you should at least go. Cognitive, behavioral therapy and do your best, the not drugs before even start. Looking along those lines- and I want you- only only waited angry that has remained- I've- never used, for example, how this function and covert. Nineteen is essential if you I believe that unless the little peppermint I think I know you This conversation of a few shows ago about mental illness and not retry that ground again, but there's this I just think, there's some some flawed fundamental while the do the do the do the with work. What we mean about? Well, what do the do work? How do we know What do we mean by that? What you mean work? How do we know if they work and and and what we mean is that it works? If you take it, you just feel I just kind of numb. You feel. Okay, you feel content I know exactly what is is that even how people are that's
what are people supposed to field? How are people supposed to experience the world and I think, before you even think, about prescribing a drug? Obviously, you gotta go down the checklist of think about prescribing a drug. Obviously, I to go down the check list of lifestyle choices, diet, sleep all that they don't do They just go right of, and in others it is illegal to divert us. I wasn't there's another there's another thing on the checklist. Are Are you a a mortal being living in this fall in world? That is full of just misery? and sorrow, and so my point is that I think depression is actually to our condition as human beings, which isn't to say that we should always be depressed. As human beings, which is to say that we should always be depressed, but it takes more effort is a rare earths. to be happy and no one is the question. No, unless the question is telling people that they are bags of chemicals, that can be adjusted depressing,
These things and I'm not totally against all drugs that are all medical. You know like psychotropic drugs, my completely against it, but I'm against the idea what you just said, I'm against the idea that but I am against the idea what you just said. I am against the idea that that should be your first guess. It should definitely be you're. Very last guess that there's no other reason to be depressed and in even even the existential pain of life is not what the press you something's wrong. I think this is an important topic and we have spent some time, but I must mental a bit more time, but first I am. I am obliged economics and end by character. To suggest that you get I sleep, I don't sleep. I know this to be a fact of the droop. Sometimes during the show yeah there is productivity is at an unbelievable high because, statistically he got all the asleep in the first hundred years and now he's good for the next, but hundred years. Five, and now you are good for the next, but for me I need helix helix sleep has a quiz that takes just two minutes to complete a matches, your body type and sleep references to the perfect mattress. For you, why would you buy a mattress made?
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taking heart arrhythmia drugs almost all the time now. I feel really excited and invigorated invigorated to messenger, and so the reason for this is- and I'm just really gets to match point on there being a spiritual or metaphysical basis. Here I was an atheist for about ten years and then was not an atheist anymore and it happened in kind of a whirlwind of a few years in there, and I will tell you I'm I'm I'm way less amazing, not any drugs and I'm not, and it really is just a way of viewing the world, and I'm not saying I don't get sad, not saying I of your grief or pain or stress or anxiety or any of your all of those things. But it is a huge change. It I've I've taken handful of chemicals in my life, especially in my college years, and that shift that spiritual and metaphors will shift, is far more power, and you know- and you know it what's interesting- to do- to go back to what you were saying about justice. The existential state of the world is released, Is joy at mean in any increase in joy all the time, but
more realistic and, in that way, is the thing that the brief against the attack on religion was always. It was a fantasy. It was always you know you, gotta, have a sky daddy, whatever they say was actually the opposite. You see real world so much more. Clearly, you know more what people are going to do. You know why they're going to do it and you stand, that it is what you say to avail of dear mother S, mother, there's something else here too, and that is that one of the things that day We found in western societies and western societies have extraordinarily high rates of mental well. Mental illness was how to isolation depression. What are the real, as for that is something called choice. Theory. The idea is that when you provide people with too many choices, they freeze up in the face of of those choices and they freak and they don't know what to do about that, because it turns out that people really do need structures right. They really do need the roles that religion tends to provide religion, religions inherited wisdom of the past and what they found. Again. This is all scientifically based. What they found is that cultures that actually have fairly strict roll- the the in which are expected to do things, and you have duties and we kind of know what you're going to do on a day to day basis and those cultures have far
rates of mental illness and suicidal ideation and depressed, in society. You know You are, you know where you lie in society. What what we really have sort of discovered about human identity is that it's a combination of your biology, combined your sociological kind of inheritance or cultural inheritance combined with what what choice you make it A we in the west, we've basically done away with the first few things have done away with biology and in the biological constraints placed upon you and we've done away with your cultural inheritance, and all you are is just sort of a a wandering bag of feelings in which you get to choose ogilvy. inventors, while the problem with that is that that's actually quite depressing people are not built for precisely that now get. I think, they're p well who are so severely depressed to the point where you know they're losing weight they're there, they can't sleep ever and it's not just sort of a malays. It's something much deeper, but I think that just like with any other mental illness in the west, we have now expanded the boundaries of that description to include a bunch of behavior. That really is either
The tory or borderline normal I mean this is happening. Nearly every major mental illness in the west, in the most obvious example being gender does for a right. There are people who actually generous fora, and then there is twenty one percent of the population of people under the age of eighteen identifies algae, be to get right, not the same thing. I have one million signatures, then I'm not sure that I am not sure that twenty five percent of people don't have gender this, for you, I'm not sure that fifty percent of people don't have tenderness. For you I mean I think that most children have some. some amount of gender confusion during their childhood and some of fantasy it's much deeper than that and in much more prevalent than that, but one of the things I think is that diagnoses themselves yeah, amplified that the phenomenon so my no many many people who, for some brief period of their childhood like were there shoes or little girls who like to play in the dirt outside and said they want
It would literally say things like. I want to be a boy when I grow up and they didn't anything that needed to be diagnosed. They didn't anything that needed to be identified and therefore substance, substance. If I'd like it in the very act, I think this with other kinds of mental illness to. I think fresh. I know many many many people who I think method of your point, and I want to be too broad with this. Suggests that there is no mental illness, because, of course, there is I to suggest- and I'm opposed to all meadow. Intervention, because I'm not, but I do think In the vast majority of cases, the person who has the problem is in some ways the least credible voice on the nature of the problem right and so many people who, I think are are good thoughtful. I I have respect for them, but I have affection, for them will say: well, you don't understand, I'm going through and always want to say back to them. But you don't understand what I'm going through like it's the nature of
a human being that we understand other people, you're you're, expecting me to accept that your plight is for this is, is completely distinct from my plea, which I doubt I find that somewhat unscriptural Thing in my intervention, if I've really hold set up and worse, which I know would with them, specific physical, you maybe you're physically being abused or something I think, what's really happening from for many people that they're dealing with the fusion, that comes from being a human on the earth, and then as soon as you draw a box around it and give a label to it and provide even the hope of a way out, by way of these medical intervention. In many ways: you've now subjected them to the horror of this thing forever. I've said it for I. I want to kick it to Matt so I'll end with this, but I hate alcoholics anonymous. I know many people who have been helped by alcoholics anonymous thank god for it. When I say I hate it, I mean it kind of on a philosophical level. I hate the idea.
I am an alcoholic, because what they're doing is that they're taking their problem and making their problems central to their identity even decades after having in in in a practical sense, overcome the problem itself, I don't think you could ever have healing from alcohol problem itself. I dont think you could ever have healing from alcoholism. If you are an alcoholic, I grew up around catholics and bad. This second from a very little a very german influence town and it's all german catholics and german baptists In my little hometown, the baptist always say and listen. I go to a baptist church today of olive many many baptist by guess myself included other, but the baptist are we'll commonly say, I'm a sinner saved by grace and there's a kind of humility to that statement that I really like, except for the emphasis I
better than the natural expectation from them is sin if one identifies themselves as depressed the natural thing that you might expect from them is depression. If one identifies themselves as an alcoholic, the natural state of being for them is to imbibe large amounts of alcohol and help. actual state of being for them is to imbibe large amounts of alcohol. Unhealthy amounts of alcohol when we, when we make someone identity their problem? We cannot possibly expect them ever to have relief from that problem. I think To the point about. I hear this all the time to that. Well, you you should be talking about depression or anxiety because you're not going through it. their such an arrogance it to them because I always say: do you really think that I have never experienced russian anxiety on earth and then there's boswell. It's not like. I experience it. First of all, struggles with all of these things, all the time,
any understanding of human nature. You should know that everyone's struggles with all of these things, all the time now I dont, I think we talk about- will how should a human feel and that that is that. That is the question that we have farmed out to the psycho. Psychiatry history reformed out to the pharmaceutical these, and we decided that, though they have an answer to that, even though its it gets a deeply like philosophical, abstract there's no reason why they would be experts on how people are supposed to feel or think. My answer, I think people are supposed to be happy response, be joyfully and we're supposed to be content. But that is not a natural automatic response to just raw human existence. the natural human response to one of the things: without any response of meaning to existence itself. You took all take out any despair and and and anxiety, response is despair. And and and anxiety and dread. There's a norm. Mcdonald has a a bit that I saw
was making the rounds recently where he was saying. You know, though, someone So in summary commit suicide. Everyone always says I don't understand why they did it Well, it's actually very empathetic, and it's it's true. The point is that, of course, at some level you can understand why somebody would despair of existence if you're a human being and you've I believe this, this library use or not to be accurate is the way it is. Then you know there there's something else, there's something else here too and that that is that when it comes to mental illness, man you know there there's something out. There is something else here too, and that is that, when it comes, unfortunately had to deal with mental unless one of the ways that that I I've you know I can speak. When you deal with mental illness, one the ways that that I ve no anger speaks or personally are one of the ways that that I think you can tell when somebody really does need help and we're not talking about somebody who is feeling some sort of oxen and goes to doctor for a pill, or is that Outsiders can tell there are verifiable signs from the outside. You can tell by behavioral characteristics The person needs one of the main characteristics that I've seen at least when in dealing with people
friends and family for mentally ill is that they themselves can't tell if it is happens? A lot more people are so did their extraordinarily deeply, anxious and big I can't even tell how anxious they are because they're so inside their own head or they're, so deeply depressed that they can't tell they haven't been eating for for days on end or their or their so obsessive about things that they can tell that this coming from outside. They think it's a true desire to just you know for sure will organise and organise an organised- and these are all things that have some verifiable component- one of the things that we join with Mental illness is something that we ve done generally, which, as we know to the emotional self definition of people and you get to meet your own best resource one than we know from every social science reporting ever done, is status, the worst form of social. This you reports whenever you're reporting by your own status people are really bad at this. You actually, when we say I know myself the best. That's actually not true. Probably the people who are closest to you know who better than you do because you have,
Bizarrely subject a view of yourself right. You tend to inflate certain parts of yourself and deeply certain parts of europe, and so when it comes to this sort of mental condition you're in one the dangers that we have very often is p who are self diagnosing and then they go to the doktor and that after actually isn't diagnosing them they're coming it in their saying, I feel depressed. I need a pill Doctor because the doctor doesn't have the sort of humility to say you know I, I am not sure that's the case where we actually have to check into this. They just say: okay. Well, you say that you're, your own best advocate right, you're taught that patients are, post me their own best advocate patient, comes income playing a meeting yoga wealth in order What we really do have the new penniless him, then he paid his real but need pain is not quite the same thing as, as you know, psychic or or or emotional pain, are not the same thing at all. Well, and very often the people who are the ones who require the most help are the people who actually can't even recognize that they have the problem in the first place. That's particularly true, I saw my grandfather have schizophrenia people. frederick cannot tell they have a problem. They think their acting perfectly normally and probably naturally and they're not their delusional, and that's why
we'll take their meds very often oh, who most need dimension to people who have taken that bridge between between what what matter same and what benefiting there's this vast territory. That, I think, is really the problem we have is: there's gonna, be mentally ill people and there's gonna be people in despair. But yes, day, I was talking again and I will end. I cited Ben's fantastic, a creation than the rap song lap, hey did right did where foreign and and I was- I was saying that what will despairing view of human life? That is what a terrible ugly view of life that is one thing for some wrapper to come out with that, but it's another thing: when the new york times the elite tensions, this is a wonderful song is the strong of the year. This is a great expression of women, sexuality rethink. What now you ve got people facing the existential pain of life with no support The authorities have no support from the establishment of being told that this is what you are. This is what you are your wife. You know imagine unless that central. Thank you end up, then, state of mental illness. That is actually
violent rights caused by the book by actually, by the way, have a lot more respect for megan these stallion than I do for the new york times, because she knows that the song the song is tongue in cheek. You you and I can say that we still think it's vulgar. We don't like it would that's all fine, but she she's obviously be in only the new york times like elevated to being known It was absolutely a work of art. My whole point is, I do not mind there being an obscene little diddy on the radio that doesn't bother me in the least. It bothers me that there's no old men around to say that's a terrible thing to say. Not you not what you are at all you know with the web of it actually ties into something been said, and it ties into your movie man, which is its prey. The most interesting of the movie and no one has talked about it, we when you asked that the african tribe is what is a one year. They gave a different answer the lips did and a different answer than the conservative skip right. the lib say blah blah blah woman's. Whenever a woman is whenever woman, Israel and then
certainly say: well, if you have two x chromosomes and breasts and I'm your woman and the africans didn't say that they did it in the way. Ben was just talk, but they said well, a woman is someone who does the role of a woman, a man as someone who does the role of a man it's being defined outside if you buy other people and by the the functions that you have in a political community, which is a deeply of obviously expected of the african drive and that's a deeply d. We conservative point of view that even many american conservatives did I wait for this is why I think it's hilarious when the trans lefty wackos will say things like your gender is a social contract and there are seventy two of them and one of them is gender queer. So I'm supposed to believe that this city, which has men's and women's firms exclusively for going all the way back to the invention of the restroom, also constructed gender queer like the thing
self is so? It's a construction than those, yet there are only two genders, especially if it's a social contract right. That's all the socialist red confront the ethic. The answer that I gave me because they did go right to the duties and responsibilities It's a little bit of talking before they gotta, while obviously a woman as breast and binding, but what the ants maiden I think the answer on that level because they figured what why would anyone asked tat question the answer they were actually answering the question of what? What? What ought a woman be like what what what should a woman. But during that knowledge and gender expression and eternity, maybe conservative should grant that premise that, yes, obviously there is such a thing is gender expression and I guess that's a distinct concept from sex, it's just because they have idea what a woman should be, what to do and for a man. That's one of the reasons why they don't have like been pointed out that in these societies, where they have a strict
roles, responsibilities. They don't have the mental illness and and depression. But I I that's a question. I actually asked the the woman. I can remember for millions of the film or not do you guys have russian here and she said. No, we don't have that and that's that. I think she was being quite quite sincere. They just they don't have it, because if you're, not in our society, where people are wandering around in this haze, all the time they have no idea what they're supposed to be doing or do or or saying or anything, and that's going great anxiety and anxiety is the key from the unknown? It comes from from from ambiguity and self course where it were a society totally besought by inside it, Wondering what your duty is to get life insurance in particular, if someone and on you having insurance through your job may not be enough. Most people need up to ten times more coverage to properly provide for their families in the event of their death. In an unpredictable economy, life insurance cannot,
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see how much you could save a policy genius dot com. I think we have to move on to other topics, but when one thing I want to say here is that anytime we have these conversations as conservatives we, we can be fairly absolute as conservatives, because we're reactionary by definition only and we're reacting to over to overreaching positions. Taken by the left, One thing that I think is important is that we not let our idiotic g actually create a framework and suggest that god has to operate in it there. Obviously people who have experiences that we we can't relate to that we, and observed there are people we also we do live in a society. We don't live on the plains of africa and fairly grateful for that, because they have all kinds of problems, We don't have them glad that we don't have in our seas. I agree whatever the root cause of things like mental illness, we had denied the women we will society and that there are a lot of people who need our empathy as I know that a lot of people watching us have this conversation fill that in some way
we're saying that they are wrong and perhaps in some ways we are suggesting today than in what sense that they may be. What because they shouldn't take all these drugs missionary these drugs are, they just need to get over it or there is neither a church more. They interpret what whatever it is. People are often think that we're trying reduce their ignoring that out of existence. That's that's not what we're saying what we're saying is in and as in a funny way we're saying there four things in Heaven and earth than are dreamt of in our current philosophy and that a lot of the things that people are experiencing are not caused by the things that they've been told, they have been caused by and the answers may not will lie in the direction that they ve been told worldly, while in germany, what you know marks famously said religion, religion is the opium of the people in a way, I guess that's true, it's it's at least a good medicine that is fixing but when you take religion out of the picture, when you take god out of the picture, do you know what the opium of the people is? opium literally opium our culture to bar
a phrase from the left. I think I think we're talking about validated really very validating the sum. If you're struggling with depression, hear this versation as people respond by by saying well you're you're, saying I don't really have this or you're minimizing. I think it's quite the opposite, where it it's it's, it's the people, medical eyes. It automatically that I think, are our mental I think it may there what their say is what you feel this way. In viola- that's crazy, here's a drug, I could go away what I'm saying It is exactly the opposite. Is that you're not crazy for feeling this way, it's a very deep and serious problem, but I think we need to explore solutions to it. That are It is important to this to say that what ben says is absolutely true. There are people that the drugs help there are people who have a a chronic condition. That is, It is not related to the it's not related to the their situation.
I will say, as somebody who, in my youth suffered from a true mental illness, and I believe that, on the subject of a miracle- and I was actually cured of mental illness, I'm I'm sure add the drugs hadn't been invented them because they would have given them. I was sleeping like twelve you talking about the fact that I got all my sleep. It's true. I sleep like twelve thirteen fifteen hours a day was incredibly depressed and just talking somebody who knew what he was doing and who, inspired me and who gave me a father figure that I'd never had. That actually heal me when the regulation will I'm so glad that they want thinking us. I'm one when I take away your diagnosing us, would transgender ism so grateful if they didn't say we're all gay every time We had a outside of orthodox thought. I grew up in a time where you had the where you had the opportunity to go through the human, various without suddenly having become your identity and I'm so, I think the great trailer native rights really there's really judge it started.
into that that there really is such a key is the idea that that is, it's very funny will we're a society that focuses in a lot of on choice, but then it's kind of a one size fits all approach to all of these problems is to to pathologize and and medical our problems, Why will we're all saying, I hope, is a sort of the same thing which is in a way investigate all the options before. Where you get it before. He gets it this this last one, and I think that this sort of fundamental move of the medical establishment for a long time here has been to make this first priority. Now there'd be a lot of people who are going to go through a bunch of different options and- and people may need medicine those people mainly drugs. Nor do I think that is worth and after and after, why not explore a range of different potential solutions to your problem before being medicated and an end after being medicated it. It may very well be the case or just a person need something to help them reset and others. Was the argument when they started that right and it, but you know it it. Does I keep going back to the culture? Could I think we?
so much about the individual with mental illness as as well. Saying. I think they could be a variety. I think the cultures mentally ill. I think we we're living in a culture, and it's not just the freedom. It's not just the idea that we can do more things and people can do before it's that that our our system of elder elders is passing down traditions, our systems of of loving nor traditions, of paying tribute to the facts. where human beings, and that we can love and that we do have these spiritual experiences. All of that has been like brutally, I think, destroy wait just in the last twenty or even the conservatives have done this. I mean this is yes, I agree when we we make fun of Hillary Clinton, because she says it takes a village in what she by that is gimme your kid one, but it is obviously takes a village to raise a child. It takes a village to trans a child and that's what the village is doing right now and that's why one in five kids are saying that there are clear or transgender, and so it is beyond just a personal or even a family issue. It is a political one
as well, and it's a cultural problem to your point. We need to reset those kinds of roles and that just basic now formality if we want to? We want to improve, so well, there's a joy and being rooted in others it. This is something that every kid inherently knows, which is why divorce really is so devastating for children Emily durkheim, who is one of the founders and serve of cycle, busy a psychological societal study, durkheim suggested that societies suffer from animal, which was this condition of a sort of malaysia is the lead to very high levels of suicidal ideation, one of the things that that he said into. This was a society that had rejected traditions and it had made people feel not embedded in any sort of of culture or system that gave them that fear, of rudeness who used to get that fuel of rudeness thousand of them. You got it from your grandparents who live, probably with you. You got it from your parents. We're bringing you up, you got it from your. well knew your name and followed you when you were a child over the course of your childhood. Yet you got it
your church and from your senegal, where he used to go every day more. Everybody knew each other. You gotta from your school, where the same teachers taught them for twenty years and he knew the teacher needs you them in the supermarket. Ten years after graduated instil, say hello, you from your job, because the truth is that you'd go into an office, as you know, most of the people you work with, and then you go to a bowling league after that. Well, how those for the threads of fabric have now cut by society that has decided that in the name of freedom we have to because all of those things fixed you into place? Well, it's true. All those things fix you into place, but you know what people need fixedness. I know that we like to think of ourselves as sort of atoms that are freely floating out there. This is what choices about the even we on the right. We use the the the notions of rights and liberty, and this is what is supposed to make us most fully. Human is the rights and liberty, but the truth is rights and liberty have to exist within the fixed on fines of an imbedded existence, human beings are meant to be embedded in bodies their they're meant to be embedded in them,
these in communities in churches. Incidentally, we all get a feeling of violence from that and we have those feelings of velvet. We look for them in really really bad and ugly places, and if we don't find it anywhere, then we just send a kind of wandering round aimlessly in there. That has really serious psychological consequences and bouncing around in the physical world is too mats point. people that one of the major problems with this new world will we find all of our community nodding community we find oliver com, pace, digitally our and we never really have to interact in real physical space with our community and the one of the is there of. That is that we never develops actual the sort of social, the robust social skills right there, the ability, deal with discomfort to deal with insecurity to deal with anxiety and rolls what What you in your friend group, who are you when every friend group this guy is that guy and this guy is the one you make this joke about. It he's the one who goes in whatever, and but
am online in the virtual world. You just don't have. And it's it's even worse than that, because it doesn't just deprive you of social skills and community and but also deprives you of a real interior life you, know we're being deprived of our inner life. That now will you farm not only your social connections but your inner life and existence? to the internet and the internet. Even does all the thinking for you, which is one of the reasons why you know kids, kids, these days, boy who grow up just with her with her pads into the phone all the time, aren't even able to enable to think on us on a certain level do as they do all their thinking through the internet. what jeremy was saying before. I think the one of the problems with the internet- and I love the internet of things on one or two of them all if you use a right, but it also deprives you of one of the hardest used to develop in life, and I think it is developed by the kinds of structures that Ben is talking about. Is the idea that do people have an inner life that, like yours and it's not that different?
You don't have a lived experience that is so different from mine. I mean everything including the golden rule, do unto others is based on the idea that I have some sense of what's going on in there. You know you have a unique experiences, but their unique human experiences and my experiences are also human. I think the internet has stripped us of that. why you get the stuff on twitter, where I just think to myself the thing You're, saying even to me who you know greeting to you is going to change me because I have people who love me and I have a structure in my life and I have people around me and I have a very deep sense of other people's lives. But when you say to somebody I mean I've. I've heard things that they've said to all you guys at speeches where they stand up and they say these horrible things do, and I think you know that's not going to Math, that's not going to change then been integrated. You it makes you less of a person What you have done is a race that other person and thereby a race does it does hurt my feelings or your sensitive guy,
So but you know they, you know here here, I'm grabbing it I'm going to say one thing here, because I'm in the holy land- and I never proselytize on behalf of my religion, because I'm literally prohibited by my religion from proselytizing religion, but here's- the good news I don't actually have to proselytize on behalf of my religion, I can now proselytize on behalf of your religion. So if it is in mine as well, everybody needs? Sabbath, okay, no sabbath has gone out of style. Everybody needs sabbath seriously if everybody in the united states and in the western world started taking yeah, but seriously, I don't mean like sabbath, as in it's a sunday, I'm going to go to church for an hour and then relieve. I mean, like you, make it stay, where you are just with your family and just with your community, like I will say in immunity. This is the thing we do right friday, night saturday night. All go off. All the tvs go off and I'm spending every waking moment with my family. with members of my community, finding friendships finding that rooted structure we need that no longer needed no lost my now than ever so far
where's, the timing. Literal no longer I mean illegal it, we don't turn on and off lights right. I mean like none nothing, but you meaning that extreme right and then in order to experience the joys of tat, there's a reason that god rested a seventh day and once I spent the rest of the week working there comes a time when sabbath in some ways is the hardest work, because you have to disconnect from all of those things that you found meaning in and you have to find the real meaning, and that is again in god and community. If, if we are, I firmly believe that if western civilization did about one month of actual sabbath time, it make a transformative. Friends in the lives of hundreds of millions of people and as of employer god also commanded that you have to work six, eight the end. However, he ag actual text us six days. You will and on the seventh day. So you know you even to bends point on the sabbath any it's so important and if it were my Let me sum and that there is a discussion that cropped up recently about sabbath laws and a lot of
we're going way even in the deep south, which used to take them very seriously, and a lot of people think sabbath laws are just about what your finger and no buying beer on sundays or something that that's not what laws. not about have beer is bad because people are buying beer every other day of the week. Sabbath laws are not about wagging your finger and pretending to be a good person on sunday when you're, not a good person, the rest of the week, sabbath laws. Or about exactly what you're talking about. Then there about don't go to the bar all day. Don't go don't just like, hang out and do your job and do commerce all if it's actually, but for and you are strongly encouraging you to be with your family be with your computer. I actually gets a witnesses when I lived in england because when I got there are seven years when I got there sunday, everything shut down every sunday is no, it was one and it was. the interest and you couldn't get into a store. You couldn't find anything you couldn't buy anything slowly over the course of those seven years. They retracted those laws and the but he got worse. There is no question about it
and that was sixteen twenty two yeah bill and I used use this around yeah, so congress voted this week to protect gay marriage. It's really urgent urgent. If there's one thing, that's definitely happening, and I read clarence thomas gonna take over the supreme court anymore, with it being are also threatening to take away clarence, Thomas's actual seat on the court and pass term limits, because the left's answer to anything not going their way to destroy the troy is end it all and before before the show started, we were talking a little bit about this sort of move towards social conservatism is happening in the country, the the pushback even from within the glp. It's like they we've been told my entire time in the conservative movement, my entire adult life, I've been told that we should avoid social issues.
delicious, are losing issues. We now see that almost the only what winning issues in the west at all the thing that unites the west from from Israel to eastern europe, to los Angeles itself, actually are these social issues and yet a lot of the politicians, are still very afraid to go near them. What what do we make of of this moment and how should we think about it in terms of the un election. The presidential little will follow two years later, How do we navigate these social issues, not as authoritarian, not as tyrants, but conservatives day, the republic is especially the ones in congress can never be counted on to have any courage or moral clarity to get that out of out of your fantasies, however, they can be counted on. Do what is in their political interest, and I am firmly convinced, after virginia after young, after what's going on with reindeer santas after what we're seeing around the country. I am firmly
against the social issues are overwhelmingly winners for conservatives they will rewarded. Obviously, there's some new ones for this, and you got to pick some of your battles. I think conservatives in republic will be rewarded for staff for them and voters like integrity, if you, if you say for the last, I don't know ever from the dawn of time until A week ago, conservative said marriage is between a man and a woman, and then forty If republicans in the house or overnight they say no, never mind, that's terrible! That's a horrible, vague, bigoted view eve. I think even the people who I agree with gay marriage are going to look at those people and say: well you don't stand for anything, you don't believe a damn thing and you blow in the wind. This is to me the great message of donald trump. This is what donald trump Donald trump's gift to the concert to the republican party is that Supply did show you that these could be winners and had just having curry To come out and say these things, makes you a better. A more attractive political personality
I watch this. I know we have this overflown rhetoric and thou trumps talks to us. We hitler, george, w bush is hitler knowledge, but I've been sitting watching some of this, this gender stuff, and I think, like if Joseph mink I had gone to adolf hitler with gender, affirming shirt surgery. Hitler would go, look at us a little far away while you know, let's get, I don't want to get cruel. You know that social issues are political winners. I I believe that so we should make arguing for that reason, but but we also have to make the argument that there are also you can't abandon these issues. even if you are even if they work local winners, you cannot abandon them without giving up on civilization, and that includes marriage. I think what what we've learned with social issues is that the only way we lose them is ever to too afraid to make the argument and to explain them. But when we do explain them. People find that the explanations are actually they make a lot of sense, and so, for example, it's not that hard to say in others, there's a lot more than can be said about the marriage issue, but we're told
there is marriage equality and that the so called marriage between a man and a man is equal to the marriage between the man and woman. Well, that's obviously not true because equal means the same and so in the union, between a man and a man. Is it the same as in students and function as the between men and women, obviously not because the union between a man and a woman has within itself in principle the capacity to create people and so clearly like, even if, if human society was erased and we're building everything up from from from the, and up- and we didn't have any memory of anything else and we walked around and we saw people kind of coupling off and some of these couplings created people and then others didn't. We were trying If the name doesn't we probably give them different names, because they're very clearly different things and that's that's a. I think it's just illogical arguments before you even into the morality of it, but a conservative so off we are afraid even go. There see what rubio said. This was a there's there's something to that.
so I went into the notion that there there's deep, feared there's something to the notion, obviously, that the deep fears, what drives the republican party, which is why they ve run headlong from these these four years, despite the fact that, by the way, when it comes to the social concern of issues like marriage, marriage being a huge one, obviously If we want to win minority votes, actually, minorities tend to be significantly more socially concern about these issues than white people. So for all the talk the progressive party. The reality is that the republicans are being anti progressive in a lot for his when they where are being progressive in a lot of ways when they, when they embrace gay marriage, but they're they're, actually not working with the people there. That are the diverse parts of the coalition, but there's something else here that actually gives republicans a second bite at the apple, and that is that well the arguments that were made by the left
located on the idea that the slippery slope was why and that, if we just if we get x, we certainly won't go for whitinsville. If, if we get civil unions, we definitely won't go for gay marriage, we get. Marriage is not going to affect your marriage. If we, if we get gay marriage, is not going to affect how we teach our kids in school and here's the problem. All of that now rings hollow, because it's not true right. We've seen the other side of the slippery slope and so on. well now fight back and they say, listen we're perfectly willing to allow you to do whatever you wanted in the privacy of your own bedroom, because we don't believe government should have the kind of power that I them to just break down your door and find out what you're doing in there, but by the same token. He's totally insane the union doctorate, our kids, with the idea that all forms of human sexual experience are morally quibbling, done every level or societal equivalent in terms of utility that that is a very strong argument that has become only stronger because the left is pushed so far in this sort of stuff. Did you see what rubio said on this issue? I have two cheers for marco rubio, because that this ridiculous house bill about defining marriage.
obviously there is no threat whatsoever from the supreme court. Clarence Thomas is not the emperor of america. Unfortunately, that happened. The house votes for this goes to the senate. They asked rubio. Are you going to vote to codify, saying sex marriage- and he said I'm not going to because it's a waste of time and I thought you're right on the first part, but it's not it's not because it's it's a waste of time but marco. That's not why you oppose same sex marriage if you do oppose it and pre pete buddha, because he's a fairly clever additional called him out for me. He said that's bs or you this is all you do is waste time, you're, lousy with time. You are not voting for this because either you don't think that that's what marriages and you're afraid to say at all you do think. That's what marriage is, but you don't want to upset your conservative base and he called him out and he said rubio you're not going to make this substantive argument and to your point, then you have core into your point. Matt. You have to make that substantive argument. I don't think, there's anything hate
a big added in saying men and women are different if men and women are different than that institution is different funding, essentially different from the same sex institution, and the reason that we oppose same sex. Just because we believe it's onto logically impossible, so we're saying be nice to gay people. Don't got your way to be mean to gay people, but there are differences in reality, see that we are going to respect and we're not going to lie it's a political winner. It requires like two ounces of courage. The new york times is going to hate you by the way. That's a political winner too, but you know this. This argument been just like the abortion argument, was distorted by row. This argument has been so distorted by Oberg fell scalia in his brilliant assent, which may be my piece of legal writing in all of history, says the state can make any arrangements about marriage at once and they're going to be a bat reactions to it and good reactions. Wouldn't the can make dumb all kinds of dumb laws, and he said the the the
supreme court should have a stamp. This is stupid, but not unconstitutional and and thing is we we even have that argument. We're arguing about a decree from these justices that says, if they had no right to make. An argument is absurd, totally absurd, and so the Democrats are cleverly putting publicans in a position where they either have to say on for this or against, instead of getting up as we should to do and make our arguments in our states in winter whoops, loose and also will put them put them in. and I'm kind of opposition to because before Make our argument for what marriages our response, we all know what what? What are you? What are you? What are you saying marriages you, but you know that you can humanist this next move it yeah. What is merited human society basically agree for thousands of years what marriages and You came along and said: well it's not that, okay, what is it then? What exactly? Is it? and they never provide an answer to that, because they're never
where to no one ever asks them like what exactly, even if only to go with you for a second an answer will maybe this meant maybe we're rumbles homeric think for thousands of years. What? What? What is that? what's the new definition, endeavor never provided on a legal level. It's also just the complete erosion of contract law right, they're, part of what they're, after in the redefinition of marriage. Is this idea that only the government gets to decide what your contractual relationship the person is doesn't even matter what the two of you of agreed there all these places. Now, where the government will allow you to enter into an agreement that they don't like, or the government will forfeit in agreement that you did make that they now. Don't like, and
it comes full circle to something Ben was saying earlier, which is essentially that that the the and we've said this before, but the central premise of the left is anything that isn't illegal is mandatory, that they they can't abide you existing in any sort of free state. They can't they can't handle, and this is a very human thing- people hate tension. They can't live in tension, they they can't say this. Is I actually don't wanna make that political point cause people get hung up on it, but people hate tension, they reject it, and so we go from no fault divorce, which is essentially a way of saying. The contractual relationship that you made with your spouse is now renders just doesn't exist, it's meaningless, and now that can't be enough, it has to be, and also any variety of other people, have to be able to enter into the same meaningless contractual relationship. It's all just a it's all, just a way of the state to bins. Point moving, you from the behaviors
they like and away from the behaviors that they do not like that or any of this link. All of you know the deregulation there's. Something else has huge. That's right of all the hebrews like make you a slave, every single but they do guides guide you into addiction, is self destruct in the end to pay where you need, where you become dependent- and I don't even know if they consciously do that, but Certainly, there must be some concept of humanity that they stand that we can't live like this and be free, then You know that there's something else here too, when it comes to that the arguments about marriage, one of the things that you'll hear from left always is what what what what's the argument from marriage was the argument for marriage and there are. There are plenty of fantastic natural law arguments for marriage, and it is in fact one of the easiest things to explain in all. of of human behavior, as is matt explained in about three sentences mean this is not very difficult. Men. Women create babies. Babies should be raised by biological parents as an ideal there. We just garage okay. This is not. This is not topic at all, however, the what the left likes to do and they play this game
they never have to have a rationale for why they're doing what they do. They demand a rationale for why you're doing what you do and what they something to do by doing that is really undermine. One of the fundamental basis of of conservatism, in general, which is inherited wisdom. We use heuristics. all the time in life we don't we explain everything that we do on a daily basis, because there's just not enough time to do that. We say well yeah, my dad did it that way or if you ask people agricultural techniques in the third world, and then they may not know why they've been doing crop rotations or they can explain to you the the report, the the replenishment of the of the if the materials in the soil they just know that their dad did it and at work right this. This goes back to some of the stuff. We were saying about science, one of the way. Is that we actually determined what works and what doesn't if we try stuff until we find something that works, and then we just keep doing the stuff that works, and hopefully, over time you build up this giant bulwark of things that work and life gets better progressively over time that that's the basic idea of inherited wisdom. What the left they come along, they say inherited. Wisdom is moot. You cannot use that. You can't say we ve had the saying its work for thousands of years and has been a fundamental way.
Of our society for thousands of years nets. Enough of an argument. Instead, the bird If the proof is on you to prove that a thing that has worked for thousands of years, why has it worked? You have to explain how his work? What if I just say it's working so you're going to explain to me why it should be destroy us. explain to me. I think that would allow mentally, not working. I think that's really important, because it is important to be critical of inherited wisdom. It isn't wisdom at the camp, stand criticism the idea that we should do what our parents did, because our parents did. It is a beginning, perhaps of wisdom, but it's certainly not the incoming just ditch it, because your parents did it but you can think about it, you can think about it and some some of the things that our parents did or wrong it's it's good to challenge historic notions. But the second part of what you said, I think, is the really important piece which is. It is a satisfactory answer to say that something works, and so it isn't that every person has to be an expert and an apollo,
just for every single piece of inherited wisdom. I think that it is important that people like us sit around in and critique traditional inherited wisdom as much as we would critique a new idea that we did we tested that we see if it stands the test of time, not everything does something's something. I do get better with time because we're because we do challenge those historic dentistry, but but but when some, but something working is a pretty good recommendation, but but also you should challenge it within the contact. The bends point I think, of the traditions and the ideals of your of your country and your culture. The idea The martin Luther king law should live into the meaning of your creed is much much differ in saying this is an inherent israel outcome and I grow and angry you know, there's a but very tutor, there's also right there. There is an argument that conservatives, and for awhile, I think tactically, because they thought it was going to work, but it it doesn't work because it doesn't stand up to historical scrutiny, which is they thought the the way to to beat the marriage issue. was to say well, let's just get merit government out of marriage altogether, and I think what,
we've seen certainly in recent years, but for all of human history is that government at some level to some degree is always involved in marriage because met the mayor. it is the fundamental political institution that is a unit of political society, and so sometimes you'll hear people say well, George, wash ten didn't need to get a marriage contract, which is, I guess, sort of true If there was an established church in virginia when George Washington got married, so the church was very closely associated with the state, and this has been true throughout history. So obviously the political community is, has to have something to say about marriage, is going to have something to say about anything. It's going to have something to say about marriage, And- and so I would just encourage the I don't I mean to pick on Marco rubio, but I would encourage the republicans who want to get out of this issue. you can't avoid. You might not be interested in the culture and the politics, but the politics and nobody is interested in you. compromise abolishes commit government marriage. It reminds me of the compromise that concern
tried for, while in the bathroom issued by say well, its biggest supper. Bathroom for transport is a compromise, and it because bends. Point about well. Why why we ve been talking about compromise at you? You're you're, coming along and challenging this historical notion. I agree with Ben the burden of proof Where are you can explain anything a burden of proof is on you, you, you have to ask why you child what? Why should we change the bathrooms at all? It's it's up to you to explain why and if you want to tear down there, initial marriage that has stood for thousands of years before. I explain Why? I believe in that effort that definition, what why should we do it? The quota balls in your court we're giving you that the microphone you explain yourself, I shouldn't, have to explain the same thing with pronouns. If someone comes along and says, oh, my new pronoun is this: you have to use this pronoun. Why should I have to do that? No, I don't well, if you're not going to. If you're going to use the pronoun nudes explain to me why you're not going to use it now, I don't have to explain anything
you are the one coming with this absurd new notion. It's up to you to explain it and feelings are not an explanation. No, not in others, lived experience. You know this is one of the things that gets me every bigot. I know when you challenge him on his bigotry. Sites live I lived experience yeah, I was mugged by like Iraq, you know so I don't like black people or I was cheated by jewish cause. I don't like judea or whatever, whatever it is, and you think like. Let's not really my feelings can be an explanation is just a day. Then they they to another question because of the birth of the persons use this pronoun, I say why should I do that they say will make me feel better. My next Why do I care about that? How don't? Why do I care what you I feel, and what are the actual ramifications of the policy that you're advancing the the one thing that you see on the left. I used to think that it was unintended consequences. Now, I'm actually not even sure that they're unintended by people who actually create the policy but they're, certainly unintended by most of the people who support the policies? Is that people don't they? They only think about their policy preferences in a vacuum. They never think so in a vacuum
eight, a bathroom for the people who are uncomfortable in either of the other. Two vacuum bet restrooms. If that's the only question, then it's a fine compromise. It makes perfect sense, but it doesn't just exists and that in that vacuum that have their implications of what you have just done, there's a there are political implications. We're olympic are very practical implications when they talked about doing away with them. Don't ask don't tell in the military one of the that I had about. It was ever eventual if everyone in the military will have to have a private restroom yeah right, because it is the right of a human being to take a shower without being actively concerned that they are being actually assessed. That's why we don't let men and women take showers in the military to get even the military to the bathroom in the morning. Isn't that I don't want to feel like I'm being even in the military, where we make people do all kinds of things they don't want to. Do. We don't make men and women take showers together, while making,
and men take showers together, stops being different than that. If you know that the person next to you is sexually is potentially sexually attracted to you that that is a that is a fundamental change and- and so I I still believe we will see over time. The only two alternatives now are that women can't actually have a safe place. shower in the military or everyone must have an individually safe place, and it's not that you get that you don't get all these outcomes in a day, but this give it a minute you're going to get to one of those two outcomes. You know that there, there's again, that the left has been playing really, since the nineteenth century is where They would always say that the personal is political right. How you live. Your life is actually a statement about the political world, but there's something that the left has also done and they've done. It reverse. What they've basically said is that the political is the personal and what they mean by this. And they don't say these words, but this is really what they're doing is they? They pick their particular and then they suggest that we ought to
is the societal rule, and then we pretend that has no ramifications at all. So when it comes to same sex, marriage, for example, they'll say something like well. Why we care about. You know me and my boyfriend getting married. After all, what does our gay marriage have to do with your marriage? And the answer is well, it doesn't have anything to with my marriage, but I'll tell you what does have to do with my marriage. Is the entire societal rule for what marriage is that You generalize will level that, of course it has an impact on my marriage and what what I left later. They do this on every on pretty much every score right, they'll! Do it on on gender as well they'll say: what does it matter to you? If you just call this man by a woman's pronoun? Why does it matter to you what that that doesn't really matter to me very much, which is why I've said that, if I'm at dinner with somebody and it's going to really insult them or something I don't really care I'll come wherever they want I'll call them I'll call them napoleon doesn't matter. What does matter to me? Is this societal standard with regard to what is truth? That, of course, has
applications for me and so what the left again likes to do as they liked to evade the argument that societal rules have societal impact by pointing to singular cases- and they say the singular case has no impact on you or of course the singular case has no impact on me. The societal rule does and we're not talking about the singular case we're talking about the societal rule. On that weak noteworthy then go to bed, because it's very, very late Israel, where he is currently. Thank you guys for joining us. you can see more of each one of these guys and all of our wonderful content at daily wire, plus dot com head over to daily wire plus, you can get Jordan peterson The entire library of Prager university can get the movies that are being made by the daily wire, coming soon you'll be able to get our excellent kids content. We can't wait for you to see more about it. That's daily wire, plus dot com use, promo code plus you'll get thirty five percent off your new membership, that's daily wire, plus, dot com and we'll look forward to seeing you guys again, the next time we're together for backstage.
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Transcript generated on 2022-07-30.