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Daily Wire Backstage: DNC Dumpster Fire Edition


Did the Democrats manage to pick up any new votes after the show? Was not naming it the Democratic National CHAZvention a mistake? Will the Republicans be able to pull off a better spectacle? Is there any chance Biden will actually debate Trump after all of this? 

Join this roundtable discussion featuring Ben Shapiro, Andrew Klavan, Michael Knowles, and Daily Wire god-king Jeremy Boreing, as they get to the bottom of these questions and more.

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Hey everybody, Missus Bennet Shapiro and today we are dropping a brand new backstage wouldn't be discussed, everything Dnc related all the politics of that. I take a lesson I think you'll enjoy wherever the picture, but that's trend on Twitter. Welcome to the daily wire backstage the Dnc Dumpster Fire addition, I'm sure, We boring known round here as the boss, man, sir, and also got king lurk estate, orchestrate we're glad have turned enroll Intro the Democrats managed to pick up any new boats after this crap show. The week was not naming the democratic convention, be chairs version, a mistake on their part and will Republicans be able to pull off a better, you is there anyone gods brain earth. That Biden has actually
it will. Anyone on government are to be able to convince your mind to get on a stage and about Donald Trump, though jointly made to discuss all of this and more binge parolee Andrew Craven, Michael Knolls, and of the illegal cross. With this be a satellite Eurasia would be good for us. Well. Roca, question thou spring of how awful the Dnc was is met Wash contractually obligated to host a seller. Dnc Watch party, like I'm, contractually obligated to be here every month. We leave nothing to transfer and as we are brand new things, I'm contractually obligated to do sick around tonight, for they all access lies, that's happening after the show enjoying all the guys, Jeremy Ben Michael, drew and, of course, more Four members only live stream. Discuss discussion. That's got to be me. By yours truly and if you want to join us, here's the thing you have to be accessed and if you are a member golden click, the link in the description below wherever you're watching this once the show and to join the discussion and if you like me, a good sale, great news for you. We have
limited time offer going on so you can participate in tonight's lack those live because Daily Y, all access member for twenty percent off with coupon code access to join and on the fun. Thank you, relations will afford a visiting with everybody after the show, so guys wanna go Is about being well make a prey to being? You is that I don't have to watch every moment of the dancing in and talk about it the next morning. So for me it was kind of a crash course today, as the guy's kept chasing me down the hall with a laptop trying to get me to watch various parts of the decency and all I have to admit. I found it to be incredibly compelling television I actually sent in hoping to get the top bag when they went to commercial break. This was the most horrible public access tv show that has ever existed on God. I thought all of Hollywood was in service to the Democrats. How on earth
If somebody think that they can build this thing and call it television, what what are they think Andrew? You know one of the things that really struck me about. It is how protective they feel rightly feel they are by the news media. They know taking out up there and do what is one of the worst was one of the dullest chose ever featuring some of the most corrupt individuals ever making speeches about how awful America is, and yet every time you turned on not just CNN, but the networks as well. They were just absolute raptures. I mean that the idea that that is, incisive commentary too, should around my favorite line was. I think it was a Anderson, Cooper who said it was in. It was a history making and a history quaking history shaking speech, Hurrahed Obama, Margaret Brennan CBS, was actually clutching her hands to her chest like tests, hard after she been rescued by declaration, I mean just lay just feel they can count on that. I don't know we can see them the way,
we can- and I wrote you can always be wrong about this. I think the poles you're gonna go swing, trumps way to the dance. She I think was one of the few d and she's. It's not gonna have the usual bump, because it just a ball lightning in others this. This problem that the Democrats have had with taking things for granted, which, as they keep putting forward, thing Joe Biden has not a person. Joe Biden is nothing the same goal. For common heritage. Very third doktor Joe Biden has bombs are your bones husband and they they stand for nothing right. They just liquor. They put it up in the wind, they they figure out, which waits blowing the they don't stand for anything at all. This was true of the whole They learn the wrong lesson from Clint Eastwood in twenty twelve. We Is everyone alot looked at that Clint Eastwood speech when he talks to the empty chair and they said all how embarrassing what a weird moment that was the
a watchful moment from a party convention? Probably in my entire lifetime it was alive with spontaneous. It took an otherwise completely dull campaign, made it a little bit lively. Ideally, you'd want your candidate to be putting forth something new and interesting, but it, but in lieu of that at least put on a good show. The Democrats just feel that they don't have to. U knows that, there are some telling elements to this to this. First of all, it is clear that Biden and Harris were complete afterthoughts throughout the entire convention. The entire convention was rather Donald. Trump is very, very bad. Orange man and opera- does it really matter because he's about Orange man and then Joe Biden Light Bringer for summaries let us use the word light in that speech eleven times round me he actually crib from Marian William, since there are making fun of Marian Williamson and our second forces is Krim from all the way across from everybody else, and he did the dark verses light and Joe Biden. Fifty years on Capital Hill White Bringer is weird take, especially after a week of war in the throne.
Of fascism and we're about to destroy our entire democracy through voter fraud and all this stuff. But what struck me about the entertainment valid? That's the pure entertaining value of it was at the department that was the most interesting There are a couple speeches that that were me frankly, Schallibaum integrated job. I thought that Obama is good at what he does that mean for what he is he's gotta, what he does Biden. It was like watching Nick will end up in watching. Firstly to see if no one is going to fall and when you didn't There is a sense of like well that's good, but also slight disappointment and in these heart was the least entertaining, but in some way most amusing worthy actual entertainment figures they brought out like Terry Washington. What trust in our lives signal, I could think, is slow at thirty. Million bucks living in the Hollywood elsewhere, Levine's at stake under any circumstances. They brought over Billy Irish trade off this annex bottle to and fro us. How excited she was about endorsing Joe Biden from a graveyard emulate from an actual graveyard. Whatever other voters are is right in Illinois, although again like. I think that endorsing Joe Biden from a graveyard just two on the nose, it really is not its not appropriate. Frankly, midday
and her sing a kind of bizarre little dirty, and they had come into the twenty five minute music, video from the to sum up, and then they had Billy Port I never heard of in the last three years when he started back s getting up it at major events in women's garden in receiving all sorts of blood from the media. For this, but he's now like a big thing, I guess- and so he did the weirdest version of a bustle. Springfield song from nineteen sixty six written about the sunset Strip Riot, which are essentially a bunch of People were too much of a pain in the ass still a home at ten o clock at night broke curfew than right it over it, and this is supposed to be the big uplifted. The Democratic party like. Why is it that Corey Booker doing bad, comedy with Bernie Sanders was slightly more entertaining and the people who are the professional entered they brought Sarah Cooper like Hell, Sarah Cooper. Why me? Why we're lecturing me about voter for legislating, just mouths words to Donald Trump and as on Tik Tok, or something Why you Tom Hanks, like these, are bring Tom Hanks. I want the old days when it used to be like a real cavalcade of stars yeah. I absolutely I feel like they did
bring their a game. I mean we ve been saving the claimant here for the last six months. None of us have seen him cinnamon person much like Joe Biden he's been locked in a basement not coming out, but look at him he's beauty. We get that frame. He's got a beautiful, well fat whereby hi baby, looking good sense of humour and a sense of humor, I actually the pulse- I actually just don't understand how they could have been such a bad job inland unless it was on purpose- and this is the idea that I want to throw out you guys- was it actually deliberate habit. They haven't look as underground as it did, because it's their way of saying we, a cupboard seriously, were the only ones you take, it seriously were worth so serious about it were willing to look at it? In other words, is even that horrible production we just saw just a form of virtue, signalling that might be inside touching the daring Is it the direction? I was wondering there were times during this, but I was wondering whether they were asked.
We trolling people, I mean Elizabeth Warren, addressing the native american people, your bill Clinton you're. Talking about that, we have come. Things were in the oval office. Hillary Clinton still lamenting the fact that she was wrong. Let's face it, Abrams on the governor scandal, which is indeed still write a stroll of all time. That site. I really thought I thought I truly thought that they were shut. This show confident they are I confident that they have told us should have Donald Trump that they don't think they can lose. I really do think that I think that they are beyond feeling they are our vulnerable. They are putting up this guy. Who was just a full body suit disguise for the far left. You know. That's all he is. Kemal Hers, whose history of corruption is shown dense that, if tromp wakes up then starts going after her for that can talk forever about what she's done. She is a corrupt public official, an actual genuine corrupt public official, the kind we used to put in jail and
their show vulnerable, and yet they seemed so confident. This worry. I think that our House of Reagan Battalion business of their take on it every day they would tweet out. The list of all Absurdities Bill Clinton talking about propriety in the oval office, Rock Obama. Talking about love of constitutional protection and separate our Michelle Obama, talking about deep love of the country, you're right, maybe they may be the whole thing? Is it role? It wouldn't be the first time that they thought they could not possibly lose. Two Donald Trump We'll talk a little bit more about all that right. Now, though, I want to talk about our friends over at stamps dot com. We ve been telling you about stance to account for a long time here on the show, and that's because we ve been using stamped outcome for a long time here at the daily wire Ella S, bad traffic well used to back when people went
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it was a very historic stage, because we ve never seen a former president get up and lay into a sitting successor in the way that Barack Obama deities always seen himself as a historic figure and in he proof it. But I have to be honest: I've just been so glad over the last four years, not at the listen, that low hard, the only guy in the history of the country, to think that he was slumming in the presidency to think that it was too good from the job from them. That he got it. He was the kind of guy who makes the ocean stop rising, and then we made him. Go to work or put on its eye every day. I think he resented the country for it, hearing him back on the national stage, especially in such an ugly situation, I totally agree with this- I mean that the part about Barack have always found the most disquiet this his ability and willingness to hijack America's founding documents and then pretend that he stand with those Antioch documents when in reality he stands against virtually every founding principle of the country, because Progressive stood against was principles the last hundred twenty years. That Barack doesn't
You know I was here and concern has been like. Wasn't it that he was ITALY, saying that, while the constitution, and had problems with that? At least we can have. The mechanisms of the constitution is still work and I can tell them the principle the constitution, which are under declaration, are pretty specific, great natural rights, the princess government, a government institutions protect those a limited government of numerous powers, checks and balances. Those are the actual principles of the declaration of independence and the constitution. Barack Obama reduce that well standing in this hall at less honourable Mary can what he said. Here's Brok above on the constitution in Philadelphia where our constitution, was drafted and signed, there was a perfect document. Loud for the inhumanity of slavery and fail? guarantee women and even men who didn't on property the right to participate in the political process. But embedded in this document was
start that would guide future generations. A representative government democracy through which We could better realise our highest ideals I'm sorry to interrupt just on this. But I have to correct your record what he said is not true that this idea. First of all, that obvious. Women did not vote in large numbers at the time that the constitution was ratified, but some women did in the state of New Jersey. Women did vote this. This idea about slavery that that the framers of our country cited. Ok, well, we'll let the slavery question passed when other day this was an extraordinarily hot topic at the constitutional convention. They did more to guarantee the end of slavery than anybody else had done in the western world and in what. The alternative to allow there not to be the union, and then you have no way to abolish slavery. Just just on the factual points is wrong, but neither the it's really a despicable, and this is what has been doing for years. You didn't his second inaugural and I was the only person who got really irritated by this. He would cite the declaration of independence. And he would say things like, but we don't have to.
The same definition of liberty, which is what is at the heart of the declaration of independence is that we do have the same definition of what is in fact it's the only thing we basically have to agree on here. He says that what the station boils down to is not equal protection before the law, it is not individual rights, the previous government. It is not that all men are created equal, it's none of those things, it simply voting rights, representative from it and when he says representative government doesn't mean checks and balances. He doesn't like any. Those checks and balances he's come out against the filibuster, he's in favour of adding Puerto Rico and end in DC as states with your majority Marian representation registers staff, the United States, that it is in favour of staff. The court has said this openly. I mean this is not believes in any of the actual principles of the constitution. The founders we're not pure mob rule majority Syrians Any stretch of the imagination, which are vital in the duty of the constitution, is that protects minority right, that's any there. Next shall appoint he. Actually said. He actually said that the people demonstrating in Portland around the streets were
dream fulfilled and the constitution and in fact they were the nightmare, the actual nightmare. The founders was that that kind of representative democracy would lead to mob rule show thing you is, it actually was like opposite day, and it was very disturbing to see and again very disturbing to me to watch the press, which used to be good institution in this country, to watch the press just actually go right back into their. What I call their own face now they're going to ensure that everything is really just loving in ecstasy at this present in and it it just remind you again. That is not the way They cover Donald Trump that show disgusting notice, deceive even trump who deserve some of it. It is discussing, but it's the way they could bomber. The end then cover tromp for light and make an ever brok. Obama destroyed the media in America. That does actually his most lasting contribution is president he came along and because of the unique superficial aspects it. This is the amazing thing about it. Isn't there a deeper things about Brok of homage,
early, the superficial ones are created an environment where the press could not in any way be critical of the debate he he was almost like. Take you couldn't construct a better you're too, be immune from any sort of criticism from the press, and so after eight years of that they have no credibility left right and you could almost say that in their attacks on trumped they're trying to Overcompensate, to show that no, we are still a vibrant or speak institution, speaks truth to power, but it Maxie dies and darkness democracy dies and bite. It is true that the organic level of coverage, the Journal Islamic, you know a journal. Mrs getting everywhere will deny it. Was he really stick in awful added that the fact that they were journalists Ming all over the place? Where did their work after after Obama speech it was. It was really disturbing an there's, something that did Obama does and its clever, but watchman doing it for sixty years and their that inside outside game, where they say actually works when we win when we lose democracy, isn't working, you need to get out in the streets. Renaissance
it during speech. You said, the protesters are democracy, the, but I'm here to tell you that the system of democracy does work. So if you vote and you'll like people us- and we will do the work for you, That really is, is to all Americans we're not voting for democratic tacit blackmail. That is of, if you do not vote for us, we will allow these riots and looting and all this which, by the way, eight hours of coverage in primetime, not a single mention of a right, not a single mention of looting, not a single mention, a proper destruction by the way, not a single mention of chinese repression or chinese not a single mention of IRAN, not a single mention of any of these things, rageous De Dory out. Their apparently work, particularly in protest land without actually was a reference to IRAN. Was it there? If we elect Joe Biden works, we back in the neurons, yellow jelly examining really exciting. I want to talk about, then. Would you just brought up it? Is it the case that the argument that the Democrats are making is both for us and maybe we'll stop burning down your cities. Is it really the case that they're saying both for us and maybe you'll, get to go back to work ass and have a job again
Is it boil them? I've always noticed they say when they see these rights are mostly peaceful. I immediately think of the mafia protection rackets. You know they see they didn't they didn't blow up my store, their mostly peaceful, is effectively what they're, saying and even goes deeper than that, because in in frequently in tyrannical countries. There's not a lot of crime in the street. They repression is so tough that the crime, People are afraid because you get executed or whipped or whatever You commit a minor crimes and there's not a lot of crime in the streets, but all that crime is shocked into the government. The government other ones were committing crimes against liberty and against people, and that's what they're essentially saying will stop riding in the streets but the goals of the rioters, which are Anti American per se, will first, our government, by the way from their unlocked and point, are making this a hundred percent Romania. Could they featured Andrew Cuomo who killed ten thousand nursing home patients rights they featured Andrew Coma.
The new book called american crisis leadership during Kobe nineteen he's the worst governor number right under the nursing and having they should have allowed the book. If I did it right and if that is so unbelievably astonishing, but I was pointing out there are certain things that people just stop. Looking at New York state had yesterday, a grand total of, I believe at seven deaths, New Jersey. Entire state, had a grand total of eight that's yesterday from covenant. Not accord yesterday that reported yesterday, which probably means that its lower than seven or eight deaths in those states Manhattan had zero deaths and six before total diagnosed cases of carbon nineteen. Are there not reopening anything so now. It now there's no way to arguments, not political, because there are what the metric doesn't it. By which you cannot open. Under these circumstances, that's crazy tat begins like New Zealand. There is no argument going on anymore. You know it's just point on democracy. Is it real democracy if there is only one choice, because that's what they're telling you this is democracy in there's only one choice and if you dont vote for that choice, it's not demand.
This is an argument that the progressive said we have been making at least Woodrow Wilson, which is that it's all well and good, and wonderful and american as long as you vote for us, but there is an end, history? There is a progressive utopia, we're going there and if you stand in the way, you're evil in some way or your extremely stupid. It's why Barack Obama contrary to the view popular belief is not a good order, I know that y know. If you listen to the mainstream media Ryan lives, are the left wing journalists that it was the greatest convention speech just after previous convention speech was really the best not to take a cold shower I know you did he had to go. I love of twitter because he's a good order. Brok Obama's given like one and a half good speeches, is concession in New Hampshire was pretty good, the rest or not. That could think of that. Firstly, that convention speech, he said, There there is not a Red America there's, not a blue America. There is United States of America, wow Heraclius, Abraham, Lincoln incredible. He just utters these platitudes because he and the whole democratic Party believe that they are on the correct path of his,
ready. Bendy is you're you're, very the right side of history. It is going to end up there and they dont need to make our compare that to the oratory of Lincoln our actual greatest order. He was making extraordinarily dense, cogent arguments, logical arguments. The left feels they dont need to make those arguments because they ve taken off into politics. Out from us. We no longer that debate they just have to win and without journalism without journalism. There's no one to talk about. What is being said show. For instance, Michelle Obama mentioned what are what a great job Joe Biden didn't during you, a bowler but above all, it is not a disease that spreads very easily during the h when anyone pandemic or the flute that flew that was a complete fowl. By that administration, if I do not in any event, had been as bad as a covert nineteen, it would have been an
absolute slaughter. Millions of people literally would have died by their own admission by the admission of the people in the administration appetite. They said they said we screw this up. It was just walk that we got away with this. The way we did and show you know. That's the kind of that I think a journalist should references journals on both sides. They should do to trump. They should do to the dance she, but when you only have them like watching their chests and rolling their eyes on how beautiful it is. You really are cheating the public of a fair look. It doesn't bother me that politicians lie that's part of their job. It doesn't bother me that they support their team over the other team. That's part of their job. It really bothers me that the raft of bought off, I mean referees whistle, but the journalists were supposed to be. The referees at some level have been paid off. Ask if you don't understand what the media for true
you know who else out when its eyes and mouth about my second least favorite moment that happened in the convention. But first I want to talk about our friends at policy genius. I've been telling you guys now for a couple of months about my own personal experience of getting life insurance policy for first for myself and then a policy for MRS Boy
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craziest lines of the Holy Lynch and he said that covered nineteen is a symptom. It's not the disease, as I say it like that it gets ever old births been anything like any other metaphor golden metaphor, called it a metal metaphor and you think you're old Jack I and II joke right than my grandma, used said the laughter is the best medicine, which is why seven of us died of dysentery, I, my least favorite moment was actually- and I know that were supposed to be very sensitive to these sorts of issues, but when they trotted out the daughter of a Trump supporter who died of covert nineteen, I think we have the clap, to tell you everything, that's wrong with it. Lets us from the clip. My dad Marquis, Anthony or Chiesa should be here today, but he isn't. He had faith. And Donald Trump. He voted for him. Listen to him believed and his mouth pieces when they said that quota virus was under control and going to disappear, but it was ok to end social distancing rules before it was safe
and then, if you had no underlying health conditions, you probably be fine my dad was a healthy. Sixty five year old, his only pre exist, in condition was trusting, Donald Trump and for that he paid with his life. So I'm sorry. This is the most despicable thing that I've ever seen in american politics Perceval this Christian or Chiesa, terrible that her father died. But this is agreed behavior on her part. She is essentially telling you that her father is a rube who deserved what he got he deserved to die because he backed the politician that she doesn't like the fact that the Democrats would trot her out like this and let her make this kind of statement on national television is despicable and it could we please one time have a dnc where they don't
really accused the republican candidate of murder. I mean how many in a row is this where they say literally, someone comes out and says: death follows this person being elected president. Every thing about this is terrible, and I know we're not supposed to talk bad about someone, my christened visa, because she went through a tragic what she did. There is despicable and the only excuse is grief, even though she actually demonstrates no grief in the clip. They only grief. She actually talks about is having the sad that are dad was apparently wrong about Orange man bad. I thought that this was his low as it gets young men. I hope there. You know I'll say that I think that maybe she's coming from like an actual genuine place of grief- and this is all misguided, but it wasn't saying it was insane. You mean, first of all, the suggest seems to be that if you didn't believe Donald Frumpy with which a real hot, I mean thirty. Three thousand people died in New York last, I tracked hidden when New York and then another sixteen thousand or so died in New Jersey and in when New Jersey and another and thousands so dine mass using when Massachusetts finds out. Why
will they mostly major cities that are blue, so we're gonna go with like how people voted dictated whether they died of carbon I have a feeling isn't not to go and tacitly well, but that that the basic notion he puts out there when, as you say, the only This makes any logical sense of what is basically saying is my dad drink the fish tank later right, which is That story that they tried to find out at the very beginning when from was like, you should try hydroxide work when that woman number one member has been probably about allegedly murder has bitten by giving him the fish tank leader may legato from told me that my husband should take this cyanide Donald from killed. My husband also I've took out a life insurance policy one day before, but downward from told me to do that like it was, it was sort of like that. It is your right. They d been doing. Now, for like some conventions in around two thousand. Four is all about Bush in Iraq, and then it was about and then it was about Romney being a terrible, terrible person who killed woman of cancer rabbi by main happening flying out of business and restructuring it or something so that this is the
it's nothing about it. It was did the blaming of covert like the willingness I every single pilot in America, apparently to blame Donald Trump for the ravages of covert, binding, I'll do when buying was pledged, Well, I'm gonna income by the way binds Lister promises. Pretty extends He promises. You stop every threat, scene and unseen with play that, because it really is just draw jawdropping, here's Joe Biden being alive our current presidency failed in his nose. Basic duty to the nation has failed to protect us. He's failed to protect America and my fellow Americans that is unforgivable present I'll, make you a promise I'll, protect America, I will defend us from every attack seen lusty, always with exception every time. Well, I'll
He pledges never give you up. Never let you down run around and you will never make a cry. It'll never say goodbye, we'll tell why are hurt. You will do you see here? What Joe Biden left out of that speech is what he said at the beginning of covert, which is that we shouldn't shut down travel from China. He called trumps travel ban, a hysterical xenophobia to use his words, and I think that so there's this kind of formal aspect of. Why was so wrong to launch an attack. There is also the substance, though, all these democratic politicians handled coded way worse than Donald Trump Andrew Cuomo. His policies are directly responsible for the deaths of thousands of elderly, New Yorkers Nancy. Believe that's just a minute. For who is a member? How glad Andrew Cuomo, as it is now you're right. You make that good point. One was Nancy Pelosi going to say: hey come on down the Chinatown like she did without a mask no social distancing at the start of covert. I guess what what their banks!
What I ve been talking about all night, which is that the press are gonna foreign over them. They're, not gonna, call them out for any of this, and it's it's a total failure. This brings me to my theory on how Donald Trump could be guaranteed to win the election. You guys want here. I wanna hear Donald from its eight primetime hours next week for the hour and see if the Aral Sea had been first before the Dnc. My strategy not. Work is actually think the media would just not play it since they played all eight hours in prime time of the day and see they have to play the Aren t. I think that they should put two giant screens up and no matter who is
We can during the national anthem during the benediction. During the president's speech and the vice president's speech, the entire time, they should be playing footage of the riots in Portland and the Riots in Seattle and Chat Zone and all the violence is happening all across the country. Is the media will not tell people the truth about these protests? When he's tried this trick before they actually have pulled the even box anew shut down the feed so that you couldn't see it, they can't do that with the actual Republican national convention.
And if they do, they give him the presidency again, just by so there that we should run it for all eight hours. Even when he's not talking about it and dare them not to play it because here's my theory, people actually vote and in particular, suburban house wives, boat on the basis of how a candidate makes them feel in the case of George W Bush, he made them feel safe, as opposed to John Kerry, who seemed inconsistent flip thought slip up remember this was there was a great away of framing John carry these severe George W Bush is one makes you feel safe. The other makes you feel insecure in the case of Barack Obama. Barack Obama made people Phil, noble and virtuous, and they were able to feel good about themselves and they voted for him. Donald Trump made people feel empowered in two thousand and sixteen you made people, so I think, have a voice when they hadn't had one before, but his behaviour since then makes people feel insecure because he's bombastic because he's Boris your little him. He makes you a little embarrassed in a people who are going to vote for him. Often they'll say I hate that I have
but look at the other guy dummy the whole of the range of people who won't, but for him who have that exact same sentiment, but it is breaking the other way he has to, Let this be a referendum on Donald Trump of the referendum on Donald Trump. Donald Trump will lose. It needs to make it a referendum on the left they ve overplayed their hand. The president's job for the next two months, and especially next week, should be to use the power of his pulpit. The shine a light on what the Democrats are actually doing. You dont have to know what they will when they win their doing stuff right now, and every bit of it is bad. If you could put up Cameron the more eggs in New York City I'd say, should do that, but that's not the way that the world works that so so he should instead focus on these riots, and let people know you should feel work. This is what the Democrats or banking on basically been. You made this point. They offered no affirmative message at their convention, but Joe Biden
and Gamala Harris were actually after thoughts to use your language banned. It was all about Orangemen, bad Orangemen. Bad Donald Trump needs to actually invert that and say yet is actually it's not about me either. It is actually about them. They are worth here. We have friends in this sort of never Trump movement who basis hey they're gonna support Joe Biden for the presidency, and when I listen to their arguments, the arguments all come back to dot. Donald Trump is such a threat to our societal, no But, even though we liked his policies better like every one of us, more happy that we have brought Cavanaugh as the Supreme Court Justice and they would be to have another soda, my or, for example, on the court. Every one of them is pro life every one of them once lower taxes, but which are basically saying, is none of our policy preferences matter compared to the damage that Donald Trot Trump does to our actual societal norms in my region,
This is the Democrats are running communist and right in the major american citys burning things to the ground. They broken the economy, they ve shut down churches, they shut down all social interactions, their openly against free, not just the first amendment at every aspect of the first amendment there against free exercise their against free assembly, unless your black lives matter there against free speech, unless you're saying the things that they have approved up there. Against the second amendment arrogance due process, there actually say that due process is a is a white from the firmest to treat its premises. Institution there are gives trial by jury you'll, get accused of a sexual assault on any american college campuses and raise the idea that you're in title to trial by jury of your peers there, against the electoral College there against every piece of the four of the actual framework of our society, the Ex post. It is Donald from a threat to some of our society norms yeah. I think he has but he's the lesser threat, far societal norms. The Democrats are violent
opposed to our- and I use violence as a literal term, violently opposed far societal norms and the president has the power to force the media to cover that next week and he would do a far better job doing that and getting up there and doing as usual, Donald Trump. They don't like me. The nice thing about conspiracy, theorists as they do like me. Stop that talk about the a threat that the left, but I couldn't be. I just like. I really really you said, but economy and yes m right. It could be. I agree with that matters, as just wrote I was going to say that, because you know the one thing he's been doing lately and again. This is something I advised him to do is look at all my advice and turned his campaign around in my opinion, but the thing is, I think I think your idea about playing the riots- absolutely great idea- that's that is actually true. He should also play Joe Biden List of things he would have done. If if he had been handling the Chinese, flew because Trump is done them off every single thing that he said he was gonna. Do Trump has already done, and I think that the jokes he's been making recently, is us
some people. Don't like me. Maybe it's my personality the other day, he said it even funny areas that some people don't like me. I don't know what it is. It couldn't be my personality, and I think that I think that that is a really good line, because, first of all, really does need to appeal to women. Women get with men. Sometimes tat men are never lie, have arrived, they never like us. It would, I mean come on. Who would be another? They have good taste I think that it is a good argument that, like I do the right thing and yeah I'm bumptious she and her leisure. That's that's the way it is life if Trump as the discipline. If the deal, if the orange she isn't discipline to do it, it could be a true I turn around thing. Speaking of women, elation, the one that we have the satellite guy. I just want to remind everyone watching that we argue having an lack that live after the show. With Jeremy Ban. Michael me, the woman Andrew who believe it or not, is younger than Joe Biden. So the thing is you: have to be an all access member to talk with us? If you are a member, be sure to click?
link in the description wherever you're watching this one's the show ends to join in on the discussion, and we have a limited time offer because all good sales are very limited going on right now, so you can just to pay become a daily, where all act as member for twenty percent off with the coupon code access to join the fun. If you dont know how to spell access a spell for you, a c c e ss? That's for all of you. Since learning public schoolers out there, you weren't top properly and a bunch of comments are actually coming through already veto abuse. Hey everyone. Thank you for going through the torture of watching the DMZ, so we could be a spare. You are so selfless hd says: I want to know if we made Matt watch the Dnc because he's being punished for not coming on backstage ever and Kb. It says that Cory, Booker's, fake, laugh, is the stuff of nightmares, but I actually think my be worse than Kamel, is not announce not a possible. That's not a positive thing. There is in there's nothing on planet earth that is this horrible. Is commonly Harris's fake, laugh when asked an awkward question.
Maybe that's the way you do pay back. That's doesn't amazing lied when we, That, then, is like yes, I'm a liar. I talk about that. So maybe we'll talk about this and much more during the discussion after the show beg you Ilusha, a guy's. Why don't you have a ring We ve been telling you about ring now at this company for four years. If you dont have a ring, if you like age, you bet ring on it. If you like it better but a ring on it, you gotta get away It's the only way to keep her safe, how the keep your house and to keep an eye on your house when you're not there, to see those packages that are being wept and stolen. That's a huge problem happening in LOS Angeles right now is that I think are Buddy Dave, Reuben key actually releasing videos from his ring camera people, stealing his mail. We live in these strange times where we go,
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He's been protecting his house with it. These last five years indeed- and I am both safe and wealthy- so no change out ring- and I can't get a special offer on the ring. Welcome, get a ring that comes lash backstage becomes a ring, video all three and time for the perfect way. To start your ring experience plus free Judy shipping, but it brings Coms, Lasher backstage once again that is ring dot com. Slash backstage for these special offer, the ring welcome, get ring dot, slash backstage, so we ve about all the things we hated about that and now I ll tell you what I actually did like about it. I love I love this in politics. I thought our side was always guilty of it. I didn't know that their side could be much much worse. I love it when people in politics talk about the youth who they love to talk about They use the euro, the future. You know you broke a bomb. I had this line and thereby to the young people have been burning down our cities, feeding people in the head with bricks and smashing windows. You are democracy and at the hour, the future here
better than any of the young people everywhere before you, because you're still young and they all got old every one of them now with all and they had to be convinced, not be racist, but you weren't racist from day one you're, the best you'd ever to you'd, then the thing that railways, Andrea, Curzio Cortez sixty seconds to talk at the decency- and this is what politicians always do- big pay lip service. Young people because they know that young people are rooms and they also know that the People won't actually turn out about their when it comes to actually entrusting anything to young people, they basically say but a couple flags, but behind or another talk for sixty seconds, they were two years what you had to say: infidelity and gratitude to amass people's move. Working to establish twenty first century social, economic and human rights? quoting guaranteed health care hierarchy Sean with wages and labour rights for all people in the United States
movement, striving to recognise and repair wounds of racial injustice, colonization, massage any and homophobia back whip is gonna play on a whim but the good work, and it will be. The latter found you everything I said before. I did think Erika was money with the G8 she's. A Larry is great, but I was aware way better than the pinball machine of crazy leftist terminology right there. It's a newly lighting up nonstop there in one go. Nails racial injustice, massage any homophobia, colonization. You're late on the colonization bandwagon. I feel like, like I hear that argument being made Euro like Domestic, an american war, but I feel like right now, you white and the only person to bring up colonization that drivers who clip but our layer club number two. This is remarkable. This is actually someone saying what the Democratic party supports. This is. Yours is the thesis statement of twenty twenty Democratic Europe, the Youth Council, each.
This future that we all want that were all train of bill. I'm really is about the destruction of colonization. Why supremacy and capitalism We must. We must really move away from these systems in these frameworks if we really want to live in a future that does have a regenerative economy. Does enable liberation and equity for our communities through you haven't been young in decades. That makes sense if it makes you major gonna crazy, since we would doesn't make sense to me, I always wondered this about ABC because I think of all of them of all of the people in that Movement ale. She actually strikes me as an ignoramus. She is strictly somebody who doesn't know anything, but she does not strike me as insincere like. I actually think some kind of it by which he saying and what it's me why they never ask themselves if we're socialist, how come every gigantic corporation in America is supporting.
Why is it that places like Amazon, which is making zillions of dollars? Why why are they sending like guys like me, want to read like poetry while they sending me you know, commanding these by what your anti white anti racist things. We know. Why doesn't it occurred to them that the richest donors in the country like, for instance, of the ten, just donors in the country, nine of them supported Barack Obama, we never occurs to them, that the people that they are supposed to hate or on their side and then something may be wrong. But maybe there pawns, maybe they're, being used to talk about using the youth there, not just using the you they're using the Socialists and using the rioters to get what they want, and this is something that is supporting globalist it in your mind is corporations that are now really a greater. Threat to some of our freedoms than the government will you saw this tension come out with the and see, which is that they been stoking. As you say, the riots in Asia
people to go- and I ve been a terrible America's, but they realize burning. The american flag and toppling George Washington does not exist. Play well in Peoria, so they have to limit The amount of bio see time, unfortunately, for them, because said the zoom convention. We can get all the little clips from the youth caucus and and push them out there, so we actually do get to see them, but you you see it really just Andrew Cuomo right, which is that these units are saying What the Democrats are really believe for a long time, but the utes are actually saying it. So Andrew Cuomo comes at least we're America. Tough America builds back where the greatest country ever right about eighteen months ago, Andrew Cuomo, said not gonna, make Amerika great again, because a miracle was never that rate direct quote: that's what they don't like Amerika there to setting the flag on fire, and they realise that for an election they ve gotta play up the patriotism, so Cuomo trained practice. Liars like him can get that sort of thing done by, in Obama all those guys, but those you it's you gotta
maybe constrain them to sixty seconds of anti colonialism or whatever and then move on this is that the really wondrous thing about about how the DMZ works? So we only see the prime time the prime time is so we just the tender profile right when the prime time as well, but a picture of a leg you Brad Pitt under. In profile and then actually look like you ve done. It written in and as and then all of these stuff, it's happening during the days. What actually bubbling under the surface and over the surface, endemic a party so for eight hours, no indicator of exactly what Democrats we're going to do, except that they don't like gun I mean they're they're, begun the gun control they put that prime time and they the environment apparently, and that means they gave a nuisance go stand amongst the trees hiding from James call me, but, aside from that, you really have no clue what their actual policies our existing talk about any of their policies? All they talked about. The entire time was the Donald Trump is a big bad. Orange mean bad bad, mean man whose orange light those the entire pitch, and that's why you ve driven,
never had a mention from, namely speaking you didn't, because his entire pitch was I'm empathetic. So, first of all on empathy, empathy is a terrible quality and a politician, you don't actually want empathy and a politician is one that has anyone sympathy from a politician. If you want empathy and a politician, there's an entire by an associate sociologist and problem about how empathy actually per public policy, because when you put yourself in the position of one specific other person, you're ignoring all of the other people, do you can't be sympathetic to by nature? So when, when they do this whole, I want politicians. Who cares about me, Joe Biden said this to set my father used to say I don't care what you? No, I don't I'm not asking government solemnly promised, but I won't government to understand my problems. I thought to myself like it. The DM beer, what like, who well whenever somebody says they want the government under it. Have you ever like a rational human being ignored, I need I need some care, love and understanding. I'm heading on over to the Franchise Tax Board of California, Berlin empathy did I that that's not how any that crap works and so that the attempt to make governments to be and all the tools all of your problems. This is why
if by an elected, is actually have some problems on his hands because he's got in. Hildy Coalition he's going looked at on the basis of rejecting the entire coalition is entire speech was based, patriotism, pay, the Manhattan, church pay, the guy loves family, pay, the guy love schools in schools being open. Joe Biden did her entire stick from a closed. Let's woman blame that, on from we ve been begging to reopen the schools. Your toes entire democratic coalition is completely unwieldy and is guaranteed their entire based the world right it draw by promised every single thing. There are no things you will not promised. There are no things. The Bernie Sanders thinks the government cannot solve, will inevitably fall short of that particular standard, because even God does not promise you to give you all the things you want in life, because God is not an idiot. I'm like these people, who are so so that that's actually going to be a rather difficult thing to pull off which means that either Joe Biden has to keep to the radical left or Joe Biden is going to and his tenure. Trying defend them off either way is. I can be very good for the country, the thing about the empathy thing is that in this does not allow empathy for the rest of the world in this hatred of Amerika
really is embarrassing to me to have these young people come out and talk about how we're colonial and worm sexist and were racist and all this, while in Hong Kong, people are being pulled off the street and arrested for waiving the american flag. The entire world right now could be and should be and would be looking towards America, to enhance their freedom against truly oppressive movement out of China. Truly oppressive criminality from Russia? These are things: actually threatening the world and the people look to us as the symbol of the free that all the long for in all of them want to protect and Meanwhile, we have these clowns, this minority of people, a small minority of over educated buffoons, burning, the american flag and basically saying to these people screw you screw you in your yearning for freedom. We are more important than the thing you think you want, and it really is a lack of its is ignorance. Really it's the fact that our news media never covers far news at all I mean the, but just before he died,
I became kind of friendly with Douglas Adams, the guy erode the hitchhikers guide to the galaxy, and he was an Englishman and when he came over us about how you enjoy in america- and he said well the news black out as little tufted to Hake, that's because he never heard a story from the other from anywhere else on earth. So when there talking about racism. They ve never seen nation when they're talking a tyranny and authoritarianism. They ve never They don't know what it is. Travel a little bit go outside the country and you find out no big big hurry. How good it is here. It's actually interesting new. Both made me think of this that the left they expect that their politicians to lie and they feel like they're inside, like they're. In the light of the yellow, it's ok with ale, see if Joe Biden gets up there and drapes himself in the flag, but she actually her it's actually a calculation. She understands I hate that I hate the country, our dismantle the country in a fundamentally re. Imagine the country, but I know that the roots in here
torrent is enlightened. Is may need to hear this kind of talk on the right. We don't have anything quite like that. We, if our politicians don't say the things that we truly believe we get angry with them the left, but I think it's because they know the media in the game with them, they know that all the major institutions or in the game with them they they can just they can. Why directly to all the undecided, perfect perfectly comfortable with it. They face in also really great point: that's like Obama's opposing gay marriage, nor, I ever saying a word a whole or holding it against them and the actual opinion that he held I'll get you fired me. You know you did see this a little bit with pre trump republican politicians. The issue probably words most clear as the Israel embassy, so every policy since the nineties, this have removed embassy in Israel to Europe Suleiman then. We all listen, then, was that's a good idea, but we all know they're not going to do it and then so Trump goes ahead and he was actually presented by the State Department with a pro and cons list of
of reasons to do it reasons not to do it and the reasons to do it was completely empty. They didn't see a single reason to do it and and He did it never was shocked. Even republicans were shocked, said no. No we knew what you meant. You know, but but Trump has this. This odd thing, because he's not practised in politics that he just thinks when someone says you're supposed to do this, you you actually do it and that that sort of thing is is pretty refreshing and in it it, does change the dynamic a little bit from left right Republican Democrat to this kind of establishment, we're we're all lying to one another and actually inserting a little The words that I actually think that what you just said the Michael may reveal something even worse. Yes, when
Republicans would say they were going to move the embassy. They were there obviously lying, but they were saying what we wanted to hear his. We, the republican voters, did want to move the embassy, but that the let the extreme left doesn't want this sort of ideas. That Biden is espousing, but the reason I say so far worse because I actually just realized all the lies are aimed at the same group of people in all the lies told by both parties are aimed at the people in the country who, like a country like our allies. One is to be strong one be left alone, but the Democrats lie and say that they are like us and will vote for them. They're not like us. The Republicans lie and say will do things you what, even though they won't do any of the things that we want, but only one group of people really gets, bear all the horse. Crap in this country grip. Well, I also think that the the Democratic Party I will say, I think it is pretty obvious they did and mail, but whether they recognise the gender gap in this election is just can be overwhelming and
in the entire pitch, which was empathy and Michelle Obama, junior empathy, routine idle Michelle Obama speech, which was widely in a widely praised, the actual content of whose pretty appalling the. We owe her deliveries. Great me, she's she's, great, on camera, shows what she's doing on commission has had to work. The camera, which is a skill sat in her husband, is the same way he's very good on camera, but the summit The Jimmy she overtly said she best selling nonfiction author, probably the last twenty years, Eventually she essentially said I know a lot of people may now listen to me because I'm a black woman who are these people we're not going to listen to you, because your black woman, like oh you're, having the two most popular women in America, probably are over Winfrey and End Michelle Obama. So I'm having a tough time without one and they she suggested openly in this that there is a never ending list of innocent black people being murdered by the cops. There is a direct quoted, there's a never ending list and I thought to myself what a kind of has an end. Considering there are fifteen unarmed people shot by the cops on we're Black Alaska. Here, that's like I can fit that list. Basically, I'm like a small slip of paper and each one of those that have personal, not judge
did you run on does meteor innocence, and these people are trying to grab having got, but is it but beyond that, the number of issues people were murdered by the cops every year is extraordinarily well, which is why we actually do no other names and peoples. They say their names. I keep thinking myself well, we know their names now we can. I mean what do those it did. Me during the DMZ that these exact people calling for gun, control and federal, interment federal gun control. Are the same exact people saying that of talent from sends the feds to Chicago to disarm gang members, it's bad so that they want just get what they want. They want the feds to come in and take the guns away from the bad guys, or do they want the feds too not come in and take it runs away from the bad guys. So long as the feds happened, we run by Republicans, which suggested that once again, the agenda has nothing to do with bettering anybody's life and much. To do with the fact that it be mention of a political power. I wanted. It the Vienna summit, and that is what do you think that Trump has to do beyond the political because meet the attack here is obvious, and that is a character attack this entire. There was a character. Tat goes an eight hour, long character, attack, but couldn't schedule Biden has he helps it's where stuttering, he has terrible
snow tragedy in his life is very, and is there a caring Joseph David gives women massages, even if they want them. Rachel address a very empathetic gentlemen and made by the accounts, people who know him alive. This is true red he's, apparently not not none, the worse politics where he's busy destroy Robert Bork and trying to Africa is Thomas and recommend, and all that kind of stuff, but in For personal level he's supposed to be, charming and very nice and and pretty empathetic, and I dont know how from combat that other than Europe. Cutting back on all these other grounds, the we're talking about and shutting the hell up. I cannot overemphasize this you shut. The hell up, ok like it is, it is cut, is political now pay does the President of the United States to grant nothing but gasoline the stove tat fired. The Democrats are trying to light here. You recall and he won the election last. I'm not just because James call me decided to drop that letter on Hillary Clinton last minute, which did make a difference, but then he went completely silent for we can it have you ever we happy only that it was the only time really
several years, where Donald from realized way Second, if I get out of the way and just understand over here for a SEC things. Are you a lot better for me? Just let all the focus be on Hillary Clinton, think Democrats are counting on Donald from now. To be in the spotlight all the time and in their just the begging on that they thinking just respond him all the way to the election, and maybe that's but I don't think it has to be true, I think that he can very easily. If you say he's an intelligent human being, which I have been told by reliable people that he is. Then then it should not be that difficult for him to turn it down at least on twitter judges deprive the narrative its margin for, like five seconds use, live tweeting, Barack Obama speech in all capital letters well, Barack Obama. As you know, is being fundamentally on serious for lives, weeding things. Ok, that is it. That is a bad in its a fundamentally flawed practice. Apology if he wants to win Oliver
plenty and voting for him. So far as I am aware that he needs to do some things to change this perception. Many of you, you know, I think, he's summed up the strategy very well in a meme, accurately they'll good Buddy tweeted about a month ago, but it that the meme actually was was really important. A kind of gets to your point then, which is he said, not coming after me, they're coming after you- and I just happened to be in the way and that's the message you note. The Democrats are worried about the the obvious point that they hate the countries they burned down and you could see that's right, the convention. So what what president drunken do? I think, as is your strategy, You can play those sorts of cliffs he's gotta go after that, and he's gotta make it not just a left right thing. Not just republican democrat thing is people who, like the country and people who hate the country, and if and I actually do think to your point- drew Trump has a self effacing sense of humour about this. He knows his personality can be grading and if he is, he like he did in that mean takes himself out of me says: look, I am this
one guy. I don't know how it happened, but I am one standing up against, not just the left, not just the Democrats, but even somewhere, but even someone on the right and I'm doing this weird thing But it's for you guys, I think, that's a strong message. The demo, seated the american flag. The Republicans would insane, not to pick it up and make it the symbol of the party I completely agree with us. I think Germany's got the right idea to make sure that people know what the it is doing to be very specific about it. To make sure is he's been he's been really good, he's been really good after I got Brad Pascal fired colleagues coming on? I went on Ben Show. I hereby call by birth shoved for ban on his show and told the Kelly and Conway to fire bread Bosco a day later, the guy was gone. It was, it was really that fascism, unimaginable power scars. Eighty eight, it's amazing the power of the venture Barroso, but but I have to I think since then he has done the one thing that he should do, which is you campaign is present by doing stuff
in peace in the Middle EAST to making sure that you go after ran. Those are the kinds of things that really show up. Well, I think it's right focus on what the left is doing. The left is really you'll, never mind their words, never mind their smiley faces. This is what they do and I do think this idea of having a bit of a sense of humor about,
personality which makes the news media look small by saying that one of his great lines of his presidency was I don't drink. Can you imagine what a nightmare I be? If I drank you know, that's the kind of self awareness that I think plays really well, but it also makes the media look like what they are, which is corrupt, small people biting his ankle. I guess already answered the question and I said I think that he has to make it about what the left is actually doing, not just about what they say. I do agree bandit that he also has the kind of get out of the way. One challenge that Donald Trump has is that he does see the world as being about him. He has that in common with his predecessor, and that makes it very hard for him to make the election about them. He once the election to be about him, but what Donald Trump once is sort of a vote of confidence from the american people? That's not what actually in the offering the what he needs is a vote of
no confidence against the left and it's understand sort of like to take it all the way back. Our first president, George Washington understood, but he didn't have to win the american revolution. He did not lose the american revolution. Donald Trump, misunderstanding! the win this election he needs to not lose at the left has run a strategy. Taylor design should have only one man, it only works against Donald Trump, and so for a brief moment that job I watch the Shoah just wrapped up at seven year, Rhine called marbles agents of shield and in this last season, the ultimate season of the show they were dealing with these robots from the future. Who can see the stream of time and gone back into human pat, the human past of the twentieth century, and they were unmaking all the things I killing the Avengers back when they were children. All this kind of stuff was going on.
And so no matter what our he roads do. They can't win. They can't win because the people of the robot see the stream of time and in terms of probabilities, and they can always figure out based on the probabilities. What's your move is going to be and so they have. This breakthrough moment is the turn of the season when they realise what that means. The only way we can win is to not be the thing that they could calculate that we could be. We actually all have to do. The thing that we would now where do whatever our instinct is dont? Do it whatever made a strong run against it, because that's what they won't be able to see coming it's very difficult, but I should think that's what the president has to do in this area. I do want to push back. A little bit I don't think he should take himself out of this entire issue be wise about it, but let's not forget for every presidential, section a recent memory, the bigger personality wins or interesting, the more lively, the more vexatious right Obama beats. Romney obey my BT, Donald ROM, takes flowers in the rose garden three times between now and the election. He has the bigger problem
at the very beginning. To read them he's breathing is more lively by definition, is breathing the idea is running against an act like an actual corpse. At this point, and by the way they did the media's overblown praise for the fact that Joe Biden could keep it together for full on twenty four minutes livable, because it was astonishing, aiming truly like even making and mothers who are well into the nineties. This point can keep it together for twenty four minutes, like that, at least I understand that we set the bar really over the guy, but at a certain point he is going to actually. Answer. Some questions from a living human being is very early. There is everything to final quite out of the day and then we're gonna at Albert all, access and answer questions for all access members for little bit it had over there right now, if you're not already a subscriber, daily wire, get twenty percent off with the coupon code. Access and join the fund will be answered this question, but my last question: for you guys for the day, will there be a debate? Yes there
yeah yeah. I don't think I mean I know German. You ve said a couple times you you just don't see how we can do it. I don't see how he can't do it I think that that is the ultimate back down It means you will back down important. It means your back now to China Majority, you just don't have what it takes to be: presently the United States. If they floated every argument they can think of in the New York Times and in all the left wing venues, they floated every argument they can think of. Clearly the messages he's gotta, do it and, frankly again, if he stays on his feet, for whatever it is two hours and it's not like you know Bradley Cooper, accepting the award in the stars born if that is gonna be it's gonna be praise to the skies. What a wonderful breathing breathing guy he is as strong as it has in fact said. I do not think he can back now. I agree. I think you can back down entirely at that, but as they tried and it failed, my
fear. Is this, though, there is a lot of grey area between no debate and real traditional Farren somewhere debate, namely that could involve zoom like the whole. You know, convention is basically virtual. I think there's a virtual debate. They'll just rigged for abide in. They try to rig the fair and square debates for Democrats. Candy crown lay and end, including twenty sixteen. So you know that I dont think the Trump campaign can allow it's gotta be a. Aaron Square Debate, where the moderator and Trump and Biden are all in the same room and they're still going to try to rig it through various technical mean, but but they are. I think Donald Trump eats Joe Biden for lunch, which is why they're going to try to bring it into that grave even though the debates- and I think that the thing that Donald Trump has to do is in the first thirty seconds, the debate, he s a drop hunter buttons name, he hostages He has a different color reasons, one because it is it is it, actual issue in the campaign that Joe Biden has.
His family connections were allowed. Others use family connections to make a lot of money. There is a real unintentional ironies. The video of hundred Biden saying my father's always been there for me, and I was thinking yet no nobler backtrack, true, but he drops hundred by his name. One of the things that they that the Democrats have been trying to protect Biden from are the consequences of any question epistles him off, because the empathetic text grandpa Bibles weight immediately and he comes in front of a combative and challenging people to fight is challenging people to push up contest. He starts to lose his train of thought. Did you hit with hundred widening in the first thirty seconds to that debate. He starts to lose it and trumpet listen. This is the guy that you're their input in the White House he's not even in the White House. Let's talk about why you picked commonly Harris, replace you, because we all know your transitional figure you're not holding together. Here are no. What makes anybody think you can hold it together in the White House he's? That's, that's almost weight has to play note for note. I think I think you guys are out of here I'll give you each a hundred dollars if there is a single debate done
rendered having got away for human, but even a debate is ridiculous, because there should be three: that's the modern standards straight away. I dont think they'll put this guy stage. I don't think they have to draw on supranational surprise. You think that they have to your point, which I think is is well made said he owns the media that the left owns the media. If if he says I dont get on a stage with racist that'll, be the end but they won't hold him by any standard. It won't be backing down we'll be backing down to put in it will be a principled stand against Donald Trump and not but yourself on a state with him. I just can't even in academic visualize can imagine a possible future. They put this guy in a stage. Withdrawal from the left owns the media, but the media does known the people yet and the people still worse. Through it. I you know, listen, Germany, if you're, if you're right, you're right, you know I'd, nobody can predict the future, but I think I think they dont do it. It will be political suicide. Those comecon can see all the time lines
I found it very much hanging out when it was either a begging, Azra hanging out with some backstage we're gonna. Do it again next week for the hour and see wherever you're watching right now, there's a wink in the description or you can click and go over to all access and take part in the next part of the show of which is for our all access. Subscribers only That's! Where we're going to answer your questions with Ilusha crowd. See you over their use that promo code accessing it you're twenty percent off and will seek as next week barely wire backstage is produced by Robert Sterling Executive producers make Jeremy warrant. Our supervising producer is math is what our assistant director is Papa, would Elsie and our technical producer, Ostend Stevens are segment, producer is Katie's. Winterton editing is by Jim nickel. Audio is mixed by my tore me too, in our audio assistant is Robin Henderson.
We back is operated by next year and here and make up by legal Geneva. Faintly wire backstage is a daily wire production, copyright daily wire, twenty twenty.
Transcript generated on 2020-08-22.