« The Ben Shapiro Show

Daily Wire Backstage: 2020 State of the Union Edition

2020-02-05 | 🔗
How many home runs will Trump hit during the SOTU? Will viewers be able to actually hear his speech over the Dems booing, hysterical crying, and banging their heads on the floor? After the speech, will Pelosi and Schiff both go full "Raiders of the Lost Ark" melted soldier face? Join this roundtable discussion featuring @Ben Shapiro, @Andrew Klavan, @Michael Knowles, and Daily Wire god-king Jeremy Boreing as they get to the bottom of these questions and more. Become a Daily Wire subscriber! https://www.dailywire.com/subscribe/p...
This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Hey Gang Ben Shapiro here you're about to listen to daily wire backstage means all the other guys are gonna, be drinking. Ski in smoking, cigars and generally being horrible people, but we will discuss politics I'll be, there and reclaim will be their Michaelmas unfortunate, we will be their journey. Boring were all about to break down the state of the union and the wild. I will Caucasus hobby enjoy. A funny thing happened on the way to the carcass sixty two percent of the total is now in, and we have official results with the popular vote. That's who people actually like the actual audience we're talking about here. We have in first place been Shapiro with one point: five million something's in second place. We have Andrew claimant with considerably less something and and third place. We have Michael Knolls with just barely anything at all. Clearly, the winner of all of our delegates, Ilusha Crass Ilusha, tell us how people get there.
Actions in I'm actually really annoyed, because I would expect this for my goal, but when Ben told me we're all going to dress up like Supreme Court, just as I believe that really guys girly hurry, let me just army gee up over here. She will be there tonight right, she's out this, giving like ABC so far subscribers watching at home. If you want to ask the right questions just at all, daily, where dot, com and navigate to the shows page at the top click on backstage and then type in your questions into the chat bogs. Next to the video another special pert forest, scrapers as this kind of AMA thing that we do everyone's while with our writers and editors and all the talent here, it's called discussion, it's only available to subscribers and it's gonna be lots of fun. You can ask me how annoying I am with Ben and where Michael it's because we still don't know, allegedly with TED crews, smoking, cigars and do see. I don't know, but only subscribers get to ask the questions. So if you're, not a subscriber can become one
tonight and get those questions and will be taking all of your questions after president trumpeted the union address. Thank elation and think you'd everybody watching at home. We're sorry, listen widow, control the fact that the American Democratic system has fallen into a complete ruin and disrepair and now the president stands up like a monarch for three to seven hours and talks on and on and on and on and on, while he's booed, his cheered walked out on or Instagram about in the case of seed, and I did not actually can attend the state of the union she's just gonna, it's very serious, very somber. Very personal decision should be honest to Graham talking about it. We can control it. None of us, like the state of the union, but what we do like is watching it with you and
ok about the I will cost, mostly because we love to say the word caucus. It is one of the greatest words in politics. How does the I will cause work? I used to think that I was a political novice. I didn't know it turns out it just made them a democratic. We're gonna talk about all of that and more but first began to talk about our France over at stamps. Dotcom saves outcome, one of the great sponsors of our backstage and one of the great efficiency builders in your life. If you like the three of us and Michael, don't like going to the post office, but, unlike the three of us, you have no Michael to make the post office. You are going to want to go over to stamps that compose the tradesmen going up. Thankfully, stamps dotcom eases the pain with big discounts off a post office retail rates. Thankfully, with stamps dotcom, you say five cents off of every first class stamp and up before We were sent off of shipping rates that kind of savings gang. It really adds up, especially for small businesses or incredibly large businesses, like indeed like ours. That's exactly right
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and type in Shapiro. That way been gets all the money, even though I read the damn add that is stamps dot com promo code Shapiro. For that, for we trial and a free digital scale without any long term, my dear self, a favour, it is just way better than actually going someplace Michael you're in Washington DC. Broke up the banned. This has never happened before we're all a little pissed, but oil we should take x. I forgot you're, taking a moment to celebrate your victory been killing it over there tell us about it. Thank you very much. I am and co hosting the number one show as of two days ago, we had the number one part guess for a week unfortunate, hey Joe Rogan, has come back and overtaken us, but it's the verdict with ten crew we ve been covering every single night. The senator comes over from the capital. He comes to a bunker that we have somewhere in Washington. We stay up all night talking about the impeachment, it's a lot of fun and it made me think with,
a conspiracy theories going around with the I will carcasses and all this craziness with the democratic ballot counting. I did have to wonder if it was Ben who, orchestrated this entire impeachment hopes just to get me three thousand miles away on the other side of American. If we could keep, neither permanently now be fantastic. I also did ask for a new button for this. Television, unfortunately, does not, thereby that's not what I would like to point out. We ve got some pretty amazing technology that allows me to beam in my cigar. Smoke is coming off of the tv at the daily wire and delay, and the Democrats can't even get an Excel spreadsheet together, and this is like the best we gather right. I mean, like I re lobbies desired spectacular. This was great because I will admit you leading up to covering networks, as I was not a happy camper, because the
Leading containers are all of my least favoured human being's right it was Bernie Sanders was an actual communist, like an actual now for Georgia that you used because a communist threat it is, I will say it- is maddening an unbelievable me. Then no one in the media sees fit to aspartame chanters why he says that he has the same. What he said. This The same system now that he had nineteen sixty three right. This is selling point- is that he's never changed at all and in eighteen, seventy six when he was my age, Bernie Sanders has been adult for one million here. Ok, so nineteen, seventy six. When he was my age, I'm thirty five use two and thirty six. He was thirty five. Then he said internationalized the energy industry, all of them your banks and every major industry in the United States, and no one has asked him. I think one person asked him What was that? What was the deal with that? And it was like when I could? I was mayor of Burlington. I didn't do it right, because your borrowing, nationalized, there's more? a Berlin near to thought. You're saying that is a socialist. I guess that if you just mean that
believes that the working man deserves better than an yea the socially. This formulation makes me want to vomit so hard and never stop vomiting. Let my stomach aligning comes up every time. You does it if my socialist domain, but I would like puppies to have a of the old. Some of those I was like. No, that's not what I mean. I mean public order, of the resources and means of production. That's what I mean you ask, but not like or the I like, that just believe the whole works at Arthur Uganda sharing gave a good result. In any case, I, like em tyres, that in any case, I thought it was gonna, be the surgeon me Bernie, who is just an awful human being or Elizabeth warned, maybe an even more awful human being because she pretended to be burning but doesn't actually believe it to think how awful you have to be,
to pretend to be Bernie. Sanders right, you're actually believe the bull crappy believe it's just that you want to be him when you're inherited and pretending to be something you're, not as Elizabeth. We weren't they could just now, I think of, and then it was the Buddha Judge who pretended to be a moderate, but in reality just hates people who believe in the Bible and wants to see them all burn in hell and makes this absolutely clear and calls everybody who disagrees them. A racist like this. This is through the storm, is gonna, be that one of these great minds winds and I was going to take it that's because reality, if I had to pick among the awful Democrats, are obvious beginning avatar, who number one physically disabled minors and number two, is actually not completely insane and Joe Biden is, of course right and would do minimal there. Which the country, because he's dead, so that, if I didn't like the founding vision of the presidency, is almost perfectly embodied in Joe Biden this president, that is right. It's a guy who they can occasionally
we'll have to sign something that was passed by the leather footwear to frighten you. Let me whenever state of the union provided real him out and they have a letter pin do his chest. Looking back event ass to get up the fate of the union. Is that so much I was very effectively. I will Cox's to be terrible. These are expecting all the people who I didn't want to win. The wind we'd have to hear about how Bernie was Gimme. The nominees can be awful and then later God, shone down and the ILO Caucasus end up being a complete and utter cluster f, and at this point you have to wonder you do you have to wonder, did Donald Trump, at some point cut a deal is a rising demand as an unbroken streak of luck, like nothing. I've ever seen now for all other stuff, I'm willing to hear the for each ass five beaches underwater upside down hungry Hungary, hippos theory of how Donald Trump manipulating things, but you are going to have to explain to me how Donald Trump made the Democrats in play their own clock, as is in Iowa those like me who was it never was borne out in Kansas City, that's ever went down the warden lookin for a soul, the steel and he laid a golden toil
on the Grand Donald three Donald. What if it's unbelievable, I mean that might make going. Theory was that by adding the city of Kansas City to the state of Kansas, it somehow throw off magnetic alignment in that part of the country, because of course I always just north of Missouri, so maybe bite private Missouri of Kansas he hits amounts thrown things, often its grubbing up. But what does just reveals really just reveals. The simple truth is that, no matter what how bad Donald Trump is? No matter what you think the Democrat Party is worse and has always been worse, and it's not like it keeps saying. Oh he's, corrupt. Really, the Democrats, the Democrat Party of in Chicago there. Now hauling Congress people away by under the arms like the Keystone capture, arresting the politicians and but here s the unmasked. Here's the wonderful thing right is because the Ritz on trumped that there are going to use our one, that is, evil, which they mean he's tromp right and and to that he is corrupt, which they tried. With this Ukraine thing, that's really work and also a hundred Biden. I mean like
I like you a little bit like right, but there, but their final. The final era when their quiver was one that kind of You could see right, which is that its chaos over there right now, its chaos inside the White House and its incompetence, and he doesn't always doing in some good things are happening, but its complete batch, and so why would we what's put someone sober and competent out of it. I wouldn't believe, should our views about the rules and eyes and instead just to counter the final quiver, the vital arrow in their quiver, which is that he's incompetent needs all chaotic. They decide that they are going to take a process. That involves a grand total of two hundred and seventy thousand votes. More people will watch this broadcast tonight. Live then voted in Iowa last night brand, we will handle that they'll come to the site and will handle then it'll be fine, and I feel that cannot be right. Since I know that been will not point that, no matter how long the chagos is. So here we have a seven hours, no longer than will never point out that this has been the greatest the January
is now February January was the greatest month of pregnant presidential history. I have never seen a present with as many successes as Donald from pad in just one month, the record stock market, I reckon So am I really want as a huge huge without it gives you. The peace plan in Middle EAST peace plan was fantastic, the Middle EAST people to excellent to trade deals which incite another thing, I don't mean, is better than nothing. We asked this is all in one month and didn't get engaged just like every other present american history. So that means that, if I buy from affirmative action standards best bet it's pretty good month of no Michael you and then the gallop. Alright me he's up to forty nine percent and any other. The multiple sixty three percent of proven economy deplores meeting this. When people are happier with race relations, namely been with secure now they have ever been many swimming is growing areas pregnant and I were I not exaggerate. Well, we race relations are breaking down and I were the Democrats are very angry. They realise that everybody is right now. Are the white people are trying to do
who's the most. Why is it that way? Right? I've got way. Fluorescent eggshell got Frenchman, no and there are arguing amongst each other, because there's a real race crisis in Iowa Private were actually missing the bigger the biggest new set of oil, which is that bill weld finished third and I was I thought you were a few and Michael with we're talking here about impeachment. You know more about impeachment than any of us, because you ve been boots. The ground there, with senator crews, talk to us a little bit just read the insight that you're getting hearing from the centre coming straight out every night, the most in listing thing about impeachment to me- is how nobody has their act together at whatsoever. So I went into this thing just assuming that every boy kind of a plan, and it was all gonna play avenues. Prescriptive no big deal. Now it turns out the. U S. Has absolutely no coordination whatsoever- and it's just happening in real time so assented occurs- is telling the story. They show up and there listening to these droning speeches and so boring and then Adam
makes a mistake. Adam shift gives the Senate report guns and opening. We don't need to go into it now, because it gets very complicated, but then crews jumps up new ones into the cloakroom he's trying to cut a deal with a couple other senators, and there they come back at Elizabeth Worn asks a stupid question that gives another opening that irritates, LISA, Mc Caskey lay some Rakowski decides he's not gonna vote from witnesses like it's all playing out in real time. Actually made me feel kind of good about politics, one because I dont think that U S. Government is competent enough to tyrannise us. Good, because it really means that individuals do matter and that these these speeches and machinations, and these deals willing to affect politics. I mean we saw this play up. In Iowa, just the other night, where you know that the Democrats accused president tramp of every man or of evil, but it turns out the Democrats have done and even worse, they accuse trump of stealing the general election in twenty. Sixteen, the Democrats couldn't wait. One caucus
before they stole one of this, and that's a mayor it voted. It is true right, like people to judge that sixty percent, reporting happening right now, and I shall do people read so that the democratic three fifths role they have. They been announced. These results, which are built to take wind out of Bernie Sanders. We were talking lie somewhere together. They can have to come up with new ways to cheat Bernie this time because they they burn the boats. After they treated him? Why start and they're doing at their coming up with new ways to cheat the guy is it it should get used to social That's what it's like he's. He didn't very thrive palms. Do we think that it's possible that the Democratic Party will be so fractured by this primary that they dont unite or his trunk the great unite or no matter who they know either in the east, in the secret of the dirty secret of the ILO Caucasus. The known really wants to talk about has been buried beneath three layers of coverage. Is the turnout sought
so they are expecting such as this would be. They are expecting us to be like an all time, turn out like three hundred thousand people shop in Iowa tuner. Forty three Some people showed up for Obama moment. There was an eight. This time is hundred semi. Those hundred seventy thousand, which was by population increases in the state, is the same number is twenty. Sixteen, which means and showed up with that enthusiasm on the democratic side is not nearly as high particularly China? Why? Right? Where no one feels really high in New York it's really. I in these seeds really high in the middle of the country nobody's sitting up night thinking about president trouble. That was perfect, obvious in Iowa. Would that is a serious problem for them, because what it really means is that it not get the nomination. For any reason at this point is Bernie. Wolf come away, with the most votes in Iowa, he's gonna windmills, votes in New Hampshire. If he comes wait for any reason competitive with job, I or Michael Bloomberg, orchestra, brokered convention and is a plurality of the votes, but not a majority of votes? Is people walked stick around and watch him get jobs with authority. I mean the men not lived one again. When he's eighty four, he only run beat it. As I said before, the showed up Bernice.
Learning should be an inspiration, risen, use and also inadequate. Only a few years that's got light. You still got ten years to be useless and then run for president. This thing about the turnout, though each Hugh it's big, is a big deal, because all we fruit, the anger, the fury of the dam crap party been overwhelming and the fury of the media, but the people. What do they think they're gonna, go back to the good old days were more paw, sat on the porch and watch the factory closures. At the hearing of the Democrats and deal with what did you ever hear, the conversation that happened in New Hampshire, the other day, John Carrie Thurston. How old John Kerry was caught on a camera on the phone rather saying that the parties falling apart partner following Bernie Sanders off a cliff, and maybe he has to run again John Clear, two thousand more by George W Bush, bearing whereby a boy was when I agree, but I like it then later that day he put out a tweet saying that it was absolutely effing, untrue and then deleted between, because isn't
Our presidential strategy has flared up in Europe. There is a risk that I'm not a young man, but I am too young to run for president in twenty twenty. If you are a key, did it running for president in twenty twenty, not named people to judge or in Again, you should go to policy genius because you are almost dead. Running right or left everyone. Whether they are in this election is seventy plus. But the truth is we all need life. Insurance been often jokes said, the same thing as a joke at eight says: you're, a bad person if you have a family and you don't have life insurance? I wouldn't go that far. But since I work for Ben. I do like to illegally perceived as a good person. The truth is, none of us are omniscient. We get the future wrong been lost. Hundreds of dollars to Michael and I by saying that the Donald Trump could not be elected president and if I had made a monetary bet, Drood of lost hundreds of dollars to me by saying that Donald Trump,
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I mean, I don't guess I gotta say of those aided the impeachment story from the beginning. I thought it was a sham. I think everything trumps out about a true it's a hoax is ridiculous, Am I resented. Having to talk about represented. Having to talk about the guy was doing a good job is present. You can pick on for a lot of things and that that's that's fine, but just talk about what he said of Ukraine was was nonsense, but I gotta admit, What still the union, while He'S- still on trial, is kind of dramatic and find them yet now, at a later this I hate and we will have given the speech we volume. This means, having a thousand times the stated unionism anarchic garbage institution. We should go back. Writing letters to Congress and be done with it, because it's ridiculous. The executive branch is not superior to the legislator branch. In fact, it's kind of the opposite, prostitution in terms of delegated powers, the treatment The president, though he's the king is disgusting, but putting all of that aside watch Donald Trump going to a room of people who hate him is spectacular tat the drama and watching I'm sorry that help them
where women are still doing this, like we're gonna, wear white thing in honour of the suffragists throat was, I thought they did last year like a hundred year anniversary of the meant that allowed women devote. Why don't you remember Can you show up in their union unified from eighteen sixty two? We know that time lives you all. You, demographic labour, slavery, remember nothing! This week the Democrats are racist and they think that white is better than Black- you make it where to show how graveyard I also want to offer a counterpoint here to bank. As I agree. Yes, it is irritating that we treat the president like a king, it used to bother me so much after the past few weeks of the House stem grants droning on trying to whip up our constitution. I want trumped, go full charge. The second using state of the union dissolve the gong risk that requirement of painful, and I will say that I am now going to cut against my normal advice to the president's. Normally I say things in this situation like don't be a tool and so don't be a tool and
could avoid it like just don't get up. There be a two areas and we get forty. Nine percent are proliferating. Sixty three percent approval on the economy. The Democrats are falling apart in frontier, faced with play it safe and be normal way, go up there beyond tat, don't. You know what screw it because it because now the time has come, the time has come and if ever it was Sandford twittered from to make an appearance at the state of the union. Today is that day and if he does not take a massive dump all over that intervention. I want a hundred and seventy three times and call a pencil next ship and crazy Nancy. If he doesn't go up you're, crazy truck and if he doesn't yell at the democratic and make fun of ale C4 being at home, playing with the instant part, well Instagram, and then what pay for what we ve been doing here, he's not going to do that. Syria, Adam Chapel, give innovation, and I from the Democrats right, I have to say it
the aim of the democratic give him a standing ovation? Will I do no trouble F, says name noiselessly trumps, his name when I say Donald Trump will have to say his name. I mean because Donald Trump from and he will not have it in their applies compulsion. I think you showing them sure these giving Europe a quiet up tonight then go home to your tweets of stupid earlier by saying that this earlier Donald Trump was the only person in the world's buys back is not MR everybody else. You make a mistake in then you're like our God. I can't believe I did that. I really can't buy that back in a somewhat down from the only person does something perfectly normal and two hours later is like. Then there is the threat of go after it. Manually live once from both the guy who, when he's driving home- and he thinks of the come back that he should have used at the bar. They actually drives rush limbo by the ways in the audience which the cool thing they didn't bring. Russia is needed. The unease, given the metal freedom rights is great, which is well deserved. I heard from them where's, the Supreme Court. We have to pretend we, like those guys they're not can pretend that they, like the President, Roosevelt This hilarious me that we treat these people
Like honoured guests, I, like I know, Alina gang and reduce dean of law school. When I was there just a human like the weather, we treat the supreme we're justices though they are as though they been invested with all the power and dignity of the office, and they know wall and are all wise. I like it better when they fall asleep. State of the union faces. The president is what we have learned in the last couple of months is what people who watch already know this has never happened cards its deep. So let's treat isn't that right I mean it's all a joke and it's all ridiculous spectacle, and I'm really just talking. President gets up there are literally just takes microphone, throws it people that we hope will only tags in my pants migrants jumps in from the rafters from the top rural MIKE Bent. Just do this thing. Astute right. Come on I gotta say I'm just way Washington about with genuine we set about emotional genomic wherever airlift haven't. You ever think like. I know, don't wait until the joke character, but we're all your always out of stock is also started out in that it does not mean we. None of us would be here for one room and that, frankly, you just did stood so much for this
really for the country. By I mean I grew up. Listening to Roger I mean I think everybody was conservative of my generation grew up in the car listening to rush, because before the internet really and before he could listen to pay, her exposure to conservative thought was Ruslan Bomb. Yet my getting is an about. When I was maybe fourteen fifteen years old, resource and even the car together and I mean believable entails a broadcaster and a populist version of Willie enough Buckley. I would have just mean that he was able to reach a crowd. The Buckley was never able to reach Raymond. Buckley was speaking up here and russian speaking time for the common man and and that's a pretty president, we shouldn't talk about what he's got? Railways not perfectly well are there and he's gonna without with God, hopefully, who help being cover reason, but as you know, since it, what rush doesn't get enough credit to, because you know you compare devoutly hidden Buckley were actually friend. That I say they were speaking in different ways in different media, but I loved in Russia's stay and when he gave the announcement he said you know I really don't like talking about myself, and this struck a lot of people as I guess he says you know
I have talent on loan from God. I deal with half my mother had not about himself. It was right and it's the jail He said he said you know. I don't talk about myself unless it's satirical and Peru, and you know I I I have this relations. With God, I'm leaning on it more now than I used to, but I just wanted to let you know cause, I respect the audience and he always respects his audience. He never refers to his fans. The always refers this list of earth, and I think that respect is why you get so much love bang, and we know, and we notions, realities, conservative, we know, God listens to sure to get his ideas so weak, we have a lot of hope for a week. We also know with Russia number that the response on Twitter yesterday is the most vitriolic hate filled. Part that I've ever seen on a platform ordinarily known for its. Civility. I read things people's reactions to rush by yesterday and I was actually embarrassed for people.
That's the thing. You know that I just feel like people that are already suffering. I don't even engage with them. I won't respond to him. I won't tell him what I think of it just think. That's that's an evil unto itself that you pay for already twitter is the dumbest place on earth on redeemable, except in the ILO. Caucus are melting in which it was created, radius thing at his. Four been invented. Ok, so before the state of the union, let's quickly handicap The democratic grace right now, if he had put money on it, I've been on burning, but then you take my money if I win, this really is not worth it at this point, but I think the body is still the front runner at this point. What it, what it s like, Michael, what you think, I bet on Bernie, except the Democrats, are going to redistribute as votes and I really mean that seriously he he would win right now eat. It looks like he probably one and I a weather some shenanigans, going on his way up in New Hampshire, the guy's even gaining in South Carolina, which he hadn't been doing well, and I think, if they were left to, the will of the voters. He would get it, and yet the democratic already- this is not a conspiracy theory. They have tried time and time again to squash this guy's Canada,
and they have the power to do it. So I suspect there is a good chance that succeed again, I know- I don't think they will, I don't think they will succeed. I think it will be Bernie. Four things keep up this way and I think they will succeed, because I think you were right and that the the people follow burning are not showing up for the second year. Can Robert Down, number and burn the boys. Now the Communist yoke MAC I wouldn't did you see the James O Keefe was banned on Twitter, India for his expertise about Bernie staff as another We will it's like. I remember now telling me I didn't really miss. That's that's insane unsafe had predictable but insane anyone. It hasn't been following. This ok presented terrific exquisite over the last couple weeks Sanders campaign worker four sanders campaign worker after Sanders campaign worker saying that, basically, Google lags and violent revolution there been a remarkable, a remarkable, not he's no even covered the fact that they made and I words against Lindsey Gram, there's rush the man himself with millennia tromp rush slumber.
Waiting here for the president, and I say it: you ought to make us entrance just any men now will be watching the state of the union along with you and then afterwards will pay, back on here and give you our analysis. In the meantime, the year is just getting started and it's already pretty cool. We know that you need to know everything from the best I will caucus ever to the amazing coverage of events like nice, state of the union address and the best way for you to stay in one is a daily wire member right now, we'll give you twenty percent off of your membership. Why? Because its twenty twenty? Yes we're offering twenty percent of all new memberships. When you use the promo code, the w twenty twenty you'll get articles ad free access over alive broadcasts and our show library, the full three hours of the been Shapiro showed daily. Was selected. Bonus, content and access to our mailbag at over there now and become an all access. Member and you'll also get to ask us questions after this. In our current discussions, which we ve been doing after backstage and are a lot of fun, give us a chance to answer a lot more,
questions than we were narrowly get to again head over to daily Wire doc, dotcom, slash discussions, use that promo code D, W twenty twenty get your twenty percent off. Is this a cabinet, walking and resist cabinet is walking into the chamber. So this question Do they have a ruling interest in the democratic partners? So I know there are lots of people who are rooting for burning to when it seems like a lot of folks and sort of trumps orbit are rooting for burn. You know I do not want Bernie too, when I don't know, but I wanted I'd and to be the nominee, and the reason is because if we learned anything from the twenty, sixteen election is that anyone nominated can become president correct and if Biden becomes president, it will not be the end of the republic and know that it's we're, in election now and you're gonna get burned at the stake. If you say things like this, I'm just telling you of Joe Biden. President of the United States, there's gonna be some problems I won't be happy about it. We will still have a country on the other side of it and if someone my Bernie accidently think of all the things that happened here can be the nominee from can have a heart attack
it can be the nominee the economy can collapse, he can be the nominee in anything, can happen any of a hundred things can happen and he becomes the president, and now the great country in the history of the earth has has elected and actual communist to be president. I don't see how we can possibly route for that just because we think it might be funny. I gotta Well, that's that's one thing I would be even more vulnerable. They also, I just don't think it'll happen. I have too much hope too much faith in the country. I do not think the library send I would love to see his philosophy repudiated. As It will be, as Germany carbons was important, on, though, is a term after another, lesson that we learn from the trumpets section. Twenty sixteen is a party we'll realign its values to support its novelty. They will, and if Bernie is the he doesn't even have to win that he is. The nominee Democrats will be the party of com as I know, here's my hair wait, that's, but that's not true. They feel they realign, but if you lose, they realize well no. I am not sure that that's right because they realize for Mcgovern, and then there were a few
There is like one election cycle with Carter, basically where they realigning former conservative direction and then by one thousand nine hundred and eighty two RT realigning back toward my daughter knows I'm right because Teddy Kennedy was winning primaries. In my one thousand nine hundred and eighty four year of Walter Mondale onstage Brooklyn he's going to raise everybody's. So I think that is the outer bar that is set that bar now becomes. Closer to the middle. That's what's better more designed more lightly Y know that that may be true, but it is either have made. Their calculation is very simple, which is that, if burning, if it's the possibility, is Bernie, has a forty percent shouted being. President in Biden has a forty five percent shouted being president. I would much rather take by forty five percent shouted being president unburied, forty percent out the differential isn't enough to justify Bernie Beer
that man at the end of the dark nights. I won't blow up and I can be Batman at any point em and I'm the Joker go. I wouldn't worry and twenty sixteen on the other side of this, like worry about it, just goes left in Lebanon. Left you didn't get when Monday, I got wiped out by Reagan and eighty four and you did not so long after get Bill Clinton who was especially by today's standards but really even by those standards. A sort of moderate democrat I do wonder if you got a burning in there, and hopefully everyone survives- then maybe you can get a repudiation of that, but even if not even if you're worried that battle realign the party then than by that
logic shouldn't we be pulling for a guy like Bloomberg, who is sort of annoying and he was a young member well when it was may or are they all take bubbling over my doubly moderate, a heartbeat I'll take Limburg over by yet if the luminous likes capitalism, Limerick actually believe that the free market is a good thing and areas the President United Terry GO guys are right. Let's do as thank.
The good news that the President of the United States member is, of course the president.
The United States, you, Madam Speaker, Mr Vice President members of the first lady of the United States, my fellow citizens. Three years ago, we launched the great American come back tonight. I stand before you to share the incredible results: jobs are looming, incomes are soaring. Poverty is plummeting: crime is falling, confidences surgery,
and our country is thriving, and highly respected. Again his enemies are on the run America's fortunes are on the rise in America's future. Is blazing bright The years of economic decay are over the days of our country being used, taking advantage of and even
scorn by other nations, are along behind us to be broken: promises, jobless, recoveries, tired platitudes and constant excuses for the depletion of american Wealth Power and prestige, Ngos three short years we have shattered the mentality of Amerika in decline, and we have rejected the downsizing of Americans. Destiny We have totally rejected the downsizing We are moving forward at a pace that was
unimaginable just a short time ago, and we are never ever going back. I am thrilled to report to you tonight that our economy is the best it has ever been Our military is completely rebuilt with, power being unmatched anywhere in the world, and it's not even close Our borders are secure Our families are flourishing our values are renewed or pride is restored. And for all of these reasons I say to the people of our great country, I do the members of Congress, the state
of our union is stronger than ever before. The vision I will lay out this evening demonstrates how we are building the world's most prosperous and inclusive society, one where every citizen can join in America's unparalleled success and where every community can take part in it work- is extraordinary rise
from the instant I took office, I moved rapidly to revive the: U S economy, slashing a record number of job killing regulations, enacting historic and record setting tax cuts and fighting for fair and reciprocal trade agreements. Our agenda is relentlessly per worker, pro family, pro growth and most civil pro American. We are advancing with unbridled optimism
lifting our citizens of every race color religion and creed very, very high my election. We have created seven million new jobs, five million more than government experts projected during the previous administration.
The unemployment rate is the lowest in over half a century. Very probably the average unemployment rate under my administration is lower than any administration in the history of our country. If we hadn't reverse the failed economic policies
the previous administration. The world would not now be witnessing this great economic success rate for African Americans sporadic Americans and asian Americans has reached the lowest levels in history. African american youth unemployment has reached an all time. Low american poverty has declined to the lowest rate ever recorded
the unemployment rate for women reached the lowest level it almost seventy years and last year women feel seventy two percent of all new
jobs added veterans, unemployment rate dropped to a record low. The unemployment rate for disabled Americans has reached an all time: low workers without a high school diploma. Achieve the lowest unemployment rate recorded
In? U s history! A record number of young Americans are now employed under the last administration. More than ten million people were added to the food stamp roles, undermine
administration, seven million Americans have come or food stamps and ten million people have been lifted off of welfare is eight years. Under the last administration, over three hundred thousand working age, people dropped out of the workforce. In just three years of my administration, three point: five million people, Working Age, people have joined the
workforce since my election, the net worth of the bottom half of wage earners, has increased by forty seven percent three times faster than the increase for the top one percent. After decades of flat and falling incomes. Wages are rising fast and wonderfully they are fast is for low income workers who have seen a sixteen percent pay increase since
election. This is a blue collar boom. Real median household income is now at the highest level. Ever recorded. Since my election, U stock markets have soared seven
three percent, adding more than twelve trillion dollars to our nation's wealth, transcending anything anyone believed was possible. This is a record. It is something that every country in the world is looking up to. They admire Consumer confidence has just reached amazing new highs. All of those millions of people with four or one case and pensions are doing far better. Than they have ever done before. With increases of sixty seventy eighty, ninety and one hundred percent and even more jobs that investments are pouring into nine thousand previously neglected. Neighborhoods. Thanks to,
opportunity zones, a plan spearheaded by Senator TIM Scott as part of our great republican tax cuts. In other words, wealthy people and companies are pouring money into poor. Neighborhoods are areas that haven't seen investment in many decades, creating jobs, energy and excitement. This is the first time that these deserving communities have seen anything like this. It's working maternity zones. Are helping Americans like Army veteran Tony rankings from Cincinnati Ohio, struggling with drug addiction
tony losses, job his house and his family. He was harmless. Then Tony found a construction company that invests in opportunities zones. He is now, top tradesmen drug free reunited with his family, and he is here tonight. Tony keep. The great work Tony. Thank you tell me a roaring economy as to the first time ever given many former prisoners, the ability to get a great job and a fresh start,
This second chance in life is made possible because we pass landmark criminal justice reform into law. Everybody said that criminal justice reform couldn't be done, but I gotta done, and the people in this room got it done. Thanks to our regulatory reduction campaign, the United States has become the number one producer of oil and natural gas anywhere in the world for many years. Progress we have made over the past three years, America's now: energy, independent and energy jobs. Like so many other elements of our country or at a record high we're doing number is that no one would have thought possible just three years ago. Likewise, we are restoring our nations. Men
you fracturing might even predictions were, as you all know, that this could never be done
after losing sixty thousand factories under the previous two administrations. America's now gained twelve thousand new factories under my administration, with thousands upon thousands of plants and factories being planned or being built, but these are not believing they are coming back to the USA. The fact is that everybody wants to be where the action is in. The United States of America is indeed the place where the action is. One of the biggest promises made to the american people was too
replace the disastrous NAFTA trade deal. In fact, unfair trade is perhaps the single biggest reason that I decided to run for president. Following NAFTA's adoption, our nation lost one in four manufacturing jobs. Many, Politicians came and went pledging to change or replace NAFTA only to do so, and then apps. Ultimately, nothing happened, but I like so many UK before me. I keep my promises. We did our job six days ago. I replaced NAFTA inside the brand new. U S, Mexico, Canada, agreement into law,
the! U S, embassy will create nearly one hundred thousand new high paying american auto jobs. And massively boost exports for our farmers, ranchers and factory workers it will also bring trade with Mexico and Canada to a much higher level, but also to be a much greater degree of fairness and reciprocity. We will have that fairness and rests upon prosody, and I say that finally, because it's been many many years that we were treated fairly on trade, This is the first major trade deal in many years to earn the strong backing of America's Labour unions. I also promised her citizens that I would impose tariffs to confront China's massive theft of
is jobs our strategy has worked days ago. We signed the ground breaking new agreement with China that will defend our workers attacked our intellectual property, bring billions and billions of dollars into our treasury and open vast new markets for products made and grown right here in the USA for decades, China has taken advantage of the United States. Now we have changed that, but at this each time, we have perhaps the best relationship we ve ever had with China, including with president. She they respect What we ve done, because quite frankly, they could never really believe that they were. Well to get away with what they were doing here
if two year, decade after decade, without someone in our country, stepping up and saying that's enough. Now we want to rebuild our country, that's exactly what we're doing. We are rebuilding our country As we restore american leadership throughout the world,
we are once again standing up for freedom in our hemisphere. That's why my administration reverse the failing policies of the previous administration on Cuba. We are supporting the hopes of Cubans nicaraguans invent Venezuelans to restore democracy. The United States is leading Fifty nine nation diplomatic coalition against these socialist dictator venezuelan Nicholas. Madeira,
a tyrant do brutalizes its people but Madeira, its grip on journey, we'll be smashed and broken. Here this evening. Very brave man. Who carries with it the hopes, dreams and aspirations of all Venezuelans.
Joining us in the gallery. Is the true and legitimate president of Venezuela, Juan Guido Mista President? Please take this message back. Thank you, Mr President. Thank you very much. Please take this message back. All Americans are united with the venezuelan people in their righteous struggle for freedom
Thank you very much precipitation. Thank you very much Socialism destroys nations, but always remember freedom unifies the Sole Safeguard american Liberty. We have invested a record breaking two point: two trillion dollars:
in the United States military we approaches the finest planes missiles rocket ships. In every other form of military equipment, and it's all made right here in the USA. We are also getting our allies finally to pay there,
share, raise contributions from other NATO members by more than four hundred billion dollars, and the number of allies meeting minimum obligations has more than doubled and just weeks ago, for the first time since President Truman established the air force more than seventy years earlier, we could a brand new branch of the United States armed forces. It's called his speech, force in the gallery tonight. We're me young gentlemen.
And what he wants so badly thirteen years old in Long FE. He's an eighth greater from Arizona Please stand up as always dreamed of going to space. The first is class and among the youngest dead, an aviation academy. Here, spires to go to the AIR Force Academy, and then he has his eye on the space force. As he says most people, look up at space I want to look down on the world, was sitting behind. In tonight, the greatest hero of them all
Charles Magee, was more, in Cleveland Ohio one century ago Charles is one of the last surviving Tuskegee airman the first black fighter, pilots,
and he also happens to be in great grandfather, credible story. After more than one hundred and thirty combat missions in world war, two He came back home to a country's still struggling for civil rights and went on to serve America in Korea and Vietnam,
one December seven, Charles celebrated, his one hundredth birthday A few weeks ago I signed a bill promoting Charles would be to Brigadier general, and earlier today I pin the stars shoulders in the oval office. Well, maybe
our nation salutes you thank you, Sir, the pilgrims to the founders from the soldiers at Valley forge to the marchers at Selma, and President Lincoln, to the Reverend Martin Luther king. Americans have always rejected limits on our children's future members of Congress, we must never forget, that the only victories that matter in Washington or Rick
these that deliver for the american people. The people are the heart of our country dreams are the sole of our country, and they love is what powers, and stains our country, We must always remember that our job is to put America first, the next forward in building an inclusive society is making sure that every young American gets a great education.
And the opportunity to achieve the american dream yet for too long, countless american children, have been trapped. In failing government schools The rescue these students, eighteen states, have created school choice in the form of opportunity. Scholarships The programmes are so popular that tens of thousands of students remain. When a waiting list. One Students Jeanette Davis, a fourth greater from Philadelphia tonight. Denies mom Stephanie is a single parent, she would do anything to give her daughter a better future.
But last year that future was put further out of reach. When Pennsylvania's governor vetoed legislation to expand school choice to fifty thousand children July and Stephanie are in the gallery Stephanie. Thank you so much for being here we hear beautiful daughter. Thank you very much, but I have good news for you, because I am pleased to inform you that a long wait is over. I can proudly announced tonight that Opportunity. Scholarship has become available, is going to you and you will soon be heading two.
School of your choice? Now I call on Congress to give one million american children the same opportunity. Jane I as just received pass the education, freedom, scholarships and opportunities act, because
no parent should be forced to send their child to a failing government school. Every young person should have a safe and secure environment in which to learn and to grow For this reason, I've never seen. First lady is launched the be best initiative to advance a safe, healthy support. And drug free life for the next generation online in school communities. Thank you, Maloney fear, extraordinary love and profound care, for,
is children. Thank you very much My administration is determined to give our citizens the opportunities they need. We go artless of age or background through our pledge to american workers over four hundred. Companies will also provide new jobs and education opportunities to all. Fifteen million Americans My budget also contains an exciting vision for our nations high schools tonight as Congress. Just support our students and back my plan to offer vocational and technical. Education in every
single high school in America too. Spanned equal opportunity. I am all so proud that we achieve record and per funding for our nations? Historically, black colleges and universities. A good life for american families also requires the most affordable, innovative and high quality healthcare system on earth. Before it Golfers health insurance premium said more than doubled in just five years. I move quickly to prove
Affordable alternatives are, plans are up to sixty percent, less expensive, and better
I have also made an clad pledge to american families. We will always protect patients with pre existing conditions and we will always protect you, a medical care and we will always protect your social security. The american patient should never be blindsided by medical bills. That is why I sighed and executive order requiring price.
And sparing say many experts believe that transparency, which will go into full effect at the beginning. Next year will even bigger than here Scare reform It will save families massive amounts of money for substantially better care, but as we work to improve Americans healthcare. There are those who want to take away your health care. Take away. You
doctor and abolish private insurance, entire one hundred and thirty, two law makers in this room have endorsed legislation to impose a socialist take over of our health care system, wiping out the private health insurance plans of one hundred and eighty million very happy America use to those watch? You get home tonight, I want you to know we will ever lead. Socialism destroy american healthcare over one hundred and thirty legislators in this chamber have endorsed legislation that would bankrupt our nation.
Providing free taxpayer funded health geared to millions of illegal aliens, forcing taxpayers to subsidize three care for anyone in the world who are lawfully crosses borders, these proposals would raid the Medicare benefits of our seniors and that are seen is depend on, while acting as a powerful lure for Illegal immigration That is what is happening in California and other states. Their systems are totally out of control, costing too experts vast and unaffordable amounts of money. Forcing american taxpayers to provide unlimited free healthcare to illegal aliens sounds fair to you. Then stand with the radical left. But if you believe that we should defend american patients and american seniors Stand with me and pass legislation to prohibit free, government health care, for,
illegal aliens. This will be a tremendous boone. You are, ready very strongly guarded southern border, whereas we speak a long tall and Powerful wall is being built. We have now completed over one hundred miles and have over five hundred miles fully completed in a very short period of time. Early next year we will have substantially more than five hundred miles completed. I administration is also taken on the
Pharmaceutical companies we approved, a record number of affordable generic drugs and medicines are being approved by the FDA at a faster clip. Then ever before, and I was pleased to announce last year that for the first time and fifty one years because of scripture drugs actually went down and working together. Congress can reduce drug prices substantially from I'd levels: I've been so begin to Senator Chuck gradually of Iowa and others in Congress in order to get something on drug pricing done, and done quickly and properly
I'm calling for bipartisan legislation that achieves the goal of dramatically lowering prescription drugs prices, get a bill on my desk. I will sign it into law ITALY with we grow overdoes DES deadline, for the first time in nearly thirty years, among the states hardest hit. Ohio is down twenty two percent Pennsylvania's down eighteen percent,
cancer is down. Ten percent- and we will not quit until we have beaten the opium, epidemics once and for all, protecting Americans Health also means fighting infection, diseases We are coordinating with the chinese government and working closely together. The corona virus outbreak in China. My administration will take all necessary steps to safeguard our citizens from this threat. We have launched ambitious new initiatives to substantially improve care for Americans with Kidney Disease Alzheimer's, and struggling with mental health because Congress was so good as to find my request nuclear
as for childhood cancer, and we will eradicate the AIDS epoch Dammit get America by the end of this decade. Almost every american family knows the pain when a loved one is diagnosed with a serious illness, here tonight is a special man beloved by millions of Americans who just received a stage for advanced cancer diagnosis. This is not good news but what is good news is that he is the greatest fighter in winter that you will ever made a rush.
Limbaugh. Thank you for your decades of tireless devotion to our country and rush in recognition of all that you have done for our nation, the millions of people a day that you speak to him. You inspire and all of the incredible work you have done for charity. I am proud to announce tonight that you will be receiving our countries highest,
survey and honour the presidential metal of freedom. I will now ask the first lady of the United States to present you with the
rose regulations
gather, as pray for all who are sick, we that America is constantly achieving new medical, breakthroughs. In twenty seventeen doctors. It saved Luke's hospital in Kansas City delivered one of the earliest premature babies or to survive born a just twenty one weeks in six days, and weighing less than a pound, Ellie Schneider was born fighter through the scale of our doctors and the press. The parents little Ellie kept on winning the battle of life. Today, Ellie is a strong healthy two year old girl sitting with her amazing mother, Robin the gallery
Ellie and Rob, and we are glad to have you with us. Feller reminds us that every child is a miracle of life thanks to modern medical wonders. Fifty percent very premature babies delivered at the hospital we're Ellie was born, now survive incredible thing. Thank you very much should be to ensure that every baby the best chance to thrive and grow just like Ellie.
That is why I am asking Congress to provide an additional fifty million dollars to fund neonatal research for America's youngest patients. That is why I am also calling upon members of Congress here tonight to pass legislation. Finally banning the late term
abortion, whether we are republican, democratic, independent, Surely we must all agree that every human life is a sacred gift from God, as we support America's moms and dead. I was recently proud to sign the law.
Providing new parents in the federal workforce paid family leave serving as a model for the rest of the country. Now I call on Congress to pass the bipartisan advancing support for working families act standing family leave to mothers and fathers all across our nation.
Forty million american families have an average two thousand two hundred dollars extra thanks to our child tax credit. I've also overseeing historic funding. Increases for high quality childcare Tabling seventeen states still more children. Many avoid have reduced or eliminated their weightless altogether. And I said congress- a plan with a vision to further expand access to high quality childcare and urge you to act immediately.
To protect the environment. Days ago I announced that the United States will join the one trillion trees initiative, an ambitious effort to bring together
the government in private sector to plant new trees at America and all around the world. We must also rebuild America's infrastructure. I ask you to pass John Barroso. We build to invest in new roads, bridges and tunnels all across our land. I am also committed to ensuring that every citizen can have access to high speed internet, including
especially in rural, A man may better tomorrow, for all Americans also requires us to keep. America safe. That means supporting the men and women of law enforcement at every level, including our nations heroic ice officers. Last year, our brave I surfaces arrested more than one hundred and twenty thousand criminal aliens, George, with nearly ten thousand burglaries, five thousand sexual assaults. Forty four five thousand violent assaults and two thousand
murders, tragically There are many cities in America where radical politicians have chosen to prove I'd sanctuary for these criminal illegal aliens in sanctuary cities, local officials, order pro these two release dangerous criminal aliens to prey upon the public in of handing them over to ice to be safely removed, just twenty nine days ago, a criminal alien freed by this sure city of New York was charged with the brutal rape and murder of a ninety two year old woman, the killer had been previously arrested for assault but under New York Sanctuary policies, he was free. If the city had Ices detain her request. His victim would still be alive today The state of California Pass and outrageous Lord declaring their whole state to be
Sanctuary for Christmas illegal. Migrants, a very terrible sanctuary with care is traffic results here is just one tragic example: in December, twenty eighteen caliphate your police detained and illegal alien with fire. If prior arrests, including convictions for robbery and assault, but required by California Sanctuary LAW local authorities released him days later, the criminal alien went on a gruesome sprit of deadly violence, he viciously shot one man going about his daily work here. I a woman sitting in a car and shot her in the arm and the chest. He walked into a convenience store and wildly fired his weapon? He hired yet a truck and smashed into vehicles critically injuring innocent victims, one of them Victims is a more terrible
Situation die, Fifty one year old, American named Rocky Jones, Rocky was at a gas station when this vile criminal fired eight bullets at him from close range murdering him in cold blood rock left behind a devoted family, including his brothers, who loved him. More than anything else in the world, of his grieving brothers is here with us tonight Jody. Would you please stand Jody? Thank you Jody onwards. We feel laws and we will not rest until you have justice.
At a time tell us, is introduce legislation to allow Americans like Jody to sue sanctuary cities and states when a loved one. I am gone grist to pass the justice for victims of Sanctuary cities act immediately.
The United States of America should be a sanctuary for law abiding Americans not criminal aliens. In the last three years, ices arrested over five thousand wicked human traffickers, and I have signed nine pieces of legislation to stamp out the menace of human trafficking domestically and all around the globe My administration has undertaken unprecedented efforts, effort to secure the southern border of the United States before I came to office. If you showed up illegally on our southern border and were arrested, you were simply released it allowed into our country, never to be again
my administration has ended, catch and release review come illegally. You will now be promptly remove moved from our country? Very importantly, we entered into a store a cooperation agreements with the governments of Mexico, Honduras, elsewhere the door and Guatemala as a result of our unprecedented efforts. Illegal crossings are down seventy five percent since May dropping a straight,
once in a row and as the wall rapidly goes up, drug seizures rise and What crossings are going down and going down very rapidly Last year I travel to the border in Texas and match patrol agent, Raoul or tease. Over the last twenty four months, agent Ortiz and his team have seized more than two hundred thousand pounds of poisonous narcotics arrested more than three thousand human smugglers and rest. More than two thousand Migrants,
days ago, agent ordeal was promoted to deputy chief of border patrol and he joins us tonight. Key forties. Please stand a grateful nation, thank you and all of the heroes of border patrol, and I thank you very much for building these historic gains. We are working on legislation to replace are outdated, end randomized immigration system with one based on merit, welcoming those who follow the rules, contributor economy, support themselves financially and uphold.
Our values with every action. My administration is restoring the rule of law and reasserting the culture of american freedom. Working with Senator George leader Mitch, Mcconnell beg image and his colleagues in the Senate, we have confirmed a record number of one hundred and eighty seven new federal judges to. Pulled our constitution as written. This includes to bring new Supreme Court justices. Neil Gore such an Brett
half an hour, and we have many in the pipeline. My administration is also defending religious liberty, and that includes the cards. Additional right to pray in public schools in Amerika, we don't punish, grew. We don't down crosses weed, ban symbols of faith.
We don't muzzle preachers and pastures. In America we celebrate faith. We cherish religion, we If there are voices in prayer- and we raise our sights to the glory of god- Just as we believe in the first amendment, we all so believe in another constitutional right. Under siege all across our country, So long as I am president, I will always protect your second amendment right in reaffirming ages. A free nation We must remember that America has always been a frontier nation
Now we must embrace the next frontier work is manifest destiny and the stars. I am asking Congress to fully fund the optimist, program, to ensure that the next man and the first woman on the moon will be american astronauts using this as a launching pad to ensure that America is the first nation to plant its flag on Mars is also. Defending our national security. Combating radical Islam make terrorism
last week, I announced a groundbreaking plan for peace between Israel and the Palestinians I recognise that all past attempts have failed. We must determined and creative in order to stabilize the region and give millions of young people the chance to realise a better future. Three years ago the Barbarians devices held for twenty thousand square miles of territory in Iraq and Syria, today the ICES Territorial Caliphate has been one hundred percent destroyed
the founder and leader of ices, the blood thirsty killer known as Albert Daddy is dead. We are joined this evening by Karl Marcia Mueller. Graduating from college they're, beautiful daughter, color, became a humanitarian aid, work, She once wrote some people find God in church somebody Oh fine, God in nature, some people find God in love. I find God in suffering I've known for some time what my life This work is using my hands and tools to relieve suffering. Two thousand and thirteen, while care
ring for suffering. Civilians in Syria. Calloway kidnap, tortured and enslaved by ices and kept as a prisoner of Albert Daddy himself have two more Then five hundred horrifying days of captivity our big, daddy murder, young, you're awful Keller she was just twenty six years old when the night did? U S special forces operations ended. Outback, daddy's, miserable life the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff General Mark Billy, received a call in the situation We were told that the brave men of the elite special forces team that so pretty equally carried out the operation. Had given their mission, a name. Task force eight fourteen It was a reference to a special day August, fourteen killers birthday. Carl and Marcia Amount,
It warriors never forgot gala and neither will we these men and women in uniform demonstrate the infinite depths of love. The dwells in the human heart One of these american Hearers was Army staff sergeant Chris, for Hake, second deployment to Iraq in two thousand eight surgeon, Hake, wrote a letter to his one year. Also engage
I will be with you again. He wrote to gauge. I will teach you to ride your first bike. Build your first sandbox, what you play sports and see you have kids. Also, love you son. Care of your mother. I always with you daddy, on Easter Sunday of two thousand and eight Chris was out on petrol in Baghdad when his Bradley fighting vehicle was hit. A roadside bomb that night he made the ultimate sacrifice for our country Sergeant Hake now rests in eternal glory in Arlington and his I've Kelly is in the gallery tonight joined by their son who is now a thirteen year old and doing very, very well to Kelly, engage. Chris will live in our hearts forever. Looking down on you now thank you
Thank you very much Turkey is responsible for killing surging ache, where's Cassim salami who provided the deadly roadside bomb that Chris. His life Solemn money was the iranian regime's most ruthless butcher, a monster who murder awarded thousands of american service members in Iraq as the world's top tourist alimony, orchestrated the DES. Countless men, women and children. He
record the December to solve and went on to assault. The? U S. Forces in Iraq was actively planning new attacks when we had a very hard that's why, last month, in my direction, the? U S military executed, a flawless precision strike. That killed solemn, Annie terminate it is evil reign of terror for ever our message to soon you will never escape american justice if you,
attack our citizens, you forfeit your life. In recent months, we have seen proud Iranians raised their voices against their repressive rulers, The iranian regime must abandon its pursuit of nuclear weapons. Step spread inter death and destruction and working for the good of its own people, because very powerful sanctions. The arena economy is doing very, very poorly. We can help them make a very good and short time. Recovery it can all go very quickly, but perhaps they are too proud or to foolish. Screw that help we are here. Let's see which road they choose totally up to them
as we defend american lives. We are working to end America's wars in the Middle EAST Afghanistan, determination and ruler of war fighters, has allowed us to make tremendous progress in peace talks are now under way. I am not. Came to kill hundreds of thousands of people in Afghanistan, many of I'm totally innocent It is also not function to serve other nations, as law enforcement agencies, These are war fighters that we have the best in the world. And they either want to fight to win or I find it all We are working to finally end America's longest. War
and bring our troops back home or places a heavy burden on our nations. Extraordinary military families, especially We spouses, like Amy Williams from Fort Bragg North Carolina two children six year old, Belly Anna. Three year Old, Rowan Amy, works full time and volunteers, countless hours, being other military families. The past seven months. She is done at all, while her husband sergeant first last Townsend Williams, is in Afghanistan on this fourth deployment in the Middle EAST These kids haven't seen their fathers face in many months, your family sacrifice makes if possible?
for all of our families to live in safety and in peace, and we went. Thank you. Thank you and me, but Amy. There is one more thing tonight. We have a very special surprise,
I am thrilled to inform you that your husband is back from deployment. He is here with us tonight and we couldn't keep him waiting any longer, welcome home, Sergeant Williams. Thank you very much
as the world bears witness tonight It is a land of heroes, the place where great nooses boy, we're destinies or forged and were legends, to life. This is the home of Thomas Edison and Teddy Roosevelt. Of many great generals, including Washington Pershing Patent and Macarthur this is the home of Abraham Lincoln for Rick Douglas Amelia Erhard, Harriet Tubman, the Wright Brothers, Neil armstrong- and so many more, this the country where children learn names like wider Davy crack at an end, Hopefully this the place The pilgrims landed at Plymouth. Texas Patriots, made their last stand at the Alamo the beautiful beautiful Alamo
The american nation was carved out of the vast frontier by the toughest strongest fiercest and most determined men and women ever to war on the face of the earth, our ancestors bravely unknown, came the wilderness, settled the wild West, did millions from poverty, disease and hunger vanquished tyranny and fascism. I showed the world to new heights of science and medicine, laid down the railroads dog the canals rays The skyscrapers and, ladies and gentlemen, our ancestors build them, exceptional republic.
To exist in all of human history and we are making a greater than ever before. This is a glorious and magnificent inheritance. We are Americans, we are pioneers. We are there finders We settle the new world we build the modern world and We change history forever by embracing the eternal truth,
that everyone is made equal by the hand of Almighty God. America is the place where anything can happen America's to the place where anyone can rise: and here on this land on the soil, on this continent. The most incredible dreams come true. This nation is our canvas and this country is our masterpiece Look it tomorrow and see unlimited frontiers, just waiting to be explored, Our brightest discoveries are not yet known, our most thrilling stories
are not yet told a grandest journeys are, he had made the american age. There an epoch. American adventure. Only just begun arson, It is still young, The sun is still rising, Grace is still shining and my fellow Americans the best is yet come near his overtly tearing it up behind him classic. Well, there you have it the President of the United States, Donald Trump, letting all of us here, a daily wired down, thigh, giving a terrific stated
We talk about contravention both a bar bias against states of the union generally and our high hopes that the president would come out and give us basically W w e style destruction of the Democrats instead, each is to give true one of the great state of the union address, but I think he's got it ass. It was getting some of them. The best stated the end he his last year said union addresses excellent. Every year we say this is like the best species ever given in. This is again one of the best we can. That has ever given. He is by far the best present and I have ever seen in my lifetime at putting people in the stands and then telling great stories about them, is recovering tv got ready to understand that if you actually reunite people until we? That is better than talking about reuniting he showed you doesn't sell rights if you're gonna give Russia and by the middle of freedom, have him actually being given the metal of freedom on tv, and so all of that was just fantastic. He he really took the opportunity to to say all the things in the first twenty minutes,
Everybody can agree with right that the economy is fantastic. You re like makes the economy's fantastic, and then he started clubbing that more crap about the ears, over socialism and about healthcare, air and about illegal immigration, but he saved that stuff like forty minute in so if you are just where the casual, the or you're, not understand any the headlines tomorrow from the New York Times about divisive the speeches and how terrible the speeches, because only watch them. You have not always talking about fantastic. The economies which again is very My tactic, the best thing in the speech aside obviously the reuniting of the family answering which mean that that that is ANT video fire winter. There is no the blow. That is just spectacular, no matter how it's done. The best thing that he did was the very and right there tells the story of America, because that is the key contrast that we are going to be looking at. In this election is the special if its Bernie Sanders. Key contrast between America is a fantastic place. Amerika was a fantastic place. America has been filled, with Heroes and America's concentrated better herself. Our history is great with me. The modern world, great all of that is in direct contradiction to everything that you ve been here,
and from people to judge beside it, was no more on ski nineteen project in Amerika was rooted in racism and slavery, and people who are always or history rags alleys, its direct refutation of the Howard's in bullshit that Europe in her a hearing, the Democrats push on the campaign the beta work nonsense and they all I ve been mirror and Mister Bell Myriad, so so from this martyrs mobility makes there is he says, because great and we're making a greater than ever before and all the democratic they hate tromp right, but it looks like there. Sitting for the part recently America's actually great has been raped, and but the truth is that, the big they wouldn't even agree with the basic statement. Regimen new democratic Party, unlike democratic voters, most democratic voters are still patriots, most democratic vote. Of course, still believed that America is uniquely amazing place because they live here. How can you live here not believe, therefore, but by by pointing that out? and by saying all of those things that american history he's drawing. Significant contrast, the democratic and be hard pressed to win, Michael I really don't I'd think that this is an exaggeration all. I think this was the single greatest
state of the union address in american history, not all because of drum but largely because of tromp was in part cause of the moment has been said. Those moments were horror. I mean tears came to my eyes at the rush moment. Pierre minimum. The moments were just unbelievable, second reason is because of the Democrats. Reactions, Nancy Pelosi couldn't stand for rush, limbos answer, diagnosis and the mental afraid couldn't stand for low black on employment below his Unemployment for lower disabled unemployment couldn't stand for in it that all the democratic parliamentary, why couldn't stand for love, women, unemployed, yeah, but the third reason the third way, some of the state of the union was probably, I think the greatest ever given is because this state of the union. Simply is indiscreet measures. The greatest has ever been on. Economic policy. Foreign policy, peace around the world, a consumer confidence manufacturing confidence. There is all this policy.
Nickel rancor. You saw that with the Democrats sitting down, but by all objective measures he was telling the truth. State of the union really is strong. You know all through this You know, I have a really good friend likes to say the facts. Don't care about your feelings for this! All. Through the speech I kept thinking of something that the poet John Keats wrote to the other poet per Shelly, he said load every rift of your subject with or meaning don't just spout. Words actually have Those words applied a medium and two facts and Donald Trump, as I keep saying, has done a tremendous job Obviously, we have problems, sometimes with his character. We problems and sometimes the way he behaved, but he is a guy who advertised himself as a fixture. He has fixed a lot. Country is in great shape. I had really as its and its embellish it. This is the most successful president I've seen since Ronald Reagan and is he is he has the grace of always know he doesn't. Maybe maybe it's a different time. Maybe it's a time when pugilism is required when a certain kind of fight in a certain kind of
intensity is required simply to fight back against the credible, wave of anti american hatred that the press, his soul and the Democrats of soul. He has on an amazing thing to this country, has turned its economy around. To me. To me, the biggest a statistic in the Trump administration is that statistic that the american life expectancy is growing again. People have stopped killing themselves out of despair and that that one statistic that statistic that people were killing themselves out of despair was a rebuke and answerable rebuke to the elites who said it didn't matter to the elites who said that they were citizens of the world and a man You know if America to suffer a little bit for the world to get better. That was fine. No, I mean don't Trot said. No, that's not the way it's gonna be Obama said: jobs are never keep coming back. They came back up
You said you need a magic wand. We didn't need of meat, a magic wand. The speech was show great. The showmanship was great. Showmanship was great, but the speech was great because it applied to think There were actually happening, and this is the thing that his amazed me. I remember in at Christmas time. Remember, sitting there with the newspaper and turning to my wife and shame, I've never read this much good news now as January's unfolded with the trade deal, rules and solemn on getting killed in the record, a stock markets and record job, none it's an amazing moment and Donald Trump really does get. The credit for his administration gets the credit for it, and I think that the Democrats look terrible because you're not applauding success. I wanted the substance and the speech made a great how I want to talk about that opening twenty minutes, because I think that it was some of them are savvy craftsmanship that I've ever seen in a state of the union, especially going into an election year.
The first time I talk about our friends over Bravo Company manufacturing and seems like every backstage. We talk about Bravo Contractual and its because public company manufacturing, where the great supporters of this show and one of the great supporters of our second amendment, the president. By the way. During the speech saying that long as he is president he's going to defend the right of Americans to keep em bear arms and that our friends are Bravo companies. Any factoring are all about when the founders crafted the constitution. The very first thing they did was to make sacred the rights of the individual. The show their ideas, without limitation by government as the first amendment Second amendment they enumerated was the second amendment
Why? Because that is the right of the population we learned so much from the view. I know I really bring my egg, that is the right of the population to protect our first amendment rights and to protect our own persons with force. That's what the second amendment is all about has been likes to say it isn't about your right to hunt it isn't about your right to engage in target practice. Shooting it's about your right to protect yourself and your rights. Owning a rifle is an awesome responsibility. Pep talk before on the show about how do I think I think I took you to buy your first. You didn't firearm I've taken lightly. The people who work here too by their first firearm, took Michael devised first firearm. The the truth of the matter is, though, that I I dont like hunting I don't really like target shooting it's the responsibility that causes me to on the fire and I feel like an American. It is our responsibility to own a weapon as a bulwark against people coming to take our weapons.
Building rifles is no less a responsibility. If Europe has a responsibility on one its responsibility to give us a quality one and that's what Bravo Company manufacturing or b c m is all about that. It in a garage by marine better and more than two decades ago, B C and built a professional, great product built to combat standards. Bravo company manufacturing is not boarding arms company they engineer and manufacture lifesaving equipment, that's how they see it, because that's what it is. The people would be CM assume that when a rifle leaves their shop, it will be used in a life or death situation by irresponsible citizen law enforcement officers or soldier overseas. Not they hope it will. They assume at will and they give that much care to its creation. To learn more about. Bravo company manufacturing had over two Bravo Company M, F g dot com, where you can discover more about their product special offers and upcoming news. That's Bravo: company in F g dot com. If you need
more convincing to find out more about Bravo Company manufacturing and the awesome people who make their products at Youtube. Dotcom, slashed, Bravo Company, you say the first twenty minutes, Michael of this speech. President truly gave a state of the union enumerated almost in bulletin form all the sort of measurable Katy eyes that the key performance indicators of what's going on in our country, and he gave a report. I've never seen a president actual We do that. I found it to be overwhelmingly effective. What was your response? I think that's why we did so much because we generally hate these state of the union address. Is there so boring and meandering, and this one he actually gave a state of the union and the reason he did. The reason it was so savvy is because the State of the union is strong. I was a little afraid that he was just gonna
I'll be a diatribe about this of farcical impeachment process, and I think what I left this speech, especially that first twenty minutes of the speech, what left. Thinking was oh yeah. This impeachment is gonna, be up punch line in the history books and the actual substance of the history. Gonna be all the greater after we ve seen over over the last three years. A few things that that are worthy of pointing out one Nancy posted behaviour is atrocious. Rachel opened this thing and she, and normally you say it- is my high honour and pleasure in formulating privilege to prevent present ass in such said, Lady Joel president of the United States because she wasn't any given the time of day and then she, for him her hand and he brusquely- turned its back on earth, so that will be the big headlines to Morrow. You have that they have as little tete a tete at the very end of the speech, I believe, she's this normally, but she made very over tonight at the very end of the speech. While he was still up there, he could see her physically take the speech in terror and half before the cameras went off. She look pretty puerile up there, but I will refer. Reforms appeared. The shoes talk
into our self. Did anyone else know that you're trying to show you a rating along on your computer is? I went right. There were several times where she would look over a kind of in the middle distance between herself and pants kind about out on the horizon somewhere, and she would just start look at me as the President in office's mowing somebody something intercourse or something, but but you did see a couple of kind of outburst by member. The clock is too apparently congressman's him. Ryan walked out and middle, presumably aliases is drinking and instagram, and right now, but the about that, I will say one thing, so it is eminently true that the president's record is pretty good economy, but also in foreign policy or attack at spectacular mean that the one area and no president ever touch as ever, the only one. Ever did was Reagan is spending trade. Nobody ever talks about having to cut spending in the state of the union S. Member Bush. Never did it drove me up a wall. Yet only ever talk about minimizing government, which I thought was part of conservatism until the last five minutes, but no one ever met, but that's not just on trumpets. I never a publican
I will point out. The reason we all feel good tonight is because what we just saw tonight is what trunk could be if it contains himself twenty percent of ok, not a hundred percent. Twenty per and if we saw this Trump everyday overall the wheels If, along we truck along its, we can all the stuff you and I all of us in this room and one person and easy. We all know that have Donald from where this every the men when sixty percent got about a new phase, you could do you still have the right. What we are saying that this affair? We have that. The good news is that the american public's attention span is all seven twenty seconds. So from doesn't like four days before the electorate will probably be ok but need. But this sort of contained trumpet. We saw last year at the state of the union to we're all well, that's great nationally spectacular. If from could just contain it. He could channel the showmanship into moments like this. Peggy Airman getting up, which is an unbelievably. We limited, unbelievable think of the Democratic Party today, claiming that America is not worth fighting for that America's garbage. The Americans you don't eventually change and there in that
had Tuskegee urban or coming home to segregation risking their lives for a country that did not respect them as human beings, but recognising that the potential in the constitution of the United States and the declaration of independence with such Petra, they were american citizens in Amerika was still the glass great hope of man. I mean that's an unbelievably if trunk could share and its great frustration my wife right immunity, it really is politically, is that Donald Trump has all the potential truly, but you know we there that the people were fans. The best present endeavours president of recent outbreak, be talking about you, Michael I am talking about. You write it with bends pointer about it, but the fact is that if Donald Trump were able to be this guy, you all the time be almost impossible to argue against that. But in fact, was this guy he would not have gotten elected. I have this pause for just like that, but I don't think that's true. I just don't think that's true. I gotta suffragist a minute and talk about this thing with russian limbo this moment with Russia, as well as every single one of us in this in this room and on this, I was signals coming
two dimensional in our part of the manifest Mars now, but after that, every single one of us has taken hits from media matters from Twitter. Let me somebody today wished that when I said something nice about rush. He said I hope your next. We ve forgotten them up, but she didn't know you're already dead. You ve been exaggerated, Russia's gotten it a thousand times near. He got it when nobody else existed like him when they nobody else to compare him too? He was out there alone and to see him when that metal that that the highest. With a civilian can get in America and to see him honoured by the present, the United States and in front of a joint session of Congress. It was kind of like it was kind of like all of us getting a little bit of star dust on us, and I just thought You know this is an amazing thing and trumpet brought us there and they only thing. I say I understand what you're saying that I don't think you're, I think, you're being like crazy to say these things about tromp. I understand. I really feel that it's a kind of a tragic situation in that only a guy like Trump could have gotten elected and some of the things that got him elected
against, and I think that that's just great that if he does this threats to the elections, I know he will be that are often not only that you'll want them. Brasilia, we're gonna unknowing, that's one of his biggest supporters. Tell me that when amount on the road, no talking everyone, everyone real estate, however, however, it is, it is because is he has got a little, but a rush in he's got a bit of that spirit of of conservatism had a little bit of that. Pugilistic spirit that we have this moment when this I rush was the first time I heard of rush It was because I was in London, and I read in London, paper friend of mine in New York. A very Big literary agent was saying nobody should publish Ruslan Busboy I wrote to her. I wrote all those days with a pin right over the internet was just starting a router, and I said this is the voices being silenced wasn't, I was merely conservative, then I just said the other, but we can't silence these voices in your hand.
And to which I belong here just happened, another company with it, but it but no, this is this- is a tremendous change in american society that this voice. Russia's voice, trumps voice has become acceptable and I think it too a lot of pugilism in a lot of toughness to get there, and I want approach on this. Just do what I want to touch on this just very slightly, as I don't think we. I don't think I'm this topic right now. We wildly disagree. I think we all agree. Trumps, strengths and weaknesses are are precisely the same way. We all agree that if, if this trump would would be the dominant tromp. His chances are re election was is pretty damn pugilistic in the speech. By the way I was buddies, thoughtful lovely with right. I think the one distinction between Donald Trump and rushed lamborn- I think it's important one when people talk about russian about the first thing that most people don't like you will say that is arrogant.
What they don't understand is that Russia is actually one of the most self deprecating people now that I've ever had the pleasure to meet, and he and his every boast that he makes about him self is a joke about, is a joke about his course. Our on loan from God isn't? Actually thinking is the exact, of course he's either humble guy. If you ever spent any time with him, he's a self deprecating guy. He has a good sense of humour about himself. I have not found that to be the case with President Trump. I dont think Trump easily laughs at Trump. I think Trump might laugh at trumps jokes. I don't think that Trump laughs at a trumpet. I should think he has. That, in common with Barack Obama, I've said since the beginning, I think in some ways Donald Trump is like Pizarro Barack Obama like this. This is the opposite. These last narrower, I funhouse mere Barack Obama. The Brok Obama couldn't laugh at himself ever and one thing that they, both haven't communist when they would go to the is it the owl Psmith dinner. Yes, that happens in DC,
you see it. Every election candidates get up in their white tie and they tell jokes about themselves, and neither of them would laugh at the June there were made at them neither Obama nor Trump when they go to the court, Whitehouse correspondence dinners they rarely crackers. Smile at the jokes that are being made in their direction, that that both of them are people who take themselves quite seriously, and I think that that's actually work trump. Its himself into the probable trump is also an american figure in every sense of the word in America is a great big country. We have great, we we have great big floor. We do things wrong. We were a little garish, the idea the ugly American have been over Europe. I've seen ugly Americans almost Trump embodies. All those things embodies: bodies the greatness of Amerika, the app salute the I'm gonna. Do this thing I put my name you like that building under put my name in gold letters on top of the building. That is all and all american wait already, but
swollen body, some of our laws, and I think that you know. I think that that embracing the bigness of America, the the it is not such a bad thing in a moment when the New York Times is telling us that were the worst country on earth- and I do think I do think, there's a little bit of difference in degree here. You know I'd pushed back a little bit on your point. Jeremy agenda is mostly true, but there are these moments that you see Trump break. The act a little bit. I remember this one time he was he was talking about. We never had a beer. You said he was the problem the president can say, never had a beer, it was the only good thing you could say about him. Could you a man and if he was not at all happy at worst and there look I'm not saying you get a ton of moments of public humility from Trump, but there are a few that show you maybe some of of his braggadocio is an act or maybe maybe more of it is an act, and we think, and so that the upside of this is that is essential, It really was a reference, a first rate, a plus top tromp framing. This is
best coming on top of the I worked out with the fantastic and, if it has taken in the middle of he's about to be acquitted by the same people who are sitting there making lemon I want him right, I mean they. There really sounder. They sucked unjust, lemon every lemon writings, everyone, although amid let they met there. She made lemons out of an almost impossible without a word that set the. What this really What this estimate is it a fat as good as from can be, and we all know that that Trump winds? If Somehow loses this election. Under these conditions, the only person to blame is altered. Because they because that, because it vis Donald Trump Queens the clock of any democratic runs against and they look like lilliputian you against us. The fact is a great record. The fact is that he is fully capable laying out released when he scripted. He is fully capable of laying out fulsome argument is not just Democrat SEC, but why Democrats right? I mean that he was giving paragraphs long. Why Democrat
wrong on health care, for illegal immigrant extract and why Democrats are wrong. I won fido and socialism and why demo? are wrong and all these things- and it wasn't just a tweet- though I think that what are some of the worst thing that ever happened to trunk, and I know that his based loves it. I know it's him going around the media. I know all of that, but it is, if it were, is like long form trump if his thought we all spend enormous maritime. Everyone and media does spends in this amount of time doing explications Trump read from gives you a shorthand, and then you just spend the next forty minutes trying to explain what here, it's Tom, you too great looking like those effects, are good like features of a tall, Munich explanation of what exactly trumpet and maybe treatment some of it and maybe even mean any of it. But the bottom line is that when Trump explains and solve what- but it certainly be treasured not doesn't matter, because the president's this always written must be attractive but wet, but when he explains himself in full like this, they can touch him. You don't I've I've actually written to Some of the speech writers in the White House telling him that one of its trumps best moments was
I think this during the world series they put out an ad saying he's not MR nice guy get his greatness and what it and I think he needs and make that speech as as the election comes on, because one of the groups people who obviously have turned against them: a suburban women and the one thing about Superman women they have suburban husband and their husbands were not always, Mr Nice Guy, because sometimes you ask your husband to do that. Stuff. That needs to be done. That needs a little bit of nastiness that maybe you're not going to do, and I think that Donald Trump needs to say say to people. I know little bit I see my birthright nonetheless has a very good, but nobody has already had a little bit of self awareness refugee centres with it as it noted, but I mean if he expressed in spite of it, he expressed it more clearly like listen. And on the Jura greatly. Everybody knows how many internet and you know what I'm doing good stuff you're gonna have to forgive me for being jerk bigger or you don't have to print of infringing. I don't care corn meddling with that's all you find an sometimes it takes a tough guy, gets the threat and beyond that, like listen, pay, no attention to the me behind the right idea that pay attention to what I'm doing out here, and I think that that is winning pigeon does in your him. To some of this, the big
is when you have the leader on an international problem. We have the legion defenders were willing to defend every week. It was thing and he says it actually encourages them to say more ridiculous things. I wouldn't want to say that I don't think that his garish, MRS the problem actually find is here I got is harming I agree. Divergences is boorishness you're right, that's right, as like you, I mean, I think, as an his inability to back off of the bad position or as we talk about before his bill it his tendency to snatch victor What is it from the jaws effectively undertones, because this is a big problem? I think it's carelessness, I know that none of the three of you watched it because I was going around the office trying to get you guys to watch it. When the president gave his speech regarding the chinese trade, you. If I want to thank those rate, it was one of the good great moments in american history. I wanna go as far as to say if I gettysburg Rather what our well and whereas I why they wouldn't be announcing its trade deal with China, because the chinese ambassador standing over it was older than any proceeds to say great things about China,
the horrible things about China almost like seamen and bore that and this governors, there is also an ambassador. He loves China, anytime, you to be nice to China. Had I to tear up half my speech about China, I find it so much and he was very helpful. Also, our trade secretary, We do not agree with the governor tied in a main China's terrible their awful place. The chinese ambassador gotta stay. I think people love that about Darfur, rupture right that he that he doesn't perfect example. Private examples of Baghdad he gets killed. Yes in trumped does the whole and he was whimpering crying like a little pansy in the court and the media is like, was he actually whimpering? Was he actually crying right, whereas the actual evidence that our Baghdad, he didn't die like a martyred here in everybody's like ok, so fine, so like one say trumps embellishing are we really have to sit here and like wine about the fact that confront the trumpet major briars person on earth like good, good, burning in hell and I'm glad from eggs one of em and screw that there is a difference between that. That's right and Donald Trump, then going on twitter
and and saying what he said. Is that we all know is more than that. Quid pro quo right quid pro quo is terrible and that Donald Trump every act of foreign policy is good Roquat. The only reason you give foreign aid to any nation is to get a behavior in response. So when Donald Trump system mediately out of the gate. There was no quid pro quo and then he can't backup of that position. Then we get all the way. I just point of impeachment and Bolton the Bolton transcript leaks and we get into this position of a high. There was quid pro quo now. Donald Trump, isn't an unforeseeable because quid pro quo was never the standard of whether or not it is a right, and let me stress this move and then the other example is indeed he was never. He set. That bar is right and when you said that bar the public? I don't buy better, let alone you fall short. I haven't gotten stuff where I think it's the stuff withdrawn Bolton suddenly becomes the worst person rang out
Irish seen Fox NEWS being welcomed, like a like unto God, I think it's the stuff. Why is it that is low in winter on tat, even when the attacks Bloomberg for being made in its urban as funny- but it is pure island and minimize outcome, as you gonna be in- and I myself recycling those other when he does the thing with that with the hurricane where he draws on the map with a sharp and then we and then we have to have you here, whether if there s a Kansas City, Kansas its rightly highlighted by the budget. But this is actually my point is that the group of people who are like ok now we're gonna, do a fulsome defence of white, Hence the cities of the airports actually in accounts, or we could just go from being trumpet. We move on with our new bombers at fifty seven states, nor the right and ethical mayors and honestly believe there is a further problem. Is that trunk cares but anymore. You care more from care? They think the thing is. I think you guys who pay too much attention. I really do think you pay too much attention to outliers. The thing is most of this kind: motions countries somewhere around the middle and to the left them.
Onto the right of the middle and most of the country, including trumpet Orders are going well yeah. I wish you'd stop tweeting so much, but I love what he's doing and I think that We sometimes pay too much attention to the guys who said Like yeah, you know, yeah, that's right! My michaelsburg is short. You know those you're gonna have their day. They're gonna have their columns. They're gonna have their twitter feed, but I'm not think that they are the people who however, the point is that it consider feed is a way of going around. The media can talk directly to the public that he doesn't land on, supporting, not supporting than doing this and a shame that the support for him do This is not as policy areas you think of it. So here's the thing as I've said a thousand times this point, politics is about making it very difficult to have opponents and make it very easy to vote for you to and from his excellent at the former and his rotten at the latter, and the fact is that, if Donald Trump we're even half rawdon at the latter brave, we got this tonight. That makes it easy. By that, an easy, you pull the lover you're either there is this trump right here, you you can vote or fraud for the scrapping per head,
listen job making matters now examining voter products after I won't Bernie was screwed other than that that the trunk tonight makes people comfortable yeah. That was it. Those who comes from read those comfortable and every time you makes people feel uncomfortable. The issue becomes Donald Trump, as opposed to great cornucopia of wonder that lies before us ring is, as is Germany said, and I think this is absolutely not really far apart on these. Knowing everything you think we leave certain things out in one of the most important things we leave out is the effect of the media, and I think that the media has been so corrupt, show, left wing, so single minded in their attempt to destroy not just Donald from now me making ainly endurance, derangement syndrome syndrome started. I was Bush derided Sidra Actually, I've been calling us Nazis four thousand but I'm not like that's why, but I don't think they despair. They have a strange, no respect, and I think that that atmosphere is why Trump is there. It is people and we saying you know what
a modern Nazi, a mummy gracious I got on my knee voters is some other race than me, and I love a medicine and that's an explanation. But it's not a justification. I think that there is a decisive step that I totally agree that I ignore us. I don't agree with the with the with the prognosis, meaning they they like the diagnosis is correct, and now we need the care and the here is the very focused from that we saw tonight, and you know it there's. No. I don't know who thinks it's a great sin from four enough now prompter. There is no great sending us tell approach, and there was no real great army in in having your tweets read by one person before they go out a thousand people, one person world where they go out there. No great ceremony. It would be a good one visit here as I like, Edinburgh, anybody in the West Wing, those people. I promise you are begging that they would be allowed. The rapporteur of course, what of access and so like even a shred of it. This is what so frustrating it's. Why Billig? It sounds like an bitching about the president, no one, I really really really I'm not wanting to move. We will do this guy. This guy is, was there
Ass, the great and would be unify and half his speech was about reaching out to minority communities has to speak later. All of this is the beauty. This guy is the guy that people want to have for their president, like and against this. Guy to your point, in every comer on the democratic side, looks like a like a child yeah that's right up, but when Trump acts like a child is that it is right and translate so talk about our friends, ray con new advertisers to show, but not new advertisers to daily. Why? I believe several of you guys than we have had a right as a writer, you guys even have the re kind, ear buds yes, I love the way you have the ringleader, but they are great yoke site. I hike all the time in the agriculture budget enforcement. The usual your buds of people used, make you look like an insect and credibly regular attractive and they work in areas that are not one size fits all either as they have a variety of fits. The you can put. Your parents really range, maybe tee o my, but I actually have weird yours. That y know what you write their people. They really thinks for these fit it's amazing and they start out it about half the price
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Because according to marry, Bruce is a white house. Correspondent for ABC knew she treated that when Nancy Policy was asked why she ripped Trump speech up Speaker Pelosi responded. It was begun. As it was quote a courteous thing to do considering the alternative. It was such a dirty speech Now, though, is the alternative is a web browser that are working life, neither the attic but also interesting, because the state of the union is a constitutional requirement and the reason that the President hands a type copy of this speech to the speaker of the house is because that is actually the full Many of the constitutional responsibility not giving the speech so what she just Torres have you got that not only that it doesn't belong to her. It's an actual official document, a devil
had she used. It wrote eventually land policy actually thought you was ripping up the constitutions such authority on, unlike killing full term babies, very darted, a dirty thank became this wearing my white over here to remind those women that they don't own the color why my family can rocket tat. I think that is the first time any of those women of worn. Why do there used to be an angelic color, but anyhow moving along there? We have a question informs me that want to know about the infrastructure part of the president's speech he wants to know. If he passes all of that legislation. Is he not concern about growing the national debt and is his infrastructure plan? Conservative? You know, I don't have a growing. The national debt is not concerned about me and has not concerned about the Daphne literally promise and if she was going to provide for parental leave that he was going, to make sure the medical, and medicate in social security will not touched, and all that he was going to build space for some people to Mars
an entire new education programme and build new infrastructure Amarillo. No, unlike him, caring about We to that, and there have been no Democrat or a as they are alone is not a mere isn't safe position, because he knows that Congress will pass anything. He says up there. He could literally get up at their mail etc I'm calling on Congress right now to give every American a brand new for Deaf one. Fifty That means not the Obama literally and reduce the it up there and give a litany of things. You d, like I want ironic that wonder, unicorn to be defined. Have the Karas report. The fare better do not know what what is infrastructure planning looks like, which could it could be, an incentive plan that why would support the minutes? It doesn't have to be at least lets the government dirigible so well the night. I have no idea what it looks like I'm, not crazy. I'm here we know it is really yeah fairly certain that it he's not just gonna leverage venture private people into paying for the roads drew now he actually, he actually cited someone who had authors somewhat
deflation right, Deanna, gallic one person claiming that I wasn't. I named people my name Michael, what you think of this infrastructure, but you know, I think that we all cheered on the tea party, every single one of us, and when there was this big moment for entitlement reform I and put forward a number of plans. He worked with RON widened me. What worked across the aisle and we will rooting for that, and I think one of the lessons of that era. Turning into the Trump era was that we got it a little bit backwards. We were hoping that we can get our. Fiscal house in order. I remember Governor Mitch Daniels at sea back when you said that the new menaces the menace consisting of ink and really we probably should have taken Andrew ripe arts advice, which is that the political issues or downstream of cultural issues. And really the way to fix our fiscal house is first to deal with their cultural issues, which president from as tapped into, maybe that's not what we would prefer and that's not what the early twenty two we're about, but I think that's what we ve learned. You know I hate. This is with its maybe
smartest thing that Michael Taxes, without if they drew what elation. Let's hear some questions from our daily work, dotcom subscribers absolutely and by the way everybody daintier up at the military family reunion and the moment when Russia Limbaugh got that mom like metal predator. RO. Madam president, I rise on the air amendment is he's graded this. You should really gameshow Irene like the apprentice, but nobody got fired a lot of Delaware subscribers, our commenting that they just love those moments, and this question is for the whole crew they wouldn't know. What do you think is going to happen to the Democratic Party after they lose this mutual hatred of Trump, because there sit tend to be these establishment. Democrats in, oh god, king is mentioned Joe Biden might not be as threatening is communist Bernie Sanders. So what happens after they lose this mutual hatred? tromp. Do you believe that the Democratic Party will shatter once he is no longer an office? I personally believe that I saw a good Bernie,
belief, but I actually think that the the democratic Gonna go far left on this. Maybe it's far left is burning. I think you're gonna lose this. This obviously nobody knows the future I'm ripping, but this is what I think is going to happen, and I think that gonna have to reconsider. This has the their resistance, has been a failure. Their resistance has been a failure in in every possible away. The only way could be a success is for them to win the next election. I dont think they will they might, but I don't think they will if they don't. I actually do think that new forces within the Democrat Party than a rise up because most of the Democratic Party, as you point out, including voters, but many of the politicians themselves, a real moderate, their moderate left wingers, who have stuff to say that the american argument- and I think that there is a chance that the just being optimistic here there is a chance that if they are decimated and the next election as they so deserve to be that they may have to
reconsider and move to shut, and so one of the things I love about drew is so close to death and gets optimism really is really is no one believes that you are being persecuted for three hundred renovation of plants attributable never ass the road for a ban on all your river, where it's. So. I think that the actual answer to this question is the Democratic Party is going to continue to move left. The young people are in the burning camp. There are not any Biden Camp is our old democratic, aren't savour of dividing wall. You guys were wrong and we, this is we're old age is actually comes, and Andy young people or ignorant youth and- neurons are actually should emerge will, and they will. Learn. They will work guys like Bernie, or rather the problem is Bernie Sanders went up Elizabeth, worn, meaning that it It has to start off that far left, where you liked supporting national Commie is not going to things, I supported Walter Mandela. Nice work go Clinton right that the euro will your moving gradations here and in the biggest problem of all, of course, is that when you look at sort of the demographic shift inside it
Democratic party. What you are saying is that it is being led by the intersection coalition, and this is not a racial point. This is the point that the paper, the pitch, that Democrats have been using since the Brok about Europe is, that minorities in this country been put upon by the american superstructure this at the he's codes case and that these groups, who have been dispossessed need to fight back. Against the privilege they were denied by rupturing the system as a whole, and so the democratic Bang on this kind of coalition of dispossessed minorities and enough white people who can resolved themselves of being called racist. My going along with it, which is ice, others out of sight, was insane piece in the guardian about liberal white. Women were not being twenty five hundred dollars. A pop to sir, I wrote you ten in a bunch of and in some other, some other crazed person to be. Captured on their own racism. I think the most likely outcome, no matter which way we go it's here's that abundant runs any loses. What's it about, Yes, now actually lose them of the left if Bernie runs and they lose I think I'll do the same thing. The trouble of sixteen of EU blame the never tempers blamed
the moderate Democrats for not showing up and mass numbers waiting to shop for us. We showed up for you kind of thing and then What you will see is the it'll be a over the Republican Party because, as the Democratic Party moves to the left, it does clear. The Centre for Republicans to take some of that- and I think you are you're seeing some of them. Circle in the middle of the country, which is why tromp was able to breach that blue that blue wall, but I think the wish that the democratic parties can move back to a centrist party I do not see that help me upper limit our offer, an alternative theory, and I'm not I've learned Twenty six may not all another great familiar, but it is possible. There there's the theory, the great man theory of history right. It is possible that Bernie
Sanders is it's amazing? What you got to go see you've got Hannah Mario's got receipt to leave all these tests and yet is a two year old Bernie Sanders. Who is the populist figure on the left? It may be that Bernie is a unique character on the left, but it's actually the fact that he's eighty is the fact that he has a funny accent fact that he seems unfair enemies without saying this stuff for four hundred and thirty eight years, nobody listened suddenly. He gets into his late seventies and he becomes this. This sort of beloved figure for young people. It's not other eighty year old who, like Bernie it's it's twenty, something so light burning. It is possible that at a much greater too much greater stand, but a similar phenomenon that what we had on the right withdrawn Paul were were. It was the z meanness of wrong Paul and this sort of physical stature of run Paul in the age of John Paul. All of that is what was required for run.
Paul to be run Paul and its possible that, when Bernie is no longer, if, if Bernie, were to run and lose its possible, that that clears the way for and of a new demagogue on the left, which could be more of a barrage Obama type. Figure who were not all talking about today, just like we were talking about Barack Obama for years before his election It see sort of a new wave of Democrats, come aboard the democratic stars and see the Elizabeth, worn, Canaan second denied here's monsieur LE reason, but here's the reason and modest pessimistically you're. The Democrats have been heavily on the ignorance of the young and the New York Times. A sixteen nineteen project is a bet that they can keep the the young ignorant it is we can. Why have you and you will believe our lives, and the thing about English is that it doesn't lasted? Is not it's not something that you can keep going for a long time, and I think that
but they're gonna lose that, but I do believe that they are going to lose that agricultural love they kept going for some fifty years. I think well, well, it is taken them fifty years to get the youth to. We did this level of ignorance, but ignores falls apart. Really, weekly when it meets reality. Me reality has a voice, and this is the thing that no political observer ever takes into account. Reality has a voice you dukes on Sunday show up and say: hey, you know, ironed a hundred, and here's my check for fifty dollars, where's the other. Fifty bucks and people say well, that's taxes it's going to happen, but I think that by putting the argument that you're making the democratic parties gonna move to the centre, if from swamps them The argument you now making is a democratic move party will move back to this and her after Bernie Sanders as president and the economy tales. Oh no, no! No! Not at all- and this is what happened in Britain riding in britain- move- wait left after World WAR two and then they can see the collapse in them, I was like a dying started Margaret Thatcher, guess along I'm thing in the United States, the rake out is. That is a possible future. It definitely is a possible future, but I don't think it's gonna happen. I think
honey. I think Bernie may win. I think he's gonna lose the main main election. I think the trumpets go. I do think that tropical we'll be reelected again. We ve all learn that we don't know what the few from around the gods. Yet, I hope you're right and I think I think that there is got to be voices there have got to be pushing Democrat Party that are now silence by the region, hatred of Donald Trump and the belief that he can be brought down. Reason intense, believe the downfall can be brought bringing up this left wing move of the UK after World WAR two and then it goes back right with Thatcher which, coincidentally happens at the same time as Reagan. It's important not to look at this in isolation. It is. That America leads the world in pretty much everything, but there is something happening, beyond America same here that we elected trump you had breakfasted in the UK. New these right wing movements, beginning in ITALY and throughout Europe, it does seem that there is a sort of awaken. Up among the west that this kind of stuff
liberalism is insufficient, not just economically but spiritually and politically, and so I do see that dying out any time soon they tried to reintegrate Rex at how many times in Britain S still went through. I think we are actually have a pretty decent future, at least four. Near future. It is for the national elections about away in Britain demanded a paper on this in college and its held her ever since that, if you look at a price ministerial elections in Britain. They very closely me I'll hire residential watch all grew with vision, and I also thank you know. We have to get rid of the idea that there's gonna be some victory, that ass original political victory last more than twenty five years of union for twenty five years. That's a long time I think we are in set up right now for a twenty five, your victory. We may not get it, but we are shut up I'll have which is having a three of the five everything on this road will still be here in twenty five years. That's right! If you would like that, can anyone here and by the way are we laughed? We will agree on european head over to day they weren't dot com and give us
nobody or hard earned money. We can use these arts if you become a member right now using the promo code d, W twenty twenty you'll get twenty percent off of your membership. Yes, twenty percent off of your membership. You get there articles ad free, you'll, get access to all of our live broadcasts are show library. Full three hours of the bench Shapiro show every single day as well as some select one. Contents, the mailbag another part of a things, and if you become at all access to remember, you will get to join us after this show and several times throughout the week for alive sort of a amaze style discussion that we do on the website where we get to answer a ton of questions in the meantime, what then One more question on the show Ilusha, I hoped address here, until a hundred I mean really get back up. I will do and glory be he's like really old right. Our last question: it is a good one and I'm kind of disappointed, and I think this daily work subscribers as well. Are you also prize that Trump didn't bring up the impeachment delighted that you good luck,
yeah brilliant lemonade would deprive yes are you why? I am surprised us he rarely has discipline to avoid taking jobs. The fact they didn't take a job about impeachment any didn't take a job about Iowa is good Trump to quote Ben but I will also add for me surprising crumb I so he did reference impeachment right here, though there was point, one point where he where he pretty obviously was where, where he said, when we work together for the good of Americans, link wink, not right. All the Democrats like now we can do the aviator, the only victor, the only victories that matter are the victories on behalf of Amerika right exactly that was like girl, civil affairs returned home of that was desperate. Obviously it impeachment reverence, but yeah I mean he contained it: Was I surprised a little bit? ever heat whenever he contains himself. That's that's kind of surprising thing. Was I happy when they did it yet more politics, you, don't
bring up something that really is not going to help you any way he did get a bit of an impeachment bounce, because Americans don't like this. The Gallup poll showed that he was down to like percent approval rating in October is up to forty nine percent of brutal rating. Now, since a pretty significant bounds was, I was disappointed that I didn't get the fisticuffs that I had that I had foreseen maybe hoped for in the immediate led up, I mean now that it's over an hour by nature have kicked back, and I am very happy to present. It gave a good speech and am- and I hope that he is this until the election or until the next seven minutes when he gets back underwater and stars reach, weeding random twitter, making means of him beheading, Nancy Pelosi or something I write I was. I was not surprised at this speech. I expected from him it's the speech. I thought would make a more much more worried about what he's gonna tweet tonight. I want it back. Speech. I thought that you know I was surprised and it was a political master stroke, but maybe I shouldn't have been surprised. Maybe I should have been more like drew, because
You ve got the billionaire whose married to the gorgeous woman, exact five languages. We became the head of network television, you know top rated show a big real estate mobile one, the presidency on its first I'm running for office made me the guy has better political instinct, I ween where God my right now having a lot of going we everything's years. If that's, ok, let's burial at this runs, you read it that was written form of teleprompter. It was great love. A good speech right also here brave young it within seven minutes. We were just a even even drew whose with you on that pray right, you're, the conductor and his shovel, and the call that really has over a year ago and well God. I hope that we don't check twitter right after this progress, and I think we all know there have been cut your prayers. I didn't you know a nose. You, though I told Germany that I was afraid you would leave us, because, when you through a crocodile into
swampy swims away, you gotta, are you coming back from Washington one of these texts? I guess what I finish. My signal that we will be able to you aren't we always are going straight from here to do an episode of the verdict with headquarters. Yes, I am moment, I wanna be up all night probably, but it should be a pretty guiding we're, and I thought I was gonna- be very boring with a very boring speech and now we're gonna be up until five in the morning, while if anybody hasn't done over and listen to the verdict with head crews, We're really regret were proud of Michaelson, Michael some of his best work. The senators fan certainly Michael's westward, and but it has never been nine where you get immediate inside baseball inside from someone who is sitting in the room actually experiencing all that several times for the rest of us. We're gonna go over to the daily wire dot com and do our disgust and right now, we'd love to hear from you come over the website. If you're already and all access member. I would like to hear from you.
Not one use that promo code D, W twenty twenty and subscribe we're gonna get. There is many questions. We can here. You'll hear from Ben drew myself We shall we might even get one or two from Michael before S. Good did a show, and we really appreciate your guy spending, this really just inseparably law. Evening weather- and we look forward to doing one of these again- never everybody, Delaware, backstage is produced by Robert Sterling directed by might join or executive producer me senior police, Jonathan, Hey supervising producer is math, is clever. Technical producer disasters stated assistant directorate apple, without edited by Adam Silence, audio dismissed by Might Taormina Daily Wire backstage faintly wire production. Copyright daily wire, twenty twenty.
Well, hey there. Now is the time when you hit that like button for me, so we can keep smokin, cigars and drinking whisky for your amusement or and bends case, eating popcorn directly off the floor. He's weird.
Transcript generated on 2020-02-21.