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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Howdy folks. We have a rare special extra episode of the show this week. Why, while because I actually bothered to read the entirety of Bernie sanders, capitalist money grab, it's okay to be angry about capitalism by Bernie sanders. This is sponsored by express vpn. So this book is bad. It's a bad book, it's a bad book, not only because it's fight right, but also because it's filled with terrible ideas, and so today we're going to go through it and the reason we're going to go through. It is because somehow this career, useless person, this elderly socialist It was never held a real job, literally, never his entire life, while the real job, a person whose lazy? He was once kicked off a commune after three days. This guy has somehow become one of them. probably voices in american politics he's the he's. The inspiration for the
squad use. The new movement across America he's the guy who nearly took the nomination from Joe Biden in the twenty twenty democratic primaries, and his new book is basically just a long yelp of rage against the status quo. They're a bunch of themes, it's my through a lot of this book today because I think it important for you to understand the case for democratic socialism is made by Bernie sanders. First of all, he never really uses the word socialism. He doesn't like using the word he's use like a couple of times in indifferent context, but he never use the word, because even
bernie. Who really goes out there on tv and says a lot doesn't want you to think that the alternative to capitalism would be government nationalization of services, which is mostly what bernie has called for. Historically, he doesn't ever want you to think about the possible downsides of his preferred policies. Instead, it's all about the possibilities were in go through a few themes here in his book. The the first and most prominent theme in his book is that things that are bad in life. All the bad things in life capitalise miserably. Now he never really defines capitalism which the
we defined it typically means private property, freely, exchanged goods and services freely exchanged in a legal system that guarantees the integrity of their private property and, typically, how we think about free market, for he never bothers to define capitalism, because to do so might force him to reckon with the premises of capitalism, namely, you have a right to your own labor. You have a right to your own property. You have a right to freely exchange those things, but he never has to deal with that because for Bernie don't have those rights. Those rights are absolutely irrelevant to Bernie sanders. People like Bernie are going to make the decisions about what happens to those those things. So instead, the first and most prominent theme of his book is everything that is bad in life can be chalked up to capitalism, a blister on your foot, that's capitalism, the guy next door to you is poorer than you. That's capitalism, a bird fell out of the sky and simultaneously crapped on your car and hit your car with it's thudding body capitalism, all of it's capitalism, so it is,
like from the earliest points of of the book. I literally the on page three of his crap book. It's ok to be angry back capitalism. Bernie Sanders writes this quote. Here is the simple straightforward reality: the uber capitalist economic system, it has taken hold in the united states in recent years. Propelled by uncontrollable greed and contempt for human decency is not merely unjust. It is grossly immoral. Now there are a lot of embedded assumptions and even a statement like that. First law. Do you think that an uber capitalist economic system has taken hold in the united states in just the last Two years has the united states grown markedly more capitalistic in the last several years. If tens of thousands of pages of regulations are issued every single year, we have one of the world's most progressive tax systems, extraordinary social welfare benefits that are available, medicare medicaid, social security. Those are just the
old programmes and have tons of state programmes as well the notion that america, some sort of unbridled capitalistic john gall, like utopia for four libertarians, is nuts. and certainly has not become more so in the past few years, not under Joe Biden, who's been transformative, liebig splendor and they re, waiter or Barack Obama was transformed into a big spender, any big regulator or by the way under down from was but a rapporteur money. If you want to look at spending habits of the united states, which correlate pretty highly to government involvement in the economy. Look at the fact that, since bill Clinton, we have literally doubled the federal debt under every succeeding president and we're we're getting ready to do that like again right now under Joe Biden. So you have to start from the premise that everything bad life is because of the uber capitalist system that is merged in the past few years, which of course is just historic. Nonsense is nonsense. We are significantly less capitalistic now than we were in say, eighty, ninety or nineteen twenty, or for that matter
nineteen forty or for that matter, nineteen fifty or for that matter. Nineteen. Eighty, eighty supposedly capitalist excesses of america edge. Okay, then he talks about his moral values to whereas oh, that's right here. If there's no history, but he talks about his moral values, quote their moral values that should be guiding americans into the future and about which we should be very clear. Greed is not good massive income and wealth inequality is not good. Buying elections is not good. profiting from human illness is not good racism. Sexism, a phobia and xenophobia, are not good wars, An excessive military budgets are not good. The simple truth is that an unfettered capitalism is not
Creating economic misery for the majority of americans is destroying our health are well being our democracy, and our planet is so that this is like low iq leftwing demagoguery. So if you don't agree with him, with his assessment of capitalism, has impoverished our planet and destroyed our health and our well being because fact check it. Hasn't capitalism has led to the greatest uptake and life expectancy in world. History is led to the greatest spread of prosperity in world history. You can look at eight at a chart of global gdp, and it basically looks like this, and then it hits the free market era and boom. It just goes straight up, but going Bernie. I guess it was communism that did not result. In any case, he doesn't bother again with any sort of historic analysis here.
It is even bother to acknowledge the goods. The capitalism has done and say that their downsides, which would actually be a reasonable point. Instead, he says that if you support capitalism, it's because you swore greed or massive income and wealth inequality or buying elections are profiting from human illness, racism, sexism, homophobia and again this is all part of his first name, which is everything bad in life is capitalism and, of course, this means that what we have to do is rejected it's time you, jackie says, conventional wisdom and incremental is no more conventional wisdom. No more incremental. It's nothing. Where he's going to go for broke gang, it's time to fundamentally rethink adherence to the system of unfettered capitalism and to address the unspeakable, from that system is doing to us all. Well, first of all, I don't see the unspeakable harm that that system has apparently done to Bernie sanders was, I say, has been useless person his entire life and who get owns three ass, including like out so seems like why that dude, I hear it. Here's what unfettered capitalism meant you Bernie Sanders Bernie sanders. is currently eighty one years old. He has not here
a job, a real job. His entire life for millions of dollars. Oh my gosh that the un's unspeakable harm. This brings us to the theme to the book and it's yup connected with him. One. If theme, one is everything bad in life. Is capitalism theme to is good good stuff, just magically exists, it just magically switches. There is just there. We don't know why. It just happens because here's the thing, a real critic of capitalism and there are many people on the right, like Sarah Marie, for example- and there are people in love like slavoj zizek right there, there are people who actually are serious thinkers. Ernie is not one say: capitalism provides lots of goods It says it creates more technological innovation, but there are downsides. The downsides may be in terms of individual fragmentation or community social fabric breaking up whatever, but those are critiques. I may not agree with a lot of those critiques, but they are legitimate critiques, as their critics made by people like Joseph schumpeter, who is an advocate of capitalism. Bernie doesn't make any of those critiques because again, this is dumb people
kind of socialism, so the first thing is: I hate the status quo and everything that's the status quo is capitalism. The second is all the good stuff. It's round exists. around your life. Yeah there's some bad stuff like I have the blister and the bird is falling from the sky and all that, but then there's also some pretty good stuff. Like I have the cell phone radio, I have a computer in front of me. I have a house, I have a car. I live way better than my grandparents did like way way better than my great great grandparents did oliver them at my parents let us be frank, about this. Your living standard today in two thousand twenty three is significantly better than your parents. Living standard was ninety. Ninety, you have better stuff, you do. I know people have told you. That's not true. Take a look devices your parents were using like a walk man and thank you and no cell phone, and think yourself, whether you would trade places with your parents economically speaking in ninety ninety, the answer is most likely not it, but that would require Bernie to acknowledge the capitalism generally. These good deserves, as, after all, he has already said, we live in a most over capitalist year of all time, which means that good stuff or anywhere that come from acquainted Bernice, naturally
if there was a wizard and the wizard chamberlain and boom all the good stuff. Was there nothing to with capitalism, and so this connects with his belief that people who are rich didn't earn their wealth right. Everything just matters we appeared, it was like how god created the universe in the bible. Bernie spoke and there were billionaires and there was good stuff and they will totally disconnected or cap rather cabin wasn't spoke and there are billions and there was good stop. The good stuff had nothing to do with the billionaires who whose magically there so he says quote, as we saw more clearly than ever during the pandemic. It is not the oligarchs who are essential, so he has whole thing about the billion or class a billion years should not exist. Reckless billionaires should not exist and he says the united states cannot afford support. A billion or class it takes far more from his country, then goes back wait hold up. Is the united states support the building our class where's, the milliner class supporting united states who pays the taxes united states doesn't pay the taxes united states government, United states seizes money from some people and then use it to the benefit, presumably of all
in the best possible scenario or to the benefit of specific view or a group of people the bernie likes, but the basic premise which the united states supports, billionaires and a billion years more than they give back by. The way that has not remotely true at The billion years gain their wealth by literally going in somebody's house in seizing the wealth with billions. Become billionaires typically, is they provide goods and services on a voluntary basis that a crap load of people like to use and participate in? As far as the notion that oligarchs and billionaires these are evil, people have actually put reboot during the pandemic was with delivery. Guy who delivery guy worked for. He wrote for himself Or was he actually like an independent contractor from amazon? You may have noticed like Jeff bezos, but without amazon had to get through to the pandemic question without the people who provide the internet. You know very rich people. How exactly did did did all those workers get supported through the who pays
the taxes in the united states. The rich do not pay their fair share of taxes. They pay way more than their fair share of taxes and sober I mean because he believes that good stuff, just magically appears ignoring the fact that capitalism actually produces new goods services, innovation, technological growth, instead of just he. He can't acknowledge that so instead as such as magically appear as a precondition to society quote, it becomes clear that the time is long overdue. For to do away with billions which, by the way, sounds an awful lot like killing the gulags end. A winner taken. System based on greed, corruption and ramp and self interest and move towards system. They d by compassion cooperation in our common interest now has become It can become another thing that I'll get to in just a moment. The theme for money is that policies, don't matter intent, matters which is It is even a government policies. I can imagine this. Is it this isn't about a rigid system that discourages created Innovation, there's nothing wrong with a business or an entrepreneur, making a profit that is, will seize state, a a throwaway that is.
Well, the only real way he hasn't pretty much. The entire book about the good of capital is a there's, nothing wrong with you making a profit. We just have to seize it, and also we have to crush business, and we also have to make sure that you are actually gets run your business even though he's never run a business to deliver our popsicle stand. What the only business you ever ran made crappy edges. Your videos about eugene thee, dabs, I'm not kidding you back in the nineteen. Seventy in vermont. he says there is something profoundly wrong, however, when massive corporations controlled by the wealthiest people on earth, why cheat bride and steel in order to make profits that are funded, the destruction of our lives, our environment and our democracy. Again, I'd like like a shred of evidence. Europe would be great
he says it's time to end a culture that not only accepts but actually creates the abstain, degree of inequality and justice and uncontrollable greed that is so damaging to our nation world again. The idea here is that the national state of humanity is good and normal, and then we created a culture that la greed and thus greed has become the prominent way of life is, of course, a silly greed exists throughout all human time, and space human beings are very great, If it's just the way it is and what capitalism does is it actually says you don't get to steal your neighbors money? You have to make a thing and traded to your neighbor. Capitalism is forced, altruism, as I've said before, so this, of course, Instead, he ineffectually concerns, considers where welcome from. At no point, did you see how is wealth created? That is not anything that he actually considers in this the integrity of this very long and boring, but this this book by the way, charts out two two hundred and ninety three pages, like ten pages of actual content,. he did. He has actually care about where goods come from. You just assumes you assume them is very famous joking
in annex had originally came from a book from nineteen. He begged him kenneth building reset there there's what has been going round about a physicist, a chemist in an economist, we're strands. desert island with no implementing a kind of food. A physicist in the chemist, each devise. An ingenious mechanism for getting the can't open economists at We have a camera. A can opener has a lot of economics is, is sort of imagining theoretical, but Bernie actually does that. He just assumes prosperity as soon possible. Don't imagine how he got there, don't think about how he got there. O'brian improve how we got there, just assume it. This leads him to winds like this. One quote: the pace and direction of technological change cannot be left to the market if there is to be hope for a fair distribution of the benefits, that changed, so he has to control how it's distributed, but he also can control how it gets funded and how constructed, even though he's never created a thing ever hey. This, of course, is connected with theme. Three billionaires are evil so the region billion are ridge, is because their evil in terrible quote well
Fortunately wealthy few well, oh in affluence and become exponentially richer with each passing day. the majority of americans live lives of quiet aspiration, but not scheming, to pay for trips to outer space, yet the billion years our budget even so they anymore evil. Until they became billionaires. I he he fails also to acknowledge that there is in fact income mobility in the united states. There is Many of us were in the top. One percent did not start off in the top one percent. My family growing up was definitely not on the top one percent, I'm now the top one percent. So was I not evil then, but I'm well now like. How exactly does this work? Well, we'll get some more of a burning this is terrible book in just one second first, like Bernie sanders would love to keep track of literally everything. You do all day long. The contacts living hell out of you, but what, if. Was somebody who actually did. He belong of every single thing that you did every minute of the day, that'd be weird and creepy, but that is exactly what happens when you go online. Your internet provider is tracking logging. Everything once he visited it, can legally so that information to anyone. That's why I always use express vpn express vpn reroutes
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more and more and more, no matter what the consequences of their greed mean. That's problems, you kill him. The evil. All they want is more and more and more now. In reality, it is Bernie who wants more and more and more of their income because he doesn't produce anything. I can't get over this. He has not produced a single thing of value in his entire stupid life, not a single thing. Nothing, zero, zilch, nada, but he's is that its head and their greedy, and what more as opposed to Bernie, whose altruistic is all hell from his leg house, was in the kind of language. What, when a criminal, walked into a store and shoots the clerk behind them, we make the moral judgment. This behaviour is socially unacceptable and the gunmen should be punished it when the wealthy and powerful may calculated decision that are destroyed
have been like threatening to millions of people or to the planet or told it's just business, so he's now equating a business owner making a decision and people participating in the market with a person who shoots a clerk at a store. He says quote: real politics recognizes that the corporate italy are not. Nice got no matter how if they contribute to charity or how many awards they received from universities and hospitals which they have donated buildings. So it doesn't matter if you say that bill gates, him back as the gates foundation, has been on your political side like don't you like him? No, it doesn't matter that he's given a lot of charity doesn't matter that he's employed tens of thousands, if not hundreds of thousands of people and given them a living, know they're still bad real politics recognized as corporate elites are not nice guys. They are ruthless day after day the sacrificed human life,
and well being in order to protect their privilege. I mean again. This is rather murderous language. They literally literally spend their days figuring out the rich people how to kill you, so they can make more money to kill you to murder, you and steal your wealth, real politics. for real choices is burning. Progressives must make it clear. There are two sides in this fight on one side of the world if you will see nothing to the many on the other side of the many, must man what is rightfully there's? No, you never actually answers. Why rightfully there's it's a real question. Why why somebody else's stuff, rightfully oars, explain I want to know like what? What do you want? It bernie due to deserve any of your money answer. Is you doesn't bother Because, again, the billionaires are bad people which excuses you and actually going and taking their money, and all of this is utopian nonsense right. So we have three themes so far, one everything has been the status quo. Capitalism, two of the good stuff that just magically exists, three, the billionaires because they didn't they didn't created the good stuff.
of magical, existing the billions, are evil and terrible and bad, and probably we should heed them and for there are no limitations on dreams. None in the spring it's. What I think is actually the most evil line of the book and there's a lot in the book. That's kind of evil, there's one line in Bernie sanders as it's okay to be angry about capitalism. That is particularly evil. A quote: the goal democratic, moral and rational system must be to create a society where people are healthy, happy unable to live long and productive lives, as are the evil part Eric with the explosion of new technology and productivity that we are experiencing. We now have the capability to provide a good life for every american. Is even in that line, he's assuming that the prosperity just exists. Re capitalism has nothing do that free markets system; they have nothing to do with it. It just exists year's eve apart. Our economic debates should not revolve around questions of resources. They should revolve around questions of intent and will ooh. Let me read that
once again. Our economic debate should not revolve around questions resources. They should revolve around questions of intent and will understand or evil. That is because we need understand. Economics has always been about. The distribution of scarce reach. this is and how you actually use scarce resources to create plentiful resources, right supply and demand that the distribution of scarce resources how's our those resources allocated how'd you create sensitive with resource allocation that allow people to innovate and create new products and services. Right, that's what it's! What policy has always been about? She says we should never think about that. Stop thinking that questions of resources instead, the budget is the only way to adjudicate whether a policy is good or bad, or whether an economic system is good or bad. the intent and the will the intense and zero men of great. That's what matters to us
I ought to greatness and you must have a view to power. That's the only way in the end, and and will address the worst way to adjudicate whether a policy is good or not. Who cares about the intend to policymakers seriously? What matters is, how their policies work as a general rule, and will so what he means by this, presumably is, if you intend to equalize society, and if a strong will to do it, society will magically be solved. great. You had the intended you had, the will prove magic wand, but in reality with me, If you have the you know who had the intent and the will stolen, he did. Let's assume the best of intentions were stolen. He wanted a more equal society in which everybody got their fair share. at the will. All he had to do was kill a few million people in a giant famine and he could he could get, but some of them you can really get there, but he could try mail same thing, get the intent, intent was that we are going to develop industrialized and he had the will. He was able to force
while those dumb farmers to melt down their plows into useless lumps of metal and starve forty million of them yeah the intent in the will any politician who tells you that politics is about intent, EL should scare the living out of you and encourage says right out again. This is all part of his broad utopian ism, which suggests that damn you can just wave magic wands. Magic things happen: ripe quote six trillion dollars Manual binds bilbil, better six trillion dollars a large and unprecedented number, but we were living and continue to live in an unprecedented moment. I'm talking about a non sequitur like that? The big question: why build back better was: how are we gonna pay for that? What does it do and he's like? Well, it doesn't matter, it was a big number, but these are big times. What that's like saying. You know. Taking this frying pan and slamming myself six times directly in the face with this frying. Pan it'd be an unprecedented thing to do, but these are unprecedented times, okay and that all of his that
the economic proposals, but do we create a new system based on the principle that health care is a human right and that every man, women and children is countries should, in a cost effective way, be guaranteed quality and equitable healthcare regard an economic status. Well, I don't Oh, do you have a magic wand that would achieve this. It's all sounds great. Also you don't and then he one of things he proposes in his book is what he calls he jobs guarantee Literally, every single person in the united states will be guaranteed a job by the government quote. We can all those needs and those that arise in the future. If we create a drop, your anti at its official, the visionary and sufficiently funded, he doesn't actually explain what he means by sufficiently visionary or sufficiently funded, because those costs would just blow you out of the water is willie job guarantee costs, money, of course, but failing to invest in our future, costs even more against another variation. It's an unprecedented moment, so we have to spend an unprecedented amount of money. Will a guarantee costs money? Yes? Well, I say how much I know, but I promise you know cause you more. If you don't
World's worst, con man right here come in I up your door and he's like I want to tell you this bridge in brooklyn, How much money you can cost a lot, but you know what, if on this opportunity. You're gonna be just cursing herself, the rest, your life, you could own that brooklyn bridge your failure to best, the brooklyn bridge would cost even more, my goodness, concludes book by the way with it, with a bunch of recommendations on how do I fix it? the here's, what he says quote make the constitution relevant to the twenty first century? Rethink the united states Senate, rethink the united states supreme court and all forms of bigotry and all four The bigotry a cure cancer, while you're at it and all forms of bigotry that their there, if there are few things here that are their pretty spectacularly nonsensical when when it comes to a sort of utopian, as am I love it
this particular predicament, really got meters. Our struggle is to end a system that evaluates worth as a measure of market profitability, a system, which were asked to believe based on salaries paid at the star athlete who helped to build Our team owner increases bottom line is worth more than a thousand teachers who help children escape poverty. The american people never approved these brutal trade offs that insult our values. So a few things, first of all, the american people do not have the ability to tell you what you are quite a market worth but notice how he just conflates human worth with market worth. he's a socialist you shouldn't do that. As a socialist, you should believe that those are two very different thing: that economic value is not the same as spiritual value. I mean that's something forget about socialism as a capitalist. I believe that human value equals economic value. I a lot of people who are not wealthy but I think, have extraordinary human value in a lot of people are well. Do you think we're gonna garbage people, but Bernie equates the two. And so the idea is that are strong
was to end a system that evaluates worth as a measure of market profitability, but that's exactly what you're doing your evaluating worth as a measure of economic receipt so she's working within the economic system are not, but his idea, presumably, is that dumb? He should make the call and I guess I'll see you should ve been a million dollars and that that's again the comment that its theme number four here there are no limitations on your dreams. Utopia is achievable theme number five and this one runs again throughout his book. It's ok to be angry about capitalism so it s a big defender of democracy. Yet an aid as this directly in opposition to down front by donald trump, is the great threat to democracy, says Bernie socialist centres who loved the ussr. Back. In that I quote, it is no small.
in four short years: trump, annihilated the long standing leadership of the republican party and converted a center right political organization into a vehicle for right wing extremism that drew comparisons with european neo. Fascist parties. Yes, judd donald trump was basically turning the republican party writ large into a neo fascist party by challenging democracies that he thinks that the Donald trump challenge democracy and that's really bad, except when he does it. As the entire book talks about how there's no real democracy in the united states as it turns out, there is no democracy. The system should be over Well, we live in a democracy, but they own that democracy. He says we live in a democracy by where there there's democracy over scare quotes around the first democracy. We live in. A scare quotes democracy, but they own that we don't live in a democracy is what you're saying you know, who else was was saying that the guy who is there was a fascist, tattoo burning, and then he says, true. Individual freedom cannot exist without economic security and independence. Economic rights are human rights
individual freedom cannot exist without those rights, no that using rights into very, very different ways. Typically, when we talk about rights, we talk about the freedom from he is talking about the idea that there are certain preconditions to living. Ok, that those preconditions to living are just preconditions living generally. They apply in communist states in fascist states, in monarchies, in oligarchies those preconditions living are things like food and water, but but but you proclaim, those rights is a very different thing than talking about the political rights you have from the government. That's not the same thing at all. Those are necessities. Necessities are not the same things as right again, sloppiness is the is the hallmark of Bernie sanders. democratic, socialist thinking rip more broadly again, that the bottom line here is that he believes that we don't have any immigrants in the united states. So there are no human rights in the united states. We live in a democracy without human rights there. There are a few points in his book where his his latent hatred for the united states really comes out. Like really comes out- and I hear is one of the
What recently there has been much political and media discussion about the oligarchy surrounding vladimir Putin, the veteran kgb. Barnett was emerges, Russia's authoritarian leader, but oligarchy is not even We russian phenomenon. What about the oligarchs of america? What about the perverse and destructive role they play in shaping our society? Why is there no acknowledgement by our political and media elite that there is an amount, can oligarchs every bit as dangerous as the oligarchy we decry in other countries, mainly because the oligarchy, their ally, but lead where putin involve pushing people. They dont like out of like seven story, windows and invading foreign countries and legitimately executing there. There dissidents and jailing them Equating vladimir Putin, with the united states system and the actual russian oligarchs paid by Vladimir Putin, with like elon musk, is absurd, but again fine points are not his strong suit. His challenges to democracy are throughout the book. Read democracy is great. except that he hates it. What the establishment, through our political system, armenia and our schools, perpetuates mythology?
democratic society in which the people are supreme and Well the destiny of the nation, really really so democracy. Dont challenge it. Unless your name is Bernie sanders there. There are few other themes and hold true throughout the world, what I mean this. Is it it's an anti american, but right I mean this is it is not just an anti clinical capitalist booking of actually critics capitalism. You just critiques the status quo and waves, capitalism for it, All the goods in american society are the result of magic, but he he wants to the main theme of the book, but under undergoing all of this is that he is going to activate a new generation via the systems of power? He's going to create entire generation of apparatchiks? Will rhythm. It is kind of amazing what he says about the educational system in his book Bernie sanders. So, for example, he says for education focused on the real needs and real possibilities for students in the twenty first century. We have to break out of the mentality that considers are elementary
secondary schools, merely training grounds for workers you're not supposed to have a skill set that leads you to be employable novice. Our education is really about is burning, really, what education is about, isn't operating you into leftwing worldview? He quotes a a scholar about Finland, quoting we began by explaining her view that for progressives the world over education must be a focus not just in and of itself, but as part of a broader struggled to create a freer and more equal society Education is not about getting a skill set. Education they re, making an entire generation. What curriculums are organised with children can examine complexity, problems like climate change in all their classes, as well as in clubs and efforts, will activities think about that students being taught about problems and then being taught they can solve them.
So we have to turn our educational systems not into skills inculcation, but into bizarre indoctrination factories. I mean the book is pretty frightening. Is the truth. That's filled with bad political analysis like he claims that Joe Biden's failure to to pass bill back better is the reason why he suffering the pollsters ab. Obviously untrue. who's, the afghanistan debacle, the drove Joe Biden into the forties, his analysis of the squad, where he just talked up the squad endlessly, which is, of course, ridiculous. He tells a month. wise in there. I bet there's one my protector where he suggests that half of all the personal bankruptcies in the country are connected to unpaid medical bills, which of course, is wildly unproven, It turns out that, among the many many things that people don't pay when they go bankrupt, there are medical bills that doesn't mean the medical bills are what drove the bankruptcy at factcheck by the washington post or as things like countries. the world
passing united states when it comes to life expectancy, and that, of course ignores the fact that the united states has a far higher rate of injury death and that because of that, that create a life expectancy gap, there is an article. In a jama. The journal of american medical association back in twenty sixteen, pointing out that if you actually get rid of things like injury deaths that that closes the mortality gap in the united states with other countries pretty quickly, but the truth is not Bernie Sanders's strong suit, it's just not as strong suit, but I do have to end my analysis. of Bernie sanders is not very good book with a couple of consider just crazy towns, because this really shows who he is and Bernie sanders really is the guy who questions why we need so many brands of deodorant on our shelves. Why can't there just be two He really is the guy who thinks that lines are good, because at the end of them you get bread. That's u. Bernie sanders isn't
this guy's become a mainstream political voice in the united states. Right now demonstrate how stupid we are politically. It met my favorite line from the book to conclude with us, because it really is spectacular quote over the past forty years, ruling class in the united states has gone to war against organised labour, and as part of that war, if eviscerated the entire concept of class and class consciousness in the country is so put to the side, the fact that in and of itself is crazy. The united states has never had a solid class conflict because, unlike the countries of europe, there was never an infringed class system in Britain there is in french classicism. You are lord or you're a commoner in the united states that never applied. This goes all the way back to watches, to tocqueville it, but here's, the great part quote we regarded as for example, a corporate media and big business encourage us to identify with the new england, patriots, the chicago bulls or los angeles dodgers. We are not encouraged, however, to root for our class. That's a weird statement. So
The bought and paid for corporate media are the ones who are encouraging you to be a yankees fan and if they really were not bought and paid for, they will be encouraging you to be a bourgeois fan or a or a impoverished class fan. The hell. Is he talking? But you know crazy boon. Yelling at sky is in fact one of his thing. It is apparently the charm of man. Unfortunately, this We're useless person has now become, as I say, a major voice in american society. So the truth is there's not that much more to Bernie sanders is not very good book and I hope that he makes a bundle of it using the mechanisms of Capitalism and then he can try to explain to all of his fans why exactly he has a lake house and why he charged ninety five bucks, a seat for his public appearances, where it's okay to be angry about capitalism. Suffice it to say there ain't much there there ain't much there, and you should remember this when it comes time for
Democrat socialist friends to explain to you the genius of Bernie sanders. Not only is Bernie sanders, not a genius. He barely has two neurons to rub together.
Transcript generated on 2023-04-20.