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Ben Interviews Gov. Ron DeSantis | Trump, Fauci, & 2024


Florida Governor Ron DeSantis has officially entered the 2024 presidential race. He joins me to discuss his presidential announcement on Twitter Spaces and Donald Trump's recent attacks on his campaign.

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Joining on the show is governor, rhonda, santa's freshly announces twenty twenty four presidential campaign governor santa thanks for joining shall really appreciate it gradually. Depends on the new baby ban. I really appreciate so sweet of you and then we say hello to politically see as well. So why are we talk about the first twenty four hours of this campaign, how you think it's gone so far. Obviously there are some technical snafu whose what with twitter spaces, but there are tons of people watching seven hundred thousand people- are trying to log onto the varying. These are big numbers, and actually we are talking about twitter- there- actually very many more who could even get to that part of the queue, and so it cause they're either system the basically meltdown and I ve never seen anything like it. So I think there is a huge amount of interest are the reason we didn't do it. This way is because we figured with eu on involve other that would reach. A wider range of people, then, would just do a traditional campaign rally and so a lot of buzz generated for those who ve been able. Watch it. I think, like across all the different ones, that habit.
it's over nine million between the white stream between david sacks as one. So that's really really significant Obviously I made the announcement. I did a little bit of a rift to start, but then a lot of it was just talking about the issues facing the country and being able to answer questions at the people. Had we to do more of that in this country. Are you know we're not here to be entertainers we're here to be? eaters and ultimately, a leader is measured by what kind of resolve your ultimately able to deliver. We delivered great results in florida because we focused on what matters to the people of the state and I think we bring that same know how to washington to focus on what matters to the people. The united states so governors answers. Obviously Joe Biden has been doing a rather poor job. Running to replace him but Standing in your way is a formidable rival, former president trump, his first republican candidate to declare so far nobody's really later glove on him, a drawn, a strong contrast between themselves and president trump and insert the national pulling he's up pretty significantly? So
How do you see a difference between your candidacy? What you ve been trying to do your record and president rob why they gets into staying because he's been attacking me by. Moving laughed. So this is a day foreign guy than twenty fifteen twenty. Sixteen. He attacked me for a poem being an amnesty bill in the congress he did support this. Damn estate is good. I too two million illegal aliens. He wanted the amnesty I oppose did because that's when america first principles dictate that europe owes to amnesty. He also attacked foreboding against an omnibus spending bill that was bloated, full of or and that wrapped up huge amount of debt for this country. Yes, I voted against the on the best he signed every on the best it was but on his desk, and so I think it's odd he's doubling down on those positions, as those were instances in which his actions did not match his campaign rhetoric. But I also think just the g20 fifteen and sixteen, and now is irish, sheep exact.
a flawed and he is chief executive, united states. We both based open nineteen and we both respond, in the way we did, he responded by elevating anthony fancy and really- Turning the reigns over the doktor found she and, I think, to terrible consequences for the united states I was the leader in this country and fighting back again spout. She, we backed him every step of the way, starting in April of twenty twenty, whether it's the schools, the businesses, a mandate and our stay. Has never done better as a resource that were number one four and in migration. amber wine for for growth, and we continue to see great things happened self, but it requires me to panic. the grain. It required me to know that every decision I made was gonna be met with opposition from the media and from the left, but you do what's right and you
Let them tell you, and so I think that she should have been fired and I think the fact that donald trump gave anthony faculty of presidential commendation on france last day in office. That was a got punch, the millions of people around this country. There were harm by foul cheese, locked downs and other disasters. Today the president actually attacked you by suggesting Andrew cuomo, had done a better job in new york which serve a shocking thing. Coming from a president who declared that he is the enemy of the left when it comes to covet andrew home of course, did not do a better job he he's been you'd inciting statistics suggest using sort of absolute numbers of people who died per state as opposed to looking a population adjusted which of course seems deeply dishonest on a statistical level. What what's your take on those attacks there, bizarre and enforceable florida less access Florida had less excess mortality than california or new york. Part of that is because states, like California, had access more time. derived from the lockdown policies, which is really really avoidable mortality, but if he thinks
a promo handled it better. That's an indication. If something like this were to happen again, he would die. Hold down and do what he did in march of twenty twenty. I was a difficulty waste, we didn't have all the facts and people can can understand. You know if you did things that may not have worked out We all have to sit here today in twenty twenty three look back at march: twenty twenty they found she was wrong, valkyrie was destructive fell she is amiss, set us on this path, with the tears act and fed printing money, creating inflation in creating some of the economic problems that we have today. So if you could do it again, Would he do the same thing? I sure not because they were not there decisions to make- and I said clearly in our vice president, somebody like felt she is in the government- I would bring them in- and I will tell them two things you are fire
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Then why d and protect yourself the smart way today, governors hands is one of the other areas where we're donald trump. His had tried to draw contracts he's been suggesting that there are high crime rates in the state of florida. Obviously, he speaks is that as a sort of lawn or a candidate, but we were all present for twenty two in the national guard was not deployed. Despite massive riding in america's major cities, you is governed, of lord. I actually did some pretty strong positions on crime up to and including providing stipends for incoming police officers that we can talk about that little bit, but first of all, forms of crime rate is at a fifty year. Allow anxious that? and it hit a fifty year low during my administered but a lot of those guys, local people or local government. Local law enforcement done a good job, but it's here if the year low, while primacy, spiking and other places around the country so are counter trend for what's been happening in the united states, one of the main reasons, We have moved the florida since I've been governor is because of public safety because they no longer states so that
it's delusional to say that's enough. Florida, you know, has bad prime, and you can see that migration patterns. People are leaving high primary as and they're coming here when the floor, riots for going on in minneapolis, I called out the national guard in florida immediately. I had state law enforcement, the boy we work with our local partners. We I very clearly you're not burn in cities down here I will put a stop to it happens and sure enough. It didn't end up We also enacted legislation too, crack down on rioters, what's tougher penalties and to prevent local governments from the funding the police. But I think one of the things that the same, is under the trump administration. Are you know he enacted up a bill? Basically a jailbreak bill. It's called the first step back. It is allowed dangerous people out of prison now re offended and really really. A number of people, so one of the things I want to do is president his boat to congress and seek the repeal of the first step that if you are in jail, you should serve your
time and the idea that their releasing people who have not been rehabilitated early so that they can prey on people. our society is a huge mistake to donors, This is one of the big questions that comes up in the presidential election happening. Twenty twenty, I'm sure happening again in twenty four is down from clean. is that the twenty twenty election was rigged, and this raises a question if you, even if you believe, that's true, how do you plan to reverse that sort of thing? worried that the voting rules have changed. How do you plan to actually when, given the fact that, too, Twenty didn't, go the way that the Donald trump wanted to go. Well, you obvious, in the state of Florida had took a very different tack and you can see the results. You can see a twenty point shift between twenty eighteen and two thousand and twenty. Can you talk about you're of on the ground strategy and how that would be different from what president prompted twenty twenty running against Democrats, the left is gonna, throw the kitchen sink in any republic. It you ve got to be ready for that, some twenty twenty. We saw these these states largely because of the foul cheese state of emergency for covert they use, that is a priest,
to change the rules? The way voting happen, they embraced this male balloting and ballot harvesting. Of course, I think that that's wrong. But if I were the candidate, I would have gone in combated that either had our people. doing the same ballot harvesting or been more aggressive to try to head that off in terms of some of the legal and as I also look at how the federal government colluded with some of the tech companies, the sensor information, like them turbines. That's election interference, it's totally unfair, but also point out that was Donald trump FBI I and donald trump's dhs. That was doing that he didn't control over its own agencies. If somebody in my government were doing that they would have been fired the next day, and so you ve got take the responsibility as the candidate to shape the battle, field in a way that, to be most advantageous to your side, winning. So what Do we obviously in florida we did it very effectively, but now Finally, you looked to see
what the rules of the game are. Yes, we and bowed harvesting in florida. That's what you should do. Yes, we ban sucker bucks in florida. That's what you should do. How we're. Not every state has done that. So, if you're in a stable No nevada, that's a mass male balloting state with ballot harvesting in soccer, but we will have organizations in place so that we can exploit that system If you have it in wisconsin, we will have organizations in place to exploit that system. I think telling people not to send an email ballot is a huge mistake. reducing the pool of perspective voters. In Florida we focused on some of these laws propensity voters in my reelection. They usually voting presidential. They don't always vote in mid term and we converted one of them the boat most of them chose to vote by absentee power through the mail. That was their choice. If we told them you Only vote on election day, some of them very well may not have voted so under
the battlefield, it's your responsibility as a candidate to head off that, but ray single candidate that we would nominate is going to face this from the left. The Democrats in the media, when I've told ball. If you nominated me, I'm not going to make excuses, I'm gonna get it done and will be morning as president on january, twenty or twenty twenty five to governor his hands. His final question Breyer, your know you have to run now. President trumpets threatened to not participate in any primary debates that he will sort of be appointed by acclamation. What do you make of his threats not to engage in some sort of primary debate with any of the other candidates. Well, I mean I was on a blue collar kid. I started why workin for minimum wage very early on I'm not entitled to anything. You gotta earn it in this world, and I think this nomination is something people after her Nobody is entitled to be nominated. It's all I intend to earn it. I think those debates are an important part of it.
says so republicans across the country and in size up candidates and see what they think. I look forward to participating in it because I think we ve got a great story to tell, and I think that the contrast between me the other candidates, I think, will be favourable and I think it will help us win the nomination. Let us go, rhonda sands. He's got a big day in big several weeks at the minimum lined up a forum governor just answers if you want to give to his or his campaign head on over to ron de santis dot com really appreciate the time and good luck thanks. So much we I everybody support in folks Monday of course, is memorial day I'll, be talking with jackal willing, on my youtube, so make sure to check that and the movie back here on tuesday I venture this is the Ben shapiro show yeah.
Transcript generated on 2023-08-15.