« Armchair Expert with Dax Shepard

Wyatt & Kurt Russell


Wyatt and Kurt Russell (Monarch: Legacy of Monsters) are actors. Kurt and Wyatt join the Armchair Expert to discuss their memories of spending summers at their lake house, why Wyatt chose acting over playing hockey, and what it’s like to be a violin-maker. Kurt, Wyatt, and Dax talk about what it was like to play the same character as father and son, how Kurt chose his most iconic roles, and how fun it is to work with stunt people on set. Kurt and Wyatt explain their approach when people have preconceived notions about them, what Wyatt learned from his dad about work ethic, and how humbling it can be to run a business.

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Well come on the wagon armchair expert on deck chaperone join my monica admin the we have a blast from my pass today. This is so outrageously silly for me, I was really fun kurt and why Russell father and son, father and son, our first father and son? Do our first, but not to be our last. I hope not there as good as this one did yeah, I'm now very open to father and son. Do us? Kurt rushlight or need to tell you about him. I mean fuck Kurt Russell. The thing hateful eight escaped from new york, fuckin icon. I come my favorite grownups snake fuck, it Listen what a guy and then, of course, why Russell most beautiful is grown into the most natural and wonderful actor. I'm so happy form black mere
falcon and the winter soldier under the banner of Heaven. He was spectacular in my favorite show of last year and then a night swim is a new movie. That he's got out right. This second and, of course, they're here to talk about their new series out on apple plus monarch, Oh, I guess, sea of monsters all was this a party such fun? it was please enjoy kurt and white Russell. We supported by squarespace with squarespace. You can do much more than build a website. You can also sell custom merch guys. This is what we do on squarespace. We
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Not sure the that's right, sixteen and a half years ago. My phone was that really the last time I saw you, I think so Nor can I I see you're driving a fuckin smash truck. I got it might move. Now. And every year I know these hundreds
I used to keep them out over a million miles. Yeah you'll be dead long before that normal sovereign house competition. Like how long can I have this shirt or if you liked this car talk, I'm listening intently, I have the soup, do not worry. You haven't Here you are not at all. You almost to find yourself in opposition to that. In a way you have. I dont know at least from my experience with you in canada. You have like an innate quality of not giving a shit about things. Really that important, I think you might even with your get disappears. I dare you Gordon. I do because there is no other way to be Exactly there's nothing left cause. I left your face. It was the only instrument that wasn't being playwright. Yes exactly. That is all what matters to you. If it's cars or whatever for me, it's violins and guitars, and so
Finally, I agree that has allowed by the special althesa thunder down memory. Lane That too many memory is just a perfect. Allow further murmured deal with here, I live in santa Monica. Oh you do how he made the track at and not that fun time. My son just got back from school and he refused to take naps. How old is he that is three hundred fell bad for my wife, whose very pregnant or like at the same time selfish feels like Sorry man got pulling her, a party. I got a bad movie three. in the hours before the holiday starts, I'm like looking at my ceiling in my living room, I'm like what the fuck is that and why is dripping on a beam. Go upstairs toilets clogged, I'm like what the fuck call a plumber. They get
Like you didn't know, you can do it to open up the floorboards like. I can't do that right now. It's like well, stop the thing turn off the water up. There it'll be okay, it's stopped And then, three days ago, I'm sitting in my living room, All of a sudden, I hear a big bang with my wife like jew, like fire. First and shoes ignore not in the room, and I go up into the bathroom. I look in the bathroom in our shower issues Yet why? Just like the play? sure of the back of our line up here was narrowly and it swelled others sewage and a shower. so he doesn't stay in the room that night and then call the plumber in the morning. They came out and undid the relief valve we have this courtyard when they ended. It literally
it was like a hormone like one hour, but these flights I back the gone looking his army and at lincoln just like him, and, like I said, were just discussing that you don't give a shit about any of this stuff and then your dad already checked out the hopefully fucking funny But he's got a sprinter. Where is it hey? You didn't mention the sprinter. The sprinter school means there's a car element to it, but it's like set up for overlanding or campy, asked my wife and I spent shoot month when she was pregnant. The first time in the van during cove iD we did like the
where have all the national parks and stuff, and it was the greatest thing I ever did and never would make one of these buys where you go down to costa mesa and just some dude has twenty one like built a van by himself. It's like you want to buy this for a bunch of money, and I was like yeah now you're trying to do, because it's only got two seats. We have to get another. One gonna have four of us pregnant wife getting close to deliver because I watched an interview with y'all that happened really recently, and they were saying you weren't going to travel for the holidays because it might come, and then I thought my birthday was two days ago and then, when I was watching this interview- and I thought what a blast, and if the sort of guy was born on january, sacking cabot Britain that thank you so much. Firstly, what he's a chapter twenty six thursday! After all, what a terrible terrible birthday in another ship one comment: we woke up their prison on boxing day everyone's fucking exhausted, but he wakes up and still dark outside buddy grind.
Through like it's, your birthday, he's three and he goes not now yeah, it goes away. That's the right response. The shit I got yeah cause. I make an argument that my birthday is the very worst because it's january second, so everyone just made their resolutions. No one wants a drink. No one wants to eat, no ones to come to your fucking party, they're, all partied and socialized out and you're like come celebrate me today is my mom's birthday. Now she died three years ago, but for all our lives january. Fourth, we always felt like we gotta do something come on yeah yeah. She was always great about it. She does cover, I don't worry about, but did she acknowledges that shitty birthday terrible time is worse, twenty six. It really did feel like the same kind of things. Twenty six might be the one. If he's anything like me, it would be the best because I fucking hated my birth.
I didn't like being the center of attention well and also the pressure that it puts on you. Your friends are coming over there expecting a good time hated. That's me too. I love attention, then everyone's going to be bored at my poll yeah, it's like as they have no confidence in my ability to host a party yeah none. I luckily married a woman who's. The greatest I didn't. We were talking about that the other day or it was like. If I didn't marry my wife I'd, be a shut in recluse. I wouldn't see anybody, it would be awful it'd be a terrible person. You really need to marry your opposite. Yes, there's a russell gene, though that's really telling dps the dominant dominate my sister jill. We call her the hermit of tio. She texted, do it a good extreme, curt you're like borderline living off grid and eating moose for breakfast. So here's the weird part of today ramsey tax for years, great c and all I can think of. I'm looking at t Rex head there, I'm call you the t rex it is yeah yeah, that's cool,
because when we worked together on this matter, shell in my rv there was that exact t rex head and it was stolen. You son of a bitch yeah, you got, you got it well. The origin of this is that money. Can I want to invest in an actual t rex skull which their millions of dollars but we're gonna amortize the caused by letting people fucking them also, there are going to put a bat in there and fucking elevate the state's tax hotel. You don't just say yeah sorry drew me up here. I think I have monica setting from saint monica likes a nice so seriously, though, how great is where your life has gone and where you've taken it they've always been the very talented again all that, but the people to personalize your life that simply congrats man waited
Thank you so much honestly, it's hard to comprehend that it could have worked out the way it did, but I'm sure you have felt that many tax throughout your lawyer way beyond give you deserve this. How did I get this? Am I gonna lose this its complex in fucking internet are already about losing it because I never minded where I was its nerve and bad. I try to remind ourselves that I've more excited about this interview than I've been for one. I'm telling you the truth, because I want to tell you guys. Were magical week of my life at was I mean it is in my like, if I had my top twenty weeks in my life great place, but the place like a hey, are you? Are you guys you to occur
had so much goddamn fun with you with one. There is only one amendment, I'm here, yes I'll tell those really is about at this point. They don't know why you're here s my job. For me I was so special and then, of course, over the years, and I wonder if they remember I was even totally. But yes, when I was dating K, I got to come up to yawls canada house on the lake in moscow. Come in, I had never been there, never meant you guys get there. It is to function blast every single date. We go out in your old sixties, wooden boat. You finally got a gear head around to talk to yeah right, libertarian, yeah, I'm telling you hundreds yeah. We met at seven, oh wait! It occurred to me. We need some oversight on that yeah. I wouldn't argue that place. They got it when I was ten and just shaped every great experience that I ever had and it'd be
I think my friends are out there when europe there yeah we're talking about, must coca Canada go get a few hours and with it for all ages, it was like august, the late July August. We showed that it was like hogwarts few knew about it. You knew since then its blown up had become a whole different place, but had a very magical feeling too, because we didn't have tv, we didn't really have much internet at the time. It wasn't good cell phones warrant the saying there is no instagram or facebook twitter, and so you completely left everything behind, and you had four Jane days or whatever it was to just actually be with the people that you loved and take two or three days of doing that and all of a sudden everything shifts. I totally agree with you and I would argue that even you and I had more chats yeah in a week than we were
in modern times, if we went somewhere for a month, yes- and it's always like at two o clock in the morning to them- I know you to sit in the scope, a room you can hear the loons outside and at his magic all its as you go swimming in that water, it's medicinal. Every morning I jumped in- and I have often swam across the little baiser and when the waters glasses, just in so why I met you, and I was like this fucking guys so special and sweet. I guess you hadn't stop playing hockey unknown idea. Not yet so you are playing professional hockey but you're out, really in the guitar. Your practising guitar the whole time here and you were like right in song there in your super interested in that- and I was like look at this paradox: astute plays hockey, which is
the bro. He is the toughest yeah he's in the tiny spiritual room of the house working on his folk songs, yeah. I love that it was a little difficult because for me playing hockey it's a blue collar canadian sport. You know Michigan minnesota, they have their own hockey culture. So when I was instrumental anything with strings, I love. If I did that too much. My coaches and some of the people that were gatekeepers for hockey would go as an interested in really being a hockey player. He wants to go into the arts and may be self fulfilling for them, because you're already the son of artists yeah, they all got a chip on their shoulder back. So you're completely trying your very fucking artists to show them I'm going to buzz my air. I'm gonna be like this soldier who's going to do my job and put my head down on my teeth examined, even though they didn't get knocked down, I'm gonna say they didn't, but he refused to lose his flip flops. I've had eczema on my feet after games, I'd be like I'll. Take the shoes off cause their little waste water and eczema, don't mix. So I would wear my flip flops around the hotel and the coach was like no flip flops.
From Minnesota. I won't says names the guy dec. and he just hated me because I was a laid back person anywhere from kill and as from california and parents is all deny. I was supposed to play walking down to get a gator aid in the hotel and, like you know, hampton inner or wherever you sioux, falls and I go down and I'm wearing my flip flops, the elevator ovens and the coaches there and he's like hey ross, how's it gone anyway. Videos flip flops on, I was like yeah and he's like as I go with pause. He goes you're not
anime that are wearing flip flops are getting Gatorade in the hotel. You do have to understand that the canadian athlete may be the last athlete on the planet. That truly has a lot of respect for authority questioning. I didn't wear flip flops, but anyway, the point is that I had to be sort of one way for them, and then I had to be one way for me and eventually it got to a point where, when I got hurt it was like okay, now I'm going to be who I am, and I've learned how to build guitars and make guitars and guitar became a massive part of my life.
Waze has met my wife when we doing a movie where he playing a folk singer, we got to sing and write, songs together and fell in love and still write, songs and sing together and have a blast together and I'm building violins, and it's a real part of my life that I don't make the center of myself that it is sort of who I can we geek out for fourteen seconds cause. I literally just read this three days ago. The stradivarius is which I was aware of the violins. There were so much. I did not realize those are all from the sixteen hundred or seventeen hundred seven hundred yeah from a certain period of his life, not all of them, but he had a golden period. In his seventies he made most of the great violence I just read about one. It has like the least amount of play on the messiah. Only get there be the name of it. It's like a fourteen million dollar. It's probably the messiah. The messiah is like the most untouched of all the strad violins. So what violins j brown violence. Ok, I go there. Tis enthusiasm he's my violent making teacher and he has a client,
It lives around here actually and he brought n one day. He has a strat and a granary. Those are the two guys he opens up the case and he's like hey. Look at this, I'm looking at it. I'm like holy shit, that's a real strat and he's like he bought it in the eighties. It was like five hundred grand now, it's worth a lot more money, millions and it's like his ticket to the world. I'm building a strad model called the titian, and so I got to look at. The actual model that I'm building from the mold that was made it's the real deal like very, very few people get to do that, yeah very lucky, and so I've gotten some really cool experiences through violent making. What is
the ingredients that make them so coveted. It is the one that was uses. The geometry there's a bit of a mystery to it, which makes it so fine and exciting for people to talk about one of the things that where they got all the wood, the forests that they got the word from his gone there's a high altitude for us. They were getting would from my very, very, very old trees and they would gone these amazing woodchips, Would I be right to assume that the older the tree is that the less it's going to change after it's been made and used? You want to keep the moisture consistent, but yeah, the the tree, a diseased, the better, because the harder to the woods, the other thing is the alchemists in the violin makers and apothecaries of the time would create these. And blends with metals in them and stuff. They ve discovered that they dont really use anymore. So a lot of its the finishes. What finishes well and then mostly stroud, changed how the violin was actually structured. He in long the body? He did certain things that changed and that's the violence that we know today
and but there's so many tiny little things and really what makes it exciting for me is that every violence different it's a very, very, very human experience. A violent cannot be made well by a machine that you have to be able to hear. The tone of the violent of the piece of wood. The working with no piece of wood is the same. No grain runs the same whack you ve gotta, like heard at the note and fine, where the tone is and then use structure the sound according to what the? What is telling you? Oh my god. I said the great lesson for life. It's been important for me because I can get a little jittery and it's like the wood won't do what it who doesn't want to do right. I can control out of acceptance involved. Yes, I can't make that go any deeper. I can't make gone lower. I'm just gonna have to live with that as a lesson as you enter. Oh my god. It made me so much more patient because you get so frustrated, sometimes you're like why the fuck won't
yeah, yeah yeah, but it's a microcosm for waking up every morning with buddy and my wife and being patient and going ok, no right now, this three year old, psychotic brain, does not want to do this for you at it is worth day to day. What am I going the same way, I like his word that I consider the first love of my hobbes in my life and its main working. You play the violent now whore. my grandfather, was a professional violinist. I'm I'm on side. He owned a jury shop. You played the baltimore philharmonic played way house's. Does its job is violent by other groups
grandfather, he was appointed to your dad, my grandfather, you had a musician in your lineage, he here's a first year, violence for fritz kreisler in that or he was boston conservatory, oh so violent runs in the family and I was like well and I did play violent. I was five because I wanted to play like my grandfather. My mom's got some of his old violins in our basement. One of them is actually a prominent maker. It was something I wanted to do, but my wife would murder me if I learned how to play violin yeah, it's the most offensive here. It's actually a great video there's a reason why all movies yeah you do it's a classic, goldies mom, laura was in her last weeks of living.
and she was in hospital and so cold. He wanted a quiet come in and play. I think it was twinkling that was absolutely in the hospital on video videotaping. The whole thing he was zoo. That is where it got so bad. It starts to yeah you're, like the most good that the last thing shakespeare yeah. That was the end of my violin- that I can't do the last version or died. The best guitar making the work accessible is a really good guitar player. Have you guys were played together? No, I only watched you play when I was up there and I was pretty blown away.
meredith my wife she's, unbelievably talented, singer, her grandmother who finished second to patsy cline in the you know. I don't know if you would know this monica. I didn't know the stones reading about you today that your wife is in search party. Yes, the boy that I haven't seen of oh yeah using. Oh, my god, it's so good cheese, incredible, so fine, yeah, she's, so great and she's the best chisholm ten times better person than I am, and every gospel way like hold down the fort in our family by luckiest guy and all we have a fallacious ship with music. Together, her patsy klein is fucking on the lever she can say yeah, I keep saying you gotta do something with the music we keep looking for yeah. That seems hard to manifest, but I would imagine the thing we're here to talk about monarch, similar thing where it's like you guys have been offered a ton of opportunities to play. Father son,
and and then you're probably not even sure how you would ever work together and then this bizarre version, which is probably the coolest way to do it as your guys, are going to play the same person throughout time, which is so cool. You couldn't have scripted that six years ago over the years why and I like oliver- and I often- and I am glad- and I have talked about doing things together- what it might be. So there were a lot of opportunities to play father his son was also the kind of thing he and I would kick around an idea and we had some good ones, but we're just supposed to lazy we're not going to write down your bow. Hunting he's violent that way, so this one was unique in that it was the same person with a wait, a minute that is interesting and it turns out that it had never really been done before with two known actors. It was a ongoing idea. All is an enemy denizens with you. I know you guys are coming. I'm like. I gotta watch that fuckin monster show like you, I d ask as aids my jumpy. I love these guys and then I wrangled my children into watching it with me, my nine in ten years
and we watched three episodes back to back last night. It is fucking awesome what I was expecting a different kind of corny, it's a godzilla. Oh, we didn't want to do too in a way or like. What's this going to be anytime, you take one of these properties like we're going to do the tonka trucks moving you're like hmm, I love talking trucks, but I dunno about that as a movie right in similarly, you been watching. Godzilla is a double edged, sword idea and we were just a casting idea: do you do the devil we'd kind of go godzilla Why do women keep saying? Why would it be god's godzilla? And you finally say well, let's take a look and start thinking. I dunno it seems to have been something in my life that I've just always lashed onto doing things that people don't
and to begin with, and then it takes a long time to giggle. Oh, I see so many of your successes, terrible ideas for being on thanksgiving or new york. I wouldn't say it that way. So that was the thing I wouldn't say. It's terrible, I think it's a great idea in new york's, a prison, that's all funny. Ok, nineteen. Eighty four civil war from new york was a? U and the argument is places prison. I'm within specific enough allotted things you tackled had a high probability of failure in the fucking worked, but they were huge swings. Yes, but do you see it is utterly? I just like I like this just take my funnybone yeah struck me as I really think this is good. This exists different. I started early with disney stuff, so I maybe I sort of had my fill of mainstream. If I could try to figure out, which is no point in doing and can I just add a detail to that cause? I think it'll fascinate you. He is a boy had a ten year contract with disney. He was the highest grossing movie star for disney pictures throughout the seventies, as
child, oh wow. I did not know the right. I don't think a lot of people will know that the left or right one of the last things walt disney road they have. Is him writing down? Kurtz need, as you like knew him right actually did- was a lovely dude. What kind of government is interesting? Man interesting reminded me of my grandfather. He was very creative. Did he have the child likeness that you wouldn't know. I always liked watching him beer on the sad, because it see that he was watching things for a purpose. He wasn't just observing if a he just was was wonderful, whom gave me the opportunity to go to all the departments and meet the department heads and he talked about what this department did. What that department? Did you told me a cool story in muskoka which was like you had done all these years of acting? Then you pursued baseball and you know Kurt played professional baseball for No, I dont know we are uniting all that. I'm selling you, I'm gonna, annoy you, but I'm going to tell the details professionally.
While player gets injured, decides to go. Barclays is what you told me in Canada gets injured I'm going back into this business, but I want to fucking this thing inside and out, and what did you do well at that time I was twenty two years old and I had gone to junior I'm looking at monica he's already. I my to I went to junior college for twenty nine days and nights as for me, I did that could make it a month. So I didn't continue on and I just continued to work. I decided that I did want to have an education. in something, and so when I knew I was a male baseball anymore, I was a big change for me. I never really looked at the motion picture business as something that I was going
due to make my living at. Can I had one detail cause it's a really fascinating. Parallel between both of you, which is his father, was a successful actor. He was in a bunch of westerns being and he was a professional baseball player right, he's growing up second generation actor. It frames the whole thing so differently. Whatever your parents would like, I didn't wanna go, sell used cars, that's what my dad did. You don't want to do what your parents do, but we did Applejack the tree you know. Finally, then, I said I'm going to learn something. I've got to really know something, and I said the truth: is I've never really paid much attention in this business? So what I probably told you was that I decided my college experience was going to be taking one department for every tv or movie that I did and spend it. with that department allow, and I did for every single thing in our business I spent one show with the sound department, the electricians, the camera department all
have studio head who I promised. I would never reveal who that was and as thick as it was during conversations you're not supposed to hear, but I mean craft service care what it is. I did it for about four years and I said: ok, I've done every day, women and I understand what it is there doing. Why they're doing it gave me great appreciation for number one being on time We need to really make a meal of how preposterous that was, because you were macaulay culkin,
yeah. Okay yeah you are, but yeah superstar yeah was starting. Disney movies was young. I did do a tv series when I was eleven. So if I was on a movie set and I went to craft service- and I saw macaulay, Culkin was stuck in the fucking candy bars. That's an insult all the way down to the. What do you need next week? How many crew are going to be here? Is there going to be a beside to this a side? Every department has its difficulties, I mean it. Has it's real things to deal with and where people around you witnessing you yeah, they understood it. They probably respected it. Well, also get and understand everytime. It was a different many times they didn't know. One time was with a director I think, cast just kind of felt. Like I was in ass kisser, but it was just something that I needed to do for myself to say: okay, I have an education in something I do understand what I've gone to school myself for it verified one thing: there were two departments for me that had the most fun, and that was the actor
in the stunt guys. Okay, that's my world. It takes five minutes on a set to realize you want to be a stone man yeah, it's funny. and all you do, is sit around and tell stories of all the gags you've pulled the bag? I grew up with not guys because my dad had them at the house all the time stunning it seems like they're always right there now. What do you need 'em like they have been out here for fourteen hours and the energy level has not talking about paradox, all the talk about his safety, then they're so fucking reckless? Do you try to set everything up if that was the thing in my career that I enjoyed about as much as anything was being able to work with my tucson guys? I did twenty six movies, with John casino in twenty four more movies with dick warlock. If this done safely. It's not safe for anybody do, but I was also athlete so was like if this is safe for you. I can do this, so let's go and let's tell them what we can do with the camera and what we can't john and dick were just tremendous guys. He could do things with them that very few stunt guys could do with other actors. Is it fair for me to guess as well cause? I think we have the same chip on our shoulder, which is
the acting as a little very studley there. Phrase for that outcome, which is very simple. I always have carried it with me. Proudly, every actress is little more than a woman and every actors just a little less man, yeah thats me yeah, my first goals on a set. Are I don't care about impressing the director and I want to impress transpo how much I to go over, has done guys and talk dirt, bikes and shit, I'm just trying to let them do this acting thing, but I mean for real money. You guys it's something that, after I was done playing hockey. I could relate to the stunt team. More certain ways, because there are more in the world of what I was doing, destroying your body for a goal in exactly and testing the limits and the energy was
therein. I associate myself with more the brotherhood to the brother, the brother between actors for those I only cause everyone's gonna compared to other adirondack, there's not beneath the stunt deeds, their brows. That kind of water can be careful with us because it really get you in trouble. Animal dispel that now I dont think in my life and I have had the opportunity to some really cool stuff, with airplanes, baseball wine huh. DE. I have done things that are unbelievably fulfilling in so many ways, but when, you do something as an actor with some one else. Then you just have this little magic thing that happens. There is nothing that compared to that. I totally agree with the air, You are supported by square space was square space. You can do much more than build a website. You can also sell custom merge guys. This is what we do on square space. We
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I was having a difficult time, I am of a dozen says that before I was unable to get what I was getting out of hockey, which was this scenario where e europe based on the same team. It's very clear any idiot can figure it out. We are on this team. We are assuming the same responsibilities to try, and get a very specific goal win the championship on a set. It was hard for me to get there because, if her coming from the world I came from and then we went to work for two weeks, you're not getting feel for it- and I didn't have this dream to be an actor. Pawky was my dream and acting with that I'd seen and grown up with and saw how much fun it could be, but we weren't involved, at that much you know, and then I've been in a couple of bigger movies and then some with big people and they'd go home and they wouldn't hang out, and it was just like. Oh god, this is not the experience that I want.
and then I did this movie well, actually I went audition for this movie that everyone was like you want to do this cannibal movie about a family of cannibals like. Why didn't want to do this movie, and I was like I like it, and the guide directed this movie called stake land that was good. His name is Jim mickle. It was the first person I talked to. I was like Others something different about you I'm just gonna to the truth. I don't think I'm good auditioning. I think I'm a d. An actor, but I need to be able get on a set and do the job where it's a world your creating it's not a test, and I'm not good this test. talked for like two hours and he was like well, I hope he can act as I like you and come back tomorrow and we did the audition and I went to work on this movie in upstate new york with a month and a half, and I was with Michael parks- is this legendary actor? He was in then came bronson and all eternity knows movies and just a great actor has passed on, but I had this magical experience of what a film can be with the
If people Julia garner was in it, it was just oh. I want every movie experience to be like this, and then you shortly realize that very few are actually like that and it's up to you to try and bring that to it. When you have the operation sturdy totally when you have the leverage to set the vibe on the set and kind of set that tone, it's imperative that you do because someone will, it should be you if you're going to play on any team, you better be the impact player that you need to be help everybody else, let's win, and that means I'm going to go. However, I can to make that happen, yeah you know one. I've had the experience with a I've had it on movies. I mean my very first movie without appeals me so green matthew, alert in new zealand for four months in canoes or what I think, but tv shows can be like the hockey team. I was on a silver six years, their fuckin family we're actually having holidays together. we're at each other's houses. We know each other and we love each other. That can be so special. I did a show called lodge forty nine. That was like that very
special show very special to me. Tell me my life, all the stuff it worked out, but it was- one the only things that was like that, because there is an ongoing aspect, only went to seasons, but there was not one person with an ego. I mean everybody had egos, but it felt like walking into a second home and never was like a fucking gotta go to work. Today I brought my dogs to sat there in the trailer everybody knew snowman. My dog would like walk around base camp as special as it was off screen and on screen like had that meld and again that doesn't happen very often. Now, I'm thirty seven years old. You have to relish it when it does happen, but I want to go back to what you were saying, because I totally agree and for me that's why I liked acting so much as there's a part of me that is from Detroit and you got to be a dude and you gotta do all this shit and you gotta fight and then there's this little pocket where I get to be vulnerable and can did and have an experience with a dude I probably wouldn't have in life. For me, that's the beautiful part of it on parenthood, Peter krause, and I he was my older brother on the show were friends. But then we,
are these scenes together and mute insanely intimate together. They can be all the cool thing, others that special circle of love happens with every movie that you do, but much of it depends on everything starts with the story than theirs the care to your plane, but it's all led by the director and if the directors vision is something that you understand and that you're helping here she get on film. You feel like you're, doing your job, but there are those special moments and where you were for three or four months with someone, it's fantastic. I've just had that wonderful opportunity. So many times and all of them in so many different ways. There's nothing that compares with that and when I say you can get in trouble by saying things that take you out of that league lefty gomez once said to my dad before he was elected into the hall of fame cause, he was a great joke teller and he said you know being think I might have talked my way out of the hall of fame really. I understood that men manner early age and I've seen it in our business experience, some of it. You can beat perceived as something that you're. Not when you go to work with people there always
I that you're, not anything like I thought, you'd be lost the story of my life. You know this is the weirdest thing yeah, you think you're going to be an asshole all, many hide on title yeah. That was from the day I was born and he's done a nice job fulfilling that yeah didn't come easy yeah fuck. I deserve that I should mention you landed in my yard in a helicopter yeah three different people aided the resentment about that earlier on yeah. But then you quickly learn that it's binary, there's no grey area to live in there. It's just black or white. You either become a person who is resentful and constantly thinks the strangers should somehow for some reason and stand who you are, and I said or give you the benefit of the doubt or you quickly realized that they can
However, they want to think that's their prerogative, and it's good for them and they show that their job and I can just go about doing my job. The way I do it, the best that I can and let the chips fall where they may and be ok with. that I went that route where I'm much happier. That way, that's why I don't do social media and stuff like that. Isn't that I don't care what people think I care a lot of people think I want people to think everything I do is good. I don't care what they think about me as a person. They don't know me as a person, so why would I ever get flustered about the at that. I want them to like my movies in my work and that's important. It's not like. I don't care what anybody thinks. I really do. People say that all the time when I don't agree with it, because I think it's a defense mechanism like I don't care, fuck em right, I know of if you don't feel that way, because if you really did feel that way and they don't like you, then you're not gonna work anymore. Your livelihood depends on whether people like what you do or not again it's the way you say it, which is. I can't do anything that I think's going to make you happy. I just got
it's something. That's gonna make me happy and I hope it makes exactly. I can't do what you want me to do. I have to do what I want to do, but I sure hope it makes you feel that scottish person that's carrying something that any kid that has. If parents have no you deal with it. It's how you deal with it that matters, and I think that it's very healthy to go like yeah, of course, you're going to think that I empathize I've had those thoughts before of meeting someone's kids or my kids, probably an asshole and then you're, like god, I can't believe I'm having them as it's kind of human nature. You know it's like to see a guy when he's hot stepping on a baseball field. They get that stink on him. They're just running right now is really good right now I can feel I think that there's a stink on people- that's part of our familial thing, is if we smell that privilege you can take credit is the right way, you can take the wrong you're very bonds, and you grow up in a locker room when you're seven eighteen years old yeah? I belong here, man. Yes, you got him. Oh that's a privilege that I'm gonna use that versus somebody who's got
a lot of talent and thinks that well, my last name is acts and therefore I got position. No, that's very bad, and it's about what do with it, because I look at it. I was thinking this the other day. Someone said they look at the kids of athletes and it's like well, that's just genetics or like there can be no genetic link to whether or not you can be a good performer performing, but it was interesting. I was thinking about it and I was like I really am so lucky to have had bringing that I did and the way they did it is there was never any onus on being something that I am not being something for somebody else. It was all about hey, do it, how you do it the best you can and that's the way, gonna work best anyway, you're beginning was an interesting one too, because those manning demagogic, who grew up in present came to LOS angeles in your went through his process of becoming an asian, but very early on when he was still playing hockey. He looked at him well
Sadie was a movie that movie that my friend directed still playing hockey in alabama- and I was injured- calls me up in his eye. Hey dude, I lost my actor from a first aid, like fifty million dollar movie is going to make John Stalberg the director and my partner and one of my best friends in life. My brother, Oliver, hudson and John, have been friends since I was born, and so I was always in John's like horror, movies and stuff growing up. I was the kid who got killed or whatever you are an extra body, whereas that's exactly right and ketchup on them, and so John calls me, and he was like, can you get to Detroit day after tomorrow and I was like well, I'm not playing. So if I say I'm gonna go to a movie I'll get cut from the team. But if I lie and say, there's been a some of the other parties, which there had been earlier by one hundred and three year old, great grandmother, had passed away like a very pleasant rest in peace doing, but I was like there's been a death and our family. I have your back east. I wasn't lying back there I was in the movie hated him.
I was alone in this room and I was like all the things I didn't want it to be your alone sitting here. Doing this thing, where, like okay, the day's over I've, got a headache and I have no one to share anything with, and I'm going back to my hockey team. Thank god. So then the movie plays- and it goes to this thing called sundance know. If I can, who had sundance as our gray, where to go. John congratulations. I gotta call, while I'm playing hockey in holland from this agent. There are big ocean has now made agents I imagine I saw this movie in sunday Do you have an agent and at first I was like what hockey who you calling about cause? You know I'm a film agent, I'm on the phone with the oil. Oh, no, I'm not interested in that, but maybe in the future I dunno and then, when I got hurt, I called them and was like hey I'm not playing anymore. Is that offer still stands and I had tape of stuff. So I did some things, and around the casting directors and I'm a good hedged bet for a casting director to come in yeah. We want to see what this guy's any good other family members are. Good, that's part of the bennett
it of being in that family and then ended up auditioning for stuff and starting to work. Well, I gotta tell you my own experience, so I hadn't seen you in years and I was watching black mirror and I was like
That's why I like that casting director. I had this enormous curiosity, I'm like is he going to be able to do it like the rest of them and I have to say Kristen. If she was here, she would tell you I was like he's fucking, so effortlessly, natural and real, and then I was obsessed with under the banner of Heaven is good and you are outstanding. I don't have a right to feel the pride, but I've been so delighted watching you, so fucking good, expand in natural and egypt and you feel comfortable in your own skin and it's all wonderful. It's made me so happy at all could end tomorrow, yeah, I got this super viable violin that twenty seven grande yeah both had career, ending sports injury, yeah, that's crazy and bang
to do otherwise known as blessings in this guy you're. What are the other three generations of the exact same thing happened. Three time I can't wait to interview body in twenty years. Is that all that have now to watch things I better yeah I've seen it needs. Three now saw there, you gotta go, swaying, did fucking three guys on the reins. We're gonna get out of this. What are you five and he said no, I'm too. He's two years old and he's got his little tucker in his mouth and he's banging the ball up. There he's just got it: that's a funny gene hand eye cause. You were right. I was a goalie yeah yeah, so he was a good baseball player too. That was the one that hurt me. That was the one where you know your kids always have to separate from you and it's an interesting moment when they do and he was the youngest one to do it at twelve cause. He was playing baseball and hockey, and I got him into hockey with the hopes and understanding that by the time he's about four
teen, he can be real tired of waking up at three o'clock in the morning and he's going to like that idea of baseball practice there at three, thirty after school. For me, a nice, warm southern california weather for me, and he said that I gotta be honest. I want to play hockey all the time. I don't wanna play baseball anymore, and I said you know: you're really good at baseball and you're going to get a lot better. You can make a lot of money playing baseball and he isn't, but I want to play hockey so okay, so he went and played hockey. But then, when he did, everybody wants them. They played a game, that's re, the directors they just
We play. They had good ballplayers out there plenty and picked up a bat, since he was twelve and he hit two home runs at the japanese, as you might have been right, yeah he's a naturally I could have stuck with baseball, as you can be completely out of shape, at least from my point of view, I'm looking at cecil fielder on first base on, like this guy's, the best first baseman baseball, there's no hockey players walking around the ring castle that did the bag of milk body hall of famer yeah. It's funny. I look back on the lineage of our family and the thing that comes up physical, don't fuck it up now, yeah everybody has been grinding for seven hundred years. We just learned a couple of months ago kind of this fun thing about our family. That's totally not related to movies, but on the first day
of the revolutionary war, I told the story. This isn't an exclusive that don't go further on the first day of the revolutionary war in lexington, conquered there shot her run the world and, in the minute, men retreat the bluecoat through tree in the house of the bloodiest day of fighting on the first of revolution. was in jason, Russell juniors house, which is our direct lineage grandfather of ten generations ago, and it was like well fuck that guy fought and he died in the house, but got stabbed eleven times by bread, redcoats, and so it's like, don't fuck it up now, yeah that guy went down, keep going hard work hard for jason, want to see me blow it. Do you agree with the method? No, I want to get a drink. I know yeah, let's get you another one. I would love another coffee rob now that we're these
going back to the early everybody's. Much do you know about ember mug I mean. Should we do a commercial member may say don't sponsor me, but can I tell you I got a late hour, but it is a liquid, thereby your drink anymore I die more now requires that idea. I've seen you don't drink, I don't drink when I was in canada not of embryos drunkard. Now, while I was your rank, not me, I don't remember you as a drink or so before that I had my third a birthday. While I was dating kate, when you marry me, I was just about three years: sober medica in I hated that you and I can have some beers together. It really bombing. I ve been a real heavy door incremental. That's annoying me too. I now, but let's go after the ember. I know it's been an hour whoa in this coffee. Is you kill me? So listen I'll tell you about the skies. You see this all plate right here, yeah it sits on there and then it's got a battery. So this is how it changed. My lo in the morning I used to drink two cups of coffee while
It was like journaling and doing my shit because it's getting cold, so I'm drinking it fast and then I'm out and I want more coffee. I got that thing. It keeps it warm. I drink it slower and now I only drink one cup of cafe morning. Okay, alright, so I get to go all the way back. Cause we were talking about. Your bigger swings were at least what I would have considered big swings, how much of it was actor driven. There's. Maybe, like you said, okay all of new york has become a prison, but obviously doesn't it help if you go, they know how to pull this off. Somebody once wrote about me says it looks like. A drunken driver annulled his career. I said yeah analysis guy behind the wheel. It just whatever strikes you but for us is on that. I had worked with John carpenter on Elvis John been brought under the show after I had been cast. It was very strange situation. He was
if saddled with this disney guy, but we spoke the same language very quickly and we said bye, I'd like to do that again and I went to australia. I happened to see some footage there and I came back, and I said I know the world I'd like to play and talked about it, and he said I got that and it was escape from new york snake, It's going to end for John to look at me and say you can do that at that time. Only John would have ever said that yeah they wanted to Charlie bronson. I was only twenty eight years So for me on different projects, when I read use, As I said luggage, these guys know how funny they listen to me. Listen I've, gotta, voluntarily, rode down for movies that I want to talk to your entire career. I could play a guess. The dialogue aimed at let's do it. I mean you know that guy met us. I don't know how up on current russell, you are I'm gonna stay used. Cars would be absolutely number. One is one way to speak, travel little. China might be in there not bound tomahawk now, dax and your chain. Your list after you see, but yeah. Ok, I'm on it. I have homework good death proof, yeah, yes, death, proof, fucking, tombs,
tombstone. Ok, I don't I'm listen car I didn't know. I know you're like sitting here, thirtieth anniversary. That was a formative time for me it was caught on this, godzilla show on monarch legacy of monster. apple on our hands: old railroad lay stream episodes coming friday or bench it. If this comes out. Effort by people ask me on this tour. There are like what did you find out of oda? You know unpopular I want somebody interviews with you too, and I was so triggered for you. wow. So often you know you're, like you know, what are you not going to ask sympathetic to everyone yet, and so I was always trying to come up with an answer, but really, but I'd always come back to his people, know or don't know, and now there's more out about it, but how he works on a movie and how it's not changed for thirty five, forty years since that movie came out in thirty years, ass. I would come home with me. after work and he'd sit
this table in a room like about this size. It was a couch like this and it was like a pull out couch and I went to sleep on the couch he'd put me to sleep and then he'd go to a table this like round circular table that you have with a little kitchen in it and smoke cigarettes and right this was a get three in the morning after the day was over and working the next day, and so that was imprinted into my mind is like think as a swell. You do as our works. So knowing that coming into this was so fun for me, because it can be a bit shocking when someone who comes in and you think you're gonna get actor, is an actor that you ve worked with many times before- and it's like None- are no you're getting kurt. That means that if this isn't up to where it needs to be you're, gonna work, and that puts everybody through paces that I'm used to my, I feel like I'm on my way and continuing to build a career, but I dont do it do similarly, because I dont know how to do it anyway. I also was ass given to me
in a certain way. He saw how the sausage was made that was made. I don't know any other way to do it, and so watching. Other people experience that there is a bit of shock and awe with it because they're like holy shit. This is coming at me hard and fast. How can he work this fast he's? Seventy two years old, he hasn't lost a single ounce of energy, and then you see people start to catch up. It's contagious and usually you get actors who are just looking out for themselves because that's the nature of being an actor we're all selfish and narcissistic in some way. That's mostly what you get, but then it's like oh wait, he's actually trying to make the whole show better and then everything catches up to him and really exciting to watch. Other people see that in him I was just fortunate all the people, mostly directors, but some producers, a lot of actors, and it's really one of those things where, if you don't keep your eyes and ears open at that point, you're really an idiot. I was just lucky all the way from walt disney
need to quentin tarantino to MIKE Nichols to Bob Zemeckis to meryl streep goldie hawn to sly. You are in a fuckin movie with Jimmy stewart yeah Jimmy stewart. I mean hundreds of people that I've had the opportunity to watch and just say that's good, and then you watch somebody who's having trouble and you were looking at the reference as you get older. You finally realize it's up to you to go to that director and say: hey. Can I talk to you for a second? Can I ask you a question? You gotta be really honest with me, because we didn't have a lot of time to talk about this before who did you have in mind really to play that role why are these who are? Who did I really want yeah, so yeah? So, and so I said well, you know what you fuck yeah this girl and she's in other areas. So why don't you work on getting that out of her rather than bitching and being pissed off that you weren't able to get someone to realize at some point you to do the right thing
having a long on the ones that it calls for not on the ones that it doesn't call for do intend. Tino. All you need to do is understand what he wants you to do, that you need to put our yet. So, let's not writing. I have everyone, I walker age, but it is a matter of getting the best out of what is the vision of this as long as we all understand it, then, let's start talking about that, rather, what we're doing here given in the gold spore examining what are we all I mean forgetting all even agree on what we are aiming for: let's go to tools and really quick, as I want to say, while I was in miss coca on the backup escaped from new york was the first thing, my brother and I recorded on vhf tape off of on tv, the original cable thing and my brother and I watched that movie truthfully in the fifty does the hundred range, and so I find myself at your house is a grown up and I'm trying to keep that cool I'm so interested in so many things, but I am also not trying to be a fan at your house, but tombstone can
map. And I remember you telling me about tombstone and I was really fascinated to learn that movie. In particular, you had and some of your own money involved. I went out and got the money. I've been on a bicycle trip with any via which was one great trips? That way I was on as a very young guy. What were you five or cyber six and at the end of it Andy vanya, said to me: if you ever have anything that you really would like to do, please don't hesitate. In about a year later, had the opportunity to go to Andy and say well, I actually have something here, and I've got twenty four hours it was tombstone Kevin costner had moved on. To my old agents got someone called me up has no longer was gone. He said this is something is happening, and I think this should be your next movie. You gotta move very quickly, and I know not where it could be coming from. I'd want to answer
and I was very fortunate in that Larry franco, my brother in law. The time was a producer and I said Larry I got twenty four hours. Can you take a look at this thing and tell me what it could be done? You green like this in twenty four hours figured out, so I headed lahti inside help there and Larry said you can make this for twenty five million. Given certain thanks and I set great so I went to- and in said I believe this can be done for twenty five may and ours and if we do it for twenty five may and ours, I think Could you at least one dollar back? That was where the opportunity came from Kevin jar was fabulous writer is in the process of putting the great cast together and you get probably the best performance avails life yeah. That is an interesting story, because doc holiday walked into the room right, not veil, Kalmar. No, it was willing to follow and william. The phone was actually spectacular. We just intervene in my region. Ok, they were all excited when it vista not release the movie with
wonderful and Kurt Russell said: that's not gonna work and I said to the director I said we're going to find out now who's directing the movie, either you or disney, and he said we have no other avenue of distribution and, I said homer growing on me. I mean he was grey. They wasn't like the abbot willem. The foe was scary, was like yes on holiday, but vows performance was yeah and I'm sure I wanted to be doc holiday. Come on our day. What, though, five days before we started and said, hey one thing. I have an opportunity to get us to three million dollars more for the movie. You played doc holliday and richard Gere plays wyatt Earp. Well, and I said I think we should stick with doc was a great role, but I'll tell you something in original screenplay which Kevin job used to cut twenty two pages out of before he was fired, those twenty two pages. The role of wider was spect killer, and I knew that at that point there was only one way to hold the trust and keep the movie going with a new approach to it. With another person coming in
That was, if I could lose all at heart, was that for You wasn't hard, you not gone out and gotten the monday exactly who had just been hired to be an actor wait a minute. I did this for those five scenes, but now I had other things at stake. That's right, and so I said: ok, I will do this and everybody will understand and they did at the time there was still a way to carry the impact of what that screenplay had and lose. That's that and what it became was. This is what s great about making movies I set off the job. It was really incredibly embarrassing for me, but I said I have to do this because it's gonna take the place of five scenes. Last time, you see wider the boots step into the shop you been up any Bobby boom. There's the man you're gonna, hang your hat on! That's! Why. european law, Iraq character now he's an archetype, poetic, five others genes out, I meant the vat on said, thou beyond your best man, it's gonna be heavily on what a legendary for the whole thing avow with great they all were is says. If you were with its very tough on some people that was irresistibly, charming
funny as hell and helpful. But there was time where I'm early on I met- and I listened to me said this guy's really smart and I said you're a twenty minute guy and he didn't like hearing that he was like. What do you mean? We were at the polo lounge? I think I said it takes you to three minutes to start over here: good gig, gig, gig, gig, gig, gig gig. Can you get get and get it all around back to here? You're, not wrong, you're right, but it takes you twenty minutes and here's the bad news we're not going to have twenty minutes in the set do that three days earlier right, right, right, right right, he looked at me. I was like ok, he comical concrete had. No, I see you guys is a magic alchemy of. I bet your presence. There impact greatly what he ended up doing
It is interesting. The way I can put it best is at the end of the show. Sometimes you get each other gifts in those days. You certainly did quite often now it's kind of rare, so I set my driver. I said: go: get val's gun and hat and the back of his chair and as in take a picture of this and put what I'm going to have you go get in there and I bought him. plot in boot. He'll know I'd be known to me. I give this the vow at the rat party. His driver was there, and now we get the full story. The two drivers had run into each other because vow had said: go get his gun. Now is in his hat and put it on this, because I bought him an acre of real estate looking down on boot hill. Why? Neither one of us knows that form that was crazy.
only if we are where we are going to be or to like you look at all the infant pieces that add up to a movie and then there's this huge orb that no one can explain, which is a lot of times. You get magic happens and you get bless and weird shit like this happens in this thing comes together, and that was one of those that uneasy effort. Prayer incredible. My list is used, as tombstones death proof, the hateful eight once upon the faithful, a mighty fucker and the hateful eight ooh there's the example of for anybody who might be listening. If he calls you to say yes and you find out that you're going to be the assistant to the assistant craft service, guy and you're, going to have the fucking time of your life, then he loves, loves, loves it so much that it's completely infectious yeah. Well, you know twenties when we were in muskoka, and I asked you- and I think this is very admirable. It's a testament to how you turned out, which is you guys, certainly cared about, show business, but you guys also moved to canada when you started hockey, you are happy to give that a rest for a while with a whole family lived. Just a moment ago, my children were from the ground
all they re daniel. You make that kind of sacrifice, but when I was taught you have acted in a minute, death proof had just come out that year, two dozen seven and eight you gonna act, and he said I don't know. I guess Current never calls me I'll certainly show up, and then I run a clean sense. Then you ve done to me. I did have a look at like that. I was really much more interested in making wine and learning about wine begging. Fine wine, making burgundian red Wait now you're talking my language. Are you a peanut poodle? By any chance? A pete never even heard that I make a high end, pinot noir or pinot drinkers. People who drink googie the minute they get into it. They understand is very burgundian in style He knows what he's doing here. Aren't I had already well that's why I said that the time because we had worked on death, proof and zoe bells sitting on those she's tired. The of the car and am looking over her shoulder, while I'm waiting to inaugurate brain on overly walkie talkie. So I'm looking over and that's what I'd like to be doing. Look at that dinner. She turns around she that
for the care on the road and for six weeks we were doing this garcetti stuff up there. When I was working, I go tasting been falling in love with wine for twenty years and I desperately wanted to get into it and finally have the opportunity of men in Gregg woman, a photographer from the old days of doing one sheets and stuff read into him and be ended up. Introducing me do peter and rebecca work up an atlas vineyard. and sure enough all plus vineyard was that vineyard, no shit that you had been looking up and I went up there and they were not at all interested in doing any sort of celebrity thing, and they were very happy to hear that I was not interested in doing that either. I wanted to learn about and understand the world of making fine wine in particle
penal, nor indeed did range or to make wine you make bilateral. Why it has a canned alcoholic beverage called lake, our guy some vague hour. I have a beer ted seegars non alcoholic beers were all in the same way. It is an interesting as it's a whole different world I think, is always good to like be at the bottom of a wrong. Also, I don't care. If I fail, it's not movie business. I can just fuck around and invest in some way. We did. It was rich beaten and myself he's a producer. He called me. He lives on a lake in new york,
Coco is part of my life growing up. I was like well, I've never done an ad. I've, never done a commercial. I'm gonna do this, but I don't have social media and I don't have any of the traditional ways of getting out, and I told my partner I'm like well. I can't do any of that, but what I can do is I can grind and I can be a good actual partner run the company with you, so we actually run the company. It's been about six months since we launched it was gangbusters and we've been doing awesome. The learning process is why, although yeah, where it's a totally dive industry, it's always fun. People take your call, hey how's it going, but then that wasn't a joke were in brazil, comic con as eight thousand framing fans, literally people or chanting darnay matter allows extend different marvel property at all those comecon library. Yours I write down a june, you think there's a version of someone's head. They can get big when people are screaming, but it won't. If you get off the stage of the What stage and I go to my email- and I am
springy trying to contact mark MC kelly of cub grocer, whose buyer in Minnesota he wall return? My call at I'm trying just to get a couple cases. The league our and for them to try that kind of stuff ellie. I had a new mandate- women houses. In fact, in Saint louis yeah, I can't get the gold caps to my thing where they go. We arrived in this, but Israel with longer smith is a good resource for the little dry object you guys are working on. You don't have to go. Do like a wine. file it's worse, you to have it as super ones, administration, which is a great place, but it's the reality of course. Go and you're gonna go sign. Bottles are mean that as part of the game that one part of it that we ve talked about with each other, is it's funny when you get into a new start talking about that passion inside of you, that is real, starts to take over there, and you realize man, I do love you and I do love making fire
I love drinking wine with people when a person who really knows what they're talking about says, like clumsy you're working with here, you start talking about blending day, and you start talking about all the things that you'd want to talk about when I walked in the vineyard with Peter and that's legacy one. Wine is somebody's gonna, be sharing you in a bottle twenty five years from now. who you'll never know? Yes, really cool, but you're spending that night with them movies who in their regard- but this is u I'm addiction. To learning about something in trying to get good at it and that's the game. You can learn and I am glad alert easy, a modicum of what site, where only learning I know everything I am learning, that's why this shows so great as winter. We all these experts to, and yet we ve got her bonds and exports psychology so much it feeds us and were kind of
in college, but the professors come to us. It's pretty insane. I can't believe it agent air This could go on for However, there is only one story must tell about moscow. Can you're probably stop me midway through cause? You do value Europe, pilots, but the highlight of that trip for me Was you said you want to go flying? I was like fuck. Yes, I want to go flying so we went flying. I wonder how much of this you remember. Did we go to north bay or somewhere that doesn't took off mind, mind you. I don't have your good pilot. I have no clue. We just met. Got yourself to Canada is plain his ear. I know that that's an encouraging, so we go up and we're flying and then you go. Do you wanna buzz the house
So, let's go every one was out on the dot allies ray. You remember that I remember and come in and we're flying over the issuers of lower and lower above the doc I swear to god. I had this thought in my hand. Oh my darling and die in a crisis is therefore to ensure even do with as injures the. I don't remember that- and I had this thought- oh my god, I'm gonna die was snake plus airline. That's just via me. I can't tell you how it pits. I wasn't at the notion that we might have a light and dark. We did not. You pull the expertly. It was fantastic. Nothing was dangerous that nothing will happen. This thou applying about events already have a nice time. I had the time of my life. Just simple people can use. The pilot world is one of the great worlds. I dont really
I said I stopped about five six years ago. Did you know I was just punching holes in the sky after a while, I may go back and maybe get a carbon cub or something and have some fun with, but you know I just did a lot of flying for thirty years. I understand that part of his brain or it's like now want to get really good, really getting from point a to point b. Does his person there's a functionality to this event. That has termination point that has a purpose, and that is true. Exporting my family from l a to colorado, and then I think, probably when that started to be like when there was no. There is no purpose in that way. Will you save me a ton of money because in my mind I of course was going to become a pilot, because I rode motorcycles and I love boats and I love cars, and certainly I was going to be a pilot and I was up there with you and you're like okay, here's what you do you're going to keep your eye on this dial. You keep this bug between this and then you circle back in a cycle to that dial- and I was like this
a diary that their hype, complex airplanes. It was quite technical yeah. This isn't for me. I want to get the eleven arby's. Will you guys this was so fun? I want to ask you something cause. I do think that this is the hard thing about relationships that they end mean k, yeah, and then you lose all these people and I'm sure that was one of the hardest parts. I have said this before by the way I don't interview
two people. It's a bad idea if there is any longer with kate and Oliver as like. Now three one of the only other times on this with kate, you probably doing even those models will absorb lake, our mental helicopter. No, but europe hundred percent right monica, I have to be dead honest with you when I landed in that situation. I like this it ends up being my fucking father in law. God, as you know, I never meddled in my children's romantic affairs, but you know what there was always fun in our house. Truly. I adore you guys. I hate that I haven't seen you in sixteen years but so again, I can't believe. Oh yes, it's you. Why do you realize you are currently five years older than I was
No, no show that I was otherwise your thirty seven. Oh my god, no where's that fuck you up. It asked I play yeah. So I must have been twenty two, but it's weird, because I'm not old and I'm thirty seven, but I feel the same now that he did. Then you look at those people and you're like damn. Why did I think that was old? It's fucking crazy. When it comes to talking about age, I can tell you there's one phrase that is the understatement of all time, and that is That goes by fast, but I'll. Not only does it go bypass, it accelerates dad said I said to my grandma to away when I said: what's christmas, but when your ten years old it'll never come around right you're twenty aids. I plenty a time when you are you're. Third, in four days. It's like you know, what's happening it's here again. She said when you get to be a hundred it's every week,
the weakest time, continuum, the black hole folds in on itself, but I think on one date and place most sincerely adore you guys so much, I'm so glad you came in from the bottom of my heart. Monarch is fucking awesome! Oh, let me add this as a framing of what it is. If you thought it was like a monster picture. It's jurassic park, that's the genre. You've got scientists, you've got exploration. You've got all these wonderful travels, you're in the fifties. Your post world war, two only two people of nuclear power. At that point, it's historic! It's scientific and it's very much jurassic park and by the time this comes out, you'll be able to binge it. They dropped it week to week. It's great that way, but I think that people will really enjoy binging this show and that it'll gain even more of a following. When you can watch things back to back
to keep your head and revolves around. I would slow burn is also get this incredible pace because you are bouncing back and forth between all these different time periods. O last thing, I know you, a beard in real life. If I had your chance out Are you I'm with you man that if I looked like that, oh my god, the mainly out of laziness by wave, met me with the beard. She loves me with a beard. I always just grow it out. I just don't stop and think I love you with a beard gone completely wasted, Michael Jordan. That was not that I'm some vegas superstar, but when somebody comes out, no one fucking knows who I am with a beard. Oh cell phone disappear? Did you try play santa claus? I gotta go. I lay down there too. We were watching the santa chronicles, my kids love it they're watching I got you know saint magnetic an error
Let me guess you look with every there. Everybody agreed earlier monica legacy and monsters unemployed in goshenites when oh yeah right drink, like our what you're, fuckin wine bogey gee, oh gee out is what you called grandma Kogi was my nickname girl was yearning. Ok in your palm house. I remember ok, so goby lake, our night swim monarch is also have an amusement park for a run for its money, you're running for sheriff of light writing for the new mexico. Alright, adore you guys good luck with everything further back jack, because our here about they begged gloves up us bags disease, for this is fair curtain. Why?
Oh, you ran my friends what a delight that was yeah really fun. Did you have any expectations? While I know you love current some idea and you always speak so highly of him. So I knew he'd be fine here, but you know I never know what you're going to get with the father son duo, whoa totally. The one thing I didn't say, which was the first thing I wrote down yeah, but it felt like it would have slowed. The momentum was I imagine going on camera like I was watching them on camera. I imagine going on camel with lincoln yeah. It sounds like the funnest thing I could ever do. If I imagined going on camera with my father, it sounds like the worst thing I could ever point and then, as I like like well like why I can't really answer that, even if I ask it once we were there, but I just it's a it's. A really I understand, ordered it, expects a father Sunday go out in
yeah, ever especially with these specific dynamics, I mean you didn't bring up. You did say you it gets so sick because she was about somebody else asking a question about what to like figure it out on set or whatever, and you said you must like every. I think the thing too he was referencing is like every single thing was like what dad passing on to you. So you can, you know it's very much like he needs to learn. Something from kurt would be so, especially in my thirties. Now it's like still. I know it is funny, though, and this wasn't planned, but it's it's kind of a fun accident, happy accident, to have some people on who are cannabis. we're behind the scenes of duos, a right right right, right, right right about to have a couple, and I think it's a very interesting person to be in this. World, because both of these people we have coming up are doing amazing.
right like day, yet not that there were leaders lingers rising, they are their leaders and our industry, but so many people, dont know them. I mean, I guess a kite. Spoil, we never spoil, but I am in a spoil and even never done, because I and its it's heads, although it's super different as I'm going to super different, go had guided by spoiler. Okay, no, it's differ. incurred away just run lines on mother dog phineas, we're gonna, have yes on radical music producer who produces Billie eilish is music and happens to be her brother and They were just saw the golden globes because they were nominated and they won. But that's why I want to bring it up. Okay, so on the red carpet, we were watching the red carpet. Billion phineas we're together. There are talking, then interviewer and the interviewer was only talking to Billy right right, right, right right and at what
point. Billy was like phineas. What are you wearing like him? Had the pivotal but yeah he's just like him. Still any sums will find out you seemingly very cool oh and chill by how weird, especially to be the older brother. Huge thank her stuff is not happening without him, but she's the face of the stuff. You know the writer of the movies completely unknown, but Leonardo caprio say in the world That's how I get to see so that we develop a relationship. So that's who we're interested in and so the interviewers got this job of like there's posting give the content people watching the show. Why that's what they're there to do? They're, not there to rouse scales of right. They get it like the person that I have had an attachment to is generally who would want out here from by this I mean I'm super excited doktor. Phineas Finn, I think he's like a female here.
Is that not all I'm saying he's butler Jimmy Irene was never even, though, is producing bruce things album knowns, knowing who Jimmy I venus for forty years until he creates, beats and sells it in same all of these legendary music producers, new people. I know it quincy jones of psyches, most successful musicians. People do thou and there's like a whole darkened on both of those people like there. They have their of quincy Michael jackson on the red carpet. You got as Michael jackson questions. I know I'm I guess I disagree that I think I think both can happen emma Only the I know it looks weird like its uncomfortable few feel uncomfortable. You feel that the person feels uncomfortable than like it's not like. She brought her brother. She didn't bring our other glaring at it was known yeah
I am I'm very excited to talk to him, but anyway just the dynamics of family. Yes, I find very fast and oh yeah, I'm trying. The thing we are. What have you and me I had to go, share a bunch of attention and yeah. it would be hard, I'm sure sure, although here's a ton of global, successful and in the industry, varied known, music producers, but people are in general dont know who made Michael jackson's music, they dont know you know they just don't know. I doubt their expectation. Is that like mark, runs in how many enormous hit said he put together before we started knowing his name. It's like have to imagine that your expectation, it would think easy to have a different expectation that you're gonna be as well known as the star that the song, the start, I've thought about being as well known, it's about being treated like a person bear river red carpet is now I mean
the thing is: is completely inane and ridiculous. Yeah to just stare at people, damn for thirty five seconds. You can see how pretty they look like. sword nouns acknowledging that's what that thing is, so I don't think like you. I think it would be an unrealistic expectations to think that this thing, the red carpet, which is already riddled with she was sure that that should be a place where everyone's gonna get equal time and shine its dresses and whose popular I mean. That's. What a red carpet is about better for better wars that that is what it is me it is, I feel bad. whom consumers also has to be. That way I mean, I think I am not saying that it has to be like. I ask when billy question and I have to ask if in his country, and then I have to it's, not it's just like acknowledge just like a little acknowledgement. Isn't I think enough? Yes, any who, but I am very, very excited but the carton why thing is much different, but still
Why has to talk about it? dad and ma am along, and if you want the show well and sister or aunt like it's there's so much because the whole family, everyone, except for the oldest brother who's, I think a psychiatrist or psychologist yeah. Interestingly, that's funny and that unites only know that, because I watched a bunch of areas with the two of them and they talked about everything and then why it was always really kind to say, while our brother bill is actually a really good, thereby than I am and heaved always bring that him yeah. Is interesting way to be, but then why did so he thinks of very black and white terms. You just don't care just like you got it, you gotta just decide not to care and current had some really cute dad moments like he's really good
all player and hangs a dad do, which is so here is really here. It's cute those acute what adds alike yeah loves what a good ass lady was yeah bobo under brag about their choice. Yeah, there's bragging about lincoln's volleyball skills yeah, Our gray is there not great, but for the first time It was pretty good yeah, I actually were you're playing were good. are not get it over the net. The weekly girls were the star, if I'm being honest their older, but still the weekly girls, which was really fun to see because, obviously,
It was such a female athlete. Yes, anything he tried and those girls that never played volleyball and every time the oldest daughter. She was good for four points which nobody there was on, that genetics are real, very, very real and strong, but elsewhere were both wearing green. We had a guess it didn't show up today, which is a bummer, because I'm wearing the beautiful sweater sweater. That lobby was either like this rob. I got two independent compliments on this just being around today on oct and she's like oh. What's that sweater sweater, I don't know you call very clear idea of africa. The wrong thing must take its pull over, I simply pull it over my head. This way it's clearly switched to think about it. I was excited to be in pictures in it aware it again. more than once in my life, but we gotta amortize the costs price her, where it's a real thing. Is that a term in the fashion world gap?
P p, w of the amazon acronym, it's actually in economics term, book on. Ok, you come on next with fashion the more you wear at the price of it goes down. So this sweater. Let's say it was four hundred dollars. Ok, it was said at the outset, and I've worn warner, probably at least ten times. Ok, we're downloads are forty hours, were a graph are aware, yeah, yeah only forty dollars, a sweater actually anymore. I, where it's gonna, to be zero dollars so soon There is a way that that actually does make sense, because if you do by a sweater for one hundred dollars, but it only last for one year if you really do get five times the amount of wears out of it than it really is. That's really relevant.
something now, but I saw a little grouchy, because I spent so much time research in today's gas like six hours with the movie, I watched and all the difference, and maybe not six five shops on a little cranky about premises are funded by sound cranky my voice. I want to acknowledge that that's a little bit frustrating. Of course. but I'll live well just happen yeah! you can play some volleyball later and and real literally rebound Another thing happened to. I can get specific about it, but someone reached out who's on a show who wanted me to know that this joke was being told about me and then opening, nemesis old joke that, like Chris then had to pick. The third option in the this. I got so over the story like seventeen years in
let's move on from the story. I know I fulfilled the cabin federal line role for a while, but I was a little annoyed to see was still percolating in writers to this day. Yeah, that's insanely! Oh, low hanging fruit, like not even a good yet even relevant thorndyke white and feeling the my most confident thrown out like action d. You know I'll be arrogant but just doesn't the landlady I'm, because that is like doesn't love. So Yeah that was already an army is like five or six hours, but am we're going to turn it on? I'm sorry about that. I dont like that yeah I would really by me out, I complained, yeah then I got really barbie in like fought. This person aspire, be mean Barbie the doll, no like a boy Oh you guys. You got land reform,
for god and then I had written and then I wrote sorry just venting thing: So much for telling me that shows a lot of integrity would have shared that with me, and I don't care- and I ended on that, but I had to go through a whole little process of stuff and then I was like. I don't even think that joke works, go ahead and tell it, but it is a sort of a ding ding lang to our target figure, bow alike. I this can action be as they like, but that's why it annoys me it's. I know what it's from its a writer who wishes. He was with christian he's, a crush on Chris. Yeah and he's man, I'm with her sorry didn't get her, but like I've, never that thing in an interview cause I'm dynamic and she, and I together are very dynamic and I've never been sitting there. Thinking like, oh god, no one's interested me here, they are We had that experience since we met so all this stuff online. That's you know
it exists like there. It's never exist in real life. Life zangwill moving through the world and people are like dramatically more interested in her than me. Do you think in some way you like, I understood obviously why this person texted you there d. Would you rather just not now? That's. yeah yeah. I would rather not no cause. I wouldn't have seen this show, although when this stuff happens, it gets to me people, you know it's a apple. with my mom and some his reign. The common. Did you hear the joke about you on such and such like mine now. I have re. this evans over my son, Was blasting you under their podcast? Ok, I didn't I hadn't listened to it. I wouldn't have known about bad a profound two legs I wanna dislike someone. I've never met. who knows why they said there inches just generally. I would rather not know you
yeah. I would rather not now. I that's viable loudly lands where it all that way. I think looking at the comments is dangerous, because I'm happy in life, when I look at bad, I'm not so why would I have that's a nice? That's not good! For me out to combat yesterday I was listening to podcast and in these people were doing and am may not eliminating gap asked anything and someone had asked them. What are your favorite pod casts and the guy years ago, just recently seen the jaded pinket smith episode of arm chair the end he said doktor, really good entropy. Oh that's! Ninety days, really smart, that's nice, but then they do feel like phineas. Ah,. no, I dont thing because he was
kind of because he was talking about the specific episode. I think, maybe if you if he was in general, like the says so good taxes, so good and unlike just was then maybe then I word but but I did in this case and I was happy to hear this bless your heart. I got the coolest birthday card from prisons, mom way, Isn't that just made me think of it does when she's says you, she says. That's a fact. no, I think there's some about Jesus Anderson, the veil, along your version of it. I want to get these cards for people now nineteen, seventy five on it did my story or There is a list of famous I did I did I did. That was that card. So the card is like nineteen. Seventy five everything that happened like things,
happen and nineteen seventy five tons of ads for like spam and cereal, that's cool, then the average wage of a teacher and a loaf of bread and gas you gas was nineteen the design. Times are nineties only viable. Just give me the answer fifty seven cents. Why are so I didn't you're giving away the answer. I thought you were just flipping. Seventy five, an accident, and that also made it happen cause it also might be fifty nine cents whatever it was. It was sub sixty and it was and then it listed like who won the world series stuff about the president Gerald ford. You know he he was. There were two assassination attempts on him. Both women oh inspire he is- and I want to. I wanna, like a sociologist, explain that to me unnatural, what did he trigger? because you don't hear about a lot of female presidential assess or even
the generalised, yeah yeah yeah? Do you do you think he knew them personal b now now to mistress. One of them was like in the man in the world they are that would have you ever gonna birthday card and looked at it for forty five minutes. That was my all evening, two nights ago, a greening every little detail in seventy five, oh, my god, a ding, ding ding. This made me so excited. Why do you know it's company was started in new Mexico and nineteen seventy five by castle Michael Soft, oh billy, gay, the william gates, did you bring microsoft was created in eighty like an eighty, seem a little early. Also It said in there that nineteen seventy five ibm released a personal computer and it was fifty pounds
Oh, my god, I see in your lifetime. That's insane! Yeahs, microsoft wasn't a thing. The personal computers. Fifty pounds was fifty seven, as in there were female assassins around every corner, wow what a year to be born cool year yeah and then that list in back was famous people born in nineteen. Seventy five! That's so funny! I like that. I want one yeah but backup I have not been shouting now fargo season, five, it is imperative. I need a body watch fargo season, five, listen! You do not need to have seen any the previous see That you're not related at all other than their set far both here and in their island in time periods this season and how? Where is this?
it's the best season, yeah, it's my favorite season so far by one. If ever I think it's the show. I want to be careful. Love hate, the patriots so much in a few, but it's cert Lena tie for the best season of ashore. I've ever seen it the main character, the seasons and credible. Ah, oh here again it so the set. this is the actions that visas are mine, scrambling there, so god can. Obviously Everyone has a watch. Fargo k people on fargo come on the show, so I can fully you and celebrate this incredible accomplishment now hallway I'd love to chat with John Hamm. I wanna see John handsome clissold, so good, a great nickname, John handsome in there Juno temple. Do you already know about her? Well yeah. I mean she's from well see from so much but ted last night, which I do. I don't watch so to me. She was I'm just meeting her and she's outstanding,
yeah she's a huge deal, what a great show so anyway, I'm waiting patiently for the new episode drop outs Italy is on waiting impatiently but they're on world up to absorb a cigar. Started now and you would be perfectly landing when the last of the sun comes up. Ok, I'll do it yesterday we didn't. We or an episode of somebody and and this person at eyes for innovation. The report is really like those arise. She's ASA would arrive at her and I had a lot of things in common. We all realise, and and what but then she said, I don't watch much tv and then you said: oh, that's where you two diverge and I said I don't watch much t v and then you said yes, you do and it was a fight, but I really I I dull everything, white loaded yeah?
I mean I've, I sent them. I don't watch tv, but I don't watch a lot of tb like I am. What an episode under the curse seem far go I not consuming everything right to buy fallen are really. I don't watch much at night anymore at all, content has fallen off if you're not like the great period you watch you back them, though, back down immediately repudiated dogs. You watch the squid again you're, not saying that I don't watch don't watch the maoist, I'm watching more for sure, but I would we have to say you watch allotted tv. You see, these. I guess it's like. I guess, on the spectrum. I don't watch tv every day wreck, not at all right, there's bill gates, video, exactly I am doing that I like listening to park, has before bad or watching. you videos or whatever. So
I've been trying to do a couple NATO reading before about when I was very pleasant, die now, but it's really nice. I do like that. I don't, I wanna. Do it and I don't do it the youtube videos or too good often just I'm just listening to podcast bonkers you're, really good bye. Now there too good to go the young girl. To do I mean by that should read her book cause. I was for resolution, well, ok, very many facts, but why it makes his violence. Should and for a time at the strata, various you were saying, one doesn't get play very much. you had been blown valuable apparently has been played the least amount, like other stradivarius violin, such as the milstein. The lady blunt has I've been regularly played,
as such. This stradivarius has experienced view of the degrading effects of constant playing that some other historical violence have said. The unpaid lady blanche, stradivarius violin it's a weird thing: if you're not plainer yeah, it's a very weir's where it is, Does it even the sound good if its not being play was on the whole, it sounds like nothing causes. There's no sound was interesting to hear him say that they also different, though What yeah agenda was what it is at the messiah is the one that why it mentions maiden seventeen. Sixteen o play on. You can see the messiah violin today it is on display at the somalia museum as the centre piece of their collection of musical instruments was bins, until sixteen, by the most famous of all violent makers and tony S air strata very of cremona. It isn't
need a stradivarius various astride. The most perfect example from hands of the man to make them beautiful sounding instrument the world has ever known, rests on a glass case mute some. Of perfection and sound on played for ever. It has never been played yet It was Canada we know is. I paradox. It was kept by try very himself in his workshop, its perfection such that he wished never to part with it kept after him by his son, Paolo soul, I'm paulos deathbed in seventeen, seventy five to count code. Yoda salah view, a collector who never touched it. Bob from him by jean baptiste rule he's here? Sarkozy, as I am aware that the job that teased fully arm a violent maker incorrect, who kept it under lock and key, but told every one of its worth, causing it to be named Merci, because
the messiah it's coming. Eagerly awaited, but never seen it may pass possibly have been heard once at the london world exhibition of eighteen. Sixty two were in it. Competition organised by himself. He turn an unidentified violin anonymously, which was declared superior to all others played against it. The machine it did eventually come to london exhibited in eighteen. Seventy one exhibition to celebrate the opening of the royal albert hall, but still it was not heard, bought at last by the london dealers, w e hills and sons. It was those and arthur and Alfred who quite rightly but bequeathed at last, a museum where its perfection could remain unchallenged forever the mythical status of this unheard and yet peerless instrument is, of course, a romantic trope, while all history recounted abundant. I thus getting while all
History were counted above is true, is also have terms which retry its romantic in tat, whatever his will they make me? Think of some? I learned it ain't. My research, Jim crow laws, will hear an answer When you hear that like who is a yes dealing? Who is Jim? What do you think? What does that mean? I think it's a slave ok great or do you think it is wrong? white, racist man? So I It was probably named after the person who wrote the these laws, or at least the blueprint of these irrigation. Is laws, I think more, what you're right more in that its it was just a racial pejorative of the day So it's like saying the negro law, something laws. John doe, but I guess they were calling black folks, Jim Crow, referring to them as Jim crow.
it's interesting. Yeah I've been er, it's so crazy. How long I've been dying to know where that's from and either didn't? Look it up or never found the answer. I have that with davy jones' locker to like davy jones' locker. Is this thing that always gets bandied about in any kind of pirates story, jones locker, what the fuck like what who's davy jones. The wording was lies. It is locker. What is did you find out? They answer beyond its a metaphor for oh oceanic, abyss, final resting place have drowned, sailors traveller here. So I know that that's like implicit in the way they use it in these pirate movies. But why on earth that name patron saint Saint Dave, ferrie, urien, somewhere davy jones- whom they believe saves them from the oceans harsh in nature. Kay saint David would only protect the good sailors. Are the immoral seafarers would be sent to davy jones that she was a saint
Looked over? Seafarers says the saints do that makes sense. Okay! Well, It's fun thing. Do you remember how I they must duck calling for a corn- yes, my whole life, yes just roof, fresh everyone. I was reading a book with next to bring in bed one day and I read the word: a corn and I said earlier what is a fucking, a core yeah it's a an fall out of an old tree, in a corn. I certainly thought I was alone in this. Yes, we made sweatshirts, also aaron thought silent, but deadly were called simo. Bedelia zap and my friend dean thought. The J gales band was the jake isles bam islands, so we had a sweatshirt with these three things on it and then Kristen just forwarded me in the dictionary and egg corn is now a to represent misunderstood words,
No I've got a lot of relief from that thinking more clearly. A lot of harm and corn was an egg corn. If that's, why we ll term for misunderstanding a word now: yeah awake at our look. A common here are a hundred egg, corns this is from MP are rides. Ok, let's see at coins that the gaps that spread like wildfire, flowers, another thing com, man is not its another think coming? No! No! No! You ve got another thing coming If you ve got. Another thing is for sure is that russia has not another thing coming instead of another. Think, though many say is the other way around, and another thing is my arguably more common now what was originally another think coming only to yet another think, you're gonna reason,
that later and be embarrassed. I guess so wow sounds revenge is a dish best figure that out recently, we need to spend the podcast, where we forgot what all these words were saying me biting my time double comment on cause. It's it's by feeding my time be idea. I n, but people think it's b. I t I envy say that body might mean more now. I would invite my time it's a bite as it no not biting. Oh, my god, people think it's calla pitter hard time relating yeah. I would think you would be able to relate to that because that's just like a mix up of later, I stumble over a lot of words, but I've never been unclear about that. One. Okay, naked is bought me, dr naked block, naked,
but naked. Our boy again. Are you one ball again? This is that some people say the other way around. Ok, some people think and fire. Yes, in the fire, bonfire bonfire repeat, some people think it's bonfire of said both for sure and bonfire, You ve said bomb five, never seemed you're a little one. is dire rear. That's how the new yorker say diarrhoea here that it is your diary. Forking came there's diarrhoea, all over the fucking floor. I hate this dog. Also, this very common people. Think it's duct tape is deals the key to its duct tape, has an air ducked yeah, they think is. Do you see caveat that makes sense? Easy, easy, Machine mare, guys escape go way. I think escape goat, its scapegoat, yeah,
a scare people think it s bathing its escalate. The EP I feel like em rewriting mittens as late as it ever for hours on hours. Ok, way this is common. This is good. A lot of people think it a flush out there. I used to make this mistake in its flash out west shout yeah. This is good for people a year Express our surprise. You're in a rather illustrated for fresh australia, but I always grew up same frustrated. My family's is frustrated. No are beyond reproach me about you not frustrated right. First, I was frustrated. Now frustrated with this conversation, as some people think it's here, buds set of ear buds
make sense like the best o in something think as happy as a clown but its head is a class I get again. I get that cause. We know that clams or even happy and smiling. There may be built with a smile ok, illicit our response, it! It is obvious our response, but it's a l. I see I t the most more missing the most common. Why? Which is for intents and purposes, for all intents and purposes intents and purposes, but it's intents and purposes, people think it's intensive that there you go intensive for all intensive. I think I thought that for a launch, that's an easy one. Ses a motion. Some people think I'm like, or a mover,
I you have some shame with them. We did have a shame scale for these awesome people jig solve puzzles I can see that jigsaw puzzles. deserves just deserts. Yeah, I've never heard what is it when we? How do you use Well, she got her just desserts like she replied. She so eddic order they climb up just ass just deserve sounds like booby rider casino, She does well now some people think it's lab top level. a lot of people just when you should well now, because they probably have dyslexia, auto correct solved some of these yeah. Oh somebody think it's lesser of two equals involve an oxymoron
equal one can't be lesser yea array of serve to weaken our guy mute point may point its huge, definitely grub same you point out huge nerve. wrecking our nerve, racking, I say nerve, wracking, yeah, that's correct nerve! Racking, you can see were nerve, wrecking, whereas some evil thing it's nip it in the bud of so you re about to start but we're gonna need this but I want to nip everything in the plate: mats I think I think a lot of people think its pre madonna, p r e dash madonna, and its prima donna put me in, The former that's cool, also really sad for earning dean.
we're not seen, but alleys combat. Sir that's gonna make door the jake isles ban, but as a super common one, the jake isles band scandal, we clad scantily odin, yes, armies, out of steam that should lower yourself. the sound steam. That's your lower yourself up steam sky scratch come on. It's whirlpool nope I give you doing sound like this. One for sure take it for granted. I'm someone you know I'll Heinz granted is, the one and what of these a take it for granted? A granite like this, the star but a lot of people say that for me under o. Oh,
people make this mistake and I always feel embarrassed like I don't want to go, them, but a lot of people say valid victorian fail in return. The amazing around a review set right valedictorian. but my resolution is I'm saying everything wrong: soil yonder. Is it again? These would be the chinese spelling air and for commercial gain in this direction ok, vermin, vinegar, nope as water forum driven vinegar. there's this. This is a few of these there's women, vinegar and whip in vain, vinegar. Now it's them and vigour them and very firm and vigour, women vigour without taking type in zip vigour- it's not it's them and beggar woman
air and sea all common wet. Your appetite is w H. E t U h, eighty, but you can hear the difference now. Maybe it's as if people are riding it. They went right right around. I would definitely right w e t your appetite and then I think of it and by its like peak nationally written, but you gotta appear appetite my but like peter and trust that I happen. Now just as I write such p, I kill you yeah, but I didn't know I of course I thought it was p, ok, when sealed factor, verses, Winchell factor the wind chill. How can they say? Windshield yeah, ok, now Great. Where we disagree struggled. We really are yours and mine. We are chopped up job, that's good! has. I didn't really have any more facts other than when he meant. pino poodle. Oh, that was a fun one for you and by the way you
chosen to get offended by that, and I was happy. You chose to enjoy that way. Why would I can I got a feminist going like I'm, not a penal poulenc, as I like Peter oh no r, o. Oh, I didn't even think about how you know that You would not call it he's going to do with clean up here. I sir he might. He Michael is It's who I like that. I saw. I don't guess I to give away, but I was just like when he said it. I immediately check with your my hope is, goes well very happy. I do, and I was really happen. I guess I assumed he would call anyone that. Are you a penal poodle yeah, seems to happen again, yeah good. I want to be one, but I want my friends, my male friends, who are into peanuts to be called pino, poodles too
I know there are many, it is injures in a dog's can somehow represent different genders fuddle, mostly yes, like female yeah, maybe because people on their hair- and you know that there are more- may have big feminine aristotle. generally, when you see him, but why is that feminine? Oh you mean the way it's cod with human females have done their hair, italy vs guys. In the sixties, goes it and have like a big put fawn with a thing of the turkey. Now I now, but really is currently curly hair. Like all the end up in the day, and what's it called, Aramis dies. Aaron stall, yeah, Well, no man! our poodles, no they're they're doodles. Here I know, but that's a lot of poodle in them. Half poodle and their hairs, curly yeah, but
it says it's so funny. Every time he's walking those dogs in the neighborhood by the way they're both doodles but one's a third, the size of the other and everytime he's walking the dog. She says. Just random people are like what due to their people given that our gonna do law, both q he's a real community. The doodles yeah dog lovers are like this. I convey they find the breed, that's their borri represents them and then obsess stopping someone say what we're gonna do: yeah, the dalai do paddling over. So many good alleys, because, like molly and Eric of especially mile I've been with her when she sees what are they king, Charles yeah, that's her spirit. Yes, you're always stop and have to talk to them about their king, charles, absolutely irresistible. I feel that way about brussels griffons matter that year
never ask you again. This is the crazy story. The first time I ever saw him that was as Q. They were garden brother. He now denies a person in new york city with in brussels in a basket of a bicycle, and he knew everything it was max was right for fucking brother of quite candid only answered our aims, namely mean Jesus James, sometimes when eric- and I am talking about the same- we compare it to that stories. I come up yeah. He always does not like the brother dog. Ok, that's life! That's the high water around me! Our who added is strong. It is less than four get the cutest punchline of them. whole story is that bree brought him to me organic trip she couldn't believe, how confident he was strutting down the street like he was clearly home,
back in new york city and he was like Saturday night fever, just fine running the show he's one inches tall. scared that should be the scariest we lost him about two months ago. Are boy bilby we and build mass. That is the saw for you cry. You heard because it was accompanied with all these great photos like it. It's done this chain between Brian Christian and eye of like photos. We had of mac looking ridiculous you're getting himself in the raccoon, whom one time On the other hand, and this is all these insane ones were. When he's went out of the bath indifferent things the boy he enough, he looked a thousand years. By the end, because I went over to see him last year. Knowing we're getting towards the am I wanna come spend some time, and she had just left him off
an area that I wasn't and carry him cousin. He just sat there and he was like uses out of gas, but he still hang in fuck bill. Hanging out my grandpa all they would be fast friends, absolutely mac, like everybody, has a very sweet dog, the fastest bugger up, I want all each. It looked like the scene and super when you he flies. Arts superman runs perverse. The speeding train all these super athletic dogs, hauling, ass and then also max shot out of nowhere and blasted. By did he die in his sleep yeah he died. megan loved her his wife not dislike mokanna. His death facets hey the dream: death I love you. I love you.
Transcript generated on 2024-01-16.