« Armchair Expert with Dax Shepard

Synced: i drizzle


In this episode of Synced, Liz explains “girl dinner”, they debate whether singles should set up other singles, they hear a very special voice memo and Monica peels back the layers of her “fear of the streets”. They discuss a listener’s question on how to cook the perfect roast chicken.

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
The shoe you're, getting a birthday, massage yash. My birthday is tomorrow or the listeners. It was a couple of weeks ago which people don't like that. Apparently, oh okay, I was like. Oh my god. Your birthday was. If I was like an item freak out. They don't like. I guess time jumps, but I don't care about them. Ok, ok, We can say your birth is coming up. What we already talked arrived: it's a mess whatever anyway, so my birthday, it has arrived. It feels totally fine you're, not excited. Oh no! Well, birthdays are fun because it's such a good excuse to mainly just get everyone I like in one spot. So I like that. Ok, but in general, no birthdays are fun because it's the passing of time. You don't feel that you're, so healthy, no definitely stuff comes up
but birthdays right where it's like. You noticed the things that you might not have, but I overall thank you so much robs rob may meet tee, there's no milk in it and shouldn't we all have our milks have expire. Ok, I gotta you almost drank some bad. I do my birthday, oh my god, I'm coming that would have been knock. It so have burnt these phil loaded. But I see we all get excited when it's my birthday yeah to you. I do and actually for some reason, I'm a little self conscious about that, because one time you know I have a memory like an elephant elephants, never forget they don't and they never pass gas. Everyone knows this so one time dax said something about me, really liking my birthday man, somebody else and was it
it badly, he was just like noting that I thought: doesn't everyone like their birthday comes around, but he kind of claims to not really care. I think boys don't care about birthdays, our like that. their front facing. Is that masculinity rob I like my birth or do you feel You can be excited about your. Were there in front of other men? Do you have piety burden dinners? I have a calendar, invite let my close friends get than my birthday on Ok, that's a lot of work on this, although rob is nigh. Maternity is now not hawks got it. So we need to ask more toxic than sound up in the comments fowler out man. First, do you like your birthday number two? Do you feel comfortable
being excited about. Yes, we are, as all men like tell us, if you're toxic and unsafe and toxic and then we'll do a separate, ogres group with you, because I have more questions but girls event assize things, we invented size, snacks. We went as a dinner math girl, dinner girl, math girl, birthday. There's such a thing. Girl, ma you haven't heard of roma. Is it anteater? I mean it's everywhere, it's starting to talk like most things. What is it grow? Math is ok, I didn't think most people know a girl dinner is at this point. I do think a lot of people now, but you still explain it just in case because that's how it started right. So girl dinner was coined by probably someone on tik tok that I dont remember, but this idea of instead of eating, like a fool me all you just our snacking, like those men,
different elements that don't go well together, a hard boiled egg and then a slice of bell, pepper and then one p nigh yes, handfuls of popcorn and you're, like standing in your great and the entire time, and I have to be honoured because an anti type, but we will circle back to their welcome because you did it take talkin, a hurricane can we're going to mean a we going man I'll follow that rule on armchair sort of, because I'm out, though did their a girl time this girl time girl, the math girl, my girl time. The means like it's all over the place and doesn't have to be linear. Heads of you make sense, only good guys, girl, time, ok, good hack, so then girl dinner. All these women were sharing what their girl dinner were where I, which is again kind of event as sizing, we don't feel the best when we're eating half a pint of ice cream. Instead of like making up, you know pesto, I have questions about girl, din, okay, is it making fun of,
women who barely eat cause. I got nervous it. It was a little bit like girls should barely You know! Is it so it's not that your barely eating. It's basically like a wide array of max I mean ferment letty, though a yes, it's a lot of different appetizers, but like yeah, the advertiser is left over to put let this happen yesterday, where I had of very large chocolate bar at four thirty in bad and Just a regular size like the one you get at the airport shouted out ranks is that when it's called no tanks I think. Maybe this is girl english. I don't know, but I think it only hanks. Those are really deliver egg and it was all what am I searched, but tanks, chocolate bar salted, caramel orange wrapper. No tearing ranks for isn't a frank god,
I am talking internally is tony. Turning on visas I got to see, the news is a male name. I get them mixed up at first when I started eating- and I was like this is bad- I'm not going to feel good because I was under the weather emotionally and then I half way through the chocolate bars like I'm feeling so much better, and so then I kept going and once it was done, there was samuel bits of chocolate upon my self that I've put the chocolate wrapping my sweater, then I wrapped it all up and I walked out of my room, forgetting that I have a roommate now and Daniela. Just looked up at me with my folded up sweater, just like hey and I was like hey and then I went over the garbage, in an ideal world devoting- and I Didn'T- have any chocolate and my bad. So I think it's a success, but the point in us we're going have a date and it's a hike day. You have a day after the driver. I got back in its nine thirty
and unlike obi wan now I kind of want dinner, I'm hungry and have dinner guest, though my girl dinner, and so then I had a second girl dinner, which was like. Oh, I just have a little bit of this left four cauliflower and then like started eating it all standing up? I'm watching avocado look at me while I'm eating the collars and unlike what just cut, the advocate out and then the second half. Obviously I'm start and takes boon. Folds of the second have you ever had solved on a sultan olive oil. I just saw her, and so then they advocate has gone, and I had a third and then, as this was a fool we are all all standing, I'm so that girl dinner in my interpretation of girl dinner, but I understand not that it's on a lot food, but what's the psychology behind it, it's like we don't care about ourselves to like make an actual dinner with the psychology that I've heard. Is that you may a school of thought. It does relate to me where particularly one were in relationship with a guy. We end up kind of make,
in a dinner women and a bit more man. Yes- and I did this in miles- wish ensuring the pandemic. I just got really into cooking when I started dating someone, and it was just like exciting to get to make a meal, but then, as soon as I was on my own, I was eating girl dinner. So I think this idea of when it's just you and there's no one else to take care of ok. I understand this mentality a lot, but I wholly rejected. I have been up indian on this, now that I know more information, which is apt so loosely. Nor is it like? Well, I'm only alone, so I guess I'll just eat this car fired at cause, there's no one to eat. This rose chicken way no. You make yourself the dinner you why or you wish someone would make you are enjoy making yourself, you don't give a fuck about who else Is there an yes, you throw a lot of it away. Ok,
when your own a whole chicken like earlier ninety percent away, but I care more about female empowerment over waste. I said it, now, who's gonna come what light third way. I'd say about my dad he's a man at all, but I feel like wasting food is the biggest crime. In my going out, there was like a cat, so the one I want to make a whole chicken, which I'm vegetarian still at the time of this episode being recorded, but would be like a chemical chicken. I have this old cauliflower, like I eating that, but I don't think that's related the only thing, that's immigrant mentality, that is kind of immigrant mentality, oranges. Everyone does a type there's a saber type and my family for sure. There were so many leftovers, but I hated fucking. over there, the worst so now as a grown up, I'm rejecting all that dumb stuff, the role the don't keep up
were of a tomato in your fridge for like three weeks ass. Well, and then you do end up, throwing it out anyway, or it becomes a part of your girl dinner. No make that fucking chicken, it's it's fun. It feels nourished. It does feel good to make a whole. It shouldn't feel just good because a man is there to say like honey. So glum, it's not only a mega as late as they had some one else. I will confess this sometimes, when I make a big out in roman courier, I'm like this. Had they should make single gordon are apportioned when I'm in a relationship. I get excited about like I'll cook, something and then were both in drawing up, but I like the way that you do it. I think your healthier it's very, very understandable what you're saying I guess my version of girl dinner with in the big dinner aware. I am kind of like standing in eating the soup and then I just pull
or so much fucking soup into a container to save. Sometimes I do feel annoyed that there's so much food laughed and wise and there anyone here to eat at I feel that a fair amount, but I can't please snap out of it, because I deserve that. Delicious soup, and so do you and it's very cathartic, to make a thing and really feel like you executed at personally. For me as what I like about cooking you share with all these nuts things and then you make something delicious out of. It have also been trying to get better about sharing like bringing to food jellies. Yours, who does he doesn't belong, you do will not in the moment, but all like put it in a top aware and yelling into jazz or I brought dax a bowl in ages. I made all these brownies and I was passing them around town. I do love
that way. Member and I did pudding- show my french canadian maple syrup k. I was making one fourth of certain. party and then I made all these little ones and- and I delivered them- that's a good point. That's a way to like still share, even though it's not with one person you're living with look complicated. There are moments where it feels like so much food and I'm just as well, but I think that if you're in a relationship and you're making the food, I know what would be happening for me in that scenario is, I believe there is any all this fucking food. I made an Zack? I be any love for me. If I want it, will you make your own bowl, No no know the. Obviously I make my own bowl in there. Cases a new trigger of tomorrow I might want more and they ate at all or if I make a leftover bag and put it in frederick her and then I come home and it's a where's, my left over bag- and these are all I ain't that cause I'm entitled to it. For that
Okay, so you see it could go both ways. It can go both ways but see. I think about this, a lot where I will be eating standing up on my countertop and I'm like monica would never do this. I think you put me on a I just saw a little bit and know you deserve to be on the highest spot of said. Oh no! No! I your envy your classy when's the last time you did that even romam yeah. I did it a couple days ago for breakfast cause. I was a big hurry see, but I am not in a hurry, I'm just weird anxious eating, really as what it sounds tat s just like I guess I'll have theirs. like us, a lot of all france yeah and which adds into your pen you're feeling emotional. Do you think you ain't that chocolate bar? Because you were anxious the hike that was coming up, thou which check out in terms of myself sabotage. It's like this is a physical date and I'm due,
the opposite of what I should be doing. Yeah yeah he's secure, I'm not nervous around him. Which is also a new to me. This is not the billionaire for as a follow up all our wondering. Now, it's a new person, all old now actually met him, the first I'm with monica yeah. He was great. He was great. I just have good feelings without this also, can we talk? Oh sure we can? Oh, my god, we are on girl time we're all over the place. So while I was on this date, I kept thinking like, oh my god, a double date with monica, and this other person would be so amazing, and so I'm the most excited about dating this person. Because of the image of what a double date with you would be. I like that limits have works. I can I should I tell the story or should you tell it I'll tell you? Can you can pull calls if I'm doing around ok, because I'm afraid of what you say how powerful so you texted me a week and a half ago, two weeks ago, my friend is obsessed with you,
Do you even know me if you think of ass the thing to get me interested in anyone? It's just now. He hates you is that more of you honestly, if you are like this guy, said some really bad shit about you. I d like who is it what's the deal and I could try to gain his approval products that good right honest okay. So this person's obsessed with you is just not the initial round. Ok, all caps. And you like, can I set you up with him and I said blushes way. If to any other human being, this person's obsessed with you, like, oh my god, yeah you're, like hold the phone hold of me now, I I got to investigate, hold the phone it's an old phrase. I loved, but that's funny cause when you just said it. You said this guy's obsessed with you but with the way you wrote, it is my friends obsessed with you. Bees
scare. I mean that was your tone. It is. We should put opinion that because we just said the same thing: why did you interpret it in his character? do all. Can I know what half of my text rock ups caps yeah? That's any way is having a picture mouselike. Ok, he is q looking, but I don't What's going on and I'd be, our be you know is like we'll talk about this later. You are also on your way to greece, so we weren't even really going to be able to be in touch with like we'll revisit this. Maybe next year, yeah hoping you'd forget then, basically the First thing: when I see you when you're back is so, can we talk about blank and, I said cave What's the deal so here my friend we worked together at one point: how would you describe him he's really kind? really smart, very easy, going, no ego, very sparkly, beautiful eyes, like he's starred in
bearing carrying man, yeah and then I asked you what anyone's gonna ask in this issue. Mission, which is okay, so if he so great, why aren't you dating? How? How would you like to answer I am not dating him because he was to chill for me more like brother friend? I always thought he was great, but I never was like. We should date, and I never felt that from him either we dove right into the friend zone just stay there. I mean it's not a great answer, it isn't now. What answer would you but I don't know, I don't know what a great answer is. I just always find it so perplexing when a single person set another single mothers and up. think I have a hang up around that. I did at one point two, because once someone sent me up- and she was
in love with this person and then she wanted to data that happens also with people were in relationships set you up. Usually it's like. They have a crush on this person and they can't data. So they want data, but I have less of an issue with that because they can you write actually, I like- it's like- oh my god- does persons amazing, I wish I could Davis person, but I can't cause I'm in this relationship you should definitely data bad I like, but when it says the present who could then I don't understand why, if he so gray, why wouldn't you want for yourself? But don't you think we have different I can't leave me, would recover the same guy. I don't know it's a good question. We should try to see what happened to that is interesting. I dont think that far off, but I think that we are now into the same people yet, and I would not be in any of the people that I updated polly. Not where is everyone do that. You like, I, would data, definitely not the most. someone and
only not the one before that either yeah we probably do have different types, but what is interesting cause laid back. I do think we talked about this a little bit off mike, but been having sort of a realization that I think I'm attracted in life, not just romantically, I'm attracted to high frequency people yeah, which I would never have expected. I can tip and ivory quincy for sure, and maybe it's a scale right. It's not just like some people are this and some people are low frequency if it's zero to ten on the, frequency. I probably fluctuate from forty jobs as a bonus, XP yeah four to sit in that mid range. But when I really look at the people in my life who I for some reason have just gravitated towards especially I get older my age, my really old, Bernie six year old age
its high energy high frequency people. It's interesting. I just started to peace altogether, goes like this person, this person. You suffer. Why, thing that is, I must just like you guys are by the eye like high frequency, but I dont know we want to be around them too much. You need a balancing and right I'll, make sense to me and I feel it in my old age I gravitated more towards com, is one of our partner actually seemed is supported by element. Now we're going to do a little foley. as dumb. That is my current water bottle with element, so. Our mental like I'm so addicted to this product. I thought I was really hydrated the other day. I think I also just like spun out and also I had like- I feel
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have like forty pins and I want to know. Oh, oh, ok wait, so you Tell me about him again. I said: ok he be, let me think about it. Does he live here? You said yes, but travelling. Is it ok? When he's back, let's revisit this book, he said he would come back earlier to meet with china heyward like yeah. I was a kid I just entering over tax relief now like when he's back there a lot of barrier this thorough and there were then the next day hey I'm shopping. Of course, and I looked down, I get a text from you. Okay, don't be mad, that's how it starts one lanka, what the fuck did. She do don't be mad, but I have to say it yeah, it's ok, he'll, be fine with it.
He's obsessed with you. He'll be yeah exactly you know we're going to work on that we're not working in response to like he's obsessed with you being eg liz. No one should be obsessed with another person. I do very much stick to that. I'm obsessed with you know: most people listening are obsessed There are now. No there are they might. Scientists are not only on a pen and because I think that a whole, yet we could have think the reaction is extreme, but the base for me, Israel, I dont believe anyone should be obsessed with anyone. Even though I'm obsessed with venom, I have a path. The way you said, okay, don't be. Let me read it. You should play it and take it out if you don't want to, but you should play it that feels so obvious. I mean nano will ask him, but I think we should play because I also think it's a really really good response. I'll ask him. Okay,
He also doesn't load. I send it to you as actually those ok I'll bring it up. Ok, you sad and by the way, none of this is an all caps, so don't get mad, but I asked this person Send me a voice note if you have a nickname for him, Shaun cool guy. No sean is good. Okay, okay, so his name is nacho okay, but we'll call him that okay, so don't get mad, but I asked sean to send me a voice note about why he wants to be set up with you and I'm dying for this. I was in target and I was crying my eyes out and you said, don't tell them. I sent this and now are talking about it very publicly. We will get permission and, if not, I will be cutting it. So you send me a voice this voice memo which, when I'm clicking at I cannot believe you asked him to do this. Why did you do it worked, spoiler alerts. Oh my god! I hate successfully after many tries a lot of spaghetti on the wall, sometimes that, whereas some time ago, this is what he said.
Okay, so so I think maybe I'll just tell you the story of how how this came about this was like a number of months ago. Actually I think it was just on instagram. I saw you put up something with her. I think I dunno what it was. Maybe because we're announcing your podcast or something less remember, thinking like who is this hottie with dunno? If he ever got it, but actually messaged you on instagram, then I was like who's monica. I didn't hear back from you and then it wasn't like maybe a couple of weeks ago when I was like talking to- and we were talking about you and I was like oh How'S- those doings like that- and I was like oh yeah. She has this, like really really cute friend named Monica
we reached out to her on instagram about it, but I haven't heard back or anything, but lebron was like dude. Do you have any idea how many messages it's like a lot like you're going to have to text her or something because she gets inundated on instagram like okay, okay, okay, and so then I think maybe that was when, like a week or so ago, whenever it was, I sent you a message on your phone like I'm doing now and asked you about monica again. I think what it is I mean not only is is monica hot I'll say it also. She seems like We really not only like funny, quirky amazing. I just like someone that you really really want to spend time around. I guess and kind of has like some of that vulnerability that I think comes from people who have a lot of depth as well, and so I think, for all those reasons and probably more would love to meet her. I bet she's amazing. Yeah cut the bus and cause damage that may be standing anyways. Please do set us up. If you want to send me her number, I would reach out recharge her or. However, you want to do it
but I'd love. She seems like she's amazing How did you feel when you heard that when it started I was like own, why? Why did you have to do this? I just felt very cringing on behalf of him the fact that he had to do this. I felt guilty guilty that he had to do this, but then letty yeah. You pay him in a weird spy but then I like I did like it. I can't believe I did ya. very surprised, my own reaction, and that was one of the main take away. I do want to meet him. He seems very, very cool, and for me a big take away, it was oh wow. I could hear that. I could take that an end. I, leave. What he was saying was true to him.
Why were you surprised that you can I never can't do that. I won't usually happens. I'm so rob pal by anyone saying nice things like that, I'm always sort of poking holes, and but they like the show, doesn't seem like he even meant. Yes, which I loved me. Maybe by now he might be listening. If he started doing hadn't heaved I've been I'm sure this will probably get back them up. Felt very genuine was, and I could hear It- I dont know why I have to really be grateful to him and thankful that he gave me that, regardless of whatever happens, and is it hard to believe that there are many people who feel that way
you. I think he is special unique and you should definitely made up with them, and sean is incredible. That being said, I also think that's not the exception. I think it's how a lot of people actually feel about you and that when they say things you interpret it as oh it's just this or you kind of knock it in your head or you interpret it in a way, but you're actually might be projecting what you think. They think not what they actually think. Maybe you- and I was thirty five likes me but now I'm old or when you're in old age, I'm in my elderly era. I think the safest thing for you, though, is that he is not armchair, I love you down the aisle of loses friend right. That's the biggest makes it easier for you to accept. I think that's right. His information about me has not come from the show, which I also I mean I'd, been trying to work on that too a little bit, but it's definitely a plus
is it feels more natural or normal. What would happen in any? some see it as like who's. Your friend was the hot woman in that area too. So cubans- you sound so great instead of like oh shares this cool life, this cool job or she's doing such important work. It's about. Monica the way he said while remaining Y know who's this haughty. Ok, I sent it to one other person. only, I sent it to a friend who's been very much on the hunt for me in a very sweet way, like very much trying to get me partner. I saw her this green grab furs and was like? Oh, my god lies and and she called it she loved. So, anyway, tb d, on china and tbd on a lot of other things, really start we talked about, so we do want to talk about your emotional pan, but I want to talk about when you start.
We never talked about that and I feel like it's connected that wasn't about that about what I said it was about. I think that you are afraid of the streets in general. Okay, if I woke up dammit what time is it it's eleven o two and we haven't even done questions, but I do think we can after talk about it, we do just one question So I talked about this on arm, so people might be familiar. I stuck on the street in the middle of the night, it was nine and that's the middle of the night in LOS angeles goods, not by uk, was walking. Bag was really dark. There was people I was walking by that. I felt unsafe and I started to spiral out and I got really scared and I got stuck and christen had to pick me up and drive me home and I was like really out of sorts. bout it and an outside reaction like I was crying really hard, which didn't really make
sands. And then, when I sat with the more it fell to me like it was sort of a panic attack with the type of fear that was circulating and then the relief, the crying and all that stuff in. For me, what I took was that I just felt we are well known, it's likely you so the clicking there are just moments rear, like. I feel sad that I made this delicious corrie and theirs. No one here to eat a it was sort of like that. Where I fell. No one is obligated to help me right now. It's on me, or I have to put someone out. That was the big p I know I have people to ask, but its asking them to stop their lives and come help me, which felt like an intrusion as opposed to if it was a husband or a boyfriend, that's their job, and so it feels like I'm not really putting them out. That's just like what
signed up for and that felt sad, but you think is cause I'm afraid of the street No, you are afraid of the streets, but it wasn't lie about the streets? It was more about your heart and at the time as obviously I would have coming. I you on my raises scooter and would have been happy to do I wouldn't have done it because I'm obligated to do it. I would do because I want to do it and the fact that you're surrounded by so many people who want to help you, I think, is the important thing this I think is relatable to so many people releasing like. When I gone to my bike accident, I had a keen and, like I lived on six for a walk up and I wouldn't go into work with my key and I remember like why don't I want people to see me with the cooling and feeling tat made you look. We ass. I want people to think I need help or that I need them to stop their lives to help me and you did bring up at the time. Kali has her baby, and I'm just wondering if, because that
really knew. That's a big thing. It's a big thing when you have a baby, but we don't really talk about how like it feels to have a really close friend or a best friend, have a child, and that's a really new chapter Your friendship changes at it is, and I wonder if thou was also part of it of like I would have called kali, but I can't do yeah. It definitely went through my head when I was going through the list of people who could come help me. She has a very born baby she's, the last person on the less right now, and I think that was a upsetting a little bit of like, oh god, that, yes, this person who I would never have fell well, but there are layers I will say because she's married to before she was married, I would not have thought twice. I would have her so quickly I need help and get me right now when she got married. Still. No, she will do anything for me. I know it in my bones. It's just knowledge
circle shift its just when I know when I call there's somebody else there who she has to say: hey gotta go help monica, maybe they're watching tv and they have to sub watching tv or maybe they're having sex I have I'm having sex. I dont know what they're doing but they're doing something together. They're deadly watching tv couples is what now it's still there doing something together and she has to stop. It disrupts to people and then adding a child to the mix is just such another level. I guess for me prioritize everything words will. Obviously she can't do that if this is so stupid really what's happening like I knew it was stupid. It's not! well, if you're having a panic attack, I mean I can't think of a more important thing to have someone help you it's not more important than a new baby, and that's just the truth and nothing will be an that's. Ok
I disagree alive, I'm out I never having as user than she probably could leave at a thing. I could act as a mental seizure like we kind of put mental health and physical health into different buckets, but if you had to stay there and not on help, it probably would have turned into something more physical. Like that, I mean can I get acts or physical, so ray. I get. I've never had a newborn, maybe, but even if I had a new or maybe I would be mad, if you hadn't called me and no one in their right. All we're going through that meaning, like people, want to be there for you. People get pleasure out helping you, I know, but I have to understand what its taking and from her it would be that taking way too much at the time, which is why, then it's like you go to the next person which I was in view, but as I see it as a scooter that this does not and then does, is at work and he's at work for another like hour and a half he will come get me one he's done with work, so I guess I could just like stand here and on other animals, for you know what you just sort going through the whole list and by the way I'm going through mostly first
a single friends and then what they're, not options, then the panic gets even worse because it feels like. Oh, my god, he's people who don't have anyone to ask if they need to walk out of the house they also can't do it. Oh, my god, no one's here like theirs and yeah. So anyway, it all worked out because someone did stop their life and it was fine and then how does this relate to your emotional pin? I find that it's a really not talked about that. Artists have been because some people talk about it, but just the other of its grieved, because my best one cat from home in montreal like she is an ally from nations if we never talked about it, but it did create a shaft right where, like I used to come into town- and it was like letting out and everything was kind of about you- guys, yeah yeah, the priority is the friendship and then all of a sudden, the person has a different priorities and when you told me the story, I kept thinking about this big change with tally. We ve talked about a little bit.
but it's a big deal, it's just complicated may think we talked about a little bit on one of the questions before issues during the reality that things are flu. Then things do change in its own, hey you can also more in these losses and embrace the good things like I love being around that Maybe I'll q is hers. I feel bad in its very special. So all things are happening all it it's not just like! Well there! She goes it's just a change. Changes are hard and beautiful, but I feel like you're, not taking that emotional hand, laugh. What is it keep avoiding the emotional tension. You know like the quote, Martin follow me and where it's like, I hope, sorry for all you miss attributed the quote to Marilyn monroe know it's like sort of a reference to axes and past lovers, and it's
I hope you have an amazing life and I hear nothing about it. Oh, you did some sort of deep down now we just I saw this interview. A kind of public issue acts had something that you saw yes, and there are some seven there of that. dead and I was like. I guess. I really want to know how it was to have access before the internet. I guess I only have until the fourth or fifth grade experience of what that's like me. I mean, there's no way to compare or no, but I think pay. his pain and I do think it also depends on the tab. imagination you have before the internet a yeah. I can't really let your brain run free and no way of confirming or denying so it could just as bad keeps the person alive. I think I literally saw a huberman thing on this hoover and was like yeah. The way to get over heartbreaker to get over a person is like you cut ties and because of the internet, there's,
so many ways of not cutting ties. I have so much respect for people who don't google ever it's really hard, so I had a whole chocolate bar and I felt better so thus they were answer. Ok, we're gonna! Do one question. Sorry we got some eighty six minutes. Ok, if six minutes, this is a really good wine. Maybe I would even say there. I should say that as a yes or no one you come in here, right, ok notice is really given to these are so good. I mean to do the roast chicken I mean it's connected with you that rose chickens. It is connected. How do you make the perfect roasted chicken How do you put a meal together, wow? This is from SAM. How do you figure out how to plan a dinner and make a classic dish? cinderella, man out norman allison, roman I'll, just say that
actually my my arose chicken recipe, a thousand- does have a great one, but molly boss has a maze, ing rose chicken, it's very easy to do. She is a video on youtube, seek a watch, the video and then also look at the recipe, and it's called the pastrami rose chicken. You hate that was from it No it's the rub on the chicken is like the flavor, so it has maize. All like our hook, hey it's! brown sugar, black pepper, paprika, salt, olive oil. I think it. There might be one other spice, and then you rub that on the chicken there's garlic and onion in the big pot, you roast it open the window. So your smoke alarm doesn't go off pro tip, it's so good. The onions gets home malty and the garlic gets roasted and it's unbelievable,
good and then, even if your by yourself make the chicken and save most of em, it's find. Another good hack is to shred it up, and then you have that for the week or thirty the soup tacos. Goes exactly again here yet and yes, she doesn't know about me. So I don't know how to but yeah make it and enjoy it. It's fun to have if you drink, have a little glass of wine while you're cooking. I like listening to podcasts while I'm cooking, which is have the on the background, eventide yeah eventide. What's the number one mistake people make when they make a whole chicken? Okay? So if it's starting to burn- which sometimes that's happened to me- you can deco little bit of aluminum foil and make a little sort of tent and just place it on top of the chicken, so it doesn't burn so starting to burn. You can do that also a meat thermometer or get yourself a
meet their monitor, so you can really make sure it's the right temp, this good one, but there is some amazing questions for next week that we will get to and we will hire a ties. I just like our shops. I love you, I love you more see you next week.
Transcript generated on 2023-09-07.