« Armchair Expert with Dax Shepard

Robert Downey Jr. [Rerelease from 6/19/23]


Robert Downey Jr. (Downey’s Dream Cars, Sr., Iron Man) is an actor and producer. Robert joins the Armchair Expert to discuss their journey to becoming soulmates, how important it is to have deep meaningful relationships, and what acting process works best for him. Robert and Dax talk about what it’s like to have an addictive personality, finding closure with their fathers, and whether life is a joke or tragedy. Robert explains what prison was like, why he wanted to modernize his car collection, and what the two most significant projects he’s been involved in were. 

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Welcome. Welcome, welcome to arm chair expert, I'm dan shepherdess joined by monica pad men, hello, monica high, We have incredibly exciting news, starting on Monday august, fourteenth you'll be able to find all new episodes of armchair expert free on sport. and everywhere you get pod gas, but in the meantime we decided we wander revisit a few of our favorite episodes over the last couple of years. Yes is very exciting for ask, has begun to come back to everyone, but which is really really fun, and these are some of our favours. Yes, in case you miss them. These are the ones that we thought were worth rearing before. We go wide on august fourteenth. Please enjoy some of our best out well come on I'll? Come over an arm, chair expert, I'm dax randal shepherd I'm joined by monica lily pad man. This is a three name,
It- is a three namer. You know, what's with great delight that I announced today, we have robert downy junior, The line to have a month since day one one fascinated with albert love, robert and dumb is, I think I hope, you'll find amusing. Our past friendship, I find it to be one of the more amusing ones of ever had it was a really fun funny alone, Oh man. I can a great way. Yes tat. There was so fine. I was in the best mood afterwards and he was so lovely in engaging to you which made me so happy last year. I really liked him: eliza, sweet, sweet, sweet boy, he's also an award winning act. producer, the iron man's lee avenger is the Sherlock Holmes is tropic thunder chaplain, which he would performance of a fuckin century now. He has a new show about ding ding ding cars. My favorite topic called down
his dream cars where he takes some incredible old vintage cars and restores them and brings them up to more eco friendly world. Rarely call very Does it mean monica like two issues now long for car shows not, but I love that also recommend that people, check out senior the documentary that Robert made about his father on netflix, which is very beautiful, and we talk about at length most of all we're just so easier. So happy. Please enjoy already j robert downy junior acre a bob downy, but before we go we have are prompts for. Or armchair anonymous four July July for July here are your prompts crank, gone wrong? frank gone wrong. Sometimes there are well intentioned, but the education is not great. Second problem too
you made the news tat light, a major news now, what an exciting events it is to make them is huge. Is he its new third craziest simulation moment: All monica does a lot of mine and now it's time for us to hear yourself remind you, prank gone wrong time. He made the news crazy assimilation. Moments go of course, to armchair expert pod dot com and submit your stories, and we will pick some among those in you. You cannot wait, please and I already J rob you the most delicious side of town
interesting. What's it called an oven top korean top cream shop? For my root, coffee is the greatest. What kind of hell it's just creative way that they make on top there is also we are want. You got fucking big stress that we got balls about a year, a fresh bruce. What are you gonna? Do I'm worried about Let us help me. need I mean you're. My weakens split it. If I sit on travel yeah it'd be hard for not for me the first time we like first timers, do I have to wear these fucking headphones. You don't have to do anything you'd, never, but I'm not shocked, you're already fucking system has been six hundred motherfuckers came in here before you that have no problem with the headphones prince area among them, and you gotta come in here with all this tube. I don't wear headphones, I don't drink fuck and milk
What else do you do before we proceed reporting our aid. We are always be recorded, except after you no replied the guess that you're already will of course, now sinister how oftener these changes out I know that this is an embarrassment right quite recently, you're a liar, you guys that's right. I broke the pair and then I had bust out a fair friend box. Under my truck I found I have more. If you want a different there too. I do want to differ, all right I'll see. If I wanted to prepare I've known you, for, I want to say seventeen eighteen years now, which might shock you cause I've done math, I didn't I don't like that. I'd ever you I didn't know. I have even seen a man. I don't like lily exact same as these. the problem of those needs to pierce. Ok, I thought you were right about germany's bait. You're worried about size
what is really hard to figure out what is worried about their covers over these are more than just a felt. Would you be more comfortable we put mass on four covered by have mass in the house? Should we get those? If I was worried about that? I'd have brought masses for every man mulch it now these can't only ninety six as most people can only fives we k and ninety six is monica. I am so pleased to be meeting you. That is so high and I ve been studying you What have you learned would grow one in your closet, unfollow around I'm listening to your dulcet tones you're in my closet. That means you found me on it by the way I got two instagram, I'm not sure I tried to get an instrument to watch richard Louis, along
so which one is spoken on. I would like now and that are blocked in mine. I'm gonna try these were second but the this, given the worthy smell like you, he looking dog you're, asking off your chaplain character for this. You ve got it all. You gotta be and asked of cords over there, and why is this an improvement? But when I wade, sound! You wanna! Since your answer, my head hurts like going ahead, Randall aspirin. georgia. We call it. Let's just call. It has already been great. We got enough robs got big balls. The biggest brings me what is this creamy milk cream top like that was so beyond random? It's like this is what you would drink with an extra egg, so I got an extra for you. Work a similar. I hate to break this to you last question. Deals they were there and for the last time through the show, comes out june. Twenty. Second, thanks guys, how do you get this thing off usually has so far. You have nothing and I think rob would agree with me now.
now. You're completely wrong. Yet about shit. Now your genius and a lot of spaces where you're out of your damn right now, we know how to make a fuckin hot steamy podcast. I want to try and some of your clothes any time are they here know you'd have to come to my But the weird thing is usually: if I think about something or say it: it's there. I now I know so. This is already, but I must have cookie and I dont use bend to the whims of rich, powerful man. man. What is actually know why, once that's right out of flattering, denies its right that you should take it as a compliment. You ve done. So windows. Oh la music need their stand back. That's too the rug ass. What's all lobbyists are ready and I'll tell you guys when this starts and what part of them used to start. Does q me one it's my turn to enter
It is clear that the question: what would you have ordered at the coffee shop? Nothing! Oh you! Don't like coffee, your love, coffee, I just wouldn't understand in a coffee shop, to pedestrian to unpredictable even be learned poisoning, but first of all, this work muffin top one day or whatever it is that just tell me who you are in cattle rob and Norway yarmouth, monk, I didn't like bracing for impact, yet it seems like they're, complements yet more impact and now we're going to drink it, whatever all three of course were going to drink it because we're a fucking addict and there's not gonna, be anything, that's not sample ones. Let's get that second set of headphones better. Is there bury me? I still can't get
reddy fox. I was supposed to be ready in time for you, but that's your two barrel isn't in there. I was hoping you like a drink pints of any while we are doing this interview with non alcoholic beer. Aren't you don't fuck with an end? I have you ever whenever I have like I have a huge moral judgment on it. You do tell me tell me not someone did give that to me. Really do a dude from the programme at a restaurant or something now's drinking and oh duels, and he said to me What they say about near beer when you're drinking near me you're near beer, like, oh, my goodness, I said you know how I know this is america's. I don't start looking for. Co came after three, that's how we know for sure defeat. the doubly. This is not beer on I'm ready. When a report, rob. This is too much. We cannot know you're not too early for another, not even take a picture of you ready and then over here. Let's grab,
over here you don't have to take any of me. Rob I'm part of me. I just don't want it to start because then at some point its command- ah that's beautiful, but do you know why it doesn't ever have to end answer holiday week in these areas the best photos ever they are. Who was that last character? We did so not sure. Maybe Elsie downey might have been a little mom and there I'm going to now insists we hit play okay, wait. Can we just listen back to what we've done so far, absolutely go to video village and watch playback? Okay, I think it's relevant people can already hear the playful banter when you and I may know, there's an established relationships or where does it come from? What's the genesis I'd love to tell the story if we could? Yes, ok, I'm gonna be sincere right now we ve known each other, for I think, eighteen years now, seventeen singling out I'm afraid
say your sincere thing was that my tobacco and my full white outfit. I worked literally for you because you dress so funky, I'm like I'm going to go all white and then you clearly dress. Like I dress today Britain comedy earlier upsetting another one? no man ever said vinos can offer It happened again predicted right now on both tell a story about us wrestling, but we're just going to start wrestling and there's no way we make it through this whole interview with you, and I know we're going to said that you might cry I I predict. now we are clear. Yes, I really thought that's what you're gonna say. Ok, I've not told you this ever intentionally, because I think it would weird you out enormously, but I need to talk as if one my favorite stories. This is not a bit we gibbering on the phone for this. I have been having reoccurring dreams about you, since I was fourteen years old once again well into my twenties. I would wake up and tell bray, like I had one of these fucking robert downey dreams again mind you.
all the marquise at this point, but little pre iron man who puffy but flexible overly, I mean I would have these dreams in Robert. They were the same every single time I bought. When do you ought to know where we start chatting and it's a media, oh well or summits, were connected. Ok, this is twenty years of this, It's not exaggeration. So one day we get invited over to Jon Favreau's house, as I Just then a movie with them in your about to start a movie with them a little movie oh yeah, yeah tiny upstart, so we go over there we spend the evening together. We have no connection. Help me dead weight. I know I remember a better than you do because obviously there's a status in belgium it's. So naturally, I remember every moment of this and you don't. We are soulmates by the way, but continue okay on the ride home from the fabulous I'm observe of the kind of sat in
Brees says to me: oh honey, I'm sorry that didn't go as your dreams always did, and I go yeah kind of interesting. I don't think he gave a fuck that I was there blah blah blah blah right. bear with me. Two months later I go to visit john onset of iron man. You guys are in that enormous marie adele re sound stage error. They built the spruce goose. Exactly when I you're walking you're leaving set I'm walking towards that we cross each other in I'm. So, certain that I made no impact that it occurs to me, I'm going to have to remind him that we met so as I'm crossing you. I say to you: hey, I'm dax. We met at johns the other night in said, and I'll never forget. Oh, I remember you're the guy getting all the attention I'm used to getting and my soul took flight wing.
came out of my back and I was like there. It is, and from that moment on my version of events, then we became friends. If you call us friend you're not so makes one there isn't a wild did. Why? Wouldn't we tell each other it's those things, because everything is known, so I've known unconsciously that you ve been dreaming about me since you were fourteen, and then I pray that what this is probably what made him so numerous and The star try your influence on him. You know I came in so smart, ass in manic and now in my body wonder and listening and connected I'm leaving a try. This Here's a coffee, it's horse, milk, but here's the problem nowadays, I can't even tell where the drink cole is on this. Oh here, there's so much cream. There is in for a bit to get to the actual coffee front. That's good! I know
now. With your permission, Robert I'd like to go to a couple highlights after that moment, hobo months here. First, how do you feel the subliminal dialogue is going on with this being reintroduce with him in the high status position shall switched around with you? Their backing is play in focused most my energy on you, but I'm gonna need little feedback so far or at a hundred percent. I think we're doing really. Guy hung notes, No, no, no! No! No I've done a couple had its already of manhattan like monitor. How does this robot work? Oh, I know ochres right, yes, I will sometimes look at her and she has the look on her face that I know scissors are out and I should wrap it up cause it's not going to see the light of day anyways, either staring daggers into his eyes. Look wider
it's happened several times, alright in case you're, wondering where we're at in the edit your own highlight reel. Do you have any memories of those? Two things were okay? Then we chat a lot on set that day and then you invite Brian. I really quickly thereafter to your birthday party and I am like I cannot believe I've been invited to your birthday party. We go to This way I can tell you is that I think are played a really cool. Would you agree literally, would have had no idea in the line of what you're saying from day one we have like five people that were dream gas and you are on the list, and I was a kid you just ask him. I know you know him, you could just ask and he refused and just ask you do need to take on yeah. She is another vice suppresses on another girl right now. Well, she does have other show swell they're, all under armed brow, whether your shows- and I think that results there as I do take a little piece of her- shows org.
there are worth our. This is what it is like guns with us to without a very strong director present is were just kind of tools. Balloons that we know that the helium impact is going to ignite the atmosphere, so we're just gonna dancing until the moment that the strings get caught. We hit the ceiling and light up The item is also am, u turn up quick super clerk? we could get all high, so you were gonna. Do but can highlight so god, Jesus where're, we ok self nonlinear. I think I'm too fast for also. Initially, we get to meet each other through favour, and then we stay in touch a little bit, because I guess, if ireland Also, I learned we were friends. I would assume it was from sobriety, but that weirdly was not yet. I can neither confirm nor deny my participation and twelve step program. Okay, let me
I know that for both of us, the rebbe's, the fuck out of your anonymity, okay, what's really important now is that then we have a second mutual friend, and this friend is everything he's the most important human being on planet earth. The mail that were probably both modeling ourselves ran through one tom handsome squire. You know I talk about him so often on here I mean deck candid up so tell us for how long you ve known tom, I've known tom for the entire retain of my career. He is an entertainment lawyer, he's I'm sure as you described him? He is a gorgeous all the time near do well. He is the only person in our industry who has no known enemies. He's brilliant he's great the thickness of his hair. I know it's insane, but it's everything. I've always said that he is the most successful person. I know. Personally,
professionally as a dad to his ear and his moral psychology is really the thing yeah I now I love him so much so then. So how do we show respect for him? what are we honour him? We are both lucky enough to get invited to his Is it a fourth of July? Was it new year's eve yeah? I think this fourth, I share with our holiday in jackson, whore wyoming, the I was staying there. You are at a hotel with susan, but you came over for dinner and they sent us to get something out of the kitchen my and while we were there, we got to talk about martial arts. as you have at any point take over from your purse. Because I'm not sure how it goes from us chatting about it to us for gradually knocking shit over in the kitchen. I think it
exploded near what saw me pages are following the fuckin blueprint of some celestial plan there. Not even aware of it was one of them Testosterone, c mon ass, where people just gathered around to see is this where they get in their fast friendship. I think it's like what we know we can fuck each other. So what else is love newspeak speak for yourself? You may be tall, but you're worth the climb. We should add. Were there with our wives? Look here's all. I remember it happened your game person. I dont know people know this enough about you, but you are someone that should not be taken lightly. Your also tall and strong, nor also a tiny bit controlled crazy. Hillbilly jean look at this
eight eligible combination for someone who would think you were something else, and I know a lotta folks like that that are from michigan or tennessee. Your whatever they just have this thing- that urban people dont have in a way because the urban thing is everyone's bouncing up again say really hard to discern. That is a terrible, blanket statement here, I'm saying is your formidable. You are somewhat unpredictable. I knew I was safe with you because, unconsciously as soul mates, I knew the dreaming about me sister. Fourteen absolutely, and I have thought about this, who got the better of the exchange. I want you to say it. I can only tell you like the proudest moment of it for me personally, please I was on top of you in the kitchen, and you said
oh you're, so fucking strong, yeah good of like evaporated into pixie dust. That I remember is my arms. Had gas down from the seemingly never ending strong, headlock I'd had pretty much from the beginning of the interaction until you fully mounted and where are they real moves? We were going for. It went to the floor immediately and stayed there until the end. Okay, but the arab ferny, add for anyone that might think this was like a twenty second thing. Thirty second thing: bull, six minutes, at least in act over we're, not in our house were in time and duties, beautiful, home and stuffs falling off account. as we have not brought the food back that were supposed to bring back and now. I start hearing, I think christened the almost done in their like we're getting the signal that were ruining the party basically, but I've thought about it since it tom misguided. I am so often like. I just want to be your best friend in my mouth, Did that moment, I'm like he will want to be my best friend. If I'm strong,
than him, which is the most anna, better all rose up, but you do those stupid thing we're very similar, and I also feel that there is very much a six degrees thing with us in that I can easily imagine a brilliant future for me that wasn't realized where I would be sitting in that chair and you would be sitting in this chamber and I think, there's an understanding. We both shared the same brain disease. We both have these same kind of some tamed wild manic, energy. I am always happy to see you then I realized I'm not the only one who looks bogged down yeah yeah yeah. I think there's
just a lot of similarities, but I think more than anything is this power of partnerships. Your whole life is built around these very central, deeply significant partnerships, you have powerful yeah and they tend to come from things that happened organically and morphed into something else and morphed into something else. And then it's this real estate, at all. I fucking need is us. Do you think there is something for me there is. I can bond and share with kristen or in this space with monica. I have maybe a harder time to do that with men like this probably been a lot of men if come through my life, they could probably of help me in many ways that I couldn't either avail myself to, or it would look like cowardice or weakness whenever it is. I've been able to accept means power and allow that to help me in a way I can with men. Yet
in a couples therapy session with susan night before last, and maybe for the first time ever. I realized about forty minutes in I hadn't really said much, and it was quite great and they were kind of, during me out and he was going. You know, I never really put it together with robert. He doesn't really that I was gonna like this is crazy. I'm not start the fight to show that something needs to come up and be addressed. So we can find some homeostasis, I'm not trying to state my opinion with a righteous indignation and basically the good dark sure who is, I think, in senior he's just that blurry voice. Oh, I was curious that was young one zoom with your therapists yeah cause. He respects himself he's not. I wondered out if it was your therapy
me too, because they re arise that are really well anyway. Kenyans said you know from the outside, it looks like you have this series of miss tebbs and then you were in jails in institutions, and then you did a superhero movie in your life turned around. He goes I track that is just a by product of you finally got into a relationship with somebody who understood how to meet your needs without coddling new and how to have separateness within your unity and how to have deaf in black and white boundaries. I've observe this spending time with him and when I'm around the two of you I got these two were really made for each other. Certainly rob! be sure. How does she implement boundaries? Can you give an example here is my
for when I say that when I met one of my minutes, she will not engage. She will not follow me down a rabbit hole, oh wow, and it comes off to me as neglect. This was one of the big kind of breakthroughs I mean you'd. Think we'd have gotten to this before, but you know you hear it and you say it you feel it and you agree to it and you sign off and you check all the boxes, but you still haven't processed it and integrated it. She is just naturally not prone to investment and dysfunction, and it is stunning it's like she's staring at the teacups, a disneyland she's like I'm, not gonna, write I'll get not just why the fuck would I get on that right with him not to
assign roles and again I just think relationships are everything, particularly if the relationships are based on a deep trust in how consistent we will be with each other doesn't mean that we can't fall away a field and be admitted back but were not admitted back with the same rules as before. We're constantly updating and integrating this thing because we're bent on improving ourselves via each other. So when you find something that really can do that, so we also try not to assign roles that she's the sequential thinker and I'm the associate of one, because we are always combinations of those button shit, relief there are lanes. So it's not uptight. It's just super consistent. Are we start
Yet we're about to we're just we're. Only three more at least three more questions and then we'll start, oh yeah hm. I guess they just want to take us next after the wrestling match. Now I'm scared it's going to end. Thank you never gonna to end guy, certainly certainly in with him on top, because while he is improved, his martial arts skills zero since then, but it was the wrong I was not, there has not been on a trajectory match. I we tell people what was your martial arts? No, I will not always that that's even deeper than the alcohol spell out how it felt like a gratuitous ask I'm passing on that. You know what I'm glad you pass because then we would just pray and debating differ. Martial arts,
who the fuck wants that, as you would be incorrect, I can see, but I can see yes, I idolize you. I can see it. I won't try to dominate you to get you to like me. Next, what happens in our story, which is really really important to me as I get to be in one of your movies and you're, a big part of? Why got to be in that movie? The judge that was ten years ago. Do you realize that, like right now, that was ten years ago, because lincoln was three months old or something and she can be upset? I just figured that out this morning and then I had a panic attack. Then I drink more coffee, and now I'm back. You are as well rounded and capable an actor as I have or will ever work with oh come on, and I think you wouldn't hear it from me cause. You already knew that I loved you, but I think by the time you could tell that duvall was acknowledging you.
if part of it was that you were a close proximity to him and his lawyer in the scene yeah, but even better, is when I could tell he would start talking shit about me and you would go along with it, which is when I actually finally felt perfect. Your job was done. Probably the highlight of that whole experience. Was Billy bob thornton seeing the internal dialogue of divorce, while he was sitting there in the courtroom, underwent something like this. I know how that horse bach rex he's a hell of a cowboy
I got draw that sushi place in the town number one in the country, but I didn't like it the first time. I'd. Try that again to watch billy have just narrate what he was thinking. I don't think I've ever seen anything better. That's the other thing too. I love this idea of you know. I'm number one on the call sheet. It's called the judge it's about deval, but it's my fucking movie now Duvall is the legendary artist in this movie. You come in. You start kind of like getting in devolve good graces, which is damn near impossible, and I'm like this is good, because you're really looking good and then there's bob that is so in his own category as a person, a human, an actor. The ego like no matter how good any of us think we are, we always wanted, just be who we are and where we are there's always this tertiary element, which is, if you seek the opportunity the opportunity just appreciate. Yes, someone like billy bomb,
whose floating and on a magic carpet yeah, but also by emission limits Neurotic person will ever meet so in a way. It's also shows our neuroses informs our ability to do certain things. Well, maybe even at the bleeding edge of the cultural expectation, but there is always a cost in managing that cost is what makes you cool. That's what's actually great about Billy bob is, he is as comfortable in his own skin as you ever be while being very forthright about all of his phobias fears again give you one example, and I think he would not mind this. Here's prime examples yoga, like don't move out hotel rooms too much fabric in their thinking. All the diseases so much fibre bubbles, pathogens and airborne poem,
so that's what he was recently. What, if you're lucky in life in the middle of any moment, where you're being spotlighted you can imagine how much cooler it would be if the person you're talking about your showed up and that as a guy who it's impossible, that he wouldn't be one of your best interviews ever really bob, Just given you an idea, I now maybe We were gonna, go to his house out in the west at one along the. I am by the way, Jane fonda great at the guy that you were all just talking to about the Supreme court's michael wild men, as incredible. Now I have to tell you this allowed a different pod cash out there and I love making sport upon cas. I need to whatever it is that I'm doing fine. I downgraded. The exactly right, gilligan seemed to visit. You hate impression. Is always because russia, the us, but that to me, was so definitive cause. You were bringing something where you are so
paired when you sabre, not experts, truth be told, is everybody loves and expert, but to be a general list, were you can actually hold these kind of conversations for the layman? I'll call me not just for five seconds. The lamy in his dry sauna fears for forty minute just going wow. I didn't really know any of this, and this is important. It was at the most challenging role of your crew. you're playing the layman for thirty seconds, yeah and by the way you are going to be my vocal coach for this next job. I do I'll tell you why offline all I have to do is listened to you. Do this endless advertisement copies. I could just use it, but I would rather give you the honor of Actually, you might be my acting couched in all my life. I have so many hats on as before that I think part where to go
I might get a mountain walden. It's got now. You dragon mean all the greatest by just need a protracted at the top of really tall buildings and tell me what it lacks. Aren't you I'm incredibly honoured. What I'd like to do is what, if you could give me the medical condition of vertigo in make me do while you're blocking licence shepherd up he's got really. At vertical. Put him on that letter. Let's see what would really happened. First law that is literally beneath the fact that I would want to buy the way- and I would take this seriously too. We really quick trevor. Your friend is here and you lose her body down his dreaming. Cars he's been with us for ever the great thing about trevor was he called called teen downy yeah, I love I've been waiting for someone like you to enter my world me. That was rich. No, you don't do a fucking thing at the house across the street how the mighty have fallen by the house. I am yeah he's done, yeah right, yeah, she's, building a house across the street time doing,
this is the american dream. It really is. Yes, it really is, and I think you and I- because this is one of the topics I want to talk about. Do we wrap everything up? I'm just which gears I'm sorry my run early on our earth. Nor are they go to her to go down? It's not vertigo I'll, tell you what it is about. He is someone from Indiana Michigan area and he's retired detail dave and I want to talk a lot of shit. I need to be able to improvise and you are going to be- I don't wanna say dialect coach says beneath you, you're going to be my acting coach for it. Oh, my god, and I be on a microphone somewhere in these scenes. Yeah, ok, can I have stylist absolutely ocaml. I only wear your small clothes frame. Clothes. That's a new twist on this guy. You don't have a lot of retired detectives who cross dress in micro, clothing messages, so many things yeah, it's not just that you dress like a gal.
That you address is a very small guiana doesn't fit. I haven't got it just morphia since a lot of different, then a traveller, that's where we weren't we trevor. so trevor called called team downing, which is incredible. Gett n. low these many years later, how many about it whether during the judge, technically technical yeah, you already about books, really you weren't ready I'll tell you by accident trevor wound up being the only assistant that has ever been on a cruise. no one said: wow, congratulations, that's huge, and even for Chris it was such an anomaly that when he saw him wondering why he didn't just disappear, it was almost like that chaplain thing and forever told me
It was like because he had had a reason to be there to support day and I had cleared it, but I think trevor wanted to like just put a lampshade on his head and pretend he wasn't there yeah, but at that point, hair director knew who trevor was and he's not really that uptight. It's just you make a rule, because it's all about discipline anyway, education, downward actress, no one's I line and you did not have to evaporate. Yes We can argue in separately to learn about over to your back. He could come on stating armchair expert diffused air, what's that fuckin crazy dog yours name- that we met frank, frank. We can have any cutaway to free.
If at any point always we've got like a treasure trove of cutaways yeah, if you don't mind that we recycle a few of them plate, we're really gonna. Do that you're going to have to add that I would appreciate it to all they want to do. I wanted to thank you public. because you are really instrumental me getting to be in that movie. I became best bodies with the now frio. I fucking love him so much. I know you do too that's another. You can just go down that do not frio rabbit home and by the way no one is to be more pissed off that you're my acting coach from an extra not well no jirga wrongs, gonna, be a low bummed journeys to busy ok I'll, get em Two big arrests now guy! Well, ok, yeah! Maybe you anyway, as I think, can I say something to you. I do need to do a little sidebar day, one of shooting, almost there's a funeral germany's there he's not even working that dane he's taking pictures and he's in character and from jump era.
It'd, be like, oh god, look at him, he's so into ababa blah and look where he is now. Oh yeah, so I always want to save for any one who wants to cast aspersions or have opinions about what someone's process is just does the process work we're not totally that's one of my favorite things. You would have no idea, because you just started listening to the show in anticipation of coming here, which I do appreciate, that's more work than most people do, but had you been listening to all six hundred episodes, you would know that I regularly use you as an example which is you had the confidence to go like look, I've tried every version I was charlie chaplin. Add some God knows what the max already plus cocaine, plus whatever my you did, that you did method. You lived charlie chaplin and then you ve had total chaos. I've heard people say that the earpiece is a cheat and I've watched you within earpiece and, unlike I dont, know how this guy's doing improvin with us. He's also got all these insane speeches that are coming up perfectly you're, fucking emotional, unlike I've, still
on the business end of it and it's insanely moving so yeah, whatever process gets the result, there's part of what we're doing. That's really important and needs to be revered and then there's part of what we're doing rubber, essentially game show hosts and I think that sweet spot between who's serious. this really, but strangely enough, going back to know what the no thing was like being off book for a three act play out. My god- and that's only because I was wondering, am my one of those people who has lost the ability to function because I've become so lazy and have so many crutches an answer It's a definitive. Now I am intact. You fully functional and firing on all six cylinders yeah. We knew that within the first five seconds of you coming in here, I want to apologize,
guys for coming in a little scattershot this. This coffee is making me ill, but I'm going to finish it because I also know when I saw you in the driveway. You've probably been dreaming about me, theater fourteen twelve in their puberty transition and those dreams are confusing. You want to do a three way: leg lock with me and dax later off. Yes, please! I listen when this concludes nine or ten pm tonight we will be going out into the grass back there and I'm going to get out of these white slacks and it's going to be a battle royal or, let's see, I fear that you think it's going to make it to the ground the enticing I love it. Ok, you didn't. Let me finish publicly thanking you, you're, going to think this is hyperbolic that I'm trying. Just what is this is. This is truly my story. If I ever wrote on auto biography, this will be part of it. You fought for me to be a net movie. I got to be in it. It was an incredible experience, top few of my professional life, meaning that movie in getting the talk with divine
all meet these people's incredible. The studio really liked me, as it turned out They want to see what I want to do. I got to direct chips, literally Because of that movie and what a fucking gift I mean that little piece doesn't come first, I dont get to do that and it was the most incredible thing ever and you gave it to me and I thank you for it sincerely. We help each other consciously or not, right which I guess me, as we also heard each other consciously or not. That's the thing to keep an eye on me. I guess it goes both ways: goddess tastes, like francs asshole, as you chug it. If you look at, Fuckin fifty thousand dollar watch one more time, I'm leaving. This is the first time I looked at it and it's because
Finally, the translation and just like you would be too many. This is a one thousand dollar fake old watch. Ok, are you giving me that ensures? I want you to have it I'd like you to have this alligators left. You know why, because I have some questions for you motherfucker. Oh, my god, you brought a binder ivy crotch full of nicaragua, wrappers yeah boy get two of us together and just someone's gotta, be walking around with a fifty gallon trash can with all the fuck. You know you are hundreds of fetuses a day. Did he just take the watch off and then put it wrote to you and your. I want dont think about this our aim is more neurotic him or me. I know him better than used I should say you because he'll be mad at me. I won't be mad I think you're more neurotic than me. I say this also you behind your back, No, how we would evaluate it, but let's say that there's a spectrum zero to ten four addiction and I got up pretty bad. I think I'm probably and eight but I'll, give you this credit. I think you're a term
the most attic you mother, fucker I've ever met my life he'll, get going on these gums. Monica you've never seen anything like it he's just endlessly calling them out and putting them in his mouth and forty morin. You can get wild. That's funny that you say that, because when I watched the movie sr, I thought oh, his addiction is more based in his life or like his youth, as opposed to his chemicals. I thought the opposite. Are you know like genetically, but just think his dad? We learned in the anger and attic fourfold, she's right, ok, so, let's just go up is wonderful. Then I have no power is gonna, be ok for you, absolutely berwin is I went wording but you're the same year, the same, but the game you guys are probably on the same level as early as have yet put us in his trailer, with an especial machine and unlimited nicotine under the same locked, the door, because it's gonna
get consumed in our house. The great thing about us is from the time we ve met. We have been on the same trajectory of theirs never been a night. Were you and I were going to go into the fuzzy deeps of shadow play. We have been basically sound of mind best as we could be the ads since we met and we ve been on that path. They're just two worlds: there's the shadow world and there's this yeah, that's it yeah in your try, I'm trying to have the I still needs. my I need to be rustling, my caffeine consumption or my naked tee. I gotta be busy with that yeah. Well, what I also look around at the people that are charged with till death. Do us part with you. You know wife, kids closest associates if they at peace, with how work clucking along no matter how much coal were shoving into our weirdo little anything. It's ok go! Ok! I always look for when the people closest to me
seeming out of balance because of my lack of integrity. It's one. I know all right. I got shift something here, we're all just weird animals: it's fun, yeah, okay. That actually brings me to sr. I text you today telling you I watched it while I was working out and was totally crying while lifting I recommend If I was deadlifting quite a bit of weight with tears streaming down their faces. I watched you and your father in the bed. I had the same thing. You know like my dad diagnosed with cancer in august, I was with them nonstop in Michigan he died december, thirty first, so it was like three months a year was it two thousand and twelve yeah? I remember yep. So much of it reminded me of that periods and it's such a multi faceted experience for me and I'm gonna guess for you, which is first and foremost the amount of gratitude I have that I was there is maybe
the apex of gratitude. I can't believe I was there and I did it right. I have done so. many things wrong and others so many moments in my life. I couldn't have been there, but just to get to do that, isn't normous gift. Would you agree? A hundred percent and again speaking of partnership I initially started thinking of conceiving letting senior happen kind of his defence mechanism in and avoidance technique. I realize now and then at a certain point between Chris smith Kevin forward and then believe susan had the smaller, because you know you can't make a senior I commend re like a senior movie like the last hour for us this very disjoint in nonlinear kind of fast yeah. She got you have to think of this in a three act structure and have to start thinking about your closure with your dad weather
monitored or not, because otherwise forget that it won't make sense any one, whoever watches it would make sense to you, and so that last trip to new york and the fact that extend our sun wanted to go. It was almost like. I got do it with a generation of down. He are untouched by the ugliness of addiction nea, and so it's almost like a needed to be filmed. Monitored graded doing it in order to do it and by the so did your dad, which is even D. for its wild to see how much movies is your dad's life economy frame any outside of that. What that's? What we realise too was. He was only going to talk to us through the language of what film he was doing. It up Witnesses lie and because at the end of film he was doing, was the film about his life. He needed to do something.
Sk as it made no sense, it wasn't a film he was doing. I mean look, you know, is very parent jello play within the play. All that stuff, but the crazy thing is being at the castro feeder in san francisco, where he had gone up for one of his film for premier too, there might have been greece, which palace and like seventy, two, and I realize that that film had screen there and now I'm watching a screening of senior from the back looking at it on the screen, with these kind of like set pieces stuff back there, and I had one of those definitive quantum moments. Sometimes you have these unset. Sometimes you have him in life, for you have a mid transition to life or you just go just stand here. If you can understand this, because this is actually what life is, if you're lucky you get to actually just
stand there first second and see this thing and you hold space and time and grief nuts near the early years of the thing that I started crime. Thinking about as it fell, to me, like the movie, was maybe one last ditch effort to understand your dad. As we tried to understand our dads and ourselves. That's the journey right now. Even your death isn't movies like I have no clue who I am and I'm not going to know by the way, where you trying to lure me in with a food gacy, so I could tell you you're wearing a really cool watch and you could tell me it was low rent. Are you trying to play? I wanted to admit to you that it's a fake old one I didn't want to be deceptive to you. It's a fake gold watch, so you wore it so that I would I ask you and you would tell me it was a fake. I wear it every day, every day as for whether you're here, by the way, also we exist when you're not here. Do you know that robert it does seem necessary when you're? Not here we're still here? That's that's your mistake, but now you've flunked up the most import
thing, I want to say that I senior and I know what you're going to out it, monica these train over. Wait: I'm not we'll get back to it! Okay, do you have it cause? I don't want you to know. I thought it was so beautiful that your son, how old was he eleven twelve he's eleven now, so he was eight and a half nine and with clarity saying I want to be there so that I have memories for when he passes to hear a very small person be able to articulate that showing the growth between the three iterations. Truly, Maybe the only group is now that's not true. You see the vulnerability increase throughout those generations and that's the moment where you're, like oh yeah committee, I need has been that growth is compound. Yes, and now let me because we're all in this same kind of business, where were always doing something and were here in this moment, but I try to watch divorce myself from the idea of what will it be like when this is a product, but from this
Second, I saw that scene with action where he says that in the whole audience just gets choked yeah. I was like we. got him and I hate to say it because there I went back again but you're doing to think I'm going to have to do in that moment. I was a kid I think at three and this thing is really gonna work and bought awake at three of my I can dad die yeah. No, it really works accurate! That's when I started crying, you got cat Stevens, montage fucked me up, that's right and then you got nick drake fuck you what a cheap shot nick drake come on. We're destiny! nick dragged to fuck with tax boys. One man is weights, straining to big, be a big boy presses for and Robert I now. Let me tell you what my conclusion now that you've avoided it to me. It felt like you were trying to another attempt. Really understanding this main. Your father was very interesting and original and peculiar, and I think, if I had to sum up what he might have said
and this is what made me cry. I think his point of view was life is a hundred year long joke, and then in the scene. I realized. I know it's a fucking tragedy. We live in a fucking tragedy. You love people, they die. You die everyone loves you and you try to laugh your way through it. You try to joke because it is a tragedy, but it catches up with us all the time the joke turns on us a lot I mean even like when you discover roger, I guess what a joke. This is hilarious. Now I feel, like a cartoon character. You know now really getting one over on the universe, I'm having a blast in this technicolor kaleidoscopic dream of mine, and then he catches up because again it's a fucking tragedy. The joyful participation in the suffering of mankind is really what I got and you can either laugh or cry through the whole thing. We know where it's going the other day I sent some really. I thought very funny
play them for you after the bet- and somebody said oh, this is gonna- be in accidents, movie junior the devil. Crossed my mind too, is a. He will most certainly and you'll have to be a subject of his exploration of you, who even knows what a documentary will be like in thirty years. That's true, I think it'll all come around. I really liked about the movie. It means it's so beautiful, of course, but the beginning is a little like what's going on, you are like at all. It's like you were exactly and kind of, I think his life, like you, said it's chaos and you're, going from one thing to another and his directing within the directive and what is going on and then at some point it becomes looser his end of moving and poignant and I feel like. Oh that's, the trajectory of his life.
It kind of mirrors that in a beautiful way, I think whether you did it on purpose or not. Well, susan down, he was involved, so the execution of that cut is very purposeful and chris smith. He and Susan really hit it off they're, both just really high level, thinkers- are so funny when you're saying that I was just thinking it's kind of like life. It starts off like this confluence of probabilities and then gets more and more real and closer and closer to its finite nature. Hopefully, if you're lucky, I d much rather have it begin in chaos or even begin with problems.
descend into chaos and then reorganise level, as opposed to it being reversed near where life it's more more more more thirty, we're gonna, know those stories and we saw on. I mean just even look back from twenty twenty, until quote him quote last month how many relationships in the crucible of the pandemic became the chaos that wasn't managed and then other things kind of fuse together in a way that I think, is probably better than if it hadn't happen. You have you made it through the I barely made it through. That's. Why isn't iraq rate to like none of that matters? I member at the time reflecting on you, because you know this idea that you get long term recovery and that it is like a treasury bond is the biggest joke in the world. However, as humans, I'd think we're condition to say this thing that seems stable. I can absolutely count on it to be.
A solid unmovable object, and so in another way I hate to say it, but what a great service I did for so many people for so many years when I showed this is how messy things can get. This is how quickly they can get that messy. This is how much freedom you can lose in a short amount of time. What are my volunteer for that? Like me, I got out and they all I know. No, I didn't put my hand. I know your hands up. Yeah there was unconsciously up consciously doesn't matter, that's not how things work around here. Can I ask you one question about jail. I had one question about jail: yeah I've never asked you about you ll actually of two questions, but one is: how long were you in there before you?
surely accepted oh I'm! Actually in here. I can imagine myself cause the denial muscle in us is the strong, especially for a apex addiction right. Yeah finance doesn't have a nose or police lights behind me, they're not going to get me a breathalyzer, I'm not carrying any you're just in denial of everything. I'm curious like how long before I'm going to see if without thinking about it, I'm just going to try to give you the flashcards yeah, I'm in court, I'm being over sentenced by an angry judge and at some point add something in latin, oh boy, and I thought he was casting a spell on yeah and he was two weeks later, I'm in a place called delano, which is a receiving center where they decide where you're going to go. Arguably most dangerous place ever been in my life because nobody is designated if they're a level one two three or four
everyone in the criminal. Yes and you could just feel the evil in the air- and that was no trouble at all, because it was kind of like just being in a really bad neighborhood and there was no opportunity there. There was only threats, so Yes, everyone is going to take your wallet, so watch it, and I remember walking out at one point when I popped out of my Well, because the shower, by the way, this would be the best sound bite and I didn't know it, but I was little spun out and had my underwear on backwards on that but the free intimidation, really new arms and- and I remember eliciting some strong troubles in algiers from my fellow inmates and once I got through that general transfer
and then the rest was walking onto the yard that you're going to be doing more than a year on all for the first time. The closest thing I can associate it to is to being sent to a distant planet where there is no way home. Until the planet's aligned with the short answer is two weeks, and I would say this, I hate to say it about anything for anyone regarding any transition, because we are programmed to within a short amount of time, be able to adjust to things that are seemingly impossible and for me, there's worse things that could have happened them being centre institution. By far short, however, we can only go by what we know and I would imagine if I had to guess that was the worst thing that happened me yeah, they fifteen visible.
oh, my god, David, I'm literally by David fifteen, I'm dialed in yet this is my question. What was your strategy? The most important thing is you're very cute. I was quite nervous for as long As you have the willingness to do harm, it is unlikely that you will be targeted at so like really is that thing of what is the difference between acting, you're willing to do harm and actually being willing to do harm. I remember the extreme example and whoever said this is an idiot: they go always have a plan to kill you, yeah, which was probably one of those like safety experts who was like a black ops guy or whatever could shut up yeah yeah yeah yeah. I hear a lot of that stuff, yeah yeah, two weeks. Okay, how did your friend with people. How did you decide? Ok, try to walk or you don't have friends joint. You got acquaintances
figure acquaintances? What's this characters name by the slide? Bowman been in and out of thirty two maximum, nothing at place. The games wind, stupid prior I'm cliff bovine our clients. I love the qualified by just wrap this up. There's two handball court. Depending on what the politics worries win, whatever your particular pigmentation was had access to that court, unlike anything, drew foresee midnight express, oh yeah rice, it's kind of like you could say how long did it take him to get used to being in a turkish in two weeks. Ok, that's the biggest fear. I think I've ever had that have by the grace of god avoided it's shocking, I never was in there. I think I would have gotten killed. I'm telling you right now, you would have been fine, oh well, maybe I'll go okay
into downeys, dream cars now seniors incredible denominator: it's gonna be nominated. We don't know how that works too. Timid these- and this is a first of all I want to cast my vote, then aigrettes implausible, who fucking cares Second of all. If and when it goes this sir trajectory I'll get behind it. I think Chris smith is one of our great american storytellers. Was he in you see and once or twice, but I mean back to american movie bomb to Jim inhale, whoa whoa whoa whoa, two hundred foot wave to exacting tiger king. He also did american home, which is an incredibly we're documentary about four bizarre homes. I urge you to watch it. Oh one of the deeds does the world of tomorrow. It does the land in the sixties and he turned his whole house into a world of tomorrow and he can drive as it were, kleiner on the living or many crashes it allow. You would love it. Even things
dont know about him and I'm crazy about everything. He is an incredible person. It would be meaningful to me for anything that came his way result. Yes, yes, I really got a fucking him. yearning. For I don't remember what alchymic we'll, probably probably are you almost any guy? Not just yet. What do you hear me we'll get you on for their part, and we got a lot impulsive and only three questions. I would never have you in real life, but now that I have you sequestered here, I'm here to help the bogan I say some. Can I just do a quick assessment of this episode. I dont know what we ve got in the first half hour. I think it's fucking trash Don't you're going to leave it to you and I know I'm wrong, but I also want to lead into the wrongness, because this thing needs to fuckin home live from because you grew up in a movie house, and all you can do is see your brain is former yeah yeah yeah you're going to have to trust.
is that we know how these work is there a crawl like a credits, crawl, yeah? No, are we just starting with action because I don't see where that is? If we want to do that, there'll be some light, chitchat off mic and then monocles seamlessly integrate really wow. This is incredible. I mean, of course I don't show up or things that don't go by. I do have some questions, though, that have been burning a hole in my bar alert. Let's go you have to forgive me, I'm from michigan on a dirt road. Hollywood was a very exciting thing. For me, the outsiders was a very exciting thing. For me, everything that was happening in the eighties and movies was very
exciting. So for me, forgive me the notion that all of you will go to the same high school to Santa Monica high school, and then I have a director from parenthood who told me he was once in a class seed between you and rob low in his chances of getting a girl. There look at him for walking euro per cent zero point. Zero percent to me is so amusing. What you had the sheen brothers at samuel high. We had ramon Esteve as who is the most eccentric of the sheen brothers. He taught me how to tap dance when we did ok, homer the musical all my lord, he is one of the all time great humans on earth. Do we have the pen brothers there they were gone on older than he Charlie might have just been coming in me and remain were in the same grade lovers their Chris might have been out. I think that
some of that story, because it's in like a rough we'd somewhere near class of eighty three shots, but I wouldn't know because I never graduated at by the way I wasn't looking round going. I wonder what other mother fuckers are gonna be of the road, but my money on this I was scaling the fence after I did teachers assistant with MR jealous and the greatest feeder arts teacher of all time and leave and by the way there were easier ways to get out. It was just the only place that I knew they were going to be expecting me to try to did school of Al Qaeda had been a thirty five or forty foot tall chain. La ever did school I've ago smoke a giant of a comeback and around forthwith period, because
janae gravina. The object of my affection had a typing class that I would try to bust into you'd have thought I'd have learned at least type know where all the girls just be honest. They were obsessed with you know besides janae cause, that's why he wanted her. We should do a whole other episode just about janae, but there was one point where I want to say: my life is due to three girls from santa Monica high school kelly, MC reynolds, amber gilbert and, most importantly, heidi kozak okay. I think there was at one point where I thought I was dating all three of them. Then they found out and they all decided to get together and ditch me. It literally was like a sitcom marine was a huge lesson that I still haven't. Having only one object of your desire, don't fuck with cats. Yeah yeah see that's! Actually, if I'm being dead, honest, you pull a curtain fully met one thing about you that confuses
no end is you actually don't seem to have that gear in your scumbag toolkit? Now, that's not your thing We have never been together. Word like a beautiful woman is walk by and ve been like are in or whatever even a. victoria nowadays its gross and it's weird, and it's very typical that you know I did write like I always say I feel very lucky. I dont have a food addiction or gambling addiction, which is shocking. Does anything I enjoy. I'm gonna be elected to very much sex, attic d, love, attic d for sure for me, but I dont since that in you and that's always been peculiar to me. I don't know I have always been in long term relationships.
And then after Susan downey, by the way, it helps that by the time we met, I was in my late thirties. She was in her late twenties and we would be like at l, a x b, luck to you and your daughter need help getting the thing and I'd be like fuck ha. So it's never one thing. Half of it is she's hot and great. She also isn't typical and that she's not effusively. She doesn't dress suggestively. So there's this it's very private and just save for me and then when she opens the spigot its gnarly and then there's
all the things I look at at the exact same way, I'd look at taking a drink. What could possibly be the upside of convincing myself one more time, then that would be worth it and therefore I don't need to recoil as though from a hot flame. That's an oven, you're not even drawn to the hot flame. At this point, I'm relieved of the obsession I think there's been times, because I also think where you at like I'll, be sixteen a couple of years. I think in my early forties and fifty hours, probably wondering shouldn't I be getting all kinds of dirt done and should I just even just be given a pass for that? I mean look at this. Yes, then you get to a certain age and you go like you know what no one's doing anyone any favors here and we disagree on that ivig. There will be a fucking line like they were opened up.
Crispy creams and the nine by the way? If you don't want- and I also love and someone else has you ve got the big ziyadi thing going on right now like let him have it you having? As you say, you have to monitor that you don't Look at your dmz. I went to look at their dams. I have to have a game plan yet like everything else, I don't need a game plan, it's really simple, as soon as I feel mildly activated. I go lock myself in a room. Okay, that's a good policy, isn't crystal coming in here to say that we gotta wrap this thing. I thought she had eight year old. A no show that's to make us both want her more because she committed to come. In a few times Esther yet and by the way you know, I wouldn't want to confuse the audience into imagining that I have some superior moral code. This is all a result of having had my ass handed to.
me, so many times that I don't question it's not appealing anymore. I have that feeling about many things was just talking to my therapist about it. Today I told you I had to go to therapy immediately after seeing senior that was scheduled now we're? U still pumping iron. For that I lived during all my if that's what you're the abject ok, who did you envy in that period, grown up like what actor Where were you kind of monitoring going? I should be that person matt dillon, oh perfect, what a great pic- and I also got to know him, and I just saw him it's a show- called high desert with patricia arquette yeah. I just saw him and that he looks insanely handsome still, I know, but when I first knew him, he took me under his wing. He had this place in Elizabeth street. That was run by an eastern medicine doctor. That was just really cool and I would leave
this house, when we come back later, that would be all of these things on the door would like girls who had put their phone number on. I mean he was a level of stardom intrigue and being pursued that I think, was that elvis beetles marilyn monroe type level yeah way unmeaning sidebar too much, but I saw the brook shields documentary. I realize too that I did get to know her a little bit and I got to run into her strangely in thailand about a month ago, but it kind of goes like this Elvis Marilyn the beatles Michael Jackson, Brooke shields yeah. That talk was crazy. The credible yeah incredible and I think the interesting thing about documentary space? Is it can be manipulated to give you a false narrative, but if you just pay attention and and
your own determine and just checking with how you feel about you go you're right on my five fingers. There were this now going back to your question, not dealing for sure dustin Hoffman million per cent merrill street, because I realized she's got this other thing where she's american, but she's really strong with dialect. She's, clearly focused enough and versatile enough to keep going from one thing to the next, and it's always her, but it's always a new version of heard that you not take as being character, peter o toole. Just because more of arabia my life, and if I have to pick a fifth one, there are same at dawn the air we started there. Ok, let's begin and end again and then what are you gonna do? This guy is oh underrated. If you look at what he was doing in the outside world, in rumble, fish and stuff is done. ends up in way past. Something about a majority was in beautiful girls on unaware, of course. Ah he
was someone who I always saw was like working with great directors, and he was picking up from them, but he always had his own version of true north, where it was about starting an argument it was about was trying to make space for himself while still being agreeable with everybody else. All the while managing immense stardom. How do you feel about nicholas cage? I think he is in a category of his own im so glad to hear you see at the same way that Billy Bob is the great thing is, I think you- and I are I dunno usb for me- I'm flattered by it. I think you and I and a bunch of other people are all in this kind of middle space and sometimes some of us were the ones in the middle, doing that dancing on the on board and the rest of us are going out, and then you have people who perpetually operate as these satellite entities Billy bob nicholas
age, Crispin glover this in that, and then I want to go back to because I just saw the michael farms document. Are you to turn for sure yeah? I would be remiss not to say this of my generation, the most unappreciated actor technically is Michael J fox. If you look at what he was able to do up through during and passed his diagnosis, but forget: Medical conditions were all gonna be taken down by something none of that matters. All that matters is what is in your eyes and that fuckin dude, no one has ever understood camera timing, emotion, troll confidence and also being someone who had to jump out of their stature for you to treat them as an equal,
at the very highest sexist this that society he transcended all that he did it all. What a great pick, I would also say one of those people who's outside the box, Eric Stoltz, oh Eric Stoltz, is amazing in a way he was to amazing to do something that mainstream. So that's the weird thing yet. You're right like why didn't nicholas cage ever do superman. Well, he was going to, but in a way he can't ever come into this place where the rest of us are kind. Dancing funny behind the scenes thing. One time we were just chatting- and I said oh reminds me one of my favorite moves. You ever see this movie first born nearly yeah. I was in by the way, you know what I was perpetually. I thought my role in life was to be cast as milo, his offbeat buddy. That was it
So what are you doing this or I play milo? Is offbeat buddy? It's a niche industry, I'm kind of name. That was how you saw yourself. It was more than enough because these were real movies. They weren't my dad's indie weirdo, like everybody, pitched in five grand and we shot for another two weeks. The other career thing for you. I want to say for we do downeys cars, which I promise is absolutely right. Next, you made me promise, as promised says the boycott wrong an hour. Asinine. Ok, good song promises. It isn't. I forgot to say one thing about your dad again. This stuck with me. You said it wasn't in the documentary, but I heard you one time, save your dad told you, everyone can act, some people can direct in. Nobody can right. Yeah mike you about that all the time I might that sums up this entire racket, half so perfectly it's insane.
Do you think he heard it from somebody or he just came to that on his own? It's so good! You know what I will tell you this here for the first time ever, I think you made it yup. I think I are credited it to him based on an extrapolated from all experience, as I ever had from him. I got it. I think more, it's to cover the fact that he would say things to me like oof, or these marvel movies. wow tough, to watch three at three. It's like what a misfire I, those good you can do in the present you're. This close to doing dangerfield. I mean that one is just a hair away from dangerfield that is fucking. My wife's cooking is so bad that flies pitched in to fix the screen door. You can't do it personally. Okay, I do want to say this: are you on a bit of a dip right now I just packed a leper but everything's normal everything's, going exactly as planned.
I want to give you this compliment, you're not going to like it, and it's going to be impossible for you to respond to, but I'm going to say it out loud cause. I want everyone in the world to know this. Marvellous. most successful thing to happen in the film business, maybe in the history of the film business, it's the most incredible thing ever you look at the top. Ten movies of all time is v Surely all marvel right, I'm going to say this is a three way compliment. People may or may not know about you, but they did not want to hire you, firemen. How maybe at the pass before they gave you that I wasn't on the list. Exactly I couldn't be on the list. I was a liability, yeah, rarely kiss like looky here nope but poder he has no cause. How far out was it from like major addiction was oh eh, I dunno what year you got to jail, but it was not long after you've done a few things. I love that
We think that once I got out of jail, I said well there it is kind of freight up and whether it will that's. Why set out of your extreme addiction, not share our dream, a ditch, really bad simple robber, you're gonna have to go into a room right and hailed. You're on the herds are going into a room gal. The girl, but word to you and to use extreme levels like this addiction. This dip there are now again, that's fine! That's on extreme nods, biological. He can't get extreme price are free, basely mosey does another way, but really how long does it cause? I do want to know if they think that's relevant, why you were elia billowy. There's a couple of things which is usually things are happening concurrently
people presume that you know this happen and then you had bad behaviour and then you this, but I also think that you're sort of say to anyone who is struggling with substance abuse of this and how long until I get takes about two years to east timor, two weeks to acclimate to any horrendous situation, a sudden loss, a serious injury a break up now the breakup is different and that the breakup is exactly one year. The climate ties to a jarring situation. Two weeks, and then how to turn down these idea. I want to publish these studies and I'm out or whose turn your life around completely to a place where you don't have to convince anybody that you ve changed ass, tears, the arcane and by the way, guys
years of blow by a few stay high as a five minutes long. You right now, but just think you'll lose two years at the blink of years of abstaining from the offending behaviors. It was a really uphill battle between something about you. Your thing plus fabra was the uneven doll. You wouldn't want to say this yourselves. You are marvel. You three got together,
in some magic you created a tone that town was replicated was great success throughout the throughout universe. I find that to be incredible, and I think you guys deserve that credit. The level of comedy of the action, the interspersing of all, that the way that that tone that was discovered in that process is the secret sauce that makes that makes you can you disagree if you want history is really tricky because tricky because is rock and roll? No rock. No roll is this force from the cosmos they came down and you can see where its roots are. You can see words. Origins are they're, usually about thirty or fifty years before the phenomenon of a new cultural thing. So I would say that comic books are part of it.
I would say Christopher reeves, definitely part of it. I would say once you had TIM Burton directing the superhero movie now it was like well, maybe never, but some day. If and then I think you need the combination of Kevin foggy who was frustrated at why he had a sense that something unimaginable could occur, but he was being saddled with not having the leverage to be able to do anything about it. Five euro and by the way, honestly five do attributed to one thing: it's too films that came out the same, weaken that bombed. Why was the third. The army I got to be a part of that you sure did fucking rate in animal feed was really good forever. I didn't want to call it Jumanji too, because he was already sing. I dont want a beer repeater and thank god he made that perhaps ill faded decision. in for marketing or whatever, and I did a film without kilmer directed by shane black called kiss kiss bang. Bang. Arguably one might
three phases right? I've ever gonna watch a movie. nobody saw those to failure. put Johnny and I in a position where we were like whatever is he does next has to work whatever I do next has to be a reinvention. Not just of me cause, I'm reinvented a little bit now and I'm kind of intact and sound of mine, but I have to finally I've been at this for ages. It's like when is this, Aggregate the gotta cut them from the yeah. You gotta cut this fucker from the game or he's gotta win us. A pennant has been circling in the lobby for about twenty fucking years, a bro come in the party or go to the parking lot get in your car, and we all that because I think you- and I also luckily still suffer from this outside harness. I don't think it's an addiction thing. I don't think it's even a therapy thing. I think it's a disposition,
of self protection. By saying I am not this thing, that is an entity which is why it is also important sea, like I would city guise of looking at your view, ship and influence in what you ve done in you. Wear it like a loose, I thought I was gonna want into it started here and now it's like you know, fuckin ed tv in its literally like this, thirty thousand foot place that you still make it look like a thing and then there's something I bowed with. Artifice comes self deception, so I think there is a natural life extension policy which is done. by in too well that give I ever sat. I wanna be a member of this when you kicked me out, it'll be less embarrassing data mentally! Ok, I got to say my piece on that. Now get down his dream cars. We talk about this with great excitement in anticipation
and some resentment? The notion that you went away and if car show- and I didn't get a call until was completed just to me- seems like a real fuck you it's a passive fuck. You but the notion that I was never involved in this light. The air that resentment- that's whether season to solve. Look how easy it is assaulting. I'm going to be your dialect, coach and I'll be involved or not dialect coach, you're, literally going to be my coach for this role in dialect, just going to be an aspect of it. One of many things that I I working on. You know what it really is not to make a comparison, but one of the reasons I love Jim Cameron, so much is, he does
this thing about titanic and then this and that and then he creates a technology that raises the title, and it's this really inexplicable, ongoing intuitive pursuit of something that only he could do, and I think we all need to find that in every one of us has this: it's our own golden thread to how to make sense of our lives at a certain point after these franchises are hit and I've never grew up with dough and I'm thinking my supposed to collect are, and then we get a car. I like cars, I drive cars and then I started massing. This collection our father or mutual father Tom Hansen, handsome in a lot of these he's, our car guru correct now a lot of it was I wanted thirty, be twenty two cool com
If you want to be no sir makes a lot. Video fisher gonna exit sixth birthday party. Imagine there something that starts out of a perceived self need to demonstrate whatever. Success means in western civilization turns, to a liability where I'm not you dude. I dont want to go faster cars. I dont want to drive on means don't drive two wheeled vehicles anymore. None of that I want to cruise up. on pc age and run into jerry, seinfeld them say: hey, that's cool ride like it is all that dumb fulfilment stuff and then, when the marvel contract resenting, I got ass to go. Speak at this remark conference an iconic, compter resentment because I felt like these super powerful oh really could affect change and really do a draw down on this climate stuff. But again you can't really do that.
And be one of the two or three richest got you. Can I got it aside, I'm going to go for industry or going to go for change in thinking that the industry will provide the change. That's absolute warship. However, if I were in that position, I can imagine the weight of deciding. What am I gonna do be up: philanthropist yeah yeah, I trade a green tax to heal our planet, so I started this footprint coalition. A great people like rachel crow by an drawn cheaper is, are editor and does a lot lot of spot lighting technologies space. Gene krupa on drums big time, John shaw, half steve, levine Susan's brother run the venture side. So it's this whole big thing and then I'm looking at these cars and then I'm going I'm a fraud, and then I thought. But what do I do? We make stories of our lives, and so my life was. I wonder if I could do show about trying to make these cars more efficient.
the reason you aren't involved in season one I do I do now, because you are so integral to the whole reason. I did the show to begin another natural born adversaries on this one. You are a real gearhead. I am, I don't want to see a fraud. I appreciate the aesthetics and I like your sick, as I've told you I Have it your three point out: csi, Bmw, its incredibly gorge, you can have it. I do. However. Reed ideas are rochelle. Go you for just to see. Let's go, you did it, What is it on forgets on board one in three. I remember away all girls, I call them is a gift hold on a second one, two
we are not so means we can you play rochelle ivo, riot police? Had I beat you the first time in years on accepting I am. I would go wrong, everyone, those rock I always and then, after that I always go paper first cause. I know people feel strong about eu involvement in the hall. Now I'd like to go, I thought I are so vulnerable before now. I didn't hear you like you couldn't rounding me. You been tethering me. Are you gonna, where her shoes to when you were her albert? I mean I got a little big army might be able to work better. I wish there was a component to this where certain things that person, then again, you know to be a drag. It's like you know you could do like a big show on there, so we got three bits. We want you to do after you're, like oh fuck. This is why I don't do the shows. Have we Do this thing we're we're gonna? Have you try to juggle these tomatoes? Why why or heinz whatever doesn't matter just juggling tomatoes, everyone does it so far. I waited
where I forget where it was europe promoting senior and there's a new. He would think. Surely, hey man, I have this website and budgets. Do this thing, riga, and then you float away. Will you do? It is like the first time I stood up for myself just said now here I won't I let's approach yeah back in the old days I would have been like hey life is easy. I feel good, you feel good now these are challenges to my integrity. What I'll tell you yeah? One way you could go like over brats. The other way is like I'm, a delicate machine, I'll drive home mad at myself. That I just did something I don't want to do cause it's triggering childhood shit. By the way. I would love you to stop this poor couple, who just have a little insta thing. They do that god little tread and have you, sir, so deep on them on? Why you can't do that? Listen! I can do for ten minutes
started, a nineteen. Seventy five. Do you guys want to sit down for this? Ok, this car show. Yes, it's called down his dream: cars downeys. I dream cars. You, while I would like- and I was going to say you monica you- really work already J because She never watched stuff the report by the lamb? I am that person. Well, honestly, I sort of do it. It's tactical! It is a little bit tactical because I am supposed to sort of the audience and if I do know too much sometimes I think that everything gets very esoteric and I can't bring it back exactly and if she has read the Can I have then she can police when I'm going down right, as it already knows what you're talking about them, but in this case I watched can I am really glad why here because the publicist said it is very important to you that we want
something wrong and she said what is said. You end dax. She included me so I bought you know what it is important that I do that and I was mad because I didn't want to watch her car show, and then I thought, oh, my god. He did it because this is great for gear heads. It gets technical, their showing so much cool car stopped. But if you don't care about cars, you care about the goal. and I cared about the goal, and I watched one and a half episodes god. Maybe I've I watched all six years, I was struggling find the time to watch all six, and I was thinking whether they regarding this matter. One long wait here to get the tears well, the gains I got, though, were worth it, but I thought why did this son of a bitch come in when he was promoting one movie? I could have watched one of those movies
but no I what six hours of television a mind you, I loved every episode. Every episodes great he's been on this four year trevor we're talking about trevor again, yes, trevor new half produce, and it was this you'd. Think too, where anyone who knows me knows that I am a bit of an odd about that. It be like we do this car about show so wise in the show done yet right. I thought of a yesterday about says so I want get six cars when it ended and they'll be turned around when I need all the cars dunbar. We go and then what happens? Is you know? Yeah you want to change out a muffler Your old nova and six weeks later, neighbor was still got at the shop. I just like having your car at the shop on my neighbors of stock stay to arm chair expert, diffused air
Here's a weird thing. I have to admit this. The two most significant projects I've ever been involved in in my whole life have been senior and down here. Of course one was a documentary and the other was a streaming series for macs, because one of them was about taking this intuitive process and turning it into media, and the other was obviously about my dad and not just father and son's parents and things and artists and all that stuff. But there were times during it where it was all so nebulous that I was just like why I say to the ship and then you start getting these things back by the time we were in new york driving this nineteen sixty six riviera around the city that I won't say, wipe it as a piece of technology on it.
That really is interesting and useful for monitoring, particulate matter and pollution and all that stuff and by the way I grew up in that city. The yeah yeah yeah you as you driving around looking at the screen is giving you real time: redoubts of health gnarly the areas at nuts. How quickly can change and thinking fuck, if people knew, if you put them, monitoring of our environment randomly into the hands of the citizens. It's kind of why, when social media is powerful, its powerful, because its instant democracy, an opinion leverage against the powers that be and when you have deeply entrenched
things such as struggle for resources, climate deniers, people that I think are too far out about climate consciousness. Coming back to the center, I think, left to our own devices. Humanity tends to do the right thing, often enough to not destroy itself, which is a pretty good track record yeah, I think yeah. I think it's like calories on a menu. Let's just say that I loved this chain made pizzas and had a state in its title, and I went to get my favorite say that in my favorite, Hamas, which I was under the assumption, was a very caloric. We responsible decision until they putting the calories on the menu and I went oh no, no, no, That's insane! That's insane I'll have to run nine extra miles for the salad so similar if you knew that, like on fifty second street europe, fifteen parts per whatever end and I'm fifty six europe for well guess what you're gonna go there for years,
another weirdo moment which is so funny with life is one of our stops is the apartment that was the first place. I was in when I met Sarah jessica parker when I got my first job, tough turf before weird science and first born was in the city right before that, and I was like. Oh my god. This is where I came up in Hell's kitchen and now I'm here in this car during this show about this thing and they go. I think we went by the actual apartment and I go. It's alright just pretend scotland or react the same way as we know all that, and that is why a real occurs as yaller. You are making art of your lives and you are creating these in ass, a bleak, meaningful dialogues, your creating a informational playlist
and then I am sure the same way you ve been dreaming about me since you were fourteen were creating in the dream state. What kind of life too I wanna have we have all these fears and anticipations and particularly when something seemingly came together and became so popular so quickly out of something that seems so small? I think that would activate some fear. Like see other shoe going to drop. Was this and it's not, I don't think it's imposter complex or any of that, I think, is just cherish. And appreciating it's so much that it would be awful to have it now we now get over into we yeah, oh yeah you'll, be seventy five. I'm not worried and this one might be more like a year later. Really, if you know what you actually to be fourteen years too,
for the times when you're done timetables, it'll be out by penguin. It's going to be a great coffee table book. This holiday just go inside all together or you're, going to have to tackle some time tables. You don't want to like perfect digestion of food before you take a nap that kind of stuff just to fill out the book, but back to the show. so in this show. There are six episodes. You do a great great job, because if you just went and straight up did a car show that's a little confusing to me for you to be in it not to be now. I will in some way so I think, all the kind of christopher guest. Moment right of like acknowledging the world you ran in calling yourself out at times is novel and interesting in new. The most important thing I will say today is christopher guest. If any of us could approach the integrity and consistency that that guy has with his work, well yeah yeah, that's it! I also Jamie Lee courtesies, your partner
come out and she called out of nowhere and everywhere the time whatever was so cool? she's, a bad motherfucker. I mean that's what you call not just a power couple. Forget that that's a couple that we know where he came from. We know her lineage. They find each other there still functional and its weird thing of he's had all these wines and now she's having it's almost like a relationship with the homeostasis is going. That's all that matters. We just want to keep our little vessel, in this maelstrom of hollywood insanity and just stay ass. I may look. We should probably just do a who else is episode had actually read it with you? All have our group welcomes great, that's great, ok, so six episodes all your cars. You have this of noxious katyn purple pickup truck that? U turn electric and
rank the ones that I was nervous about. This was one of them. When you think of a truck, I mean, if anything deserves some big monstrous v a and had a big supercharged v, eight had to be various before you fight was bananas. When I got it at auction, it was bananas. I then modified it. I then senate to speed corps in the mid west, which is the greatest and they made. It is stomping beast and then in its third adoration we did this yeah, rich, been wall and electrified garage, I gotta say Elise aesthetically. Does it the best improvement for me of all the cars that went through the downy filter? Ok, I think it vastly improved the fact that it ultimately ends up towing, two hundred cut dollars in pounds it's hard to fuck, with that it's kind of a mic drop, sich yeah and by the way? That's why? I'm so glad were we sure what was going to be up one? No, it just seemed like the right place to
No it is, it are no. That was the absolutely perfect first episode. Truly the one that's hardest for me being from detroit. Knowing those gentlemen beer working within the programme when you bring the sixty five at an people, argo No, no! No! No! No! No, not now lava police. Yet without you from long island that would ensure that restoration company christmas, ilie dave weber, dream cars. They literally have placed cotton, there's another. We're part christmas early in my dad we're really good friends. That's how you know him yeah crazy. So you ve got this. Sixty five vat which is a unicorn? It's a survivor. It hasn't been restore. It was literally concourse level upon purchase, beautiful, beautiful car and Please do there are looking at this per barrel. I wonder as armies, basically saying like I hate your fucking guts for making me do this year.
his name dave, whoever table every year. Yes, clearly you guys have a wonderful oil and water vibe. That is comedies such a sweeter, but if you had been in front of him on the day he gave that stand up interview, he would have not who the fuck out of here we ve got involved you will. I would sidestepped gouged him redirect I get anything that you start with. An wing turn is something that you stop. It You have see bout because of other ok right, the other that here too the groin I gouging shots to the back of the head, the at the technical extraction, a detachment, What are you were reynolds model always in a bar, randalls multinational. Currently stick those ago still dick. Ok, the vat though this is probably the quintessential up a sort of the six because you're starting with the absolute most amount to push back imaginable,
then to the point where you can send it to the electric company whose bread and butter is converting cars to elect. They are like. Don't want to do this much good, they're all really worried about this, and I gotta say of all of them the one than I thought. You know what I would want that car really bad. It's the vat because shot of you cruising in that car, silently with the beauty of the car being what it is of all the american cars. That's it from six. the three to sixty seven, that vat is it and to hear you gently moving through the world and it still faster than the big one. Seventy one valid die or because, by the way at all the same to because I'm saying here will put a which one and I was like that and how he volts It was a million volt. I was like fuck their pushback is that I wanted to be. I called it like new york state,
I blew the whole wiser they're going Robert we've got some problems and the cars like you know. I think. If it's going to go to tone, I want kind of a I dunno like a creamsicle peeps. The focus is going to try to finish this car. I just have you guys seen the saline bag that just came out that guys aren't familiar with that's the only thing that just came out. It's like two blues are almost indistinguishable. Oh yeah, by the way I would get so crazy cause they'd have sent over a paint, chip and trevor's. Like some holding this up, I got why the lights on I mean I phantom thread trying to get through this. I loved that car that car turned out incredible and it's gotta be so fucking pleasant to cruise that thing on the pch on a sunday. It is by the way, just because the show's done doesn't mean we're done. You know some of these cars had to get
shape to be drivable functional could be a daily driver, some of them they could only get so much done. So the nice thing is now going back and saying right now. How do we make this? The very best version of this, some of them still needed power, steering because if extra wait added the vat reacting right now of them really had functioning air conditioning. There's one episode where, where driving all york the riviera right was yet, and I mean it was, however, is, but I will tell you of all of them the one that I haven't joy driving the most is the river. Really it is like an old, perfect new york taxi innocently went to sensual my generation supposed to be the car of the future. It's the one! That's this strangest and in some ways the least improved, even though it has a techy element on it. Yeah and that's my heart yeah. My heart is, I can go down a rabbit, hole of perfection and concord
and this in that, but I really want something that I agree when I sit in its getting little spaghetti wheels steering, but maybe it was just as we are driving at new york terming. That day was a desirable fearful and they used a ladder. Our dismay something he mind. This is helplessly even my meaning. That day I had a neck air conditioner. All my got a chance on where italy s arthur and the stance of children. I thought what else was cool was so one of the issues that I bristle against a bit with the environmental movement is the all nothing black or white. The shame mean the moral high ground really dramatic. Shit now frustrates me for some voices in the movement improvements not good. It's all or nothing. I think that's unrealistic. I think there's gonna be a trillion stages between here and fucking carbon.
Neutrality. They're all gonna get explored, we're not sure yet which one's gonna take. To be honest, the electrical cart there's problems. We don't have an infrastructure for the federal stations that were built are not being maintained by the states they're all in disrepair. You know, there's issues, revolutions are messy dogmatic. Often you get half of it wrong. I could give you a point for point critique of the e v revolution that I think it's a problem. Minimally, I would say it's more complicate. We also don't know what it's like to ride. On top of charged batteries. We know that the internal combustion engine has worked its away from us just the physical ramifications, just like it member the cell phones, people in getting the things, and then you know you start working on that. But anyway, yes, every solution has potential to create problems. I'm with you in that to me if everyone can just take it as a I'm leaning two degrees in this direction and I'm trying to move it an inch for me. Yes, based on what feels right, yeah, otherwise
don't think you would ever get any movement. If the ask is purity than average, I'm out was to insurmountable cat member at bigley junior love em. He has never not been the guy who's at one bleeding edge and then pick any one else and there at the other edge of conspicuous consumption, but at bagley right he's a realist. I was on a show of them for two years. He said to me: don't wash your peanut butter jar up to recycle it just throw it away. You actually spend more water, get an appeal or, like that's a realist, that's pragmatic human being that's living on planet earth. So the reason I say all that is a lot of these cars are not evie conversions, one that was really cool. Is your mother's mercedes that you guys turned a bio diesel took out an old fuckin chevy, probably a derm max out of some truck and then converted to bio diesel that thing's gonna be included
Yes, let me get the specks of most importance. Becky remember what is it smell like when you put your nose to the exhaust pipe fresh? a recycled. Ninety two chevy diesels six point two out of erect tahoe just before the duramax, but still great moors and thank you later diesel and converted to bio diesel learning how they make bio. Diesel was fascinating, there's so many great detours and- and I gotta say its sixty five percent car show, but it's also like thirty five percent tat show of what's out there. It's really fascinating, yeah and look. This was us when production was pretty sketchy, and you get folks together and also just making sure we had the right ideas but again tread dave lars lear, whose are director killed, it just loved him and it felt like a small group of people trying to communicate a big idea responsibly, but having fun yeah. Definitely, fine, good yeah! It's
therefore, in europe, an incredible host of it, I'm a fucking, your head and I loved every episode or one thing. I mention that I found to be impossible is the mushroom leather. I know so it is the leather. You would not be able to discern the difference between it and it's fucking mushroom in the whole interior of his corvette is mushroom leather and it looks beautiful and it goes to a real hide tanning place where it becomes leather and it's fucking mushroom. How cool like that's the shit where I'm like, if it's a guilt party, I'm out oh crazy, fun breakthroughs that you're gonna pay zero price to implement. Yes, let's double down on them. My silly. I'm now can be grown at scale. It really does make for good leather sincerity, packaging and by the way, Crazy thing is every one of these industries, the ones that have good operators and good founders are being brought to scale and the ones that don't are people who have a good idea. But, like me,
divested just kind of disorganized and just think that hey, we should start a mushroom leather company in order mean it's like the sea bt stuff. You know I'm in c b d, deep, ok, You know the do. You stands for deep. We used to think when we really broke down that the correct spelling was d e. U l D there DE elderly check my work as a garage. do what it is the oh, my god. I have never done this
hundred episode family owned by they re out. What be you are not going to play. We just pause for p programme for plugging revive had to piss since high before met my three minutes. We it's been urging giving me a chill out. Ok Bob said yes, try a third pair here, oh my god. I third I'm glad you haven't changed. Mike's, that's a big pain in the ass throwing neither have headsets might need a picture about yeah. I want to thank rob. I want to thank all of you for allowing me to work with three headphones there's a record. We, though you know he accommodate each other's neuroses. That's right! Part my thing is not what's my rider just. Is it ok, if I dont where the headphones? Is it? Ok, if I want to change the headphones and just to make sure that your good mommy can I change the
phones twice a day. I think, even if I may now, whereas funds slash, can I have all that I mean you're dancing around. What's really happened, which is you have all the headphones now cause you gotta have all because you're greedy, that meat will get back to this fucking stupid show yeah. Have you heard of emotional oh now- ok, emotional debt is there's four of us. There's eight slices of pizza. I need three and the thing that we do to rationalize that which will see it across the board and a bunch of different areas is that emotional that tells us that a divided by four gives me three, because you, Oh, did you get three because you have to have an emotional? You had an easy I'm allowed at his ease.
Start a little, but this is not in the timetables. President. I'm really has would like a phil stats level in breakdown of emotional there, nine years in emotional that just as a math issue? Really it's funny? You try to buy it for I'm. So sorry that you were lucky ascertain the meaning. Behind the pretty simple metaphor: I'm not at that level: yeah yeah, where this is like yoda I'll catch. You, though, I'm runnin I'm run as fast as I can never get your heels. I also need to men may lose their more on that I am an emotional, are downstream cars oh that look! I came here to promote both you have some securities and about how I'm going to read the remainder of the things you are involved with, which is getting about eleven minutes, and then I have literally one last question after this list. You have down either in cars June twenty, so you wanna try that again without an n dream
the cars down these green cars, as rightly your name, Robert Naomi. right, dream cars, Juno, Second undiscouraged slash max the sympathiser, so fuckin pump for the director from old boy, yet part time work and you play five characters well four, with a bonus, five wigs in three characters. I play a among many of them are displayed in the teaser, I'm so fucking, so it looks tremendous that it is the best representation of what happened encapsulated in a single real.
Since the first iron man yeah it's a tremendous teaser and of course I been driving you nuts for three years cause american prometheus is one of my favorite books and you're in fucking, oppenheimer, yeah god. Damn it is that fantastic killian. We interviewed him love him, what a great guy killian murphy he is so beyond exceptional, and also you know, what's really trippy, they used to be a show on tv called like man, moment machine about when the right individual. at a point in history came up with the right discovery and I could say the same thing about killing murphy and that he was perfectly disposed to have the relationship with criminal one to have this opportunity come up and to have the wherewithal the gift and the intestinal fortitude to
five making we ve been on some tough projects. I have never seen anyone have a bigger to lift in the history of my career. Why relayed and killing murphy playing oppenheimer? Why and I would say that, having played chaplain having been onsets, where other He brought her up against my lawyer, my turn as along his name. Do you remember? I know it was a body or something like this. You, by the way folks should watch that just to see a starts off he's not a great lawyer now and but little Already tolls is not a bad lawyer. He just has acquitted. It is a bit jackie say that I was a little nervous starting that movie with the caste and then finding out that the very first day of film in the very first seen
The very first sight of the scene will shoot is a two and a half page monologue by me to you and Duvall and by the way they dude. It was that day that I realise- and this is why I'm telling you you weren't, going for a laugh. Your character was fleshed out. The character was not dissimilar from you, but it was definitely created. You had references for the character and I think that's the best way. to come and do it in front of the things in the people you admire most and show that I'm either throwing in the pocket- or I shouldn't be on this team and by the end of that first day, devolved who sit on the fence about everybody, Yet, as you said, he and end up like you me- and he saw nor forget, don't fear goodies. Kid was greater than because we know I didn't remember why we had to redo that scene, but he's on the floor to kill his gripe. Great sort of. I love that your journey, while to film school, what a what
What's a major, is your devolves sound slightly like a mad man on a subway anything like devolved, but it might enter our devolve it does I like him. I reproach the major is honest. Ok, so and then of course, as we talked about it, I'm going to be doing all the blocking for it. Vertigo forthcoming, yet would seems impossible parry maize, mason you're producer and season two, we had Matthew reason to promote what a dude talk about. rhythm rhythm he's got it all that guy's feet are on the ground, He's the only person I've ever met from wales, but I then decided that's his welcome us everyone. There there's probably the greatest a reverse engineer based on that. Ok, we're not done guys now sweet tooth netflix season to you produce that yeah in people on others.
Produce this show this. Is it down and put out by the way I didn't even know John with as much yet. How could you wasn't we now? Let's give credit where credit is due. I make faces for catherine chicken. My wife produces actual projects. Now I could say that I was a producer thrown down his dream cars or on senior. I could say that with perry mason, but really all these things come down to people who know how to get things done, susan being one of those young assuming all of those in amanda who runs team downy with her at my behest. Another really important thing is titles or cheap, but I think knowing just because you can get a credit for doing something. You shouldn't convince yourself that that is actually skill set. You have a lot of producers to producers in hollywood. You see a lot of aims on those movies travers a real producer. I can tell us clearly. He has it
sing interest in it. He is more of a writer directed by the way, I'd like to think I'm a writer director, but at the right, gregson. Ok, here we are. This is my last question. I just read all those things here's where I'm going to suggest that I have gone through a similar experience that I think you've gone through and, in fact, while going through I realize so stupid it was. I never called you for advice, the amount of economic insecurity I have and what a fucking defect that is, and how much of my behaviour that his dream, is preposterous and so for me, was a like or the goals to make a shitload of money. That's it that's what we're here to do and then through so much luck. I got to do that and you did too in its of very weird experience. It's much different than I predicted, but what I quickly found out. Was I started doing all this stuff that I always wanted to do and bind these things I always wanted to buy, and then I just started feeling incensing slowly everything's becoming valueless, but on the
Other side of that was a weird commitment to the show. It was how oh we already got the bells and whistles where he got the crazy contract. So now, what's it about curious. It's always been about this one thing back to the drawing board. and ultimately I landed. Now we had this episode with Anna kindred in it. I did, and I went. Oh my god, that's what this is about. This is fucking insane, and I get to do this and now I'm starving again, because I re figured out stupidly what it's about. Obviously, ten years ahead of me on this path, but clearly you ve come to the same thing right, which is like why we doing it and why are we doing it harrison ford said it best monies important until you have it. That's clever answer that smart, concise way to put it, I'm not a smart, concise person, so mine is more. This really weird kind of deep dive into what is life doing and why,
Did I wind up here and why would I have set myself up to be disappointed by something that's illusory to begin with, so the real thing is not. What am I avoiding and wish me in your work? That's part of it, but part of it is also. How can I simplify things just down to the point where I really only feel good when and so what you're talking about? With that moment, with the glorious and kendrick? By the way, it always happens in relation and usually in an unexpected way, though, it should be completely expect boat with, experiences with people other than ourselves. So I think moving forward, particularly after the senior thing I was like. Oh I'm supposed to step out of the shadow. Now I'm supposed to be a writer director and go you know what dude you're having into another resentments under construction. Due to your expectations of what something is supposed to mean. Let's go back to the drawing board is, as usual I dont know fuck all
register by fax, I'm a dumb bracky if it Was that yeah be christmas, well. I've never heard that. I think the smartest thing I can keep reminding myself of is the best thing. That's happened to me in clarity and recovery is. I have surrounded myself with a healthier group of people in minds and certain things are out of the question, and then you get in this rarefied air of where you get to on occasion be at the bleeding edge of culture, ego whoa. What is that matter unless I use that access to get more of the same, because it was only in having those peak moments where I felt like okay now I understand what my purpose is not to chase it and not to be a moment junkie. You I want to honor the gift. You were given. No
like the footprint college, you're like ok, I got this crazy fucking give now. How do I honour that? Yes, I also tend to discount and minimize everything which is also part of the journey, but there's this thing called the town of leadership and the person whose lived it most closely to anyone. I've ever honoured is guy richie, very specific, directing style very, not trying to control but anyway came down to this in some ways by doing nothing, everything's accomplished and also by helping others, all of our goals are met. Those are o connor intuitive, just those two things be because First of all, is the surest of all. Only to do so then they all the others. The fuck is mine. Those are my broken, neglected, trial, screams and then the truth is the antidote to both of them rise.
well, I'm making a commitment that I'm going to ask for your vice more. I can only do it public jellied, your documentary with your dad. I can only do the right thing if I know I'm being recorded. I am hell bent on finding something to direct you in a because it would be so funny stopping production, so you and I could razzle this point. Rather, I would just pox out and give you a chin check. All your fucking testosterone would be of no benefit you're not going to use all your tools, though, because you gotta keep me camera ready. That's an upper hand. I got him to do in the fucking eye. Gouges. If I got a big scene. Next is going to be locks and socks, brother dunno, the character- maybe it maybe it'll yeah set the mme world just all terrains continuity of bruising and healing. I thought he broke his nose enough. I didn't realize I popped out. I love you Robert. I moved down here from Michigan and there's been a handful of really delightful things that came from that and meeting you, the guy. I dreamed about
My whole life fully lived up everything, I would hope- and I just feel very plus. I don't even know how to let that happen talk about that some other time playing you, those weird videos, ok great friend, it's a perfect time for monica trying the been dreaming about you just since last night, but I expect wow. You continue and regime rob. I'm close intolerance if you're gonna get over my wife or fourth table leg here today, MR new thanks trevor great job on downstream guard for real for real effect that upside down. These Draw me dream dream. Car guys are great thanks for coming. I love you. I love you, I love you. I love you. I hope to be an eighty five and ninety five wrestling. So one day bone snapping like fuckin pencils, artists, robo loomis do here
I've got a robot. Is your becky things or hot? and stay tuned for the five shock, so you can hear all of that our wrong the cake by the count, oh pound, your computers, cutting off pounds wearing a sweatshirt that says cake by the pound, but from here I just see cake by the ocean as naturally what I would expect yeah it's by the pound, and I think it means ass. What cheeks or asshole, like all like big ass, take by the path I wish you know when I wish I had a big ass. Sure, where we all do you? U daganu exactly all I do is focused on my cheeks when I work out I'll meet you there. doing anything with waits, it's about the but punished by its earlier beyond soothing ryan says,
well yeah yeah hm, oh my god. So what cake is the slang for it or take by the pound is about as the whole They give rise, juicy asked cheeks and Also I love cake. It's a double love. I wrap hound proverbially about it, I'm not supposed to either by the pound anymore. Well, we don't know that Yes, you have an indoor followup, trig less. In fact, I have another, insane sim. Yeah there's somebody glitches. Eric is right. There are so many so much so the I got kind of panic, the other day you do, I did I actually are fearful. I did I slipped into a ten minutes. I put myself out, but a ten minutes. I was lying in bed feeling that this
really is real. My life is really nasty. I started to really get nervous yeah, oh boy, I know, but let me tell you about that's. Ok, so what were now on roma, but I'm gonna cost is important for the same. okay, everyone! I it heard it I I wonder what is really important, because I spend all day basically talking about. My high collar right, always sir I've always the best bet. I told you about it. We recorded it with the whole of anger and member. I was gonna, be sober kind of not sober. Just lessen my alcohol right. I can't remember the goal we set for you, but it was it where we're going to have it the problem is we never really set the goal because the goal was to lessen, but then it was to be normal that we could test my normal, and I actually agree with that.
To keep. Everything is as it had been going. Yes, except is hard to do that, it's hard to not affect your behavior. Knowing so what happened? Is I had a dinner plan last day with Elizabeth Mandy nobody's listening right podcast, my fair pike asked. Yes, I had a drowned. Do them round. Three reprieve said he soon Oh my gosh yeah, it's your eggs now, so we have dinner plans, but Elizabeth also isn't drinking right now because of a a, not a health thing. Okay, so I thought well, Elizabeth, not drinking so I am not going to drink. We normally do yes, but I'm not going to because she's not so great. So I know I won't be drinking tonight at Houston, Houston, yeah! Listen! I who you recorded when we recorded that's a fun upcoming. Yes, we were recording fun stuff for the future. Yes, it was really fun, so we recorded and then after we recorded, we walked home. We were while I was walking home and she walked
with me and she decided to skip walk into her house and walked to the starbucks to do work, so she was walking the hallway with me. We were chatting we were in our you know. We were in our zone which we get into and were saying we were yep. We were synced integrate bandwidth bunnies regulators that delay there really shine a spotlight on the air, so we're walking away. We pass all time and I see as she looks over and where she is mid talking and I see her like starting the sort of slowed down, but she still talking and and rockingham all of a sudden she said: do you want to get a glass of wine Oh yeah! I guess you well, they ve been talking about that. Neither of you see is also not drink. Yes, airlines, not drinking during these enabler. So what now at sea
He had already accused me of being in an able, or earlier that day tee in front of you here I own I drink when monica went on with her- and I said well now- oh yeah, that now anyway, I of course all time and of course, that fuck I really we just if you just get one, but I kept it to myself- I didn't say it didn't want to be in a neighbor okay, but she said it and then, when she said I said yes, yeah. That's why we're friends with you know! That's why you're you're friends with jazz friends with you, I know I know, and all three of us drag you into situations that you wouldn't normally otherwise be kind of like I think you drive ministrations. I wanna be in yes yeah, so You know what I mean I just don't want
over emphasise the bad mass, I'm not from you me me, I'm just pointing out you're like a german, your attracted the fire bobo. which is so not like me. The email was because you were you've been playing it by the rules and then it's these weird unicorns pop up and it's like oh they're, breaking the rules, it seems breaking all you know. the judge is breaking all. The rules is much anymore really not as much and he has to say No to me a lot of heat yea. Only sometimes I have to use tokens. We have a token system. Ok, but originally you did love that any time you call justice, let's get a drink, see was there. I think that makes it sound like I'm using people for alcohol, I'm not sure, there's a few people that I really like getting drinks with
cause. We had tons of fun when we do it like if Jess says no, I'm now to the next person to see who will get drinks with me or then the next or that it's not like. I just need the because I can also just drink wine. My house near you and I will but you have stable. I have two people that I love to get drinks with, who ana and Jas? Oh, okay, not liz, oh well, liz, yes, but she sometimes doesn't drink right, but then her and I will do other things like a cures or frazier eggs together, you have here. Do you talk to us, but not hikes any you? Oh I'm getting after a cohesive so because poland we did it, we went in employees had wolf one glass, we can limit it to one glass here. So we sit down is cute, so cute patio out there and the sun had just come out.
Sure letting you know that you're in the right place exactly up the universe, It's been so gloomy, but a winter you when you walked in for that. Why that's right, and so we got- one glass and we were drinking it and then some patrons do come in one girl, jessica, woman, who I know came in and she said, hey monica and I haven't seen her in a while, and I said How are you- and she said- I have high cholesterol, but I just lab and as an outward joke like or in your mind it somehow already aired. No, so so this other girl, woman, curly woman this little baby girl, your memory and Francesca had already a friend I already know had come over and I already told her about me
cholesterol. Try glossary while how well do you know her pretty well. Ok, now well we'll talk about it. So then she went and set out in just goes meeting her. Ok, so you assume she had filled in exactly, and so I laughed and even heard about that and she was like what and they said, wait are you kidding and she and she was like. No, I- and it was very- it was all very confusing. It turns out. She had just found out. She had high court same doktor, now
yeah, but rogen or is like he's, got some side deal with some company theater like what's going on, so that was just a crazy sam, listen! I finish our wine glass. We do good. We stick to the one glass. Of course I want more, but I didn't get more good job. I go. I get ready. I go to meet Elizabeth and andy for dinner. Knowing I'm not going to have any alcohol and then you know we sit, ever comes up and says steed as one and drinks other than water, and I looked at lisbon. I said you're drinking range. it is it I'm gonna drink Now that I, as I guess, we're gonna have drinks other than other more water. I immediately kate and I've been. Is it ok but just want? one and she was all saying to Andy, like I'm just gonna walk.
And so we we ordered wondering I told them. You know I also was maybe not gonna during because I have high cholesterol and she said I have high cholesterol just and our way way way way way. Lou yoda centred. Yes, yes in the pan. he's going to see this zone or that drastic we gotta find out. I know because it maybe there's a lab thing. That would be crazy. I know Elizabeth homes from their given up bad lab results, but none of them were as as mine notice. You guys all compared number yet at that point yet and you're the leader, none of them had grown ideas right issues. Only me slightly higher But what does it all andrea Y know? But if she's all fucked up not credible three in one day: that's pretty! While I know the jug, the doktor the same time, nobody around
only when we were comparing days and was all around the don't you think they, like the seventh person there owing to say, were worried about your tremulous rides. They might go This is inordinately high. Ninety nine percent of the people who we have tested recently have high cluster. Well, do you think? Maybe that's why my doctor said we need to redo air? they used a panicking. Maybe he thought we ve tunnel. Is me alsatian, just read do it, Yes, what are we waiting for? What was gettin there today? because I want to unlike clean owl. You ve got another lab. Do you just far? I was just my lazy by making a weird noise. Five zero a year annoys. Edges are well in your body move in a way that looked like he released a far well. What's weird, is I just moved
meda noise on my chair. The satellite is as follows: suddenly broke him very new chair. Has you gotta get third lazy, pointless small space or their rows of lazy boys like movie theater, I guess did know and we always forward for summary there weren't, isn't it the ban or where it allowed the us throwing that authoritarian or something back come to our wacky world of lazy. So there might be a big either in the same or in the the system. Maybe oviedo class action lost my new place that you love this I live in an open up there. On the inside his arose, glassdale so bad. I would love. I would love to be a pirate. class action law suit. Their house paid for by that tabled class action Surely split noah, so many people to the point of the big there.
We all get a million. Oh now, as a whopper. He I now have had some friends with some more medical equipment that failed in their body and you didn't get eight million ok, but he didn't know how I do a lawsuit because he didn't do a class at the time like I says I probably makes a difference yeah anyway. So that's the update is it's everywhere. It's out there. Liz has just the current high cholesterol summer school girl, you or your sexy yeah yeah do. I goes all maybe each of them. like a zoo or papa, read in the paper or it's in the air. It's airborne! Oh airborne, cholesterol, condition! I don't I don't know, but I ate a baked potato, even though I was not sure I should do that, use these. What did you get? It uses baked potato and that's it and the council it and why?
one glass of god. With wine water bottle of wine. Ok other thing, last time, two times, if I went to the doktor, when I saw my guy now, my you guys are also on the east side. She said she asked me about my drinking and I said I drink a lot. I was very clear with her dear. She said: ok, how much nicer a lot- and though you scared, I well know she said- ok is like day and am really eyes have never been I say to you and she said how much at a high brides- and I said- well normally like to go ass it is sometimes through, but normally too, which is correct and she said, that's actually fine, oh glue. She said for women and girls
those are going to college like general, previously had to go to general medicine before she specialised, and she's have for women it's more about the amount at a time like binge drinking. The big problem, so she said to is actually find oh great yeah. So then I was like I'm doing gray, but maybe she didn't you will not. Maybe she definitely didn't know about my six hundred clearly are you on my journey as I was when I gave up now, but I would have been gained or all they might put me all. You have to be very honest. You, minister, podcast about being alive. I'm a hundred percent higher everyone,
they make me. Ghana and I'm gonna tell him. I don't want to go on, but they might make me I don't want to get on it I'll, be like ninety pounds and work, and I want to say yeah, because that is a shame e four people, but I don't think I'm so still look like. I have ninety pounds. No! No, but if, if I was on that you could good animal you think I used to be ninety. What age high school I acquired their high fire days. You can use a le, maybe I was like minded to, but I was if you do go on ozone book journey such a lie anywhere and as a maybe pickup pie. Fine again, making out the new light weight. I don't think you're a model, Stability is up to par or your fear level deadline on my fair level, and I don't think olympic helps with your accessibility ability, after probably does like aaron everything,
well, the problem in Aaron's life has been cured by Missouri. No, no, that's true! No! It's not! Oh here's. The thing that cured he sent me a picture of his leg the other day and he said dad. Can you even believe this. He hasn't had heron his legs for ten years. No air carrier that all fell out kay need just assumed it was gone. It is all grown back circulations way better and wider and he's like tat. Look. My fucking head grew by it and then I m some. How many iq points of view gone up to now. It has long running thing about all the things that affect their air is dead. Came there There the lie like an attic, be graduated. Again loud air from your them yeah, because you brought up the other day to upcoming s easter egg, and
I kept it to myself, but since he has brought it up again, I was on the sam summa only gradually to fail because you say magna's it's like the top. No, I note the middle wrong about the three but the third one again just come on earlier, but I was with you as a super commissioner, but I guess I don't u graduated not. I was because I dont really. I can't even imagine one title I would, if I had to george We should have seen four point, four, that platinum, cum, laude, four point: four: a fourth point for a moment to do so Eric It's not even true, even if I like, even though thought georgia was aware school, but I dont think that. If it were worse. I wanted on work as I did they got harder. I d better. It is easier. I do worse and I'm just
I'd be real about our both of arctic greece. If I'm talking to someone who studied o cam organic chemistry, that's right. I call oakum things going on. Climb, so yeah, but will or of chemistry bit than opium, is in there and then also my friend how to take it for even p tee. If you're doing those things, I think the school matters like as far as how hard it is hum and engineering. stuff. Yeah. I see your point, but I will say half of my answer suffers physical anthropology, which is both. The skeletal system biology. It was your much biology ere! I haven't taken organic chemistry, so I can't really compare how hard physical anthrax
is to organise, is now over social science is. My brain is very adept for that. It is not for ok, oh cam, so if I was setting something where I had to take all of those classes, a hunter I said I would not have graduated summa right right right right and oh cam sounds like old, miss roll tide. None of what you just said went together at all and it would have felt like it did. Yeah we'd have to meet during the same thing to to know, but I do think that we didn't major in so opposite of that. things that we don't know. Also, I feel like you, you probably didn't really care just wanted to do well to to learn
I that's true, and I was there. I do well right right, so that's worth minds worse modestly, legates, but much better to go and why learn and do well. I knew I was never going to use my degree in any field. Like most people were there, because there that was the career path. They were starting with whatever degree they thought. Would land them there and I was in a weird situation whereas, like I, I knew what didn't know I wasn't going to take acting and that's all was gonna. Do then a I? I thought pert for me that that would be a boy degree. I didn't think I wanted my mom to savanna motto. Sense! If that's gonna be your job, that's cannot bullshit. It's exactly how to learn how to do your job. They didn't that was gonna, be a job them or no. I do not mind. Think. I need to learn how to do it. You see, I I wanted to take those years and learn about a lot of stuff. I didn't know. I am, I think,
market and argued there's a lot less to know about acting than there is about the total history of man on planet, I am. You know that I believe in acting school in higher early on its own I'd, I've worked with people that did both and I haven't seen some crazy pattern. That's undeniable that if you ve been trained your this good and if you haven't been trained you this good idea and get the ponds some of our favorite actors have never taken an acting. So because of that not that's Alex some of our favorite biologists didn't go to school or our faith in our half of our engineers in his good engineering scare? So I just think it's? U notes it's a little relevant that fact that The best in the world did you study, meissner for sure. you're, but I'm saying if you're interested in this field- and that is what you wanna do ultimately with your wife
but I was interested in writing in performing right and not studying the do. You know tat. You could have double major like I'd. Well, and I took all these film history classes. As my electives at the end, and I thought oh, I would have really loved this yeah yeah yeah now this is for it's all relevant Film aren't you know this is robert downey junior my god, bob D, J yep, oh boy, yeah pepo, be good to be the boy, sell, fun question for you observing me yeah, I'm such a fan, yeah, that's very obvious right. When I talked to him. Do I mean? Yes? Yes, you say it is there. Is there a dynamic that you observed that felt at all different or unique or anything the dynamic is Jeff.
a little in that you obviously have reverence for him, but it's a different kind. Then let's say letterman: the true you also have reverence for I'm aware of how much I cherish yeah but is an interesting feel. Yeah. Definitely has a thing that may be feels a little different, but not in a bad way. I don't think passion, as it over me as well, like no matter how the cost, like no matter how close I get to Ashton, he will always be this unicorn that arrived in my life and gave me the thing I want my god I'll never go away, even though peers and were equals. There is always a part of me that he was the man on horseback that arrived in pulled me of my nine years of trying set me somewhere where I was able to now so
His position is we'll always be. Very elevated in my mind have that make sense yeah. I think it definitely make sense. I guess I I'm proud of you that you don't feel like threatened by the. I guess I would expect. Maybe you to feel like you don't like that, you don't like it balance like that. But so I guess I'm proud of you that you do and I disagree, I don't think you should have. I think you should, of course, love Ashton and have a relationship with him, the friendship, ship and equal friendship which we have right. You can be grateful. Of course, so he gave you this opportunity, but to like play some above you, I don't think you should. this is what I mean like. If either of us ever fell over the side of a cruise ship and we were out there for ten hours. you are you and asked. Do you- and I owe you or I open- were
we're. Treading water for ten hours were getting cold. Its knight tat, word die. Ah, in a boat shows up in that life right that gets thrown out you when you see that be. That is the most grateful your benda, something in your life almost a year is that life raft that was thrown at you and so he is, will always be that life raft that was thrown to me here. I think I think that's beautiful I think you were talented and it was gonna happen and he The limelight or no minor role that finally we can disagree, but I believe that I I dont place that analogy. I dont think I think it would have been somebody else's boat soon, after
but it did help that the status inequity was enormous. It was also the first like yeah ultra famous person that I was friends with yeah in the first glimpse into the whole thing, the first time at a set, because he invited me back. So it's funny to me, because I get that's kristen for me right, but I dont have out with her she's a very real person to me and because of that, I'm not ever looking at her like you, while this status or you I'd I'd just seer as this person. I love this. Frazier, sure sure tonight the others have faded out. Once you really know someone I for me yeah. So I I have space for both things. It's like you've seen me around ash and it's not like I'm tiptoeing around, and I ask him if I can refill his drink, there's like no status inequity when we're in the nor was there from the beginning. He treated me like, oh, my god, you're so tiny.
Today, I believe you have a ban on the shit you're gonna save my show that, like he was ever here doing under the cargo. Oh no! I now yeah, but the spear and was so heightened an elevated and felt like. I was in a movie that this person would be focused, on me and taking me around town and take you meet a basketball games and take him into his agency knew how to represent this guy, like that all felt like pretty woman like this just blew into my life, any any just took me with them, and so, no matter how equal. We are, hold under both genome, saying that I can still see the cycle Miracle arrive, my lawyers, I think, that's like he had wings on his back or something or yet it will
yeah pieces? I totally agree with and relate to then, and then it I think you you'd, take it to a degree that I I don't know sure is definitely, of course, he's gonna always hold a very special. Place, and I can remember how I saw just as I now see him different. I still have very clear reason how I saw on it's kind of life I remember meeting carry at a party and being completely knocked on the ground Now I have five and a half years of memory of just davy nimby normal, but I will always remember seeing her party in her green felt pants going in school on monday, finding out what class she was in going into her class in the dead middle of the class and handing her a piece of paper and said, your boyfriend's number is six. Eight five yeah blah blah blah possible. All we certainly be exactly what it was. Even now I got no
Can I say something that might be. I hope it's not offensive voter. I really really armenia. I think this is them the beautiful part of an adequate I think it's the heightened every meal heightened Now I want no vaguely pittsburgh. I think it's a great thing. I don't want to miss construe. It is like a lashes, attics behavior, I mean that's why attics are wonderful, because the world is really sparkly No, it's expires at the end. That is incredible. Levin catch, like you came you can hold on this matter times ass, the aperture. So I think it's that, like you're able to cannot connect in to those original
the original. Yes, I wonder if that's even part of what goes on physiological with an attic which is like the member he gets so cemented in my mind, like crystal clear, yes, that you will chase that memory, yeah yeah, I wonder if it does give imprinted differently, explain ought as carry of ones saw me bree as well saw her this party with nate. It was like what is yeah like, if I'm looking back on. Memories like that aid, remember like a list, is openness. I remember- and I am I remember the feeling, but it does it. Not the same. Might my body doesn't go through the the chemicals again
it just remember like oh, that puts a good are all like. I was so tingley here, but but I'm not back their right and I think you can I go back there are doing so. Would you call anyone telephone that's a big finally figured out about annex as they could have some unease about common. Adding on your way. Easy. As a call back early hours is Maybe I am out of its aspect: yeah yeah, I think so. Ok, facts
that's so use said, quote its horse milk, the way the mongolian used to do it, and so that's cuckoo mess horse milk coup. Miss is a ferment. A dairy product traditionally made from mare, milk or donkey milk. The drink remains important to the peoples of the central agents. Deeps of dusty BP. Here here is a steps. I so ok, I of turkic and mongol origin yeah. Well gang is con- was up in mongolia on the steps of the mountain side, nuts and that all brings out, but what made them so fierce his warriors as they were travelling with all their sources of everything, so they didn't have to have a supply lines. They lived off the horses. They rode in their diet, was almost no carbohydrates of the big part of that gangs. Convoke, which was so
phenomenal is their physical fitness verses their opponents, who are just rice, and they were like all hopped up on donkey milk. In me why they had like us, crazy, high protein died and they were thin and had good energy. You know tat s right. Well, a bright did have some other that document, I decided, donkey, montalais leather gums here. Don't be gone, but the phone, my phone rang middle. We owe you you couldn't really here the ring you just hear him say: do you need to get that delivers boughs and maybe just bought boxes, and I said it was the as president lies, and so I have to be clear- that it wasn't could apply it could have been. I was sort of awaiting a call from the vice president sounds like a bit, but it's not it's. Ok, you see
You were robert devolves lawyer in the movie, but I thought he was Robert devolved, devolve, I'm views. We were on illegal team. You all. So they first came and got me as a lawyer. As I recall I haven't seen in ten years, but you're became and got me out the town royer and then once downy, who is a great lawyer from Chicago, saw what a bad job I was doing here. involved. Ok, so you are on the same team that may I say, sat at the table all day. Long in the movie reminds. Would die involved, that's round the next table over was Billy Bob, it's a great movie in york. Here Name is c p kennedy no idea, we just interviewed so many in this person. We just interviewed, knew the name of all their characters. They've ever played over the last thirty years, they've done way more movies. I I that's like the first time, I'm hearing that name
cpq? I thought it was like buddy or something me too, but it was cp kennedy. Oh, I wonder if they gave me a different nickname on the day maybe cp kennedy the arrows. seeing the peace and well I've tried to look that all fake yeah you're, the guy who wrote that script wrote ozark. Oh, that was his next project, was also cool. Do becky building yeah building Becky great behind the scenes story. Building back, he was ahead hunter in kansas or something older allow had been trying right for years, some adoption by god, sent a script by him. He happened to read it. He had done all these rewrite. The judge, couldn't get their decided last ditch effort, I'm going higher this guy, who got a script from kansas to do this on the cheap, Well then, he turned in the judge which got all these great. He, I think, he's ism.
William thing, since there are turning around how long was robert sentence three years, But how did you get it, sir, in the three years, but that was the centre cause. He said he was over Senate to yes, but I would agree that wouldn't happen today. We don't tender. Criminalize addiction is. Hourly yeah Oh it's hard. As you know, he definitely said that we eat do wonder woody have gotten sober without that everything inside who would now Well you didn't say I shouldn't have been sentenced me just that I was over oversight antsy third year, one year I'll. Never- yet when it gives you norman superfine. I remember when he got out. He was on the cover of this magazine. Minimum details so love detail here me to cause man than on course, and
was like jacked credible. Yes, you like really worked out the prison when he got out. He was Blah knows I only got downeys barf passed down, yes, yes, yes, ice, vaguely. Remember I'm american tanked americans at an arrogant like tat to all that's what it is I can see from here that make sense. Does he have kept by the pound? He eats cake by the pound, Ok, you said that christmas, who directed senior also directed american home but it's actually called home movie or movie yeah yeah gipsies glad you corrected the year s budget he has in Emmy my I heard again why tremors rights
the communist member they're coming, I yesterday allowing all Plus most friends are flying high. He said he has an emmy for something and he doesn't, but he was nominated for ally mcbeal. He didn't win, though he didn't win. Okay, okay, you said, look at the top ten movies of all time and it's virtually all marvel okay, so top lifetime gross that we can. I guess you know I like to do that yeah. You love it yeah, yeah, of course, for one avatar, yep avatar, one yeah. So that's not marvel right, but that's the top. Three are James cameron. I think the second avatar to yes is a no okay attack age of ultra, whatever vendors adventures, endgame ventures and ngos, to ok sorts avatar, adventures and game, then avatar to ah avatar the way of water, ok,
then another of injures nope. Oh what titanic boys? cameron marvel cameron, cameron dangers. Now, oh my What is it go ahead and remove doing a bad job? Okay, so number one avatar number, two avengers endgame number three avatar the way of water. This just reminds me about Matt, oh yeah, and how much money you lost. Okay, one avatar, two avengers endgame three. Avatar, the way of water for titanic five star wars episode, seven, the force awakens six offenders, infinity war, seven, spider man, no way home, eight jurassic world, nine, the lion king, ten, the offenders soaring for tat morning
burn all spiderman marvel. Yes, spider man down he's not in marvel man, James cameron, we share, o he's a go. Why am I got, is very prominently featured in the sports in anger documentary that just came out. That's great! I really he had three partner and that flakes it's really good Top gun maverick number twelve die here. What's its total people, one one point: five billion frozen to shoot at present he was thirteen courageous gaps, political frozen, one is Oh, do not gonna like this. Next power has become similar do our domestic and world debate that we loved all the time but in those days I get a job, It is relevant like you ve gotta, if you got a box office, my John you do adjusted every box office mojo here
and you're doing a great job, but there is also an option to do adjusted so ticket prices for gone with the wind or forty five cents, right, they do then gone with the wind is up if not above avatar Oh really sets the most successful movie ever and then you'll see titanic will take up. I bet you to the number two spartan, if adjusted for inflation whenever Do that adjusted that the whole thing recalibrate I've gotta, just that if you want what's the adjusted joint at twenty nineteen ticket price or twenty twenty three take a price in whatever? murmured can't do twenty three, so number one is gone with the wind star wars, ah the seventy seven version, the first one yeah yeah yeah, then send of music. Ah sound a music, then he tee tat titanic ten commandments, jaws
turning to the congo is of argo. The exorcist snow white! Well, that inflation AL changed little complicate things. Ok! Now you joked that he produces our showing does that the right, although we would sell him mistaken it for the right price, how much a billion for one person valuation of one hundred billion dollars That's pretty good! That's all! well, I was very special episode. Yeah me, anne for you tat for us all. I love you maybe well go with god. May the force be with you ah
all of these things. You're saying from the movies that were you just listed o be well yeah, that's from something that's from gone with the wind as from gone with the wind and then have a good day was sound of music. Oh yeah and I love you was also from, is, I gave up.
Transcript generated on 2023-08-08.