« Armchair Expert with Dax Shepard

Jimmy Kimmel Returns


Jimmy Kimmel (Strike Force Five) is a talk show host and podcaster. Jimmy returns to the Armchair Expert to discuss how much the attic hasn’t changed in five years, what it’s like working with his competition on a podcast, and how much of a temper he doesn’t have. Jimmy and Dax talk about the state of trout fly fishing, what they think being retired from show business means, and how much they appreciate a good standup. Jimmy explains that he doesn’t accept comparisons to other talk show hosts, what he would ask Trump in an interview, and how long the text messages from his dad are. 

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Well. Come welcome. Welcome to arm chair expert, I'm dan, rather an m joined by Diane sawyer when one day only what a powerhouse moreall out about die. and sawyer by proxy. From reading the MIKE nicholls I now look. Does she have a biography or out of anger? because then you could cross reference. I would love there, I'm now very interested in her yeah or a beast lotta b she's, not our guest, sorry, but close, say moral yeah jimmy camel Jimmy camel nice. Nice boy the person I want, fatherly validation from I love them so much. It's been five and a half years since he was here kind of crazy. I feel like I've probably done his show like thirteen times in five years. Would somehow he's only had to do this one twice, but it was so fun.
To have him here and we got to talk a lot about his new podcast, which is called strike force. Five great fuckin name. Who are the five on the strike force. Well, we got stephen co where we got jimmy veil and we got jimmy camel seth, myers and John Oliver. It's a party, that's a group right than what a group good luck and accurate litter they have a sharp sword. If you want to enter that right now, thanks! Well, I think he is Our of all sorts Jimmy came off. My eyes My ear please enjoy he's,
certainly been out there for five minute range or illegal logging, either that his prostate does a man, for it is only by hearing of the territory that's gotta, be a nightmare for a female to become like and like it's gonna get fixed. We have to get better about offering the other bathroom as a just in case the boys says remember. When general ortega came on, she said she thought she had the poop. well right here, she's, like I thought, was going to shit my pants and I was like well, do you want Oh in is not liking. Earlier on this subject, I observed
yeah made me like her immediately. I agree you're gonna be deal, and somebody is now pull in any punches, either going to be honest and tell you what the really starting right my weight. Of course, there is a point at which it becomes a little bird thing. It's much sometimes yeah. We don't have that line. Wonder though, if in a group of girl, like, certainly when a group of guys it's getting fowler fowler and at some point like I'm out on that that got to gross even among dudes. I wonder if her women pushing like that or someone finally steps over the line, vote you like your tongue, I owe my own wish. It might be, as we play with me what you know like those that someone for whom it might be in me, and I think there are now probably mean you're going out with you too, and if you have a recognised the fish- the table, yeah yeah say my wife does not like any real discussion of any of that she does. She doesn't know at least
her. Have you drilled down into it, like you said, do you think I'm gonna not be attracted to you have gone even further? I t. Do you think that I believe this story that you never move your power or the only newman on the plan. In fact, the law It's two women I've dated in a row are the only two women in the world who do nothing. Wow yeah! Isn't that great cause? It's just self cleaning, maybe something about being with you really tightens things like your vacation. For someone like that I'd be the last person you will want to meet about opposites attract then they sure do. How long have you guys been together? Molly and I have been together while we just had our ten year anniversary this summer of marriage of marriage, but you were dating for a couple of years before that, okay, so twelve plus years, she hasn't gone once rather that the longest relationship you know, culling remarried out of my mind,
right well, I was technically married for fifteen years, the first time, but we were married but trying to get unmarried for the last two years of that I guess you're, coming up on a tying your record or get a tacit she'll be thrilled to hear what I may. I hope the party yeah haven't here. I want to point something out because I have to say I'm a little bit surprised. It's been your house from time to time. Usually item we come over here. I got an email from you, the first time as on the show, which was like five and a half years ago, you were the third episodes in india over five and a half years in the EU, I said this is a concern. actions zone, and I got the idea
it's a google email, five and a half years later I mean it wasn't word for word identical guy you're working on the same project. Well, you know they say the journey is more fun than the destination wife is like. This is zope on there's dreams. Do that minds all the time. Often I go to take my kids to school and there's three work: trucks behind me and then I blow my gasket or you would love this story. I have one timers plugged into some thing for the christmas lights last year, and I got some chargers for my vehicles and everything and I go on. He knows it's all unplugged constructing as if unplugged all my stuff, and then they were running a line over to the thing I really lose. My an early in the morning, I'm screaming three hours later. My eye or those guys, an apology. So I looked guys, I'm so sorry. I was feeling very right. It's not your fault! I make this long apology and the funniest thing was. I noticed on their face, there's so much more in common
what this than they were the yellow like just start yelling together. This is so uncomfortable you being vulnerable and apologizing is only at the barn. You build that's beautiful hunger that take at this long word, five and a half years. Also this attic it was in a state of disrepair and it seemed to be you refinishing. The attic it to be less finished now than it was to revive plus years ago. Exactly are things hang in there amid this place is a massive jonah. There is our whole, as you can see, we ve added so many knick knacks around that we hope all those distract you you ve added chairs that look like somebody put them out on the curb I think you're going on at us, and I want you to be very honest about what this chair looks like it looks. Comfortable is what it looks. It's also the single biggest chair, that law
lee tomlin was not sitting in that I've ever seen. I'm so glad you noticed that, because when it arrived, I bought it off the website, la Z, boy, dot com and I'm like. Oh, I love that print I couldn't sit there anymore cause. My back was sweating too much against the leather fabric, and then it arrived. I'm like this is a big and tall. My feet. Don't touch the yeah. There's like a six eight four hundred pound guy chair dia- this is a tlc reality show chair. Yes, maybe even a shark tank chair as well like steam percent of americans can't fit in a lazy z. You genders is a two million, no and eighty nine percent of the company- I guess so stress when they want that person into the company yea. I know it's like these. People have been working, you're, just gonna write a check and taken almost the whole thing on your pig should be called pig tank, zipping o my lord, so I listen to strike force five. This morning, our new podcast europa, Kansas high cas game, now give temporarily
What's it can be a bigger conversation. I want to share with you it regardless. First inform us about strike force, five feel like it says something really nice about our current culture that the five of you get along on and have like come together, we wouldn't be able to imagine this scenario between leno in letterman, even going back to what I was on the radio. And you go in our market and you would instantly hate everyone. You, computer against you know these people them. You thought they were terrible. If something bad happened, you would cheer yeah yeah you pray of them and get arrested before you know what happened is the first one was kind of a mess. When I see the first one I mean the strike and there are few. Thus were around back then, who remain? but that there are like two factions of holsters. I go west coast and in east
Houston only John stewart was communicated with both provide. So anyway, Stephen Colbert thought it would be smart if we had a weekly zoom to talk about our we're handling, things etc, and it became like the highlight of my weak and it would sometimes go. four hours as the strike went on longer and longer we thought. Maybe we should do something with this and make some money on it and give it to our staff and that's been successful. People seem excited about year. It's wonderful and I had heard about it before was upon cask, as I had been, as was talked about on the first episode I had been on Seth's family trips. Pod can wait and when I was hanging with him cause we were in Martha's vineyard. He was telling me that he does a weekly zoom with you guys, and I thought this is really lovely and so different from anything in the past. It's fun first, it was like how you gonna handle is, and then there it became no reason for it at all,
There are no business disguise. I first was thinking. I wonder if we could put this on tee v, ger well right, then that didn't seem air. We demand a great the strike. Obviously so a little confusing, though what its breaking the strike is. Would you agree? I have a pretty good sense of it. He kept promote stuff, that's on even here can promote a movie, ok, so the coming out. So I shall lay just signal because people are hysterical lunatics who love to dad lonely much as they possibly can we not promoting anything we're just friends chatting here. That's right, I don't watch any of my shows. That's what we urge people you can listen to. Your pack asked yes, not holding a day in category. I guess the confusing part, me. Is mothers many compete? imports, but one is, I totally get not promoting a new movie that make sense you gotta punishes, but, like all organism is like we're. Gonna pretend I don't know
jennifer I had an iron promoting half a rose and acknowledge that a dena was in frozen that violation which europe stance on. I think it's not in the release window. I think you're, probably o cats kind of what I feel like the spirit of its should be and then also ceiling. Are we pretending that we're not streaming there myself a given year, britain? I have seen every dog on networks and papa s eight weeks, if you didn't make em, I think you're, ok, I know, but I regret I m kind of promoting the stream I, which is enormous zain yeah, it's a little confusing yeah, maybe by the time this is released, it will all be settled. How when thou be love out would be had you heard the rumour I have two weeks ago like from high up? It's done, they're gonna amounts are right after labour day I did, but I didn't believe in you did never do because I don't think end one actually knows what's going on and when I say that I don't think even the people, the guy she no cause. They only know their half of it. So
How would anybody know? But it's funny because gear more my sidekick on that show you should walk, yeah right here right now, right or other reruns garage, it was at one time or the same time that they always are guillermo, got an inside tip from a friend that the strike was going to end on tuesday of this week, and then it didn't end on tuesday of this week and of course we all went to gamblers gamble. What's your buddy saying is like guess he was wrong, but one of them, the great of germany, is the only one who know that great in almost plot the book, as you can imagine the person going like going until this guy who's. He know you could underestimate year, more almost plausible, but not anyway, but also the only happened. It was someone who work for disney. He said, I said what as is the coffee
cinderella. Man Maybe you and broke the rags with you. I have a question because we talked about europe: foe, PA outside how's, your temper- I don't have much temper every once in a while. If I feel really been wronged near get upset. Ok, I shouldn't say I don't have a temper, I do, but I don't do it all jerry mad and that in turn eliza I just stash it away. Take it out on your body in some weird way for to consume something. That's the maddest. I've been this month, though I went to the doctor and I'm in the parking lot. You know these doctors, parking lots are two dollars and he says every fifteen minutes yeah. It's insane! You talk about how
care that, were there really impelling ones the arctic, so there's the gate and the machine and the machines are working, and I try to swipe my credit card and do the thing where you press it up against the thing. Which I can never stop. Yeah, it's not working and I call them and they go all. Let me take your card and I'll go to the booth and swipe it. So the guy takes my car, he doesn't come back for like nine As of now there's a line behind another two women behind me who take pity on. You think I don't have money, and I said I appreciated the man jeanne, that's not working, and then they had to go back to their current, I'm sitting there waiting for the guy and as I'm waiting two more revolutions of fifteen minutes go through so now my charge. Dollars more now than it was when I got to the gate and now I'm mad, because now the principle and finally, the guy comes out and lets me through,
I say hey, you know. This is not the amount. This is twelve dollars now I was I pay seven or whatever it was, and he goes uh. Oh, let me go get the marriage. No! No! I gotta be honest, exactly what you deserved to gamble on a car with gas in it had been five dollars more. My manager said no, and of course now you can't get out, then I would have assumed that my cousin sal was in the building. At some point you would drive through the gate. I also wouldn't have done that. I did that at the hospital once I was so sick. I went to the emergency room and I realized I was not going to be seen for hours. I got out and you couldn't pay you needed to.
and this was at ST john's in burbank- and I was like you know what I'm driving through this gate, and I just snap the damn thing all know: ramifications grind, none whatsoever. I have done it once, but I didn't have the pleasure of making the decision to do it and then probably what you felt after what was an accident. It was at warner brothers. I was in a truck that was too big. The little lever was below the hood. I couldn't really see it, and so I'm talking with the guy at the guard, shack and we're getting along great, and then he hands me my best and I'm like have a good one boss, and I just wanted to throw him right through the fuck. You have a collection of those because it happens all the time. I was relieved to find out that this was like a daily occurrence. They also at the gas station. People drive off every single day, which is why they now have the breakaway once they have the breakaway ones, but they will charge you like one hundred and fifty dollars do. I think so, yeah, ok back to not believing guillermo source or even bigger than that that no one actually knows. I think this is where you and I share a very similar disposition, which is why,
kind of was shocked when you believed a lot of this jfk conspiracy stuff, because I thought when I process things the same way, which is like no one keeps any secrets everyone's. lab mouth. There's no real secrets right. You're talking about that thing talked about that guy told me that I was able to tell anybody, has not informed all of your J of K theories. Somebody killed em right, so is it even a conspiracy at that point around just unsolved murder or you don't think it was Lee Harvey Oswald honestly, I just think it's a great story. It is, and it seems just as believable to me as lee harvey oswald, I'm not a great student of the j f k assassination in the same way like I know, every bit of minutiae about the oj trial because I lived through at night was watching it, but it sounded pretty right now, I can only vote when it is no. I can't I can't say tax. I promise
Try it I mean I'd summarised the promised someone had access to classified information. Read the classified information said everything you thought with true to its true: virtually right: yea. Wasn't it wasn't anything new year, mose informant as early as in amendment had been one of the animal s got a lot of people having inside we dont now, ok, now back to the public s strike force five something to it. it's great I'm enjoying this so much. I have to say there is a salacious curiosity I have when I listen to it. I would compare it to watching the departed to remember that movie yeah. I didn't see cause, damon's in it, but yeah, but you're, aware of who's in it yeah it's every single biggest movie star on the planet. You go rock and jack Nicholson in there and Leonardo dicaprio and your sworn enemy, Matt, damon and mark Wahlberg, and this is like bring them all here and let's the camera. These guys, let's see who your eye goes to. That was my kind of perverse interest
in that movie like okay. If these two aren't seen together and it's a two shot like who am I drunk, It- was almost like a battle royale ocean's, eleven ocean's, Matt Damon's, you also probably haven't seen it. We are the world. We are the world, exactly who's gonna hit that right, note and kind of blow everyone else, who's lionel who's, Michael Bruce, who's ray charles. My conclusion on departed was Nicholson is unbeatable. If you put nicholson in a two shot with a fucking chimpanzee on fire, you'll probably be watching jack's face to see how he reacts to it right and he's just so charismatic. So in some weird perverse way, I'm kind of excited to hear all you guys who in theory are competitors. I guess- and you have a similar job, but listen into who's gonna land. Where who takes the lead, that's all very fond for an audience member. It is, and I think you might have a different conclusion at the end of each episode of the shell fun. I like that what we decided, because we are broadcasters, we know how this works
is that it was gonna, be a big mess if there wasn't a host right, nasty, a house, and so we decided each one of us will take each episode and kind of follow it all the way through so will prepare. The episode will host the episode that person will at the episode and then you hand it off, and then you handed off rocky, so you were obviously the first host. I was the first host. Seth was the second house or even was the third host. I could have it wrong. We've taped, five of them. So far, and now, it's back to me for the next one and I'm breaking the spirit of it cause. What I already said was really cool about. Is that everyone's getting along and think it's very encouraging but anyways? The point is, I was having like a really fun time. Listening to all this. Until I got to this part where you go like oh yeah, you know what I fucking hate is when people come to my fishing lodge and they don't fit right irks me. That's right Of course, immediately was like fuck. I've been there four times now and we ve talked about this. I told you about it that you're mad
a mad. I shouldn't have said man will art is a dark word? No, but your explanation to me, which I remember very well, was good enough that you're off the list and here's what it was. Listen. There are some people who don't fish because there six year old daughter is a vegetarian and doesn't want them to go fish. Okay, okay, so that's irksome! Yes, you explained it to me in the best possible way. I don't know if you remember, but you said I seen what has happened to you, you, and I have seen what has happened to our mutual friend Tom and I've, seen what has happened to etc. I know that this is going to happen to me also where I become obsessed with five. imaging- and I want to wait a few years- the bandwidth currently to me- that's like ok, that makes sense, and although further I didn't say it out loud do, but I have said it on here. I think maybe, when jake was on or something why I dont fish, it's even deeper than that which is also
to do they idolize Tom Hansen in you. I lies both of you. I am, I think, will fuck if these two heroes of minors, on course gonna get upset, there's also some weird. I admire both eu and the fact that you do it makes me believe even more. I would get obsessed with it's like you're saving your virginity, alright yeah. I could commit to you publicly that the first time a goldfish- and I would like to go with you- that I would actually be furious if you are visiting with someone to go with life yeah, it's okay, you guys have known each other longer but really love taking people fly fishing for the first idea, but I don't have also put like a ton of pressure on you
because there are people that I love, who I have a huge amount in common with my cousin sal. For instance, if you look in the back of the boat he'll, be watching the game on the phone. Okay, so he's not as he just doesn't like it, she's not as thing we talked about this on. One of the fact, checks and dax gave an explanation, but we were waiting for you to come to give the actual explanation of what is the psychology behind? Why I like it. I would love to explain good because monica, I think rightly, was like didn't get it right. Like others, this seems boring well. First of all, you haven't done it. So that's probably the main reason I don't get it in the particular way that we are fly fishing on the snake river you're on. Slow, moving boat with two other people who are mostly quiet but also having conversations you're getting direction from your guide and you're watching
a fly on the water. This flies the size of the head of acute you're, so focused on that fly on the water under this canopy of nature. That is quite beautiful. The only thing I can really compared to that everyone understands is when you become hypnotized on the freeway, when you're driving and your brains goes on its own. I am more ideas. One I'm fly fishing than anything goes like this proverbial shower for musicians or driving. Yet, just like that day goes by like that, and sometimes you haven't looked around for hours like you will look up and go. Oh, oh, it's beautiful here, others move, which is pretty crazy, as must the time that's what you'd be focused on it. Just that particular point of focus when you do that it frees the rest of your brain and for me and you for it as its euphoric. That's the perfect, what
describe I'll. Give him that's a little different than what my guests while you're here is. My guess cause my very if everything is going to the track on the motorcycle, simply because it is the only and, in my whole life where I actually can't focus on another thing or I will crash it's like that cut draw right accurately wandered do I have enough money for the rest of my life. at one thirty, it's almost it was right cause. I know that's a real photo, of course, every twelve minutes or so for me, it's forced presence, which is kind of hard for me, cause my mind's, always all over the place. My guess was like you're, trying at this certain spot, but everything's moving. It's not bobber fishing. I was trying to explain it's not like you just throw it out there and then you wait for a little signal. It's like you're actively.
constantly trying to get it somewhere and your casting you're hitting targets, and then there's that moment of drama when that fly that you ve been looking at sometimes for forty minutes straight, a big trout comes up from under the water. Attacks it and then, if you're, not paying attention, you're not gonna die, but you're gonna wish I was just take your eye off or you're watching the other guy, and if you don't focus you miss that fish, because you have to set the hook and also sends a natures, video game here that is your dad, there's that just like element of surprise and achievement and also it rings some. I think, cave man bells. I could catch fish I needed to yeah yeah. I could feed my tribe, you can survive, says I'm high. We release the first rush into the other. Is a fish up today.
you're encouraged to keep the rainbow trout is considered to be an invasive trout, two very controversial and gets people very fired up, but they're trying to protect the cut throat, trout from being displaced because rainbow trout and cut throat will breed together may become cut bows, whereas brow trout will not breed with the other trout and so the browns, even though they are not supposed to be there there. Ok, that's gonna, be the clearly round risen, very interesting better if the bronze weren't here, but there are here, but luckily you can ignore that doping in this world thumbs up on the brown november rambler brown. Now the ring is the algae. Bt. Q ever make sense there taken it on the agenda, even though mare yeah, it's a top its rider, that's true. They needed
It will switch over to the l, a river yeah, but it's fun. I love it and I love knowing just little quirks in the things that get people going and do you see a time, it probably not right, as we have people like Tom Hansen, older, a very old men fishing. So that's another great thing about it: yeah, indian women, are you ever doing it and have that slight fear in the back of your head. Like god, I hope I don't ever stop liking this. No, I don't think I will ever stop liking it. You feel very confident yeah. I feel pretty confident it's funny cause like I got my dad into it. I said you know. Usually the father will take the son fishing for his first time, but we're from Brooklyn Well then, I'd be this. The father will take the sun. I did that with bateman. I took care of yeah well, everyone that returns loves it
not everyone throw someone under the bus, Adam corolla doesn't like it, he doesn't hate it, but either you love it or you secretly, don't really like it. It's kind of one of those things right, you're, not half in on it. My friends were just not into it. I guess my other concern is is you guys go fishing for an hour. No, no! It's the whole day the whole day, yeah! That's part of what's great about it because you get to africa station, with first of all, what you're free and your family members for a whole day and then there's a guide. You get to know a complete stranger in detail well, it would be like driving in an goober up to portland. Do you really know that person will be adding with DR yeah? I know of fishing is interesting, certainly to me, but you keep goin. I gotta find something I get To sum up, my wife and you re gray. I really look forward to that. I have one last question about the fishing, but now I've come politely lost it. Oh you took Billy,
for the first time this year, right yeah, to comment on the boat for the first time. Oh, he didn't fish. Yet he fished we'd fished. the pond why it was the first time fishing in the boat any liked it right. You sent a pitcher of him. Holding the fish You know it's funny. It's a long time and imagine at that age. My son, billy, is a real character. He sits in my lap and I the rod and then we catch fish right and we got a bunch of big fish in any kind of had enough. We get back several large dinner was like all billy there. Looking at the pictures, great job where job, georgia and Billy, it's their nodding. Afterwards, he system, my wife, I didn't catch any. Those dad had just put my hand on my god he's got. Integrity has six years as I can play along with the game, like your sister does so my life
mean you are probably her number one favor. I don't know if you are aware of no, but I'm remain alive and also the podcast as well allow- and I think the podcast guesses really feel did because, obviously you don't spend a tremendous amount of time together gather if you do he back why one night molly is going on and on and on about how evolved and vulnerable we. Of course, these are also veiled, insults, whores many megaton she's, going on about how funny and all the stuff to the point where an I rarely do. I start to get a little jealous. I stay Well, did you hear the nice things tax
About me right now, looking to basically get her approval, based on the approval of the guy you're in love with him yeah. That's where all roads meet that you already with the guy actually said this, and I wrote it down because I didn't want to forget it, and I said honestly, I was getting jealous listening and she good don't be jealous, just be more
like duck molly. Let's do it, let's go to god and all those who have no idea what she's just crews in germany or we have greater global, very combat. Rightly, we goods with a revision of the offer christen, let's be honest, but no no, no way to leave, as she says: hey, Jimmy's, so even killed and have you ever noticed he so kind in general, a nice no season ass. Well, you know that's what you say about like a grandparent. How now, as your leaving convalescent home, even killed and all the other seniors are throwing their food all around, not jimmy, not jim, I would say another thing. I was starting to defend myself by attacking you went in cinema evolved you set up attaches above gotcha,
sitting in this house. Wearing military fatigues waiting to kill is robert. That's not a long. She goes you'd be right in there with you. I was in underwear and running jews. I would decide- and I also have my gloves on our road motorcycles with big kevlar- has to have those who want to get hurt. if he insists on pummeling these guys death and the doggy door, you remember the punch line of the story that people don't remember: either houses robbed three times we came back from vacation, I'm like everything's got to look the same park, the car in the back, and I think we're gone again. Hopefully they're coming back, you guys sleep in the front room with the door like unbelieving in our bedroom, where the dog door is sleeping. The underwear, the running shoes and gloves hear a noise at three more leap out of bed run through the bathroom to get to the doggy door hit my shoulder on the side of the door. The hardest I've ever hurt me.
spun me around. I continued going and I got the hockey tour. It was like to present my shoulder, hurts so bad. There was nobody there in either of my mind. The way I was going to be at attention was so raw. Oh yes, like a liam neeson movie vs. What happened ran like a cartoon straight into the wall, trying to defend now yeah, you kind of just confirmed one of my fears, which is I gotta, imagine there's a ton of husbands that just fucking hate my guts. I would hate here like Oprah. You know in a lot of ways I remember when Oprah was at her zenith nine years and I come home for work and my now ex wife would be yelling at me about something she saw about men on Oprah. I dunno who this woman is, but she is causing me a lot of problems. This brilliant dude in michigan made a video that made it's way to me and it's just him in his front yard, and he goes. I want to know who this dax guy is my wife, so this dex guy drives a fucking pacifica. My wife thinks
this guy, so he's just going crazy because I drive a pacifica, I'm kind of delighted as happening to you yeah. This ave me, it really has it's interesting- has never really happened to me before stay tuned for more armchair expert. If you dare ok. So one thing I think I want to or the any set it on the first up so to strike force five. You would bring we been wanting to retire yeah. I did wonder attire you're, like sir right. When I talk to you, it was can take a miracle that I was very certain when was that this was about two years a year and a half ago, the first time yeah, you told me, was in idaho to summers away thought that was it all right. I've had enough, and I know this sounds ridiculously trivial, but you
start looking around your office and you go. Do I really want to clean all this out? Oh, am I really going to now go through these closets and boxes that step on me? I might stay and then you start looking around at the people and go oh boy. These people are really not going to be happy if I retire, and especially when I don't have to and then a b c was particularly aggressive and enthusiastic, which I'd not really experienced before I like new people. They came in there and I thought well. I haven't really even had a chance to work with these people and when it all said and done there. I was signed up and there are a lot of people in my life. Really. I knew you weren't going to go and you're like really. I did and I thought I was going to go. I believed you, but I had. I believed me too. Well exactly so, I believe you in the same way. I believe myself, which is I make that
Iterations like this all the time. I was very relieved that we had Jake Johnson on the other day. You must have had him and oh, I know you have to yeah. He had shaved his head. The last episode, oh yeah, right, yeah, looked insane with a shaved up. We were just bonding over the fact like these declarations, I'm done acting. You know why I had to say why. Why does why don't to declare that I can't just go like we'll just leave it at today today, you don't want to usually evinces. You get forced to answer. The question like somebody will ask you in an interview every interview, people like it's going to be twenty years. I started to feel like people wanted me to leave a riotous time. You've got to dance around the question because you don't want to Worse was it they re like how much longer you gonna do that you ve been greeted stick around and what do you think europe is a little and we all do this, but a little ego where you are worried p.
Our thinking. Why would he not only acting I haven't seen him do any acting in a long time, so you have to be ahead of it and I've decided I'm not doing that anymore. I'm in short, I'm in charge, I mean control, it's always a party or large road through merwin larry, king a jury, I told on at the end of the seinfeld shoney's, like seinfeld, being cancelled, After all, how do you and jerry lost his mind? Oh he did it in a funny way like. Oh, you can't handle that one person thought that the show had been canceled was so inflammatory in what a beautiful example, because this is the person with the most successful show of all time. That person is inoculated from that. No one is questioning what his status was at NBC, except for one very old man who still hosting who used the wrong word unintentionally, maybe not
but that is comforting though it is, I think that's what I've always like when stern has legends on, and you get to hear said dave. The whole time was fearful that so comforting. I know it is billy. Crystal once told me. I get so nervous before doing some, and I was like oh, it was comforting, also Oh, I went. Oh no, it's gonna be like this always up a right, but I actually think it helps you go. This out. Everyone feels, and in can get work, because there's no merit to it. It's like human nature. It was one of just those little things. Someone said to me that really helped me in a weird way. Oh also, this has had to have happened to you. I won't say the person's name but someone I absolutely worship growing up and was a comedian that I thought it will. If I had what they had. I would be so happy and then, when I came to, meet them in their very, very unhappy I want to say, like you ve, just give me the biggest gift imaginable I can see
That's not gonna. Make me happy, I'm sure that made them even happier, but I remember thinking I'm actually grateful. I now can see it's funny, because it's a lesson that is needle pointed on the wall of like many Teach has it ever and you don't really need I, and until you see it yet, when you can not things intellectually and you can know them emotionally and you can maybe norm both ways. I've heard a lot of saying that I could explain a lotta sane specially for my egg, but until the one moment you're like a whole right one, it's hackers, we profound it's like as in american, you think we have better, and we are in a better spot happier than everyone every place else, and then you go to a second or third world country, and you go. Why did these people seem so much?
happier than we are. They seemed to be having a lot more fun who's, winning. What for me that was moving to l, a living in a one bedroom apartment above another one bedroom apartment where six, seven people lived, and initially I was like. Oh, my god, were they sleeping so concerned about them, but I lived above them for ten years. The amount of
I mean that was happening all day long, I'm sitting up there by myself in my apartment long way and I'm like oh, I guess they're fucking when they're having the best day of their life every day, they're the little lessons that we're taught and we don't learn or use, learn the same lesson over and over again every six months. That also happens to me same epiphanies yeah. It's almost like. I need a special file where I write the important things down, yeah that I review on a regular basis, but it's all fleeting always wait. What are yours to hear it? Yeah, there's a song by James taylor, called the secret of life or secret old life, for whatever reason he gave it a like a funny title: that's not a funny song. It actually is the secret of life and it's very simple: it's the secret! Life is enjoying the passage of time and its a great song, but the lyrics are very powerful and something that you can't you
flip a switch and enjoy the passage of time, but it makes you remember that at certain times in your life wall on I guess you kind of alluded to another reason why you wanted to work again, which is you had an abundance of time off, which also weapons right when you're working at the time. You want time off, then when you have time off you're like I'm built to work yeah, I got the summers off which none of the other hosts have. You said it makes it that much more enjoyable. Knowing everyone else doesn't have the summer for being the one doing this the longest. That was a big thing for me. If a b c hadn't said what, if we give you the summer off, I wouldn't still be doing this right, because it takes everything. There are many jobs that are harder. I would never comparative a manual labor job or even some of the jobs I've had in the past, but it requires all of you, yeah yeah, sure christened did at once. Cheap gas has said
I was working for her and it was so full on. We did both leave and she's like I don't know how he can do that every night and the next day and the now and you see something or you noticed something good. I have another get that I can feel for many little bookings. Great I'm gonna bust some advice, which is, I did the math and so will you say you been on for twenty years at the time this was printed two thousand six. Ninety four episodes. If you average to interviews in episode, you ve done five thousand three we completed interviews now, I've done about seven hundred and feels preposterously too much, and then I look at this number like coming out. It's a fucking ten acts so have obviously been through every cycle that I could be experiencing. You have also done it in a much shore. period. Time in your interviews are much lengthy ourselves. They're, pretty close, I think, will probably the thing I'm guessing or I pray you ve had the experience of his it does happen,
the beautiful guess on behalf of interview and I come out and I go, these are so boring now I'm so boring, I'm out of everything I cannot get anything exciting out of everyone. What is this? What am I doing to make this good or better? Do you have these cycles not based on any data? Nothing happened. That would make me start thinking this, but I just have these waves. I do I try to be aware of patterns that I fall into and then try to make an effort to vary from them. The best thing you could do, which is also the worst thing you could do, is listen to yourself while his you learn so much if you go back and listened, but it's so painful. You do get to a point where a good enough added that you don't have to do that it can still be pretty good. But if you listen to yourself you will learn and that's the best tap. I think anyone could ever give as far as. interviewing or broadcasting goes the hours. This rolling stone interview with you from maybe march or something- and you were same, how grateful you are the first
three years of the shell were total chaos. No one knew what they were doing and you say, even in the interview, you guys didn't truly figure out how to make this job until you're, twelve or thirteen. I believe that it's so encouraged. That is what do you think were the last bits. I think me. What I realized over the course of the show is it's almost like golf in some ways and I'm not a guy four, but I recognise the elements that with golf when you're a novice and you play around he had to goods What's that round, your card was too good shots. I had were great. You focus on those things and as you get better. You start to focus more on the things that you wrong, almost like a coping mechanism in some ways and then, as you get even better consistent see becomes what's most important and not the highlights and that what you value and that's what you admire in others is the consistency, so
We had no good shows, but we'd have one show that I consider to be pretty good and usually because one wildly funny thing happened, and then we got to the point of years later, like ok, philip we're having to good shows a week, and then you wanted to get to the point or your average number is an eight year. Instead of a ten and a three year, so that's the way I look at it is like. Can you be consistently good because I did radio for a long time what I notice that the listeners appreciated more than I think, as I did, sports casts at six a m sick. Thirty, seven, seven, thirty, eight, nay thirty every morning on K, rock radio here and allay, and what the listeners appreciated was not that I was funny wants thing. You said whatever's like that. I was funny nine ten mornings. They heard me during their commute. That's what I think registers with people when they real I've been listening this person for three years and this person is good at this year because I think any kind of
formats whatsoever elicits some anxiety in the listener or the viewer. We are aware of the stake somehow in the back your minds. I suppose he liked the person yes, but that you go see, stand up and theirs for people. For me, the anxieties almost too much same here, but then someone steps on stage. They exude just confidence in you. Go I'm safe in their pace is calm and whatever the whole thing is it's almost like mcdonald's. You know what you're going to get and that's why you keep going and you go like. Oh this person never makes me feel very nervous that they're collapsing in front of me. I never thought of that way, but it's all about how it makes you feel, I guess, and in open mic night. That sort of thing is an absolute nightmare for me, because you're rooting for each person and it doesn't go well- for almost any of numa, but then you go see, Dave, chapelle or ill burn, a guy like Christa Stefano or whatever you like, they're good at this. I have you want this thing in the special that just came out with shame
this is yes. I haven't seen it yet, but I heard it's great and car can wait for you to watch it. So we can tell you thought you'd get cresson. I want a two nights ago. I've heard it's on a very high level, it's on a very high level and it is the most dangerous set. You can marilla on twenty two and three in just four that alone and lay watching my troubles are not promoting their carefully cut. That word as a cable, you cut the court, but devil cancel your network asset and every other thing. Tallowed cancel you'll be fine. One of my point was like I grew up in detroit lawyer. You, a w, strikes a witness, a ton of em. They still drove their shabby said the plant to pick it. Yes, doubling tracking could shift the eu in its annual early will as a matter of transportation. If I don't watch my entertainment, my one and a half hours without kids, each night of that now, but the truth is if everyone stopped watching the streamers fer a mind which is obviously never gonna happen, but here that happen immediately, they would figure it out. I had this thought this is crazy. I'm sure
it's a low percentage, but it did cross my mind. Just yesterday I was driving around. I was like humans by nature. They fatigue of things. I think, even like the pole, position. I dont think, though, ever be a leader that unites us all. I just think slowly. People have become fucking fatigued with the fighting left and right. Yes, that's, like my only hope for it's just too asking you get bored of it all these movements. We have they haven't beginning they have, and it is conceivable that we stop making Alice entertainment. It's a long enough break for people to stop watching tv in angola we will watch tv for a small every day they might go outside, I remember like. Oh it's really night like this very precarious. I think we all watch more tv than any generation by a factor of five well yeah absolutely he used to be when you're a kid tv is like. Oh, you can't put your kids in front
the tv I was glad now. It's like tv is books is why you tube is now the thing we don't want. The kids wasn't in the video games that I really do have that distinction algal catch delta, watching you too, you know you too mostly because I'm afraid to bring them down a rabbit. Who I don't like the pacing, the video. I notice that when my kids watch youtube their behaviour, is worse. Yes was the last time you have your kids watch movies at you watch one year ago the credits are insane. The opening crags go on forever and you're like oh, I don't
if I'm going to remind them, they're gone classics like chitty, Chitty, bang, bang, you're, watching seventeen minutes of fucking title. It was like they were trying to fill space. Yes, you're trying to make them think we're not making our two hour and eighteen minute run time. We got to add more people to the crew each their own title card. It's so different started with cutting out the tv theme songs, and now you see that little pixar lamp, they drop you into the middle of the second yeah, and then the cuts are coming hot and fast. Well, we had someone on his big on tech talk and he was talking about how quickly you have to get people's attention on that and how you do it. You can have like a really close up of someone's face so that they will stop and watch that's how fast people want to get through. You have to have something major.
in quick, these tech talkers know too much about our brain. They do what okay. I got some rapid fire questions for you in the five thousand three hundred and eighty eight interviews. Then again, that's my own estimation. I think I've done well over three thousand shows you have okay yeah, I'm not surprised that the numbers run. Nearly everything I read on the internet once the guest is here is not true. Have you had the experience where it's like the person that's been booked your sir when you dislike and then they're on your show and you kind of fall in love with them, or at least one eighty on them or you understand them better for sure. I have had that. I've had that with comedians that I feel are happy comedians and many sit down with them. You go. Oh, this is a person who is a pro who knows how to make the audience laugh and it might not be my particular tastier, but I can't say,
is not funny cause. People are laughing and they were laughing at me earlier in the model. Like I'm going to say these people are idiots yeah. So, first of all I have that pretty often there's. I guess I don't think I want and thus far one hundred percent of the time
loving them right, yeah, well, you're, talking to anyone long enough, I'm like yeah yeah, everyone's fucking, the people who especially men, I didn't think much of them physically, and then you see them in person. It's like! Oh, my god. This is a handsome god church. Now I understand or have a momoa dancing in front of you. You can not get sucked up into that yeah. We haven't had that much commotion on our show. In many years, then, when he did that it's cool, when someone has that kind of power, his witness just that raw animalistic magnetism yeah a lot of people, really it's really interesting. When you go, oh I get it. You know I got it from george Bush. I never had much nice to say about george bush or bob
boy. Is that a charismatic guy reunion- and you just go like oh now? I understand this is really remarkable. Will you probably go like he didn't fall into that yeah cause you gotta have his dad was president and his name basically got him there. Egg and many go. Oh no. I didn't, it's his that while we are, I didn't translate when he would do speeches and stuff. Did it at all? That's part of why I was surprised you sit, have a chat with them. It is different, my, story and it's very unpopular to say anything positive about george bush, but here I'm going to go as well. When Chris and I went to africa and we stayed at this incredible hotels in gita george bush had just been there within six months.
And totally unsolicited menu bill gates had been there. A bunch of people offended this waste. I've been there. I owe you molly there edson gaeta, yes, which one in I donno ever in south africa, we were at one in tanzania, others like three of mamma gramercy reserve, but you beautiful incredible to everything numbers network there over the course of the ten days where their discontent help but tell me how much they loved george, what she had been there. He stayed up with all them at the camp fire every night he was friendly, resoundingly loved into me. I go. It says something I'm not going to ignore that. Well, he also did a lot for africa. I mean one of the good things that he did and, of course, did a lot of things that I don't agree with at all. He didn't want to go into Iraq again. He did a lot to fight hiv in africa, more than probably any single human being. Of course, I'd say that, like I know other young baby. I know it but no sound and said: oh, that's, an immense from bonn disagree thing and I went home and we were pulled the plug
the middle of an interview. I've gotta pull the plug. I once was interviewing. bruce willis, who seem very unhappy to be there I have just said the woman, the middle way interview something like this: everything okay, and he snap right out of it, was great after that, his actors, you know they get pulled in by their publicists. They don't necessarily want to do this, and you probably know who the fuck I was like what I doing here I should be on letterman right now. You know it was interesting, though, just being honest and bring it up in the middle of the interview change the tone of the interview significantly and then afterwards he was friendly and we talked in fighting. We change phone numbers, wow, that's interests that was interesting. Oh it's very weird! I had They the identical experience with him really yeah working in austin doing idiosyncrasy nineteen years ago he's
Doing a movie stand the same hotel, I'm hanging out with an actor whose, in the movie with him we joined him for I know tee in the lobby, and he won't look at me. I can gaining autumn on train, of course, winning over he's, bruce Willis right and then yet some about somebody with a famous person is pretty disparaging and I ll denham when he finished and I go you know in the future. You might want to ask if any one of the tables best friends with that person any had this little mini panic. Look on his face. He goes. I had no idea and it's okay I know that person he started laughing in a way that was so wonderful some people just want a minute of honesty. I guess you in your person, like bruce. Well as everybody approach. it's him in a similar way like I have to be quiet and listen everything he says when he probably gets tired of it will just bore. He has there's no jousting. Who wants that now you want to mix it up a little bit. You must expand. I don't think so. There's a big difference!
to being a movie star, especially a movie star in the level of proofs willis and being I hope that everybody feels like they know. I think you're right, I don't know- and here I don't know about their- I guess I'd be the last person she lowly answer. That question, I think, is a bank of britain and you hurry humble what I think is best. You don't recognize what it is, but I think you underestimate the elegant. So seated with late night. I mean just think how you thought of Johnny Carson are you trying to tell me bruce will, as somehow has more status than johnny Carson? No, but I would say- and I'm not just being humble, that you can compare me to Johnny Carson and to David letterman. These people have a tremendous amount of mystique and their popularity in their viewers ship and what they pioneered. What they did are things where just repeating you have just walked me perfectly into a trap of set for you ok I'll have my assumption was yes, when we think of David letterman, I mean he's
we're here with him was may be the best year. I've ever heard with him. I told you may mean bugging cried when I read surplus, see I'm not gonna head, that's the game, seven, but even the best moment, my kids, whom he has the best moment, not regularly validation, those very confused after dinner. We now that dave can't hear it, I'm sure You ve had the opportunity to tell him. Yes, it mean the man literally change direction of your life. Yes, you're, a kid watching it sadly in drawing pictures of him in school. Your life was singularly vulgar, set becoming him not becoming him, but just wanting to absorbed every little eyes. It asking the rays jean aside her with your enemy
has a sexual component. There is, then yeah more thoroughgoing wonderment, whereas now where's, when I see people try to tell deep how important He is to them. I can also see He can't internalize that it may be no human can, in my hunch, is now regret. asking them this is, I bet he doesn't think he ever became carson. I think he's been very clear about that, but I disagree Nothing against your cards is great, but David letterman was playing a different sport. That happened to be my favorite sport. Then he was playing so dave. I think built on what johnny was doing and put up. in a lot of what johnny was doing in a way that I think changed. American humor me more than any comedian of my lifetime. I say
concert with bill. Murray Dave's approach was adopted by all of us. None of us can like bill Murray, I mean bill murray somebody in january. We are allowing hard installation, the idea of a caso human being like if you decided, like I'm gonna, be more like the more you ve changed your be arrested and the only person I know whose like bill Murray, is my cousin, so they really have very similar inclinations to do. Seemingly, I'm asking you to all in situations where you do not explain them at all here by day by think permeated the cultures. Far as what his humour was in a lot of people just kind of adopted. Is it my era louisa? I think the fact that They were the only ones on made a big difference. I never thought of hosting late night, taco largely be there were no other late night dry. When there was someone who came after them, it was.
it's humiliating defeat and they had been getting groomed for probably eight years in the twelve thirty times I'm not talking about guys like chevy chace, the only late I talk we're on NBC. That was it. There were only two shows of note on casually. You have Alan thick or ds or somebody try to make a run or patsy jack or whatever, but it never ended well and until a letterman there was only one. Eleven thirty show right letterman going to that's right. Yes, there was graded on saturday and oh, there was Tom Snyder, but it was a very different type of show. I used to watch it. Sometimes I didn't know what I was watching or confusing, but I found his face: mesmerizing great yeah, the mouth clacton a very unique way he's like the kind of guy that can't be on television, any more of it. Of course, even though he was fantastic like we don't have room for that man. Now I feel now: okay robbie: when did you start watching kimmel? I start watching every night in high school. You are my letterman shaped a lot
my comedy, so sorry, you didn't have a better life are able to take it, but it's real. No one I talked to rob about you know. Look I love you and we're best friends they hold letterman in the same place you hold, but we're contemporaries and aid. So what is interesting in real and legitimate is like robs love for you. is the same as ours for Dave rob. Did you have pictures of me in high school. He has a show on the tattoo. Rob is all backwards year when this show came together. Rosenbaum called me and told me: dax wants to do his show he's going to have all these big ass scientists going to have kristin
and encourage her in chemical and that's why I want to do the show knock as it was. A k, K, K thing. Molly was a matter of regret about about your big ass. That's very kind! I appreciate that. I don't take it lightly, but you can't take it right, exciting. What I want to explore. I can take that, and I appreciate it and I value dated, if you're, putting in a situation where your comparing me to David letterman, Johnny Carson, I'm just going to reject it, I'm not rejecting it for the same reason: Dave's rejecting the johnny karadzic bargia, I reject any cause. It just gonna, learn that if I'm proposing something mrs windham posing, is that its generational. It is like a malignant like that. You'll feel very valid in the point you're making right away. I feel like you're on terra firma, but come on. I mean, but listen, I'm never giving enough. I think when you're in high school, that's when things mean the most of you are dry sponge www, enjoying the filled up, whether its music or whatever
you're trying to define yourself in your looking around and thence. If you see that someone, you think, has the same spirit as you, but you haven't figured out how to express it. It's like a road map is so important for me. Dave represented a lot of things he felt punk rock to me. He felt like an outcast but was still handsome and people like them, like oh yeah, I can be different yet being the main stream there's something so encouraging about it. It was like a snuck in somehow latin lives of redman s up. He looks like them, but he's really like us. That's right either A low alley enters its heart valves earlier on. I think it's ok that you can't feel it. I actually think it's a testament to you being humble and kind which you are but this very hard for a lot of people to believe, but a lot of younger generate, they don't know letterman,
no, I understand my might you know my? U. They watch the clips all the time everything you're thinking letterman did, and I remember too, in the pencils and the ceiling and bringing people from the stable onto the show and all these revolutionary things he did. The fuckin matt damon, because those that have been done- that's just as important and relevant to any one of them, radical for sure fire, Matt Damon became your ip at her whole life to the making of that movie. I know this is behind the curtain and you'd polly. Don't wanna accept this will now he doesn't want to say he was supporting his enemy. We talked about this on the show I saw this in real life. I was at the air premier. You were at the air primary wing. Man me, which was so kind and lovely a nice, and I laughed and, unlike what did I just do cause? I was canal looking again at hand, and I was my friend
ali and she was like you gotta, go say something to him and ass. I absolutely not. I won't in june this year and I just ran at a rate already you as if we were best grants which we are well, but young adds yet now it we're moving. I run off together, not only by half way through me talking to you in your being so nice and kind of like I'm so rude. Everyone here wants to talk to Jimmy, and I just right up as if I'm entitled to this common level, no its not rude because first of all, I gotta talk to somebody and secondly, you one of the few people. I knew there, so you always liked to grab onto somebody that you know and then about half way through the harmonization I went, all right. I'm just like. Oh wait a minute. I just realized something very important. Then Matt was in dead, like a roped off circle or whatever, and I was like that,
eleven awful and then like out to what as a matter of course, he recognize you and remember there you go, but it was very nice to you and your extremely generous, and I wanted to say thank you for that stay to arm chair, diffused air, do you know what I'm saying that that you want it for dave that you want dave to be able to to internalize it. Do you feel that same frustration? I do. I want him to know he's a guy, but I think if you tell him enough times,
and beating them into submission. That's what our job is here for you, it's an intervention. I really do like. I feel, like I've, finally beat them into submission where he goes. Okay, this person is fragile and he would say I mean a lot to him and the dangers of I don't take this kind enough. He knows how devastating it would be. I went into that show the first time I did it. I went into that show so scared. First of all, because I wanted dave to think I was funny, but also because that's how I judge celebrities by whether dave seem like the morning- and I had this thought that if Dave thinks I'm a d, then? I am what the hell are you doing. You trust his judgment waiting to be branded about that moment, because I know you had it when you know
so well and you see a certain look on his face. Mid interviewing. You go. Oh my god. He likes me. You have now that my soul left my body. They actually yesterday posted old video on the letterman youtube channel. For me, that's worth I will I think it was maybe my second or third appearance on the show- and you know I'm just a kid talking about my family. I come out David just been bitten on the face by a dog during stupid. patrick's. He was bleeding. Oh boy. Oh boy continues with the show really liked didn't slow down for a second I come out, and this had just happened and now he's got to host the rest of the show came out. I said I'm gonna tell you right now. I won't rest until that animals destroyed, which is already set up. It is that we have to give to be another thing
because we just haven't seen you in so long. Were you had me on your shadow? It is right that was fun, it's like when people when I'm letterman and it was a huge it, have nothing like that? You must mark, on my show, your feet touch the ground when you are on this show they share down yeah but you're. So nice you're just the best. Well, it was fun yep, okay, I don't know if I've ever brought this up or so I did when I was reading about you today. The nose but you were at you, I guess in what year, like eighty nine hours there from eighty six through eighty nine bingo
so you must have eaten at flaky jake's across the street horse. Yeah boy, I haven't heard those words and that to me is tony's lakey Jake, the chalk box. These are my spot. Harry marries flaky jake's, what a spot huh yeah. How do you know flaky jake? So I had a step dad. One of my step. Dads was an engineer at general motors and in the wintertime they would go to the gm proving grounds in mesa and so he'd be there for, like the whole winter, my most people with his kids at home and all of us, but we would go out there for a week or two every year and all we cared about was we want to go to flaky jake's every single day that were there, because I had never seen a condiment bar like that yeah. That was before fud Rucker yeah. I think it was an early federal records ripped off flaky jank, so it may even be the same company because they were so similar also have good names too yeah fud rockers, but fud records stood the test of time and flaky jake's is no more,
We try to find out if that brand exists in a bankruptcy, ligeti eggs, it's a great nickname for one of our friends too. We gotta figure out which jake dwell tapper a horse helps to get rid of some of his other great nicknames, but if he ever ran against trump he'd be called flaky, Jake yeah, oh yeah. That brings me another you must think about this. Would you interviewed trump on now? Yes, I would I have thought about it. A lot I bet I just have so many things. I'd like to say to him and ask him. I want to interview him too, and I think people be really mad if I did, but I want to hear what you think you could get, but you said you didn't want him to be interviewed anymore. You didn't want people till. I don't want that ryan amateur, be showing a bunch of stuff a firm and get em elected again yeah, but then why do we get to do? I don't know I have a problem with the just not talking I used relation, and I also think that tradition important, and I think, when somebody is a
it's still a real possibility that they're going to be the president of the united states that they get interviewed. You know whether it be cnn or whatever I mean for the same reason, I think fox news is they were real news organization would be devoting more time to the other side, but I just feel like the only way to communicate, is to communicate. It does mean I would be nice to warm. I certainly wouldn't we wouldn't joke around like we did before we knew what was come. But in your mind, when you think of that interview, what is it you think that you could accomplish cause? I have a whole fantasy about, I think, may be the first thing. I'd stop with was one of the things you talked about was bringing in only the best people. Let's go through a list of the best people you brought in who now say you are a criminal and are unfit to be president. We do a speed round log out through the names of star with bill bar your former
any general ballots, gonna mike patch, just go through, because to me that alone is a disqualify. If you had a boss who hired thirty. people at a flaky jake's and then all or they quit, and they all work in his opinion, crazy. Okay, then, what kind of a decision maker are you he doesn't seem to have any relationships that have lasted six or seven years. It's crazy, my arrogant, fantasy, so years is going to be a blast session is going to be combative. I would love to see that I would too it'd be very entertaining I hope it happens. I have a more of a arrogant lofty thought, which is. I don't think I want to spend any time debating him about anything. I don't want him under the instead of or in that attack mode that he's so great at being a bully. I need to answer the question: is he in on the joke or not on which joke the one he's playing on
what is the whole thing like easy exists, so many moments, whereas like is in on it, does he just know that his fuel is angering the left and does he mean any of it, trying to figure out what he means and what he does in his great curious that is, why he's like a gorilla, pushing buttons and sometimes learn how to be pushes a certain button. He gets a reaction that he likes any goes right back to that button. I agree but how much of his opinions? Do you think our sincere opinions are? You may not areas about that had not. If I didn't want designer, I don't know. I think that Spinner. That's his mindset. Is this spin? He would do it well before his press, like his hotels them popular hotel Nora his this waters, the puritan drinking water. Imagine me, while it is putting a stick her with his name on some, the right of water here and I don't think he means anything that he says. I think everything is spin. Yeah, I agree. I have some
delusional fantasy. I could somehow or least attempt meet the real person ever. I would never happen, but that is why I would want to do it, as I wonder, if I can have a single real might with a real person, will be very disappointed. I think he just meet a horny lonely egomaniac, who was not treated very well by his parents, well Interestingly enough, we decide this great guess. The boar motto is like an addiction specialists, in that position. He is much older and he's written a couple of beautiful books and he has a chapter in his new book. Paralleling trump and Hillary he's like a lot of people would say those two people are the opposite, but if you look really closely both had the exact same home circumstances, where vulnerability was on option, you had to hide any fear hide any pain. All these great examples- and he said result of which, as you have hilary, that so afraid to be vulnerable. The chief,
as pneumonia, can't tell anyone and collapse as almost dies from this inability to be vulnerable, and when you position it that way, it's kind of a compelling preservation, hard to say, though, because we really don't you little yellow ribbon, we don't like tromp. That's why it's hard gear, but one of them seems to be try opera. the world. Yet another one try to improve his standing in the world and he doesn't even care about the people who ve been most loyal them. He has no concern for any of those people. So I'm that same opinion is you are, but I also can recognize in believed their sincere in that the other side would think the same thing about pillory right, while the other side thinks hilary Clint
in is sucking the blood of babies, adrenal chrome in a pizza parlor in Washington DC, so much like if you wrote it in the book he had go. While this is ridiculous and it seems to be their go to now, if they can't figure out something depend on somebody like Pedophile. As my god do, you know what I just learned. You may be already know this. Whatever this movie was that just came out, that's got the christian right. It's a child trafficking. in store yeah. I saw a preview for visas in it. Just for starters, Kan visa was a guest speaker at a q on rally like that's the lead of it. It's produced by a guy in it's lead all this mobilization about cracking down on child trafficking. The producer of the film was arrested, oh yeah. Well, of course, I was right to say the government is out toward him again at the word alleged, but my yes, of course. How is that? No one has not heard that some asshole made what they call the Epstein flight list and they put on a bunch of names, including mine and steve
call bears in my wide eyes. Somebody just wrote a thing now. All these fucking, imbeciles and maniacs think I was on abstentions, Eyelike reviled how was yeah? What was it like? How are the amenities? Well, I mean it's a beautiful thing, anything bad about the property. You know I'm actually even fearful a joke about it, cause they're, so crazy, rabbit and threatening. I don't think I was even famous didn't know anything about Jeffrey Epstein until he was in the news right its bananas. Also people didn't know. You could have been on this point I wasn't now you and you're, not very clear or not, but I bill gates was on his plain before rhymes look at me like I pulled out, so I was just sentenced yesterday who I've hung out what I dont know what everyone's, I really don't know. We now have to be done on the people you're married well. What I will say is that, regardless,
what some asshole I'd love to know where it came from my who was the person that said. Oh, I have an idea output people who travel doesn't like and by the way, trumps day sing with literally I never hear them ahead of them, groove in with playmates, and yet somehow I get put on this lesson in all these dangerous. Not jobs react to. It is frightening. Ok, let's thing! out rock yeah, so you may be a beautiful place. I did it such a good playlists. You pulled in some things that don't have necessarily the dna of it, but it does. I dont think of that, as a yacht rock makes that's. My dax mix is what it's called. Ok right, yeah rug is a very limited, John raw. Sadly, yahoo limited they put weird songs like key largo by birdie higgins. There is like and the it's got to be a little jazzy and also a little embarrassed eighties. Tv's theme, songs that is not yacht rock, except for maybe the greatest american hero think that's a very good one, yeah believe it or not. Yeah. I guess
ashes and enter, but that's a nice song taxi it's great yeah, those are the metals who's. The taxi themes that taxi theme song. I did notice me too. Robin can look it up. Bob James, my didn't know the Angela. Angela white and james, our Angela, either angeles or by bob molly, never give theory on why we like that music, so much cause I have won. I won't bore you with me making but let me hear yours that music put on when my mom or dad was in a good mood, They had never laughed off the handle when a drunken rage and then put kenny login. There have been a psychopath, my mom was vacuuming would fleet with a mac, and then he was Kenny loggins in the afternoon, with the first beers were a start yeah, it's just interwoven perfectly with when my parents were in a very happy mood. I think there's something to that for sure yeah, my parents only.
Like seven albums and in a weird way, once I hit high school, I started to dictate what they listen to okay, but I love Michael, donald you know, I love alger row and george benson. We love algebra to me. That was the one where I was like: okay, we're in the same team like mcdonald's and doobie brothers, but if you're in algebra algebra is the dividing line between me and my wife, she is just like what is this. If you are listening, I made kristen go with me to disney music hall to see alger oh about ten years ago. Have you ever seen them? I haven't? I had them on the show too, he was like a little muppet like a little kermit, the frog out there he's got a little joke hunger go into physically, but then he starts scattering everything you have it as we look ahead by parents. I was thinking back to our alas, and with your closet, your parents- I am yes, my parents are great parents,
My mother is a great mother. My father, I really didn't talk until I was twentysomethings. Think of re using regime work, but were very close now and he keeps me updated with, like seven thousand word texts about his, ni thing. Houses me, you know that's too long. I would love for you to read that right now, if you know what yellowed so that as I am because I will also just show you the late there's no shortage of detail. Okay, now is a grating instructional manual for something no, you guys had a great time, probably happy to be home with the kids. We had a great time with them. Next year we like to take them to see world What legal way and, on the way back billy remind me. We have to stay over since rides first day and big water park their second day a smiley face. I heard you guys are going to san Jose monday. My helping carson move in his grandson into apartment, causing Julie, last night from arizona with the acadia fullest.
mom and I loaded the buick with carson stuff from robe and other things he guineas for a part, but we had a storage they are driving. Today is my nephew and his girlfriend analyse a baseball renting you hall, unloading stuff from his red. I leave six a m tomorrow. I'm insane, though, is a bit about the finnish loaded off. If they haven't then drive, The san jose and start unload will finish tuesday, and then I drive backup loved that two or three of the water and sixteen steps to the bath may of every are viewing van everything's like that sounds good.
letter from the eighties because he wants to see what all the people went through anymore he's driving a buick, I mean if he stopped at chuck e cheese. It'd be like the director that give him my number one love to receive this. You would to a point. Yeah it'd be funny for awhile and then I'd regret it, but then I'd come back. I wonder if I searched m RI how many times my dad comes up. Let's analyze, 'em are I'd, had hairline fracture of bone above right, big toe right before friends, family lodge trip, god cortisone shot in it that help pain that weekend, but it did put a lot of pressure on at six days, standing up fishing and bang that a few times in rough water, What the doctor today and fracture widened have em all right
tuesday and another shot before leaving wednesday. For your respond to this, he needs to write a book. He has the work ethic. It takes a while to write a text. Yup he's got. The time when the last thing I want to use his thank you in person. I think I have in the past, but the fact that you and christian and ashen did our show in launch this in really percentage part of making all these headings were. Ask me back. I hope it's not another. Five years now, molly, I was doing the shows you go. You are like she was mad if he wasn't on the shall I got in the way I do want to have. Yet we should him as a year. I am she goes, but he already had you on the well Either way out is seen as we read that areas like five atmospheric, please out a spot on that catch, she will get one
wait. This might be the only episode she skips, but she's listened. I love you meet you at two am behind. Where you put the trash gloves, socks and underwear yeah, don't worry ready for anyone who comes as maybe as long as it's before I fall asleep. That was fun. Congratulations on the show! It's excellent and I'm glad you guys started doing it. It's hard. Do a pot guess I didn't realize how much stuff goes into. Wait until we decide to do this limited run. I've said this to you in the past. Afterwards, and sense of silly coming for me like he would want progress, but the fact that you did, yo for so long it so fond. Isn't it does microphone in the head by you miss it? You know, I obsess, and I just don't have enough hours in the day to think about both shows yeah. But it's easy when you have four guys at are funny I was thinking of it way more when you were saying you're gonna retire right.
because I was like well that's the perfect amount of work. You could go out and do twice a week here. You re you're forever entire. I have a lot of respect for and I would not do it. If I didn't feel I an idea that was different, because I dont think I could do this better than you do what you do such a great job ago. Ok well, that's covered, but if I lot of some angle something different dad. who did me, I would consider it and then this happen and it seemed like the perfect. I guess, though, you ve gotten a live out. Your letterman fantasy, the awesome degree for sure now I should live out. My dax vanished you only your how weren't fantasy, which they know you were already on radio, so tat, my powers of addison rooted in reality, and I know that howard when he's work, He is just obsessed with it, not just how I am you don't think you could do it casually. Yet everything you
tv, you're making notes. I can see you having a stable of people that you're fucking with in instigating yell endless drama. The thing that I like most, I gotta, learn not to make any long term decisions anymore. Secondly, in the meantime, this one's avanti, though I got a few friends who have some very funny, podcast Europe smart. I those guys I feel, like I get enough now. Ok, Well, everyone should listen a strike force. Five, it's for a great cause, you're helping keep the people that work and I'll be shows you love from having to move out of their houses, are beg for food, so it's very cool endeavour. Matt in Ben. This was one of the most transparent attempts to get on the show yet and ban tried to try and they wanted to pay our staff. actually got color like aggressive. They were taking. No for an answer. Have you not allow that to happen? For them now
do not allow it to have been allowed. We really, I feel it is my responsibility, not their son there. A big last thing. Sorry dearest crossed my mind how much kill you for me to pay for dinner. If we were out it would bother me because I know you have money, but one of my terrible nightmares is somebody sitting at a dinner like I have a friend is a math teacher who's sitting there going. Oh shit. Am I going to have to pay for this because I've been that guy? You were going to go on vacation, but instead you fucking picked up this dinner. He changes your life yeah, my fuckin. she was visiting last week in she's, like I want to say, everyone to Houston's like yours, gotta Houston's and we get there and then I like side the crackerjack. Did you pay? Yes, I paid you can let people do it now? I live side to gear not one emasculate like your father all day with letting people do it if their insistent, but I don't want anyone to think when I meet
damn go to a restaurant, and I sit there and order as a whole left side of the menu that they're going to get stuck with the tried. This wagon will bring the planner a couple of bites. Can we have the steak as an appetizer right yeah? It gets complicated, though cause you also don't want them to have an expectation, or maybe you do if you don't care. If somebody really wants to pay, they can easily figure it out by hitting the guy before, if they're going out with you. That needs to be the week before that as the most generous person. I know alright jimmy I adore you. I love you thanks you and I'm going to be on your show soon, as you're back. They just asked me, and I said absolutely hopefully we're coming back yeah yeah. We will I'll be there all over saying. Yeah, alright be well see soon. Thanks
started to him for the fine job search, your hair, all facts, our wrong. Now did you deal I did, but he did drink yesterday. No good job thanks good job, not that you shouldn't drink. You had the goal of not drinking and you achieved it. So that's the good job. I did have that goal and I did didn't less marked the enjoyment of your night. It was hard at first, when other people were pouring glasses. Why? I don't even It was because of that I wanted it was cooking, now is hard yeah, it's just the environment. I, like the girls meant social. We always do that. We always drink wine, it's always nice, but it was fine. I heard it was very fun. I heard the meal is delicious through the grapevine. I was happy with it. It was a sam
and how's, the placemat pink fine and the test will be when I go in today. I'm going to go smell, it yeah yeah, I'm gonna, see what's happening there and I'm going to I'm going to check every corner, oh god. Well, not fish, but there is something over here. That is what what's going museum now we have something: hmm, no, it's not fish! All on it's own, the drama, a I'd, love that I loved now the medicine granting the hidden sniffs here and there, and I made it cumbersome. How is the newcomers smash? Salad re? These are both alison romans. Did you get cucumbers from our garden cause? We have far too many cucumbers I did not, but that would have been smart or drowning in a company of a good guard. going right? Now I almost said swimming and cucumbers, but truly were were drowning and no we're not swimming. They have the upper hand the cukes, maybe you can make the salad and you sum up a very, very good
and I also made some potatoes. It was yummy. There was far yeah. I, like girls nights tell me about it, summer, girls summer, girl, no girl dinner, oh girl, dinner yeah. We do a whole thing on synced about girl. Do you just give me the reader's digest of what it is? There's a couple of terms I've heard recently and that's one of them yeah. I think it started on tick tock, they show an egg in and then like some pieces of bell pepper and is just like a weird mix of food that they're calling girl dinner just like when girls, just like cunning crab things out of the aids and just stand and eat their dinner. Ok, there could also be called stoner. Dinner may be true, although I think This would be more isn't like share her macaroni and cheese now could be. It could be like a small bite of mac and she's like the left over of some
he's play, and I also I poked holes in this cause. I didn't understand us: girls don't eat, as might I guess it's more girls, just one a fourth graphs. Well, they do all they can aid scrapped, if they don't have anyone to make anything. For, I think that was a peace. That was a piece I I pushed back pretty hard on as you can. Imagine, sure, cause you're making yourself like oof, Michelin, star, dinners every night, not every night, but enough nights. And then I said you do that and you do it for yourself and then you will throw stuff away, and just that's: ok, that's what happens to a happens, but it's the caspian fit of you feeling like you, deserve a full meal? Videos like a half of an agony and then a quarter of an hour caught out now we're better than that? This is a duck. The goose ok, because I too,
the girls to their first baseball game. A couple of nights ago, since we last spoke great dodgers, em my sales pitch because they ve never been to baseball game and we ve never watch one on television, so the notion of like hey, let's put some effort into this thing, although I think was a parent night at school, I didn't even find out till after I got the tickets, so delta was kind of like she wanted to go to that and so there's no real appeal about the game. Now my agency has the best seats at the baseball stadium. They have tickets in the dugout club wholly smokes. Is this the greatest place on earth. It reminds me so much anointed doves with my papa bob. You walk out stairs and there are multiple buffy parse yeah. I did. You go with someone recently. I feel like you're taught you ok, nay. I made my way so I was when the girls like a you're, gonna love baseball, but you don't know you're gonna love it yet, but the
is going to knock your socks off but be getting very little traction with the food because they're like as our macaroni and cheese and pizza on my I don't know that there'll be that I'm like, but there is a soft serve ice cream machine and they're like ok, thank god. Yes, that got them interested enough. We got there immediately. They like it right going to dodger stadium, it's an institution, its timeless. You walk in everyone's happy, its there's, the lights. Every words gorgeous git downstairs. They took a look at as far they were so excited and they made their plates, make chow down and then they may multiple deserves. Then we go out and sit and watch baseball in there, multiple home runs, there's incredible double plays. Were there like woke when someone I dont want, I'm not crazy into baseball right, dear by look on your face and it didn't seem like you are. I love baseball games, but yes agreed not follow it right, you'd! Think of conventionally the home run being the exciting thing. I would argue that double play
when someone the shorts up job No way is gonna. Get this. He sliding booming catches it from his side. He turns male asking and then that guy males first the girls we ongoing bananas and now also in their home, runs they're doing white show lincoln was Scream and clapping was so fine, that's asa, but ass. They went till you. O neill came up my brother of course neo pad man. Why? Because a movie needs. Your brother's coal is based on milky bats. Who now plays for the dodgers. His is two key bets. Just now, though it is, I think which I found out much later via another friend of mine. I never knew, but I think it's it has to be connected to a movie. cs. Ok, so, and he's jerky beats. I think I hope there's
actually cause. I made a big meal out and if I'm wrong here as well he's on our team now and he's sensational, yeah yeah yeah. Well, that's exciting! I also love about these baseball games. Is they the nice is asses and legs in those baseball pants that everyone, but some of the guys that step at that place, the feeling them out there like taught it do have good, but even there's a few. white guys with really nice haunches. Just don't see that very often you know it's not one of our selling points, for the most part, to terrorism. Exceptions weekly, has tons ass and knows how to use it as well Well, that's fine! I love a baseball game. It was a kind of a big
great, because it was a school night and the game doesn't start till seven. We got to bed at seven thirty. Clearly we're not going to make that sofa. He just stay for the whole game. No, They would have gone to bed at eleven o clock. We wanna be honest, I'm too frugal in that I probably If I had my agency didn't, have these w me didn't have these tickets I've been there for twenty one years. I had a break, whereas it see aid for seven years and then came back. There always had those seeds, and I got invited one time by an agent and I would have never gone in just bought tickets in the dugout club. I might, Oh, I don't know how far it is and I won spend the money. So the fact that I've gotten so I'm just send mail if more than the money now you know it's fine, I would now- and now I would yes absolutely its The only venues here that is close to us, we live close by yes, which is nice ass, most of the things you have to go down town or have to go to send
monica or angle. Word is out. We're sapphire is near here, I'd like to go No one doubts who annoying at cop, at that I mean like getting in, and out of that is off. During a future one of the lines there the metro lines, if it would be easy because yeah, it's not you, it's not very easy to get there. But I do wonder if you took The lines I think go directly there. I don't take it to the charter's bears game. Yo, wabi being, and I were going everything in seconds. Ok, so this is for camel hymns camels and will heed what does for a second about the j o k conspiracy, which we ve done on their whole episode on an armchair danger, we did it here he knew some stuff that we couldn't say what he knew or what he had heard. But then, since we were quarter that The sewed something came out of the new york times
If you saw this bad paul land ass, one of the sea service agents? He was only a few feet. Way from Kennedy when it was shot, he's telling a story in full for the first time- and it says his account differs from the official version, but if he was right next to Kennedy in all of its, armed. What could he know that we don't know we were seeing the same thing. He read the thing: we're going to Rita taylor's. I can read it telling a story in full for the first time in at least one key respect. His account differs from the official version in a way that may change the understanding of what happened in dealey plaza all these words are just popping into my head right now, like book exchange, grassy knoll, all these like little words that are cemented into that right now, since he has never subscribed to the conspiracy theories,
stresses that he is not promoting one now he's eighty eight, he said oliver, to tell what he saw him, what he did, how leave it to everyone else to draw conclusions when it comes down to its copper, jacketed, six point: five millimeter projectile, The Warren commission decided that one of the bullets fire that day struck the president from behind exited from the front of his throat and continued on to hit MR conley somehow managing to injure his back chest reason. Thigh. It seemed incredible that one single bullet could do all that so skeptic called it. The magic bullet theory investigators came to that conclusion, partly because the bullet was found on the structure believed to have held Mr Connolly at parkland memorial hospital. So they assumed it. Exited his body during efforts to save his life, but mister land is who was never interviewed by the warren commission said. That is not what happened. In fact he said he was the one who found the bullet and he found it not in the hospital near missed.
Conley, but in the presidential limousine lodged in the back of the seat, where Kennedy was sitting awhile when he spotted the bullet after the motor kate arrived at the hospital, he said he grabbed it to thwart souvenir hunters, then, for reasons that still seem fuzzy even to him. He said he entered the hospital and placed it next to kennedy on the president's drive you're, assuming it could somehow help doctors figure out what happened that makes sense. Also you imagine all the remains of him in the clothing, all that is going to be catalogued and yeah yeah. That's where I would put it. I might even put it in the dead president's hand, cozy at some point. He now guesses, the stretchers. seven pushed together and the bullet was shaken from one to another. There was nobody there to see. Here, the scene- and that was a big big bothered me. Mr Miranda said all the agents that were there are focused on the president. A crowd was gathering. This was all going on so quickly and I was just afraid that it was a p. Of evidence that I realize right away. Very important. I didn't want to disappear, get lost, so it was Paul. You ve
If the decision- and I grabbed it- mister landis theorizes that the bullet struck Kennedy in the back but for some reason, was under charged and did not penetrate deeply. Therefore, popping back out before the president's body was removed from the limousine that that last part, It is very hard to imagine tat. It was a mile in my understanding of physics, neither the basically bounced off of his back and then that it itself from the sea and then also land as having a theory on it. As a me on that This is not a doctor or a project. I understood This has been reluctant to speculate on the larger implications. He always believed that lee Harvey oswald was alone gunmen. But now, at this point I am beginning to doubt myself. He said now, I begin to wonder that is as far as he is willing to go interesting, yeah of it, which will reflect the so before proposals or just
right from the got. I just always reminds me of our kind of asymmetric three time no, like he died, ray what a tragedy, what a fucking tragedy, seems like it was Lee Harvey Oswald. If it wasn't him, the world? Is that, due to the situation, that's really heartbreaking? I mean some people will go like well. You gotta find out if it's a foreign entity and level, but you gotta really know who it was. You can hold them accountable, but I just think it's one, except that a president we all loved or I was on live, but people loved could be taken out so scary. It makes us think that, while nets, the the premise of Dan Carlton's whole thing about concern, Neither is it scares is too much that one lone wolf can change history, yeah, so what's more come
fourteen is that there is a syndicate and a bunch of smart people on a big, complex thing, and it takes that to fuck up history, but really some dipshit can fuck up history, yeah fish to dip shits fucked up the last hundred years of history. By killing archduke ferdinand change, the whole world gave rise to rise, the hitler yeah, that's variant, unsaddling yeah you could go rogue and ripple. I wouldn't rule it out. If someone said one of your friends went rogue you'd be on my list relish her you're, powerful, you're, intelligent, you're, capable you'd, think I'd go around. I don't think he But if one of my friends went wrong, what does it mean to go wrong? We have to define like went on a killing spree. What decided. I I funding We disagree with us to a level that I'm willing to give my life for it. Ah, my conviction key
during deeply about something share, but definitely be me, I have to imagine I'd behind your list. Yeah phrygia. Definitely that feels more noble. for me. They did going rogues, I'd gone crazy, a little bed or I mean in the sense that there is a system in place to challenge the power and if you determine that system was never going to challenge the power that was ultimately destroy x, amount of people. If you decided work outside of that established system that be going rogue right. That's true! That is true. That's kind of the definition I think of going rogue. I could see that me, but I have a weird duality that I am also leg. I'm pretty career I or will the thorny- and I don't really have issues when people tell me to do something and just cannot do it yeah Well, if you went broke and probably be on some really sturdy foundation now I could go rogue over something that would just triggered may probably or I could go right over the rope around the row.
the road that should be your label the rogue Let me spell out w again in our view that croatia dash the rogue my backpack great song, recommended everyone michigan ban, pack put it in my bag in him again and my backpack averted laggard matthew lines. You love me ass, a nice ok, he talked about that. There's a fish when he goes fishing that some some people are encouraged to her to kill to kill. yeah, and that is the rainbow trout and it reminded me again new york times. This is just heavy. Just a few days ago there was a the baldwin. Oh, I saw one about the dwindling brown trout. and the only time since we talk to jane- oh my god, no there's a bug in
new york that they are telling everyone to kill. If they see it which is so weird does, in the near time is called the spotted lantern fly, o flies or hard to kill yeah. Apparently it's really invasive. My second step. They taught me how to kill a fly, ok teach us and it works, but it still hard. What is like you'll, never swat with your hand at a fly in get it right. What you have to do is cup your hands, spread them apart cup them and then get. Down where the flies on a surface and then slowly move at it with both hands because it has sea will knock as it has eyes on all around its head and since the threats coming in all directions, well which way to fly and they get kind of paralyzed, and then you go fam at the last minute. Oh my god. My second said that it was really really smart right. but also on other things, so yeah
who that's weird, it sounds cycling Yeah, even though I mean it's true, I was sure to tell you. I gotta know how to do. Why don't be in the killer, business or know how to do it? I really am killing business with flies, but not because I am against killing them. I just don't really know how This isn't I'm not doing this to be patronising. I'm sincerely dealing people Peter, I don't want you to kill, fly, hardly probably yeah. I do not need arose. Do they draw the line at anything? I don't think so cousin. What about looking face of species, I kill others. Well. What about this? In the new york times sang the lantern fire, they that's bad of protest, am I e they, my they invaded pennsylvania first and now. They're taken up didn't see in new york. Oh wow, yeah remember when was to have them killer bees yap cannot ever not another, whatever happened there, but it's as this could or can be met.
devastating door, ecosystem and agriculture here in the: u s, there was a great deal, try to say what it was, but it was very this american life or radio lab. One of these really well done. Audio shows ha that was talking, but they have the technology with crisper to take. mosquitoes, alter their dna and then- send them back into the hive and basically make all of the mosquitoes neutered. So they can never reproduce, there's always real. Big ethical debates and there's a lot of environmental say that that the mosquito doesn't really serve any purpose. The food chain that there wouldn't it wouldn't cause any kind of collapse and it causes so much destruction to other animals and humans, blah blah blah. There was kind of a raging debate about whether ethically they could annihilate the mosquito. If they had the technology which it seems they do wow. So they they don't provide any thing in the food. That's a look. They probably made up.
point in a counterpoint. The point I of course clung to was that they serve no poor. I looked. I grow Michigan fuckin swarmed by mosquitos. They run your summary up, dots all over your body. A camera read this. From the smithsonian. Oh by the way I this is obviously dinging. I've again my bodies covered a mosquito bite. Oh I've, so many right now, so many In other words, one now there they're my yard, I hate and yeah. I bought some zaparos. I've learned, I don't thou unplugged. Most governments are doing. I don't I'm right how bad it! I can't not scream and now I have all these scams. Ok, this arm smithsonian of her dress her very well. They can seem pointless and purely irritating. Does humans. Mosquitoes do play a substantial role in the ecosystem. Escudos form an important.
First of biomass in the food chain serving as food for fish as larva and for birds, bats and frogs as adult flies, and some species are important pollinators out of more than thirty five hundred mosquitoes species. Only around four hundred can transmit diseases like larry and west mile virus and most don't feed on humans at all, I this was in Brazil. I think it was proposed somewhere in south america were the they are proposing this or theirs still a significant amount of malaria, deaths and yeah, I also don't even things felt that real. Well, I just You know your little baby can eat worms and stuff. They don't need the mosquitoes. A lot of insects, I'm sure they're competing yeah. I dunno we'll get some hate mail some some, unless seated alex, I mean I'm sure, yeah someone who's like devoted their life to it, but a regular
on earth. I wonder if anyone is like fine with mosquitoes right, ambivalent. I though there is such a range in bite. Some people don't ever get bad. It's true. Those very true has to do with your breathing fewer like breathing tempo is slow. that you don't get it that's. You heard I've already allied you're hurt. a hot you are. I think that is a feather in your cap gives you been chewed debates want to suck your beauty out: ass, Gabby, adrenal chrome, oh my god. There, the arabian all cubans If they were now learn regional labour earlier owing liberals are our statements and actually have the article to prove it. Now. What I was saying that movie sound a freedom that was driven Oh exclusively reminded us, the right and in christians,
we didn't say, the name of it, and so the name of all of the living sent. Yes in its Jim cathedral, who was again, I cannot speak ridicule on rail and rise really relevant and then now the christ, guy passion and the gray sky. And now all these people are mobilized and, of course, the fonder of the fuckin thing. fabian marta one. All this less I'm lattimer. I guess this is ethical. Read this one of thousands, patrons of the crowd, funding, anti child trafficking. Film sound of freedom was arrested in charge with accessory to kidnapping according to a Missouri court filing the class. A felony carries a poem lieutenant thirty years in prison? to remove facebook posts appear to show the same person revealing their pride in funding. The fell, martyrs name. peers in the movie credits among the investors, who help bring sound of freedom to theatres. Sound of free Dramatize is the story of anti child sex trafficking organization, operation, underground rail road and its foundered
m ballard, who has played in the movie by Jim ca visa. There is also a conspiracy that, like theatres, weren't playin, it they'd like, say that the air conditioning was broken and few tried to go, see it well, that's funny. I rented opposite thing, which is many churches were encouraging people to buy multiple tickets, so it would stay in theatres. The box office alice you, it was real yeah yeah only for an independent movie for months ago every summer, and I know when it was it was when we were talking this all kind of started. I know why on this trip with we interviewed wendy model. We said this whole child trafficking, thing is insanely overblown and not something. People should be terrified about yeah. Their reward well mean if you're gonna be worried right and a lot of people in the comments of when these episode were like no objection is in his all, fuelled by this movie sound of freedom. Turnaround
ten million dollar box office yeah, and it's incredible yeah, I'm not watching that, and I don't want to watch that: okay, flaky jake's and fud rockers. This is great. This is from the l a times We have some good sources today with sea with hamburger chain, such as models and burger king engaged and practically thermo. Nuclear warfare, lesser fast food conflagration are easily overlooked, but the upscale burger battle between five rockers and flaky jake's is war. None the less in north ridges. The blood battleground nor through yeah. There is a flight. You Jake Sonora yeah, like the drive This was written in nineteen. Eighty five!
Why was I may, is a cool. That's when I looked Jimmy was saying he was in college there and eighty six or so, and then, when I was, I was going to be easy for five as a kid, but we we wondered if they were the same and they're not No, we wondered if they ripped off flaky jane will we do then Also, it was like I wouldn't be surprised if it was actually the same company and discovered it's not Why is this so who knew the article to be from nineteen eighty five thirty, eight years old, that article hot money we are to see. Ninety five was an article I know I know you're two years out from being born. Well. This must have been in the actual paper that they have now converted. It's weird cause both or company, on flaky jake's over. last august last. I was borne by all my tomorrow wire born in august. This is now
also even to think about allay nineteen. Eighty four lines, the van I would say, olympics were about eighty eight or something like eighty four, you. Why, frederick I'm flaky jake's are no longer suing each other. Neither will discuss the nineteen eighty three out of court settlement, but their competition. Means undiminished. As far as I'm concerned, their copycats five rockers founder philip Romano set on fire all using playing by the way is a hamburger place where the big bar of toppings irene, even you to say that their saw your loyalty flaky digs, but I love both. I hope that I made that clear. I love for workers fuckers, which was from any ogresses of cells, the funniest way to show our past- of time the chain german yeah yeah. I know it's not funny for workers. Becomes bought fuckers by the war in the future. Ok for workers has contentment all along that Blakey. James com
its formula and even made a federal case of its allegation. In u s district court in seattle, where it charge flaky Jake's with infringement of trade, dress a kind of commercial plagiarism in flaky jake's, promptly counter sued, alleging san antonio base, fun rockers was acting and restraint of tat. Aid huf, while the burglars five numbing on answer those burger ores, I know what a simpler you didn't read it in the newspaper on the day came out. You could never find it again now know about it and now the man now you can ok. Do we do about trump water for a second Jimmy said some about tromp what're, you yeah trump eyes was distributed by mountain spring waters of america. Some mountain springs. You see now and sprang. The vertical ring glass bottle neurons son,
brain was discontinued. Two thousand ten, but trump natural spring water is still listed as exclusively available at trump branded hotels, restaurants and golf clubs. a water, the likes of which you ve never drink. I wish I could do trot It's crossed my mind to spend a minute to try to figure out it, because this comedian does have a best trump impersonation I've ever seen in my life. I can't believe how fucking good it is only got as good and I'm so. I can Remember that communion, saying, gala shane gillis was up on this episode: yeah yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, okay, one fact you said that kimmel was the third guess he was our fourth gas, okay, culture and christian Ashton and joy were our. I gather her and then people, but we really
those at once those three so yeah. It's like our first knew one second right but forth, but second, but for lever, you think they're rhapsodize get. I have a weird connection from said When I came out to a in twenty twelve before it lived here, see Jimmy camel you wouldn't zalm lie runs on live online. We I like front row for it. The guest was carry washington That's an easter egg hold I'm so eager maniacal. I got so excited. I thought you had a grin on your face where I thought you were going to say I was the gas oh wow, terry was, and we record with her the next interview ah cm, aiming at long last interview at all.
The eastern advances that will keep us by. It was the same moment absolutely and who would be excited the carry while should examine its a great upset. You see me sam, sir resumes them well, love. You love! You take care. the.
Transcript generated on 2023-09-19.