« Armchair Expert with Dax Shepard

Jake Johnson Returns


Jake Johnson is an actor, director, and podcaster. Jake returns to the Armchair Expert to discuss what he remembers about being on the show in the early days, why he stopped going to casinos, and how much he respects AA. Jake and Dax talk about why they wanted their daughters to learn self-defense, how they feel about doing manual labor, and how hard it can be to see the red flags in some situations. Jake explains how he is usually 5 years late to trends, what kind of advice he gives on his podcast, and how he thinks it’s funny when someone calls him out for being wrong. 

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Where I come outcome of norms. Your expert, undine, shepard and joined by MR monica badman, hello. returning guess today. Yes, he was early days and one of my favor I told them that- and I very much was sincere about that. I've found him So for the first time we talk to and then equally fund this time more jake Johnson, he changed the shell financially, dacians fundamentally change the show he is an actor, a filmmaker new girl, mink spiderman, let's be cops drinking bodies, the whole thing he has a new podcast right now That is very, very fun. It's called were here to help with jake, Johnson and Gareth reynolds and they're, not great help which is kind of like not bat or bad. If I sort of but advice like your uncle, would give you in body advice from the board yeah yeah, there's one, that's incredible unity
so please enjoy Jake Johnson, but before you go, I would like to announce the october prompts for armchair anonymous. We have for coming your way. First one. If you're in the service straight. Tell us all indissoluble Yeah service industry. Nightmares milton nightmares compels me incredible. Some could have tipped you ten thousand dollars because they were crazy. Is crazy story, from the surrounding the service industry. Yes, this is not an invitation if you are not in the service industry to tell us a bad story about service correct. This is from a service provider, yeah, ok, t or verizon more server at a iraq cast number do crazy teacher or principle stories again. You're, the teacher or the principal yeah, the student? That would be crazy student stories. That's right he's a very confusing story about.
Out, a real life encounter with dax or monica that you think, is crazy. Yes very scary. I want to say this value, or I worry that, as we always have some context, my assumption is that these stories are gonna, be mostly from people who we know who want to tell a funny story. About us, oh rights. Ok, that might lie hunch will further audience. Then they get to hear funny stories about us that we might not tell on our own ok right, ok and you're, worried that this is gonna, get you cancelled. Decided in my view that I'm gonna make love to MIKE butchers I guess right now. Listen to that. I mean we probably won't know I think we need to sit through that. So I don't think that's gonna get picked on the warning now. Ogre regardless story,
tax or monica from real life. Who do you hope, rights in Erin, me. No I'd! Rather here, like a blast from the pass yeah meat. It's like a high school teacher high school. I didn't think my hot teacher will call by the way this could combine to things like I could be someone's nightmare service sperience. I could be principled. Iris trailers cover the teacher story. She too, this is a long and again member bore in extremely. Generous act of hospitality that you received again just for context. This was prompted someone suggested after I told the Boston short story where, where we were taken in by strangers and shown great hospitality. So if you have a story like that, where you are really fucked and then someone showed you an extreme generous act of hospitality, please share. Please share lol.
This prompts ever lilies enjoy Jake Johnson he's eureka. while there's some putting putting it all together, I'm having memories memories that was a while ago. It was a very long time ago, you're for sure one of my favorite guests we've ever had thanks. I weirdly He thought optimistically somehow that one thing would have led to like some regular check and that's how much I enjoy veto Ok good. Why are really funny thing about you, because I didn't know what this was. You guys were kind of first in my eyes in the podcast world, and I think it was spiderman and others to impress, and they said like
want to go to the doctor's house and talk to doctor, and I told you, I've been a fan, so I was like witches and I was like sure, we'll just do bits yeah, then we sit down and I was not prepared for the tone, Oh yeah, lawyer ability of your work. I did a lot of bad stuff and we want a new girl. We have something in common. I thought you really like a silly boys near like our dad would also hope was doing using the means we should seriously and he's really interested in childhood drop. You only knew what, unless it is beggarly comedy, isn't it I was a wake up, call it what you guys were they? Obviously you guys have proven it, but you It started a path that is now becoming a thing, but in two thousand and ten I didn't see it right.
I, your oven, is garage what fun when you're talking like lifting weights in your garage gym in my garage. Oh you got it. I thought this was like midwest shit going to hang out, do some beds and maybe maybe not, who knows maybe we'll forget we even released them before I get to buy a big. Thank you to you. We bring it up a lot on this show, but it's very important that I say it to you: you're the reason that this seating arrangement is the way the seating arrangement, as you probably don't, remember this, but I obviously do I used to sit there. I do remember me with a lot of exactly- and you said in the middle of the interview idle like this. I can't see her Can we re arranged this, and so we did? We must have put up that sheriff. Thing it was gone out of the room. Why do I remember that you said that about someone
now only here, I'm not saying you throw you and I were even if you do, it feels good, I'm a hundred percent worth it nicely with someone who said: why aren't you in the pitcher some I sure make sure was the first one that was like again the picture there would be you and mike force, but were good girl very worthy comes from just in tourism or business. I've been in a lot of pitches, especially when I was coming up You would notice certain executives. Wouldn't look at you don't know if you've ever had that, but if you're like a heavy hitter and you're like I'm fucking excited about them too, we came up with that sounds legit like I get it. We're all excited blanks in the room and then some executives are looking around and I would be in the middle of like my section of the pitch where I'm like. Well, if you like that,
every character. Let me tell you about ba I'm like a little mother fucker, nobody changed the whole vibe of the show, and I really thank you for that. Really, oh yeah cool yeah. First of all, it is very cool of you, but also made clear one of the debates we were having because we would go like. Why does some guess pretend monica's, there is a female, then his eyes and easy my status because they know who I am furs, all this debate about it and we never thought will just its logistically import divides sad when it simply came here. I was like going to come and talk to die out, like ok cool the hour of thing. I remember thinking this is true because I'm I send you out when I don't mean do but this, but if you would like,
my body type, you don't want to be like that. I've always taken photos in your life. I'm going forward to someone bend over and touch your toes. Take your shirt off reserves, so you're going to take years or it was whiplash you'd- have to paint it as like. An altruistic act, but I also think it was just out of preservation of your neck. Actually yeah congrats to you. You've killed it because it created a whole thing. It's saying that she's building the house across the street from our house is that true, yeah, big beautiful house, no kidding that's great. How did this all start for you? I came out for acting and then I started nannying for them and what year I came out in twenty ten okay, but you're going to add, starts taking classes you see, be theatre, major and george. Twenty ten was huge at use: ebay, yeah yeah
It was like I'll get a higher right on franklin, hundreds of years as so sad to see it now hold with an arrow and it really adored just role by either the other day, and there was a fucking reviewing staff, but I wouldn't have, but even just apart from that place, what I'm starved love about our business. Finally, accepting it is forty. Five is every five years he's gonna be a major shake up here and if you don't see that is fun. This is the game regulators back or even what you were saying outside what you said like I was almost quitting I'd been done and then you got a new charge. Will really quick? You go yours act as a european and global gargoyle. You still use skype. Give your baby and disgusting well yeah. I and I work out, and I bang testa around after strangle. You have been for six years and then I said one of the things that was good about. It is
was retiring, and then it may be hungry too. Like start this with you and start act kind of too much, and then I enjoy, but those dips. I had that in the pandemic, when it first started. I thought I think fuckin got em and you go like easy. I want a weird game. We all got into mercy does not over think it's really fun. You love it now deep down. You're like what a fucking nightmare this has to end, and then you see and out you go. This isn't even quitting, I'm not a quitter. Naturally gotten fifty pounds fatter and I moved somewhere else hole in your head. I did shave it in the middle of the desert photo of it, but then there's like a turn and something kicks in and you go like alright I guess, I'm going to try to adjust with the times. I guess I'm going to play yeah and then something kicks in or it doesn't. But you go like I guess I'm still fired up. Yet when do you think that's
early. Are you brought back on line by seen? Something or just it strikes you the chance of this whole business, the game and ship of it? like staying up late and thinking the strategizing to like. I I'm doing this. What if I did that and then failing feels really good for me, like I hate it, but I love it, I'm a gambler. So I really- as deep down the reason I sat gonna casinos is I'm not playing poker to win plane until I hit a moment that it's four am and I have no chips and I go like tens, yeah, you're fuckin and then I'm like I'm in a hoodie and forty one, tuesday at commerce. That's where the moment hit me and I'm sitting there now an empty table regroup in which this feeling I like that feeling of like fuck. Now, if I'm gonna grind back, how do I do it that's what I like. You know. My old man had a thing. He was talking about business and he goes no matter how successful you get. When I look back, I look at the derive
as the best years of my life in the area of our business is every sand castle we build? It could be that, if not down in a couple years, even if it was enormous raids in amendment then once it fades when people like other. great. Would you do that? Thirty years ago, you like six months when you get tired, For me, I'm, like, I think, I'm done and then something happens. Room like are and are trying to build. Another sank ass. I guess it's fun. yeah? That is so true, and I too love the kind of strategizing, and you are just like this one man, business right, you're, just like your the product right and you're like how am I going to revamp this then you'll feel when, like the towns not excited about you or how you feel when the town is and when you realize that doesn't do anything for your inner feelings. I saw that taylor. Swift, ok, should use a killer early on in it saying how the crowd telling her she was good mental out to her yeah. I wish
I had more of that because you're like, if that's your validation and it's filling you up you're, going to keep going better and better and better yes, and so I don't really have that thing. But, what's really fun is to see where I'm like, goo well, Jackie js, not having a hot moment. Is there something I can build to get that momentum back as if it's poker just to have more chips? Yes, but when it's really going down, I still have the like ooh, if that's wonderful, lo voy the navy or the bottom at this event, and I'm like talking to one friend and no press- is coming our way out of pocket water man I do feel like part of this business is just a really weird fantasy. It is a dream You moved out here what most of us moved out at a certain point with this.
really silly dream tat at a large of so much eager, yeah and them as either, and I had a fantasy of like convertibles goal in the hills and vienna. Ninety sitcom yeah, like I just think all that's gonna haven't in its work and then you come out here and it's just not what you think it is even when its work, but it is still good even when its dog shit, I have a thing where you know we contact of any projects, but I was doing I press for projects and I was doing a photo shoot and I'm just done. I dont ever have to do this again. I never had to do a red card but again, and then the woman who couldn't be nicer, we're in my back yard. She goes like do you wanna put shoes on, and I realize life there's no thought any.
or this was a hollywood rewarder interview. I see I noticed you were bare. Forget one thing I didn't think about entail max green, fail, a sign of the taxpayer idiot thrush jews. I locked chair a bag from a cottage industry. Is he somehow hears of everything that's going on and then bless you? Will you always about something? It's so annoying where it was me him in damon wins junior on the tax, and so then I wrote I didn't post about it because the strike happen so how'd you find out I quit because there's so much content. So if anybody comes to and goes like, I saw that article and it's a slight neg. Why are you google me my man? I gotta know lord. I shall going you lie. May I must have an alert on you and as friends into his eyes, weren't. You know what I mean. My first learn: spearheads, luckier him back. He is a shockingly funny. Guy killed gone runs where I'm like that dude murders. May he knows I'm sober. So I got the funniest text for whose, like wind, smart, was launched.
And they were an overly kind to me as they are interviewing. You remember my place in this pod cas world. He wrote me like why knew you'd be relapse and with a few weeks that such an event that you'd be out, it was like? Oh, it's so dark and funny. I wouldn't have been sober now. Well, and drank I'm coming up on nineteen years of having not drank or done cocaine, but I also have relapsed on opiates a few years back. While I had a really trippy thing. After my dad passed, we were going through all his old stuff and I'll tell you what really hit was seeing his a a to and there are certain things that, like you would see, my brother would be like all emotional need be like you want these
the shirts and I'm like fuckin pass ye old, lighter and I'm like yeah. He smoked like no. I don't feel anything I'm not in the program, but I have some good friends who are seeing those I'm like. Oh that's! A really earned thing and you're like that's, actually pretty cool you know. What's so funny, is when my dad died same thing I going to his place he's staying at and I'm like. What do I do with any of this stuff? You immediately become aware of the fact that all the stuff is meaningless. if you're there to care about it? Now it's just a room full of junk. The only thing I took as he has this elephant it's like carved. Little will. Aren't. We call reeboks jewelry box year, though elvin on top and when you open it, it's all of his chips were like twenty six years and multiple to some and that's the only thing I took that so where we both have that. But it's a neat because I wonder for you him getting silver and stained sober, sponsoring, guys and being of service? That was the one thing I condemn find meaning negative to spend about everything and the whole programme
yeah. I love poking holes in programmes. Yes, I love veinlike at an amazing opportunity and it is very cold. This number tell you why getting spiritual healing did you know the guy who runs it was in jail for who cares, though? Yes, when you try to be a little piece of shit about air, no one's pain, There are no job guy earnings like brilliant, raising of edge just self, sustaining thing that helps people. My body was walking me through it, and for no reason I was trying to poke the hole and have like well, if you relapse a lot and keep coming back, it's probably not great for the program right and he's like. No that's not it he's like. Of course, you can come back we're here to try it.
Help you and I'm like. Well, then they must not be taken it for no reason, no value will no very clear reason. It's a group that you're not in because if it were of any value, you'd be like the rivers Groucho Marx, any group that wouldn't know that's a great new spinning. That's why I didn't like jogs jack. I should have been invited right into that group. Cheerleaders carried monica. You can get yourself in there if you work hard and allows them jarred, albeit in work for I heard your letter yeah tell him, I'm tradition. Oh, you did like the cheer types too. Oh, I fired no kidding. I was so fan my life and no fear of a massive neck injury now, which is fast aim, because I'm so fearful
such a scare person, and now I can't even believe that I was fine. With that just look around and trying of trying such means eve crash. You know, but I was drunk on winning once you went once what really was about to key bumps victory. It is fine going backwards, him of the game. I got india, jujitsu inelastic months are really what was the gateway to that? Honestly, daughters and I was googling self defense- fur smaller frames, because there is something to be said about. If I'm in a bad neighborhood. I do walk around at about one hundred and ninety pounds and I did wrestle a lot yeah yeah. So unless is a monster come in my way I dont have a sense of like other pan can get to the ground. I mean you can survive, but I started thinking about them. Growing up in one of my daughters is just small. They're twins twins fraternal, but I'm like she's never going to be a monster.
She wasn t, but I started goodwin best self defence for females. I thought I was gonna be like karate, Are some like striking thing had gone? The at will obviously lay my remington jujitsu because you're just using the other person's body- and I was like all its neat and so I started doing it together and then I've kind of got great. So you do it with your daughter. Yeah cause kristen's been doing it with our ten year old for two years. Now know why yeah with cecina gracie, I why she's granddaughter of the dead is see I and how are they like in it? They fucking love it and because it's. A woman live all little girls kristen in two other moms and their two daughters. So at six they go every monday to a friend's house and they train there. But your homework is like using your voice. So you gotta come in next week and talk about how you're going use
voice. Oh no, thank you. I'd rather have a handshake things to like help you navigate all the weirdo dudes in the world are going to try to put their hand up your ass, which is cool stuff. It is really really neat. Dear daughter love it. They do it's rough. So we, Russell a lot and then there's just moments where a knee will come across and graze the face or they'll kind of give me a look, and I'm pretending that they're not for which your feelings are and I'll just be like. That's. Why we're here? That's the good stuff, but I'm like, I think. If you push past, when you go to cheerlead and you will you try something new it hurts, but when you land that god, yes also, I've been known as seen so clearly that when my daughters get hurt doing something they want to do they don't give a flying. Fuck! That's exactly when you get
we're doing some. He didn't want to do hate it and it hurts going off of that like who wants to learn to read who wants to like work hard for something? So I am in the phase of I'm forcing them to do certain things that I'm, like, I think, you're going. into eventually like this, but I'm not sure yeah. I know your. I know it's hard. You also only get eighteen years. Let's be honest, you might get really. Fifteen may totally stop listening to you. I don't know much advise you are taking a vote without it certainly should now is that we do they couldn't preview bird waiting. However, they almost ten now try to answer when their rights If I go back to drinking what we should do is get drunk one. Madame had our daughters, fuckin role
Imagine the back yard or amusement. That would be a very you know. If we have two boys we'd have enabled a box. We certainly do see. Your moves are also the confidence lincoln said it multiple times like. Why did you jutsu so I'm good she's been going on walks and stuff all around the neighborhood and like were you scared? Well now I know jujitsu and it does good to have that confidence in a group. That's the game! Anyways! You walk down a lot of streets, I bought crack and a lot of neighborhoods yeah abroad. You know, but it's true and you don't have to win. You just have to send the signal that I'm confident and you'll have your hands full, there's, probably going to be easier targets. Literally, that's the same reason: you get a dog you could break in this
I can annoying for legacy- is barking nobody's barking across the street. It's just a problem, you don't need, he adds another variable. I do ask you about because in that article, were your barefoot eve built yourself my hand and eight by twelve cabin in your backyard. Tell me from start to finish: did you just draw the planned yourself? where'd. You get this idea and how to turn out. I grew up always doing my mother had junk shops, so we always indifferent shops around the city. We would get old furniture and fix it up. It was always my job to deliver it. You know some like funky, furniture and then we would hire random homeless guys in chicago, and that would be my group and we would deliver together and fifteen one a boy some of the hardest funny people I've ever met are in the back of my mom's old truck. They go, it can,
If harris feel free to go to save space pavilion letter that it was always building, it was always making in the part of this business, I directed be this. Last year I ain't going through a lot of that. It's so much goddamn work and in the end- You have it's not physical, even though its film, I don't feel them others feel of like it like a memory for other people's experiences and you work on sat you're doing ten hours a day, twelve hours, you're really grinding, and then it just kind of comes and goes, and it doesn't feel like a physical accomplishment, there's something about it from growing up doing what I did where it was the physical thing that was something I was really missing, I hated do manual labor, but I really liked you do in manual labor, because you are part of a group of you worked really hard. You were physically beat but you'd like three more hours than when you were done.
You'd be like fuckin to burritos six beer, you I get to now reward you ve earned it and I don't feel like I leave sat, and eleven hours on like desired. Here I gotta get these boots off like a career in another s, credit in yeah, you're right I was a roof or my best friend here and I would get off work and we'd be just fucking covered in fields we pop in we each get too. worries I m J d start drinking in the truck on the way home new economic. They got all that crap, but I guess it's a disposition to you felt like I earned However, the next three hours gives yes deal for it, and now that I'm forty five, that's not party in the way you depart, even if it's just I'm just going to sit and watch television, yes, you're like well, I need to do this because tomorrow, back in the sun doing blank, I don't have that. If I'm like
I did a zoom editing sessions for ten hours, like a super sweet guy who I like, and then we got some really intense notes from the studio. We got pretty pessimistic for about ninety minutes. We put, we have a really nice relationship is a friend for life and that executive- I don't love, but I see what they say. I deserve a nice jail night. The night goes on for me yeah, then I'm up in the middle night watching dailies or if it's right, you're back to work, and I really wanted something where there was a mission. There was a job like nebulous is finishing a movie or a script. You can choose to never ever be done without The big thing I've learned with mine is that I'm not done with it. We just ran out of time. Yes, you know like. Can I do more and you know the game was like her ha and I'm like I'm saying in a playful tone, but we all know what we've profited. I will go backwards financially, a movie's good
After a year and a half imagined in three years yeah in ten years, I might win an award for this fund. There's a great story and it sucks because I've forgotten all the players in it, and I only know half the title, but I do know there's a very famous director. I think this movie was sunset boulevard or something is that ring a bell. The name does yeah it's like one of these very famous forties movies or whatever it's in one of these books. I read and then that person telling the story got a call from this director who's now in his eighties, and I need you to come over gets areas I get, what is it he's a come down stairs I've just finished the perfect at it. He had been working on sunset boulevard. thirty years after it came any. Finally, in his mind, god that is it and that doesn't feel grey. Our work is to my mind, but guess what like that's what we all sign up for? That's the game earlier when I say: wouldn't it be nice to be done, it's done with that internal thing. You go like a fuckin left some shit on the table and I know I did at
because I'm not talented enough yet, but I might be you just give me a little bit more time and I don't have that with like the cabin my daughter and I just built a pavilion her and I that's why I'm so interested it's raining yeah cause. She got the buzz. She could never explain like. We had been working on it all fucking day long by the time we were done. We had the walls up in the roof we walked away. There is still stuff to do for the next three hours she was like in such a great moon. I do feel that you get a focus you could be busy in times travelling in this wonderful, eight percent. To be ridiculous. It's a meditation, you don't go like others, gonna be a two hundred and forty screws. You just start ass. It happened pre pandemic. I wanted a red deb couple. I fear that we are also interpret it now, but it started preparing dynamic. I wanted like a little space to get out of the house, and I didn't want to go to an office valid, ever happen and it'll be shameful to have like spain
in all to Dana. Like I put a pinball machine, it's very cool. I might asking a friend to go with me in there like. I dont want to hang out in your dorky space and I compliment you're a static. Yes, I thought I might be able to meet at my office on the other, and then you can you go through these on the lawn there like. I don't care, I am I on space, not that I don't want it. I don't even like my wife does lover thing. I want to tell me what you're didn't we like loud, pretty cool, so these are all old pictures of chicago a black and white that these will be changed but dont care. You see it in people's eyes. As you know, and I know you don't care, but for some reason I got another three emitted a finish school about these floors. Your friends is going in there. He goes down, but the point in my back yard- and this was during the tiny house craze, which is not a crazy, I think- is cool I've, never gotten it. I d I understand why you want to live in a tiny little space, but
with so much out there for the eight to twelve size place. I just do up on a piece of paper, laminated it and then went to youtube and had to teach each phase Yes and I realized I ve got pre bad, dyslexia and part of it is here, and I have to put my hands in something to get all the years. I did construction and you would have some thick old shoe cargo foreman who explain to me and to other people how to do somethin. I wasn't hearing it so it would be like well. That was an eight by twelve picture. You what you gotta! Do you gotta go right through dubai. She got a point, jack yeah and then cracking jokes cause you're. Not getting that. Then your work is shit, so you have to crack a joke about your workers because you don't want to go my workers.
I think a learning budget, I didn't understand one thing: you said you laugh so you're making eye contact. Women going migration for asia and fucking dog, some guy on youtube, would explain it and then, in the middle of it my brain would go to garbage down. Let's play a back, a real nobody's. Gambling just turn out to be like such a boy, Well, how long did it take you probably about eight months? It was probably like a three month job, but there was a lot of screw ups, a lot of mistakes, how many trips to home depot the best canal, lumber all that your spa. Well during the pandemic, when it hit and everything shut down. I was like two months in oh boy. I could still go, get lumber good. I got a game. And then, when you're in it never wears off right, but I'm still always working on the fun game of it. Is you look at a wall and you've got? You know it could be neat here, so it is like doing them.
You get a clear now imagine and into a tiny out, my wife and I, if we're gonna, have a date night, there's the fantasy when you watch tv or if you're, not an actor, you not recognize it off. What that date. Night is if she and I go to a restaurant? It's just not, the same intimacy as we expected still a fun night but it's not gonna what we started dating, because other people are part of our experience and so those it's are fine and my kids have made it very clear they actually like when I get recognized oh great yeah, so I don't have any of that like sensitivity about it, but my wife and I have started to do if, like the kids, are out we'll order and go to that cabin and have a date in their number goes in, of course, so she's only in their own, those knights. And so then I guess I curate it. You get me, executive turned into that. I want to be married.
and some man, if you were there, wouldn't tell member the whole thing about the poster down the wall. You she's my friend on time, to arm chair, diffused air I do want to go back to work as we left a kind of hanging. So it's not the convertible in the pool, but its awesome for completely different reason, and we ve like hinted at it, It's really hanging with other folks who have the same weird family idea, but even I go into what we're doing right now know. I was talking to my brother coming here and we are talking about like the changing landscape of the game, and I was thinking it's just really trippy and going back to dax's house. We are doing an interview that will get a lot of views and this has become part of the business. When I was here,
the last time. I did not view this as the business it. Why now there are certain times would like youtube started everybody. Making short old timers were mad, and I remember me or do like drunk history. The generation above us was like none. You guys you're getting paid your miss in it and for us we were like paid the budget will turn a back yard manage a bargain blast, but the game and changes in their everything's youtube. Now, when someone doing something: no five ten years ago. I might have viewed, it is more like whatever, Now, I'm like you might and a ten year period. It's really tempting to think you are part of an era that ended. For instance, I was lucky enough. You were lucky enough. I did studio comedies you could go like our there's, no comedies anymore and I'm so destroyed by that
and I ll never get to do that again. It's easy to stock of air. There is no version where you're gonna go. Do twenty four episodes of network television again, but some really rad yea? I have other people miss. I loved that you're, a common yeah eddie, are caused by the way. I saw a great thing about it where they were talking about the costume designer. Oh, Yes, oh wait! What this is real, it's the best think it's real. I know that when we all looked at those, we were I gotta what it costs to invent the cause designer was they get a? What would the dumbest of the dumb where in the future, I got these glee robber with holes, intimated, strap on the back and then the company happened. Just explode well, what's been
Leave me over the last five years as that christians obsessed with them, as is everyone right. There are high and wrong yad vashem, whatever monopolies can regulate the very well liked and worry where their very, where waterproof, yes, but she's always been urging me and by the way I need them all time, unlike walkin around river, and I don't know what to do about their. I honestly had forgotten. Why have this version, and then I saw that same mean and I was reminded yes, that is exactly what happened ass. They came only look at these things. So there was that, but I had forgotten it and couldn't figure out why I'm so resistant to trying them I've since got one. black pair and the chairman, the walk, so I got my wife and kids had them and they were all talking about it and I had in the back of my head and it might have also been generational. It might have been
It came out. I was ready to old yeah, but I well I boots and in that area, in the summer of the genes of boots on like I was working and I wasn't work more joined up just like a dock workers, and then I did throw those on, and I thought I get it really lawyer. I can not on shocking, though, have you warned them? yeah the dark woods during that goddamn. So I was one hundred percent know and then my group got it and my daughter goes like we'll get you a pair. I was thinking more like home. Slippers yeah, you know cause they're easy on again hit chan. Then all was on one day you go to a restaurant and you do feel a moment of shame it's what ox. Also why yes for similar situation, but going back to that movie, those kind of movies which were so funny and so big at the time they have gone away right, but I also like who knows what's gone away
I won't do another network show. I don't wanna do the twenty to twenty four and there was a whole period of time and I felt like we were all chasing it as actors. But, like you to comedy to do drama that was a model of was cool. It used to be, you didn't do commercials. When I came up. My whole dream was the one day I pass on yeah come on, cares the whole old models. Don't matter use, we you did movies you country, tv is if you can do a reasoned and then jack gobbler, but then it can worry, but even feel that way when we say this about communism like who knows what's next, Because in many ways barbie have you seen it now, but I wanna you're going to love, I can feel it I went with my girls on sunday and I was laughing as hard as I've laughed in a movie in a decade and that's a blast to send up of us is so fucking funny and embarrassing, and I think you too, I love the feeling of embarrassment, so I was cackling uncontrollably, but over the last few days, I'm like well. Why?
They claim that a common, that's a calm exactly and it's a billion dollar comedy. I would have said a year ago, though, not ever be a kind of get over a hundred million again when you are talking about six years ago, when you want to quit in and you got fired up again, do you really think about as an actor? What fires you up like when you moved out here and you are like I want to get into the game? What is it you wanted to do? And, unlike that's the way I wanted to be in a room with people who I find really funny. You wanna laugh their way through this tragedy of human values and I've got people watching it to last year and I didn't go to act in school. I dont care. I've got a friend now is like trying to get me with his acting coach guru and I'm like I'm not going to have on cross covered, person I'm with is on fire. I think, like man, I got the bessie, the house. If that could be the job again,
away from it for awhile will you know you just take gigs, but that's where it's fine man, let's talk strike for once again, because you are actually the example I would use of when it's really heartbreaking witches. You did span, presumably a year of your life, directing something that's coming out in september you're obligated not promote area that affect just lock stock, I was disappointed. I do believe the strike I have seen the middle class of actors get murdered. It wasn't that when I was coming up, so it does feel deeply unfair. I did an episode of the unit David mammoth, a CBS show I paid twenty four thousand dollars and in four years of residuals the pursued. I paid for my apartment had a life and I have watched over the years, my character, actor friends are dying and if your now the bran for lack of a cooler way of saying area. One in
on call she's or get your hands out above the title. Yes, but you're getting paid still there looking down, I'm certain what I'm talking to people who are deeper on that call sheet and here in their numbers, unlike that's fucking, god, yeah live, and so I am splendid. I don't get to promote it, but I also have a thing- and maybe I'm wrong on this, but I was doing press for this before and they said like do you feel more pressure on this than others and what I really feel is each individual project. You feel like it really matters when you're in it, but it's all a novel and his law, If I'm allowed in this game, it started with some stuff and like two thousand five and its hopefully going to in x amount of more years- and this is just part of it- those who are going to find it are going to find it It's not an opening weekend movie, it's not like oftener bari mine the and so the way people find these things are someone's gonna talk to somebody, it's gonna spread and it will have a life. It's something I'm really proud of. I got hit in the face with that news and then I thought like that
Gay man, that's a healthy. I also read you say that the wins and the losses they used to be kind of separated there were winds and losses, and now they're, just kind of one block be happening right now I looked back and look at the whole experience and it just like a nice middle. Of all EU average. The whole thing hour flight like above fifty one percent, and I can live with that, but I also have a thing in terms of the winds losses when you're in it, it's really confusing. So I did a show on Amy see caught some town. It was a procedural kogi. Smoulders was the lead me go easy was in it. A guy named call was, I was just really fun cast We got along great and vision. came out. Pandemic hid, went away whatever a net loss if you're an investor- and you invested in the pilot of some town, which we all did you don't we got paid for two seasons, but at last Michael lilies, wife, reached out about megan low video for his birthday and was talking about his way.
action when he and I text and how much fun he had on set. I remembered how many laughs. I had with that fuckin guy, how grey kobe was as a lead and being like. Oh, she is a fucking dream and I'm at now not when really like to those people the material I liked I wasn't like this is my dream thing, but even this is not a year of your life. You want back no, but also you make these projects, and I have learned now some people are going to like them. Some people aren't, I could do a bunch of press. Some people are going to like it. Some people aren't change. There are those who, like it. I do have a base, it's not huge, but those people will go like you kept it. Weird, It's my man and I'm like well, that's what I like yeah okay. So when you decided first of all, I didn't know Gareth reynolds yeah gareth. Is your co host on we're here to help. So you have a podcast now, yes with earth who rode on arrested development in flaky beyond hoops, ok, but you have met
erreth was a guy. I met in two thousand for ok, we're both improvised and he's truly I say this as a guy: we've maintain friendships throughout he's. One of the dumbest guys have a great friend. Yes, like I used to call him option one, and that is because he always says yes to the first option. Yeah, it's really lovely right like all right, so you guys want to eat and similar go yeah. Then I'll go I mean I got a box of cereal here. He goes. I love sierra. Let me finish finish so he had gotten into the podcast world for years. He does a thing called the doll, that's big. It's always been making. Money for years he's been talking to me about doing podcast for awhile. I've always seen the podcast world is something other. It's not what you're into yet, and I learned it when I came here the first time I was like oh motherfuckers doing his homework. I mean you have a sheet of paper,
given my credit, I mean that as a mere gave us now. That is a very bad about. Like there's a homework to be done. I know I'm not going to do the right you're on homework, your god cas yeah, but I was talking for awhile with somebody who was like a hero of mine, now reached out about doing a pod gas route interview, different people, and I thought, like men, really cool. I really think it goes a couple years ago at the news. Like you know, you get different people on and you could learn a sudden one of the producers on its a what what I to doing it. Like you know you just have to like read the book of the person literally or you're, about to tell you how much money I don't need, and what I also didn't want to do in terms of podcast is just get a bunch of friends and just fully bullshit stand ups.
when a really good job with that where you're like some of them are very good, but I don't want to do that and then Gareth pitched me an idea, and it was just something I felt like. I that's a fun enough premise and I go let's make ten and I'll pay are producer out of pocket if it's not fund will never really set in the know. How many of our friends- and it was a deer abbe advice- show, but our version of the advice is saying if you had uncle like I had uncle eddie nice car. They were always on my tea. They weren't necessarily right org. For your team. Yes, really! What they tell Monica uncle eddie coming to live with you in your fifteen, my uncle got arrested in florida for aids. They not positive, something like stealing computers and that brought him back to illinois, and so I was fourteen or fear at the time and my mom said my brother, whose why is gonna, come when I remembered we'd. He picked him up from jail and his first thing was you gonna tell him. What are you fucking shit, your pants,
I'll, be like the total area. In order to get when you are in jail me. Aren't you gonna, fuck enact crazy. Man knows like absolutely. I found this others believe me I get on at my very good public school. I will return to have shit in my view, ass. They came back lived with us for a year. that was still when I wasn't close to my dad too, I was really granite and he used to make me on signs and would say, around chicago, he would walk into a shot. Was a hell of a salesman and he would go like talk and beautiful fucking, shop your man, but you don't have advertise it. Let me do it. The catches is, craftsmanship was Tom she, and so I would be really when he was so good at Sally. Did. Somebody would be like how much you black eight hundred bucks I'll get the name. I was his work as I would be hanging.
They continued their point. I was not a school I dropped out rather than real. Remember that are too low to cash. I would be hanging to sign up and I would be thinkin. This looks. Bad luck yeah when you're a kid and you're a worker. You don't really think to question, but I'd be like. First of all, it's a little crooked project. The lettering is weird I'd, be like e, the amma's really and I'll go like he got, shut the fuck up and that, as the person's thought, we would literally have to run my tie. Like god, was he bending the glass? He did. Oh, that's kind of a genius. I mean he was a big part of the lights Sixteen acid stoner a drug war so that whole world is very cool to him. Yes, annette, credible character, and now he suggested to jake at some point you should do about improving the falcon.
What's all this while still in school, he goes. You got a lot of friends it. As I get mean I don't know. I have four and I guess I've humans. I talk to people and he goes. Let's do a thing to get. You do a thing together. We both like the bear it has allowed the barest because it still football poor. I got cool, didn't know anything about it. Here's all you need to do he printed out every game and then a numbers things like nine through one. You need to pick a winner. Go nine through one five box to play winner takes all that said, tell him you're going to take like you know, five percent for you, so you don't want to lie to potential Who cares tell just my friends. Five people here about a fucking thing spreads so random people, coming up to me gone. Can I get one of those she at school at school, I'll, kill people coming to me with their name their sheet and five dollars, and it's happening
Are you getting nervous as it starts? You're? Not you feel great about it, there's a part of my brain, which is utter dogs and affectionate way, but I know you can relocating their moments. Albanian, whereupon I like criminal, many a time they like. Did you not see the red flags atomic I swear to god now, looking back, I can rewrite it at the time is now also I had a story about myself which is like I didn't have what I deserved it.
I broke broken. I deserved more into it. I didn't really care because I knew what was owed to me. Yes, I think mine was more when your kids are young in their own preschool. All the kids are cute, then you're talking to some parent and you're like that one's yours, you know what you want to say is like I hope they come around. I was like I'll fucking block, so at the end of the week I have my memories around six hundred bucks, but I don't know for a lot of money enough money where I thought like we're in good shape, pre internet so sunday, while the games are going on, I'm just writing everything down. We did not have Monday night in the actual bag. Then you'd have like three minutes for scores. You'd, be like jets. yeah sunday night. I go down to my uncle, he was in the basement and I go hey eddie, so I got all the scores and he was like yup and I go what's your system like? How do we do it and he goes there's no fucking system and theresa. I go like that
there's no system and I go well no, the nine through, but I'm willing to do it. I just don't know what it needs. Your back a framing crew, do both literally walk me through it I'll do it all. I don't care. I like this I'll do this every week this has been fun and he goes. There's no system and I had That moment where you realize, like I'm in a world of shit, and I went like huh and then he goes. Who do you trust at school? And I go? Who do I trust Anyone who has your back, no matter what in retrospect it was a really interesting moment, because you look at your crew differently, because it's probably not your best friend it wasn't my crew. There was a kid who ended up becoming a school social worker who I grew up with a guy named asia gomberg. Who was just one of those guys. I just trusted age and he goes
college. I tell him you one to shut fucking mouth, I'm giving you to honor, you keep the rest and I went like veil now those there's no system, so you could either tell everybody at school. You hustled them cause. You did not me or you can call it. So I called AJ gomberg and I was like a jake you and the poor. He goes. I didn't want any games should you, how can I gave him? The mother? Oh my? Oh, my god, when I was fifteen my father, he high me and my friend, J rob to call up businesses and ass. If wanted to take an ad out in this hugs, not drugs. The coffee table pamphlet that would keep all kids off drugs. If we could just get this in circulation in your good, bye and add we would call businesses, but we also called like an elegant lodge.
And they were like, okay. Well, here's how it works for us. We do make charitable donations, but we decide in our Monday night dinner. So if you could come to that and pitch what it's all about, so me and my friend jay Robb go to a fucking alex. club he's sixteen I'm fifteen and we explain to them that we were bad drug addicts and that the system changed our life and while it was happening I was just like. I know what I have to do, which is like I gotta get an ad from the Elks club, and I was ok with just saying that I had been a bad egg and I wouldn't have been without this hugs, not drugs thing, and you know we never put out the pamphlet like we are. we sold a bunch of ads, but it never went to print yeah. So grim, it is. Did you think uncle eddie was smart for doing that once you sat with it, read like how and he always felt very other than me. In retrospect, there was a few things that happened when I was diagnosed with dyslexia in the eighties. My mom referred to it as laziness, so it wasn't the kind of thing where you got
help with stuff yeah. I try to explain to people all the time I went to learning disabled every day as you put these little cards through this machine. It said cat on it, you put it through and then some computer voice went cat in somehow that was the solution to dyslexia. They put me in the same thing and I didn't like it, kids that are actually yeah. It was, I mean like for their kids and I'm like. I know this isn't my group. I know it's almost like getting wrongly convicted you're like. Why am I, but that's exactly it by the way, because I remember being like this is fucked up, and this is wrong and my reaction to it was now, nobody knows anything. And so, if they would say like hey, what's the answer is always a joke renown. Oh I'm going to be such a fucking social problem for you that you're not gonna, put be in that class. You might want to kick me out, but you're not going to me there, so I think what eddie was doing a kind of loved him and kind aided him, but we
like a moment later, where we were in his truck and was winter and I didn't have a jacket on, I wasn't cold and he did this like huge, weird fight about me, putting a coat on dad you a little there, but you never had kids and he didn't know, do it Some really weird energy was. We were like all joking around having fun and then we are going to go to get a burger and then he's like, but a fucking codeine. I was like I'm okay. Put a fucking coat and I'm like yeah, I'm a mom doesn't make me sound fine and it kept going and then he said in anger. If we got enough fuckin crash and I couldn't reach you and to watch you to fuckin freeze to death, that's not happening and, unlike any really fucked up way. This is you carry about so at the time I didn't, but when I look back him making me do the neon signs and being fit all the pages, I think he thought you don't have a fighting fucking chance of making money. You
Dope, you're gonna make it through. This is how you are going to do it and if I'm your parental figure, you're not gonna, be a boy. Anchor, it's not going to be apology, would be like being a doctor cause. You can't pronounce any of the words. This is a path and in retrospectives I've gone back, I'm like not how I would have done it. Of course, but it was really loved, yeah well intentioned. Clearly that you don't see it saw even at that time. I didn't think. Like he's smart, I thought what a fuckin prick, because I was really afraid of word spreading right and people being like you and AJ hustled us, and then I got afraid of the cops like money to burn. I went to a cd store and bought like the most expensive cd, which was a double disc. Bob Dylan greatest hits me into good music there, but before that I was listening to like radio. I was like well this all.
It's pretty interesting cargo and a butterfly over here he's a character he passed away years ago, but he's one of those humans that there's certain people who should have a big effect than you have none major characters that you think leg even their vibe to you is like this is a big relation but, unlike you not penetrating at all- and I wish you work as your very positive you're very smart, be just mean nothing to me. Yeah. Those figures one name materialized in my life. In truth, I just didn't feel worthy of them or actually good. I felt like you're seeing good in me. That's not there. I hear that, but mind would be even if I would want to get. Unlike you just now in my language rights and I still see people of your great influence, that's a good human and, unlike not for me, it is negative yeah, just nothing for me. I it would always immediately feel guilty. I'm not gonna live up to this.
I know I want to run with the wolves, all hope and I'm going to disappoint you and I'm not as good as you think. You know its interest, and this is horrendous guilt about that. So you must have had a really crazy time in hollywood when you started really pop and because you started pop in I don't need mention this last time. We are here, but you are one of the first of our group. Aha, you I was up. I was auditioning for puncture. Everybody was out here doing that game and you are an exam, and now it worked the core feeling manner. I been a wild era. I will say, though I got an older, I mostly documentary when I was younger. I mean I don't wanna get too dark on you, but just knowing that you were molested and you've not told anyone yet something as simple as that, at your core and then some nice benevolent figure that comes across you in high school or a teacher in their saying I see in my arm of vital piece of shit right, but by the time that happened,
already been sober once he had lived a life. I had done an inventory. I told people I was was I didn't, feel shame about it anymore, so some things had allowed. the like myself enough to accept some of its, but always probably a key year, but still that middle ground was the missing piece for my there does that make sense you had gone through shed enough and come out that that period wasn't as insane yeah, although tonnes it this trust, knowing you gotta, have a more diverse some of those using what you say about the really interesting when you say about your mom. station. Oh, I try to have fresh news that they've gotta revamp it no, but I do think when you have a secret like that, that you are I feel this is a secret that I'm dying with no one to ever. Gonna know you're, always going to feel a little isolated because
you know, no one can ever really know you there's unhardy you of theirs upper used. That is broken. One notices, even if it's like no one's gonna know this thing about me. I've decided at I've declared it is not happening. So, even if I've fallen in love, that person isn't gonna no I'll enters its relatively easily at heart. That's why secrets kill people area? Man was different than that. I didn't have a secret I did feel like everybody else heads other stuff I didn't have, and I think that's partly when one of you parents is around, will look dude. We had friends who had dad's who practise sport is the front yard yes and we're just there simply It would go to someone's house and you would just see a man on the couch. I have a really weird thing. When I was around adult men, I would have a physical reaction so like if a coach went like all right pad when his hand left, it would still be something
craved and I hated crazy now, so I'd be like fuck, no, no, no, no, no, so certain people would have an effect and others like my uncle eddie. Even then, I'm like you're just penetrating, It's going to take me a long time and all people now, I'm like I'm not sure why it's penetrating later. I might get you jesse like a really interesting person, but I had a body of my kragans sent nickname me jake five years ago and he goes cause you're, always industry.
but five weeks later, but you talk about it like a new and exciting, but we all believe literally funding would have taken rock yeah. That's all new further thing right now, a keen! Why does he rarely their healthy, like deserted? Sadly, my jig five years ago, back ass? Well, let's do as partners where there are no. The established players are the established players, there's a marketplace and then there's a lot of people who are doing it as a hobby. and yet I was fine and you go like eleven viewers in your life. Did he did it hey. This is any jams in europe home and that's why, given the exciting, Oh what a wild jig five years ago moment stay too diffuse there
so even more waste. it and monaco remember. I already felt way behind, because we learn by any means far less marked marin we're there. Rogan was there on a ferris. Was there so I started, this process in my head six years ago. Thinking European sir, you already miss the train. We were gonna call the millionth pod cat, that's right which, by the way now I just had lunch with our spotify bushes, Oh you, how many? There are! No four million live Why everytime we hear it? It's crazier like I have been saying three million for a while and now it's file mike, but we'll have more hours or do you have the voice? The shadow that saying do you, like you, can't do this you're too late yeah, but that was the thing for years. I guess it's already kind of over and then finally, Gareth came. this idea- and I said well that could be really fun, because one of the things I like about do impress is, I love a q and
After a screen, it fuck him by what I It's that I love it. Man, I'm better at that than a really fun. I'm not interested in doing like the fan events. Where you stand there, you take photos, they do I'm like that's no fun from, but when you're there and someone stands up, people are funny. I bet when they can, let it rip a little bit and you're just in this interaction with somebody I'm like. Well, I really like that can, I add you make it vision. I'm gonna go for even though this is in public in it might be being report exactly something very exhilarating about. I about where I met my head is: if it doesn't work, the fog in risk is nothing yea borrow money spent. All god even shoot somebody. no know. I know you go alright, so let's say we do it for a year and people don't listen
I've got the hang out, nobody gareth more in this last such of time and by the way, I do believe, I'm sure, there's exceptions, but in general I think that's the only ones that were really does want to do it. We had zero illusions of nine. That was now that our game and I've had the goal of making way. I'm agree pay too, and I didn't cause. It seemed preposterous. Here's my personal hope for it, is that we have enough of a base that the aunt em time were Gareth goes hey man if you're gonna be in Chicago wanna, do wanted it's theater for sure. I don't know how long we're going to do it. I hope we do it for awhile when gareth and I the first time we became buddies. We were at the rustic in a bunch of improvisers are around everyone's hang in, and he and I were similar roles in our groups that could class. She was so that, with the competition my gara than we did not wish for point. What we did wedding crashes are now the one those copying pont he got it. I didn't. We were those guys together.
sit down next to each other in world drinking, and I turn to of and just say we should probably poor and our own beers on our own heads with no really thought of better where we're going and without hesitation. He just pause a beer on his head, and I thought, like one years later. We bump each other on a plane, we're both go back midwest. We did the same thing in the bag I kept being like his decision, making these like civil flaw, but like he really makes me laugh he's a really sweet guy he's very articulate and smart though I think your way here describing him could be a here misleading without it is actually very articulate and fast thinking tat. His great that's, no, thirty one an embryo. Yes, so then we started doing the cause it into an unlike. This is a fun hang only idea it is virtually. A q and a after a screen, because in the pilot the scale shannon calls up she's ostensible, calling for advice we get into
but she's really going or whatever, but she's calling for advice and she wants to achieve more nerd clout in her dungeons and dragons life, and she does a german accent as her character. Villa me, genuinely funny hearing you talk about those rights are regulated by like even in doing it was like. This is a weird thing within our closet, so Monica has a great great show with her friendless plank called saint. They may come to give similar advice, but ignore You don't know shit we're fucking up all the time as well, but what I love, but the horse is its enemies, either we have any fucking inside on dungeons dragons. What I didn't want to do is I personally don't wanna, do real advice so in terms of the uncle advice or the in a bar
vice. We really want to thrive in kind of ridiculous. Yes, there are people who could give you real advice, but we don't know you. For example, we got one that was really fun where there's a woman who's going on a high school reunion, and she called into question was I've anxiety and I thought like what a drag this one s right because I'm not a fuckin fair, I dont know I'm literally doing this with my buddy Gareth, because we the text after really funny ones and it makes our text funnier right right, like the shannon Dundee one we were dying about it had her friend who plays the irish character to talk or whenever she calls it right. to try to maybe go to the game at some point of view, but it has to be that level were there for bits and then, when we fall into good advice, shocking, though this woman calls up, she has anxiety. We can help I'm literally
two gareth, we arrived this one up like growing areas I may mauling and they call in, but we try to remember. We all see each other's face right and it changes, because when they, see us there. Vibe is different than one hundred so gareth and I can see each other and they call it god. It's the voice of god thing you just go like hey. How are, and we don't know what that call's going to be so we're discovering wow, and I was going to say there's something production wise that I love about it because it actually. Let me back up. I did want to ask one question that will lead into this observation when you would go, do press tours for shows and movies. A gas you loved going to do in the radio shows? Yes, yes, so I discover that quickly to I would go in and you'd be in fucking, kansas city or cleave when you go to all the radio shows in the morning, and I immediately thought: oh, I love this is so weird to want to
this cause. I am doing movies in that seems like something backwardness but funny enough. I did in the region, but I knew immediately. I love you holding the head senator and talking in the microwave in callers. I did love wine and talk about giving advice. That's unsound wine, but that feeling and totally with I loved but the generation. We came up with. There was a little but a shame of love in it, because all actors, who I loved hate press it takes away for the art for me yeah. It's all Arbela tells like commerce, my voice, o cars. We had a junction yeah. So I'm like you're making something you want to sell it right yeah then. I also found it really fun like my mom, who had a junk shop, she's a purist and she used to get really. Adam, because if she would leave the shop, I would negotiate how much for the couch we found the fuckin thing it. Which was free cleaned it we painted it. We put new cushions on the work, was me in her so right now but zero on the couch you put in
the sign that's had three hundred and fifty there. offered another arbitrary number of two fifty, so the markets to fifty gonna, do to seventy five. What a with big back and forth, I would get such a rush and when I do the morning show or I do the podcast, some of them are kind of boring, and then I ll go there. I dunno how many of these were going to do? Garrett he'll be like you make a big client, I think, we're like shut up? You lied to the last three because when somebody comes like this woman call, she has anxiety unthinking want to drag on a one do this anymore and then we go we hold on. What do you want to do? It is reviewed and she goes. I didn't have a lot of friends and I wasn't popular, but I wasn't a loser. I was just there and she goes I'm now in my late thirty's I dont have kids and I want. Go back with three, my friends, but I dont want to just be that same thing and have everybody talk to me about their kids and go like yeah cool and leave feeling bad? So we say
Can we pitch in enormous lied to you and if you are able to do it, so we come up with his whole gag that she sold some artwork TIM Adona she's. An artist madonna, flew out then that night Madonna habit of a party and invited her and add that party like fuckin line, but she was. There lived a gorilla as we're going back era, the largest to embed yeah right now, making each other laugh and then, when the magic curs for me on it as we go like, are you gonna? Do it since you I'm gonna. Try will then she pictures back her take on it she's funnier than us all, wonder. Friends come on the progress and her husband and they then pitch. Would they ve been talk,
about how she then did it over the follow up. So that's where I'm like. Oh I'm, seeing the meat and potatoes on this one. It's not a random person can be like my boyfriend dumped me. What do I do? I don't know, and I don't care- that's why you have like a real therapist or a different show, and I'm sure you can get a lot of benefit from that. But when I talk shit about Gareth, it's because I love him, we kill each other so when I talk about him is the way he talks about me behind my back into my baby. We all think the other guy makes really dumb joyousness, and so, when you and it was somebody in we're like we don't want you hurt. Are you into this game when they say yes, you're, like a lot of game game and then you go. How far can you stretch it, and so in terms of being late, where the money comes? I don't know, but I do know I can play this. We do alive show will have people call, in my words, discuss it, but they are not there
so they're, not you know like when somebody doesn't do this gets in front of a live audience. They change and you're, like. I promise you you're so much funnier when you're not being funny. Yes, I was going to say so the production value of it there's something about the audio. That sounds I read landline, yes total and it's very retro radio, and it brings me back to click and clack. Let's see them like talk to some there's something wonderful about how it actually sounds so I had listened to this thing called the apology line about. A guy in new york back in the nineties, and it reminded me of a different era where he put a note up in new york city. That said, here's a phone number, a landline call in and leave a message and apologize. for what you have done, there will be no punishment retribution, nothing. What for years. People call it and be like. I did this to my wife. Nobody knows I feel fuckin terrible, and in listening to those all calls that one
the era of my like creative consciousness. That year of the nineties, when all of a sudden some cool friend of yours was older, would leave You do some hip radio station ere. He would hear that and then people are talking and you felt like I'm your work as internet has now exploded that not only do we see in every word, we seen a bronze bodies. There's too much there is again. To this phenomenon still exciting. To me right now, I'm the guy can be, unlike let's do more right, but what we need only way it's gonna work for us is that we need the right kind of collars will back the shannon whose dainty character is villa Mina. Her ostensible problem is that she has a character and she does a german access and it's not really working in her room and Gareth says it best
your edging. I want to hear this accent so bad. You start wanting so bad, but jake is edging. He wants more details about this and more about that and then all of a sudden, it's almost like jaws and he can't wait to see jaws Then she says she does the access, and it's incredible at this boy, ignorance, yourself, it's gonna be the craziest milliner in she already has, which I'm surprised you are confusing. she's from Indiana, but she is a fuckin deep southern accent which, by the way tons of kids in my room, michigan down. It is a way we interested, but then she hit them with this. Max and it was dynamite. They're not was its due That was the fun of that one for us was and the big catch, and I dunno, if you're having this with yours too, with the people calling you just gotta, make sure it's real to them. We read
the questions I do that specifically hung about your hope, because we have another show that we do on fridays, where we have collar submit insane stories like unauthorized evacuation at a jam. I love it, and so we do zoom and we look at them, but as you learn the hard way, I can I'm looking for that emotional weird thing to happen, so it actually ends up helping that we're looking at each other, because you can see I'm sincere, it's really worth it, but that when we know that high wire year, I think it depends what I love about your park has the sun so funny and so good, it's so authentic to you and I That's what makes podcast work has been ever rate premise you can have whatever it can be super highly produce it has to be. So I can take to your personality in order for it to work, and I think for us like we could never do what you're doing we could ever be doing bit because bliss and I we just want to have a question
give our two sense, but also tarnal fifteen minutes now when they make marinating about areas agnelli total, then that's what we are good at. So that's what we're gonna bring to the table, that's our personality. It has to just be so you I totally agree. I dont see this negative you it's just a completely different relationship them. We have with our audience and iron Oh yeah you're not necessarily make you sell goods. I love you not mean. I love that part of it. Well, that's a big important part. The garrison I talked about because when you do press in our business like building matter so much in a life if you're in a bar. Think to my uncles- and I think a funny story is the hardest. I laugh is when somebody kills me because I'm wrong right,
on telling some store in somebody goes like honestly, your lie. You realize that I'm not lying but yeah, I'm resolving it like a year ended you're, the guy. You know what I did. What I had, then you get, there lay great juice. These are big thing I mean is sincerely we are on the person's tea. Now that does I mean we're going to tell you how great you are you're on their team like a brother. Yes, which is my brother, is going to fight anyone who shows up to kick my ass when he's going to. Let me have it yeah, so that was our kind of bit and if somebody is a little bit crazy and they're in the wrong we had somebody call in that has been a really fun when he was at work in regular twenty four year old kid in atlanta and he had sunglasses the head rainbows on a thoughtless sure. Truly, when you get to know, good thoughtless, get kind of work. His boss said heavy pride. He just said thank you. Then he said I realized the next week, people
treaty, mueller different arriving and yet in a good way. He said. I liked my new role now, the real vice right, Egypt to say like what you are doing is wrong. You can't fool. Did you read about europe, but, like he's, gay can just be nowhere. More sober then pulled up for me personally when I heard that my first red flag is known and people were so they go into this in struggling. You can have your not europe, as they say in your veteran, exactly right, so that we can gain we go. So how do you know- and he would have really funny examples where you goin no somebody would say: did you hear the new taylor swift, album and he would say like I did they go and you think it he knows. I loved it.
You're, like that's fair, never, did anything ever line and a lot more to go. He a jury duty and his friends with a bunch of women at work, because they trust one of em said: hey jury duty might not be so bad, there might be a hot guy and we got what you say. Does that there might be a fucking best that you go. Arts are now for this show we're on you too. So we're not gonna. Give you the outside advice of what you have to do is be real cause. That's going to be bad for you so, and the world of this show you're fucking out of line, but we're on your team. Then we go. What is your problem and he goes one of the girls I work with. I have a crush on and it's genuine and we text out of work, and I would like to see what happens. This is quite a conundrum to me. It's so straightforward what you doing anything wrong. I
really. I think it's the guy's a ball if he's wearing rainbow longline, it's that guy's issue for making it so he's just saying happy, right greenhouse he's been going on this now almost into you tell her about so he's in a spot know where he goes, but I like this woman care, then what's nice, please! I've sat out long enough we may say maybe they'll be a hot die on the jury. you have to go. There, probably is, You like girl, or adds to me where the line was because now hear her patch, without that we all know what they were saying: young embryo aiming at him. He should have said or how woman yes a good and then even all, yeah you're still, but now for the game of the show. Yes right, cause you're right. That is very real advised. That is where you cross the line, but for the game of the shell, which I also believe it.
You got a hell of a great attitude about life. Could guess what I notice good? Looking guys if I have a jury duty? and the guy next to me is a ten out of ten. When I saw you what the first thing I said, oh Jesus, Christ, that's a lesson. I think we would agree. I know way more hot guys in hollywood, go like Jesus you're, fucking, god you're right, yeah, Josh Brolin, who we interviewed happened to stop by there today. Out of nowhere- and I was looking at the table and I'm like lady, you look like a piece of leather, the dicks on your show that we wouldn't say the title too yeah yeah yeah, yeah, yeah yeah. We can't say the title: do it by the way you're brilliant on that show. I your songs as good an expert, but I love medea so saying where I saw buggy knights and bert Reynolds is looking at mark wahlberg, dick just as money, I find it so perfect. You see a great
How can the better bathing? Let me give you my business card and the way he tilts his head in that kitchen. Then smiles yeah, I'm like well, that's just wheel, house van gogh and he has a million bucks, so the fun part of that job for me has been there's nothing funny about three straight men with euro four women going by making a comment on the bonobos ass in the eightys and ninetys, there was a lot a comedy and especially of the guys, are goobers these fat or overs. There never gonna get hurt and some are culturally. That was really fun. It's not anymore correct. We can still he'll live in that immaturity when I'm at work and there's a guy who takes his robe off and there is an intimacy coordinator, but the guide our doing beds and I go like he got it.
Bought him. My man, don't! I know what the germany goes left in. Everything is tickets, clearly lucky and he goes like. God is good. I'm like you just made my morning so funny man, this movie, I directed a hit and run. I had a scene in it or we get the wrong hotel key and we walk in and there's it's not an active orgy or post coital. But it's seniors me and I just cast us out of like fucking craigslist. For this thing in a gentleman arrived in, he just the monster, war than in the wonderful wispy air, the huge I shot. every angle, a mad dog three eyes and certain random as hogs, we owe you tried to translation and I've just will say it's shocking and you go up
I never in a million years. Would I guess, you're that ugly, my kid yeah, okay get us out of it. The advice. You've never heard it. What was your advice? Get yourself a nice big, do get yourself a thing, get really lucky guess: you'll be rich rely on the advice for him, and but then I always have slightly different advice. Was I more they potential relationship with the girl or the job really salient, because you can't have both you might, but I think you could lie at work. I did you can line started relation. Yeah. I think that makes you a shitty person. I think letting them believe. You're gay makes you a grey area person, but starting a relationship that starts on a big lie. I think you should
So if you're gonna go with her, you have to come out and say, and you come out here- you gotta, come out of the ground is something that happened. I'm only telling you that this is reality. I would like to move forward. There are so many landmines and, as your corner person on this, I don't recommend my advice was Let the girl go, keep doing the job, because if I'm truly on this person's team do you want to look for another job, but he's like now the markets hard and I need the money can. Do you see her as your future he's like? I don't know I like her. If I'm your friend and where, the bar and you're telling me, and I got your back a hundred percent. Don't pursue them wow. This is also part of the game. Is the advice is not the good advice? It's what a friend would say to you. We said the end. You ve heard our thing. What are you gonna do? Sometimes I say I'm gonna just do this
everything you need my great yeah experts. I bet he told you gonna go up the girl, but he didn't give up here I mean I don't even like a girl, you don't really give a fuck about anyone says what we didn't realize at the beginning, and now we're realise we really like is the follow up to the absolutely we had one where some guy came on and he was talkin while he's not gonna for his girlfriend and a little bit whatever, and then she came on and had a very different point of view on him in that inasmuch, and that was one we were like. Well, isn't fast, an area does tell him the story. So We can get other narrators in there S. The truth is it just been really fun? It's really early. We don't like forty call so far so, for I don't know what it's gonna be in a year. I dont know how long I'm going to be passionate, I'm very manic again
it really into something and then I'll, make a big claim and I'll be like I'll, never recorded a microphone again and my wife will roll her eyes and I'm like no like this is real missouri. I take that I've been wrong about every other for years on this and yes, I did just have coffee yeah, but I will say we are loving it now and we're going to push it as hard as we can in this era. Well, it's great I'm glad that you, aided and found the thing that sets a perfect for you guys are a legitimate inspiring, anyone, but I'm not kidding this room when I left here, I dont think I told you, I told a lotta people, you really me, oh yeah. I had no idea about that. You rolled with it very wise. Those in our body experience it for how I imagine people post you and over the years there know what they're coming into your early? There also I mean this as it alter compliment.
Realize you were like a deep thinker. You already have thou with have all his roles are like that, but I also felt like the dude hard funny, but really fine. I just thought I was going there One of the reasons I didn't do, the other one in the middle. Was I'm not going to do all that homework? If you're going to play this game, Gotta get in the bone marrow with each person, that's the fun of it. Yeah yeah- and I can do that, but the fun has to be like the show. Catfish was a big inspiration why said? Yes, because I got into a with my kids- probably bad parenting, because they're young, partly what I wanted to show was apart from being entertaining, is don't trust, the internet or yea, and what I found really fun about that show. Is the house are great but each week. There is a new thing that starts and I of that's the collar to me. I can be really interesting. for forty five minutes. I think we both have a short attention. Span lives. You gotta be productive in that window and then it's over will Jake. This has been a blast just like it was the
time, and I hope we do at a third time. Our love, you guys, are the best Everyone listen to were here to help its out now, and I imagine will mean, as the first is an approach on yeah. It's wonderful in any way that podcast! Yes, on the other, our jake. They were used, started to him for the jack, your hair all bags our wrong. Oh my gosh, I also soothed. We just had the most soothing expert Lee was grey o? My lord dont give it away the jam, there might be other narrow it they were gray had to wake up earlier today me too wide you wake up early. I went to get my egg How looked at is that something may till you real time yeah and it's better, it's better, it's better than it was good. Sir. That's
and what you want, but its improve it. Still, it's it's pretty good. Actually I thought I could smell something. What I find none smells like eggs and was now, I know it's disgusting you're not on any hormone know so. The protocol, like I went in today, they took my blood. My body blood, not my fly. Blood. Okay, are different. Yeah, okay fly blood has flies in it, well sure employment. I blood's kind of a flying ointment kind of, and I are you on your fly's: do you have to go during your fly? Yes, on the third day of my flies? Okay, so then they did a rational or sound, do and then that's when the counting the fall as they put the wand.
The bad yeah china and looked good. I had this cycle. The varies a little bit per cycle. Ok, this cycle. If we were to do this cycle, which were not by fourteen shoes If we do this time max would be. Fourteen was the last time works thrown. It was eight follicles. Ok, like mrs, so this is fourteen powerful. So then you never know, though We now it's almost one hundred percent in greece. It is a good increase or worse globally. Well, are lend the theory that you were still suffering a bit from the pill. Definitely that was while I was told on it ray. I know yes, so that was since I've been off of it for a year in the hope was that there would be some change in. There is Congratulations thanks. So I'm nervous focus in one hour
the rv polly round the eighteenth of September yeah, I'm gonna have to start estrogen for a week. I am I'm you didn't let s. I didn't do that last time you didn't third we're doing a new protocol car based off of last times, poor results. Aha, smaller, Well, big, big, murmur near the exactly just a maniac eggs coupled with big bag. so we're doing a different protocol. It's a little more in ten. This is one of those things. I just got a flag low, quick, its hook for people who may be What does a spot of over two years that are now back like they missed a law that boat that payments have big eggs? exactly those solemn, Michael dear boy like they were just take. What I just said is in actual fact, like that we know this about you. You have big eggs without, of course, is just a bit. That's now gone on two years old or in its here.
because a started as a bit before we knew about your eggs, any eggs. We were talking about me thinking about doing egg freezing and then even a a joke about. I have big in my own house a joke job than when we started egg freezing size is a fact and you want them to be big. That is that's the whole point. So I, yours better in order to retrieve that mean that's the whole point of the hormone injections that you do are to increase the size, trying to get them as big as possible, so you can retrieve them anyway. If you miss this and you're back, I did this. Last year I got two mature eggs from that retrieval which was not the best showing up and we're hoping for more and we'll see, but I have to get an estrogen first, which I'm
anxious about their fair yeah. I love my hormones. I'm on so maybe it'll go well. Maybe you'll feel more of something positive, maybe might feel cranky, though, to think I think its wings were emotional, emotional. So will you welcome to be emotional september? Timber ain t epidemic calendar tread light I'm eighteen guy might want to santa behaviour of the eighteen to twenty five eighteenth disorder, allowing eighteenth or mom. but I think I will year of in my view, that water year report this is my well. I gotta be gentle around these, like this. Eight and ten year old are so sensitive, and I wouldn't have a lawyer. Why now design and now it's gonna have to join a bowling leaguers, something my site.
hey so I woke up early. Why did you wake up early? What happened was I woke up at three? Am I resumed my book on tape MIKE Nichols? I was just telling you about it, summed up so into this biography, so god set my timer for an hour laying in bed Eric go off yeah. I have that puck like fuck, reset it for another hour or go off now might well fuck me. It's five am yeah. I should I get up and workout right now cause I'm not going to have time the rest of the day right kind of whipping myself up into that ward fuck. It we're waking up at three today believe a whole day. We have an extra their record, a lot of mental panel wasn't like chit chat about rock n roll musical movies yeah so,
I just not going to work anyways, I was able to go back to sleep from five to six great yeah, so I guess that was a whim. What time did you have to go for your eg retrieve? It was a hen. Do you know how to him? Don't love it? Okay, okay, so I had to be there eight thirty, which is not early really well. It is for me yeah and was in pasadena I'll, make sure I got there on time and stuff So I woke up at seven o clock. I did go back to sleep when I got home of wonderful for, like an hour cause my sleeps been bad because a couple days ago, right before bad, I was walking through the kitchen and I'd just like to add a habit. Now it's on my stove and ensure that there are exactly like just like
klingon making one eye fell, like I, click did lick did in, and then I got an act that you're getting carbon monoxide poisoning your father, sent you a carbon monoxide, detector, of course, and a guy unplugged. Oh, ok, ok, his nightmare. I of course thought I'd like far less effective when the room yeah. It was eleven arise than ever back us no like it just got removal of the wall. Ok, but no better! Now any I feel guilty, my dad. Even tried to prevent them daddy daddy. I ll try to look after me and dried really good. Then he can protect me from everything can't protect people from themselves, exactly especially me, and it hasn't make me not gone her can I do I dialed anyway, so them out.
and the window, but it felt like that's not enough if it had been on all day right, but you, it is male fires sides very likely that the veil was off long before the click. Ok, because cause there's a lotta real estate between low and off think that a me league would be happening, though, unless it's I don't years old is yours will know that the pilot lights always lit, these are always a little blue flame in the burners. When you look over them. Ok, that's how mine was my older I mean it is all, but now anyway, so I became aware and I couldn't sleep, and I also had a headache: did you ever door closed now
Why wouldn't you close your door if you thought there was carbon monoxide coming from the kitchen? Well, then, I opened also a little bit. I cracked open the one in my bedroom, and I thought two would be a little better, but it was also the middle of the night. I was worried about crazies coming in the window too, of course what's a fears to juggle imagination. The mice at our scampering around, like a maniac, has last night. I was listening to nobody's listening right, may favour pie cas and they were tying up. the horrifying story about maggot. So we just heard one of the night. I owe you guys just had a whole situation. We found maggots in my book. Now this is. We are wondering what it was that we had a trash. Can we open the nose? That's what happens then. It's so like Elizabeth said something really specific targets thanks. Just really got any nowhere there at the hierarchy for timor grocer,
by snakes, her I'm ragged. I'm grows out by maggots, I'm scared of snakes incurred when you're, so scared, maggots, automobile and skill, because this so grows make big As for me, elizabeth I don't really well cash that she was having this reaction to. She said these are the types of things that make me feel this. What she said- and I fully agree make me feel like I cat like be a person like, I can't be humor. I can't. handle this world. Ok, its overwhelming yeah, when I think about like so many maggots in the draft can like. I can't live in a world like that threat to be something: evolution airily happening that we have such an outsider. Fear of maggots like they can't do anything to you. It's cause. It's dead, related. I write again. I think somehow we know that their generally present when there's some old food, decaying or a body became somewhat theirs,
the cages about why you had them like what was it that caused all? Just we have some holes in the top trash can for war, I won't say for better or worse for worse and so the flies get in there and they nibble on all that trash, and then they lay all their eggs and thus far, I only added you. Oh god, I got bit by a larvae, oh jennifer. Now you have this a real object or a full god. Oh my gosh, okay, but I'm sure it wasn't like something dead in the trash was food is running our elizabeth it at thinks on theirs cause. They have a situation with these rats, and the man like caught to rats he thinks they were put in the trash o seems could be it's normal. We had them under our trash one. What we would like the slight out in I took them out to clean. We saw some out.
china with a clean this there are flies. There are gonna, be maggots here Now I will say this says you guys. I want to come up with a positive survey on the maggots. You can't. if they're on your body, eating chronic flush, ha, that's a good thing! You want that an agreement was gone so they can be a lifesaver, my going further than the grotto flesh, while the latter dead, but guy the guy doesn't care. You know my mouse favorite medical story of the guy with the Now I was the one that I have heard from a nurse your doctor man you, but it was a glaring not on his dick on his under his balls right. The amount
the vagina maggot. One of you guys all maggot, like maggot beckett, maggots beckett's, which is a turn silverstone. It's so weird me. It's called. How are they call it anyway? I hate that and so you say the word I get it. I really I want to point out something gross about it, but I don't think you can handle it We'll just part of what makes you see part of what makes the word maggot grows is that kind of sounds like manner eggs at all. Why the miller remaining. Look, why stop it? Man is filled. Merely organ and why I remember it
I didn't know you were listen to your favorite elizabeth in any of the, but you brought up in danny's bright, but I didn't bring up the m. Gee. I can now you're smelling admires arena her ears or there's like our own, really under billions already september. Eighteen, as a Democrat These came early this year, I'm being careful or you think you are trying to write that making you laugh and irregular period. It's a tough one with all the big ol eggs up in there. I'm sure the fourteen big boys up there as more and a dozen they're, not big right now, the regular size more than a bigger citizen, even air time. Maybe next cycle, maybe they'll, be annex. I have an extra one or some thing: twenty. What's an outrageous amount. Ideally you want between like what you want, like twenty five twenty five, it's really heart like
that's very hard, but that's what an eighteen year old wounds, maybe thirteen I dont know cause maybe thirteen I don't wanna, shame anyone if they're eighteen and they get there's checked in its for real, because it makes you feel really inadequate right, like you're, not fertile yeah, and they are not performing like a woman's her. He avoided amos name with boys in their sperm car. I told you I tried to sell my sperm at you see I needed some money in there is always ads in the daily bruin bridge. he looked into, maybe sounds mags and I went down there to the clinic- and I am I relieve myself there, as you are, instructed to do. And then they can tell you whether they want it and they say he's average sperm. you need an elevated landowner, which is no blessing. I'm not one here He is not here. Now I may be curious. What you didn't you go find out
I have two children, absolutely as I definitely would, but when I was twenty one years old, I did it. I think I don't give a shit. You think he'd walk around the city you looking up like everyone around that age like umsuka, well, yeah coward lowers your bookmarks. Show here. every time you address the migs rigs, when your body to tell weird you look at their interesting, is that cause? You know I have a couple of deformities right because my father's would, but now here you said the knuckle cause, but you punch someone through that. Yes and he got in a car accident, but that was weird we, for missing the same knuckle. Then we both broke. The sing collarbone right and then had to have surgery. Our hands look identical. Yes,
elders. When I tell you sometimes I touch my cheek on my shoulders. I feel like I have my head. Oh my dear shoulder, ass. They greatly gilias, identical, sadly uncles, so I think I could identify a young show bird Yeah movement unable had sir all you're, not alone. You go. You look just like lincoln get in the car stale Does this I am I The we at this point, two thousand to child would be twenty two years old. Exactly so? You wouldn't really know buggers paid colored get my car, I'm your dad, or maybe I was can say they look like harley, but that's not what maybe cause your mom's genes are in their letter. I have, of course, he's my mother me as my mother yeah, but carly looks like a hat or, and I look like a shepherd, neither of us look like le boats too much, which is my mother's. What party? loud right away.
Can I get a little further away from the microphone again? I might suggest. I can't see what you re, like your mom, Little bit. Probably everyone looks like their mama little, it. Just when your story is one thing eat as know I can't you can't see anything to the contrary. So the I'd look I'll get my dad, I believe that all over there you chris aim everything yeah, but you are legal, but like your mom yeah, just like her olive skin, yet that green eyes. Now that's sizeable fish all like I know meters wise when, like you guys, are next each other. It doesn't look like How does it when I see the yeah like her kid? Will you saw me next, my dad and those kind of uncanny? I saw you
I hung out with you and your dad saw the picture once and you know the things that blows my mind now is occasionally I would go snug him right. He would want me to smuggle when I was a teenager. or I would go in there and he be asleep whatever the cases. I know exactly how we slap in always all he's slap on his left side with his left arm out raised up on one of another pillar. ok yeah and I was so well because such a big man he was like, slept like a little baby. I'm aside his army, and although I did it, in my youth now my signature, sleep move is, is that railway yeah, like devilry one trying to fall asleep. What I do is left side left arm out. My knees are at a certain I'm like in that position. I'm like this is exactly your dad's position
it's crazy! How dove yes and it could be subconscious chicken or the egg. It's like you. You have that image in your head of that's the model of a man sleeper, but here's what crazy to I was like connecting those dots and I was remembering Papa bob slept exact same way to re he'd, take his he'd go ree, cope, in the afternoon. He liked to read is from his novel on a saturday. There was really is a nap oh and he we'd always catch him and he'd be in that position. Right and I was I mean I know you're saying, but at the same time I only lived with for two years. My life- I am be I'm I must to be the opposite. I now know my hand turned out the same way: shoulders knight the same men kick could be. It
Just a little louder. Bob reinforces your idea, an mind, ok like what you saw on our wise to different men in your family. I feel like it could just scott embedded that, like this is causing we don't know will never know how does he went bubble up spina? So similarly, yours on it was very soon. there's a girl- you see what I think is god wait you off. So there was that somalia, I dont. Ok, that's ok! First of all, yet that can't be nurture hadda me, but this sleep is much different. I think you might have a genetic predisposition for how you sleep That's what I'm now coming to terms with you know the other thing. The rubbing. The finger thing is, I'm already told you, I know, and I think that's the same I don't know, I guess that's. Why wouldn't
do what my mom did like my mama's signature, things too, but they just don't feel natural, not everyone, it just time pet, your ear gently gently. Unless we as level I don't know I got eyes she slept, but I'm obsolete like her. Ok, it's the male thing, your nine considering I am using my mom now you are you want a veil. woman, big boy, my mom, cept, weird sheets, are sleep of she still sees. she sleeps with an arm over her face. Do you find self doing now now tell my mama slaves, like, I guess they feel like they want at all die why there should be so tired of fight day nor yak than all my mom had the pillow too, like block this god. We have to do this
bring up above the ruby. I brought right monica brought up venus. I didn't we. I was lame link unless I before bed in she said here, then Mrs Mann, I've ever met and I said no because you never met papa bob ass, the air and I had the most warm fuzzy's thinking about. Alas, what a guy emphasis the fast grandpa pause. I waited too late. I don't know if I'll get a turn as a grandpa, because I waited no I'd right now say I was say I was thirty eight when lincoln was born in wait till she's. Fifty ok, can you just business but even if I live to be pined, your hundred still still might you may also might like, as they might decide not to have children like we don't know Harry through annual, have em at fifty five
it's getting later and later I ho twenty two or more exactly also know shameth like if it happens, grey What part of any of the other and waiting long? Not arrogant? Haven't you any of it? There are things fervent. I got poison monoxide. You got carbon monoxide, poisoning ass, ok, poison, monoxide, yeah! You look great your skill exhort you should get more poison monoxide cause. It's really arrived today, looking fresh face tons eggs is working for you. Am I what? If I guess estrogen cited, I had twenty five before the carbon monoxide. I don't think you in a minute quickly Is it the commission's grow that now, anyway, kills cell cycle base year to extract a mermaid? At this new I understood
you're, not my obi wan and any you're my producer, not my obi, I'm going home tomorrow, Yeah see, Erin, weakly and our entire AL hold your enthusiasm, It's, but isn't it fun, I'm going to see weekly. It's been a long time do long. They come visit like and we were gone all summer, virtually and now in going mayor and we're gonna go film, some stuff? What funny. I never found anything or their in arabic here they are looking forward to your ted seizures. Is canada where engineers fuck you are going to pound seekers in some of these. Oh, my god cause I've written little spots. Oh wow, clear and they involve solomon- involve like shot gunning, some ted seegars outstanding area were grown up
every city raft grafter, I land next morning, will drive up to northern michigan toward the hops fields? all the horns: harvest time by pure luck, yeah, but on this him, oh miss you happy labour day, yeah yeah, it'll be here for labour to your favorite hobbies, yeah to birthday holiday. They might as well actually do tell me happy early birthday for tomorrow, no alcohol, mukoki, no alcohol congratulation. Thank you. How many believable die. not had alcohol mind nine years in Gaza, so called yeah. I really it's hard for me to believe, certainly viewed coming to us for, like you're gonna go now, you're gonna have our opponent mom.
If it doesn't it's open because they say this in the book. Like you yet relieved of the obsession which is totally true, the first Few years, you're sober it's like you're, so aware of, like alcohol is everywhere. You are never more than one hundred feet from alcohol anywhere in this country for sure, and you can feel it when it first starts. It's like I'm this restaurant out everyone's drinking there, I'm at this poor, ruins drinking there elders a guy in the street drinking on the sidewalk theirs. Or the it's so ubiquitous. Now I don't see any of it. I haven't heard deck ino wow sixteen of those years. I finally stop noticing it that's crazy. or even sometimes like digging through the freezer and I'll discover, discover a couple of bottles of vodka in here. I don't even know that that's in there you know. I see that I'm in another freezer all the time and don't even see that, but the first couple of years I got sober, that's all I would have thought
anywhere yeah will argue congratulation. Thank you. It's kind of a ding ding system for Jake Johnson. What a fine hang jake Johnny ages have fun and he was talking about his dad's chips. All right right ok, so I just picked a little bit of my toenail like a bit of the payment. Now, the male itself, not a polish. Now, just your mail or their minds. Toenail there we go. You tort, yeah designers, carriers like a piece of my mail, does fell off now I pulled it off. Ok and I don't know where to put it. Without,
I send you out, put it on top of the kegerator, then get it later. Okay hope we don't need to hold it for the next well, I hope we don't forget and then, when our next guest comes, this could be, though, is this a trick? I think like we might have a guess, probably an n b, a basketball player and they'll be talking talking, talking and then also get distracted and then they're like I pick it up and then I'll go go, go and then they'll go all my god who's nail. Is this eat it and it'll? Be a love of a fair amount on it's a piece of you, Oh lure, I feel like it makes this place. Look really grows before certain. Or the n b a player eats it a lotta. People are going to be like, like accidentally, see it and pretend like they didn't see it and be so grossed out and not be able to
look at it. A lot of the people that are in the market for olive love connection are not gonna like a cat. Would that where would we put? Is best ballplayer high on the list? I'm just observational data there, You responded so favourably say yes, most of the basques. I'd really like all the basle player tat every one of them. It's funny, I wouldn't say: that you and the thought I wouldn't have thought it? I do in person like them. Things happen. What they're so disciplined is that it yeah. That is okay, so you love like most of the mit math department and stuff. Now that's different kind of discipline. It's a physical discipline! Okay! I can relate okay, I think there's a lot of things that there
open it very like some of the most competent people. We ve interviewed when these these fast, but not in a way that actors are confident as actors are uttering, convert exactly. Actors are often its amassed insecurity parading as cod Patents are arrogance absolutely, but that we have some quantifiable prove yeah. They ve all been like holler famers to the other. How or why is also that actors haven't even then the academy award winning their fuckin and here you know I love you know. I told I told the indian elizabeth about my proclivity were drawn about sickness, no good. You share their wooden yeah, I did they were perturbed, like they hadn't heard it. Ok, if a few guys forget, I use to brand
size, yeah fantasize about little boys puking knew when I was a little girl, not me growed up fantasizing about little boys. I was a little girl and I had fantasies of the boys on my like class here. sack. Pew came in the islands are different kinds and area than you would care. You nurture them there. There was the area they were shocked and a little disgusted, but entreat they liked. It is incredibly intriguing yeah, I loved it. recall my first europe, yet you intriguing chechnya. I like the whole thing and then on my birthday they sent me a piece together image of like a man. For the toilet men me, their men, who is happy birthday, muscle, auto shop, IRAN's yeah, I was hoping I had got it. I think this is hoping to get you get everything you want this year.
it's funny, and that is what I yeah but yeah. I don't know why I thought of that. Oh yeah, because weakness, I idol, I like it. I do like it, but weakness. Yeah No, I don't think so. I think we will be voting on pact this one a word about the basketball players. Will you would love it if I gotta say yeah, I'd love, but that's a related confidence. Competent people get sick, exacting back covered up. People get sick more often because, like me, there's just no they're brazen in there. What the Lee killer oh yeah- that if you recall I was in a kuwaiti for first class lounge and I was pounding- the salad, buffet and cooper was saying: wow you're going really hard on salad When I was there when you are set on the airport, any larger you we made love to me,
oh, my god he took me in his arms and wow. We stop this puking. Let I'm going kiss you It's what I say we got a lot like deserve my mouth. I say that land did here earlier sure you wanna know. Even He was seated next to me. Thank goodness. I drove the person next to me, crazy room so mad at that person. Still like a fuckin eleven hour flight and I was on the inside, see they switched oh yeah and they said they didn't want to sit by the window. All I had to climb over them. Like lay down up putin, their labs, a shit on their lap or their chest, and then they had them. They probably wouldn't like the cooper would have got involved so he was close by cause. He couldn't nurse. He didn't really know what was going on when we landed in new york. He was oh gosh. He
known in germany. I think we flew to germany and then we flew to new york. He got off in new york and then I continued on a fucking, I was in my the entire twenty some hours. You should just stayed in a hotel thinking. That is the only time They in nineteen years that I almost drank yeah. Literally was like I mean as some relief from this, which is also so funny and goes to show how much it's not about alcohol or how do you know our leave, because no one with the healthy S, relationship that wants to drink knows there through throwing open diary yeah. So what that's uh, there's nothing that sounds worse, but to me as like, if I got drunk right now, that be some relief beer I was a real ding, ding ding came out of nowhere. I don't want to know
are you gonna? Remove your entire toenail one really I just know denial. I notice that careless meeting yesterday and I meant to ask you about it, but then I guess we went over photos but cause I'm ugly. No, but you have a callous and that's from all that walking you did well, Now. I always have a first time. I mean. I know it's worse right now and now I'm I'm I'm pulling the skin off of it, so it and making them say that there's a nail and skin may want to leave one of your eggs behind. Maybe the baguettes, oh gosh, it's a big mountain.
the oh god that ooh. What did you think when you saw this callous like ooh she's, gotten gross? I was just really curious about I was like. Was that a blister that his popped and now skins there or is it what's going on? What do we got? I want to cut it off. You know it's funny. I should protect that day. My dad has one he does that we you interrupted me, but I was gonna, say yeah, you probably don't sleep like your mom. I bet you sleep like your dad. I don't think so. mom, take some pitcher of to my eyes asleep and we'll get his posture and see. If that's how use? I bet you, I really don't. I sleep all crazy. I like many nice to know he doesn't we we've all been in a hotel room, I don't I don't know shining, your boss, snorers now I don't know I'm always paranoid about
One in now, when you were sick on the plane in your getting up and really holding him like. How did what does it look like like really running. Or did you tell him? I guess you know. You know Why- or at least I know twenty seconds out like it's starting to turn and startling turn. Oh my god, I'm going to I'm going to throw up again, I'm gonna, throw you know you. You know that feeling for a bit, so I was ahead that always anonymity accidents in my short You didn't do you think he was like in the like. He was behind you and your site is This is I this you. You already know this part of the story, but it feels like it has to be said, even though it's already been such a gross factcheck from the maggots and the nails and the skin and the weight in the meet my food poisoning. But
If you recall, I sat down and my sea before we had taken off, and I felt some gas and I crack. just try new that task of abandoned. yeah, it was just a whisper of a two like truly one percent of what was earlier in the one percent I knew immediately. I had food poisoning in the months you're my seem make did too I don't think anything was a secret, and yet the person swing that so mean travel. You never know what you're going to get you're in different cultures. Right. You don't know what protocols. I guess I just wonder if he was like what is going on with dax and does he needs Nurturing know there is a name you know like web is back. The only other explanation would have been
I'm doing a ball a coke on this. Why? Because I, why else would I be in the balance? Every fifteen minutes, back we'll. Why why these only at my back yeah I'm like play with your hair and style. That's a big missed opportunity for him people don't understand. You didn't know what people don't know. You don't know what you don't know, but didn't know? He was alone, while sec there's no way, he didn't notice you up and down a tonne. I know these assholes out having cocktails and eaten dinner and shit I was fine with eleven twelve hour. Maybe it's not I don't I don't wanna say it's an eleven hour flight actually, don't know what it is. Is a long flight three flights to l, a from new york, basically, okay, alright! Well so the director we'll look up flight time from frankfurt,
to kuwait, this out of curiosity about an hour forty five minutes of it, it's more like five and a half or six five and a half okay. But then germany, that she's at twelve levels Do you know what I was doing so constantly? Is ours eddie, you're, exaggerating our is another six, Whole weight to new york was eleven, and then I had five ella. Ok, the director of sunset boulevard, It's billy wilder, oh, that is who the stories about. Is it yup? Okay, that's absolutely it now. The gracie family is a big ju, jitsu family korean hicks voice. I'm going to read some stuff. Okay grandfather has a world record for the longest flight. Sims okay, but I don't want to read any of this. You don't want to know. Ok
it's all gas dow! I just don't know how to pronounce any cause. Even hoists gracie is spelled r, o y c e boys because they speak Porto Gacy in prattville right they do. Okay, let me do a family tree all right. What is the woman's name? Who is doing so Selina? Oh, yes, Only now, let me find settling on here. sir solely now, I believe is the. Grand daughter of gastown, yeah, ok, gusto, has george and Helena hope. You've been duped, okay, yeah you've been duped. This is not updated, it's not helping! it's not helping. It doesn't have selena on here. She should know how to spell that name. I wouldn't even know where to begin c c s a yeah I would, I would imagine it to be c, but it's not on this tree
is she older, no she's young. She she may maybe there's like a her mom's name or there's another family member named cecil and there's one there's assess Helena in this, and we're tree that has H way, aware that those red helio gray, seeming youngest son of just how, in sicily, the graces, eight children, else does a different, not only josie early now oh no, you can't do that. Has that's made up to make it look like she's, real fear that it says something about com as green disembarking? Ok, well, anyhow, TAT got us nowhere, but it's really cool that. was doing jujitsu all these daughters? It is, and do you care why it's even popular here in the us it was kind of a fun history, sure hoists his brother, founded the? U of c with another guy could meet you
their people actually and they say promoter art, davy, the up in the main they sent hoist to fight. Can it do you know he wasn't the toughest of the graces? and the original you see you fought all day long. It was an elimination day and you would have like three or four fights and everyone who fall was so much bigger than him. It was crazy. He has like one hundred and seventy pounds and six two or three and he was undefeated. He beat dozens of people over the first three or four. U of c's in the whole world went whoa brazilian jujitsu is the thing small man beating all these huge people from every different discipline. and then they came here, family and they open up tons of schools or california. It's very core. It is I'm a grander has. I think it is the world better for the longest thought he fought summer for like twenty three hours. Carlos has twenty one children, one huh
in six grandchildren. So that is why your war hundred twenty eight great grandchildren la what a family reunion much people grappling all over the place of a fund for you, their ivy scared, okay. So how much currently has the barbie movie made worldwide kay point three: four billion domestic five hundred thirty. Seven million yeah is making at the highest grossing domestic movie in one hour others more than any of the harry potters says. Bobby beats. Batman becomes a warner brothers highest grossing domestic release. Oh domestic released domestic yeah, that's awesome! He deserves it. I'm going to go again. You are oh yeah. I wanna go
pressure our labour day known and I learned very limited time frame. Beggin resident okay, so he said he said has funny whose tying about kids and he said that he was blockhead, and I felt like friends like what is the charlie brown is he's a clock yeah. They called charlie brown, a block of yeah. Well, I looked up what it means: ok, grant origin, a stupid person. Fifteen stupid, stupid person says it says, quote stupid person, fifteen forties from blockhead, probably originally an image of the
add shaped oak and block used by hat makers. I got it because it was ahead with no brain right like an empty, had a smart but unlike block like blackheads like charlie brown and or guest okay, I have a list if we want a block famous walkouts. Oh my gosh, for no twenty two. All time directors and their final films were. Does this campaign because sunset boulevard, guy ok, I've done now wilder yeah billy. I'll cause. He was working on that movie for his high life base. And may I say, what's this: category. Ok, this list is twenty two, all time great directors in their final films. Ok, ok, ok, Alfred ok? What's his last movie, your family plot pot? I never even heard of that. One me there. That's my way,
These are not really sad it. This is gonna, be a sad last dryers directors he's at the end of their career. Never their best the only problem may achieve. This is terence emo he's gonna do his last movie. Oh, you know some. He soon right, like he's, gonna, retire you're, not just keep going into right. Ok, yeah cause a k, John ford, seven women in my bergmann saraband. frederick fellini, the voice of the moon. Okay hold! if there's any movies, I recognise I'm o billy wilder's on here, buddy buddy, John Hughes. Ten love drone used. The dad is at a movie that you know right on our of her. I think this is demonstrating what I am suggesting, charlie,
plan account from hong Kong counter this from home. Clog cow observers: oh ok, robber, allman, a prairie home companion. I do know that movie. I know it Do you mind? I hate that all users about that movie, but why, with our evening. I should say this I won't tell you this off yeah off MIKE. So maya was in that in Paul Thomas anderson, who of course loves Robert Altman as every director did. He was there and it says I hear that yeah. Oh then, I can say that out loud yeah, it says eighty years old and suffering from leukemia was asked to pick out a standby replacement and his friend Paul. Thomas Anderson happily stepped up right to build cordially and never came the that ol man was able to complete his fell, but obviously helped occur. Yeah you're right
I dont there's only one. I know on this list, but I dont know a lot of stuff. Like old hollywood yeah? Well, you were trying to be on a sitcom. Just we just figure. The nano I mean I was for a while at once I got into goodwill hunting. Then I did really good in the directory get in movies, but not old movies, big movies or zack. I, sir, but I never was interested in like yeah, hitchcock or classics was never interested classics and my classic you're no cause I'm brad. I'm was well you're. The original or brown. So that's the most scholastic you can get here. We all come from Africa and it wasn't white people live in african. Well, that's your bet. Iran was white and all these movies mostly, but I just I just never drawn to that right- sure I think there's some gender.
element to it. I think, like in hollywood, boy seemed to be like the directors and other actors are male and need this persons a genius and there's something I don't feel like it. It Adam overrun. Excess males being super obsessed with giraffe, guess, but behind about a joke in vogue in barbie, about explaining the godfather to land in a sack, like the godfather there, like cope alone. and may- and I do think you re think so much that has to do with them being all men,
It's aspirational rain and women didn't really have that to like look towards, but also like in film school. I'm trying to think like, like cali liked a lot of that stuff cause she was in. She was a film film, major yeah, but in film class for me I didn't I didn't. I was not drawn to the old movies. I liked Emily, it's a great movie, it's not very old, but it's a great movie titled at all nineties, probably two may two thousand and one to those quick lob. I liked the movie quite a bit too great movie. I liked name, be as beautiful. Should I name my self, a nice dog, my unborn hockey, family I'll name. One of my eggs on the pavement is nice. God it doesn't really go. Does
It does Emily padma thinks absolutely because then you start thinking like oh, is that an indian name is kind of like oh yeah, like we. We of course think of it as french cause. We know emily right, but Emily is not any kind of man me indian, that's right! That's exactly right! Does it certainly my british We had a guest on yesterday and upcoming thursday. Those up it is very personal story. A person and a sheet Indian and I was really thinking about it. Why yesterday, were you looking about meal? my dad and like she's, really sad. There really really really sab. There's some sad stuff commoner, eyes the easter egg, but all these things are parties what s life. I remind you that life is sad. Sometimes
sure I'm in a week or something tragedies all around. You bear bacon, avenant this way of thinking What's on your eggs, congrats on yours sobriety, thank you am I got, is almost the viewed at nineteen eggs idea for my poison monoxide. There might have been the number yeah I have you ever go A trip labour day trap worried you very much looking forward mean a michigan for some like swimming some ted It goes guzzling. I'm really looking forward to it. Good it'll be fun cake. Alright, bye, bye, heavy labour day you too the.
Transcript generated on 2023-09-05.