« Aaron Mahnke's Cabinet of Curiosities

Finder's Eaters

2023-07-25 | 🔗

Some folklore is meant to leave us in awe, and others are really good at delivery laughs. Today's tour features one of each.

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
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we have all of thing at one point it could have been our car keys or the remote to the television maybe it was an airing or a little bit of money left over from party in the night before the often times the course of action is to retrace our steps and hope that we see bull upon the missing item along the way but every once in a while something disappears completely and i can't be found new bet how hard you look and that is worth saint victorious comes in members of the house fourth the ducks church who have lost something of importance may prey to saint penurious who will help them located little is known about phineas including the time in which he lived his name was discovered in fish in hundred a d by hungary soldiers who found the ruins of an old church on the island of roads after they
conquered the area their leader ordered the men to rebuild the war torn walls of the city several church icons or religious artworks were discovered on the floor including an icon of saint finesse amazingly it still looked as fresh as the day it was painted and around the icon were twelve illustrated tablets blows depicting for norris his life several were violent in tone including one where he was being whipped by soldiers in pelted with stones but no matter how much torture he was put through it seems that finery came out victorious with the last in showing him standing among the flames his hands raised in prayer some time later three young deacons from crete were taken captive be haggard arena and brought to roads begins had gone to kiss her to be ordained but now found themselves sold into slavery they had been separated with each priest held captive by a different master but they all knew of finery us each priest paid to him day and night to be released in research
to those prayers venereal appeared before their captors in order that the priests be freed from their homes or their mass there would be punished but his wishes were ignored and those masters tortured the priests even further so safe yes did the job himself he broke the priest free their shackles and told them esters one last time to let them go where they would witness the or of god well then ex day everyone living in the homes were the priests were being held woke up paralyzed blind and an immense pain with no other of course they asked the priests what they needed to do to be healed and the priest told them that they would before them saint victorious made one last plea to the cap here's to let the priests go or they would now recover by now they had finally seeing the light the master immediately released all three priests and eventually regained their site and their health and the priests went back to their home on crete a copy of i kind of saint venereal packed with them every year her following their return they held a feast
saint venereal in his honor now fear his name means to reveal and today he is prayed to whenever something is lost be it a wallet a house key or a set of priests and to help the discovery process along people would often bake a special cake named after the saints called a fan or a pizza sam that the cake is made in honour of his mother who is said to be cruel toward him she forever be a lost soul that he was never able to save the cake is spice made with eggs or dairy so it's considered weaken or lynton though rest he's very it's often prepared with olive oil orange juice cinnamon and clubs the number of ingredients is also important that person baker it will usually mix in seven or nine components because numbers are important to the greek orthodox church it said that one desperate woman promised sing for nurses thirteen cakes if he help her find her lost dog when the pooch eventually did turn up the woman baked all thirteen cakes just as promised
her time a mother baked the cake on behalf of each of her for children to help them find their future spouses this belief in entropy that is real because those who begged swear it works to say the wrong at the end of the day though one lesson is clear belief is a curious thing whether you're lost or found hmm this episode sponsored by better help when you're out your best you can do great things but sometimes life gets you bogged down and you may feel overwhelmed or like you're not showing up in the way that you want to working with a therapist can get your closer to the best version of you because when you empowered you're more prepared it it got everything life throws out you
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at ford we pride ourselves on building strong capable vehicles but we're only as strong as the people who drive them people like you who don't just see an f one fifty or a ford super duty but see what they can build with it look at a four hundred and fifty horsepower mustang and envision where it could take them or see the new bronco or bronco sport and think what that thing needs is an off road dirt path because built ford proud is more than just a set of words it's a pact between us our drivers what we can do together and we'll do it built ford proud some models transit features may not be available or may be subject to change horsepower and torque ratings based on premium fuel per se e j one three four nine always consult the owner's manual before off road driving know your terrain and trail difficulty and use appropriate safety gear forward is committed to the preservation of the environment and treading lightly one
and at most folks can agree on is that benjamin franklin had a brilliant mind he was an essential figure in the foundation of our country a driving force behind the american enlightenment and a leading scientist of his day he was also oh eccentric might be the best way to phrase it we are to begin the paper on thirteen seems like a good place to start his essay fart proudly written in seventeen eighty one when he was ambassador to france there were also his infamous airbags during which he said naked in front of open windows to ward off sickness and we previously heard here about the ten bodies in the basement of his london home that were discussed but until nineteen ninety eight o end here the fur hat popular among the french elite during his time their french and even begin dawning large wigs they called coffee or other franklin oh and frankly is also one of the world's first storm chasers the key
and the kites might be one of benjamin franklin most famous moments everyone has heard of its although we're not totally sure how the experiment actually went down allegedly on june tenth of seventeen fifty two benjamin franklin took a kite out into a storm to see if the metal key attached to the string withdraw the lightning one lucky strike later and eureka of course historic don't actually know the date and it's very likely lightning actually struck the key because if it had the great benjamin franklin might not have lived tell the tale will we can assume that the key picture a charge from the storm and the shock franklin got from touching it help firm that lightning was a form of electricity that could be harnessed what many don't realize though is that the key and the kite were part of a series of tests that frankly was conducting the electrical question had been floating around in his mind since at least seventeen forty five and he was was concerned with what the power of electricity could be used for everything we take
granted today from light to heat and more a ahead of him the possibilities were just to tempting i'm not if any of our listeners work or have worked in the emergency room but i'm sure they could confirm for me that during the holidays the e r is extra crowded with the fourth of july it's usually fireworks mishaps for christmas its problems with decorations herbs slipping on ice and without giving of course its cooking the turkey everyone's is to have a different opinion of the best way to do it some like two barbecue it some grid some roasted in the oven and i'm sure we ve all seen the videos of folks trying to fry it in their driveways with mixed success and did you know that benjamin franklin was extremely fond of turkey's he firmly believe that they should be america's national bird and even got into a fight with john adams and thomas jefferson over the subject adams all for the eagle and jefferson was for the dove i'm sure you can guess who one that round and here's the crazy part franklin
lee that his beloved electricity was in fact the best way to cook a turkey in a seven keen forty nine letter to his friend peter collinson in london franklin explained that he was going to kill and cook a turkey for their dinner solely using electricity because it would make the meat uncommon the tender franklin is to light in jars for this experiment these devices store static electricity between two electrodes on the inside and outside of the glass jar and franklin was very confidence in his hypothesis but when he touched the jars to the turkey to start cooking it so thing else happened instead franklin got a jolt from the experiment strong one if the spectators are to be believed it was bad enough he shook violently and got knocked out when his friends did manage to revive him he d remember what had happened he was soon four days and experienced intermittent numbness but luck none of the after effects were permanent based on another letter written to a friend franklin large
well seems embarrassed about his mishap when he wrote to his brother he gave permission for him to share the story with a fellow scientist begged them both to keep quiet about it franklin now we tried to repeat his experiment again and whenever he may note of his calamitous dinner party the moral of the story always boiled down to another time honoured nugget of wisdom don't try this at home i hope you enjoy today's guided tour of the cabinet of curiosities subscribe for free on apple podcasts or learn more about the show by visiting curiosities podcast dot com this it was created by me erin monkey and partners with how stuff works another award winning show called lore witches upon cast book series and television show and you can learn all about it over at the world of lore dont come and until now
don't stay curious
Transcript generated on 2023-12-06.