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Sunday, September 18, 2016

Steve Kroft interviews Gary Johnson and his running mate, Bill Weld, the Libertarian candidates taking on the two-party system with many ideas outside the political mainstream Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices See Privacy Policy at https://art19.com/privacy and California Privacy Notice at https://art19.com/privacy#do-not-sell-my-info.
This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
If anything, has got a chance of solving the world's problems in science and technology, and every breakthrough was the result of some body during the breaking through I'm David pope. This is unsung science. The untold creation stories behind the most mine blowing advances in science and tariff regime goodbye CBS news in Simon sister. You can, two unsung science. Wherever you get your high guests, if you don't recognize them. The tall guy on the left is vice presidential candidate bill weld the shorter when its former new mexico governor in presidential nominee, Gary Johnson. There really is usually attract. Only a few hundred people still, makes a north and are not without enthusiastic support,
as the next president of the united states Gary Johnson, the uss Kentucky rising to the surface off the coast of hawaii, nearly two football fields- long, it is the deadliest engine of destruction in the american arsenal able to carry almost two hundred nuclear warheads, atop the missiles loaded beneath those hatches.
It's a soul or a country you'd be a nuclear power as teresa there's, a new cold war brewing between the? U s and russia and night you'll see what it looks like from inside strategic command headquarters in the remote heels of eastern china least is a magic kingdom that not even walt disney could have dreamed up. It's called hung the end world studios and it over seven thousand acres. It's the largest film laws on the planet. You're gonna use hollywood directors, hollywood sties to make english language films to compete with hollywood shut down and make global blockbusters threats, but I think will be doing it in the next one or two years with what of it,
I'm steve Croft, I'm Lesley Stahl, I'm bill whitaker, I'm David Martin, I'm scott pelley. Those stories tonight on sixty minutes work and to play a new podcast network featuring radio and tv personalities, talking business, sports tech, entertainment and more play. It play it. When you look at your presidential ballot in november somewhere below the democratic and republican lines you'll find the libertarian party and the green party. But for many vote this year. They might as well read none of the above in a race that features the most unpopular, democratic and republican party choices in memory. They are the two alternatives to Hillary Clinton and donald trump, and for the first time in sixteen years, third parties could well determine the outcome of the election right.
now the two alternatives. The libertarian party has the most support and is the only one on the ballot in all fifty states. The ticket of Gary Johnson and bill weld is currently favoured by about eight or nine percent of the electorate. Even though seventy percent of the voters don't know who johnson and world are, we thought it? to give you a primmer I'll say if you don't record I m the tall guy on the left is vice presidential candidate bill. Weld the shorter when its former new met, go governor in presidential nominee, Gary Johnson right now, they can stroll through a park unmolested by the press and the public. The rallies usually attract only a few hundred people, but they can still make some noise and are not without enthusiastic support.
The ninth presently united states Gary's. Why are you doing this? I think that we would do a really good job feels the patriotic duty, given how the election season is unfolding. We feel responsibility to offer their country sort of a sober Double alternative has lived in this country ever been better. They are not. Medical neophytes, each one. One two terms is republican governors in heavily democratic states, human, think you have a chance to win neither of us would be doing this if we didn't think that that was the possibility. Let me be a little sceptical here right now,
the people elected not arrive at the people who do this for a living, the trying do, polling and public opinion surveys. It make odds some of the most prominent experts. put your chances at about less than one percent less than one percent. I think that donald trump started out that way: I would have given him that I would have given him that percentage at the very start better as crazy. Is this election season is I've? I think it could be the altar crazy, and that is that the two of us actually do get elected right and how does it happen? Well, presidential debates, a third all too I seventy percent of america doesn't even know who we are and yet, exist, I think, there's a lot of opportunity here and there still alive,
a time left, we are in a way breaking her glass ceiling there hoping to get a place in at least one of the presidential debates, but right now they don't meet the threshold of fifteen percent in the national poles. Are you running against or to party system absolutely rubbish? I and I do believe this is gonna, be the demise of the republican party. So you see yourself as a protest vote no way. I think a conciliatory vote. Look. This is. This is how we want to come together, happened steve of people do think for themselves and focus on the choices available workers. The polling shows that nationally people do tend to agree with our approach
as Gary sometimes says, you're a libertarian. You just don't know it yet, let's bring back liberty. Libertarians were founded forty five years ago as an offshoot of the republicans. They tend to be fiscally conservative and social liberals who want the federal government out of their pockets out of their schools out of their computers and out of their bedrooms, to the hats around twenty five. They support the right to bear arms even assault weapons, but they also believe women have the right to an abortion. Gays have the right to marry and adults have the right to smoke. Pot everybody looking for a bumper sticker. They oppose almost every federal program not mentioned,
typically in the constitution, including social security and medical care and the regulatory agencies. You're making yourself seem like mainstream candidates, but in fact you know your positions and the positions of the party art mainstream. You know you're for phasing out medicare near for doing away with private health insurance as a way to bring down medic, cost your taught you ve talking about abolishing the irs and imposing a twenty nine center. Twenty eight percent sales tax, essentially sales tax. You call it a consumption tax talk about eliminating the department of homeland security. I mean these aren't exactly mainstream opinions. Well, what you can count on the two of us to provide is consistency. We're gonna always be consistent in looking for lower taxes and much of what you site is the libertarian platform which we know. We are the libertarian nominees for president and vice president, but we're not
king to eliminate medicare. We do believe in a safety net, but there has to be reformed. Medicaid and medical care and social security and, if we're gonna put our heads in the sand. If we say we're, gonna do nothing in of these areas. It's a fiscal cliff. Nobody can tell me No changes are necessary in washington. Those bozos think that unless the appropriation of every single account goes up five percent, they call that a cut. Well, that's not how we approach our state budgets and that's not what we do in Washington either you think most people want to do away with the department of homeland security you I do. I do Think there's a real skeptic scepticism. I mean really. We have the fbi Why? Another agency I mean, and all these homeland security cars driving around these days? What are they doing? Their functions that you'd have to retain and make sure they were too
the two. But there are some who remind me of the no muddled bureaucracy in Washington that nobody can quite tell you why their essential and that's where I would go hunting. They also want to abolish the departments of education, commerce and housing and urban development. They want to cut the defence budget by around twenty percent and get american troops out of korea as they said they don't agree with their party on everything. Sometimes they don't even agree with each other. Gary Johnson earned a fortune in construction before me, in his political name is the first governor to ever advocated legalization of marijuana and until This year he was yo of marijuana branding company. Until recently, or consumer that is marijuana, one of one hundred million americans who have consumed marijuana. I am, I am guilty- the unforgivable in life, hypocrisy, say,
one thing and doing another telling the truth more than anything, I'm credited here with telling the truth, but you're not using marijuana. Now I'm not running, I live libertarian free or die baby. You know what they say. Former massachusetts, bill world is a card carrying member of the eastern establishment, whose libertarian, the fetus are still question by the true believers. until his nomination in may. He was a member, of the nearly extinct political species, known as moderate republican. You weren't a libertarian until a couple of months ago. Well, I consider myself a smaller libertarian since the nineteenth seventies and people called me, the libertarian republican They run a frugal loki campaign and genes and sneakers and keep a very loose schedule that can change our. When we will rhythm
version of the presidential limousine was a rented red toiled gave a motorcade. Now we can stop or red lights, reduce tougher websites the campaign play. We don't know, we don't do fly commercial. Do you have a campaign headquarters and yes, we do, but it's. But if you went to the campaign headquarters, you wouldn't find anybody there, because this is you know this is social media gets selfie selfie ready here they have a big presence on the internet and claim to have fifty million followers most of them. Young people, johnson and weld, are good friends and say they plan to run a presidency, sharing the same stance on a campaign trail. They often at each other's homes. They ve tried just about everything, to get more attention and hopes that their campaign would go viral. And for a while, ten days ago it did governor could have you with us that it was the wrong kind of attention when Johnson was
able to identify aleppo as the centre the humanitarian crisis in syria. Aleppo and what is Aleppo you're kidding no, but on the front page a lot. This month you made a big splash and it was a belly flop. We're talking about ok, sure tell me of ireland. I mean how did that happen well I blame no one, but myself. I understand the underlying policy people have said this. Guy is not qualified to be president. If he doesn't know what aleppo is. How do you react to that? Well, that that I am human, I have a filter and it starts with honesty. It starts with the truth: starts with transparency and would serve as president in that capacity
when I was asked the question. The first thing that came into my mind was this is an acronym aleppo american. Let sound familiar to you. Well, it didn't work. I think I would have been but but look, and I do not anyway. Wanna make an excuse for myself. You know so many people said, look. Ninety percent of america doesn't know Aleppo. Will. Ninety percent of mac has not running for president nights, but no excuse us the end of the day. This is just my views. Aleppo is a very important place name, but it's a place name. Does that mean they're disqualified from running for president me, you'd have very few people at the debates. If that sort of thing was disqualify just modifications, run spill, but nonetheless look. We are running for president and vice president, your acknowledging that your candidacy has some flaws, as do all candidacies, but
I nobody. I can try to remember a presidential candidate admitting that. Well, that is the difference here. That's that's! What you're gonna buy into is that it we'll be transparent and there's no quicker way to fix mistakes than actually acknowledging them in the first place you do have foreign policy advisers will certainly yet military strategies- I wouldn't quite so bad but people that have worked for me and alongside me in the foreign policy area, who you would appoint the secretary of defense if he were elected no, but I will I will weld says he has a short list of three or four candidates in mind, but he didn't want to name them. The country is and really deep trouble when Johnson ran for president years ago when the libertarian ticket he do just one percent. This time. There is concern feebly, more momentum and much higher expectations. What's changed or a lot of it has to do with trump and play
being as polarizing as they are. I've always said this tongue in cheek, if mickey mouse, where the third on any paul mickey would be at thirty percent because mickey's unknown commodity, but mickey's not on the ballot in all fifty states, and I think that when we get known seventy percent of America right now doesn't even know who we are, even if you're, not in the debates, you're going to alter the course of the selection, you're right steve we're going to alter the course of this election, whether or not we're in the debates- and I think someone trying to guess what that influence is going to be that's very hard, very hard to predict right now, they're, not even close to winning a single electoral boat, but they already have enough support to tip the scales to either Clinton trump in almost every battleground state. Who are you taking votes from?
Think of the end of the day. It will be more likely from trump than from Clinton. Other people say no. We have this big appeal to the millennials, so it will be more from Clinton than trump. This is my observation you're much more antagonistic towards donald tusk, Then you will work towards mrs Clinton. You must have done well in school. No well. That may be bill's outlook, but for me this is. This is a both sides. This is man. This is both barrels and I'm not going to lose one minute leap ruining this to party money I believe that is going on. I think our dinosaurs and, I think, we're the comment in this whole equation, I'm glad for I'm proud of it. The latest
B. S news new york times, pole of likely voters shows Hillary Clinton, leading donald trump by two percentage points in a head to head race. But when the libertarians and the green party are added to the pole, Clinton and trump are in a dead heat. The libertarians have other surprising things to say about the november elections. Hard go. Do sixty minutes over time, dogcarts sponsored by bread, nor thirteen welcome supply, a new pike, ass network, featuring radio and tv personalities, talking business, sports, tack, entertainment and more plant play died in One of the key questions of this presidential campaign is who has the health and temperament to become the next commander in chief and assume. The unthinkable power to use nuclear weapons. The code wars we knew it may be over, but both the? U s and Russia still keep enough nuclear weapons. On alert and civilization,
and now a new cold war is brewing with both sides developing more sophisticated and more accurate weapons tonight we're going to show you what this new cold war looks like from inside the EU s strategic command struck arm, as it's called trains everyday for possibility of nuclear war and takes extraordinary measures to make sure one person and one person. Only the president of the united states can give the order to launch a nuclear weapon laundry. Then. Why does europe there are several army at all. U s kentucky rising to the surface off the coast of why you re to football field long. It is the deadliest of destruction and the american arson able to carry almost hundred nuclear warheads, atop the missiles loaded beneath those hatches commander. Brian Frank: is the cap
The war has, it can be carried on. My muscles are extremely powerful and compare them to the bomb level Hiroshima much more powerful than than that. Much more powerful international up to thirty times, powerful and on any given day. A number of these submarines are hiding somewhere in the world's oceans, ready to respond to a launch order from the press, when you're out here or other countries looking for you always operate on that assumption. That sum is looking for me as anybody ever found. You know not even close you sure. Yes, I am sixty minutes the kentucky, but only because we had arranged a rendezvous to go a boar ass, though it or a country the nuclear power Asturias. Her said ever.
Did he pause to have all that power under your command? It's a lot responsibility, but with that responsibility comes a lot of training and pray, others like a loving operating at a depth of one hundred sixty feet the kentucky screw practice. The procedures needed to launch its mission second issue what asked you for training this is the captain. This is an exercise. Second, doesn't want to stay for training. Comrade windsor always asked she lives down the jail arm. Why, sir? I have written a fire comrade windsor before that. can be squeezed multiple keys, including one that unlocks the missile to which take up. Approximately one third of the ship have to be brought out from different, say. No one person can make a launch happen, so I have keys in my possession
other members of the crew have keys in their possession. Monkey is carried to the captain by two sailors, who both must hold it captain. What's up and here's the thing you need to know about the safe where that key is kept. No one on board As the combination we get. That combination with the launch order, that is my of knowing that the president has ordered the lodge is when emanation. It gives me open sense. If the president, really give you the combination to the safe that the key is. Yes, we have risen What was the weapons efficient? God you have permission to fire the kentucky and other nuclear missile submarines, along with intercontinental ballistic missiles and nuclear bombers. under the command of admiral cecil Hain outside mention here
the? U S, strategic command, hany is the most powerful military officer you ve never heard of in command, not just of the nation's nuclear forces, but it's hey satellites and cyber weapons, as well as solar activity causing impact satellite operations or communication whose mooning thing at strategic command headquarters in omaha nebraska, is classified above Topsecret. Thank you appreciate the update that clock mark porters, for president of the united states tells hany what timezone prisoner Burma is in in case he has to reach that goal. You're in chief, in a hurry so who, in the united states government, has the authority to order the use of nuclear weapons? Only the president and the united states has that authority does congress have to approve now. Congress does not have to prove so these really are the president's own weapons. It's our nations weapons with the presidency,
Yes, we need took us to a global operations centre. A topsecret facilities these stories underground. If a missile were launched against the united states, the warning would be received here and that clock would start taking down colonel barbara mules. Was the watch commander see this sign up here? Red impact impact, I'm so ready impact would be an enemy missile. That has cracked and you would have a time we will have time to impact, and blue impact would be any us counter attack the general colonel Brian Hyland would pull out the options for a retaliatory nuclear strike. On my responsibility as the stratcom nuclear strike adviser is to be the expert on nuclear decision handbook and the alert status of all us nuclear force. Send also decision handbook. The also knows the black book like was so. Is there a copy of the black book down here
it's in the safe down here? So an identical copy of the black book is in that briefcase, which almost the president, wherever he go so he's never away from the options, that's gray and what they tell him, what kinds of weapons you would use what targets you would hit. They would be that specific. Yes, would they give him an estimate of casualties, as we would have to give the president hands is still a different questions, that's one that I would expect to get at more hany would go to a room called the battle deck where he would talk directly to the president and his phone. You do This is one of the phone to my niece as chairman of the joint chiefs of staff secretary of
I don't see the man who was looking for the president. I am, but I can speak to the president directly from this microphone and in a in a crisis. How long does it take to get the president on the lot for real if russia were launched a missile from a submarine off the coast of the united states, it would take only minutes to reach its target. How long? In fact does the presidency have to make a decision? He has in minutes seven eight nine, depending on details, but but less than ten minutes. Former secretary of defence, william perry was a key architect of nuke. your weapons during the cold war with the soviet union if they weapons can be launched within minutes. Does that mean? Were still in the same old hair trigger yes stand there. We were during the cold war s right and we still have launch on warnings aim policy we have, then we do the same here trigger response, so what's changed,
since the cold war. If we're still on this, this hair trigger alert. Fundamentally, nothing has changed, but Where's of weapons are much lower now than during the cold war. the number of weapons are sufficient to destroy obliterate, also civilization. Still still, it doesn't take that many we still have more than a thousand nuclear weapons on alert ready to go. And taken take thousands destroy civilization at the end of the cold war. Both sides pledge to point there missiles at the open ocean, but it would take just minutes to change back to real targets. that provides a small hedge against an accidental or triggered by a form of the kind perry experienced. Jeanne. Seventy nine, when a watch officer, stake, inserted a training tape into a computer. So look like two hundred
is, he becomes were on the way from the soviet union to the united states. Happily, we got that situation figured out before we had to go to the present, but how Not he received a call at three o clock in the morning said, sir. You have several minutes decide where the light before these initial landowner. I see icy bm to silos and what was the failsafe there? What what stop get from going to the present? What stopped it was: an astute general Who says something was wrong red one serious case and forty five here's that would seem like a pretty good record. Now you're going to each one, it only takes one strategic man is building a new one point two billion dollar headquarters, but it won't be any more aid. To survive on nuclear blast than the under.
Command centre in the current headquarters that clock counting down time to missile impact would also admiral hated how long he had to get out of their alive safe, escape time that see indicated. Is the time left remaining for albania's with manner of you extra com to exit the battle deck, to be able to make it to his commander support aircraft to be able to board that aircraft and continue to provide his advice? present united states as his senior new killer adviser on the tarmac struck. Armchair coups cruel to take off in this airborne command pose fast enough to game incoming nuclear weapons if admiral heinous headquarters were just why didn't he didn't make it out in time, president is talking to be up to rear admiral andy lenders to assume come in and make sure the president, and only the president could still give
order to launch nuclear, what certain voice communications with the present talking to the present impersonal. yes, sir, so that way we are ensuring that we're getting the president's intent of he knows present We have some very complex and secure procedures to authenticate. to be sure that we're really talking to the president of the united states, so we can't just tell you this is the present speaking he can, but we will authenticate to verify it. It's the presence once the prisoner is giving you that order. What did you do and we would, communicate that order to our strategic forces are intercontinental ballistic missiles are bombers or submarines. Our solidarity I serve. Europe would be received on board the kentucky and the crew would go through launch procedures. They have practised hundreds of times before
last year, the kentucky actually fired and unarmed missile and test flight which lit up the california sky and closed a brief ufos gear. Had a carried a real warhead. Since our meteorological effects officer, steward miller, a young airforce captain aboard the airborne command posed would begin. Shorting the unthinkable my main role, is: is gathering information on nuclear detonations worldwide and then applying meteorological data to them, as specifically winds to figure out if there's fall out depending on the attributes of the detonation, where the outgoing, how many people might be affected, who might be effective things
aperture. So you basically come up with a casually estimate of essentially, yes, that's that's one of the things that that I can provide. You must look at some pretty depressing scenarios. We kind of do yeah and yes have you ever had the conversation with yourself. Well, what? If the president issues in order to use nuclear weapons, and I didn't agree with it, would I carry out that order present and expects me ass his combating commander to ride him, the best military advice I have so he would expect me to voice my opinion. You would get you would have a voice, but if you disagree
with a discernible military men and we follow their oars or work manner to so. What are the chances? The next president would actually have to make the fateful decision whether to use nuclear weapons is greater than you might think that part of the story next sunday on sixty minutes them to play a pike, ass network featuring radio and tv personalities, talking business, sports tack, entertainment plan play died in the chinese economy, is struggling plagued by slowing growth and uncertainty in the stock markets, but there's one industry that is not suffering the movie business for china and its one point. Three billion people going to the movies has become a national pastime and china is expected to become the biggest movie market in the world in the next two years. Will. Unsurprisingly, Hollywood has taken notice, partnering, with
any studios and making blockbusters as much for the chinese audience as the american one, but is Holly Williams first reported last April that u s film industry is also facing a petition from a new generation of chinese mobiles and movie stars with big ambitions tonight, a journey to a new hollywood rising in the east in the remote hills of east in china. This is a magic kingdom that not even walt disney could have dreamed up. It's called hung the end world studios and it over seven thousand acres. It's the largest film laws on the planet, a palace for every dynasty, a village.
For every era where some of the biggest movies in china have been filmed over the last two decades, they said aunt, flimsy facades, but full scale, bricks and mortar replicas of China imperial past and when the films rat a brief silence before the six added by fifteen million tourists who visit every year. It's all in the domain of shoe went wrong. A one time. Farmer who realized his fields were fertile ground for a new industry. Permission is hardly ever granted to film in their real forbidden city, china
I conic landmark, so he built his own. The took several hundred years to build the real forbidden city and it took you five years to build this one following this agenda and you made the whole thing from cement. So we need, for that is what she got the idea that is place. Twenty years ago, after a visit to hollywood movies want big business in china back then, but he spent a billion dollars. Gambling on big words, do you feel a bit like an emperor when you come here my brother? What No, what love is just an ordinary guy, an ordinary guy who's empire hosts thirteen different production. Every day is the film crews compete for space with tourists crowd the sits straining to get a glimpse of the stars. when the cameras start rolling movie
The movie business is booming across China. Shopping malls have popped up everywhere and with them theatre. twenty two new movie screens open every day. That's right! Every day, in the last five years box office receipts have grown, staggering three hundred and fifty percent its creation at a kind of mass hysteria and something china's never seen before. Star culture, leaping being has been described as china's angelina jolie. It feels as if the The industry here in china is getting more and more like hollywood, the speed of the development you can't imagine even for us, it's changing so quickly so kind. we didn't, even you, don't even reacts its heritage and transformed into a mole.
I billion dollar industry chinese studio produced, We six hundred features in here movies sigh fine thrillers behind is a group of pioneering movie like Dennis Wang. He once worked as a chinese food. Every man in new york and is now chairman of the Hirlaji brothers. One of the largest studios in the country in the movie business has made him a billionaire. A capitalist with chinese characteristic over the last year, he spent thirty million dollars on picasso can which he keeps in his pocket and in one of his other homes. So that's the purchaser and you bought it from there
the gold one family new one, the mgm studios in hollywood. They did it. So it's not so much a passing of the torch. It's a passing of the picasso David is the biggest prize, isn't picasso's, but hollywood itself. This year a chinese company purchased a hollywood studios for three
point five billion dollars? Others have been investing in Malta movie production deals with american companies to make films for the global market. You're gonna use hollywood directors, hollywood stars to make english language films to compete with hollywood, should here and make global blockbusters, I think, will be doing it in the next one or two years. Maybe in five years will be doing it really well in five years it will be competing with hollywood. What you're doing that? I think we can do with them. Even though china's economy has slump in the last year Dennis his brother, James, the high you Others see oh says the movie business is recession. Proof things either won t when the economy is weak. The movie business does really well when times are bad people, go to the movies and feel happy components, and it doesn't cost them much money
so the bad times actually could be could be good for the film industry the to are shining light yellow. In the last twenty years, the biggest box office earners have come out when the economy his bath. He said what a dingy put out hot, so it's interesting, The sheer size of the chinese market has hollywood salivating and desperate to getting on the action. Dd Nicholson is an american film producer who spent the last twenty years making movies in china. today, if you sit in a green light meeting in hollywood, studio at any of the studios at any of the major six studios. Their china is part of every green light. gosh their wondering? Will chinese audiences or they like this- they have to because often times the chinese box office is larger than the? U s box office, especially for the big blockbuster films to our creator. Look
still like transformers, for there remains a price on my head, which made three hundred million dollars in china was partly films there and kostas leaping being the chinese government has a quota system which only allows thirty four foreign films into the country every year to get around the rule? Hollywood has been co producing movies in china, with local studio, high food pandas three was animated in color when you're in shanghai. At the same time, I lost my father I'm very sorry and co produced by dream, works and its spin off oriental dream works, then ceo James Fong showed us how they would tailoring the movie for both audiences all the time. What we've done is is that we're actually be animating everything around the mouth and the throat. So when you look at a
These version, the moon, shone multinational example to jobs in the long run I have a job, this alignment between the voices and the looking in the chinese version. They look as if their speaking in training in chinese were, whereas in the eu west version, they look, they stay speaking english dumpling squadron will take position here on my signal. Has this ever been done, but never been done, He is the only movies anyone could watch in China what communist propaganda evolutionary heroes, patriotic peasants and guerilla soldiers, those whose trade, too far from the party line with thrown in jail worse as a teenager, filmmaker chunky girl, was pressured to denounce his own father, also a director as an enemy of the state, I feel very verge
but you were forced to do that by the political situation in China. You are only fourteen years old. No, I still feel good because I had a choice. I had a choice in the nineties after things had loosened up, Chun chose to make films that were critical of the regime like farewell, my concubine, which earned to ask denominations and tell, the story of our prisoners who are persecuted by communist henchmen. That movie helped put chinese film on the map, but today, tran one of china's most venerated filmmakers, finds it hard to keep up its become big business. Exactly chinese people turning oranges day, popcorn movies, one is they block, but totally understandable? You know they don't get. This did you say, hey
we're here to watch a movie there, a generation that's grown up on China's booming consumer culture and on the surface, their lifestyles look more and more like a young people's in the west. Prosperity has transformed. China is no longer a closed communist country, but a means to all this majority. The chinese government still senses films and decides which one can be shown in theatres. We ask to speak with a government officials who, over me the film industry here, but they declined to be interviewed. Something's haven't changed, it's not easy, filming anything in china, those we're just private security guards,
but when it comes to making movies the governments involved in almost every step of the process from deciding which movies get made to screening. The final senses held up these world war, two epic city of life and death for the better part of a year, because the film depicted soldiers from Japan, china's wartime enemy in a flattering light blue twice with its director Sonia newspaper, does put me. As a traitor traitor. Yes, yes, because you dared to show a japanese soldier. as a human being He wasn't certain his recent film, a monster movie, chronicles of the ghostly tribe would fare any better, even though it has nothing to do with
politics, the very realistic looking yes, there If that's my that's my goal three years ago, the government didn't allow monster movies. Today it does navigating the whims of the senses can be treacherous and confusing. They will determine the fate of your movie, and can you argue with them you can hawk, you can argue. Yes, does it work sometimes, but you have to compromise hollywood's been compromising to please the senses to cutting whole sections out of films before their released in china like scenes depicting chinese bad, eyes in many through you always me: that's a hate crime if you would chinese but dd, mucus the china based american producer, thinks U S, studios a learning, how to avoid that kind of meddling by the government. You'll see less and less of
because china is so important to hollywood that I would say that those decisions gonna get made when a film is being green, led to be careful, about what may be offensive to chinese people or to the chinese authorities that they really to cut taxes. It is our most a minute. Those they make them in the first place and self censorship is the cost of doing business in china and a price. U s. Judy owes a willing to pay but Hollywood's biggest challenge. Isn't chinese government interference its competition from a young and dynamic industry. There smart, they understand storytelling, They are super well version that what works in their own country, their super well versed in what works globally. I couldn't be more excited, so I would say you know: hollywood watch out
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Transcript generated on 2023-01-16.