« 60 Minutes

Sunday, November 4, 2018

Mass shootings happen all too often in the United States -- usually carried out using military weapons. Now -- first responders, doctors, and even civilians are learning battlefield first-aid. Scott Pelley reports. With just 48 hours until the midterm elections -- Jon Wertheim hears from Ted Cruz and Beto O'Rourke -- who are in a tight race for the Texas senate seat. Plus -- surf's up! Anderson Cooper visits azare, Portugal, home to some of the largest waves in the world. Those stories on tonight's "60 Minutes." Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices See Privacy Policy at https://art19.com/privacy and California Privacy Notice at https://art19.com/privacy#do-not-sell-my-info.
This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Forty eight hours and c b s news present season three of my life of crime with Erin Moriarty. This season, joint erin for extended interviews with convicted murderers, go beyond speculation to the evidence in our toro. Gaudy really commit suicide at what happened in Jenin. Do lows the connecticut mom still missing, almost four years later. Listen to my life of crime, from forty eight hours on amazon, music or wherever you get your part of as as a result the wounds inflicted by a ar fifteen style rifles, the weapons used in the worst recent mass shootings, perfect doctors, first responders civilians and children are now being trained to use something called a bleeding kit, an idea that comes,
from saving americans on the battlefield target. You believe that these mass casualty events have become so common that it is important for everyone in this country to be prepared. Everyone, that's where we are in america, that's why we are thirty. Six hours now hold will open for the mid term elections to understand what may motivate voters we went to texas, yes, Texas, Your image of the loan star state as an outside outlier, it'd be the most accurate reflection of what americans want in where the united states is headed. When we decide that we're going to invest in people great things happen, we've got numbers on our side. There are a lot more conservatives and there are liberals. The liberals who are in texas are really really mad that they president tromp, that anger is dangerous and we, then anger is mobilizing. It means they're, gonna show up
the giant. Waves appear off nazarene Portugal, every winter, just as they have for thousands of years surfers knew about this place until Garrett mcnamara is towed into the seventy eight foot wave by a jet ski. He had a camera mounted on his surfboard and went on the shore reporting him as he got into place like go to rope, began setting. Why I'm steve Croft, I'm leslie, I'm Armstrong. Pelee, I'm anderson cooper, anja unworth, I'm I'm bill whittaker. Those stories tonight on sixty minutes What's your next adventure Everyone deserves a chance to do what they love pacific I have helped you reach financial goals while you go after your personal ones,
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if u w w dot pacific life, dot com, the mass murder! Last week, at the pittsburgh, synagogue has something in common with the deadliest massacres: the a r fifteen semiautomatic rifle variations of the a r fifteen were used to kill at a texas church, a las vegas concert, marjory stoneman Douglas high school in florida, and sandy hook elementary school. The a r fifteen style rifle is the most popular rifle in america. There are well over eleven million and they are rarely used in crime. Handguns kill, far more people, but the a r fifteen is the choice of our worst mass murderers. A r fifteen ammunition travels up to three times the speed of sound and tonight
We're going to slow that down, so you can see why the eight hour fifteen's high velocity ammo is the fear of every american emergency room. Mass shootings were once so shocking. They were impossible to forget now they become so frequent. It's hard to remember them all here, the monopoly that you're gonna die Last saturday in pittsburgh, synagogue eleven were killed. Six wounded, This is the most horrific crime scene. I seen in twenty two years with the federal bureau of investigation members of the tree of life. Synagogue conducting a peaceful service in their place of worship were brutally
ordered by a gunman targeting them simply because of their faith. Just eleven months before it was a church in sutherland springs. Taxes assistant, fire chief rustling Duncan, was among the first to arrive. Ninety percent of the people they were unrecognizable. De the blood everywhere I mean just covered from head to toe were shot so many different places you just could make out who they were, churches. Now a memorial to the twenty six who were murdered. I never had the experience not with any kind of weapon like this for me to see the damage that it did. Unbelievable. There was shattering concrete. I cannot hear you can imagine what it does to human body, the
police estimate that he fired about four hundred and fifty rounds. I believe it I saw the damage it did. I saw the hose in the church from one side to the other, all the pews, the concrete carpet, Not all a gunshot wound is potentially fatal, no matter what kind of ammunition is used, but cynthia bird showed us the difference in an eight hour fifteen round against gelatin targets in her, but sticks lab at the university of southern california. Years of research have gone into kind of what that make up serbia. This ordinance gelatin to really represent what damage you will see in your soft issues. So this is a pretty accurate representation of what would happen through human began. This is currently considered
kind of the state of the art. This is a nine millimeter bullet from a handgun which we captured in slow motion the hand gun bullet travelled about eight hundred miles an hour it sliced nearly straight. All the way through the jail ass, that's gonna, love at louder. Now, look at the age of fifteen round said a deference. Yes, it's three times faster and struck with more than twice the force. The shock wave of the eight hour fifteen bullet blasted, a large cavity in the jail, unlike the bullet from the handgun. While there are some enormous deference you can send
what exactly there's fragments in here there's kind of took a curve and came out. You can see a much larger area in terms of the fractures that are inside now watch room above on top the him down at bottom, the your fifty it's just exploded, its exploded and tumbling. So what happens? Is that participating around is designed to tumble and break apart for today, the nine millimeter handgun round has a larger bullet, but this a our fifteen round, has more gunpowder, accelerating its velocity both around and the rifle were designed in the nineteen. Fifty four, the military's. The result
was the m sixteen for our troops and the a r fifteen for civilians. There's going to be a lot more damage to the tissues, both bones organs, whatever that gets kind of even near this bullet path, the bones aren't going to just break they're, going to shatter organs, aren't just going to have kind of terror or have bruises and they're going to be. Parts of them are going to be destroyed that fairly describes the wound suffered by twenty nine year old, joanne ward at sutherland springs baptist church. She was shot more than twenty times, while covering her children. Ward was dead. Her daughters, mortally wounded as assistant fire chief rusty duncan made his way from the back of the sanctuary. As I got, a couple rose up, riley's hanford I often wonder, is that mom and grandma. Apparently I wouldn't have even known he was alive until he did that I didn't even see him under her. That's where me and him made eye contact for the first time, Joel
Words. Five year old, stepson, sun ward was hit five times and was nearly gone when he reached the surgeon lillian leo at San Antonio university hospital? How much roylance blood do you think was lost before he came to you at least half this is right ones: e r x ray S! You see that too fragments tat are in him. The x ray shows you the solid fragments of the shrapnel when the bullets, but it doesnt tell you much about the damage to the soft tissue know, and it doesn't tell you what's on the inside, I mean a bomb went off on the inside and our job is to go in there and clean it up. A bomb went off
the inside because of the shock wave phrase high velocity rounds, correct ryan, endured twenty four surgeries to repair his arm leg, pelvis, intestines, kidney bladder and hip at some point, a slight problem: humpty dumpty back together. Again. What I mean, why has organs? Are in different pieces and you have to reconstruct them. The arm was missing. Soft tissue, skin muscle and part of the nerves were damage. The bow has to be put back together. Some of the areas of injury has to heal itself. So you can. see that he can walk around like a normal child and behave as normal as possible with the europe of fifteen. It's not just the speed of the bullet, but also how quickly hundreds of bullets can be
while the a r fifteen is not a fully automatic machine gun. It fires only one round with each pull of the trigger, but in las vegas last year it sounded like a machine the the special device called a bunch stock allowed the killer to pull the trigger rapidly enough to kill fifty eight and wound. Four hundred and eighty nine hundred in other mass killings. Yea, our fifteen was fired without a month stock, but even then it can fire about six. rounds a minute ammunition. Magazines that hold up to one hundred rounds can be changed in about five remember here the gunshots go, often being so nerves and scared. and all of a sudden, I felt something hit me
God how many times four times, how many surgeries? Three, for my arm. My stomach and and at long last february, or a seventeen year old, mattie Wilfred was at school, marjorie stoneman Douglas high school in parkland florida Seventeen were murdered. Seventeen wounded agnes thinking to myself. There's no way like now me, please, not me
and aware, go yet her a lot vital signs we're almost non existent. She looked like all the blood had gone out of her body. She was in a state of deep shock. Paramedic minors who hated saved mattie wilfred in port, because brownrigg county amidst recently equipped itself for the battle field, wounds that the or fifteen inflicts we carry active killer. Kids in our eyes and arrest is active killer kit. Yes, what is that? That is a kid that has five tourniquets five decompression needles? Five, while he will static ages, five emergency trauma, dressings civil Doktor Peter and tevye brower county medical director told us today I demand a new kind of training. If I take you through one of our airlines, here's where they take you through our protocols. Almost everything we do is based on what the military has taught us whenever to carry tourniquets. We never used to carry chess eels. These are things are done in the military. For
many many years area winded. All of that change. It really change. I think, after sandy hook after sandy hook elementary school, where twenty first graters and six educators were killed, were they are fifteen rounds, a campaign stop the bleed began nationwide, really ability and heavy and doctors.
In lillian LAO in San antonio make this type are training civilians, who are truly the first responders. There have been nearly thirty thousand classes like this in the last three years. You have to go the second route that she stopped the bleeding here. Does it hurt her face that you can do it the day after the shooting? My kids are waking up and of at school, and my son heard kind of heard what had happened the night before when I was on the scene- and he looked at me with the fear of god that he had to go to school that day, my first instinct was he needed the bleeding kid. My son today has a bleeding kit on his person. How old is she twelve years old heritage? This is it we need. We have given him this and I taught him how to use it
you believe that these mass casually events have become so common, so that it is important for everyone in this country to be prepared. Everyone, that's where we are in amerika tat idea: rhineland ward survived the church massacre because firefighter rusty Duncan used his belt as a tourniquet Over the last year, island has worked often six days or weeks law that control learning to sit up your muscles stand and walk again you're, very strong, you're, very strong, conceived actually goes in the hospital. Yet did you meet
new people in the hospital you were there for a long time they told me. I talk to some of the people who helped you my care. There was a doctor DR lau, yes or yeah good yeah how's, your arm good. Let me see he has his strength back. It's remarkable really, but healing from the loss of his stepmother and sisters won't be as quick as it. A maddie wilford is also moving forward like many who suffer physical trauma. Her interests have turned to medicine and an internship medical where she studying the kind of surgeries that saved her, not law
ago. Many communities assumed mass murder would never come to them today. All a mirror We are being asked to prepare for the grievous wounds. of high velocity rounds, johnny,
at thirty six hours from now polls will open for the midterm elections in four hundred, and seventy congressional seats will be up for grabs. One of the most surprisingly competitive races has been unfolding in texas, the Senate election they're, pitting incumbent ted cruz in the red corner against challenger beto o'rourke in the blue corner, represents more than just gripping political theater, a clash of big personalities and record setting fundraising on the surface. The candidates have plenty in common two texans a year apart in age, who left the state for ivy league schools before returning. There were even elected to congress the same day six years ago, but in this divided cultural and political moment cruz,
the report has become a national barometer for american politics in the unlikely event of places, as goes taxes, so we'll go the future of the united states of america and aged forty seven senator kid. Crews has gone from key party disruptor to republican party stalwart work, and my good friend your senator on recent sunday. He shared the stayed with texas, governor gregg abbot road house in his home town of Houston.
That Denis Texas is equally familiar with the levers of power in the art of politics. Now, why is it that people come to texas? Because texas is where the opportunity is because texas is where the freedom is? We sat down with the incumbent at a houston, barbecue joint we've had our cameras following you for weeks, you're you're working hard out there. What are the central principles you're trying to get across? I, when I ran sixty to go. I told the people, a texas, I'd fight every day for low taxes, low regulations and lots of jobs. My twin passions and life have been the american free enterprise system and the
this constitution we will stand together in this solidly. Red state proves comes to battle, armed with a loyal big gun right to advocate suburban knights of in big in big business. He also has the support of the sitting president. This race is a stone cold, phony neighbour, Robert Francis around sometimes referred to as pageau. Actually its pronounced, better nickname for robert that he picked up in his home town in EL paso. Sorry he's a three term: u s! Congress, men from the west, texas,. that super we're based player in a punk band work is finally at eight forty six achieved rockstar status. We are the defining immigrants story and experience a border state that understands the bilateral relationship with mexico. Will rule council devoted texas millennia
this minority sows and urban professionals he spent months threading his way through texas, while his small team live streams. Everything even the most monday it's gonna eat these after dinner, when we met him in waco recently, both as odometer and his voice were tapped. I don't know that there can be much more on the line than than there is one of the choices could could be any more clear of the contrast any greater. Why do you think so? Many people, both inside texas but beyond texts, are so captivated by the story. I think the way in which we are running it without packs without special interests without pollsters without consultants going every county or two hundred and fifty four at this really divided moment. Everybody knowing that they are invited to be part of this and in the fact that some your stereotypes, but what you think texas is
and aren't necessarily true and he's right. The state's longtime slogan says it all texas, it's like a whole other country, but no more forget the image of texas as this outsized outlier right now. It's actually a strike we accurate reflection of the united states as a whole. Like America, the state is more diverse than if foreign, ten texans or hispanic increases hometown of Houston is set to overtake chicago, as the third largest american city After new york in l, a texas is growing like crazy, there's no state like texas. I think we've got over one thousand people a day. Moving to texas texas may be carpeted with flatlands and prairies, but the open skies are being pierced with skyscrapers. Texas is an urban state
Three of the most populous top ten cities are in texas and number eleven as Austin Lawrence right is a long time resident of Austria and the author of the book, god save texas. He characterizes the state in terms of two different radio frequencies. You divided texas into what you call em texas in fm texas. Explain it will, I think m Texas is what most people outside of texas, the state is, am taxes is genome rush, limbaugh, social conservative, very measures under downright evangelicals and so on, and yet there is a side of texas that many people don't really understand unless the fm taxes, which is more urban, progressive, more like other cities in the country, the big question, which frequency will have the greater signal strength. on tuesday. I think that a lot of the tea party political figures
Our right now, over the horizon and what they see is a big change coming their way and that change is brown and that changes young and that changes not so conservative. That's the wave is coming into texas, like all the midterm races, the specter of donald trump hovers over the campaigns. In that case, it proves his newfound coziness with the president strikes many as hypocritical, given how bitterly they opposed each other in the last presidential election. In two thousand and sixteen you're running against president trump and he disparages your father and your wife you're accepting his support now reconcile that listen, two thousand and sixteen was a hard fought campaign, and then there were hard blows thrown all around. Now I could have said you know. I've got hurt feelings, I don't like the things he said on the campaign, so I'm going to
my marbles and go home frankly. I think that would have been a really selfish decision. Marbles implies. This is schoolyard stuff what, but, but you know what he thought about your father at the end of the day. It's not about me. It's not about being selfish and worrying about my hurt, feelings and and and soulless, and I I don't apologize for for not being self centered and pat pounding my foot and refusing to work with the president, I'm going to do my job for the people of texas. To what extent are you running against ted cruz? To what extent are you running against donald trump. I'm not running against anyone. I really mean that want to make sure that we are aware of of the choice before us yep. It's it's walls, it's malls bans presses the enemy of the people. We know where that road takes us. We ve seen that movie before, but given stakes if we're only organised against those things Then we d mean our opportunity to define this country in the most positive, ambitious way,
possible? Here's an old texas, see, there's. No. In the middle of the road, with yellow stripes, indent armadillos. In this case, both candidates are squarely in their lanes. He wants to abolish. Eyes, I want to abolish the irs. What do we do War on drugs ended. The prohibition on marijuana, texans gonna, have a choice between a person who is seen as being too far right and another who is seen as being too far left. I think you better is elected. You can then say: texas is no longer as purple. If taxes in play is no longer
the old, reliable, read that it's been for such a long time. Then the politics of the country gonna change right now, the politics of the country are split in two with americans taking unyielding positions on climate change, guns, health care and immigration. A topic that has particular residence in texas in may be the biggest divide. when the candidate. Although I'll tell you live almost my entire life, forty six years on this planet in EL paso, what happened largest binational community in the heavens, there also happens to be one of its, not the safest cities in the united states. Of america, not in spite of, but because we are a city of immigrants he wants to make it no longer a prime to cross the border. Really That would be the very definition of open borders. I just think that the politics,
Trying to scare you about me is politics it. Those who are sick of it he'll tell you that I want open borders. His mistake, Translation has dishonesty his wise. He employs those tactics because in the past have been shown to be effective, crews is practised, traditional retail politics and relies on his party's infrastructure pack. Money and traditional media rourke is kept his party's establishment at arm's length, we ve noticed you haven't had a lot of the stars of the democratic party was before and Bernie sanders for. President obama they haven't come to texas. Are you trying to distance yourself from the past? I'm not distancing myself, but I dont want anyone coming in from the outside. I want the people of texas to decide this on on their own terms. This election may not come down to ideas, personalities or even money, so much ass, who shows up early voting in texas, this shadow,
Expectations are more than five hundred percent among young voters from the previous midterm. We keep hearing about the importance of turnout, yes on election day for this election. If, if you look at the dynamics, we got numbers on our side. There are a lot more conservatives and there are liberals with Iraq. Campaign has had on their side is intensity. The liberals who are in texas are really really mad that they have
president trump? That anger is dangerous. I mean that anger is mobilizing. It means they're going to show up no matter what, as I've said, they'll crawl over broken, broken glass to show up another good thing. I'd look intensity is, it is always potent intensity turns people out at that, and the polls you're working on the assumption that the more people that show up the better your odds of winning yeah, I think the more people that show up the better we do buy, because the people who are fired up right now are fired up to do something great for this country. That that's that's my sense. I don't have a pollster, so I can't quantify this assumption for you, but the turnout that we're seeing is already off the charts. You mentioned no pollsters, no pac money and from the looks of it, you're running this campaign out of the front senior minivan good idea, yeah, it's a great idea.
It's fun and it's it's the most direct way to connect with people, and I love being on the road every day going to one community after the next. It's it's the only way to really get to know the state and the people that you want to serve when we decide that we're going to invest in people great things, happen? If there is a law, regulations and lots of jobs, if you believe in defending the constitution, you bill to polish politicians, both in their forties ascending stars in their parties. Is there a sense in texas? The stakes are really high and this race yeah, because no, we already have one who ran for president and but for donald trump. Might have done the nomination and and We have. One is already being talked about. Is a future presidential contender without
guard the weather. He wins this race or not. They each have a core constituency that wants to be heard that something they have in common and it runs very deep if we lose our freedom here. Where do we go and so I'd look? I believe this when I was ten. I believe this when I was in college. I believe this now that freedom works freedom matters does. This is gonna, be a defining moment for us. I am confident that people in the future will look back on two thousand and ten and the look back on this state specifically and say the texas decided
every once in a while. We come across a story of people trying to push the limits of what human beings can do, athletes competing interests against each other, but against mother nature herself, when we first met a surfer named garrard mcnamara six years ago, he just said a world record for riding the biggest wave. Anyone ever had servers and around the world have been trying to break mcnamara's record ever since, as you are about to see someone finally has each winter be waived, servers bring boards in their bravery to an unlikely spot where the waves can get his tall as buildings, it's not in hawaii or australia. It's off the coast of Portugal in an ancient town, call nausea, re or garrett. Mcnamara first had the ride.
his life, the giant waves appear up, knaus re every winter, just as they have for thousands of years view surfers knew about this place. Until two thousand and eleven garret mcnamara was to seventy eight way by a jet skis. Yet a camera mounted on his surfboard in war. on the sore putting him as he got into place, go to rope I began his record setting run the I didn't realize it was that big of a wait until it came down from above Rather, we shoulda almost squash almost caught the for people who have not written a seventy. If aware, to understand what it feels like the power
that way. The. How do you describe it? A lot of us have snowboard it or skied. Just imagine going as fast. You go down a mountain and then imagine hitting some ice, maybe some moguls and then imagine an avalanche coming down after you, and not trying to run away from it, trying to stay as close as possible to it the whole time the cabbage chasing you and now the mountains moving and not just the avalanche, but the whole mountain is really that's what it's like! Writing these giant waves, its hands terrified for the average person, could easily be hell.
If you haven't, figured it out by now, garret mcnamara is not your average pussy started, focusing on big waves in the mid nineties, attracted by the challenge in the rush of adrenalin. He got riding them before. Setting the world it already made a name for himself with some incredible rides. Some guy and some epoch boycotts I broke ribs three different times broke feet. I heard this knee back stitches from head to toe and many times even stitched up I dunno at least one hundred, if not more, and then I I've stopped going to the doctor. I just use crazy glue now so that crazy glue everything. If I can crazy glue, it is getting crazy glued,
I put it perfectly back together and put some crazy glue on it time and back into water. That day, the mirror first surf the waters of nauseate portugal in two thousand and ten. What do people think that either I know in the beginning, they thought I was absolutely crazy, because a local resident had emailed him this picture of a wave hoping to attract, surfers and boost the local economy for generations. Nozzle ray was known as a sleepy fishing village. It was only the town's fishermen who braved these treacherous waters, hundreds have drowned within sight of their loved ones. On shore the when we first came here in two thousand and twelve, there weren't many surfers riding these monster waves. Today, thanks in large part garrett mcnamara, the water is now crowded, with the onshore throngs of spectators gather
a one hundred euro white house, to watch the incredible raw, aids and dangerous it's like water world than their night. This guideline for waves now is ready, maintaining for way the act of haiti fighting want to challenge themselves here in Nazareth. This is the proving ground when it comes to a team. Much more rights, teamwork here need somebody with a jet skis to watch over you and once it is over sixty feet. Yeah everybody's, challenging himself and their skills here, it's dangerous even for the jets years, almost more dangerous, because you got this big machine allison. Away blab on you, you stuck with the machine we last november mcnamara.
was riding a jet skis towing his friend british surfer, andrew cotton into the massive wave and nazarene when they got it didn't go as planned, the bomb missing literally spoke like a bomb and he flew in mid air like a cannibal, he was a human cannonball cod was in the wrong spot on the wave and had to jump off his board. He disappeared momentarily before being thrown forward like a rag doll. He landed hard on the water and broke his back. The chocolate frame up it is. It was like hitting concrete the garden was rescued and brought onto the beach he spent months recovering, but is already back in nos re,
I think once again, the white house guy wasn't really that bad dude. You broke your back yeah, but I mean it was. It was an impact and- and the thing is amazing, about mazare- is you never know what you're going to get? This would make knows array so exciting same day in cotton got hurt a brazilian surfer name Rodrigo kosher caught the right of his life. In this way that some observers thought might have broken garret mcnamara's record maya. You are officially amazing. Just a few months later, another brazilian surfer, maya Deborah said a new women's record in a way that measure sixty a fee. Think will be the next surfer set a world record here. There's a lot of capable people to set limits on record We wanted to see these world famous waves up close down, so we rig mcnamara
jets gay with three minute. William rose on the whole time and attached to another to the end of the stick. I couldn't we carry the also placed three cameras with high powered zoom lenses on the cliffs, overlooking where the waves break and hired another cameramen? George, we out to follow us with a cameras rolling into jet skis. We took off from the harvard in yeah, we hope to see for ourselves just how powerful dangerous the waves here are, the light on at night. No idea, we reinforce mcnamara, consider these waves relatively tv. They were
in twenty to thirty feet. High the hold on the not just the wind and the current that makes the waves here so massive is the existence of an underwater canyon. At it's deepest point, the canyon is nearly three times the depth of the grand canyon starts about one hundred miles. It also runs nearly all the way onto shore all this energy and it funnels in like a b. So all his energy comes down to can and and as soon as it hits
allow point of whom the getting hit with all that energy, according to mcnamara part of the joy of big wave surfing this wave of nausea ray he ditched his board to prevent it from hitting could see. Mcnamara is a little. Back on the lip of the way. This is the view from the camera on his board. Let plans on me. I get up led away, they ll Armando forever and I were just loving every there was a babe. The way you say obliterated it sort of blissful and sort of it's a little weird, the what
I ended up getting obliterated getting wiped out. I think it's just out there out of control like when you're riding the wave you're still in control somewhere you're at the mercy of the way, but you can choose your path and your destiny. When you are underwater getting pounded, you are at the mercy of the ocean you're, like a grain of sand in the washing machine on spin cycle, going all different directions. and then that lost control is, you feel alive, feel alive, but two years ago, Mcnamara's desire to feel alive nearly cost him his life. It was in the northern california, spot known as mavericks when he attempted to catch this wave, which he thinks was fifty to sixty feet high. I was in a perfect spot. Paddle stood up, thought I had it Oh my god. I
right when I hit I was going so fast. It just broke my shattered, my head. They were at the humerus, had shattered in nine pieces and broke the shaft off the head where it lodged itself in my pack within a minute the bone lodged.
in your pack. Mcnamara was rescued by a rider on a jet, ski and loaded into an ambulance. When you went to see a doctor, what did they say? The doctor today, I said I made that might never surf again at home. In hawaii his recovery was slow and excruciating mcnamara shoulder had to be surgically reconstructed with nine screws and a metal plate. He was bedridden for months. I wanted to die. That's how bad the pain was. His wife Nicole helped him through his rehabilitation, which took more than a year. The mcnamara is fifty one now and he and Nicole live in
If you go during the winter with their son, he still feels the pain in his shoulder when he paddles, but he's back on the water says, he's a different person than he was before the accident. You know the main thing it did is took the monkey off my back. What do you mean I used to have to ride every single swallow everywhere in the world? If I had the ability to get there or I was on suicide, what you're? Looking for the biggest wave biggest bass, perfect and now the monkey jumped off? I can. I can be sitting at home in hawaii and see the biggest swell of the year coming here and be so happy and just say. No, I'm happy right here. It sounds like at fifty one of the biggest daredevils out there is growing up. I don't want to say I'm growing up, but I definitely feel content that may be just as well.
member that wave brazilian rodrigo kosher caught last november after the world surf league analyze, video and photographs biggest wave award is how did go, coy declared it was eighty feet tall.
Two feet taller than garrett mcnamara's record. Setting way the map dimmer says he couldn't be happier for kosher and for nozari, which remains in the record books. He may have lost his world record, but that same month he gained something much more important. A baby daughter, her middle name, is nazarene in the mail. This week viewers commented on the story. We called inside the secret archive the former executive assistant to the catholic bishop of buffalo leaked the names of priests, credibly accused of sexual abuse, names that were withheld by the bishop bill. Whitaker interviewed
so blower chauvelin oconnor about her decision. Please tell the courageous young woman who release the material that she is a heroine. Our clergy seem not interested in doing any housecleaning. Even those who did not commit abuse themselves allowed it to continue by their silence. Why is deep, rocking or banishment? I e early retirement, the worst fate for so many of these criminals. I'm scott pelee we'll be back next week with another addition of sixty minutes The biggest movie the year is now streaming on paramount, plus how good maverick restores you see in the magic move, smithers brown, its job masterful adrenaline rush and is now nominated for the picture of the year or violent, not one eye to eye.
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Transcript generated on 2023-01-06.