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Sunday, November 13, 2016

Donald Trump discusses his plans for tackling the hot-button issues of campaign 2016 Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices See Privacy Policy at https://art19.com/privacy and California Privacy Notice at https://art19.com/privacy#do-not-sell-my-info.
This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Forty eight hours and c b s news present season three of my life of crime with Erin Moriarty, this season joint era for extended interviews with convicted murderers, go beyond speculation to the evidence in our toro. Gaudy really commit suicide at what happened in Jenin. Do lows the connecticut ma still missing? Almost four years later? Listen to my life of crime, from forty eight hours on amazon, music or wherever you get your pot aghast. I've done a lot of things? I've never done anything like this. Just took your breath away a little bit a little bit and I think I realise that this is a whole different life. For me now in his first television interview, President elect seem more subdued and the candidate had been, and donald trump surprised us when
fundamental positions of his seemed open to negotiation with. Are you really going to build a wall? Yes, they're talking about a fence in the republican congress, would you defence for certain areas. I would five days after election demonstrators across the country are protesting his victory. We asked about that an reports that some of his supporters have acted in threatening ways: their harassing latinos muslims. I am so saddened to hear that, and I say: stop it.
If it helps, I will say this, and I ll see right through the cameras. Stop it I'm steve Croft, I'm scott Pelee, I'm bill whittaker, I'm leslie star. Our interview with the president elect tonight on sixty minutes, welcome to play a new gas network featuring radio and tv personalities, talking business sports tack attainment and more players at play- died in during what seemed an interminable campaign. A divided country found all kinds of ways to describe: donald trump, visionary business. Man vulgar self promoter, political neo fight, but after tuesday for all americans there's only one description that counts
president elect since the election demonstrations against him have broken out in over a dozen cities across the country, and people on both sides are on edge. What we discovered and MR trumps first television interview as president elect, was at some of his signature issues at the heart of his campaign. We're not meant to be. And literally but is opening bids for negotiation tonight. You will also hear from his family about whether thou play roles and a trump presidency, but we begin with president elect trump, whom we interviewed friday in his penthouse home in the trunk tower. Well, congratulations mistaken! Your president elect. I care how surprised where you, while I really felt we're doing well, I was on a string of about twenty one straight days of speeches. Times many a day. the last two days. I really, I really had a pretty wild
My did six speeches and then I did seven One thought you were gonna lose now. I did my final speech in michigan at one o clock in the morning. I we had thirty one thousand people, many people, side of the arena and I felt left. I said how we gonna lose. We set up a day before and we had all of these people and it was literally at one o clock in the morning, and I said this: does it look like, I can play so we really happy I'm in it. It was. These are great people. On election night I heard you went completely silent. Was it a sort of realisation of the enormity of this thing? except it's enormous. I've done a lot of big things. I've never done anything like this. It is. It is so big. It is so it's so enormous, and so I just took your breath away. Couldn't tell a little bit: and I think I realized that
this is a whole different life. For me, now hilary called you tell us about that phone call So how recalled- and it was a lovely call- and it was a tough coffer- then I can imagine tougher for her than it would have been for me and for me it would have been very, very difficult couldn't be nicer She just said: congratulations, Donald well done and I said I want to thank you very much. You were great competitor, she's, very strong and smart what about bill Clinton to talk you do he called the next day when it is actually called. Last night. What it has a here it couldn't be more gracious. He said it was an amazing run. One the most amazing he's ever seen, is very, very really very nice. It was a pretty nasty campaign,
Do you regret any of the things you said about her? What it was Well said nasty way. They were tough and I was tough and do I regret. I mean. I'm sitting here with you now and what'd. You do a great job for the country America, grading enemy, that's what it began with that that's where we are right now, the somebody's. I now have no regrets about again regret. No, I wish you were softer. I wish you were nicer. I wish maybe even always morn policy whatever you want to say, but, but I will that it really is ie is something that I am very proud of. I mean it was a tremendous campaigns. Can we talk about yesterday? It was president obama Ninety minutes, you a schedule for what fifteen fifteen max. You talked about foreign policy. about domestic policy. This was going to be just a quick little chat and lasted close to an hour and a half, and it could again
for four hours. It was just in fact was start breaking up because we had so many things to say, and he told me the good things that takes away. There are things in a tough right now like what give us a mean. We're gonna want enlargement. We talked about the Middle EAST. That stuff too tough situation I wanted it is full of you and I got news for you. I got a good part of his view and I like having that because I'm going to be inheriting, then in a short period of time. Found him to be. Terrific to be very smart and very nice. The great sense of humour as much you can have a sense of you were talking about of subjects, but we were talking about some pretty tough subjects. We would going about some victories. Also, you know some things and he feels very good about, but like
Well, what I really wanted to focus on was middle east north korea. Obamacare is tough. You know, healthcare is a tough situation. I bet he asked you not to do it. He didn't ask me, no, he he told me, you know the merits and the difficulties, and we understand that pretty sober sitting there in the oval office did something why over here, were, I think, I'm a sober person. I think the press tries to make you into something a little bit different. this little bit of a wild man a lot I m, actually not I'm a very sober person, but It was respect for the office. It was respect or the president I never met him before, but we had. We had a good chemistry guy. And I really found it might not be that I agree with him, but
I really found the the conversation unbelievable interesting I want to emphasise to you, president, elect that we, now you're gonna wanna. Do everything we can to help. You succeed, because if you succeed, when the country was it at all awkward at all, given what you said about each other. You said he was not born in these countries. Said things about you. He said you know what I was right. It was a very interesting thing because in a few people of asked me for my family, what was that first period of time we never discussed what we said about each other. I said but things were em said terrible things about me. We never ever sk us what we said about each was no awkwardness, is from standpoint zero zero and that strange, I'm actually supposed to tell you that its
a little bit strange. Do you think that the euro action is repudiation of his presidency? No, I think it's a moment in time where politicians for a long period of time have let people down they ve, let him down on the job front, even let him down in terms of the waterfront. You know we ve been fighting this war for fish the message of your campaign we ve spent six trillion dollars and the mentally six trillion we could have rebuilt our country twice. You look at our roads and bridges and our tunnels and all of the brenner airports are like obsolete and I think it was so repudiation of, what's been taken place over a longer period of time than that you now you surprised everyone by winning the primary
beating seventeen other republicans or sixteen. Whatever people are really surprised that you won this election. Are people going to be surprised about how you conduct yourself as president? You know I'll conduct myself in a very good manner, but depends on what the situation is Sometimes you have to be rougher. When I look at when I look at the world and you look at how various places an advantage of our country, and I say it. nay said. Very probably it's gonna be america first. Secondly, what we're doing we move, we ve lost, losing this country. Losing this country? That's why I won the elections. and by the way, wanted easel and then I want easily. Sometimes have that same rhetoric that you had on this dump. Are you gonna rain it s? Sometimes you need a certain rhetoric to get people motivated. I don't wanna be just a little, nice, monotone character,
Sure I can. I can be easily that's easier honestly doing. That is easier. So, let's go through very quickly, some of them, mrs you made and tell us if you're going to do what you said You gonna change it in any way, are you really gonna build a wall. Guess they're talking about a fence in the republican congress. Would you accept defence? for certain areas. I would but certainly The wall is more appropriate. Hamburger This is called construction, but powerful toward it could be. That could be some fencing. What about the pledge to deport millions and millions of undocumented immigrants? What we are going to do, is get the people then a criminal and creative criminal records gang members, drug dealers with a lot of these people, probably million, including between me and we're getting them out of our country or we're going to incarcerate, but we're getting them, what country they're here illegally after the border is secured and after everything gets
belies willing. We're make a make a determination on the people that you're talking about who are terrific people, the terrific people. But we're going to make a determination at that, but before we make that determination Lesley, it's very important. We want to secure. would we have meeting so you were with Paul ryan met with the republican leadership. What was the one thing you all agreed you want to get done right away. Well, I would There was more than one thing: there were three facts was healthcare those immigration, and there was a man your taxpayer lowering taxes in this country will substantially simplify and lower the taxi. You ve got both houses and when I both houses, the presence. So we can do things do things likud and a long time since it's happened,
he gave me a lot of credit. Don't forget, I was abused for five weeks ago. They said, who's gonna to of having all through, will lose all three. So that was good, but those are the three things that we really discuss. You said that lobbyists own politicians- because they give the money. You admit it you just do it yourself. whoever wins lobbyists and special, and you want to get rid of all that. I don't like it. Why too, but your own transition team is filled with lobbyists, people, have down like a rise in Jenin. I've lobbyists from the oil gas initiative, food food, lab everybody's lobbies down the lane their lobbyist, especially around transitional, cleanup washington. Look. How can you calling me a thing everything down there. You know people they're all people that work. That's the problem with the system, this system right now within a clean it up with
having restrictions on foreign money coming in we're gonna. Long term limits which a lot of people are unhappy about, but were putting one term limits, we're doing a lot, Are things to clean up the system, but everybody that for government. They then leave government and they become a lobbyist, essentially with all places up by three one, big lobbyists, yeah you're, basically saying you have to rely on, even though get rid of and saying that they know the system right now, but the phase that you have to phase it out. Let's talk about your cabinet, have you made any decisions? Yes, tell us Well, I can tell you that, but our guidelines, do you know the amazing things to show you the incredible nature of our country, for every major leader and probably less than major, has called me. I've spoken to many of them and I'll call the rest of them, but as it by this,
It shows you how powerful our country is. France and Uk- and I mean everywhere all over asia and very just to congratulate, but it really shows the power of our country. One of the things you're going to obviously get an opportunity to do is named someone to the supreme court. And I assume you'll do that quickly, very important. During the campaign you said that you would appoint justices who were against abortion rights, will you appoint? Are you looking to appoint a justice who wants to overturn roe v wade? Sure is what's going to happen, I'm going to port and pro life. The judges will be pro life they'll, be no one of our own internal cover things they'll, be pro life they'll, be terms of the whole gun situation, No, the second amendment and everybody is talking about the second amendment and they're trying to day sit up and change it,
Are they gonna be very per second amendment, but having with abortion. What if, if it ever were overturned. It would go back to the states so that go. The sun won't be able to get an abortion it'll go back to the state by state and have some fun. Perhaps You have to go to another state, that's ok! Well, do what happens scuttle or where to go to sea, and that has a long long way again. Are you in any way intimidated scared about this enormous burden, the gravity of what you are taking on? No, not at all. I respect it, but I'm not scared, buy it now, you're, not scare, but there are people americans, who are scared, and some of them are demonstrating right now, demonstrating against you against your rhetoric.
That's because they don't know me, I really believe That's only listen to you in the campaign and that's I just don't think they know me. What do you think that demonstrating against? While I think guess is you have professional protesters and we had it. If you look at wikileaks, we have those people down. There are well. Oh, I think some of them will be professional. What about ireland every city when they demonstrate against Then there were signs out there I mean. Don't you say to yourself: I guess you know Nor do I have to worry about this. Do I have to go out and assuage them do I have to tell them not to be afraid there are four I would tell them, don't be afraid, absolute, that's not you're saying I said: oh, I think no, no. I think I'm saying in saying, ok, don't be afraid we are going to be. a country back, but certainly don't be afraid here we just had an election and sort of like you have to be given little time limit.
Protesting. If Hilary had one and of my people went out protest it everybody would say. Oh that's a terrible thing and it would have been much. latitude there is a different attitude unit is a double standards here, it has been five full days. the election and anti trunk demonstrations driven in part by Hillary Clinton edge in the popular vote, had been significant. When we interviewed him on Friday afternoon. Mr trump said he had not heard about some of the acts of violence that are popping up in his name or against his supporters, nor he said had he heard about reports of racial slurs and personal threats against african americans latinos and gaze by some of his supporters. Very surprised to hear that I will tell her you. Must I hate to hear that?
Like him, I do here, I don't hear if you're not, I saw one or two instances the answer they get a very small amount again. I think it do. You want to say anything to those, I would say: don't do it that's terrible because I'm outta here- this country, together their harassing latinos muslims. I am so saddened to hear that and I say stop it even help. I will say this and I'll say it right to the cameras, stop it welcome to play and a new podcast network featuring radio and tv personalities, talking business, sports tech, entertainment and more play it. I play dot On friday, Donald trump announced that he was changing. The head of his transition team governor Chris Christie was replaced by vice president elect my pants. Mr trump also added his three older children to the trends.
team. Between now and inauguration day, the team must fill the new administration with four thousand political appointees. That's four thousand new hires enjoy nine weeks. When we talked donald trump on friday, the enormity and gravity of his new role was just sinking and he was subdued. We wondered if, as president, he plans to temper his rhetoric lower the flu, I want to ask you about the tweet that you put out, I think, was last night on the night before about these demonstrated it. You said that professional I was unfair, but are you gonna be tweeting in whatever you're upset about just put? they're. So when your present a modern form of communication between fit your facebook and twitter.
And I guess instagram. I have twenty eight million people. Twenty administering you are gonna, keep it up, it's a great form of communication. Now do I say I'll give it up entirely and throw out that's a tremendous form. I pick up. I'm picking up now think Yesterday, a hundred thousand people- I'm not saying I love it, but it does get the word. when you give me a bad story or when you give me an inaccurate tie, somebody other than new in another network or whatever. It is, of course CBS would never do a thing like that right. I have instead of fighting back, that's very you're going to do that as President I'm going to do very restrained. If I use it at all, I'm going to do very restrained, I find it tremendous it's a modern form of commuting, asia. There should be nothing. You should be ashamed of its words that I do believe this. I really believe that the fact that I have
such power in terms of numbers with facebook, twitter, instagram, etc. I think it helped me win these races with spending much more money than I spent here? I spent my mom, a lot of my money and I won. I think that Social media has more power then the money they spent- and I think, maybe to a certain extent, prove that Are you going to ask for a special prosecutor to investigate Hillary Clinton over the emails and are you, as you had said, to her face, going to try and put her in jail, will do what I'm gonna do I'm going to think about it. I feel that I want to focus on jobs. I want to focus on health care, I want to focus on the border in immigration and doing a really great immigration, but we want to have a great immigration bill and I want to focus on all
other things we ve been talking about you. You know you can get the country straightened. You called a crooked hilary said you wanted get in jail. Your people in your audiences kept saying lock him up. I shouldn't you wanna village. Embed thanks, commissioner, knows where they had a special prosecutor. I don't want to hire them. I don't wanna them tat. They are good people, I don't want to hurt them, I will give you a very, very good and definitive answer the next time. We do sixty minutes together with that great we were joined by the next first. Lady maloney a trump she'll, be only the second foreign born first lady she's from slovenia, John Quincy Adams, wife louisa, was the first I asked husband if he was at all intimidated and scared,
what lies ahead. The enormity you're about to be first, lady, are you a little nervous about a little tents little when there is a lot of responsibilities and tat. It's a lot of work needs to be done and it sam your staff on your shoulders and we will take care of it day by day. I will state through to myself a very. song and tough and confident, and I will listen myself and I will do what is right and what fields to my heart? What kind of a first who do you think she's gonna, be too will be terrific. She is very strong and very confident, but she's very warm, and I think
a platform which europe will be able to do a lot of good and that's what she wants to do enough. First, ladies, usually have a cause- and you have already said, you're interested in speaking out against bullying on social media. I think it's very important because a lot of fat, children and teenagers are getting hurt and we need to teach them how to talk to each other, how to treat each other and tat two to be able to connect with each other on the right way. It's an ironic choice, since her own husband sent out a stream of pretty nasty tweets during the campaign. What about your husband's tweeting? Sometimes he got him in travel and bite. It helped a lot as well he had unbelievable following so you never say to him come on, I did, of course I did many times from the beginning of the campaign by doesn't listen to you. Sometimes he listened.
anthem. He says, I'm not a big twitter, I don't do too many, but they hit home and they have to get a point across if he does something that you think crossed the line. Will you tell him? Yes, I tell him all the time all the time, all the time and listen. Does he think he he here with me, but he will do what he wants to do and and he's in old. He knows the consequences and I give you my opinion and he could do whatever he likes. You did, ask my one yeah sort of permission in a way to run for president. Did you get her approval? well, I actually sat down with malaria and my whole family, and we talked about Don Ivanka, Eric tiffany and to a lesser extent, but guarantee the way he's affected every bit as much and be more, maybe more
and so we all had dinner, and I said I would like to do this. I think I can do a great job and I wanted to get number one, a consensus and number two. Ideally their permission. and they all agreed your son baron. What does he ten ten ten was on camera the whole time you were giving your acceptance beast. Does he get it? Does he know he knows, you knows what's going on and he's very proud of his dad. No, you met with Shallow balmy yesterday was there any awkwardness, given what everybody was saying about everybody in the campaign. Now I didn't feel it not at all now tell us about the meeting you. She was a gracious host. We had a great time and we talk about. to raising children in the white house. She was very warm and a very nice She raised the two kids in the wires
she had her mother living? there. That's Enormous help your parents, your idea here. They go to washington. With your day, might we will see we will discuss that? Are you prepared both of you for the lack of privacy and the intense scrutiny and you know first, ladies, are really criticized: if one little hairs out of place are you both prepared for this? We are used to I will say it is on a different scale, because I've had a lot, but I've never had anything like you won't be able to walk down the street. I didn't do that We are so ready. So you know it will just continue it's another level, but it will continue at that point. The discussion turned back to some of the thornier issues. Mister trump faces f b. I director James me. Are you going to ask for his resignation? Think tat I would rather not coming
again, I haven't made my mind, I respect him alive. I respect the fbi. A lot I think before they like so much Israel at a leaky. There's no question about that, but I would certainly like to talk to him and see me it's a tough time for him and I would like to talk to him before I answer a question like it sounds like you're, not sure, oh sure, I'm not sure I'd want to see. You They have had very good reasons for doing what he did. You gonna release your tax returned at the april the time I will release them, right now? I'm wonder routine audit. Nobody cares! The cares. Is you know you and a few people that asked the question obvious The public didn't care because I won the election were easily the, so they don't care. I never thought they did can now from mine You were running around saying that the system is rigged. The whole thing was read you tweeted once at the electorate,
college is a disaster for democracy. I do so. You still think it's raked. Well, I think let us look. I won with electoral college exactly what do you think it's rigged yeah some of the election locations are some of the this demands. Even now you one you're saying by midnight college where one? Just because I want, but I would rather see it where you went with about cheer. You get a hundred million votes, somebody else it's ninety million votes. Anyone. There's a reason for doing this because it brings all the states into play. Electoral college there's something going about that, but this A different system, but I respected I do respect the system. What about vacations you're not going to take any vacations, have said that we have so much work. So much work to be done, and I want to get it done for the people I want to get it done, where lowering taxes would taking care of her
care? Why religious so much to be done? So I don't think we'll be very big on vacation If you are going to take the salary, the president's salary? While I've never commented on this, but the answer is no. I think I have to buy Lord take one dollars I'll take one dollar yeah, but it say I don't even know what it is you know with the salary is for him, thousand you're doing nothing to take the salary, I'm not taking you pie, gas network, featuring radio and tv personalities, talking business, sports, tack, entertainment and more players at play. Died in on Tuesday donald trump reached deep into america's ranks of the discouraged and go. acted, a largely white constituency. They feel their america hasn't been great for a long time and they accepted a promise to make it great again. But MR trumps appeal wasn't just to the decision
did a map on election night was a sea of red, as he won support across the traditionally republican south, but also deepened what used to be the blue wall of the mid west. Hillary Clinton, I'm up short among her own supporters in large cities and affluent suburbs among minorities, and especially women. Just fifty one percent of college educated white women voted to make her the first female president, her basted. Come with the enthusiasm and the turn out, she needed to fend off donald trump, new and energized coalition. On friday, MR trumps for older children, tiffany donald junior Eric any vodka joined us to talk about their fathers. uprising, victory set the scene its election. I knew your father, no ones,
expecting him to win and it begins to dawn on. You tell us about being in that room. You start to see the states falling, you start seeing florida come in and he was declared the winner then he saw ohio. You saw north carolina. You saw pennsylvania you saw was concept. I mean you saw these great states. There are falling and I think you're sweating. pennsylvania that that we knew in it if we were high fighting and we were all hugging as a family- and I actually think our father was the common stuff. All of us, even though he was really obviously the centre of attention, sound quieted,
What I heard it a moment, I'll I'll, never forget. I can tell you that I mean the team was around and everybody's cheering and it was just it was a. It was a beautiful night. It is hard to put into words the experience and the emotion when your father becomes president of the united states of america. We had enormous pride joy, it's it's incredibly exciting and we're very grateful for the opportunity, and we take that opportunity. Very serious too I think we can really prepare for our father becoming president, but we were all there together with everyone. That's worked so hard and my dad works so hard, and it's just it's really ons firing at some point that night and into the next day calls from well wishers started pouring in including MR trump told us from both ex presidents bush, neither of whom supported him in the
paid what did the bushes day when they call you was very interesting. I got a call from a father bush. a wonderful man and age said. Congratulations. I was an amazing campaign. and then I got a call from george- and he said, regulations was red and yellow guides, the tough situation? I went to war with job and jobs. but it was a nasty campaign. It was a nasty campaign and We are disappointed at one thing. He signed a pledge, I don't know how you sign a pledge and then you dont honour. It was a rough primer through a framework, although it clean general was probably justice. Tat probably
the combination of the roughest ever a vodka. You said that your father's changed in the campaign. How is he changed? I think it's impossible to go through this journey and not change for the better. You me and in my father's case, literally millions of americans and they speak to you with a candor about struggles, their challenges they share with their most intimate stories, So you can you connect with the people in a different way and you grab. Do you think your father's changed because a family we ve changed, tell you the truth. I mean how big this platform is incredible and I have to say when the most rewarding thing, of my life- and I can speak on behalf of really all of us is fighting by her father side every single day as you ve gone through a cooling willing process like this time. Did you discover something about your father you didn't know before you know it
No, I'm pretty well, we ve got to be by his side for many years, both as a father and in business. So you know the tennessee that has always shown was just there, but it was so much more when I was watching him working twenty our day, doing seven major speeches to tens of thousands of people into saying. Well, it wasn't true which state are we gonna do today it? Where did you get it? I am all for you to speak to all of these people, and I think people saw that energy. They set off that energy. That energy was so much of the movement that he was able to create and it only furthered what I already knew. I want to ask you all something that's going on right now around the country. A lot of people are afraid that really afraid africa, americans, think, there's a target on their back. Limbs are terrified. I think it's horrible. If that's happening, I think it's built up by the press.
frankly they'll take every single little incident that they can find in this country, which could have been there. If I weren't, even around doing this and they'll make it into an event, because The way the press is doing. if you want to say anything about this fear that solidarity, I think the fears while they may be there, some fabricated, some not are totally unfounded. One of the groups- debts expressing fear at the l b g t here group you as mentioned them at the republic, a national dimension, everybody said tat was Oh great, I've been, you know, I've been a supporter. Well, I guess the issue for them is marriage, equality support marriage equality is irrelevant because it was already settled its low settled in the supreme court and it has done so. Even if you appoint a judge that started till you have
These cases have gone to the supreme court, they ve been settled. and I think, I'm fine with one of the issues that has come up in the campaign? Is your father's temperament and he is himself has said if someone insult me our says something unkind about me gonna strike back and now pete or saying well. Maybe he should kyler soften that control that a little? What what? How do you think he's gonna comport himself as president, I think, very presidential. At the same time, my father, if you need to be a fighter, he can be a fighter, and I think this country quite frank. We need fighter, and I think that's what this country elected so easy meant a billion dollars a year. the other word temperament, who was given by madison avenue. They thought tat by temperament they could? Maybe you know when the election obviously didn't work, because We are here and there and I think
My strongest asset is my temperament because everything where we win and wonders winning again whether went on trade with and when at the borders, knock out isis. You have said that you're gonna destroy isis. Now how are you? I won't tell you that I don't tell you that, it will neglect the people going in right now in fighting mosul and they announced it for months before they went into Mosul and everybody now is it's to tough fight because number one the people from. leaders of isis have left worried. Do, I have to tell you the troops on the ground have nothing to say anything. I don't want to Eliminating I don't tell anyone anything. But what do you imagine? People have great generals, we region, You said you know more than the generals about isis. Well, I'd be honest with you Probably do is look at the job. They have done. Ok, look at the job, they have done the job now. Maybe it's ship. Maybe something else who knows all I can do.
usually the iraq crisis. Let me ask you about obamacare, which you say you're going to repeal and replace when you replace it. Are you going to make sure that people with pre conditions are still come converse because it happens to be one of the strongest s you're going to keep that also with the children living with their parents for an extended period? Well, then, you're going to carry much try and keep that edge cost but it's very much. Something was drinking and there's gonna be a period if you repeal it and before you replace it with millions of people lose we'll. Do it simultaneously, it'll be just fine. We're not gonna have liked today period, when I can ever to europe, where there is nothing, it will be repealed. placed and will know and it'll be great healthcare for much less money, so it'll be better health care, much better for less money, not a bad combination roles
in the administration. Do any of you want a job in your father's administration? So we have amazing company in one of the fortunate things for my father and our father is that he was able to step out of the company to run for and our chief and I think, he's going to rely on us more than ever and so you'll stay up here. So we'll we'll be new york and we'll take care of the business. I think we're gonna have a lot of fun doing it and we're going to make I'm very proud. People think that you're going to be, part of the administration and, like I'm now I'm going to be a daughter, bad I've. I've said throughout the campaign that I am very passionate about certain issues and that I want to fight for them, but you won't be in wage equality, childcare. These are things that are very important for me, I'm very passionate, Education really provide more opportunities for women, so you know there's a lot of things that I feel deeply strongly about that not enough form all administrative capacity
ask whether any of you think that the campaign has heard the trump brand I dont think matters. This is so much more important and more serious, and so the ad I you know- that's, that's the focus. I think what iraq is trying to say. Who cares? Who cares? This is big league stuff. This is this. Is our country our country, is going bad, we're going to save our country. I don't care about. Hotel occupies it's it's peanuts compared to what we're doing healthcare making people better is unfair. What's happened to the people of our country and we're going to change it as simple as that, now an update on a story. We called the pot vote two weeks ago. Doctor
on the poor reported on the benefits and growing pains colorado has encountered during its nearly three year experiment with recreational marijuana doctor the poop looked at both health and law enforcement concerns in the narrow valley of cannabis pueblo county on Tuesday county voters rejected a ballot measure that would have shut down the recreational pot business there. Also on tuesday, voters in california main massachusetts and nevada approved recreational marijuana for those states, arizona just said no
I am bill. Whitaker we'll be back next week with another edition of sixty minutes, fantastic actress. She wanted to be in movies a cosplay model charged with her fiance's murder. I didn't do what they're saying I did now. Will the jury believe she's, not acting cool, believe called matthew to follow and listen to the thirty eight hours pilot cast on apple podcasts, amazon, music or wherever you get your podcasts
Transcript generated on 2023-01-16.