« 60 Minutes

Oil Spill, Canada's Brutal Past, The Science Behind Heroes


On this edition of "60 Minutes," Jon Wertheim talks with two men trying to end the longest running oil spill in U.S. history, spanning almost two decades. Anderson Cooper investigates the brutal past of Canada’s “residential school system.” Scott Pelley reports on the science behind what makes people heroic. 

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
The season of giving and the season was stressing shop. I was on this holiday for decompressing, save on silk road, the top of the refreshing, your parents and in laws just the kid brother, both pasta, stressing the dry. Turkey gets way too distressing. The pressing sounds holiday deals are depressing, I'm fine. My first reaction was they said and micron droplets. That's coming up from the sea floor. This is an under
water volcano. He is talking about the longest running oil spill. In. U S, history and tonight, you'll hear how this home grown. Caging engineer in this no nonsense. Coastguard captain said enough is enough. In hatched a plan first tried in a back yard, pool to stanchest spilled that has sullied the gulf of mexico for almost two decades. I grew up a very, very moon woman because of all that happened to me, you learn that here. If she is not the only one more than a hundred and fifty thousand children were sent to residential-
schools, which canada's first prime minister supported to. In his words several children from the tribe and civilize them. My name was number sixty five for all those years, just a number just the number sixty five picked that up stupider sixty five. Why did you do that idiot? How do you define hero? We define it as in terms of our medal. Awarding requirement is a man or a woman that willingly and knowingly risk their life to an extraordinary degree to save or attempt to save the life of another human being thousands have been awarded the carnegie hero medal along with a fifty five hundred dollar prize. We wondered why some people are heroes. So. We went to georgetown university to see the neuroscience for ourselves. I'm less
stop I'm bill whittaker, I'm anderson cooper, I'm sharing our fine, say I'm John worth that I'm scant pelee those stories tonight on sixty minutes This is CBS news. Business analyse, chills, lessened you're, getting stuck in black friday crowds super uncomfortable shopping, tommy, johns black friday sail from your couch super duper. Come der ball when you give your loved ones, tommy John there, that much more comfortable, so they can do everything better shop, tommy, johns black friday sale right now and give the gift of comfort to everyone on your list, including yourself. I love Tommy John lounge, where because it puts me in the perfect mood to work from home, I'm comfortable and productive, you should
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creased frequency even before having land there often wreaking havoc katrina, sandy ida, name, a tropical storm in odds or good, its caused in offshore oil spill, and these messages are it easily cleaned up tonight we bring you a distinctly louisiana story. When we first reported last november, the saga of the tailor energy oral spill, a storm caused environmental crisis that sully the gulf of mexico since two thousand for then along came an unlikely. Do oh, no nonsense. Coastguard captain, who said enough is enough in the home grown cage, an engineer who brought with them the power of local knowledge together they would resign the deep pocketed energy company and help stanched the longest running oil spill. In? U s history? How many miles of shore we now we're about twelve hours, offshore from other coastal erosion. The seventh generation cages,
Timmy cuviers grew up on the Louisiana delta, where river mingled with sea even as an engine. we are a student he moonlighted as a fishing captain Babcock in one hundred and fifty volcanoes. This close, he showed us the precise site of a ground breaking contraption that consumed him lately, we're right above it now. Are we Yes, sir, but taylor you platform be on its side just below us. His engineering company has conceived of installed a system to help contain a stubborn oil spill is directly below this by nearly five hundred feet under water. If we ps coordinates. We would know that we had a have a functioning system that was actively collecting a thousand out of all the day, caps that in every job,
one thousand gallons of oil a day? It would otherwise be contaminating the gulf of mexico, its being captured by timmy coup beyond system and transferred to these tanks to be sold later of recycled oil one hundred thousand gallons the major oil spill. This is seven major oil spills that we've collected since April two thousand and nineteen. How many years you've been doing this two years. The mouth of the mississippi forms the heart of louisiana commerce. This region is nourished by a mix of fish water, gas and oil, but increasingly both the terrain and the economy are getting beaten up by mother nature. In two thousand and four hurricane Ivan devastated the gulf including bringing down this massive oil platform operated by taylor. Energy cuvier made this video simulation of what likely happened to see the
gee that it took to share the legs of this aid paul platform, the tailor energy platform. It's it's it's hard to copper and the underwater mudslide toppled the oil platform, damaging the connections to as many as twenty eight oil wells below to this day, the structure lies horizontally on the floor of the gulf. The sheen caused by the oil spill spread for miles for years. Ships travelling through were quoted in the slick pools of oil bubbled up to the surface and marine life like these schools of giant amber jack, had to swim through the muck. How could this spill have gone on for seventeen
years and counting without much public awareness for one taylor, energy is not a fortune, five hundred giant but a local company in a beloved one at that for people not from here who are the tailors of tailor energy. This is a family which has built its reputation as a benevolent community. Corporate citizen of the highest order. Pat mcshane is a prominent louisiana maritime lawyer, whose clients include tiny, caveat He says that in new orleans society, the tailors or known for their educational philanthropy, I then ran out and I say to you how we all bear in mind
Eighty nine sixty minutes reported on the tailors generosity. When the spill occurred, locals assume the tailors would clean it up. Taylor has been tasked under the federal oil pollution act with the responsibility for containing the oil and coming up with a permanent solution, and during that time they worked hand in glove with the united states government. The! U S, government makes me. The billions in fact: leasing offshore oil rights. So when there isn't oil spill, the government has ultimate authority, but we were surprised to learn how much the government relies on the leasing oil companies themselves to lead the recovery efforts. People might hear the story and say wait a second. It's up to the oil companies to give the estimate how severe this as it is, and, in general, the industry's very responsible and reporting those type of amounts, and even claim
up the spill and securing source captain chrissy literal move veteran of the coastguard was placed in charge of overseeing the tailor energy spill in twenty eighteen The biggest pollution response case I'll see in my twenty at your career killer, energy was wired by federal law. To set aside six hundred and sixty six million dollars in a trust to fund cleanup costs. Taylor says that by twenty eleven it had spent huh of millions to plug nine of the most active wells at the site, then, in twenty thirteen taylor energy, along with us government agencies, including the coastguard, issued this report concluding the best option, was to leave the underwater site alone. It said only small amounts of oil about three gallons per day were likely flowing in further action could hurt the environment for years. They were claiming this was about three gallons a day on one thousand three gal
today that was sleeping out, I honestly could not speak for their opinions on their science but measuring oils. deep under water is difficult in estimates varied wildly depending on the source of the data, captain lateral says that by twenty eighteen the coastguard had access to improve sonar, revealing that boil was still escaping a lot of it. We believe there's multiple well still leaking inside the erosion pit at the site. At what point did you say you know what enough the coastguard going to take over this containment came to that decision some time in late summer of twenty eighteen, it did take me long to realise that we were gonna. Go ahead and have to federalized this case when I do I feel like I was getting a timely response of the responsible party. What rule says she was concerned? The tailor
Energy was, in her words, not acting in a timely manner, and she took over control of the containment, putting out a call for bids for a temporary solution to collect any flowing oil. Timmy cuviers Louisiana firm, competing with other engineering contractors. To come up with an invention, worked rotarian ocean airing who, beyond some into france, former colleagues, we began with a basic Several oil and water don't mix died in the underwater separator jack couch is a long time. Expert deep sea, diver doktor Kevin can ellie a K. A doctor K is an engineer, the three amigos they call them elves hunkered down and timmy coup beyond man cave in belle chase. Louisiana taking breaks only to shoot pool any pole boys take me back to when you guys were using this room, solve problems or remember jack's at their timmy sat there and I set over here. We each had a desk. It took the three amigos five days before,
they put it, they went from can't to can there wasn't even no moving parts? There's no pumps, no nothing! We just use the natural buoyancy of the fluids and stuff, and I looked at them and I'm like is Any reason why this won't work. they even tested their invention in the backyard pool where we did everything from tested in the swimming pool, to full scale tests and in very, very large tanks to make sure that it worked against steep competition. Their proposal was chosen by the coastguard in late, two thousand and eighteen. The blue box would act like a cap which collects the leaking. well and gas that would get separated in the white tag and then the oil would go to storage and the yellow tubes from there be pumped off to a ship each month, but cubey on how to make the concept a reality and the clock was taking. It was about december, December fifteenth. We were on site with our rvs, which is a remotely.
Raided vehicles from underwater robot, corbians team drop. Are we to get detailed sonar images of what was going on four hundred and seventy feet down? He says he was shocked by what he saw in his images. The red represent plumes of oil and gas spewing in front of the down. Please form. This is what your see it after you have the contract that right. My first reaction was the sudden micron droplets coming up the sea floor? This is an underwater volcano who, beyond crew, put more than two hundred tonnes of steel pieces together using enormous cranes. teams of experts, see divers in multiple remote operated, be to get a sense of proportion. No, the size of the men compared to the equipment. I did not sleep very well. Those it's that I knew the divers were out and about on the sea.
Floor in almost five hundred feet of water, and I was concerned about the crane failing in that much weight. Dropping spring of twenty nineteen brought the moment of truth This wasn't testing a simulation and backyard pool. This was the real thing forty three million dollars system in the gulf when we open up the vows and less than a day later, the sheen had largely disappeared,
We knew we'd really done something. It was a. It was awesome good day for the environments. I don't doubt look nobody wants the oil in their backyard right. We prove that we can clean up our mess right. He ascended five hundred feet down and dang it's working. It was simple, yet effective and I give the engineers credit for coming up with that design. But, like the muddy mississippi itself, this tale has no clear endpoint taylor, energy headed straight to court. In total, it's filed more than ten separate suits in conjunction with the oil spill, including one against cuvee, on the claim he was trespassing and was negligent. Taylor's lawyer also told the
word. We very much dispute that these activities need to be going out there at this point in time or that this is even taylor. Energy out there at this point in time. In response to the on maritime lawyer, pat mcshane, characterized tailors allegations is cool, pernicious and he pointed to a wealth of evidence indicating that the oil was indeed tailors. The national o, shannon atmospheric administration in the united states coastguard have taken all manner of visual evidence of the plumes. Coming out of the seabed right at the platform, when you say that's not our oil against this overwhelming evidence, you're playing some different kind of game John. A former louisiana state wrestling champion, says he's not backing down from the fight you're working to fix a problem that an oil company was responsible for and now they're suing you kind of crazy its intimidation by litigation. Taylor, energy also
our legal action against captain Christie, logical, arguing that she overstep her coastguard authority. You been named personally, how do you perceive the situation As the federal unseen coordinator, I use my authority to do the right thing and to protect the environment. Few was taylor. Ceo of killer energy declined our interview request. The cup he said in his statement that it has retained in relied upon the world's foremost experts, to stir Lee and then recommend a plan of action? We continue to advocate for a response driven by science. Taylor lost its case scooby on end in action to recover the four hundred and thirty two million dollars still left in a clean up trust. Sixty minutes. Learn that
taylor is now in mediation with the government. To conclude, all the outstanding litigation at once asked why he thinks taylor resisted so intensely timmy cuvier and doesn't hesitate. That's the four hundred and thirty two million dollar question. In this case it seems like if you follow the money you'd, have a better chance of getting your answer. What would you say to Phyllis taylor if she were sitting right here? I just want to know why. Why are we at this point, someone that has given so much sar state? Why would you continue to allow this oil spill to happen and our gulf waters after our story. First air taylor, energy dissolved as accompany settling all remaining cases, agreeing to hand over four hundred and seventy five million dollars to the federal government for clean up and penalties. Cuvier answer
home is still plugging away. As of this spring, its captured more than one million gallons of spilled oil at carmona. We are in the business of driving you happy and with the widest selection of used cars under twenty thousand dollars to a bound to find a car with a smile on your face. Carbonic gives you control by letting you customize your down endlessly payments. You can bear tens of thousands of cars online to find one within your budget, and you will get surprised then any bogus fees visit, carbonic dot com poured download the app to shop for vehicle corona, we'll drive, you happy, availability may vary by market arranging a bit trip doesn't need to be a hassle booking got conference This is here to make business travel easy for you and your team book, your entire business
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children by ripping down from their parents, their culture and their community. The children were often referred to as savages and forbidden from speaking their languages or practising their traditions. As we first reported earlier this year. Many were physically and sexually abused and thousands of children never made it home. canada's one hundred and thirty nine residential schools for indigenous children closed in nineteen. Ninety eight most have been torn down, but the moscow gun residential school in Saskatchewan still stands. It's windows boarded up it's rooms, gutted a reminder to a nation that would rather forget a three story: tombstone for generations of children who died here. Sometimes I wish it would be gone forever.
Well, what happened here you wish this had been torn down yeah. I could hear everything and hear what he has done. It lingers leona wolf who comes from the moscow gun reserve, was five years old, She says she was taken from her home in nineteen sixty school officials and please would often show up, unannounced in indigenous communities and round up children, some as young as three parents could be jailed if they refused to hand their children over it's arrived at their schools, their traditional long hair was shaved off. If they tried to speak their language, they were often punished. They put me in a dark room like that they shut the door. Then they take off the light. All I had to look through the list this much late like I was a jail
He says the abuse many kids at moscow games suffered from the catholic priests and nuns. Wasn't just physical fathers, yeah yeah, let's face it. Girls here are a priest. Father, Joel was fondling. Resource can be sick me. This needs to have a big scare and he would take girls in to the book yeah my cousin. He took your cousin oh shit. She was on the eight. I grew up a very, very mean woman, because of all might happen to me. You learn that here you yeah. She is not the only one more than a hundred and fifty thousand children were sent to residential schools. Candidates. First prime minister supported too in his words several children from the tried and civilised them for much of the twentieth century.
The canadian government supported that mission. This report aired in nineteen fifty five. They learn not only games such as the celebration of ST valentine's day, but the mastery of words with the idea for the schools came in part from the united states in eighteen. Seventy nine, the Carlyle indian industrial school, opened in pennsylvania, where this photo was too in of native american children. When they first arrived. This is them. Four months later, the schools motto was killed, the indian save them and consequently, ours was killed. The indian in the child kill the indian in the child. That was the guiding principle here in canada. chief wilton little child, whose pre was six years old. When he was taken to this residential school and Alberta, then he said he was given a new name. My
It was number sixty five for all those years, just a number just the number at sixty five picked that up stupider sixty five. Why did you do that idiot? What does that feel like at six years old to be called number, I think, that's where the trauma begins, not just the physical abuse, psychological abuse, spiritual abuse and worst of all sexual abuse. You were sexually with this. I think that's where my anger began as a young boy chief little child says he was able to take some of that anger out on the schools hockey rink. You want a scholarship to university and graduated eventually going onto a distinguished career in law, but his story is the exception. They didn't kill my spirit, some still cree, I'm still
HU. I am not sixty five. My name is making more still sore. they didn't kill my spirit in two thousand and eight after thousands of school survivors via law suits the canadian government formally apologized policies. It also set up a one point: nine billion dollar compensation fund established a truth and reckon filiation commission chief, a little child, help lead for six years. The commission heard testimony from survivors across the country and you put me under water, slow bring me and hitting me slapping men hitting me and plunging plunging me an old man, no water, Pulling my herr mozart, god she's going
kill me I'm going to die first day of school, we as little boys and little girls. We lost our innocence in two thousand and fifteen. The commission concluded what happened was cultural genocide and identified more than three thousand children who die from disease due to overcrowding, malnutrition and were sanitation or died after being abused or trying to run away a government study in ninety o nine found the death rate in some schools was as high as twenty times the national average most schools had their own cemeteries and sometimes when children died, their parents were never informed. It's really traumatic for those
families who don't know what happened to their child or relative in the schools. Why weren't kids, who died at the schools? Why weren't they sent home to save money last year, org I'll just detected. What they said could be two hundred unmarked graves at this former school in kamloops british columbia weeks later, a further seven Fifty one unmarked raves were detected across from the former mayor, el residential school on the council,
servants to sketch one. There was once a catholic cemetery here, but the headstones were bulldozed in the nineteen sixties by a priest after dispute with the former chief, and what were these lists for so it was. A small team of researchers has been trying to discover the names of those children buried here, but for decades the government in the church had been reluctant to share their records. She'd cadmus delors is trying to get. Answers are due note that they're all children, we can verify how much our children but based on the research were doing. A lot of them were children that were forced to go to the mayor of a residential school and died in the mirabelle residential school chief delors says he hopes to give the unidentified children a dignity in death that they never received in life. I want to make sure that
other than those the truth, because you can't move the reconciliation till you accept the truth. The discoveries of the graves open, deep wounds were than a dozen churches have been vandalized or destroyed, and thousands have march demanding the pope apologize and the churches, open, archives, help identify any missing children. Indigenous communities across the country had begun, conducting their own searches using ground, penetrating radar. We laid out a number of grid throughout this landscape, archaeologist quiches, supernatural and terry clark, say thirty. Five unmarked graves had been discovered at the miss gallagher. School there's something going on there. That's not natural when we were there, this past october, think if they found
pure to be another fully. According to survivor accounts, children sometimes had to dig their classmates graves. The priest or the school officials would force the kids to dig other children's grant gap can imagine like ten or eleven and digging a grave for your classmate with, I must have been like just superman's says the search for unmarked graves will continue for years. This is very
emotional work is very devastating. Work is heartbreaking for everyone whose involved you feel that, as do I do, our community still feel the impacts of these institutions in our everyday lives were way over represented in in child welfare and adoptions, and and foster care we over represented in the prisons. You can draw direct line with that to these places and the pain of that that has been passed on from generation to generation. I started school year in nineteen, fifty eight, it better news whose cree understands that pay. He was eight years old when he was taken to the mosquito been school away from his parents lived within sight of the school
If he tried to run away, he says the priests forced him to kneel on a broom handle for three days. That's where my house was. I would sit here and wonder why I couldn't be home that must have been devastating yeah. It wasn't only adults. He feared some students themselves, victims of abuse preyed on other children. Were you abused here? I am actually in his room here by one of the one of the one of the boys in this very room. This very area here later. He says he was also sexually molested by a non when he left school. He was rudderless in violent and turn to alcohol. When you got married he says he didn't know how to show affection. You didn't know what love was now than ever,
I'll get here. I didn't start saying I loved her until we were married about forty years then I was very careful how I said it You didn't say to your wife for forty years that you loved her. He says his life changed when he began rediscovering his creed culture, raising, buffalo and sharing traditional knowledge with children brought healing and finally, an understanding of the word love. You can say that I can say that now it feels good At least I still can't get my life about that now. Don't say that too loud, so you can say just don't want to say to you saw her. You know what it's better than other. Yes, that's what she says as for leona wolf, her life in the lives of her drain and grandchildren have been plagued by violence in substance, abuse, interjection
general trauma? She says the began the day her own mother was sent to school at miss gallagher. Did you see the impact of this place on your mom yeah, how, by drinking a lot being mean to me, and it in practice mean my brother and my siblings. What have we done to her? She passed on to tell me what was done to you and others. Here I passed onto my children, This is why sometimes I go into my each of anchor and a crook because it all it was all done to us all of us, but it's stopped now. You know it is you believe, you're getting
breaking the cycle with my children. Leona wolf has returned to her traditions, as will walking the and the scout and she began to sing hale marry her prayer, she was forced to learn here. Long ago. Now she sings it her way. That's not used it here when you weren't school, that wasn't no. You made peace with the virgin mary, Yes, I may add song peace with myself last April, the vatican pope francis apologize to Canada's indigenous peoples for the deplorable abuses they suffered in catholic run residential schools have travelled to canada next month to make the apology in person.
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And advances in neuroscience are revealing why some of us may be heroic, we'll get to the science, but first meet some of the carnegie heroes, including terry and thomas I remember thinking just almost Thirdly, I am not No, let somebody die Terry and thomas was a civilian overseeing confiscated property. At the headquarters of the topic of police department and twenty fifteen, an agitated man pain into the basement property room to demand. His bicycle thomas turned to find it. As soon as I turned around and started to walk off, I heard her scream. The scream came. officer? Tammy Walter for reason? we don't know she'd, been attacked, by the man in the property room waiting area thomas hit panic alarm and charged out of her locked room,
So, as I ran out there, I saw there was blood on the wall and she was down she was not moving, and I when over there- and I pulled him off over. He looked at me and he punch me in the face he turned around and he started back. her his kicking her while she is on the ground and costs way punching her song grabbed him again, and I pulled him off help. Was low and coming. It seems no one had triggered the panic alarm before, so the cops upstairs work sure what it meant he grab something off her candle and I thought o k. He has her gun. This whole thing is just changed. He had
elevator button and he looked at me and he said you're coming with me later return doubt out. It was the officers radio, the man had not her gun The thomas didn't know that in the fight what happened then- and so I put my foot in the door opened up and with everything I had, I grab him and I pulled him the elevator and just as soon as we got out, I ran to the door. I opened it and I just started screaming and that's when other officers came in and took him down to peek a cop reported that story to the pittsburgh headquarters of the carnegie hero fond commission Eric Sharon? Is president of the commission he's a former secret service agent. While we look it up a thousand cases a year and we award about just a little over ten percent of that. So
in recent years. That equates to about eighty cases a year. How do you define hero and we d as at least in terms of our metal reading requirement is a man or woman that willingly unknowingly risked their lives to an extraordinary degree to save or attempt to save the life of an a human being. What are some good things? your investigators go through when their investigating case we write or contact police departments, fire departments of the victim in the case of the rescue plan. And other eye witnesses to the act and we start to build understanding of each case and does the metal, the carnegie metal moulded in bronze, comes with fifty five hundred dollars and other financial Portugal. We also pay for funeral costs fully for a year that is killed in the act. We pay any medical costs for any injury that they incur to include the psychological after effects piteous. We don't presented battle and walk away. We stay there and we stay there for
the heroes lifetime and- and sometimes you know far beyond me, we will looking at a case that you know one was killed in his heroic act and we supported his wife and one of his daughters for a total of two years until his daughter died on the beach On that day, I just reacted. Pete panzer fit the carnegie definition of hero. he was on a north carolina beach and twenty fifteen. When someone pointed to a boy swept away by a rip, current ponds and another man swam about one hundred fifty yards and we found a young teenager thirteen year old boy. Water was starting to wash over his face. This is the boy after that. swam him back to shore as we get to the beach a church, ruth group leader comes out and meet with us as us. Thank you,
other one. A second boy was drowning: oh ran broke, his foot, ignored it and swam out, He eventually lost sight of the boy, but the child was pulled from the water by others and flown to a hospital. Why you, I didn't think about it, it's kind of like, if you put your hand, hot over pull back right away without thinking that's kind of what what it was like for me. It just needed to be done, and I did it. Was the same reaction for David macartney when fate arrived on a two lane. Road in indiana like south There was a vehicle seem like it was going a little bit less Little bit right and also knew, went right and it had a covert what happened next will you start seeing smoke they'll starting nobel awhile, and you can actually star hearing miss testimony.
Find out ahead, will start to scream screen because the vehicles actually starting to catch on fire elizabeth testament was apt, she's, at no screaming, underneath the dash along. The smoke is going through your nose and you're trying to figure out what to do now. Courtney and another man kicked in her windshield and cut her seat belt with a knife We pull her feet out and then we kind of wiggler up to that when shoulder was kicked out, and then we pull her over to the grass and later down a minute later he told us the car exploded. That fear of dying in a car is well known to Abigail marsh she's, a hero, but she was saved by wine at age. Nine. here she was on an interstate at night and swerved to miss a dog she went into, Spin, which left facing lanes of high speed traffic in a car. She couldn't, restart and
I spent some amount of time d, Honneur percent certain by that I mean I was you know any one of these cars, swerved in time, and I definitely have been done. What happened? I hear a rap on me, in the passenger side window, and I see a man's face staring into my car and he said you look like you could use some health. The stranger got her car started and drove her to safety, and his act of heroism led her to become doctor Abigail marsh, a neuroscientist who studies what gets into the heads of heroes at georgetown. You versatile she has published studies on the brains of two kinds of people psychopaths who have no compassion for others people who have so much compassion that they donated a kidney to a stranger. She found a striking difference in a pair of tiny structures near the bottom of the brain called the amygdala.
They subconsciously, recognised, danger and react faster than conscious thought. one of the big things that we know they do as their responsible for generating the experience of fear was interesting about that. Is that not only is the amygdala essential for giving you the experience of fear seems to allow you to empathize with other people's fear as her subjects we scanned marsh, them emotional faces an last people who say how thick show very minimal responses in the amygdala when they see a frightened face people who, I've given canoes to strangers have exaggerated response and they the law, which we think means that they are more sensitive than most people to others, distress better at interpreting, when other people are in distress more likely to pick up on him, perhaps lloyd, and who saved her on the freeway
we're telling how many psychopaths drove past you that night just try to relax and stay as still as possible. During the scan, we wondered whether our carnegie heroes were born, heroic or comfortable or not. He was the real difference in their brains. All three volunteered for doctor marsh's scans to my I'm, not gonna lie. It was like wikis modified by what we found in the heroic rescuers, which is that just like the altruistic, any donors there and they dollars worth larger than average answer, legally more responsive to Side of somebody else and distress which makes some hence I mean you know, these are the people who, when they saw somebody terrified because they thought they were about to die. They didn't just sit there. They have all told us that they sprang into action. As you say, without thanking you don't thank you just.
the strictly acting. I didn't think about it. I didn't even think about it. Really Sense when you think about how ancient and deep in our brand structures like the amygdala are- and I wouldn't want to say that the main as where altruism is in the brain, at one link in a very long chain of events, that's happening that takes us from seeing that somebody's, indeed to actually acting to help them, but we know that it is definitely an essential link in the chain, whether you're a mouse or rat or a dog or a human. It's it's performing the same functions at a really deep, fast subconscious level. If the DR heroism is a sprint the consequence. These are a marathon for David Macartney. It was for the better he's, the first to admit he wasn't a good man in the past. He'd pleaded guilty to battery, but he
promise the woman he pulled from the burning car that he would do good and in two thousand and nineteen he donated a kidney who did the kidney go to. I have no clue on the other hand, for terry and thomas heroism, has been traveling She was unable to go back to work in the police. Property room had a hard time. Still have our time, and it's been a hard time for pete punter. Who was left with regret that second boy he could not. Reach was blown to a hospital. But did survive. A hero would have gotten the second one is well enough. challenge that I always live with, We get the second kid. His regret was coupled with curiosity about the boy saved six years ago, the boy whose name he never knew
the young man that you saved his name sebastian pro cup, and we found him. Ok, and he had something that he wanted to say to you. So let me introduce you. I'm Sebastian broke up on eighteen. I recently raised graduated from high going and I'm working sore is going to college in cairo that good stuff. Thank you. so the one who pull me out and let me be able to it. If a milestone say I've got in there. I plan to get. I you scan what it like to see him today. A kind of takes my breath away scot that helps to bring some closure in some help.
Four heroes has been the mission of the carnegie fund for one hundred eighteen years, in which it has bestowed ten thousand metals and awarded. Forty million dollars back in nineteen o four, True carnegie sensed: what science has now confirmed: heroes he said, cannot be created, they act on an input a mysterious gift to the few. I'm scott bellied we'll be back next week with another addition, sixty minutes, This is the take out with major guarantee this week. Joe Biden poles.
sir John and bologna, where you surprised by the results of election day and the days thereafter, the president was looked at, as you well know, askance for being as bullish ass. He was before election day that you share that optimism and will you in any way the surprise it Joe Biden was right. I was wrong in most people worry wasn't just oysters and I'll take a bunch of things happened. Then we haven't seen happened a long time for more from this week's conversation, follow that take out with major garrett on apple podcast or wherever you get your pot casts.
Transcript generated on 2022-11-20.