« 60 Minutes

60 Minutes 8/22


On this week's "60 Minutes." David Martin reports on the new efforts being put forth to address inequality in the military, this time under the watch of the country’s first Black secretary of defense, Lloyd Austin. Renowned sportswriter Dave Kindred has covered the biggest moments and brightest stars in sports for more than half a century, but now he tells Jon Wertheim he has found his most fulfilling work: writing about girls high school hoops in central Illinois. And a new volcano has erupted into existence in Iceland. Bill Whitaker reports on the mesmerizing scenes.

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Is great deals for everyone, as if so, is that even supposed to look after our dog walker guy, we almost forgot about that this doctor, based on the better reciprocate the Doesn't change as you climb the ladder they're always gonna, be people because of what you look like that will question your qualifications, lloyd and climbed every wrong in the army, starting at west point, rising all the way to forced our general many times
king barriers, as the first african american ever to hold the job. I would go someplace with my staff and were worried civilian clothes. Somebody would come out to meet the need, the general and I wasn't the guy that they walked up to, We watch this huge stream of lava slithered down a new path into the valley. When we went to take a closer look, we couldn't believe our ear is it sounded like broken glass. It was a molten lava fall the where about ten feet away. I'm not sure I can get much closer yeah restaurant and get much closer than this. It's about ten feet away burn your face d
kindred is among the best ever to write about sport in america and he's covered them off our lee tiger, martina and michael then, after fifty years he decided to repair to the bleachers and houses, a headline cupboard girls school, you loved, seeing them play, and why should I be ignored in high school S. Life employers. They don't pout, they don't bitch. I'm leslie stall. I'm bill whittaker, I'm anderson. Cooper, I'm jon, wertheim, I'm scott pelley. stories tonight on Sixty minutes When running a business, your employees can create all kinds of interesting situations, for example somebody isn't showing up when they're supposed to solution talked bambi with bambi
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Yes pod gas network tonight, David Martin, on assignment for sixty minutes. More than seventy years after the armed services were integrated, it is still a fact of life in the who s military that africa and are more likely to be disciplined and less likely to be promoted and whites as we first ported earlier this year, even the most successful black offices routinely feel the sting of racial bias, a large segments of the rank and file. we, the system is stacked against the miller. He has made attempts to deal with any cloudy before, but this time it's happening under the eye of lloyd Austin, his country's first african american secretary of defence of former soldier who experience discrimination first, hear it doesn't change
as you climb the ladder you still you still get the doubts there always gonna be people because of what you look like that will question your qualifications off. and climbed every wrong in the army, starting at west point, rising. All the way to forced our general many times King barriers, as the first african american ever to hold the jaw, there's probably not job that I had since I was lieutenant colonel where some people in question were then I was qualified to take that job gets a whirl I live in and in or that the other officers that you talk to. It would probably say the same thing it not a day in my life David when I didn't wake up and think about the fact that I was a black man A number of the african americans that we have talked to for this story
said when they are the only one in the room I feel as if they are not being listened to. Did you hear that experience? Absolutely other experts and I found ways to up right to adapt in ninety ninety five as the eighty second airborne. First african american operations officer, then lieutenant colonel austin adapt by having someone else give his briefings, someone he felt white officers more likely to listen to was that away officer was. Did you feel that was a conscious bias? People not ready to listen to you it absolutely was a conscious, buys biased. Didn't then, even when he was a forced, our general, I would go someplace with my staff and were worried civilian clothes. Somebody would come out to meet the need, the general
and I wasn't the guy that they walked up to people have a perception that african americans can't be in key positions just because you're african american. He does assume that it's always going Somebody else general seek you brown road from fighter pilot to become the first african american in history to head the air force, which makes him a member the joint chiefs of staff ass time there was an african american in this room was nearly thirty years ago, when Poland bow was chairman of the joint chiefs party. Today's actually weapons we met, then lieutenant general brown nearly six years ago at his operation centre in the persian gulf, where was commanding the air war against ice goes, it was all destroying the enemy, but there was some else going on. We didn't see, there's
well that I live in an after american in this world that I also live in as a minority deciding ice nature force us to world collided. One day last year, when a minneapolis police officer pressed his knee and George Floyd's neck. In fact, just the how long she was in the launch and walk a cop looking at about actually at the minute that bother me tremendously, brown felt compelled to send out this message to his error. Here's one I'm thinkin about thing about how, for I am with emotion, just for George floyd, but the many african americans they have suffered the same fate as george void. With that a lifetime of frustration, game boiling- I am thinking about the pressure. I felt them a form error free, especially for supervisors. I perceive had expected less for me as an african american. I think about to represent my work twice as hard to prove their
expectations and perceptions of african americans were envelop was What I wanted to get off my chest, I had no intention for do, go as big as it did, but I'm glad it did because I think it up. generate the conversation. Many of us are having today about race in united states. That's what I'm thinking about so far the video has been viewed over four million times with black lives matter. Protests breaking out across the country here force inspector general conducted a survey on racial disparity which produced eye opening responses to every five african americans do not trust their chain of command to address racism by an unequal opportunities three out of every five. I believe they do not receive the same benefit of the doubt as their white peers if they get in trouble. There were one hundred twenty three thousand responses in just two weeks.
really outpouring of emotion from ireland that I've not seen in the time every morning for For sure your master short and so far removed the server was long overdue. I think people were so just evade its finally have an opportunity to speak when you hold in things for so long, without being able to express yourself and then you're, given an avenue to speak, people, aided that year forces now conducting another survey to include hispanics and other minorities, but the hard data from the first survey is now a matter of record young black listed. Members are almost twice ass, likely as white enlisted members to be in generally, discharge based on misconduct, black hair men of all ranks are fifty seven percent more likely to face courts. Martial
as a sugar shorter and more than had been shooting numbers like that for years I felt sick. The first time I saw how many black airman had article fifteen or discharges in comparison to white airmen across the air force, and the thing that I think hurt the most was that no one wanted to have the conversation thanks for joiners again last summer that conversation began at randolph air force base in taxes with a program called we'll talk hosted by lieutenant general brad web. Obviously, there are forces fundamentally had wake up call in which black airmen, like chief master sergeant Michael HOLLAND, got a chance to speak. Truth do airforce power. This is brave for us too, sustained. They should do jonah web. This is pre jimmy. It takes courage to talk.
By racism in america period, but really in the air force where white male dominated there's these unwritten rules. He told me, The black airmen have to abide by unwritten rules which don't apply to their white counterparts. What are some of the unwritten rules? Like change your posture, when you walk into the room, change your posture yeah, so on five, eleven or two hundred twenty pounds. A black bigeye is scary and certain, so you strip those things away from you to make people vote after which you, what are some of the other things you have to strip voice. right voice, seed oil below The other unwritten rules, yet you gotta be better.
lieutenant general web. The sessions were a revelation. Did you hear things that surprise? You are we? I mean any number of things. For example, the african american meaning inside the air force is dealing with an extra load that white caucasian community does not deal with my being the timid intimidating by the way I talk and I've been timid by the way I see it? There is a middle checklist that has to occur here, I was never oriented to ever Meyer forced her. That's a great comments out there on social media episode, a real talk, including the one with sergeant sapphire, morgan, we're stream,
I live on facebook, and it was up there for all to see what was the reaction negative and positive and I've had countless people say I never knew, but I've also had some black people say. Why are we exposing some of the things that we deal with to people who may not care everybody's? Not for this heartache show, but that's just the truth. The people who are not For this, what are they said? Nothing that and s what makes it difficult. You know you don't you know what they're biases are You ever encountered a real racist, absolute had a supervisor who told me I'll, never succeed. Anyhow, the best thing I can do is alive while he was there and stay away from what would you do stayed away from this racial disparity, the face sessions were not webs. First time in the hot seat he was the
Jesus man in the white house situation room on the night of the bin laden ray, after thirty seven years in the air force, these now and george, if education and training before george forward and the events of last summer, how had the air force dealt with race. We had training sessions, you know that was principally a powerpoint slide oriented and Is very formalised didn't have any impact on you, Marshall eu model that have to be honest, african americans, present seventeen percent of all the active duty troops in the military, but only eight percent of the offices and in key jobs like airforce pilots. It's worse, the top general seek you brown
that first hand from his flying days in the nineteen nineties. What was the percentage of black pilots back then two percent? What is it today? It is still two per cent. What does that say? We haven't made much progress. Retired admiral, MIKE Mullen chairman of the joint chiefs during the bush and obama administrations set out to change. Nearly all white complexion of the senior ranks wasn't racial bias. I don't think it was a conscious biased, but I think it was an institutional bias if you will. So what is the issue to show. But I have a phrase I use called ducks pick ducks and when you have white guys pickin, they pick other white guys. That to me is the vice and that's what the leadership has to break up to make sure that we're not
that kind of a situation molen met, then lieutenant general lloyd, austin in Iraq, in two thousand nine brought him to washington is the first effort american director of the germans, powerful joint staff. A and I really want to diversify my staff and he knew that the talent was out there. But he knew that if he didn't led the organization to to identify that town bring that towel on board, it wouldn't happen. There's that picture of you standing with the african american generals most on your your staff general ass and came into my office and said, I want you to come down to the joint staff room for a minute, and I walked into that room and they were all standing there and the photographer was ready to go, and I said I asked- and I said what's what's this all about- One of them said it's about history. turns out. It was only a moment in history eleven,
years later. These are the people who feel the top positions on the joint staff, and we looked at the side of the joy. Sadly, I have top twenty five new africa. I suspect that a change in the near term but then what more than seven years since the armed forces were integrate? Why do you think it's it's taken this law? I think Things have moved slowly in America David, I think the them terry and allow ways has led the way for for diversity. But no as well as I do that if you look at our senior leadership right now, it's not representative of. What's in the ranks, what in your job? Can you personally do to make a change, I'm the guy that makes the recommendation to the press on who are senior or flag officers oughta be going forward
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even the most stoic among them. Then, on march nineteen walk analogous reported. The world's newest volcano had burst open unleashing a space. tat. You are fountain of love or from a tear in the earth's crust. It's called I am only going to say this once gelding or dollar so far The lava hasn't stop gushing, and neither could we after seeing it from his close as we dare This is what two thousand degrees fahrenheit looks like incandescent chunks of molten rock, some as big as cars explode two hundred feet in the air hurled upwards by some of the most elemental forces on the planet, at every new cascade of lava, the earth rumbles like thunder from an alien world. We watched as lava poured out of the crater changing.
Iceland's map forever incredible, feel the heat overtones of degrees fahrenheit and it s five hundred see we can still field, is always difficult to closely camper skin. had come to see earth's newest, real estate with food, Forty percent one of ice
it's top vulcanologist, even he seemed a little star struck at nature's fireworks, and I've been looking at activity like this for almost four decades and I still get metros. When I see it get mesmerized as I just sit there, I can watch it day in day out. There are not many eruptions in the world where you can get these clues in march, it burst into the open in a lonely valley that was once an ancient viking burial ground. Getting there felt like we'd stepped back in time, prehistory
Brick rocks littered the fields as our giant four by force raced along a dirt track, climbing the barren hills, the good showing. Oh, my god spectacular, is at the top sorters and grabbed his gas mask in case the volcano belched out dangerous sulfur dioxide gas oxygen. We followed carrying emergency oxygen, it wasn't long before we were on hands and knees. Searching for volcanic glass in here. We have what we call tougher were thrown out the event, a hair like this, you, yes, I see, see them in him and then intel as after the goddess of kelly, Ok, I guess we'll came about as in hawaii from chunks the car,
pieces. Look like a strand of his, and if all of that for I love yes, absolutely the lava flows have been spectacular from the start, but the today was worse, just out of the top drawer, just ten out of ten If there is one person who's on close terms with the volcano goddess paley, its Bruce Houghton a wise state volcanologists he in full Arson have chased love all over the world. So when iceland, blue houghton, im going to let it pass cookies can mania options are over within a day or so forehead ink, from way back there, It's going be a long one till you, you up and flew in from hawaii, I waited. I waited I by car believed a month. I wait india until I was certain it had a long life ahead of it of having it is meaning when you were option a period, a new iraq.
period is, and I think we're going see many more options. In the peninsula over the next, they say hundreds of thousands of years. That prospect has scientists scrambling to get here. Slow, steady, lava flow, fuelling speculation of a new seismic era. Most russians like the one in twenty ten that shut down european air travel pack and explosive This one is a dream, It means scientists can collect a treasure trove of data and home in on the holy grail, a vulcan how to predict and erupt The worst thing you can do, ironically in a volcanic eruption, is to tell the population this girl. We in europe sometime in the next three years and then work. Why and leave them with that, but it's it's trying to get to the point where you
offer a few days to a few weeks warning and that something So far, we don't do that very well. Is this helping you hit that sweet spot? We hope it will, but at the moment which is gathering the raw material, it's not like the most, spring the tablets off a mountain, it's in something, It takes a long time to to address all of the different lines of evidence eventually we want to take The size of all canal is to be able to predict that also even forecasted actions it took me geology with two hundred years to come? a decent weather forecast to leave only benefits for a hundred years, not us it may be collectively has given us up. For the record one of the next generation of scientists trying to unlock the earth's secrets is texas. Trains will geo chemist, Ed marshall,
so this is all still being pushed out. Yes exact. A self described lab rat, he could I believe his look to be working at the university of iceland when the eruption happened. Now he dresses for the office in a heap protective suit digging pass the cool rock at the edge of the lava field. Marshals Goops up the smouldering lava and doubts as it in water, the flash cooling terms, the lava instantly to glass. So when we take hot lava, flash call it into a glass represent All of the chemistry is locked away in the liquid lava. Still warm What will you learn from this? So from this? apples we can study their compositions and when, where the lava came from and what and to it on the way to the surface, far down. Are we talking in this way?
about ten miles, that's the deepest in thousands of years, This eruption is really do it to the earth's mantle that we haven't been able to touch in iceland in historic time. As we talked thirty foot, lovell wall continued to crack and chrome. Pushing slowly towards us. You first came out here when this first started to erupt. That's what what did this valley. Look like that. Well, this valley that were now had no longer any at all and will receive if lava, slowly coming out of the van and just filling the area around like a bathtub. How soon would that wall They give you a tenth day here and begin.
The dogs potentially twenty to thirty feet and about a day. That's right! That's incredible! That's not just scientist who ve been transfixed by the russian. This is a country that names its children after volcanoes, so no surprise that more than two hundred thousand have made the pilgrimage to see it. and who could pass up a ready made barbecue there are lava dogs lava. Moors a selfies at dusk, the crown. Grew thicker. So one night we decided to join them. Look at that don't say that every day now about how we kristen yawns, daughter, head of iceland's earthquake monitoring to come along. She told us most irruptions in iceland start with a big bang, not this one. Instead, the earth unzip
so in almost a straight line, lava boiled up spreading to to, vince, then nine last may. Then number five is the only one still active on the southwest peninsula johns. or told us that wasn't the only surprise we haven't seen an eruption on the peninsula for eight hundred years, hundred years. So this is something that I was not expecting to happen in my lifetime. How long can this keep up with a love affair? stan sir we're not seeing any signs of a decrease, so we don't know when we thought we had seen at all the volcano we had another idea. We will as a huge stream of lava slithered down a new path into the valley. When we went to take a closer look, we
believe our ear. It sounded like broken glass it was a molten lava fall the about ten feet away, I'm not sure I can get much closer, yet russia get much closer to this. ten feet away burn your face, but it was her to turn away again: sales, over there, like a has had a glow inside with more active volcanoes than almost anywhere else on earth size, mollusk kristen, yours daughter, told us it's not hard to be moved by ices volcanic arson and just what she meant. We travel inland. We are now flying along the western volcanic, so It's one of those craters. There has been a volcanic. Out of one of those craters? Second, We flew along a deep trench that stretched for miles yawns daughter
hold us. Iceland straddles the border of two tectonic plates the friction. between the plates creates earthquakes and an opening for to escape. But this is a fisher saying at saint there's a whole lot of opening happy here hear with this be a place where, during a quick, the lava would come. These measures might do vital flew pass mountains of ash ten thousand years old, more remnants of past a russian. We were heading to cut. one of the islands most violent, volcanoes, etc. With a vast glacier twice the size of manhattan if for the blow is. Is this one of the most explosive volcanoes on the island. Yes, it is with this stuff
air traffic all over europe like the last one it it might do less time interrupted interrupted last time in nineteen eighteen, but before that attacked had cried regularly every fifty years. So it's long overdue, it's long overdue, so its work for us to be your name. Yawns daughter assured us that cutler was showing no signs of waking up just then six MC monitors record cutlass every hiccup part of it, extensive network that includes gps, sensors and satellite images, mostly interested in what is happening underneath the ground their stuff. If we don't see how do we put together that what's happening on the ground, and how do we forecasts the or predict what can happen So what's going on right now, that's
hoping you get closer to that goal? Absolutely so, with every year Should we learn something about the structure of volcanoes and only in iceland, but it this. Also an impact world to bite in the land of fire and ice vulcan. bug bites hard. This latest eruption is the perfect recruitment tool for a new generation of vulcan chasing over one scientists told us it shapes to your core. It's one of the guiding principles of journalism. The reporter should never be
the story every now and then, though, you find a reporter's story too good. Not to tell in two thousand and eighteen dave kindred received the pen e s, p n lifetime achievement award for literary sports writing. It was intended as a final bit of punctuation on a gilded career. Little did the presenters know. Kindred was still churning out column after column. Sweating deadlines, interviewing athletes after exhilarating, wins and deflating losses. Kindred, though, wasn't setting up shop as he had for fifty years. At super bowls, world series, games olympics and title fights. No, he was scribbling away, three rows up the bleachers inside high school gyms of central illinois and, as we first reported in march, it would make for some of the most fulfilling work of kindreds career for more than a half century Dave kindred abided a simple.
sports writing rule be a reporter first and a writer second on the sidelines or the back nine. He wanted to be. There find the story and then paint a picture using words. Let's do the the sports writer equivalent of back of the they spoke are given gimme. The numbers here heavily world series him into. I became a coms Sixty nine so went to almost all the world series. After that, how many super bowls? Have you been to forty something? What about the masters? I've been to fifty two masters. First, nineteen sixty seven and missed nineteen, eighty six, where nothing happened, subject nicholas one. That's the red smith award. Unlike the athletes and teams they cover sports writers are ranked there's no scoreboard or leader, but and this is dangerous and metal. It's great one that two still even in this Effective line of work there are perennial, all stars and hall of famers, say sports illustrated franked afford in red smith of the new york times
whose sunday column would arrive by train near dave, kindred childhood home of atlanta illinois, a speck alongside route, sixty six kindred would reach to the station, get a copy of a newspaper in red every word I studied them. What things. I've learned about writing is find out what you like then figure out. Why You like it and then do that. So why do you like it? I, like Rhythm of his words It didn't use your kind of sports writer hackney words use words that the had a music to
if you're here in the middle of illinois and you're reading these dispatches about sports, but from all over the world. Yeah took me out of that. Second, four bedroom, yeah put me in the press box at wimbledon, kindred wrote what he saw and became one of the most influential sports, columnists and authors of a generation named sports icons from the last half century and rest assured Dave kindreds covered them to him. Though one athlete was the greatest in nineteen. Sixty six kindred was a cub reporter at the louisville courier journal, ordered by his boss to go find the outgoing ascending local fighter. He beat muhammad ali for the very first time that seems like a pretty big pivot point in your career. Add to think of it at the time at the time. I just thought about this figure to stop. This is fun guys, heavyweight champion of the world. It marked the first of more than three hundred interviews with Ali who christen dave, kindred, louisville, forever alleys, home
Our rapporteur kindred followed alleys entire career in into molly, just as it were, writing about the butterfly and the bee, sometimes in the strangest of places I was trying to do a common one whose entourage, meanwhile, his As always, was full of people he waves in the world will come in here. Try going there, I standing next to the bed. He raises up the corner of this shit. And says get in. Well, I don't know what you do if the heavyweights, in the world children get in, but idea is the oh and one of us had on clothes. He said that anecdote for a two thousand and six by biography. He wrote about Mohammed Ali and howard conceal dave tint. moved on from Louisville to the washington post, the atlanta journal constitution and the sporting news kindred became one of those holler
famers his writings are preserved in the library of his alma mater illinois, wesleyan university, where we unearthed this gem. After the death of the mba player, PETE Maravich, he wrote an inelegant collection of bones: the skinny six foot, five maravich flailed his way down court elbows and knees sharp angles rearranging themselves in ichabod crane on the fastbreak and you dared not blink, has pretty good kindred wrote that line thirty three years ago worked to come up with that, no idea other than yeah. That's what he looked like. You want the reader to see the moment. The way you see it he would have kept at it, but for the sad and steady decline of both print media and the role of the general columnist in two thousand and ten vive kindred and his wife cheryl play school sweethearts in the fifties figured it was time to return home to the flat abs of america central illinois. They,
It's by the pond outside their log cabin read and watch sunsets, and when the cold whip in winter, they, like a lot of folks downstate, would repair to the warmth of a local high school gym for entertain. In their case it was in Morton, illinois next town over from peoria to watch the lady potter. I went to basketball game you're, like the old war horse. I couldn't sit there not write about what I saw kindred and his wife said in them peters, alongside parents, grandparents and high school and his professional instincts kick. You offered to cover the lady potter's for the teams website in his account on facebook as well
but first he wanted the blessing of the teams coach, muhammad ali and olympics and masters golf and super bowls and bobby knight- and- and here I am- a small town- girls, basketball, coach- it's about patience, take care of them. All bob Becker has been head coach of the lady potters since nineteen ninety nine, after some apprehension, who wants to get second guessed by a hard boiled, journalists he bought in it'll. After that initial shock and in getting to know who we really was, I mean after a little better research, we ve got the Michael jordan of sports. Writing falls in our lab. The scribe, who, once described in nba player, is echoed by ichabod on a fast break, now called his new subjects. the golden state warriors with ponytail, and there was something about girls, basketball that particularly enthralled kindred. I think I owed
a bit to title nine, the women athletes, your gloves, seeing them play, and why should they be ignored in high school athletics. The men's game is vertical. The girls game is horizontal. They have to master the fundamentals, so it's much more fun to watch them and plus they don't pout. They don't bitch for now, kobe has shrunk the season and the crowds Potter go but kindred there, his gaze fixed on the action listening in on huddles, but you gotta fight a scrap of hustle after the buzzer here outside the locker room for a walk about, probably about which one, albeit self imposed. There is a day. line so after driving home. He end today, as ever in front of a keyboard. People stay up after the game waiting for that article come out, they will
What about until they get to read it so he's got deadlines to meet he's not getting paid anything, but eventually it turned into a box of milk duds. You heard right. Kindreds negotiated compensation. Think that rocky said look, I'm a professional sportswriter. I should be getting something for doing all this for you and he measured my talent and experience and good, looks and said how about a box of milk? Does every game and I said deal you drive a hard bargain kindred then in twenty fifteen? Well, you might say the milk duds would turn into lifesavers. Apart from the sugar rush. What do you get out of this wealth? The first five years it was just the fund, then things started happening as the as they do late in life. At a grants who died. My mother died three months later
the next year, my wife had a catastrophic stroke that left her an invalid cannot communicate your soul even in the hospital one of the key players. Mother I was debating whether I should leave my wife in the hospital unconscious and go to a weighty pottage game. And the mother said you gotta go you gotta, go you, she was right, yeah I went through and what started as fun became life. Affirming know it's just what I am it's. What I do you're someone who is precise? with his words- and you said this team saved me- this team did save me. This team became a community became my friends. My life had turned dark here. They were right.
And I knew that light was always gonna, be there two or three times a week, in return deep kindred, would chronicle the lady potter's recent state championships, first, flax. What's a state champs and lady potter alarms, josie becker jesse, warm in Courtney Jones, when you guys were here playing that. Did you appreciate how cool a story this was at the time? I didn't think like anything of it now, looking back at it actually really amazing tat. We ve had this legendary writer and capture all this special time that we had in high school. What was it like giving interviewed by whom I was so nervous? I really didn't really knows he was that famous of a writer and by the time I find I m, you know so excited this- is
a chance, I've! Finally done good enough. I get to talk about myself to remember what you said hell. No, I I think I blacked out to be honest. That's okay, since kindred keeps all his notes, including quotes and turns it into a commemorative book he published, most seasons written more than three hundred gay and probably more than five hundred thousand words. I've read more about that girls, basketball too, then I've written about anything, including ali, they ve kindred, going home and covering highschool foods, is something I can do. His former washington post colleagues, woodward and bernstein uncovering corruption of small town zoning boards, the morton players appreciate the expert journalism as well as his awareness so the stubborn inequality between male and female athletes, as witnessed at this year's and see a basketball tournament. Katy kroupa, Caitlin Kelly, we're kill, fragrant, maggie hobson, our current potter's, where
banners where's the big hanging banner that you get when you win a state title if the boys and want to stay title everywhere, town with literally celebrate, weeks, do you guys all read his write? Ups, oh yeah, oh yeah! Definitely, and I get a lot of texts from my grandparents and relatives, and it's always I read dave's article at the game. I heard it was a physical game or whatever. I think it's just it's so special that someone that is so good at what he does wants to be here and write about us. He just kind of always there with us. He grows with us, especially the season. Why do you think he's doing this? I think it's just his passion, like basketball, is our passion, man. I agree with roc. I think it's his passion. You know, I think he wants to be doing it for as long as he possibly can to come on calle she's, right, dave, kindred now. Eighty knows that pitchers lose their fastball.
Basketball players lose a step boxers, not least ali lose their christmas. The life cycle of the writer is more general kindred, recently finished a book that celebrated the life and more in the death of his grandson Jarrett when tiger woods was injured in a car accident in February golf digest, leaned on kindred for a column Then there are his dispatches about the lady potters. I want to read you something we found that you wrote from the first game of this year was moving to us. We've lost so much that was so long familiar. Then the potters gave us a gift. They played a gay. Then he wrote the joy that high school athletes feel when every trip down the court is a trip toward possibility joy in these days, so long without joy, yeah. That's why I do it! That's why I do it sports writing right there,
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Transcript generated on 2022-12-11.