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60 Minutes 1/17


In an interview with Scott Pelley, D.C Mayor Muriel Bowser defends her decision to bring in the military ahead of Wednesday's inauguration of President-Elect Joe Biden, because "too many Americans have pledged allegiance to Donald Trump." Meanwhile, Ken Cuccinelli, the Department of Homeland Security's acting deputy secretary, tells Bill Whitaker the idea that President Trump would order a halt to the National Guard's security mission for next week's presidential inauguration "unimaginable." And Alex Smith, who overcame a catastrophic leg injury to play again in the NFL, ends his remarkable comeback season with an interview with Norah O'Donnell. Those stories on this week's "60 Minutes."

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
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Let's go, tens of thousands of troops are en route to the capital to join. Thousands of police officers and federal agents are preparing to defend the inauguration from further damage terrorism. I was very hard to see the joint chiefs of staff issue, a statement that the united states army would be there to support the mission of a smooth tray vision of power. It's a hill thing for the pentagon, to feel like it has to issue a statement that it is supporting the constitution. It is But it is necessary what we saw in January. Sixth, in DC in some ways may have been the most predictable terrorist incident in modern american history, it was a day no american will ever forget frenzied mob broke into the capital
putting the electoral vote count chasing legislators from their constitutional. Do it leaving five dead and more than sixty injured police office right there. archway entrance to the capital. There was a pitched now there was a. Which battle that went on for hours for hours, This happen again in washington. The worrying state capitals around the country, It's our story, tuna! Sometimes, athletes do remarkable things that have nothing to do with sports and they come back Alex smith. It's that description. Like few things we have ever seen. What is a compound spiral fracture. He had afresh extended from his ankle join up to his knee joint. So it's spy, old, all the way up the tibia, and then he had The bone sticking out of his skin tonight, I'm much its story about character from our nation.
Capital, I'm leslie stall, I'm bill whittaker, I'm anderson cooper, I'm nora, o donnell, I'm scott pelee. Those stories tonight on sixty minutes When running a business, your employees can create all kinds of interesting situations. For example, somebody isn't showing up when they're supposed to solution talked bambi with bambi. You can access to your own, dedicated h, our manager, starting at just ninety nine dollars per month. Their available by phone email and read time chat. So on boarding and terminations run smoothly team members reach performance and your best, stays compliant with changing h our regulations and with bambi your auto pilot you'll, pardon me
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Thousands of police officers and federal agents all pairing to uphold their oath to defend the constitution, against all enemies. Will Joe Biden, be inaugurated at noon on January. Twentieth absolutely this nation will have its forty six president, Joe Biden and calmly harris will take the oath of office right here, Washington dc on january, the twentieth in our city, muriel, belgium, is the credit mayor of washington. She took off to the ground trampled by the mob and to show us capital and tradition restored. You see the balconies here, and that is where the next president will take the oath of office. You see the the red drapes just behind the podium, that's where the president special guest will will enter ritual. returning after the greatest
check on the capital and two hundred and six years in the after of january. Six mayor bows as the federal government to reassess security their adding reinforcements and impose A larger earlier locked down around the white house capital and national mall this, exclusion zone of seven foot, fences and military roadblocks was rushed in six sooner than plan what we oh, is that not only is the inauguration itself or target for these extremists, storm these capital steps and put five hundred and thirty five members. contests and the transition of powerful country in danger? We know that there are planning events leading up to it. So was very import.
That we have a posture of that discourage people from coming all people, but also scottish these extremist groups from thinking they can come back earlier plans called for ten thousand national guard troops. Now, twenty Five thousand are being deployed more groups in washington than in wars over things there gear include shields, recovered and combat, many of the troops are being mustard in the corridors of the capital itself. as they were in eighteen, sixty one during civil war I was also very heartening to see the joint chiefs of staff issue a statement that the unit it states army would be there to support the mission of a smooth train. vision of power, it's a hell of a thing for the pentagon defeat like it has to issue a statement that it supporting the constitution. It is
but it is necessary- and I am glad that it happened We as americans have to stop thinking that we can take for granted that every american has passed does allegiance to the constitution. What we saw in plain view, our too many americans who have pledged allegiance to donald trump. The military has taken the decision to give combat weapons to the national guardsman, who will be providing security for the inauguration? Are you glad about that or you worried about it. It's a play in our history- that I'm sad that we come to american troops should not have to be armed hence their fellow americans, but what we saw was an unprecedented attack on our democracy in the cradle of that democracy, the great service is in charge of what the government calls a national special security event. A designation
for high risk gatherings, for example, this verbal after nine eleven and political conventions. The secret service leads it, but there eligible to them tend to A thousand security personnel ken could, you know, is acting deputy secretary of the department of homeland security, which overseas, the secret service, he told us inauguration. Security planning has been going on eight months, on social media, the terrorist seemed to see the attack on the capital is with, and I wonder if you're picking up intelligence that their emboldened by that There is a lot more online chatter, if you will, that has come up since january six, but I would point that a lot of that chatter isn't capital night nations capital focused its more general across the country has the suspect to plan to pipe bombs. Do
the attack on the capital than cod. as you and I sit here speaking the answer. That is no sir. You have him to worry about. Of course. Yes is tac, intercepting known suspects before they get on planes for washington if they had a fine individual, like you describe. They will keep first of all, keep that person from flying and if there is a legal basis to do so, they will season hold that person for delivery to the fbi or local authorities. The local authority in washington is the metropolitan police. January six, the mp helped rescue the capital police and break the siege ones working very hard to ensure that that never happens. Again later we met acting chief, Robert country in his command centre, which on inauguration day, will be filled with reference introduce of the fbi, secret service and defence department, while the world
focused on the podium at the capital law? County still have to cover his city of me more than seven hundred thousand people chief will the impeding have deployed on inauguration operational every available resource that it that's our entire department, our total department will be activated, will have support of law enforcement officers from all across our country to the tune of about twenty five hundred. That, be here to support us in this effort. You been with impeding for thirty one years. Is this the tightest security you ve ever seen in Washington? The tightest security that I've ever seen absolutely but Security faces unprecedented chaos at the top. Both the attorney general and director of homeland security recently resign. The defence sector harry was recently fired. Dinner even homeland security, deputy secretary kin kuchma, nellie is stand in. He was were confirmed by the senate data has had six so
retirees in four years. Why The american people have confidence. Federal law enforcement when The leadership is not in place because the profound signals we have in long. Horsemen in the federal government, the secret service and across the department of homeland security and beyond deal J and all the rest that we work with our lifelong career professionals. That's. Ninety nine point: nine percent of the people creating in executing the plans to ensure the safety of incoming president elect Biden, and none of them are goin anywhere. We will never give up. We will never see it, but also the dilemma that security is commanded by president trump. Who encourage tat on the capital and relentlessly work to stop the inauguration of Joe Biden This national guard answer to they answered through yo d. They can have the president.
That's the chain of command. The executors they'll go down really stand down. well you're gonna have to ask them, but that's unimaginable if the press and orders dna tests to stand down where you stand down, we're going complete our jobs. There's not a there's, not a stand down. We have a statutory mission were going to perform under all circumstances, and I think that I pathetically is going to happen. Its unimaginable a lot of things are unimaginable in washing in these days and we don't have a very good track record on the departing land. President word on insomnia, home and secure. Might we really annoyed ass or you can follow the resident or you going to follow the constitution? We are all now we all sworn after the constitution. That is first and foremost, and we take when security very very seriously. We deal The latter curve, balls of all kinds and yet
March forward to keep the american people as safe as we possibly can, we must go forward. We must make it as safe as possible, but we must go forward. Much of what happens in washington after inauguration days in the hands of democratic chuck, shimmer of new york, who will the new majority leader in the senate he's making plan As for the trial of president trump after last week's impeachment, why put donald trump on trial. when he'll be out of office anyway. What donald trump did is the most despicable action any president has ever taken and he should be convicted at this trial. In addition, if we convict him, we can then, by only fifty one votes remove him from ever running for office? Again, I know we want a heel, but when something. This awful happens to just push. It off will not heal
who convict him. You need a super majority, which means seventeen republicans would have to vote to convict doesnt seem likely. I just believe that our republican colleagues, when they look at this we'll see how awful this was means in history join us in convicting her house Would you like to trial to begin We feel that it is important to get part of president elect burdens agenda pleaded in the senate. First, we have the trial of the present, and that's mandated by law. Second, there's a very very real need for president buying have in place key people in his cabinet. The people in charge of national security, the people in charge of domestic and securing the people in charge of making sure everyone gets vaccinated as quickly as possible and further countries in the greatest economic.
crisis, since the depression, the greatest tell care crisis since the spanish pandemic flu a hundred years ago, and we must pass more relief for the american people. We must do all three and we have to do them Well quickly. One cannot stand in the way, the other on Wednesday didn't trump will not be on the podium. The first press to snub his successors inauguration in one hundred fifty two years also not attending will be the usual inauguration multitude on the national mall, The two mile long park is closed fine. I guess, members of congress, family and dignitaries will be socially distanced on the stage and in few chairs on the capital grounds, and I doubt. Mayor Muriel bouser is telling the general publicly not to come diversity she's, even ass, the interior department, to revoke her.
She already issued to demonstrators for a couple of reasons for the security, the event in less. Let's keep my what we just saw here. One week ago, people storm these steps and put our democracy in danger, but we are also concerned about people travelling in gathering celebrating in the groups because of twelve it. What is the best guarantee that you can make to the american people? for sure that the united states secret service that responsible for the security of supply. I don't the united states if they thought this couldn't be a secure event. They wouldn't let it happen. But security comes at a cost to a ritual celebration. institution avenue the spy a federal washington is vacant for miles. from the lincoln memorial to the white house, pass the washington monument and to the capital, the miller harry cordon has the feel of some other
Treat one way: tenuous grass on the rule of law halfway up the avenue, constitution itself has been locked, out of sight in the national archives to protect the parchment for future reference The fbi has spent much of the weekend. I do. Fine and hunting down more than three hundred suspects from the attack on the united states capital on January six, into a seditious frenzy at a rally behind the white house south of pro trump demonstrators, marched on the capital to stop them sectoral vote count presided over by vice president by pence, True believers proud boys and boogaloo boys joint costs. I and on conspiracies There were new nazis and other white supremacist. Some
armed or wearing tactical gear or capes impulse. I'm from trump flags. What was once the fringe had become a threat one american democracy- they came with body armor? They came with helmets, they came with respirator, they came with baseball it with pipes. They came with bare spray thinking with their own explosives. Aching with climate year They came well prepared and coordinated. This was no less than a coordinated, violent attack on the united states capital. On january, six Stephen son was chief of the capital police he'd held host a year and a half buried spent almost thirty years in law enforcement in the nations capital. he'd seen massive, sometimes violent protests before and from the entire. He says he received son. was confident. His plan for deploying his officers was boston off to handle the pro trumped demonstration. It was
the tragic miscalculation, the when insurgents filled, the capital's grand halls with rage and rancor chief's son was scrambling to mount a response from his command center. Two blocks away the watching the defilement of the people's house on security cameras. You offered your resignation in the wake of this is why. I understand how things work on the chief, the visuals of what I watched. We're alarming five people died as a result of the siege, including capital, police officer, Brian sickness good afternoon, The next day house your nancy pollution, said she had lost confidence in the chief I appointed
as a nation of the capitals, the chief of the capital police, MR son, he's too carriers. The sergeant at arms of the house and Senate resigned as well. I shall go on to our national tv and basically made everybody feel that Failure on my part If that's how the leadership feels, then I have no problem. And I will step down, did lead. to pardon move forward. You said that you look officers down no leader wants to see their officers go through what you went through You know it's it's heartbreaking to see that three. Days before the siege and internal report by sons, own intelligence unit obtain by the washington post and confirmed by sixty minutes, warned the rally of angry trump supporters, white, supremacist and militia members January six. Could you opt in violence. Their rage focused on congress. We're
acting awesome, large crowds are going to come down to the agreements were beyond the capital and the counting of the votes. We expected altercations between some of the counter protests. We may have some people within the group that may be armed. We had contingency any for that, but thing about a armed, violent attack, on the united states, capital building, but I'm sitting in new york, and I was aware that this was likely to be a day of violence. We expected demonstrators with some potential for violence, not a directed coordinated, violent attack for the nations capital make I consider this two different things? told us. He thought he had everything under control, but was concerned enough to get additional helmets for his officers and widen the perimeters. He the sergeant at arms to activate the national guard, but they wouldn't prove a formal request a decision he told us he came to regret before. Don't from finish speaking to his strong supporters, away
well pipe bombs were a vehicle with some explosives and weapons in it. How far away from the capital, where these bombs just a couple of blocks- and I believe those were purposely done to draw resources away from our perimeter and told us, while some officers were diverted by the bombs, the seditious mobs storm. The bike wreck barricades on the west side of the cap described that scene for me that when the mob first got to the the perimeter, they tore part no, he tore part the bike. Rag literally started, throwing the officers heads dozens of officers were fighting with them. The austrian you hit with pipes bats. The time You name, it sounds like you're describing the military operation. It was well coordinated chief sun made an urgent call for help to the decent metro police about a hundred offices responded immediately right. There archway entrance
the capital. There was a pitch bell. There was a battle that went on for hours for hours. both capitalist much wild, please defended that door. With everything they guy with the mob battering, the dew son called on the national guard. He says took him a half hour to make his way up the chain of command to the office of the secretary of the army, which Fourth, the dc national guard. I was pleading absolutely pleading for from our assistance as quickly as possible. The with the secretary of armies representative, tell him I need boots on the ground. Now he kept saying quote. I don't like the takes a national guard standing line with the capital falling behind them, and this is why the sieges under this is: why does he just under way? What's going through your head begging, literally begging for support from my men and women, and that's what I'm here, the
we told us there was no discussion of optics, but the chief the deasey metro police, who was also on the call confirm to us sons account. It took another three hours in fifteen minutes to mobilise and deploy the national guard. It was p m, when the combined forces of police and national guard cleared the capital making it safe for law makers to return to the floor to serve the election of Joe Biden. in common with errors. As the next present, and vice president of the united states. We have six law enforcement officers injured? Fifteen went to hospital capital, police lost. Two of their officers that weak they did the fail information, they need someone to to really stand up and let the american people they didn't, feel it's hot understand how can describe but we all saw as successful.
No, I didn't, I didn't look pretty, but the number one goal is to protect the members congress they pay did the members of congress and they need to be recognised for that officer. Eugene goodman led the mob away from a corridor where, vice my parents had been hustled to safety by his security detail just moment. before since the siege on the capital, federal and state law enforcement have made a risk every day, because cell phones were so ubiquitous authority. I have a cash digital evidence about one hundred, forty thousand pictures and video. So far many people who rampage through the capital revealed themselves poe Thing their actions on social media now facing federal criminal charges, Kevin see, free them and with the confederate flag. Johnson who walked off with nancy policies lectern the man with his boot on a desk in the speakers office rich
barnett? This is only the beginning this past week, the acting? U S, attorney for the district of columbia, said That more a rest and charges tied to sedition and conspiracy in the days ahead. What we saw in January. Sixth, in dc- in some ways, may have been the most predictable terrorist incident in modern american history, orange. Siegel runs the centre on extremism for the anti defamation league. He the team of researchers scour the web ma during hate groups and share what they find with law enforcement, see we'll told us he was raising the alarm to federal state and local authorities for months before the siege on the capital. What he's watching violent extremism grow for years built, grievances and a sense of loss for white supremacist, they believe that their culture, their race, is being take. the way that they're gonna go extinct, immigrants,
are coming in the browning of america for militias. It's off their guns are going to be taken away and conspiracy theories like you or not government is trying to take away their freedom, so here have all those factors coming together: telling you your election is being stolen. Is it a surprise that people reacted the way that they did? You call this terrorist? is it not a protest, not a riot, but a terrorist offences One of the lasting impressions What we saw at the capital was not so supremacists militias dressed up in their gear, but it was on cue citizen who got wrapped up in that Is that more frightening or less to me? The idea that people who not necessarily card carrying members of any extremists. Movement would get wrapped up in
Mr activities is more frightening. Oren segal says: extremism has been growing in plain sight on social media like facebook and twitter now These platforms are curtailing hate groups, extreme have retreated to distant corners of the internet? These people are still out there. their grievances are still real, to them They have a narrative that is wrapped up in a bow. next for years. The belief in an illegitimate government that was stolen from its rightful leader, donald trump, and if they perceive to be stolen. They hear people who enemy those thoughts and support it then, there bold and and when you have extremists were emboldened over a period of time, you end up with mass shootings in EL paso in pittsburgh and polly. You end up with people me capitals in michigan, and you end up with january sixth
past week. The fbi sent warnings to local law enforcement across the country that extreme conspiracies and he groups plan armed tests in all fifty states capitals in the days before the inauguration and and violence. If president trunk is removed from office to denmark, Dana nestle michigan attorney general. It's like recurring nightmare when you saw the siege on the capital unfold on the sixth. What what did you think I've quit? I was horrified There was a part of me that wasn't actually surprised, because I've seen the threats of domestic terrorism in our own state. When governor gretchen, Whittemore. Also a Democrat shut down. The state too the spread of the corona virus president trump tweeted liberate, michigan and militia members armed with assault weapons occupied the capital in lancing
several months later. Fourteen militiamen, at least five of whom had occupied the capital, were charged connection with a plot to kidnap governor Whittemore, a lot of these same individual saw what been in lancing michigan last april, and decided that they might be able to do the exact same thing and wash. Didn't you see entrance They were right. Michigan Taking the fbi warning seriously Turning general nestle urged state law makers to cancel their session this week they did is that serious. I have recommend two legislators that I know that they go to you know an army shore and purchase large bass just helmets, perhaps gas mass- and these the kinds of items now that our state legislators are having to purchase just who provide some sense of security to themselves, so they can feel at least a little bit safer while there in session,
if lancing michigan in Washington dc have shown us anything. It's that way. in a battle for the soul of america, and it requires each of us to answer one basic question: who are we If you are looking for a strengthened character and the nations capital these days, look no further than the story of Alex Smith just for two years ago, the washington quarterback suffered a crippling injury and almost led to the amputation of his right leg. It would have in a brutal end to the long career of a man who was once the First overall draft taken the nfl and a three pro bowler. Instead, smith defied expectations by re. Having the way injured, special forces do tonight a look at of the greatest comebacks in sports history. It all began a little over two years ago november,
tina, two thousand, a eighteen when Alex Smith led washington as quarterback against the houston texans and russia's corinne Jackson and j J. What crashed through his offensive line, while those play a quarter of an they got us secure appalling and just gonna get down immediately knew that it was broken. You could see it or you felt it the visual was the most alarming thing for me to look down and know that my leg was broken. It wasn't straight. Being in a place, it should be banned, access and a guy who goes down the line he I had never on the field for him doktor robin west. Is the washington football teams head physician? This is eighteen season in the nfl. When I realized quickly that the injury was persevere. When I got out there just People understand what is a compound spiral fracture. He had afresh that extended from his ankle joint up to his knee joint, so spiraled all the way up the tibia, and then he had.
It's bone sticking out of his skin, often do injuries like this happen in football like this very, very rarely. After She from the stands, Alex Smith, wife, Elizabeth rushed down to be with her husband. do you remember what he said to you in the ambulance? Yes, you are made a pull the game up on my phone. He wanted, score? You want to know how the athens was doing. He was now even worried about his leg whatsoever. He was worried about his team A team of orthopedic trauma surgeons was waiting to operated a nova fairfax hospital in Virginia. They puts his leg back together with three plates and twenty eight screws and pins after surgery, the x rays looked good, but what doktor asked, and her colleagues could not see, was bacteria sheet Thanks from Washington's football field, had infected the open one and on smith's leg therein, those four days after is when you know quickly,
quickly. Gus sideways his light pressures drop His fever was skyrocketing, and when I knew it was a lot worse than we ever anticipated Many diagnoses sound worse than neck retiring fashionitis, more commonly known as flesh eating Acta as yet action ravage smith leg, his body acted by developing stage, two sepsis a danger condition that can damage organs and lead to death. His infection just keeps getting worse. Let's go, through your mind, I'm obviously more worried about his life? He is septic, and you know here all these staggering numbers on when people go cept, it point Elizabeth smith asked to speak to doktor west privately his men team was already considering the amputation of her husband. Right leg. She said get rid of it. I just want to live and walk out of here, so talk to his family and his father
had a similar view, and then we went to Alex, but he said: do what you can to save my leg. Do anything save it so thunder went eight operations in ten days to come fully remove all the dead or infected tissue. What it smith's like look like bone, basically doll as was calf muscle and tibia. if wherein awesome, Presently a month they had to remove quite a bit. One tissue from my lord leg. In order to get the unfair and under control, and then without in any way, we can always be still to cut off your leg and for me that, Did your those words hard to deal with. As precisely in someone really, I mean I think I took it for granted for so long body. My health, the most basic thing that take for granted. No doubt
just wondering I am would ever be able to go on locks with my life. What every put my kids crazy reality and say I really really thankful beer Surgeons covered smith's bones, so they would heal hardly by removing a portion of his left, thigh muscle, placing it on his lower right leg, necklace how's it it's just waiting, His leg was also fitted with a piece of hardware called an external fixate. Her. It looks mediaeval, but it's really advanced orthopedic, and so I wear this metal cage, that's bolted into and to my leg, and it holds my leg and bone in place while it heels How long did you have to wear the fixate her? There was almost ten months or this bolted in my legs. It was a long process.
The centre for the intrepid in San antonio was specifically built to help wounded warriors through that process. Doktor west reached out to her friend johnny owens, who for ten years had been the sinners chief physical therapist. Had you seen a lot of injuries that were similar to what Alex had I have That was the hallmark injury. of the wars. Was these lower leg injury? from blast dramas boom, stepping on landmines smith, westward and receive special permission from the pentagon to visit and consult. With the centre for the intrepid staff. We saw hundreds of Alex smith through this door with those type of injuries and and said, you're gonna, be all around you're going to do all these type of things that that people told you weren't gonna be able to do now. Mohammed. Now on the gas performing doktor Joe elder ready is a west point graduate and chief of orthopedic reconstructive surgery at the center. From the moment we win,
you could tell him to look behind his eyes. Can be so many of my patients, either black stingy, roadside bomb cancer. That look is I'm sorry, it's you will succeed or you will fail and alex look of success. Everything stable have got into during smith, first trip to the centre for the intrepid just a few months after his injury, but yes, p. Programming, sixty ordered a major milestone in his recovery. First throw since november. Eighteen What happened when you tossed alex a football for the first time? Two things he almost broke, my ribs, because I didn't catch the ball right and second, their results. that spark in his eye it was so cool. I think it was like a light went off. smith says he was humbled and inspired to be around service members. Some,
injuries similar to his own, who were not only running but turning to duty. The world was telling me tat, yeah happy with the rest of your life, and hopefully you save your leg and in that programme You know whatever's, can do beyond that is. Is it is a icing on the cake and that was not the mentality down there Finally, I was the exact opposite that is located. about playing again. It was ok for this. Many women if they wanted to go back and try and serve do try to london and be italy to go chase it and that No mental limitations now now through thousands of ours of physical therapy and with it. of various braces and orthodox smith, would we learn to walk, then run and eventually move like a quarter back again. Sometime with the help of his wife, Elizabeth Alex smith first through
ball is a toddler. He says he We wanted to be a quarterback and, despite being recruit by harvard in Princeton, Alex Smith chose to play, for all at the university of utah after being selected by the forty niners as the first overall pick and the two thousand five draft ahead of court. back, Aaron, rodgers smith's struggled with injuries inconsistency, but after a move to Kansas city in two thousand, thirteen played the best football his career the team drafted a young quarterback from texas tech, What's the name of a guy again to replace kansas city, Pretty good player rain, super bowl, mvp, Patrick my home spent. The two thousand and seventeen season, as Alex Smith's backup an understudy- he didn't hold anything back right now, meaning he taught me that that person he was- and that is an attribute, a lot of my success now. I think the thing that, how to me,
from our relationship, is from day one the mutual respect and end. I think just you know a good person. He was. And how did you meant her him? I was going. You can t make. I wasn't gonna be selfish in I signed up to play team sport. And I was gonna- do my part this past summer at the age of thirty six after sir in surgeries and twenty months out of the game. Alex Smith was medically clear to rejoin the washington football team. Despite the fact, it is to be a bone was not yet one hundred percent healed but after everything that you ve gone, why would you risk it, crazy, I will I was going to do this if I didn't ya measly here from the experts in so the year. Finally, from the experts that ok, you can for me a good check. You know. Do I really I do this. Do I put my at their luck across those white lines, potentially again in live action, exhilarating or nerve racking. Both
he wouldn't actually play a game until weak five, when the star quarterback got hurt against the los angeles rams. Three plays in smith, was sacked by all pro tackle. Erin donald and then he got right back up watching on tv, while deployed in Iraq, was Joe already. I was so proud about sorry. And in all that he had achieved. You are emotional, then, watching that I was I was totally blown away. I didn't know whether I will I wanted debt cheer throw up scared me to death, but I just loved acting alex achieve I thought, maybe go doktor already says the only other patients he seen achieve. Similar outcomes are them to leave special forces, so you worked with almost a thousand.
limb, savage patients, how many have been able to get back to the type of functionality that Alex It has less than a dozen alex is my capstone patient. If somebody you absolutely knocked out of the park It went on to record a five in one record as a starter, washington, eat hearts, rivals the cowboys on thanksgiving day and next game ruin the steelers undefeated season I will resist from your he'll running the day after he helped washington clinch the end of sea east in a spot in the play ass. If the smith was sore needed. Some, physical therapy, he admits, the prior to games because of a bone bruise on yes, his salvage right leg, zephiel pain at that spot year, wash tens coaches decided not to play him last week against Tom Brady in temper bay, which won the game afterward,
The greatest of all time made it a point to pay his respects to the triumph, Alex Smith's come back in by the end of his season, the come back. My not be over. Yet this year's zoning bold and for me that I can play at this level I feel, like I've, got a lot of people reach out to me saying they feel, like my mom. and playing on how concerned they hard for me, I understand people's apprehension, I have the same apprehensions, but I think it's bigger than football. So I tell people, not about the game. It's about what happened in guinea, on your feet, dusters yourself off, no matter what the obstacle is
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Transcript generated on 2022-12-12.