« 60 Minutes

60 Minutes 11/14


On this week's "60 Minutes," Bill Whitaker investigates the supply chain crisis. In an interview with Scott Pelley, conservative author Andrew Sullivan says the January 6 insurrection was a wake-up call for Americans to open their minds to compromise as the U.S. Constitution's authors intended. Plus, half-century old footage of the Beatles at work tells different story of the band's darkest days. Jon Wertheim speaks to Peter Jackson, the director of the documentary "Get Back."

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Is great deals for everyone, as if so, is that even supposed to look after our dog walker guy, we almost forgot about that this doctor, based on the better reciprocate the Why are goods being held up at ports all across amerika sixty minutes went to have a look. The car has no word ago we gotta get a workforce the warehouses and the trucking industry that are complimentary to all this cargo business, that's coming in right now, There is a lot of fingerprint histories. Truckers blame the tunnels terminals, blame the ship
the retailers, blame, the truckers and the shippers? How do you get that contentious group to sit at the table, stop pointing fingers and actually clear out this backlog? This divide is cultural andrew. Sullivan has been an influential and controversy or conservative voice in amerika for more than Thirty years. He told us that today he fears the republic itself is threatened by the rigid tribal politics of the left and the right we can fight over arguments but not debate, each other's good faith or character or dismiss people, because their race or sex or whatever we can leave. that behind be citizens
Often, as we hear band play, we rarely glimpse bans were much less. The biggest ban than ever was well teleport to nineteen sixty nine in meat the beat director Peter Jackson, windy sitting through dozens of ours of never before seen, phil allowing the world an intimate, look at the beatles studio ended, intimate, listen to every conversation left his home and to size, I'm leslie star, I'm bill whittaker, I'm anderson cooper, I'm sure no fancy, I'm john worth time. I'm scott belly, those stories and more tonight on sixty minutes
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hey it's roy wood, jr host of the daily show podcast beyond the scenes, and we are back for season. Two beyond the scenes is the podcast where we take the topics and segments that were on the daily show and give them a little more love this season, we're bringing back more daily, show writers, producers and correspondents more experts. Given us some extra knowledge, you can't get anywhere else, don't miss it! Listen to beyond the scenes where ever you get your podcast, no matter where you get it just find us. You better watch out you better, not cry you better, not pout or the EU. Should millions of dollars worth of holiday presence and other goods americans have ordered, are stuck on giant container ships waiting for a space to unload ports of los angeles in long beach call it a case of freight. Expecting since there is so much cargo arriving from Asia that some of it
been diverted to other ports in the country, its lead to an epic traffic jam, no one seems able to untangle and its reveal deep flaws in america supply chain. What started as a shop from home binge during the pandemic has had lasting effects. Retailers worn these holidays will be marked by empty shelves, higher prices and lost jobs. Unless the backlog is cleared. We wanted to see what it's like in the busiest ports in the country But first we had to get on board space at the long beach stocks is so tight that when a slot opened up at one a m, the port pilots wasted no time they sped off into the dark. And so did we following captain james dwyer up a rope ladder as he climbed aboard to guide
giant ship the ever linking to an open birth wherein bound for labour, four or five steering the ship through the harbor. He told us What's your handling twice the usual number of vessels right now just slow turned afford to get onto channel with or glittering in the distance captain dwyer from the bridge, slowly turned the one hundred thousand tonnes ship around stop engine backup. Yes, sir we're gonna go stern. First, stop We found this feat of parallel parking, unparalleled bushes, for the last few yards and inches captain Dwight stuck his head off the window to guide the behemoths in by sight, we let go I glide aft. Let go the tugela easy easy. It turns out
docking, a ship. The size of three football fields is the easy part about getting. Goods from here to store shells is proving to be a lot more daunting It used to take two days to get cargo off the docks. Now it takes nigh to see why we took to the air in petersen c, o afflicts poured a technology coming that buys and sells cargo space we'll get up here, we flew over the sprawling ports of los angeles. In long beach, forty percent of all you as imports come through. Here We saw stacks of marooned containers dormant crane loaded. real car sitting, idle, the country's busiest ports pact the gills and out at sea, more than
eighty ships spread to the distance a new record. They use to pull right in now they can wait. Weeks and told us this backlog has been building since the start of the pandemic. Getting worse never been right out there if the other glue, gravers mosher epic, though that's what I beg you, will I they regarded totally bore. The ida backs are poorly jabbed, then what you feed it with data. You are at risk if they can't get their product in time for the holiday season and of course, it also means consumers pay really high prices for everything. Closer, look like equation. The problems at the ports have cascaded across the country, so we
followed the supply chain from the choked ports of ellie in long beach to real yards in chicago along the way we found chaos finger, pointing huge profits and massive losses and, everywhere. Frustration Bobby java. Harry's frustration was palpable when he lifted his warehouse door to show us inside what? What should this look like you, you right here You wouldn't be able to walk, and here I mean that we are boxes all the way to the ceiling. This will be fully full: what do you think when you see it like this? It's unbelievable there's never been a month at that that empty ever fact that christmas around the corner, incentives, java harry runs yeti house where he imports household appliances from china. He told us his goods have been delayed for six months now he
thousands of orders he can't fill and his shipping com. Have soared from toothache in dollars, a container too as high as twenty five thousand dollars. He blames crisis on the ocean carriers icon prior to the sea, there are one hundred percent price gouging, and there was only about it. It's not just market. force. Now now I really don't by its prescott and its sovereignty vantage than this you're, busy ass. Turning my business and many other people's businesses. There's too coming in through the: u s supply chain, and it's not leaving the port fast enough. So that's. Why got enough service, backed up that's right, jeanne, sir Roca, is the executive director of the elles port. He told us entire system has been overwhelmed by the tsunami of orders. Flooding in from asia, who is,
making money, often suez benefiting from this backlog, liner shipping companies will make record profits this year again their booking more cargo than ever before. There's a supply and issue so the price just keeps going up and racist skyrocketed on these transpacific trade rounds. There's money being made this month, the world's largest shipping lines, Merced reported record profits of, thirteen billion dollars up sixty eight percent from last year. Ocean carriers most headquarters in europe or asia. Sate demand for cargo space keeps rising. They. blame a shortage of truckers at the port taken in taking full container out. Where is this falling apart in the fact that we because of the booking systems have restrictions on the type of container that you can bring in match, trap of
or trucking association told us, there's no driver shortage at the ports. He says it's, the antiquated booking system, that's coming up, the works trap told us. Normally, cars make an appointment to return and he can t before picking up a fool? but with so little space at the ports? There are new restrictions on even the cut. or of container that can be returned truckers. Can hours in line only to be turned away, because there's no room some of the terminals will say that the no shows of your driver's fifty per at the time. They don't show up. How do you explain that well, We make appointments because we don't know sometimes until the day of whether or not working be able to return and empty container back into that marine terminal, and then all of a sudden, the data, They said sorry we're not taking any more rust, colored containers. So it's just you know it's just it's a game of whack, a mole literally. The result. Lots like this
full, of empty containers sitting on chasseed, the undercarriage that holds the container and attaches we're truck without a challenge. You cannot move those containers offer dog in the majority of chances are sitting under it. the container strewn around California. So Crises are necessary to move the full containers out of the poor. Absolutely but most of these chances are now being used just to hold empty containers. That's correct! This is the definition of a bottleneck. Absolute. People are ordering early and that's not the little point in Chicago we met rick walden were at his family's toy business learning resource every Here he imports toys from china and bring them here by real. He told us this year has been a nightmare, how long taking to get the product,
from los angeles. Here. Estimate that domestic lead time is forty five days, and that's unbelievably slow pony express, could have gotten it here faster wolden. told us he tried to avoid the backlog by placing his christmas orders in may as its iron at for christmas. Led to hit a monumental snag in chicago there was so much cargo at the real yards that his container got stuck at the bottom of a pile. For nine weeks. He told us it was like having his toys held hostage, the kicker. The rail line charged him for storage this on top of paying thirty thousand dollars for a container from china. Ten times what paid. Last year, if that were as bad as it was. That would still be horrible, but it gets worse because we get penalised for storage and that's where it becomes the theatre of the absurd. So
Twenty five to thirty thousand dollars is the market gone berserk, but the penalties are a punishment that is unconscionable so limit. You're, you're cargo is being hold up right for nothing. You have done wrong correct. You can't go pick it up correct, but you have to pay for it to be correct the really large told us. It was all due to congestion. Rick walden burg told us he paid on a million dollars in storage fees in september alone. Can you afford this now? I can't it's impossible to absorb this kind of x so we had to raise our prices. These penalties are gratuitous, thereby incurring extra expenses, because This sounds like you saying their charging you extra, because they can sure feels like it
now with inflation the highest in thirty years and the holidays fast approaching. There's a flurry of plans to break the log jam. Starting tomorrow genes are roca who runs the elles report says here, fine the shipping lines for any cargo that sits on the docks more than nine days and law month president Joe Biden announced the ports had agreed to work round the fuck, but it hasn't had much effect. We typically work about nineteen hours a day here. that three to eight a m shift that we'd added and tried to get others to work with us during those times as well. So you might be working twenty four seven, but the warehouses or not. That's right, so they the no place for these goods to go after they get off the ship at three o clock in the morning and there you ve, just diagnose the problem. The cargo have nowhere to go. We gotta get a workforce in the warehouses and trucks.
History that are complimentary to all this cargo that that's coming in right now? There is a lot of single histories. The truckers blame the tunnels. The terminals The shippers retailers, blame the truckers and the shippers. How do you get that contentious group to sit at that It will stop pointing fingers and actually clear out this backlogs. That's been the toughest part of we haven't move the needle yet, but it's not for a lack of trying we're gonna have to just double down the hall. supply chain miss has put a spotlight on glaring deficiencies. In: u s infrastructure flex, ports right petersen, says there is no quick fix and the seventeen billion dollars in the infrastructure bill for upgrading america's ports may not be enough, since a poor alone, is building a twenty billion dollar container terminal right now. How did we get to this? I mean I've. Seen the ports in rotterdam,
and in hong kong- and they are light years ahead of us one problem with the: u s system is we: the ports are owned by the cities that therein and that, ultimately, the capital expenditure for building terminals for dredging were you know, for investing in these ports comes down to decisions made at a local level. a national infrastructure is the entire country, so there's a real role for federal government to come in and set in the white house whose A top level task force on the problem, but other than twisting arms and wrangling concessions theirs much is can do in an industry dominated by private companies, far in shipping lines and local port authorities and no one we spoke with expects a christmas miracle.
accused of his mother's murder for tee what you could commit a crime that line and not leave. Any friends again has been sentenced to life. Disdain never really had any says. Tat was just very personal computers, or maybe we listen to the forty eight hours, pakistan apple podcast or wherever you get your point march, twenty twenty, a family on the northern cheyenne reservation in lame deer montana, got shocking news about their loved one christie wouldn't buy. My daughter came and notified me that Christie was run over and I said it should be okay and she's like no. She died. I was like what missing justice from CBS news takes you inside what really happened that night and the federal investigation that followed, listen to miss injustice from CBS news on amazon, music or wherever you get your podcasts Sullivan has been in
Influential uncontroversial voice for more than thirty years- the conservative author, editor and blogger as british. Eric and his style combines the perception of an outsider with the devotion of a native son. When we met it is home on cape cod. We found of an anxious about the future of the republic. Too many americans, he told us or no law, The citizens that the founders were counting on the american Sufficient was set up for people who can reason and argue and all afraid of it and then reach compromises. The whole thing is designed that way. Well, if you are in a tribe and all that matters is the victory of your tribe and you have all the truth.
Your other tribe has none of it and you have all the virtue and the other side has none of it. You can't behave that why you can't make it work. This country came to the point where we had violence in the usual peaceful transfer of power. That is a huge warning to how unstable our system can be. If we remain tribal lists in a system that's supposed to be designed for reasonable citizens. You know women wring our hands about the strident nature of politics today, but has always been that way. Oh yeah, there's a lot of of what you might call a rough and tumble shop rhetoric and that
healthy, what's noah healthy is one that isn't just retained and kept in the political area, but becomes personal, becomes something you bring to the supermarket becomes something you bring to thanks. Giving dinner becomes something that permeates everything, and that separation between politics and life is what we're we're losing and that's a terrible thing to lose and roofs. fifty, eight grew up in east grinstead in rural southern england. He why scholarship to Oxford, which led to harvard and a phd, in political science, inspired by british conservative michael oak shot and he fine conservatism is really defensive. What is a love of what you already have and fear that it could all disappear, a sense of the fragility of the world and the imf?
Is it being pragmatic not having some ideological abstraction? You want to force on to reality. But understand. Reality is something that can give you occasions for change which we do need. It also: warnings for excessive change and excessive radicalism. In two thousand and six, you wrote a book called the conservative soul
you saying I was saying the conservatism had lost its way because it had become to shore of itself was full of hubris. It believed it had the answer. The truth became intolerant of liberals and of liberalism, and he became hardened by religious fundamentalism, which brooks no compromise either. So it broke the conservative virtues of humility scepticism doubt in the book. You talk about rescuing conservatism. How do you go about that? You wait for these terrible passions and the current cult worship of of
an individual human being donald trump, your weight and hope that will pass so that we can get back to the pragmatic process of governing reality, and that's not what we are engaged in now we're flying from reality. We were inventing abstractions and ideologies with fighting each other. We demonizing each other. The system can still work, it's it's it's we who are broke. The ideas of tolerance, reason and debate came to Sullivan early in life when he realized, was conservative, catholic and gay. You have written that you first acknowledged being gay while taking communion yeah. I always as a kid had an intense spirituality
and ass. It well up in me that I wasn't like other boys, the only person I thought I could take it too was god, so he was the first person I came out Just please, god. I didn't even have the word for it, but to help me with that. That's why? When people ask me, how can you be openly gang catholic, my responses, I'm openly gay, because I'm a catholic, because I know god loves me, and I know that god would want me to tell the truth about myself. Is that dichotomy, catholicism and homosexuality. The reason that you can
I have two competing ideas in your head. At the same time, we don't think it helps one thing about coming out early and being honest about. That is that seeking truth and clarity becomes a habit and you get a little liberation from that. So I said the truth. I thought the worst would happen and I'm okay. So why can I tell? truth about other things? Why can't I just ferreted out Andrew Sullivan, began seeking truth in amerika in nineteen eighty six, he needed a job. left, leaning new republic magazine offered him an internship in five years. He was the editor. Some of it was in a hurry because he expected to die. He
diagnosed with hiv in nineteen. Ninety three, the thing about that experience was that, as you took care of people, you love to are dying very young in, and this is what people forget in really horrible circumstances: medieval, tortures blindness source. Lesions bureaucracy, the humiliation of it, and you know, as I was doing, that that that's gonna, be me. That's why I wrote the book virtue normal the case for gay marriage, because I thought I only had a few years left and if I wanted to Contribute something I would try and nail down the ironclad argument for marriage equality before I died, but your arguments
at the time was that same sex marriage should be a conservative goal. Well, it should be shouldn't it. Why would supporting gay men in relationships not be conservative? Why would helping foster responsibility to take care of each other? Not be conservative Of course, these are conservative values. Solomon married his husband aaron tone in two thousand and seven there have been six books, including I wrong. A compilation of his full throated care pain for war in Iraq, which she now regrets divide is recently in his blog. the weekly dish and on his podcast? Some wait in on black lives matter and on go race, theory and excellence which says
system is systemic and perpetuates inequality to this day he's what I think is good about it. I think we should be absolutely vigilant about police abyss and we see it. We proved it to be racially targeted in some places not all place. I think we ve also to offer whitewashed, are past whitewashed, the true horrors of what it was to live in the segregated gulags of the south, Joe
slavery. In another sense, however, one of its key arguments is that the oppression of non white people is the true core meaning of this country. Now I think it's one important part to understand this country, but I don't think it's the most important part, and I don't believe that is an accurate description of America today. I do think we made enormous strides. I do think I'll racial panorama is much more complex and dynamic than it used to be, and I don't believe this country is fundamentally evil and needs to be dismantled. Another controversy about race really has followed some of them. Nearly thirty years needs to be back and nineteen eighty four is editor of the new republic. He ran an excerpt of the book. The bell curve, which implied african americans genetically have lower. I cubes the x.
Grand ten thousand words Sullivan printed, robust Does that ran nineteen thousand words, but he's criticized for airing the debate at all scholars have since discredited the book Sullivan has defended it. You have written that the book has held up. The book was brilliant, the data is still there. We dont know mid, but then I think has been unfairly presented. The book is agnostic about the mix of genes and environment in terms of intelligence, and that goes for everyone. We don't know, but this raises a question in the viewers mind: does he believe that african americans are inherently less intelligent? then wiping absolutely not there's no evidence for that. Why was this an important debate to have that's a very good points.
I'm not sure we should be honest with you. The debate was gonna happen regardless, and I thought it would be helpful to have it put out in in all its form, both the case for and in all cases against. I thought that was it. Possible way to respond to the emergence of this book. In this peace and I may have made the wrong call, but I did it, I did it in good faith and I did it because I think it is always better to air this stuff than to suppress it. However, feelings may be harmed, but I think if I were presented with that thing today, I wouldn't be perfectly I wouldn't, I think, the the harm outweighs the good. He doesn't mean he's giving up on debate. He told us too many newsrooms these days pander to the left and right and
are intimidated by political correctness. When I ran the new republic, it was a constant internal war that people felt passionate about subjects. One would write one week in one position: another will write the next week against it and people fascinated by this internal struggle. I love that I hate this feeling on reading the church encyclical every week. Every day telling me how I need to be perfectly work or how I need to be perfectly trompe. Liberal democracy is better defended, it rests on formal, civic, moral, equal If the stakes for america seen personal in Sullivan, it helps to know he had to fight to be american, for
Twenty two years, the? U s, banned citizenship to those with hiv. He argued against the ban, which was lifted in two thousand and ten proof. Again. He says of what can come of patience and reason we can fight over arguments, but not debate, each other's good faith or character or dismiss people because of their race or sex or whatever we can leave all that behind and be citizens arguing reasoning. Deliberation is what the founders called it. If we're not like that, this system will fail, as it is already failing. So what gives you hope will, I would say, there's a difference between optimism and hope. I'm not particularly optimistic.
Given the trends that we're seeing, but hopes different hope is the sense that grace can happen. You never know what's around the corner, they'll, be something in the future, a leader, a figure or There must be a sort of groundswell of people saying enough of this enough of this. The noise, the rage its deafening and were better than this.
Its january. Nineteen sixty nine in the beatles or unrecognizable from the wide eyed mop cops who appeared on the ed Sullivan, show just five years. Prior, their popularity is unrivalled. They stop. Touring and fame is exacting. Its price now comes a self imposed stress. They ve given themselves three weeks to record fourteen songs that, though, play to alive audience all the while trailed by cameras. The astonishingly intimate footage was recently extracted from london vault and placed in the capable hands of filmmaker Peter Jackson. His resulting three part documentary series get back drops thanksgiving weekend on disney plus it adds considerable light.
enjoy to what was always considered to be the beatles darkest period. You might say, Jackson took a sad song in dwell. You know the rest. Often as we hear bans play, we rarely glimpse bands at work. Much less the biggest And that ever once well teleport tonight, in sixty nine and meet the I know you're the first person to look at this with fresh eyes in years and years. What was it like watching this food? It was fascinating after fifty years. You'd have every right to believe that everything, but the beatles had been talked about a refill, but a film had been seen every bit of music of unheard there was no more surprised when the beatles
from his base in new zealand director Peter Jackson took a break from directing big budget studio helms, like lord of the rings, I say full as posing as handshakes has spent the last four years hanging out with John Paul george and Ringo. Suddenly, Bang out of nowhere comes this incredible treasure: trove of flooding, material fifty two years later it it's still. in my mind. It actually honestly still blows my mind. So how about changing around these two and when you saying don't know it's going to last wasting is a love that has no path so give us some historical context here. Under what circumstances was put it shot. They blow what they love this teenage years. They ve lost being the four guys playing in a band, so they gonna a new album with songs that only that that there
I play live and they're not going to do any studio. Tricks is going to be no modi tracking and they had to just say I had to figure out where and how they were going to perform to an audience long as the those wrote in rehearsed. They allowed a film crew to capture every risk, both on guitar and in conversation colonies all right in this one of these bodies, content see. That's that's the thing like in knock on everything different words soda I all the months worth the filming yielded only the forgettable eighty minute documentary, let it be rules a year later after the beatles broken, lifelong beetles van peter. acts hid always wondered what had happened to all Those hours of unseen footage area, vote, of the three. How his talk in like quest, took him deep under the london headquarters of apple poor
those label may decide. We have got it all. We ve got some fifty seven hours of reach I'm thirty thousand audio and then they said that they were thinking about making a documentary using the footage. My just put my hand said well. If, if you are looking for somebody to make it, don't please just something thing: me back in new zealand jackson began. The ultimate binge watch screening this musical mother lode framed by frame well, given that any it'll fan will tell you that let it be comes shrouded in sadness, forever associated with the great divorce in rock n roll history, jackson braced for the gloomy work I was watching. I was waiting for it to get. There was waiting for the narrative that I believed over the years happening. I was waiting for the arguments waiting for the discontent for the misery, and you know it didn't happen
josie. It shows issues that showed problems, but but any ban any time has, though, has though some has it follows this is done Man is breaking up. These are not guys that dislike each other. That's not what I'm! What what seeing here. That's not what was being felt stars, here's what was being filled the four liverpudlians in their late twenties working collaboratively, rounded by a strikingly small, tight entourage, there's linda, linda eastman at the time taking photo, and, of course, Yoko owner long as we're here. Let's dispensed now without being this bit of beetles breakup mythology be casual, fair looking for neocolonial broke up, the beatles might come away. From this disappointed. I suspect
That's a good thing because you know I mean you know: yoga didn't break up the battle, and no one thing broke up the beatles as there is a vast erosion. So Giles Martin is the son of late beetles producer. George Martin Giles grew up in the beatles orbit in haste ray mixed most of the band album when Peter jackson enlisted him for this series, Martin ploughed through all hundreds of hours of audio and video. You can see the cracks appearing. The one thing about this movie, Is a people understand why they getting tired of each other cause. You got the sense. It's been a room with them, which is such a privilege. Despite those cracks, the beatles alchemy remained pope they won't wait. We have put a joke, pull the kindly sort of strumming on it on his base, which he uses as a guitar. Half the time is so strumming
India is early in the morning and they're waiting for John to hasn't arrived. You he's just boiling some time. He slowly finds the jew so you see the sun curves just be plucked out of thin air left his home to cyrus, on an earlier tis, whose, where they make coffee shop around my sense of georgia, left open, it would be a blast pretty soon. We found the data to be alone with sue, california grass in and I got you may make Sense- pause single the beatles had always been furiously productive, but this was the creative process. Indeed, the time for team songs in twenty two days was that is, but an absurd
I am pressure in nineteen sixty nine, as it would appear to be today yeah. This is the biggest band on the planet saying we are going to we could offer shows free is in three weeks time. Know where it's gonna be. we don't know what sums we're gonna play as you listen to all the recordings for this project. Why impressions did you arrive in terms of their chemist, My impression is that pool and john kind of new that there were growing apart Let it be was almost like a marriage is failing and they want to go back on that date nights ago compounding matters. George Harrison rest Listen is rolling bristling under Paul mccartney's. Driving ambition leaves the ban after a week. Is the most loki work that you ve never seen in life. It's just I'm leaving now I'm leaving the banner, and then he goes. There's no fight is
argument is no disagreement. John was in love with yoga and in his words he was me treating his body. The band was competing, his attention not always successful When I was younger younger them today, I never needed anybody's help in any way, but Life has changed. You know so many ways while Paloma berlin bamboo We cannot carry on like this indefinitely. We soon, as he loosened but you can't European aid is a serious programme of work Those are the endless ramblings amongst the canyons of your mind. Paul had grudgingly become the band hall, monitor more lead than singers. George was persuaded to come back, but with the live perform its approaching the beatles decided they needed a change of scenery. They reload
did to a makeshift studio in the basement of apple records. By charles hall. Three on the debate. phase. One language doris gets her own. The surge of fresh energy also came in the form of a keyboard player, Billy Preston, Twenty two year old, texan brought in by george what was the influence of Billy pressed it on this album end on the beatles. At the time this hot shot comes in and they had to suddenly improves at play. This force of nature in the room with them- and I think that's what
I think you were a catalyst. galvanise them, so they could make the record or make maybe do them the their performance. It's an upbeat seen at odds with how so many remember that time, not least the principles themselves, but Peter Jackson's get back here. He's doesn't just restore lost footage or the beatles music. It restores something much deeper. You mentioned memory before I wondered it- did their recollections match up with this. This documentary evidence you are presenting us with Two years later, I'm talking to to rinko and pool, and the memory was very miserable and unhappy and I'd say, look what whatever your memories or whatever you think your memories are. This is the actual the truth of it and here look, look. Look at this.
That's one years. They started to realize what what this is This is a really amazing. startled document of the vetoes at work and four friends that way clearly
if all friends blooming deadline didn't exactly dampen the mood in the studio do today in what are the culmination of these sessions that live performance? The ban simply walked up a few flight of stairs. In on january thirtieth, nineteen sixty nine played atop, the apple,
obviously no one at the time suspected it, but this would mark the beatles final performance before splitting up fourteen later he took a half century and inexact the directive on the other side of the world. Who knows plenty about the power of myth? revise the war surrounding the beatles break up and set the records
rate. Forty eight hours and c b s news present season three of my life of crime with Erin Moriarty. This season join erin for extended interviews with convicted murderers, go beyond speculation to the evidence in our toro, got a really commit suicide at what happened. Jennifer do lows: the connecticut ma still missing. Almost four years later. Listen to my life of crime, from forty eight hours on amazon, music or wherever you get your pot aghast,
any things got a chance of solving the world's problems in science and technology, and every breakthrough was the result of some body during the breaking through I'm David pope. This is unsung science, the untold creation stories behind the most mine blowing advances in science and tough presented by CBS news and Simon sister. You can listen to unsung science wherever you get your high costs. next sunday on sixty minutes, an idea whose time has come and gone, and now may be coming again supersonic passenger planes We went to the start up company boom to see how close we are, and there was the test play. already on the hangar, flew that's what I want is to be able to be anywhere in the world and four hours. Four hundred bucks. Now that's where we start, but that's the end goal
I'm bill. Whittaker we'll be back next, with another addition of sixty minutes. from taylor, sheridan, concrete or pillows, and creator of eighteen. Eighty three comes the new parameters which series nineteen twenty three: a yellowstone origin story. You have no rights here, storing academy award nominee harrison tell the world what happens when they cross me. Can you would winner? Helen mere agreed will be to think it kills the south stream nineteen twenty three beginning to separating exclusively a paramount ploss good of paramount plus icon to try it for free
Transcript generated on 2022-12-11.