« 60 Minutes

09/24/2023: Care Court, Bankrolling the War, Hanging On


Cecilia Vega reports from California on Governor Gavin Newsom's CARE Court - a bold, new strategy set to revolutionize the state’s approach to homelessness and the mentally ill with court-ordered treatment plans. Vega interviews Gov. Newsom on his passion project, investigates the broken system it hopes to mend and looks at the controversy surrounding it. As Congress considers financing another $20 billion in aid to Ukraine, Holly Williams reports on the impact and oversight of U.S. tax dollars in the country as it fights to survive. Sharyn Alfonsi reports from Costa Rica on sloths and their superpower of slowing down. Alfonsi examines how these mammals have mastered the art of survival for more than 60 million years and the new threats of climate change to the species.

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
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Done about it, the state has a plan called care port and that's our story tonight. The? U S has spent more than seventy billion dollars on ukrainian aim. We were surprised to learn that, among other things, funding covers the salaries of fifty seven thousand first responders and the teams that train the rescue dogs who help look for survivors after russian airstrikes strikes the? U s is also subsidizing ukrainian small businesses, so they can pay their employees, many of whom have family members on the front lines. How do you feel about that? Grateful create So the two told I will say it like a cross between a working in a pig because they got that sort of people now and then these ones have the sort of in a beetles her cousin and Mona lisa smiles behind that ringer for ring go cook says, is a secret being
yours, couch potato is the reasons loss of survived for more than sixty million years. In spite of well themselves, I'm leslie star, I'm bill whittaker, I'm anderson cooper, I'm, are no fancy, I'm john worthless I'm cecilia vega, I'm scott Pelee, those stories and more tonight on sixty minutes. This episode, is brought to you by vital farms. No matter how you, like your eggs, scrambled over easier sunnyside up the people cattle farms believe in one thing It both that's. Why Their past your raised eggs comprehensive each have over one hundred and eight square feet of space to rome and forage all year round. spend less time questioning your food we're time enjoying it. Look for the blind
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one in four has a serious mental illness. It's a crisis that spread fear in communities as violent crimes rise, and this past week, sacramentos top prosecutor sue california capital city for allowing it to quote collapse into us. That's the landscape, governor gavin newsome says he's trying to change starting. This fall with a controversial new plan on track to cost billions. It's called care court because it brings mental health care into the court room. Now. Judges will orderly, well to get help and counties to provided under a new law that emphasizes accountability and consequences. We met with governor newsome and found him to be fired up and fed up. Change has its enemies, I get. It But one thing you cannot argue for with all due respect all the critics out. There is a status quo you can't and in the absence of alternatives, What the hell are we gonna do to address this crisis. It is.
racist, overwhelming cities across the country, but can Fournier has been hit the hardest and gum Gavin newsome says it is desperation born out of scenes like this, that drove the idea for care court. You use words like your outraged. Your disk, still lay what's happening on the street. I am because I see what everybody else's. I try to walk my kids to the park and have it the time navigating sidewalk. It's a fail. First I'm not a care for system, which means you have to end up in the criminal justice system or finally, someone I support and a bed and a solution. We gotta check that's. What we're doing here is how it would work. A person referred to care court for a severe mental illness is evaluated if they haven't treated psychotic disorder like schizophrenia can order a mental health treatment plan, including occasion therapy and a place to live. The governor believes the new civil court system will help thousands get off the streets and may
everyone safer by helping people before they become a danger to themselves or others. You think care court could the solution that could save someone's life I know it is very familiar- what we're doing, even though its novel and new in bolt novel new and bold. So it's an experiment, no its not when people get their meds when people gets, port, we know we can turn people's lives or- and this is eminently solvable- but what? If someone ordered by a judge to get help doesn't think they need it. They'll have access, for public defender and can refuse treatment. They won't be and to jail, but there the catch. If someone in care court refuse a judge, could refer them for conservator ship in extreme out that strips them of rights and forces them to comply with treatment. This is where he would go. I need a fisher The care court will be a lifeline for people like her son, pharaoh degree who was diagnosed.
it's a a while serving in the army twenty two years ago. He's now forty five tell me a little bit about pharaoh fair. is the kindness he even from a little boy? His report card is say joy to happen. My class in some of the things that we ve gone through. You couldn't have paid me to, but for nearly two decades Fischer, has worked as a mental health advocate in san diego. My son is of those individuals running support groups and classes for hundreds of families when their lives are derailed by a loved ones, mental illness, a lot times he even can get very agitated and then He starts to self medicate, whether its alcohol ST drugs when that takes it to a whole different level. You sometimes feel, like your son, goes missing. Yes, in those moments, yes, we will try to the conversation with him about you know have.
Stopped your medication and he said well, they said I don't need this medication. I was and recycle k, who was they and no, that it's the voices, but just like as a mom for you here, its devastating supporters. care court, because the new law allows families and others like law enforcement and, first responders, to petition a court to help them get some one into treatment. Until now fisher says there has been little recourse likely steer when her son stop taking his medication for seven months. She called for a psychiatric intervention. Without her sons consent. She said her? Attempts were ignored when I saw it, I had to call his name be wrapped up blankets, Fierro b, homeless and anita spent days searching for him at local spots near their home. When you would find fair, Oh on these days, what kind of condition was he and he was just
ray psychiatric eel? He would be I'm fine, but no He wouldn't look fine at all. Your son would be convinced that he was fine mentally that he didn't need his man's. How do you can it's him. Otherwise, what has to happen means a rest, its animals. We have to wait for that to happen and land october. He was arrested for vandalism, income today he received medication and enrolled in a treatment programme, pharaoh D. to be interviewed on camera, but he describe to us on the phone, how difficult it can be to live with his illness. Your point is always wasting your game. The is always talking wasting away, no peace, never a thousand feet. What do you think happened to him. Had he not have that treatment every single time. I have to start in my mind, preparing a funeral. I have to get my heart can myself and my
family ready. You know that. Will he make it this time? It's not. It's not easy with california. Voters overwhelmingly ranking homelessness as a top concern. We have a crisis last year the correct sailed through the state legislature, with near unanimous and by partisan support this, thing to do. But opponents pointed threat of conservator shit where people can be locked up and treated without their consent, and more than fifty advocacy groups condemn care court as costly mistake likely to do real harm? some of the words that have been used to describe care court coercive backwards, harmful or any of those fair f. I laugh laugh dismissive Lee. Those are talking point that I've been on rewind for decades in decades, and I'm frankly exhausted by them. Someone could end, in conservator ship, and that is a very big
deal, isn't care court saying comply or else we have real people end up the conservative group all the time, and I get why people I want to see more of those but we have that system already and here's all ask prove us we're home don't assume ass wrong, compassion is not superior to our compassion, big gamble when you're talking about servitor ships, people's lives, proof through the exact opposite, wait and see the gambles allowing more people to die under a watch? The gamblers more family, struggling suffering? How dare we we It is a pipeline to conservator ship the greatest probation of civil liberties, short of the death penalty, garrow is a homelessness policy analysed for the a c of southern california. What are the individual rights that you think someone would be stripped of under care court? The right too, determine, for example, what medications go into your body? There's no force medication and care court, there's no forest
the occasion, but when there is pressure and coercion, you're more likely to potentially comply with treatment? That actually is meeting your needs. Governor newsome says that you are defending the status quo, the straight in legs. To propose this false dichotomy that either we force people, in two treatment or we let them die on the streets. You don't feel like that's what's at stake here. I don't feel like that's. What's at stake has. Obviously there is a third alternative. Garros, is that alternative is for the state to provide comprehensive care for all californians with mental health disabilities. Is that realistic It is if we invest in those services. Instead of investing in a new court system. Of course it is. A lot of people will hear you and say either cut The current situation is not working. Aren't we at the point where we
have to try something else. I agree completely with that, but this they else we mean to try is not a civil court system. We win with gara to the notorious skid row, in los Angeles accounting, where one in eight of the nation's homeless people live for years. on and off that included. Marquis should babies twenty eight year old who told us she has several serious mental health conditions, including polar disorder. When we met her she lived in a shelter. I go almost rebate acts. If I could speak to what their pissed off, I can, you know, get summits services are held and there are women or if you do find one? It's like, oh well, the waiting list is six months before you can actually talk to a therapist or six months. Oh yeah, yeah! Absolutely do you feel jake you're getting medication that you need absolute. Ah, what has happen. In order for you to get that honestly, I would. To be committed to a mental health hospital because going into places that offer like your services, are their backed up or they don't have enough space or
I'm sure it's doesn't cover some of this stuff that I mean when I say the word character, to you comes to your mind. Medical incarceration? It's just another way to mass incarcerate people and instead of just being like criminal, its medical. Now, what would you like to be done? I think they're, just to be way more attend to services and prevention, rather than the consequences of not having those services. this year. The newsome administration invested about seventeen billion dollars to fight homelessness, entreat mental illness. Chats, there's hope, leaders in many county same money earmarked for care court is nowhere near enough for the thousands of people expected to land and this system spare me honestly I am a low indignant This rhetoric, the we think limiting people is an unwillingness to be accountable and I'm too done? What are you overly optimistic on this one? This is a very taxed system and your expecting it
take on a lot more, I'm done with excuses. You should be done as attacks by everyone watch. It should be so entire tired. The excuses there plenty of money in the space. Yet even with color, We are facing the highest dead in the nation. Governor newsome is asking voters to approve billions more for housing and he admits that without enough care court will not work. You are promising here than anybody who goes into care court will have am kind of housing attached. I'm not promising anything here. I promoting a promise, were there count ability at the local. Oh I'm, not the mayor of California, I'm the governor local governments if they dont comply or be held account of their absolutely Foundational would care quarters about is about it. Mobility at all levels, we're the billions of dollars that you're gonna end up spending we're setting more on the back, and we could save taxpayers billions of dollars.
and save lives by december care court will launch an eight california counties, including los angeles, in San diego, wherein nita and pharaoh live by the end of next year, it will be state wide. One is a successful care court? Look like four pharaoh. I hope you will never have to use it and I hope, that if it does that, he even sees it as a positive experience where his voice is heard If you have to www, initiate care court proceedings. Absolutely I have no hesitation. It is trauma for the family to keep went through that with their loved one is part of this that vote. Cars are so fed up with They see on the streets of their cities, that as politician. You ve, gotta clean up those streets,
why that's generally case, but that's not the inspiration for care court, but is there a political factor in this? For you, as an electoral strategy, have turned out? That's not the issue. The politics here is com Ash and politics is purpose. What happens if care court doesn't work when we learn from it? This risk that we will take one last month. our key weber's. The woman who was living in a los angeles, shelter and told us she struggles with mental illness was reported missing by her family podcast is supported by progressive a leader. insurance. Welcome aboard to herr free boating here, we don't worry about the what efforts, because we explore with progressive boat insurance for as little as one hundred dollars per year for a basic liability policy. Progress also offers a variety of other coverages and can help you cover repair costs when you need it and with This sounds like malta policy, safety courses, responsible driver and more your minds can really float. Free crews on
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We went to ukraine to get some answers for the people who were bankrolling the war american taxpayers. How exactly is your money being spent and whose watching the weapons the cash to make sure they end up with their intended. Our first stop a forest fifteen miles from the front line in east in ukraine. these: a: u s: maid, bradley, fighting vehicles, steel club, behemoths hidden beneath the kind of in a makeshift workshop. It's difficult for russian drones to spot you cry. Forty seventh mechanized brigade was only formed last year. Soldiers have seen some of the deadliest fighting in this war. The brain these armour was designed to protect american infantry troops moving through combat. So now it's doing the same thing for ukrainians
this machine survived a land, mine and shrapnel from a russian missile yeah, it's done some damage. Finally, one pay. What what happened to the guys who were inside they say. Yeah, I suppose, is a safe and alive. The us has sent one hundred and eighty six bradley's here at a cost, two million dollars apiece saving your guys lies do any other vehicles, so if lives. In that way. In my opinion, and from my experience, this is the best vehicle I have ever seen. You are all hidden here in the forest. Lieutenant alexander shushan is a former sales manager and a father of two, listed on February twenty. Fourth, twenty twenty two, the same day, russia invaded his country. Are those? U s weapons doing to the russian military! What impact today, having.
can destroy them faster. We can see them far away, fraid, really you in there aid of the american weapon. Of course, how do you know that Sometimes we can take care prisoners, they tell what people talking about inside their companies is a beginning, the? U s has spent just over forty three billion dollars on military aid to ukraine, since russia invaded that's equivalent to about five percent for the american defence budget, european car, Freeze combined have contributed around thirty billion We can rocket launchers are now reaching deep into russian occupied ukraine, and the patriot air defence system is shielding millions of ukrainian civilians from air strikes. Where would the ukrainians bay right now? Without? U s weapons? How much of that country would they have lost without
that sort of aid? I thing ukraine would have been probably overrun. Defeated, certainly would have lost a lot more. Lieutenant general Ben Hodges served as the commander of the. U s army in Europe, he retired, in twenty seventeen and is now an adviser to NATO. Has told us, the Biden administration has failed to explain to americans what they are getting dollar in ukraine. If you think about it, Russia has been for decades and still is an existential threat for Europe and the united states? I may just listen to what their leaders say. Look at the thousand nuclear weapons. They clearly will keep going if they're not stopped you're saying stopping Vladimir Putin in ukraine directly benefits everyone, I can absolutely this. This war is about so much more than just ukraine, It is a high point for american foreign policy.
it will be after russia has been defeated. American taxpayers are financing more than just weapons. We discuss the: u s: government, spying, seeds and fertilizer for ukrainian farmers and covering the salaries of ukraine's first responders, all fifty cents, a thousand of them that includes the team. The trains this rescue dog named joy to home through the wreckage of russian strikes. Looking for survivors and the? U s also funds the divers who we saw, clearing unexploded ammunition from the country's rivers to make them safe the swimming and fishing russia's invasion shrank ukraine's economy by about a third we surprise to find that to keep it afloat. The you Government is subsidizing small businesses like tat
abramovich knitwear company these are ukrainian. That's key! If I reckon up, especially in the condition of why we have to walk. We have to pay taxes. have to pay wait, salary to our employees. We have to work, don't stop Why does that help? Ukraine win the war because the car in the foundation of everything american fishes from u s, aid the aid and see in charge of international development help to russia and new customers overseas in the midst of war, a company is supporting over seventy families. We realised that exact aids from government, but its aid from their part of ordinary american person, how do you feel about that? Grateful.
Fate in total america's pumped nearly twenty five billion dollars of non military aid into ukraine's economy. the invasion began, you can see it working at the bustling farmers market on John Mccain street in central peeve of ukraine, this is your comment Senator is revealed in ukraine because he pushed the wes government to start sending alms to the country after russia, first invaded back in twenty fourteen. Why in cave. We learn that three of Mccain's former colleagues were also in town demo, dick senators, Elizabeth Warren, which had Blumenthal and report lincoln senator lindsey, graham don't normally agree on much together, though they some the staunchest supporters of? U S, funding for ukraine's resistance there, track. Two the russian army
in their own way. They could possibly lose is if we pull the plug the wreckage of russia's war machine was on display for ukraine's independence day celebrations. Even is almost a fifth of the country remains under occupation. People ask me: is it worth it hears? we ve got and for investment we have lost one soldier, we re The combat power of the russian army by fifty percent One of us has died in that endeavour. This is a great deal for america. You have previously set that is the best money we ve ever spent? That's two trips, as we help churchill stand up to the nazis, we have have confidence that the dollars spending are actually being spent in defence of the nation. All of that is important, but that's why we're here? the senators and other, u S, officials told us there have been no substantiated cases of a man.
We can weapons being diverted the united states defence I'd be telling the story about oversight where monitoring we're falling every piece of equipment there been no diversion, no evidence of misappropriation. This is american success story on aiding a partner fighting for freedom, but ukraine is a young democracy with a history. free of corruption. according to the monitoring group, transparency international, its ranked this Second, most corrupt countries in europe. Only russia's schools lower have to get rid of this cancer, which is corruption because otherwise one I'm gonna survive system as they put it all ec used in all that was an anti corruption activist and is now an outspoken member of Ukraine's parliament,
but it was then she chairs a government commission that tracks all military aid coming to ukraine. The yellow is provided by the united states. She she film this video for us inside what she called a top secret warehouse, storing american javelin, antitank missiles. We have, data basis was a serial numbers of every american pistol weapon that embassy, has access to. They can come typing, let's say a traveling or a high murders and see in which brigade it is and then go check it if they dont believe through you, as officials are going to the front line letting them sometimes, then they may be sending people, sometimes Was there or going to total logistic centers to see whether it is there on whether its available that be true now, but a report from the pentagon's inspector general last year found the you this government, was unable to monitor weapons transfers in the early months of the war in part, because the American embassy staff was evacuated. Criminal group
in ukraine, stole some weapons in equipment from the country's military, though they were later, it by ukrainian intelligence services used in The claims that today systems are in place to make sure that never happens again. So what are the stakes? ukraine in making sure that u s supplied weapons, don't go missing. I can tell you that this is the number one priority for us, because one stupid to shut ourselves from the lack we understand. We would never made it without the united states and we're not gonna make it without the united states, an american hotline for you. premiums to report misuse of assistance from usaid saw a tenfold increase when these posters, when up across the country earlier this year, american a fish It was a now investigating for criminal cases involving non military aid and a hundred and seventy ukrainian government officials, including high. Ranking military offices have been charged
in corruption cases. So far this year for crimes like embezzlement and extent, in bribes used in how us she considers that good news, if we're dead, have anyone arrested there that would be a question when people see all this corruption scandals, but nobody goes to jail. So this life or death battle that ukraine is fighting has made people here. Less tolerant of corruption. Yes and the percentage of the kind budget that has been spent on the army. It someone's bulletproof west it somewhere Helmet, someone's armed vehicle. There was not there. In time to save the lives of thing? This torrents is close to zero because they understand that now corruption kills you. Green is losing u s. Weapons on the battlefield but lieutenant church and told us that's the only way they losing them as anything gone missing.
In my situation in my company in our but they'll in either no the case, they please we didn't the war grinds towards its third year, ukrainians, a dying entrenches in this streets of their cities, and in own homes, the countries fighting for its survival bankrupt in large part by: u s, taxpayers the outcome. may be decided by America's willingness to keep some american say, we're very sympathetic to you, ukrainians, but we're going through tough times at home, and we just can't afford to keep on supporting you ukrainians pay as their lives and the ilo
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making new discoveries about a creature that turn survival of the fittest upside down. this is an area where there are lots of slots so that we have that on outside the thing we learned about. Slavs. Is that it's hard to spot them in a while? We were worn to keep our eyes on the ground for poisonous snakes as Lucy cook scanned. The tree tops the sly is a master of the skies. blends into the canopy and can eat, easily be mistaken for a tuft of leaves. They tend to hunger down when it rains so making even harder to see them out improved on the beach there's one she's dead? Then look at the trade looking a bit like a time at home. And she's hunched over. So what we're looking at is her back That is not the side of the slav. We went all the way to central america to see so. Lucy cook
because to an animal sanctuary to get a better view of the two species of slots that live here, the brad oppose and the two toad so. The two toad always say it like a cross between a working in a pig because they got that sort of people knows I'm in these ones. Have the sort of you know: beetles, Carson and Mona LISA smiles behind ringer for Ringo cook says, is a secret being need his couch potato is the reasons loss of survive for more than sixty million years. In spite of well themselves there I saved, is lousy. Their hearing not much better tree they can move like a tie. Chee master to avoid the eyes of hungry birds of prey, but on the ground cook says: gravity removes any shred of dignity. Even hurricane strength, tail when a slothful top out and a half miles per hour. The first people described the slough. The conquistadores that first observe them based
several things once it is the stupidest animal that he'd ever seen and another said one more defect. Would it make its life impossible and they just biggest didn't understand amino cook says with those early explorers didn't understand and what is frankly hard to believe when you watch the effort it takes for a slot just to blink, is This Harry ninja is uniquely built to survive. Why so slow. Why did they move so slow because the saving energy terrance and leaves don't want to be many more than antelope do right, so they create a lot of toxins. So, the slav can digest stays toxins, but only very very slowly? They don't want a process them fast and so that all about burning, little. Energy is possible, slow spend about ninety percent of their lives, hanging upside down and typically We climbed the ground for bathroom breaks once a week with habits like that
and nails like this. You can, stand, why they are solitary creatures and for to be alone until they don't. What they do is the females will climbed to the top of a tree when they are in hate and scream for sex really located really low key, but they scream in de shop like that's the the they make this one I'll. Do it, and I he may well on the strength of my impersonation, let's see if teddy who's a boy who swipes right exactly is just see if he has a calculator yeah I bet she seemed broader purposes having sex. It's the only thing do quit? I mean it was, I was shocked, but then afterwards both female retreated and had the deepest news.
Behind Lucy cooks. Cheeky sense of humor is a hefty razumihin. She has a masters degree from oxford and published for books, including two onslaughts she's so hosted wildlife programmes for the bbc and national geographic. The photos. takes on her expeditions have gone viral getting to donations for conservation and crowds, lectures that makes biology withstand up we humans obsessed with spade We idolize animals like the cheetah, capable of doing to sixty in three seconds that we'll say walls
I think cute: are they so ugly, they're cute, oh no they're, cute? Surely but then I mean, I think, a naked mole rats cute so you're asking the wrong person you like a bad list: animal yeah, that's hyenas! I mean there's a whole list of animals that I think you know just have extraordinary, early strange and wonderful lives, and- and just to me, just adds richness of of the universe, just a cow one of those be list. Animals can leave lucy cook star, struck as we were making our way through the costa rican rain forests cook glued. Is this what looks like fluffy golf? Well, she realized was a cluster of something we'd, never heard of come and have a chance at the elusive, caribbean white, tent, making bats that that that bats, white and they may live in. These leaves like my home
excuse me: I'm gonna stop pouring in sweat and I might start crying and actually cause it's just so I mean it's just clearly relation. I mean it's just. Why like? Why? That's it? of wonder at seven success is, it gets, has made lucy cook a compelling advocate for slots like that She looks at the world from a different point of view here late. book is called bitch only. DE I apologize hurriedly. Like you, you on your work but yeah my books go page in its cooked chow which is the narrative that in the animal kingdom males are usually dominant and promiscuous. Well, Females are submissive and monogamous. She travel the world to collaborate with scientists and said dozens of animals, reporting, how killer whales pods are led by post, menopausal orchids and how tyrannical matriarch control, mere cat society.
reexamination flips parts of charles darwin theories upside down, charles darwin sahara, mine. I started evolutionary biology, but he was victorian man and so he came to brand female of the species she came out in the shape of the victorian housewife. Passive, coy chased We were sitting a feminine footnotes, the match, our main events? Basically, I can people saying: is this violence nickel woken s will, if it wasn't true, so you just have to ask the hiatus, for example, that the female spotted heiner, if she's passive and coy and she'll, laugh in your face after she's bitten it off. You know it's like challenging. Conventional wisdom is a large part of Lucy cook's crusade to improve the reputation of sloths
There is a more somber kind of rehabilitation. She wanted to show us this. The two can rescue ranch near costa rica, capital, san jose, saw so incredibly strong. We care for loss really killed by power lines. How are these injured. So most of the time is to electrocution, where it'll I'll. Just look like this straight vine, you know going through the forest and so they'll gamma other that and then become electrocuted leslie. How was an occupational therapist who started the ranch nineteen years ago? Now she has a team of six veterinarians to treat the electrical burns millions of years of evolution could not prepare the slots for human sprawl, but the best as they believe the slots slow metabolism, somehow Allows them to recover from injuries, did might kill other creatures. The two can rescue ranch also takes in orphans.
This is ever Jia and this is maryland and then we have landed here. Oh here's a toddler and this a tiny, ass little benzene. ok. Now my ovaries, him cracked, it can take to two years for the orphans to be ready to go back into the while we were does a female, namely sorrow, was prepared for release. She was given a fee We will check up and tracking collar before getting a lift too promising tree of sheikh, and if she fall, sleep in the middle of the release of van their votes. Scary. a mission impossible has nothing to do with it hi drama behind, as we headed down the caribbean coast with Lucy cook, to visit
Another british scientist, Becky cliff, is conducting the first population study of slots. Ever It might seem like low hanging fruit. It is not. Why is it so hard to get scientific data on onslaughts? David, evolved over the last sixty four million years to be masters of disguise right. They are so good at pretending to be coconuts and bird nests. Then the hiding from the very people who are trying to trying to help them This law, species in costa rica is officially considered endangered. The cliffs, her staff is suddenly seeing fewer slots and some are suffering from an illness. She suspects may be related to climate change. Ok, extreme periods of hot dry weather and then extreme periods of prolonged, cold and rain, and that is not what slots have evolved. surviving what
discovering the microbes in the slav stomach that they used to digest the leaves they eat when the goes to call those microbes die so even though the slough might be eating and looking well, it's not that testing is food properly, so that losing energy on their getting very weak, site there starving the that fell with a forced on us exactly it. It's a really strange phenomenon that I think are. happens in sloughs, but that's happening here for cliff like data, she has to collect slots branches. She that's the full time job for her colleague, debar Leon. He climb barefoot of eight three story. High tree covered inviting ants reaching the slot, then lowering it in a bag little one. That's all so do you have that every time you wanna get a slot announces easy. This Slavs she's holding is not a gimmick. It was you to comfort the real one as we have
replace a memory chip in a tiny backpack. The law where's, very strong, very strong and then leave her back a little becoming sweetie I those little things up like dressing. A baby bundle mom bam. What kind of information does this give you we collect? lot of manual data or in terms of what type of tree she's in how high in the tree. She is there's also Eight, a logo inside hair which collects a lot of information about her behaviour so even have micro body movements are being recorded inside there we go. That's a girl. Thirty two laws will get backpacks and be returned slowly to the wild Lucy
told us she hopes. This study will provide a deeper understanding of an animal. We can be too quick to judge what can we learn from us off? We can learn how to be more slow and sustainable ourselves, because we need to now we are destroying this planet an alarming rights and part of that Is because of our addiction to speed and convenience, so we took few calf. Slowly. Digested leaves out of the slots book, you might say, this beautiful planet and all of the amazing creatures that live on it. you're doing a lot of shopping this holiday season? But are you saving lot with racket in you? safe, big, on holiday, gifts from your favorite brands. They give shoppers like you. Cash back on top of the biggest sales of the year earn cash back at target.
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an update on a story we first reported in April. Bill whittaker spoke with genuine sixth rider ray epps epps and his wife are in hiding. After the former marine and oath keeper became a target of tv conspiracy theorists offering no evidence they painted abs as an f b, I informant inciting the crowd. Did anyone from the federal government direct you to be here at the peace, at this time now The fbi? Now old comrades with theme of keepers now can speed, says, called it suspicious that epps wasn't charge for his role that change this past week, re ups pleaded guilty to entering a restricted area on the capital grounds. I'm sorry The vigour we'll be back next week with another addition of sixty minutes.
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Transcript generated on 2023-12-14.