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The Plot to Kill Dr. Sievers - Encore


Did a Florida man hire a look-a-like to kill his wife?  A GPS leads police right to the hitman’s door.  "48 Hours" correspondent Erin Moriarty reports.  

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
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They June twenty night, two thousand fifteen hi, I'm doctor teresa savers, doktor teresa feverish was do work and she did Dr Teresa Sievers is found on her kitchen floor, a pool of surrounds her head. She is called to the touch. This is doctor, traces, seabirds, high profile, turn did a lot of holistic medicine and people in all said that she was too full of spitfire just a short while thing always wearing a foreign chills clock clocking around. So let's get started with a lot of talk about, ladies walking into a room met turning heads when I got it
work that day, you're getting or that the some forty six year old doktor was done. This beloved woman in our community brutally hellenes. I had her own house. marking teresa, have been a couple since two thousand three. When they got married and a beach side ceremony in saint petersburg, she was so the breadwinner and he was the office manager at her practice and he helped raise. The kids had a trip plan to new york and tree, so it fly home that sunday night to be at work. Monday morning So, on Sunday night she comes back here to these helpless florida international airport. She calls mark, tells him she safe and then gets into carne heads back to their house, Why won't my manager emergency help market, a friends come in check up on her he's out there on the floor,
hammer beside, hence his basket backer had it will later be detained. in that there are seventeen impact wounds to her skull, who would possibly want, as vice see florida doktor dad that question. Let investigators on a wild chase that ended more than a thousand miles away with a shocking arrests of three people. The break in the case, came from all places, firmest monsieur electronic footprints ways that boss, your home folks, always being observed once you start until rapid a little bed. There was nothing. It was weird and was hard to keep track of what all this is a case in which twenty first century technology became vital.
I've been told me of a verdict, the the I think anytime, there is a beautiful successful.
Woman, who was murdered. That sort of white society pays attention to for better or for worse The first started out in this case would you have ever imagined it would end up to where it is right now, The shocking martyr of doktor, teresa savers and Benita springs. Florida was a huge story, especially for jessica lives, scum, who cover Crime for the Naples daily news to think of this mother of two who was killed brutally inside her home was horrifying to people. The doktor had cut short a family vacation and upstate new york.
and a loan home alone on Sunday night june, twenty eight two thousand fifteen. So she could see patients the next morning to kind of put yourself in her shoes rolling, your suitcase through the door and then to be attacked by someone from behind is it's hard to imagine in so. It is believed that as soon as doktor savers walked into our kitchen, she was killed, struck repeatedly with a hand, The next morning her office staff got in its now nine o clock. Now, it's nineteen o five. Now it's nine fifteen us it was doktor soon Hoskins was Teresa Sievers long time, medical assistant, I was texting back and forth, trying to in a worry at and no response called
Answer marks out of town. He says I can't get a hold of her either how what was that for doktor savers not to show up, even if it was nine o clock and three seconds after you would hear her heels coming in was just so unbelievable. We economy, reese heard the tragic news she contacted her step, brother mark savers, the doctors husband. How did he react to the death of his wife You can speak he's, not the kind of guy that spend overly emotional on the outside, but he couldn't speak. Connie and marked became family when her mother married his father.
I asked him what happened to teresa and what did he say? No idea mark made his future wife in two thousand and three. When he was visiting saint petersburg, Florida pray might love at first sight. I think, by the time that he introduced her to mom, I think he was pretty much done is off the mark of official yeah. He was worth as a nurse while she was recently force physician teresa hung the moon. She was a remarkable human being and very special and that's the way mark treated from the beginning could just you could hear it in his voice they were married on the beach surrounded by friends. Family, including stepmother, jenny, wacko men, was
sat wedding and had a bit gown organ was very nice. Was he happy on that day I'll make a hush? He was very happy Six months later, their first daughter was born. Deceivers a large house in bonita springs and in two thousand seven welcomed another jogger hadn't mark feel about being a dad thing to him. They were his reason for being, but he was also all about teresa and her mission. We talk about our physical health, mental health. That mission was to open a holistic practice where she got he'll patients blending traditional and alternative medicine. She also spread or message in speeches and videos. There's our spiritual and energetic help
We would have patients from all over the world they would come to us after they felt everything else. She wouldn't take. No for an answer. Talking about the doktor still makes Sandra emotion. You know and as a patient, she wouldn't allow say, I'm never going to get better while patients love the doktor sandra, nor husband, Frank pays, who also worked at the practice. Admit. It wasn't always easy working for savers. All she had a short views, your doktor screaming and yellow ending in that office. Doktor savers, where yell at the patient's she was there. Help you get better didn't have with it the bedside manner, which he are you yes, there are, is a problem with issue expected perfection and if it was imperfect,
get said, because I need to maintain my mental sharpness issues about a big presence in some times that man died. She got really feisty I've people issue. The biggest figure in the room teresa took care of her patience. Mark managed her off. And took care of their daughters. The girls were his pride and joy and a court to her sister, Annie lisa teresa, was equally voted tomorrow, always said I'll, never leave mark every about my girls the last within weeks mark savers became a person of interest, did cooperate initial, oh yes, think fighting was doing. The right thing mark spoke to investigators without a lawyer present
an even handed over his cell phone and allowed them to download the contents. Was he worried he might be arrested? He thought. Why would they? What kind of evidence could they possibly have? Because I didn't do anything in fact marked savers had an air tight alibi at the time of teresa's murder here and there to girls were with teresa's family hundreds of miles away in new york. If you're like me, your hooked on fast paste crime. Thrillers. That's why I'm so excited to listen to the gift by international Best selling author Sebastian fit sack available. Simply on audible. Milan burg is a master manipulator with a photographic memory and a shameful secret. He never learn to read. So when a car stops in front of him and traffic
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I eight days after doctor Teresa Sievers was murdered. Friends and family came together for her funeral, including mark stepmother, jenny, wacko men. There were a lot of people, yes, and it was sad, of course, almost all her patients were there. I was numb mark sievers reportedly had a gun strapped to his waist that his wife's view Earl strange well, perhaps but her killer hadn't, you have been arrested and according to stepsister Conny Rees, mark was on edge. Can protect alone, when you said protected, now. What do you mean? I think in. Oh, he always keeps an eye and ear to the ground. So to speak and is aware of surroundings and he was concerned for their their safety,
was in the back of his mind, that there might be some danger to his daughters because of what happened to their mother. It's just didn't make any sense? Who would want the vibrant and dedicated doctor Teresa Sievers dead? Am I a killer with such anger and force? Convince anybody? I really thought. Maybe it was just muddy that in the area and broken or something there were signs of a forest andrey pry marks on a side door, but marks extensive gun collection and forty thousand dollars in cash discovered inside the savers home hadn't been touched So when this happened, everyone wanted to know what happened, what the alarm and as it turns out it hadn't, been activated while the family was on vacation market, asked his mother bonnie savers to feed the family path.
She had trouble, setting the alarm that sunday and told detectives her son mark said not to worry about. Monday morning, doctor Sievers was discovered dead on her kitchen floor. This is mark mothers speaking two investigators he's my father. He cared became going round the time a doctor, savers, murder. The internet was buzzing with reports about the suspicious jets of other alternative doctors. In the. U S, denmark think that her death might be connected with Yes, yes, he did, but with no real evidence to make that connection investigators turned their attention to the p
who might have had an axe to grind with the energetic, often abrasive, doctor Sievers. I think the theory that I heard was set. Maybe it was patient. Obviously they were interviewing all of her friends and family members, so it was pretty much like a wide open field of suspects. At that point then a surprising name emerge in her police interview, doc, receivers. Sister Annie LISA said she sandra hoskins was a disgruntled employee. That's the same sandra, whose so upset by doktor savers, death rate like your boss, beyond bad mouth them to patients that are coming in the doors like doktor receivers. You know she s on she's, avenged like all my kind. They think I did it sandra who claim she had been treated harshly by doktor savers in the past
had planned to hand in a resignation that very monday the doktor was found dead? According to sandra the doktor told her she was bringing bad energy. the office now I know why I was not received very well at the memorial. Why would anyone take that you did this. that is shocking to me out of the patients didn't know the way she treated me, and so people thought maybe you just had enough sooner hoskins was cleared when nearly two months after doktor savers was murdered. There was Stunning break in the case. Believe made a grass and the suspects were not from florida, and so we showed up to a press conference. I believe that august and the sheriff gets up
And tells us is simply the name of the first suspect jimmy rogers and he says he's from Missouri and he has been blocked for the murder of teresa receivers. Never hurt him, I thought oh well, who is he you have to do with this and then about an hour later. He calls us in again and says: leave now picked up a second suspect miss wainwright, also from misery. It was so shocking. to solve this? Murder investigators would travel more than a thousand miles and they were for a wild ride. They would soon discovered this case had as many twists and turns. As the Missouri river The the the
teresa savers was bludgeon to death with a hammer. Neighbours are still waiting for answers, the to rest for teresa savers mirth made a eleven hundred miles away in Missouri seem to come out of the blue mark stepmother jenny, workwoman why you know, what's going on, just seemed like such a discotheque. No one had ever heard of this aspect, Jimmy re rogers, but it was the mug shot of the others, suspect fact. Wainwright that struck everyone. He had an uncanny resemblance the victims, husband mark savers, they look alike, at least in pictures. They look like twitter and anson. That's that's. When I It started to believe in other. Definitely there is not something right with with Curtis swain, like It turns out Curtis wainwright. He goes by wayne was no stranger to marks family.
whose marks very good friends, ages and ages. So I didn't believe it. I didn't just didn't, make sense wayne and marking grown up together in Missouri way was a trees funeral. He had celebrated mark increases wedding with them, and just two months before the murderer market them wanes best. Man at his wedding way was also a familiar your face around the office. Did you two? No wayne right? How did you know it? computer guy. That money just like mark way would travel from Missouri to florida to work on the computers in doktor, seaver czar. How would you describe way he was geeky or who want to do is get peters, up and running focus, but to me He just seemed like a very geeky creep stir. Did he make you nervous a little bit? I can't,
It's just a woman's intuition. How would you do scribe, mark and wanes relationship. They appear to be close friends. He refused my brother from another mother that was his lingo back in Hillsboro Missouri, fallon new, both Markham wayne when they both had hair This here is hillsboro elementary school. This is why me and wait for the very first time in third grade Greg lynn, remembers his high school classmate wayne as attack tech. The kid voted most dependable and as of on guide a hang around with here actually reinforcing became our class president, smart, very smart
say he was one of the smartest people with computers that I ever met, but it wasn't long before Gregg suspected wainwright had a dark side in ninety. Ninety six greg's brother, ronnie ball and a preacher mysteriously disappeared. His body has never been found and according to police, Ronnie was last seen with wayne. Do you believe wainwright culture, brother guess? I do know sure about. I have no doubt in my mind, gregg believes them It was money that wayne old, ronnie, reporter jessica lipscomb found his car with the car keystone ignition in a car wash in Saint Louis wayne has never been charged in romney's disappearance, but he is listed in a police report as a person of interest
and wanes no stranger to the criminal justice system in two thousand and eleven he was serving time for drug possession when he befriended the other sus backed and doktor saver murder a young and made named Jimmy re rogers, who was doing time on a weapons charge, You can just telling you the job I order. You know Jimmy was released from jail, tyler Juliet and Jeff Conway hired him to work at a contracting company. He liked to tell a lot of stores a lot of things he told at the time. Nobody really believed Jimmy. He liked to brag a little bit about the things he had done in the past a colorful criminal past. He says Jimmy would brag about con jobs ranging from
Well, a merchandise to counterfeit money on the refill Jimmy was dangerous guy. I just felt like he was blowhard honestly. I really felt like he was just a talker, commonly recalls that he had asked Jimmy to work on Monday june, twenty nine, but Jimmy texted him back and said he wasn't available. All it said was I can't do that. I'm still in florida, it was on june. Twenty nine. The doktor receivers was discovered bludgeon to death with a hammer insider florida home and it didn't go unnoticed. Two investigators, the jimmy re rogers, had a unique nickname supposedly jimmy. Rogers nickname was the hammer, but I think that was more of like a self given nickname. If you talk to some of his friends from high school, they say nobody really call them that, but I think maybe
going to jail for the first time in all trying to make a name for himself? Maybe that's somethin, he sort of assigned himself to fit in. Why was Jimmy the hammer rogers in Florida that fateful weekend was wainwright with them and what led authorities to believe they were involved in a doctor murder. Why would we try to look like mark see more evidence from the case on facebook that forty eight hours this podcast is supported by progressive leader and army insurance or visa for sharing adventures with family friends and even your pets. So if you bring your cats and dogs along for the ride, you'll want progressive, rv insurance. They protect your cats and dogs like family by cover up to one thousand dollars in vet bills in case of an rv accident, making it a great companion for the responsible pet owner who loves to travel, see progressives other benefits and more when you quote: rv insurance at progressive dot com today, progressive casualty, insurance company and affiliates pet injuries and additional coverage and subs
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system follow american scandal. Wherever you get your pont guests, you can listen ad free on the amazon, music or wander iap back in june. Twenty fifteen sickly. Everyone in Hillsboro Missouri knew that wainwright was planning a weekend for up out of town you what it slipped: lots of people that he was going on a florida told some people. He was even going to visit the savers, and it was a long before police gotta tipp. The wayne have been in florida at the time. A doctor. Savers murder Annie hadn't gone there alone. He went with his jailhouse pal jimmy the hammer, rogers Jimmy's, spies, Jeff? Have your hardware. I tell me a story that his brother had graduated from law school and that he had invited Jimmy down to florida. For the week in all expenses, paid buddy told is pregnant
friend, taylor schoemaker, another story: he was going. the town for a few days to work with wayne, he had told her that he was going down to florida. There make some money. weeks after Jimmy and wayne returned detectives from order showed up in hillsboro missouri they confronted wayne about that. Tipp placing him in florida, but he refused to talk. He didn't need to a rental car vs gave the cops what they needed to know on the morning of june twenty seven, two thousand fifteen wainwright till rental car here and help borough missouri, and they want to pick up They re rogers. At some point, this address was put into the gps, and then the two men took office. eleven hundred mile ride to bin. Springs florida after drive.
all day and all night. On Sunday june, twenty eight wayne and Jimmy arrived at the savers home. The Benita springs address. It's all right there in the g vs a digital footprint for investigators When Jimmy and weighing arrived around six a m authorities believe they turned off the house: alarm: that may explain why mark's mother Bonnie was so confused about the alarm system? When I was six or nine in the morning, None of us would like, then, according to the gps, jimmy away in love, deceivers home- and I didn't another address for a walmart to do some shopping. Obviously, looking at that security footage from the walmart they're able to pretty quickly determine the thought to who was with they made, no,
for to cover their faces. Disguise themselves may just if there were any one else they bought. among other things, trash bags, legible, wet wipes, black towels black shoes and a lot picking kit. They paid cash for their purchase with dollar bill after shopping walmart Jimmy and weighing continued using the navigation system even defined the beach, soak up some sign. Does it make any sense, guy, who was so good with computers, would have left such a trail. It does, but it doesn't to a lot of people looking at it. It kinda makes it look like now. These guys just dumb and dahmer, but that's a lot of how he operated after their beach trap. According to police,
four David's wayne and Jimmy returned to the savers home where they hung out for our in the garage waiting for an unsuspecting doctors. First to arrive in the early morning hours a Monday june, twenty nine, the gps. Again shows jimmy weighing on the highway headed northbound, Seventeen hour drive back to Missouri. The electronic trail would eventually led detective. Jimmy re rogers door, but like wayne he denied he had anything to do with the murder when police brought in Jimmy's girlfriend taylor schomaker during the spiritual virgil. True, though, truth must refer story, she had to tell jimmy re rogers took his girlfriend taylor for a ride right along here rule forty seven in rural missouri
and along this road he asked her to throw out parts of his cell phone, which he had smashed earlier some gloves and jumped jumpsuit. yes, You told me that, after cooking and and then ass. Your videos wire taylor, top police. That's when she Jimmy did tell her exactly what happened in florida he's here and he said he kill teresa seaver marfa, yes, flirted, detect now thought they knew. Who Teresa Sievers, but they still didn't know the. Why why wainwright wanna kill, is best friends, wife,
everyone then say: oh my gosh work had to be about. Definitely I mean there is really no putting wayne in florida in Benita springs inside their house without mark. Knowing about it did it occurred to you. The one at that mark might be in thought, not even a thought in the back of it. Now well, maybe not, but when investigators downloaded marked cell phone, they discovered the sievers marriage was more troubled than any one guest. Despite having forty thousand dollars in cash around the house, they had serious financial problems and when investigators every five insurance policies on trees that totally more than four million dollars. It was a big red flag. jimmy skunk,
I told the least teresa's death was a murder for higher and that Jimmy was supposed to be paid Ten thousand dollars ass? It was he's more higher. Wayne yes and mark, didn't know anything about Jimmy being hired for someone who's supposed to come from the entrance the area they then almost eight months after teresa savers, murder, wainwright marks, look alike. Best friend suddenly turned on him and tat. Could deal MR right, why are you pleading guilty today to second degree, murder wainwright, mitted, killing teresa completing guilty
because of my role in the planning and participating of murders, trees, receivers. He said the murder was all marks idea and that's what these needed. Mark. Did you hire wainwright to kill your wife? I remarked. Savers was charged with the murder of his wine. Did you hire anyone to kill your wife but savers stepsister says he would never risk losing his children. She believes wainwright had long envied, his best friends live and he's one who killed teresa on his own. Why would weigh Kehl trees because he's a sick man do, you think way, was jealous of mark The possible whether he's jealous of marker, wanted to be mark? I don't. I don't have any clue family and friends to how wainwright began to model himself after savers even saving his own head. When seaver started
go bald? I can they didn't. Look. My point. We were younger come much day. They morphed into each other over the years if it was by chance or by their plan. I dont know more than four years after Curtis Wainwright cut that deal to testify against seafarers and next time Jimmy rogers, the two men. On trial, but separate lay rogers case went first october, two thousand nineteen teresa savers, mother and siblings, wherein the court room this case was about a perfect marriage, the perfect friendship, the perfect alibi perfect
assistance assistant state attorney, Hamid Honneur told the jury that teresa savers, dad was a classic case of me for higher mark savers, was miles away, while Curtis Wainwright, and jimmy re rogers killed his wife, Mr Wright, hit with a hammer again to roger came out of nowhere. Mr rogers engages with his hammer and he starts hitting hitting, rogers defence attorney kathleen fits george heard from the state of turkey is what they believe or expect or hope. The evidence will show
but it's a bumpy road examined, told you everything this state actually believes teresa. Savers was killed with two hammers, but only one was discovered on the savers kitchen floor. They showed the jew three that weapon and a damn jeanne video evidence of the two men near the crime scene. Is this how you found this jumpsuit when you took it in your custody on the side of the road in cadet missouri, a five or from the jump worn by rogers, was found on trees s body
this time the state taylor schoemaker roger sport, girlfriend taylor Schoemaker appeared shaken She entered the court room. She identified that blue jumpsuit jumpsuit and told the jury rogers confessed to her and then ask them how well how and he said with a hammer. Then the state called their star. Witness witness state calls kurdish thrive in exchange for his testimony of both trials, Wright was allowed to plead guilty to second degree murder and will spend twenty five years in prison who killed doktor teresa savers, I did when jimmie. How many times did you hear doktor sievers, with that three? Mr rogers case,
somewhere, he started shooting and what did he do started hitting over and over. I was I was sitting in a frenzy. Rogers did not testify and his attorney donald macfarlane called no witnesses but told yours, did not believe Curtis wainwright kurdish rights, the only one who ever hit that woman and he's lying to you to save his own worthless skin. Jimmy didn't have a hammer. The jury was out nearly two days and then I've been told me of a. does the state ready, the defendant is guilty of second degree martyr, rogers showed no emotion, he was sentenced to life in prison,
and then in november two thousand nineteen marked savers went on trial, the murder of his wife, he spent much of the prior three years in jail still denying he had. Any involvement and his family was still behind him. Just haven't seen any evidence that makes any sense as far as marketing both his stepmother jenny, Janni, step sister Conny vowed to support him through the trial, will do everything that I can to be there are you nervous about it? Yeah yeah, please be seated mark sievers charged with first degree. Murder of his wife appeared on phase, even though he face the death penalty, the same prosecutors who tried jimmy rogers, we'll use much of the same evidence in front of a different jury case.
Which twenty first century technology became vital, fell. Towers cell tower dumps called detail records that allowed massive amounts of data to be sorted out organized and searched, but savers defences nay Michael murmured, says all that evidence only points to curtis ride and jimmy rogers. As the colors chris swings that hammer back the sight of that followed by another one crossed the bridge than us. Further says
instruct risa three times in the head with a hammer, the jimmy that the rest tends to fine again is Jimmie rodgers former girlfriend taylor schomaker. Now with a new look, she says her ex was promised a pay day But she can't connect savers to it, and did he tell you how much money he expected to be making from this year? And what did he tell you? I think it was ten thousand the case again comes down to that star. Witness curtain wainwright, who will now come face to face with his mirror image and once closest friend, MR rival, killed out the truth. During rogers, and I physically did it marks This was also involved in the planning for sale.
will our right testified again: savers, the man he affectionately called his. They're from another mother? Why did you do it I was asked to do it by hope. Mr savers, right well the jury that savers and his wife were having marital a money problems and that savers believe trees was planning to leave him and take the kids? the only option that he had was heard, and I said You need to have killed when the judge mark savers if he wanted to testify this time. The jury was out just four hours. The families gathered in the court for the verdict, the jury found as follows, as to the defendant in this case, count one
remember the defendant is good. see a first degree: murder Sievers. It give first began to cry in addition to the guilty verdict. The jury asked the judge to sentence sievers to death. So this is how former employee frank Pais felt before the trial, which and mark savers he's facing the death penalty. I think the death penalty is the easy way out. I think the the pain torture that he deserves. Is this in jail to the rest of his life. Thinking about his two pride and joy daughters, that should be his punishment,
On january. Third, twenty twenty mark savers. Now a convicted killer returned to court to find out. If you will get life in prison or be sentenced to death. Is it ok? If I refer to my note, your syrups away this time, he agreed to speak to plead for his life, though a dreary, foamy guilty of all charges is meeting, since he was going to replace all girls who If we lost a mommy and now they're about to lose or get his well, it didn't take long for the judge to rule judge people's actions. I don't judge people souls ass for somebody else to do
sir. I'm gonna go ahead and to catch guilty on each count on the first count. First degree, murder and the sea order of the court that she be sentenced to death, sir, for two family is the end of it agonizing nearly five year wait for justice an incredible nightmare from the beginning. Teresa took down three guys that took her from he was my mother teresa, scope for that, because she always will try to help people are focused. Now it should go on to take your take care of the girls,
then give them the love and support that they need and were glad that it's over. Justice has been served. the I I
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Transcript generated on 2023-06-02.