« 48 Hours

The One Who Got Away


This classic episode of 48 Hours, which last aired on 7/21/2011, tells the story of serial killer Andrew Urdiales. Between 1986 and 1996, Urdiales attacked, tortured and killed eight women, first in California and then in Illinois. As a consequence to a tip to the police, Andrew Urdiales was identified, arrested and convicted, and one young woman became the only victim to survive. 48 Hours correspondent Susan Spencer reports.

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Hey prime members. You can listen to the forty eight hours, podcast ad free on amazon music down The arab today ever feel like an girls weighing on your shoulders. Maybe it's work stress family response abilities or worries about the future. With online therapy, you can break free from the weight and chart a course. Bored com shores. Cerebral provides easy, affordable access to professional therapy and medication management. One hundred percent on mine, so you can achieve mental health. Wellness, get started at cerebral dot com, slash wondering and save up to one hundred sixty dollars with a multi month package that cerebral c e r E. be r, a l, dot com, slash wondering these angle
When he gets angry side comes out on september, twenty seven. Ninety ninety two, I was nineteen years old. And I was working at home for cripple children. I was working in the night shift, their from ten p m until six. In the morning I went to the best of catch the bus to go to work. I had run on the store to buy something, and I saw that the bus had left without me. So I came running out in a panic. I knew that was the last best for the night. I had no way to get to work somebody pulled up in a car, and just said hey, you need a ride.
He was very innocent. Looking any like totally harmless does. Will merchant, evil. Is it you don't see it? When I got The car he was so nice and so charming He is smarter than your average serial killer. He learned ass. He killed. He was waiting for her when she got off worth the next morning. The next morning I wasn't scared. My thought was this guideline. Dangerous. If you wanted to do something to me, he had a chance. Last night and he said. Let me give you a ride home. I opened the door and I got me
when I was in the middle east, It is grabbed me by their end. sub, my head into the das explosive temper, yet again my head and the whole time I was saying is this a joke. Is this: this is a joke. The hater of women it was shut up, bitch, shut up bitch and his violent and his evil lovers, any. I deny any pulled out. Swine rob, that's wine around my hand. I sought telephone poles. its telephone call that went by. I just got more scared,
more scared going further The further and deeper into that desert, and I just felt the I didn't know what was going. Been one got away
any bubble. Stars zack elephant access, Elizabeth banks, Sarah snuck geraldine vis went off in a behind the scenes. Look at one of the biggest speculative crazy that blazed their american culture in the nineties. The beanie bubble and select the iter is on July. Twenty first streaming exclusively on apple tv plus July, twenty eightth raided are apartments. Dot com has helped millions of renters find their perfect places and the beauty is. They are all different. None of us are the same. So why should our homes be some They want hardwood floors, someone may say carpet all the way questionable call but haiti to their own, Some may want to Dormann. Others may say I can open the door myself apartments dot com has, the right tools to help you find the place? That's uniquely perfect for you sort through and filter list, by amenities and make sure you never miss out with their instant alert option, with more than one million available units for rent you're sure to find the place. That's right for you, so whether you're looking for a place with a basement
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Personally, I knew that and many finally parked and set up the car. He used a knife to cut my shorts. off of me. Then he come my underwear, I he clay, into my seat, and he just started punching me in the head: The and beat her then forest or to perform oral sex. He tried to raper, but couldn't and then he just told me to tell him that I loved him of course
nl. If that would save my life, so I said I love you any small. me across the face and said your life. Let's say it like you mean it. I said I love you you're lying say it like you mean it any grabbed my underwear any save them and made through his own when my mouth, and he was yelling at me. Tell me you love me. Tell me, you love me and I just started crying. You felt like if you could say it right that he might stop yeah. He wasn't going to stop now. The now he's mad. He grabs me by the throat and
he starts strangling me and then suddenly I can see anything and I felt like I heard music and it was this why I thought I was dead. And moments later, she jolted back to reality. He was trying to revive me He would passing me around pressing my chest and I just came, I can do it like you do when you think you fall asleep and then wake up, and I just that guy's nightmare again. I wanted today because there was, no other way of getting over, Suddenly there was he hence my door, and he tells me to get out- and I just
On the next thing I knew I was flung onto the ground by my hair, Any pulled me by my hair all the way back to the car. with that she lost all hope, even begged her attackers put her out of her misery. I just wanted to end I've said, kill me anyone with a gun and he pulled the thing back and I went. I was getting ready and ethics happen and I this third screaming at him. Give me my girl, but it wade whither like a cat with a mouse dragged to the back of a car and opened the trunk he threw me in there and set it
and he started up driving down the road, and then I was thinking he's done this before he knows exactly what he's doing, What jennifer didn't know at the time was in fact her attacker had done this before six years earlier on the evening of january eighteen, nineteen, eighty six, a popular going twenty three year old named robin brand Lee was working an usher at a jazz concert and saddle back home in mission, Viejo, California, she loved to make people laugh she's, intelligent inquisitive, shot a lot of friends. She was always willing to lend a hand from anybody. Robins brother, jason and her parents, jack and genetic riley agree robin was a go, get her with big dreams. Ultimately, I think wanted.
you work in the entertainment industry. She was bound determined, she was, she was gonna, make a mark. The after the cancer that january night robin walks her car, but she never got there in the dark parking lot. Someone was waiting with a knife. She was found I a security guard at the college and he noticed then that he believed to be a mannequin laying by car and, of course, at closer inspection is when he found robin she had been stabbed forty one times it was later turned forty one stab wounds to the back neck chest and hand it was.
unexplained and it was so random and it was so brutal. Marina was a supervising investigator with the orange county DA's office, and there was no evidence at all that there was any robbery she had her purse was there her keys were laying right there by the scene early the next morning, a police officer knocked on the riley's door, said she's. He said he'd been murders, just a total shock and said who did it We have no idea was the assumption just well, you know they'll catch. You did this absolutely What was there at that crime scene? That was of any help in terms of identifying perpetrator? There was nothing orange county, deputy district attorney, howard gandhi, so he basically came in from the darkness of the night.
Technically suddenly violently? There was no way that she could resist and then went back into the darkness of the night and Fortunately, for investigators there were no witnesses months passed. Then years robins parents ride. Desperate later keepers story alive. We three we'd have to solve the case ourselves. They hired a private investigator even build. The murderer might be a fellow student that was actively pursued. Yes and nothing now is found at all. Nothing over the years. Robin bradley, sadistic killer would go on to kill again and again, but of course no one knew that Jennifer as benson lay terrified in the stifling trunk of that same killers.
Car casey shane was murdered in the middle of august nine shop. blank or idling in his dodge pickup truck in north indianapolis, there was no physical evidence, no known motive, and no one coming forward with information except one woman who swears to this day. She saw Leon Detroit benson, pull the trigger Leon Benson, was sentenced to sixty years in prison I'll, because one person swore they saw something if she was wrong and what, if we could prove it from hungary and campsite media come season. Three of the head, podcast suspect co, hosted by me. Mad share, alongside attorney, Laura Babylon. Story of a botched police investigation, dangers of shaky eyewitness testimony and a community feared law enforcement with good reason wasn't a suspect five shots in the dark,
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after murdering robin bradley, her attacker went on a killing spree before he was finished for other california, women would die, These women all were prostitutes. Dumped in the wind swept desert just outside the city. Julie Magee was the first in the summer. of nineteen. Eighty eight she had been picked up in palm springs, out to this area of town. It was pretty much abandoned, shot and killed palm springs, lieutenant john booze let left virtually no evidence behind the next year. Tammy erwin a few years, Do that to me many times, we twine and tortured. In the meantime, a nearby san, diego, a fourth prostitute mary,
An wells was shot dead for victims, similar crimes, but no one who investigated any of these crimes spotted a patter. No one connected them not to one other and certainly not to a serial killer after just in all the leads we wish. were nowhere I almost can't help but wonder whether or not the women had any the you know. If you could rewind Monday morning, quarterback you'd say to yourself don't get in that car but jennifer husbands and had gotten in that car and as its dry, was barreling down the highway. She lay in the trunk terrified I just laid their interests thought about. How is going to do
I desperate. She did the one thing that could bring some comfort and now is prey, and I just register. Crying saying god. If there is a god, You know that I'm in this term gray. Now and you know that I'm about to be cut up into many pieces. Please take my life or let me get away help me. yeah. She thinks that what happened next was pure and simple divine intervention, and I just suddenly got hysterical strength and I just started hearing all the twine best thing: vine, my back and I just busted it off. That's amazing. It was a miracle
but then I have this twine off. Nowhere in the total dark As with our life on the line jennifer discovered confidence and ingenuity. That surprised even her. When I was in that trunk, all I had to do is reach from one corner to the other corner and say this is the width of the trunk, and then I went like this. I thought that's where the lock is so. The mechanism to unlock the trunk is on the site. It's with me, working only by feel she rift away carpet. Don wired, compter fingers round the metal frame, and then I felt this thing. It is slow like a little lever and it clicks- and I saw a light just coming in everywhere, and I just want my bad. I can you out
then I got so excited than I lifted it even more suddenly her assailant was shouting swearing. He just realized the trunk was open. He pulled over and came around. I grabbed the trunk and I put it down and he did this on it- to make sure it was shut. and he got back in the car and he pushed the gas on all the way the floor and he got stuck. It was her only chance I leaped up and jumped out there and naked from the waist down. She ran for her life down the road I with like I was in the olympics. I looked back and he chasing me with my city guides us
ordered run faster, and then I saw a track coming gasping for breath Jennifer ran straight toward the oncoming trot and then I've heard their wills streets. The two startled men in the truck, both marines opened the door. I just started screaming their guide. Keith, he tried to kill me, I said the car, the cairo there in the car was gone. Her attacker. already had spent all she survived, but over the coming weeks that her little relieve jennifer's life soon began to unravel. It was the beginning of downhill journey for me. I just started. So out of my mind and so scared by every and he
my name. He knew where I lived. He knew a lot about me. but police knew nothing about him. They had no aspects. No witnesses no leads interest in Jenin. His case began to fade, as did the scars on her wrists, I only opportunity to try to tell somebody what happened to me, so I actually took a razor blade to them and I open them all back and then I just remember waking up in a mental hospital strapped to a bed in. That's where I would live for the next three and a half to four there's an immense hospitals? It was the only place where she felt safe or attacker had disappeared in the desert. Dost jennifer- knew that somewhere he was still out there
the My life just spiral downhill because he was on the loose jennifer, as bans had managed an astonishing escape from a sadistic serial killer, but she hardly felt lucky areas like I have saved my life. I felt like four way I saw no beauty in anything everything. They seemed evil,
Confirmation of that evil would come from half way across the country. When our attacker went back to work rouge afternoon watch early august, I was paged. They said that those a body putting in wolf on a hot day Nineteen, ninety six chicago homicide, detective don Mcgrath responded, what's called a body job at a desolate lake outside the city, there was in fact a nude female body floating face down about twenty feet off the shore. It was obvious she died. Violence, death shot three times. She also had twenty nine stab wounds. I'd never seen anything quite like that before, I was quite a stir. This showed a lot of a lot of rage and lot of aid toward the police
soon identified the woman as lion huber, a local prostitute as to who killed her one piece of the puzzle fell into place quickly. When I got back to office. The boy was already others body and will flake form. earlier. It turned out the naked of another prostitute lore. You lucky had been found floating in the same lake firemen hold around out and she too had been shot shot in the head and in the chest, and one month, for the body of a third prostitute, cassandra coreham was found dumb. In the vermilion river just an hour from wolf lake, so different body, honor, but basically same emma, write, em all nude victim in a body of water. The case felt
cook, county assistant state's attorney, Jim Mckay. He says esther gaiters could find no real link among the three murders. until they checked ballistics. The bull is found in those Women's bodies were fired from the same gone, the same thirty, eight caliber revolver, but unfortunately for police thirst. all of them out there somewhere. The actual gone. They were cases Then, in april of ninety ninety seven indiana police contacted mcgrath with a tale a prostitute, had call them from a cd motel? They said she and her summer, a man named Andrew thirty hours we're having a fight partly overview, unusual requests when they What andrew ordeals wanted to do her and where he wanted to do it, they
percent already eyeless he wanted to duck. And hand cover the prostitute said and take her in the back of his pickup truck out too late. She knew what had happened and wolf lady. She did Some have any part of it. Thirty two year old, andrew european allies worked as a security guard down town he'd been around, did months earlier in indiana for illegal. possession of a fire arm which police had come facilitated the curious thing the weapon, was thirty, eight revolver smith and wesson, one of millions strictly on a hunch, my grass, as pardner retrieve the gone just a week before it was schedule. be destroyed. They raised it today. Roy crime lab it was shot in the dark, but it hit its mark.
ass proved urinalysis gun had fired the bullets that killed the three women. Were you surprised when it came up a match? I dont think prices is the correct word It was incredible stroke of luck. on two april twenty second, ninety. Ninety seven, the detective set up surveillance outside the working class home purity, Alice shared with his parents, the clock in the morning or so guy comes out the back door search walking down the alley. We approached him we identified are, he's nonchalant about this. Absolutely. He stressed in his guard uniform level lunch. Bag hadn't work. we shall. We have a few questions. He only s word not if we could give him a lift back to the train, so he could get to work. So you just thinks that this is just going to be a little hitch in the day once they.
to the precinct unity. Alice was just as helpful down chatty vote during that he was an ex marine once stationed in California. First, he was asked if he knew royal lucky. The centre corn organ huber. He was shown picture of all three of these ladys he denied knowing these girls. Then he was asked about the gun that he was arrested with. We asked them if he had ever long gone out, and he said no. In fact already Alice bragged that had always been careful to keep her gone locked up in a tackle box in whose basement no else had a key now. What do you think when you hear this and realise that he's just getting in deeper and deeper bingo then the police way. The bhamo that they had gone to exclude If every gun in the world was the murder weapon-
these three women in Illinois he just looked out and loosened his tie- said I guess I won't be going to work today as well. You got some splain into do by dirty Alice had a shocker of his own. He showed well, you might wanna call california Ok, why would we want to call california within hours of learning about thirty Alice's confession palm springs lieutenant john booth and all county investigator Helen Moreno arrived in margo wasn't until we got.
there and we were briefed? Then the magnitude starts start setting anything. While you know this, guy is prolific cereal money. When you walk in that room? What is Through your mind. To be honest with you, I don't screw this one. in a cramped room at the precinct lieutenant booth sacked to chat with andrew you're Alice, who decline all offers for a lawyer. Thank you his demeanor is what, during all this very matter of fact, he wasn't scared. He wasn't upset. you ready, Alice, told investigators. He had grown up in a close knit family with loving parents, but he had. that other relationships never had. Easily. He We did not have close friends. She was alone, after
Frustrating stand in the military, he moved back home to chicago the job as a security guard, even voted union. representative is a sum He was leading a double life, no doubt about it, because when he was and work when you at home with his family. He was out trying to pick a prostitutes and god forbid, if they did anything to piss him off, they were gonna die. Two investigators, unity, alice matter of factly, described exactly how they die how he towards hurt and killed. Eight women, the bible or even better all the time or it just seemed like we'd open the faucet and he was draining the tank
what's the point, slowly when he remembered everything- clothing, color, all the various, pacific details about what they were wearing, where he dumped them all of that was spot on exactly he went down to the shoes and said They weren't leather, tennis, shoes. They were cloth. Tennis, shoes, Kenny, Irwin, that's exactly what they had. exactly she had clock temperature for My feeling was it's etched in his brain: I'm not an experienced police officer, obviously, but things that you're telling me We're just absolutely greet me out: I was crept out granted, I'm eight inches taller than him in a hundred helms heavier than him and I was crept out. Robin
andelys murder at saddlebag college in nineteen. Eighty six was his first geordie alice, said Then a marine stationed at camp pendleton I was getting dressed. He said he'd, big and with some unexplained incident at the base, something that set him off. We got in his car and just driving drive around it area, without a college. I stop my car, Why? Why monies robin bradley walking to the parking lot. He hid behind A car entire hangar. U turn It's the same thing they fell on his heart.
That Are you convinced that robin bradley was just essentially in the wrong place at the wrong time? Let's, yes, he wanted to hurt somebody that was weaker than him. He wanted her somebody that was vulnerable but cut county process Jim Mackay says there is no answer to that big question of why you too have again so that you might have an early hour to figure that out. There is a great deal of hatred. in a rage buying every one of those taboos, kid even know her. She- do anything to him rage surface again and again. Over the next few years, mackay says Dirty alice became a smarter and more methodical killer. He planned a lot of these murders
he prepared himself not only to kill but to get away with it so prepared that in the years after he left California, he kept equipment for his killings, in a storage locker near palm springs, his special murder kit, a forty five caliber pistol ammunition, a machete masks Licence plates from illinois shovels, twine, doctype all types of items you used if you needed to, he had come back here and a vacation. Orange county deputy de howard gandhi says early Alice would fly in rent, a car. grabbed his murder. Kid pick up a woman and kill her in the desert. You think he came back from illinois specifically to kill somebody here. I think that he came out here. He was on vacation and he was looking to do with what he enjoy doing when he was
if it was a vacationing already Alice, who picked up jennifer as benson at the bus stop in September nineteen. Ninety two, Nobody wouldn't ask me: neither have, I generally hesitate to get in the car as All the women already Alice remembered every last detail. I don't have researchers. story, matched jennifer's exactly the that is the way out Sweden,
The screaming he admitted he was furious at her escape but he will see her again. His only surviving victim will confront him in court, the the savage attack that nearly took her life continue too hot jennifer spencer, I didn't know if he was around me. I was very panics all the time.
then in ninety ninety, seven, five years after her attack a police, officer knocked on her door and ask her to come down the station. Any said I'm gonna put. Ten picture is on the table. suited saw me if anybody looks familiar in my eyes went right to him. I said he's right there and he picked up the pictures and said: do you know who this is, and I said man that attacked me that tried to kill me, and he said this is a man that killed eight women and you are the only one that got away Three weeks later, Jennifer came face to face with her attacker at a pre trial. Here, in Chicago. She was brought you're, biased, indicated tv show. What was it like that This time you actually saw him again emphasis sickening after that hearing was out
I tried to get answers from his family. I make them understand night. Please talk to you, I'd like to know what I mean, and I was screaming in the streets of chicago- why why, you have no idea the maniac like this. You had no idea Ok, I'm alive today and you guys won't turn around and give me one explanation. He ruined my life, please just say something to me: and then they got across the street, and then I saw his sisters stop and then he turned around and she just start hassling back across the street and I got kind of nervous. really, I'm really sorry. I was so relieved when she had me. That's all she had It was a sign that that they cared
Five years later, Andrew your d Alice finally went on trial for the murders of two of the illinois. Women Jennifer took the stand. What was it like to testify with him sitting there. It was hard. I would look at him He was never looking at me and he went. Have no emotion to anything that I said in an agonising detail. She told the jury how your european allies had sexually assaulted and torture. her the jury react. When you testify, they cried
Smack me across the face and said you're lying bitch say it like you mean and yelling at me. Tell me you love me. Tell me you love me. I just started crying. I wasn't just speaking for me. I was speaking for a other women that needed justice and within about me he did to me, was with minimal what he did to them and their families is gonna be forever and she needs to pay. The jury agreed and rejected his claim of insanity, sentencing him to death which has not changed. California's determination to also try your dear alice weather, murders he's been charged with their orange county. pda house. gandhi,
it necessary for california to even bother with this. What happens is that is that there are folks here that have lost a child and that's something that these people have to have to live with you feel an obligation to that. Do not trial, can't and soon enough for robin brand lays family The pain is never closed. The missing her none of that never closed, I wish he was around this scene. My kids and I wish she was around to show me her kids that she would have had but the fact that Europe's alice finally is paying for what he did has confirmed. a first phase given her a new appreciation for the joys of life, one thirteen, joy in particular my daughter.
is my little miracle see gives me hope. You ve talked to your daughter about this yeah yeah scene, the whole story- and you know how she escaped here. What do you think, I think, that's amazing like when I think about it. It, like the springs, my faith stronger and, like I know If I can do anything once to set my mind to it, and I have the confidence that I can, because you know what you do and I think it's close like what you think is impossible, isn't always impossible does a day goes by now, when you don't think about this now, really I just up every day, wanting to do something remarkable vidal, I gotta at night and wake up the next stages wanting to do something remarkable again, because you were the one who got away
is grateful to eliza. the. In twenty eleven illinois We abolished the death penalty and andrew Guardiola's. His sentence was commuted to life in prison in two thousand and eighteen yearning alice was convicted in the murders of five californian women and sentenced to death less than a month later he died by suicide. hey. Prime members. You can listen to the forty eight hours podcast ad free on amazon, music, download
the amazon music ab today or you can listen ad free with wondering, plus an apple pie? Gas before you go, tell us about yourself by completing a short survey of wondering dog com, sledge survey.
Transcript generated on 2023-07-28.