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The Murdaugh Mysteries - Encore


Five deaths with a connection to one family. "48 Hours" contributor Nikki Battiste investigates.

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
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the They used to be weeks back in the good old days when I had to find something to write about here in this quiet little town, A Michael Dewitt junior, managing editor to have two cannon guardian, these murder incidents began anthony. Inquired since then. Turning our ward off that he was shot in the head, while changing that higher on this road in hampton county south carolina, then the least arrested sixty one, you old quarters, I believe they Murdoch hired me to kill him. He you to kill him. I want to make it look like a suicide Why did you agree to sit down with us? They post you're, my side of it.
You'll hear a lot more from Curtis smith. The man accused of shooting high profile attorney Alex Murdoch right here on this world road and hampton county south carolina. Just one incident in a bizarre and tragic series of deadly events. Touching the murder family between of Alex Murdoch comes doing three months after his son and his wife were both fell. Shod, coward and counting first there's the double murder of his wife and son, maggie and Paul Murdoch, murdoch or ipad Alex, told investigators. He came home and found him. What is your name? They were both shot, multiple times very ballot murdoch Do we really know who Alex marduk is? I think we thought we did up until the double homicides. We thought and analyses margaret was this prominent welty entitled attorney when you are from a family that has been prominent for generations.
It comes with access and connections when maggie him home or not. Were found dead, who were the most likely suspects to common theme. Is that were going around was one now it sort of has something to do with the murder his weapons and now does he have any idea that no other theory was that this was somehow related to the boat crashed, a crash that killed teenager mallory beach, with murdoch, son, Paul, allegedly drunk and at the wheel. Why? Where convergence programmes are wanted and who is the thing worried he was driving. The y'all know Alex Murdoch as he is on good luck. That's why he indicated that he couldn't be touched, never set foot in a jail, Do you feel that mallory has gotten justice at that's just hard to answer?
All I ever wanted was for him to get on the stand and say I'm sorry, then there's another incident with a connection to the murdoch's them serious death of nineteen year old, Stephen smith. His body is found in a roadway with I wound to the head the Rumors were that there were several young men and a truck at only name that was given to me was the aim, of course, everybody's kind of shy to say that out. You know what I mean I don't think they buy will be charge- was to use miss homicide, the pull deaths with the connection? into one family model shop, respect we get himself up the theory swirling around maggie impulse murders. What's the lead theory, today, now here and more popular theories that he was somehow involved in this. This is like a hood.
It playing out in real time on the internet in the age of social media like a job. Gresham novel come to life were now the third act and things have got anywhere? How will it end with this story? Anything can happen. The the
hmm hmm homer, not in his mother found in shock and endless stream of our support on Alex marduk was shot in the head of the gas. This great lawyer alex model for render to authoritative one story practically dominated the new cycle in south carolina low country. Since twenty twenty one. It's a series of cases that the work we have done the murdoch mysteries all somehow with connection to a prominent and powerful local attorney, Alex Murdoch. I not honoring my but how did it come to this Michael Dewitt editor? the hampton county guardian part of the net, you say today, network says, Alex Murdoch came from a family that
for generations, grew deep roots and amassed power and influence. In this part, of south carolina. The murders built an empire of sorts here and low country it again over a century ago, when the family, dabbling allow firm three jenny nations of murdoch. Men also held the public office of solicitor. The chief prosecutor, Alex didn't continue that tradition alex here, the last name and a red hair and very little of the talent Alex worked as a volunteer prosecutor in the office, but Primarily he made a good living in the family law firm. He me, read his college sweetheart maggie, and they had, two sons, buster and Paul? They lived the good life spending time.
at their seventeen hundred acres state and to private islands. They have now generations of political power and political support and contacts and access and with access comes power. Seth. Stoughton is a law professor at the university of south carolina, a powerful your family and small town, south carolina has a lotta levers. They can vote, but in September twitter, Twenty one it looked like someone was out to china. when's that power with what appeared to be an attempt on Alex Murdoch's life According to his lawyer, Alex Murdoch, told investigators. He was changing a flat tire right here on this war road when a person in a pickup truck passed by asked Alex if he was having car trouble and then shot him in the head. When I turn my back, they tried to shoot me they shot me. But incredibly just twelve days later on september. Sixteen
Smerdyakov appeared in court for legit you trying to plan his own death by conspiring with this man, Curtis smith, to shoot him Did you shoot Alex Murdoch, no Did you first meet Alex Murdoch? Thirty five years ago smith handyman says he is a distant cos. of burdock, but only got to know Alex well a few years ago and says he started doing odd jobs for the family. We talk of fallen. Both danish chet bet forth, but different things you have described Alex is like a brother. Did you It was result. Smith was released on bond and now faces six felony charges in the shooting of Alex Murdoch murdoch will face. reach origins in the shooting, but with
several ongoing investigations and law suits looming. Many wonder when and how this steep far from grace will end. Alex Murdoch's world unravel and unravel quickly. It all starts It says the way back in february twenty ninth to work every day things began, unraveling for the murdoch family with the boat crush, were in a boat crash on artery. It was about to twenty a m six young friends who had been partying crashed. Old into a bridge. One of them was nineteen year old Paul Murdoch about their wanted another was nineteen year old, mallory beach who disappeared tat morning.
they're all mallory be water scene. Was this this wonderful fun, loving, happy Earl. Everybody loved her when revis and her niece mallory were extremely close. You always got a hug, hello and a hug a ba, and the last thing she told me she loved as investigators later learned, the fatal night began around eight hours earlier at the murdoch them These river home on a private island, then nineteen Oh Paul Murdoch gathered five friends for a night of partying among them were conor cook, connor's, cousin, anthony cook and anthony's girlfriend.
mallory, beach all were under age, say, investigators and all were drinking alcohol just before they gathered home murdoch use the idea of his brother buster to buy beer at this convenience store And if you look at the video footage, when power comes at the store he's holding the beer, he celebrating. shortly after gathering at the river home they the monarch families boat and took off investigators with self carolinas department of natural resources with later whose data from the boats garment navigation system to create a timely of events that led to the fatal crash. Around eight p m. The group arrived at a party at a house on the river just after midnight, the six of them
Who did the boat and headed toward downtown buford pauling connor, decide to go into this bar for a drink? neighbours. shy path singer, miley altman, later told police in this interview that the rest of them didn't want how to go with this is integration. They went in power. The countless shots somewhere around. Why one third see the video footage them leave and about that it appears a couple of were very intoxicated. It was kind of us They are touchy moment when you see mallory and her boyfriend. I think, as the last moment did, invite captured image of her laugh. It was and one fifteen a m. When they took off again on the boat doing down ass. My we opened
I told investigators. Tempers were running short to cars are striving for a little bit and then paw like soft collar. He knows his mana what we all want greatest color, the first responders. Dashcam video captured the mayhem where's everybody out there, edit for a lot of little bit of everybody, was accounted for except tyler, stillness and one. What's her name elbows cryin scared shot. This word about his friend. then buford county deputy sheriff. Stephen domino was one of the first on the scene, Paul Murdoch,
and saying much, but mallory very distraught boyfriend anthony cook was talking to deputy domino after domino Anthony into whose patrol car p murdoch came in the site. He was walking up from the boat was given. By their away from me. He actually try to rush through me to get nepal because guess? He saw. A smile and earl smiling well Anthony's girlfriends missing in the water. While you remind you that when Anthony cook definitively identity, I the person he said was driving the boat. Y'all know eller, murdoch bass is on the road driving good luck. That's what he indicated that he couldn't be touched. You're talking about Alex Murdoch,
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lean. Revers says your niece mallory had already been missing for nearly three hours when our family finally learn the news, but not from police. What happened cousin, said called our mom, I wanted to know if she about the boat crash, the mail had been in it. I outlined to happen, and I just couldn't go the search went on for days. There was people from other states that came and they wanted help on the eighth day to violent, years, brothers found mallory body about five miles down the river from the crash site else at home and someone called and said they had found a fellow port.
Many in hampton county were grieving, says Michael Dewitt. Hundreds of people attended her. There were so many people. It took like four hours to great everybody. I've never seen so many people Lynde says even the murdoch's were their policy that mallory scale David to the cemetery. When we buried her we after that, we're just waiting. Is someone going to make an arrest? Is there going to be a admission of guilt or responsible? the programme a month after the crash afraid, might never learn what happened to mallory the beach family filed a wrongful deaf suit. and members of the murdoch family. Now the beach family could deposed. Survivors about what led to the fatal. Both crash Paul was allegedly actin rash and reckless
children say that they begged for him to stop and they begged just let us out, and he refused Mallory said she was scared. Yes, It hurts my heart. sub terrified, her deposition. Paul's, then girlfriend morgan Dodi, said Paul, and I got into an argument because I didn't take his side. He slapped her and spit on her. She said and kept leaving the boats wheeled to fight with her. Whenever it was done. She said he would go back and take over again Authorities believe all that movement explains the last moments recorded by the boats gorman device at two. Twenty eight am that garment record them. slowing down and then speeding up. Secondly,
the garment, shows the boat coming to an abrupt stop when it struck a piling over here at archers, creek bridge in his deposition, Connor cook said that the morning of the crash he held back from telling investigators the Paul was driving the boat because he was afraid and while at the hospital being treated for a broken jaw, he says he was told by Alex Murdoch that he didn't need to tell anyone who was driving Alex reportedly went from room to room to try to communicate with other boat crash passengers and get them all Same page, a hospital security guard said he who'd Alex Murdoch on his cell phone say she's gone. Don't worry that heart when I read that because we were asleep
did not know anything was going home instead of or even about strong in the boat, smoke. I think that from day one ground zero. The effort was, what can we do to get Paul out of this? in fact, in a recent lawsuit connor cook claims Alex Murdoch tried to frame him as the driver of the boat, not paul. How can we create a cloud fusion and say: can you prove who is driving the vote at the hospital Paul Murdoch's blood alcohol level was tested by doctors, treating him several hours after the crash the nineteen year old, was three times over the legal limit and was allegedly still acting out. He was getting belligerent with the the nurses staff. According to
records speak loud and troublesome, but that morning and four weeks to come, many felt the pole murdoch was not treated like a suspect in a crime. We didn't think he was gonna be charged because it was taken so long. We, didn't they would see their day, then It happened on earth it nearly two months after the boat crash, on what would have been mallory twentieth birthday. Paul was charged with three felony counts, incur putting boating under the influence of alcohol or drugs and causing the death of mallory beach. He pleaded not guilty. An officer of the court came forward with handcuffs to a formally arresting fingerprint him and they were waved away like we don't need to know so. He was
we're in his booking photograph murdoch is wearing his street clothes or you surprised that Paul Murdoch never spent dan jail know how it happened. My personal opinion, yes, bond was set at fifty thousand dollars, and we see from news reports after this that Paul continued delivers lifestyle. I don't care about a year later, Paul goddess, beating to get well towing a boat ridden roughshod over your book in it gotcha. Seventy eight! Suddenly, yes, two years after charges were filed, there was still no trial date set when non june. Seventh, twenty twenty one outlooks murdoch called police and said
he found his wife and son Paul shot dead, maggie yet may have simply hurry june seventh, twenty twenty one as poem murdoch was awaiting trial in the death of mallory beach. A fuse lot of gunfire erruptive on the murdoch family estate. Roy at ten o clock in p m panic, sounding outlooks, murder, called nine one. One saying he had just ride, tome defined his wife of nearly twenty eight years, maggie their son shot
if you know your son that she was shot, but what about your son? Yeah nobody there not either one of the first words saunders rushed to the murdoch. Family hunting lodge a sprawl seventeen hundred seventy acre property in collecting counting, but it was too late. Fifty two rolled maggie and her twenty two year old son, Paul we're dead. This place of refuge for the family had said their free time, hunting and enjoying the outdoors we're Paul head home. Tis shooting skills alongside his father and brother, was now a gruesome crime scene. described the reaction of the community. After the double homicide, shock A lot of people know them so there
his grief and dismay from a lot of people now he beaches and lean revers was one of those people thought the horror that they went through a crack. who'd want to kill and mother and son. That's what I can't stop thinking with thought about it too. Things like that shouldn't be happening there in our little community? But what and in this little community soon became national investigation into this double. How? If I continued and international news, a series of family tragedies began to do this. if carolina law enforcement division known as sled the states top invest The gate of agency took over the case to call it and counting corner estimate they were killed between nine and nine thirty pm they were found. They close to one another
ground near the dull camels, maggie a dog lover was said to have spent a lot of time at the channels with the hunting dogs so just tell media that maggie was kill with some type of automatic rifle like an architect of some sort and Paul. it was a shotgun and they were both shot multiple times at that time, the south you're a lion alone. Foresman division hadn't named any suspects, but that didn't stop social media loose from a spouse sing theories. One now is for us with it. So terry was as if this were somehow relate to the boat crash. Somebody wanted justice, they didn't think they were getting the courts in relation to the boat crash. Alex gleams do have an air tight alibi. He was at the hospital visiting his sick father when the shootings took place, but alibis can be
deceiving says professor Stoughton. Sometimes the person and the murderer is not. The same person is the one you pull the trigger. You think there can be a hitman, possibly certainly seen other cases where there are fired killers, higher guns. I wouldn't want to suggest that is the case here, but sometimes people are small about how they do bad things. Some are asking if Alex hired the man now accused of shooting him did Alex ever try to hire. You is a hitman know. Did you kill maggie or palmer knock know at a recent hearing? I question the murderer: family attorney, dick harpoon lion, avow the double murder weapon. Now does he have any idea now
Recent reports about the murdoch marriage have raised questions about a possible motive. People magazine cited a name law enforcement sources, claimed at maggie analyses, didn't have relationship and they were going to get a divorce and she was consulting with our town attorney were there any problems in maggie analysis? Marriage! Absolutely! No, not trust me! I was with them almost two years, always affectionate, always courteous picture of a domestic work and what about the oldest motive in the book? We did Nagy the day, didn't have any insurance. They did not have no insurance. Getting to the truth in this case will be a challenge says professor stone
investigators are going to have a hell of a time sorting through all of the possible explanations and motives, given the different contacts and connections. Here, I do not envy them that job as investigators were, attempting to untangle the snarls of evidence in the double murders they came across yet another case with connection to the murdoch's them steering death of stephen smith The no I'm not Fifteen days after the murders of maggie impose murder, sled made us stunning announcement they had found in. For me,
She well investigating the double matters that led them to open a new investigation into an old case. The mysterious death of nineteen year old, Stephen smith, tell me who is stevens Stephen Smith was a young man living in Hampton Kelly, he had a sister there. They were twins openly, gay and well liked stephen. Attended the same high school as buster Murdoch. they were in the same class, but apparently travelled indifferent circles, either friends nor enemies. After graduation buster went to college to study government, an international affairs There's stephen went to a community college to pursue his dream of becoming a nurse, but all those days We came to a sudden hold here on this to lean country road sometime, The early morning, hours of july, eighth, two thousand fifteen. What happened to stephen has been the subject of rumours and speculation.
ever since hand a guy. Now I wager emergency passer by called now will win I think some are laying out an engine and a road or on the side of the road you're, always so my boy hedonism, Stephen smith, was found dead at the scene from blood force trauma to the head? stevens, yellow chevy, was found roughly three miles away. His wallet inside the guy cap unscrewed initial reports by the highway patrol claimed stephen, ran into car trouble and was likely walking when he was struck and killed by vehicle, but recently released audio interviews. Show some officers on the case did not. I agree with that, hit and run theory nothin. It would appear that it was a vehicle accidents.
This is the voice of trooper David round wall. Beauchamp so the highway east and west look him any evidence didn't see anything that appear to be vehicular involved. There was no vehicle debris, no broken head, lighter paint, scrapes earned When someone is hit by a car there very frequently knocked out of their shoes. Stephen Smith's shoes were still only was found they were still on and they were loops. It certainly raises questions as to whether hit and run is the right conclusion. Stevens mother, Cindy smite, told the locals bs affiliate. She didn't believe hit and run scenario either. The only damage to his body was his head from his right eye, fog to the back of his head. His right shoulder was dislocated when someone is struck by our cause
are going at speed, and I don't mean seventy miles an hour. I mean even something like twenty five, thirty thirty five miles an hour flock bodies pushed a long way, the body roles and moves and there's there's road, vernon, there's rash marks. There is evidence Then, on the road sandy smith told Michael Dewitt newspaper, she believed her son was murdered. She believe it was a hate crime related in some way to his sexuality and in our interviews with her, she pleaded to the public. If any by knows anything, please I'm all answers. Investigators, like trooper time proctor spent months talking to Stevens friends, family and possible love interests trying to get those answers.
I have talked to so far about this, so hopefully some people are going to start talking in recorded audio interviews. One name kept coming up over and over again, Stephen sister Stephanie heard that name multiple times that way store and a bunch of people kept coming to light. Does you know them or not? The boys are behind it. Neither a brother has ever been named a suspect and the murder Family attorney has not responded to forty eight hours request for comment on the smith case, but smith, family attorney, Andy savage, said pub. The glee. The focus on the murdoch family may be unfounded quote. There are suspects we haven't site that are unconnected to murdoch. The pathologists ruled the blunt head trauma that killed. Stephen could have
possibly come from contact with the sign view mirror of a passing truck former trooper todd, proctor told fox news. He didn't believe it, then any does it believe it. Now it looked like it was more staged, like possibly the body and placed in the roadway. The case was never solved and went cold until house of murdoch came crumbling down one break at a time, and it's almost been a case of episodic television where tuna in this we can all see was next from panting, counting homeward murdoch's. The
On september. Sixth, twenty twenty one two days after being shot Alex Murdoch, found himself once again making front page news when he's done the world. By releasing this statement, I have made lot of decisions that I truly grant he said and announced was leaving the law firm, outsmart out, put out a statement saying here going into rehab outlooks murder was now saying he has been addicted to opiates for two decades. A surprise to many. They a twenty year old sea yes opiate addiction, does not seem consistent with Alex Murdoch's, successful practice as an attorney it was an only claims of drug abuse
now steaming murdoch's reputation. Murdoch has also been a key instead of stealing millions from his own law firm and was asked to resign the day before he was shot friday. The law firm has a common. Jesus maiden with him. We know you're, allegedly steal a money you're out. Sadly, the report is shooting monday alice releases statement. Saying I'm going in then came the news about why Murdoch had allegedly hired Curtis smith. He says it was to make his suicide look like murder, so his son, bust, could collect a ten million dollar insurance pale. I believe
One of the initial statements was that, because he did not know whether his life insurance would pay out in the event of a suicide he's a lawyer who was perfectly cable of reading his insurance policy murdoch's confession, send Curtis smith to jail for two days until you posted a fifty five thousand dollars bond for his alleged role in the shooting and another five thousand dollars possession of methamphetamine found in his home when he was arrested. They just arrest me a basin ways it according to Curtis. There was no fraud scheme alex hold him that day to help with a flat tire. When he arrived kurdish says he found a desperate man holding a gun than ever. By this I say you get together. Yes, I said what I can do
until he turns his head. I just grab his arm pretty bad head to the gun. For me, Curtis says the gun went off in the struggle, but he managed to take it from Alex and dispose of it. Then he got out of their as fast as he could. Why did you Leave the scene I don't know they'll. Do you laugh? He was I've gun without his hand, Curtis Smith's, defends, attorney, Johnny Mccoy. Some people would think call the police someone when Alex Marta? Is the police he's a prosecutor with cards to report any because there's no crime, they saved his life on september? Sixteen Twenty twenty one sing charges of insurance, fraud, conspiracy and filing a false police report. Alex Murdoch turned himself in no plea has been entered yet
the fact that murder sat in a chair and a jumpsuit handcuffs is something out: were seen in my lifetime, despite the serious charges against him. Alex Murdoch was released on twenty thousand dollars bond and allowed to go back to rehab in florida. Why Will there investigators we're looking into all of his business dealings when the list of missing money and suspicious deaths orbiting Alex Murdoch's world grew longer and now included this woman Gloria satterfield. Gloria was the housekeeper. Furthermore, the family for more than twenty years ronnie richter is an attorney for this satterfield, Only she literally help raise model songs, paul investor in twenty eighteen
Fifty seven year old died after a trip and fall accident at the murdoch estate. The very same property where maggie imports would be found ed in twenty twenty one. What's been reported is says she was at the house a day on the front steps the dogs got a little ran bullshit and gave her a push and she fell down the stairs back then satterfield death was not questioned instead had it was ruled natural, and no ought hop see was ever performed. There's nothing natural about a fifty seven year old woman, falling down a flight of steps and dying from head trauma at glorious funeral murdoch did something very odd says: richter He recommended satterfield sons, file or wrongful death lawsuit against him, Alex even steered them toward an attorney. His
former college, roommate and Paul Murdoch's godfather corey fleming alive. Trust was place in both Alec an inquiry to do the right things and It really went south from the outset, court docket and show a four point? three million dollar pay out by Alex's insurance company. But now of the money ever went so glorious family. Where did that money go allegedly went into Alex Murat pocket on September fifteenth, twenty twenty one sled announced they were winning a criminal investigation into satterfield debt and
the handling of her estate, then, on october, fourteenth another twist in the Alex Murdoch case, the new criminal charges, the disgraced lawyer is facing Alex Murdoch then faced two felony charges for his alleged role in the satterfield insurance fraud. No plea was entered in this case either, but This time a judge ordered Alex Murdoch to be held with out bond he's bed in rich links, jail since october, sixteenth twenty twenty one and the family of mallory beach? Who murdoch is investigated for obstruction of justice in the nba de into mallory is death. This is or mallory is buried for this
family of mallory beach. There's just days were just want to cry? They love the grieving continues. What would justice possibly look like for your family now now, just think if the lawsuit would be settled so it can I would perhaps because mallory died. Almost three years ago, and timely stories come out. Sly cat, that's hollow. Yes The I the I
the charged with murder, reticent new ways to children. Did your father today, any wrong and killing J J entirely His children speak out together. If you didn't kill him, then why were their bodies stout? Bearing of almost forty eight hours saturday on CBS, hey primary as you can listen to the forty eight hours podcast ad free on amazon, music download. the amazon music ab today or you can listen ad. Free with wondering, plus an apple pie. Gas before you go tell us about yourself by completing a short survey at wondering dog com sledge survey.
Transcript generated on 2023-06-01.