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Target Justice - Encore


Shocking murders targeting Texas lawmen leave a community on edge.

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Hey prime members, you can listen to the forty eight hours podcast ad free on amazon music down the arab today hi, I'm lindsey grand the host of wonders, podcast american scandal. Our new a series looks at the kids for cash scandal, a story about to die who stood accused of making millions of dollars in a brazen scheme that shattered the lives of countless children. Listen to me. can scandal on amazon, music or wherever you catch upon casts real people real times real life draw causing tyranny. Is a large country with a small town, feel we're over a hundred thousand in population, but are you in immediately think fast
and especially great here and kaufmann, where he had the town square nice day studied easy and warm lives. Sixty seven zack. I was on its way, the office that was my first month. Someone in my office came to me and said ma'am, I'm sure I heard shots fired back outside. and then we went into lockdown somebody's been shot about kempton courthouse almost every day and as our driving in, I saw a person closed all in black. There was the shoving match, and then he took the gun and shot babe, You heard the gunshot. Yes, how many gunshots did you like a cat
at three. I knew there were at least two more. The boy had one of our assistant district attorneys, assaulted and shot, and he is deceased. His name was mark hassi, kaufman county, the state of texas and especially my office, has suffered a devastating loss today he was a. There was a good guy it, sir a daring, daylight attack very close to the courthouse square. It froze. Everybody was a huge story. What was the first theory erin brotherhoods white supremacist gang known as the area and brother whatever about tackling larger than those violent prison. Like members illyrian brotherhood mexican drug cartels, it was anybody's
mark was a prosecutor. He was come. go to guide kaufman. The first thing that we did was look at more cassius docket for that day, and then we looked at previous cases in and so on. It was you know who done it at one time. I hope that the people who did this your watch we're going to pull you out of whatever hole you're in we're going to bring you back and let the people of kaufman county. It's a cute. You they found any leads you're caught anybody, yet everybody has their own air to keep my door. lock him again slogan. Can't believe the desert attorneys Ben Gunn down. You know here in causing county Nobody knew who was next resources were there and we are making progress is very
a story and then I guess round easter everything changed. For these tell us they are operating under the possibility that tonight's murders could be related to that of former assistant district attorney mark has he think it happened once it can appetites bed I believe it was true when you deal with bad people. You know that there is always the potential for these bad people, do something bad to you. I the just richard lawson tonight on forty eight hours target justice high Lindsey, Graham the host of wonders, pod podcast american scandal, we bring to life,
the biggest controversies in? U s. History, presidential lies environmental disasters, corporate fraud. In our new a serious, we look at the kids for cash scandal, a story about corruption inside america, system of juvenile justice, in northeastern pennsylvania residents had begun, noticing and alarming trend. Children were being sent away to jail in high numbers, often for committing only minor offences, the f b I began looking to local judges and when the full picture emerged it made national headlines. The judges were earning fourchan carrying out a brazen criminal scheme, one that would shatter the lives of countless children and force a heated debate about punishment and america's criminal justice.
follow american scandal. Wherever you get your podcasts, you can listen ad free on the amazon music or wander iap. A veteran prosecutor shot in broad kaufman county DA was shot to death. thankfully, I think many small towns or big cities that have gone through what kaufman Texas has their first to see indeed, a mark cassie was shot at eight o clock in the morning on a busy street. Just a block from
court house in this small town there was a huge turn out at the service for happy who was fifty seven, an unmarried but very Well, no kaufman thirty miles from dallas, but it's a different world rural and until and you worry thirty. First, two thousand thirteen quiet I was driving at this road. I saw the shooter cosette street and mark was walking this way. When I first got out of my car, then I heard a gunshot, so I turned and looked This direction, Linda bush, Kelly Blaine, were added to the courthouse that morning. Lynn. Is a lawyer. A former police officer. Kelly is a court coordinator. Neither is a stranger to crime or criminals, but they were not prepared,
What they saw and heard that morning, he shoved lark like there's, mark straighten it shut back, and then he took the gun and shot right into his neck. Wouldn't we look like hey had on black mask so covered his face. Can tell what he looked like or his age at all, the gunman fire to final shots into the air and race to his car. Just then Linda bush, the ex cop happened to be driving by on her way work. She saw the shooting and the gunman whose face and body were completely covered, so Linda pulled into tried to read the license plate number on the shooters car, but there was no license plate. The shooter took off so did Linda.
She followed the car for about three blocks down this road. She tried to call in one one, but she was nervous and she had a new phone. So she fumbled in dialing nine nine one, the killer got away. Linda hurried. to the crime scene, where she was captured on a police cars, dashboard camera, giving hashish cpr out. Those sulky are tell the police officer came and they took me aside and they said we'll take it now. did he of the mass murderer, remained a mystery, but there was no disguising the impact of has ceased killing jar of David byrne. And has ceased ass. Dear might MC clellan at a press conference within hours will in a process of running down. Many lay drug where it fell out offend. Remember that Is MIKE mcclelland, I'm the criminal district attorney for kaufman county. We lost
a really really good man. He was an excellent friend and a spectacular prosecutor. This is pretty unprecedented. I mean it was an attack on the judicial system. In the way we looked at it because how she was mike mcclelland, chief deputy special prosecutors. To be brought in dallas, attorneys, Toby shook and bill worse key over one of the most important cases they ever add killing the prosecutors like killed a police officer another you gonna, take his place, so we thought we were the right ones to take more cassius place and to try to get just stir to the person. The martyrdom looking These immediately began the hunt for the killer soon state and fair Officers swarmed kaufman, to offer help it was up to. ten and jolly steward of the sheriffs department to help run the investigation first daughter business find that getaway car
We knew we had a light, colored, maybe silver or tan sedan, four door, maybe a ford taurus, and that was going to be our suspect vehicle. You just don't realize how many cars fit that description till you start Linda Bush had told policed everything she could remember, but it wasn't much so the texas rangers turn do a hypnotist to try to red job whatever was stored in her subconscious memory. well, I'm always all but sceptical about things like that, but I will certainly willing to do it if it would help under hypnosis linda said, there was an unusual pattern on the back of the card. That would help a lot before long, but it didn't mean much then Investigators were relying on more traditional police,
The mindset when you have a major crime like this, it is to reach out and touch every suspect you can as fast as you can and try to account for them and the accounts. We were getting about how it happened with them. we're getting up close with mark it just told me: it was probably a grudge grievance. This person had there was extremely personal more cassie was one tough texas prosecutor over long career. He sent a long line of murderers, armed robbers and drug dealers to the penitentiary. Some of more free now bearing grudges and bearing firms, we were literally swamped with suspects. This investigation from day one was drinking of a fire hose there was one man right in kaufmann who police went to see right away Eric Williams, he was a lawyer and a justice of the peace.
but he may well have had a motive to kill hassle williams had been caught and convicted of stealing computer monitors from a county office. The case had been prosecuted by mark has in a way with part time and now that he will not happy with that sheriff burns had detected a mainly go to his house. He comes through the door with his arm of the slain and claims that he is so referred. The deputies tested williams, hands for gunshot residue, they found none, You know we had no reason to disbelieving at that time, but we still he was still on our radar. That's when public attention started, focusing on a white supremacist prison gang.
the area and brotherhood of texas or a b t. The av had just been front page news after a federal indictment charged members of the gang with murder and drug trafficking, the indictment had been sought, a group of prosecutors, including more cassie, and then there were other high profile shootings of law enforcement officials by members of other white supremacist gangs about two months after happy was killed. Evan evil, a member of the two eleven prison gang murdered, the head of the colorado prisons, two days later, evil was pulled over on a lonely texas highway by a sheriffs deputy who thought something was suspicious about his car evil shop. The deputy and sped away, leaving the way, did officer in the grass.
he led police on a high speed chase through the texas countryside about a hundred and twenty five miles from kaufman. He was finally stopped after hitting a truck and then killed in a shoot out turns out that ever evil wasn't even in taxes on the day ass he was killed and, while the white surprise, This is worth getting all the headlines. Investigators could not shake the feeling that, worse spinning their wheels bottom, and for those gangs is money and killing a prosecutor, kill and police. sure is just bad for their business, but, as the weeks went by
out and arrest or a major break. In the case, the question became. Could whoever have killed more cassie, get away with it even kill again for weeks after the murder of more cassie investigators, word drowning in information tips and leads that shit david Byrne says all went nowhere, Ninety nine point: nine percent of what we gathered was not here, Nobody had any answers here right now. The sheriff and his team again eliminating some suspects with no possible links to the crime. They were convinced that neither the
and brotherhood nor a drug cartel was involved and top and cattle were not prosecute. Many cocktail cases, yet more cassie's murderer was still on the loose and everyone, The court house was looking over their shoulders wondering if they were safe or if they were next Kelly, blaine works one of the court's wanna hardest things all of that to me, was helping my seventy something year. Old judge put on a bullet proof vest just so he could leave work and go home they're. Turning over every stone iraqis, boss, district attorney, mighty mcclelland always carried a gun, but his J r says he worried about people he worked with. That was a thing that and may in the ba? He felt responsible for everyone in that office. Was he armed all the time?
In fact, he was seen on video at a local gun store. Looking for weapons for his staff, I tried to tell him keep a gun on you at all times and then just hours after he went to the gun store two months after more cassie was shot down in broad daylight therewith, another, if possible, even more shocking killing News live off the top tonight, hoffman county district attorney mike mc clellan, and his wife had been found shot. killed in their forty home, it was a grisly killing district attorney himself and his wife were I ordered at dawn in a hail of bullets, bad bad sign,
probably want to move more to cram. Things ever been on calls with the blood and the carnage. Cynthia Mcclellan was shot repeatedly with one final shot to her head. Jr mcclellan was driving when he got the news. I got out of the truck and stood there and had my kids in there. When I didn't know what to say, they didn't know what to do. He had to tell his sister krista Abbott's shock protein. Thirty second fanatic, bro down the first thing you think of when you hear Why that is, you know, did how long did they suffer? The murder of the mcclellan's bent the law enforcement community was now dealing with a serial killer, who so far had set his sights on them. Sheriff's lieutenant Joe Lee
was there any doubt your mind that these tumors work connected with mark ass, his mirth. It was one of the first things at any man. When I got the call, we knew that it was they'll, connecting county officials immediately got round the clock. Armed police protection and special prosecutor. Toby shook took precautions, even though he lived thirty mile away in Dallas I had my wife take out two guns: told her what the situation was not open the door not even for a police officer now- and I told her- I would be texture corner before I can bag the letter and I would be made coming through the door. I wanted to. Thank you I knew nobody was coming after any of us, but the paranoia was crying. After all, the false leads, since the hassle, murder police got a significant and
expected break. Just one day after the mcclelland were gun down, an anonymous tipp came into a crime stoppers website The tipster is opening line of his email. Do we have your full attention now? He or they certainly It is very specific, as to the top and ammunition that was used, unmarked, ass, his death, so somebody who had that much knowledge they knew a lot more. So he was definitely somebody that we wanted to start a dialogue with whoever seem to be taunting. The police and the email exchange on the crime stoppers website threatened to commit more murders. By now,
with every other suspect eliminated police turn their full attention to Eric Williams who lived here. He was the one time justice of the peace who stole those computer monitors. He wasn't hiding. He was. riding around town on a segway and he was talking to investigative producer, jack douglas of CBS station ktvt. All the families that have been affected by this tragedy especially due to the people that work at the goal I worked there for several. Well, I was going to last week. If so, I know that its family tight is devastating. There was a coldness about him, it genuine to me special prosecutor. working. Looks smog, look like he was smoking and he just look like a psychopath
knowing the true then somehow laptop it actually did actually makes me feel this police are doing. Thorough job, the williams was right, the police hard at work. Learning We think they could about him The. Joe parkes thought she knew Eric Williams pretty well, and she liked him professionally. Re friendly, she's, a local attorney and often county and has no williams since you, as a young court coordinator in town, anything done on that dog he would make sure got down or set. I didn't know if anyone that didn't like him, you know back when he first our impacts along what
Things changed in may two thousand and eleven just six months, after Williams had been elected justice of the peace. That's when he was caught repeat, leon surveillance, video taking monitors and other equipment from a county building. He said he needed them for his office, but within two weeks he was arrest I don't blame. You actually believe I'm here. Escape person or fire the see walk into the department and I'm a monster, I'm taking that one I mean. There's places that do that places being here in collin, county or business. It was more cassie and might but clellan who decided to prosecute Williams for the computer theft, a felony and some people thought they had gone too far. I thought it was crazy
Oh, he wasn't stealing them from the county misappropriating them. He was going to use them for legitimate purpose, phil sure about that he may be didn't, go through the rat channels to obtain them because they didn't get along with a person that allotted them. There was even speculation that this was a political prosecution. Williams had supported mcclelland opponent in the election. I dont think my dad marketing tried Eric Williams any different than they would have tried anybody else if they had done something that broke the law and had charges filed against them and in fact, prosecutors offered Williams a deal plead guilty to a misdemeanor and avoid jail. He refused He told me because it was a fabricated and he would win, and there is nothing to worry about, and there was no problem and he didn't wanna have a misdemeanor on his record
williams was a member of the international high iq society mensa by his death it was, not a very smart one williams, we don't trial and was convicted of a felony did cost him almost everything he had worked for shortly. Thereafter, of course, he lost his right to be an elected public official. He lost his health insurance. It asked his law lies in the venture way, which meant his livelihood his ability to provide for a family. So he lost a lot. Yes, I didn't go to jail. No sir, but he lost a lot and prosecutor Toby shook, says: Williams was out for revenge and sentencing. Croatian and computer record showed the next day alan lexus nexus. He started searching marcus ray lived and that sort of thing
Tanya Ratcliff started hearing about Eric Williams from her close friend, cynthia mc clellan, the DA's wife. They were both members of a quick in club, and she knows the mcclelland were concerned about Williams ever since that trial, tell me about some of its history with having been prosecuted before and that they thought he had just the personality type that couldn't stand being humiliated did. They think that he was humiliated yes and after sees murder. The mcclelland were even more concern. Did they feel like targets, possibly Yes, because you say anything: yes, she did tell me that she felt that Eric Williams was behind it. That they were going to take. Precautions are home to take care of themselves by mc clellan from day one minute, one do that. It was Eric. Williams, had a gun down more cassie
That's why sheriff's deputies went to Williams's house that day they checked out his story he had had shoulder surgery and within days they determined he was lying. So we asked sheriff David burns Why wasn't williams arrested? Then? Why murder? Whereas our evidence that he did, we have no evidence. He lied to the police about how that's not an offense hideous federally. You change, louder, federal alpha. You allowed us all day and, quite frankly, we can expect mostly without good lad, They needed more needed Eric Williams, the man from mensa to do something dumb and they were about to get lucky for being itself proclaimed genius. Thank you.
Smart everyone. He made some some pretty stupid mistake after DA might quickly. and his wife cynthia were killed. Kaufman county courthouse employees looked visibly shaken Texas lawmen knew any one of them could be next, but even though they felt certain Williams. Was there man they didn't, have enough on here, so everyone was on edge, especially at the courthouse. Some employees felt safer going into the building, escorted by law enforcement officers, others vowing to protect themselves pact, a lunch and a gun and they were running out of time. Remember anonymous crime, stoppers tipp, the tipster, had threatened
things would resume soon. Then he made a threat that these assaults would continue. Unless a coffin county judge resigned by the next friday, the police had defined the source of the tipp before the fatal deadline. with the clock ticking. They found this surveillance footage from businesses near the mc clellan house taken around the town I am of the murders. We saw a light for tori on different pieces of video footage entering the neighbourhood it about the right time, an accident and about the right time. So at that point in addition to trying to interview Eric Williams. Our focus was trying to find that white ford crown victoria. Eric Williams had hired lawyers who prevented police from talking to him, but luckily, for the police that change Suddenly we get an email on our fallen from arab williams. Lawyers say
we no longer represent herrick williams, and that was a big moment. They invested. because we immediately realized he's not represented by lawyers. So we can send this over to attempt to interview but police still and have enough evidence to get what they really wanted a warrant to search here in the house where Eric Williams lived. They have to get his permission, it didn't seem very likely accept. Williams, was full of surprises and when the police, he said yes and invited them in and it jane with his psychopathic egotistical mindset, and he thought he could fool law enforcement in this case, armed with Eric Williams, permission and several pistols major dwayne, dockers of the texas rangers and another officer entered the house well aware that they were now alone with the man they believe had committed three murders, one of his head.
The watching him all the time, because if he did have what in there. He will know where they were. We want to know where they were. The officers made an audio recording of the entire search because they had no warrant. They could only four things where Williams allowed to. you're looking, but these enough. They found parts of weapons that could have been used in the murders. First, they found a gun site. It tell me that site had been on a gun and ask him about that. One time you can get on with spring cleaning. Everything does surprise me
his only response then was well that wouldn't surprise me and they found more the Henry be asking about it. He said he didn't know what it was and it's a device that uses infrared technology to find heat signatures up to nine hundred feet away. Heat signatures can help find people. It was enough to get that water. if they wanted for a detailed search of the house- and they came back the next day with more manpower, including the f b- I they went through every inch of the house and they got very lucky biggest thing. They found her in the search as we found a title to apply ford crown victoria just validated what we thought that we were on the right track them. Eric Williams was our killer and we were getting close to get him was a huge break, but not the only one here
entryway to the Williams house, police found a scrap of paper tucked inside a computer bag. There were some numbers scribbled on it and it didn't take long to figure out what they meant. When you call it a crowd. Starboard tipp, you get a personal, add a number of our less anonymous. We contacted the administrator on crime stoppers. Then we were able to find out. That number was linked to that certain tent We got that too was the one that correctly identified the ammunition used to kill more cassie and threatened to kill again. It was enough to arrest williams for something and that very nice. was arrested without incident at his home for making deadly threats there was still not enough to charge him with murder. We still have located the murder weapon. We hadn't located get away car and we were a little bit dejected after
search that we didn't locator, like crown victoria, The one thing that happened during the execution of a search warrant is the media showed up playing breaking news now in kaufman, county investigators are searching the home of former justice of the peace, Eric Williams and the story. Was carried on, live tv, chopper, eleven is live right now and that led to the biggest break. Yet the morning after the search was televised. One viewer called bill worse key. There was a friend of Eric Williams, who told me: hey: I've got some information. Think you need to know. I know about a secret storage place that Eric Williams has a secret storage. Yes, he told Did he had rented a storage unit on behalf Eric Williams because eric- didn't want his name associated with this storage unit, and he was able to lead us to that storage unit. Police quickly got a warrant for the unit that William secretly rented a few towns
way we had law enforcement surrounding or junior finally cut into the lock wants. We re the door there's the flight crown victoria, the crown victoria one The crown jewels in the case against Eric williams- and it was like christmas morning and the dallas cowboys one in the superbowl all world into one, and there are a lot of hugson high high toma to my happiest data, as it did in the birth of that children. That is probably best billet thinking ever heck. Besides, the car was a boat load of weaponry dozen,
of guns, thousands of rounds of ammunition, police, badges bullet proof, vests and across bow that locker. It's the tactical officer stream, and it was more than enough for the detectives. So, on April eighteenth, two thousand thirteen, almost three weeks after the mc clellan, were killed. Eric Williams was charged with capital murder for shooting them and prosecutor mark assay, but It turned out. Williams did not act alone,
in December two thousand fourteen twenty months after being charged murdering de MIKE mcclelland, his wife, cynthia and prosecuted more cassie heavy weight. Eric Williams, went on trial in front of people who used to be his court house. Colleagues into the diver having plater guilty Please not guilty? We are for trial, it had been long and difficult investigation. Let us raise again say here and now: secure bill. Whisky could finally tell everyone in the court room. It was Eric Williams who shot down their friends for revenge after being prosecuted for stealing those computer monitors He began to play to the violent. This case was
undeniably personal to working and he got up close I first to Williams when he said William. killed, cynthia mcluhan because was in the way very well. Is this one prosecutors had it ton of evidence. The weapon stockpile. The crown Victoria police uniforms and badges growth approved another by an compelling witnesses to this on the ground Dr blood coagulated blood, dallas police officers, charles tomlinson was the first at the mcclellan's house that night he'd been down the street visiting his parents, who were good friends of the mcclelland and they followed him to the crime scene, on page four behind me: and my mom immediately hit the ground
when you say, fell to her knees and started crime, the defence, no opening statement and called no witnesses might clellan, son, J, R and daughter christa, looked on, as williams lawyer, made the case that the prosecution had not made its care airways did not commit the murderers there is not one single piece. Biometrics evidence the ties Eric to the mc clellan home, fingerprint one piece of dna? One hair all eyes were about jury, yours, into decide. Not only was there no reasonable doubt, there was no doubt at all. They took just our and forty minutes to reach a verdict
we, the jury unanimously by an independent, Eric LAO Williams. Guilty of careful murder, restores the invite you maybe see, but some of the most fucking testimony would come next. In the sentencing phase, of the trial where the jury would decide? If Williams would get the death penalty, it was the debut of a star witness, why? Yes ion? Yes, Eric Williams, his wife Sixteen years Kim had also been charged with all three murders. She admitted she drove the getaway cars after all, the kids were you really participants yes, allies came had since filed for divorce ends, She took part in the murders because she was addicted to pain, killer, Tell me about your addicted to object more morphine,
value for vigil a lot of stuff the suit could be ex? Mrs Williams confirmed her husband, His motive for murder was anger, fury relay that he was convicted. for stealing those computer monitors. Why more ass? I was so drunk an eye, soberly in Eric and everything that he told me his anger was my anger. This is the getaway car Eric Williams used after the hussy murder. Remember, Linda bush, the ex cop who witnessed the shooting she recalled under hypnosis. These shooters car had a strange pattern on the back turns out. This car had a strange pattern right where Linda bush remembered it was paw prince the former owner had been a cat lover after the happy murder. This car broke down
and didn't last long enough to use in the mc clellan murders he wanted to use. The original car that we used for mark has said that the trend mission blue, couldn't use it So that's why Williams bought that white crown victoria and she said he dressed up like a police officer to dupe the mcclelland, letting him into the house. She also said after killing them clowns, she and Eric celebrated. We had barney stakes bully heads takes on the grill and erika those what the mood happy joyous and Williams was also apparently not finished. The muslims were Furthermore, all yes, he said Joe just would have come next specific
the one who mentored williams and urge him to take that plea deal in the theft. Cakes bought across ball with razor there or seven. Among all the items found in the storage unit. One of the most puzzling and chilling had been homemade, nay palm store, of all things. Pickle jars king William says it was meant for the judge. He was gonna, wait for him and with he was across both boys stomach out and put the napalm kimberly arms. His testimony might well have sealed her husband's fate, but might mcclelland family wanted a chance to talk to him, mcclellan, son and daughter, stir and J r did not hold much back. You're, sorry Ethel be and we hope be brought. I wish you could let me now run average can't J, r
heard how Williams had celebrated after killing mike and cynthia and taunted him tonight you're eating baloney sandwich, aren't going to have staked worry about fade potatoes, the fat glass of sweet tea, and I'll be there watching their. You die the murphy and cynthia s daughter, cristina format. have given the kind of send off most people and kaufmann would have wanted for Eric Williams, pretty much. The only thing I have to say is: do you aeroplanes, parties thicker and we hope that you get exactly what you deserve. Eric Williams was sentenced to death they ve got a guy. I know you ve for last year's years. Regions,
if he always thought and probably still today thinks that he's the smartest person on the face of the earth, but look where he is now exactly. He may be the smartest man on texas death row. Kim Williams pleaded guilty and was sentenced to forty years in prison. What did you expect justice to feel like ass? She liked it to fail. Big ball of relieved israel's over you and in everything is good now made everything was terrible to now things great and what did it feel like felt no different? It was the out come the mcclelland wanted and needed. But justice can only take a person so far. It is still up to the mcclelland, like all survivors in a way to move on and move past the trial and the tragedy
no dad would want to sit in greece him forever. So you pick up you go. in start living laugh again, but I dont think you ll ever be easy. Eric Williams request for a new trial was denied. Williams is filed for a stay of execution. They can take more than twenty years of appeals before execution here from might mcclelland children on their fathers love for his job online. Forty eight hours dot com, the member you can listen to the forty eight hours per gas ad free on amazon music download.
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Transcript generated on 2023-06-03.