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Murder by Design - Encore


Did fashion icon Gianni Versace know his killer?

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there's something apparently sucks in verse, algae design. There is a flamboyant so that is contained, uncontrolled? Why should anybody care about fashion, even the people who say, didn't care they care? I promise you because we were sent a mess.
About how the world perceives us answers and world while factor. I'm tim gun, and I am the mentor on project runway, liver, sgi customer but was not faint apart. One of the most iconic recently pieces was the gown that he made for Elizabeth Hurley. Two stars were born with that dress, princess Diana wanted a whole new look for the world and Courtney loved it also. I mean he took her from trashy to sophisticated for such a help put my army on the international map. My name is terror. Solomon and I am the miami hurled former nightlife correspondent for such a broad and his entire world, a fabulous city. The modem is cool. My army is a place where you can be yourself
and while he may have had homes all around the world, he came to miami beach, relax the weather, fantastic entire wake up, and I work I'm very surrender do you remember where you were when you heard the facade she had been murdered? Oh, I remember profoundly opened up. My computer and it flashed before me that jelly sancho have been murdered. I was stunned when research it was held. There was pure pandemonium. Particular morning, Johnny were sgi, decided to overturn, use, cafe It was on his return home approaching the door. He was, he was shot and killed and all of a sudden we hear bang bang two shots
You remember where roughly he was he was right, might hear and then obviously yes funny about, if you mention John ever saw achieve the people still don't remember those names of the first few people that were killed There was the homicide of Jeff trail and David Manson there was the murder. Lee mechlin. Then there was the murder of women. Greece. have what we typically call a spree killer. This wasn't the haphazard crime, MR rosati, targeted, I merchants pleasanter tonight
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breathing. It can be and get a one hundred dollar credit at your next campaign. Go to linkedin dotcom, slash advertised to claim your credit, that's linkedin, dotcom, slash, advertise terms and conditions apply, world famous fashion, designer johnny, researching, vainly shining running down outside his mentioned in miami beach, flutter and in view a gruesome crime scene. Early this morning, five age before he was murdered. John ever saw tee, and his partner antonio di Mika, had arrived at casa, keyser, rina, their lavish miami beach retreat. They ve been in paris and new york versatility could not have known it.
But his killer was already in town the nine one one call came in about eight forty five, the morning of July, fifteenth ninety ninety said: just as Carlos Noriega, then a lieutenant with the miami beach police department was heading to work. I drove over to the scene and encountered an area is flooded with police officers, There was evidence on stops. There was blood There was clothing. Johnny precisely was an icon. Of a world renowned fashion designer celebrity, who is tragically killed This is all hands on deck screw this case up exactly
It all happened in broad daylight for saki had gone out alone to a local cafe to buy magazines, then he walked home. As he was putting the key in the door lock and he was shot twice once in the face point. Blank range and the other one was behind the left ear in the neck, and that was it through shot. Noriega believes the gunman approached rosati from behind or from the side I believe he was shadowing him. It was a very strategically timed strategically placed attack to kill gianni versace The question was: who would want to kill him? one of the first motives that we felt was a possibility was it it was a contract, it organised crime mafia fuel, because there was a
Bird found next to the boy is a sign that to us such a sign of a mafia hit, but the bird it turned out was in the wrong place at the wrong time, hit by a fragment from a bullet that killed for searching in that left police with not much to go on, but not for long. They got a break from la zero, quintana who was a friend of researches, he used to call me, love it at the last euro. Is it the mansion that morning he was dining room with antonio when he heard the shots and Antonio gotta
and he went to the window that faces the gate to enter the mansion and he yelled out now now and I ran out- you came here- I came here. Johnny was right here resought she was already dead on the front steps and then Antonio came and he's he's crying and he was destroyed. Freud and he's he's. Who did this? Who did this, and there was that there was a lady standing here and she's pointing, but she couldn't speak and tunisia go get em. So I went after lazarev followed the gunman we're talking this pace. fast. I yelled you bastard. Why did you do this? Why did you do this? He makes a left turn.
As he makes the left turn. Yes, he makes the left turn and we're still going we're still going all the way through he turns over to the right and cars coming. So I couldn't get across car stops and they yelled he's got a gun. He stops right across here at the alley. Pointing the gun at me show me how he pointed the gun to you. If I'm, you so he didn't even look at you now. Never looked at you never saw. I never saw his face that you saw his clothes. Yes, the shooter cut this alley, while less zero raced around the corner. He remembered seeing a police officer there. Earlier I reach stamina said the hen MR rosati has just been shot. will you calm, we you, no, no, no friend of mine was shot knows I com, I was nervous, I was upset. You came down the street with the police officer
I did. Luckily, he came upon some men in front of this building and ask them if they saw a man run it, and they pointed they pointed to the garage city when you went in here. So that's when I tell the officer I said he's in there go, get him go get him. Then we heard over the radio, the commotion then and okay. Now there is a man hunt when police search the thirteenth street garage, they discovered a pile of clothes, a grey t, shirt and black shorts. What lies a had seen the shooter wearing. He had obviously changed clothes when he walked out of this garage just shortly after the murder. Nobody knew who the shooter was. Nobody knew what he looked like. Nobody knew what he was wearing. He was able. to just vanish, but he left a mountain of evidence for investigators. Next, pile of clothes was a truck than had been reported,
stolen in new jersey and inside the truck we're documents with nay, he left his identification in the truck. That's correct, yet his passport idee a whole lot of money. connected runaway by twelve new, some three hours after johnny research, he was murdered, police had a suspect, his name andrew coonan it and, as it turned out the maya, beach police department was not the only one looking for it, Hi, I'm lindsey, graham the host of pod podcast american scandal. We bring to life some of the big,
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the in milan italy, today those new knew and admired gianni. Versace said goodbye to the murdered fashion design, One week after johnny verse was murdered, celebrities and friends from around the world gathered inside this gothic cathedral milan, italy for his funeral. I so virtues funeral on television. I cried was it was hard. It was tough princess Diana was their staying the elton the miami not far from where he was murdered. There was
small, intimate service to celebrate, the designers life the flowers left on the steps of cheese, opulent mansion served as well, somber reminder of what had happened: and we can send a radical and have to be armed and extremely dangerous. The least activity was another. They were track every lead they could hunting for johnny saw cheese suspected killer. Twenty Evan year old, andrew coonan. He had a very good such that Michael band was The prosecutor assigned to this case in our first step, was to go out into community. We had pictures of canadian and start beating the bushes and looking for this guy, looking to figure out his
is that got authorities were starting to learn all about andrew kanab, three months, for versace's murder cunanan was living in san diego and his It was too the least complicated I thought you'd be a very successful business. Men or may be in the fashion industry or something star quality like back in the eighties Robert Ahrens remembers his seventh grade classmate andrew cunanan as a good. Looking kid with a keen fashion sense. I remember andrew, would put dimes in his penny loafers. It was always that little extra something that made him sort of stand out and get noticed and are sort of had this air about him. That I thought was, beyond his years at that time. According to airlines canadian grew up in a working class. San, diego supper and
share much about his home life. Idea whose mom was his dad, whether he had brothers or sisters. I had no idea who was half filipino Andrews father modesto was a former navy. Man turned stockbroker, he Andrews mother Marianne raised for children together, but Andrews stood out. He had genius. I q so he enrolled in the pricey and prestigious bishop school in the tony b enclave of la jolla. When I heard that he was going to avoiding transferring the bishops, I thought. Well, you ve got to have my hands a private school the class of nineteen eighty seven mentioned andrew cunanan as most likely to be remembered. He chose
quote from king louis. The fifteenth to accompany his senior photo are prey moi le jerry you after me, the deluge turns out those words could have an omen. A year after Andrews highschool graduation, his father was facing embezzlement charges. He fled the country. Lee his family abandoned and broke. He was openly gay in high very familiar when forty eight hours first spoke to Nicole Marie Ramirez back and ninety ninety seven. He knew Andrew cunanan today. still remembers, canadian as The young man who didn't have a job, but was a big spender. And an even bigger talker andrew cannon was basically known in the gay communities nightly
from the bar seen walking with entourage and always pay for the bill. They wanted the illusion that it was his money. He try to brag that it came from a filipino family and knew their MAO Demar What williams, owned alone we'll restaurant and new andrew canal. He also knew where coonan really got all that money. He had a very wealthy older partner who really provided for him. How much older, I would say, probably by forty years. What did you make of that relationship? I stop trying to figure that out. I was I can now here's this young attractive, good. Looking guy with this extremely older man, I mean I can imagine what the connection
is there. I would imagine that you have no idea what the connection was there. I did. Michael Williams was introduced to Andrew, through their mutual friend a year, answered named Jeff trail and was very pretentious loud, always had to be. The centre of the party Jeff was opposite of that Jeff was pretty conservative and quiet always helping people trail was in annapolis, graduate and gulf war veterans. Living san diego He was also gay as out as was possible, right on pointed out the battle over homosexuals in abilities in ninety ninety three, when he appeared in silhouette for forty eight hours interview, he talked to us. issues affecting gape
boy in the military or not here to be feared. We just want to do our jobs at all were asking for. while trail and coonan we're friends to the best of anybody's knowledge that is all they were. Jeff was always had the contagious. Personality. They were. You just wanted to be around me and I think that you know in a way Andrew wanted that in his life so surrounding himself around Jeff, he lay seemed very happy in and you did not like it. for reasons known only to canadian. He sometimes use the name andrew to silver. That's Michael Williams knew him soon learn a lot more about andrew. Who he was and what he would do with changed. The life of Michael Williams, and the lives of five innocent victims
I tracing andrew canadians, blood soaked, path to Geneva such front door means following a series of unexplainable events punctuated with unfathomable chestnuts. None of the dots are easily connected, except in them and of the murderer the road begins with jeff trail? He just happened prison about him? It was trail who befriended andrew cunanan Michael. Will was believed. His friend new canadian had lived a day risk life Andrew had a past dealing drugs. He had passed a prostitution and I really think that Jeff was trying to pull him out of there.
William says Jeff trail had left the navy and was training to join the california highway patrol and then suddenly and with no explanation in the fall of nineteen ninety six trail moved to minneapolis the bay that he got in the car to leave. I said, please be say and he reached under the seat and he pulled out his hand, and he said I'm gonna be safe. I've got this. Around that same time, Jeff trails friend Andrew coonan was struggling two Nicole marie ramirez- he was not good. Looking any more, he had to look in the mirror and saw what I saw. What was a six going down to a for what was left for his life
canadian had gained weight and given away much of his expensive designer wardrobe. He had dabbled into drugs. It was now an odour young man with average looks on top of that. His older wealthy partner broke up with him. I surmise and andrew one day woke up after his odor boyfriend broke up the relationship and what's next, how is he gonna live? He lost the money, the mansion and that went with it. He lived off other people. He also was someone who was revengeful firmer fbi. profile or mary ellen o toole. This is someone that you break up with easily because when you're grandiose, you're the centre of the world people don't break up with you
and for reasons connected, never fully explained on Friday April. Twenty fifth, eighteen, ninety, seven, he two minneapolis, he flew from san diego, on a one way ticket? Do you think that he went up to Minneapolis? with murder. On his mind. Yes, I think that he did you know the new People in minneapolis jeff trail, was there and Michael will and thinks something happened between the two of them. I called to check on Jeff and he was just really pressed it alarmed me. We ve never had a conversation like that. I ask him
Have you spoken to andrew and they said there now and I'll, never speak to me again. That's all create a new somebody else in Minneapolis? A third Three year old architect, named David Madsen connected in madison had had a relationship love to laugh. And he always had big energy. we have learned. Was david medicines friend and coworker hearing problems? How can we talked about world issues he was down to earth person. today would ever mention Andrew common. Yes, he did I think he had a fling with andrew. I don't think it was anything serious because there were other people,
in his life, but he cared about more or hidden care about, andrew that what surly, but according who canadians friends Andrew believed, David, The love of his life, Julie have learned, didn't talk to David Madison for the weekend on Monday. She was surprised when he didn't show up at work and by tuesday ever one was worried about. You went to your voice, messaging, and a couple of my coworkers went to his house over lunch hour on tuesday heard his dog arguing. In the apartment she didn't know it but canadians killing spree had already started. It was possible a soldier opened the door and walk again. Nobody made an effort to try and conceal hide it
When retired minneapolis homicide, detective dale bars arrived in medicines apartment. What he saw was gruesome, there was a bloody body wrapped in a rug I find him. that that day. I pray much trial. Whole nights and then later we found out that it wasn't David's body in the carpet. How did you feel when you heard that shots, but then what I found the body and if it Madison's apartment, was jeff trail. He had been beaten to death with a hammer and not far from body police founded, duffel bag, with a name on it, andrew coonan losses
travel begged that we believe in the canadian brought to me apples on April twenty fifth, but where was the canadian where was david match the trail it called for just four days and then on Saturday morning to fishermen found the body of a young man on the shores of east russia. About an hour north of minneapolis. It was David, Madsen he'd been shot in the head We learn that died. Pretty ease soon after Jeff trail. I guess you know to be in the situation of David's zion, with this crazy, her you now and how scary for him, I'm sure you trade, the com, andrew down. You know, I mean I'm sure there was survival more going on laying how do you
defuse the situation, but he obviously failed at that and he lost his life because realistic test, showed the bullets used to kill. Madsen came from a forty caliber gun like the one Jeff trail, taken to minneapolis police, believe cunette and took that guy presumably when you were able to link madison's death to trails death that change the whole instigation and our down the moors Andy There were tire tracks, dear your body and his car. A red jeep was missing, but it would not stay missing for long. Seventy two year old lee midland was found, tortured and stabbed to death in the garage of his mansion on Chicago's gold coast. are the
meaning of may third. Nineteen. Ninety seven stephen and barbara buyer found the body of their neighbour lee mechlin. He was a wealthy real estate developer. I can still picture at today. I could see the point of issues and I said, is right: there I mean it was absolutely chilling inside lee midlands town house, there was some money and other things missing, and there was evidence the kid had stayed awhile police those show he had shaved and taken a bath debris in the kitchen, sink melted ice cream. Coming out of their containers, then in least library of finding this large ham sliced sitting on his desk. That was plenty to
Recognize that does something very, very bad had gone on around the corner from the murder scene. Police would discover David Manson's red cheap, but now leave me screen. Lexus was missing to this day, police do not know what, if any connection coup nan and had to make let but they feared, who nan and would strike again I do still away after ended, renown and murdered. Jeff trail David Madsen and Lee Mig led. The gay community was terrified especially in san diego
everybody was in a state of shock. I think some people were in a state of fear people didn't answer their doors, people that knew him. The most state other places Michael Williams, relocated to scottsdale arizona. Everybody was Very high alert cause. He didn't know where it's going to strike it yeah yeah. Just six days after he killed midland while canadian was on the run in big lids, green lexus police believe He realized the fbi was tracking the car phones signal and he needs. The new vehicle he believed struck here in pencil Friday afternoon. There were most things point cemetery for my heart, nasty husband works and currently with the new jersey, stately elections was found at this cemetery in southern new jersey in
The office lay victim number, for he was forty. I've your old, william reese he'd been shot in the head and his red pick up was gone All he was a caretaker at a cemetery. Minneapolis detective deal bars says William. Reese was killed simply for his truck just a very honourable man in the wrong place, absolutely the wrong time and alone, you're ensconced somewhere scottsdale is last part of new jersey. Can you relax now until he caught you don't relax? as gianni versace was in europe working on what would be his final collection, Brunette was the focus of a nation wide man hunt. He was featured america's most wanted least,
come on man and may be wearing glasses and earned on the fbi's ten most wanted list. You think he enjoyed the the attention that he got. Oh absolutely do former f b, I profiler mary Ellen o toole. He basically health, the united states hostage, because we were looking for him everywhere. We Nowhere was treasures having murdered for men in three states. Over twelve days, canadian was now considered a spree killer. Esprit killer continues continues and continues and does not go back into their normal life life as they know it. It's done. so o toole believes coonan knew he had nothing to lose there's no way to undo what he's done now, absolutely no way so he's really box himself into a corner from a behavioral standpoint that,
some more dangerous, but then the two months there was no sign of connected until July. Fifteen nineteen, ninety seven, when he struck again this time was different because this time his victim was johnny researching when you're hurt he had done it again. You remember how you felt a time there was another killing? It was almost like, being stabbed it's that rush of pain and you just automatically. Oh, my god, like the catch and there is no question that he knew that we were hot. In this trail. Was Noriega remembers that within hours hundreds of police officers piled on to miami beach with all but locked down the causeways any
he's in and out of the city, and I believe that created the bottleneck where he felt uncomfortable trying to leave the city, I'm starved with all the attention on this case every day brought a flood of tips. The tipps overcome and wherever overwhelming at times, especially since this was detective, centres, is first homicide, investing patient. Were you nervous at all? Of course, I was we already that he had killed the numerous people. I remember going too from locations knocking on doors always causes you're mine that and it can be in their armed and he can shoot through the door detective soon learned brunette and had been in miami beach. For about two months. He was hiding in plain sight exactly the police had me several opportunities to get him about a week before he killed your sgi canal in pond a gold coin stolen from lee mingling how the pawn shop,
it was him. He told them on the coin, about a week before the homicide and his own name uses only zoning what's more crude Evans name was on a form. The pawn shop was required to send to thee miami beach police department. It arrived five days before murder or we do not have an automated system at the time. It was just one of many forms and unfortunately nobody looked at it. Did you think Why didn't we know about this before johnny research? He was killed. That thought what, through my mind several times, because apparently he wasn't a beach for a period of time tonight enlisted his address as the normal. Plaza hotel. It was a dump you and I will stand that hotel he'd registered.
under his own name, was driving him nuts to know that this guy was walking around free. As a bird right, I mean just the fact that the sky was being looked for, speaks to the fact that he was able to blend in and change his appearance and successfully stay one step ahead. That way things might have turned out differently if police had a little more luck for days, forever. Sgi was killed. Someone at this sub shop recognised canadian the americas most wanted story. He called the police, but they arrive too late. That was disappointed. I was frustrated, it's just unfortunate that we didn't catch. what happened after researches murder, with cunette on the loose Scientists grew. Let me assure you that my me, beach and day county mar say I was afraid,
remember versus friend. Lazarev quintana had chased coon at it. So I tell the officer: go get him! Then there go get him he knew who I was, but I didn't know He was how to do this When you were out scared, cautious, over my shoulder. A lot literally absolutely army. I was yeah, I mean like a goose bumps on an absolutely Spain had a gun Man knew what he was doing longer coonan dodged police. The more intense the hunt piquet. I think the police we're getting anxious? Where could he be? What kind of resources did he have? Former prosecutor? Michael band? That's a lot of pressure. That's a lot of pressure alone for the whole world watching, but we do want anybody else dead. There was a sense
that maybe we lost him by some people. I just thought that he was hiding out. Then the chip came in. That would change everything I gotta call Michael I think we found them. the I heard over the police that there had been shot fired, that their surrounding houseboat. You think what we got up after nine day, manhunt miami beach, detective gus chaz believed Andrew coonan was finally cornered on a houseboat, just forty blocks from where he had shot down John ever,
and change has arrived. It was a stand on at this point, nobody's seen coronado other houseboat. Now, there's no confirmation. At this point the houseboats caretaker saw signs of a break in and when he went inside a shot was fired. Police quickly, surrounded the house, but they are communicating. By born. We have, after all our siege, the swat team, fired tear gas and went on board when it was safe. Press peter Michael band, followed them. It was a mess. It was just a mass in an upstairs bedroom They found a body. I just roll call an individual
lying on the bed. Looking up, he had a bullet wound in his head. There's a gun. Next to him. When you looked at that face, what did your gut tell you? My gut told me it's him, but that wasn't enough. I wanted his fingerprints as band waited an expert at the scene compared fingerprints from the corpse with coonan and he looks up and he says, hits him reign of terror brought upon us by andrew cunanan. is over. It turned out canal in shot himself with the same gun he used to kill geneva saki, william reese and David Madsen. It was the gun he had taken from his friend and first victim Jeff tree there is a sense of relief, but this was not the outcome. Michael Williams hoped for I didn't want him to do anything.
We go to jail and rot and His suicide left the world with a pile of questions. Was there any connection between gianni, versace and andrew cunanan? There have always been rumors. There is no hard evidence didn't think they knew each other. I think there's a strong possibility that they may cross paths before and that plays into his motive. I think so. I think they knew each other or he wanted to be in his circle and maybe he was rejected, and he says this is all speculation. There is some sense, it's not complete. Why did he delay? What was the folks in minnesota? Why in chicago, why new jersey? Why for Saatchi was there a connection there?
just some a foreigner serendipitous unfortunate occasion where just two lives intersected that's a long time and we will never know we'll. Never no fish on to me born and die every day. Johnny rosati was already thinking about his legacy when he talked about early rowing in nineteen. Ninety four think I want to they remember, buys what shall we do tomorrow? two years after virtues, death, Jim gun says: researches influence still Sexy loring, gorgeous red carpet, gowns, it's all attributable to John neighbour sancho sooner Bruno mars, not only where's rosati. He mentions very sorry.
One of his songs, if guys like bruno bars, are singing about Johnny rosati, twenty years after his death. What, in your mind, is that say it? johnny, we're sorry that he is fully embedded in our society and culture and has a profound legacy. I feel its presence when I'm signing lay other aguilar project runway contestant was just a teenager when saki was
old. There were such elements in what you're wearing today TIM good father thin. He said this looks like reciting I was like yes mission accomplished is, of course the memories are infinitely more personal for Michael Williams, who lost his best friend and two decades later it still hurts this hasn't left you I'm better. It's taken many years. You know if it was just Jeff being killed, would be one thing, but then you get David Lee mainland william race, Johnny, rosati, five people that year now connected to it is action, no one would ever seek
you lost an icon, but five families lost loved ones, friends lost friends. All for a reason will never know If there ever was one Hmm Twenty years after his death? The house of research continues to succeed under the leadership of Johnny sister donna time for more gone on for such a legacy. Join us on line forty eight doc, hey bright metal as you can listen to the forty eight hours, podcast ad free on amazon music download the amazon music ab today or you can listen ad
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Transcript generated on 2023-06-03.