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Lorenzen Wright: No Defense - Encore


An NBA star and Memphis hero is gunned down and dumped in the woods. Who killed Lorenzen Wright? CBS News special correspondent James Brown has the very latest on a surprise development in one of the city's biggest murder cases.

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
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Boy makes good made it out of his situation and made big, been fought so hard on the coordinators imposing figure the city just would melt with his accomplice on theirs thousands of little boys in Memphis, who were impacted. I lawrence and right. You look at the pictures of a big smile on his face. He was a person who would volunteer for the community had time for the EU and the city.
I mean you know we all fell in love with the marines and that's just the way it is when he first disappeared. People just thought that maybe he was tired and he wanted to get away. His mother called me saying that have you talked to lorenzo, I can't reach them, If I'm on one. Where is your merchant? Thank god I have never been going to the friends in wright's. Father runs toward invest in Memphis tennessee found the body former nba player lorenzo right. Accordingly, according to the autopsy report, it appears that shot by at least two people, You can just listen to the tape and know that he was in trouble specula.
it started, then you know what happened. Involved is a big mystery and methods is wise. basically said the last time she saw him. He was getting into a car to an identified individual. Real literally do everything we had at this Mister we wanted to solve? we really really wanted to sigh this case days? weeks and weeks become months and months become years. And you don't have any answers we never knew we were ever find out who killed winston police have found the gun they think is used to kill the winds and right years ago. How unusual is to find a key piece of evidence? Some seven years later, the needle in a haystack they found a needle in asia.
Do you believe that some one some people last seven years, know who the killer or killers were but withheld the information. I think that you can say for certain tat. I was to put it. oil, they were able to announce another piece of the puzzle, isn't in. There are, can now is dependent cemeteries now or why, This was lorenzen wright. Who would be hating him that much
the. First, on the banks of the mississippi river, This tendency has city of contrast, famous for place, a music is doing.
we're out of demonstrations continued under the evening government an infamous worse place in the american civil rights movement. Doktor martin Luther king has been shot the death than members stunningly Memphis is a city that, unfortunately, has been divided by race, for many many years passed. Her bill. Atkins has been a long time advocate for unity in the city of Memphis debts. better than they used to be, but there are still evasions. Decisions Can we still made along racial lines, but in a city divided both racially an economically? There is something people together, basketball memphis became a instrument of change in which brought reason
together in Memphis basketball, literally everything in lorenzen was a big part one celebrated as one of the memphis, his favorite sons, the memory of arisen right still wants this town, putting perspective. How big the lorens in right story is here. At huge I mean Lorenzo right- was a true hometown. Harold he was beloved. Mark paris scheme has been writing for the Memphis newspaper, the commercial appeal for almost thirty years, talk about big murders in the history Memphis and get martin luther king. Ok, you can't trump that one, but he comes very close that significant that significant born in oxford, mississippi right, move to men,
to play basketball book booker to washington, high school and being six feet. Eleven inches taller seventeen years of age. He turned a lot of heads. to go, take a look for myself and origin. Oh yeah sought is huge gear that good the floor. Like a gazelle one I mean he can render for better made. A big man I ever saw him alive. And went onto dazzled fans at the university of members, but not for long. Above all, we will be doing this. You know where the mobility of our citizens or add enough, and maybe a los angeles clippers, select lorenzo right where you step into the podium everybody just cheer up. A guy the main every waterhole, every sports bar in this town- I'm headed on the tv screen, everybody was watching. Everybody was true,
lorenzo right spent the next thirteen seasons in the nba playing for five different teams around the country. He reportedly earned a career total. Fifty five million dollars, rightly known for its hard work born the court. But it was his work. The board that truly endeared him to his fans at home. He never met a fan that he didn't like. He would sign every autograph did he came across perhaps No one knew lorenz and better than filled dotson rights, best friend and fraternity brother at the university of Memphis. It was pillar in the community. Always volunteered always would be one the first ones to raise their hand when the team would ask for a player to go into a children's hospital or to go and speak at a school or an event. He was just that
he was one young man that was working to make a difference and He symbolized hope in our community. Philanthropists gale rose is as dedicated to the city of Memphis as lorenson was they were once king and queen of the market, Raw. My relationship is really about our mutual. trust in Memphis and that generous heart of it It was gale son max their brought them together at a summer basketball game lorens and took a very special liking to max and four max at age. Eleven. This is a here. A real life hero that he gets to be in the Jim. With The rents and is an example to every young boy, then
of white or black that if you work hard and you have the gifts that you can get at this level, he love children, especially his own right was the father of seven children. He married his high school girlfriend, sharer robinson after a second season in the NBA lorenson was in high school laying for shares father, her father was wont to rights, cultures and she would come up This is, and I believe, that's how they met. Why then we can be. Aid can be hard on a family, on the road in cities. from home for months at a time in stress, even the best of marriages. The arguments primarily were about to think infidelity and financing
being married and having kids at such an early age. He was, I think, forced to be an adult, really quick and The same time in that world not really being focused on his relationship and his marriage probably should have been in two thousand one right sign with the memphis grizzlies. He was back home with his family and with money in this it then he just signed a six year. Forty two may- and I will deal with that point, so he was he was great. It turns out, though, that more money meant more problems. They both unfortunately like to speak, and I do mean spend most married. Couples have trouble with lack of finances. His problem was of florence and how to handle that of florence, and that calls so fear issues between him and his wife, but it was a family tragedy in two thousand and three that would break grins hard,
eventually his marriage for good his daughter, sierra, pass away of sudden infant death syndrome. She was proud run eleven months, all at the time of passing, which was very hard on him over the next four years, lorenzo and share a separated and later devoid of engine was traded to atlanta, which he would call home app. leaving the mba in two thousand and nine while Scherer and the kids stayed in Memphis. The phone call from him that he had gotten in town lorenzo and often written to memphis from atlanta to spend time with his kids. At sunday evening we had gone to pick up his son lorenson junior from the jail even play, basketball that evening
dodson, says: share insisted right, bring their son home to her house that night and I know them drop in him off that night at about ten o clock and when I dropped him off, he said your honor and deal with this and I'll give you call later, but marines and never called his friend that night. Instead, he called for health care. On where's your market thinking aloud. the to hear more of nine one one could join us on facebook at forty eight hours, there's nothing like giving less. in a great story, but sometimes we just don't have the time or energy to read with the audible app he can take stories. As every genre with you, wherever you go, they even offer guided wellness programmes, theatrical performances and a plethora of exciting original content,
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two days after dropping overruns and at his ex wife's home, his friend filled dots and got an unexpected call it was lorenz mother. Looking for her son, have you talked to lorenzo, can reach him, and I said: well, that's how he might just be out of town he's. Not action phone call, so I reached out to them as well and didn't hear anything back after hearing from her son for more than forty eight hours we're a marian filed. A missing persons report with the police, as is April, contains three amateur april. Thomson and investigative report at the CBS affiliate in Memphis, for it was on this. We from the star and everyone is mother, damp or really cannot push this something's not right, and may people realise that he wouldn't have been gone. This long, that no one heard from him.
Know where he could be that I don't know where he is. We checked all his friends from here to atlanta, mississippi everywhere, so we don't have a clue. It was really kind of strange and how it happened and that he had disappeared and he was gone overall these days and nobody knew anything most troubling for lorens family was that he seemed to have disappeared without trace fungal strength of ozma s rings, boy, tabs and voicemail but what they didn't realize at the time was- lorenzo have actually left behind a clue on the nine one one recording the reason. Dying. Words guarantee that when one where's, your emergency and the sound of eleven gunshots awhile
Lead frantic call was plea: The twelve point, five a m on the morning of July Menteith just out after lorenzo was dropped off at sharers. Allow the court, came in to a nine one, one dispatcher in germantown tennessee a sub above Memphis, but it ended before the collar could His name and location allow lesson than gunshots or had trouble identifying the exact location of the call, an for reason, There are still unclear the german town please. Did not investigate or notify any surrounding police departments. Now lorenzo right had made a desperate call for help one knew about it. As the days passed. Lorens Appearance became one of the biggest mysteries Memphis had ever seen. Lorenz
Why sure? When, on the news appearing shaken painless well he's fine now, and I can't I'm not going to believe anything other than the he's fine. She said the last time she solar, the engine was on that sunday night July, eighteenth at her home, wasn't able to and because he was a quite that long, he ran out and he never, But a few days later, when police question share, her story had surprising new details by her account he laughed with a box and drugs. She imply that lorenzo was involved in some sort of drug transaction and was planning to quote lip something for one hundred and ten thousand dollars. She also told the police that there were these mysterious gunmen we're stocking him in the days before the murder then one july. Twenty, eight ten days after
remsen was last seen shall become The authorities were finally told about the nine one. One call why it took that long remains a question. Why is your market that day using more precise cell phone data and aided by cadaver dogs, the search was on. Others in Memphis tennessee found the body of former nba blair lorenzo right, the police find the rents body near a backwards road, some twenty mile else outside of members. An attorney television and I saw Deborah his mom,
running down a road trying to get to his body. It was a total shock. It was just unbelievable that he was dead. I literally fell off my chair and on the ground and cry the coroner's report said: he'd been hit by five bullets from two different guns, too shy to the head too, to the chest and one to his right arm. still wearing a watch chain? Somebody just murdered him not for money, not robbery. Just wanted him dead, two April thompson. The crime seemed personal. Whoever has something to do with this. It was something deep down. It was very emotional. It was a very emotional gossip started spreading and suspicion quickly fell on sharing, all
errors will pointing towards her when you have a murdered he persons close to me is the most obvious purse. We Armstrong served with memphis pity for twenty seven years and was there deputy director back then, in my experience, morgan homicide. There has always been somebody to come to their persons defence. You got the wrong person, that's just not in these persons care that duties, I never get it with wisher people running to her defence. Maybe not to me share- had told police that lorens and owned a shot gun anna hand, gun and kept them on the property. So armed with a search warrant. They went through the house looking for the guns, but the way things were not located. I The. and
week later on august. Fourth, lorenzo town turned out in force to say one last emotional, goodbye at the fed ex for his grandmother, his father, her his mother devilment, his ex wife sharing, and there are six chilled and we're dealing in their own ways? Rennes death. With the community still in shock. The city's mayor, AC wharton made this promise. We are working night and day and that justice will be done. That's sapphire flag
at the despite the enormous pressure to solve the murder of the wrens right, the investigation was hampered from the very beginning almost different about this The case is dead, you nine days behind nine days by because its body wasn't found, for a long time after he had initially been reported, missing important for Insect evidence was lost due to the composition and the Where's had a mine day, head start when we first pick this case. we inherited a cold. Meanwhile,
in their search for possible sus bags, detectives we're uncovering details of lorens private life. it was troubled. Why had shouted? Why points at all, even though the report only earn more than fifty five million dollars during his NBA career lorens and have burned through most of the money and was almost broke at the time of his death? they had to arms, expensive homes or in foreclosure share. I said there were about injects left right. Two years before the murder lorenzo was in need of cash. So two of his luxury cars to a man named Bobby cope, call, was a drag race or who work there. It turns out. He also had tied to a notorious drug syndicate,
authorities were already watching call when lorenzo and sold him. The cars and investigators suspected the vehicles were used to launder drug money. Now sixty four thousand dollar question. What that is lorens in a willing part of this I've, been told that the connection was whirled tenuous. That lorenzo didn't really know bobby call that he was introduced by a third party and it was kind of a passing relationship. They question, you know, was he doing it for laundering money, but lorenzen bought cars like you and I buy shirts and and as you know, he get tired of it. Deed, sell it. Just simply put the d. A ultimately found no drug connection between lorenzo an coal, but it as the shadow over lorenzo squeaky, clean image and reinforced sharers accusations that he was involved in a high stakes, drug transaction, the night he was murdered, What troubled me the most was lorenzo
who killed twice. He was killed physically, then his character was assassinated, but now I dont think of him as that charming happy, young men who play for members now they think of him as a drug dealer. Despite the drug allegations against lorenzo many people. Worse, suspicious of sharing three months after the murder. She agreed to talk to April thomson. What was there like a surprise, eyes that she agree to the interview? There was a lot speculation going around that she knew something that she had something to do with it, and I just told you I said this is your opportunity to tell your side of the story gets you have anything to do with other browsers murder.
If I knew who did this to you, today I have heard people say that she liked the wealth. I asked her what she was for money, so how are you getting by now? I was wearing, embryo basketball player authority for my watches com. Or marine ring. The house may he was to too after all, death share received a million dollar life insurance pay out. This million dollar insurance policy was set up for the benefit of their children where she had been the mother wanted the and the fiduciary. So that's an intriguing element to this. Did she have a financial motor than all this, because here's a quick million but before long sharer was nearly broke again. Having blown
through the million dollars in just ten months spending most of it expensive homes, luxury cars and extravagant trips Will you use to spending forty fifty thousand dollars a month in just change? Just spindle income- and you get accustomed to that- you know- Ten thousand dollars a month seems like poverty role by early twenty forty, almost four years after the murder share ahead moved on and re married and still there, no rest for the murder of neurons and write the case com I don't remember ever gone more than a month without somebody asked me about a razor isomer all made any headway on aid. Where are you on it? Oddly, nearly five
is after lorenzo death, it was sharer who drew attention back to herself by publishing a book called. Mr tell me anything: it was about a philanderer NBA player, When you read this book you go like while share reclaimed was based on our life with lorenzo the book is about woman who has been wrong whose very embittered who has been abused emotionally has been cheated on an also claim to be writing a sequel with philander ring. in our first book is murdered. Sure was
interested in and getting money after their boat was published. Sharer agree to an interview with Kelvin collins, a freelance recorder. It would prove to be a faithful meeting and walks. This fact at ten goddess I just can forget. You know how I felt when I saw her. I thought she was beautiful, perfume unfair, you know, and so that that's how it all started. I had never interviewed a woman, indian dated or never crossed the line, never have gotten romantically involved with an interview subject. Never not one cheryl was the first in six months. She agree to leave her marriage leave memphis and move with him to Houston You stole my idea and she was a forward. Absolutely. She was gone
fourth, and so she felt like it to be a new start for her. In a case, if whale and now it's like- ok, let's do it. What was life with share alike? It was great share, was chief hilarious. She funny she spiritual, shiva, great mom, We had a great time, even though Kelvin heard the rumours about sharers involvement with lorens murder. He remained devoted to tour. In english. I had anything to do with it. I wouldn't moved away would have if I thought she was guilty I understand she had written a book about her life will arrange them ok Now I come from you. Don't write books about people you help keel the the by the way,
Sixteen six years, after the murder of hometown hero, lorenzo rinsing right, Memphis at all but given up hope that the crime would resolve How did this impact the city as a whole its hung over the city for some time. The grief over losing lorenzo, but then just this thing of you know why can't they catch these guys? What's going on a lot of people expected some kind of resin? shit and I just sing like there was one will. I know at the time tony armstrong, wiser, chief of police- and this is very personal to him, and he pledged that he would find that armstrong says his department never gave up on the investigation. I can tell you that way through everything, but the kid to think of this investigation, and it was purse
he had been meeting regularly with writes grieving mother, Deborah marion, and it was heartbreaking, just just gut wrenching, to sit across the desk and talk to her in the seat of pain that she was a I wanted to be able to make a phone call her and tell her you know, then we found a person responsible for this. I wanted to deliver news to her and we just was unable to attend. Meanwhile, the relationship between rights, ex wife share an kelvin Collins head sour. I can't cafe and work out because she was awful parson, but there were signs of greed that I wouldn't to the tipping point came when the residents father her bright, receive the two hundred thousand knowledge check from the nba for his sons, estate, she's
Let me about and what she she's asked me. What should I do about this money? Should I go after should I go to court and I said no, I said, leave the money alone that don't put into the case trust they can get it later, we're doing good and she was like no, I don't want her to have it I'm like if nothing is going to be enough for you, the couple left Houston and went their separate ways Kelvin came back home to memphis and share moved her kids to riverside california, where her brother is the pastor of a church. With months. She was married for a third time to music. Producer tim Robertson back in memphis- the rumour meal implicating sharon was still grinding away.
was at the spotlight. Of this whole thing is as a kind of seemingly suspect number one book, rumors, dont, equal proof and please director tony armstrongs tenure had come to an end. It already announced MA retirement, remember having a conversation with investigated, but by the name good, and he asked me for permission to to look at into the case in sydney. I felt that he could solve it. I knew that he was onto something, and I just prayed that he would have some This would have prayers were answered, seven years after the murder of lorenzo right. November. Ninth, twenty seventeen acting on a tip, Memphis police, to this lake in walnut, mississippi here in the murky red clay water.
They found a gun, believed to be used in the killing. They found the murder weapon and for them to be able to recover their gone is is a pretty remarkable feat, although calvin collins had broken up with Shera. He thought she would be happy when the gun was found, but he didn't get the reaction he expected when he called her to celebrate or say the police have done a great thing. They found a gun and killed lorenzo. We got on the phone and she wasn't happy about it at all and bailey and ned bothered me that that was when I first started to believe that What maybe I haven't been looking at grief in an artist time? Maybe I've been looking at guilt after finding the gun? The case took an unexpected turn on December fifth police arrested this man billy ray turner.
In a convenience store in collyer bill tennessee. There was it's like a surreal moment really, I mean, because you know we kept hearing these things about Shera, and then they arrest this guy billy turner, who nobody ever heard of who is billy ray turner, and how does he fit into the case if he is who this investigation says? He is he's a murderer. Is a cold hearted billy re turner was then a forty seven year old, landscaper heat, carol o sharer rights lawn and was also a deacon at our church, blot of people, They talk about billy return or his friends and and and congregants There is a hand they got the wrong guy. But they may not have known that turner is also an ex convict who serve time for assault and kidnapping over two decades ago.
As far as MR billy ray I have never met him, don't know him, but I do know that shera is quite capable of manipulating a man sheriff the type of person where she can make you go jump off a bridge, get back up, go back up there and jump again. Okay, after turner's arrest share in cowan's spoke by phone again Tell me that the media was held in her for an exclusive about the finding of the gun and the arrest of billy re turner, and I was like why don't you do it? You know, as I now Well for you not to do it, you know, and she, if I was just going to twist my words, I said that the public wants to hear from you share. You know, and she just wouldn't. She wasn't with it ultimately, it wasn't up to share a right and a police just announced lorenzo right acts. White is now charges. order turned he's after turner's arrest, she was taken into custody
riverside california back in Memphis. Despite all the rumours, the news evoked mixed feelings: tough, predator now just sat there thinking just how could you? How could you she was arrested am, I words were just blown up. There's some part of me to be honest with you that doesn't want to believe that an just can't can't take that in Memphis police did not say why they arrested, sheriff seven long years after the murder of a rents and right, they finally got their suspects. Martin the jury,
It has lead you right back to the person that was supposed to be as close to him as anybody, and that was his wife. So it's easy for somebody to say well to the obvious suspect was right there in front of you the whole time, but look at it in a positive light. You can basically say that they never gave up investigators that took a part in this investigation and should be celebrated. You know at this point you know they're stealing to be tried and in court Other former life of mba star lorenzo right, appeared at an extradition here today, Shiro right is a charge of first remark before his death after the year. Of share were right in december. Twenty seventeen, the myth is court of public opinion- seem to
to its own conclusion. You think she's right, killed, lorenzo right, I hate to say at the same time we need a new ethical arisen was killed for money, abolition, and that's hard to say on january, twenty fifth funny. Eighteen, the real I shall be county weight in share right was extradited from California to tennessee and she was in an orange jumpsuit arrange for the murder of ex husband password high, but I'm gonna- I've been weighing the seventy years. For this, Share were white and billy rate turner were charged with first degree. Murder, conspiracy and attempted murder assist district attorney. Paul agreement is one of shelby counties, best prosecutors, but he's
to manage expectations, tuesday next year's ears whole case for years and years this child. billy ray turner has hired John Keith Perry Jr an experienced defense attorney with a good record as family as a christian family, but they are steeped in faith and they note that at the end of the day they have the strongest belief as well that Mr Turner will be exonerated sheer and now has to court appointed attorneys juny and duly l lorry hall right and turn or played not guilty to all charges. But the indictment revealed to startling claims one approval Murder attempt by right in turn was supposedly a few weeks before they are, they actually kill them. They tried to kill him down in atlanta. They actually say that Billy ray turner was in Lauren's house
second claim a third person. This involved. Someone oak seems to have been in on it. Do you think, that someone knows has now who the killer or killers were, but he's just held onto the information. Yes, I do how did they find this gun in the lake? I've heard stories about that? Who knows what and how it all fits together, Kelvin count I tried to put all the pieces together by writing a about his complicated relationship with sharer right now. I want to come The realisation that our mother, when no criminal background mother I wanna his children would be involved in his murder. Now I want to believe it at a bond hearing and may twenty eighteen, a stunning revelation the prosecution I did,
five, the alleged call conspirator. His name is Jimmy Martin, a convicted murderer. Serving time in prison he's some share. A white cousin martin claims that it was he who play. With billy rate turner and share a to kill, arisen right first in an abortive attempt in atlanta they were noise, will resume riots house in atlanta georgia to and then in memphis hands member cynicism No. Mom, in alleges that he was not present for the actual murder, but he did help or an right clean up. The crime scene No claims that he went with turner to the mississippi lake. Throw away that gun. Martin stated,
if company billy turner to a late model building turned to smoke and that was used earlier Prosecutors allege that right and turn her head a sexual relationship that they hilda, rents and right for his million dollar reinsurance policy a share or left the court room. She internal exchanged a passing glance process Uterus have decided not to seek the death penalty in a case, which is fine with friends and family his mother tongue, mean directly. I have had to live with. The loss of the sun and death would be too easy. So they don't want the death penalty think they want to know the details of what happened in all events should come out in court, not sick, death could signal that the prosecution believes this case is not open and shut. I expect
Furthermore, I am fight they did, but this week, stunning news sharer right pleaded data facilitation of first degree, murder as it is fine you guilty without rules set. This person has been recommended on your face. Is that what you want She received a thirty year prison sentence. Finally, nine years after the tragic death of neurons- and this plea there's some sellers to his mother and me. A measure of closure for the city of Memphis, still in mourning for its favorite son. He was a one young man that was working to make a difference, is children's lives and other children? lives. He was a generous heart.
he symbolized hope in our community it would be a shame if, throughout all this, that we forgot that iran's right from the university of Memphis lorenzo, had never made the nba he'd be alive and we'll right now and when everybody to know in the city that he was a good guy, not what he was portrayed to be, but a good human being The to hear more about the alleged murderer. Blood join us.
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Transcript generated on 2023-06-03.