« 48 Hours

Hunted - Encore


"48 Hours" goes inside the mind of a serial rapist hunting his victims while two detectives were hunting him.

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
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Now. Walking around I'm single mother I try not to live a paranoid life when I want to think that people are and so I dont look for bad things. I suppose, because I wasn't looking for that- it just never occurred to me. That could happen. Julie, Jesus did? You have any idea that somebody restocking you not at all, watching your every movement now walking in and out of your house, no idea whatsoever, the paralyzing fear starts raining on, others would be quiet. While I just screamed- and he just told me- he kept telling me to shut up
to a black mask and the only thing that showed was his eyes. He had a gun in his bag. If I didn't shut up, he would he would kill me. Hi right. he came in my room and jumped on my back. He told me we want to do is right me. I was terrified These women had been through something so horrendous. The type of person that committed these crimes was a heinous individual. I did think that he had done this before. I am thankful
this case came to me. I knew we had to catch the sky. We would do physical surveillance. There was no secret thing that they are having comment common just looking for victims, I didn't know them this one is cereal, kept going in going and going Turkey is clear in ITALY I felt scared I felt scared for other women in society. I felt afraid for myself. That's why I think we were so driven its question that new ask again and again is it. Somebody that has been in
in more horrific things in the past. During a definite felt like we're, up against the clock is ticking. I could hear it. I could feel it. I felt like we just had to get him off the street I'm more imago tonight on forty eight hours onto if you're. Like me, your hooked on fast, gazed crime, thrillers, that's why I'm so excited to listen to the gift by international. Best selling author Sebastian fit sack available
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was just after midnight in aurora colorado, ten miles outside denver. This woman, who we will call Mary had, Why did she was being stalked by a strange man? right they're in october, with two thousand and nine marry a sixty five year old grandmother was jarred awake by a large masked man. He climbed, on top of her tied her up cut off her clothes and for the next four hours brutally raped her I just live moment to moment Whatever he told me to do, I did it. Did you ever think I'm gonna try to escape whenever felt like. I had the opportunity then, as if all that
I hadn't been enough of a violation. He pulled out a camera and photographed her. Did he threaten you with the pictures? Yes, he told me that if I call the police, he would put it on the internet when he was done. He went about carefully cleaning anything that could have any trace of his dna stripping, bedsheet and removing her clothes from the scene. Finally, he brought Mary to the bathroom and ordered her into the bathtub He told me to fill the bathtub. The that really made me nervous. Did you think he was going to kill you? I thought I was gonna around me He warned her not to come out of the bathroom until we laughed. She waited like. He told her in that bathtub coal and for
for more than an hour what was going through your mind and that our is gone as he gone. I wonder if he's gone, investing leaders were able to find some of the rapists dna on this teddy bear in marries house, but when they were through national databases. They could find a match marries case when cold. two years later and twenty five miles away? Gold colorado, police, detective stacy Galbraith. Take My case is pretty personally. She was just starting her shift when a call came in the patrol the dispatch to sexual assault that had just occurred. Galbraith immediately, headed to the scene, right here is the building that the golden victim was living in at the time of her attack and spoke to the victims
de nine year old woman, who said she was in bed when she was a tat. She remembered hearing a noise and amassed person came in to her bedroom. I told her and he threatened to shoot her. He had had a gun with him. He sexually assaulted. Her photographed her and had her take a shower and then left crime scene technicians found little evidence. She talk. I everything we could have collected dna from his bed covers he, directed her. You know to use soap to use, toothpaste too, basically wash away or take away any of the evidence that we needed to to solve the case. But the victim did remember that the attacker was white and blonde, because she could see the hair
on his arms. This victim was very articulate. She wasn't no visible shaken, she wasn't crying. She wasn't emotional. She was able to sketch this image of a masked man and this distinctive eggshell birthmark. She saw his ass. She was able to give all these very detailed if information that, at some point in the instigation. These are things I'm gonna, be looking for. Her attacker brought a pair of pink high heels and made her wear them while he took photos of her the pink sony cyber shot like this one outside the victims apartment a security, camera recorded a suspicious white monster truck, but the plates word visible and in the snow, single shewbread and it came back as an adidas. So we knew if wicked, your final,
white person and they were wearing that shoe or had that shoe. You know it could be a little bit closer, but none of what the victim recalled was enough to break open this case and detective galbraith now leading the investigation was deeply for us. rated later that night. She did. What many married people do and vented to her spouse? Who just happened to be a police officer, the neighbouring town, and he immediately just kind of looked at me and said you know. I think we've had that here in recently and what he picked up on that they were made to shower and for a certain time period and basically wash away the evidence first thing the next morning, her husband put her in touch with lead investigator on that case, nineteen, my
was away in westminster, colorado, detective, Edna hendershot. It seemed pretty obvious that there was some connection both of their departments, assigned the detectives to work together on the cases. The description of the attacker was almost exam finally the same a white male, I'm about six to one eighty had light colored hair. She also describe them as a little bit chubby ends. I said my victim had a pink sony. Cyber camera that was stolen from her and stacy immediately kid on that and said my Victim was photographed with pink sony cyber shot, camera. What's
or detective hinder shop, was able to link the rape of sixty five year old mary in iran to the same attacker that made for three attacks in two years and at detective hinder shots crime scene in westminster. Another piece of evidence turned out glove impressions that were alongside the railing outside of the apartment where the westminster victim lived, so not quite a fingerprint, definitely not a fingerprint, but but impressions from a glove. Describe them as a honeycomb pattern. What's the profile you have on this guy, who do you have in your mind, who's this guy, we're thinking potentially military renewal. doing this kind scared? Maybe he could be a law enforcement. I kind of felt like like, but do any of my Sera. Look like look like this guy. Does anyone have this mark on
where there my victim is, is describing eat all the cases. The rape is told his victims, he'd been stalking them for months, watching their every move. king into their homes during test runs? If they couldn't stop him soon, they knew he would strike again. Hunting for his victim and then the next victim and then the next victim. Did you ever consider that he may be assumed killer, not just to cereal rapist. I think everything was on the table at that point in time. It's better, Ben Ali yeah no return. With insecurity.
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fifty nine years old, trying to figure out what is it that they have in common? That would make them targets for this particular individual. That was very frustrating There is no consistency. There was not in that they were women, but there were pieces of the puzzle that glove pray on a railing in westminster, the adidas she print in the snow in golden and paint camera like this one used to photograph the victims during the attacks, but nothing to pull the entire picture together. He was counting on the fact that we wouldn't talk to one another that we wouldn't reach that we wouldn't communicate. That's what he was counting on, but he certainly was in counting on them looking for health, which they did when they formed a task force with go prosecutors, the colorado bureau of investigation and the fbi on that task. Force
veteran fbi special agent. Johnny grew sing Did you have a sense that he's gonna strike again? Absolutely he scanned area, police files for similar attacks and found a report in nearby lakewood that was labeled a home invasion. When he looked closer he saw it was a failed rape attempt the victim describe, a masked man around two thirty three in the morning she heard a dragging sound coming down the hall that woke her up and she saw a lot. Masked men in her doorway holding a knife. Then he strangled her made her go face down
However, she was able to actually lift up turn around and face the man and tell him that he didn't he was not supposed to be there, and this was not going to happen if she's willing it not to happen at this point Her she was very brave woman started screaming a man's name yelling, or held the attackers thought someone else might be in the lakewood house. the decision he's going to let her go for a second and check the room by the time heat jumps off of her and checks the room she- It's on her bed and dives out a window that is about one foot high by four feet. Wide onto the conquered. outside shattered her vertebrata, that's too ribs were broken and her long was punctured from that fall, but she still ran to her neighbour's house com
her police file head sitting dormant for half a year when the Denver area task force finally came across it. That one case turned out to be a treasure trove, full of evidence and information that definitively linked all the attacks together the evidence and make good case was absolutely key and linking this to one attacker, specifically each piece of evidence One of the other assaults had a connection to the lake with case, for example, the glove like this. This glove pattern was found in the lakewood case, and this pattern was also found in the westminster case,
member that adidas shoeprints in the snow and golden there was a perfect match in lake. Would then, at the end of a long taskforce, meeting a mention of a suspicious white vehicle scene, at the lake would attack. So this is the bulletin that the crime analysed and lakewood held up conclusion of our meeting. It described a white mazda, pickup truck That was when I like, Michael there. We had a white truck in its just like that. I just knew and my heart that that was that was it for that trust to be in that neighbourhood and lakewood, and also be in mine that had to be significant now the task force had a plate number when they dug through their data base. They came across this picture of the truck with a white man standing next to it about six feet tall
when I saw this truck and the man standing next to the truck. I thought that that looked like what are the victims who had been at describe. That was that aha moment we have a talk with them: two areas, and now we got to see who belongs to and who is this guy and who was that guy, Marco Larry, Have you ever heard that name before no pussy in anybody's rater, no mark patrick o leary, a man fitting the very profile described by several of the victor, he had a military career that took him all over the world, washington state to korea. The thirty two year old, o leary was separated from his wife and studying at a local community college did any prior criminal history whatsoever insignificant.
No assaults now no violent crime, now nothing to indicate that this guy was capable of what he was being accused of a thing like that. I mean you got the truck. You got the guy, you got an address right there. Like did you want to just get your car go over bang on the door and take em right then you couldn't do not yet. I know you could have what did you want to while we needed to make sure, and so it became important at that point in time to start conducting surveillance on him attempt to get the dna from this individual, Marco leary, suspected of stalking and attacking so many women was about to become haunted himself
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like what colorado- and this is the neighborhood, where we set up on galleries, residents we wait. And watched, the taskforce finally had a viable suspect in Marco weary and agent bruce Steam didn't have to wait long for things to pick up fast and see the truck leave and it looks like the register. Donor gets in with a female as part of the team followed. The couple to lunch at this restaurant reducing stayed behind hoping to install a surveillance camera on the house.
First, he needed to make sure no one else was home, walked up through this strive way. We knocked on that's why door where the light is, and Marco Larry appeared in the doorway, we're not expected. I would not expect he really was it. He thought just seen, o leary drive off in the truck his demeanor when he came to the door. He looked a little surprised, He was curious. I would say more than anything to see. Why would we be knocking on his door, so we had to do a little tap dance. What happened? I pulled out the flyer that I had ready and it was of a person we were looking for in another investigation. He looked at the sketch said it did not look familiar. He said that his brother live there with him? We didn't even know he had a brother. Until that moment, it turned out musings team tailing Michael o, leary marks younger brother looks and
awful lot like him. They collected the cup that Michael drink out of at lunch pope that strain of dna might match the dna on that teddy bear and other samples they obtained an. What did it reveal? Their revealed that strain of male dna from the o family was on all of our victims possessions. But they had no idea which leary brother was responsible, so they want to find out. What are you feeling get this closer, this guy, I'm ready. and praying and hoping that, We don't lose him somehow and someone else gets hurt at six. clock that sunday morning the team knocked only restore guns drawn stacy found herself face to face with marco leary he just went pay all just like this.
See the life go out of them for a second baggy pants on so I lifted each pant leg up and I saw the exit birthmark on his calf. He was identical to that unusual. Birthmark that Galbraith spectrum had described on her attackers lead I said, turn around the transponder back you're under arrest they need they. Finally, had the right, o leary in custody is gratifying. To finally put some like that in handcuffs disasters with you here versus a ok, go Leary seemed strangely amused by the circumstances and he would not cooperate. at that point. Were wanting to see what was in the house a search warrant of his home yielded a gold mine. He had all of these.
That he used to facilitate these assaults, just in places about the Seen in plain sight, I was sitting in inside, so cause we came up with. What did you think I knew those they were a perfect match to those shoeprints found near two of the crime scenes just inside o leary front door. A pair of gloves with that distinct honeycomb pattern that wasn't all. This is a pink sony. Cyber shot camera that was collected from the office of Larry's residents had kind of some bookshelves and he had it just kind of popped up on a shelf. It was
exact camera that was stolen from the westminster victim and used to photograph the golden victim and then perhaps most disturbingly they came upon this backpack full of items of leary had brought with him to perpetrate That is the high hill shoes which victim golden. He kept quiet. I haven't seen these things beyond pictures. Why didn't you get close? She said yeah, you know it's just a thing until you know the details of what the thing was used for, and you don't usually find this. In my opinion, this much duration that's acts. Elaborated area means He didn't seem to be really working hard to hide everything. He wasn't expecting us but
No that evidence there was nothing to link margo, Larry's brother, Michael to any of the attacks This point in time. You do not believe he was involved with it in a hurry. Was in marks room in marks possessions that the detectives would make aid recent discovery, hard drive containing hundreds of pictures, and not just of the four domes. They knew of deputy jefferson county district attorney bob liner. There were photographs that depicted other women in one thing, can only be characterized as rape scenario. I wondered if they were victims of sexual assault if they were Even alive anymore Investigators had to find them in earlier phone. They found he had called this woman numerous times. Her name
is Amy, so were now on our way to meet Amy Amy wasn't a victim. She was actually only raise girlfriend. How can you Imagine you find out. The guy you had dated was actually a serial rapist at the time the two of you worked together. I mean What would you say? How would you react we're about to find out So I was at work and a message was on my phone from special john grew thing from the fbi regarding Larry, in early two thousand eleven, then a thirty Five year old, bartender Amy was unsure. Why the fbi would be calling her about her ex boyfriend? He said:
I'm sure you know. What's going on with mark illyrian, I said no, actually I don't, and he said It's been all over the news. His committee a series of rapes. It was hard for me to believe she met Margo three on the online dating site, okcupid in two thousand and nine and the man she thought she knew presented himself very differently. He was pretty sure orison protector Was he charming he's very charming, like he was really fun to talk to you? We talked for hours at a time quite frequently was a lightness to him, even though he had a dark sense of humor, but it didn't last long for the couple we attempted or sexual relationships, but things did not go very well in terms of chemistry.
Mark needed the other person to be scared. The fear and the dominance and You ever see that violent side of him. No, I didn't see any violence like I knew he liked and what turned to him on. But I didn't show him fear in any real way he knew I wasn't scared. It was too food as somebody who wanted stake Amy head the idea that, when she wasn't with mark mark was out preying on women, I talked to special agent grew saying for a long time and then after I got
the phone I went and threw up. It was pretty upsetting to me as Amy struggled with margo liveries arrest a few miles away. A detective broke the news to marry. First, I didn't believe in you sure he says yeah we got him, that's what he said we got em I feel a sense of relief. Oh my! Yes, there were so many victims and he was so sick mark. Patrick O'Leary was charged with more than thirty counts of sexual assault, kidnapping and burglary prosecutor. Bob weiner to have actual photographs as disgusting as they were, of the actual rapes, ended any speculation.
As to whether we had the right guy faced with overwhelming evidence, O'Leary agreed to plead guilty to the sexual assault charges. He was meticulous in the way he stalked these victims, but he was at his sentencing hearing that fireworks really began and a sexually violent. Predator surprisingly, he has the chance to address the court as well. He took advantage of it and I'm out of control. I've been out of control for a long time. Words are just inadequate to describe how just horrible I know I act And- and I can
I only hope that you know that my sentence today will satisfy them. His sentence would more than satisfy over three hundred years in prison. A staggering number, some crazy way felt sorry for him. He said he was just going from one prison. Another, so he was in his own prison and some else, he said at the sentencing caught the detectives attention. He said that who would be willing to answer questions and in law enforcement. That's that's the you know, that's the green light. They were about to get a rare look into the mind of cereal rapist. Johnny greasing took the lead playing to o leary ego. I told him that our profile for very interesting
because of how intelligent he was, and he seemed to like that. Like all is shrinking, power. The average power over or means to an end his is talked about how his pendulum would swaying and he could not control. He would have to fill that need That's the monster talking to me over one any of these battles, with the monster grossing saw that monster up. Close o leary described his feelings after one of the rapes I still remember this moment is that twenty leaned back smiled
he's getting there. he says even as a child, he had rape fantasies but didn't act on them until he was in the military on a tour of duty and korea where he tried but failed to rape to women back in the states, he was determined not to fail again real, and then he decided that he was going to use his military training to figure out. Way to stock has victims to not be caught and tools despite this urged that would come We brought up one woman, he'd, been planning to attack julie pack, remember her the single mom who had no idea o leary was stocking
once he was leaning her out for an assault What about your house, daddy. the door I sign out there, and I said what be doing here get out of here, I'm in a call the police- and I just watch me just turned around- went down. The stairs went out to the back climbed over the fence, laughed Julie. Unnerved always set her home alarm after that, but never thought about it again. Until the f b, I called her. It was very hard for me to process it. But the f b, I didn't tell her everything You know that at one point he was in the house and you were asleep.
No, that walking in and out of your house now taking things from your place, no idea whatsoever and what about those hard drives with a hundred The photos of other women Larry wasn't willing. To discuss anything that he had not plead guilty too. even behind bars O'Leary wasn't done tormenting women before the interview ended. He had a special message for detective galbraith. I already darling. Was it a nursing? And I didn't I didn't sleep well that night it wouldn't be the last sleepless night we discovered another victim. But what happened to that woman?
was far worse than the detectives could imagine. among the hundreds of photos founded margo lerius home, a picture. The young woman bound and gagged stood out. case. He actually photographed her like you done, are other victims that he thoughtfully fully photograph with her driver's licence on her, so you no exact who she was yes, she an eighteen year old woman whose idea the team we are not revealing living just outside seattle in Linwood washington, and did you contact that policed barton? Washington, for anyway, it turn so they knew about her. They even had a rape report from two thousand and eight only. They believed it was a false report.
Linwood police department, commander, rodney Carl heine. She reported the. She woke up to five an intruder in her bedroom standing at the doorway. He was armed with a knife. He approached her. found her hands behind her back gagner blindfolded, her had a roll over and then he raped her. Period of time, but during the investigation they began to doubt the young woman truthfulness one detective even threatened to charge her if she was lying. the young woman gave an interview to mp hours this american life. He told me that far I took a lie. Detector test It came back, but I was lying that he was gonna. Take me to jail himself after that. She quickly changed her story He says that she thought she may have dreamed that this occurred and at one
when she said that it didn't happen, and ultimately she was given a citation for false reporting, she was forced to pay, Five hundred dollar, fine and plead guilty for lying about being raped. Detective galbraith couldn't believe, she was reading. I actually felt emotional. I knew that was wrong, as I could prove their case now and what was their response when you called and said hey, you know their case of that young woman who use. was lying and you charged her guess what I got a picture of her after she's assaulted from the actual rapists and they came out immediately. I was stunned, it's an absolute nightmare. Everything that she told us was the absolute truth. She was isolated alone and then nobody believed her. That's a lot to digest the commander and his team, headed straight to the young women's home three years had passed since she had reported her reign.
She was very surprised to see us and we told her what we had learned She was stunned. She was quiet at first. She began to cry. It was heart wrenching to know that she had lived with this alone for all those years. The woman's charge with expunged from her record. Her fine was reimbursed and eventually settled a lawsuit with the police department for one hundred fifty thousand dollars We learn many lessons heard the linwood police departments on the heels of this investigation. We had outside groups command to teach officers and detectives waste, investigate sexual assaults, not every victim of a violent crime reports, in the same way that we need to understand it is strange, some circumstances seem they can be true. It an observation not gone unnoticed by the rapist himself,
It was probably the vendors earlier O'Leary was charged with that woman's rape and yet another similar sexual assault in washington. He pled guilty, in both cases bringing the known number of victims to six Stacy and edna believe it doesn't stop there wait. There's more o'leary had encrypted computers that invest gaiters are still unable to open a window, ago. It went to the fbi lab here. Nobody get into it. Nobody can get into it and I was told that probably no one ever will all of this begs the question. If Markle leary was willing to give such explicit details about the terrible crimes they already knew, he had committed what possible horrific things. Was he still hiding on the?
hard drives. You think. It's worse, don't know the other thing we wanderers could someone else have been involved, Girlfriend Amy wonders the same thing. To me, like maybe he's protecting somebody else. If he's willing to face up to everything, then he's done, but not willing to turn over all of the information that he has but Mary is hoping other victims of o leary. These will come forward. Well, I think the big thing is just that rape victims don't have to be ashamed. He kept getting away with it and he wanted to do it again and each time he did it He got a little more cocky about what he was doing and little, a dangerous and
There is no fear in your life now associated with it. No, I won't let it happen. I won't. Let him instill fear in me. Don't want anybody to do that. To me, her strength fuels the work that edna and Stacy have They did their lives to he's only behind bars because of the work that you did together right. But it's not too people right. It's not it's, not three people with johnny involved, it's a whole group. It took the entire. Good, knowing that you pulled someone like that, so horrible, society so that he can't hurt anyone again, it was very rewarding this is why I do that the
stacey galbreath, is now an agent for the colorado bureau of investigation. Edna Hendershot was promoted to the rank of sergeant with the westminster police department, Galbraith and Henderson both stay in contact with the women marco marietta, the more of O'Leary's f b. I interview go to forty eight hours, dot com, the paper, members, you can listen to the forty eight hours, podcast ad free on amazon music download the amazon music ab today or you can listen ad free with wondering, plus an apple pie. Gas before you go, tell us about yourself by completing a short survey at wondering dog com. Sledge survey. Businesses need to think
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Transcript generated on 2023-06-03.