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Death of an Olympian - Encore


Olympic hero Dave Laut shot six times.

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Hey prime members, you can listen to the forty eight hours podcast ad free on amazon, music down the app today stab not the car again happens all the time with old betsy have you checked out carvana, yet they have thousands of cars for under twenty thousand dollars. What did those thousands of cars of personality like old, betsy betsy, is held together by tape and they're raccoons living in the engine? The family car there flames on the hood custom paint job that the cars on fire, how many cars did you say: carbon ahead visit, Carvana dot com to shop, thousands of cars for under twenty thousand There's we'll drive you happy akerana, real people, real crimes, real life drama, didn't in high school.
She was a homecoming queen one of the big studs in high school. He also was an olympian but the usa may be able to do it sitting in third presumed wasn't. My big brother, who was lying superman, They had a good relationship. I might ages decided they wanted to adopt That was an exciting time they had their child like, while I think they were the perfect couple up until towards the end. What's the one and two one and two scout matter, we believe
from day one they fire and three four three four or blood to even try to figure out what happened. It just kind of goes beyond your scope of understanding. How did a pool of blood over here and his body is here? What theory would like to go to prosecution is or what actually happened? I noticed we don't call this a crime scene start it's not a crime scene. It's where a woman saved her life who is jane loud. She was a woman who was battered and abused for years. Who accepted that as replied? You have to understand this. Man was a monster.
Why did you shoot him? He was going to kill us Michael, he was gonna shoot, Michael, he was going to kill me. I didn't think I was going to live with that night. When did you hear what her defense was going to be when she hired ron bamiyan? He started saying things in the media: outlandishly just bashing dave. He beat her and she did what any mother would do to save her son and he suggests they will find evidence of a troubled home life. You have to understand a lot of people didn't want to confront a world. He was olympic europe, pray because he's stable out. Nobody would believe what was really happening. She kept a secret for years
from the people close to, or do I believe that he hit her? Absolutely not. He loved her for you in love with a kiss is really was there a lot of people who will look at jane and they see a make quiet woman? Don't let it for you there's a different person living inside of her than what you see. Is jane loud going to test. Of course, she'll be our first women's, I'm confident the jury is going to know that jane was in fear of her life that night and that shooting Dave was her only escape. I'm era moriarty tonight on it hours of an olympian high,
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It was shortly after midnight august, twenty eight two thousand nine, an officer california Jane loud was friend, It's telling a nine one, one dispatcher better husband Dave made just a shot by an inch, router. dave, younger brother dawn and his wife Rebecca were asleep in their home when they got the call I reached around family when the phone rings that early you know it's a like protective, Sonia sanchez, with no place to go. kind of laid their frozen were let it go to voicemail, jane loud culture, brother hank, la backer, The The temporary aid to me out. This is an audio recording, a first responders to that
I'm seeing that night officers found dave loud dead in the sun? yard and the escape from a distance. I observed his body and he had two very close proximity. Gunshot wounds lead detective MIKE young one was to the back of his head and there was a second very close proximity. Gunshot wound to the back of his right. Shoulder I hit the floor and I was in tears my my soul, I was gone not long after the shooting jane was questioned by oxnard homicide detectives about what she said happened I'm trying to remember everything Jane said that, while there ten year old son Michael, was asleep in his bed, her husband heard a noise
his outback, there's something going on, and eventually her husband, Dave loud had gone outside to investigate that she'd gone out briefly with him. He told me to go back in the house and that she had heard gunshots. And that David not come back into the home that jane said, is when she called nine one one or about how to achieve first, you that something had happened to your son, your son, about five o'clock. In the morning the doorbell rang and dave's mother doughty loud it was James brother, hank, Hank, said
Jane and Michael, are ok, but Dave's dead. Daddy was devastated by relieved that my when Jane were save jane, had been a beloved parted the loud family for over thirty years there's. This is a man. really a room. Quite a few things, back in nineteen. Eighty Dave was a hometown hero who had set shop, put records and was destined for olympic fame. His biggest supporter was the young woman. Who was it. to become his wife men. If you knew dave and the kind of person he was in the waste beamed when he talked about Jane and how he had her up so high on this pedestal, mayhew. Just he loved her. She was Nice girl, I loved her. All these years, I did Jane loud, spoke to me first tv interview,
you remember your wedding day. Will you happy that was really happy and known it was. It was very special. They had a good, strong friendship and something that I always thought in know. I want to have a marriage like that, but the marriage face challenges. In nineteen eighty four day, finally won an olympic metal, but it was bronze. Everyone was proud, but dave was detained. to win the gold in the eighty eight games and then, while training dave towards and in both of his knees and forever lost his chance at the gold, he tried, but he couldn't come back. He then became a teacher. Does he like teaching loved it, then the one that was important. Was that one athletic director from high school? It was his dream job
Jane and Dave seem to settle into their new, live and tried to have a family when Jane couldn't get pregnant. The couple adopted a baby boy, south korea. Tim Michael. We had happy times mobile phone, Michael arrive was could save up to Michael is probably five was the best time of our marriage. it started going downhill similar worse every either, but no one seemed to know how bad the back at the loud home, detective made us damning discovery that would change everything you found the weapons
Where inside of the grandfather clock that was in the living room of the house, I walked over to the grandfather, clock, open the door and looked inside, and there was a gun in the underneath the weights, david been shot with his own twenty two caliber single action, revolver, the gun you seeing cowboy movies it a single action, revolver heavy and an effort to use his gun expert, not build guitar, show me if the hammer must be cocked for every shot now bring that hammer back and fire six shots were fired at dave loud that night and according to authorities all six hit their target. And the gunshots of people who were they boom boom boom boom
they were separated, as I recall, by about a second shot. So boom boom boom, one just hours after being interviewed by police before she even knew they found the gun. Jane changed her story now she said it was of defence and hired attorney ron bambi, I don't dispute. Does she want? dad that night It's gonna be, are her jane says it was when her husband also threatened. Well ten year old son, Michael that she felt she had no choice. I think, if it didn't happen, we would both bitter Even then it will be nearly six months before jane lot was arrested and then she would be released. stone bond for six years until her trial? They began? Why? Why did take so long.
because knowing who is only half the story, we want to try and figure out. If there was a legitimate, why So why do you think she killed? Your son My personal feeling is it. She was afraid Davis gonna, take legal next, Jane, tells us her side of the story. The. The the Jane loud says she never plan to kill her husband. I thought it for sure
it is the only way to stop him. He will get how he he wouldn't not stop coming after me, she was used to abuse she says, but that night she says Dave went further than he ever had normally he'd get mad and it would taper off sometimes, but he never stopped sk raging, Jane claim. She first noticed dave's temper when they were dating and dave was going for the gold they were signals. I didn't really pay attention to before. Just his anger is you know something didn't go right. You can find something. If he's throwing away the shot.
and goes far as he wants is losing his temper. The first time dave jane, says was also shortly after they were married. Dave was going out of town to an olympic training sessions and it was jaynes job too. his bags he was leaving for a trip. I forgot to buy something this like bathroom supplies and hit me in I got a black eye in my life was split. It up They embody ass terms, and that says, Jane is exactly what she told everyone. I told her somebody thank me, but person luxury, but Jane admits that
The violence was not the norm. Instead, she describes a pattern of mostly motion all and psychological abuse. How often would there be incidents and what would they involve? It was mostly verbal abuse. Why would he call you stupid idiot fat bitch to? How often would that happen the last two years? It was all the time Jane also says that dave would taunter and their young son, Michael with his vast gun collection, claiming that he's a major player, russian roulette. Maybe the good, and I wouldn't do it. The older, Michael God said: Jane More unreasonable dave became her so in times. I should call the police and again- and I so regret that. special attention my cause involved? I can't believe I'm letting
they endanger like that stay. I always thought it would get better. Yet she says she was still on prepare for what happened on the night of all. Twenty seven, two thousand nine. When Jane and Michael returned home late from a day at the beach she says, Dave exploded. I didn't ask cape anything about his day. I didn't. I just started it. We didn't ask him in respect to dream, put their ten year old to sleep early and did what she had been doing for two years crawled into bed.
With our sign. Why were you sleeping Michael's were because you're scared, michaelmas scare Dave, would stare. Let me now and he had been drinking all night and he's just raging it whatever it's a tv is something, an email that would happen every night. almost every night Jane says she was a michael's room when she heard dave raging in the hallway and got up to try and calm em just turn it is swearing out me in Sorry, it started condone towards Michael's ruin. the again in his hand. She says she focus on diverting dave away from Michael and drawing him out of the house.
from this side of the house and stumbled if you're falling or just like moving, but I feel when you get into a cough and then waited for and it was like straddling him- and I honestly don't remember after that- five more doubts were fired. When you got have you had to realize he was tat, I can think you was honestly I saw him, I remember seeing a socks for sure, he's gonna jump up and run after me. If you are terrified, why didn't you away. Then tell the I will one operator, oh my god, he try kill me and he's gonna come back. I can explain why the district attorney's office offer jane a deal.
plead manslaughter and agreed to a six year, prison term, but Jane did the honor In a bold, she turned the down. I felt if I took the plea. Nobody would know what really happened. It would be like accepting the boy the prosecution said happened at night. It would be like, except in it they said there was no appeal. It was Michael me she's, full of bologna she's, like so many times all her as I look back and think back so many As the loud family now says, the woman they embraced as part of the family is a pathological liar and cold blooded killer rebecca. You once said to me that there are two faces at jane, but he mean by that jane likes to portray herself is very weak.
and quiet and shy. And then there's another part of her that's after world and after everything, I'm do what I want to do. if were hurt in some cases kill. With this cook, here in cebu, which kind of big game animal comes and eats. The cook was dave: lowndes, a hometown hero, a beloved coach and high school athletic director secretly abusing his wife at home, oxnard homicide detective MIKE young was determined to find out when we spent five or six months doing dozens and dozens and dozens of interviews,
Friends and family, seeing if anyone was aware of any domestic violence issues, another drink, You are right next door, who is an county deputy. Am I specifically asked if there was any domestic issues and he said absolutely not. I would have seen that to Jane ever tell you that that dave header, never never Dave's brother, John and his wife, rebecca in interviews, were adamant. They never witnessed or heard about any abuse pushed never was verbally abusive. Never did you ever see her with any kind of bruises, never never, never ever even jane on the night of the shooting denied any abuse in her marriage. I assure you will physically mentally.
What's more jane, didn't look like someone who had been in a battle for live. There were no fresh scratches on dave or jane cheer, too small, maybe nickel size or so older bruises. On the inside of her left bicep that were greenish and yellowish as if they were in late stages of healing young says that evidence collected from the scene tells a different story. He says Jane file dave out into the side yard, holding this floor site in one hand and the gone in the other energy Look, I shot from behind the first shot was fired a distance striking him left part of his head above his left ear and the next two shots. We believer com Who is the side of his face, then there's another gunshot wound, while he's down on the ground is at least forty six feet away, and then
two more one in the back of right, shoulder and shot that we believe was the gunshot wounds if the which is the fatal gunshot and because the gun was a single action, revolver young says every shod shows premeditation. She had to physically manually cock that firearm each time Adam police, say after she shot Dave. She hid the gun and the grandfather clock. And then call nine one, one with that story about the prowler according to the loud family. Believable stories were nothing new. for Jane. She told me time that a man died in her arms at the bank. She told me another time that she was held up at knifepoint at the grocery store was at true. I don't think so. But it was jane, so you cannot just say: oh ok, but jane
now says all those stories were to cover for Dave's abuse. Is it possible She did make up these stories about a stalker and attacked a cover up injuries that her husband gave her. Why? Yes, it's possible I find it convenient another. grit. The police uncover turns out, jane and Dave were deeply and dad Rebecca loud blames, jane if she was the one in charge of the finances- and I dont think dave- knew that she hadn't pater taxes in three or four years. I dont believe he knew that there were behind on their mortgage and dave may not have known that Jane had borrowed nearly sixty thousand dollars from his own mother dottie. She would say I need x amount of dollars for doctor bill. I need x amount of dollars. I have to pay some tuition and
I just gave it to her. A large sum of money also went missing from the parent teacher association at Michael's school. Where jane was a treasure. She told daddy that she needed twenty five thousand dollars. Otherwise the bank was going to basically foreclose on the home and it turns that she took that twenty five thousand dollar check deposited in the bank cash out thousand dollars and next day and deposited into the parent club account Jane again says she was covering dave who had thrown the money into the fireplace in a fit of anger, but you have to borrow twenty thousand well there's burn all that. Now there was some. I is because the house payments were two months two months behind, so I pay for that
but where was all the money going? I don't know I paid for household pills paper girl, she's, gonna pay for tuition. I know Dave ordered a lot of I never talk about thousands of dollars, I dont know we heard a forensic accountant who went through everything and I think that their conclusion was that she was just a reckless spender, rebecca dawn say they are just as puzzled. Since found out that Dave's wages were being garnished right because a pair There is issues with the irs. Maybe he found out that day, that is, wages were being garnished and he went home and asked. I honestly think that he was
fixing leave. I truly believe that he was done with the whole financial thing rebecca and on both say that terrible, shooting and jane story of abuse came complete lee out of the blue, she told me a lot about their relationship very personal things about the relationship So I know that if that was, running. She would have said something to me, but, as we have learned since this interview, back, I might know more about jane and Dave's marriage. Then she told us in a phone call with detective young just five days after Dave's death in two thousand nine rebecca admitted jane, had confided in her very probably very director her
how many so many so many instances like. I can't even think right now and she may not have been the only one who knew about the verbal abuse wrote the first person. That said that, but you know whatever she's confided in you were told, is very, very important and very very verbally. If that was the main thing, could there have been signs of physical abuse because she never made mention of him physically violent towards torture. You, sir, I think Fenster budget, she never said anything else. You would get very quiet, rebecca since that jane never mentioned any physical abuse and says that without us, she's learned. She now believes that Jane lied about it all. Do you think that his mother or your sister along knew. This was going on. They knew alone
They knew what was going on. as the date for jane louts murder trial approached days, family fear what they have to hear in her defence jane law would be testifying that her husband, the olympian here, I was also a sadistic abuser rebecca what, if the jury, believes it's going be a horrible day. But what do you do on january eleven, two thousand sixteen more than six years after jane loud shot, her husband, the trial finally began. Cameras were only permitted for opening and closing statements. Then tour account a senior deputy district attorney. Rami manoeuvring began to lay out the states case against jane loud
shot by shot on august, twenty seven, two thousand and nine is defended. This new model single says she followed her husband of twenty nine years to decide yard She saw him with this guy. Shooting was premeditated maneuver. Sad because Jane had reasons, want her husband, dad approximately three hundred thousand dollars worth of insurance benefits and the fear of a contentious divorce! Several weeks before the murderer de LA was researching divorce. He was looking up divorce liars. There was some web activity of the florio research. There is research down on the computer. Looking up divorce attorneys. I didn't know that it was and his laptop gas did he threatened to leave. You never talked about.
But the computer evidence was only one part of the states case invested Harrison says jane was never endanger the knight of the shooting and that she like these from the start, menu even show the jury that grandfather clockwork, Jane, had the gun after she killed her husband. You There was no sign of a struggle out in the back. Was there any sign that there have been any kind of fight inside the house. What about on Jane she had nothing visible hot. Her face During the interview detect a more actually noted that she had a small nick, I'm one of her hands, he asked her how she got that she attributed to her cat The defence is never denied that jane shot Dave that night, but attorney Burma has always said she had no choice. Resource efficient, the plan here. If you really wanted to kill the guy, you don't do it in your house with your kid twenty feet away. What
evidence. Is there that he was the aggressor that night, the bruising onto it, amy. I showed the jury. These photos, taken the morning after the shooting of a large bruise on jaynes left arm and in She says she sustained, while struggling with dave over the gone coordinated. I saw her naked. Bruce, is on her in her where these two old, green bruises by its possible eyebrows, can develop a time sure can. But I don't believe this knockdown drag out fight, fear life. No injuries on your face, no injuries on your breasts having turned down five lee deals: Jane had only on option now, if she wanted the jury too, same why she did what she did that nines. She had to tell them herself
How difficult was it to testify at trial? It was awful, but it felt kind of good. It felt almost a relief that it would be over she sobbed through most of her testimony Marjorie Hernandez, a rip for the Van tour accounting star and a consultant for forty eight hours says all eyes in the court room were on Jane. This was her up to unity to Hell jurors. This is what I was going through behind closed doors for twenty nine years and this marriage. It took two days as bambi a walk jane through harrowing tale of abuse and even sexual assault at the hands of her husband, because sexually physically and verbally abused her for years, the things to others awful
awful, which explains says jane why she felt she had to kill her husband on that august night. They pushed up against the door to ITALY, weight is still in need of peace ago. This is gonna to When the prosecutor finally set up to question Jane the first thing wanted to know was why Jane didn't never call out for help Did anyone here? Anyone screaming yelling, nothing The only thing that was heard were gunshots by several of the neighbors. Are some people wonder why you didn't scream for help. If he's trying to kill you never scream. remain renew press jane on why she can't recall the actual shooting?
You don't remember anything. Is it just a blank? It is. I mean I don't remember the first shot. Do you remember pulling their trigger on the first shot filling it, but I mean it takes more than that. It if the polar triggering the hammer A minute takes a real effort to shoot that gun. I don't. I remember that I mean I block it out- to bolster jane's defence spammy a call witnesses who also testified that dave at a dark side and said looking back, they miss telltale signs They saw signs of his temper. They saw signs of him being very good If they saw signs from yelling at jane, they saw that they would. People would be discussed by the notice anything, but the prosecution have witnesses to new friends and family who never saw signs of violence and disk. Dave loud as a love.
in family man and true hometown here. Oh, he was the monster that they have tried to portray him to be. He was a good guy. He cared about other people. jane and Dave son. Michael now, seventeen testified on his mother's behalf. His father had a bad temper, yell line and called him name. Sometimes he said, but when asked by the prosecutor, if his father was ever vial when him word Jane Michael said he couldn't recall? Go. I think that there is actually no as regards my house- I don't know- I can't say four hundred percent. I didn't live in that house. I very certain that the level of fears, if it did exist, was nowhere near to the degree that she testified to One person who did not testified was dave Sister in law, rebecca loud soldiers, never heard that call between her and detective young,
very very verbal limit, because rebecca now believes jane was line, the defence never called or to test. why she once told me towards the end. She was complaining about I have an and she says you know sometimes I think that we'd be better off without him. The final witness called by bamiyan is the executive director of LOS angeles, county's domestic abuse, center Gail, pink, as she thinks like a battered woman. She acted. the battered women pink as says that all of jane, seemingly odd behaviour worried like lie. What everyone, including the police, is actually a classic symptoms, batter woman syndrome. There's all of these things going through her head at the same time, none of which are logical and none of which makes sense unless you understand the degree of food
and the degree of trauma after two months. The case was about to go to the jury when Jane loud took. One final gamble murder. One wasn't the jury's only option. They could also choose to convict Jane a lesser charge of and slaughter or civil war. If they thought it was justifiable homicide, they could set her free, jane insisted that bear me, I tell the jury it's all or nothing, but so it's, not voluntary international and all things once that I don't know, I'm not crazy risk at all You either believe in one hundred percent or you don't why that's such a big gamble. It just makes it just because
the truth, it's been a long, long, horrible, Paul over six years have passed since olympian. Dame love was shot and killed. by some one, his family once loved jane loud, it's a heartbreaking for me. It's heartbreak because I love both of them. I mean I mean say, loved him, because he was my brother, but I loved her too. She was like a sister to me that, as they wait for averting their love has to
to anger, she's, a murderer and she's a desperate woman trying to get herself off. We would like to see her put away for life because she took a life and now what matters most is what twelve strangers think of jane the jury: cancun, victor of murder, the lesser crime of voluntary manslaughter or they can decide Jane, killed in self defence and at her of any crime. Your verdict on each killed and as the jury deliberates ron. Bamiyan remains optimistic. I'm very confident. Jury is not literal, first or second degree murder. I can predict these things I haven't been wrong yet on one of my cases in terms of what the jury's going to do, and so it's going to come down to either voluntary, manslaughter or acquittal right. We either walk out of the courtroom together or we don't for james and the waiting is unbearable. Awful.
It was a strange as peace, positive scared to death. Royalists bringing the jury. Please at stake is more I'm with her son, I had to tell my collar bone found guilty, it ran away after nearly we're days of deliberating decision The during above entitled action find the defendant Jane while backward allowed guilty of the crime of first agreement guilty. First degree murder. I was pretty shot earnestly. I tried prepare myself for every thing, but I was surprised and in appointing
twist. It is bambi. I want so confident. The jury would believe as client who needs to be consulted. I just was like some ice punch in the gut. Jane ended up consoling you to them out. Days! Mother daddy, was in the court room. was afraid that Gonna get acquitted. And then, when she wasn't it shocked me. I cried and don't know. If I cried, because she was found guilty because it was over, the verdict is no victory in chains and parties, life for over thirty years. That's right! That's why I've lost at last, a daughter- and I guess
asked a grandson to. I don't know if I'll ever get to see him again. Michael has been living with jane's relatives since she was arrested and released on bond. You miss him terribly. I know it's ok, I mean I know it's safe Jane, who turned down that last. Please deal of serving a maximum of six years in prison, may never be freedom, with her son again, because she is- seen a mandatory sentence of the d. here's to lie? for jane loud his inner life fifties. This is truly a life sentence. She will die in britain. Maybe they can find something I did wrong or shoot them, but that can be grounds for a new trial, but the odds are get. What two percent of cases like this are overturned on appeal,
Do you have any grants will, of course regret tat had happened. I killed my husband, Michael's alive. I think if it didn't happen, both be then The Gee louts, first chance it parole, as in two thousand, sixty six She would be a hundred and eight years old, hey, prime, members. You can listen to the forty eight hours, podcast ad free on amazon, music download the amazon music up today or you can listen ad.
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Transcript generated on 2023-06-03.