« 48 Hours

Blood in the Sand - Encore


Two teens killed on the same California beach six years apart. DNA on one of the victims leads to two suspects -- one of them worked for the police. "48 Hours" correspondent Richard Schlesinger investigates.

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
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dangerous about it. There is a very different vibe of what it feels like to be there in the middle of the day, verses ten at night there is little feeling of don't know exactly what's out there: nineteen, seventy eight, Barbara nan tan, Jim, on the site to go on a camping trip to the beach tory pines storm. our democracies are in. Feeling everyone gets, you know when you, when you find that person that fits they were merely get together. They loved each other had so much fun together and you could see it barbara. She was outspoken, very popular, funny, Jim great personality. He was the life for the party and my sister was like that too. Barbara and Jim said of the sleeping bags on the beach itself It was some time in the night after they had fallen asleep, but they were attacked. Had been beaten with.
very severely injured. I was knocked unconscious. I couldn't protector. I couldn't defend much my dad and looked at me and said your sister has been murdered. I didn't find out till years later, how bout it really was say: the body was around this position here somewhere they found her linear noon, and she also have some some work. And one of a bridge. We want a killer when and why sears later in nineteen. Eighty four another young woman clare, half who is fourteen, was found murdered on. tori pines, nearly identical location. I just said go down there alone. I think about her. Just about every day knew she was my best friend
you get to this crime scene? Look at the body and see what again there was a mutilation of a brash to my first thought was hey. This is very similar to the one that happened six years ago, which evidence was not any at all really. I just remember going crazy in my mind, does or something I'm not remembering or something I saw. I want to put a face to this chrome cause. It's been faceless for almost thirty. Is there really was no big break until two thousand and twelve, when police finally got hit on the dna evidence that they had from the crime scene sandy the police have identified. a former san diego police criminalized as one of two suspects to the nineteen eighty four murder a fourteen year old clare half. He was a big surprise that people in the world, you could find a suspect that it would be somebody who had actually worked for the police department. You nick
in the crime lab right. You that was his nickname was kinky. He like strip clubs like can pictures of women. My husband didn't do it. You didn't go after tea I know they were wrong. This has multiple aspects. There are a variety of motives as a murder mystery. This has everything you would want. Every morning, for the last thirty seven years, Jim all wakes up to the task- far in thinking that its nineteen seventy eight that he's just been brutally attacked on tory pines beach.
When I become aware that I'm awake, I do not open my eyes, I put my hands on the bed, then I feel for that sheet or I feel for sand of a beach you still Yes, sir, I before my eyes are open. I want to know where amount. It wasn't always this way the beach used to be Jim, second home a safe place, a fun place when you were big, sir, Absolutely there's, not a feeling on earth like serving this. Just there's a big ration inside your body. Rick Helga has felt that brush. He was one of gems, good friends back there. Who is the better for between its probably he was. Do you remember what he was like back? Then? He was a big strong. Many happy guy he's? Probably the guy's everybody looked up to this is probably one reason why Jim was
sure did a wet suit. Add in surfer magazine. We were wrong as all of us in their when that, when that magazine, that issue came out, we we autographed point of view and he had a lot of girls liked him that he didn't see anybody else. Jim old only had eyes for fifteen year old, Barbara Nan takes they worthy all american couple, Jim the surfer had been dating barbara, the cheerleader For nine months, land is a beautiful girl, brown brown eyes eyes and I will diminish their introduced by barbarous sister sue. Sinners out again really stubborn and sat in her way We had lots of arguments and fights and disagreements as sisters do Barbara his parents Ralph and judy. and taste knew they have their work cut out for them. Pretty early on, so she wasn't just another. Pretty
Now she was a team as tough as nails. She was a popular defiant, beautiful pain in the ass, wonderful daughter. God gave her to me to keep my humble and at work On the weekend of august, twelfth nineteen, seventy eight ralph and judy nantego left town to visit some friends, a family friend, was looking after Barbara and her three siblings before leaving Ralph Nan taste took Jim. Ought aside, what did you tell him? They care my girl. ok and make sure that she safe, I told, father and a mother. You know that we would stay put and again at that, and I have said it before its biggest mistake here. The biggest lie. I've ever told my life. Almost as soon as barbarous parents left she and Jim hopped into a station wagon with rick soda and his girlfriend, and they all
drove off to the beach. I remember as they pulled off, though just saying you guys better be careful. You know and they're kind of like yahoo myself. As I see it,. the four friends eventually ended up at tory pines beach, park allows filled with people it like a big party around nine thirty p m, the friends called it a night rick and his girlfriend decided to sleep in the state. wagon and Jim and Barbara went down to the beach for some privacy by surpluses. In bags together and, and we were crawling them and and went to sleep. She was in my arms. That's the last thing. I remember. the next morning. Jim woke up, cold and alone and wet he was covered in blood. I'm freezing, I'm feeling for barber
dont know where she is, I dont know anything. I can't see anything don't hear anything he was born. and disoriented, so Jim had to feel this way along a fence up the sandy hill to the parking lot where his friends were sleeping in the car. Jim came up here. He was down law like this. Rapped on the window, and what did he look like them? His face swollen blood all over Blonde hair you known head was probably about that big Jim had been savagely beaten with a rock and a log from us, Why are put on the beach sailing knew he goes go find barb. So I ran down to the beach looking
and she was there. Barbers nude, lifeless body lay on the beach does thinking what do I do? I think that I, just yelled at some people to call the police homicide officers aid. What started out as an evening with friends turned out to be a night of death, ebay. Rondeau was a sergeant for these san diego police department. He was one of the four investigators on the sea. When we, the body was covered with sand. She s very you're looking wounds on her head, like she probably been struck with something perhaps rocks. We found thereby Barbara murder, had been vicious. There was sand in her mouth and Killer left a gruesome mark affair
if somebody had taken a sharp instrument, color cut aerial over breast, And also around the nipple of the breast, so she'd been sort of mutilated mutilated later on it was determined that she had been raped and sodomized soon. After Barbara's parents were notified and I just started screaming. No, no I am a set of fifty times as semi took a sledge hammer in me and ahead because we don't even know the dick, we're down there. We have no idea. Jim all too, had been rushed to the hospital he had suffered a try matic brain injury and was in a coma four days when he awoke. He had no memory of the attack on the titanic in the cranium stainless steel. I've got that Wait that runs about there. This was
a serious life threatening s attack measure, I almost did not make it Jim was briefly investigated, but ruled out as a suspect. His injuries were true. Of ear, poorly brando and other investigators track down other leaves, but police could not find the killer. A bloody attack and murder haunted everyone Year there just kids, you know that stuff didn't happen, but a few Years later, clare hops body was found on tory pines, b, She was murdered identically to Barbara Judy ensue mandates share their memories of barbara on facebook. At forty, eight hours in the years
after Barbara Nan tastes is murder. Her family struggled with the overwhelming loss and pay. There was some Innovations you know where I'd wake up in a cold, sweat crying just the sadness at losing this child that you love when you're the mom. You just carry that. I felt I was a complete failure. As a mother, barbers parents, sad and angry at their daughter for lying to them, but Ralph Nan taste was especially furious at Jim all I don't want to see him and I didn't want to talk to him. That's exactly what I felt you didn't keep my little girl said she was very, very upset. It hurt. I didn't bring their daughter home.
Six years later, Clare, hops, loved ones, faced the same pay that originated in the same place. She was like carbon antics a year younger, just fourteen, smarter spirited and she loved the beach she just how inner lie a joy about her it's hard to explain unless you met her kim dreamer was clear: hops, best friend, very gentle, funny kind, clare's parents, salmon, penny half were and are. Immensely proud of her. She was the class mediator kids, who got the arguments, would ask clare to adjudicate couple times you got in trouble and school, because the teacher
accused someone, wrongly and clare, wouldn't put up with it. She fought back clear, learn. who love the ocean early on. She grew up on the coast of rhode, island and spent as much time as she could walking along the shore with can we grew up looking for treasures and bringing her mom pretty things home from the ocean seek laugh, pretty shells Claire had also spent a lot of time on san diego speeches, her grandparents live just a few blocks away from tory pines beach. One of the first pictures of clare was taken there. She was still small enough to be carried. This may be her first entered. Action to real ocean surf behalf, so toys considered it a safe place and in the summer of nineteen, eighty four they sent clare and her brother out to california for a visit with their grand.
Kim gamer went along too. We can just me silly and nobody knew us than it doesn't matter. How go freeway died just really fun tonight before king was pushed head home clare convinced her too sneak out of her grandparents house and go to the beach after dark, but once they got, therein settled near their favorite spot by the bridge Kim almost immediately had a panic attack is just an awful feeling I knew how freaked out I was how somebody could just walk, than by you, without even knowing they were there.
You asked claire to make you a promise when you were back at what was I just didn't want her sneaking out by herself again two days later after Kim went back to rhode, island claire broke that promise, and on august twenty fourth nineteen, eighty four or clare hoofs body was found by a beach comber near the bridge retired detective all EU. Morocco also worked on this case and was reviewed by our CBS local station back there we are evaluating all the evidence we recovered at the scene. Claire had been found just a few hundred yards. where Barbara then takes had been killed to me la similarities. There like bourbon and tastes. Clare have also had been beaten, strangled and sexual. salted. It was determined at autopsy. This girl had a lot of san act in her mouth
larynx area or other victim had sand in her mouth, but perhaps most chilling, like Barbara's claire's breast, had also mutilated, they'll either have a serial killer or a repeat performance by the person? Probably the first case. It didn't take long to find a promising suspect They heard about their daughters, death salmon, petty half, went to tory pine state beach before long They were approached by a man named wallace wheeler. He was the beach comber found claire's by
He said molly wheeler, almost like it with his hand out so much. So what do you make of wally wheeler the psychic? He was strange so then we called the police to tell him tell them that the police encouraged claire's parents to keep communicating with wheeler thinking he might confess, or at least give them some useful information. Wheeler wrote long and rambling letters to the hops one of them saying: clare was coming to him in visions. That was why she, let me see her, smiling face and her eyes were radiate. This is a guy who found the body mutilated body and he's talking about. Smiling face and radiant eyes. The letters were odd, very odd. The police question wheeler, but he never confessed to anything in the letters. Eventual
We stopped what was the last thing you heard about. Walls will not he had killed him threw himself off the top of the building thirteen stored on a night. Two gaiters would later tell the house that they had ruled wheeler out as a suspect, but the hoofs were convinced for years that wheeler was their daughters killer. You thought he was involved, somehow yeah yeah If so, then we only had the that he had done on it for all the intrigue surrounding wallace, wheeler, loved ones of the first victim barber, Nan taste had never even heard of him at the time. In fact, the families
I did not even know about each other, but around two thousand and eight, the san diego police department posted the cases on it's website and for the first time, said publicly that the police believed Claire Hoffman. Barbara nantes had likely been murdered by this same killer. I was mad that that declare in that we were informed but who may have been responsible would remain a mystery for form for years until advance dna testing revealed to suspects. One of them was One of their own. for decades after the murders of barber, Nan tastes and clare. Half the san diego police department kept investigating sporadically
But nothing had ever materialised. Claire's friend Kim Jaber kept waiting for some new. Did you think about this case? all the time I mean you know. Nothings gonna bring your friend back, and you just hope that no one is out there hurting other people in two thousand twelve, there was finally a promising development. The cases were reopen. Investigators, hoping advanced dna technology, would change the course of things. It was encouraging for barbarous parents, Judy and Ralph Nan takes, I was cautiously optimist, they would be. Just pointed the new dna tests would find nothing useful on their daughter, but clare, hoofs friend kim, would soon get a visit from a detective. He brought several tat chairs. Did you see any of these people during a trap? I didn't recognize anything.
Was given few details, but she had a feeling that investigators were finally onto something I like. Finally, somebody is really looking into this for hours, obtain the san diego police departments, case affidavits and search warrants and here's what came gamer didn't know police had found to dna hits on clare of blood on her genes, was linked to a convicted rapists named Ronald T. Trouble. The other dna, a tiny microscopic I'm out reportedly found inside clare was linked to a man named Kevin brown police, new Kevin brown. He was a former criminal. In their lab, I was getting ready for work and there was the knock and two detectives where their rebecca brown a conflict
The teacher had been married to sixty one year old cabin brown for more than twenty years, Kevin retired from the san diego police department, in two thousand to So I thought: okay, they are talking about some case that he worked on rebecca and Kevin met in nineteen. Ninety two, through the old school version of online dating the classifieds a few months they marry, he was so sweet. He would card or for me here. Animals like I did he loved cats. He was a sweetheart brown should lead a quiet life revolving around church travel and their pets. Before that vision, investigators in january of two thousand for tee. Did you listening?
There were saying no, I started, and I thought well that's kind of going on. What's with this, the detective showed brown a pitcher of ronald tate and asked if he knew him. What did he say? He said I ve never seen this man I no I'm journalist, James Blair, hosts wrote about the case in october, two thousand fifteen for the atlantic magazine. He is a CBS news. Consultant did police go and talk to Ronald Teatro when they found his dna in clear offs body, they would have liked to have done that, but ronald tat, true, was already dead. Teatro had drowned in what was ruled a boating accident in tennessee and two thousand eleven, but to this day there is suspicion. A suicide
swell. It had been placed on the seat. His glasses had been placed on the seat and they said it looked as if he intended to go into the water. Another thing that certainly raises eyebrows is that his death took place on the anniversary of clear, have murder Kevin brown, the retired criminal It was now the only living suspect police showed him a picture of clare half what did he say I remember her. The detectives told brown that his dna had been found in the evidence they didn't tell him where how they founded the police, maintain that it was Kevin who first mentioned the possibility of being found on a bachelor scale
The investigation wrapped up quickly that same afternoon investigators served a search warrant on his property. Looking for any evidence related to the murders of both clare, half an barber nan takes because they were so similar, as I think that a clear this up this is crazy. Instead, I tried going- and I dont know what they're talking about. I never killed anybody in my life. You know that, and I do know that and my deep core- I never killed anybody, but investigators believed Kevin brown had a dark sky at the time of clare, hops, murder covered was a bachelor it his thirty's, and had a randy reputation at the crime lab. He had a nickname, kinky kevin brown, and that was because we knew that he frequented strip clubs. They called him kinky kevin yeah, because his nickname is kinky.
Criminal is Jim stamina. John d irina worked with covered in the lab for years. Did he brag about going on this trip? Clubs. any secret other early on. I don't think he kept it a secret, but he did have friends that would go with him to either movie aurora strip club. I believe he would go to what movies. I believe it was a porn movie. Yes, stem never saw any inappropriate behaviour by brown in the lab, but he made some male colleagues uncomfortable there was a criminal is to work with Kevin brown and she describes how Kevin took a report violent rape and when she was alone in the lab with him, read it aloud to her in may remark along the lines of isn't that funny. After that, she never felt comfortable being alone with him in the lab again as they dug into browns. Bag
investigators learn more about his hobbes. He enjoyed photography and, in the eighties to launch array and boudoir shoots advertised in a low We'll magazine, talk of her rocky ferguson took photo. Of aspiring models with Kevin, so they pose for the future. over another turn, they get a free picture, but rocky says that sometimes certain photographers would make arrangements for private sessions that were more racy and and and Kevin well Kevin did his own thing. If he likes somebody hill horrors all models in these private sessions. What would happen adult type stuff, adult stuff, naughty stuff? Yes, explicit photos, Kevin brown pastimes as a bachelor may have raised detectives eyebrows, but his statements during the investigation.
made them even more suspicious, although he initially denied having actually met clare, half brown later seem to make a startling admission. He had done some thinking and at making did recall, having met someone named clare in the nineteen eighties and possibly having sex with her. and then he got himself into even deeper trouble. According to the affidavit Kevin Brown volunteered to a lie: detector test he fail, and after the polygraph an investigator talk to him about clear off, saying I dont believe for a second, then you thought she was fourteen Brown reportedly responded. I had no idea, then police learned, Kevin Brown had called a friend and told him logically the police are looking at me as a suspect. This girl, I photographed on the beach
it up dead. The. Ever since investigators got that dna hit on Claire hough in two thousand and twelve, they had been quietly trying to build a case against Kevin brown, but his wife, rebecca brown, stood by him. I never thought he was a killer Never this is a man who didn't have a mean bone in his body, You know all those things that people are saying about that he was going to strip clubs in.
Autographs of naked women, he'd shown me some in the majority were just like just cutesy poses glamour. Shots did the fact that some of those photo shoots went farther than others bother you about him that didn't make me. I had normal male sex drive and that was back when he was single and he would have thought wow. This is a great if everybody, whoever looked at a photo of a scantily, clad woman or if everybody who ever went to a strip club, is likely to be a serial killer reed we're going to have to build quite a few more prisons, we do not convict people on their character. Hired on that place, procedure needs jean audio gretchen VON helms represent the brown. This was filing said. This think how king telling the scope What happened to these poor young women who were world sexually
that and murdered is quite different. From going to a strip club are going into a pawn shop. Our reading and often color story the lawyers argue that there is almost no case against Kevin brown. For starters, they say investigators could never say if or when or how Kevin brown, the mild mannered criminalized met. Ronald Tate, trow, the violent convict did rapist cash, zero evidence that they had ever seen. Each other met at any time. Zero. they say there are perfectly innocent explanations for Kevin browns actions and statements like the one he made when detective showed him a picture of clear huf. He said at one point: oh, I remember her. What did you say that it was a well known case and that photograph they showed him had been one that had been in the newspaper,
but brown also said he may have met someone named clare in the eighties and that he might have had sex with her iron ale says. Brown was just being honest. I think that he said he had met a clare, but the clear that he was talking about was woman. Who was thirty years old? Even the investigator, seem to acknowledge in the affidavit that this woman did not sound like clay. Our half, but remember, brown had allegedly also told a friend that he photographed a girl who was found. On the beach. The man to whom this statement is attributed says you know, said such a rich and run Helms argues, investigators had tunnel vision and interpreted everything Kevin brain said as evidence of his guilt. She says: that's what happened when brown told the detective he had. No idea. Clare was
for tee. They immediately think them then suspicious guilty version of that versus geiger time of this awful crime, a normal citizen when they are told about this awful crime and say: oh, my gosh. This poor childless fourteen, how awful there Is you tunisia admit? Cabin browns personality did little to help him during the investigation he was one of the worst public speakers. Let's say in the history of this, an eagle police department lap. He was like a nervous, nellie, retired criminals,. John doe arena, Jim stamp say: Kevin brown was at best a shaky witness for the police in court cases when, we got confront and he got very nervous and very upset. He wanted to agree. He wanted to please them. Thanks think that his. It's a nice set up so that I could almost convince them to say anything. Can you can bully him as it is easy to bully him, but Kevin
china, shyness or awkwardness cannot explain his dna on that swab server swabs were taken from inside clare during the autopsy the medical examiner tested, one of them in nineteen. Eighty four and found nothing. Another swab was sent to the san diego police. Apartment lab and that's where the lawyers say the trouble began. It was not kept in a way that would ensure the integrity of the evidence. It was the early These before much was known about dna and the procedure is now used to prevent contamination did not exist. How different, where the procedures back their lot, we didn't wear masks assure given brown did not work on the clear have case, but he worked near that criminal is to process the evidence, including that swap where a minute amount of browns dna
a was later found. The swab itself was put to dry in the open air without a cap on a table near where MR groundwork worked. Everything that was able to be airborne could have gone and touched that swab that the problem, though, with this case it seems to me that the allegation is it. This isn't sweat. Or spit it's a seaman. How? How would his is even get on a swap? You can still have cross contamination of seamen because they had to have fresh samples, seamen in the san diego lab at the time of clear hoofs murder, the would often bring their own seminal fluid to the lab and use it to ensure that chemicals used it seamen were working correctly. Torino stand believe that all the nonetheless in the lab. Still, I think, Kevin wisdom that same
thing the shared diego police department, however, insist that contamination was not possible, but they retired criminals. no what they saw most likely cabins seamen standard was in that lab and several hours may have even had it it may be. You sound on that particular case. We didn't switch gloves back then either solar say the analyst cabins siemens People wearing the same gloves and then handled the deep angel swab. There's a logical explanation for the contamination cross contamination does happen. There have been cases of lab technicians, dna ending up on evidence documented in several states and at least four other
trees. So, given the lab procedures, in effect at the time and the lack of others solid evidence, Kevin brown was assured. The case against him was weak and I believe that they lacked the evidence necessary to charge. Mr cabin brown, with these murders, but by mid two thousand fourteen. The stress of the investigation, which was dragging on was making Kevin brown very anxious, I said call him and get it straightened out, and he said they just said. You know you killed her and you may as well confessing. He hung up the phone and said I didn't even say anything turn back cause. I don't know what else to say at this point I didn't do it and they're not going ever believe me rebecca hoped there night there would soon end, but it would not in a way that anyone expected.
On the morning of october, twenty of two thousand fourteen rebecca brown came home from work and found her husband's bible sitting on the table in it it underlined a song about being wrongfully accused. His watch was there and his cell phone was there, and so I asked my mother where his cabin And she had just said he went somewhere, he went out, it was cleaned up, I did showered look nice and said I have things to do. Kevin didn't come home that night and the following day rebecca got the news. She feared
I was just sitting there waiting and then there was the dornoch and it was the detective and he said, we've found your husband is gone ranger at a state park near where the browns had a vacation. Cabin had found Kevin hanging from a tree. Were you surprised, even after every the eighty billion tried to try to keep his spirits up, you thought you had kept him safe. Oh my. Rebecca brown is adamant that her husband's suicide was not an admission of guilt. I totally understand why he did it. He knew there would be people who would think
if he went to court and was found not guilty, that would believe it, and this was going to tarnish his reputation that he prided himself in he didn't escape that. Of course, after you. Died. The police held a news conference three days after his death san diego police department publicly named Kevin brown as one of two suspects in clear hops murder. We were able to establish a very strong case, ronald tatcho and Kevin brown assess bags and the murder of clear and also at arrest.
Or brown would be forthcoming. You never had enough to arrest him in his lifetime and now that he's gone you're going to just say he did it case solved. It's done. What do you think they did the because it can be very tidy for them. Rebecca has answered the police, georgia's with charges of her own she's, filed suit against two san, diego police, detectives or misconduct and wrongful death. He was not a rapist and a killer He was a quiet good man and I am told me they go system- will have set things fight. The san diego police department refused our request for an interview, but penny and sam half clair's parents have the answers. They need more confident in the sending of police department and. Sculleries. The whole family says after thirty years, tail surrounding their daughters, death or not as important to them.
Member in her life we ve learned to live with her down. We ve learned to live without her physical presence in our family. To us, what's important is what clare was and what clare meant to us and to the people around us and this is sort of a still life. I got that to ninth grade my Claire left, her mother and father with a lot of memories. Like all her favorite rod, groups ended fourteen. She had the foresight to leave a will, telling her family and friends that she loved them and not to be sad.
You made me realize how precious and beautiful life is. Thank you I wish I could list all the wonderful things you ve done that everyone would fall asleep. I love you both we mean to you that she had done this and she had written it. It's always a puzzle why she did it, but it is also a treasure, but the family banana taste. The first victim in this case still has as many questions about her murder as they did in ninety. seventy eight reality. What happened to her? It says so hard at an odin down below now say. Barbara and claire's cases are not connected. I would like a viable suspend, but we don't have one ronald tetra was in prison for rape at the time of barbers murder
Kevin brown was attending college in Sacramento five hundred miles away, barbarous boyfriend. Jim ought Has it done to you over the years, especially with the developments in Claire's case to see this case still remain open its devasted, We want answers. We want to know what they're doing to solve this. Even today, Jim says he suffering from survivors guilt. It has stayed with him, even though barbarous father ralph sent, a letter long ago apologizing for having blamed him for her death. I want you to know that I don't hold your responsible for arbours death. When I was grieving over her death, I needed to blame someone and since you, with you, I lashed out you Jim, you are too to be alone with Barbara is probably what every red blooded american boy unfortunately, the time you spent too.
other turned out to be a disaster, but the chance that happening was probably one in a million years truly ralph its toes hard for you to read that without choking Yes, sir, he's absolving even away. Does that help you when I first rendered it did, but he can't, what what happened because of decision, Barbara I made ever came home. I own part of that decision and I'll. Take that to the grave the barbara nantego case remains open The san diego police department considers the clear have to solve echo browns lawsuit against to san diego police detectives is pending.
While the city of san diego appeals to a higher court to limit the claims against them Joint clear huff's, best friend king James, for a tour, their childhood hideout online, forty eight hours dot com, the. Hey, prime members, you can listen to the forty eight hours, podcast ad free on amazon, music, download, the amazon music ab today or you can listen ad free with wondering, plus an apple pie. Gas before you go, tell us about yourself by completing a short survey of wondering dog com, slash survey.
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Transcript generated on 2023-06-03.