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"48 Hours" Live to Tell: The Vendetta - Encore


A judge and her son are ambushed in front of their home. Shot multiple times, the judge refuses to be intimidated and works to stop other attacks. CBS News' Jim Axelrod reports.

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
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It never should have happened. I was the first female district judge to be on a criminal, pouch and travis county governor bush appointed me. Ninety ninety nine. I think the fact that I was expecting twins brought a lot of attention to the whole process. The truth I treated people in my court room with respect and kindness and patience firm when I needed to be suspended, is charged with the office of capital murder. I knew that there was a potential threat because of the high risk people that I'm sorry, every day the decisions I make every day someone's not gonna going to leave happy. It was a friday. I had family and we're going to go to the football game. You know texas football. On Friday night,
well, and I and my sister drove just like any other night realise what Games every friday night, my in our common in town cells, excited see them and have a good night, It was raining. So after half time we decided to head home. Willed had his large permanent, so he drove my mom was next to me. The passenger, see my aunt and cousin were the pack. So he drove up to the security gay and we drove entire driveway and as boy and the dry way. I saw leaf bag that was blocking the gate and waste I thought it was strange, I thought it was a prank, and so we will got out of the car got out and picked it up and then started to walk down towards the street with it.
It's also one starter, gonna walk down the street and I know dressed in black and throws little weird and then suddenly decided running straight at me and said I turned around and ran back to my mom, says the car and then He pulled out a gun and started. Shooting they shot four times through the driver side window scooter down. As far as I could in the sea and protected head with my arm. In my hand, I can remember thinking: I'm going to die in front of my own son, Harris county nine one. Is anyone the injured by guided, whether because my boss, I got called by one of the supervisors in the homicide unit, who told me that been a shooting
and that the victim of the shooting was state district court judge. Jury concern only judge potentially have a enemies should send a lot of people to prison. There are potentially hundreds, if not thousands, of of individuals who who might hold grudge against her plead it. who did this, The two shows you that you never know who it's gonna be, The The
opening. The door is almost like opening a christmas present, because when I opened it and saw she was alive, I was really surprised- and I said, I'm ok because when he opened the door he was screaming. Ok, I love you And she told me she was okay, and that is a little shocked first and then, when she looked up and saw blood everywhere and in it she was not. Ok, I assured him that I was conscious, but I was afraid to stay in near that car. I wanted to get away from that car so that they couldn't come back and shoot us all. So will, and my sister and my nephew got me out of the car and got me up to the porch
and my sister said to me, as I was lying on the porch. You are quitting that job and the pain is unlike lover, anything that I felt before it was excruciating and I had bullet behind my neck, that was just Under my shoulder- and I knew couldn t move and once we got to the porch a marathon, guys, I kind of story by I mean Wilson. goodbye to me. He I told him, I loved him, and we just waited The police to come, it seemed like an eternity. What's the sirens coming. I ran down the street. He got
Well, I thought maybe we can get the guy who did it and then I don't have to spend the night However, many years worry about who was, if she does dire unit, she does it laser Ivan. I told one officer that I was a judge and I felt like it was related to my work. I knew that I could remember- and if I made it to remember every second of what was happening and once the shots or over I turned to look behind me and I could see a car speeding away and it was a grey sudan I wanted. Whoever did this to be apprehended. I had out to warehouse. Where were the shooting occurred to buy time? I got to the scene, the judge of transport or the hospital and the judges
our inner driveway one of the windows are shut up. The blood in there. We end up funding for cartridge cases that matched up essentially too well. The information we are getting from witness but the witnesses who were there in the car and other neighbours who heard the shots that there had been about forty five shaws. Those costs are cad, many small gunshot fragments She had extensive wounds over her left, shoulder her face for scalp, her right, poorer. Her left hand her left forearm, but she was away. can she was stable. The judges husband Kelly wills. Twin sister, Mary Francis rushed to the hospital, will arrive later after answering questions from police about the issue.
I want to watch the hospital. I still had her blood on me and my sister came a man. She was really said, and my dad was in there- and I had seen him since it happen. The bullet wounds with judge berserk a large number of small wounds, some larger wounds, all of them had this liquid copper metallic material within them. I had not seen anything like that before I got a call from her doctor just very desperate call and heard doktor was like what the hell did you get shot with. I described this particular
forward- and this was a of unique ammunition, specially designed to be frangible, meaning that it comes apart when strikes, flesh comes apart, the boy is meant to cause the maximum amount of damage, while four bullets were shot, the judge had hundreds of gunshot, fragments and wounds in between surgeries to remove the fragments judge. Concern spoke with police as someone who's heard every type of criminal case, she knew any clue anything she could recall could be important. I told the police I had had to hang up cause the day before I was shot and it was odd. and the week before it was hollowing weekend. Then I noticed this man, though, dressed in ST clothes job. came by and staring at me as I was
not my halloween decorations and I Adam has smiled and he just at me. It was odd, but you know it mean someone's gonna, try to kill you and a man hot there's more. For the gunman in the shooting of a texas judge. One hundred the news, the external she's horrified sure it didn't get shot because she's julie, she got shot he was donor job and that's a real threat to the rule of law and judicial work. I'll tell you when you're leaving the courtroom late at night and you're walking through a dark parking you're, looking over your shoulder differently than you before Julie got shot cash. It could happen to me I will remember sunday night, some
I came to see me and I felt hot. I didn't feel good judge for short, because- critically ill. On the second day of her hospitalization, she developed a high white blood cell count, which is a marker of infection and a high fever as well, and we knew we needed to take her to the operating room in order to explore the wound. in the operating room it became apparent really quickly that she had a really bad infection, and we, that there was a significant chance that she might die and It wouldn't have been saved to wake up and and the letter breathe on her own, so she wasn't a medically induced coma and had a tube that was breathing for her I was going there everyday to seer, so I knew that she wasn't is I mean you can tell she wasn't doing well by looking at or most of the time and try not to think about
possibly dine during that cause, I figured that freedom. You made it through the main event of it and we can get through infection after the first couple of operation. She came less ill and we were able to wake her up and take her out of that medically induced coma. She was able to breathe on her own. I woke up and I felt like I was in the depths of the earth. I have never felt that much psychological pain my husband walked in. I said how am I going to get out of this hole? I am in a hole and I dont know how to get out and he said. Take one At a time we're gonna get over this. I was so fearful that I wasn't going to be able to get my life back. I was worried for my children. I would have
dreams about every night. Can sleep I didn't want to go outside at nine is really starting up, my friends for a while, after that, the guilt, but I felt choosing a profession. The sun and family in harm's way there were times that I wanted to die, I felt like I was damaged goods and Family would be a lot better off without me, would be safer because we did now if it was going to be a country doing threat to mean that it would be. To live your life with someone out there not knowing trying to kill you watch more. The police dashed came video on facebook at forty eight hours. If you're like me, your hooked on fast gazed crime thrillers? That's why I'm so excited to listen to the gift by international
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workable in our family was pretty remarkable too, and I know this was an incredibly difficult time for her. She was thinking a little bit. Herself, but I think she was thinking more about the well being of of her son in what our sun had gone through. She mentioned that many times during the hospitalization. I questioned the purity of my family, whether I could go back to work and feel like my feet I was going to be safe in this particular case. The list a public official she's well now, and her name is new paper all the time, she's also a wife and mother, a member of the community. Just because she's a judge, you can ignore the fact that this could be just an ordinary motivation. It could be a husband trying to get rid of a wife, so these questions have to be asked in the hospital.
Her husband agree to sit down with me and I girl do about all those things are very quickly got the senses, that's not where its at I know that my probation officers and prosecutors they were comin file when I was in the hospital I was, inundated with people giving us all sorts of names. I received a call from an investigator at the Travis cunning district attorney's office, and he told me that in a couple weeks before They had received a chip saying that a particular person in germany on Harry was planning to shoot a judge and Travis county the shooting happened and additional tip came in from the same tipster now she's saying. Not only did he say that he was going to, but now he's bragging that he did we're very focused on germany on
he was from Houston a clean cut nice. Looking kid, Mr Honorary came before on a motion to revoke probation he's a twenty year old. Who spent a considerable amount of time on its criminal activities. It was one of those criminal activity. Is that first landed on jerry and judge cause sir x courtroom in two thousand and twelve. It involve fake credit cards one year he was given probation. He came before her again in two thousand and fifteen to revoke his probation due to new fraud, charges the judge kept him on probation pending trial. It very very ordinary case, or so the judge thought she would later learned. Uri was
far more than a common criminal, he was running a complex financial criminal enterprise and he wanted to make sure the judge wooden shut it down I had found out that Mr January's girlfriend had known that he was to kill me and had called the district attorney's office and She didn't use my name, but she said germany honorary was play. non killing the judge, the strict attorney's office investigator. The term that she wasn't credible, never spoke to me. Never told me of the threat That was a mistake. I mean they should have alerted the judges right then, and there seems to me, like that's investigations, one or one of them Let me now about the threat. It was disappointing I would have been much more alert,
There were signs in my neighborhood had I known in addition that this threat had come in. I would have completely changed what I was doing and my family, what we learned. It went on jerry walked out of that hearing and judge closer in court The first thing he said is he's going to kill her now chimney on area. The number one so now we have to find jiminey honorary once I learned the honorary was are suspect. We also learn from the same informant on the airy, was brought about a martyr. He did in Houston.
It was the murder of a man who allegedly assaulted one year, his father, now that this informant was coming forward to give information they felt they had enough to charge him and before I could even make it to Houston. The marshals had him in custody. A person of interest is in custody. He has been booked an unrelated murder charge by the Houston police, I got an alert and myself that so they found a suspect because I'd turn on newsletters to see if they caught him or not. Once I saw his face, I with dreams and he was in it and he was trying to shoot me and sometimes I have dreams where I could feel the bullets. My back and I wake up in sweden, and I really- that. He was probably watching us for awhile and figuring out what he was going to do when he was gonna. Do it
it felt like your whole. Life is violated. He was arrested only three days after the shooting. and that held him in houston for a significant period of time, while the investigation continued only He was a strong suspect in judge concert shooting, but authorities did not yet charge him. They were working to build a larger federal case involving not just judge, cosette ex attempted murder, but fraud and racketeering charges is wealth. It was a criminal ring with More than a dozen co conspirators when I talked on here in terms of judge closer work, you know he actually denied any any varmint the shooting. He would never do something like this. We had to have more evidence. We had have an airtight case. Hi.
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The. When I went to talk to an erie houston when he was arrested in Houston, homicide denied, bilbil involved in any way in the shooting, in this case, wasn't going to be a confession case. It was clear from that point. We are going to have to prove every everything that we are going to charge him when there was the tip that he had actually shot the judge and that's pretty good, a pretty strong clue. He was a significant aspect course, one person saying something like that is not good enough and it's not certainly going approves someone guilty beyond reasonable doubt. So a lot of what went on then for the next month's really was to try to corroborate the tip There were many things that could help to corroborate the tipp among
ultimately, was his phone, which had been recovered in the car at the time of his arrest when he was stopped by police in Houston, he destroyed his cell phone and when I say he destroyed his cell phone, he ripped his cell phone and half and fortunately for us when he ripped it in half, he didn't break the store. if the card that was inside so once we got the phone records, we could see that an erie was in austin during the time of the shooting. I found out later that for a month he had driven to Austin on for five occasions. in front of my house and watched us. Then go historic. the same way that a hunter woodstock its prey the same way. Law enforcement would serve veil a tall, bad guy and, in any case, be found her. He learned about her. He researched her. He was able to track her movements.
know where she was knew about her family and in less than other people to try gather evidence as well about her. It ranged from things like pictures of judge, cosette ex cop, as he was following around here in austin pictures of the high school that her son went to one of the pictures he took was of peacocks. It turns out. There's a park near the judges house that they call peacock park and I guess he doesn't see too many peacocks roaming around the streets of used, and so it must have been a novelty, and so he snapped a picture of it that helped as well, because the judge ass soon ass. She saw those pictures. She knew right away where he was we're pictures of january at the motel six and asked that we have pictures of on here, in hardware store in Austin. He was there gloves that investigators believe were part of his plan to shoot the judge and as the guy
is ringing these up, which, by the way, he's paying with a stolen debit card, as the guy's ring this up on areas taken about please put them on and he's like great She has shown of every six and got out a ripe for christmas. cosette was last little fir forty days cad twenty five to thirty operations, After judged historic left the hospital she still required, pretty extensive work in order to recover this included. Here therapy extensive physical therapy and multiple other operations as well and she's. Pretty vulnerable turkish can even stand up early at the time
I didn't really like it because it felt like she could sit in the hospital and be safe. All the time and being at home would make it you know easier to for somebody to get her and finish it if they wanted to move to a safe location. We had the swat as well jeanne over us patrolling with us twenty four seven for eighteen months as a judge our on every four years, and I dont know what but I told my husband, you know I have to for real action and my. Sisters and brothers did not want me to go back to work, and I Initially, I do about it long and hard nation, to talk to your family, about that. I knew there was gonna, be a hard conversation and she was eligible to retire
and so I wasn't sure what she was gonna do I questioned why I had gone into this line of work, and I mean, coming face to face with the highest growth people in our community every day. Drugs moreover, to my chambers after she was kind of our feet and the judge. I want to tell you two thanks. First, the judiciary should stay shoulder to shoulder with you please now that three thousand judges in texas harp completely on your side. Second, do you want to stay, and if you do Do you wanna help be a leader in advocating for greater judicial? courthouse security and, I said absolutely do. I want to use this experience to help other judges be safe. When someone's does
they like this to you. You just want to fight to get everything back, that you had so I had to go back. I felt like to show that judges will not back down in the face of violence. I was very proud of her. When I stepped back. That court room it was one and a half. Yes, moments of my life walking and seen all my friends and co workers there at a fur What I knew that I needed to do goodness along this far outweigh any evil whole time, I won to make changes. I didn't I do not want this to happen again to anyone. They were gonna drive, right legislation and create a court security committee and come up with us Yes, we introduced
in early january, two thousand seventeen and we had named it. The judge, Julie casino, judicial and courthouse security bill of two thousand seventeen, and we were very proud of that name. It's very hard to do much to make judges completely secure, but there are a lot of things that makes it more difficult for somebody to find you can change your address on your driver's licence on your voter records and you A business address instead of the home, address another piece: The legislation needed to be paying attention to each and every threat and, as I told him, I think, was very therapeutic for women. to do this together at me, feel like we were making a positive impact. The judge during a certain traditional and core our security act of two thousand and seventeen, I thought. Maybe I will try and use by sight of it to help, because
I really do not want that to happen to any one else. Madame Cheron members, I work sir I'm seventeen years old and I am in favour forty two, the c I a young man like that, take on map bigger cause, it was just stirring. I stop the violence She saw which there are in courtroom, but under their mistakes, twenty fifty and that all change made huge, national legislators, symbols It is finally passed as the judge and will work to keep judges, safe investigators, work to bring judge, concern ex case to justice. the Houston DE dismissed the murder charge they're saying it would help expedite the handling of only areas other offences throne. Education. We are able to determine that. He was basically a crook eating his own little organised.
Crime ring and he was making money which he liked to show off. As seen in this video found on his phone in december of two thousand and sixteen federal prosecutors indicted, one uri for his criminal conspiracy and the attempted murder of judge Kosuke, he was charged with seventeen counts, ranging from tearing to identity theft to witness tampering we spent years working on the case. And getting it into a position that it was ready for trial. Today the trial began with an accused of shooting a Travis gonna jump and. the the trial started in late march, two thousand and eighteen- We just got this guy, just
the car is my mom, it's hard to listen to frankly to hear a fifteen year old thing. that is going gonna die right in front of his face, but we thought I was an important way to start. where they call me at and I walked in, and I saw the people in the courtroom. I was excited to get it on really. That was the one of the horse. Moments was almost as hard as the shooting having to watch him testify. It was painful why didn't like looking back on it at all, but I was happy that I can do. I felt tremendous guilt that my child had to go through this, and I was not. as for him, but he did beautifully. We had to prove beyond no doubt that he intended to kill her the best of it
of what was going on inside of germany- and here is mine- were his tax that showed his interaction with. Friends and colleagues, he had been in her court room with only a few weeks before the shooting and his tax made it pretty clear. He read them almost immediately after walking out of her court room that day, he started using expletive to describe her. He described how much Haider and humanity was and all immediately after that he started. Looking for her The evidence shows that the defendant had select, the kind of what they call frangible round and what it does to do is hit flesh and open up and cause the maximum amount of damage best way to see how it works. to see it in action. The fbi live. I hired similar rounds through similar materials.
slow motion depiction of that round hitting a window. It was important for us to show the jury, so they could understand the nature of the injuries that judge suffered when He first heard about chimney on the we were told. No one would ever testify against them, because he had a reputation in Houston that would preclude anyone from from flipping honorary had been arrested. the past for murder for robbery and one ways that he got off was that he got the word out all the witnesses. If you testify against me, it's gonna be bad for you. We ended up having Over a dozen people who who decided it was in their interest to testify against them, rather than sit next to him we were able to have them- testified to show their level of knowledge.
Not just in the shooting but any criminal enterprise that one was running. It was important that end with the victim being able to describe what had happened to her type testified about that night. Words can't describe how this has affected our family in may. I tried to articulate the best that I could just minutes ago should mean on jerry admitted he fired a shot at judge, Julie, cosette ex car, which he says he thought was empty, whose origin for the attempted murder was accident, essentially that he had come to an end because he was mad and that he intended
scare her by firing rounds into her vehicle that he did not know she was inside. He said he was just trying to scare me, but I think the evidence shows that when you shoot someone from four feet away, but the hand gun and aiming at their heads that you and and to kill Paden didn't care. She was juggernaut. He looked at her as an impediment to his business, essentially- and he was take that impediment out it was a month long from trying to you're out what a jury is going to do and how they're going to do it and when they're going to do it is folly I intestine and they would be out for the most significant period of time just because of the length of the trial that was very stressful, not knowing and having and the jury's hands and so
I sat and tried to not second guess they were out about the day, approximately a day day and a half before they reach Today, a jury found chimney. Oh yeah airy guilty for shooting, judge, Julie, historic back and twenty fifteen skelton guilty on all counts. when they actually did find him guilty, and I was there that's what I felt a lot of relief for the first time and since it had happened, it was a tremendous relief. When the trial was over. I didn't realize the pressure that it would. Had put on me, physically and emotionally, and all my family to have that over with, because had been waiting for a long time chimney an eerie faced minimum of two years in federal prison and a maximum of life. This was an attack on the system, the message that needed to be sent to the community to anyone
thinking of doing something like this. As this will not be tolerated period, our informants continue to be in danger. Judge concern continue to remain in danger. As long as the the possible use, so the question was well, would be as punishment. A more of the emotional, nine one, one call forty eight hours, dot com, the eu, I felt like if he would try to assassinate a judge who will try to kill anyone. I would not recommend a son. I think- that solely within the court's discretion, I know it's a difficult job from personal experience is never easy to sentence
their human being to prison. But I really wanted to have safety for my family and the community shown in euro cents to life in britain. I am so proud of the way these agencies came together to show that the justice system will prevail, and that's why I came back to work. In the first place, we didn t celebrate that he was got life in prison. We just were relieved that was over. I dont hold any vengeance or hatred towards some, but I want him to be in a place where he will not hurt. Anyone else does feel so good to wake up in the morning and know that my family is safe from MR on uri and his associates. It's not something that keeps me up at night. Sometimes it does, but not always I've just gotten used to it, because it's
the noise levels for a while. Our family will never be the same. Fortunately we don't have the care free. lines that we used to have a have this picture of our family. In colorado, three months before this happened and I remember that pike like it was the best of our lives because it was so free and so safe. I long to feel that way again we're getting there, but it's a process. Then more aware of, what's going on around me, which sometimes is not a good thing, because since you know it's hard to have a good time, when I'm always ready for that. Going off to college was hard because I was worried. Something would happen to my parents. While I was gone, it's taught me how
It is the least people around you and how easy it is for something to happen that you never would have expected to happen. He was the hero in this whole thing. He showed tremendous courage, but he did his best to save my life and protect me. If will had not have stayed by my door. The passenger side, the shooter, could have come directly up to my window, but will stood firm and would not let him get close to me. In a fifteen year old boy should have to do that. Some people might look at my hand, ass, scarred and you know skin graphs, but I think of it every day, as my heroic hand. it saved my life and sheldon, my head in my throat and my eyes from all that shrapnel that hit me on that night
just a short, is doing extremely well she's living her life she's, actually probably, doing better than than I would have anticipated. I felt like I wouldn't or be able to go anywhere by myself again and at night the feelings of it haunt you it haunt you, but I've been through a ton of therapy. It brought me back to being able to do things that I did not think that I would ever be able to do again because I was so afraid I was frozen by fear. These are letters from people that came in after the shooting. I call it my wall of support people that I don't even know, sent me letters and that's you know, just his fellow judges from other states and mates, some that had sentenced. When I
Think about how long I was in the hospital and where I was and how far have come, and this is just a reminder- these letters will stay up as long as The batch inspirational person and many people would have decided. You know what the Amount of money I make in the public sector is not worth risking. My wife- and I- and I don't ever want to get back on that bench again. It's a credit to her that she had the courage and the ability to get back up there and do her job will judge the research legacy be. I think it will be a first It was a good judge, but nobody will ever forget that she got shot. She has really turned that terrible situation into something that has made the state a better place
I don't know what my legacy will be, but if I were to go to day it would The judicial security act as far as my professional life and I dont know what life holds I'm gonna be on the bench for a lot longer, and I will Wherever this leads me to help people Other states are now following texas is lead. Moving to improve judicial security judge syrup plans to seek reelection in twenty two.
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Transcript generated on 2023-06-02.