« 32 Thoughts: The Podcast

Up In Flames

2023-06-23 | 🔗

Jeff and Elliotte are joined by Vegas Golden Knights owner, Bill Foley, to talk about his Stanley Cup prediction (40:00), who is in charge of designing the ring (and the allowance), the Cup tour this summer, building more rinks in the Vegas area, the salary cap, the difference between the Premier League and the NHL, his favourite Golden Knight and more!

But they kick off the podcast by discussing Elliotte’s conversation with commissioner Gary Bettman in New York at the NHL Board of Governors meeting (00:00) and the news surrounding the “cause-based” jerseys, Arizona, franchise sales, and Larry Tanenbaum selling a share of MLSE holdings (13:10). They also go over what is happening in Calgary (20:40), what we might see from Winnipeg (29:20) and Philadelphia (30:00) next week at the NHL Draft, interest in Milan Lucic (33:20), Hershey Bears winning the Calder Cup (34:00), and if we’ll see Hershey head coach Todd Nelson make the leap to the NHL (36:10).

Watch the full interview with Gary Bettman HERE

Email the podcast at [email protected] or call The Thought Line at 1-833-311-3232 and leave us a voicemail

Music Outro: Fleece - Do You Wanna Party

Listen to the full track HERE

This podcast was produced and mixed by Amil Delic, and hosted by Jeff Marek and Elliotte Friedman.

Audio Credits: KKGK, NBC Sports Philadelphia, NHL Network and Sportsnet.

The views and opinions expressed in this podcast are those of the hosts and guests and do not necessarily reflect the position of Rogers Sports & Media or any affiliates.

This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Dude in didn t. Aren't you Think of us. Yet come on thirty two thoughts upon cas presented as always by the gm see, canyon. Eighty four, I do wonder about that. People thinking are these guys really still around these guys, really still doing podcast. hey Merrick friedman indulge Can't miss you if you won't leave well. So a few more pike s here before the at the end of this show for the season, and we have a lot to get you out of your firstly back from new york city and the board of governors and we're going to start there. for those who want to see elliot Friedman interview with commissioner gary batman, it is in these show notes it isn't excellent interview, a sin. inclusive and the one thing that people are talking about to think more than anything else in the interview so far, no sir, she'll jerseys in warm up starting next season governors.
Well, actually, I I've suggested that it would be appropriate for clubs not to change their jerseys in warm ups, because it's become a distraction and taking away from the fact that all of our clubs in some form or another hosts nights in honour of various groups are causes and we'd, rather that we continue to get the appropriate tension that they deserve and not be a distraction. I think the only concern yeah. I think there's a lot of places to go on this. Your first of all, as I said in the interview I want, well to come to a hockey game and feel comfortable in their own skin. I've said this many times as long as you are, you treat other people right, try to treat other people right, no matter, who you are or what your background is or what you believe you Come in my world especially in hockey? I want people, I think, he's a great gain. I want people to go to what I want and feel comfortable and have a great time in his eyes said, it's really
Unfortunately, this came during pride month now have to say Jeff, I'm not entirely surprised I was reminded today after this all came out, that I had a few people who reached out to me. While this was all happening last year- and they said this we're we're gonna end up and they just saw it coming because, as batman said, you can't have every good that you're trying and the valley, majority of players were wearing these jerseys. You can't have everything that good that you're trying to be wiped out by who isn't doing and that's what was happening. Unfortunately, gentlemen, can firms but, in the final analysis, all of the efforts and emphasis on the importance of these. Various courses have been undermined by the distraction, terms of which teams which players this way work, The focus on the game and on these special tonight we're gonna be focused
the cause, so pride night, stay and fans. Would they brought her absence or thirty, two of our clubs that pride nights some do here? did sites everybody does hockey fight cancer someday military nice. All of those nights will continue, the only issue will be or the only This will be as we're not gonna change, jerseys form up because that's just become more of a distraction from really the essence of what the purpose of these nights are: So I know a lot of people who weren't surprised they saw this coming like I said, I think too bad now want people to feel comfortable on a lesser scale, Jeff- and I did want to mention this- I is broadcast- I really like those games where different jerseys were worn in the warm ups. I loved watching people come out to the pride jersey, the hockey fights cancer jerseys, the miller harry jerseys vancouver
They would always wear diwali, jerseys and gorgeous. I thought they were beautiful. I like that to me. I was on the desk or on the set and they came out and they flashed the jerseys and it was different her it fresh. I love that I love that moment of saying that looks, cool and putting it on social or something like that. I I think there is a loss in all of this in that's why I hope jeff- and I wrote this last night in just though quit blog after the board of governors. I hopes We're down the road we can come to a solution on this because I do think that's a colorful fine even more important part of the game that I think gets lost. Now important to remember the pride aids. None of these other nights are going away the jury. Are still gonna, be manufactured and sold the one thing that happening is the change in the warm ups, but I do hope we
today, where we can find another solution to this, because a it's about me people feel that their welcome and be again, I says a much lesser thing: it's a fun part of the game. That we're losing right now. Unfortunately, You know I had someone dm me. I expect you to have an answer to this, because I don't have the answer to this. I just want a sort of put it out there as part of the conversation, I had someone dm me tonight saying well. What a form of the jersey advertisers, wanted to attach in their corner of the jersey that day by a rainbow flag. I don't have an answer for you on. No, I know I'm just putting it out there. As I used to think about and as part of the conversation, what what would they consequence be then, would still be up to them.
player or would we be entering a different conversation, and yet I thought out their knowing that you don't have the answer. I dont have the answer. I just want to make that part of the the conversation here. What if The jersey sponsors want to have that as part of their power. of the jury. Once again, I give the audience credit for coming up with a question that I have no idea what the answer hey. I dunno if you've realized this yeah we've been doing this out of new york tonight Jeff. We I had a bit of a planes, trains and automobiles at the end of the night. Yet my head is so exploded right now that I wouldn't even know where to start with that question, here's a who are listeners are smarter than us. It taking taken me think me a long time to to admit it, but I have very large margin were finally there. one thing is well in. I want circle back to the board of governors here, but little bit later on in the podcast casio here, an interview that Elliot night did
bill fully. The owner of the vaguest called the knights strongly encourage one elliot Odin- and I are done babbling on here about the latest news. These the around to listen to this interview, fascinating guy, interesting guy and in his own words, he likes to give you an answer. When he's asked a question here, you ass the great question: Jeff Ass, the best question in the service of the south recap, one I'm not going to spoil the salary cap, one that was an interesting one that is what's called a listener hooked Jeff. I learned that broadcast and that's a that's a hook. That's a tease! That's a little bit of cheese in the trap. tune the bill fully interview coming up at the end of this part gas be oh, gee, no, Michael and lower. There said the ottawa question: wasn't a question at all, but or some here take a ways he's by the way, an lauer. Apparently I think this is only the second board of governors. Meetings ever missed lays a minority on what the montreal canadians yeah, but he always goes yes, he always goes. I think, since bought into the canadians. I think it's the
How can one he's missing about fifteen years, while the he's got good attendants? Not every owner is at these things. He has excellent, and so it is very, very rare. An lauer is not in attendance but useful, buying the centres. So water. When news aside from the fact there hopeful it'll be buys, sometime in september at the latest. Is that in order to keep a low profile until this deal is fine, lies or he just didn't. Wanna be potan prodded by you another question I dont have an answer to, but I suspect it's even want to talk to me. ok, very good. He did all of his talking with a supposed him pizza earlier on this season. We did our tour, so there you go maine, it always, though, from the ad biagi and your conversation with the commissioner. Well, I just want to say one thing from kind of a media point of view. You know we were the only reporters
air myself in our camera guy a dance later, and I don't like that and so because it's not a good sign of where our businesses going that was, one thing I kind of like talking to some of the other reporters. But this is really tough month for the business of sports media. Yes- and I didn't like that, I have two six, that's just a personal comment I think that there were a lot of things that we kind of expected number one. The cap is only going up a million this to eighty three and a half the players. Have there s we'll catch the they made it very clear. They weren't gonna tamper with them, and the a job was unwilling to budge. Without that I know some people were even can hoping would they, Sweden, extra half a million out of that eighty four, but it didn't happen. You know that The thing right now is that, while that squeezes tight and the escrow deficit from from covers
be paid off early next year. Nearly eight shall right now is, is really good business ottawa for nine. Fifty is a good number tampa base hold a minority stake, reported one point, four billion value evaluation recently, and it will get larry tat moment a second soul. The franchise values are deaf rising now there's always a big debate of. Are they rising enough? You know this hornets Michael Jordan, sold them for three billion this week. The old people can certainly argue whether or not their moving as fast as every if he spite you're one of the thing, Jeff you have wandered on this podcast is: does that mean that your people are gonna, be in a rush to sell and the MR said: there are no teams foresail right now for a majority stake, but I did Here from one other governor said, you know you're start hearing about a lot more of these smaller sales, like the tampa one
toronto one where a piece? These teams are being sold because the the it is too good and evaluations are two good. So I think we can. here, but a lot of those, but according to the commissioner, were not in a situation where we're going to get to majority sales. Now the other one was announced, was Washington and there's. Dubai is investing in their it's, the first one in north america. I didn't know about that. One when I spoke to bear when I found out about it later- was reported later by sport or call that's a big story. I mean, if you're a soccer fan, especially in the premier league, You ve seen this for quite some time all those signed in. I think saudi arabia messy turned down Saudi arabia to go to florida. This is common and it's now entered north America
by virtue of the monumental sports, which owns the capital soul. I think we're going start, seeing a lot more small minority stakes sales, because the monies really good and, as you mentioned, will get to lieutenant bahman emma lessee hearing a couple a moment's, but on one thing I do want to pick up on something to the commissioner about, and that was the future of arizona there in the process of exploring new alternatives that they have greater phoenix area and do have a number of options, but I think we're by mid season. We should have a pretty good handle on what their situation is and if we need to explore further options at that time, consult with management and figure out what to do obviously playing and mollet has a temporary solution and there needs to be a permanent solution on the horizon and that something I know that ex morello and Javier Gutierrez very focused on and very optimistic.
let nobody likes a situation. We ve talked about it before, but it does very much feel elliot. Arizona is on the clock. Here I know: there's people out there hoping that the solution is the signs, the sun, have a new owner. Marriage villa made a big trade this week he traded for bradley beale trading Chris Paul and I know there's people out there who would love to see the sons and the coyotes together, but batman said there have been any discussions that I'm worth? Ok but, like I said, I think, there's people who would love to see that be the illusion and and I'll tell you something else I will double down on this. They leave arizona eventually they will sort out this arena situation and they will go back there. There's not a chance. they're gonna abandoned that market forever. I agree not a chance temporarily sure, there's just no chance that there Nowhere leave arizona for good if they leave for the coyotes.
Ok. So let's get to Larry tannin bomb selling, for peace of his emma lessening holdings is being sold to a pension plan and the surprise value of Emma s, see eight billion dollar values, Jeff Merrick, coaches. a billion dollars. Yes, I am yet three under every cushion and take back your empties. You too can find eight billion dollars under their sole I talked about this of all, but on your radio show on thursday, and Someone called me after and talk to me a bit more about it and your eye spoken- attain a bomb. He wasn't at the meeting today. I believe he's travelling overseas by they filled me in and without knowing for sure what I think happened here is he didn't sell any part of his twenty five percent taken mainly sports entertainment, but what
did cell was a twenty percent stake in what he something he owns called kilmer sports retaining bomb run. Something called the kilmer grew. That's his company so killers, or are his sports holdings and is kind of explained to me- is what its believed to be is that it's one step away from may believe sports entertainment that his tone five percent share of em. He is run through kilmer sports and pay you'll find that bought into it, bought in who kilmer sports, so they think that's what happened. and twenty percent would be four hundred million dollars, and that is what people have told me that they believe this is an saw. It big cash infusion fur larry by the way did say on your show that they did agree with. Is that its
tangibly significant, because people are wondering what this means and I think people are expecting that in the next few years we would see major changes at the ownership of the terrain. police and mainly sports entertainment right now. It's Rogers thirty seven have bell thirty. having to have ten bomb twenty five. Ten bomb is seventy years old. I think at some point in time, thereby have to be some future planning there, but also think the relationships between the three have been strained tyres and one of the situations that really lead to straining was messiah juries. Contrary negotiation, the big one with the raptors and I always loved discussing this stuff because I'm sure our
players, marring, always crazy- to hear me discussing race, like people, think I get this from the right, his bosses, nothing could be further from the truth. I've been told they don't like it. When I discussed this by now, you try to keep it the always vanilla, as you can still reporting story. I think there are a lot. Hard feelings after that process was done and I remember someone's to me, it is pretty plugged in that eventually that would lead to the break up of emma lassie and I believe that every few years I dont know how much it is. The three points, these kind of have to go through their agreement and. I don't know if they rewrite it or they touch it up, but they have to get through it. The kind of have to meet about it. And you know someone said to me that they think that sir, mother, tat feeling between some of these good. These three ownership groups, you know
there might be some manoeuvring, and they are wondering if that's infusion of cash to how town bomb through what some of the manoeuvring they could come. I don't know I'm telling What I've been told, but the one thing I do believe is that we will get to them. We were, there could be some kind of ownership, change and I'll play. It can served ugly I'll say ten years, although some but believe it's gonna be sooner all say ten years they think this is coming now you'll remit regev that when fenway bought the penguins I reported They tried to buy into maple sports entertainment and they were rebuffed where they were after was it too expensive know they were robust. Ok, they were told not available and This happened. It might be one degree away from m Alessi itself there
some people are a lot smarter than I am Jeff and they think this is step wine of The future might be curious about larry time bomb in toronto. He's been a big part of the league he's on your executive committee. Will he continue in his current rules, or is this to be taken in any way of him, taking a step back now that you second taken back. This is a small passive this it's nothing more than that would be ashamed to have tannenbaum out it all? there's. He cares a lot about those teams. That's true, I think early in his time there I think some people took advantage of I how much he cared think some other players, in some of their people the dead they they took advantage of good will, but he said old himself. You know he doesn't. the majority control the to tell us arms. Do bite
I think you really cares about those teams. You save basically single handedly save the toronto argonauts. He cares about the people, it would be a very different without him. There there's no questionable anything else from the board of governors you want to go over. I enjoy a few minutes it the eminem store? My favorite diner the times where diner nice it was little too exciting getting home whole bite I love new york city and just been there we wanted to do a podcast asked earlier. The flight had other than those we got in here. I would like to thank the ranger fan and a podcast. Name stephen, who
help me navigate pen station to find the right it's a platform for new jersey transit. It's been awhile and did you get a podcast listener to hold your hand through penn station? Yes, basically, that's what happened. We ran into each other on the street. We started chatting. He said he lives in the PA. We were both going to penn station and he just said: go that way Thank you, Steven for taking care of my work spouse and making sure that got got to listen to the thirty two thoughts by gas ad free on amazon music, including with pride. From the trial discussion to the calgary discussion there's a lot of different ways? We can go with this. The very latest news, as it has just come out.
valves marks of art who is hired as in assisting coach with the category four names he had been talking to a couple of different teams. I he ends up on the bench the rhine, huska, who is, of course, the other head coach there, I'm gonna, throw it. Here: I don't think it's can allow. Anywhere but at the bull's. I a lot of this is because of the player relationship did. He had with Craig conway previous not to discount what he's done either the blues or the windsor spit fires, but we always for relationships in who wants who wear. One elliot stretches back to when Conroy and severed were teammates with the calgary flames. Oh he's an excellent offence of mine and they were looking for that no question. I believe that Maclean, and dan lambert are also on the radar for this. I say I enjoyed how survived
the slow subtle. He was very very hard day for the calgary flames and marked decided to give the some good news at the end of year. Here he certainly did listen. Part of the flames day was miss. Love goes to washington, and though the one thing like when I put that out this morning, the one thing I mentioned to you on the radio show. Today I knew the cat. we flames, fans, really loved, mitch, love but I had no idea that, I agree that data tat themselves to make love I put that out there. There was a whole lot of take. This tweet down delete now. Why are you doing this lake, flames. Fans love this guy fridge. He has a really good reputation. I wasn't surprise they reacted that way but he was in the man. He very much was hiv coach the year a couple of times a he heads to washington, but circling back to the cabin
claims, and you are about this on twitter, no Last time we were together on this part gas. We talked about lindholm and that decision fuelling Craig Conroy direction is going to be an end to night. You put out the other to fully could be available. While frank. Sir valley had a lot of news on the day he he mentioned. home Hannah fin and back land, and let me just go through this little, because this is what what I think is kind of happening. Henderson has indicated he would like to go. The united states. Lucky a year away from unrestricted free agency and you become a usa, You ve earned the right to make your call. I got no problem with that and hand if it had left, now that that was the way he was going. So they knew about that Now I believe that Calgary basically plan this around. I
want to know about land. And had often first they identified, am as the priorities those were the to play, whose decisions would take them in a lot of potential directions here, sir Hannah thin said, I'd prefer to go elsewhere. again, I don't think it was anything negative or harsh and always or can guy wants? Go back? The united states. Leon home far. As I know as we take this on thursday night Jeff, I dont know that he's given them a decision and Oh I'm prepared to wait here, but I think that they. They know what they're gonna have to offer us. We ve talked about it ad nauseam its bull horror that money- and you know he wants to know that they are going to be in a situation where they can win and
He hadn't, given them an answer, yes or no. They were waiting for his answer back land I they have offered him. The captaincy I've said before in the cap, and she was very important to him and I think he was bothered they didn't give it to him last year. Players at their end of season meeting said that one of the reasons this year went off. The rails is because was no specific captain who felt the risk on civility to deal with their also and I'll number. Players. I think said it should have been back land. I believe they ve offered it tobacco and bites. I also think that they weren't clothes on their contract negotiation, and this is, I think, it kind happened, maybe with the foley to soar, I had someone who said to me today that they think that what kind of happened here is that
calgary went to some other place there's an there like? We kind of want to see what happens with these guys. First and then, when these, when I have said no And lindholm has an answer, yet I think some of these other players were like. Ok, I not in control. Here a my fate is cited by someone else. The other thing Here, too, is I don't think they ever offered half in a deal? I think they have talked with loon hole, but from what I am hearing for some of the other players, the flame sir being very tight on term very tight on term, and I think, if you're too fully you, why big turn or bigger in return if yours a door of you, Probably why bigger turn and back linked, I dont know I battlements thirty five years old. I can.
see them saying you know really wanna, be careful on term and back when saying, hey wait. A second like I've been this will this long like come on in categories being careful. So I think that that It happened here. I think they prioritize two guys Hannah funds- is no lynn homes, I'll think about it. The their guy see where this is going in there like. Ok, I'm not the point already, and also, I think, there's some disagreements on terms. that's why I think we are where we are- and I just don't know at this- point in time when, the whole lindholm thing is gonna shake out by the on the flames. If Anthea declare is available, that's a team, I thought He's gonna go after him He would- or you mentioned this a few months ago, and that's the speed factor and you all compatibility exactly
hubert need someone with speed on his line to back up defence to get him some open. I so he can create is there really smart play and if the panthers or in the market for a defenseman I dunno for, were you thinking that's their they're gonna. Look for de who didn't, have anything about the dora I might be thinking about both. To be honest, the wouldn't you out, I just thought it's not the worst idea. You've ever come up with hey, never going to get sick of that line. You know one other thing: I'd like to say about the flames, too. Is that and we talked about it after the ex air views. Is I don't they players got along really well. This year There were some players alone factions was the right word or some there's just didn't mix some of the new comers with some of the people that were there I wonder if this is justified, Flames are just at the point where this might not. Actually
be the worst thing for them, if the players, don't wanna stay, that's their right. I don't have a problem with it, but mix and their season last year with they already changed the coaching staff. Basically, although they provide huska, they ve already changed that they're gonna a chance to change some of their players: new gm and new gm. Although he's internal too, I wonder if this is what they need. Ok, so the intriguing calgary continues. What do you expect this for Calgary, specifically, we can ask for every team and get a bunch of different answers given how many balls in the air right now for the calgary flames, crazy. This can it be heading international next week well, you know what we ve all, but we ve been talking about winner, peg and now calories right in there with them. And not exactly secret, the danube briere trying to do things in philadelphia, the rear
the good media conference. Those damn you first of all, for when a peg- and it would do blah The next few days he's gonna narrow it down to like two or three teams. I mean we're really gonna get into this. I think what a pig's gotta know by the draft I- and I think he recognizes that so that's one thing the other thing to with wheeler I, stand that everybody's kind of on the same page. With this he understands either he's getting traded or he's bought out, and I think they're kind of working they're like what's just the best solution. I think both sides realize it's time to move on, and I think working together to find the best way to do it? It's gonna be one or it's gonna, be the other philly. You know, I thought it was really interesting. I mention that other teams think they're gonna get another schroeder rear it very obvious he's trying you just doesn't know if it's going to happen honestly. Everything's on the table, we've had discussion.
it's in both directions. You know it it would have to it would kind of, to make sense, I guess for both besides whoever's involved, like I said, I'm not taking anything off, but I would think that if sir and, like that were to happen. It's probably going to be on the draft floor, depending on the board falls during that day. That's the way it goes or just the way it always works. We have layers of players, certainly. I gotta tell you there's we talked about me scarf and miss scott by the way is he himself available to teams which is good to hear I believe, will have the chance to meet with him. Yes, somebody hold me. There is a team there that that is willing to draft, like miss garth site unseen, and this just me talking, but listening.
briere and brent flour. Talking about me scars yeah, we're we're we're trying to get as much information and and we'll spend a little bit of time with him and we'll try to get as much information as we can and make our decision. After that, we do a lot of background. We do players on his team, we've talked to coaches are staff doctors I've done. A lot of our background will spend time with him and his family and the old a comfort level and I make a decision programme I'll give you that impression that they were willing to do this I. I don't know whether I'd go that far but there are others, and there are people that are insanely, like everyone has their own line about beach. Golf yeah, oh he's not going to get past montreal, always not going to get past arizona, always can you get past philadelphia? I think the one thing we do understand as he's not going lower than eight here's the thing if it gets the washington, I think that's where the ballgame ends
but I dont know I know what you're saying I just don't know that I am ready to make that step. Yet, where you are, no, I just like someone said to me things: there's a team or teams that will just take him site unseen, like bilges. You know what we believe in this kid's town. We can sort out and way. Brianna talked about em like they were complimentary. The here the thing to. Let's not forget brethren and brain far spent a lot of time before barrier took the general manager. Job fly bree air travelled and scouted together all season. Like these guys of kind of in at the hip for a law in time this year, whether it scouting, or whether its discussing prospects in the foot off you fires upcoming draft ike, not surprised at that press conference was Smooth and and well delivered in neo, no one was stepping on one another, because he's of kind of it at the hip. All season long fridge, fur we'll see
this one goes and I'm sure they ve had them each half conversation all year long, because how can you How can you not just a couple of things here You know milan luge each had permission to talk to teams. This is just pure my opinion? I wonder about the docks He still has a place in california and Jeff. what we say about the docks, their young and they miss nick the lawyer and they pushed around like a push. Every time they played arizona. They got pushed her out aloud the up that makes a whole lot of sense. To me. Also two. We mention the other day that I think the least we're gonna take their run. It knee lander, who I am very curious to see what happens here if he is not extended by July? First. We'll pay attention to that. One thing I do want to mention before you go to break here and bill foley's on the other side owner the biggest called the knights. Congratulations to
the her she bears and really congratulations that could shallow valley and congratulations to the american hockey league in general. I always love a game seven and has only one thing better than a game seven, and that is overtime while in a game, seven mike vecchione with a goal and the scramble and France really got involved as well. Vecchione couldn't settle it down also available in front of the hershey bears laughter. The worst part scramble right in front. My trekkie only buried the game. Seven goes to hershey. They have won their twelfth calder cup in franchise history. The season for the coachella valley, firebirds, comes to a heartbreaking, end games, hershey,
to come back down to nothing and interesting if you notice the two players at scored elliot- and you think but the future of the washington capitals and how big season is for these two players, specifically karmic I commend it to the one hendricks lapierre tightened up. Are there bigger prospects that need to have a good showing what the cap's next year, then those you guys. That's me, You know someone sent me a note saying those guys play in washington this year and these those two big old, like how perfect was that for the capitals and for her she gap? This is why, in the age of such an important league, because you can build confidence. That way. I know that people in Washington who felt that those players were not ready to help them this year, and hopefully they that motivation to prove people wrong. They use this champion,
have wrought in those those two big goals to prove people wrong. I think there's nothing that Washington would like more than Have those players be impact for players as soon as next year, and I hope Damn it happens. Also, Todd Nelson now becomes a two time called her capture. being coach once a grand rapids and now with the hershey, she bears twelve, called their cup for that storied franchise, the oldest in the in hockey league. So we'll see what happens with Todd nelson next, I know that the music is really winding down here and everyone's grabbed chairs or grabbing chairs right now you have a thought on the future four todd nelson. Why just one if he's gonna be in trials mix at all, Toronto has a bench opening them age AL coaching, opening blake, I can't imagine you want to move laterally, but
the eye they ever bench openings. You wonder you wonder about that. Listen congrats, who could tell a valley, is well first season of operation, take it to the call their cup final game. Seven overtime would a thrilling first season for the fire birds. Congratulations to all those players, congratulations to Dan biles ma, entire seattle crack and organization that has been quickly Ella. We I talked about it before we don't need to belabor the point. One of the great success stories of the american hockey league oil, like thirty five, I think, is thirty. Five hundred season ticket holders like right away for a challenge. Alleys and american hockey league tee one that as an operating before we ve talked plenty about Henderson and how That means? The american hockey league and listen right away could shall evaluate the fire. Birds have become huge economic drivers in the american hawksley fridge absolute.
All right on that could tell a valley, makes it to the called cup final in their first year of operations. Much like the vaguest golden nights made it stanley cup in their first year of operations, fell short that year, but fast forward a few, and there now stand cup. Champions will talk to the man who predicted it's. Why did he do it and what's next, for the golden knights, and how much would he spend on the vegas pulled the knights if he had the ability to do so bill foley owner of the vaguest golden nights? His next to sir Brian from Burlington or I know, but listen to the last couple of podcasts elliot's made it
public comments about it being tromp season graduation season. Without my son's greg, We should then how dubious was being given an honorary degree. his arm. A moderate brok anne elliot spade a couple. differences about not graduating from his alma mater. I was wondering if we could get it. petition go or something like that to get elliot to be given. An honorary degree from western something it's at heart They give him my candy really, so I'm not going social media sawing off? Somebody can take that and I will be happy to sign up to it. Get everybody else on board, mostly just cause. I want to hear Jeff says doktor So good job, I'm a good job Jeff good job, doktor free no.
the noble charge bill was. Instead, they talk about joining the nights, are going to make a reality of destiny. Miss champion beggars nice, where twenty twenty three billion, Congratulations. Six years to the stanley cup, we're gonna get to that court here and a couple a moment's by what we ve seen in sports and specifically in hockey, is organizations take a lot of pride when they win championships in paris. Entering their players. Staff everybody with championship rings and designs now once but I was very conservative and
written down years earlier, a very nice subtle, looking ring, but now these things are over the top and if we know anything about vegas vegas goes over the top. Can you give us a peak or a hints of what the stanley cup Are going to look like two stony about it at the on the parade. I said: ok, you're in charge, you were back to other players or pickup. His wife for players girlfriend you guys come on the basic your basic ideas of what you'd like to see in this ring. By me and run it by a terrible bolts and some medicine us makes rigour done to your speech. The and do what you want and story just said how much less How much do you need? they a clear, girl, half a million six hundred pay. I do it s, you got it! That's why this good, bye, good by me. The sum if they get, with the causal or area and teach us
his process, though he could get underway, but I just saw a video when we were down at the cosmo a whole bunch of em drink it out of the capsule. I don't think anything goddamn last night itself. it's gonna be fantastic, it sounds it is gonna, be great. I don't asking a lot about this, because I think it's kind of goes, but the one thing I was curious about I've talked about it with nor in the past is what people don't realize. Is that, however, who choose to celebrate the golden take care of almost all of that right. Financially, it's pretty much you choice like it's not like the league pays ford or someone else pays for the rules. no budget. They can spend what they like. They do get cops a lot of vegas, obviously the various restaurants and so on, because people want to see him in there and they want to take pictures and so on, but no it's. It's all on us, the it was on us, the rain, we'll us, we probably
may god you're replicas, nibbles, liberal distributors? for a very modest about money and also where we will recover suddenly investment Marie anne. I wanted in a ring, that's all I want to read what my name of the cup we're going to get the engraving we're going to grab the cup for about seven days, we're gonna, get it engraved towards the end of june early July, ticket out of market. So we we, we tour with the cup It will, of course, already been a great which would be fun, is even there wow. Oh well! Here's here's this! Be it look at this. What are you going to do with it bill we're going to take it Oh, it's going everywhere portion of the guys have going all over canada back and forth back and forth, and I want to take it up to. We have a food white and art festival at rock creek cattle company in late july, and I might have it there and then I'm in The white fish were built a bunch of buddies and not harbour key players and saw arms awoke taken up to iron horse and probably go to fish camp, and they will. They will tour. Take it down
but the boers in town, toward around then it goes to a notice gettin with big mebbe and then eventually care of her. For six days and I get it back because we have a wine function. It should kill along the shores and chest and some have it there. This government about that in person party, so be fun to have that party, and then we have a grand opening of a stakeholders in hillsboro someone habit there. While and then there's going to be the other guys who are going to get it to other people who are going to get it and it'll be adam biggest in the fall when the guy come back and will take around a lot of places days, but it's were busy seller, it's gonna be busy well. You know how I want to get right to this cause. I want to make sure that we spend a little bit of time on it. When you said six, you said the stanley cup, some snicker some full out laughed and said there is now
chance, that's not how this works with expansion teams. I've always been key. Yes, when it became obvious that your team He's gonna win the stanley cup, one of the things that I wondered was bill foley take names six years ago did bill foley say alright. I remember you laughed at me and here we are six years later and if you did, I don't think that's petty cause. I'd probably do the same thing and I suspect, elliot, would as well oh yeah we're both patty. Did you remember bell, who laughed six years ago, it? I do remember some laughs and so on frankly I deserve. It- lay mean what am I doing, begging silly statement like that, but but I believe to my own wine: if we did matching draft properly and we do thirteen properly that we could in the play off some three years fairly comfortably and I thought of it built. jeanne properly. We could win the stanley cup and six Now we over cheap, when you made
wales, liable to six years within the conference, tribal swore tides but been in the stable now twice in one at once, and I feel this. maybe we were like washed and was when they played us the first year in for. I was a little by little bit light. We were not expect to be there achieved over performed and going. the big boys, we met the caps you know we sort of learn, okay. This is what this is. What it's all about. This is what you have beaten and we re Try to build our team to be stanley cup winter by I, by getting italy sentiment a leap forward elite demon and then building railed joe. It's a plan fortunately did it reports and we got there not all the way, because it is bother. You know in particular it is such a right. It is so hard on this sixty two days of players
I mean I'm exhausted, and I didn't do it is why why what advice would you give cause? That's one things it often happens is owners or coaches or gm. They call other owners are called or gm one, and they said what advice. Would you give us? What was the most important thing you learn, so I know you're a comparative guy you might want to share, but You were willing to share what advice. Would you give one of the I've always done at all by businesses. Now, why endeavours. set unrealistic expectations and then exceed them and that's really what I was doing. My light made the statement cup and six player and three cupboard. Six is trying to set an unrealistic standard for our team. to be thinking about an give them a chance to exceed that standard, and we Let's roll up those five years, players in and players out alive
things we do we're not popular and not everything we did worked out Just the way we wanted to this party hockey's or a sports, but I really felt like when we go. after we got through last year. We were fortune have to hire past. Neither is our new coach in his philosophy in a way he dealt with the players in the tea we had put together I just feel like we had a real chance and then did really well get worse? always this year. Of course, we had five different billy's, but each what I'm sayin dubbed their own way curious ruben particular hill, a course when it came in and then what and then, whenever a burger midseason deals, a barber shift and the burden gigantic winner force. The cost because it cost us as an effort. But if we can, We were happy to pay the price disease it really. A team player is a break up there
one thing to talk to other owners and managers and give them advice on how to win. I'm curious conversations with people there, outside the any chow that are considering investing in the aid. Shall we just had ryan psmith on the part cast a couple of weeks ago, a owners utah jazz in east, clearly very interested in getting involved. in the national hockey league do actively have conversations with other people. Whore interested in either expansion, teams location market like how many conversations, if at all, bill have you had and if so big What's the sales pitch like I'm curious, what's the bill fully sales pitch to someone Grind smith, who want to get involved in the national hockey league. Well, are you my sales pitch is be involved were queuing community and he is involved, is already check. The box he's got the basics too I have a very successful team enough in salt lake, but because
the community be local, go outside your europe. combat workin. We didn't do that vegas, you know we sold tickets, we made sure we sober our teachers, doctors, lawyers, firefighters, policemen and so on. If you come games you see many opposing opposing jerseys over an hour array but I don't want it, we sell it, twelve or thirteen hundred seats to this in france and that's about it and when they saw it'd would have been there seated at our arena. There might be, for in a row together. Then there's gonna be an empty row before you see another jersey at up a jersey and there never more than four in a together and there never be I'd each other in and seats. If we boy that sometimes we get something Who gives a ball and me we can control they were really for about being local being involved in the community and the communities with us, trade was unbelievable.
I dont know: how do people were there with them, after that. We, after break level, stage and told her There thousand people stretch of bullets treasured it was less las vegas, bogart in that was listening, beaches and listen the guy's a they all this up to say Now, where those I know you obviously or a big wine wine guy. You have your fully wines vice You also have a partnership in champagne. With fifty cent who was at game, five was william karlsson over served on fully champagnes or wine is on the podium ike it's for William, but I was over search. I can't speak regardless him speak for himself. I they give under the speech I, by the way, I'm really fascinated about what you just talked about. Seats, anything else you do
who to maximize whole ice advantage bill Welby. trampled our d behind the the other bench whose early the game so they're down their dead dancing and try to be distracted, really take care of our guys. I believed we've a really good job. Making this team. That's really it together t, let me there. These guys are all for one and one for all. I trained knobs everywhere cannon way, my own little ways, but you know it diploma disadvantage we come in between put him in oddball places we openly People want by themselves with they, don't I to give good seats, but we respected they have a right to be another ring the two of you get tickets. So it's it's! Ok, I stole a two billion get involve much in player moves. How much do you talk to kill your george about europe too in and how involved you get.
no I'd say I'm run under veto. Good all the scouting meetings, all the proscribe meetings. I sit around her usually a week at a time, where every team we go through every player that might be available. We talk about the Here's how they might sit on the team. Talk about europe too so I'm in those under of making term of an observer. Occasional make a comment but then we get serious about layers really going after killers. where'd you go out and start making calls Norway Kelly, but then kind of wandering sit in the call too and just europe going on did make sure were all on the same day, and we are, I don't tell them what to do they come to me and say this is what we think we should do in this little weak. believe will have to give up this draft figure that, there can, I might say, will, try this or that we try that. But I'm I'm sick worry if I'm involved, but I'm sporty
what type of hockey player messing with something personally here- and you don't have the name of very specific individual, I'm curious. What type of hockey play How do you like watching while we all like silent of the of that leap player. They can take them down the ice and can make unbelievable pass him at least to scorn, We had that now with the number or member of our players, and I the demon and how they play in the the intensity. So Our fourth line, our fourth lighters, such a dynamic. Why we re four wives- and thus we in the first year to some extent the second year, but we you know you track a little bit once in a while to get over the gain per well and we got back to it in the last. With ears rolling those four lives. I believe we just worthy the out. We just had four legs. Rolling cheer. So big David had to play too for twenty five minutes, plus plus power play
I'm ever happening in our does replaying. three and a half minutes. Eighteen minutes. I believe we were a melt, I'm not saying that their talent was just as good as ours or in some cases better, but our depth in our Roger was really really get this year and we get us you can keep it together next year I'm curious about. You know: what's happened to you as an owner of a pro sports team, you know okey outside of the players themselves were always the stars in the nineteen eighties coaches, achieved a certain celebrity status and then through the nineties in two thousands general managers, became more of a more of a celebrity in a really important part of the team, my fan per se in point of view, but something really curious, as happened in the last. I don't know ten years. This isn't it if two hockey, but will use it for the example owners have achieved a certain celebrity status and we ve heard only say this before no, I
wildly rich in my other business. But then, when I bought a pro sports team, there's, a certain fame and cachet. They came along that. Maybe I wasn't expecting what's been like free You have you had that experience so people? I could be the In view of gm and no one cares in abuja owner of the biggest golden nights in a severe special set in the eye. Recognisable and under unknown outgoing person. I do Socialize, really a cure all Quiet at all, we were kids come on. that and we we got occasional party, but generally speaking, we we flake on port We don't show button, but I'm pretty in spirit and with a mass to do an interview I'll? Do the I'll do the interview and try to be opened in force, write about it and always not mince words necessarily so my
Mutations has been enhanced by aki in terms of being a las vegas in being. Fairly well known irrecognizable is just bill like you down the street in a bill as again today I was a gene, so it is really fun Is it really true rewarding and fun experience and I'm having the same exchange now over and borders, with my commercially teeth and traded trying to do the same thing trying to be open to scared out fraud, but it's not about me it's about the tea could you do it up having to be part of the community. I dunno round ball and supporting the team as I supporting the biggest golden lights all the time the sober nights the night hawks herbal lindorm football eighteen I of all this- this is a This is a lot more fun. The business love more. You compare the nature and the premier league. because we always have a growth and
We make the age old bigger and how do we grow? It is there. Thank you see from the premier league that you would say we need to do this and we different financial will. I will lend me any nhl I miss the commission has done, is fantastic. Having a heart cat, it keeps everybody in line. This is very, very competitive, sought the fur. his largest metropolitan area in the country, can win the stanley cup premier, It's a blot, tapirs international work, eight. So with born moose I've got, I have worldwide rights to all marketing of seed bored with in that we're foxy on it. I see no reason why we can have partnership of hundred million hundred and twenty million pounds, and this year will do about fourteen, in pounds but agreement, I could right and do it right we'll have this authorship revenue in there, can be the little guy. The engine that could
My goals were born with much tougher the nhl to get that national sponsorships work. We do, thats? I believe last year of a team did about forty million relationships sponsorships, which is really good. or a fairly small metropolitan area me we're we're dead. Better with the community have a pretty good tv contract, but by comparing the premier league annual cut I about three and a half billion pounds. The up among when he teams, with its cue to the top five or six, but even so our He said it is number fifteen. The league is probably about a hundred and thirty million pounds a year, so hundred and sixty two million dollars in tv alone so Clearly has a big advantage, but The most propulsion was popular sport, the world where people watch the premier league on a saturday the wash the superbowl. It's amazing It's a little white sport so hockey needs
expanding and would gary button is done, is, is excellent. Is taken hockey to the sun, built in really been successful, good, just taken a while, but the path are successful, Tampa bay's them successful for years and years, carolinas now very very success we'll take bashful successful, so yeah It's a great group of boulders in rate league era, but about him. How does he grew up? What work in asia teams, as are more place for nhl teams, as it get too cumbersome recognition of figure out appetite, along for the ride. You mentioned the hard cap there a second ago, I'm curious about this one. If there wasn't a hard cap, how much would you spend on the biggest golden nights, gray, question. Thirty, vitally so you'd, be tops deliberately. Well, derivable tops, but then we spent everything we have
We could it that he respond to the cabin keep on doing that really going up a million dollars per minute? The sheer some were all we constrained again we finally after years of being and capital. We finally got out of it. What a year and a half ago or over two years ago, and so last year we survived fairly well, it did the play out this year, really didn't have it? Any cap and we're in good shape for next year, but we have to learn a lesson which he forgot, but we were not. Perfection boy. Did we get some heat out of some of the things that we did? What we had We had to take up the black, but is it favorite night player that you ve had there. And I like em all there all by that they're all my grandchildren is aware which hit look the I look at it every grandparent has a favorite. Every grandparent has a favorite. I was
an especial placement heart for route for flow. He and I were very close, and now there was a tough situation, that we went with flour and inside. I really want to retire here, unfortunately, it didn't work out and I feel battle because he's such a great guy. But you go to our a locker room. What a budget hey guys. I mean they're just thunder fund to be around on fourchan. I put em in town, I could I try to have lunch. Dumpsters was among the sometimes I sit with some work. A strong that there's always a lot of banter. I've gotten their families. I know their wives. I know a lot of really pretty will and its. A lot of fun for me to hang out with those guys. It's another experience, some old guy, the stellar. You know rejuvenated by these great young. Great young men in the play hockey or what did you
and then, when it became obvious, what bruce Cassidy was doing with the starting line up yeah? I didn't. I didn't notice baths because I was out run around doing my job, the same side and I was okay attention, but with less automobile ice, the abyss it's all the ice together. That well, is this. his great. This is fantastic. We back again I think it gave us the spark I've been by really do I was quite a gay. We play that just gate. What's your next bold prediction. in one will try the producer business grow. While I know Bruce Cassie already picked a repeat. You gotta call. You gotta follow that up well, the only thing I detail carly, but side as eight your deal, I said. Ok, that's three cuts in eight years and we are on the ice with the stanley cup that year, I take it. I looked over and lay down next to him it
kay curly, that's one to the girl. I believe your first meeting with the nature was in june of two thousand fourteen. Does worry if you could take us back bill about that. First meeting- and I remember like people to leave told me there was a lot of scepticism, They weren't sure that vigorous work- and I think your true legacy here- is not only the golden nights, but now everybody's coming in all the I felt their major baseball's coming. The nba is gonna, come you're, the the sky to see it? Can you take us back in at that meeting and how you sold the age on this. was interesting. There was a meeting with the executive committee. It as I recall, a person made. I first real strange. Group of owners in that meeting. There were it's really owners yeah. Let's ok, we're done given the chance list could go on and then calmer heads that aren't you The commissioner said well, this
a very interesting meeting with to see now the results of your in debt analysis of the of the city and why you see you successful and the once we see that will get back to you. And then we started talking you're franchise numbers than I was an interesting discussion. I started a one fifty and I think the commission has started. Saunders. Six. Fifty and I went to one seventy five. When you went to six hundred or six fifty, the two under the six thirty six thirty dollars. I guess there's a great lesson and I want to go. She guessed yourself against Iraq professional. do you remember who the other owners were that were really bullish at the beginning, the other ones who said yes, I like this I do, but I'd rather not call a wild. I dont, be, I think, I'll, be breached continents, But I do remember the inner door three they were really a ok. This is it
good. Let's go, let's get it done in numbers calmer heads like good jury Jacobs, where this has been very interesting. Lake, if one of them was totally leonsis blink blink lake what are their names rhyme with you, so you know he's shaking his head he's like I'm not playing on that. One of my last questions here for you is that the future of hockey in nevada, every area that successful. To eventually have a voice Vibrant youth hockey market we see it all over the united states and they go hand in glove How many more ranks do you think? I need to build asap to take youth hockey in vegas today. except, I know you're. This is being the special soon I know you're heavily invested in it. How many more ranks initially does the area need now. So we
for we built ourselves and their there too just your ranks as what other this kind of this kind of their? Not there? I believe the least, the least for more. one in the world. henderson had over where the raiders are. Let em all areas developing very, very quickly, but that'd media need ever meeting with mere goodman about a site enough, not plus vegas but alive, north north of charleston- the color baby out toward rampart hostess ten gills they could use. They could use two sheets of ice out. There will start with that. I'm just getting get my finance the financial side of it. We're done. Figured out and see if I can get some help from other anderson. So note from the city, space, but winning stanley cup is gonna help in the We have to be at work we're out of. Time we have no ice time at any by rates. So we more sheets of ice and we need him right away, but I have to do it the financially viable way,
and were committed to. If wars, not enough, will build more town is growing, but I, the town baby, yet million people in and then sms? Eight now two and a half the cell is growing its growing fast I just want to keep on meeting that demand is if I can keep putting sheets of ice in, las, are used He programmable goin will really get under way. I'm is under way now it's it's twelve fourteen times what it was when we got here, but where we twenty five times bigger many times. I want any Joe players come now blush big, soon benevolent bets at to dream of a really be fantasy next october It is tradition that the stanley cup champion opens at home and they drop the banner? How big is that ban are gonna be and what, he's, gonna look like boys hit me. And ass it you'll have to be here,
you'll have to be here to see it is gonna, be there It'll, be unbelievable, isn't it I mean to do that open, Opening night, well, I can't wait special and were sure it'll be larger than life as everything is in vegas bill, you're, very generous with your time and your very busy. Thank you so much for parking over half an hour with us really generous and congratulations. Once again. Your name is going on the most fabled trophy in olives word santa looks great on you in the organization. Congratulations, the thank sir, the german electricity See bother, you really think should attack jason's bill very happy for you. I mean this is why the great owners It runs in the history of sports, like you will Vegas you open, vegas eggs at very kind of you, b really enjoy. That hope you enjoyed it as much as we did talking to build fully
the biggest called the knights late you'll shout out for making this one happen. Much appreciated quit programming notice. Well, next podcast comes to you monday. It is. Annual nhl draft preview, this time around table for people, yours truly elliot friedman, jason, bukola and sam, causing tino as sort of in the area of about an hour along getting all set for the draft in nashville look for that want to drop on monday a few weeks back. We got a really nice email from a listener. Jeff greatness He requested a ban that he wanted featured on the pied gas. That is a great name to be quiet.
Don deal, Jeff they're, going to sound as a canadian indie quartet that just released their second single at twenty twenty three fleece combines sixties, harmonies and psych rock, with contemporary pop to create their distinctive vintage future sound celebrating pride and kicking off the summer. Here's fleece, the thirty two thoughts, the.
Transcript generated on 2023-06-24.