« 32 Thoughts: The Podcast

Our Lone Star Itinerary

2023-03-20 | 🔗

The good, the bad and the ugly! Jeff and Elliotte are in Dallas, Texas capturing some playoff content with the Stars. They kick things off by telling everyone about some of the work they’ll be doing in Dallas and who they will be chatting with while in the Lone Star state (00:00). They then discuss the sale of the Senators (14:25), clean hits resulting in fights (25:20), how the QMJHL will be removing fighting (35:45), Martin St. Louis sitting Jonathan Drouin (44:40), the current playoff picture (52:00), Kim Weiss setting history in the NAHL (57:30) and James Reimer refusing to wear the Sharks Pride-themed jersey (59:00).

Email the podcast at [email protected] or call The Thought Line at 1-833-311-3232 and leave us a voicemail

Outro Music - The Weeks - Bottle Rocket

Listen to the full track here

This podcast was produced and mixed by Amil Delic, and hosted by Jeff Marek and Elliotte Friedman.

Audio Credits: Bally Sports & Sportsnet.

The views and opinions expressed in this podcast are those of the hosts and guests and do not necessarily reflect the position of Rogers Sports & Media or any affiliates.

This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
The elliot thirty, two thoughts, enamels hotel room. welcome to the mai cast presented is always by this year. Eighty four x, we're in Alice enamel Hotel room, crazy day. Last night hockey, nine canada early flights. That's cars. Let's driving lots of flying. You had bloodlines trains and automobiles viewing novel. Had, though the art pillows man a hug with apple all day, long man, it was actually really good. Although one thing I will say an appropriate now that we're here in dallas- and I mentioned this to him as we were driving from austin- Dallas. So always. I was you'd have to explain this first yeah, like I'm, the prima donna here,
My flight, I gotta, be wrecked directorate to Dallas direct. What happened to your guy sweet flew into often this morning and then read that occur as well. almost drove, and I sort of those data now, but Times that I was awake, oh boy, you ve, driven with animal? Before I like? I will drive I'm a very aggressive driver. cool did not My tailgating he liked we'll get him to places fast by tell me: ok, I bleep break you so oh he's more aggressive than me. I role. With amr in germany and I love that it felt right, but he drives here like he's driving in germany the problem with that is- and I generally like that I wouldn't have a single complaint people will remember, you did the more cider peace in And- and I did, the tim stuteley peace in our eyes. Eight hours on the autobahn the next day cause I did a there, I drive and the girl.
thing about drivers in germany, is Nobody knows how it goes. If somebody comes up behind you faster than you, you get out doesn't happen here boy here, it's frogger, yeah granted, eyes, love frog or I brigham make old man cry here is frog or you just have to leave your way through everything you people are completely unpredictable, but I like that- and I have to say almost the he's, an excellent driver. I do like driving with I'm here. Thing and were in dallas and about a mile away from our hotel is dealey plaza and if all I'm saying I told em all this, if he were driving through, the plaza the president would still be alive. That's how quick and we ve internally and dodgy our man ammo is behind the wheel, but he got me here safe, so Emel. Thank you. My man. Thank you. Mommy so we're here, for a few reasons mainly do interviews for the podcast and for various
tv shows any transports, ned hearkening Canada play canada, playoffs, etc. So very much lookin for talking to a few people and it sounds like we're really going to be busy, I see someone aims the names the thumbs up. Ok, so fingers cry tell tyler again jamie, but by the way, honey, of a comeback season is- is for jamie bent swallow Things are going to talk to him about. He looks healthy and strong, and outside of juice, robertson, he's top dog, this team right now for about ten minutes on Saturday night, he was a thirty goal scorer. Yes, that's right! How about that a couple of called back up all the way our goal, and would you have counter that over time? Yes, those areas where we are on the same page, then why a johnson we'll talk to him we'll talk to J gotten jure you're going golfing, which oprah Wolski I see, I have to say, I'm nervous for this assignment. I dont get nervous of what a lot of things I have not hit a golf ball yet this year and I am also been like tiger woods.
A pack of his power- I am redoing my swing. I am petrified about this because Joe Pavelski is the golfer in the national hockey league. One of those but in the words of close friend crags with who absolutely makes you sick. Great at everything he does. So this is an assignment people ass, like what makes you nervous going on air, I'm going A golf ball with drove around this makes me nervous. While you know they chose you to do this assignment, though This will make him look good, no because I'm awful I am the worst golfer you will ever meet as alike to tell everybody elliot when I golf The best to balls I hit is one step on a rake. No joke. It will also talked to pete de head coach, the dallas stars very much look into looking forward to that end. Jim nailed, the general manager,
for your doing that piece on tuesday, I'm really looking forward to talking to Jim. I mean where do you begin with Jim now, when you consider the player as a manager in through active trade, redwings organization, running this down the stars team, you know, it's funny to about this organization It's kind of gone through a couple of different lives in the last couple of years and like there was that time where we weren't sure what was going to happen with the dallas stars. We weren't sure where the owner was at with the dow the stars, we were sure who was still gonna, be here what this team was gonna look like. Who was be traded. Who was staying now All of a sudden, to know about this. Look at the dallas stars and you can almost count the number of windows they have to make run up. Yeah. No, I know about this as well. The entry thing but the dallas stars a deadline. I they were in on a lot of the big but they didn't. I was eating closed. I think that no probably thought the prices were too high and they
still have windows like unlike the Boston bruins, who have the questions about barrage, iran and crazy, etc. They may look at that and say he really gotta go for it did well the stars weren't in that position and they still find themselves top team in the central and they're. Looking at more young players, we talk about bork a lot and we talk about stank over joining this organization they ve got me, to pull windows here. To do this. They signed a kid on the weekend. To that you would know a lot better than me, but a couple of team said that they really liked that pick up? That's that weak chase hundred ml, points? Only one guy has more points than him in the western hockey league ethical names, but dart, I'm not really that familiar with all doubt, saskatoon fifteen thousand, on sunday, first of all, happy to see a kid is: twenty years old knight drafted, sign in an age of tee. My I really like that by your what you said it's a nice gamble
Dallas. I still remember Jim Nil scorn over time where the first, the vancouver canucks went to the stanley cup final, the early eighties, he's gordon overtime winner in the western conference, vinyl against chicago I still remember the highlights of of that go here blair man, you know what one numb wealth when I think of Jim I do think that the vancouver cannot jim now and I think of the disease. Wait Jim nill as and assist in general manager, and I think of that gm factory that was detroit red redwings weathers can hollanders under steve or or or Jim nell, You know who I wonder about in Dallas. I had him on the radio show last week and it's tough is all impossible, not to be impressed by this person. When you talk to him and when you start- look at what he's doing and how he's doing it, you say to yourself this casket. the general manager one day and that's rich perfectly with the d
stars I got no, he doesn't get a ton headlines right now, but somewhere down the road. Could you do this? lowly incorrectly and taken the stare? that said rich who is going to be in these conversations for general manager. You know its interest, you mentioned that I'm I'm with you on peverley. This is something I like to tell a lot of people and so people are saying. Like you know, I like to get my name out there like this, isn't just in hockey. This is kind of everywhere. If europe, person in business or you're an up and come on business or a different field, whatever whatever about people always say: gotta get my name out there and never I don't think, but the one, the one thing I always tell people is the right: People are always watching. I that when it comes to the next generation of leaders of the next generation of people, are gonna be successful at things The really smart people
who are running things or have an eye to running things. No, who those individuals are they know who's out there or them a call and find out who's out there, and somebody really smart will give them their name, I'm a big believer in that that the right people are always watching you always know who's on the cost of doing something big Let me ask about dallas, while on this top, Can we allow we've got to get to today's podcast, but just a just, a general fought in the finish up the road trip against the calgary flames, we're going to go to the game tuesday against the seattle crowd. You are oh, that's right, you're going to be in, you're gonna be in vancouver, forgot about that. That's right plug it. So it's kind of a weird travel, weak ass I embarrassed myself golfing, which opens else on monday, am flying to vancouver coming back to dallas on on wednesday, but The annual cannot for kids, fine telethon. I think this is the
third time, I've done it, I want to say the third time for that the connection. There fan base extremely generous the this time? I think we did a half a million dollars raising last time. I think it was around seven hundred thousand. I don't remember the exact number so I remember the first time I was like I have to beat scott oak man. We did and the second time we have to be the first time and we did an was a big number. I think it was thanks to the generosity of all the fans the second highest number, they ever re soil you know, we will set a big barn. You know me, I don't like to go backwards, but the other I'd like to say about this is that it an interesting year between me and the cannot to say the least, and I didn't know if they want me back this year and its their events, and they should have people there who they are comfortable with but it's something I really want to do, because I have met people.
Who have really benefited greatly from the context for kids. and I want this is something I want to do so sad shaw's costing it around who caused her with me last time he's got game duties. So, sad nobody wants to say during the game so he's available. I am thankful that they would want to have me there, because it hasn't been easy with me in the contacts at times this year. Yes I know what to say about that here. On the pike ass is, can let the gravity of that same get a move on and go back to the dallas stars, just a general while the rub of the road trip, big win against the calgary flames? Really exciting game goes to overtime and andresen robertson is a hero. Forty one goals, Jason Robertson. Here we go again and, as we said, the beginning of the season, he knows couple weeks, and we are already saying, while that contracts a bargain,
the thoughts of where the stars are at right. Now I mean in that division. Colorado is really starting to make noise and yup we're going to get to the other western conference race here in a second but said, jenny, thought on now on Dallas. Is you know one of my rules? I don't like to pick teams to repeat. I think it's too hard That doesn't mean I don't think it can be done. I wasn't eyes tampa. Did it and I won't be surprised of colorado? Does it depending on what happens with landscape here bite isn't not like Dallas that they can play you anyway. I didn't. think they were always like that. The last couple of years like, if you remember last year's first round series with with cow when Calgary was a really high scoring team and your show man that was che god, and that was the only way they could play. They had to grind and play low scoring games. Now I think it's Dallas is like okay, you want players, the game will play with physical game, but you want to score with us. We can score with you and, You know the infusion of just the youth.
I know you ve got your man crush on. Why Johnston we're gonna talk to wednesday twenty goals baby? Why, John so unjustly fires origo scorings? We take this on sunday, night goals. I I have to say that I, I think now they're a team that can play with a lot of different ways. I don't think they were always like that. I think they even the year they went to the cop. always saw them as three yards in a cloud of dust. Now then anton who the open and answer would open three yards clouded doesn't who'd open. Now I think it can beat you with the play action that can beat you the spread of ants and if to establish the rhine. They can do that. So let me get ahead of myself here, because a path haven't even begun. I'm trying to put players on the dallas stars next season. I think the way thing the dallas, my one is I think that everybody else was chasing a deadline this year and that's players that are nasty to play again and what I really wonder about is if he gets the free agency and heard? As you know, the bronze in turn around and sign up tomorrow
I wonder if they make a big boy, to try to bring in tell Bertuccio. Well, I think that was a guy. They really wanted the deadline. I think I think we both talked about him up you know, what's it to me, is the team that got em the bruins there and have a pretty low first rounder. So what had said to me. His Dallas really wasn't too interesting, giving up a first round but Back to my original point, at the start of the part, I dont think the gym nell wanted to come anywhere close to overpaying, because they have numerous windows here to do this job. This wasn't a do or die situation for the dallas stars and if they can bring in when they tell her bertuccio off season. I think that might be like when you look at the stars like what are the areas they need to address right now, like that, seems to be one of. If not maybe the most, obvious in one of the only holes that this team really needs to fill anyway should be in few days here in Dallas. We are happy to be here and very much looking forward to
the dallas seattle game. On tuesday now couple of the things here the ottawa sail in the numbers that are getting staggering you I mentioned on Saturday a number that started with a nine you wanna give us cod except for that one sure. So, on my flight this morning, my direct flight to dallas how dairy and there was a gentleman named Scott who came up to me and he's in the financial sector- and he said he and his wife were were watching hockey night in canada on Saturday night. Thank you very much, scott and mrs scott and, You know he was really interested in what I was saying with ottawa, and you know he had a great line Jeff that I would like to share on this podcast. I think a lot of people are going to like the character. He goes. What is the difference between Heaven and hell in business? I'm curious, Heaven is when you have a deal hell is when you try to close the deal.
And he said that that came to him. his mind while he walked our segment and no. He said that if you ve been watching, what's been going on what the banks and in california and now swiss. He thinks that this is not only a thing for the any child. You know the washed in commanders or foresail. Our top Michael Jordan, is talking about selling his majority interest in the in the charlotte hornets, things. This is gonna, be a real challenging time for a lot of people say oh, you know he said to me, he heard the number I mentioned which, as I say it's it's rumoured that the high bed, which is non binding for the centres, is wrong to be nine twenty five. And he said he wasn't disputing me, but his somebody in the business thanks a lot of these sales, could have some rough rides just in terms of getting from the bid processed? Closing them
you know we created bruce gary arkansas portico. Last week, the oh yeah, support, a lot of interests, sport reported nine bids and they also reported multiple over nine hundred I'm not seeing the wrong. I don't do that. I dont like cats in doubt on other people's reporting cause god. No, I been wrong before could see this time, but I was only able to confirm one from one. Tell own over nine hundred, and I believe it's about now twenty five now there's some other groups that are in the aids, and I think there are some that came even lower, but I dont know all of them, but the I think that this nine twenty five number did Jeff and again, I stress again, everything was non binding to this point, but really do believe that what it allowed the in a to do, and the sellers and and the melded family to do- was say that we're going to be in this zone. and you better be prepared,
to show us how you gonna get there and so that I do believe, is very much going on. So a couple of things to add to your friends analogy about Heaven and hell. You know how much of a rod sterling fan. I am yes my wife, is a huge rod sterling van. She has good taste everything of than men. Is the hunting a butcher. This quote, but it's something along the lines of he rod. Throwing is one of the more the the greatest. You know right. Well, one of the great tv writers that then movies apropos of nothing. You go back and look at that stuff and the twilight zone and see how much of it was bang on percent annual, and you know what else was planet got the writing credits there. The writing rod they're esquire used to talk The easiest thing to do is have the idea of hardest thing to do? Was get it down? Yes, so, as your friend is talking about, you know, the easy thing is you know her, so I have and is having the deal and and how is closing it, curious about is, and we too
To put this elaborate eyed, the last pod, castor the pod cast before who knows they all run together? At this point I am here but the lower bits twitter, with I bid for a second sure, ok want to get to where you're going. But I think we should start with the high bid can remind me to get back to low bids than his or freestyling on the high. But I will I have a suspicion, do not know if this is true but again you're like the batman. Took pains to point out last week at the G8 meetings that not all the speculations been accurate do you know I just want to say that people are really trying to careful with this stuff, so it's hard to its to say what a hundred percent true and what isn't, but there is, suspicion- that the high bid so far is from Nikko, sparse. He is a very interesting individual he runs attack, firm, pixel lime and the
Only real question I have heard about the group is put together. It's a big group and I think one of questions that some of the other, the ten the owners of the centres have here is: is the end you're gonna, why this kind of ownership structure because in the past leagues prefer why big owner and then you can have some our partners if you want someone said to me if this group, a big factor. it's gonna be interesting, whose in it because obviously the star name right now is ryan reynolds whose in the remington group and people are curious because of her, could actions nickel sparks who he could in that to buy I think, he's very interested in putting together a group here. That has a lot of your multicultural voices and there are some people who suspect that if anybody came out big, it's this group
I think what everybody's trying to find out now is what, financing plan is ends exactly. How was this group structured because now once you're serious, are you sure you showed your in everybody? Tries pick, everybody else apart right and now The cage match begins. The bell has wrong the battle royal authority s, but I would be surprised if they're, the group that came out hot and said were serious here like we want everyone to know here that were serious, so like my question, then, is abode? the lower bed or the lower being rice, colleges of it would be interest. and if you feel and again, I'm thrown darts here, but Few come in at a lower number, then but we believe, or you believe this our experience could be ass.
is that an indication that that group feels they have all the other boxes checked. We talked about this before Isn't an obligation just to take the highest number of theirs other things around it. That could offset. However many millions of dollars well sure you know what I mean, nine hundred, but we're going with a twenty five. Because of that that that that that, though yadda do you think that, that's an indication that the lower bids check more of them, boxes that the any child and the family would want? I don't If I would go with that Jeff, I think it's more like you, don't know since yourself right leg, you're going to buy a house. you go in there and you better ridiculous number right away or try to see what the market is It's like when I negotiate a contract,
are you one of those people that throws out a number or are you one of those people that says I one here what you think my value it? I never gonna throw the first them. Well, that's the thing! so I've always learn that if you throw the first number you better throw out of so first number and, on the other hand, when you're buying something, if you're there, to throw the first number probably want to go a little low and then see where it takes you. You see, I think, that's kind of happened think, as I also wrote last week, I think a lot of people see opportunity in ottawa. I really do it's very, not just with the team, though. Well, it's very that this remington reynolds group there they see reynolds, seize the opportunity to do with the sanders. What is done? Rack some nature, he's that too, and the fancy that too but maintain the brad. They have development in mind. Put it this way, I think there were the highest bidder, but I dont think there far off, I think they're around there. So I
just think what it comes down to, is Don't show all your cards at the beginning, but I think what we have now. As I said Saturday night is the age l saying: ok, Our initial numbers are telling us we hope to get to nine hundred leagues. That's the current record here and I think they're pretty comfortable that they're gonna at their will see if hissing cells for nine hundred million dollars? What's expansion fees gonna be now. Say it say it. I can always less almost six fifty your report. This is your back. You know, you know the billion numbers gonna shoot in the breeze sunday evening in a hotel room in Dallas. I just like I said it was interesting that this gentleman scott came up to me and said. I wonder if they're gonna get that stand scepticism. I do, I think, after opening rounds of bidding they know they can do it before.
cut myself off, I just the one concern I've heard from some of the bidders is: how big as the market to make that much money. The I want to mention, is just over the groups We kind of know about. so nickel sparks I can lauer, who is a minority owner of the montreal canadians, the kimmel family. He used to have a minority share of the penguins and were bought out when fenway bought them the rest. group, that's brandy and ryan. Reynolds Rocco tools whose we should mention his son ties having a really good year re, Yeah he's a really nice player with the bakersfield condors he's an oilers draft pick and Rocco owns the oshawa generals of the o hl Jeff York. yeah she's in yorks brother Who wants farm boy? The others report last week. I don't know much about it, but
graham roosten and a first nations group- and I dont know where all these people are in the end, the opening bids by These are some of the names that we ve kind of herds. far and I have no doubt there's partnerships out there and other names of kick the tyres that we don't know we'll see what we listen to the thirty two thoughts: podcast ad free on amazon, you're too. What are your thoughts on severally talked about on the air. But the video that I showed on saturday of the charging clovis savage fight with Alec martinez after the paul caught her hit it off
martinez, redirected, cotter and look out for the martinez coming in. On the savage he's, a big boy and he dropped limits right away. I don't know if martinez was going over to fight off the heavy hard hit on or as martinez the veteran step said, not really part of his game, but certainly curious debates he's there for them. And the reason we played that was that was one of the videos at the managers watched and I don't know how divided it was, but it wasn't unanimous who the the year was on that plane is very much a conversation about no being aware of whose instigating fights you talked about this being aware of whose instigating fights and how they're doing it after clean, body checks, there was conversations about that. It sounds like the upswing of it was they just want?
the officials just to be aware of you know well where the right call should be etc. Said is sort of habit in europe. per view and listen. We saw one on sunday afternoon with with Madame by catching it because that's often and came to jail. She never thought on that play space, Firstly, because the room was kind of split. Some managers thought that covers seven should I had the instigator because he dropped the gloves pherson. Even though he's the one that delivered the heads to Paul cotter, others said no, martinez who, even though he scheme up the ice with the play, confronts cover savage I was glad you found that, because, when calling campbell met with the media, he brought up their point. He said if a guy through the big head- and he knows he might have to fight for it but he drops his gloves. First, isn't he the instigator? So I think he was making. Points specifically to tell people not
rob their gloves. So I was glad you found that fake as it was clear, he was talking somebody in particular and obviously kova savage- was that guy, to me, I think if you drop your gloves, but somebody's common right at you, you're, not the instigator I understand why in official might think that, but if some he's coming out. You- and you know you just delivered a big hit- you just That's not your job. First, I think the key was right on that one: offsetting majors! Ok! but what I think is more interesting is that we always talk about his discussion at the gm meetings going to have an effect on the game, this one has had again an effective immediately and I think what talked about in those calls Jeff and we're not talk a lot about fighting on this podcast. What's happened, since the G8 meetings is they talked about, making sure the right team gets a power play. That was a, big conversation, if there's a big hit fight comes out of it. It shouldn't and even up
a guy has to focus of a clean hit. His team should better, fit and get a power play or the instigator should come. Look. What's happened, last Monday night jewels and throw big head for the can ox he asked if I fox automatic foxy hawks. I've got an extra two. As you mentioned on Sunday dumbo through a big hit on cause. That's awful talk about that hit, Oh, she got an instigator. On saturday cal foot guy, the instigator after Brendan Dylan, through a clean head, immediately. immediately. This is an impactful change and I like it. I have nothing against fighting, but I don't think be fighting after a clean head What did you make the number ahead? I thought it was lean to meet. Look shoulder to shoulder in now kuznets off her no idea. Dumbass come one of the things I did, and I give credit to Tom gloody who right for any child dot com. He tweet
he likes to watch games on both feeds, and he said it was like diametrically forever, like that. You know that the minnesota feed or be profoundly deaf for the azores. Minnesota was clean here. Wash ing. Ton was blind side here and the other thing that happened was any jail network was calling it with Jimmy herschel and cabin weeks and weeks it was a clean yet so I thought it was a clean here now depends, The angle you look at. I think there is some head contact, but its principal point. and to me the principal point is shoulder to shoulder. I think it's a clean, yet another thing that people make a mistake about, and I have made been guilty about this mistake before Is they used the phrase blind side, but why? broadcast said. That's a blind side hit. The prom miss blind sides not in the rule book, it was therefore about. Six months. I think it was two thousand ten eleven
after one of those big heads. I think it was the landmarks of art so was therefore about six months and then they changed it and it became principle point of contact being the head, so I agree with you who's that has the park he's no idea dumbo there. He is too hit because he has the park is allowed to be here because he has the park eligible, I believe, is the term eligible. Thank you. Thank you. That's why infringe mind was degree, he's eligible to be hit? He's got the park, but he's no idea numbers there and such not in the rule book, so the idea that it was a blind side hit that doesn't exist. The key question is: does he get em principle point of contact the head and I don't think you do Do you disagree? No, I dont disagree at all here Who does the one thing that I want to add in all of this because we talk about who bears responsibility and I know this isn't a very popular topic at all
and I remember getting into it with one agent specifically over this, though person that we always ignore in these situations? Is the person knowing the pass, whenever I was suicide passes anymore, but we should always talk about. You know. The one thing worse than a suicide pass is a slow suicide pass yup and if you've ever been standing there waiting for a slow suicide pass. You know one man its comment and there's nothing. I order you have about luck, the palm oil and end the sake. Will this? Can you please zip the pass the war thing that I just wanna to this eleven point about this hit on it, but the way- thing? I don't think we keep in mind enough as far as game play, leading to it is the path, that leads into the player who died. And see the other player coming in There is a responsibility there. I'm sure, whoever, through their passage kuznets off, caused him after and says. I can't throw that pass. You look
the whole ice? You sing the drop down and curl and a note they happened so fast and hockey always gotta catch myself. It happened so fast Jeff. It happened so fast, but I am sure that if that player had a mulligan, it's not throw up because that's off in that situation, all I'm saying there is just more to it than just the player who gets hit and the poor, it delivers the hit itself. I just want, that out there more than anything else for each. I disagree I would say this. I think that he had happens less and less more and more players, don't throw that hit anymore. You know why. No, why? What you're there? My theory is players dont want to make that pit, because even if they make at the puck, going up the ice in they ve taken themselves out of the play. We used to see that all the time when once upon a time, I ask you to the eyes had played like the eightys and ninetys if you're a winger. What's your own
responsibility on the back jack o, make sure the defensive and doesn't get in front of me. Now it's your eye, sprinting. As a matter of your left wing right, wingers or centre. Your first you're on the pact carrier like the game is as changed so much now. If look for that big hit and throw the big hit, even if even if you make the hit the puck up the ice and guess what you're, not in the play anymore we don't that's why I dont think like talk about how this bears more respect in the game now and guys on chase each other round the ice. I think that's true and I think the game is safer, but a thing the game is safe for now, because as the game is played, if you look for big hits you're taking yourself out of the play and Madame is indefensible and that leads to an odd man rush. You kid, do that anymore, because a how fast the game is and how you take yourself out of the play, I don't screw, I think that's part of the equation by just think, there's been so much emphasis.
more now on ahead injuries- and I remember my son had his first concussion- he fell off. His biking suffered a concussion and the first thing the doktor said was was no, I want you know, a concussion is not a death sentence, I was actually surprised by how blind she was telling me that she said that your people get so scared by the word of concussion and some of it for very good reason. But you said you have I understand that think now we ve heard so much about it. I do think there is more respect on these hits, but Jeff what's coming the playoffs, and, I think everything ramps up at this time of year. This is when the players start to change from true, okay. We in caused a bit too no games off anymore. You talk about tapering like a swimmer tapers, like a t like minnesota, their tapering for the play off now
Catherine more theory. I sure why the game is safer now than it has been before, because her so many second generation players. and there are a lot of people in power around not just the any child, but in a lotta leagues and when your parent, and I have a son or daughter who plays hockey your natural, thing is: I want to make. This is safer environment. If my kid ever gets there, I just think its natural I think, is one of the by products of so many second and third generation kids playing hockey now than ever before. Getting back fighting talked with us on saturday, the quick major junior hockey. This is your story, so why don't you leave the convent while I'm in marriage? He needs a new commissioner. The comb J channel and last week announced that sorry neck season. They will ban fur ring in the queue right now, two five and ten, it's not and as much as the penalties are stiffer, we don't. We haven't seen the detail, thought for right, so there there isn't a plan. How they're going to do this? Is it-
automatic. You know, expulsion from the game plus suspension. Is it automatic? five game suspension. Is it automatic twenty five like? No one knows it, details about this. One I exchange messages with damage hands. He was a presidency age. Owl about it and he's expecting to hear from the correct legal in a few weeks on this one, but this goes back to cover it up. So during covert there were a lot of quebec base, junior teams that did and receive financial assistance from the cuban government by horse trading on this one was give you the money to help. Keep you focus franchises would afford it. I guess told during covert there are some franchises that were really close. I believe it is shutting down and the provincial government save them with this natural assistance, but what the pollen issues wanted was not just curbing but ending fighting in the lee like road
hope you financially, but here's what we wanting in exchange for we want this league assent. To be the norm, Waiting league, what I heard about is, does translate then to the o hl and the western occupying and I asked both commissioners ron robinson of the western league- said no no plans to change? next season dave branch the wage owl, a more measured approach and said if they go through with this it'll be cured, is to see what the effects are in this league and what can translate as paraphrasing and share what branch see branch to me seemed curious to see? The thing is, like you know, the junior world much baron. I do to me that's it could happen in the oau. Shall I I I agree with you on that? Yes, I agree with that. Looking out from ten feet away from you that system could happen. Ontario, I dont think next year, here's branch said here is the actual quoted he gave me
We haven't seen what the new role that is being contemplated will look like as you, fighting in all three leagues of this. He chose this decrease dramatically over the last several years and if nothing else. If the quebec league fact: introduces the new fighting rules being promoted by the cuban government there. It is we're talking about before them the trade off it. Give us an opportunity to see the act on the game in general, to me says I want to see what this thing looks like now view now, Dave ranch has a lot of legacy positions. I mean Dave than a lot for the rachel and one of the things. And yet support of a lot of owners on this one as well is he was the first of all the commissioners to put a cap on fighting. which at the time was considered heresy by a lie, people around hockey. What's your age while doing mrs, what's he gonna into their further for the talent in the away jobs can be talent drain the gonna elsewhere, but quite the opposite has happened.
I wonder if this is the oil shale saying curious. We want to have a look at what happens in the queue if they do this before we do this are so what do you think. you have two sons who could be good enough to play like I wanna get ahead of ourselves here, but their talented players. I think this is a good thing and of Will they change my turn on this one about fighting, because apparent now I think it's a big part of it. I really do now. I have. I have skin in the gallery just talking about second generation players. look at it myself and appearance. Natural instinct is to try to make sure the environment their kids grow up in, and around is maybe lack of a better term nerved a little You want to make it safe, as as he can, I don't like it An hiv fighting is one thing. Professional hockey is one thing. the older. I get
allie here I got turn the old, the older I get the last time I really have for it. You see my opinion is similar. now. I also think going to go to cages one day to allow just thou get rid of it altogether. Yes, moping, similar, I'm not anti fighting. I have no problem with two willing participants at the pro level crazy what stage fighting, but that's pretty much gone now for now, when we have five, even though we both talk that we don't necessarily like fighting after a clean head, I think fight and pretty organically thou in the hiv is very few stay fights anymore and that's the way I like it. I remember when calling campbell came on hockey in canada almost twenty years ago and said, maybe it's time to get fighting out of the game and he took a lot of heat for that. But I remember someone said to me after that people. back at him and say he was ahead of its time and I think a lot of people do- and I think The thing is, is that someone said to me it's going. happened. The other way. The way funding is gonna be cut down, is we're gonna. Take it out of
kids levels first and then it'll get your point not really in the any johnny more same thing. They with the helmet rules, same thing with the visor rule and we'll see about cut resistant stuff now, but to be honest, pardon me says: I'm a bit goofy about this stuff. I, Once you are allowed to ear an adult whether you can vote whether you can draw a car without restriction. Pardon me says you should probably be allowed to fight, but you're gonna. Tell me you're, not gonna funding at the junior level. I'm not gonna argue with that I don't like sixteen year old funding its twenty year old and stop that, was the point I was gonna make. There is a major age disparity in junior hockey her and I've seen it all too many times I mean listen, our colleague new curios I was one of his for his first games in the oil age owl,
Fighting Steve thomas, I think, might have been an over a door. At that point, nothing nick was probably sixteen like there's the that the point- your raise I like that, and that happens so I shouldn't say it happens a lot now because fighting is down to a branches point in all three legs, but tat was kind of a regular occurrence The reason I stop playing hockey. There were two reasons: one was financial. We were going through a really difficult time and ill. We just my parents to setting out. We can afford to do it anymore, which was unfortunate but just realistic of the time in our family, and Secondly, I was a bit soft. and it was a time were hitting got introduced, and I was a smaller kid and I couldn't protect myself that one of the things I ve said that. over the years is I wish I'd been taught to protect myself better and I think now. One of the problems is that we saw was slough cough sky. This
and by the way I love the pictures of him. Last week, going back in getting his high school the floor where they get. I thought that was really neat eyes. I thought that was never posted. That picture a mother, slovakia. I thought that was great by this, kid this year, who was unprepared to kind of protect himself in the age l and not not only a north america thing it's around the world thing. I think we have to do a better job of teaching these kids to protect themselves. I guarantee jobs. This is only gonna whether you like fighting or not. This is only going to exacerbated further people are gonna. The more unprotected when they get to the nhl just get this gleam in his eye. He's take no thinking and starting a class routines. People in the octagon I just one day and that day is not today, but one day- and this might be five years from now for so doing this podcast You know we're gonna have the conversation about. What's at the end of board, hitting now technical,
the board's can't be used as a weapon, but hits around the board's happen all, but again, I think that's come a long way I think it has to, but I think that Isn't that one of the next conversations we're going to actually have a physicality in the game, like I think one day we're going to look back on. I honestly believe this elliot it sounds weird now, because we are just group with the game and yet you get hidden the boards that inachus happens. I think you're a hundred years from now we're gonna look back on hockey. played now and say, used to hit each other into the wall. You would, thirty miles an hour and slam each other into the wall. What was wrong with you? that was a lot wrong with me. Nobody would say like I would have eventually, I think the conversation again. It's not going to be today or next week or next month or next year, probably but I think somewhere down the road, the conversation billboard headings gonna come on. I I when the games really mean something these guys wrap it up, That's why the playoffs for the best games and of the year
we're close we're getting there. before we get there. What do we want? A saturday as well and Jonathan drew out with the montreal canadian us. Martin salary hinted, he was gonna, send a message. She sent a message to Jonathan george: have you had to really disease you, like you, never know when you're gonna get dinner challenge and may my challenge physically challenge, but I, like you, never know when you Something's gonna happen that you don't have real control over it, why it happens and then Do you know that time you have to you know, especially as a leader to have a response and people you know really watching your response and you have to be calculated and infirm, by also fair- and I think tonight was was- was a
arr first thing enjoying a letter by tremendously well, like I said and fresh may enjoy, have great relationship. I got to normal lot this year. I think he's out agreed season for us. The kid and, and now you know four for aunt annulling. The way did you know, I I can't even more respect for him. I saw it all they were going to turn the page on that mandate. Joe will be back and we're gonna move forward first, I would like to say that I was slandered on the air by Kelly Rudy, who told her only through working. I was telling all of his grazers to all of it, while telling all of his great david booth stories about david booth missing meetings, because he was in a tree somewhere in ohio woody told a story about us at the two thousand and six olympics in ITALY, where he shoot me out and in the hotel lobby in front of other people. For being late now,
That part of the story is true, and I wasn't just late. I was a grievously late he tore into me in front of everybody, and he said that josie! They have no respect for other pupils time that you think your time is more important, and I actually don't think like that. I'm slate by I took a cause. I deserved it. And he said on the air that he apologized to me, and I ve never been late again. Ok, we all know a animal ammo ammo you did you record that you got there Ok, I maybe my new ringtone, I was gonna say I absolutely have been late times, but I want to say something about kelly's apology. He did apologize to me because he felt that it was too
public, and I said you have nothing to apologize for. I was the one that was late. If I didn't like that, I could have fixed it by being on time, so I dont think that Kelly should have had to apply guys to me so basically drew out talked after the game on Saturday night, and he said he over slap- you didn't hear his alarm. He overslept later meaning by two maids and he was batched yoke. I be actual, wondered the same thing on air that I did was it. It couldn't be the first time like. Does anybody get banned from being a late to a meeting by two minutes? the first time but drew I said to the reporters after the game is the first time he's ever been late. Ok, You know they really is thing about that was he wasn't supposed to play and then gulag heard- and I I guess the h I'll probably said you can't not dressy tee oh, you don't have injuries, you have a healthy player, it fits
under the salary cap. You have to dress him so, drew out dressed any didn't play. Look, I have no problem with that punishment if its consistent know of everybody is like that. I don't have any problem, like I said, I'm a guy who's late, all the time. I know I run the risk of getting embarrassed in italian, hotel lobby- and if one of all my coworkers, like I did in two thousand and six- I don't have a problem. You know the rules going in and if you violate them, so then it's your fault, Ok, so here's where I wonder about marty salary is creating an expectation and culture there and accountability, and we saw that on saturday with Jonathan drew- and I again ask Heaven and kelly this next week, when I go into hockey night if they ve ever been part of a situation where you just might the play off the second ago, if we
their teammates like a big. play, someone like you can't put mew, starting only, for example, was lay to a meeting and the president had been set that if you're late for meeting you don't play the nice game with the play there's going to the coach and say we really would like you to reconsider, because we really want and need this player in this game, a mass for an answer from you expect you to No all the sudden getting The brain of montana sail away I would just imagine those situations have come up because I understand accountability for accountability from standard for all of it. You know would go out? I player told me this story that you wouldn't tell me with a player was an I'll just I'm not gonna, say with a player was right now, because peace I believe, if you ever tell the story you can't use my name, sir, Oh, he told me once that they were going into a limit, a game in a serious way.
They were down and they could be eliminated and up broke a team rule and shouldn't have been playing and they were pissed off at the player and they went to the coach and they said there a player on their team was a veteran, who was really there last chance to win, and it was a very popular veteran- and he thought me. They work fits even better. I, like I like, when you but he's that they went to the coach and said I know organ ask is wrong, but if this sets out this Guy doesn't get another chance and the coach said give me a couple of hours. What did he do? They said the guy played. I think that's the right decision, you know not only was I only whispered back, as I only part We believe in all we all have our
that matter to us right, yeah and I think that's the biggest challenge in the world. stand by your principles in moments like that, and I know there have been times I bet it depends. What you're principle is don't do that? That's why thing though, but this is they talking about strategy versus tactics? Sometimes we look for tat, legal solutions as strategic problems. That's a mistake: do we make all the tonneau this generals, I stand that, but within that you can stall by bending it. You can still do the right thing for that team without harmon I'm saying, is in conflict situations. Hard and fast rules are always the right choice. Or at a few more things elliot on podcast. Here aren't I were races and the bottom and whose in and whose outs, when look at the western conference right now,
for the flames on saturday that game against hours? We mentioned earlier with your time goal by Robertson calgary when a peg are we still including nashville, because heart says yes, but I'm not sure my head saying the same thing. I think you have to this, when a big story, it's been kevin civil. There has one of the great quotes and- and I love it, the I use it all the time in an instant parts he's a hockey, but I think it's all sports there's only two moods winning in hell and he's written that rollercoaster like. If you watch that humans nashville on Saturday afternoon game, it was the game, but you could see the stress on shovelled, they all phases. He was watching that guy did you see the smile on bonuses face after we, as all the
That's a stress, re use, not remember. The last time I saw rick bonus smiling. I remember which culture was. I was covering by the he won a big game and he's like out the wider angle lens, I'm gettin ready to smile was that smile by shells look stressing. A week ago in our ago on, we talked about how they went for the job you learn. They started hello, buck back to back the wild thing about the jets. Is they can't stand prosperity every time they open up a lead. They allow the teams to come back like that game on on saturday, there, in position. If, if natural winds that game and calorie winds, that night, I mean they're all right next to each other and nashville, has the games in hand and what eggs down one nothing to one and they win, and then Calgary loses that game. Although they get a point now, top thing as nashville loses yossi, they get by the rangers so that's really gonna hurt their math, you know the flames to me. Every time
your clothes, but that's the problem. The jets can't stand prosperity and then national and calorie can either because it whenever they can get right there, they just can't do it. no, the flames to me they're down three one. They look like they're gonna, win that game. They lose in overtime, I'd gets, benched So weird benches to me, and the other with the one thing I'll say about cadre, is the ass thing about him in your members interview on the ice last year with the with Dave amber after they won the cop he's blind he's gonna, say what's on his mind, and I've heard the cadres been very vocal about what he sees goin calgary and why team, isn't Firing and all cylinders- and I think he's been very blunt about just communication between players in the coach, their sole I'm betting, some of that frustration boiled over in that game on Saturday night, and saw I'm curious to see what this is all gonna go?
It's amazing to me there the jets pull away, and then everyone gets close again and not of those teams can tie them. torture tortoise raised in some ways. It is it's good because it makes an interesting. You just want someone to grab I'm just like somebody grab it already right there. While and I had the same question about the eastern conference at the bottom. There are women the penguins. Are we looking at panthers. All of a sudden palm racist squire is entering the chad, the other they're, not even the they don't have the math. I liked the islanders. I just think our consistent their finding their daddy again and they have the best goarly, sir oaken as they lead they. I know we're all handing the thing cleanness all mark and he's been found to bud. Silliest roca has been tree, mend yeah. The point I made this year by the islanders. Is they look? like a really good play off team. The problem is, I don't know faking get there. I don't
look to you to be a team and what's happened, Matthew bardell by the way, we have a handle on any of this anyway, that's just the way it is. I look at the islanders and I say if they can get in the way that their belt cause. Veteran teams tend to do. As we all know, if they get it- and I think the islanders do really well, I just don't know if they can get in either get in. sport florida. Spurts minus three dead? That's I'm goin islanders, guess I'll take sorrow. Varela of Were jerry, the smith and the boy ski by a mile, like who are you taking their like their tied right now in pittsburgh? Is a game up which goal telling you do better in confer lama father, I think the other. thing is too, is I never bet against crosbie, but that pittsburgh team? They are holding on by a thread.
I think pittsburgh is always gonna start out prepared at the big. You have a game. You generally feel there ready to play because of who they are and there I daddy but I've seen a lot of games this year where, when it goes wrong, they can't stop it. That's been the his surprise with them this year, it's happened several times against the islanders and the one that against rangers when the bolder starts going downhill. What do we always talk about pittsburgh through the bicycle theory as long as you're peddler moving their great. If slow down even a bit the fall off the bacon. The story, the penguins want to mention someone, someone role special kim weiss of the age shells marilyn black bears, who became the first female head coach, Stepping inches of hires in assisting coach to an associate coach and had to step in because of illness. Weekend. Marilyn blackberries, the html
beating the jonestown hawks he first female head coach to register a win. In that light congratulations. Camp, yes, and I have heard very good things about her. Like people have told me for that we need now watch than that. You have to keep an eye on because, it's like that. We say the being the cast. The right people are always watching a person there watching or she ran that washington pride girls organization like elite illegally, for I think, like ten or so she's a coach and organizer. That's what I mean you have to be both anxiously. at trinity, college and etc, one of those people that has like you know the resume where you look at you and you're like yeah checks, congratulations to Kevin jealous about most of the.
the ok elia to wrap up, I want to talk about the james Reimer situation from Saturday. Oh, we all know the details by now. If you listen to this podcast, we're not breaking news to you on the bow, James Reimer and not wearing the pride jersey and the statement and the cop and afterwards as well a photo about this, as I'm sure you have going back to saturday, my fur. Thought is. We have to stop being surprised by things like this, This is why you know organizations like the alphabet sports, collective, being patent. Germ brok, miguel us are still really port in the game. I dont think that we should think and everybody is all on the same page about being supported, If an demonstrating their support,
we're, seeing quite the opposite from a number of players around the nhl, so my First thought is we need. Stop being surprised by this because I dont think in anyone's workplace or in any lee everybody. at this point right now is all going to be on the exact same page about these types of events, being supportive of algae bt, q plus the other thing like a lot the people I was disappointed- in Reimer. I was disappointed in the explanation which he seemed to know contradict himself during the statement. I'll take it the people that are most concerned about here are right. Where's family members and specifically kids, because tend to personalize these things and If I'm james, reimer and one of my kids is gay, I would hope
that they would get in level of support that he has. and afforded other people. in this situation- and sometimes I can be the eye opening moment, it has been before we talk about harrassing earlier in the park- costs not the same thing, but with fighting that is the same thing, but I think it's a very good comparison. So that's that that's the who I think about here as well, you and I To put this on saturday about the level of support that is out there. That is really encouraging. But again all re emphasise this is why what being passenger Rock miguel, us are doing is still Oh really important, and I really did like how the san jose sharks didn't pause to protect data, didn't do the sports thing, we're all gonna, cocoon around the player and would be there. The shields around they d said that's her we're gonna and
twitter feed was spectacular. Entire night was special further for the san jose sharks. And they didn't do. I think what a lot of other hockey teams have done and thought We thought about doing as well, and that is just protecting that one member they do so This is us this. What we believe this is how we behave if you don't be part of it. That's your choice, but work. forward. I agree with as I said what happened earlier this year in philadelphia, might It would be too where the jersey I recognize say everybody feels the same way, but I'm my choices and my choice would be to wear it. I have said this many times and I would like to reiterate it in I corner my tiny corner of the hockey world. You always welcome. As long as you are not an idiot other people, I don't care, where, where you're from I don't care, what you believe I dont care.
who you are or what your values are. If you are good to other people and your goal as I try to be with me, is to be good to other people. Then you're, always welcome to me and that's the way it's always going to be. If you try to treat people right, I'm gonna be happy to see you. I feel, strongly about two things: number one. The fur that the sharks reimer and everybody involved announced this early. I a few members of the algae b to hew plus committee, who said They felt deceived by what happened with the rangers in the wild. Because they bought tickets. They, to go and see the jerseys, and then they didn't know until warm up started that the jerseys or going to be worn. I that's not the right way to go about things, the fbi. you have to be up front. I like that we were,
any other way to me is deceptive soul everybody knew, everybody stood well before warm up began, It's very important. You have to be honest with your customers especially in situations like this, but you know Jeff I'm with you a ninety five percent of the players in philadelphia and san jose war, those jerseys and that's a win in the world. Now, when we get ninety five percent of people to agree on anything serious thought. fix non serious topics. That's a wind I can't speak for any members of this committee, nor what I try to The one thing I would say is: I have come face to face with hate in my life. I've seen it directly in front of. face in my life, and I have always tried to be positive. I thought was a very. Positive guy, but I have always tried to be positive and look at things optimistically.
and when I see that ninety five percent of players war, the jersey on these two teams, I think that that's a win I think it's actually a very big when it it was to me you where we're going in I understand that some people may not agree with me that it's not good enough and not going to argue with anyone, everybody, entitled to feel how they want to feel especially the members of that committee bite. I guess I've come face to face with unbelief prejudice before and if you told me, this would be the result of these two particular situations. If it was, factors me directly. I would take it now. The five percent as a win I just hope we keep moving in this direction. That's all and point off the top. We can't be surprised that it's not one hundred percent on every single team, but the fact that
on these teams are generally only one player is not. something that when you and I started this industry, we could even contemplate.
Taking us out is a four piece rock band from florence, mississippi the weeks formed in two thousand and six and since then they've put out seven studio albums from their two thousand and seventeen record easy here's, the week's the bottle rocket. Thirty, two though the motto is, I am sure that all the fall, the fall fallback, the.
Transcript generated on 2023-03-24.