« 32 Thoughts: The Podcast

Jordan Martinook

2023-04-27 | 🔗

He’s an integral part of the Carolina Hurricanes and is the Masterton Trophy nominee for the team. Jordan Martinook has played a role on whatever team he’s been on. He joined Jeff and Elliotte to talk about some of his favourite hockey memories, scoring a Gordie Howe hat-trick in front of Gordie Howe, coming up with ideas for the Storm Surge, his relationship with his agent, the ritual he had started with Tobias Rieder that still lives on through Andrei Svechnikov, talks about his love of acting and karaoke (big Nickelback fan) and explains what makes the Caroline Hurricanes so special.

Email the podcast at [email protected] or call The Thought Line at 1-833-311-3232 and leave us a voicemail

This podcast was produced and mixed by Amil Delic, and hosted by Jeff Marek and Elliotte Friedman.

Audio Credits: Bally Sports & Roadrunner.

The views and opinions expressed in this podcast are those of the hosts and guests and do not necessarily reflect the position of Rogers Sports & Media or any affiliates.

This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Is that all we have now. You know this is a guide dog. welcome to thirty two thoughts: the interview podcast presented by gm sea and the canyon eighty four x today Jordan, Martin nook of the carolina hurricanes, now work with me, you're a little This may sound weird or maybe at least a little bit obvious. But martin is a hockey player. And by that I mean everything Jordan, Martin nook, says hockey player. He looks like a player he sounds like a hockey player he's from a hockey crazy power. And manitoba- and really seems comfortable and most at home, around hockey? Put it this way. He
go to interview with the carolina hurricanes for a reason and you're about to find out. Why here, in a second, quickly, especial thanks, unlike some time, be: caroline hurricanes, vp of communications and also michael brown manager of communications for the team for making this interview possible now elliot- and I sat down with martin, a few weeks ago in ottawa before the hurricanes played the senators and I tell we knew, was going to be good, forehead. We had no idea. What can be this good, though I really good time with this interview a car goes through some different places and I'll tell you what sticker and if, for only one reason, Martin tell it was an amazing quality. How story it's an all timer trust me you'll love it here is pretty
I thought the podcast and the carolina hurricanes, Jordan, Martin, the jordan. I want to get the hockey geeky stuff out of the way early Eliot's eyeballs were already rolling, but the first time I saw you play was probably the first time elliott saw you play. Let's go back to two thousand and eleven to keen arena in white horse whole lucky day, Canada was the first time I ever saw you play. What do you remember from hockey in white horse? It was your vancouver giants. Against the kamloops blazers yeah, that was obviously a cool game being hockey in canada, was like. Obviously you guys were there.
and I think don cherry was there. So it was a being a kid playing juniors, that's a that's a big deal and it was like the rank. I kind of grew up playing in may was, but they packed in. I think three or four thousand people it was. It was awesome, a cool experience and that's cool. I didn't know you guys were there. I remember the ad. The flight from vancouver to whitehorse was sitting next to ron Maclean and on the other side, It was Pat quinn's. While I was just like sitting there absorbing like all the great hockey stories where you ought to read on the plane where we had. We were on the back than me. Okay, there we go yep, yep, yep, that's a long time that was and west hundred. How did Martin look in the industry much behave on that flight? Were they? but it was weird dog- has a head coach on who is here for hours, head coach and powers on the flight solar. As a member of one of my favorite hockey names of all time- and you are right there when it is human rights, haines, gotten affairs west, then you and eyes and westphalia- and maybe like the best hockey name of fur
I threw down what it I want to get the junior stuff out of the way, quick and then we'll get to the nhl. What are your memories of playing with the giants? I mean there were no big names around the team and not just on the team yourself and Brendan Gallagher, but- and I mention pat quinn around the team like these were big names. I have a picture and at my mom's house that, I got name captain at christmas time, my second year when galley went away for world junior, so we had a gordy how night and an about a month after they got back gordy howe still still alive and came, and I gotta gordy how trick the mate he was in the building for, I'm wearing the gordie howe jersey so no way that was a pretty cool, pretty cool moment. I skated to the box after I fought and I threw my work in the area where I saw where you're sitting and obviously looking back on and now it's like typical that junior
yeah good. I I thought gordy. How in the stands you can, you can do do a little something but yeah. That's it it's an amazing memory. I I feel bad because we had some. We had a couple of good teams there and we just never ever really did anything with it when you look back at it, but had a great time there and got me ready for for pro hockey. That's, for sure, be an underdog. Did you see gordy after the game, like that? I we heating come down after is the older and yet not in the best of shape, but he got it. We did like a media day before and got to see him and shake his hand and actually in the picture is given me like little shot nets ass, to be able to have a gordy. How had tricked nay, wherein, like the gordy, how jerseys with with him there was that's, that's one of my cooler hockey memories, sure it's funny you talk about that kind of thing, because you know when I asked when we were doing this, and I I called around one thing that people said to me is: is you have this hilarious knack and it's? This is probably your best.
There is a person that whenever something funny happens around a team your usually right in the middle of it have you all We've been that kind of a guy. I I I dunno I just maybe I think I just love. I like keeping a light at the end of the day, we're playing a game, and I always make a joke as the best job in the world. I'll say that and if you're not having fun with it, then what are you doing here? It's a that's kind of my my mindset and I try to come to work or lattimore, come to come to play hockey every day and have have a blast, and usually that ends up being a lot of jokes and a lot of fun with
guys around the room. In that spirit, where does the and give us the story behind it? Mr S, fetched in a cough cough yeah that comes back from arizona days that didn't even start was fetch. It started with Tobias rieder and we had an old parking attendant that helped us get down the ramp in arizona and everytime. He show up I drove with connor and toby. Go I miss dakota and to me so then, before the game I'd say it to Toby I'd, go why it's toby reader and then scratch. Obviously, what I got carolina was eighteen years old. It was his first first time in the nhl and I dunno. If he was nervous, I thought he might have been nervous, but I just wanted to like keep it light forum and it's kind of started, and then I could see
He kind of I dunno if he liked it or if he didn't like it, but he didn't really have much of a choice and then I just kept going with it and then it's kind of evolved throughout the years and then now that I kind of just went back to the o g with with the yeah, the mister fetch and the coughing. But now he's been I have been doing that and so no one takes its place. No one takes its place. That's not me it, MR western hs or hope as now system means fetch things what lose your roster spot to the injuries? You don't lose. You don't lose your routine due to injury. Well, you know, I guess it kind of since we're talking about your personality, like that guess we should go to the storm surge cause. You had a key part in that, and I remember I saw carol who told me this, and it was one of your former teammates in arizona, but he said that he thought the storm surge was really dumb and then he
and when evander holyfield showed up and knocked you out or whoever was knocked out. He said he had to call you and tell you that night won me over like that was cool, yeah yeah. I know we and, let's be honest there that first year there was a couple we're running out of things to do. Is we set out pre game meal? We be grinding for an hour and a half to come up with ideas and we'd get fans rightness, the warlike hague. We did like a fan voter, give us some ideas and I think, out of a hundred and fifty ideas again, we could use, maybe two of them, so it was. It was a lot of work to come up with these things and a couple of them just kind of fell into our lap, like the holyfield one with him coming to the game. It was like. Justin Williams came up to me before the game and he's like hey you're, going to be the main character of the storm search tonight, and I was like okay great. What am I do and he's like you? see. Unlike what do you mean I'll see like a kind of need to know what I'm doing, he's no noise?
you'll see and then obviously, when he k wholly field talked to us before the game- and I was like ok, that's what I'm doing cause brought the box and gloves, and I did a little acting in my high school day, so I tried to act without here comes the out of his way. No special way with this one is going to do this for you
the first year, obviously with the storm surge and just the way our team was, and it was kind of a fitting thing for the way our team was, and we felt like we were kind of I dunno not under the underdogs are the team that should have been there and we're doing this wacky new thing and yeah. It was a. It was a cool year. Now this I have a lot of follow. Ups on it, I'm number one. Did you ever imagine that you would make the nhl and the thing you would be spending more of your time on would be what's the what we're going to do with the storm searched, and I know exactly that, sir. I think that's why we couldn't continue it as much as the fans wanted to just because you can do you can't do or say you win seventy percent a year Now it's hard at so impatient at the start of surge ended because the hurricanes are too good since you have no idea of ideas too fast. I thank you for the way you put it like that. I think the fans can appreciate that
that way. Now why ok you mentioned we settle, do a little to understand. Not the irish. I believe me. Creativity is hard a day. I get that for you you got a lot of suggestions. You couldn't use. What was one suggestion that you wish you could have done, but you couldn't, or maybe the wildest suggests an offence sent in. They wanted us to shock gun storm brew like the beer that they have for the hurricane wanted us all the shot gun at a storm blew on on the ice. I thought those I wonder, what could have been pretty fun, but that highlight would have been played for everybody, Well, yeah. I thought that one could have been fun but didn't happen. This is a fascinating team. I want to out with the carolina hurricanes like I look at this keane's team, and I say this as a team that it is a combination of new school skill and old school tactics like this is,
team that law the decisions are run based on how your crew measures the game and analytics specifically. Yet if, when I watch the carolina hurricanes play, it doesn't look like a team is being led by analytics. It gets a tea a rod, brind, more coach team that has analytics as its fuel to govern how the roster is put together. For example, How do you find that balance? One word again and we're hum as we should, it s kind of ever. I said earlier, but he'll but it stems from our work ethic him it doesn't matter if it's a whore me or stall, or anybody it's everybody's workin there, but off and I feel like once you once act go on, then you can see are the scale of our team kind of take off and our team. We want to break them down and you can usually see when we're plan our best. It's where darling, waiting down in there and we might might not score every time, we may not we'll get alot of chair
but then they are not coming back at us and I think I think that's probably one of our main strategies is we want to make them is tired, as they can because they're not in a hundred miles an hour at us, and then you can roll it over and they d stared, it's fun. The watchword team seeking to see there I was hanging out and they're coming up the ice and they're like whoa they're coming at us again, and you talk to guys playing against guys that we know and stuff it's like. They come into carolina they're like oh boy, we wrote it like everybody. Just knows it's like here and here they come here. They. I feel like that, something that we try and hang our head on and
We always say our work, ethical be first and foremost, and then the skills takes over from there from a player's point of view cause. I know it's easy to say in the story's been well told about in a rod. Britain two more sets like a standard on this team, but as far as players go like who sets the work rate like who sort of dictates? I guys this is the level we have to stay at. I it's definitely rati is. Is it just starts from day one? That's it's his speech that you walk into training camp. You do your medicals and he does a speech in your feet. He says either you get on the bus or you're getting or we'll find somebody else and then you've you're like okay. Well, if I want to be a part of this I'd better this, what I gotta do-
and then I'll be seeing you could Jordan stall, whether he does night and a night out his game doesn't change its. If roddy could design a player, I think that's who he's designing, so I think George o definitely leads the way and then, when you got aarhus, our best player that hate to lose more than anybody ever met in my life and he's works as hard as anybody on his game and just every aspect. So when your captain leads the way in your superstar leads away, If it's you, you just follow France kind of how it works is Britain were still like the biggest animal in the room among the aura in the in the gym among the organization or hers I remember stall, seeing him at nineteen and the penguins put like one attach one of those sleds to him he's pulling the weights along and, and they said at nineteen, he was the strongest player on the pitch.
work, so is it them or is there someone else who kind of runs the gym a bit? Giorgio is definitely he's just an ox he's actually out he's just the beast, and then fetch is probably our next strongest guy and obviously burn the still yes to so, and then yeah roddy rowdies in there all the time. So yeah he's a he's up there. Also, if you it must not when he says get on the bus or we're going to get rid of you, it must not be too hard to get on the bus when you've got four people like that, and one of them's, your head coach yeah exactly, and I I just think that when people come to our team now, I obviously since roddy took over it's everybody kind of sees the way we do it and everybody talks about culture and standard and all this stuff, and I
it's something with we built for five years now and it's obviously it starts with roddy, but the players that have been here. We take a lot of pride in that as well. Is there competition in the gym, while J for our training camp, we have a competition so referred. Basically, all your summer training. We doubt the captain's draft teams and we do do a little competition and ok who's the most, I and who wins For that everybody, the most competitive kazoo on when you get your name the wall and we have looked at the fittest. Hurricane see five hurricane. They call it so guys are trying to be that so you're, the fittest guy can pretty much and then than like georgia pics a team. I pick a team slavic fishy or are hoping to the team, and we want our team to win so this year came down to three on three overtime and issued a winner by myself, so
guys like you like it or not. I can tell you that you can tell us why you get it. You get up one day off practice so that we add the whatever day you aren't. You can get a day off practice. Did you take it? I took it. That's that's also fascinating, but the koran hurricanes wanted when, when this team is on and click it and how many people they watch and everybody seemed like every line, seems to fit really well on the line it's really click. What's your, I can you're mine in your conversations with rod, Brenda anymore. What's your position on this team? What does expect that eu?
I feel like I- I try and lead lead the way with my work ethic and I try to make sure my my motor doesn't stop running everytime on the ice and obviously we don't. We have a mix of europeans and americans canadians, and so I try. I try to be a pretty big voice in the room and for the most part we we don't need a kick in the butt too often, but sometimes you need it and yeah I'd I'd just try and lead the way in the standard that we do it, and I obviously, when I, when a voice needs to be heard, sometimes it's my voice. Was there ever a problem with like, like I don't if clicking? This is the right word, but did you ever have that cause? Never ever in my time in carolina, that's good yeah I've never,
I ever had a guy that I didn't like playing with here. It's I dunno. If it's just the way the mat management targets, they target good players, but they all also target good people, which is a which is something that it's nice as a player. You not never have to deal with anybody that you don't want to deal with which burns been like, since he got here what an awesome, yeah, they're, awesome, yeah hi, it's fun, I feel, like I've sat with them at a lot
team, dinners and some time on the busey. He has five backpacks that he brings so sometimes he usually sits at the front cause. He doesn't want to lug them all the way to the back, so he'll come back and we'll have a longer bus ride and just just stay here, chatham up about not even hockey stuff. Just some of the things he's done is is pretty cool just to pick his brain and hear hear all about some of the things he's done, give us an example, and we did this like the shooting thing, and I was like utah or wyoming, and it was like with X, marines or acts like high ranking army people, and they had it was like teams of four and there. It was like a three day camp. They had to go out and it was almost like a competition like kind of like not like a hunger games thing
but they had to go shoot from one thousand feet away and they had a hit it and all their team. Members had to be a part of it and then run up hills, and it was just like that, like an iron man for these, like for shooting, pretty much wow and you had to go with your team and, as you said, it was insane and then at night, they'd obviously make camp with all the teams and get to hear stories about all these guys and some of the missions they've done. These met some cool people. That's for sure. While you know you mentioned them, targeting good people and not just good players, your team targets fins a lot. It has a lot of fins on the carolina hurricanes. I'm I'm curious from you know, playing with a with a lotta finnish players. Is there something that you can discern? That is distinctive about the way the finns, hockey or are we at a place now and hockey? Where players
more similar than their different and it doesn't matter where they come from from a tough question. I dont think that they'd do anything more different them than we do or over here. Obviously, I think you look at art too. All current terrified and our whole there. They got a lot of skill and I feel like a turbo. works on it. A lot, and yet also hill will see videos of him in the summer just out on the ice just working on his hands and stuff. So I feel I I don't know- maybe do a little more skilled work over there. But you look at you. We talk earlier. You got to twelve and thirteen year, all their land a thirteen year old wherever you are right now, I feel like if you're not workin on skill, well in skating, you're gonna pass by not by people, so I think it's the way, the way hockey's going if you're not you're, not working on this stuff or getting past. So it's a I r fins are doing it or swedes or russians
I'm er, I'm doing a little better than that? It's all it's good! It's there, but they're great they're, great guys, yep all speak good, english! It's it's good! I was going to say because one of the things I've found is, I think finnish is the most undecipherable language. Oh yeah, I have like. We were talking to hints and a hole in it he's going in and they were. We asked him to count to five and finish and I have like. Normally, you can kind of figure out what resort yeah. I had no idea what those guys were say it's they actually there'll. Be say: there's three of them and there'll be another guy in the room. It doesn't speak. Finnish they'll talk, English, which is which is a nice thing. You don't have to be like. Ok, what did they say yeah. You were mentioning before that. You did some acting in high school. What was this like? What did what play, or whatever were you I'd after calling to I'd, have to do it use a lifeline to call my mom cause? She knows the name
one, but we did these things called the one act, so you are just with one or I had a girl that we did the it's just you and her and you're just a one one on one person kind of play, and I can't remember that I know I remember her name her character. she was jane marwood by. I was actually they move to show the one night cause. I was I was supposed to play hockey, so we moved it to Monday, I think or sunday or so I could be a part of it. My drama teacher was unbelievable, so he I ended up doing for four years. For years they actually made a new class for me to call that musical theatres. I could take another semester because I'm a mere my drama teacher were he. He was awesome, use the football coach to someone who we got along really good, and I was
I was I felt like I was pretty good at it. So like them, I think now are. We are wheeling your post hawking colors, their acting in your future. I I wish for you it's like what would you have done if hockey wasn't possible, would you have been a theatre person here? Maybe I don't know I would have seen where went, but I dont think I would have been. I wouldn't know that my dream wasn't maybe to levy a reality. Can you sing? I can't sing. I love to sing. I try hard lot to a oki was you're here. Ok, so we all my whole settlers journey with you, job what I wanna dance or somebody by any news. The real follow me by uncle cracker- and there are usually finish with my favorite nickel backs on maybe rocks animals you're that drugs. You were at the hell. We parties
are you dressed as nick you in your white ass, his nickel tat right up technical back is that, were you jealous the Connor Mcdavid guy was very jealous boy console live out my time in caroline, I did a dance to one of the nickelback songs and I usually I always say Nickelback is canada's best band and they all give me a hard time and then they were they seen. The connor was doing their holiday for canadian hall of fame thing and they're like. I can't believe that and fly in to do that
I was like yeah, I'm ian Connor coulda done it together, either america or their their american heitman. You know we read when I was in arizona. Four of us got to go, see them and we got to meet Chad and stuff. It was a lotta lotta fun. That's that's awesome! You know before the interview we're talking about your new teammates, watching you fc that anything growing up boxing MM a wrestling anything like that for you. Ah, it did like a little boxing just for training hockey, training wise, but I just rustle rustle your buddies. Now and again, I think I went on my my cousin's bachelor party when I was eighteen and they were, I think, he's said seven or eight years older than me. So all his buddies were almost late, late, twenties, early thirties and I ended up wrestling like half the bachelor
then lose there, so that that'd be my only only moma. I guess experience. I'm always feels like you're you're, a professional athlete they're professional athletes. What do you think of when, like last night, for example, you watching you fc? I've always wondered. You know what the feeling is like when you hear the gate close like what goes through your mind, psychologically, be your pro athlete you face danger on a consistent basis when you watch you fc like what goes through your mind as an athlete added
We actually talked about the step on last. I were watching these like. Why is my heart racing so much and it's like you're, not even you're, watching it and you're you're, like you just get on the edge of your seat, your hearts gone. I think just the fact that there is just one person in there and you're one on one: it's like one on one combat and that guy can, if he hits yeah it's just it's crazy. The fact that they, what they do to put their life on the line to, but that's It's the way they're going to make a living. So that's what they gotta do last one for me, Jordan. I heard her. I hear a really nice story of oj. I wanted to ask you about your representatives, Jeff Halper, right yep. so you're a you're in the second year of a three year deal three years. I and I I heard that when this deal got done, you went and you took him out for a very special meal like this was a a big contract for you and
I didn't get tee with them and you didn't know. No, I I set it up with his wife, so I'd like guide set dinner up for them. He's, obviously you're my agent, but I've built a pretty pretty great friendship with him throughout throughout my time, and I'm just very fortunate to I e here a lot of stories. Where guys are I don't like my agent or this, and this and I've never ever had that? Had that feeling he's been amazing and I he works, works works really hard for me and I wanted to he wanted to give a little back for him and yeah. I set it up with a wife and they went out for a nice dinner and I'd do it.
Every night. If I could but he'd cut, he drinks a lot of life yeah, but not the cheap stuff that he likes. It gets the last one for me: is it cup or bust for the carolina hurricanes this year? I once you get to this point where you're making the playoffs consistently every year. It's that's the end goal and we're going to do everything we can to get it and obviously we are- that's that is either. I dont know what bust means, if its. If that means blow it up I think now I think, like that, that's what's going to determine whether again you're might kill you right.
while we've been we've been knocking on the door and I feel like it's. You want to just kind of make them you want to continue to grow and make the next step. When I feel like we're within their we've, been around it and we just it's a you guys know it it kind of got to get lucky. If everything's gonna fall into the right place, it's exciting time. Everybody, the second already think someone please listen. The thirty two thoughts, podcast ad free on amazon, music included with pride, Jordan, Martineau, the carolina hurricanes. Hope you enjoy that an like look between you and me. I told you that court, story was. There was an all time. Right was a wrong. Now.
Was great thanks to jordan martinek for make himself available. That was record on a sunday afternoon. There were skating bad day as well, and he spent a good part of his morning slash afternoon with me and ally itself. jordan. Thank you very much So you can watch the full video of that interview on sports nets you to channel and that's also part. our seas and long hockey pop up series, which is just so delicious. I love it. Hope you enjoy jarred martinek on thirty two thoughts, the pot gas have a here, the.
Transcript generated on 2023-04-28.