« WTF with Marc Maron Podcast

Episode 1501 - Joel Edgerton

2024-01-08 | 🔗
Joel Edgerton’s decision to start a filmmaking collective with his brother and friends in Australia is the foundation for his career and an ideal representation of the collaborative process. Joel talks with Marc about the allure of menace, which he infuses into the films he’s directed like The Gift and Boy Erased, as well as his performances in movies like Black Mass, Animal Kingdom and The Stranger. Joel also explains the revelation that occurred to him on his latest film, The Boys in the Boat, which made him understand why we all love an underdog story.

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
The All right, let's do this: how are you what the fuckers, what the fuck buddies, what the fuck next what's happening? mark mare, and this is my podcast. Welcome to what day is it what's the date janet a man this year is ripping by it's been a week. Its ripping, buys screaming by this year. so today, on the show jaw edgerton Guys one the best just one, the best actors I was, I recently watched black mass like a few times on hbo and and and we ve been Talking about it. How good he is in it and then then he got a guy.
Opportunity to have a modern as like, fuck yeah, fuck, yeah I'll? Have him on he's? Also in the great gets bees been an animal kingdom the ground, railroad master gardener. He directed the films. The gift in boy erased. and he was in that one I like. What was that one called? Was it that way, the stranger that- dad I'll try and film that It is crazy! like I knew I was going to talk to him and I just I I'd seen coming attractions for I didn't know what it was. The stranger austria, in crime drama based on it story, and it is the most menacing movie ever seeing the acting is beyond anything. I can even understand. I mean jaws amazing. But that other guy, I gotta talk to him I'm going to talk to him about it. I know I did that. I don't even know why I'm playing that trick with you. I already talked to him about it. How was I not going to talk to him about
that guy sean harris in that movie is beyond. I mean it's, it's like up there. If better in terms of psychotic, then Can he hopkins in silence of the lamps somehow reminds me a little that there were some part in it or no maybe it was like Tat were being as at the garden in the guy who played the killer in one of the land. it puts it in a basket that guy. I don't know man but John Harrison, the stranger and our goal. Edgerton a bet. Whatever ran, I watch bloom. I might also watch the boys in the boat. Which is the new one directed by cloning that he's him, but I just always in a kind of odd by this guy, these a strange man, some in the water down there, some of the actors down there just fucking. transcendent
I'm at largo, in LOS Angeles tomorrow, tuesday january, ninth san diego, I met the observatory north park on Saturday january. Twenty seventh two shows san Francisco the castro theatre on Saturday February third portland main at the state theatre on thursday march, a seventh medford massachusetts, I'd boston at the chevalier theatre on friday, marge eighth. Evidence rhode, island at the strand, theatre on thirty march knife, tarrytown new york at the tarrytown muse. Call on Sunday march. Tenth at the georgia. I met the bucket theatre on Friday march, twenty second madison wisconsin at the bare or theatre on Wednesday April. Third know why He was gone since the turner hall ballroom on thursday April fourth chicago at the vic theatre. On Friday April fifth,
and minneapolis I'm at the pan theatre on Saturday April. Sixth, in go to deputy, F pod dot com, slash tour for tickets, yeah man, it's been a little cry: like I've been obviously on the edge of it going to the dock today, because it you know, I had a fuckin spiral. Doubt. at the wall at the nicotine. Again these patterns totally predictable how do we predictable how and a handle them but getting any younger. You know I just get to a point where it just becomes clear as fuckin day, Your what addiction looks like in any capacity If you haven't you, have it. and if you don't have it for one thing you have it another, and if you quit one thing it'll fight: its way
somewhere else now look my is an unmanageable really because of whatever in portions. I have, but the nicotine getting crazy and just gets you appoint with that shit you need, it's amazing what your brain will do to rationalize the addictive brain I heard your nicotine's kind of good your brains like the way it's like an alcoholic with like one, a glass of red wine a days is, is good for you cut to to waiter, a bottle and a half two bottles of red wine a day still maybe it's good for you, hey, nicotine, good for my brain you're, sweating, dude- and here you know you you Are you taking weird not just naps your falling. sweep with nicotine lozenge in your mouth, which you could choke on or a pouch needed
rose before dude talking to myself here, not to anyone in particular, but to me so I put myself off. It got off the coffee, which is what I You got out of fairly strong irish tea, which arguably I'm more power, buzz and coffee different dude, different. The irish tee with the asylum in the morning, two cups of that in my brain is on fuckin fire on top of the withdrawal which is not physical anymore, but mental cause. You know that the mental thing is like you get lost Into this sword, like I'm gonna, get up another copying of tourism, gaining started day off again yeah, can a humming man got away you wake up and, like I'm gonna, I can't dammit our right. This is better. This.
better. Whatever this tone is, this is better. Better just you know you each furtive youtube. Just the damn you know mean you whenever you self medicate, with whatever it is, even if its exercise or for whatever it is when you pull it out when he went he when you stop it, then the fuckin. Damn breaks in everything that you ve been keeping a bay emotionally its comes right up, and then he got decide what to do with it. Spin kind of fire on stage, so I can it broke through the other night. I guess it's weird guess I'll. Do. These longer shows that these smaller venues and I'll get all raw and vulnerable and cry I mean I krajina, like I just cry. Sometimes. I tried to resolve the rift with an old buddy who was mad at me for whatever fucking reason and we can resolve it, but you know in trying to resolve it and choked up. I feel bad about
away from. Unlike me, fuckin idiot why'd, you girl, choked up dude, it's ok, man. You know her feelings are her feelings right here fact I can put you know like it, so I know what you're impulses but you're hurt feelings or you in turn her feelings into fuckin spite pretty fucking quick. Just now, run it through the mill waiting do the sadness. I don't know lash out at my television here. There's pardon me- they want to check out people just check out I'm not saying of life, but out of the fucking Yeah you know that that the hamster wheel of being a mid level public person. feeling like I have to do this comedy that I'm doing because it's important for whatever reason it's funny but like I need to say my peace and express myself, I'm fuckin tired man and this year's
gonna be a fuckin clusterfuck. It's gonna break me the fuck apart. I can already feel Happy new year I mean what was I saying, adjutant here today, thinking of improving your online present this year. Don't waste any more time, get yourself over two squares base that com. So I study a t f and start making a beautiful website that has everything you need for your brand. We cry w p, have pod dotcom using square space, but there is one example of how you can make square space work for you, because if you need to post and share videos, you can do that easily with the squire space video studio, or maybe you want to have subscriber content like we do. You can do that with the squares member areas and Take advantage of this glorious by email campaigns to have you visitors sign up, so you can stay in touch with them about everything. You're doing everything don't be shy. Every take in the bathroom. Had discourse
the compromise, w idea for a free trial and when you are ready to launch use, offer code wtf to save ten percent off your first purchase of a website or domain that scores based dot com, so as wmd offer code w tea, Ass ya, cats are ok, charlie beans, roscoe fulfilled, the kitten ass, all browsers. We guy buster buster, the booster sweet guy, Sammy Sammy's, coming around sammy smoky this measure smoothly sam the cat. the orange tabby has now become a sort of self owning weirdo before you just like anti social and unto himself now full on fuckin whacked job great cat might be. best one in his own way. You know them
It's a genius is that you're uncomfortable with initially and then you're like sky got. This guy's got a thing got a thing. This guy, Joel Edgerton? I was honoured to talk to this guy because I think he's a great after the movie that he's currently in the boys in the boat directed by george clooney as currently in theatres, but he's been man watch the stranger hoof wow, what black, mass too much better movie than I thought it was, and I thought it was pretty good the first time by watch it like five times now, watch a lot of movies. anyway. This is me talking to Joel Edgerton.
What a gradual gone with the wind in the line of was in the line of fire, with the with the plastic gun the current eastward. Why many knocks on the ladys doors in the sort of charm- his wine and is one of those villain performances where you actually, he actually, he actually terrifies me yeah, rather than Another film is telling me that I should be scared of this person right yeah, oh yeah, you, oh, he can lock into the scary. Will you do all right with that? little bit. I think. There's people do it naturally, so well, the creepy people here Yes, he did. I decide to do accosting you because you're actually scare me in real life or that happens. It's gotta happen all the time yeah We did it in a movie which one mother gift,
now in the stranger which we might in australia during car guess during dude. What are you what the fuck is that movie, we may Why me I just watched it, but only on harassment. John Harrison was gonna vibration. That is actually terrifying. Those fucking crazy. It's crazy. that movie, I watched the college. I may have seen our your movies over the years, but you know The new one, and then I saw the year- I saw that the stranger come out by. Now you you never know how to register anything. You know you, you look at a trailer. It comes by MIKE I dunno. What that is, you know, and then I'm like well just watch it. I didn't know. I didn't know if it was a mini series or movie. So watched it and it seems to me like I was going to ask you about that. I me I mean that's it like a risky business as an actor in what way,
well into your put yourself into a character that pretending to be somebody else here. Even though he's a cop, it's a difficult situation and you know that vibration, that's coming off a shot. Harris is met, sing. You know I'm and it's just you guys remedies actors movie. Will it was one of the first turns out every sort of shepherd Private puff himself had written shepherded project from from a book stage right book is a nonfiction night. it's not right in it. It started as a news story that I had read about how they caught this killer right ten years after fact nothing, it was such a big thyssen is dryly that so you option the book yeah I I. I went looking for the option for the balkans, someone else had it and I waited cross My feeling is that they wouldn't do anything with it and waited a whole year, finally get a hold of it. How ngos that was that? How long was that process?
The whole process from from getting the like getting my hands and a book to making the film is got two or three years. and how did you find? What's what's your relationship with thomas right? Well, I director squat funny I was making my second film boy raised. I was looking for people, all too player? christian right wing united, each of these conversion therapy place yet- and I was going Some types in And- this guy's type was amazing. It knows I recognize you sky incredible, didn't realize whose is trailing until someone told me that he was the guy from Jain campion series top the like a character called Toma. That's why I've seen him and on noise is striving okay, but he d. Good trick taboo, sullen, united, crazy christian. And I m a good on the farmers got like
as time with him whatever, and he said I just got a fine. It's for my first film that I've written, I didn't realize he was planning of directing and as I will obviously cannot do, that is their work for me. Can I say when you finished here, and a year and a half light. It we'd both finished our films. He sent it to me and I'll see you don't know this watching anyone's. First, you have been a boy arrest. The area and he sent me his, and it is the first time through my own. It could have been terrible, but it was one of the best I boom films. I'd seen What was a cop acute misfortune here in a strange feeling is voted number one where there was a list of somebody saying best, films of australia, the asked decade yeah and That was number one year, but its very little saint film over here. it's about the relationship between a journalist and an artist and
did malevolence in danger that he created out of this are the true story between an honest and a journalist. Yes, so intense tat, I said I'd really like to find him to do together. Yeah we talked- and we talked about this- the stranger and that's that swear to god to did the scream did you he wrote it. He wrote it I had planned. I had this vision that I would write and direct the movie and when I saw his film I just realized he was gonna be far it was gave you must bitter in his hands while it you know It'S- it's not great narrative right, it's broken up. It's like any other It's there pieces. As in a kind of power taking away right, but is a couple of scenes in their cause. I've seen you act in a lot of movies. We, you know I don't know where the money, it's come from, but that seen in that movie where he start we,
please, that music for you here I mean when you're in that moment. He really can have committed to something like there is like a new depth of weirdness unfolding with that guy. All the time here you know have this thing about rotted actors that I really admire is when they give you saying that feels necessary to the building of character, yachting story, but I, the two you in a really unorthodox way. David may show is fantastic, that in in a cannibal king, the animal kingdom, your eyes Hussein's way straight version of that same. Would you know I could imagine it easily, but the way he gets you into that information is so unorthodox like. How does he do? I guess that's a menacing movie too. That was the first big movie right, as its aim is yet is a saying in the animal kingdom web ben mendelson story is china, sideways nephew that he should man up, because
my characters you know a being shot and that, if the your shoe's on the other foot or if, if he was in that position, if he was the one that he killed, I would have already retaliated against place It's the information you get the same, but the way that David to say is that bans character through the factories drinking the nephew, he had gin and tonic year start questioning, sexuality and suited he's wearing crests questioning the wise dressing. They are questioning sexuality and really undermining his masculinity. and then gives him the information and its uncomfortably funny Well, that's what I'm on that, but that's it the drive shaft of the entire movie, the stranger yeah, that's what thomas was was in my mind, more qualified for it, because it the the book is quite dry to its content.
Out of the court case, yeah and therefore it becomes an account of the sting operation. This epochs in operation thomas's way into it was to make sure that it wasn't just gonna turn into a procedural. Why yet the fact that you don't know as an audience member that this is one of the biggest missing child. You no story he's or events in the history of that part of the country. so you and even get that information till two thirds of the way through Here there was something about him, I think thomas being father, your character to. my character being father again, while those wallows making the film I found out that I was going to become a dead really there, this really and to try and exploit material in a way that was a lot of television that really lanes on the harm of children or the harm of women. Sure, and really explicitly shows that we did the op
you know you. You hardly even know why the place her ass to this guy until three quarters of the wind in the film right beauty is thinking. He must have done something really terrible for there to be this. Many undercover cops chatting him around. So when you work with somebody like mission if, as you say, his name, diving, Musha, he's australian yeah so is that, where you start picking up your own kind of approach to directing absolutely my brother, David, not a guy here and ass, he smith, I have a little company called blue tongue, which is really more and more of just a collective of filmmakers and we don't really have an office or anything. What does that mean? You guys are you know you bring projects and you talk about them, you decide. Is it a production, company or yeah? We don't. We don't have a pr, we don't nor a production company for profit right. We we basically are
us pollinating sharing ideas, if I write a screen, plato, email it to the gang, ok and I'll get like you know the tough of certain artisanal active, if somebody's got a first card of something lowers be first to say it yeah, it's really just about, and safety in numbers. It's it's also the byproduct of it. Is it it's it's a place where everybody gets envious of each other yeah you fucker, who now model for other guys to a festival and says David's got new films are really want to make. My next film, like now your competitive spirit, with a competitive spirit and and just dumb, the ability to criticise each other without wound, but is that, does that mean that requires a tough scanner People are actually a criticising an unpleasant away. I think it's nice to get criticism when eyes. Never not good old, prefer, pat on the back and show, but it's no. I said
I get criticism from people that you understand where it's coming from and what their sensibilities are. So how long is this collective been in place? How many have you been showing them script since, like what was the first film might out my brother- and I hear and minor first film in naughty naughty, seeks a short film and then it it was just a series of short films. Until then women my brother on meda, first film, two thousand and eight the square the square? And now that part of the collective amended a reality we had the name by then Funnily enough. We only had the name because we needed something to call out bank count it earlier. We needed for some money in having an so the collective sort of going around his light nineties. Now, when you writing his grip, because it's weird to me terms of your writing in directing the the
that you chose to the across the board, wrote directed primarily because the very different I mean the gift is again menacing and It is surprising unfolding of a dynamic, but it's it's, a thriller really give rise, xenophobia, and I yo you you were trying to do that. Yeah you're right, I'm going to write one of the I want to. I wanted to write, my version of a nineties triangle, thriller here and then boy erased. That's that's all whole other ball of wax yeah, but, like In terms of what you do acting wise and and writing wise, I may I get. There are two different things, but why that story I started to realize it pretty much everything there. I was writing or everything those rotting in my own area that I was leaning into as writer. You know that when I adapted boy raised on a carried a theme that I keep
visiting even now still do it and the end the thing kate revisiting is fascinated by what paper, when people do things that are wrong and what then Next thing I do it says like, I believe we, you know, I too making having moral hiccups. Here Biggest decision you gonna make is what you do asked in the aftermath right of wrong doing I wrote a movie called felony in australia, two thousand twelve, about a policeman who who causes an accident with a child? How does it up the whole movies about him. Getting back to a place of truth in the gift The opposite is jason vitamins, character being honoured, Able to get back to apply so firm, contrition and they I can remember, is that because he had repressed the memory
He was absolutely aware, the memory he was totally aware of his relationship with my character ages continuously through the movie, alters his narrative every time more and more information comes to it. It's it's interesting because you are I did as the scary guy yeah well, that was the whole point of the gate was: did the dynein triangle thrillers lovely couple that a besieged by a crazy person to bring us into the movie in that way, but then flip the roles of your own villain, you so ok, so with boy erase the thing that was wrong or the wrong doing was on behalf Russell crow as a father yeah mainly to you know this idea that as a mother, she acquiesced to the wishes of a husband put his son through this facility
guy in her own corner, strengthen knowledge enough to go against the will of her husband as it is. Husband, who is a pastor and find acceptance funny evidence in my current choices about you know radiating knowledge a wrong doing so? This was a broadening of your theme to about the the biggest degree you could gear and at the other thing about it was, found. Enough psychological disturbance in boy arise. You know I read the book. I read the memoir because off or phyllite covers therapy was something of a cult combined therapy. Now it's on fascinated by call a well, I mean well, it depends on how you feel about evangelical christianity as to whether or not that's occult yes exactly yeah, so that was that was my entry point into the book, and I found that there was something really disturb. There's almost like a horror movie. If you were to amplify those events within that
so I found a psychological disturbance in that to satisfy that that other aspect of my interesting story, but it's more of us, right, a drama than than that they. So when you share yours screenplays with the with the collective, in general wet whether year? What do you find? Your recurring faults are as far as labelling is just look on almost there's a great club that Andrew Dominic said to another friend of mine watching an early caught or I kind of a film a bunch of people had the same note you know, there's a recurring yeah kind of like criticism. And Andrew said. If enough people are telling you sick, you gotta, go to the doctor. epidemics, is its arrives. I need a lawyer,
I think, what I'm always looking for is some universal nazi nose like if you get the same night, three or four times you really gotta, listen to it right away. Why do you over right? Is it I write for sure and when you, when you're putting together a screenplay, are you of the school because, like if you look at something like the stranger. worked, the move you just did About the boys on the boat poison about you, you know that that story there's nothing in them movie no scene is not going to serve the story yeah and, and it is very kind of you- know what sort of cotton driving this underdog story? You know it's based on it, True story: you gotta little hitler in it, hitler hitler sprinkle of ala. I can see how that script works because you know why ever clooney decided to do. He wrote it to write george he's right well. This is this. Is the story? and then he so
but we need to look at something like a stranger you're. Those are totally artistic decisions. Oh yeah delineate, when you do you take a narrative out of adverse straight storytelling yeah and I did from paypal thinking different wise on very plug. Driven my ryan is very, very lay swords plot and eye on them. impressed with people who understand emotional plot, more subtle plot, most that's different. It's very If we could go totally against the narrative, and I had a really not an easy to my my post production on the gift was five months from the moment we finished shooting too, when it was released in the autumn. which anyone, Spain, through the peace processes, it's usually fulfilment a lot longer than five months, But the movie moves in a straight line. You know every
component builds to the next and really the decisions were about to our caught certain things out. We have they not necessary for myself or where do I enter or depart assain? How do I connect press things to make more dynamic when I got to? boy arise. There was a multi there was. There was two timeframe and suddenly you know that warped, my brain, because you, Could re pack that lunchbox any in any number of? Why going back yeah you could? well when you got back when you flash back when you, you know jerry choose chapter yeah, they became more dimensions to than a straight line thriller, and I found a very challenging right. But You can also serve the the emotional narrative. in a different way. Yet a deeper by using story yeah, that's it. Interesting when you, you choose to put certain signs, how it can have an impact, far greater impact. Further
into the movie than there were a few shoved them up front sure vice versa amended the option, become not infinite diane, far greater than I don't know something about a movie moving in vienna, chrome logical or a strike lawyer that It is a little bit of an asia task in the other room so way now and when you started acting Was there always the idea that you are going to do all of it direct right my brother, the older yeah he's a year and a half all in the meantime, much you know I realized in hindsight it I've been riding. Since I was a kid you know, of brains, rooms of not books. In yeah. Why largest like trying to be mine like money path, and so it says the is just ripping on other people's sort of stuff. You aren't you a lot of comedies. Now, because you I got a funny terrifying
I tell you, the man I was on the road doing shows and yeah at h, b, o and the room, so I watched it and I've already already seen it two or three times, but I I watched a black mass was on h, b o or so I would just you know, check in with it Whenever I you know, I was running so I I watched it in bits and pieces of a few more times and that character almost a community character, I loved it loved every that guy is so close to being a clown. It's gonna go yeah. I know I know I love doing there actually think that you know I'm a far warmer and funnier human being in real life. Then I allow myself to be much on screen. Fine comedy onscreen, tarifa willie. I was some idea stand up when was gone through drama school, but it was Ok, we're in sydney in sydney. Add the comedy store. I
that place or how many who is around then? How long do you do it for like just about a year? Oh really yeah. It was pretty funny show, but it was it. It was a safety in numbers. It was me and my buddy from drama school. We we basically did a little perform like a sketch bit yeah we're pretending to be roadies out. Okay it's pretty funny. We will extend it into this absurd, we're like two dumb rowdies, and it was you know this. This thing that really really worked. We would end up setting up the my ex, before certain concepts in sydney, people think we were really riotous del pino and act as he did. You were doing a bit in a real long, live rock show yeah. It's like united started with a two two one two and then one of sci three and stop, and then we slowly see if we could, all the way to turn, and they were counting foreign languages in there is sought gags and sound gags in nam it's funny, I'm gonna have brought it around its a theatre, inattentive audience
game with that that you can build the attention. because the attack, If people were eventually like what the fuck is happening, yes, snake attack, it was grey and we'd. Both you know, but we were hiding behind characters. Sure it wasn't, though I have admiration for believe in themselves and a microphone in their own thoughts. I used to do a bit called the honest. Mike check would be like test test one two. I disappointed my parents to to just west of my bad bad decisions, one one yeah I mean it, it sucks buzzing and then saw nick and I'd be sacked. You think that you think comedy's very exposed yea big tone but when you did it, you you're you're, suffered by the character yes hung on a character and sometimes we'd, where wigs and albanian, to look like that. You know the bus driver shirt simpsons now, but you know in terms of liking. It depends what kind of stand up. You do eventually you know, you do have some protection because you develop like when you were watching stand up in order to be in
wired to do this like where was the communist or when you were doing by time. I did the comedy stores out in some sort of way third area that was yoga exposition centre areas. thing ikea, we did trading venues actually done. Mood three times are in cleveland straight She was sorry hills, sort of area knee redford- in that light, while new need five dark which is further damage go paramatta rod, and then they move to the way the cinemas rightly adler. I studios, that's that's the one I played yeahs yeah fuck studios is where they are still. I don't remember going there in a guy, took me to the zoo what the guy book, the he's like you got anything to do, might not really like. Let's go to the zoo, what a weird thing to do! It's a good zoo, though great zoo, and it's for australian, weird animals, So you know who is good for me, not russia. Now
kangaroo, walk after me anywhere else, because I bout me, but don't you say, a kangaroo work by make a lot of money, but it might Recollection they're kind of around the animals are not all in cages like some the birds and shit in into ranga. Well, you know some of the ones who were a face off or you're going to do yeah. So where were you watching, though, to monitor want to do comedy? Was a monty python most well. Yea like I was wrought into that a lot of british comedy a lot of british comedies. Yes you. Gotta shows, yeah my brother and I got a lot to live shows, and we would do it in a lie to oh yeah yeah, because we were living right down wrought up straight from the comedy story. Ass. If I were, you know an when was this are like fifteen years oh yeah, yeah, Thirdly, shown our member state like an insuperable that I used to say, like tiffany, had a sugar com or creating these lives
at the end of the night and then there, oh you neither off it's nice and yeah big stars. So during times. You don't stand up on your college and where you studying yeah setting drawn whereat, universal western sidney which shut down there, so we catch the train in those set cats to there was, when it all came crashing down. What make it. I decided that you know. We ve been milking, this one thing for so long that we share be brave enough to stick try something new went along on whether open might wednesday, not here and there this too, whilst that had been hanging out in sydney harbour. Brides awaited this whole thing about these two wives, which ended with new. Can I robbing foreheads together and making while trying to catch in order, and I would
up on the wednesday they were to box. Parties is stagnant, yoga the worst year and now thy just ripped us apart, and we weren't really good at handling hecklers iraq, as you are in your insulated in your bit yeah. and I remember thinking as we as we caught the train back There was barely anyone on the carriage ten, thirty, nine or whatever to thinking. I think that's the end of it. Let's go hide out and penrith we're gonna, be ok that actually I bullseye these nick talking about exposing hey. He ended up doing this incredible pace on a zone where hiding behind a character is very significant: fashion and we eat we eat. We all know throw anyone else under the bosnia or suffer mind serious social anxiety in you know, nick nick went through things, and rather than not avoid it, did one of the things were put himself in the place where he exposed thing
it were going on for him became very personal and it was one of the most incredible things of saint yeah and he did that on stage on stage. What what will I myself with a marked by what was going through? Ah I'd, be odd, be yet I veiling too much of his purse law to tell you that, but yberville I concede aid. He did. He die. He'd had net beside and gone into an institution, oil, shit and and he ended up conner talking about the experience the air and caught a beautiful. Was it's one of those that are trends in its stand up here things it was just about the human rights. Of course yeah yeah, I ended in this really kind of uniting the eye. of incredible pathos as well. What's it that's the best kind, dino maria Branford she's, a genius issue? You should check that stuff out I just love it when, when you know anything, where to movie or apply or paces stanhope
gives you a little bit of nutritional value as well with the risk, yet the emotional risk, so from early on you decided. You are not going to reveal yourself straight out now, No I'm not I'm not! That drive a really at the certain things terrify me, it's weird what I'm willing to do on screen, but I would do you know without that mosque in its really kind of absurd. To think that the did the mosque is just an abstract idea: but but at some point you you knew that you wanted to perform, and you knew that you wanted to act so light. as I try to figure out. Sometimes there are certain actors, semi austria. And are very good at this. I don't know what it is if it's, the water or the country, but but you know too, to sort of have that much faith in the mask in order to reveal what seems to be a
really deep emotive zone within you that you're aware of yeah, you you're all. You focus has to go in to their mask yeah, well I don't know what it is. That makes me really interested to do it. I become a real hermit, immoral, I? Finally, where do you live here? They sort of travelling around I've kids. Now we would we'll living law. We were circus for, while a memory the shooting yes shooting, and then we said I ve got a place in london who have got a place in sydney and after two. what a year and a half being locked in covering the any also not really doing anything much hanging around the house, and we might that one movie, the stranger I just Well, that's a hell of a movie to make you know in the middle of an isolated. So you brought that to the screen and I realized that I enjoy not going out yeah.
partly because of the kids as well, but I'm in the middle of a press to four boys in the bar, and I get I'm ok with it. I don't know how to switch it on at the hearing on a red carpets like playing a character bitter, I would rather not be there I too look gave tossing math worried. I like I appreciate that. Part of the job, but going back. when you decided to act, you know where? Where did you realize that you? What van der. What role or what party your life did you realize that you could effectively put these masks on I am- I saw the crucible- I remember when I decided I was gonna- be an actor. I was gonna, either guided fine art, school heraldry. listen, I was like sixteen so yet, and I was thinking about the end of it. Ask her what among in the area that I really want to talk about it and learned a painter
got a drama school. and I went and saw the production of the crucible at the opera house, hemorrhage miller. yeah, no areas, some act, uncle John howard and I went a second time to say my school took me here and then I went a second thought right, an hour, that is thinking I want to do that. Beside my ambition at that time was about becoming a stage actor. I never saw the possibility of going anyway beyond that yeah. I just thought the other being in a movie was like why, too far away from anything you know was out of my reach, but the stage was immediate stage was in drama. School was all about teaching kids to go and learn how to you know, be and apply yeah, and I I distinctly remember thinking of making my choice in that one year and then you went to on a school right at a high school year. addition fur like the prominent drama school here now I'd.
In addition for the one that was set up further out west a lesson on school. Yet I think I was a bit cause. I left high school. I was on. The young saw those like barely seventeen, and I thought I think It's saying that I thought I was too young, but really I was probably just scared that I wasn't going to get in. So I went to southern school here blessing ever happened to me was not to go to the knowledge. Like the choice made with the right choice. I think cause of debris acting or the school, but yet the active yeah people are mad. I fell in love but to eat all sorts of things that happen to me. If I'd gone, the other place on the shoulder if instead of you guys, you remains is eating the shit out yourself. Oh yes, Schools were schools that really was some under the microbes. Galloping, like agents, realisable, sure sure yeah it was its of a tough guy get the drawings. Could we went to, but I'll tell you what we did do, which is probably why become filmmakers? Well,
there was no budget for the other so when we did a production other students would desire no help make the costumes. We added lighting, on the lauding rigs? If two saying you shows there are built, help help build the sets for two other shows. We were yoda community imperative that we caught up. You know diversified, that's real theater and allow A lot of students who went to the pan became united states festival coordinated things become produces. You know they weren't just going. If I'd had become an active, that's it right and like when you were growing up. I mean because I don't know what the drivers and it seems like you know what I noticed over the last week in terms of how you work. You know. it feels to me, and I dont know cause I'm speculating. I I'm going done a bit of acting myself, but I
seems to me that you you, you find one, I don't know what it is or how you do it, but there there it seems be one key into these guys. You play that some point. You, like you, you, you see the role, you accept the role and then you figure out there there there feels like there's a way that you feel away into that guy, because when you look at the character and black mass either guy becomes a whole guy very quickly. Indeed is complicated because of his physicality. Yes oh, like I don't know how you do that to you yes- and no I mean I sit part of it is My said tom. I go to work on having to also really think about my voice and to get rid of my strolling accent. Unless some doing that's like a big lift, yeah it's it's and years ago I used to get really nervous about it because it
like a general mishmash disguise will, if on thinking about there's no such thing in my mind, is a general american accent. Yeah. Unless I had one- and I grew up with one that would be my accept- bear so started, think you with a wide to approach, something like black massey. I get the real voice of the person Did you go? They meet a guy. Nobody recordings of in the I ask this court what recordings of him making depositions there's an indifferent ones ones, whereas on the defensive and his ones he's getting kind of hated is interviews ways very relaxed when he's not under fire and is that's the voice, some gonna use that all you guys like. That's, that's the one that, as the worst kind of way, you can really fucked up a boston yeah? I I had a guy like border patrol guy here that I got my passport. tunisia, what're, you doin,
oh mamma, when you don't boston, I'm gonna shoot movies idea which may be enabled really. I suddenly realized clearly from bosnia, as you know, sing about what he bulging any s. Last words to me would die fuck it up any. It is by these eyes, I'm never going to let you back in the country for you fuck it up, and what was we it is it John calmly didn't just have a typical sat the acts into he was He said he being a new york and end baltimore and been educated. In other words, here accent- was a bit of a mishmash and it was very nice. Oh and I'm thinking, if I guy for these, some people who know will be like yeah. That's a pretty good assimilation again. the people we like. What are you doing our right, and I just stood our I'm going out for I loved it man. I know it's like I watched the first time I watched it cause. I I interviewed the cooper, you know that, and he said yeah he's a deep dude. He means to be a means, means business. Second,
and it does lead and First in my watch it a little bit of a hard time getting past depths. Gallagher Look you're right, you! I guess I said you who is. I talk, no start miss our guard, their deserting. I was sort of not for two years its whitey Bolgie em, but then after the eighty nail, the accents so hard you now than so hard and their rory is fuckin genius, yeah roaring. Now what the fuck is that as he planet, slemons gray ever by embrace great, but when his wife she's also genius the woman who portugal to any she's she's amazed It is an excellent crazy, but when she got you out and different nearly behaviour here like a peacock here and you are there any other way some point do you like? Do you make
decisions or discovery come up in the sky say like right. This is worry. This lovelace there's little clothes in every script that geez. That summit are really go lane on here, I loved about You know seinfeld great lesson for riding anything. Even if it's not quality is those in a viable character traits it immediately, making an early visa closed talkers. This is that I think it's worth every now and then think about colleagues and deal with what is that identifiable thing right is an animal. What would he bay? You know I animals, tat John was real pay cock and they are yet able described him as a pic. Ok are aware, how do I bear he? I pay cock and other characters. Diminutive or they d sit a vast squarely or whatever, and in and after a while love going on set going or would we needed to improvise a wholesale now, I feel comfortable doing ok, you know that so that that's how you enter the thing you know like, but with
the boys in the boat, like that. Guy is, you know, he's a coat, he's a leader but It is also about the weight of his own passed on him expectations. And so when you did that work for that guy. What was it looking at all the catches that I say, pacing sidelines, if you know how I was her, just look what I got a job, I mean you know. I was just trying to let his little won't fat of myself possible? We are you not. I know cause george said this made it. Dna is starting to send the dailies to his Julia. Those was hot on in disguise is not likeable at all like. Well, the whole point of the script was testing that he never smiles is gone there. You know who's. Will these bay the season that we might see crack at smart right? That's the end.
that he's one of those coaches that looks like he's on the verge of a heart attack yeah and then he hates you. He derives no joy from his job because he cares so much so I could get my grimace out here and I can not smile so much, but I feel the sum of fellow. the pressure from the studio side almost like I've gotta, do that while also being locked, but I'm right now, when I get to the end the movie and then be out of look one of the boys in siam, proud of what you ve done and it has weight has one yeah. That's what sir father, son, relax rights alot, yet where there a like a lot of father son stuff in that movie yeah, you know in the movie. I think it's the tightest movie clooney made it. as a galloping rhythm to the iron issues like as a period piece it solid and story in some ways you know it how you going you can't lose with the underdog story if they win, you know what I mean in a way, so you know you kind of
protected by the story. So he's gotta figure out. How does he build that yeah? many of you. I didn't cause it's some. We all know how they can. Wind mayor pointed out some of the romantic comedy. It's like the movie We exist because they are eventually going to get together. So how do you build the tension about the rod, yeah and then there's tension between you and the kids and there's tension between him and his absentee dad right Do I get a weird tension between america and germany that night in full force? Yet yet its elsa, you know this, I think the structure the film is, as you know, this a big rises in that there is an obstacle that emerges after each victor. Oh that's right! There's a lot of the next rice growing area, then joy, which is gown columns, characteristic, his is obstacle because of his dad luck, as you point out is You know, I mean one of the things that really kills me about that story actually casino. Now dad everything about children,
fix me a gazillion times more than it used to be your kids to laugh twin Oh, so you you got into it late. Ye are now like you, I'm going to be. The dad at drop off is like granddad the data on the dad yeah yeah, but but it opened up a whole party. I guess huh our big time and it's changed the way that I read things that I'm interested in stories. I I am just when I read stuff about follows decades right, resonates with me on a whole new level. That's interesting as at the place you right now with them being so young and the love being so pure in the disappointment not having happened. Yet you can work from that place in and build on that speculatively. Yeah. I was in the middle of shooting thirteen lives with run howard in queens, latvia. the kids, would you a month after we would do the rat
I twins and I came early and really early like seven and a bit wake the area and run, and I ran who has twins. You know not that that matters bigger he was very emphatic to situation at as soon as it it's gonna happen, all I'll. Let you go yeah for await you know. Obviously we gotta finish at some point, yeah right, and so they all wish me well and I got on a plane and went down and the next day the kids were born and down, it all came back we'll have days later. What was it like? You are being yo. What in your fifty arid than forty nine now cells, forty seven the first scene back in this movie telling these toy officials Then he nodded rescue those boys from the cave, my certainly there's gonna be fatalities, and even saying it now here- I couldn't stop, So from feeling emotional that before him, in a week in a half early, I would add no trouble in on you
all? Every one has ever been to drama school at some points. Go and look at me. Cry. Look at me cry, but there are days on set we dislike or not. This is not a. This is not one of those things better on stoic here and I had a real hard time thanks to it because on this girl do dive, oh yeah, but stifling the feelings is: is a choice yea. I bet it was. I almost impossible stuff, like us, kids, Iraq committed to one cannot just try a bit. Cooler is not as goods like. I think I'm milking it too much. Far more emotional. There was a novella I read about web. small component of it, hopefully being a movie about it. It is father loses his wife and his child, and I was very moved by that when I read it ten years ago, read it in last the last month.
it's funny cause. I don't have kids and I'm sixty, but I've always had animals and now what's happening to me, is I can't take any animal pain at all. I can't take it if I'm just watching a fucking, instagram real and the animals in trouble, I'm like, oh, my god, yeah, so my brother was started his career. At the same time I went to drama school, he went off and became trained with stunk cause and he was what he still is any Annie's qualified stunt coordinated by direct removing any direct movies in his directed through a series of tests. show here you'd, be a tape is himself whatever is interested in a very good at edit everything. Anyway, I get These messages from him, the bicycle. links to an instagram thing. Yeah and the moment I opened them. I said to guy on a bmx bark at the top of his parents' roof yeah. I know exactly how it's going to end. I can't watch because in two thousand
I jury nearly broke. My neck, I was, I was drunk on it. in thailand and again somersault, and I I'm sorry shoulda nerves, and I couldn't use my left arm for item on. But I could broken must by whether it that is something else I can watch people get hit juries or yet I was for it's not it's a good thing. I don't know the world's supposed to get numb because someone, those accident, videos, those real like what what after that guy yeah, exactly what the next day yeah I can't just- cannot watch the end of my brother sends him to me to stop sending them to me. So you you fucked up your. You almost broke your neck on a bike. Drunk yet I was doing some saw page so that their at the end of the journey. Why to cairo? Member when we hold her allows, I ended up in the back of a pickup truck.
on an island in thailand. Getting driven to someone was going to wake up a doctor and say hi. This guy can't move his arms here and, oh my and that was in those bad come back and shoot this move in australia on a big cargo ship air, and I take our time into rehearsal with one arm It was like a string on my arm, adapter yeah, yeah, yeah and and I knew I had to do all these things were climbed like rope, ladders, yeah, yeah, yeah and I went up to the directive and I said oh look before we start shooting yeah. You need to know that I can't use one of my arms and I don't know what's wrong with the air and she was like we'll work it out. As our thanks so you're flap and around your arms flapping around it grew but with the other hand, and put it in my pocket, my father, was a member of a gulf. God bless you Why I don't play, but here because of his gulf community here either of doctors in search jason at nine point he knew
the guy that new, a guy who's in europe it, is impossible to get an immediate appointed with, and he did it for me, as a german I said: are you never connected they? Just like really stretched yeah says, can take you about six months to get them. near I'm back over got back. Go back to work it did, but like what about the booze I mean, did you do that? Was that an indicator that maybe I'd love to say that that was like full rock bottom for me, but I still drink. I haven't had a drink for for about a week. Chaos feels great, but almost australia. Have then my passport in the nest, more pressure on on pre. I've got a really good level, control with all that stuff was their time where you didn't yeah. Yeah yeah yeah yeah, our western some stuff in my twenty seer big on. No none, amer ogier whole episode.
You know I like it. Some to what I will say about that here I am and this is why I have such a ban God love for my Alex beyond what I would already have. Any idea is that the EU does too, when kids sort of stumble and four year parents It can be amazing if they come at you with very little judgment, yeah and just pure love here, and I had that ogre and but you know I I private started life. My father was starting in its legal business, lloyd. You know we were that healthy banana toma. Finnish task was very much sort of upper middle class. Here and I always had a lot of judgment for anyone who fell off the rails in airway. Why are you know that poor choices say? Addiction is anywhere other than just you know bad choices here.
started then become a person whose sort of you're not doing of control atta control. Here I I you know, I used to think our you know. If you can, if you have regrets in life, you could turn back time. I could take that little chunk of my life away. Never do that because I believe that as enact the greatest strength is to have empathy the observation and empathy and and and guy through any experience where you otherwise would have judged yourself. The subtle equips you with a new form of empathy, sara when I say anyone going through anything. I just have empathy for it rather than odd, even at your your rat bag. Need you deserve everything you get where you can take. two stabbing the aching. I understand we are going through and I feel it in my heart, but you're an idiot and yet
yeah. Just to the added step to the empathy step, dude yeah, I mean obviously numb us down the road actually on on sunset, and you spend a lot of time in atlanta hadn't been here for years and is walked into the gas station asia. I almost got he opened the fridge he said to the tenant. He said im take this guy to right. I'm stealing it still. It is not me if you want brahms daily name, grabbed it and walked out I mean you know, also look if some almost take something from me. Chances if they risking gonna jail for thy really needed no yeah. I know my guy without it and what do you have like gig They can't other things like. I always think about that. If they robbed me, they want something like by Let's get a new unsure, thousands lights is, don't touch my family, so we did you Look in looking back on that period in your life. Did you figure what was it self medication
did you feel. Like you know, you were raised having something that needed to be resolved? I think with just the slippery slope of farm you know. I do think that there is an aspect of may that I find Brian is very noisy, and I do think that drinking that other things, how we're just gonna of skype slow down. What's better, I you know it's one of those guys who some You are young and scotch united, try this each other now that now think about you. You know why parents sort of talk about these is a gateway to this was I will try that yan or not yeah, and then one day you try something you like bullets, pretty good. This is pretty good. This is a way of life. Yeah yeah, I'm gonna, take me more than to me that you've gone through all the gates. Yeah yeah well good for you for pulling out now what about it doesn't seem
stage in a long time, no long term. Ten too, as an italian, I did strike ca. You play sally, applied stanley holy shit yea. I was at mask tat was. It was different feelings, indifferent, city sidney of are felt ten feet tall and we had a great time washington. they say where we went next was great and then in in new york I felt the looming shadow of everybody whether thou uprising, neo criticising me, everybody in it. I was talking about everybody. review every hand was about marlon branda were an Other thou saying I do you know you got close to being my early this year, but it was just a feeling, like you kind of like rubbing shoulders with oak, encroaching on a ghost yeah sure, and I started to get very self conscious. and now and I wasn't enjoy myself, and it was weird because kite nigh kite, beautiful kite
She said to me and and cate blanchett cate blanchett, said to me and one of the other guys in the ply there cause we were cramped in these times. addressing that she had his massey very moldova, so yeah come and shame. Addressing media play would end and learn Bacall call would come in moscow size. You come in now straight becoming like every not someone came to kiss the ring and she desert you. She was wonderful in here and a movie star who should have robbed shoulders with those pair we were in their taking my cup off every not meeting the way sort of incredible year. Film stars her one, not gonna fido with joshi market, Joe gray and joel Cohen for jobs and yet and I felt rotten at midnight. infill, I felt right from the moment the play started to the planet. Khazar was too busy ass. It feel yeah blown blow abbot.
Every morning. Oh I caught her. Oh my god like a mark how to do this and I feel terrible and I feel really conscious, just because you're being shared out yourself have beaten the shit outta myself. I just didn't, enjoy and it might mean not wanna do theatre anymore. It's only now that I've started think I would like to go back and do something that that was. a small theatre but it was. I used to love it man, I did it for years, did a lot of shakespeare to guide that really that's gotta when form a lot of things. I mean you're able to go through all the emotions it was in that language- I did the fourth yeah one and two No idea what I was doing, that you is trying to trying shakespeare into mine sensor, whatever the modern world. Yes- and I was avoiding the land, yeah, oh really yeah, and then I worked with beautiful actor in astronomy, John guide and who is a sort of a master? understanding and later
into the language in order that When we did Henry the faith. I really will again embrace it and I are stopped. kind of judging shakespeare languages, some museum piece right and action the more lane into it, and I know these khazar I've they may come gazillion youtube videos talk about shakespearian and via meaning. by really leaning into the odd, I am sure, leaning, sure, leaning on the right sort of stresses in a slight there's, a science to that is divine currently it's wasted and some categories have have this sort of mastery of it and others don't so the the role of stanley didn't break you. It was you who broke you, yeah yeah, I was getting some money. I went to a health farm at the end of doing that play that you are done animal kingdom for, like four weeks beyond the the What often did warrior, which is, as physical challenge, event got ripped
and then I went home had like too often when in rehearsal for straight kyar- and I was exhaust it's but more than anything, I think I was my own worst enemy allowed. They are doing it just felt like caused some cursing myself. What I mean: that's fuckin problem with with talent and empathy and having a certain type of personnel. Is that you know U turn on yourself. It can go pretty fuckin deep yeah and and you can you can lose apple gear. I found it. I do it all the time I'm doing even at the moment with them. During this conversation in great, don't of pinching. Well, I'm cutting myself under the table. Yes are about the blood. The. I delight making my first film directing my first film for good year and a half two years, because I was finding any excuse to procrastinate, because I was terrified of doing it here and then valiant ft yeah within like the first
I have shooting, I was walking up the driveway towards a set going. What kind of person am I going to be because I've never done this before, like a mug? the worst aspect here personally emma gettin, my my die and I construct the same cause before can construct a sane and art asked the script, in my view, a good chance, my good movie by the end of the first, wake up, saint spew saints come together and I had five. I was making bodies and always enjoy myself, oh good, but the in that year and a half leading up to it. Then I get caught making my second film any exactly the same fees, were they maybe even amplified that I going to be able to do this. I'm like I've done it before yeah I've made a movie before like. Surely I should have felt the confidence that the guy I've been through this experience. and now I'm thinking about making another film like toward the end of next year. Written something and I'm already feeling my head with the doubt that huh
already and I had some. I find it in about way. We been on his press to affirm boys in the bud we're talking about. Well, you know why do we love an underdog story? I think we love an underdog story because we we all have imposter syndrome yeah. I think we're all gonna win Really all people think we're cracked up today. Will not That's smart! We're not these! I you think, we're all carrying around self doubt? Why ensure by mean. Does it happen to you in roles, or is it just about that, task of of being a leader and a director and driving a thing I would often a graded. Do a job because I'm scared of it. I would avoid doing some jobs because I feel are covered. He you could just do it our year, but but the thing that saying yes to a job that scares you as you say. Yes, knowing that fees not really in a sitting until costs to consumers,
I never and then there's no way backing out, so you you corners yet, but I think it's important challenges, mice off. chance yourself, whether I mean that yeah, I mean when you cornea yourself. You know that Where are you know your instincts? take over anya and you ve done the work, whether you know it or not. I just either our time with the with the creator self doubt because really it becomes like. I have trying to talk about on stage difference between you who engages publicly and am inside you you're your literally negotiating with that thing inside you like today, In take over so you don't show up and go. Do I give do here? I this of feeling too, like you, just Something will come to the rescue right began on, but that's decree, that's so you're hooked on that. Yet bid bids I really admire paypal, granite, say, improvisation, rang staff as well, because that really
Sort of laying off the edge of the cliff guy are will lando my fate, but that feeling like some we will come to the rescue. I love gonna work in the morning for saying yes, we did it tv series for apple lit finished in April. I couldn't think, maybe look at the schedule. The die without star worthing nigh was the single doc dark matter. but I was playing two versions: I'm a guy at every day all die. Shooting an odd finish. send a guy. I care what what's next saying, because our code prepare hall die right. and there was something really terrifyingly sort of propositional about the thought process of leading into the next thing, because exhilarating right. That's the pure creativity is when it comes. You don't know where it came from god and I, How I'm going to make this decision? I have to get it, get it done, and not go home. Baiting myself yeah, you didn't do good enough job here and something comes the rescue and europe
to do that. You're able to not be yourself up. You know when you did a good job, yet today the one thing that the one thing that change. For me on the great gatsby Faz two collaborative using god I'm goin on here and there is big sit up so between set up soon, as he played the monitors and pivotal protein freddie, glasses and watch what we just sharia and I'd get involved, as our cases are getting may I say that I'd, go home not be cutting the seine together in my head, almost and not an thinking what I'd provided for him and, And I'll tell you who you know like all the actors would do it? The only person who wouldn't was carry mulligan and waited be there with authority glass of carried be sitting over there with a head funding guy. Basically, like none, none, none, none, none, none! None! That luck, didn't want to hear the nautilus and say aha,
it is, since that movie odds, are never look at play back and even when I am directing my brother, come and sit behind the moderate idea and I'll know what, for maize and I'll have a double walk around inside of it. Nor yet the parameters are- and I look my brother after a tiger, and unlike you know that yeah. You know, and he gives me a gesture that says yeah real gallagher and allow they look at eighty fits may in another actor in a two shot. But what climb back means the next time I perform inside the same end, outside the same watching more yet why I mean why at the other thing, No there's no way it can be good. Have you ever watched yourself you watch yourself do stand up not often had feel when you do I've gotten better at it
because I can watch myself going back to nineteen eighty nine wow like I I it was a big moment when I watched nineteen, eighty nine me yeah and had the experience of like well. That's me, I mean he doesn't know what he's doing he's scared, but it is me We are concerned with it being me and being bad man. Some once said to me watching alive performance is like watching a high school play through the wrong end of a telescope but nowadays you, you know they stage stays like what he called shakespeare. British state shakespeare applies here is something and they got a better com. queried doing, rather than just a document from one angle, right right, right, right, bed, You know we all had that experience of listening their voice for the first I'm gonna like tat
yeah but there's nothing. You could do in that moment, there's no way you can back road a better you like there there's people that are like. I wish I was in my twenties again. I don't know if there is no way me either me a the men yeah, but that's interesting about watching yourself on stage because of that, there's there's nothing in my mind, more pure then side plying jazz or doing stand up in the eyes of interaction with an audience split as it's like riding a wave or would have sure, but you figured out a way to make it exciting. I mean that that thing you're talking about which is what drives, how I work where you are we're going to come from here. You can. We trust that you have the what's in place to bring it, but that's like it's also sort of an addict trip beyond meat yeah cause are, there are actors, it'll work, the fuck out of something before they get out their days, a rigidity that makes like so there's some people. I can understand why, if you go, if you're going to change would descend, you need to. Let me know the night before yeah, Stand that sure, but I think
I had this methodology my mind. I don't know like when I hear about the way size zone of interest here was shot. I got to what I haven't seen that yet is not. I didn't. I missed the screen, know this idea of actors behaving in a lot of self with hidden cameras, yeah the idea. Rehearsing india, warning without a crew and ran like letting a camera crew come and document a law. take these different wise. That actors can feel less like they just giving any components of his yes and have more of a feeling of the eu you would get on a lifestyle. Their cause filming can be very stilted. It's the war, yeah. You do what you do a senior out you're the cameras on for three minutes. Any go sit for nine hours a year, and then you come back and you gotta pick up. I don't get how you guys do that review, especially when the m the whole trying to hold onto certain or am I gonna do you know you think it's a hit more effective, hang on to deal with the aid, pausing! Listen you like
coldplay or whatever is going to get them to stop trying to delay said yeah. Don't do it, I'm putting my lotta time till after I'm done with this movie. The boys now both must have been kind of a night of funding. The work on all night was fun and it came out every looks good yeah, I feel, like you know, George could write a pretty girl, experts, I hollywood from his perspective, eight tell stories that is so right. What that would not be a fun one year, like you. I do people once a right. The experts say about how he would that that's the end of it. Yet I did it. Burn? All the bridges are at a point in their career they to fuck. You is just bitter, but I I talked to george and you know in in in real life. He did something that that I'll I'll never forget. That indicated that he genuinely a good guy, yeah guessing guy here now that you know when you hear so for years. Some here
the room, a meal of acted so crazy about act, as you know, with christian violence must be like you is, it must be really angry guy like these is complete sweetheart. You know just good days, recording them yelling at someone who did something right, not only sell, probably rightfully so right. I hit it off crews and others with stories. I heard stories about time that I will that eclipse a thousand weird store here. You know just generosity beyond mere and not because he's rich or the police thoughtful and either It's always think back in all my family, in a strategy that this unique things get reduce today said of weekly magazine. Is it true that sound, I did this odd mom. I have no idea area of not even given to to him. Have that's the risk of being a public person out of a certain level? people are going to project sorted things. They're gonna want the worst, but are they
people don't realize that you know you all have lives, yeah every day a day, do you know I mean like him for some people to do what people think they do. It would have to be half their job, be that shitty, Jim, speaking to god, peace. Now, god piece you the bain, australian tv show called neighbors, know lot of destroying active start nicer home and why, in this sort of sites and garbs like one of the first big stars in one of those shows and this lady at a grocery store, come up to her she's la copies, copies your nerves. So come. What are you for a day, job would he may seek as well. The show starts at seven. guys for half an hour I thought they would turn up and do it live at run around this cul de sac, where it was said just from house to house to have a little breather and a cup of tea during the ad break a bit during the day he could have a whole other career. That's hilarious, I'm upset.
with that movie he did years ago called ravenous, ah The revenues I'm kind of obsessed with a guy if I put it on the shelf for a while, but now I've watched it a couple of times recently and I'm like oh direct is a female directors. Isn't it yeah, but Jesus it's a real. It's it's it's satire and I think it was miss labelled and then misrepresented to not be one of the great miracle movie, really about about the you know: the the expansion, the westward exe, I mean it's all about that? You know the divisive at his horror, glad, but it satire you know, he's vase variants. movies. Guy seems against using guy. I just love him, we'll get How can you man, I'm going to hold you happy propaganda? The shit to do right is gonna. Get vomited on its kids. Now everyone's here If I do. I hope I hope he gets a good response to the movie and I am a real fan of the work thanks man. Thank you as
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There is no other reason to make it I mean it has to fit year, weird need in some way and because that that's the hunch that everybody else is going off of that's the thing that everyone else's bringing their talents do in collaborating with collaborating with, and even this Though, with the structure of the movie in certain things it people said owed? Does it to be this way. One of the good reasons about like putting together movies, it forces you to consider everything, because it's all in time and money and do you really need it and you get very real? They are so very fast about what you need. Big idea for budgetary reasons accurately and then but then would screen about. It is You realize that there that the things did The matter that you did you need that you absolutely need. You probably develop.
more intellectualize reasons for later, but in the moment you just know you need them and you don't question it right Because if you start questioning it, then it all goes out the window, because I'm making movies about you know it's not it's nice, making a crime caper. It's not like. I need to know this information to know how they broke in the safe. It's it's it's more subtle than that, but if I lose track of it then we're all lost, because there's no reason to make this anything and then just darkness and hopelessness yeah. Why is there something rather than nothing? You don't want to live there? No, that's episode eight sixty nine, with gretta growing available right now in our free podcast feed. Just whatever app your using to listen to this episode, if you on every episode of wmd of ad free sign up for w tia, plus just click on.
lincoln the episode description or go to deputy of pod dot com and click on w e, F, plus, ok, ok, I've got some blues, my style kind, markdale booze about that
how bout it
Transcript generated on 2024-01-10.