« Under The Skin with Russell Brand

Deepak Chopra on Cosmology and Consciousness

2023-09-13 | 🔗
In this week’s episode, part 1 of 2, Deepak and I chatted about the nature of consciousness, He unloaded his extensive knowledge of the cosmos, described what it means to be embodied, shared his understanding of what a belief in God is or means, and listed some of the reasons people suffer from existential crises. It was a wonderful exchange. Enjoy. (Originally published September, 2019)

Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Hey it's seen as shea, and if you know me, you know it's all happening from vanderpump rules and my podcast and again to my full time, job being summers, mommy, there's always something keeping me busy and that's why I love factor. They send fresh, never frozen meals right to my doorstep, they're packed with flavor dietician approved and make it easy to stay on track with my goals, delicious and ready to eat, and literally two minutes, I mean seriously visit factor, meals, dot, com, slash, shade, fifty for fifty percent off your first order, hello and welcome to the skin from luminary media me Russell brand. This week I spoke with the deepest chopper and it was so loaded with information that we are doing it over two weeks, the first forty five fifty minutes. The embarrassment today talks about some, cosmic logical physical, spiritual principles in the second part is built around.
Meditation exercise we shouldn't a law, is also available on youtube that meditation again on their own the above it through your comments on time. bradford excellent into these. Lastly, some people driven to and here's what some of those people said Joseph using I can really jane gauge technology should be only used benefit humanity, anything other than anything as negative effect should be destroyed. I, like your style, her work, their nuclear reactors weapons were, could better you I spoke james. What we're were given. James gauge, we'll have a guy who benefits that's the thing is it is difficult to accept, post structural philosophy. There are no universals is no good and bad. I mean it's tricky, really, that's not something I necessarily agree with capital know. She said I spent fourteen hours on my phone the other day. I need to break free
It's terrible, but don't beat yourself up for the amount of time when you're using maps meditation apps or maybe once in a lowered little film. I saw it free hours after the interval come on. Most of that was using a map, the game of friends, then fr in dallas, boring news tech companies have more power and government are unlikely. Facebook, as an individual or government into timed, is timely. hair down the government tat for a news. She just proposed revolution, which are a kind of agreement can only it is time to tear down the government that they should have a few ideas about how to replace it in smaller decentralized democratic communities based on equality, kindness and love, but it's going to be tricky, but it will.
animals are now kindred spirit. People have begun to realize that the demand for convenience is what's having the biggest negative impact on the state of the planet released. The problem seems to be overlooked right. You know we got let go of our need for convenience. Gandy said in that speech, I'm always banging on about garlic off our trained kit. Don't be saucy overcook it let go of our need for convenience, because it's not really are you willing to let go of say, amazon or or watching a nice day I came from so cozy somewhere or drink this nice kombucha- or
well luxury man and comfort that goes by the balls. Mantis age people will come to love their oppression, to adore the technologies, to undo their capacities, to think and that's from a midst of all this huxley and eighteen. Ninety four to nineteen, sixty three good old, oldest, actually one of the great innovative thinkers of the last century, or in fact the essential nagas engineer or at room. We've really had a good look at some facts there and some opinions really blurred the line between the two. So there's some stuff that my producer jenny has written. This is a special two part series with the pack in this week's episode. We chat about the nature of consciousness. We did chat about that. Deepak unloaded extensive knowledge on the cosmos, what it means to be embodied while belief in god is or means, and some of the reasons why people suffer from existential crisis, while whooshing
a chance deepak that man is going to incredible base of knowledge. He's been around the grades. He bodies and conveys an incredible amount of knowledge, cause alumni, ray breakdown, ontology and epistemology. Some lovely bit some cosmology, some jokes of ice arguments were very popular and rather wonderful, so that when I brought the cops were called himself an atheist about something A non theological thinkers, such strong cox, less I ass regards for richard Dawkins for me, the professor dawkins and doc. I had some pretty vitriolic exchanges change.
Richard Dawkins is coming on under the skin person, along with wreckage of ice. Not the same time, it's just not mentioned in the mrs diana in the great atheist camp so part two next week, that's about that's about meditation spirituality and how it can have a practical impact on your life and the world such next week's want to, but you're going to love this podcast you're going to love. Next week's warm thanks I subscribed to luminary thanks for supporting me thanks for staying with me, remember check out my youtube channel for more spiritual, read as well. Remember to tell me what it is you want to see with developing and evolving. It remembers is subscribe to my mailing list and just casually to help and cause a mental breakdown in one of the people ass to respond to those emails There is nevertheless every single legal nature about well banning being spiritually shelf care and even corruption is forecast check out this week's learn to meditate guided meditation with Deepak. Where is importer? That's already opportunities.
you can learn and which I will comment on each video compromise response from all the bug. But I promise I'll lay him chateau seymour off. After the man list, summers friend com, you'll get some loving contained any receive information about these new esoteric happenings. currencies movements and I'm involved with the eleven euro. Catherine social media is at last, the rockets hashtag under the skin on spam. Russell brand now it's glide gently into this episode of under the skin with a wonderful. Informative great teacher,
trying to achieve equality with the annihilation of category? Nor successful? That's exactly right! We're in this era, where it turns out, we were never works beneath the surface of the people. We admire the ideas that the finance on the history welcome to Russell brand under the skin. Deep hacked show perfect you so much for the greens. Have this conversation with me careful coming here and joining mean this retreat. Yes, we're on a silent retreat. There will re breaking this. that's right now a major thirsting vanished transgress. The rules, that's ok once in a while, Roads are meant to be broken and, in fact, what may seem like rules may not be objectively rules but just a subjective, pat him due to the limitations of our human experience. Absolutely every experience. as limitations weeks, This is finite.
It arises and disappears as soon as it arises. I've only been used for forty five minutes and we He gave me a relatively succinct, pray sea of your biography and seem to me, like a history of your understanding, consciousness, how consciousness intersects, with scientific understanding in the fields of cosmology in physics and bulk mystery in your own spiritual beliefs? The parallels found those incredibly compelling and powerful and it seems to me there, much of your work, even from the point when you first became notorious This has been about the relationship between what can be physically proven and what that may imply.
Realms, less easy to quantify and analyze? Is that a fair understanding of your work and a fair understanding of the field of I don't know the spirituality mobile play. Yes, it's been a journey, though it's been since. I left medical school and finish my training in internal medicine, the chronology in nero the chronology that day, before interested in. Why I could to patients who had the same illness saw the same physician receive. same treatment, but had different outcomes, and so At that moment, I became interested in how emotions and what we call the mind experiences our biology One day I leave
gave a patient wrong diagnosis. Was the wrong chart. the patient, missus smith, you might have cancer and as soon as they did, those words I saw how His face his facial expression, jason. I could see his blood you're going up in his hundred speeding up and I and my mind, could imagine this platelets getting sticky and is immune system getting compromise. Two minutes later I realized I was reading the wrong charge and I apologize and suddenly he was like a fresh blooming flower again said- was two sentences, so I knew that ted There was no separation between mind and body dead. Just like me, a mass energy space. Time
we should be saying body mind as the same phrase: there's no difference. The body is those objective experience of consciousness and the mind is the subjective experience of conscious but they're all but the boat. The same thing, yes, in a way, there's no distinct line between them. There is no point which I here is the border between mind and body rights. Airy. If I ask you to lift up your hand, how do you do that? The search for the intention, which is, if he moral ever nurse and transient flicker, of a thought? This happens if these to a separate things than how does one interface with the other, without violating the laws of conservation of energy, this they have to be made of the same stuff
The thought- and this have to be made up of the same stuff, this activity, that activity or this activity has to be made of the same stuff. This whole activity has to be made of the same stuff. It turns out that the stuff is actually non stuff. It's not murder, it's not energy. What is it what's a thought with, if not a modified form of consciousness and the body is a perceptual experience is also mollified consciousness did the same thing. In fact, the universe is also the same thing and not a thing at all, deep back. Why do you think that very soon such vitriol and agree. if criticism levelled at You say from ITALY and I've had a ton picasso
sam hurry sued. Like I enjoyed very much and brown cox you, I like very much. Why do you think there is such a suspicion and criticism around when you when we start to talk about spiritually relationship with the science I mean. I know what their side of the argument is. This autobiographies this is conjecture. They stuffs. Whew, those kind of words get banned. around, but the emotional quality of what they're saying is so good prepotent, sometimes It threatens the current paradigm in The scientific by them see all systems of thought. A based on certain assumptions and science starts within assumption
We have to start somewhere and the signs terrific method starts with the assumption. That matter are what we call physical reality is fundamental. That matter is the ontological, imitative of all existence, all of science is based on that presumption, but the fact. If you are scientists today, is there a substance? Glowed matter has anyone ever britain actually doc did the existence of inert substance that weaken call macher turns out, No one has ever prove the existence of anything call matter matter is particles articles of waves that, until the moment of measurement, only exists as possible. It is a mathematical space, but
of science and science is the most successful adventure we have ever taken as human beings? You wouldn't be here. If you had not drawn on a jet plain, below biting or listening to this part gus because of the scientific technology we ve created. science also is an activity in consciousness experiments I did and in consciousness theories are construed conceived in consciousness. Observations are made in consciousness. So. Science assumes the existence of consciousness. Also assumes that matter is the is What gives rise to consciousness but is unable to prove it? This is called the hard problem of consciousness and yet every scientific discovery, including nobel prizes, are given to people who find some little aspect that explains how,
other behave, so this particle or higgs boys on whatever these are you cons rights from woods for more of knowing and experience in our consciousness, You use the word instead of using the word spirituality just use the word consciousness. Then you have a little entry into this world of the way you, don't even have a chance of in ten you're, getting promotion or risk losing your job in physics theirs. Phrase, shut up and calculate donors, deep questions as long as you shut up and calculate Ok calculations verified experiment. Then you have it Otherwise you don't have a career, so the threat to This is basically a threat to their whole. System of thought, where scientists presume, less and less go now that the scientific,
that is giving them a clue to the mystery of existence, but is not all science does stick a narrow band of perceptually dvd human perceptual activity interpret it as force, fields, items, particles and molecules explain existence by that, but history of existence much deeper than you know this view. Mystery of existence not existence? but the awareness of existence. If you weren't aware of existence than for practical purposes, there isn't existence right, so awareness of existence and existence go together. So, however, deep, a thorough, brilliant, The cut and informative is any, field of scientific study, is necessarily takes place within the limitations of our biological instruments and passed.
Through and into sex with consciousness itself, so anything be is that true, but it also all saw presumes that the perception, Experience that you're, having as a human being, all there is to reality. Ok, what does the world look like do a chameleon whose eyeballs who have learned to differ nexus. I can't even remotely imagine that What does the world look like or experience? What is the world experience to a snake that navigates through the experience of infra red a bat Nor is the world, through the echo of ultra sound, a butterfly that has eyes that have Thirty to fifty thousand lenses that move like kaleidoscope that day the world through its legs smells the world through its antenna, and so,
the world through these multiple lenses. Here. Is the world through its wings kind, even remotely? Imagine what that expenses before you can call anything an object before you said this is a shared. This is at hand before we say that it's an experience sophie replace. The word object with the word experience because You can't label an object, a chair and a body or a skyscraper until you experience it. Where is the experience happening? Obviously, in consciousness now some people might say, is happening in the brain. all you see, the brain is electoral chemistry. How Is this room fit inside your brain? If you, of a sunset, the rub, a loved one, and you have of experience- you see there you listen to a song in ireland. and to know what's
his name, John lennon. Imagine I can hear the song in my head what's happening. All this happening is chemistry, so this is called the hard problem of consciousness, which cannot be explained by anything in the. physical world. In fact, the physical world itself is an interpretation or perceptual activity in consciousness. Conscious conceives governs constructs and becomes the perceptual activity that we humans called the physical world. So we forget that there is a human construct. Space time is a human cancer items and molecules in force fields are human constructs for me of knowing and experience in here, consciousness if we don't understand the source of thought and yet glamorize rationality. We glamorize rationality without undistinguished where thought comes, swamp
we glamorized mathematics without knowing, where mathematics come from Mathematics is a human glanced right than the human and there none of us is a human construct than that makes sense. In fact, I think scientists are threatened, because they're so bamboozled by this position of physicality, the superstition of matter, and when you refer to is this: if it superstition matter, you're saying that what seem to be objective reality, These are more likely localized patterns that are only relevant from a particular point of view. Through the narrow band of perceptual activity constrained by the by ethical imperatives that make us a human species. Would you just give me again that
was more logical information that you gave me when we met about the two trillion well again Go on the internet and new do a search, and you say how many galaxies are there in the universe. The current estimate is two trillion galaxies. How many stars exists in the universe? Seven hundred sixty million doors that seven hundred multiplied followed by innumerable zeros. I dont even know how many and take a lifetime to just write down the number of zeros uncountable trillions of planets. In fact, it's estimated that there might be sixty billion habitable planet it's in the milky way galaxy now how dogs and is come up with all this. While these days you have telescopes up in space like the James watson, telescope, the hubble telescope, many others, and they look at what s called biospheres
If a planet is too close to the son this to heart, nor life possible? It's too far to gold nor life. As we know it, possibilities to fall within a certain range and scientists call that the goldilocks zone so the goldilocks zone gives us an estimate of exult planet outside the solar system that might be habitable. And current estimate is, they could be sixty billion of them that habit to build for this kind of life, there might be. the forms of life basis different laws of physics, indifferent, universes and the current estimate aura cosmo Did you also says that? Might there might be done to the bar of five hundred universes or infinite universes that's what the physics and math suggests provable. Well,.
probably not because even me, you know what we call planets so far away in later years. By the time light gets from there to hear, our solar system may have exhausted its come on nuclear energy and burnt itself up into the heat. The absolute zero, so This is really mysteriously nor bo even though weaken mathematical propose these ideas, self infinite, universes. We have no idea. Seventy percent of the universe is dark energy, a force that, the opposite of gravity. That's right! in space apart and this this between galaxies is moving further apart, faster than the speed of light in violation of einstein's theory of relativity galaxy?
tumbling across the cosmic horizon bridges, forty billy, light years or more aware from where we are sitting here. Space itself is expanding. and so said percent of this is due to an invisible and agree. With force, we have no idea what it is leaves thirty percent of the universe, it remains, of which twenty six percent is estimated to be something called dark matter doc. I did a silk odd, because its invisible its invisible, because it's not atomic it doesn't reflect late absorb later right, the light or have any interaction with light, we are made of atoms are into. actions, including on social media these days because of light photon, Electromagnetic activity.
We cannot interact with something. That's not atomic, so is dark matter unknowable, while scientists never give up, so they are proposing that is made of some other particles. They call it a wimp weak. Interactive massive party Has anyone seen a wimp? No, there look. for it, but there and is a hypothetical entity, but on this proposed dark matter? You conduct in the gravity in a galaxy, so without that dog matter planets spider laugh then get lost in intergalactic space. Everything would fall upon including our own physical body, and this planet, would get lost in space, die So that's twenty six percent that leaves four percent of the universe, which is atomic a witch Ninety nine point: nine nine nine percent is invisible, interstellar dust scientists, it could be hydrogen or helium, but its invisible vacancy
saw the visible universe riches two trillion galaxy. Seven hundred sixty million says unkind will trillions of planets were, are one planet planet earth would not be even a grain of sand and all the beaches of the word, all of that, his point zero one percent so atomic visible universe. His point zero one percent, but here's the problem items which are made of subatomic particles. Are also simultaneously waves when they are not being observed. A measure when then interacting with other particles, they disappear into waves. and if you are scientists, what are these waves made of they'll tell you they made of possibilities, you ve read: these possibilities exist gilbert space. What is his boots base? Its mathematic space, therefore in the minds of mathematicians who understand mathematics, including lol,
bree abstract theories of mathematics in, There is in all of this, but. this spaces, multi, infinite, has infinite dimensions of zero dimensions and admit this. Is this universe? So why is the universe made of the best answer you can get is made of nothing? So that's that number one open question in science What's the universe made of We can only say it's made of nothing: brings us to the second question in science, which currently being us as follows. The way. its being lost in signs magazine. If you look how scientists addressed this hard problem, what's the biological basis of consciousness. How do neuro chemicals in the brain? How do elect
Concurrence call action progenitors, going through the five senses to your brain. How do they produce this experience of color of form of shape of texture of days of smell of sensation of thought? feeling of emotion of imagination. How does st? Do that that's called the hard problem and wise the hard. problem? Because we presuming that chemistry and molecules and atoms. Ria, but in fact their human constructs, modes of knowing and experience within a narrow band of perceptual activity. The human experience so the universe is a human construct. There's no such thing even physical bodies, a human contact. You say I have a physical body well which one you fertilized eggs. Once then, as I got, then an embryo, then a baby. Then a toddler,
in a younger, does a teenager thou this than old man and then got ok. What? this process that requires a body. Is there such a thing Is the body unknown or a verb, its activity to process? So you see, I have a body. That's the first misconception. The bodies, not the container of awareness because awareness can kind to
It's seen as shy, and if you know me you know it's all happening from vanderpump rules and my podcasts are nan against to my full time: job being summers, mommy, there's always something keeping me busy and that's why I love factor. They send fresh, never frozen meals right to my doorstep, they're packed with flavor dietician approved and make it easy to stay on track with my goals, delicious and ready to eat, and literally two minutes I mean seriously visit factor, meals, dot, com, slash, shade, fifty for fifty percent off your first order, This moment of com is brought to you by american. National when it comes to the important things in your life like family and business, being an insurance company? That's therefore, our clients at the right time things a little less stressful, as they say in business timing, is breathing I can mention, relax, we're here,
american national property and casualty company and affiliates springfield misery. Awareness is also invisible like the point: until universe is made of nothing awareness of consciousness being made of nothing has Why does therefore must be infinite? And this, infinite awareness is experiencing its south in friend modes of knowing and experience which a species specific show us a culture, specific richer, influenced everything that recalled realities, influenced by a condition, mind. It's actually conditioning baron, delicate thing religious conditioning, theological, conduct, in philosophical conditioning and now signs scientific conditioning We are not seeing the world. We are dreaming and experience
that requires the world and also an experience that because the physical body, so these apparent absolute such as even space and time and the laws of my dynamics all taking place through the prism of consciousness and, as you have just beautifully, explained that the physical borders we and such a my new fraction of essential reality that we can reach almost reduce what seemed to be the fund went about physical reality too series of superstitions or more the reality is derived from conscious experience, erects those realities that we call realities models of reality and by the way science now concedes that science
not examine reality? It creates models of reality and the scientific model is a very successful model, but a model of reality is not reality. Just like a menu on the restaurant is not the meal. Ok, we read gives this menus the symbolic representation of the actual experience of the meal, the map, as this is not the territory if I'd say to late, let me turn tuesday afternoon east, course time had the gun, of broadway and fifty. Sixth, we think that a real, but we made it up just like we made up greenwich meantime or we made up latitude and longitude are we made up a colonial empire? Is all we, add up money, or we made up one street designed when constructs reject they govern human experience, but what we I don't realize
same way be made up, something called the human body and the universe when all it is he's a mortality of experience within the narrow band of perceptual leaks activity. constrained by the limits of human biology? That's love! What you say, Deepak pack is mirrored in post structural philosophy, wegg narratives of power are scrutinised and deconstructed reckon nice people as means of imposing power, rather than an objective reality. Those injured I need to learn there is now a field of scientific philosophy. That philosophy has once again been invited back into their the area. the arena of science, because there is now a need for force a kind of speculative deeply, and there is now a need to answer questions that are right. Then fire be beyond the realm
material measurement yes, but in the last few decades, only in the last few decades have verb a school Militant atheists who call themselves scientists have become so vociferous in attacking philosophy as a discipline. So you know if you read some of the recent literature since philosophies dismissed and yet please is based on two very important principles. One is called ontology, which is the basic substance of the worse. What does the ontological being being ness and epistemological which means what are the limits of human gnawing and how do we know what we know so, even as we do, science had been as we practise the scientific method. We never
ask ourselves who, or what is it that wants to know is the bridge. in a mechanical structure. Looking for them, of existence is a in trying to figure out reality when the brain is vital, our experience of reality, sissy booby arena. In a very strange time, where philosophies having a resurgence and there's actually all disappear, which is the philosophy of science itself and sign is based on what we call physical ism. And science is a precise methods of observation, experiment theories, but they're all conceived in consciousness. By the way you're. So what came close consciousness? The science is obvious there. we couldn't do, science, unless we were going to be, and in fact special glances. Eggs with self awareness and the ability Last questions, heisenberg
you know one of the pioneers of quantum. annex he says: and I'm no, not quoting literally, but paraphrasing highs and lows. He said nature never reveals herself to us as she is, but is exposed to our methods of questioning. Only if so, who is it that questions and who is it that way, question nature. We question ourselves had in once question us as we come up with theories and ideas and experiments based on the limited perceptual experience a reality we have, and then we said this is reality its model of rio. I suppose the reason- and this is important day package- that the conclusions derived from sight The study are used to underwrite the human Proxies economic structures and power structures any few challenge that we have any as great as nobel prizes. All this deployment, and possibly
even dominion- dominion, yes, absolutely so as well where I sat by the phrase. Ensigns suit is shut up and calculate You know of any situated these possibilities exist and mathematical base. Where's mathematics shut up and go if you shop and count let your necessarily confined to that particular discipline. I have to image continually when you're talking of reality, as we understand it, being a kind of membrane and pushing into this membrane is a far deeper reality We're only able to observe these physical phenomena, but business itself seems, as you say, not determine by these rules, but only interfacing at the point of these rules or the thing that gay, very curious about de pack is the way that I've been thinking. These two questions is there a god and if there is a god, what
we meaningfully interface with god and well. How does that affect our systems of governance, of systems of control and our personal ethics and give him You said in the last twenty five minutes. I imagine you some thoughts and opinions subjects guy. As we normally think of god. Ass humans, normally think of god, is the human constructive just in the gravity, is just in the way in mali, kids are just in the where's force fields are just in the way matter. Is it's a human cost, I am reminded of a joke where no human being men's up. in the gates of Heaven and meets god, and they both say to each other. Thank you for making me so you know, reconstruct god in our image, and so as we normally think of god
think that's, a human guns now if we can go beyond human constructs, the fundamental religious experience not talking about religious doctrine, theology, the fun mental human experience, religious experience in all religions. By the way, if you go deepened The first is transcendence, which means going beyond limitations of thought going on all thought. Structures transcendence, when you realise that there is awareness and that you are that awareness that does not. space time that space time matter, energy and everything that recalled reality is actually a mode of experience in that awareness, which is not in space time. I just so that's the fundamental religious experience in every culture, Jesus Christ MA am.
But whatever this, can experience that is part of that experience is The emergence of what people call platonic values, truth goodness, beauty, harmony, love, compassion, joy, equanimity. What people call the peace that bus the understanding that part of the experience of transcendence and the third aspect of it. religious experience is loss of the fear of debt because Would you realise, as a result of experience, that Burton death thing all the time to experience, every perception that raises dies as soon as is born. But you, the awareness that we call I am is independent of that. I is independent of I Brussels brand- or I am departure opera- I am deeper cobra- is
he localised projection of. I am as a human kind. this rare species of consciousness, just like other syn and being a species of consciousness Their own reality retreats back the sword, of perception, the source of knowing the source of thought? the source of imagination. You end up with what spiritual traditions called pure consciousness, the unconditioned mind. and because the unconditioned mind is borderless no annotations. It's an infinite mind with infant possibilities of manifestation infinite and now in space time eternal timeless, your timeless? We timeless beings having time, boned experience or four of those key principles? since allude to one
the first principle of transcendence beyond or separation, their principles, the potomac principles, joy, truth, honesty, etc. These for me, we'll be derived from an intuitive understanding that the compassion, kindness and love of the best demonstration of oneness, the opposite of ideas of separateness competition, aggression, the third principle for loss of fear of death again on separation, oneness, no possibility of deaf or things happening simultaneously, because there's no such thing as time is these conditions of being acumen with limited experience, a limited experience of individuality and the fourth principle. I remember I went on a bed for run with the further threepence was bright eyes, endurance, platter. Values, ethical values or not boys, morality, but morality that emerges from the
spirits of one this weekend in loss of the fear of death, because what you realises that, what tour experiencing is a perceptual activity. That is ceaseless, but the only constant factor in every person selectivity is the presence of being is the presence of consciousness, so I was a child. I was a baby. I was tired I am this. that My destiny to plan infinity arose, but I'm not the roles and playing the witnessing awareness in which all these rules are being played out simultaneously, the nor then more dove knowing and that which is not the observer, the more Of observation, and that which is absurd, the seer the mode of seeing and the scenery are all contained in that infinite being we're like rivulets,
species of consciousness, coming from an infinite. beyond space time and causality fundamental reality. If you want, we can call it. God I am so Allah, bremen. Whatever local fundamental existence. Absolute being so, we are a relative being that is a rivulet, let a drop in the of being ness, no roomy. This. Boy says you're, not just a drop in the ocean mighty ocean in the drop as well? So what while the human soul, or what some cognitive scientists today are calling a conscious agent and exists in space time. It's part of a matrix of conscious agents participate, sitting in the creation of what we call the physical universe. But actually
the physical universe is a lucid dream. In a vivid now, the in philosophy of bitcoin. He said It is a dream we are asleep, but once in a while, we wake up enough to know that we are dreaming. We wake up to the dreamer the buddha same. Take lifetime is transient as autumn clouds to watch the birth and death of beings is like look at the movements of a dance. A lifetime is like a flower. of lightning in the sky. Rushing by like a torrent down the steep mountain, but then he saw through the dream you know when, but does dying the famous story on and thus, as are you he says: no, it's how you a messenger. He no says some. are you the messiah says noise is well, then tell me who you are and but at last words were I'm awake. He woke up What new lionize he woke up to The divine source which
the source of all, knowing all experience, all perception, all sensation, all images, all feelings, all thoughts that is, Only god, the rest is a dream. Is there in the I feel such fear, an egg and anxiety when I'm unable to access or sustain those states of awareness and awakening, because on some curative level there is an impulse within me. Trying continually to return to those states could cyclists disorders such as anxiety, fear, depression could addiction or or these phenomena be regarded, as I miss misinterpreted awareness that we are separate from this awakened police and that we are striving to return and do not have the techniques, understanding methods or teachers to help to deliver us salutes absolutely absent. Thirdly, in the wisdom, traditional bid redonda with
a non dual tradition that looks at contemplative self in we transcendence and various forms of meditation? They speak of the five felicia's that five it shows glaciers, sanskrit word, which means human suffering. So in our document, suffering of other animals. Also sentient beings suffer if you physically cool to them, but they don't have issues like us. Would they don't have addictions? They don't have existential anxiety. Did question the meaning of existence. What is dead? is there a god what happened to us afterwards, we do and so the redonda says there are five reasons we experience existential suffering humans first, as we don't know what fundamental realities we think its physical,
Ok really have never experienced the source of thought and emotion, and I am not talking book- thought feeling, emotion, imagination or perceptual activity. What's the source so we are confusing, what experience with the source of expense? Number one number two grasping and clinging experience, which is on grass bubble Every experience is born and dies appears disappears as soon as it's. If I asked you, what and your childhood gets his gun If I asked you what happened this morning, it's gone. What Into the moment you came here, it's got one, to these words, by the time you hear them, they don't exist. So what uh we grasping in clinging is ungraspable so there leads to the third fear, which is the fear of impermanence
which leads to a false construct called the eagle, which is not yourself, but your selfie we have sacrificed herself for selfie for self image, everybody That's real and read one hold onto that identity which is constantly once forming anyway. You're thought john swarming, your mind is evolving your person, it is evolving your bodies changing so the egoism it's gone right, but we are holding on to it, and that leads to the fifth sphere, which is the fear of death. so these are related thereon same here, and they lead to escape mechanisms called addiction The fear of separation leads to anxiety, leads anger and hostility which is remembered separation? Basically which then leads to guilt. Shame because blame yourself and ultimate? leads to depression, and so I've been
recently, looking at the data on this better analysis, Ninety nine percent of the human population lives low grade anxiety and depression, and they don't know why and they have low grade, inflammation and the precursor to every chronic disease, including a dick behaviors everything is this existential anxiety which is unfounded through any problems. Any problem any solution that we have devised other than transcendence other than knowing that not separate. Every experience you have is a perceptual activity of your own self. So when I look at an object before I can call it an object, is an experience in me
and, as is an experience and meets in activity, perceptual experience in me. And the me he's. Not space time. Formless being having the experience of form and phenomena, and when I look at form I seats, phenomena there's no such thing as a form, every form the phenomenon and the phenomenon is the arising in subsiding of modes of knowing and experience in consciousness. Sensations perceptions, images, feelings, thoughts. The rest is a mother. I get it Something is apparently an obviously an object, such as the chairs. We sit in on a will, only temporarily be this chair and if you look more deeply, lay their molecular or if you look unprinted through a different lens they're made of vibration of different types of light, so we are projecting their chair, nes onto them, and the
substances to which this is made is not a substance. There's not visit a certain substance that makes this this or all of this. We can't distinctly and regard its essence Cause you can continue to break it down. Tat scientists have models, they call it the quantum vacuum, ok, so the quantum back is brimming with what we call virtual particles. Does our models and the summit these virtual particles become actual particles which concern the physical universe. The virtual particles exist in non local infinite zero dimensions as possibilities and when they was the big bang, which is that human construct, then for every billion, anti particles there, a billion and one accidentally billion in one particles, so dislike despicable
and the billion ninety particles in the particles collide the inoculate each other and the one particle extra leftover because the physical universe, that's the current bided, but what is the quantum vacuum way? does it exists. Is it in space time you'll endless arguments about this but he can make up their minds. What for? mental reality is if its physical, because if you look at physical reality, Physical models atoms molecules become particles, particles becomes waves of possibility in Madame of space? How does that become this experience. Science is unable to address that. I understand so the narratives in time
The ology science, as we understand it, was able to liberate us from a love, ignorance and delivers great understanding of this band. With that we live in current me how we experienced reality by congress experience if agree material reality, but there are mutations to these models and a product of the narrative of science was disrupted the through many at sea is a power structure religious orthodoxies were challenged the thing If ever evolution, this challenge, our understanding of the myths of creation, but as the journey and narrative continues, we arrive once more, this great a base of the unknown and potentially unknowable, and this is once again find ourselves in a place where we have to contemplate wary. this quantum vacuum war is a high human concept for a particular mode of knowing has any ever seen a particle. You knew you go to these big expense.
When stunned that the aid drawn collider. Looking for the higgs boys on whatever mathematical concept what you see is a ghost of a trail of a measurement who measures? What are they measuring the measuring men experience and what is the experience and where is it? If not, in consciousness, where else could it be so, No all up experiments are actually pointing out to a deeper mystery. Many of this rachel tradition say: all knowledge is ignorance. All judges, ignorance, because every you acquire some knowledge to ignore the rest of reality. That is hiding behind the scenes in a roomy, This is not the real reality. This is our shadow. In truth, we are not here. The reality, is behind the veil, the big bang, the screen of person, jill activity, so
what we have every time. You know something you have to ignore everything s egg nor rents mean ignore everything in to know something in particular, and that's what scientific inquiries, the more you know bigger, the unknowable and the unknown looms. As soon as you get to the horizon, there's another horizon which is even further away so as science advances a noble and the unknown. Actually. Becomes even more mysterious. I understand and again I like to call drew me, because it is one of my favorite boys. He says it's too, and your cleverness for bewilderment if not bewildered, then your manatee is incomplete and
The thing about sciences, it starts with a very interesting bewilderment. It starts with curiosity and wonder and read as that, come from and we become so sure of our models that we sacrifice the territory for a map of the territory for a particular map that too the whole matter bright. Yes, yes, just as surely as a visual map put no incorporate the smells or the sounds of a territory, even just using the limited instruments of sensing, but we can appreciate and understand while recognise in that there are likely whole strata of sensory information that we do not have access to, because we simply don't have that language and we don't have the instruments. Thank you for listening to that lovely episode with the backdrop. Remember there's another episode with be back next week. Remember to let me know what you thought of it: tag me on instagram or on twitter Russell branda rusty rockets respectively, in the meantime guns in previous episode? Maybe
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Transcript generated on 2023-09-15.