« True Crime All The Time

Aaron Hernandez Part 1


Aaron Hernandez showed exceptional athletic talent from a young age. In high school, he was recruited to play football at the University of Florida, and ultimately he left college early to join the NFL. It seemed like Aaron had everything. He was a millionaire playing for a top NFL team. He was engaged to his high school sweetheart and had a daughter with her, and he was a talented football player with a promising future. But, Aaron’s success abruptly came to an end when he was charged with murder in June 2013. 

Join Mike and Gibby as they discuss Aaron Hernandez. He grew up in a home where he experienced physical abuse at the hands of his father. He also claimed that he experienced sexual abuse. Some NFL execs said they would not draft Aaron because they didn't like the people he hung around with. At the time of the murders, he was engaged to his high school sweetheart and had a daughter with her. He was a talented football player with a promising future, so how did he wind up a murderer?

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Jeffrey Dahmer was a killer like no one. On the new season of mind of a monster from I d find out how he got away with cannibalism, killing and necrophilia for over thirteen years, you heard us discuss. Jeff Dahmer and multiple episodes, but now it's time to check our mind of a monster. The pond cast features. John dropping never before heard audio recordings from the detectives, journalists and others close to the case to explore exactly what happened and how this there came to be- and it's that aspect no. When I hear never before heard audio recordings from those close to the case will then I get very fascinate and it's something I want to check out We think you will to listen to mind of amongst on apple podcast spotify wherever you get your podcasts,
hello. Everyone unwelcome depth, so three thirty, four of the true crime, all the time podcast on my first. then, and with me, as always, is my partner in true crime by gibson gimme. How are you a man, I'm doing good, yourself, I'm doing all right. I've had kind of a rough week, not gonna lie my my eight year old maltese got very, very sick, wouldn't need for like three days
took her to the vat twice and then just yesterday she can perked back up and she's are old, south yeah, they did blood work. They gave her like I ve or fluids, and just nothing worked, and then I guess she just had to fight through. Luckily, she's, ok and the blood work came back fun. Let's go ahead and give our pager on chow down all right. We had courtney, see a courtney dichter torres, a victor Lind Davis jumped out at our highest level awesome lin, a net hollywood lay in it, arden kappa Zola, EU capital. It sounds like good good at I mean me, I knew you were going to say that, and I was thinking the same thing like that. That would be good on it in italian, so yeah mia cats are ah mia stuff, stacy, no
What's going on, stacy activities were a deafening corinthe mcclure that grins Shanna hobson was up china, stacy staff re assess cat upton jumped out our high level. Thank you get joan first in bayonne, Kimberly sprague, there's a sprig and last but not least, carry bruce broussard resought, and then, if we go back into the vault this week we selected timothy macao couch sympathy here. Pritchett, all the the patron support, on paper. We had donations from inherited a hare, jason o handy in all bill, alien and hot garbage. True crime. Addition by meta we want- I have garbage, make it hot yeah, so niches have been a listener of t cat for a very long time. She started her own podcast. Well, awesome yeah, so grats might want to check that out. Buddy right now on
solved. We have an episode out on the skeleton brothers three young brothers, all under the age of ten go to their dad's house for a visitation. Mom drops him. Mom comes and are nowhere to be found, and that is really have answer she. When he wants to hear now, he's got up two different answers. None of them seem to make a whole lot of sense, so definitely check that out buddy. Are you re to get into this episode of true crumbled? I'm ready. We are covering case that I've been wanting to do for a long time, we're talking about ex football player, aaron Hernandez and you know for me. The draw in a case like this is.
A guy who seemingly had it all. You know he was this unbelievable football player, all the town, the world. He was at the top of his game in true at all the way people are really fascinated when the mighty fall yeah. Now they are because we hold people, you know kind of up on a pedestal. We do they're larger than life or on tv they're a star or this or that so when they fall it's newsworthy. It's an a. When you say that people revel in some people's downfall, but I think they do sometimes especially third type of star. Let in the limelight that boast about They are succeeding a certain way. Yes and then it turns out they're not like that at all. Yes, I think, yeah I get that
so aaron Hernandez showed exceptional athletic talent from a young age in high school. He was recruited to play football at the university of florida, any left college early to join the nfl. You like it it seemed like Aaron, had everything He was a millionaire playing for one of the top teams in the inner fell. He was engaged to his high school sweetheart, with whom he had a daughter. He was this talented football player with a very promising future. He was young, at the time he was he was set to make millions and millions of dollars for many years. Aaron success abruptly came to an end when he was charged with murder in june. Two thousand thirteen in this part. One of the air Hernandez her nand episode will discuss. His early life, his football career. the murder of odin lloyd and the investigation that led the police to
then Aaron Hernandez as a suspect, Aaron Joseph Hernandez was born on member six nine and eighty nine in bristol connecticut. You know why bristol is kind of famous in the sports world for thee nascar. Now I don't know you don't the motor speedway, I do it's actually, where espn, oh, really, yeah. Ok, I remember when he s paean started, like in the late seventies, doo, doo, doo, doo doo, do I know they probably didn't even have the music back then, but they always said we're coming to you from Bristol connecticut- and I said Bristol connecticut. Where is that Erin was the second son of Dennis Hernandez and terry valentine Hernandez. His older brother is Jonathan. Her Dennis Hernandez dreamed of athletic greatness for his sons. According to the boston globe. Dennis was considered a local success story.
He had run ends with the law growing up, but as a teenager he was a star football player at bristol central school, where aaron would later attend school. Terry also attended. Bristol central high, then is earned a football sky to the university of connecticut. So I don't know how out of the ordinary. This is you: have, star athlete in a city or town, do they have some scrapes with the law? Maybe I'll say they do sure, do those get overlooked to those get swept under the rag. I would think maybe even more so in a small town you inside. In the small towns across amerika. Football is king. It is your friday night, his foot and if you ve got a really good player, I could see maybe Some people looking the other way absolutely
Make sure that this person continues to play an leads, the football team. Now. What is that do, though? Later on were teaches that individual that they can get away with it. I'm so good that people are gonna overlooked. The bad things that I that's right, why? I understand why it happens, but I don't think you're doing that kid any favors by doing that now we're talking about his dad here. At this point right, two days after the university of connecticut lost its ass game of their nineteen. Seventy seven season, an officer from plain connecticut, was killed in a home. Burglar Dennis was questioned as a person of interest. The boston globe obtained an affidavit that stuff that Dennis was not involved in the murder, but trying to help one of the burglars evade. The police Dennis was never charged. He did not. Graduate college in school records show that he was
on the verge of felling. Terry and Denis got married and nineteen eighty six they divorced and nineteen? Ninety one then remarried in nineteen. Ninety six sometimes couples do that yeah! We've we've actually covered a number of cases where people have remarried Maybe they just need to break, maybe they they realized after their next marriage, what they actually threw away or had in that first one. The grass was angry the grass was in greener, it's hot, always room. Sometimes it is that it is now I shouldn't say that my wife's going to hear that and thing you know this. We give our twenty seventh wedding anniversary, so honey not saying that about you raised is perfectly ok, that's that's going our in nineteen. Ninety nine, the couple filed for bankruptcy when Aaron was three years old dennis, was arrested and charged with trying to buy cocaine from it
cover officer terry, was arrested for being part of an underground sports gambling bookie operation out of their home sources stated dennis worked as a costume indian in terry worked as a secretary, and I do think, maybe not this exact scenario, but this kind of general scenario plays out quite a bit. You have a star athletes who, in high school, can do right and maybe there given passes on grades, maybe they're? U given a pass on brushes with the law but we know just by the statistics how hard it is to make the job from high school in college and then from college to actually getting paid a very difficult. Yet the percentage is so low. You have people who actually make it so yeah. They might get a free college education out of it, but how many
bull gradually and if they don't go onto the nfl, what do they have to fall back on a lot of them? Not much? It's it's. It can be adopted, relations, Aaron, said in jail house phone calls that his mother kicked. Is that now, but always let him come back. He said in one phone call per the boss: and glow. My mom went through a roma with my father, but she just believes in she loves someone. She just always sticks by aaron in his brother Jonathan were beaten by their father according to the boston globe, job, thin Hernandez, told the globe that they lived in constant fear of him in the. meetings were so severe and occurred. So often the jonathan one threaten to call the police. He said I picked up. The phone wants to call to seek help and his dad's response was called them and he handed me the phone and he said
I'm going to beat you even harder you and your brother and they're going to have to pull me few when they knocked down the door. Ok talk about putting fear into somebody that is some scary stuff. If your kid already given beaten, and now you ve made a threat to call the police and the threats the right word, but you u norms. sure yeah you're, saying I'm tired of it. I'm going to call the police and your dad again. The person who's supposed to what you is the one beating you and says you go ahead and column. and find out what happens to those carries the opium ready for what's gonna happen, aaron and his brother were beaten for you, no minor thing. or when their father was drinking dennis became angry when he fell like his sons.
Weren't trying hard enough in school or sports in, and I do think it was important to talk about dennis- is athletic. journey because a lot of times fathers who tried to make it book couldn't you live. Curiously, through their sons or daughters you're. We ve seen that absolute Sometimes it works out. Their son or daughter becomes a big star, but you a lot of times they in the kind of alienating their kids and in making the relationship bad because of the they treat them they're, always autumn, constantly writing them. You know wanting them to be what they couldn't not have yeah. Now this guy's beaten. Yes, I we got a whole different level to deal with Erin, said in jail house phone call obtained by the boston globe that there was arguing twenty four set in his home about. There was
well, there's beatings is there had to have been arguments all the time and in add the alcohol you no father in it. You know forest drinking, all I'm doesn't sound and not at all right. This was not a good childhood. Nothing It is environment to to be raised and no none at all. Now. None of this was public knowledge, but some people did notice. Things were off at home, like former assistant football coach, Jeff morgan who told the boston glad that he saw aaron with a black eye after he got kicked out of school dance for drinking dennis fernand as also once punched errands youth, tackle football club over a disagreement about coaching vessels sounds like somebody might have a low temper Now I understand the kids not telling anyone here the out of fear. They must have been. You know scare for their lot. So what hard to go against your dad and know that if things don't go the way you they will in yours,
living in that house, you're you're in deep trouble sure. But if you're a coach, in this guy punch, you, you would think to be ramifications. Out of there were jonathan, did tell the boston glow that he had happy memories with his dad. just watching tv as a family and playing sports together dennis help them with their athletics, and he wanted to see them succeed. So there were good tat, Jonathan Evans, admitting that, but at the same time How good can it really be if you're living in constant fear anything? Sometimes in those cases you have the extreme right you go from where an amazing time, whether dad what one moment and then at us flick of a switch It was a total nightmare, or is he able to remember the good times because they were so few and far between or that's the other thing that they stand out to getting in into air? He played
football and basketball at bristol central high school. One of his coaches was university of connecticut women's coach, geno auriemma erin was also an honor student in high school. According to u s, aid today- and I don't know Many people know who gino or Emma s, but he's one of the best women's college. Coaches, yeah he's probably one more titles than anyone. With the exception of pat summit, I don't know he may have in past, her errands highschool teammate, Dennis sand, Susi told the boston globe that they smoke marijuana before school practice He also revealed that he and air in heading now and then sexual relationships in middle and highschool san susie said me and him were very much into trying to hide what we were doing. We didn't want people to know,
he said that they lived in a traditional communities where his statement is true. Owsley back then, probably long difficult being open about that and probably, especially with the way that errands dad was well if you're the star football I don't even know what it's like today and we ve come leaps and bounds. Sure. But you know you go back twenty years ago, go back to when we were in high school. What would happen if the star football player came out or was out it yeah? It would be a huge deal. It would be today, hopefully now so my cause. It is a much better world that we live in today. S speech Actually, when it comes to things like that, absolutely Jonathan Hernandez said that their father was concerned that aaron acted fin Dennis in called his sons, a common for you
against members of the algae bt. Q, community Jonathan is called and saying that his father used this word all the time standing talking acting looking. It was for this thing, my father wanted you to even look like in our household. This was not acceptable to him now. I think, pretty much. Everyone can figure out what this word is are not going sad. Jonathan also told the globe that, as an adult, aaron told them he was sexually molested as a child he declined to give more details. One of errands lawyers also said that air and talk to him about being sexually abused as a child, but he declined to identify the perpetrators, and you know and sexuality is kind of a big part of the case and will do so ass. More of that in part, two
according to the daily mail, Aaron had known his future fiance. She jenkins since element preschool their families live close to each other in bristol she and air and started and on again off again relationship in middle who China later testified that she and air and had some issues in high school because a lot of girls, wanted his attention and that makes perfect sense, he's the star actually, of course, yeah, so he's gonna draw a lot of attention attention big target. Looking at yeah ye is tall good lookin at me, art, but if you're that person's girlfriend or boyfriend that's gonna be tough, they has it your constantly fending off the competition. On january, six, two thousand six Dennis Hernandez died from complications after a routine hernia surgery. He was only forty nine years old.
It's scary man, because I remember a couple of years ago I had a hernia yeah, making how how's that happen. A lot of the things are scary yeah, but to go in for what is We considered a routine operation or in something those wrong- and you don't make it that that is really scare people does that errand didn't cry at his dad's funeral. He kept his emotions inside Aaron, reportedly turned to drugs after his father's death, according to biography dot com. So why didn't he cried Was it because he didn't want to show his emotions or because he wasn't that sad. I think he can. You could analyze it either way. You could go either way a lot of people do not like to show their emotions in public right if they make all day long at home over something, but don't want to do it in front of a lot of people, but given what we say,
about Aaron's family life in his father in the way that his father treated him. Would it be out of the question and maybe to not have some of those emotions because He may not have been all that sad that his father was gone. I mean do the abuse there is no longer around now. We don't know that for sure just something to throw out there in two thousand and six Erin led his team to the central connecticut conference southern division championship here in first team, all state honours was named a high school all american after catching twenty four touchdowns. That's a lot of touchdowns high school bowl season during one of his high school football games that year aaron, was hit in the head hard enough that he fell down and didn't get up. He was taken to the hospital those football concussions. Well, we're probably going to talk quite a bit about that as well.
Yeah you that has been such a hot topic over the last so many years about what is it due to a person's mental health, physical health? He you know, pretty famous athletes, have taken their own lives and it's come out later, that they suffered from serious concussions, a large number of them and new. We talk about head injuries in the past year. What, that might do to somebody get a normally we're talking about what did somebody have a child in? But you have this football thing in the concussions: it's it's a big deal. It's why so many parents now do now want their younger kids playing football. Oh no doubt. Out the amount of kids playing. ball at a young age have decreased yeah. I don't think there's any doubt. You know folks. I love
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since the same kit. The way he spoke to me, the shock of losing his there there was so much ok. So now they give. You may be a little more insight. Maybe there was quite a bit of emotion there and he just didn't want to show in front of other people, but she saying ang. Yet it he had a different waiters. Blotted out, maybe maybe errand became alienated from his mother. After his father's death. He learned that his other was in our relationship with his car in tanya single finns, husband, Jeff, cummings time divorce Jeff and he Terry moved, indigo, errand and tanya became especially close. erin started spinning long periods of time at her house and bristol the boston globe reported that time is how It was a welcoming place for all kinds of people incur. putting some with criminal records, but the key was he felt comfortable there right
felt like that was more of home than his home did switch What it sounds like, but it also is kind of hinting at the fact that he might. Be meeting at this place. Some p, oh, who are into criminal activity, but I want to go back to your his mother. Getting involved with his cousins, husband, to me it just seemed a little close family wise, sometimes cousins are yeah. Sometimes cousins. as well, and I dont know how close cousins are there even closer. I think sometimes Tyrion Jeff cummings eventually got married in two thousand and nine, but in two thousand and ten he slashed terry with a knife. He went to jail and they got divorced. There'll be a good reason to get divorce when you get shanked shape, shift yeah slight,
asked sounds like a bad choice and husband. Why just mentioned this week's my twenty seven wedding anniversary now, once I even thought about, let alone through a slashing my wise, they didn't even make it a year, no until the slashing start, so I think you're right a bad pick. Some people lashers the boston globe, reported that many people closed air knew about his trouble relationship. But his mom, but college recruiters felt the need to include her in the process. The two played. What was described Does their roles in public in public, air and informally accepted a scholarship to the university of connecticut before his father died, but due to his town, he was getting the attention of recruiters from larger schools
my michigan, never dame boston college florida. These are some of the elite colonized. Were there not the kinetic, it is a bad college, but football wise. It's never been a power. house. In january, two thousand seven erin enrolled in the university of florida asked. Graduating high school early in April, That year he punching employ at a bar. gains bill. Errand, I believe, without paying for two drinks. According to a police report, he told us server. He didn't order them a major, confronted Aaron there, Invitation got heated and Aaron's teammate TIM Debo tried to separate, encouraged errand to leave and offered to pay the bill, but Aaron punch the manager in flood the bar, Erin was found a couple hours later and said the major guy in his face, and he didn't ordered the drinks. The next day the victim told the police that the punch burst. Zere drum
and he lost hearing in his right ear. The injury took about forty six weeks to heal the police got a sworn complaint for phony battery but errand was never formally chart. Of course not. This is universally of florida back in their heyday yeah, I'm sure alumni made sure some somebody did yeah that's. I don't know that for a fact, but I want to talk about him. Tb, oh yeah, ten t bow having didn't he. The heisman trophy. Now he never really made in the vienna fell, but he's abroad can So now I am pretty famous Guy is an amazing college, actually kind of a good guy a you're way out of a football match of day, just interesting that he was their during this altercation
and it sounds like he tried to play the good guy role here, step and I'll pay for the drain Ruiz coach was. Was it urban meyer yeah? Remember they had that that that play? May for the jump pass yeah yeah, where he would jump up, jump up and throw to Aaron yeah. Then he later coached our buckeyes yeah on september, thirty, two thousand and seven- Erin was one of several university of florida, football players question by the police after two men. injured and shooting at a night club and gains no charges were fire. So I don't know exactly what role he played in this. Maybe he had no role. but maybe he had a role and like other times before they got swept under the rough, because it's very passport happens with these high profile athlete.
In, if you, a major college for football, basque or whatever in year, projected to be a star. Your top recruit. It's not out of the realm of possibility that you would get to start treatment for sure, and I think there is a lot of favours that go around in this community, those stabber communities, but they might so just be a fan of the football team. Sure we don't know yeah, especially if you're, by the way you some season pass this year. I got your great ticket yeah or gotcha gig, guarding the sideline absolutely that pays eczema without I'm, not saying that's what happened now. I know that, but these are all possibility. My big point here is that if it did happen, really worth doing aaron her and as any favours
you're doing anybody any favours when you do stuff like that, they think I'm untouchable, there's no consequences ray. It's just going to lead to further bad behaviour, despite these incidents aaron had a very successful football career at the university of florida. He was a tidy and he had one hundred and eleven catches across three seasons, which was the school record for titans. He was an honourable mention all american in two thousand and eight when the team one the national championship the next year, was named a consensus, all american means- you're, one of the best college football players in america, exact right on january, six, two thousand ten to receiving the John Mackey award for being the best collegiate tied in the country air and announced that he was gonna. Go his senior season and would enter the nfl draft,
He was selected. Is the one hundred and thirteen pick up the two thousand ten and I fell draft by the new england patriots, he was the youngest player in the nfl at the start of the two thousand ten season. So your hunter, thirteen. That's not bad, not bad doesn't screen. You're gonna be a star right because you're not going in the first round. That's more like what the third or fourth round of his prey, the fourth round, maybe you but a lot people picked later on in turn out to be really good football players people picked very early on turn out the not be very good for body that avonlea. That first season
his work he sees and he had forty five catches, which was a team rookie record for tied, ends any scored, six touchdowns, that's very productive for a rookie, I think. As a rookie player, you feel pretty good about that year. I also had a very good quarterback, throwing him and the ball yeah by the name of Tom Brady. Canada can't her and when you have a player like that, by not to ban he's. Ok, he was ok as it is a quarterback here now I want to talk about the draft right away. And he went one hundred thirteenth overall, I thinking have gone much higher. He had the talent to go much much higher, but it was said that innovative teams were wearing of drafting him because he admitted to failing a drug test according to biography dot com CBS,
words quoted one on named in a foul scouted saying we stayed away because we hated the people he hung out where and how trouble always finds. This guy published reports from this time said that Aaron told teams at the nfl scouting combine that use marijuana to cope with his father's death every gonna drive you're placement in the draft down. Yes, it is in but the one thing that really jumps out at me is this nfl scout saying we weren't going to draft at any point fifty six m round, because we Didn'T- the people. He was hanging out with the one thing that you know, is that people when it comes to vienna I'll drive. They do a lot of behind the scenes into work
If they find out everything they can find out about you who, your friends are, who yang? How will they have to cause? You gotta realized they're gonna put a lot of money into you to judge investor yeah yeah, because they're not looking is for somebody to play one season with m late. They want some is gonna, be there for a while and thereby to put that money into you to develop your skills even greater than what they were. When you came, came there right, you're gonna work with the best of the best two thousand and eleven was a big year for the patriots erin, Hernandez and tied in rob, run, cowskin had twenty four touchdowns in to them two hundred and thirty seven regular season receiving yards. The team went all the way to the suitable but lost to the new york and I wonder if you remember that game he was absent,
I was the game where the giants receiver caught the ball on the top of his helmet and came down, but that's a parent. You think about how good rob ron Caskey were oh yeah and he just retired, not that longer. I think last year put those two guys together. They were very hard to stop and obviously, with Tom Brady young, then nibble on august, some two thousand twelve aaron signed a five year: forty million dollar contract extension with the patriots. His contract also included the twelve point: five million dollar signing bones. According the s paean, as reported by biography, dhaka, Erin said at the time this place change me as a person, because you can't come here and act reckless I was one of those persons I came here in my back to the way. I wanted that, but you get changed by bill belcher. You get changed by the patriot,
and that's something that has always been set right. You know the patriots will take players, that other teams have gotten tired of and for lack of a better term, make them walk the line or you know, get them to act, the way that they want them. Act kind of like a boot camp yeah. They just do things a certain way and I think it's part of the reason why they they have been successful for a very long time, but a lot of money that, through eta young kids, you know yeah yeah he's he's a visa in his early early twenties, twelve million our bonus. That's that's cash up front, absolutely, and and you know the rest of it over five years, but during the next season he experienced an ankle injury receiver. Wes, wealthier left, a team rob braun caskey had some health problems, which meant that Erin had the potential to take on a bigger
with the tea aaron reached out to share after college, moved in with him during his second season with the patriot, but she moved out when she found out. Errand was cheating on her, but then eventually move back in their daughter, the air was born on November six, two thousand twelve in erin proposed to. ANA later that month, they plan to get married in two thousand fourteen, but the wedding never happen. Erin said in an interview with any s after Abigail was born. Every time I come from the stadium, I can't wait to see her and she's acute basically. I can't wait to go back and look at my door. One thing I know is that it definitely changed. My life, I'm going to look at things differently, and I mean be the young and wild, but I'm not I'm engaged now and I have a baby. So it's just gonna make me think of life a lot differently in doing
in the right way, and we know that statement is not going to fully come to fruition right reward talking about Erin Hernandez on true crime all the time, but it sounds like in his head He knows what right and wrong and he wants to be that person yeah. I absolutely agree with you and I, spirits something similar, and I wasn't headed down a bad path right when I had my first child, but I experience something and I think a lot of parents do. It was like. Okay, things are different yeah. You know I. I can't go out drinking with the guys, because I have this responsibility and really ever since I had. It is. I haven't been much of a drinker because, in the back of my mind, I've always had this thought. What happens if something is wrong with them? My wife, I don't know whatever and I'm drunk and I can't help them
I know that sound strange, but it's it's been I don't want to call it a phobia, but it's been something it's in the back of my mind, and I think it's why don't drink that? Much well, haven't kid stuff. We will change you it does it does everybody to some degree ensure Think about me, I haven't stepped on the stage from it's on. My daughter was, worn until they get to a certain age right. Yeah yeah and then once they saw those tapes I mean well that is kind of out of the bag. At that point, yeah that's true Erin in china experience some problems in their relationship. She found some other women on airlines, but when they were live in california, while errand was recovering from an injury She called nine one one because they got into a fight in air and smashed his fist, ruwenga their neighbours, and also reported noises in domestic disturbances. She later testify, made the decision. Then, if I was going to move back in with their
I was going to have to kind of compromise on his behaviour and that included infidelity in everything came along with it. She also said that she found a gun in their kitchen drawer, a few months after their daughter, was born. She did. carrying guns in the house she laid her said and cord according to the daily mail, honestly he's a grown man. I can't tell a grown man what to do. That's decisions that he has to make. I accepted the fact that he would grow up and mature within time stepped back four million. You were talking about how she was coming The girl, along with some things, that's that's a kind of a tough decision to make you're going to say a word he's gonna go along with it cause I rather be with them, then not be with him. well, but it is a decision that many people have to me ray you're if you're in a relationship- and there are certain things about a person that they do, that you don't like what
for those may be at some point. You have to make the decision in this relationship, and if I am I'm going to have to put up with whether that's true in this case its cheating in, and it sounds like some domestic violence from anger issue here now. What I thought was there it really seem like his father was coming through their she ana has said that she rarely asked erin questions about his alleged crimes. Saying learn to keep my mouth shut in certain situations. I played my role, meaning I can- than I did everything else. There is no reason for me to ask any questions. On june, seventeen two thousand thirteen, the body of two, Seven year, old, odin lloyd was found in an industrial part. A mile from errands mansion in north Attenborough Massachusetts
Odin lloyd was found in the sand and gravel pit. He had been shot five times, including once in the back of the head, it was believed that he was killed between. One a m and six a m. He was found no until five thirty pm by a job. So let's talk about odin, He was a semi professional football player, odin dating shemeah jenkins. She honours Jenkinson sister, Odin worked for a landscaping firm and was an outside linebacker for the boston bandits semi pro team evidence from the crime scene led the police to aaron Hernandez five. Forty five caliber shell casings were found at the crime scene in side opens pocket. The police found a wallet and key to a car that aaron rent so what they pieced together was that aaron and odin lloyd went out to a club together on the night of june fourteenth the police said:
oh no lloyd was last seen a lot with aaron around. Two thirty a m on the seventeenth according to boston. Twenty five news: ok, doesn't make you look great doesn't make you one hundred percent guilty, but please you're gonna wanna talk to you and if it is, you seems, like you were pretty sloppy yeah you're pretty cavalier about it. Here was questioned on june eighteen, investing were seen inside and outside his home. Something that you know you would know about if it was my gibson right, because nobody knows who might gibson It is exactly right. The media is not going to decide
and on your home. But if you're this big time professional football player, it's probably going to get out pretty quickly. Yeah, you probably have pops around paparazzi, hops or razzi. Did you just say pops or razzi? I did okay, let's go with that, but you have them outside your home, probably just normally a think. You hang out to get some pictures of this star player, absolutely maybe the baby they get paid for all kinds of different types of pictures. I still can't believe you said pops are rights as part of that song. You know: what's what? What's the singers name How would I know because is not even a row word here, exactly right: ok, yeah, on June twentieth, the police searched home with a war and based on evidence that he destroyed his home security system according to an investigator investigator and other law enforcement sources confirm whether We see that the security service, then was smashed intentionally a phone.
Used by air and is also given to Investigators in what was described as in pieces investigators wanted to know why house cleaners, hired to clean the mansion on june. Seventy ok! So now we have some more staff and is not looking grey If not why in the world, would you intentionally smash up your? what I'm assuming is a very hi dollar security system for any false our athletes and then break your phone up into pieces in, say: hey you go here. You want my phone here, it it open. Fine? What every looking for now! I doubt many star athletes clean their own homes, but yet I think that the timing of this is suspicious Then it also says that they were hired. So you're here may have had a service, a regular service. He made it he may have had some either full time, but he said
To me, like this, in visual company or whatever was hired specifically for that day, yeah. We also know that in his wife did say she would clean the house, so maybe they didn't have somebody so, and so this was completely out of the ordinary and then, along with the timing, looks very suspicious, so they obviously had not ruled aaron out as a suspect. The state police she's home several times, investigators also surged three enterprise, rental, carbs reggie. Her darin one had a mere knocked off. This vehicle was found in an prize in Boston. On june nineteen sources said it was dropped off abruptly on the eighteenth the broken mere another rental vehicle was found near odin, lloyd's body and then a third rental will stop pulling out a barron's driveway on june eighteen documents were questioned. The plea search the car that
does. It seem strange to have three different rental cars. At the same time, it really does my bed investigators wondered the same thing I've heard of a lot of athletes, doing strange things right. They have a lot of money they can afford to do. What we would think is of as may be bizarre, but three rental car. You can only drive one time now in less you're ruining them for other people. Right and maybe we'll get in on the weak of errands arrests, the plea search his condo in franklin and found forty five caliber bullet on june. Twenty six. To doubt, Thirteen errand was arrested in charge with first degree murder in five fire. Arms violation less in two hours later the patriots announced his release from the tea and his corporate sponsors dropped him not surprising. No, no teams don't want to be associated with that type of stuff.
Want that negative publicity and obviously sponsors don't want any of that think they want a separate themselves. clear as possible, and it reminds me of something is going on in in the nba right now. There's a youngster. Or by the name of John moran and he's really good here, the best young basketball players in twice in the last two months. He's been shone on social media in these videos brandishing a gun. Here's a guy who got the whole world in the palm of his hand yeah, but he feels the need to em in one of these right around the car. Ok I don't know, what's going to happen to invite one thing I do know is that sponsors they don't like that? No, see Michael Jordan- run-
I am brandishing guns, you don't see lebron James magic johnson. No, they don't do that type of stuff because they want that sponsorship money. Absolutely they do it's tat the time the patriots Damon read, a young man was murdered last week and we extend our sympathies to the family and friends who mourn his loss. Words cannot express the disappointment We feel knowing that one of our players was arrested, As a result of this investigation, we realise that law enforcement investigation. Into this matter or ongoing. We support their efforts and respect the process at this time. We believe this transaction is simply the right thing to do. One thing that I always think it's easy to cut like the third string linebacker. Of course nobody cares, but to cut a superstar. That's a big deal, Like you said you ve, invested a lot of money, disguise a great play right,
My assumption is, they must have been pretty sure that this was not going to go well and needed to separate themselves here. Monsieur the public learn details about the murder at the arraignment de William, recalling outline the prosecutions evidence which included, shall casings video surveillance tax and a piece of chewing gum. Ok. Alright, you don't hear that as the introduced evidence all that often, but we got your chewed gum here. The following information comes from business insider on the night of june, fourteenth Aaron and odin were at rumor a club in Boston. Oden talked to a group of people, aaron disliked, he got up said the prosecution said that this was the motive. Furthermore, on june, sixteen that nine two p m errand texted to friends and said
These make it back at nine, o five aaron texted odin and said he wanted to come up to his house, and then time together at nine, Five Aaron texted, his two friends get your ass up. Here. He tax it again at ten to twenty three hurry. Your answer, and apparently his friends arrived after this text, so I mean no, those tax really screen more murder or anything like that. No, but there seems to be some sense of urgency. All just don't know what it's around Get your ass up here, her your ass up later An eye errand was captured by his home surveillance system, holding a gun and telling one of his friends that he couldn't trust anyone the three men laughed at one, twenty one, a m in a rented nissan ultima. It
two ten. A m Erin purchase gas, a pack of gum and rolling papers. You know what rolling papers are. I do normal bouquets were yeah, just checking like those homemade cigarettes, yeah or other other types of sex Add to thirty two. Am the three men arrived it opens house in tax did we're here. Odin sister saw him get into the car The drive aaron told own. He was upset about him speaking to the people at the club, odin lloyd's text messages were pretty After your rain at three o seven, a m odin texted, his sister did, you see, HU, I am with a three eleven: he tax it again, hello question: she responded it three nineteen and said my phone was dead, who odin answered at three twenty two nfl, he tax again it three twenty three just so you know
It's an interesting back and forth. It is, he doesn't say, Aaron her name right. He says nfl, but to me is the just so you know like he felt he needed to tell some here, because We had a bad feeling mary. He knew that errand was upset, three twenty three a, and this was right. The time that odin sent that text errands car was seen on security footage. Coming into an industrial park. This area is in view of the camp, and maybe that's why the just so you know, came from right you're in a car with three other people driving into an industrial park. It almost three thirty in the morning Maybe you don't have a woman cosy feeling about what's happening now. Now I think you were there. Some of the sum of the questioning might not be comforted.
in the car yeah yeah like its leading down a bad path, I could see their between three twenty three and three twenties Odin lloyd was shot five times with the forty five cow, were semi automatic weapon. He was shot three times and was still alive when he fell to the ground. he was then shot two more times in the back the car was seen, leaving at three twenty eight air, so that's kind of how they get the time re gets. There are three twenty three: the cars gone by three twenty eight, so obviously in those four or five minutes is when odin lloyd was hill. Here, erin arrived at his home at three twenty, not so. This obviously was very close to home. three thirty, the three men went inside one of them, holding a semi automatic. They went to the basement and turned off these securities
system. It was said that sixty eight hours of footage went missing on june eighteen errand traded, the nissan for a different route, car, the driver side mere was damaged. He claims that. He didn't know what happened in employ found a shell casing in a piece of chewed gun under the driver's seat. the casings matched casings at the crimes and the gum which was later found in dumpster presumably belong to air main again. Thank you call it cavalier earlier right, yeah mean they do this here. They know clean up the shell casings at the murder scene at all crews through the car to look if there's anything in there before they return it. We would just took what a few minutes they probably to found the casing. me you, those casings. If you foreseen. A gun fired women
slide cox back after the the bullet comes out that casing alone times goose fly yeah, and so I can envision a scenario where their outside the car, maybe the driver side, doors, open shots were fired. hitting own boy in depending on which drive should the gun is facing, the casing could have flown im back into the car underneath the seat, they would have never know where it's true. If you're not out there counting the cases you're beating up based on how many shots you fired, which is why inexperienced person, a hitman, would do right, but that's not who these these guys, all blue hair in her named, as was not a hitman. He wasn't a killer for higher, know, he's a guy who had a bad temper and went too far and went so far. I can imagine that he thought. Oh, you know what I should do. I should counter the shots and find
Can every showcasing after errands arrest more allegations came out against him on june thirteenth Aaron's form friend, Alexander bradley, filed a loss. claiming that air in her name shot him in the fates, bradley's lawsuit stated that he had become subsidy usually disabled and would need care for the rest of his life. Bradley which, on the face after partying with Aaron, and it is club in miami on february, thirteen two thousand thirteen the two men got into an hour after leave, The club the group was driving towards palm beach when errands gun discharged inside the vehicle the bullet win through bradley arm in hit his right up. So I dont know if this was an intention this discharge or an accidental discharge. I'm getting a little bit of pope fiction vibes here, oh yeah, we're then you'll all jackson turns around giant Volta hits about
in the gun goes often he shoots. Marvin in the face but I dont know how it actually window officers with the palm beach sheriff's office responded to an address in riviera beach and he found alexander bradley lying behind. On dear store with gunshot wounds to the head and he was shot in the right temple. and lost his right eye and the use of his right arm at the time. bradley said he didn't know who shot. He described the assailants as hispanic and black men according to the boston globe. Alexander bradley was a drug dealer and air and while he was in college, he
airlines may marijuana. Supply proudly became Aaron's paid assistance in two thousand ten. The globe wrote in addition to supplying drugs. Bradley job was to comb Hernandez, who often erupted into fits of anger and paranoia bradley later testified that one of his jobs was to get Erin a silver revolve, interesting description yeah. I want to go back to you, this guy shine in the in the face an eye but doesn't work we give up aaron Hernandez so tells the cops he didn't know who shot it would only come out later. You may was the guy that was writing. Checks why he was also a drug. The right maybe that was part of It- and maybe He added with a fear of what would happen him. Yeah yeah. I think what keeps coming back around.
is that Erin Hernandez, Hetty, serious problem with anger- and this here mentioned paranoia- I think, I might play into the odin lloyd murder as well. On june, twenty seven, two thousand twenty seven year old, Carlos Ortiz was arrested in charge with unlawful curing of a fire fourteen was one of the men scene surveillance footage, rigid, Aaron's home on the night odin lloyd's, murder or tease was in entering the home at three thirty. I am with a hint the twenty eight forty one year old earnest was was arrested in mere florida. Earnest was the second Erin Hernandez his house on the night of the murder. He turned himself into the police. Earnest was charged with accessory after the fact of murder accordingly, Turning he was visiting family at the time he saw himself on tv.
wanted to turn himself right. That's gonna, be a very, very awkward situation. Sit on the key with your family. All of a sudden, your mug pops up on the tv saying that you're wanted for questioning yeah you're, making some phone os grandma's, not gonna, be very happy with no on the twenty eighth authorities confirm that they were covered a silver creek. Three hundred with rhode island license plates that Ernest wallace last seen driving the car. is found in bristol connecticut at Aaron's uncles house. The Boston police searched aaron's home that same day at this time, Erin was being investigated for drivers shooting in Boston, in the summer of two thousand twa he's been investigated for all kinds of things is also a key deaf. We had some
anger issues. I don't think there is any doubt about that. But again you he's not a kid at this point. Yes he's in his early twentyth, but he's an ineffable player superstar make it all this money in just making horrible decision on July. Sixteen two thousand to twenty nine year old Daniel day, a break you in twenty eight year old, so Fierro for tata, were shot to death inside their car. During it, by shooting in the south in the neighbourhood of Boston. Day, a obray you for tato in three passengers were stopped at a red light when the shooting occurred, were shot by some one in the silver suv we, rhode, island plates, one passion Your was injured and two others fled the car without being injured. The police, said they had the gun and vehicle, but no mode. The two men who were shot were from cape
very debray. You was a police officer and cape verde and arrived in your chaster massachusetts in two thousand and six zero for tat. It had the men in george chaster for five months. Neither man had any ties to Aaron Hernandez, but news reports came out and stated that both men were at the same boston nightclub, as aaron on the night of the shooting, one of them apparently bump and arrogance build his drink errand. Was this backdated of targeting after they left. This incident occurred the week before aaron started. Training with the pain You're gonna shoot somebody over bumping into you and spilling your drank. It's called anger management there on september for two thousand thirteen the hartford Kerr reported. The authorities had surveillance, video, shorn aaron in the same club as the
a break you and for tato hours before their death on the sixth aaron pleaded not guilty murder of odin law on september. When he seventh, a grand jury, indicted, Shanna, jenkins, tanya, singleton and carlo or t earnest. Wallace was immediately charged with accessory to murder. After the fact, tease was initially charged with possession of a weapon without a permanent. His gun charge was dropped in later, replaced with accessory court record, show that our tease told investigate she was asleep in the car, while errand and wallace got out with odin lloyd prosecutor said, at the hearing on september, twenty six that he changed his account in said her and, as was alone with lord geology, Gins was indicted for perjury and and you singleton was indicted for conspiracy to commit accessory after the fact,
murder, the steamer released by the DA's office provided no information about the basis for the charges, how we're in august the Boston glove reported that prosecutors we're investigating a phone call and tax that Aaron allegedly sent china on june eighteen telling her to get rid of in their basic security footed shows her carrying a large object, consistent with the shape of a lock box to the car, leaving in returning thirty five minutes late. Without tiny singleton, allegedly paid for a bus ticket for wallace from georgia to floored a week after the murder. Alexander bradley, appeared before grand jury, probing the two thousand twelve shooting october, eighty, two thousand thirteen
nov. Twenty eighth of that year, Aaron exercised his fifth amendment right in the bradley bossy or you can see things aren't looking good now in it's almost like an avalanche right, they're coming Add him from a bunch of different angles, because they believe if he's been involved in a bunch of different things: multiple murders, shooting a man in the face on December sixteenth, two thousand and thirteen odin lloyd's family filed a wrongful death law suit against Aaron. On january, seven, two thousand fourteen information came out that authorities believe odin lloyd's murder was connected to the two thousand twelve bird. So we might beginning in the area of motive here, yeah yeah I mean I am, I think, we're going be heading down that path,
On january, sixteen new details came out in an unsealed search warrant about why the Boston police wanted to search errands, uncles, home Boston officials were alerted to the house ass by the investigators working, the odin, lloyd, cakes they noticed in unused for run in the garage with allegedly matched the ash you used in the boston, shoot So I know it's a little convoluted, but we ve got separate incidents. Here we have the murder of odin lloyd. We ve got this multiple murder, then All the dry by shooting and police are slowly connecting the two together and on February twenty six two thousand the families of four tato in day, a brave a wrongful deaf lawsuit against erin on April, eleventh two thousand fourteen or teasing.
swear indicted in connection with odin blades burke on may, fifteen aaron Hernandez, was indicted on two counts of first to murder? For the das of day In your day a bray you and severe euro for tyto, three counts of armed assault with intent to murder and one count of assault and battery with a dangerous weapon. So you know we talked about this avalanche. Well now it's come down on big time. He's got charges up the wazoo yeah on may twenty eighth aaron pleaded not guilty to the murders in the December twelve, two thousand fourteen a judge ruled that prosecutors in the odin lloyd case could not tell the jury about. the other two murders or the last tax odin sent his sister. While his defense team has to feel good about that yeah, I'm sure they fought hard right to exclude any
information about these other murders, it's bad enough, what they have to defend, but you put that into the mixit. It almost feel like an be impossible. Tanned but I saw I understand excluding the information about the tumor sure he's not being convict know what I am was not sure about and really couldn't find the information to back it up was why the the tax were excluded from the jury. We mention one of them said: You know who I am wealth and fao, but maybe there was a good one just so. You know now was it because he didn't come out and specifically say they: was with Aaron Hernandez. Maybe I think so, but couldn't the jury digest, an information and make of it what they want. Maybe what biased the jury by
and I think that's why the other two murders would get excluded. You don't want a biased, the jury. I wouldn't have thought that the text messages would do but maybe they would Aaron Hernandez, went to try for the murder of odin law in january, two thousand. Fifty so like we say it's like an avalanche, as you know, come down in and landed on him. The murder of odin look the murders are these two other men in a dry by shooting facing you know a lot. soon connection was shooting a man the face, I thought it is. You know it's it's hard enough to get out of one major charge. but when you have multiple, they then we're gonna result in different tribes. Doesn't dad, exponentially up the chain that you're gonna be convicted. Of some absolutely does
they're they're, coming at you from all sides, different different prosecutors, different jurisdictions. So I think this is a good spot in part one. In part to the aaron Hernandez episodes will cover aaron's to murder trial. His death in the news that followed about his personal life will also get into some more talk about concussions. see tee and what role that might have played in errands behavior, but this kind of wrapping this one. I do think he had a rough childhood I don't think there's any doubt about that. I think he witnessed some bad behaviour
I think he experienced abuse, definitely physical at the hands of his father. Of course he claims sexual abuse yeah, but we don't know who that would have with that person was who that person was there's. No doubt he was an extremely gifted athlete. He had the towns Oh, he was oozing town sure, and not only that, but he proved that on the feed and compensated for he was really good. So much they were awarded him with his big contract, but it is to meet the site He was hang around the wrong people here. if we had anger issues here It was said that he had some paranoia and I think we'll talk about it more in part to but big, it played a very large role in you. These actions that he took part in because bumping into you in
billing your drink. Ok, are you gonna be slightly annoyed? Yes, maybe you ask the person to replace the drink or whatever it is. You don't stop them out of the bar, no follow them and then shoot through their vehicle right guys got all the money in the world. So it's not about money raised about the money of the during no it's about the the perceived slight yeah. It seems as though he just filled him with with rage with so much anger. He just went away. He just couldn't let it go. He made this really great speech about. Since my daughter has been born. You know: change person grown up man that this now Obviously that was just talk sure will mean that the way it ultimately shook out, because the day. Why would you put your livelihood and your families live with that at risk over something so trivial
and we're going to get into more about the motives for them. The murder of odin, lloyd and inept so too, but that's it for this first episode on errand, and as we had, some voicemail gives you unchecked us out this europe. I any Leave me alone. I thought I was going to leave voicemail. Until I got caught up Then I realized how cool it would be if I was listening and caught up to my own voicemail. So here I am, I love you guys tend to have cats. You should look into Shelley know that they have had the ability a liking feel to it. She, basically, people in some quarters help them remember telling them they were ever photo. laughed on her, and I read a book written by one of her daughters, the latter I ground information. A lot of it will make a good episode and I can't find any podcast on it. So would probably be interested in that Thanks guys. I love you too, and we're definitely interested
are we put that on the lists? Gotta get it on the lists. Thank you. I was listening to the Jeffrey Dahmer episodes. By the way, and it made me think of a guy named gregory by women who is in prison in illinois, incline these innocent. So they test his dna turned out. If not only guilty for what he was imprisoned poor, but he was also the older ones out, one of saint Louis counties, oldest son from motor and he died on death row in Missouri and he was insisting his innocence wanted to relay tested grown time ticket. Thank you. Buy sometimes I just by dna backfires well, but I think I have said this before. What are these people? two loops yeah. If you're really innocent, then its hopefully going to show that right, if you know he did you already impose.
in any way. Maybe they'll mess up. The task may be a won't show some thing: there's none, sample, who knows and now have to watch out or something you just grasping at straws at that point in our aid but doing that is very interesting love as we talk about individual those being exonerated through dna and also convicted, but what about? having your dna tested later and it connecting you to a bunch of other crimes yeah. But you know he was bound to die in prison. Recycling pay making giddy. This is really from illinois. We're about two months passed the carrying the care enough to set. At this point, I am still missing the facts. We give you voice now. I obviously don't wish to be any ill will, but if he could find
in the way called debate that boys and maybe do it going forward in future episodes just saying it wouldn't be bashful busy. But regardless I love you guys been listening for years, I'll be listening for many more you can head on a swivel. Keep your own time. Cooking means is that when I'm sick or something yeah when you're, when you were sick, call it to get the sexy gibi voice, I see you when I was all congested and yeah they. They dug it for some reason. What sets out these voice? All you need to do is: go downtown like to a bus station year end just lick like a seat or a wall. Maybe he's eat, yeah where people said I get what I want to look for their asses. Why, when I like a handle were their hand, ok and licked licked the handle is at all without the bathroom. Why the back? Why not? Just like maybe a door until Holding light, why I don't wanna join
ok, all the room bathroom and looked a little thing where they pushed through And now cause I want to go to the bus station downtown cause, it's a funnier picture, and I can, I can see me being picked up and taken somewhere doing something like that yeah. I appreciate all the voicemails, mailbag, Aimee citizen. These awesome, true crime, themed bo, ties, hair, bows, daubs, her etsy shop, beautiful dreamer, they're, pretty critical thinking, Amy some, Amor, police tape. Some of them are like fingerprints, are actually really near one of my hair right now. Yes, you are. It looks a very day, nice, very dainty, very nice yeah. I That is it for another episode of true crime, all the time so for my gibbey stay saving he broom time, taking
the the The I.
Transcript generated on 2023-05-23.