« The Tony Robbins Podcast

Build a bigger business | Lively founder on finding (and filling) the gaps in a $13B industry

2018-04-03 | 🔗

Last fall, eight winners of Shopify’s Build a Bigger Business competition were flown to Tony’s Fiji resort Namale for both group and one-on-one coaching sessions with him. One of the winners was an entrepreneur that Tony personally selected from the entrants – Michelle Cordeiro Grant: the founder of Lively, a brand that is fusing athleisure and lingerie to bring comfort and style to women’s intimates.

Michelle began her career with Federated Merchandising Group, creating brands and product for one of the world's largest retailers. Grant instantly fell in love with the entire process from concept to customer, and realized that her passion was in supporting, creating and developing amazing brands and products.

Grant spent the tenure of her career with the industry leaders – Federated, VF Corporation and Limited Brands/ Victoria's Secret. Her work at Federated focused on the development of private label brands and at VFC, Grant was responsible for launching global brands like Nautica Women’s Sportswear. Seeing the shift in the market towards e-commerce, Grant moved to Victoria’s Secret where she focused on merchandising and strategy for VS's digital arm. Once Grant realized she wanted to create her own brand, she spent a number of years at a thriving startup, Thrillist Media Group, overseeing their commerce division. By working for top retailers, traveling the globe to meet world class manufacturers and spending a couple years with an incredible startup, Grant learned the importance of creating a strong brand affinity, crafting a quality product and building a dynamic team.

While working with Victoria's Secret, she learned that this $13B lingerie category, in the US alone, was dominated by this one brand, with one point of view. Grant was inspired to create a completely new experience for the category – one she coined Leisurée – and so LIVELY was born.

In this episode of the Tony Robbins Podcast, Michelle sits down with our host, Ana, to talk about her experience with Tony, and the key insights that she took from this session and put to work in her business.


We hear what it’s been like for Michelle to build the Lively brand. We learn how she has strategically leveraged social media, curated an extraordinary customer experience, and created company ethos that serves as their north star when it comes to their most important business decisions. We learn just how Michelle intends to spread her message of body positivity and community all while bringing her customers a brand that makes them look, feel and live confidently.

This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
If you're listening to this podcast, it means you're ready, no more than ready to have a major breakthrough in your business, hungry for change and your hungry for growth, and that your feeding her mind right now with all this valuable information, but to drive those changes to be really smart about what you're doing and to make the right choices before you take massive action you need help from someone who's been there? Someone who's, gonna coach, you through it. If someone to get you started on your journey, that's why twenty robins is offering free one to one business strategy session from one of his top business coaches. Six hundred dollar value completely free, no strings attached. That's right! If you're listening right now, you can go to Tony Robin Stockholm. Slash, CEO and Senate free session with them. Of tourneys team whose help business owners, like yourself, overcoming obstacles Adam on the path to success
everyone, its Anna editorial director of Robins Research, international welcome to the tone. Oh pike, ass last fall eat of Shopping, build a bigger business. Competition were flown to Tony's, Fiji resort Nuala for both groups and why on one Cushing sessions with him, one per, nor that Tony personally selected from the entrance was mission pretty grant the founder of lively, a brand of that is fusing at leisure and luxury to bring us of emotional inclusiveness that she believes is lacking in the current market. Here's a look her one on one session with Tony. I myself, Radiogram, foundering ceo of lively. What we tell our cars and unease and swimwear today, but adjacency products will becoming tomorrow.
Big believer in rip open the plan that you're gonna do, but I always have that back a plant was starting with an amazing conversation talking through the business talking through the strategy as a leader and so called I have zero question about your ability to succeed, because if you take away all the skills that much drive and hunger you'll figure it out with nice that you kind of took a moment to acknowledge that you're gonna. Do That's no matter what, but it's really how you do this. That's gonna, be game, changing in your personal life, only peaceful use,
taking care of you so that this journey, you don't look back to have regrets slight right and the places you ever grant will probably not be. The business will be in your personal life is approaches personal and its tailored. What I think is amazing, I think that's why he so effective, because he customize is to whoever he's interacting with. I have no question she can succeed in business. My concern was: I could feel that below about there's this lack of fulfilment and enjoyment, even though she's busting your tail in my whole life is normally people achieve more Michael's. Helping people have life on their terms. Tell me what what are you gonna go back within? Tell me what questions you might have a high might be able to have. Quite frankly, when I started the week, I thought I was gonna be asking him more from business advice, but as a kind of went through the course of the journey, a change, because I really embrace what he says about it. Being eighty percent psychology and twenty percent. You know operations, and so I started to lean into that modulation. Suitable talks about a dark
clearly have within the attack on a broad through those, and I make this thing happened right about the war is the one that will go do battle the warriors fearless the warrior well just push through. I would ask you stand up and make just told me to stand up and make up Here we go where we go in what we do and relate to the warrior in you instinctively say where the warrior me touch that party or body around the world, Are your says Michel? All you need to do now. All you need to remember all you need to go to grow the next level as it give you first response in saying the warriors as Michel away from south. I need today to get to the next level. Ok, she's a very pennant sort. So, instead of me giving advice, I wanted her to give advice to her eyes on the different there's, a magician magician cans see the strategy. Nobody else is the magician S, fine, we'll stop that stresses out the word, the overall quality of the magician
once the quality of emotion different than the warrior, I'm curious and you feel the difference S and that's a future missing right now. I got fourteen in that time because I knew that he was gonna, be hearing with me, a gift that he gives to select people and for him to take the time to go there with me made me feel really well lest the leverage you where's, the lover touch where the lever, the lovers, what you really are, your driven by love you and your cousin where's your driven by love. It's very honest. Some people say that you really are that its where you get your energy, it isn't just about business. It's about love, she loves required. She wants to see them, have a beautiful wife and she so busy running around doing everything that comes was that connections. I want to bring that connection back as powerful as this woman is here, and I respect your immensely this woman she's, the one who can penetrate anyone can and you ve, been very
alright now connected to yourself and that feeling that's what I want for you on this journey. I've done this for forty years with you know, Penza millions of people from a hundred countries. With this point, I can be an idiot after becoming to notice. There are patterns that make people angry or sadder frustrate their patterns and make people passionate or grateful or excited, and when you know those patterns are- and you see what they are, you know to do to help people just cause. I've got a lifetime's work experience. You don't have to give up any of that drive for the quality of life you deserve think family deserves Thank you now, today, Michel is joining us on the podcast to talk about her experience with Tony and the key insights TAT she took from this session and put to work in her business. We also talk about what it's been like to build a lively brand. We dive into how they leverage social media created an extraordinary customer experience and created a company ethos that sir
as their Northstar when it comes to their most important business decisions we also learned just how Michel intends to spread her message of body positivity and community all while bringing her customers a brand that makes them look feel and live confidently. So shall welcome to the package, were so excited to have you here and I'm not gonna lie the reason. I really wanted you to share your story with our audiences, because you were part of this shop. If I contest that Tony dead in partnership with shop, a fi where the winners I've got to go to Fiji and have some one on
in time with him and a few other of strategic business councillors, and I love to know, sir, to how you how I came to be. How did you enter in and what was your experience like throughout the contest shore yeah? You know it just kind of felt meant to be for me. I started my company in April of twenty sixteen built, my direct a consumer business on. Up a fight with the lowest plan for a hundred ninety nine dollars a month, and we were so fortunate that we were focused on community. We grew organically really quickly. About a year later, in March twenty seventeen or twenty sixteen excuse me, I had just had my So after launching lively two months later, I found out, I was pregnant with my second child and six days after having him, you know things just felt really loose and our best as we know, are removing warehouses? Are customer service was going through the roof?
and I just felt the need for to ask for help and out of nowhere I got this email, my inbox from shop providers like hey. We have a competition about building a bigger business, and wouldn't it be amazing to me: and toward by tony robins- and you know this incredible panel of other entrepreneurs, inventors and so forth and like well. This is like, I said, meant to be given I applied at that moment and kind of went back to focusing on the business in the team and had this. You know thing in the back my mind just what? If what? If never did, I really think we would, when we were fifteen months old and. Gotta call in August Meyer, so you were fifteen months old. What was your journey like sort of from uniform and to the point where you started working with four in the shape of a contest yeah? So I left my I left my car
quote job. What do you think you don't get? Everyone has their their full time: stable, stir sure job air or, for the most part people. Don't love and live their passion. The way that I I had been- and you know I got to the place in my life, where I no longer loved, going to work as much as I used to so I always say people. You know I have always been that girl that skip to work does anyone know I only smiling on the subway at yesterday's meeting. And so I always felt extremely grateful for that. But, after I was at Victoria Secret for some time, smile started to dwindle, and I said you know something needs to change, and so I moved over to start up. I worked there for three years and Finally, I said all right, it's time you now I need to do you know what I mean, set out to do. I was felt like there was this this journey. I was supposed to be
so. I said Yola like what's the time is now I started in August of twelve fifteen. I found investors and supply chain that could help me and I came to an office with three blank walls and glass and said right, its official I'm starting this company and me you yourself and yeah yeah faculties, unlike step one, how to start any one, Google. It funny. I use a lot of tactics that Tony actually teaches. One being, you know, understand you're blind spots, and you know at the time I called it. My vulnerabilities like where was I most fearful and I made a list of of areas. I was most fearful and said: ok, customer service, digital marketing, fulfilment and started attacking that list. Insane are right now who knows these areas best? Who are the experts, and you know hustled my way on linked in my network and so forth, and you said
what's your favorite cup of coffee, where do you like to work out? You know how can I have fifteen minutes of your time to convince you that you need such a stalker and so impressed, yeah about soggy other people just called hustle. You know you're nuts. I do think that is a characteristic of really successful. Entrepreneurs like they have that guy's, just that derive great, and at the time I didn't realize how crazy
probably came across. Will you were blinded by passion, exact, the exact and you don't once I had that foundation of of of support, I was able to sit down into our. I let's build this brand, and so the second thing I did was this brand needs to physically exist, and so I have a wall in my office in its the visual articulation of what I wanted my brand to be, because the way that I approached it was that if I was gonna build a team around this brand, quoting quote Ex pupil needed to understand it, and I couldn't just verbally share and I needed to visually share it again, and so I would kind of start to recruit people by bringing him that his office that I kind of decked out it may seem like this big com. Many so that they could come in and perform as if it was a big company and that's gonna how we set out. We built a vision board. We started building many many team. There was three of us. We set rules and goals and
I'll use em and started to build the lively ethos. So you know you mentioned that you knew your blind spots, and so you went out and hustling you found people to help you there and then there were brought. There are some areas that you felt really continent, and is that because those were the areas that you that your career had essentially train you, for that was that, because you have experience in them exactly yeah, I had been super fortunate that I grew up in retail. I worked for federated, creating private brands for Macy's Bloomingdale's Vs Corporation with National brands like nodded I'm complaining and then really found my passion at Victoria Secret, where I was focused on direct consumer conversations on a category that I I just love So is that why you decided to stick with that category, because you felt really confidence in your sword domain knowledge and then also still passionate really about the products in and what you're providing people yeah.
The combination of both it was a category that I just truly loved because it was it's kind of this thing that women get to share, but they never really celebrated. So I just saw such a unique opportunity and how do we create a? How do we shift a category from something that's like dated awkward and overlooked, something that celebrated and and just really enjoyed. Think his? You know that every woman shopping for browse for the first time is terrifying. It's absolutely terrifying right! You go into it like you set out data, you under department stores and link older woman. You know trusted fit veto measure you and it's always really uncomfortable and caught hold of it, and you don't making that transition into the more modern era. Where you know we we live in and on demand society. Now re like you, can go on Amazon order whenever you like, and then this whole concept as well, that where we park early pioneered, was the scene of the spaceboat, but be
never to you, and so you ve mood really seriously into that category. That what's really fascinating is not just about the product. Like you said, you have an ethos, and I love that shift that you made. You said you know, Victoria secret. Has this mindset of how do I feel when a man looks at me versus the lively ethos, which is how do I look when I'm feeling Conner and comfortable and ready to take on the day? So how could you explain a little bit about how you created this ethos, and you know in some way seems like you is the opposite of where you came from suits. You seemed like a very natural shift, but it's s a very challenging. So what was your approach going into that shore? Yet it really came from what I was experience in life and in that like, I said that skipping to work kind of feeling where I I was living a bear and still am a passionate filled lifestyle. My job is so fulfilling and rewarding, and I was working in these core
operations where I kept looking around and just seen. People not sharing that same type of lifestyle and friends and family constantly complain. About their jobs and so forth and unlike well, what if I could create a brain and within this category that not just shift the mentality of the category, but also started to spread an ethos and a conversation about life is about choices, so you can choose to live a passionate fulfilling life. You can choose to take your dreams and make them your goals. You can choose all of these things at all it. It's all about having the courage, the competent and potentially the support around you to get it done I made that decision and twenty twelve, where I was going to leave Victoria secret. I was gonna, create this. This community in the supply form to really encourage women to start to not just participate in what they love cause. I was participating Victoria Secret,
but to start to lead, and by leading I could I couldn't on the conversation I can create the dialogue and the story versus Victoria Secret I was participate, and the dialogue and the story of what less Wechsler wanted to. In the lingerie area, which is totally valid from his perspective right, he created a brand which was about buying beautiful lingerie for his wife, so that he could see her and her most sexy element, and that was you know the angel, the fantasy and the push up so anywhere. I went in there world a hundred different languages. You said Victoria secret. They heard angel fantasy push up, and so I wanted to change that to my own conversation, where, if women are talking about brows and undies, what if they talk about inner uniqueness individuality confidence and that really channeled individual opportunity to live your best self, which, at the end of the day, will make you ultimately sexy. You know that's great.
So I'm really fascinated about how you started with this ethos, and you do do you basically did a social media abolished before anything else? What prompted our decision? And how did you know identify the people that you knew you want to be part of this movement yeah? You know it's Where did with my my vision of I grew up, loving fashion, because I love the idea, brand Ray and Rand's their IP is not. You know you think about raffle around the IP and the new polo was not the polo sure it was how that horse made people feel winning, but not yet right now, just love that you could inspire people that way, but over the years I saw that really starting to wane and get diluted with marked down to sales and all these different things. So I said what if we brought the power of brand back, but instead of talking at customers that way brands used to what, if wheat we built this Thou brand with a community, we weren't open brand. So it wasn't us deciding. Ok, we're gonna create lively, and this is what it's gonna say. This is the photos,
and this is the product. What have we set? We're gonna Crete lively and we want you to help us. Do that help us choose the imagery help us create the the dialogue and so forth, and that's why we started on social. To be honest, we said it's actually crowd is crowd source, your brand, so people crowd source funding. Why wouldn't you harvest ideas from the community before you get started that Seeber intraday? Exactly exactly so? Why wait to launch your branded? See people love it instead build it with them, and you know the love it so in the spring of twenty. Sixteen, a couple months before we launch we started doing just that. We we started. Holding
focus groups and sharing with people like hey here's a product. What do you think, like here's, the imagery and some of the words were using like to respond to this? What do you love? What what don't you like? How do you feel about this conversation where we're having and thankfully was really well received, but they helped us really focus it in and make it more and more authentic ass? We went through that process and then we come We went to Instagram and we started posting images and those tag lines that we worked with. Our ito focus groups on and community on, creating an instantly people started direct messages. I remember the first girl was a growing Taylor Tippit. She was a flight, then from Chicago and she saw are our first posing. How can I help like this? Is amazing and well? What do you mean in she's like I want to be a part of this brand like aright, perfect, and so we started,
rules, we said we will only share imagery and tagline set represent our ethos. We will not tell anybody the price of a product. We will not push the features of our products. We will only stand for the movement first and foremost and we started to build. We had about a hundred ambassadors that we built a network of focusing honestly purposefully in the middle of the country, because we didn't want ale just focus on New York in California. We wanted to make sure this brand was accessible to most geographically and am that's rare and anyway, that's very rare, and so we were looking at women's on profiles not for the number of followers they had, but for there there feed had in terms of content worthy living, a fulfilling life did they demonstrate that they were truly passionate about something whether it was food or are or are professionalism whatever it was. Are they passionate people and that's how we created the crew and its using, has allowed people think of Instagram as being a superficial medium, but
what I've noticed is that over the past few years in particular, it act this fits in very well to one of Tony's famous quotes, which is meaning equals emotion and emotion, equals life so there are really fascinating artistic things going on Instagram. That does seem to carry more meaning and then that meaning carries over into an emotion and when you're talking about building a brand. What is a brand new? Your point about rob you know rough or in its The motion that you feel about it and that's a theory on that something that's long lasting as well, so I that you take that approach now. It is this kind of approach, though, that you would recommend to other people absolutely no because from a business standpoint and and we'd held these rules to this day right. So we we still do not acquire customers based on price for earth, even though our our product has an incredible value. We still at the top of our marketing, funnel focus on ethos and beat.
Because of that, our customer is just beyond amazing. Her lifetime value, her repeat, re her word of mouth. All of it is just a beautiful, including the diversity of it. So you look at our economic hustled income, it's a rainbow it. It doesn't matter if you make them now five hundred thousand it doesn't matter if you live in Minnesota or on the Upper EAST side. It doesn't matter if you're, eighteen years old or fifty five years old, we market to a mindset, and it gives our business so much strength, and that gives you a scope and scale also random and then you're, not limiting yourself to certain demographics or geographical profiles exactly and you're not tied to you're, not in a product race, either re weather, where bowls or whatever you're, not trying to beat your your last best product
per se your creating an ethos and a brand that can go in so many different avenues? It doesn't matter for selling brawls or for having concerts that lively feeling and that inspiration is long. Lasting apple does the same thing and think of a good pivot into most industry and it would still succeed right now. So I, like you, you know you're talking about how not you didn't purposely did not limit yourself from the very beginning one thing that you done that I think it completely says. You're from the competition is This broad size range, so you saved up different styles. Twenty six size is your also sort of blending the lines between lingerie, active swimwear, and I mean I'm a customer. Had I get your email, then I'm like a container firstly amazed at how the offerings contain we need to broaden, but the queen,
Letty seems to remain the same, as that does not have to do with your supply chain reside. You have the ability to brought in your range so quickly, but because of the way that you set up your operations, shore yeah, I know it's some one of our clear competitive advantages is our supply chain before I started the company. I said the only way that I can do this is, if I locked down supply chain, and not only did I locked out an amazing supply chain, there were actually my first investors pre launch Oh perfects, yet I could dream come true life. He had therein long literally invested yeah exactly and it was to the point where we started develop our product. I purposefully did not bring on anybody that was previously in the lingerie space because I wanted to make. Or that we did things differently. Instead, I brought in my creative partner, Sarah, who came from an active and lounge background and said to her like forget everything we know. Let's, just by and curry all the
products that we're living in, and so she was obviously wearing a lot of active in sport and, as I have the pants and swim here, I was worried as broad Yazoo for them to show and we started literally cutting the waistband up, yoga pans and stabilize them till I believe, brawl adds. That is Jean us, because it is true that wages and yoke of hands are just too thick and end the bans on browser with you thin. So well, that's literally solving a problem of sub aware it is being ignored. Creative and weird and vine, and when we took this to our our manufacturers, who again where our investors are like interesting like so for an hour you shore and we're like. Yes, let's just try and they said okay. So what we're gonna do is actually build a factory dedicated towards creating this product because wine, its unique to? We know that quality control is beyond of the utmost importance to you and three. We want to go.
View that red and react ability that you demonstrated is so important, and so we were able to actually launched with twenty two sizes, from day, one which is worrying, because sometimes the pipe one of those three and and they knew that and we we hoped that we were gonna, sell out, but still be able to take orders Luckily that came to fruition, we sold out of our product and two weeks, but we still took orders and were able to back fill them within you, no fourteen to thirty days Is that also how you keep consisted in and and very low of all. Is that how you do that as well, or was that a cause, you sort of strategic decision from the gecko to make everything dick decision from the get go to make everything even across the board anything else. You have to explain to people who aren't lively customers, how you guys do pricing, because I want you pronounce it's one of the first questions
Ask is like I don't know how to do pricing. How do I add away? You know? How do I do this yeah yeah? So we we set our goal, which was about simplicity and, I kind of said from the beginning. I want all of our brows to be the same price. I don't care what size, what shape, how intricate the style is. I won the consumer not to have that as a you know, a way for them to choose between styles yeah so, and so we set that goal and we said ok and then at the same time, we want to make sure that we have a marge and in place in which we could afford world class customer service gorgeous packaging might beyond drilling amenable to experience and all of these things, because it's not just about how the product makes you feel it's about the experience of discovering the brand receiving the product and telling about sharing it with your friends and so to your question about about price. We price all of our broad,
for thirty five dial dollars doesn't matter what it is and then, if you buy to its fifty five and if you buy three seventy five because having lived in this category, I know that when women's by broad as they wanna get it done, and so they usually by anywhere at once, exactly and so from a business standpoint. Economically women on average by at least three broad from lively experience, and it just makes us gives us the ability to put in all of those other pieces of the experienced back into the customers hands. The nice part two about simplistic pricing as that people's brains are hot, we don't we do not have the passing Kim like us, the decisions, the sheer volume of decisions that we are expected to making a day, and if you to go in and you have to start doing now about or cables is gonna cost this margin? If I buy this than I get to these and exhausting that's, it's really great that that's you know, you're really helping the customer in Athens, absolutely the less friction, the better
well, I love the image in your packaging as your packaging is extremely luxurious feeling it. Also? U S ten t, surprise your customers- and you know I noticed I got like cute sir, in her last package. So you know- and that's really interesting t, because one of the things that tony talks about his business. Mastery event is that when you go to pray, something you have to make sure you're not undervaluing right, so you should rather value to the to the club. It and you price it accordingly and a lot of people tend to undercut themselves because there are looking to the right and the left and looking at them, predators and thinking I have you, no sir they're they're making decisions based on information. That is not direct clients, but packaging in a luxurious way is something that adds value so that something that makes people feel stuff all taken care of, so I think he really nailed those three things: right, broadsides rage, honest price, luxurious packaging, but
Then you ve got this one. Fine, thing that you it is interesting, as you mentioned, that this is something that you did not feel comfortable about the very beginning, but your car summer, service. Honey. Tony has this. You know idea of raving fan clients and you know satisfied people say I want to satisfy my customer, but satisfied customers will go away: ass, innocent thing outcomes, lung or maybe it's cheaper, but arriving fan, clients, somebody who really feels past about your brand and your product? They will be loyal with you to the end, which is It makes sense. As you said, you have got you ve got along lifetime value fur for your customers, but that's the easy to say and very hard to do, because there are so many customer touch points on this, but I now a digital media. So how Do you even begin to provide this exceptional level of customer service The lean team that you have- and you know with the consistency across the board shore sure you don't and actually start a pre launch.
No one. We were creating a community on Instagram. We also did an email referral campaign which I think you read about and in that we said to you no two hundred and fifty earth, friends and family. We said for every person that you had to submit their email to wear lively dot com. You will get a point towards your first purchase and- and we had this like pretty little cute dashboard scale. That said, you know ten points. It closes twenty point stutter but nowhere in the experience did I tell you how much our broad actually causes. So, like you know, Harry's did this in twenty eleven a hundred thousand emails we're hoping to maybe get five thousand emails a week. We release Daddy Melanie, Friday around two o clock. By Sunday morning we had a hundred and thirty three thousand email submitted three hundred thousand sessions global.
The wind Duke servers rather thought me, but there were no deaths in bathroom star. All I mean, what's good, probably to have it was bananas, unlike while our company didn't even launch and we ve been hacked, it's amazing. It was real, and so at that moment I say to people, that's actually when our costs are company launch, because that's when I turned on customer service, I said we owe it to this community and to be in touch with them so winter and on phone email and chat immediately, and we were on twenty four hours a day. There were three of us, and that was why I actually learn customer service, I started to hear what people were saying and it was actually the most valuable time period for us as a company, because we took notes to everything they said and we use it actually for marketing. We said why do you like us like? What do you love about this and and those actual customer quotes became our emails?
and became you know the dialogue that we started company ought and doubtless day we go to Instagram comments and customer service to be proactive to show air. Now to your you, no actual question, which is: how do we have superior customer service? We leave in a hard on it, we just always had more customer service available than we need and we actually look at each marks for companies that are not in r r bucket in terms of revenue in and employ how we look at two buckets ahead and say: we need to be on their level. That's great! That's that's something! That's great advice for any entrepreneur. If there's something you really want to excel at, don't look to your peers. Dont want to the people in your category or in your revenue range. You look ahead for a brilliant So it sounds like everything was going really wow indicate when you, when you went into this shop. If I experience where you were in Fiji in talking to him Ferris and marry for allowing Bulgaria Tony what we're
your pain points going into that yeah. I think that Tony kind of nailed it where he identified what my pain point wasn't honestly like going Two, I didn't know what it was. I knew that I knew our company was growing. You know incredibly fast. I knew our team was growing incredibly fast. I had this like sense of uneasiness by cutting quite pinpoint what it was, and I and I thought my going into Fiji that my my to call or what I really needed to unpack was. How did I want to grow? My company, you know, did I want to go down the path of every at that typically start up to go, which is you know you hit a certain threshold now you start doing subway campaigns and billboards and so forth. I thought it was like how do I grow the awareness of my company, but what I actually realized when I was sitting with TIM and Emery and Antoni specifically, was it wasn't about that? It was about my own mental threshold,
How do I? How do I grow as a leader in an honest or newer, and how do I stop being in my business and start? You know been in owner up my business owner, not operator, and that this is the classic thing, and I just wish it every day and I can understand this and Tony's as the biggest chokehold on your business is the psychology of its leader. Its upper side an end- I you know so he so I'm super interests in this because he's I watching the video and he says to you. You know I have all. I have faith in you like you're gonna, do that there isn't. There is no doubt in my mind like, and I think everybody who is listening right now. They know the fifth clearly your focused and you have the skill set and you have the passion and the power so is like. You're gonna do this matter. Why, but it's how you do it! It's gonna be game, changing now, professionally. Personally, so right, what did he mean by that yeah? He? I think he could
the on me. You know this that I was torn. You know I was I had. I just had my sign at the time he was about No nine months old and I was in Fiji as you know, and I have been travelling alive and he could see that I was so torn about being away from my family and my kids that I was trying to figure out like how am I going to help me get a grow, this company and do this thing that I love so much while I also spend time with the people that matter most to me and I realized it was. The answer was becoming an owner and not an option The answer was about. You know been dedicated to balance because there is no there's no recipe for balance. It's a discipline, in my opinion, its do. You just have to decide that that is the type of lifestyle you're gonna live and you live it and he started sharing with me examples of women that currently do it and so forth and whose, like
like you don't want to look back and say yeah, I built lively and in its a huge success, but I missed all of these amazing moments. In my children's life, so I need, I think, every woman who has kids, who has also you knows there either has a business or re passion about their career. They just polyglot goosebumps. Just now because that is, you just spoke to the deepest fear. I think everyone is like yeah missing out on your kids childhood and the Antonio, says, there's no such thing as work life balance, and when you think about balance, we tend about the day to day we tend to think. Oh, am I gonna. You know I need to go to parent teacher conferences, but then I'm gonna, I still get. We hot mom gets right so right. Well, I missing this afternoon board meeting because I'm going to the dance recite all, but if I missed the dancers, so your nobody's happy, hooray, you're, always letting people down
and we get caught up in their day to day and were so busy were so used to being tough and Malta. Asking that we also lose time with our emotions and our passion and our love her overdoing it our love for the people that were around so ultimately that where the balance really comes back in as being able to cater to what he called like the lover in you, you know you got the warrior, but then what about the lover so yeah. How? How did that impacts you, and how did you feel after that moment that you had with him show are you now it was I mean the man is who gifted It's amazing because his eyes are so warm words. You know physically he's he's a big gentlemen. He's a force of nature, yeah he's either vigour heat is captured, you, though, in a way that is so war Irma.
Nurturing it was such a safe space. I have to say no in the interview and when he outline you know that the idea of the warrior and so forth and the lover it everything just kind of crystallized and became so clear. You know when I found out, I was pregnant with Jack. I started going kind of on this journey. Were I felt like I had to prove too community that I could do this? You know I'll live my belike. There was allotted DOW around me they're out, like she just started this company and she's pregnant anti is raising capital and she's building this team and and this in their like- it's never gonna happen, and so I was on such an adrenaline Russia. That was just doing doing doing I had Jack, I was back work. Three weeks later I was golly yea and I kind of in that moment with Tony realise, like wait a minute, I don't have anything to prove I'm here, to build something that I love and I'm here to enjoy meta. This life had I'm choosing to live, so let the warrior too, break the thumb
so. How did that you know cause? And he also says that you know it's the moment of decision, that our destiny is shaped. So how did you in that moment You know you're in stay. You made this decision to become a business owner, not an opera, not an operator to you know, find joint fulfilment in the day to day right in what you were doing. What how did you that turn that into action shore? Yes, so I came back to New York, and I took a hard look at my team and all of the things that we were doing in and I said, look eyes like we need to focus. We need to deliver an and we need to really understand where we're making impact, and so we, which is doing a lot of things where we realised- and I realize I said, look let's do a couple things really really. Well right an example, as we have an amazing a master programme,
and and those are the girls you know that we launched our company with oil, and so we had a hundred girls pre launch and then since then, every month we would acquire hundreds and hundreds more, but it was a lot of work to get them. It was our T Mac reaching out to them and and cultivating this relationship and so forth. I said: look what if we created a process where they can come to us, where we create a place for them to reach out to us and so forth, and and that's going to make your lives easier and reduce that friction. And then we can ship to them from our warehouse and still send them very unique, handwritten notes and all of these things. But we can simplify the process, make it more efficient and actually better for the client, and we did that across so many vertical within our business and the team is just smile aim raise its we. I came back with such a sense of clarity that like wait a minute, we don't need to do things the hard way. We need to look at trend lines, we need to look at impacts and that we need to create efficiencies against those impact.
That's incredible! Where that what did you have similar Eric has our audience often. Instead, it you recently attended Missus masters in Palm Beach, I'm an early to that Eighteen, and you know that much longer more immersive process. Where you go through each area of your business. Did you have any store business breakthroughs there that you were then able to take back to your to your
your company in a similar way in employment. Yes, yes, I would say probably that the biggest and most clearest was the idea of a scorecard right. He shared a quote from Warren Buffett, I'm in a mess it up, but you know you can't win if you don't know the score mom type of of logic and- and so I said like look, I can create the scorecard for the business right in the idea of like ten ten ten right. So if you want to have exponential growth, you don't have to have just exponential growth. You can grow almost like in a way that attainable and mentally something that you know you can achieve by saying like ok, I need to grow my number of customers by this per se and, I repeat, raped by this percent on average order value by this percentage. By doing that, across those three pillars, I will have exponential growth is not growing everything by three hundred percent right, and so we were able to kind of take, do
math and realize like wow? Getting too are you know, five to ten your goal as actually not that crazy, when you think about the actual math, but what I came back and did with say like forget about what that means, for my total company led to do that by area of business. To now, everybody in my company has their own score car. And they actually report out on it every Monday and its super clear and their able to say. Okay, if I'm growing email revenue, here's the three ways that I can do that towards exponential growth and they understand math, that's fascinating, so they have. They understand the long term vision and the ultimate outcome, but then they have the tools they need an order. To get there in a very tangible and also very very doable way very great, well, Michel, has been delayed, for I am sure our audience is absolutely loving. Just your story, your fast growth, but then you know the ability
so to take a moment and reflect on what the next stage of your business is going to be and then taking action on I'd, even though it was difficult. Things is really fast. Knitting story and I would say I wish you the best of luck, but I need only locker Sarah one look for big things from lively on. I just have one more question: what what is next for you guys you have some new products coming out. What should we expect on leader in this year? Show yeah, it's a really exciting time for us. You know sixteen was really about you know. Can we do this? Seventeen was like: let's build the machine to support it, and eighteen is let's chair with a world that we exist and in doing so, what we ve announced is our lively tore, which is are brand in real life across cities in the United States and every month, yeah our gonna, be in a different city. We started our Tor and Alice actually, and it was for non.
When all wouldn't what is it, I mean yeah. Whither sounds really fun, but what is it actually? So it's you know my way of stare stepping into what I believe is the future of physical retail, and so I committed our team to say look. Our customer is all over this beautiful nation, and so we need to be whether it's us physically or brand in some way, and so what we started doing is we would go into a city like Dallas and say, are at work and have three days of activation and events in customs Baking Class, a soul cycle. Clasa and education or a happy hour, and once we get a sense from the community about what they love to experience, we're going to come back and we're going to have a two week pop up, so we were down for November for the experiential test. Community building, and then we came back in January and we had a two week pop up store that had an eight out of ten days raging from meditations to boss, babe business panels
to day. I, why talk own? I look whatever it is. That is an arrival yeah and it was just phenomenal because of the girls that we met in that first community experience came back out and they ran street teams for us to let Dallas know we were there. They were holding a vans and podcast. They got all of the local news of this whereas we want good morning, taxes has to me they actually happened was our digital footprint. Our digital customer in Dallas grew by two hundred percent. Are Texas consumer grew by eighty percent and we actually made money. That store which we never into because it was all about experiences. It was about. You know women coming in with her daughters are learning about us in their morning, fitness class of bringing their whole class in to experience lively. It was just phenomenon also actually, today, our teams in Nashville. Doing the same thing and were known one way to when all these beautiful places I love your custom testing each region because I think they're, big regional different,
as undergo you're gonna, find some universal, treats. Of course, right. You're gonna find some things that women all over the: U S enjoy, but Sometimes I love that you're going in and you're trying to find out what what are the differences and how do we need a custom and tailor Fair in Spain, because that's what your product essentially is as well. You know Taylor Fit to to match. You must read the lifestyle, the preferences of women in that region, similarly and we're having a hell of a lot of fun. When we do it, I can- and I was just imagine the amount of laughter probably that took place over- that you know that ten period is amazing Well, it's been such a wonderful interview and we look forward to great things from you and lively. Thank you so much. I appreciate it, of course, Hey guys, we have a special offer for listeners of tony urban spot for life the time you could turn over to W W w dot where life. Lee dot com and risks ten dollars off toward your first lively purchase just enter code. The Ip Tony at check out this offer as good until August.
Twenty second, two thousand eighteen The attorney weapons pack cast his directed and hosted by Tony Robins in New York is our editorial director and occasional host. Our executive producer is carry some Jimmy, carve, aha an Adrian dilatory, our digital editors, special thanks to marry buck and Diana cock for their creative review,
Transcript generated on 2020-04-04.