Trump Demands PRISON For Obama Administration Officials Involved In Obamagate, Calls Obama CORRUPT. In an interview on Fox Trump said that Obama and Biden were involved in the unmasking scandal known as #ObamagateTrump said that these people should be in jail and hoped that many would pay the price.Meanwhile the media continues to act as though the scandal is not real though it very much is.Democrats are quick to deny any wrongdoing for obvious reasons but many questions remain and we need answers.Why was the FBI seeking to get Michael Flynn fired? Why Did Joe Biden request the unmasking of Flynn the same day the Washington post published his name while mentioning the possibility of a Logan Act violation? Why did Obama call a meeting one day after the FBI tried to close the Flynn investigation?This all paints a scary picture, one Republicans hope to highlight and hope will allow them to win in November. If they do Democrats have no one to blame but themselves.
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