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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
It's jesse Kelly here fellows. Are you ready to have a twenty percent increase in your testosterone in ninety days? Ladies, are you ready to have your brain function be even better. Are you ready to have more energy? Are you ready to lose weight? Are you ready to feel better the while you do all this, you can support a hard core anti communist company and the best part of All this, it's all natural, not big farm, a crap, not supporting all these pharmaceutical junk companies. Chalk. C h, o q fellows, they have a male vitality, stack nine. Days, take it and tell me how you feel ladys female? Italy stack take it tell me how you feel you want to feel like you're, twenty years younger, go to sea age, old, hugh dot com, promo code, TIM get you.
Thirty five percent off your subscription get a subscription today c h, o q, dot tom promo code, TIM cast, iron rule will be live in miami with patrick bet, David donald trump, junior, Matt, gates and lukewarm caskey. Joint There get your ticket By clicking the link in the description below or by going attempt, guest outcome and the winner of last night's republican debate is donald trump, despite not actually being there not saying anything about any of it all yeah. When asked who won the debate die, Old trump is the winner and he was not even there. In second place for those that did attend the lesser known giovanni debates is vague, rama swami, for which I am a big fan. I think, he's a heap. He may be coming off a little too. Ah what what a word on purse. On a fine, maybe plastic, maybe pleasant,
matrona rag on the guy, but the egg is really trying to make a character of himself. In my opinion to stand out and he may be went right over the line, but it's ok. I think it's mostly fun. I think the vague may be too smart is the issue. I really do think so and that's not a complete, complex, right. I think all the people up on those day on stage are very, very smart, but a very degrees they're playing you know a reading level game. Somebody's and it's like Chris christie- are going third grade reading level and again I am not saying this to insult the candidates. I'm saying this, Energy of someone like Chris Christie. He goes donald trump is it's not going to come up on the stage to deal with this issue? This is because he's stuck in them. You know people are going call him donald trump they're going to college donald duck, and then he chuckles and no one laughs say: ok, yeah, like real lowbrow, Nicky Hayley. Maybe
huge mistake in my opinion, going for the shrill ignorant woman bet, which I really don't understand. For example, the vague The swami said we should not have. kids under sixteen using addictive social media and Nicky really turns it goes. You want kids on tik tok and it's like lady. He literally said the opposite of that. Just now eggs issue. In my opinion, criticism across the board right, but You know, compliments forever for a lot of these. Can it's the bakes issue for me was that he was Beekeeping in this very logical, high highbrow kind of way again. I am not saying this as a compliment. Lotta people are going to be like you're just cheering on vegan you're, insulting rant. No, no. No. What I'm saying is for the average american. You have to find that balance and if you come out and say, as president we're going to have
We percent reduction in tariffs to a pertaining to china. Now, when these trade deals were set, we had to consider the bering strait. Now this is a huge component and people gonna be like. Oh, I have no idea what you're talking about so you've got to find that balance. I think the vague is trying to be as presidential as possible he's doing a really good job burger I'd like that that the persona and talk and the way he does it is For me, a little of that up, but I I do agree that of the countries that were there, the vague did the best. It was really really off putting was the autumn sky ro! I am I a big fan. Attempts got policy, I sell caroline all that stuff, but they do would not shut up. They cut his microphone off, it's really fun When you can hear the ambient sound of tim, scott guyana rob that's like do. Do I get it man? Ok, I get it who need airtime, but they cut is mike now vague would be talk
and then all of a sudden he's got around to see is nick gaily end TIM's got all yelling at am sorry guys, that's good for vague. You work, governance and yelling as vague, had the floor, and it makes you look beneath them. It makes you look like he's center stage and you're biting at his heels, and that's that's probably what it was. That's probably what it was now. I don't. I don't think any of these people going to win. as much as I am a fan of a vague as much as rhonda centres as a governor of huge fan. You know for a while. I was saying he's the best politician in the country. I now think that's Matt gates shut up matt gates and that's only to be honest. Matt gates does a great job there's a lot of great members of congress, but that The bus spending bell stuff met was working on one of the most important things It has been done in this country in a very, very long time for those not familiar Matt gates pushed back and, along with many other republicans, but he led the charge against this idea that we'd have five thousand pages, just funding, literally anything and everything without debate and matt. Actually, got a strong effort
single subject spending bills like you, wanna spandex, single belt, we vote. I think that's one of the most important things done so shoved demand gates he's running for president, however, as much as I do like a lot of these people and I have complements across the board for all of them, despite mean liking. Someone like Nicky Hayley, really really arcs me when you know she's very much pro war. So is my pants. These people out just just not interested, not interested the gaelic him off as in my pension came up a shrill and the reason I say that, as I know, I know all the feminists are gonna, be like your attacking her for being a woman. Like did, shrill was begun as she would raise her voice when interrupting I'd, say you want subject like whoa whoa, whoa break it down, bring it down, TIM Scott would go well has papa and it's like. Ok, do not your turn. There's a difference between like raising your voice in a shrill matter now, maybe
beware mc argument that women are more likely to be shrill when they do something like that, and then look at I would add that there are no lady. She talked like tissue, lowered or voice. That was also a kind of weird. I think the super nicky Hayley and why she comes off this way, and maybe you might it's just something that is more likely to affect women. That may be the case. I they it's because she went went when you in this shocking manner, take someone invert their statement on the spot and then yelled them while they're talking it doesn't. It doesn't play for very well my view on all this is: I'm actually actually deeply agree with this this. Who is the real winner of the present debate. I think, obviously down Tromp is the winner he's a front runner prediction markham mark Have him like seventy percent to win the republican primary? So spare me it's done. None of these. but will be president and as much as I like in respect for some of them. We outright
said right away last night yeah, I know not. These people will be president meant. You know, I'm I'm sorry like. I never want to run for office. I would never. But you know I would just love to be at a debate stage like that, so I an insult everyone and just I'd love to be up there and when there also king and they'd, be like Mr Poul What's your answer on immigration, I'd like out you gotta, go, you can't see, You came here illegally you're broke the law, you're gone. That's it have a nice day. What? What? What are we talking about? It's insane, this idea that, like what you broke the law, so how about? We just didn't negotiate another. You broke the law, you leave have a nice day, Are we spending money, housing, illegal immigrants? We got a nice bus for its very comfortable. It's got air conditioning when it puts on a plane
It's going to cost us a lot of money and we're upset that you're making us spend it. But you can't stay now. If we can do, you can apply to come in legally, legally, okay and that's fantastic, and you know when we figure out proper placement, we will absolutely bring you in. I think the problem is, we want people in this country who are going too far, the rules and agree with our way of life and the laws that we put in place and if the first act you commit when companies, is to spit in the face of our norms, customs rules, laws, etc. I don't think you should bear anyway. I digress. sick of these wishy washy garbage answers. This is why Donald trump winds, because can only. I can only hope to emulate that raw energy that truck broughton twenty sixteen, I don't think he had completely and twenty twenty he's got a little bit of it now between sixty with some special there up there. they're, giving you these answers where they're, just like you know
Gratian is a very important issue and we need comprehensive reform. We cannot be oh in china, this in china that I just realized. Listen, it's really simple k c you're the borders, lock the gates increase spending. Bothered, fencing we're spending billions of dollars billions on non citizens just spoke Billions on a wall is funny I was like I'm gonna build a big wall not going to pay for it. Well, you know that money that you'd be spending on the immigrants to house them in new york will use that money that sound will cut. The funding from new york will build a wall not literally a wall ballard, fencing, hey. Does that mean it's going to stop every illegal immigrant know many of them fly here, but doesn't mean we're not going to try, but I just love to be up there on that stage. Not because I want to be president, it's the opposite so that I can set up their big. None of these people are going to be president. Why or we wasting our time don. I bet there, but what What's your strategy term, Mr Powell, what's your strategy? deal with inflation. Our vote for donald trump about what does not.
plant? I know I don't want to be president. I am voting for trump and there's nothing, many of these kennicott. It's gonna change that trapped as our saviour donald trump us out of hero. Donald trump has with a lot of really bad things. Is he You know it is their fraud in his business. As you know, who knows who knows they ve not proven it, but I'm not going to it'd be like trump's, a saint nominate, I'm going do Joe Biden has botched it up, and everyone agrees some of these other candidates. They got some good ideas. But I'm sorry, man they're all beat here be seen it here like this. Eight rama, swami he's top notch. Perhaps a little too young But he's better than the rest I'll give him that not beaten donald trump. These and I got to be I you know. I really do think the vet would probably do things a lot better than trump but yeah. Here's the thing about trump he's got almost nothing left to lose and every time I love this every time they come at him now try
who dissolve the trump organization on like. Thank you. Let me make this very very clear to all of you. I'm really glad I'm so happy that they ve gone so far that they are trying literally destroy trumps life in every possible way. Please unleash this man, please take everything for him and leave him a haggard bomb in the streets with glowing red eyes being I have nothing left and the I think he will have left, is revenge. If you anything like me. Your books and busy family duties and work responsibilities to catching up your favorite chosen podcast. Yes, wrestling with freddy. With me, Freddie, prince junior. With all the responsibilities we have, it's always is to have someone in your quarter. That's why They form is there for you with your otto and home insurance needs helping you pay. the things you love. helping you save money, like a good neighbour state farmers, there
collar go to state form, dot com for a quote today: state farm, out sponsor the Michael tour podcast network, I wouldn't mind a run of the mill shrimp. Twenty sixteen point to wear it, I look we're going to build a wall, we're not going to arrest Hillary. We could build a wall, we're going to vote. We can't stay all that stuff was fine. Okay, fine, bring manufacturing back to the to the midwest, get the auto manufacturers back here. Secure the border, get rid of the tpp garbage no foreign wars, all that fantastic! We had great numbers economically and twenty nineteen, but now what done destroying trump's life. I mean the moral lago stuff is laughable because I posted this tweet and I'm just gonna, I'm just going to bring it up again because there's just oh so much. Oh so much I tweeted this night during the show, as we are pulling comparable rules are not real estate in morocco and you may have seen the story I covered at last night are covered yesterday, where, they say. Marilla goes worth only twenty million dollars. Look at this
which from zero, just like ok, it's kind of hard to see, but you ve got this time the little parcel of land, for Thirty million dollars next to morrow logo and zero has MAR a at twenty four point. Two million this tiny little lot next door to morrow log out twenty six million dollars. They are lying, they are crooked, they are corrupt and this is insane so you dont donald trump on the debate and their, but let's go through a where we're currently at jack. The sobek says Besides, this gave bite and a free pass on inflation and blame that on trump, the binding I'm pain, is now thanking dissenters for his comments and posting the clip everywhere you'll. this from the white house every single time we inflation question is ever asked again rhonda aunt s screwed up these People are sabotaging donald trump for no reason why they run against him and vague rama swami. You wonder,
and he said I will respect the legacy of donald trump. Everything is done on. Why bingo? What did I say about the reduced at his campaign? Early and I said, look at the vague training with a hundred thousand posts. I said: rob should come out and say trump did a tremendous job. There were some mistakes nobody's perfect? I think we can improve on that run. should have said no attacks on trial, the waste of your time and energy. He should have said: hey look! I think, the reality as we will be lucky for a second donald trump term. I honestly do mean that if we pull this off, if in twenty, only four trump is the nominee. We must be behind donald trump. We must support him. And I think what we saw in his this time was tremendous. Despite the fact he was weighed down by these ridiculous scandals and these boat bunk impeachment if we get a repeat of twenty nineteen, we will be lucky, however
There's a reason why I'm running again speaking, it is ass to how rhonda santa should have set it he's just because we need someone who can get in there for four for two terms for years for years to come, we did it Yours trumps got one term left. I do think we would be lucky to have him but ass. It is an opportunity for the american people decide if they would like a fresh start someone who will uphold what donald trump has done so with all due respect to trumpet things he's done and the work is done My concern is that donald trump will be held back. By the manipulations, the scandals, the history and it may be an effective tactic against him, but, more importantly, politically we have an opportunity for two terms: fresh incumbents of a higher chance of winning. That means after Donald trump completes this term
today, twenty four twenty eight there is going to be a more difficult road ahead for the republicans to win the white us again incumbents. Major advantage, and so there is an opportune Right now to say: do you think I should I should give it a shot and if the people choose donald trump, more power to them tremendous respect, but will leave it to the voters? That's what I should have said. Instead, rhonda set us attack donald trump. I think it was a terror a terrible play. We have this from stephen challenges, as apparently rhonda saddest challenged president trump to a one on one debate. so IRAN were not thirsty and desperate like you or sleaze ball partner, given newsome run santa challenge shrunk to one on one debate. You know I trumps had no rhonda scientists in the prediction market at predict it for the g o p nomination is currently in third place behind Nikki Haley rough luck. If a vague asked debate, trump, I'm not going to be surprise trump says no. If Glenn young and tim scott trump's like
The prediction markets have trumpets: seventy four cents, ok, Nicky, please at ten and descended how the same losing losing Nicky Hayley? I'm sorry, the scientists did a lot better last night when he did previously, but the attacks on tromp, worse stupid and it's funny, because when Michael knowles here and he's like well, he has to do it asked her and I'm like yeah. Now I get it, I do you gotta go after the big dog and try and score some points, but I think going after big dog is done in a more tactful way and vivek proved that now to be fair, vegas still behind the santas, none of the people are winning, but the vacant. The approach of I will I will. I will defend and he says I pray I've, the exact words, but he was like Donald trump sizing. I will uphold donald trump legacy and its first term, but you know, will create an opportunity bulbs
right, it is did make a point about to serving to terms I agree, but it has to be done in a respectful manner to drop. Who did not complete do terms. That being said still voting time, nothing that they said is going to change my mind. Take a look at this five thirty eight new pulls out YAP. You got, Biden ahead of trump five points and one point don't matter, though, in aggregate I love this. There's no on aggregate collect, there's no aggregate pull number four or five thirty eight right now I don't. They used or whatever the I'd. I thought they used to have like here's. The average is not here anymore, so sure fine whatever, but if you get maclaughlan and associates trumped up four five. Seven four morning consult has Biden up thread of us and by up one on trump you got They all partners with Biden up eight points against my pants three against roma swami, but weights. Our partners has trump beating Biden by one hayley by two to set by one's got by one look
abc, wasn't opposed, but two poles trumps up ten points and nine points. Ok trump is clearly the guy for the job as of right now, between trump and Biden in to get over it. Our c p, repellor politics, Donald trump, has a one point. One per sent aggregate lead over Joe Biden, even with two very beneficial poles coming out for Joe Biden. So look there, you go jack. Submit another really great point in pointing out. They did not bring up the weapon innovation of the d o j, one time none of them did I'm just like I wish I was on the stage man I wish I was up there This is probably why a lot of people decide to run. Knowing they'll lose because they want to be on the stage to bring up issues fair point. I would never run. I don't want to be president. I want to be an office. complain on the internet. I guess, but man hard do just if I was up there. I bestow
up there and I'd, be they bill. I. What is the first thing you would do as president to solve the problem of the ecb, the economy I'd be alike the economy is very important. I completely agree, but it wouldn't be. The first thing I try to solve to be completely honest. You know, while I do think there are some reforms we can make in say, like fracturing nuclear energy, fossil fuels, we a lot of resources in Alaska these that the energy creating that more energy. This is really now the economy, you don't mean crosland is always talking about fusion cells. That vision, hydrogen all itself is actually got a good point. If we can get cheaper, cleaner energy than this is going to improve the economy for everybody, so that's their by I'm sorry, the first thing to do it: ain't going to be about the economy. So, if you're sitting wondering at the price of price of milk rednecks well sit still, it is a priority. The protein number one prosecuting arresting criminal charges against all of the corrupt democrats. Da's press,
yours, I'm not kidding. We are going to have special council special prosecutors. We argue to weed out the corruption first and foremost, because we can't have fighting in the streets we can't have cops resting locals and staten island. Country needs to uphold the rule of law. You want to improve this. I I'll tell you one thing: we can do right away, deport the the that people who, under this country illegally, whilst spending your tax dollars on non citizens, we won't remove them from the country. They will stop the strain on our economy. This idea that bringing people it increases demand. It also puts immediate strain on local economics. Ok, let's bring back manufacturing help the people who live here and stop supporting this corrupt d. O J, these corrupt action not at all, it's time that we say the rule of law must stand. This is gonna, be an improvement for everything. You wonder why look right? we ve got target store CBS. All of these places closing down that's bad for the economy. What crimes running rapid I covered this talked about the story.
Woman was brutally murdered in baltimore. It turns out? This guy was known to police, the police warned he would do it again. They knew he had committed tory, had tortured letter about them. I'll talk about this later they knew and they said nothing yan baltimore. So at this point I'm just like we need strong rule of law- and you know, I'm swayed by many- the arguments of conservatives about the failures of liberalism- and I mean real liberalism classical liberalism the maximizing of individuality results in these. This breakdown there needs to be a balance between individual responsibility and community responsibility, a happy medium as it were the right now man. I don't think we can play these games where we are attacking the front runner and providing fuel the Democrats that by now now using descent assess trumped needs defend himself on abortion. No, he doesn't trumps right, I'd I'd all of these people out. I am not a conservative. The left to make
that is their knots. No, I fall into the social liberal camp for the most part. Where do I find myself on abortion? You all know. I think you who is always saying this, that Hillary Clinton had it right, safe, legal and rare. I thought that was funny, like oh heller, Clinton yeah. Well, look safe, legal rare, I agree with it shouldn't be illegal. It should be unthinkable all of these things believe that there are circumstances where having government involvement in medical procedures is is a bad thing.
it's full of surprises, some good, some, not so much orla, it's honey. All of it's carolina is those guys that put up an aloe protocol gear costs as important as whether that's in our roles as mothers, wives, business, women or podcasters on our show life in spanglish. You know that being open to unexpected turns has been an important part of our success battle. We can use 'em hell. Oh yes, la Buena, you that is welcome. Se, passa allowed ranking leaders isn't a good knowing that with a state farm agent, you can worry less because someone will be personally invested in safeguarding your goals, plus they have the options to talk to a real person whenever a customer needs, especially when those unexpected turns come up. It's the personalized attention you can count on. I put on them. I then, as a boon to stay from Punto come come on when vasino state farm is diy. However, I do think abortion is completely wrong. There is no easy
that's because you are dealing with a woman and a child, both of whom, I believe, have inalienable human rights, and so you can't put someone on someone else's body against their will, that is to say, there's an argument to be made for elective abortion being made illegal, but a rape and other extreme circumstances. While women, you know women will make the decision. The problem, then, is: if we make an exception for rape, you then need government involvement and like forms and will like a court hearing or something. Oh man, this is brutal, so I don't have the I really really no, I think trump is right that there will be some kind of compromise, and I am totally ok with that, morally having qualms and questions about how we solve this problem. I think the political all of this. Is it's beyond my moral and philosophical capabilities to find a solution between two parties? I do not agree with the left at all on abortion that no limits that's insane and should be banned. Outright
It should be completely illegal. It should be a serious crime to terminate the life of a baby post viability. In my opinion, that means trumpets right six weeks, twelve weeks, what's the what's, that would get away The compromise going on stage had been like we're staunchly pro life, and we want to ban it out right on light, yankee ain't, helping yourself trumps right on this one. I don't think it's as it is a solution. I have tremendous respect for the pro life arguments of my conservative friends. I disagree and of the bait it to the ends of the earth. I just don't see it. I can't see in which case I agree with donald trump and donald trump, the one who got you, the supreme court justices, which end up overturning roby wait. You should be happy about that. I do think abortion is a federal issue, though, because the question of the life of the child is fourteen amendment. Do these unborn children have inalienable rights, they do the problem. run into with abortion as there are two people occupying one body, could walk solving these moral questions. Man. I have answers but
gonna come out and are attacking donald trump when seeking compromise and pulling and independence and moderates you're burning yourself down. Sorry, I think trumps right on this But here is where we are: here's where we are attacking a big dog and wasting our time. I thought rhonda santas, did a lot better but died. Attacking donald trump was a mistake. The vague rama swami did wonderfully, but he came up a little plastic one we had put it he's. Trying to you know his people commented at his hair is right. and I'm like. These are smart things really. He know, that he needs to create a character that people can identify with and not be seen as a generic component bergen, for instance, is viewed very generically despite being a very wealthy business man. People just don't take him. Syria it's a joke? The vague rama swami pulls ahead and becomes recognizable he's got this gains to his voice. He's ye may be when a little too far with it. roma, I think trump wins and he did. He did do as well as you did, because it's not about trust.
it's about someone just saying shot up, oh man, I'm sick of it's ok. None of these people gave me anything that mattered to me, you know No, they said things, but it's like brow. I vote for any these people. You know why I can certainly say: donald trump doesn't need to call rosy, o donnell a fat pig. Ok, I can certainly say He doesn't need to say, will you'd be a jail, tailored Clinton right. There's an issue of decorum. I've long said that. However, I must admit Those things being said by trump are in the realm of authenticity and that's what I want I am just so sick of the plastic politician garbage I know all of you are as well. So we need someone under the debate stage. fine, where a suit, whatever losing your tie, I don't know I don't care, that's why I'm like I'd love to be up there. I would just be tim Scott dude shot up, ok, man
It you're, you're, jumping in all of this is plastic garbage none. believe. Half this crap you ve got can eat have got. Can sultans telling you what to say now. I'm gonna attack donald trump Chris Christie's scripted line about bottle buck its fake plastic garbage. I don't think any of these people actually care about. What's going on for the most part on I'm talking about the debate, I'm telling you all they're doing up there. Is there saying I, going to say these things in the hopes it generates enough votes so that I can do to do the things I really want to do. I don't believe for a second any of these people believe the things there saying because you want your show liked him cast IRA, you get the real conversation. Ok, I have a vague on the culture war And he's sitting there and then he like leans back and he says yeah they're, probably gonna get mad at me for this, but like I, we need some kind of civic test for voting. You know, like maybe you gotta and, unlike that's a real conversation, I like the vague when you sit down them here.
any does these pod? That's why I like him the best, but these these? As the actual sit down conversations you get real authenticity, you actually get a dude who is telling you what he thinks. I love it when you get the debate, the vague plastic scripted because ass the performance- and I just be up there- I'd, be like this and I just not say anything and then I would just only cut into insult these people. I'd be like Nicky Haley's, like you, I kids on tiktok tik tok as china, I'd be like Nicky Nicky He said the opposite of that shut, your stupid mouth. Nobody heres, to hear your regurgitate talking points that you're lying inverting. What was said? How about the last time, which is like Vladimir Putin, said he's going to take poland? No, he didn't. I just I can't stand any of this stuff. Bro come out. Tell me You know what I want to see. I want to see around us and us be like. Thank you all for coming to this debate. Thank you, for all
all of you for giving me a chance, Donald trump. Gonna win the nomination. I think it's fair. Everybody gets it, but I let's take this opportunity to build profiles of some potential, could tenders for twenty twenty eight, maybe potential vps we what we need. Republican party is fresh blood. We need to build the profile individuals who will come after donald trump, and this is an opportunity to do that. The Democrats have no rising stars, so Now. We need not. We need this opportunity before all of you to the millions of yours to show. who who we are and take this chance in this election cycle to say, hey next time around remember were here. We have come well, we have personality. We got x, factor we're gonna, bring that to you, but let's not, let's not kid ourselves, ain't, nobody going to be nominating anybody, but donald trump. So I tell you this me: obama, I'm on stage I vote drop baby. That's what I'm doing. I dunno whatever man,
Ah I I think everybody agrees. It's plastic garbage blah blah blah blah blah and it's funny because they they pander to the ignorance and the ignorance of the average voter. I dunno that's why I said vegas too smart Because it is true down a little bit, but at least is not doing that right at me. vegas a like x Y and see you polarized a little bit last time. Some people then, like I'm so people dead broker. We if we continue to live in a world where it's like, we have to the third grade, reading level candidates, and it just nah- I'm not interested in that. So anyway, look I'll wrap it up. There got a lot of talk about today, but the shout shout out donald trump. He was the real winner. and everybody agrees. So next time it will be coming up at one p m on this channel. Thanks for hanging out. Obviously you know whatever I probably just preaching to the choir and how I feel about these debates. But I'll see you all one p m, thanks for hanging out with the ups.
I urge a flash mob violence and store theft we are seeing CBS target walgreens, etc closed their stores down in san francisco, its particularly bad. The latest news is that target is closing three portland stores, citing theft and organised crime in response to this Jimmy door. I'm offend gimme. Your asks, The sea of target made seventeen million dollars last year, weird that they just don't security guards in those three stores, instead of closing them, isn't it. So he's not write. Your target can't afford security guards really number of advantage Jimmy door. He's allowed to have opinions that I disagree with and here I do not know things as their many things I do not know is well, rather to be a good opportunity to down, for you, security costs, the cost of doing this and why these policies that we often see from the left fail in portland nike, shut down its flagship store, many people came out that this would hurt the black community. The problem is with these.
Wash mobs with what we saw in philadelphia last night. You cannot up wait your businesses this way and what's going to happen is that there will be an economic downturn. Now all of these policies combined, you end up with a yo, see defending non citizens coming to new york, getting tax dollars, special protected status and work visas, undermining the all ready scarce job market consider this. as more non citizens come in and more democratic and the idea as much as there are people, like you gotta, say it's a catastrophe. The disaster, the typical left. position is their asylum seekers? Ok well, but not all bad people. Ok, I appreciate they want to come here for for a better life, but We have rapid crime businesses shutting down jobs disappearing. We are going to
an issue. If there's more people who need jobs, it's not going to help the economy it's going to hurt. It is a great quote from Jacques fresco. If is familiar with the Zeit geiss and not animal thing, he pointed out that when he was younger, he remember the great depression. There was a red line, people waiting for Oh I'm sorry was the unemployment line. I think it was unemployment line. People trying to get paychecks on they weren't working in across the street, was a factory that was closed down and it's like. Why can't we get these workers in this factory? It's an interesting conundrum. It really is trade. Is a machine. The economy is a machine, it's not so! but to say bring in more people and the economy will do well. No, actually, migration into the economy to build the economic machine is what we need, so I break it down for you Jimmy door. He said Why can't they hire more security work? Well, here is the story target is closing through
portland stores, citing theft and organised retail crime next month. I will close their stores and southwest morrison southeast pollen northeast Halsey, the retailer. Causing six other stores in seattle, san princes oh oakland and new york city, we take a decision close these stores very seriously and do so after taking meaningful steps to invest in the guest, experienced and approve business performance, tell us, as they can continue to operate the stores efficiently to the theft and organised retail crime that is threatening the safe. we, our team and guests, and contributing to unsustainable business performance. First, somewhat, Responded, this is still mama responded to Jimmy Dore, with a quote from their earnings call effectively answering Jimmy's question. In the immediate saying our target said: We cannot continue operating these stores, because theft and organised retail are threatening the safety of our team and guests and contributing to unsustainable business performance, we know
stores serve an important role in their communities, but we can only be successful if the working and shopping environment to safer all before make this decision. We invested heavily in strategies to prevent and stop theft and organised tell crime in our stores adding more security team members using third party guy, services and implementing theft, deterrent tools across our business. Despite our efforts, Unfortunately, we continue to face fundamental challenges to operating these stores safely and successfully. Now, Jimmy's point is that yo, got seventeen million dollars, you're gonna shut stores down people need these jobs in these and simply supply because as a crime, how about whatever it costs, operate. These stores, how We take from that seventeen million of the ceo, okay, ok, the first problem and let's be real if you're good, see
yo, someone who is going to work at the highest level and manage a massive chain of around two thousand stores lot of work, and you need the best. The best the cream of the crop, the highest and the bell curve. You've got competitively. So the seventeen million going to this guy may be a lot of money, but if you say gotta pay your less to cover the cost of crime, hey you're, the ceo right, what happened to be quits, you lose this year. Will you be able to find someone who can run this business at this high level for less money? The reality is, No, you Can'T- and I know it's an answer left left us do not like to hear while they break it down. For you, you ve, heard the phrase. The more things changed, the more things stay, the same and while we love the excitement of new things, is also nice to have the reliability of something constant, hey duomo about the roma and when it comes to insurance, as they form is a good neighbour, you can count on solar yomei planted.
another way they farm helps is by supporting the creators and storytellers of Michael due to park as network family. Cannot you they stay farm astound? Was it you lando? Yes, it would under knows they can with task forces sanskrit. China's common, when we see no stay farmers die I bring mass and ass an essay punto state farm, Punto com. Let's say or your experiences is your tip guest: we want a video editor. We want a music producer right, we'll go to people and say man you're doing really great work. We really like what you're doing would you like to come and work here and they say no, I'm talented and successful, and I make money on my own and we go ok. We have to pay more than you make. That's right, so this happens to me right companies come to me and say: hey term. We want to sign a deal we wanted only with tim cast, and I say if already making money, you're gonna have to pay more and that's. Why,
Can we monetize the work you do beyond what you're already doing it? Some say they? They think they can, but nobody really wants to pay that much. So you can't hire me sorry. a ceo whose capable of running two thousand stores. They're gonna want a lot of money and if you don't pay them what they want, they'll go to any other business. I know it's an answer that left us. Don't like I'll say it again, but it's just the preliminary. Let's be down the actual matthew, so we can help you guys out. We have here. This is corporate dot, target dot com, the twenty two he arranged whoa whoa whoa whoa, wait a minute hold on Jimmy The ceo made seventeen million take a look at total revenue for twenty twenty two grew by three billion, a one oh nine billion dollars hold on, you're saying that target made a hundred nine billion dollars and widen just take from that to pay the cost of security. To me,
pain. These stores right AK, surface level. Answer you see that Often, what we'll see from left us they'll say target a hundred nine billion dollars. Why don't they genetic? They could afford security while down there a minute I've got more data for you, There are one thousand nine hundred and forty eight target stores in the united states and canada are actually formerly target canada. I guess so. I think it. I think it does as we ve got three one thousand nine hundred and forty eight store salts include canada. One hears targets, off it margins as January, twenty twenty three. Actually, this July, twenty twenty ok. So the latest numbers is fantastic revenue for as of July. Was twenty four point: seven, seven billion down four point: eighty five percent year on year, while that's actually not good. Last year there were up, they were very happy their net incomes. far is eight hundred and thirty five million. Ok, see
to be up three hundred and fifty six percent? That's really interesting. Is that what what? What does that? Not incomers? Roman here's, the issue, the net profit margin, while up substantially that's good news for target is three point: three set: percent of that one hundred nine billion dollars target brings in only three percent of that is profit. Ok, now hold on ray person, you're still saying like what is that we're talking about What is it three million dollars right? That's that's a good money during a million dollars. Would it not changing? as to your ninety six sounds about right. So? Where we got? No? No! No, I'm I'm I'm way off on this. It's three percent. So it's three billion. Sorry for him. Three billion has order automatically that's a lot of money: three billion dollars. Ok, let's you some quick math. total revenue of last year was a hundred nine billion dollars. So, let's type at an ear, one, oh nine, and we
god million hundred thousand million dollars? Ok, let me you know I don't like doing this without without commas, so we'll do it. This way, nah. Look at that one hundred nine million one hundred and nine billion dollars and will plug vat in here. Ok, I guess it doesn't matter that it becomes anyway. Alright I'm going divide that by one thousand nine hundred and forty eight stores, one nine for aid stores, ok which gives us? Oh, is that what are we looking at here we're looking at five million dollars per store hot dog wow? What what is it? Is it really rights? Five five million dollars per five point: five million dollars per cent back, that's revenue, their profit margin is three point three seven. So let's take this number and do three point: three: seven percent,
of that, and what do we get? Ok, oh wow. That can't be right. Seriously its one hundred and eighty eight thousand five hundred and sixty seven. That's it that's their profit more enough of these stores, so the store pay the salaries of all these people, the managers, the products, the people and their market is three percent sounds like it doesn't make sense right. But if you take this and you look at their general profit, hundreds of millions of dollars, the sea yogurt seventeen million, gentlemen, I give you my rough assessment, so this responded to jimmy with. I said as they can't higher security. Ok, the store, Two guards in front to garden act to roaming into surveillance, and that is when over simplification,
you're, probably also going to need a manager or someone to oversee the security staff. Now there's two ways you go about doing this: you can hire a security company which takes care of the bot care of the bulk cost to pay a little bit of a premium or you can do it all in house the average way security guards about twenty five dollars per hour depending on the area. If you look at our organ for this, was they say eight? but that does not take into consideration hierarchy and managerial staff, which goes upwards of thirty thousand, our not to mention the foregoing third party now, you're looking at people were making. Six figures are more so if we average it out it actually comes to about twenty four point. Some odd at twenty five thousand are three ships: twenty four twenty four guards per day: you're, not just having your eight guards all led to working twenty four hours and some of these stores may be twenty four hours, I'm not so sure about target, but you have to have night shift night shift. That's the point. the flash mobs we saw unfairly happened late at night. Some
his business had their shutters down, so we are talking about varying degrees, so I'm total general here with insurance in employment tax, because you gonna pay about seven point: five percent per employee and others who help you understand us. Hire. Someone at you know a hundred bucks an hour you pay them hundred, but an hour, and then you will pay the federal government an additional seven point: five, seven dollars vs us some point later: employment tax and then the employee covers half it's fifteen or something like that so we're looking at. If we, if you have to have a and if you, if you include employment sector insurance about that look, a hard cost of way. It comes out to an average of forty eight hundred dollars per day, With insurance and employment tax, it's it's gonna be closer to six, so three stores were look at about six point: five million dollars per year, while, while their problem, margins, only three percent there, only begging about a hundred and eighty eight thousand dollars per store on this loose math that I'm doing, which I have to us
wrong. I thought was like a billion dollars per year, which made more sense, but maybe my math is wrong. My point is this:. Security is insanely, expensive and the site that to maintain three stores the sea of target would cut his pay down to eleven million dollars, maybe makes on the surface, maybe you'd say seo he's, make that sacrifice their realistic problem. the sea I was gonna, say I'm not going to do it and you can argue he's a bad person, but the reality is and have any other rival company that looking to hire a ceo compete and say will pay you more I'll, say I'll. Take that guy's. I can deal with this. Let's say, however, that this theo was like no I will not shut down these stores. I will take a thirty five percent pay caught if it means saving the economy of these local areas ok, here's the other component to this. You need to consider numbers are all rough: total rotten, absolute rough estimates there they're they're, probably completely wrong
and I really do think that number was wrong. I shall be sharks, I did the math earlier. I dont think I saw a That really is that is their rights. Did I do the math wrong? hundred and a hundred nine billion dollars divided by two thousand. I mean yeah, let's just what you do. quick rough to make sure we're getting it right. Let's just say five point: five million will multiply that by nineteen forty eight and see if we I mean yeah, you know you're you're look hold on hold on that's an order of magnitude off you see. This is the problem here. How did I get? How did they get their one wrong was an or I it's a million. So a hundred nine billion one, two three well. We got one hundred and thousand million billion. I mrs euros. What happened? Did I miss him ero. You see all you all. You guys watch this right him you, MR zero. It's like yeah, ok, one! Oh nine
I hate those outcome has got account all these euro, so one two three four five, six, seven eight nine and will divide that by one nine four, eight, ok right, so a rarer. Yes, as it's fifty five, so it's about one point, eight million per store see I I knew I got the mathworks I'd done all I've done all this before I started anyway, math now correct, mid segments, so for those roared commenting, saying to him. Now you screwed up a lot when I was doing this mouth and probably still screwing up dug in europe so and then we're looking at three percent of this, which comes out about one point: eight million, adding security costs is gonna, be about two million per store, so it doesn't work. But anyway, you get my point I d I'd. I notice that one eighty eight was wrong. There's no way the stores, robert low, but one point- eight million in profit per store makes a lot of sense it it's. It seems like the right number, and so on that profit. I was too rainy day funds. It's gonna go to investment. It's going to go to the profit will be used for things
or indeed it's not just people grogan understand it's not just about. What the ah hard cost of running the business it's about planning ahead. So to be fair, though, all these costs are probably baked into so let's say one point: eight million pre storm security seriously. It's gonna cost you, like two million bucks. Now on top of that security guard is someone shoplifting. You got a lawsuit. Yes, your insurance will cover a good portion of it, but you're going to be consulting lawyers. What's your legal costs here now you've got outside of this the hard fact our employees just got punched in the face. There's no amount of money, there's, no nothing! You can do security guard can't be there to make sure that doesn't happen. They can protect the store to a certain degree, you can't stop at all, so even with security guards, you will still have shrinkage. You still have violence, and let's say you,
eight security guards and a flash mob happens. You can't stop them. So what do you do? You can't cover this? I did all the math before I started because I had it all laid out, and then I got the man mr zero and like wait, what that's not what I'm restaurant right but even that, like all my mouth is just super super general. The reality is that target did try security measures. Portland is aft. That's it have a nice day. I I liked you meet always is an awesome dude, I'm area I mean sincerely saying this to to do some gotcha. I think his question is solely warranted when you do the basics. For security. It looks like six million bucks could have saved these stores, seven million bucks, but it's not so simple Imagine the true costs are gonna be upwards of ten to twenty million dollars. Ceo just can't cut it and then you also trying to be competitive and get the best of the best. We can You see, I was making mistakes, but I think the reality
as these flash mobs show people are at risk it it. It really is just that if an employer is at risk of being beaten, you just like do we can't do this? I, I cannot end the sexually consideration for us to some, once a common reports had cast- and I say: ok reporting is too dangerous. We can't afford it. End of story have a nice day.
Life is full of surprises, some good, some, not so much all of it's honey. All of it's carolina is those guys that put up an aloe protocol gear course as important as whether that's in our roles as mothers, wives, business, women or podcasters on our show life in spanglish. You know that being open to unexpected turns has been an important part of our success battle. We can use 'em hell. Oh yes la when are you that is welcome. Se passa allowed the ranchi leaders isn't a good knowing that with a state farm agent, you can worry less because someone will be personally invested in safeguarding your goals, plus they have the options to talk to a real person whenever a customer needs, especially when those unexpected turns come up. It's the personalized attention you can count on opera and amazon as a boon to state from Punto. Come come on when vasino state farm is diy. If one goes out to Ache.
What is this? Why a allowed people to conflict reporting? They will not. Let you do it when I started vice, they asked me: have you travel internationally yet and there, like? You, did ok Have you ever covered conflict? Yes, sir, have you ever dealt with police legal? Yes, you bet and they're like okay, alright, we're good. There are other employees advice who got out of college got hired by vice and a understand why vice wouldn't let them go cover these stories. One one guy I too have been you for two years. I've been foaming everything they barely. Let me leave brooklyn and, unlike you know, you think it's because they hate you. They dumped it speak as if they send you to turkey and you get shot in the face with a kind of tear gas. Fractures, your skull or something like this could be a lawsuit, yeah sure Or you assume the risks all that stuff, but you're an employee and
lawsuit. Your lawyer is going to say they knew my client had no experience and they sentiment that this war zone, yeah look, you wanna skated escape park. They make it on a waiver. and it seems silly you chose to skateboard. You get hurt your following any other sport. The matter peoples escape gay parks. There, like I I had no idea could falling get hurt skating, it's really dumb. So when it to an employee working at one of these stores. They're gonna say we cannot put our employees at risk, only because we will be sued into oblivion. And they wonder why there is not being properly dealt with the issue. As these cities are not safe and targets, thinking total cost of security. Two million bucks per store can't do it It remains a light number because they might be saying dude. Eight guards is not enough. They ve tried third party guard services, which you pay a premium.
they handle it all for you in just show up now it's more expensive and you're you're hoping The liability will be on them. They're they're ensured doesn't matter. It doesn't work that way. You hire third party security company. It's just going to end your costs you're better doing everything internally, but then you, internally, and I have more liability targets as well. One more employs over to the store and then that employ gets punished in the got beaten. We saw that we see the video of historical, getting beaten This is what bothers me. I'm like what am I supposed to feel you're in the light? Don't you feel sympathy for these people bubble, I'm like dude. They voted for this. Now their businesses are collapsing. They can't maintain it. They can't afford it. Security is super expensive. We deal with it
I don't wanna back, expose anyone's personal information, but let me just say high profile companies that I've worked within the tax actor and stuff like that, where they ve got like famous personalities, they say that their biggest cost security for real itself. But it's expensive to have a security guard you're asking someone to risk their lives to protect you. They cost money, So this is where we're at right now, with the failures of our modern system. It just doesn't work so far target shutting down, and that means bad news for your local economy. Maybe the gnp debate could have talked about. This are some. they could have said. Maybe if we let the dogma, police and law enforcement, but men, they really don't get it police are needed, but we need local police departments. We don't need.
You know what and you're in new york city it's a it's. A disaster crime runs rampant, but the police arrest, the locals and staten island for opposing non citizens being put in their homes, systems completely broken anarcho tyranny and it can't be sustained and it can't be maintained. Our stores will shut down. People will revolt, people will get hungry This is instability. It started policy I'll leave their necks. Like my coming up at four, I was our six p m on this channel. Thanks ran up and I'll, see you. Well, then, the impeachment Did Joe Biden has begun? Ok, ok, it said impeachment probe. First, and there are some geo p witnesses saying there is not yet enough evidence to actually employ Joe Biden, I believe those witnesses or wrong. I think all of this is playing politics. I think, when look at the evidence released by the gnp so far, there's more more than enough for an impeachment problem I have with these proceedings is that they pretend impeachment is conviction. This has been.
This has been true for every impeachment in my lifetime, which is, I guess, three right. Everybody thinks that a president is impeached, he's gone, no impeachment means indictment and you can a ham sandwich. The purpose of the inquiry right now to Joe Biden is to determine if. What we know about what he was doing reaches the level of high crimes and misdemeanours against this country. I believe it does and I think the charisma mischance breaks down more than a preponderance of evidence, that Joe Biden intervened in foreign affairs for the benefit of his son. That's a conviction, it's an indictment. This It can then here the evidence and determine whether or not they want to remove Joe Biden now. Maybe This is one way to get rid of binding, because there is a lot speculation. That Joe Biden drops out yelp, Mc rights don't want em an hour, out of the picture. I love this because we got all the stories for your own aside.
the fact, the media. I love this one republicans launch biden impeachment problem, new evidence. I love it's. Why Would they launch the investigation into Biden if they already have the evidence? She's? The point is there is evidence enough toward they ve said: ok hold on would investigate, doesn't see where this goes and then do new york daily nose like no new evidence. What that's the point of the probe due to its prey? being Joe buttons business affairs and his career to determine if there, new evidence to be found ridiculous. But we actually have, I think, maybe it's a year ago and the daily mail bite and eighty should quote ride off into the sunset despairing Democrat insiders call for president to retire. or allow a wide open, primary and twenty twenty four with him. One trip away from disaster, so look republicans are trying to get rid of Joe Biden
Democrats are also trying to get rid of Joe Biden. I I do imagine that die at some point. They're gonna get rid of your button may I looked, I dont see how he wins, he's trade. in the polls, trump is winning and you have democrats and republicans sang out. You gotta go here's. The deal is now I do want to read this, but I think the media take is very interesting, but we have this from oversight that house dot g o v. The Biden's influence. Cuddling timeline. Oh yeah, I brought the receipts, don't don't get me wrong. The receipts came from the gnp, but already what they said. Statements act. Here's the first story, the daily news says republicans were set to launch their impeachment inquiry of presented by thursday when it can grow. no hearing with the congressional expected, lay up questions about its behaviour, but no of wrong. Doing I think it's. Actually hilarious how they lie every time, so I mean I'm sick of the lies.
I am just so sick of these scumbags who wrote this Dave golden her. Piece of trash scumbag. I I despise these people, the republicans, released evidence. Look at this time line. They even have fancy graphics, vinci, graphics there lot of work into this. This timeline, ukraine, all boy it will go through. It will go through it. No evidence. no evidence of wrong doing. Are you kidding theirs? an insane amount of evidence of wrongdoing he's not been convicted as the difference. three g o p, led house committees plan to use the stakes. Hearing the loud legal issues they believe are raised by their long running probes into a legit ties to assign hunters business dealings, behaviour What future any witnesses with information about an aura sons tangled business deals? Instead, you will feature outside experts and tax law, criminal, invest investigations and constitutional law. It's a lot less compelling blah blah blah yeah. I'm gonna tell you what they're doing their job
kids are slow rolling this. They want to draw this whole thing out as long as possible, so that extends into next year. They want to hurt Joe Biden in the twenty four election. Here's what thea oversight committee has published and yes lots of evidence. I'm really excited the timely They right since taking- I wonder if I can, if it isn't, greece There we go there, we go, we can structure loaded, better zooming, since in the gavel in january, the committee on oversight and accountability is accelerated. It's investigation of the Biden family's domestic and international business practices to determine whether the Biden family has been targeted by foreign actors. President Biden compromise international security is threatened record obtained through the committee's subpoenas to date reveal at the Biden's and their associates have received over twenty million dollars in payments from foreign entities right there. That in of itself is called evidence. Does it mean you commit a crime? Nor does it mean you're proven guilty note, as it does prove any criminal activity at all? No evidence is not proof.
I made this point before. Ah, because there's a lot of people who who don't quite understand it typically I'd assume these are like Democrats and there's no evidence. Okay, let's, let's tell you here's the story. There is a grocery store, a small small, a corner store, scalded bodega bay, do new york, And I wonder if the stork workest battle murdered and their shell casing swore a twenty two long rifle rounds, bout scattered about and then they should find. Yes, the stork work was killed by several shots from a twenty two along now. Look at this meeting
Long rifle could also be used in handguns, greece and rifles into the general idea down the street. There's a man who is known to be quarrelling with this store clock, and so they go and ask them questions and sure enough. What are they find on the back, while in his home plate clearly visible the front door? Is a rumour ten, twenty two o my stars and garters, a guy who hated the clerk he had motive. He had opportunity, he has the weapon. All of this is evidence. It is well maybe not opportunity on reaching, but let's just say he has mode
and a similar weapon. These things don't prove anything, but they are evidence evidence enough to where they can say. This man was known to be quarreling, based on witness testimony with the store clerk previous previous up an hour a day earlier, and he does have a weapon clearly visible. That takes ten twenty two. We believe this is a sufficient probable cause, meaning there is indication, information and and and physical objects which point to him as the killer. So what do they do? They say we want you to answer some questions, your person of interest you're, a suspect they get a warrant for the weapon they do testing on it. They bring this man in for questioning he brings in his lawyer, uh, oh while they did have initial evidence. That pointed to this man turns out the guy actually has not only receipts from out of town on the day of the murder, not only that, but he has photographs with him and his buddies
weapon was with him as they went and among our hunting, small game or something, and he says, look guys I may even further with a guy, but I didn't it wasn't that serious. I was arguing over returning spoilt milk. I had us I've known interest in the guy whatsoever and here's a of me and my friends, here's my camping. I was not here and say: ok why Initially people did think that shall casings found near his home in a similar weapon proved or it was providing evidence you evidence ultimately insultingly lead. Nowhere did not prove it. If you're anything like me, your books and busy from family duties and work responsibilities to catching up Your favorite chosen podcast, yes, like wrestling with freddy with me, for any prince junior. With all the responsibilities we have, it's always I still have someone in your quarter. That's why state form is there for you with your otto. and home insurance needs, helping. You the things you love helping you save money,
like a good neighbour state farmers. There, collar go to state formed. I come for a quote today: state farm, proud sponsor the Michael tour tura podcast network? Now I that's that's that's my general under Adding evidence does not prove anything why there are new, as criminal trials, where the prosecutions present evidence to the jury and the person gets acquitted, which means evidence is not proof, With the evidence we have against Joe Biden, we are now going to build a case to determine if it can prove beyond reasonable doubt, criminal activity. Ok, now that I've. given you a basic n. Needless for most of you a lesson in the general ideas, let's jump to the timeline, this is so cool. Thank you republicans for making this neat little graphic. Two thousand and nine obama I Biden. Administration begins, others little exclamation point to its important twenty thirteen. China be hr november. First
under by business socio ensure and chinese investors, agree to create bow high harvest. Orestes equity investment fund management, co, lapd, that's awful and advice- fun controlled by the bank of China called me. A chart. The company b, a job to focus on mergers and acquisitions and investment and in reforms of state owned enterprise december. Fourth, here's a photo of a chinese business. Vice president Biden travels with hunter, but an air force to china and meet ceo of hr Jonathan leap shortly. Thereafter, ba jars licences were approved. An hundred was aboard member thanks for the free ride, Joe done we're done. We're done that right. There enough pay, whoa whoa whoa. What was Joe by doing flying is on air force to for a private equity deal in China that right there I believe, have to open an investigation. Ok, well, that's what the resultant republicans are doing. Shall we get? Shall we continue? You mean there's more
two thousand and fourteen kazakhstan hunter Biden met kazakhstan. The oligarchy, tennis, racket, chef at the hay Adams, hotel in washington, DC and email correspondence with the devon archer surrounding the meeting. Rakesh have requested secretary state John Kerry visit. Kazakhstan archer replied if we ask business started as planned. I will ensure its planned soonest. Russia is a classic standing. dark and millionaire and was a director at cassock stands state owned oil company K, monet gas wreckage of to close ties to correct massive off. It became primus prime minister on April second, twenty fourteen next russia, oligarchy, yoletta, better rina, the wealthiest women sure and then marry the former mayor of Moscow wired. The rosemont seneca thornton bank account three point: five million dollars, rosemont seneca thorntons beneficiary, was rose, seneca partners, of which under Biden was the chairman interesting march. Eleven twenty fourteen russian oligarchy payment, doktor barton in devon archer. As outlined right here, rosemont seneca thorn trend, two point: seven: five million dollars to irresolute seneca bo high bank account also on march eleven point: team, a seven hundred thousand dollars of the original wire from better and it wasn't it
if archer from rosemont seneca, thornton rosemont. A bow. I was an ended entity used by both hunter. In devon archer and is testimony to the committee. Archer confirmed that he and under by or fifty fifty owners in rosemont seneca bo high. Rose when setting up while I was opened in delaware, infect your thirteenth twenty fourteen the day before the three point: five million dollar while wire from yarn about arena. The bank records can be found here in third bank records, memo, o heart documents, bank proof Of course, what they're saying is a hold on hunter by resuming all this money, as you may be forgetting right now. My democrat friends, we ve already started with jobs. and flew his son to meet with these people in china. Ok, the premises hunter Biden was flown by vice president Joe Biden, air force to to china Huth, and he then met with his chinese business partners. He then received licenses. Joe Biden was involved, so you mean to tell me.
one hundred items like hey dad. Can I fly with you to china, yeah sure thing son? What are you trying to fort? Don't worry about it sure thing please and yet the photo appears a photo of. Dividing with business associates and Joe Biden spare me all right. What's next, what's next russian crest and ukraine? Oh, I love this one briskly the ukrainian energy company appoints bought in business, associates to their a board of directors as extend all man, hard records, catastrophic halves at singapore in company wires honour forty two thousand dollars. There was latvian company to a rose one entity. The details can be found in a third bank records member rent met memorandum: hey look more hard document proof. This is proof that the money was wired, not proof of mental activity. You see my point all right. What do we got Ukraine, Joe Biden, warns of a cancer of corruption, can extend again. Let's talk to ukraine. May twelve twenty fourteen charisma announces hunter but enjoyed a board of directors. Ok, you got a bunch of other stuff
be a invest. One point: seven billion in cecy, p, linked petroleum campbell chemical company hunter bind us invest. Four four thousand to be h are well connected. Let's uh, let's carry on their this there's a lot here too. will the honest I'm skipping over romania and china. Ukraine and our second point fifteen- that push push arson. Suggest suggests high level us level officials come to ukraine and talk with prosecutor moreover, to Shokhin and present a petrol porch anko about my cola's lot. Chaskey investigations prosecutor, chopin was investigating bereavement and business owners lot chaskey for fraud. I ask you to general shokhin. Is the ukrainian government official vice president Biden demanded poroshenko fire oof? Now I do I should have included what we know is that definite testified. They date that burma needed help. from d c because of the investigations into burma. what's jumped to wear. Get the go november, eleventh, ukraine, AMOS hawks
meet with vice president Biden in the west wing november. Twelve AMOS calls hunter Biden very interesting hunter Biden meets with an ambassador to romania November thirteenth. here? We go and archive of abiden tweet vp touched ukraine last night, reasonable notes from the road. What's he doing what you do in their? What's he doing there That was our emails under Biden, confirmation that the vice president will be travelling to ukraine who, how about that december forthwith Do you michael such asking that impose archie, complain about the constant government pressures and urge hunter Biden to call the vice presidents that states Joe Biden, devon archer, testified hunter Biden in la chaskey and push ascii called DC devon. Archer, provided this information biggest transcribed interview. How about that? we'll get down to ukraine, I hears a video vice but in a in ukraine, where he demands prosecutor general should be fired. If ukraine wants a billion dollars in international monetary fund loans, will how about that vice president Biden departs ukraine and get a commitment from president bush anko that shokhin prosecutor general will be fired.
vice president host a holiday party, the vice presidential residents, which a most hawks, and hunter Biden both attend and I again I'm skipping over all this other stuff, I'm focusing on ukraine vice president, and meet with president bush anko and switzerland at the world economic forum, where Biden reinforces the linkage tuna loan guarantee and then a sorry reforms. My colors are asking- hundred by an unspecified extravagant birthday, gifts and fifteen february? Fourth, twenty sixteen vice president Biden and president Portugal conductor call ukraine. President porsche go asks prosecutor general shokhin to resign as a few months later, vice president Biden caught the calls porsche go to thank him for calling on the resignation porticos, as he received the letter of resignation. I mean this is just its laid out right in front of you ukrainian parliament approves Portugal's firing of prosecution, prosecutor general and oh man, there's so much more so incredible, ultimately ones
what does a patenting, and I dont know if they include this in their time on which they should is. That's zog chaskey fled the country during the investigations and he returned once the investigate was removed as a whole bunch of china links. Here I mean I gotta, be on a few guys. If our in a red through all of the evidence. I just can't do it. This is gonna, be like a two hour break down. I was scared, over a bunch of the other evidence to just focus on ukraine. Will. I dunno a lot of probably saying like okay, dude boring, we get it, but isn't it funny that we have this holy crap? Is it long? I cannot read through all of this stuff, the the the it goes into the it's twenty. nineteen there's more twenty twenty. Here we go more ukraine stuff. Now we ve got twenty twenty three bank. birds, family dealings Biden lying all of this stuff. Heavens is too much for me to read man. My point is this: at this point there so much evidence is overwhelming. Now to be fair,
They say that there is not enough since there are many republicans, what do we do actually have as one pulled up anxiety, rips through a democrat arab there's, a couple. I Jonathan internally, as was another expert said there not enough. Two to actually impeach. Ok, joking, when Jonathan Turley, who defended trump, said the It's against Joe Biden has not yet amounted to an impeachable, offense, okay, but hold on Are you saying, can impeachment appreciable offence in the conviction? Sense right, ass? The important question their origin. Top oversight. Democrat Jimmy ruskin made emotions subpoena rudy, giuliani and left. I think, and left parts I think Jamie Raskin is evil, make sure that's clear. The dude dude works like twenty minutes from us. Several of our employees are his constituents and, I think, he's an evil. Man I I I really do man, I think the sky is malicious. I think he knows he's lying.
he ordered that it's a combination of malice as well as the banality of evil, but the reason is its fairly person He ran a video of me, reporting the news and commenting on it and claimed it was advocacy four january six. These people are disgusting. They is just what it's what they do. Many of these activists, key activists claim I pushed the fraud narrative and it's like. Do I got rag don relentlessly by tromp supporters for rejecting the fraud narrative too, which are still do the narrative about troms defeat has more to do with Democrats. Changing the rules. why Texas sued pennsylvania all that stuff is over and plainly visible. Republicans pennsylvania, agree with democrats on changing voting rules. They didn't want trumpet in that. This is what they do now. Rascal s deflect look. The evidence is so overwhelming against Joe Biden. I can't even read through all of it. What am I supposed to do? there's so much evidence. Does it lead to the point of proven eyebrows?
If I believe there's more than of evidence, if you read through it that you could prove beyond reasonable doubt, the Joe Biden has committed high crimes and misdemeanours against this country, in which case he should be convicted and removed. Now that requires a trial which I dont think will ever convict Joe Biden because warrant a banana republic, I mean it's polly, unfair to say banana republic because, like we are the ones who did it, but this this country is is a shell seriously. We were swatted fifteen times, whereas our justice, we we know what we were pretty confident. No did it. We told law enforcement. We set here here here here here. Look, look, look, look. Look in. There if nothing happened, nothing happened. Why? Because all hyper, partisan, hyperpolarization you get these crazy stories. What's like the f b, I is actually working tirelessly behind the scenes to solve crimes. Another not the f b. I I view, does solve some crimes because any to justify their existence, but for them
what I believe the fbi exists as a weapon of the establishment political order. They will investigate crimes against people that are a threat to them. That's it. They are a secret police force to uphold the regime and of story, and I'm not saying Democrats, I'm saying Democrat republicans. That's why when we get swatted fifteen times they don't do anything it In over a year, it's been almost two years crazy, rent almost two years, and I know contact no information security companies reached out, and they do say nothing so, ok I'll give it benefit out a little bit, maybe they're working in secret and so take a look one time take years yeah I doubt it. We know, for the most part why the swatting stopped and I- and we were laid- this information along force me to get nothing. the local police have been very, very cool, but they just don't have the resources and they ve tried to pursue these things, but it just it's really hard to do. I dont believe- and we ve also at other instance, of identity theft and data theft, and things like that.
I won't say too much about and the response was a million dollars won't move the needle a million dollars. That's crazy! No, I think the reality is when they hunt down some like little old lady over January six. It ain't about the money in that it's not, and thus what we have right now is a corruption in the system law enforcement being used as a weapon. Joe Biden should be in aged republicans should should impeach him right now, they're sang the evidence as arise that level, I think the wrong. I think we have more than enough evidence to launch a crowd impeachment and a criminal inquiry. Of course you got impeach him first and of course, Democrats don't want Joe Biden either. So I I say between the Democrats sang Joe Biden, gotta go and the republicans trying to forcefully remove him through impeachment and conviction. I dont see how there myspace. But I maybe I'm wrong. You know there are a lot of people
think you'll, be the nominee sure anyway check out the evidence for yourself. That's it's it's! It's there's too much only with their necks segments coming up at four p m of the gentle thanks, bring it out and I'll see you all them when they was broke. That's a young tech entrepreneur had been murdered enrolled in her own home. I cover the story and course I deliver investigation and turns out the little lost her life. She as well. She is a progressive share. posted about black lives matter and other issues she's, given interviews talking about the diversity of our workforce and things of this nature. This does not and she is deserving of anything, but it does point out the problems that these cities face based on how their population vote. We now know the man who is suspected of killing her head basically tortured a couple in their home the police were aware of this. They This man would kill again and rape.
And he was released early. He was supposed to be imprisoned for thirty years. He was released in seven soft on crime policies. No one deserves to be a victim and someone who's trying to work towards justice in I can respect the sentiment, but unfortunately, if your failed ideas in your ignorance causes harm to other people, then I have to criticise you know. I can't speak for the couple that were tortured by this man and its yes and were gonna get into it. But this woman, who lost our life in her own home, she was found with a blunt force trauma the police said afterwards. The suspect will kill and he will rape again as if to imply this woman was beaten and raped by this deranged psychopath. Of course she doesn't deserve it, but we must make sure we understand. If you vote for soft on crime policies, you make me
things more likely now. I think the fair point to be made here is those who would sacrifice liberty for security deserve neither and will lose both in which case. If this woman said I- Do you not believe our justice system is functioning and too many innocent people are in prison, so I will have. I will see these people released, even if it increases the risk to me told acceptable telephone in opera. This way, I posed a penalty. I think, better. That ten guilty persons escape a hundred guilty persons escape than one innocent person suffer and that means more crime more psychopaths out on the street, it does and guess what else I believe- and it's called the second amendment. This woman should have been armed, you want to advocate that we err on the side of presumption of innocence, and this means criminals will eventually get set free that ten guilty persons would escape for every one innocent
listen, we we exonerate then you're gonna need to protect yourself and I accept the responsibility. I accept the risks to myself. The problem with woke ideology in the neo liberal sense. Not the left. Us left us, like guns. This woman had been armed, And you need to understand it, but again this should have happened to her at all. She shouldn't need to. armed, but the world is the world no law. Will change the fact that there are deranged psychopaths. I'm not going to read for you about the failings of the baltimore police and habits and ultimately lost her life. An update to the story I covered a few days ago, The baltimore banner says suspect jason billingsley apprehended by. U S, marshals and killing of baltimore taxi ceo. This story is acting and disturbing, I will
void. Going into very specific details, but will give you the general understanding of this man's alleged crimes, jason billing We, the registered sex offender being sought in the killing of baltimore tech, entrepreneur, pavel possible appear as well as an earth. rape and arson was taken into account. did he after eleven p m at a train station in. But we u s, I'm sorry and poet. U s. Marshals confirmed, the arrest brings to a close and and A few days as new and disturbing details continue emerge about billingsley thirty to convict phelan, who was released october. Fifth, twenty twenty two after serving seven years in prison la pair and admired leader. Nor is a rising start or field, was found on the roof of her mount vernon apartment building late, let monday morning she had been reported missing earlier that day, her body was partially clothes clothed with signs of blunt force trauma authorities do not believe the pair knew the suspected attacker, that is to say she was likely beaten to death and
by a known sex offender. I work it's crazy. The police knew he was out there. They withheld the details from the public. I dunno tell club is individual, well kill and he will ripe acting police. Commissioner, Richard warley said late tuesday. He will anything he can to halt cause harm? Please be aware of your surroundings. Now. The sad thing is, after this murder happen, the police immediately knew this aspect was and then they mounted, ok, everybody, listen, he's Do it again? Are the people of baltimore allowed to keep and bear arms and other, not I mean to a certain degree. You can argue, but no maryland discontent. One of the evil seven, and it is very, very difficult to defend yourself now the criminals who defend themselves the people who break the law, have the guns, whether there actually hurting others were not there all criminals according to the state, all right, And september temper nineteen, the man banged in the door of a roominghouse in the eight hundred block
of edmonson avenue in west baltimore- and I, to find himself as a maintenance worker when no one opened up. He kicked in the front door, pointed a gun at two people inside handcuffed and duct tape them according to a source. Now the investigation authorities believe billingsley raped the woman and cut her neck. He down, her and the man with some liquid and then set them on fire? The couple survived and we're hospitalized, Yes, the individuals had to receive surgery because of the damage to their skin, from being set on fire. The fire spread to the rest, the building causing alarm a neighbor recalled everyone rushing outside when the fire broke out. The neighbour told the banner they sought to people put into an ambulance, and the victims were saying the had been tortured. The trees, Johnson that are twenty six year old son jaunty gilmore, is being treated for burns to his chest, arms and feet. went surgery wednesday to graft skin his thighs to other parts of his body. John, and said she learned this morning of september, timber nineteenth that her son was attacked. She wishes
These had done more after the attack to spread the word about billingsley identity. Had they done so this woman le pair maybe alive, maybe alive, but I imagine what right likely happened is that this man knocked on our door kicked in, beat her dragged to the roof and then the rest is in the story. I'm trying to avoid going into two two series of details, but she should have been. She should have had a gun, and this is what people need to understand, and I always encourage everybody to you know follow your local laws. There are always different. Some states require crazy ones that you're gone not be loaded but understand this. Where are you right now This is a question for everybody who illegally owns a firearm. Do you know where it is? Is it secure make sure no children can get to it first and
this point, but that's not the legal requirement in many states, even where its legal nature, children, cannot get access paramount, but the question I have for you as if someone kick your door in right now,. will you be able to defend yourself and your family What we are we here from a lot of people who are experts, you ve got your gun gun safe is why they argue that you know some of these laws are overly restrictive. Let's say your guns in a gun safe and I'm talking about like a handgun or something designed for something. You know for home defense that the bat hang with your preferences. someone kicks in your door? How? How long will it take you to secure that weapon to be able to defend yourself. That's why I hear from a lot of people. They say if you have a weapon holster it keep it on your person when you're at home, because let's say you in the living room watching tv and you have your gun in your bedroom and now a nightstand or in a small gun safe and that
you're in your living, knowing your front doors right there in the door, gets kicked it with a dude pointing to guide you while good thing, I have a gun. I guess I think gun safety is the most important thing, knowing how to use one, how to keep it secured having the proper equipment. All of it matters a gun in a gun, safe means nothing. If someone kicks your door right and you can't get it, but again, I'm not saying you should be walking around holding a weapon or anything like that. I'm just saying understand: what will you do if someone kicks your doran with a weapon, I its adorn and then brandishing a weapon that, like we saw with the people, he tortured. Now, I will say this: it said miss man's a suspect, don't know if he's guilty or not we'll see, he's just a suspect, and I don't have video enough proof that he did it. So these are important things to say
But operating under the assumption that this is the guy who did it because he was imprisoned previously for similar things and he had been an allegedly raped and tortured. A couple police could have come And sad everyone beyond alert, there is a serious, violent offender on the loose lock you
doors, don't answer your doors, keep your phones nearby, protect yourself, but they don't care about you. You see. We've entered a period where, because of the voting patterns of people like this woman, and I'm not saying this to blame her for what happened to her, it's not the case, I'm saying, but she votes in a pattern that results in things like this being more prevalent that wreck that good law abiding citizens can't defend themselves. If you vote to suspend people's right to keep and bear arms, because you think common says kid: safe gun safety, you know that criminals aren't listening to you. They know this. The criminals are just like when falling the laws. It was all that matters, the law, abiding citizens are restricted and can protect themselves, and it leads to horror stories like this. Here's, your update man, now live with their next segments coming up tonight at eight pm over at youtube dot com slashed him cast, I r l thanks for hanging out and I'll see. You will then on twitter, a man who goes by the handle at date, psych alexander discusses
why men are being excluded from a brutal mating market by society? Actually, that's he says he actually asks. Why are so many young men single or they being x, from a brutal mating market by society, and he says probably not forty five percent of men aged eighteen, twenty five have never approached a woman in person. Well: what's none another's gotta? Be mistakes? Are mistake, come on. Did you go to school? I mean: are they sang someone your age after I'm haughtily confused by? how do you meet people, as is crazy, I think what we are seeing is a component of the meat to movement of woke, and I can't believe that men have not approached women in person. I don't know, I can't believe it, but this is shocking and this is stating for human existence is he has our?
use the word back in the day. Not Obviously you don't got to women and scream things at them or the usa stupid corny gross horny things as soon as I'm alive? Caddy? Do you know hey? I you live around here, hi my name's tim nice to meet you blah blah blah blah blah may was easy, because I used to do nonprofit fundraising out, who literally upon random women all day, so I used to do a green pre, greenpeace, environment, america, stuff I've given organization. ah actually fund raising for the hcl. You one point boy: they let me down and what do you do stand out in the middle of the street and you have a clipboard with sonnet forms and you talk to strangers all day like sales and it's true, men tend to get sign. Ups from women, women tend to tend to get sign ups from men that just the way it goes. But it's you know like sixty forty, maybe I talked to a lot of guys mostly talked to women, but seriously. its super easy and not creepy, and it's very strange that we have developed the society
I'm standing there wearing. You know a hoodie and genes, and I see I a young woman. I I I'm telling you. I would stop men and women equally we're trying to raise money right, we're trying to sail, but I'm talking about when it's a woman, I just go like hey how's it going. What do you do? and right now, I'm going to work I'd be like. Oh, that's cool. Well, you gotta. Second, let's talk and she'd be like okay, and I bet I'm here to take money from you why do? I would always do stuff like that? I was supposed to think madam you for doing it. Then they would I want you to be like hi, I'm here to talk about the environment, let's chat or something like that, give a minute to talk about saving the tree, yeah. I never did that. Thou super corny I'd be like what man they like what's opera but we're gone. Maybe I'm gonna work gonna school or whatever, and I beg ah that's cool. While I come here, we'll talk a little bit and im here to talk about what's happening to this world, which I know you care about, because you're a good person right, of course you are see, we've got a problem and then I'd go into it. Yeah, it's crazy, just talk to people, but here's where we are right now. Look at this.
With this data writer rare up. Pictures all men never more than one a year its greatest like you got a third better. they do. It says a size of others. What out interposed sizeable majority of men are not approaching them at all in the entire d at twenty nine percent of men tat they never approachable than in person before Seven percent set had been more than one year, this law, your four men in the age eight and a twenty five group- ok, ok hold on uk right now. I have not approached a woman in public in a very long time, probably in ten years, or something ah well for one, I'm in a relationship- and I work, and so I am not in the dating market, but if their specifically referring to single people there, you go, I'm hoping that point, because otherwise the data would be skewed. He says it was larger format and eighteen, twenty five group, forty five percent had never approached a woman in person. This again can.
is that what the hypocrisy of generational risk aversion trend in zuma is what how seventeen percent and never apportionment of more than a year, never in more than one year, our discreet groups. This means about half of all single men and my data set are effectively not approaching women for dates in person? Crazy man look I don't think it makes sense to be standing on the sidewalk waiting for pretty girl and going like hey. What's up, would you done because, like you sure, if you're fund raising you talk to strangers what meeting some random woman, like that? That's a little extreme right, but if you're a ball, or somewhere where. Clearly, you have some common interests like? Maybe we're at a race track. Maybe you like going to watching the horses over at charles town races not for the most part people and be with their friends, you know. I like some moments, walk around by yourself or adoration by yourself. That's not supervision, but
to a bar? You might see a couple of lenin and the original thing that guys would do is be like hey. Can I buy your drink and that's how you start the conversation? Maybe that makes the most sense I'm, not a big fan of that. I guess I always just met people kind of where I was and what I was doing and through other people. So to be fair, you don't need to be I think this is. This is very, very important. Some of these as our probably meeting people through other people, meaning Yonah approach strange in the street right. I think it's fair, but I am surprised to find that about half of all deeds have never approached him and in public that's kind of crazy to me now. I know what maybe happening is that these younger guys are. Are they ve been told over and over and over again that you're a creep? If you do so, there's that viral that, five hours of walking through new york as a woman, and you have
I being like. How do you and it's like a disk you're just now we people operate. That's not people. Are. I tell you this as somebody who did fundraising and talk to strangers all day every day it would be really fun. we actually it's a good bit. Five hours of walking through new york city is a woman and everyone's like pie, I'm here for greenpeace hi, I'm here for the israeli jonah, save the children child international. The trees and it's like everyone's trying to get money off you I like the bit, they did five hours of work, through new york is a man and it's like some one thousand foot that keeps sorghum football Someone puts a crown on them and they all lift him up and they carry him down the street PA. We get it, we get it but em, they say: let's read more, these men are significantly more risk averse than those men who do not approach women. I just I really don't get it, they really don't get it. I maybe
skateboarding- and I know I I genuinely mean this so I'm fourteen years old and I had never dropped in before I know I started skating when I was thirteen, so at fourteen knots it no surprise that was like like late thirteen, I think- and I so I was almost working. And so I'm like yeah, I I can't drop it. It's scary, you put your skateboard on a quarter pipe looking down. It is one of the most terrifying things. I've ever seen In my life, I'm like I can drive a car, you know like we'll go kart. My parents didn't well actually didn't drive till I was eighteen, but you know like I can sit in a car high rates of speed. I'm not scared of flying a plane whatever, and here I am looking down five feet to the ground and it's terrifying. I'm like Ahmed, a former hit my head, I'm gonna, get hurt, is a scary. Most people freeze up. They can't do it. And that people like hold your hands and try and walk you through a lot and have that luxury. I'm standing on top of this quarter pipe looking down- and this is everything is what everyone always says. I get somebody like an old
dude and he's like you have to do it. If you're gonna get hurt, and this is what I this is what I say to people. I tell these kids do it, you will fall, you will get hurt, it happens. Maybe you make it through. Your first drop in you know but it's not gonna, be that bad and what I mean by herders, you're gonna role in the ground, like you, ve already done a million times so just accept it. Take the risk and don't be scared, because when you're scares, when you get hurt focus, I drop it for the first time I fall down and I, like you, know slot on my knees and, like you know, scrape my pants up a little bit and then it was like a switch was flat. yes, and then I rent the tablet they. They board dropped and got it from that point on just do it. It was the fear holding me back That, later in life, I'm offer this- words like you need to talk to strangers and I'd like that's easy, maybe because the risk that I started. when king, when skateboarding was like breaking my bones and I had already,
broken my hand, not my fault, by the way someone crashed enemy so for the risk averse men on the matter what's happening as they ve never actually experienced for the most part like some kind of physical trauma and so you're thinking like. But what, if she rejects me and it's just like But what if I don't know like what's gonna happen now, and a lot of people are worried. They'll film, you they'll insult you and you'll go viral on the internet. Won't yet, but don't be a creep. Because I'm like hey are you do a nod? What's goin on interbank? Do I know you like? No but honestly, meet people and I live in the area of dynamite fronts, so out of you want to be friends of me, but that pretty cool. Maybe we end up hating each other may be went up becoming good friends play mario kart, sixty four and then you'll laugh unique charisma. I suppose maybe some people don't have it. Maybe they're too shy, but
You only build this stuff up by going out and socializing. So maybe what you do is start by going to a bar and talking to the bartender, learn how to communicate and stuff like that, maybe the bartender to dude. Maybe the bartender is a female, ever. You hang out you go there during like happy hour or some time when it slow and you I would recommend getting drunk, but you just hang out you mean you say it just trying to get out more, I'm trying to meet people. I don't know if I'm very good at socializing, so I'm trying and then the bartender will talk to you, because that's what bartenders do and then you're going to pick up those skills. My I think a lot of these guys are spending so much time on the internet that they're they're afraid they dont what to say they dont know how to act or they dont have the charisma and for me, I just never really cared. Do you know what I mean I started doing that job. I wasn't that good at it. Actually, here's a here's y'all I'll I'll, just leave it at that. I I had help from my friends to to to start. You know figuring how to do this. but within a week I figured it out like this is easy. It just talk to people. That's all you, though,
and are you be, really have a conversation? Obviously I talk a lot and apparently I'm good at talking that I made a job out of it and not everybody can. But this is my advice. Man I'm not saying for you, young guys were trying to date trying to figure out to pick up chicks, I'm not saying go on Will the street and wave told me to be like hey you come here, nah! Don't do that if you don't know You know I've, I see these issues like a fortune means words outward a guy he sang like- Emily says I'm so quite wanting to talk more make crude joke everyone's disgusted. Go to my room embarrassed I like yeah. The internet is not good for your social development. Ok, you need to go out to a bar and I gotta be workable, honest people are nice. They really are those evil. People out there. Politics can be a dirty game, but I shouted to skateboarding gun. If you are fifty years old and you ve never stated before, and you go to escape park. The most part. I have your board and your riding around and you go to any twelve year old or forty year old kid
you like hey, like I'm, not saying creep on children. Obviously I'm if you are an adult man who has no skilled. These kids are arthur, are thrashing arriving these. Even these kids are gonna, give you advice and help you and cheer for you there. It's it's not gonna, be like you. It's not embarrassing same thing for we're going to a gem? Obviously I am not saying you know creeping kids, I'm saying escape ought really to be a bunch of teenagers and they are going to be super legit they're gonna be stopped, bag? Hey old man wants to kick flip and then you laugh and you'll be like old man's going to get a kick flip and they're going to I do here check it out. His said. People love sharing knowledge. It makes them feel good. It makes them feel are good at something you go to a gym. You, overweight, yo, no, no one's gonna make fun of you, maybe, but to do care screw those people you're here for you to make your life better, but I tell you this ninety nine point: nine percent of people you go to a gem walk up to any dude was working out and be alike.
I'm here for the mission man I'm going to make my life better. Ah, I need help and they're going to be like bro. Here's. What I would recommend, in fact, not only that the people working at the gym are going to be like what do have to do so that you come here every day, because we make money when you do right, you're gonna walk The german doesn't appear, guy working there and you're gonna be alike to get healthy. I want to get fit. I want to start working out, maybe you're, not fat, maybe your skinny, maybe you're, not skinny, maybe your fat or whatever I end, and that the guy at the gems gonna be like what you're looking for you the annulled and get super wrapped or you want to be lean and healthy and you're gonna say I guess this all, but I got you hear the walk over to machines It's how you do it man best of luck, asked me if you have any questions and the other people working out are going to high five you when you succeed, they're going to cheer for you. If you want to be part of that community. The thing is, I really doing courage, everybody! I recommend you get out there. You talk to people because this stuff freaks me out it ain't hard and people are good. So, like I said, I think that
easiest path for all of you who are orphaned and although the older than twenty one or I mean hack, maybe then you're, even if you're ought, if you're eighteen, there's coffee bars, you said at a bar and their serving coffee and espresso and are you sit down? You order a coffee and then, while the partners working, you could just be like So how are you guys been open, asked questions about the business and maybe they get agitated, maybe they're like look I'm busy. I can't really talking like they were, but that usually It happens. You sit down at one of these restaurants. We went to a local shop in harpers ferry, I with my buddy Robby, and he just this dude could talk so he's he he starts. He he asks all these questions just nonstop and the guy working there super excited to answer all these different questions. This is how you build charisma, it's how you learn to interact and socially eyes, and this will help you here. You're gonna get a date. You're gonna find you gonna find women. Look at this one here and successful approaches pastries has what about men who do approach most
our successful to some extent. Sixty eight percent reported making at least one successful romantic connection. It's amazing! Look at this one z. oh and now where's aside what what said to me for a long term relationship. Eighty six one five percent that they didn't get their only like ten percent saw one long term relationship from a successful approach. Most people make the connection more than fifty percent of the time as you write so more than three percent of the time, there's going to be between one up to five or more, only four One percent said the connection did not work with their approach. Lippman on offer, and I see a young woman and I go hey what's going on and you must not today and I might have a good one. That's it! I'm just like onto the next request and some people want even talk to I just wave, and I stand
I'm like hey and they're like you're waving at me, I'm like I'm waving at you and they'll, be like oh. What's going on, I gotta tell you dude, I really loved the job. I hated the evil of the nonprofits, but, really funny the easy ways to talk to people. So they tell you wave and smile and say oh hi, you have a minute to talk about the environment. Yeah like that's going to work, know what I would do. I would see if this is I'll. Tell you what really works for dudes. I want to talk to a guy. I want his money right, dudes walking by and I'm like howdy, and I reach my head out to shake his hand, and you know what the man will do. He will shit my hand ass. I am to him and I just gotta we're going to save the environment. He was it's funny. It's funny, as everybody knows that when these people were when you're doing the pamphlet eying when you're doing the cliff boarding there like don't make eye contact on catch up. So I would like walk up shake the guy's hand and it be like I do. I know you know like you do now, my name's tim and I stopped you because I want your money.
and then he'll laugh and be alive. Oh and bite right, clipboard were fund raising and then they laugh and you make a personal for for young women. I just wave back, hey how's. It going and they'd be like you're talking to me, and I bet yep and they'll, be like oh hi. What's going on and I'll be like I'm taking I'm raising money, for for environmental causes and they'll go. Oh everybody gets it, they have their. funds thy yeah yeah. Ok, you got me in its fun. It's a funny interaction, not Nobody has that, like all you got me, some people are like oh hey, what's up and then I'm like I'm out here with greenpeace sore in certain on profit and we're here to fund, raise because there's a lot of issues in the world that are bad and I Thank you agree, and so let me just let me just give you a quick pitch and there like pure, laid on me and then there's a bunch of techniques. They try to teach you. I just think think like like adhere like most
it really just comes down to do you care about what you're talking about. Do you know what you're talking about? Are you? Are you confident in what you're talking about right? So I would just do the quick pitch and I'd be like look man. We've got forests being torn down all over the world, mostly in south america, they're setting up soy farms they're, you know they're they're, they're tearing these forest down in the amazon, their chinese trees down, and it's not a good thing. It's not a good thing in the sense that we are not replacing these trees. Well, we gotta do that, so we're going to need laws about sustainable forestry. There was a period in the united states where we retain these trees houses. We started bring them back. I know that you don't have time to dedicate her life to chaining yourself to a tree, and then they laugh you out. Never do that and right, you get the point. I love doing these pitches. Ah, you can tell because I basically do it still. Every single day with this show and here I am approaching all of you to the to the tune of hundreds of thousands to millions of people every day, here's for you and here's lamb ranting on this stuff. I'm real really passionate about human communication, which is obvious based on the job that I do.
I love the idea of people talking to each other and sharing ideas. Hence we have multiple shows where we do that. I want you to succeed in your human connections, which is why were building a coffee shop where people can common hang out an interact, I want you to succeed in doing this, and this tweet from this dude is just it's crazy to me. There is nothing wrong, and there is Nothing to worry about with a woman says, look man, I'm not interested in talking to you say my apologies and let them insult you. Let them smear you all the poster. Video about you cares man, it's you, you must improve. Failure must. You know me times: successful people have failed, probably more than people who have not succeeded, because in order to succeed you have to have tried, they say you miss all of the shots. You don't take As the saying goes, and I know for many of you something men have expired
you were at em. All you were at the train station and you saw. Beautiful woman who had a patch on her back back and that patch was a band, a movie and anime a video game that you're a big fan of two and you like took us think of one room, and so you you saw that and you are like a man, I probably a lot in common with it. We could probably talk a whole lot, but I can't I can't talk to her. I can't do it. I can't bring it. I don't know bomber, because if you see someone, let's say europe, and one piece: I'm not a fan of one piece, its whatever our people really love, loves anatomy, frozen familiar but let's say you saw one around your age at you, you're a college or whatever and she's got
the monkey d. Liu fe little stuffed thing hanging from her backpack. It's like dude, you're, probably gonna, enjoy hanging out with each other and watching anime right. You got that common or maybe there's someone running track. Maybe there's someone playing football like? Maybe you have something in common that, the easiest thing to start a conversation and you can be a like. Hey are you? Are one piece fan and shall be like? Oh yeah, I'm a bay from lack of super cool like hey my name so and so nice to meet you do you live around here? I am a big fan of inserting You gotta learn how do it? I know I'm rambling, but There are so many miss connections and so many opportunities for people to be hanging out with each other and sharing life and an it's just its. It sit. A sad said to me: anyway. I'm ranting on this one, I'm going to wrap it up there. The next item is coming up tonight at eight p m over at youtube com slashed him cast, I r l thanks rang out and I'll see you well then,.
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Transcript generated on 2023-12-14.