Democrats Vow NO DEPORTATION Amid Global Border Closures And Coronavirus Pandemic. Last night at the CNN Democratic Debate between Bernie Sanders and Joe Biden both candidates vowed not to deport any one and even went so far to say that non-citizens would receive free government healthcare and that they would not be deported "under any circumstances"Currently around the world countries are shutting borders down and restricting travel due to the Coronavirus pandemic.The European union just announced its plans to shut down non EU travel and Germanyand other member states are closing their borders to other EU nations.How could we come to a point where some countries are even banning US Citizens from entering, countries are completely closing borders, and we recognize a need for national manufacturing yet still Democrats insist that people can enter the country without process and authorization.How could we possibly halt the spread of the virus if we allow open borders policies and why should we sacrifice for the greater good of the community if we then allow others to exploit our good will?Trump has many faults but he was right about China and he was right about border security
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