Democrats FINALLY Call For Overt Open Borders, Ocasio Cortez Says Bernie Will END Border Protections. Far left Democrats have proposed radical changes to immigration law going as far as to say no deportations and abolish ICE.But many on the left and many democrats have argued that this doesn't mean we will have open borders. People will still be screened upon entry right?Well not only did they then say they would decriminalize illegal border crossings, Ocasio Cortez has straight up said she wants ICE and CBP to be broken up and that Bernie Sanders has pledged to do it. Bernie was there as she said it as it was his own rally.So there you have it. By their own definition they will get rid of border security, end deportations, and stop enforcing the law. This by any sane metric is open borders.Republicans were already correct in saying they have been for open borders but now with the latest call to end Customs and Border Protection there is literally no defense. No more games, no more semantics, AOC called for open borders.
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