Democrats Are DEFECTING And Joining Republican Party, The Most SHOCKING Impeachment Backfire. Jeff Van Drew is reportedly poised to switch his party affiliation from the Democratic party to the Republican party sometime next week. It was reported that he met with Trump to get his approval recently and announced it to his staff.Van Drew is a moderate Democrat who has opposed impeachment. He comes from a pro Trump district and has repeatedly resisted the impeachment of Trump. He says he will vote no on the articles of impeachment.This may be the most shocking backfire on the Democrats so far. Not only did they fail to convince a single republican to support impeachment, they have actually convinced a Democrats to leave the party entirely.Over in the UK Boris Johnson had a decisive victory shocking the establishment to its core. This is a warning for all Democrats, especially the moderates.Jamming up the system with impeachment and going too far left will be the end of your party.
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