« Tim Pool Daily Show

Dave Rubin DESTROYS Tim Pool With LOGIC and FACTS

2019-03-11 | 🔗

Dave Rubin DESTROYS Tim Pool With LOGIC and FACTS. No but in all honesty I didn't know how to title this video as its a general discussion over Dave Rubin's critics and things he has been criticized for. Obviously as Dave and I challenge many on the far left we will get anger, criticism, and smears from far leftists and social justice activists who don't that we call them out.In this video Dave and I address lies, smears, and criticisms, from not just the regressive left but also some moderate thoughts on Daves work and to a small extent mine.

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
How's it going everybody. This is actually being shot a few days before air it because I'm going to be a plane. This is being shot just aft appeared on the ribbon report and I will fully admit right now. This is absolutely unfair. In my part, I'm not necessarily prepared to challenge Dave on all of the things the truck driver that you know the challenge me TIM come on, but I do want to ask a few things about some: the present people, I've had yeah and we'll start with that. The first and I think, in my opinion, always some of the most ridiculous yeah, your funded by the Cook brothers, I wish I was funded by the group brothers. I don't know how many times I have to address the stupid thing. So I'm I'm glad to do this by the way, and I said you write for like. Let's just do whatever
so learn. Liberty was a nonprofit that we worked with for two years. They actually wanted to work with us this year, but I just wanted to move in other directions. They are a subsidiary, I think, of the Institute for Humane studies. That years ago the Coke brothers gave money too, but it's a nonprofit that gets money from thousands of different people. We worked with them. They sponsored one episode a month for about. Here's they gave us some of the best shows that we've ever done. They give it. I mean they give us academics, basically Deirdre Mccloskey and Randy Barnett and Steve Davies. They sponsored our episode with Phil Defranco, just 'cause. They liked him. I have never met a coat brother. I was never asked to do anything there. I don't even know that they have anything to do with Ihs or learn liberty anymore anyway, but there are not but think that would be like saying anyone that gives to a nonprofit means that they sponsor wherever that money goes and by the way for the
news channels out there that the you know these you to pretend channels that put these things out there and pretend that they're fact it's like they weren't they weren't somehow discovering something, every episode that we did with their liberty. I would start by saying we're continuing our partnership with learn liberty this week and joining the is probable out, so I'm very proud of what we did. Some of the best shows that we ever did some of the shows that actually sport of five my believes in some of the things I I quote the episode with Randy Barnett, who is a Georgetown University law, professor who's arguing for the Supreme Court. One of the things I talk about how all the time, is the the foot boat that it's your responsibility to move to a state and influence local politics rather than having everything come down from the federal government? That was something I learned in one of the shows with them It's like annoying, going to have to keep saying it, because it's like this is what these. Will do online. It's like you, make up stuff, you make everything, everything's brothers, conspiracy or a Soros conspiracy That's so just to be very clear. I am one hundred percent proud,
partnership, one hundred They wanted to continue the partnership and we just wanted to try other things and a hundred percent. I was never asked to say anything or or anything like that, and that's one of the main ones I wanna start with. That is that George STAR stuff Drive drive me insane. Yeah he's he's a guy who throws money things sure you can criticize them for for being a funding source for a lot of these violent activities. But it's like dude seriously, I'm more concerned with the individual who made the fake news about us yeah one of one hundred organizations. I gave the money to do it yeah by the way. I can also tell you that in the second year of our partnership, I know for a fact that it was a female. It happened to be a female that sponsored it that year, because I wrote a thank you note he was in and I'm a stoner, but I wrote they want to invite a note. That said, dear man, I mean these. Is nonsensical little
they had a dozen placate any of these blinds dot whatever. So someone recently reached out to me and said they were a big fan of yours, but they felt like your newer episodes, start focusing too heavily on regressive, left social justice issues. My personal opinion yeah, I feel like you've, been attacked by a lot of these people just to such an extreme degree, they've actually stolen from her phone. Yes, so yeah! Well, what do you well? I like what I'm doing a lot of other people like what I'm doing so if this person doesn't like it, I mean I, you know it ironically, I don't remember the last time I said regressive left. France were I said it yeah yeah yeah. First, I love that freedom tunes thing because it's like wow the fact that, like I created something, that is so memorable and that people are so interested that a that a mockumentary other basically can get like views is pretty awesome. When I go to colleges and kids
I mean they really be by agree. I agree an idea, I'm like wow, that's how cool like I'd hit a level where people are doing parities of me. That's actually cool. So I'm very happy with. What I'm doing, I would say, yeah I would say people don't like it then don't watch, but I do every week. I do something that I think is interesting and relevant, and it's like even what we just did right now until yesterday, when I was literally sitting in the parking lot at Petco, I didn't know we're going to be on Rogan, and I wasn't exactly sure what I was going to talk to you about today. But I had a general thing. You talk about the regressive left yet, but a lot frustrations, that I think certainly that I have, but I think that you have in that many many people have are with what has happened to the left, that good good liberals. I mean good decent liberals who want to live and let live have been purged from their party. If you don't think that's worth talking about, that's not on me. I happen to think it's saying we're talking about. I happen to think it's the biggest threat to western civilization that exist
I think identity. Politics is the biggest danger to a western society. The idea that we the ideas of identity, politics and what radical leftism has become, that we would look at it. Weather in judge each other on these immutable characteristics? Is the reverse of the american experiment. I happen to think that saying we're talking about so, if someone thinks I talk about it too much, I don't really think I do, but you don't right, I I have ice off reflect and I've said, and by the, if you thought that would mean I would still okay with that. I would take that as I do trolls you're someone I respect to. If you say, if you like did you know I watch your last ten episodes and you know you. You seem like you're you're off, but whatever and you had to you know, you had the where, with all to say that to me I would take that in and think about it. I happen to think of that. You know, I believe me, I'm reflective enough of this stuff,
I'll say this about myself to it 'cause, you know people think they said Kim pools, Red pilled and all this stuff and I'll say listen. I just talk about when I care about yeah. I read the news every day. I see a story. I want to talk about, I think it's important and I think you hit the nail on the head. If you don't like it, don't watch it and like it's crazy to me that people are like TIM, my mom was like. Will you criticize some Republicans and I was like mom? I don't care about the model. Republicans or Democrats are doing boring stuff. I care about the alt right and the rest of left and the alt right is like disheveled and gone so. But let me to the next point that a lot of people say used to be a progressive, but now you're like you're on the right. You move to the right, and this falls in line with the accusations of you receiving funding from Like Coke brothers, which we but we we beat to death, but you know the funny. Let me just say one thing about funding. I don't know that anyone doing anything remotely close to this has ever been more transparent about their funding. You know what I mean like a I kept the number that I was getting on Patris on for like two years, almost everyone else in this space
check the number down to me. I think that you could see the number of patrons, but you couldn't see the actual rubber. We left ours up for a tremendous amount of time. For, for, like ninety percent of the time that I was on Patria, when we left Patrie on, which is just two months ago, that was seventy percent. Basically of my company's income that I voluntarily left. So I don't know that anyone is being more transparent about money, but I assure you I have never been bought off and no one has ever told me what to say or anything like that. I'm doing what I think is right in terms of so do you think you've drifted? More right. Well, how would you define well in that in that I've woken up to what radical leftism is, and if you watch my videos, so you could watch my
is when I started an order tv which was September of twenty fifteen, and I was still, I still considered myself a progressive and a lefty in that whole thing, and I started talking about what I thought was wrong with the left and I started talking about labeling everyone, a big it in a homophobic, Islamophobic and all this other nonsense, and I kept saying if we don't stop doing this, you will get the rise of someone like Trump. I was actually extremely anti, at the time and not nobody listened. I mean they just kept doubling down. There were a million yeah. They still do when they still do their their in the course of the last five years that this thing is taken off. I've never once- and I mean this Everyone seen the left as a movement ever take a moment of self reflection. Every time something happens, they double down and get worse and then what happens? Well then good liberals guys like Brett Weinstein, who is described himself as deeply progressive.
Who is a progressive, his whole life who left this? Isn't even that well known of the story, but he left Yale University because he called out racist racism in a fraternity and basically was forced out of the school, and these guys are left. He left the. If you see on the left now I mean really with what the left is in terms of identity. Politics, like I don't think, he's really part of the left now, so it If someone wants to say I drifted right. Well, look I mean I can we just did this, but I'm gay married pro choice: I'm against the death penalty for dignity with death and first strong public education, thunder and government funded education. That's something that I think the government should do but I also happen to be for states rights, I'm for limited government those are things that are thought of as on the right and for individual liberty. So I would say that my version of liberalism is classical liberalism which is about the individual and
and basically laissez faire economics, but I do think there are certain rules for government where maybe a libertarian or people more that consider themselves. You know and caps or whatever would say, there's no role for that. I do think there's a legitimate role, but You know if that, if that means drifting to the right, then ok sure you consider self now I would consider it yeah you're center right here. If you have a set of beliefs that I'm talking about often then I would say your center right now and even if you don't really have that set of beliefs, if you basically believe in freedom, if you basically believe you should keep as much as you are, you know keep a good amount of You learn that it's your money in your life and your adventure and all of those things. Well then you're basically, the center right right now and I would say, there's a great interesting coalition of conservatives and libertarians and classical liberals and disaffected lefties. I see I see this in the real world I mean I just did a year long term, Jordan Peterson. So I saw this in Denmark. I saw in Sweden and I
in Canada, and I saw it in Australia of people that are all sort of right. Ish. But that disagree on abortion. Persephone, disagree on some degree, taxes and a bunch of other stuff, but they're all the center right and it and it's really it's a rich, diverse place to battle ideas and but they're really doing, but you what unites them more than anything else, it's at eight percent. You talked about in the interview, the radical left progress, I'm center left. That really means is on the economic scale is, I believe, in more slightly more government control than you do like we talked about, I like progressive tax. I, like a minimum wage with caveats but does so you you and that's great like so we we did this in the green room before the show started a meeting- and I was just like we just don't have time today, but will I'm more than happy to sit down with you and talk it out. I don't know I I you know I just I never like. I really want to talk about all I've done videos about this, but woman. I don't want to just. Let me just say what I think. I don't think that makes you evil the fact that you think differently than me
on those two things, and I don't think right and I don't think you think I'm evil. The problem is that is Dennis. Prager is laid out many times that conservatives generally think that people on the left are wrong. People on the left, as it exists, now think the people on the right or evil, and that's it and that's a huge, huge difference. Yeah so. Do you think that I just want the criticisms? Is it's really easy to get going to say something nice about the example? I think yeah. I think I I I actually, whatever the person love you and I and I know you and I I'm absolutely- is the worst, I'm the worst person to actually try and and drum of these things yeah. I I ultimately feel like for a lot of people. It will not be satisfactory. You know they. They're gonna want some other individual to like go out you.
Yeah- but I I I I don't want to sit here and act like you're from human being or anything so when will ask is do you think is one of the criticisms is that it's really easy to get conservatives it on talk to you, even even people who are provocateur as an associate and and and consider very controversial loves it down for you, but equally that what we would call the rest of laughter, social justice, warrior type people really hardcore to tearing up or tank they're. Not president of talk with you, so then you you only get exposed to a certain faction and then, when people see you dressed for the fact, it feels like you've been influenced by your own gas. Well, I I wouldn't be pompous enough to say I haven't been influenced by my guess. I sit down often with really really bright people, people who are experts in their field. The idea that I haven't learned anything from sitting across from Ben Shapiro debating abortion as we've done, even though we disagree, we disagree. That's why we're having a debate, the idea that I would sit across from Jordan Peterson and not learn anything.
But at the same time that's why I mean look. I sat across America wants and who's a lefty. I did mention bread before press a lefty, two billion biologist, Eric's, pretty brilliant economist they're both on the left. I think they they were both Bernie people. And I've learned from them too. So I would say it's going to sound a little corny, but I would say I'm blessed in the fact that every week I get to sit down with people, that. I learned from now. Sometimes I learned that the person across from you actually doesn't know that much I'm not going to call out as particularly guess, but like sometimes you learn something there. You learn! Oh you know this person like there's a here I'll, give you one, I'm not going to say who was, but there was somebody had an extremely influential political person. Now I don't want to say more than that 'cause it will kind of give it away, but is extremely obvious to me. This person had been recommended to me by a lot of the top people that I love, whose books are right here I say down with that person, and I was for an hour. I was so deeply unimpressed and everything that they said sort of rang
true to me and dishonest, and now did I ever say to them. I think you're lying about that could ever say to them your fraud or something, of course not. But what I did was I tried to ask the right questions so that the way they would answer them would show that it was obvious. That, if you know anything about what I think about things, that these were the wrong set of ideas, but I'm, I think the idea of not being influenced by the people around. I think it's kind of silly. I think so I I I I I I'll briefly mention this, because I don't think yeah a lot of. Full accused you of only well I'll say this too. I do think you host a lot of repeat people kind of often- and it's very successful, like you yeah, I think the most I've ever had. Anyone is like four or five times
in that group. Definitely, I think I think you're saying ban and maybe Eric I've all in on four or five times. I think I think that's it SAM's been on twice I I so. I feel like there's, there's, there's criticism and again, like I'm the worst person to try to bring up some. My fourth appearance on your show yeah, but, like I don't think it's a conspiracy that you have people line that you like and agree with. You know I mean like we. We have a conversation where there's interesting to talk about We know that we just got a lot of things, but we're gonna have an interesting conversation like I I remember Eric was challenging you on center left policy for the right we're gonna bring exactly that's what I'm saying he's more of a lefty now then I am so. Why not talk that out so again, these are the types of things where it's like. If someone the way you're approaching this, where you're just trying to call out things that other people say or that even made it may be that you feel it to a certain extent. It's like. Alright, it's done with respect without it
and it's like I don't know- maybe you know- maybe maybe there's maybe there's some truth there, so their their accusations that you don't really believe what you believe you're just doing that that's a long answer it's all about making, yeah, but this is what these people do. They attack your motives and they impugn you and they lie about you and they think that they know it's in your head and they think that if they can get one, if they can pull one thread that that means they understand everything about you. I have never never, on this show said anything that I do not believe I made mistakes for sure there have been times where I seriously screwed up things factually that we left in there and then we would pin the comment and said you know- and what I realized was to even do that is stupid because it just then these trolls just click the mistake and they say, oh see, what do you see what he did so it's like, but we don't edit for content. We've edited for content. I think twice once was because a guest was was pretty drunk actually and I didn't want to completely ruin their career
one other time. I screwed up question in a way that actually made no sense that that was sort of recent actually, but we don't edit for content. I do the best job that I can and I think what do you know. The funny thing is, if you're doing something, that's decent, if you're doing say that's right but you're going to get your haters. So that's alright! I never wake up in the more. I always think it's like. I see these people that hate me all the time like who who are you? What is wrong with you that you're waking up and you're thinking? Oh, I gotta figure out what Rubin tweeted today to go after him. It's like listen! I'm doing my thing. If you don't like it, I said this before, but don't watch it's ok. You were on Rogan one serve three times, so there was one particular incident where Rogan was asking you about why you believe in less government control. Yeah people felt like you to know you're talking about that. You were advocating for a position that you weren't. No, so this was, I think, specifically this last time I was on the road again and it would we were talking a building codes, I think was the right. Tific part of it yeah and I kept yeah and I said I
we were talking about within the framework of talking about limited government, and I at the beginning of this. This is not like my particular point of interest like building or even regulation, specifically like the nitty gritty parts of regulation. I like talking about ideas, that's what I like talking about so like we got into some nitty gritty thing about um about building code regulation. I said something like you: could have private regulation for some of this and that you have an agreement between the buyer of the house and the seller of the house that maybe that's not actually the role for government, but several times in that I said, if you want to talk to somebody who really knows this better than I do, I said talk to your own broke from the ran institute, and these guys are more radical libertarians. Let's say they call themselves subjectivists, but their radical liberty.
And I could think this is not really a position I have, but I thought we were just having sort of like a fun intellectual exercise. Oh yeah, well because I saw the usual suspects just tweeting it after all day long and it's like all right, you know it's funny. I had dinner with Joe. I think that night or maybe two nights after was that you never saw that picture of me, SAM and Joe and a whole bunch of us at dinner. Yeah so- and I said I was like I'm getting some heat for that he's he's like who cares like who cares like why, like you, care, doesn't know yet? Why would I care my my thought on? It was well. I disagree with you on your position. Yeah, I'm I'm more left, but also, I don't assume everybody knows everything about everything yeah. It's it's absolutely true that people who hold certain opinions about policy don't know everything about the policy and in fact the conversation of the drone was to try and help you understand whether or not you will strengthen your opinion or challenge your own opinion right and by the way, Joe gave an anecdotal story about how his father, I think, was in construction and that he would have gotten away with a lot more. If it wasn't for regulation and that's,
make a very strong position to take, and I'm not. Of course, people will always cheat people people will always dump in the river whether there is regulation or not, people will always find a way around rules. I mean that's, that's the way of life right like and that's actually a mouse. That's it can also, that's also how you get innovation, but in that take your instance, I mean I repeatedly said like this is not exactly what I think I I really thought we were just there to having just let like define intellectual exercise and then I could see because it was personal to him because his dad he got kind of and then and then yeah the youtubers. All Roper Rogan destroys Rubin. Well, there's. Obviously people like it's funny the same people criticize using same crap about yeah- that's why I'm like I'm like the worst person to try and call you on anything, but here's the big problem with what we're doing here I I I I I we've- we've had a drink before I've. I've come to see as the third time I've been here now and so absolutely is the worst
it's the most biased, probably, but that's not really what it is. That's not really what is just because, there's, let's say a mutual respect here or that you think that I'm relatively decent or something like that. The idea that that somehow discounts you from asking the right questions. You actually just asked me very pointed questions. You asked me important. Questions now would I'd. Rather just you just asked me to like talk about the things that I really love like yourself right, but maybe that would be more funny to a certain extent, but not really right. So it's like the see that you're, not the right person to ask me because there's a respect there. I think it. I don't think, that's right. I don't think that all right like if he, if because we have a bad, but there is from ethical point for medical point of view. I don't know enough yeah
you know that really I'll say this: you guys. What would you do have to feel guilty about that which seems a little crazy is exactly how I feel guilty yeah it's it's. I want to make sure that people I I temper the height. I don't think this is going to beat that, like I won and was soon I'm coming here to destroy. I think there is legitimate points of people made that you know, because we take this out to dinner after this, but with options, and I didn't okay they're they're like I, I really just try to pull things off of my head. I've heard people say Yeah everything is not comprehensive, but you know I've had people. I know like I was talking someone Facebook and it's a big fan of the guy, but I feel like all he cares about now is actually WS and stuff after being here, I don't like dude me too, like my, my channel is predominantly focused on the rise of the far left, the lying media, this alliance they have
yeah, I'm very critical of them. Let's do something I had. I actually don't even know what the answer to this is because I've been traveling so much that we had to tape. I did basically a whole month in Australia just now with Peterson, so we had to take a lot in advance, but if I just quickly look at my channel right can we just do this? I have dry. I honestly don't even remember what order things are in right now, this guy TIM Pool on today. Right he's an alright nazi I think I had on a joke by away because they will outline take that if you want to say it's a joke, it's a joke! Okay, Then, a week before I had an car Gatien Terra Smith, who were objective issed a academics. The week before I had nicked APOLLO he's a comedian talking about free speech. Wait I have to click into a different thing to see this chronologically. Sorry. The week before that I Tyler counties of truly truly brilliant economist from George Mason University spoke with before,
Skype, Peter Bagozzi and James Lindsey, about the Socal hooks. The week before that I had this guy talking and who wrote a book called, in the crowd. Weather, weather. Judaism can survive in 21st century the week before that I had met, who is the host of american Ninja Warrior wood before that the week before that I had Maxine burn Yahuza, libertarian candidate Prime Minister Canada, in in Canada, but that's not you, but let me just find two more just to show that the week before that I had Heather Mcdonald from the Manhattan Institute and the diversity delusion, and then I have a lot of back and things in your. So it's hard to see that I Piper Who'S- a university president that week for that- and I Jeffrey Miller, he's a behavioral scientist before that. So there's a really simple: It looks like it's similar criticism to is yeah. You don't talk about the things. I want you to talk. Right. Well, that's what they want. So then don't watch it, but you know- and my thing too is
but can I just say what I think that there's a particular reason that you and I get a certain amount of this- we don't fit in the box that they want it's very easy for them to criticize Shapiro right, so so Ben Shapiro. He is a true conservative like he Yves, I think probably everything that Ronald Reagan believe so it's like that was by the way that was considered. Mainstream conservative tysm for decades. Basically right and now it's far right, you can't speak on college campuses, conservative right so that's how bananas the Overton Window has has shifted, but I would is the reason that we get a certain amount of hate aids because we're doing something good and when you're doing something good and real and true and people can realize that offer you the haters they really but for you and it's why I know you don't like playing identity politics, but why do you occasionally say your recorder korean, because it shows there's some value in using that against them. So. Why do they hate me? I don't like to see yeah, it's a call the parks yet so I never mention the fact I I shows
the middle I said something about being gay. There was a show that I did with Sky Williams in the middle. He was like what you're kidding like I. I only mention it in the context sometimes of what happens to be a piece of my life, but I'm not using it for for identity, politics points, but they, but they hate. They hate the apostates right, hate black people who go against progressive dogma. They hate gay people, go against progress, hard token phase, either slow, those things. So it's like all that they hate and all of the criticism it's like. Well, if I wasn't relevant, I guess then I wouldn't begin, and I suppose that would be worse than getting some hate, and I think you know all I can do. Is you know so? My mom about it like I do, I think, is right on what things are important and yes,
like I looked at my Youtube Channel and like wow, I do point in one direction, but I just want to concerned about and, like you know, what I'm trying to do is sub versus really dry super dry, because I want to make sure we just kind of do do General news, and so it's teleprompter reading, anchoring traditional. We do some background led work, but the goal is to be like listen. I understand that I am a bike. I never said I was objective. I try to be honest, but I may I consider myself by centrist parties, and I am opposed to the extremists. I don't care about the moderates and the far left is angry because they think Ben Shapiro is a crazy person. When he's actually just a regular old conservative. He is not a fringe extremist running around with explosives, doing horrible things to regular guy who wasn't opinion think about it. Shapiro will come into my home where he knows I'm married with my husband now he's in his default position is not for gay marriage right. He like 'cause. He has a more biblical interpretation.
But now he takes the libertarian position, which is that the government should be about now. I can accept that as an argument, because I don't think the government should be involved and it's an acceptable position Ben and I and we debated abortion and a whole bunch of other things. Look he's never going to be my as long as we I have this thing where at some level he thinks that my relationship is somehow really just the wrong person. He's never gonna be my best friend like I'm not going to you know whatever, but he but he's actually a pretty decent friend we, but we have a fundamental difference on something, but I think that if I over the years we keep that conversation going if I over the years consistently show that I'm a good decent human being and people watch us have that exchange. I Do you think Ben will be much more likely when we're when I'm eighty I'm a little older than him and Ben seventy four that he will have around to my position, then I will suddenly have come around to the position that gay marriage shouldn't be very yeah and it's like. I really believe that so I think If I can, just if I, the proof, is in the pudding and
and who's more tolerant. Is it Ben Shapiro or is it all the tolerant lefties who called me? Who called me? leading, gave him a home for for us having the conversation but they're, the tolerant ones. Don't get it I'll? Tell you one thing: I made a video or explain my position on the progressive tax and I I hi more one of my strongest points on it. Why I lean towards it is to keep income inequality, Jack, otherwise you're they call maybe stabilize you get revolutions get socialism. So there's a balance you need. I got a couple of other people like I I've. Never so they tell me like all they said they were conservative transporter and no one's ever explain it to them, because all their interactions, the left, were nasty meetings all day and by them being like. I trust him he's a nice guy they her. My point? Is that that's a really good point. I never thought about it that way, so I guess we'll go too long. So if you make any final thoughts, you want to say before we wrap up here. Yeah now are well, I would say it's like it's just sort of it's kind of funny. It's like you feel like this odd pressure that you have to ask me these things so that
well, don't you know gang, I know, but there's some. No, no, but there's some element of that right, like if you Just sat here- and you just asked me whatever might out of what our current events or whatever else might have been online. Perfect. Yes, listen if I wanted to get traffic on acid around. You know, like tell me all the bad things this no, no I'm not saying you want to get traffic, but there's just a certain element of pressure of like there's other. People watching this, so we have to talk about certain things and all that some element of that, the the the the main reason I wanted to try and see things because I felt like they had missed it down with us, like, let's lay out the best of our ability and the reason why I don't think the best person for this is because I think you and I both would do well to have someone throw a you know, plan our face, bigger deadly like let's, let's listen, I only improve because I look at myself and try to figure out what my problems are doing better, and I think that I look this one bad person but, like I,
last year. I think that's true for you too yeah, so I think I'll be good. Well, I can tell you this that, for all the differences of opinion, that everyone knows the Idw crew, whatever. That is right for that that, for all the differences opinion that exist there, so SAM and George, for example, disagree on the very nature of reality. That's that's! A pretty big yeah right, like Eric and Ben disagree on every economic principle. There's and I disagree on abortion and gay marriage and what we can do all that. I can tell you that privately, when I hang out with these people, we push and pull on each other every which way possible that is not some conversation when the camera goes off and then eric- and I just like, walk out here and we're like what we agree on a boat like we disagree on a on a slew of things. You know he's more for government intervention right now on social media stuff? We just did two hours on it. You know my position on that, I'm not for it. So it's
like like what do they really want? What do they really want? I think it's, I think what they really want. Is they just want people who agree with them so that they can see that there at the Tyler one? So it's all good. It's almost like, we disagree on all these different fundamental positions, but we agree on LIBOR, I have real freedom, don't like that. One restrict thought. Don't like us and I'll say this too my opinion on what you doing. What I do is that they're going to try and figure out whatever they can to make us look bad and they look for those faults and ultimately I'll just say: if you don't like it, don't watch, it is the same thing and I guess we go watch it somewhere being forced yeah. I think it's there's some sort of helmet, but I guess we'll wrap up there. 'cause we're going to fifteen minutes. We did over one slash two an hour ago. She is fantastic, but thank you for giving me this time. We just did a thing. We went back and forth and Azure watch this, I'm most likely on a plane. So thanks for hanging out
new videos every day at four hundred pm eastern warmers on my second channel, even today, at Youtube dot com, slash typecast, to take days off, I don't sleep on the crazy person and I will see you at six thanks for hanging out and whatever else. Then
Transcript generated on 2019-11-10.